Nonduality, realizing our true nature as Pure Awareness, is the single most important "thing" in the human kingdom. Nothing else can 'save us' from killing off our own species, and much of the world's life. Time to 'wake up', honor the inner calling for Truth.
@@saniyagamer-xd2oq किसी को मानने या न मानने वाली बात नही हैं, सनातन संस्कृति 6 प्रकार के दर्शन को मानती है, ये अद्वैत वेदांत की बात कर रहे हैं , आप सांख्य और द्वैत-अद्वैत दर्शन को पढ़िए, ये video समझ आ जाएगी
@@ashishjha9961 Uncle, there are other than six. read sarva darsan sangraha by madhabacharya. trika philosophy is not included in 6 darshan, its a hindu philosophy.
" Awareness cannot exist with duality, and mind cannot exist without duality. Awareness is non-dual, and mind is dual. If you go outwards you will move into the world of duality. If you go inwards you will move into the world of non-duality; you will become non-polar. Enlightenment is the realization of the non-dual. When there is I, it creates thou. When there is I it creates duality, and all is lost in duality. When there is no I, then there is non-duality. Then you are one with existence, utterly one. Then you are nothing but a pulsation of existence itself, just a ripple in the lake of this infinite consciousness. If you are divided in two, into man and woman, negative/ positive, darkness/light, mind/heart, thought/feeling - if you are divided in two, your energy will be going downward. Division is the way of the downward. When you are undivided, one, you start moving upward. To be one is to move upward, to be two is to move downward. Duality is the way to hell, non-duality is the way to heaven. These are the two planes of humanity: duality, the plane of duality, what Hindus call DWAITA, the plane of two; and non-duality, the plane of one, the plane of the non-dual. When you are divided you are in this world; when you are undivided, you have transcended - you are no longer here, you have penetrated into the Beyond. Then boundaries meet and the boundaries meet in you. So the whole effort is how to become undivided, how to become one. This has to be the criterion whether you have reached the goal or not. If there is still something as its polar opposite, you have not reached; you are still in the duality. One can move from one duality to another duality; it does not make any change. One has to move from duality to non-duality, because non-duality is the ultimate. The ultimate has no opposite to it. It is the final synthesis where all opposites have melted into one, when male and female have melted into one. REMEMBER, when we use the word ‘oneness’, that too is part of duality. If there is no duality how can there be oneness? That’s why Hindus never use ‘oneness’. If you ask Shankara, “What is the nature of existence?” he says, “Non-dual, ADVAITA, not two.” He will never say one, because how can you say one? If there is only one, how can you say one? One needs two to be meaningful. If there is no possibility of the second, of the two, then what is the use of saying that it is one? Shankara says, “At the most, I can say not two, but I cannot say positively one. I can say what the reality is not: it is not two. I cannot say what it is, because meaning, words, all become useless.” Enlightenment simply means you disappear, you become the whole. There is no question of separation or no separation. There is no question of oneness, because even the word `oneness’ hides behind it twoness. What do you mean when you say oneness? - you mean twoness. The mystics have avoided using the word `oneness’, but you cannot. In the very nature of intellectual understanding you can go a little roundabout - and that’s what people like Shankara have done. They talk about non-duality, no-twoness; they don’t talk about oneness. They want to indicate oneness, but they don’t want to use the word `oneness’ because oneness points towards twoness. Enlightenment means the point from where you take a jump into the non-dual. Before that point is duality. Everything is divided. Language creates duality, language exists through duality. It cannot indicate the non-dual. If I say ‘day’, immediately I create night. If I say ‘life’, immediately I create death. If I say ‘good’, immediately bad is created. If I say ‘no’, just by the side of the no, yes is existing. Language can exist only through the opposite. That’s why we see life as always divided - God and devil. Drop language, drop this linguistic pattern. Once language is no more on your mind and you look directly into reality, day IS night. Suddenly you will start laughing at why you missed it so long! Day, every day turns into night; night turns into day every morning again, and you have been missing. Life is always turning into death, death always turns again into life, and you have been missing. They are not two, they are one whole. This is the non-dual, ADWAITA. This is the most essential religion."
