Beautiful Relaxing Music, Peaceful Piano, Violin & Flute Music "Crested Butte to Aspen" by Tim Janis

  • Опубліковано 16 жов 2024
  • Beautiful Relaxing Music, Peaceful Piano, Violin & Flute Music "Crested Butte to Aspen" by Tim Janis. Join me in this beautiful hike I took from Crested Butte to Aspen. I hope you enjoy my music and the photos I took.
    Stream or download music my music: / tim-janis
    Keep up with what Tim is doing and follow him on:
    Follow on Instagram: @timjanisofficial
    Facebook: @officialtimjanis
    Join my monthly newsletter
    Music information:
    Composer: Tim Janis© Copyright
    From composer Tim Janis:
    My instrumental music can help you find deep relaxation, relieve anxiety, and find peace. My music incorporates relaxing sounds of nature and features flute music, piano music, harp music, & violin music.
    I am a composer from the coast of Maine and created this channel as a place to visit, relax and find peace. My music is often used for prayer, meditation, relaxation, and can be described as sleep music, calm music, yoga music, study music, peaceful music, spa music, beautiful music and relaxing music.
    I read all of my comments and I love hearing from you. Please join our community and stop by to say hello! If you enjoy my music, please subscribe to my channel and join the community.
    I am so happy to be with you here on my channel, please take a moment to say hello to me, and may angels be with you each moment.
    Blessings & peace,
    Tim Janis
    Upcoming events:
    Tim Janis Carnegie Hall December 5th 2019
    My new film Buttons, A Christmas Tale is out now:
    My new CD Celtic Heart is out now:


  • @stefansakac1359
    @stefansakac1359 5 років тому +2

    Drahý příteli TIme NAŠE překrásná nádherná Příroda je tu neustále pro Nás všechny lidičky kteří jí mají rádi.Stromy keře hory tiše stojí místo listí mají chvojí,tolik krásných barevných hlav kývají nám napozdrav když jdeme na vycházku.Listi zlaté červené fialové padá že stromů Podzim nám krášlí PŘÍRODU.Nastava PŘEKRÁSNÝ NÁDHERNÝ SKVOSTNÝ čas!!! Opět jste nám ukázal Svoje oblíbená místa kam se rád vracíte v každém ročním období!!! Pokaždé je na co dávat.Podzim je období Klidu je to prostě RÁJ!!! NEBE je plné překrásných obláčků a sluníčko usměvavé svými zlatými paprsky ozařuje celí naší krásnou MATKU PŘÍRODY,MATKU ZEMI která nám dává svá BOHACTVI DARY!!! To nejkrásnější na SVĚTĚ nejsou věci nýbrž chvíle které natocite, okamžiky zachycené vterinamy Vašeho objektivu!!! Díky Vám je pro mě Příroda VELKOU KNIHOU PŘÍRODA je OPRAVDU mocná čarodějka která dokáže mávnutím kouzelného proutku vykouzlit dokonalý pohled na SVĚT ve kterém ŽIJEME plnými doušky.Kdyz se zaposlouchame VŠICHNI LIDÉ do Vaší PŘEKRÁSNÉ HUDBY která je pokaždé doprovázena ÚŽASNÝMI PŘÍRODNÍMI SCENÉRIEMI!!! HUDBA je tak něžná líbezná milá prostě EXCELENTNÍ a Vás klavír pokaždé nádherně láskyplně zní a VY TIME se vždy u něj překrásně usmivate!!!Jsme ŠŤASTNÍ že Vás máme jste pro nás všechny lidičky ANDĚL STRÁŽNÝM!!! Tento kouzelný SVĚT je PLNÝ MÍRU,LASKY, HARMONIE a SVĚTLA!!! Ať Vás ANDĚLÉ obklopují DOPROVÁZEJÍ na každičké VAŠÍ PŘEKRÁSNÉ BOŽÍ CESTĚ ÁMEN 💓💓💓 Požehnání Vám Všem!!! Díky Vám TIme se náš ŽIVOT NEUSTÁLE POSOUVÁ SPRÁVNÝM SMĚREM!!!Moc Děkuji za úžasný zážitek a den i Vám přeji krásný den.Pozehnani a mír Štefan a celá Moje Rodina. Pozdravujte Rena Bellu Meiko i Elgara!!! ŽIVOT každého ČLOVĚKA je POHÁDKA napsaná BOŽÍ RUKOU!!! BUDEME se těšit na další Vaše překrásné videa a líbeznou hudbu která probudí SRCEM a DUŠÍ !!! Nekonečná vděčnost TOBĚ TIme!!! Štefan!!!

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Děkuji, Stefane :) :) Modlím se, že tvůj týden je úžasný;) Že andělé jsou s tebou každou chvíli, budu dnes večer zpět :);) v našem pravidelném čase, 10:00 MST;) s druhým videem z mého výletu na výlet z Crested Butte Colorado do Aspenu, to byla 12 mílová túra přes Skalnaté hory, na naší komunitní stránce jsem zveřejnil novou fotografii Rena, modeluje své nové způsoby pádu;) doufám, že se vám to líbí;) jsem tak šťastný jsi tady, přeji ti mír a požehnání, přeji krásný týden :)
      Tim & Reno Prosím
      pojď se na mě podívat do Carnegie Hall 5. prosince :)
      Další zastávkou v mém rozvrhu natáčení přírody je The Big Sur, já tam budu natáčet za dva týdny. Také budu zveřejňovat na naší komunitní stránce, jak si vyrobím úžasnou horkou čokoládu, která je zdravá a dobrá :)

    • @stefansakac1359
      @stefansakac1359 5 років тому +1

      Příteli TIme jste opravdu úžasný báječný člověk určitě se podívám na další Vaše překrásné videa a vyslechnu vaší PŘEKRÁSNOU LÍBEZNOU NĚŽNOU hudbu!!!Na Rena se podívám a už se těším na Vaši výtečnou čokoládu!!! Nekonečná vděčnost TOBĚ TIme Renovi a Belle, Štefan a celá Moje Rodina BŮH VÁM ŽEHNEJ ÁMEN 💓💓💓 Požehnání Vám Všem!!!

  • @islandfishing
    @islandfishing 5 років тому +3

    Niccccc border

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Thank you ;) I hope you enjoy the photos I took on my hike in my new video “Crested Butte to Aspen I just posted :) :) I am making one more video from my hike, My next hike is in two weeks at the Big Sur, if you have ideas for places let Reno and I know ;) May Angles watch over you each moment ;) I will post my special Hot chocolate on our
      community page soon, it is amazing and I hope you try to make it too ;)
      wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno

  • @pasqueocwe1744
    @pasqueocwe1744 3 роки тому +2

    Beautiful wonderful musics CELTIC MUSICS GIVES MORE STTENTH

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  3 роки тому

      Sending prayers for peace all over the world tonight. We are filled with gratitude and share our blessings. Tim & Reno

  • @jadwigabodegwin6355
    @jadwigabodegwin6355 4 роки тому +1

    Witam, odgłosy fortepianu dodają rozkoszy tej pięknej muzyce.Piękne krajobrazy.Dziękuję M. Tim

  • @ewaiva4144
    @ewaiva4144 5 років тому +2

    Drogi Tim :) Dziękuję za Cudowne " Crested Butte to Aspen " , dziękuję że podzieliłeś się pięknem , którego sam doświadczyłeś :)💖😘 Bajeczne zdjęcia , żółto - niebieskie 💛💙 :) Rozświetlone słońcem 🌄- najpiękniejszym złotem na Ziemi :) Muzyka w pięknej harmonii z krajobrazem :) Jesteś Artystą Czarodzieju :)😍 Wspaniale wędruje się w Twoim towarzystwie ;) :) Błogosławieństwa i pokój , zawsze w moich myślach :) Ewa

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +1

      Cześć Ewa, to było takie niesamowite i napełniło moje serce;) Wkrótce zamieszczam moją Gorącą Czekoladę :) Modlę się, aby Twój tydzień był niesamowity;) Że anioły są z tobą w każdej chwili, wrócę dziś wieczorem :);) w naszym regularnym czas, 22:00 czasu polskiego;) z drugim filmem z mojej podróży do i z wędrówki z Crested Butte w Kolorado do Aspen, była to 12-milowa wędrówka przez Góry Skaliste, zamieściłem nowe zdjęcie Reno na naszej stronie społeczności, modeluje swoje nowe jesienne mody;) Mam nadzieję, że ci się spodoba;)
      Cieszę się, że tu jesteś, życzę ci spokoju i błogosławieństw, życzę udanego tygodnia :)
      Tim i Reno
      Proszę przyjść do mnie w Carnegie Hall 5 grudnia :)
      Następnym przystankiem w moim harmonogramie filmowania przyrody jest The Big Sur, mam zamiar nakręcić tam za dwa tygodnie.
      Będę również publikować na naszej stronie społecznościowej, jak robię niesamowitą gorącą czekoladę, czyli zdrowie i dobre :)

  • @mariafulgencio1184
    @mariafulgencio1184 3 роки тому +3

    TIM janis que nosso senhor jesus sempre esteja Enviando Luz sobre você e Todos que juntos com você faz este trabalho tão Bonito Eu sou muito Grata á você porque eu me sinto bem vendo seus vídeos eu passo Horas no dia vendo seus vídeos é uma tranquilidade que sinto no coração quando estou ouvindo ás músicas Deus te conceda sempre saúde paz e Bênção

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  3 роки тому +1

      Olá Maria :)
      Espero que você tenha uma ótima noite :) Obrigado pelo seu apoio contínuo :) Deus te abençoe sempre :)
      Tim e Reno :)

  • @ingridhartmann1116
    @ingridhartmann1116 3 роки тому +1

    Hallo sehr schon gibt es Schnee in Amerika einen schönen Abend 🎹🎹🎶🎵🥰🦋🙏

  • @elisabethkratz2537
    @elisabethkratz2537 5 років тому +3

    Ohhh wow, heute ist es soweit . Dein Video ist fertig. Große Freude und herzlichen Dank ..ich muß jetzt deine Tour genießen.

