ROMANS # 342, Obedience to God allows for resistance against tyrants. 1Kings 12:1-26 (6-20-24)

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
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    Wherefore it is necessary to be in subjection, not only be-cause of wrath but also for conscience sake.
    Conscience has already been covered to some extent on pag-es 91-106 and will continue in the study of this verse. Keep in mind that the context in which these verses were written refers to a government operating properly as a minister of God for good, therefore our submission is required.
    Fear of punishment or reprisals from governing authorities for disobedience is not the only reason we should submit. This may be the reason criminals submit, but we submit to just laws because the Scriptures and our conscience tells us it is the right thing to do.
    However, the Scriptures and our conscience sometimes tell us that submitting is the wrong thing to do. In those cases, our conscience motivates us to disobey laws that go against our faith and God-given rights.
    “Paul makes it clear that our submission to civil authority must be predicated on more than fear of governmental retaliation. Notice, he said, ‘Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake,’ meaning our obedience to civil authority is more than just ‘because they said so’. It is also a matter of conscience... This means we must think and reason for ourselves regarding the justness and rightness of our government's laws. Obedience is not automatic or robotic. It is a result of both rational deliberation and moral ap-probation.” 134
    We are to do good works and do what is right in order to please God. Our own conscience should restrain us from doing evil and motivate us to do what is right. It is impossible for anyone to live in peace and happiness while going against his conscience. The Colonists understood this which is the reason they could no longer continue to tolerate tyranny.
    Remember the battle cry of the America’s War for Independence in 1776? “RESISTANCE TO TYRANNY IS OBEDI-ENCE TO GOD.” They could no longer submit to tyranny and still be at peace with God or their conscience, so they came up with this phrase that reflects their reason for declaring independence.
    Some may say that since the battle cry is not found in the
    Bible, it is not biblical.
    Well, the phrase may not be found there, but the principle certainly is. The numerous examples of people who resisted tyranny and were blessed by God will be covered in chapter10.
    “Contextual analysis reveals: Romans 13:1-7 places an em-phasis upon the believer’s obedience in accord with his con-science. Romans 14:23 establishes the fact that if a believer does anything that violates his conscience, it is a sin. There-fore, it is a sin for a believer to obey a governmental mandate (i.e. law) that violates the moral norms and standards of his conscience. When a believer understands right and wrong, when they do not do what is right, it is a sin of omission.” 135
    ¬Romans 14:23 speaks about someone who sinned because he went against his conscience because he ate something that he thought was improper.
    James 4:17 Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do, and does not do it, to him it is sin.
    “’Rebellion against tyrants is obedience to God!’ is certainly biblical. It is clearly taught 1 Kings 12:1-24, and this biblical principle speaks clearly to Christians today who are concerned about the growth of an anti-Christian absolute State in Washington D.C.” 136
    The following is an example of what happens to people when they ignore their own conscience and obey every law no matter how unjust or evil it may be?
    Both God and man hold us accountable when we ignore our conscience and submit to evil. Good examples of this are the 1945 Nuremberg Trials where war criminals were tried for committing heinous crimes against humanity. Every one of the defendants had the same defense. Their plea was “Not guilty” because they were merely following orders. They committed atrocities because they refused to disobey the evil authority over them.
    They obeyed orders without question, believing that no one has the right to choose which orders or laws they will obey or not obey. The majority of the war criminals were executed be-cause the court realized that the authority of our own con-science supersedes the authority of those over us.
    The court’s verdict was correct because it was based on the right premise. When there is a clash between one’s con-science and those in authority, it is the conscience that should be followed. We are all responsible to God for the choices and decisions we make regardless of what those in authority may say. People have the right to disobey unjust laws and the dictates of the state when compliance would cause them to violate their own conscience.