@@dingding4898 because this whole nature works on single universal principle. Ah leave it! Read some philosophy and try reading Upanishads and Bhagwat Gita so you would better understand all this 👍🙏
Namaste “Like the butter hidden in milk, the Pure Consciousness resides in every being. That ought to be constantly churned out by the churning rod of the mind.” Amrita Bindu Upanishad, Verse 20
Good video, although I wouldn't say the non-dual state is below language. It is more beyond language and the mind/language appears within that space but isn't above or below it
I think it makes sense if you think of a non-dual state as preceding language. Like, you know Lacan and the mirror stage? Lacan posited that, before we see ourselves in the mirror, we identify with everything, experiencing no understanding of separation between self and other and environment. However, when we see ourselves in the mirror, we understand that we're a separate entity. Furthermore, we develop an ideal self-image that separates us from the self that's pure id. Language, then, is symbolic, in that we use it to represent the self. Now, obviously, there are some problems with this theory. For starters, what about blind people? I also don't think it's possible to be separated from the unconscious self, because it's literally me. Although of course we can construct a self-image based on language... But while words can't tell anyone else who I am, my concept of self is based mostly in emotional experience. Anyway! I can't call myself Buddhist, because I don't think return to the unconscious is the goal. I mean, when you identify perfectly with the universe, including others, you have a very surface conception of them. That is, you have no capacity for understanding them as separate individuals with their own thoughts and feelings. I think we gave up one kind of unity so we could move toward another. Granted, I do think it's possible to revert to unconscious; really I think it's a spectrum we move along. But I think it's more of a spectrum we move back and forth along, with neither being the ultimate goal. Lol, this came to me while I was drunk: for me the boundary between self and other blurs more easily in that state, which feels good... But I wouldn't want to stay there forever.
@@Hakajin Here there was a non-dual experience,but then the mind ore the imagiairy self came and claimed the experience to it self .And that's the joke because the 'i' wasn't there .If one would abide all the time in this non-state ,he would never talk about it .
@@hermansohier7643 Hm... I was just discussing with a friend how... I define myself by things I can't really communicate, mostly emotional states. And I use the word "define" loosely, because I do think of the self as something fluid. It's something I can't even really put into words. I mean, I can get people to understand, on the basis that they have similar experience, but if someone had no basis for understanding, I couldn't communicate it to them. I think that's a lot of what language is: referencing things we have in common
The language of non-duality is what an infant without depth-perception possesses when it first views the universe, when it has no concept that what it is viewing will later be labeled "other," "not-self." The Taoists pretty much describe the experience accurately: "That which can't be named."
Namaste The upanishads declare that there is Only One. On effect of Maya, the individual consciousness (Jeeva Prajna) considers itself as separate from the divine consciousness ( Daiva Prajna) , much like the two birds of Mundakopnishad which though One appears as two. The acts that we do, the words that we speak much all take us back to the realisation of this Upanishadic truth.
The problem with the dominant western philosophy is take the language as absolute reality. Anyone who has meditated knows why the dominant Western tradition is wrong.
Namaste The upanishads declare that there is Only One. On effect of Maya, the individual consciousness (JeevaPrajna) considers itself as separate from the divine consciousness ( DaivaPrajna) , much like the two birds of Mundakopnishad which though One appears as two. Maya is expanded as “Ya Ma Iti Maya” meaning that that which is not is Maya. It refers to the fact that the universe is a projection of consciousness and an illusion. The acts that we do, the words that we speak must all take us back to the realisation of this Upanishadic truth. Thanks
Upanishads or Vedanta is the real gem of India which can save this world from consumption I hope more people will understand the non duality much better like you do brother 🙏🙏
Best Example of Dualism is Sankhya Philosophy of Sage Kapila!!! posits the idea that Creativity and Conciousness are two individual units that make up universe....!!! Creativity= Matter+Energies+Fields
@@Anshulhe Consciousness is real because only consciousness can have a conception of " real " while matter being unconscious does not have the ability to conceptualize anything. Your body through is not an illusion as we can use it as a instrument to serve us spiritually as well as materially.
I like how this is made with the thought in mind that while I physically 47, I do love things explained cartoon form, spirituality speaks to the kid in you.