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +1

      Hi Elisabeth, Yes the new day has come, are you ready for school? :) :) I hope you enjoy the photos I took on my hike in my new video "Crested Butte to Aspen I just posted :) :) I'm making one more video from my hike, my next hike is in two weeks at the Big Sur, if you have ideas for places let Reno and I know;) May you watch each other;
      community page soon, it's amazing and I hope you make it too
      Wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno

    • @elisabethkratz2537
      @elisabethkratz2537 5 років тому

      @@timjanis , yes I am ready for school .., die Natur ist so wundervoll und friedlich, ich wünsche dir auch eine ebenso wundervolle Woche und grüße mir Reno und Bella. Sei beschützt von Engeln.

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +1

      Danke Elisabeth, mögen auch Engel dich beschützen, wünsche dir einen schönen Schultag, Segen und Frieden, Tim & Reno.

  • @din5736
    @din5736 5 років тому +2

    Tim s fascinating videos invites us to dream through the spectacular landscapes images of the transcept ¨Crested Butte to ASpen¨. The beauty of the landscapes metaphorically are considered as a temple where the splemdor of nature is silently evidenced, inside the temple we can see the freshness of the tree with the multicolored leaves and flowers, their high mountains and plains, their skies ..... this magical silence is interconeted by Tim with his soft and gentle music invinting us to dream pleasantly in the felt illusion of a state of deep peace that dissipates from our souls any disturbing clue. Thanks you Tim. May the angels of the mountains blees you.

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Hi Daniel, oh it was so magical :) Thank you :) I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, I will be back tonight:) ;) at our regular time, 10pm MST ;) with the second video from my trip to and hike from Crested Butte Colorado to Aspen, this was a 12 mile hike across the Rocky Mountains, I posted a new photo of Reno on our community page, he is modeling his new Fall fashions ;) I hope you like it ;) I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno Please
      come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)
      The next stop on my nature filming schedule is The Big Sur, I am going to film there in two weeks. Also I will be posting on our community page how I make some amazing Hot chocolate, that is health and good :)

  • @mariafulgencio1184
    @mariafulgencio1184 3 роки тому +1

    Obrigada você que me Enviou este lindo vídeo desejo que você tenha Ótimo fim dê semana que Deus te der muita paz saúde e Bênção que você seja sempre feliz com Todos que você ama e que estão próximos dê você

  • @cassianogomes3606
    @cassianogomes3606 5 років тому +1

    Very beautiful and peaceful music and video

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Thank you Cassiano ;) I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, I will be back tonight:) ;) at our regular time, 10pm MST ;) with the second video from my trip to and hike from Crested Butte Colorado to Aspen, this was a 12 mile hike across the Rocky Mountains, I posted a new photo of Reno on our community page, he is modeling his new Fall fashions ;) I hope you like it ;)
      I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno
      Please come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)
      The next stop on my nature filming schedule is The Big Sur, I am going to film there in two weeks.
      Also I will be posting on our community page how I make some amazing Hot chocolate, that is health and good :)

  • @maureenpirone3658
    @maureenpirone3658 5 років тому +1

    Our Lord must be an artist because He created so much beauty ! Too often we take for granted our 5 senses and the ability to hike mountain and meadow trails . Always remember they are a precious gift of our creator.

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Hi Maureen, thankyou for your great message ;) may God bless you ;) I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, I will be back tonight:) ;) at our regular time, 10pm MST ;) with the second video from my trip to and hike from Crested Butte Colorado to Aspen, this was a 12 mile hike across the Rocky Mountains, I posted a new photo of Reno on our community page, he is modeling his new Fall fashions ;) I hope you like it ;) I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno Please
      come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)
      The next stop on my nature filming schedule is The Big Sur, I am going to film there in two weeks. Also I will be posting on our community page how I make some amazing Hot chocolate, that is health and good :)

    • @maureenpirone3658
      @maureenpirone3658 5 років тому

      @@timjanis Hi Tim, I hate to sound ignorant but is your community page on a different site? I'm eagerly anticipating your recipe for hot chocolate.

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Hi Maureen, it is a bit tricky to find, if you go to my UA-cam Home page you will see the commonity tab :) Let me know if you find it ;) I will post the Hot Chocolate soon ;)
      Blessings to you
      Tim & Reno

  • @ella717
    @ella717 5 років тому +1

    Multumiri si imbratisari pt. aceasta izbucnire a sufletului , ce frumusete a iesit din clapele pianului , video fascinant ingemanarea muzicii, cu imaginile de toamna , fermecatoarea natura ! Un weekend minunat drag prieten , binecuvantari si pace , la fel , cu pretuire !

  • @iwonakolos315
    @iwonakolos315 5 років тому +2

    Witam Tim! Piękne widoki muzyka cudowna panorama gór dziękuje miłego dnia Iwona:-)

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Dziękuję, Iowna :) Mam nadzieję, że podobają Ci się zdjęcia, które zrobiłem podczas mojej wędrówki w moim nowym filmie „Crested Butte to Aspen, które właśnie zamieściłem :) :) Robię jeszcze jeden film z mojej wędrówki, Moja następna wędrówka nastąpi za dwa tygodnie w Big Sur, jeśli masz pomysły na miejsca, daj znać Reno i mnie;) May Angles czuwają nad tobą w każdej chwili;) Zamieszczę moją specjalną Gorącą czekoladę na naszym
      strona społeczności wkrótce, jest niesamowita i mam nadzieję, że spróbujesz to zrobić;)
      życzę ci pokoju i błogosławieństw, Miłego tygodnia :)
      Tim i Reno :-)

    • @iwonakolos315
      @iwonakolos315 5 років тому

      Dziękuje Tim czekam na gorącą czekoladę?🍁

  • @carolahoffmann459
    @carolahoffmann459 5 років тому +1

    Come home to me....Ist einer meiner lieblingssongs. Wundervoll !!! 💖 Danke fuer das fantastische Video mit den tollen Aufnahmen .Ich wuensche Dir alles Liebe und Gute. Moegen die Engel immer an Eurer Seite sein. Herzliche gruesse Carola

  • @WishingMoon-kc6lx
    @WishingMoon-kc6lx 5 років тому +3


  • @ingridakkermans9074
    @ingridakkermans9074 5 років тому +2

    Dear tim reno bella bravo vidio threes love it always very good day thanks jou ingrid akkermans

  • @lylawhalen5444
    @lylawhalen5444 5 років тому +1

    Man of many...u lead an orchestra. Your a photographer,videogapher, animal lover,and?BEAUTIFUL PICS!NOW THAT would take away my persistant soar throat!(air,hiking)😍

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +1

      Thank you Lyla for you great message ;) I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, I will be back tonight:) ;) at our regular time, 10pm MST ;) with the second video from my trip to and hike from Crested Butte Colorado to Aspen, this was a 12 mile hike across the Rocky Mountains, I posted a new photo of Reno on our community page, he is modeling his new Fall fashions ;) I hope you like it ;)
      I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno
      Please come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)
      The next stop on my nature filming schedule is The Big Sur, I am going to film there in two weeks.
      Also I will be posting on our community page how I make some amazing Hot chocolate, that is health and good :)

    • @lylawhalen5444
      @lylawhalen5444 5 років тому

      @@timjanis mmMMmmm😎HOT CHOCOLATE! ...When do u plan to come to the Carnige Hall in Pittsburgh? .....or 2ish hrs into Oh,Wv,Va,Md? 👍

  • @anitacarstensen5704
    @anitacarstensen5704 5 років тому +4

    Thank you for your beautiful video and Music . I like it very mush Tim Janis

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Thank you Anita ;) I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, I will be back tonight:) ;) at our regular time, 10pm MST ;) with the second video from my trip to and hike from Crested Butte Colorado to Aspen, this was a 12 mile hike across the Rocky Mountains, I posted a new photo of Reno on our community page, he is modeling his new Fall fashions ;) I hope you like it ;)
      I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno
      Please come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)
      The next stop on my nature filming schedule is The Big Sur, I am going to film there in two weeks.
      Also I will be posting on our community page how I make some amazing Hot chocolate, that is health and good :)

  • @ingridhartmann1116
    @ingridhartmann1116 5 років тому +2

    Guten Tag lieber Tim du trägst die blauen Farben wie ich ich habe so viel gelacht der blaue Planet der Mond ist magenta mein Garten Völler Schmetterlinge und Bienen sie setzten auf meine Hände auf meine Haare
    Das ist so schön einen LGIngrid,, 😇😇😇😇💖💞💞❤️😂🙏🙏

