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  • @ChateauLonLon
    @ChateauLonLon 3 роки тому +2

    I'd actually love to see your take on Taoism or some other Eastern philosophies, as although I always thought the Yin Yang was a dualistic model it actually seems like it may be monistic.

  • @IRapOnTypeBeats
    @IRapOnTypeBeats 4 роки тому +4

    My acid experience was duality. I was living through heaven and through hell. I was Both Demon and Angel. I was wrong for everything I thought about. I was showed no mercy. They were telling me I had no right to play victim. They were treating me like I was the devil himself. Then I thought about it so much I convinced myself I was the devil.

  • @Infernos01
    @Infernos01 6 років тому +3

    Nice quick explanation.

  • @TraderZer0
    @TraderZer0 5 років тому +2

    plato wasn't the first to discuss dualism it was the eastern religions

    • @60SPH
      @60SPH  5 років тому +5

      I didn't say first, though.

    • @MiguelRodriguez-dk2ds
      @MiguelRodriguez-dk2ds 2 роки тому +1

      @@60SPH Duality is having a little bit of both,not just one.

  • @nandhigaramani5451
    @nandhigaramani5451 6 років тому +2

    Wasn't Plato a monoist since he believed in only one substance i.e. ideas?

    • @angelinawolfe9226
      @angelinawolfe9226 5 років тому +1

      I do not know but he may have held ideas from different philosophies like Dualism.

  • @KuncolMusic
    @KuncolMusic 4 роки тому

    I got set of horns:D

  • @juliaz9843
    @juliaz9843 3 роки тому

    I don’t think dualism is biblical especially if seen good and evil to be equal

  • @hbkandhhh85
    @hbkandhhh85 8 років тому +1

    can you give me a break down

    • @michaelmcclure3383
      @michaelmcclure3383 7 років тому +1

      gabe steve basically a subject/object relationship between an individual self within and a material world without.
      Personally i think its an ultimately flawed idea, but that's beside the point.

  • @godisjust591
    @godisjust591 4 роки тому

    *Prophet Mohammed (S) Debate with Dualists [Sanaviyas]*
    Prophet Muhammad (S) then turned towards the Sanaviyas [Dualists, believers of two Gods], who believe that light [or goodness] and darkness [or evil] control the matters of this Universe.
    The Prophet (S) said: “Tell me what has forced you to claim that light and darkness control this Universe.”
    The Dualists replied: ‘We have observed two discrete characteristics in this Universe, goodness and evil and we found out that these two are completely opposite of one another. So we could not accept that the one who does a good thing can also perform what is its opposite. Hence, we considered the performer of each one of these characteristics as a separate being. Can you not see that it is impossible for ice to be hot and fire to be cold? So we suggested two creators, the first one is light and the second one, darkness.’
    The Prophet (S) said: “Have you not observed blackness, whiteness, redness, yellowness and greenness and isn’t each one of them opposite of the others? And that, just like how coldness and hotness cannot be together in one place, these colors can’t be gathered in one place?” [meaning that these colors cannot be one other at the same time, e.g. green cannot be blue at the same time]
    The Dualists replied: ‘Yes.’
    The Prophet (S) said: “So, just like you have suggested one creator for every separate characteristic, can the creators of each one of these colors be considered separate?”
    Everyone was silent when they heard this argument from Prophet Muhammad (S).
    The Prophet (S) continued: “Now tell me, you say that light and darkness decide the affairs of this Universe together. How can light and darkness mix when it is the nature of lightness to ascend and the nature of darkness to descend? Can you not see that when a person walks towards east and another person walks towards west, is it possible for them to meet?”
    The Dualists replied: ‘No, it is impossible.’
    The Prophet (S) said: “Thus it is proved that light and darkness cannot be combined because each one of them moves in opposition to the other. When they cannot be combined together, they cannot be makers of Universe. So how do you think that the Universe is created by the combination of these two when combination of these elements is impossible? These two [light and darkness] are in fact the creatures of one God who intelligently prevails over them and wisely controls them.”
    The Dualists replied: ‘Let us think about our views.’
    For debates of Prophet Muhammad (S) with scholars and representatives of five different religions click below

    • @Adhil_parammel
      @Adhil_parammel 4 роки тому +2

      There for prophit believed in flat earth.otherways walking to East and West can meet.there for he doesn't travelled to seventh sky.allah is a lie,islam is a Scam. Prophit is a con man.