*As a non dualist, Advaita is pinnacle of philosophy to us because of extensive literature to back it up with logic and experience based explanations and methods to realize the same.*
So non-dualism is the combination of dualism and monism essentially. That reality is dualistic, but exist as one inseparable and intertwined unity. Am I on the right track?
@jonweston6294 that's fair and I understand the concept, however I've been meditating for a while now and the biggest realisation was that there is a consciousness which is able to say "hey you're distracted, come back to your breath". So it's as if even in the mind there are two forms which interact. How does a mind notice when the mind is distracted then? So this plays more into how the universe is dualistic. Yes there is one consciousness, but even said consciousness is divided, even in the physiology of our brains being separated in left and right hemispheres. Everything points to the idea of dualism, even down to the atom being electrons and protons, up and down quarks etc.. I just haven't yet been given an explanation of non-dualism that actually makes enough sense to nudge my belief.
Now: You may be quite able to see through the distortions of conventional Christianity. You may have changed your ideas to such an extent that you can see little similarity between your current ones and those of the past. Now you may believe in the theories of Buddhism, for example, or of another Eastern philosophy. The differences between any of those systems of thought and Christianity may be so apparent that the similarities escape you. You may follow one of the schools of Buddhism in which great stress is laid upon the denial of the body, discipline of the flesh, and the avoidance of desire. These elements are quite characteristic of Christianity also, of course, but they may appear more palatable, exotic, or reasonable coming from a source foreign to your childhood education. So you may leap from one to the other, shouting emancipation and feeling yourself quite free of old limiting ideas, but hold the old ideas and simply put new terms to them. Philosophies that teach denial of the flesh must ultimately end up preaching a denial of the self and building a contempt for it, because even though the soul is couched in muscle and bone it is meant to experience that reality, not to refute it. All such dogmas use artificial guilt, and natural guilt is distorted to serve those ends. In whatever terms, the devotee is told that there is something wrong with earthly experience. You are, therefore, considered evil as a self in flesh by virtue of your very existence. This alone will cause adverse experience, making you reject the very basis of your own framework of experience." The Seth Material
All things are dual shiva shakti feminine masculine etc. The concept of an opposite or inverse exists in balance in all things (meaning everything is a duality) Even formlessness is within the set of form-fulness that makes up the universe
Very interesting, thank you. Oneness, the sense of connexion to everything, an awakening to being part of the whole, is for me an EXPERIENCE rather than a concept. Indeed, holding it as a concept would seperate us from its reality. It is a level of consciousness beyond the world of duality in which most people function.
Non-duality is just one side of the coin. Duality and non-duality exists simultaneously and that is real "non-duality". Practicaly we can experience it know, we are in one reality but still separated. And that is eternal fact. There is no merging into oneness. There is only devotion to God which is real unity in diversity.
@@antimaterialworld2717 Belief in an abstract dogma, however sincerely held, is no substitute for spiritual experience. Fortunately for all of us enlightenment is inevitable.
@@SpiritOfTheRainbow where did beliefe come into play? To clam that God is beliefe and that you self is real experience is based on your belief and your experience. Similiary like you can experience self beyond that is experience of self of the selves, who connects all partial selves toghether.
Duality is duality, monism is monism, meditation is the meditator and there is no description of non-duality. Any experience of non-duality is duality because there cannot be two; an experiencer and the other thing being experienced.