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Hallo Ingrid, danke für deine tolle Nachricht;) Ich bete, deine Woche ist unglaublich;) Diese Engel sind jeden Moment bei dir, ich werde heute Abend zurück sein :);) zu unserer regulären Zeit, 22 Uhr MST;) mit dem zweiten Video von meine Reise nach und Wanderung von Crested Butte Colorado nach Aspen, dies war eine 20 km lange Wanderung über die Rocky Mountains. Ich habe ein neues Foto von Reno auf unserer Community-Seite gepostet. Er modelliert seine neue Herbstmode. )
      Ich bin so froh, dass du hier bist und wünsche dir Frieden und Segen. Ich wünsche dir eine tolle Woche :)
      Tim & Reno
      Bitte kommen Sie am 5. Dezember zu mir in die Carnegie Hall :)
      Die nächste Station auf meinem Zeitplan für Naturfilme ist The Big Sur, ich werde in zwei Wochen dort filmen.
      Außerdem werde ich auf unserer Community-Seite veröffentlichen, wie ich eine erstaunliche heiße Schokolade herstelle, die gesund und gut ist :)

  • @bettyfern.8224
    @bettyfern.8224 5 років тому +1

    Hi Tim&Reno and Bella! How are you all?I pray for you everything goes well over there..your music always beautiful in any ways Tim..May God Always Be With you🙏

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Hi Betty, May God bless you too ;) I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, I will be back tonight:) ;) at our regular time, 10pm MST ;) with the second video from my trip to and hike from Crested Butte Colorado to Aspen, this was a 12 mile hike across the Rocky Mountains, I posted a new photo of Reno on our community page, he is modeling his new Fall fashions ;) I hope you like it ;)
      I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno
      Please come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)
      The next stop on my nature filming schedule is The Big Sur, I am going to film there in two weeks.
      Also I will be posting on our community page how I make some amazing Hot chocolate, that is health and good :)

  • @danielab7508
    @danielab7508 5 років тому +2

    Good morning from germany thank you ,you make the world our all home look peaceful ,inside of me gives me hope

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +1

      Hi Daniela, thank you for your message ;) I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, I will be back tonight:) ;) at our regular time, 10pm MST ;) with the second video from my trip to and hike from Crested Butte Colorado to Aspen, this was a 12 mile hike across the Rocky Mountains, I posted a new photo of Reno on our community page, he is modeling his new Fall fashions ;) I hope you like it ;)
      I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno
      Please come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)
      The next stop on my nature filming schedule is The Big Sur, I am going to film there in two weeks.
      Also I will be posting on our community page how I make some amazing Hot chocolate, that is health and good :)

    • @danielab7508
      @danielab7508 5 років тому

      @@timjanis my angels had a lot of work here and they doing a great job sorry my english it not so well . Cant wait to see/listen to it .
      Same wishes to you 😊

  • @edinabeganovic4591
    @edinabeganovic4591 3 роки тому

    So beautiful video with gorgeous pictures of nature and music 🎶 is amazing 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀☘️☘️☘️☘️🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌸🌺🌼🌻🌼🌼🌼🌼🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶💕

  • @veraluciagomesfreire2870
    @veraluciagomesfreire2870 5 років тому +1

    Just come You to heaven! Very thanks to give us this sound/music!

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Hi Vera, Thank you ;) Have an Amazing weekend, I will be posting photos on our community page an my special Hot chocolate over the wending ;)
      So happy you are here ;) May Angels of peace and light be with you each moment ;)
      Blessings and peace, Tim & Reno and Bella
      P.S. Bella got a new sweater today :) Yippee :)

  • @JoseFlores-mz9jm
    @JoseFlores-mz9jm 5 років тому +1

    Ola Tim gracias por tu respuesta recuerda que mis oraciones para ti y reno siempre gracias por tus palabras y vídeos que tengas bonita semana tu y tus seres queridos paz y bien suamigo José flores.

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Gracias José;) Bendiciones para ti, Tim y Reno

  • @roosamsterdammer5249
    @roosamsterdammer5249 5 років тому +2

    In deze troebele wereld met veel kwaad en geweld,heb ik rust en vrede nodig.Met dit muziek word ik iets ontspannen. Dankje.

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Beste Roos Amsterdammer, bedankt voor je vriendelijke bericht;) Ik bid dat je week geweldig is;) Dat engelen elk moment bij je zijn, ik kom vanavond terug :);) op onze reguliere tijd, 22:00 uur MST;) met de tweede video van mijn reis naar en wandeling van Crested Butte Colorado naar Aspen, dit was een 12 mijl lange wandeling over de Rocky Mountains, ik plaatste een nieuwe foto van Reno op onze communitypagina, hij is zijn nieuwe herfstmode aan het modelleren;) Ik hoop dat je het leuk vindt ;) Ik ben zo blij dat je hier bent, ik wens je vrede en zegeningen, een fijne week :)
      Tim & Reno alstublieft
      kom me zien in Carnegie Hall op 5 december :)
      De volgende stop in mijn natuuropnameschema is The Big Sur, ik ga daar over twee weken filmen. Ook zal ik op onze communitypagina plaatsen hoe ik een aantal geweldige warme chocolademelk maak, dat is gezond en goed :)

  • @sutjiatimaimun2894
    @sutjiatimaimun2894 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you Tim for your music and this video, I love it. 1 oktober 2021. 💕💕💕🌷🌷👍👍

  • @christineleblanc4368
    @christineleblanc4368 5 років тому +1

    Hi Tim ,WOW !!! Thank You so much for sharing such "Divine Beauty " It is oh so very Beautiful wow !wow ! very hard to put into words and it is so special because you are sharing with us, which makes it so close to our hearts. Thank You ! with your" Beautiful " music which touches the soul so profoundly .I am so Grateful and happy to be here .It must have been hard to come back .How long did take you to do such a hike ? It must have been very challenging at some point ? Wow !what a great" Adventure " I am so happy for you .Thank You so much for your prayers they always mean a lot .I don`t think that I have seen any more videos that are so Beautiful as this one . You are doing "Fantastic "work . Have a great evening and Fantastic week .May God`s "Love and Light "surround You ,Reno & Bella and keep you "All "safe Hugs to all Much Love Christine

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Hi Christine, thank you, your message made Reno and I very happy. It was two days of hiking, I am posting a video tonight where you can see my hiking, it was very high, two weeks before I hiked there it snowed :) there was one high past between the mountains, when you see the photo's with no trees that was above the tree line :) Yippee ;) Thank you May God bless you :) I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, I will be back tonight:) ;) at our regular time, 10pm MST ;) with the second video from my trip to and hike from Crested Butte Colorado to Aspen, this was a 12 mile hike across the Rocky Mountains, I posted a new photo of Reno on our community page, he is modeling his new Fall fashions ;) I hope you like it ;) I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno Please
      come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)
      The next stop on my nature filming schedule is The Big Sur, I am going to film there in two weeks. Also I will be posting on our community page how I make some amazing Hot chocolate, that is health and good :)

  • @Деладомашние-я6б
    @Деладомашние-я6б 5 років тому +4


  • @christophertsiliacos8958
    @christophertsiliacos8958 5 років тому +7

    👏👍 Thank you Tim for another wonderful and inspiring video. 😊 ♫
    “Nature's beauty gives our heart rest and peace…the beauty of nature gives our heart happiness.”
    - Tim Janis, Composer/Musician

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Hi Christopher, Oh thank you ;) I like this quoet, you are very kind ;) I am coming to CA soon :) Yippee, I hope you enjoy the photos I took on my hike in my new video “Crested Butte to Aspen I just posted :) :) I am making one more video from my hike, My next hike is in two weeks at the Big Sur, if you have ideas for places let Reno and I know ;) May Angles watch over you each moment ;) I will post my special Hot chocolate on our
      community page soon, it is amazing and I hope you try to make it too ;)
      wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Hi Christopher, thank you, I will be coming from LA, so I may not get all the way to the Big Sur, if you have ideas for hikes let me know, I like 8-12 miles :) along the coast :) Your hikes sound so amazing ;) WOW :) Thank you :) Blessings to you, Tim & Reno

    • @christophertsiliacos8958
      @christophertsiliacos8958 5 років тому

      @@timjanis OK Tim. It sounds like you'll be traveling along Coastal Highway 1 and Highway 101. I'll let you know in a day or two. 😉

    • @christophertsiliacos8958
      @christophertsiliacos8958 5 років тому

      @@timjanis Hi Tim - While you’re in the L.A. area here are two parks I recommend for fantastic nature hiking. Below are the names and links to pertinent websites.

      Topanga State Park
      Limestone Canyon Regional Park. It’s called the mini-Grand Canyon of Southern California.