    • @godisjust591
      @godisjust591 4 роки тому

      @@Adhil_parammel Where did you pull that from?
      Was it from your .....?
      Today, the laws governing the celestial systems are well known. Galaxies are balanced by the position of stars and planets in well-defined orbits, as well as the interplay of gravitational forces produced by their masses and the speed of their movements. But is this not what the Qur’an describes in terms which have only become comprehensible in modern times.
      In chapter al-Ambiyaa we find:
      “(God is) the one who created the night, the day, the sun and the moon. Each one is traveling in an orbit with its own motion.” Qur’an,21:33The Arabic word which expresses this movement is the verb yasbahoon which implies the idea of motion produced by a moving body, whether it is the movement of one’s legs running on the ground, or the action of swimming in water. In the case of a celestial body, one is forced to translate it, according to its original meaning,
      as ‘to travel with its own motion.’
      The Day and Night
      The Qur’anic description of the sequence of day and night would, in itself, be rather commonplace were it not for the fact that it is expressed in terms that are today highly appropriate. The Qur’an uses the verb kawwara in chapter az-Zumar to describe the way the night ‘winds’ or ‘coils’ itself around the day and the day around the night.
      “He coils the night upon the day and the day upon the night.” Qur’an, 39:5
      The original meaning of the verb kis to coil a turban around the head. This is a totally valid comparison; yet at the time the Qur’an was revealed, the astronomical data necessary to make this comparison were unknown. It is not until man landed on the moon and observed the earth spinning on its axis, that the dark half of the globe appeared to wind itself around the light and the light half appeared to wind itself around the dark.
      The Solar Apex
      The notion of a settled place for the sun
      is vividly described in chapter Yaa Seen of the Qur’an:
      "The sun runs its coarse to a settled place That is the decree of the Almighty, the All Knowing.” Qur’an, 36:38
      “Settled place” is the translation of the word mustaqarr which indicates an exact appointed place and time. Modern astronomy confirms that the solar system is indeed moving in space at a rate of 12 miles per second towards a point situated in the constellation of Hercules ( alpha lyrae )
      whose exact location has been precisely calculated. Astronomers have even give it a name, the solar apex.