People like you are the ones who've got us into this ideological and spiritual cesspool, thinking some drug will suddenly open up your third eye or whatever BS when 90% of every philosophical or religious breakthrough you've ever heard of has been through extensive contemplation
Apenas pela razao se percebe a realidade real de seus constituintes cada um no tempo que lhe é próprio. Pelos sentidos vc ve,cheira,toca a unidade da realidade de suas partes como uma só no instante do ato chamado ilusao
Non-duality have become the new buzzword on internet and UA-cam. Everybody seems to want to talk about and explain the non-dual reality of our experiences. Does these people know what non-duality really means? The nature of true non-duality is such that there can only be one form of non-duality. In that sense it is the ultimate state. The ultimate reality that cannot be partial or experienced in stages. Non-duality is what remains as the only reality when all other descriptions of reality have been examined and found to be false. At that point even the slightest idea lingering in the mind about the concept of non-duality will also effectively prevent it from being experienced or realized. The idea of non-duality will thus become the toughest obstacle towards the realization of complete enlightenment. Only when notions of both duality and non-duality are abandoned can true realization of enlightenment be approached and accomplished. But Hindu practitioners doesn’t know anything about that since they still cling to an array of concepts concerning more refined types of self. Which utterly defeats any attempts to approach the pure awareness that goes beyond both duality and concepts of non-duality. Hindu practitioners does not accept the Buddhist version of Śūnyatā because they are blocked from abandoning the concepts of Athman or Brahma. For that reason they take much pleasure in talking loudly about non-duality as if it could be categorized into a philosophical view or a topic of particular interest. They do not understand that only through the completion of the abandonment of ALL views, including any form of refined types of self such as Athman or Brahman, can awareness begin to approach a state beyond both concepts of either duality or non-duality. Non-dual experience can only mean an experience that is utterly devoid of any object/subject notions. As long as there’s the slightest awareness of an I, me or existence a non-dual experience is still happening but is not experienced as such, even though we may think we’re having a non-dual experience. Non-duality can only be realized when all efforts and contrivances have been abandoned. It can only reveal itself when true and timeless awareness is present as the joining factor between experiencer and the which is experienced. In that state of awareness neither existence - non-existence, self - non-self, athman- anathman are longer relevant. When ultimate reality is revealed it is not seen as yet another view or newly acquired knowledge. It is called Ultimate because it is primordial. That means it is ever present, never absent, never partial, all accomplishing, beyond notions of duality and non-duality. It is never created yet nothing whatsoever appears outside of it. It defies any descriptions and can never be held or grasped. Enlightenment can only mean one thing, -remaining effortlessly in this awareness. It is free of all movements and the principles of karma are not applicable in the ultimate state of awareness. just as ultimate nature never moves the superfluous principles of cause and effect are transcended when the awareness of ultimate reality arises. For a Buddhist this is the only form of enlightenment worthy of its name!
But adi shankaracharya badly defeated all Buddhists in debate and debunked stupid atheist nastika philosophy of sunyata and re established Vedic philosophy.buddha was nothing but a crypto Vedic . nothingness or sunyata which has no self concept doesn't make any can cry hard but non duality is reality not sunyata because something can't come from nothing
@@Mr_mk_46466 I just want to clarify one thing; -neither the Buddha nor anyone following his teachings claim to “own” the nature of reality or the state of awakening. But the teachings of the Buddha have proven to be an effective way to discover what the true nature of reality is. Not just as a philosophical topic but as an actual accomplishment. The Buddha found a way to bring himself to complete liberation from all obscurations and thus attained the irreversible state of complete enlightenment. Not only did he do so for his own sake but he spent the last 45 years of his life teaching and guiding others the way. According to him both the natural ground, the methods and the result of liberation are universal principles that does not belong to any specific religion or tradition.
@@gk10101According to Buddhist thought we are always in the original state. Either we recognize it, or we don’t. The state always remains the same. We never move from one state to another. It’s only a matter of our understanding being temporarily obscured, or not.
You're too self centered or haven't bother to study Vedanta or Agama practically to make these types of statement, like do you know about the division of tattvas? Shuddha vidya tattva? Isvara tattva? Anything. Non dualism means ontologically the whole reality in one and what ever differences seen in waking and dreaming states are nothing but names and forms. There is so much to disvuss but still when for thousands of years of debate cannot come up with a conclusion how come you claim buddhism has better under standing? But still I wonder why particularly buddhist nowadays seems so frustrated with main stream Advaita?
Non dualism asserts that there is no distinction between 'subject' and 'object'. That they arise simultaneously - i.e. the apparent object that is seen is simply made out of seeing, rather than there being a subject who is the seer and an object which is seen - in other words, the seer, the seeing and the seen are one. This can of course be applied to all sensory experience - which is how we apprehend the so called world. the world is not distinct from our perception of it, so in that sense there is simply perceiving with no separate perceiver or something being perceived
Great video! It deserves way more views. The music doesn’t do it for me though. It feels like I’m in Donkey Kong country. Would like a piano to listen to.