  • @tcreator7262
    @tcreator7262 5 років тому +3

    Wonderfull is so verry verry nice , your next video of wait

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Thank you ;) I hope you enjoy the photos I took on my hike in my new video “Crested Butte to Aspen I just posted :) :) I am making one more video from my hike, My next hike is in two weeks at the Big Sur, if you have ideas for places let Reno and I know ;) May Angles watch over you each moment ;) I will post my special Hot chocolate on our
      community page soon, it is amazing and I hope you try to make it too ;)
      wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno

  • @ฟ้าละก้อฟ้า
    @ฟ้าละก้อฟ้า 5 років тому +2


  • @РастямРамазанов-р8л
    @РастямРамазанов-р8л 5 років тому +1

    И тогда воздух будит в городах атмосфера будит чистой и города и города милиониками спасибо за внимание

  • @ozanadepaula592
    @ozanadepaula592 5 років тому +2

    🎼🦋🦁😻🎶🍃🌸💗🎀I remember you..forever!+

    • @ozanadepaula592
      @ozanadepaula592 5 років тому +1

      🎀🌸💗Come back to me...come back to Enya

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +1

      Thank you Ozana :)
      I am so happy you are here ;)
      I am so happy, you can get your copy of Buttons now :)
      Please join me on our community page to learn more about buttons and get you copy :)
      This would really really really help, Reno, and Bella and me :)
      Thank you

  • @francoisefrancoise9612
    @francoisefrancoise9612 4 роки тому

    Vidéo magnifique accompagné d'une merveilleuse musique merci beaucoup Jim Janis amicalement Françoise 💌

  • @kats7949
    @kats7949 5 років тому +4

    oh my goodness look at those golden aspens. I just love them, It must have been so wonderful to be in all this beauty!! Today on my way to work driving through the country I looked around at all the red, orange, yellow and gold trees and was moved to tears with all the glorious sights. what a beautiful world God has made for us to enjoy!! I bet your soul was moved to tears too. Thank you so much for sharing this with all of us. Your time and efforts are much appreciated by us fans. This is heavenly and the first song is the one that got me hooked on your music just over a year ago. yipeeeeeeee. Kat

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +1

      Hi Kat, oh yes, my heart was full, I am going to post some videos with my drive, it as all very small roads for five hours, so beautiful, :) You will also see some video with be hiking, very small agmost the Mountains ;) So much fun :) Thank you Kat :) I hope you enjoy the photos I took on my hike in my new video “Crested Butte to Aspen I just posted :) :) I am making one more video from my hike, My next hike is in two weeks at the Big Sur, if you have ideas for places let Reno and I know ;) May Angles watch over you each moment ;) I will post my special Hot chocolate on our
      community page soon, it is amazing and I hope you try to make it too ;)
      wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno

    • @kats7949
      @kats7949 5 років тому

      @@timjanis yipeeeeeee

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Double yipeeee :) Tim & Reno

    • @melfuz
      @melfuz 5 років тому


  • @benitoperez9412
    @benitoperez9412 5 років тому +1

    Mr timjanis that video is so beautiful so spiritual beautiful nature hope you enjoy all that beauty nature thanks alot for sharing your videos i enjoy it a lot specially with my grand daughter continue that hard work and god blessyou comes from my family and special from myra perez beautiful amazing wonderful lovely video blessing from my beautiful country BelizeCA

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Hi Benito, wow Belize is beautiful, are you near the Ocean ;) I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, I will be back tonight:) ;) at our regular time, 10pm MST ;) with the second video from my trip to and hike from Crested Butte Colorado to Aspen, this was a 12 mile hike across the Rocky Mountains, I posted a new photo of Reno on our community page, he is modeling his new Fall fashions ;) I hope you like it ;) I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno Please
      come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)
      The next stop on my nature filming schedule is The Big Sur, I am going to film there in two weeks. Also I will be posting on our community page how I make some amazing Hot chocolate, that is health and good :)

  • @elenacastel4828
    @elenacastel4828 5 років тому +2

    Muchas gracias Tim 🙏🤗👍💗

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +1

      Gracias Elena :) Espero que disfrutes las fotos que tomé en mi caminata en mi nuevo video "Crested Butte to Aspen que acabo de publicar :) :) Estoy haciendo un video más de mi caminata, mi próxima caminata es en dos semanas a las Big Sur, si tiene ideas para dejar lugares Reno y sé;) reloj puede ángulos sobre ti cada momento;) voy a publicar mi chocolate caliente especial en nuestro
      página de la comunidad pronto, es increíble y espero que intentes hacerlo también;)
      deseándoles paz y bendiciones, que tengan una gran semana :)
      Tim y Reno

  • @jissicacelestin7078
    @jissicacelestin7078 5 років тому +3


    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Thank you Jissica ;) I hope you enjoy the photos I took on my hike in my new video “Crested Butte to Aspen I just posted :) :) I am making one more video from my hike, My next hike is in two weeks at the Big Sur, if you have ideas for places let Reno and I know ;) May Angles watch over you each moment ;) I will post my special Hot chocolate on our
      community page soon, it is amazing and I hope you try to make it too ;)
      wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno

  • @thelmamercado1829
    @thelmamercado1829 5 років тому +1

    Hey Tim I just saw your great photo you look wonderful happy:) thank you Tim May angels take care of you angels bye Tim oh yes this amazing lovely video music thank you Tim have a wonderful day Tim Reno belle ❤️🌹❤️

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Hi Thelma, so happy you saw my photo ;) Yippee ;) I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, I will be back tonight:) ;) at our regular time, 10pm MST ;) with the second video from my trip to and hike from Crested Butte Colorado to Aspen, this was a 12 mile hike across the Rocky Mountains, I posted a new photo of Reno on our community page, he is modeling his new Fall fashions ;) I hope you like it ;)
      I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno
      Please come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)
      The next stop on my nature filming schedule is The Big Sur, I am going to film there in two weeks.
      Also I will be posting on our community page how I make some amazing Hot chocolate, that is health and good :)

  • @ingridakkermans9074
    @ingridakkermans9074 5 років тому +3

    Dear tim reno bella wonderfol vidio woods bravo love it very mats always god angels pray ples jou every day moment fan good day thanks jou ingrid akkermans

  • @millyquebuenoprimitotequie4601
    @millyquebuenoprimitotequie4601 5 років тому +2

    Hi my Angel Tim. Reno. Have a Wonderful day God bless you.guy's.hugs to you. Reno & Bella.

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      May God bless you Milly ;) Thank you for coming by to see Reno and I, I am posting my last video of the week tonight at
      10pm , in just a few hours, please come say hello :)
      I will be sharing with you my Hot chocolate recipe soon, you will love it and it is very healthy ;)
      I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno Please
      come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)
      The next stop on my nature filming schedule is The Big Sur, I am going to film there in two weeks. Also I will be posting on our community page how I make some amazing Hot chocolate, that is health and good :)

    • @millyquebuenoprimitotequie4601
      @millyquebuenoprimitotequie4601 5 років тому

      @@timjanis Hello. Dear Tim . you are so nice Thank you so much. God bless you too. and Thank you for sharing with me and be sweet and nice please take care peace love and hugs to you guy's. Have a Wonderful Week too. Good night my Angel.

  • @susannesamuelsson2930
    @susannesamuelsson2930 5 років тому +7

    🌟 On this is magical such beauty....very, very nice and what views you must have seen on your hikes! 🌟👍📷❤ Scenery with mountains we don't have here in Skåne, Sweden. We have coastal views and soft rolling hills but that's nice too! Thank you dear Tim for sharing your hikes with us and I can understand why you do them and you only need nature's beauty as a reason! I did get your message in my inbox but couldn't find your text under the photo on your community page so I couldn't comment back but I'm grateful for your messages and I wisg you the same too! Hot chocolate sounded so good and on a cold Autumn night it's something to long for! Today Tuesday morning it's rainy and a dark morning with 9 degrees (48,2). It's time to start my day here now a little faster than usual and then later on I have a laundry time too! Have a wonderful rest and day ahead and I'm sending you and your family lots if love and warm hugs too! Susanne. ❤🥰🤗🐈🐕❤🤗

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +2

      Hi Susanne, oh yes, Laundry is today :) I will post my recipe for Hot Chocolate soon, it is so great, I will be wondering what you think ;) Sweeden sounds so beautiful too ;) I am glad you could see my hike ;) I hope you enjoy the photos I took on my hike in my new video “Crested Butte to Aspen I just posted :) :) I am making one more video from my hike, My next hike is in two weeks at the Big Sur, if you have ideas for places let Reno and I know ;) May Angles watch over you each moment ;) I will post my special Hot chocolate on our
      community page soon, it is amazing and I hope you try to make it too ;)
      wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno

    • @susannesamuelsson2930
      @susannesamuelsson2930 5 років тому

      @@timjanis Hi Tim and Hot Chocolate is one of my favorite things after a cold day out. You know when I was a child and have been out playing in the snow for hours my mother or even my grandmother prepared hot chocolate for me and it was so good and warmed up the whole body. It was good with some warm chocolate also when you took a brake from skating too. When I was young I liked skating and figure skating a lot and I did it almost every day after school. It was fun...great fun! I was not good on figure skating but I could make some easier stuff like pirouettes and such things but no higher jumps! I did most because I enjoyed skating and being outside during winter days. Yes I will try your recipe dear Tim but I do not know anything about hiking the Big Sur but it surely sounds nice still! Hugs, Susanne. Ps. I'm writing to you from the laundry room!👍🧺🥰❤🤗

  • @creatymanmar6075
    @creatymanmar6075 5 років тому +1

    Très joli moment musical.. Un grand merci.

  • @DeedeeSch1
    @DeedeeSch1 5 років тому +3


    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Thank you Deedee ;) Yippee ;) I hope you enjoy the photos I took on my hike in my new video “Crested Butte to Aspen I just posted :) :) I am making one more video from my hike, My next hike is in two weeks at the Big Sur, if you have ideas for places let Reno and I know ;) May Angles watch over you each moment ;) I will post my special Hot chocolate on our
      community page soon, it is amazing and I hope you try to make it too ;)
      wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno

  • @JocelynMCrossett
    @JocelynMCrossett 5 років тому +5

    Great peaceful sound and amazing colorful nature 🥰👍

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Hi Joy, Thank you ;) I hope you enjoy the photos I took on my hike in my new video “Crested Butte to Aspen I just posted :) :) I am making one more video from my hike, My next hike is in two weeks at the Big Sur, if you have ideas for places let Reno and I know ;) May Angles watch over you each moment ;) I will post my special Hot chocolate on our
      community page soon, it is amazing and I hope you try to make it too ;)
      wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno

  • @theresadupuis8475
    @theresadupuis8475 5 років тому +3


  • @krishnendubhattacherjee3825
    @krishnendubhattacherjee3825 5 років тому +2

    Me krishnendu Bhattacharya and my daughter Koel Bhattacharya from India. We are tremendous fan of your music. Your music has boundary. It is eternal. Keep moving man and please present such wonderful piece. We love your music man. You are amazing.