    • @godisjust591
      @godisjust591 4 роки тому

      @@Adhil_parammel THE HELIO-CENTRIC SYSTEM
      He created the heavens and the Earth with truth. He wraps the night around the day and wraps the day around the night, and has made the Sun and Moon subservient, each one running for a specified term. Is He not indeed the Almighty, the Endlessly Forgiving? ( Surat az-Zumar, 5)
      In the above verse the movement of the Earth is described by the word “yukawwiru,” which comes from root verb “takwir,” meaning “to cover up a spherical body,” in the way that the rotation of the Earth gives rise to night and day, like the winding of a turban. In addition to the spherical shape of the Earth the word is also the most accurate expression of its movement around the Sun. Because of the Earth’s spherical shape and its movement around the Sun, the Sun always illuminates one side of the Earth while the other is in darkness. The side in shadow is shrouded by the darkness of night, to be replaced by the brightness of day when the Sun rises. The positions of the Sun and Earth are revealed as follows in Surah Ya Sin:
      And the Sun runs to its resting place. That is the decree of the Almighty, the All-Knowing. And We have decreed set phases for the Moon, until it ends up looking like an old palm spathe. It is not for the Sun to overtake the Moon nor for the night to outstrip the day; each one is swimming in a sphere. (Surah Ya Sin, 38-40)
      The movements of the Sun and Moon in verse 40 of Surah Ya Sin are described by the Arabic word "yasbahoona," meaning “flowing, passing or swimming.” This word refers to an action performed by someone on their own. Someone acting according to this verb continues to perform it alone, with no intervention from anyone else. The above verses may therefore be referring to the Sun’s independent movement in the universe, independent of any other celestial body. (Allah knows the truth.) It is impossible for us to see or follow the movement of the Sun with our own eyes. It is only possible to determine that movement using special technological equipment. As stated in verse 39 of Surah Ya Sin, in addition to rotating around its own axis once every 26 days, the Sun also moves through its own course.
      The verse also reports that the Sun is not allowed to “overtake the Moon,” and the Qur’an thus states that the Sun and Moon do not revolve around the same body, as astronomers put it. At the same time, the verse makes it clear that there is no connection between the motion responsible for night and day and the movement of the Sun and Moon. (Allah knows the truth.)
      Until the 16th century it was thought that the Earth was the center of the universe. This view is known as the “geo-centric model,” from the Greek words geo (Earth) and centron (center). This belief was questioned by the famous astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus in 1543 in his book De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium (Of the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres), in which he suggested that the Earth and the other planets revolve around the Sun. But as a result of observations using a telescope performed by Galileo Galilei in 1610, it was scientifically established that the Earth revolves around the Sun. Since it had hitherto been thought that the Sun revolved around the Earth, most scholars of the time rejected Copernicus’ theory. The famous astronomer Johannes Kepler's views setting out the movements of the planets confirmed the helio-centric model in the 16th and 17th centuries. In this model, whose name comes from the words Helios (Sun) and centron (center), the Sun is the center of the universe, rather than the Earth. Other heavenly bodies also revolve around the Sun. Yet this was all revealed 1400 years ago in the Qur’an.
      By saying that the Earth was the center of the universe, the ancient Greek astronomer Ptolemy was responsible for the geo-centric idea of the universe that prevailed for hundreds of years. For that reason, at the time of the revelation of the Qur’an, nobody knew that the Earth-centered model that accounted for the formation of day and night in terms of the movement of the Sun was incorrect. On the contrary, all the stars and planets were regarded as revolving around the Earth. Despite these prevalent errors of the time, the Qur’an contains many expressions that agree with the scientific facts regarding day and night:
      By the Sun and its morning brightness, and the moon when it follows it, and the day when it displays it, and the night when it conceals it (Surat ash-Shams, 1-4)
      As set out in the above verse, day, the brightness of the Sun, is the result of the movement of the Earth. It is not the movement of the Sun that is responsible for night and day. In other words, the Sun is immobile in terms of night and day. The information in the Qur’an refutes the thesis that the Earth is fixed while the Sun revolves around it. The Qur’an is clearly descended from the presence of our Lord, He Who is unfettered by space and time. As science and technology advance more and more examples of the compatibility between the Qur’an and science are coming to light. This is set out in another verse from the Qur’an:
      There is instruction in their stories for people of intelligence. This is not a narration which has been invented but confirmation of all that came before, a clarification of everything, and a guidance and a mercy for people who believe. (Surah Yusuf, 111)
      The above manuscript dating from the 1750s shows the geo-centric
      (Earth-centered) model of the universe. It took many years for
      this to be abandoned and replaced by the helio-centric model.
      The model above is the helio-centric (solar-centered) one that has
      been proved today, while the model on top is the geo-centric (Earth-centered)
      model that was thought to be true for many hundreds of years.

    • @Adhil_parammel
      @Adhil_parammel 4 роки тому +1

      @@godisjust591 everyone knows the reason for arbian language Quran now ,every explainer can white wash in every century with different meaning of arbic words.flat earth in Quran is enough to prove Quran is not from allah.you explained well with story.your story back bites you.are you blind?

    • @godisjust591
      @godisjust591 4 роки тому

      @@Adhil_parammel *"are you blind?"*
      In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
      "And the parable of those who disbelieve is as the parable of one who calls out to that which hears no more than a call and a cry; deaf, dumb (and) blind, so they do not understand. "
      The Quran 2:171
      Surely the vilest of animals, in God's sight, are the deaf, the dumb, who do not understand.
      The Quran Chapter 8, Verse 22
      When the Divine Laws are presented to them, they do not submit to these by ignoring their intellect, wisdom, rationale and reason. Also, they do not respond to them as if they were deaf and blind. 25. Al-Furqân : 73
      It is a matter of great surprise that these people do not seriously apply their minds to what the Quran says. Why have their hearts become so blocked that nothing reasonable gets into them? 47 : Muhammad:
      Do they not reflect upon the Quran? 4: An-Nisâ' 82

  • @oo7bond870
    @oo7bond870 3 роки тому

    Read Indian philosophy

  • @ryanhawkins0000
    @ryanhawkins0000 6 років тому +8

    This ain't it, chief.

  • @LapwingFR
    @LapwingFR 7 років тому

    what the fuck! dualists do not believe in God at all? are you sure?

  • @MiguelAngel-d7t
    @MiguelAngel-d7t 20 днів тому

    There is neither male or female

  • @oliwdz
    @oliwdz 4 роки тому