@@jshdhdyjfjdjfhfyyene731 The witness isn't real or unreal. There are 3 states. 1.The waking state. 2. The dream state. 3. The deep sleep state. And there is a 4th state that is known as the true self or witnessing consciousness. The states are not real they are for teaching only. When the states are removed all that remains is the true self. The see'er of seeing can't be seen. The hearer of hearing can't be heard. The know-er of knowing can't be known. That which can't be known by the mind, But that by which the mind is known. Know this to be the witnessing consciousness or the true self. That witnessing consciousness that lights up the mind but the mind can not know. Nothing is ever created, And nothing is ever destroyed. Be as you are and know that everything is already fulfilled and complete.
@@maggotkirito3164 be still and see everything ariseing and passing away thoughts,feelings,sounds,clouds, cars people all is ariseing and passing away,the stillness is boundless,your innate peace and freedom is always there.
Nondualism is false. It’s not this OR that. It’s this AND that. The word nondualism is in itself negative. Not inclusive. It wrongly assuming existence is not expansive enough to include all possibilities. Of course there is duality. We see duality everywhere in our physical reality. “But not in the ultimate reality”, says the nondualist. And there enlies the irony. The nondualist wants to separate the “ultimate reality” from the every day reality that we experience in our waking lives. How can existence be nondual if we need to make these divisions. Nondualism falls into the trap of absolutes. Absolutes are rigid by their very nature. I’m not denying that the nondualists have experience transcendental states of consciousness from meditation, drugs, or other methods. What I’m saying is that the claims the nondualists make about this experience is false. Nondualists say things like there is no self or no “I”. This would imply that there is just the “ultimate awareness” behind everything, simply watching the process of life carry on. But this also means that your actions are simply mechanical. Determined. Just carrying on like a programmed robot. No choices to be made, no discipline, just humans randomly going about their lives. This is not the case. We do have will and we use our power of will everyday. We can have discipline and we can make choices to better our lives. So if “I” am this “ultimate awareness” of existence that is experiencing everything in the universe simultaneously. Then why can’t “I” experience the guy that just shot up heroin in Brooklyn. Why can’t I experience the guy getting mugged in Paris. I just picked two random experiences out of the billions that are currently happening as we speak. “I” am limited to experiencing this time space reality via my body. This is how I interface with reality. I am the one that is “driving” this body via my power of will. So while I get what the nondualists are trying to get at, they are oversimplifying things with a rigid absolute. As above, so below. We are not all merged in one universal awareness right now, and in my experience, we won’t be after we die either. Many eastern philosophies mention the astral planes and how our spirits will go there after death. If we all just merged into one awareness then what would be the point of all these wonderful and unique lives? Let’s just call this “ultimate awareness” that the nondualists speak of, The Eye. So the Eye is all there really is. And we are all The Eye. I am The Eye and I am utterly alone, witnessing the happenings of the universe. You are The Eye, and you are utterly alone as well. It’s just The Eye. And we all “see” from the viewpoint of The Eye. So where this gets problematic is if “I” am The Eye, then everyone else in the world is just fake, a figment of my imagination. Cuz I am the only thing that really exists. But the same has to be true for “you”! So that makes “me” fake and a figment of “your” imagination. Because you are The Eye, and you are the only thing that exists. This devalues all of human life. You are The Eye just watching these human programs play themselves out and turn to dust. Each human life means nothing to The Eye. The Eye just watches. For entertainment? I guess? What else is The Eye going to do! This goes against every single record of a near death, out of body, or astral experience. No one says I became “The Eye” and I was utterly alone, watching the human programs that I created. Everyone describes an experience of meeting other beings on the other side and feeling joy of being together again with these beings.
@jonesman I appreciate your reply and sharing your view on non dualism. I still have to disagree and I think non dualism is off on several things. Most classical non dualist teachers are determinists. They say that all you can do is just sit and watch, you cannot change anything. This is absolutely false and why India has been in poverty for so long. They simply accept it, because they have been taught that they cannot change it. So why try. The fact is, you shape your life every single day by your choices and your power of will. You can soar to the highest highs or fall to the lowest lows, the choice is always yours. There can be oneness and individuals within the oneness. Existence is vast enough to contain both. Clearly, we are not all one right now. I cannot experience what you are experiencing right now, and vice versa. And if oneness is the goal then why all of this? Why didn't God just stay as one being? Again, its not this OR that, its this AND that. Claim your mighty "I AM"! It is not something to try to get rid of, in fact it is impossible to. Embrace the fact that you are a sovereign and unique soul, and always will be. Love yourself and create the life that you wish to live.