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Dear Krishnedu, you are so kind :) you and your daughter ;) I pray you are having an Amazing weekend, I just posted a new photo on our community page :)
      I hope you like it ;)
      So happy you are here ;) May Angels of peace and light be with you each moment ;)
      I will be back tomorrow night with a new video named “Light” the beautiful of light and peace in nature ;)
      Blessings and peace, Tim & Reno and Bella
      P.S. see my on insta too

  • @nijoleletkauskiene8554
    @nijoleletkauskiene8554 5 років тому +1

    Thank youTim!very very beautiful! Love love!

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +1

      Thank you Nilole ;) I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, I will be back tonight:) ;) at our regular time, 10pm MST ;) with the second video from my trip to and hike from Crested Butte Colorado to Aspen, this was a 12 mile hike across the Rocky Mountains, I posted a new photo of Reno on our community page, he is modeling his new Fall fashions ;) I hope you like it ;)
      I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno
      Please come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)
      The next stop on my nature filming schedule is The Big Sur, I am going to film there in two weeks.
      Also I will be posting on our community page how I make some amazing Hot chocolate, that is health and good :)

  • @michaelvainer3350
    @michaelvainer3350 5 років тому +1

    Do not lose one "s balance !

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Hi Michael ;) O.K ;) I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, I will be back tonight:) ;) at our regular time, 10pm MST ;) with the second video of the week ;) I hope you will come say hello then, Reno and I will be here standing by to say hello to you ;)
      Big news coming soon,
      Blessings and peace,
      Tim & Reno

  • @remigialitwinowicz6434
    @remigialitwinowicz6434 5 років тому +3

    Thanks You,dear Tim,IT IS beautiful!God bless You. Remika

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Thank you Remika ;) I hope you enjoy the photos I took on my hike in my new video “Crested Butte to Aspen I just posted :) :) I am making one more video from my hike, My next hike is in two weeks at the Big Sur, if you have ideas for places let Reno and I know ;) May Angles watch over you each moment ;) I will post my special Hot chocolate on our
      community page soon, it is amazing and I hope you try to make it too ;)
      wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno

    • @remigialitwinowicz6434
      @remigialitwinowicz6434 5 років тому

      @@timjanis Yes Tim We have beautiful places fór hiking in High Tatras and Low Tatras,too. --in Slovakia and in Poland, too. You are invited from the first time I heard Your music and saw Your videos. And All the tíme we are waiting for You.!Be welcome, I think and I am sure that Ewa from Kraków wił be Happy,too. We will give the place for You,Reno,Bela and anyone who You would like to take with. With expecting for Your hike...Remika. p.s. Have blessed days,Tim.,

  • @irmahernandezilizaliturry4122
    @irmahernandezilizaliturry4122 5 років тому

    Que bella música tan suave y relajante, gracias Tim.

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +1

      Gracias Irma;) Rezo para que tu semana sea increíble;) Que los ángeles estén contigo en cada momento, volveré esta noche :);) a nuestra hora habitual, 10 p.m. MST;) con el segundo video de mi viaje y caminata desde Crested Butte Colorado a Aspen, esta fue una caminata de 12 millas a través de las Montañas Rocosas, publiqué una nueva foto de Reno en nuestra página de la comunidad, está modelando sus nuevas modas de otoño;) Espero que les guste;) Estoy muy feliz de que estén están aquí, deseándoles paz y bendiciones, que tengan una gran semana :)
      Tim y Reno por favor
      ven a verme al Carnegie Hall el 5 de diciembre :)
      La siguiente parada en mi calendario de filmación de la naturaleza es The Big Sur, voy a filmar allí en dos semanas. También publicaré en nuestra página de la comunidad cómo hago un chocolate caliente increíble, que es saludable y bueno :)

  • @gglarke7709
    @gglarke7709 5 років тому +3


    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Hi GG, yes the Aspens on my hike were so amazing ;) I hope you enjoy the photos I took on my hike in my new video “Crested Butte to Aspen I just posted :) :) I am making one more video from my hike, My next hike is in two weeks at the Big Sur, if you have ideas for places let Reno and I know ;) May Angles watch over you each moment ;) I will post my special Hot chocolate on our
      community page soon, it is amazing and I hope you try to make it too ;)
      wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno

  • @HeloyRibeiroR1
    @HeloyRibeiroR1 5 років тому +2

    There are no limits to those who have,
    the ability to dream and the determination,
    to make your dream come true ...
    Our main mission in life,
    It is not knowing or understanding, everything that exists.
    But enjoy as much as we can ...
    Happiness is not at the end of the journey,
    and yes at every turn of the way,
    that we went through to find her ...
    It doesn't matter if we have enough time,
    to see things and people changed,
    for which we fight, but rather that we do our part,
    so that everything changes in time ...
    The great thing about life is being with someone,
    you know how to make a little moment a big moment ...
    For life is not worth a moment.
    But there are times that are worth a life ...
    Show! ... A Great Video and Beautiful Music. Thanks!
    A Beautiful Day and A Beautiful Tuesday ...

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +1

      Hi, thank you for your nice words, May God bless you ;) I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, I will be back tonight:) ;) at our regular time, 10pm MST ;) with the second video from my trip to and hike from Crested Butte Colorado to Aspen, this was a 12 mile hike across the Rocky Mountains, I posted a new photo of Reno on our community page, he is modeling his new Fall fashions ;) I hope you like it ;)
      I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno
      Please come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)
      The next stop on my nature filming schedule is The Big Sur, I am going to film there in two weeks.
      Also I will be posting on our community page how I make some amazing Hot chocolate, that is health and good :)

  • @missy183
    @missy183 2 роки тому +1

    I love this video. The beautiful, golden colors of the trees are spectacular. 🍀🍁🌾🍁🍁🍁🍁🎶🤩

  • @karenjanedix6151
    @karenjanedix6151 5 років тому +1

    Good morning Tim
    Such a beautiful video Autumn colours wonderful love and light and blessings

  • @millyquebuenoprimitotequie4601
    @millyquebuenoprimitotequie4601 5 років тому +3

    Hello.My Dear. Tim . Reno. Bella.God bless you. Hallelujah. This is Divine, Amazing ,so beautiful Wonderful . Wow. I love it.Very good job Thank you many Thanks my Angel. Peace blessings and hugs to you guy's. Have a. Very good Night. Night Night. Sweet dreams.

  • @barbarastanik4991
    @barbarastanik4991 5 років тому +2

    Jak zawsze zachwycające,super,dzięki👏👏👏👏👏👍🙌😘😘

  • @NoiseForRelaxation
    @NoiseForRelaxation 5 років тому +7

    I love this epic, romantic music from your CD "Celtic Heat" and these magnificent mountain views! 😍
    The great result from your wonderful hike! 💖👍
    Tim and Reno, thank you so much for your great work! 🙏❤️ 💛 💚 💙 💖 👍

    • @russian.meteor
      @russian.meteor 5 років тому

      Какая красота!!! ❤️❤️❤️😍

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +1

      Hi, Oh I am so happy you like my CD Celtic Heart ;) Yippeee ;) I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, I will be back tonight:) ;) at our regular time, 10pm MST ;) with the second video from my trip to and hike from Crested Butte Colorado to Aspen, this was a 12 mile hike across the Rocky Mountains, I posted a new photo of Reno on our community page, he is modeling his new Fall fashions ;) I hope you like it ;)
      I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno
      Please come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)
      The next stop on my nature filming schedule is The Big Sur, I am going to film there in two weeks.
      Also I will be posting on our community page how I make some amazing Hot chocolate, that is health and good :)

    • @NoiseForRelaxation
      @NoiseForRelaxation 5 років тому

      Tim, your Reno looks great with those pumpkins harvest behind him! 😻
      He is very happy to lie on a bench and bask in the autumn sun 🍂🍁🧡💛☀️😺👼
      We look forward to see your photos with wonderful and healthy hot chocolate! We wish you a great trip and good weather for filming for the next two weeks! 👼🙏☀️
      Good luck and God's blessing to you and all your kind and wonderful work, my dear friend! 💖💖💖👍

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +1

      Thank you :) May God bless you too ;) Tim & Reno :)

  • @missy183
    @missy183 2 роки тому

    The music is so beautiful, 🎶🎶🎶🌹🌹🌹😘

  • @slycat1939
    @slycat1939 5 років тому +1

    So beautiful. So much beauty the Lord has blessed us to see. You are truly amazing both in music and photography. Tyvm for sharing with us all this beauty. God bless you and reno always.

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +1

      Thank you, May God bless you too ;) I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, I will be back tonight:) ;) at our regular time, 10pm MST ;) with the second video from my trip to and hike from Crested Butte Colorado to Aspen, this was a 12 mile hike across the Rocky Mountains, I posted a new photo of Reno on our community page, he is modeling his new Fall fashions ;) I hope you like it ;)
      I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno
      Please come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)
      The next stop on my nature filming schedule is The Big Sur, I am going to film there in two weeks.
      Also I will be posting on our community page how I make some amazing Hot chocolate, that is health and good :)

  • @chiquita1579
    @chiquita1579 5 років тому +2

    Thank you brother Tim
    For sharing your beautiful gifts and talents
    With the world. You are sooooo gifted.
    Your videos are stunning and breathtaking.
    And to God is all the glory. ✨✨✨🙏✨✨✨

  • @karissaelizabethannlowell4500
    @karissaelizabethannlowell4500 5 років тому +1

    Indeed beautiful Tim, I will share your music Karissa

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Thank you Karissa for sharing ;) I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, I will be back tonight:) ;) at our regular time, 10pm MST ;) with the second video from my trip to and hike from Crested Butte Colorado to Aspen, this was a 12 mile hike across the Rocky Mountains, I posted a new photo of Reno on our community page, he is modeling his new Fall fashions ;) I hope you like it ;) I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno Please
      come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)
      The next stop on my nature filming schedule is The Big Sur, I am going to film there in two weeks. Also I will be posting on our community page how I make some amazing Hot chocolate, that is health and good :)

  • @carolinaallendetoro.1185
    @carolinaallendetoro.1185 5 років тому +1


    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +1

      Thank you Carolina ;) I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, I will be back tonight:) ;) at our regular time, 10pm MST ;) with the second video from my trip to and hike from Crested Butte Colorado to Aspen, this was a 12 mile hike across the Rocky Mountains, I posted a new photo of Reno on our community page, he is modeling his new Fall fashions ;) I hope you like it ;) I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno Please
      come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)
      The next stop on my nature filming schedule is The Big Sur, I am going to film there in two weeks. Also I will be posting on our community page how I make some amazing Hot chocolate, that is health and good :)

  • @angelfame8634
    @angelfame8634 5 років тому +3

    Hi Tim: how are you my dear friend.. wishing you a good health, good day to you dear. I miss your instrumental music. Thank you for sharing me I love it... thank you even it’s so sad to hear I love those views. It’s like I want to cry for no reason. I don’t even know why??? Theirs something missing in my life that I want to discovered. I don’t know what it is.. by the way, always take care yourself wherever you go.. don’t forget to pray for yourself, family, friends and the whole world.. God bless you my dear friend..

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +1

      Hi Angel, I think beauty, and the truth it holds makes are heart come alive with feelings, I felt that on my hike ;) May Angels of light be all around, May God bless you ;) I hope you enjoy the photos I took on my hike in my new video “Crested Butte to Aspen I just posted :) :) I am making one more video from my hike, My next hike is in two weeks at the Big Sur, if you have ideas for places let Reno and I know ;) May Angles watch over you each moment ;) I will post my special Hot chocolate on our
      community page soon, it is amazing and I hope you try to make it too ;)
      wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno

    • @angelfame8634
      @angelfame8634 5 років тому

      Tim Janis thank you to your reply blessing to you and Reno.. God bless you more.. always pray..

  • @zdzislawaszulc2607
    @zdzislawaszulc2607 5 років тому +2

    Thank you beautiful

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Thank you Zdzislawa ;) I pray you are having an Amazing weekend, I just posted a new photo on our community page :)
      I hope you like it ;)
      So happy you are here ;) May Angels of peace and light be with you each moment ;)
      I will be back tomorrow night with a new video named “Light” the beautiful of light and peace in nature ;)
      Blessings and peace, Tim & Reno and Bella
      P.S. see my on insta too

  • @parichehrmanuchehrkhodayaa9529
    @parichehrmanuchehrkhodayaa9529 5 років тому +6

    Quel merveil la terre belle en automne😆Merci cher ami Tim Janis 🙇 🙏 👌

  • @maymayberry3487
    @maymayberry3487 5 років тому +3

    Hi Tim & Reno, The scenery of the landscape is very....beautiful,colorful and fabulous . Of course,it reveals the beauty of the golden nature,accompany with your impressive music. I hope you ,Reno and your team have a very ...wonderful moments.....!!! - May. ✿ Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ ✿ ヅ

  • @MIEKOSAKAIpeace
    @MIEKOSAKAIpeace 5 років тому

    I was waiting for this video, Tim. They are breathtakingly beautiful! Birch forest 50:50 is Astounding beauty! Mountain Golden Path 20:00 Shining Golden world and clear blue sky1:18:10...
    I truly thank you for all your hard work for creating this video for us!
    Is the mountain hut with red roof the place you stayed? Nice place♥ It's so beautiful in autumn, so it's like heaven in spring when the flowers are blooming ...I just imagined and sighed... Arigato♥ Eternal Peace here.....Have a blessed day with beloved family members, Reno & Bella ...Nature is so pleased here.
    When I watch these Landscapes, I remembered this song♫~
    ✦I could ride the wind,
    Walk on water,
     Leap high mountain at a single bound,
     Whatever comes, it doesn't matter.
     'cause I can fly ten miles off the ground,
     the way I feel right now♫~ May Peace Prevail on Earth*

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Hi Mieko, thank you for your beautiful message, so happy you enjoyed it, and thank you for your great comment. It was such a fun hike, I am posting more photo's from the hike tonight ;) May Peace prevail ;) Praying for you and Japan ;) I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, I will be back tonight:) ;) at our regular time, 10pm MST ;) with the second video from my trip to and hike from Crested Butte Colorado to Aspen, this was a 12 mile hike across the Rocky Mountains, I posted a new photo of Reno on our community page, he is modeling his new Fall fashions ;) I hope you like it ;) I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno Please
      come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)
      The next stop on my nature filming schedule is The Big Sur, I am going to film there in two weeks. Also I will be posting on our community page how I make some amazing Hot chocolate, that is health and good :)

  • @siyabongangubane9734
    @siyabongangubane9734 4 роки тому

    Powerful music to relax, thank you Tim. From South Africa, KZN

  • @gabrielledorr546
    @gabrielledorr546 5 років тому +2

    Hallo Tim! Danke für die schönen Naturaufnahmen! Die Farben sind fantastisch! Ich werde heute Abend deine Tur in Ruhe geniessen..
    Herzliche Grüsse auch an Reno und Bella! 😊💕Gabrielle

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +1

      Hallo Gabrielle, ich bin so froh, dass du das Video von meiner Wanderung sehen kannst;) Ich hoffe, du genießt die Fotos, die ich auf meiner Wanderung in meinem neuen Video „Crested Butte to Aspen“ gemacht habe, das ich gerade gepostet habe :) :) Ich mache gerade ein weiteres Video Von meiner Wanderung an ist meine nächste Wanderung in zwei Wochen im Big Sur, wenn Sie Ideen für Orte haben, lassen Sie Reno und mich wissen;) May Angles wachen über Sie jeden Moment;) Ich werde meine besondere heiße Schokolade auf unserer posten
      Community Seite bald, es ist unglaublich und ich hoffe du versuchst es auch zu machen;)
      Ich wünsche Ihnen Frieden und Segen, eine tolle Woche :)
      Tim & Reno

  • @creatymanmar6075
    @creatymanmar6075 5 років тому +1

    Merci c est très gentil de votre part. Bonsoir.

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Merci Mart;) Je prie pour que ta semaine soit incroyable;) Que les anges soient avec toi à chaque instant, je serai de retour ce soir :);) à notre heure habituelle, 22h HNR;) avec la deuxième vidéo de mon voyage et randonnée De Crested Butte Colorado à Aspen, il s’agissait d’une randonnée de 12 miles à travers les montagnes Rocheuses. J’ai posté une nouvelle photo de Reno sur la page de notre communauté. êtes ici, vous souhaitant paix et bénédictions, passez une bonne semaine :)
      Tim et Reno s'il vous plaît
      venez me voir à Carnegie Hall le 5 décembre :)
      La prochaine étape de mon programme de tournage dans la nature est The Big Sur, je vais y tourner dans deux semaines. De plus, je publierai sur notre page de communauté comment je fabrique un chocolat chaud incroyable, c'est bon pour la santé :)

  • @melissazwieg2988
    @melissazwieg2988 5 років тому +3

    I dedicate this beautiful video to everyone watching🌍💞🌎💕🌏💙🌅

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Thank you Melissa, for that great dedication, Blessings to you, Tim & Reno

    • @kats7949
      @kats7949 5 років тому +3

      Thank you.🙂

    • @melissazwieg2988
      @melissazwieg2988 5 років тому +2

      Bless you Kathryn🌹

    • @kats7949
      @kats7949 5 років тому

      @@melissazwieg2988 God bless you too.

  • @chantalrathgeb1433
    @chantalrathgeb1433 5 років тому +2

    Thank You Tim Janis 🕊💖🎇🌳🎇💖💖🕊🎇💖🧘‍♀️🎇🕊🎇🌏🎇🕊💖🎇BLESSINGS

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +1

      Thank you Chantal :) Blessings to you, Tim & Reno

  • @bejoibejan8098
    @bejoibejan8098 5 років тому +2


  • @ianmacwatt2130
    @ianmacwatt2130 5 років тому +1

    'Put on your dresses
    Of red and gold
    For summer is past
    And the days grow cold'.
    From a poem by George Cooper

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Thank you Ian :) I pray you are having an Amazing weekend, I just posted a new photo on our community page :)
      I hope you like it ;)
      So happy you are here ;) May Angels of peace and light be with you each moment ;)
      I will be back in just a few hours with my new video named “Light” the beautiful of light and peace in nature ;) I will be posting about my Vegan sweet potato chocolate chip muffins soon :)
      Blessings and peace, Tim & Reno and Bella
      P.S. see my on insta too

  • @candice7594
    @candice7594 5 років тому +1

    tfs, love the colors of Autumn, so beautiful, and the music, is awesome.

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Thank you Candice, Autumn is so amazing ;) I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, I will be back tonight:) ;) at our regular time, 10pm MST ;) with the second video from my trip to and hike from Crested Butte Colorado to Aspen, this was a 12 mile hike across the Rocky Mountains, I posted a new photo of Reno on our community page, he is modeling his new Fall fashions ;) I hope you like it ;)
      I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno
      Please come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)
      The next stop on my nature filming schedule is The Big Sur, I am going to film there in two weeks.
      Also I will be posting on our community page how I make some amazing Hot chocolate, that is health and good :)

  • @isigarre4846
    @isigarre4846 5 років тому +4

    Oooohhh, que hermoso, Tim, Reno y Bella, sin palabras, cuando termine de verlo, os cuento,
    Genial, Yippe,,, saludos y enhorabuena, por este reportaje, wuaoiiiii,,, feliz noche 🙏🌠🌠🌠🐈🐕🦋🍁🌐😇

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Hola Isa, tan feliz que te guste, me divertí mucho en mi caminata, estoy feliz de que puedas ver lo que vi, buenos días :) Espero que disfrutes las fotos que tomé en mi caminata en mi nuevo video " Crested Butte a Aspen que acabo de publicar :) :) Estoy haciendo un video más de mi caminata, mi próxima caminata es en dos semanas en el Big Sur, si tienen ideas para lugares, háganos saber a Reno y yo;) May Angles velar por cada momento;) Voy a publicar mi chocolate caliente especial en nuestro
      página de la comunidad pronto, es increíble y espero que intentes hacerlo también;)
      deseándoles paz y bendiciones, que tengan una gran semana :)
      Tim y Reno

    • @isigarre4846
      @isigarre4846 5 років тому +1

      Hola Tim, y yo de verlo, estan todos los colores de otoño, e incluso flores, 🍂🍁💮💮💮💮💮he visto por video. 🌈 Gracias de todo corazón. Es genial, Disfrutaré al verlo, hoy. YIPPE doble 🤗🍁☕☕, además con chocolate, que me encanta aaa, 🙏🍁🍁🍁🍂🍫☕🙋🐈🐕🦋🦋✨✨✨😋

    • @isigarre4846
      @isigarre4846 5 років тому

      Holaaa, Tim, te comenté anoche, tu noche, que te diría, que me parece el video. Ahy va mi, humilde opinion😊
      Gracias por compartir
      Tanta belleza, Feliz de haber visto, lo que tu has visto.
      Ahora me encuentro, en la melodia, que tanto me gusta: Canyon Winds, y en un pequeño camino 🗾
      La combinación de hojas, 🍁🍂🌿🌲
      son, no encuentro la palabra, pero el color amarillo, es tan hermoso, y esos valles de Aspen, están llenos, de luz, en prados y en árboles, junto a las hojas verdes y rojizas.🍂 Me ha encantado, lo comparti, está mañana en Facebook, con un escrito, y una foto tuya, que seleccione.
      Espero lo hayas visto.
      Aquí ya es hora de irme a dormir. Pero quiero verlo entero.
      Gracias a ti siempre, por mostrarnos tus hermosos vídeos, este muy especial, porque lo has disfrutado, y vaya caminata, wow,,, 😳🥾🥾✌️🏆👍👏👏👏👏😊
      Mil gracias de todo corazón, mi estimado amigo, del mundo. 🌐 PAZ y Bendiciones 🙏
      Hasta dentro de unas horas, Tim, Reno y Bella 🎶🍂🎶🍂🎶🍂 ⭐⭐✨✨✨Isi 🌠🙏🌿🎶December morning, es tan hermosa 🍂🍁🎶🎹
      Gracias 🍁🍂🍃
      Una hermosa cabaña wow,, la de una de tus fotos, debe ser, junto al fuego. YIPPE, GENIAL, MIL GRACIAS Tim 🐱🗾🙏🍂🍃🍬🎃🍬🎶👒

    • @chantalrathgeb1433
      @chantalrathgeb1433 5 років тому


  • @theresatan9949
    @theresatan9949 5 років тому +2

    Tim wonderful music n beautiful scenery!

  • @blackwolf9893
    @blackwolf9893 5 років тому

    The ferns growing at 52;52 makes me so happy because it reminds me that the forest is growing back over anything manmade and is thriving! :] There's nothing as colorful and radiant as fall foliage! Each color symbolizes a feeling and Tim does such a great job of detailing that! :]

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Hi, that is so true :) Yippee, Blessings to you, Tim & Reno

  • @grannycasio
    @grannycasio 4 роки тому

    So colorful. Had to share with our daughter who lives up there. Thank you so much! Mountainous video and music is so majestic for soothing our spirits. God bless

  • @thisismy3352
    @thisismy3352 5 років тому +3

    👍Nice One 😍😍😍😍👍👍👍👍👍

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Thank you ;) I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, I will be back tonight:) ;) at our regular time, 10pm MST ;) with the second video from my trip to and hike from Crested Butte Colorado to Aspen, this was a 12 mile hike across the Rocky Mountains, I posted a new photo of Reno on our community page, he is modeling his new Fall fashions ;) I hope you like it ;)
      I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno
      Please come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)
      The next stop on my nature filming schedule is The Big Sur, I am going to film there in two weeks.
      Also I will be posting on our community page how I make some amazing Hot chocolate, that is health and good :)

  • @creatymanmar6075
    @creatymanmar6075 5 років тому +3

    C est un jour difficile pour moi, j essaie d avancer.. Je vais arriver avec cette musique, cette belle musique.. Elle me permet de partir, de me balader dans mon imaginaire.
    Désolée de vous déranger et de vous ennuyer, continuez ainsi vous permettez à des personnes comme moi de s accrocher et d avancer.
    Mon prochain cours, j écouterai avec mon groupe cette musique pour partir dans la détente.
    Belle journée à vous.

  • @sua1955
    @sua1955 5 років тому

    Thank you Tim for this beautiful music. It's heavenly. this is my first time listening, the music is taking my spirit soaring with God over nature. Thank you and God bless you!

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Hi Ntsuab, so happy you like this music :) May God bless you too ;) , did you see Reno’s new photo on our community tab?
      I will be sharing with you my Hot chocolate recipe soon, you will love it and it is very healthy ;)
      I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno Please
      come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)
      The next stop on my nature filming schedule is The Big Sur, I am going to film there in two weeks. Also I will be posting on our community page how I make some amazing Hot chocolate, that is health and good :)

  • @rosildateodorodebarros3464
    @rosildateodorodebarros3464 4 роки тому +1

    Linda musica ❤❤💖💖

  • @Frostblitz96
    @Frostblitz96 5 років тому +2

    This puts my mind at ease

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +1

      Hi Jason, Thank you ;) Thank you for coming by to see Reno and I, I am posting my last video of the week tonight at
      10pm , in just a few hours, please come say hello :)
      I will be sharing with you my Hot chocolate recipe soon, you will love it and it is very healthy ;)
      I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno Please
      come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)
      The next stop on my nature filming schedule is The Big Sur, I am going to film there in two weeks. Also I will be posting on our community page how I make some amazing Hot chocolate, that is health and good :)

  • @melissazwieg2988
    @melissazwieg2988 5 років тому +2

    Glorious✨✨✨ The colors of the mountain are spectacular!!!!! Thank you for sharing this beautiful journey with everyone🌄🌅🌲 Love bless you Tim Janis/Reno/Bella💙

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Hi Melissa, it was so amazing hiking there, my heart was so full of peace ;) Yippeee ;) I hope you enjoy the photos I took on my hike in my new video “Crested Butte to Aspen I just posted :) :) I am making one more video from my hike, My next hike is in two weeks at the Big Sur, if you have ideas for places let Reno and I know ;) May Angles watch over you each moment ;) I will post my special Hot chocolate on our
      community page soon, it is amazing and I hope you try to make it too ;)
      wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno

  • @cocommander2
    @cocommander2 5 років тому

    Been to Aspen twice, pictures give me great memories of the place. My last trip was at the beginning of October. The music makes them even better. Thanks, Tim!

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      HI Keenan, wow you have to do the hike crested butte to Aspen :) It is amazing ;) that is when I took all these photo's a few weeks ago ;) Have an amazing weekend, I pray angels of peace and light are with you each moment. I just posted a new photo of Bella on our community page - Please help me spread the news about my NEW movie Buttons ;) I directed it and wrote the music and it stars Dick Van Dyke and Angela Lansbury :) It is a beautiful uplifting amazing show :) please go to my UA-cam Home Page and click on the “Community” page. On that page is a link to order my movie :) Yippeee ;)
      and please tell all your friends. :) so it goes to #1 :) :) This is a world wide release through Paramount Pictures ;)
      That would be amazing ;) I am so grateful for your help :) If you already ordered please let me know :) Thank you :) Reno and Bella are dancing ;)
      Blessings & Peace
      Tim & Reno
      P.S. I will be at Carnegie Hall on December 5th 2019

  • @martinavazques7614
    @martinavazques7614 5 років тому

    Hermoso!! Gracias me motivas conocer esoos lugares ❤un bonito dia y bendiciones y los angeles los cuiden en su camino saludos a reno y ati.

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Gracias Martina por tu gran mensaje :) Rezo para que tu semana sea increíble;) Que los ángeles estén contigo en cada momento, volveré esta noche :);) a nuestra hora habitual, 10 p.m. MST;) con el segundo video de mi viaje y caminar desde Crested Butte Colorado a Aspen, esta fue una caminata de 12 millas a través de las Montañas Rocosas, publiqué una nueva foto de Reno en nuestra página de la comunidad, está modelando sus nuevas modas de otoño;) Espero que les guste;) Estoy muy feliz de que estés aquí, deseándote paz y bendiciones. Que tengas una gran semana :)
      Tim y Reno por favor
      ven a verme al Carnegie Hall el 5 de diciembre :)
      La siguiente parada en mi calendario de filmación de la naturaleza es The Big Sur, voy a filmar allí en dos semanas. También publicaré en nuestra página de la comunidad cómo hago un chocolate caliente increíble, que es saludable y bueno :)

  • @danielatopircean395
    @danielatopircean395 5 років тому +1

    Hello dear Tim, Reno and Bella! :) Thank you from the heart for these magnificent images of the most beautiful season of the year! Magnificent images of Mountains, amazing beauties of Mother Earth in the company of your Divine music!
    I wish you a lovely evening, may Angels be wih you !

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +1

      Thank you Daniela, Yippee, I am posting another video from my hike tonight ;) Yippee ;) I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, I will be back tonight:) ;) at our regular time, 10pm MST ;) with the second video from my trip to and hike from Crested Butte Colorado to Aspen, this was a 12 mile hike across the Rocky Mountains, I posted a new photo of Reno on our community page, he is modeling his new Fall fashions ;) I hope you like it ;)
      I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno
      Please come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)
      The next stop on my nature filming schedule is The Big Sur, I am going to film there in two weeks.
      Also I will be posting on our community page how I make some amazing Hot chocolate, that is health and good :)

  • @Sunny-iq6hm
    @Sunny-iq6hm 5 років тому +6

    I just love "come home to me". The splendor of Colorado Aspens is unparalleled. Just lovely 😊. Thank you!

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +1

      Hi Mary, Thank you, it was the perfect time when I went, still like summer but beautiful trees :) I got a sun burn on my hike ;) eeeks ;) I hope you enjoy the photos I took on my hike in my new video “Crested Butte to Aspen I just posted :) :) I am making one more video from my hike, My next hike is in two weeks at the Big Sur, if you have ideas for places let Reno and I know ;) May Angles watch over you each moment ;) I will post my special Hot chocolate on our
      community page soon, it is amazing and I hope you try to make it too ;)
      wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno

    • @Sunny-iq6hm
      @Sunny-iq6hm 5 років тому

      I'm delighted to hear you had a good time! Looking forward to your next video 😊. There are so many beautiful places in this great land of ours, it's hard to choose a favorite place! Mine is my neighborhood park just three doors down!!!! It's my Zen place 😊. It will be hot chocolate time soon, so can't wait to try your special concoction!! Enjoy your next hike, and may God bless and keep you as you bring joy into our homes.

  • @augustaneumann42
    @augustaneumann42 5 років тому +2

    A marvllous musisc to be listened to. Thanks and blessing to you, Tim Janis

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +1

      Thank you Augusta ;) Thank you for coming by to see Reno and I, I am posting my last video of the week tonight at
      10pm , in just a few hours, please come say hello :)
      I will be sharing with you my Hot chocolate recipe soon, you will love it and it is very healthy ;)
      I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno Please
      come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)
      The next stop on my nature filming schedule is The Big Sur, I am going to film there in two weeks. Also I will be posting on our community page how I make some amazing Hot chocolate, that is health and good :)

  • @mairimacinnes9934
    @mairimacinnes9934 5 років тому +1

    Good morning from Scotland 🙋🏻‍♀️thank you fir sharing l played this beautiful relaxing music in the background as l did my morning devotions 🌷🌸🌻

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Hi Mairi, hello to you in Scottland, I want to go hiking there, where in Scottland would be a good place? I pray your week is amazing ;) That angels are with you each moment, I will be back tonight:) ;) at our regular time, 10pm MST ;) with the second video from my trip to and hike from Crested Butte Colorado to Aspen, this was a 12 mile hike across the Rocky Mountains, I posted a new photo of Reno on our community page, he is modeling his new Fall fashions ;) I hope you like it ;)
      I am so happy you are here, wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno
      Please come see me at Carnegie Hall on December 5th :)
      The next stop on my nature filming schedule is The Big Sur, I am going to film there in two weeks.
      Also I will be posting on our community page how I make some amazing Hot chocolate, that is health and good :)

    • @mairimacinnes9934
      @mairimacinnes9934 5 років тому

      @@timjanis Hi Tim there are many places for hiking ln Scotland ,very popular are the Grampians also the Western Isles particularly Isle of Skye, with mountainous ranges and breathtaking scenery🌷🌸🌻

  • @marildaoliveira7665
    @marildaoliveira7665 5 років тому +8

    Essas músicas de relaxamento estrumental e maravilhosa todos deveriam escutar

    • @HelenGPitts
      @HelenGPitts 5 років тому

      Previous month I managed to gather my first five figure check ever!!! I've been working for this company on the internet for two years now and I never been happier... They are paying me $95 per hour, and the most important thing about that is the fact I am not that tech-savvy, they only required standard knowledge of internet and key typing skill...Awesome thing about this work is that I have more time for my loved ones. I am able to commit quality time with my relatives and buddies and look after my children and also going on vacation together with them very frequently. Don't miss this chance and make sure to act quickly. This is what I do... *discuss84­.­c­o­m*

  • @mariagoretti9179
    @mariagoretti9179 5 років тому

    Hi, Tim..I love this soft meditation music video thank for sharing and God bless you always be happy and healthy keep smiling. Happy Sunday..

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +1

      Hi Maria, May God bless you too ;) I pray you are having an Amazing weekend, I just posted a new photo on our community page :)
      I hope you like it ;)
      So happy you are here ;) May Angels of peace and light be with you each moment ;)
      I will be back in just a few hours with my new video named “Light” the beautiful of light and peace in nature ;) I will be posting about my Vegan sweet potato chocolate chip muffins soon :)
      Blessings and peace, Tim & Reno and Bella
      P.S. see my on insta too

  • @ianmacwatt2130
    @ianmacwatt2130 5 років тому

    I love the piano reprise at the end of your musical trek to Aspen - a gentle contemplative echo of the soaring orchestral melody preceding it.

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +1

      THank you Ian :)
      I am so happy you are here ;)
      I am so happy, you can get your copy of Buttons now :)
      Please join me on our community page to learn more about buttons and get you copy :)
      This would really really really help, Reno, and Bella and me :)
      Thank you

  • @judyo.3032
    @judyo.3032 5 років тому +3

    🙋🏻‍♀️ Crested Butt to Aspen 👏🏼👍. Oh my Tim, such beauty of nature! I am humbled by this beauty of creation and music. 😔😢 And the Fall colors are beyond description! Your 12 mile hike each way may have been a little rough on you, but your possible struggle during your hike has become your fans ‘blessing!’ Thank you so much for exerting yourself that we might view this gorgeous scenery! And the music is very beautiful as well. 👏🏼👏🏼👌🏼🙏🏼🤝🍀🍁🧡💛🍂🍃-Jo😃

  • @jimbolt5170
    @jimbolt5170 5 років тому

    Well done! The photos themselves are outstanding and, when combined with the music, both forms of art become a harmonious whole.

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Thank you Jim :) Have an amazing weekend, I pray angels of peace and light are with you each moment. Please help me spread the news about my NEW movie Buttons ;) I directed it and wrote the music and it stars Dick Van Dyke and Angela Lansbury :) It is a beautiful uplifting amazing show :) please go to my UA-cam Home Page and click on the “Community” page. On that page is a link to order my movie :) Yippeee ;)
      and please tell all your friends. :) so it goes to #1 :) :) This is a world wide release through Paramount Pictures ;)
      That would be amazing ;) I am so grateful for your help :) If you already ordered please let me know :) Thank you :) Reno and Bella are dancing ;)
      Blessings & Peace
      Tim & Reno
      P.S. Bella has a Hallloween custome to show you soon :)

  • @twinkleeyesangel7463
    @twinkleeyesangel7463 5 років тому +3


    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому

      Thank you Angel ;) I hope you enjoy the photos I took on my hike in my new video “Crested Butte to Aspen I just posted :) :) I am making one more video from my hike, My next hike is in two weeks at the Big Sur, if you have ideas for places let Reno and I know ;) May Angles watch over you each moment ;) I will post my special Hot chocolate on our
      community page soon, it is amazing and I hope you try to make it too ;)
      wishing you peace and blessings, Have a great week :)
      Tim & Reno

  • @sidcotinharibeiroribeiro1993
    @sidcotinharibeiroribeiro1993 5 років тому +3

    Boa noite Tim Janis lindas encantadoras como sempre

    • @timjanis
      @timjanis  5 років тому +1

      Boa noite Sidcotinharibeiro :) Obrigado por dizer Olá :) :) Espero que gostem das fotos que tirei na minha caminhada em meu novo vídeo “Crested Butte para Aspen Acabei de publicar :) :) Eu estou fazendo mais um vídeo da minha caminhada a minha próxima caminhada é em duas semanas no Big Sur, se você tem idéias para lugares deixar Reno e eu sei) pode Angles cuidar de você a cada momento;) vou postar meu chocolate quente especial em nosso
      página da comunidade em breve, é incrível e espero que você tente fazê-lo também;)
      desejando-lhe paz e bênçãos, tenha uma ótima semana :)
      Tim & Reno