@@ultravioletpisces3666 You are missing my point. "This OR that" is not inclusive. "This AND that" is inclusive. There can be ONE and there can also be many within the ONE. Non duality denies this. It says "no, there can only be the one". It is a very stubborn and rigid view. Reality is not stubborn. It is inclusive. Nonduality is a rigid and outdated philosophy that should be tossed imo
@@cruksi7001 The fact that you cant even have a normal conversation without putting the word YOU in parenthesis shows the stupidity of this way of thinking. "you" seem pretty certain of your assumptions. What makes "you" so certain lol. If you want to pretend that "you" don't exist then you are free to do so. It's a slave mindset but you are so free that you can even choose slavery. But no matter how hard you try, you can't run from responsibility. Only cowards run
@@cruksi7001 How are math and science based on non duality lol. Math and science are useful for our modern world but they haven't been able to answer the big questions about consciousness and life and they maybe will never be able to answer those types of questions. You are making far too many assumptions my good sir.
There are four realistic things in Buddhism. 1) triggered mind, 2) thinking mind, 3) Matter and 4) Nirvanas. 1+ 2) can be generalized into Mind. 3) Matter falls under the nature of solidity, temperature, liquidity, gas form and empty gaps. 4) Nirvana is considered as nothingness, (or) also know as seizure of consciousness from endless reincarnation. These 4 are called PaRaMatta, meaning existentially real. And the opposite is PaNyat, which mean 'Just-a-name'. PaNyat is explained quite similar to non-dualism's explanation, saying.. cat, dog, human, hand, leg, car, plane, chair are just a name and essentially they are the combination of something else. So if one just look at Buddhism based on 4 realities, it was never Monism and rather it is Dualism. And it does not discuss much about whether it is non-Dualism, or not. If you look at 4) Nirvanas, Buddhism main point is that both Matter and Mind are still the reason of suffering. Thus its final aim is to Nirvanas: i.e. towards the seizure of both. So I would say whether Dualism or Non-Dualism is of less important in Buddhism.
@@kyawswehan there’s a lot to take in I am going to re-read your reply several times to take it all in ! Thanks for the clarification . Happy new year !
@@shivendias9602 actually Moksa in Vedanta or hinduism is everythingness, that is only key difference in buddhism and vedanta otherwise rest of the practices and even ideas are same, only difference is buddhism considers nothingness as the ultimate reality while hinduism considers everythingness (infinity) , ultimately it doesn't matter if it is nothingness or everythingness either way as it is non dual it cannot be described as you need atleast two things to describe anything which is not the case in both.
Decartes wasn't the wisest of beings that have walked the planet haha.. Surely one of the most "overrated" though. "I think therefore I am". Foolishness. I Am, therefor I "can think", rather. The "ability", to use the intellect and the human mind, is due to "Consciousness". The "source" of "thought", and all other objects of perception, is Brahman/That/God/TheSelf
Jungian though was influenced by Indian philosophy not visa versa, he went to india and Even used indian terminology in his works if look through his work only later on it was
Here the oldest Dualists are referred to those belonging to other cultures. However the oldest Dualist philosophers where the followers of Jainism. It is distinct from Non-dualism as Jain philosophy clearly distinguishes between Jiva and Ajiva.
essential truth of non duality is that all is One ... enjoy your self discovery on your infinite journey with the great IAM ...
In non duality how can there be one when there has never even been two, the IAM is the illusion.❤
@@oktober.arianna The I AM is the creation of the ego
Nonduality, realizing our true nature as Pure Awareness, is the single most important "thing" in the human kingdom.
Nothing else can 'save us' from killing off our own species, and much of the world's life.
Time to 'wake up', honor the inner calling for Truth.
Thank you! Someone else who gets the big picture.
Any call for "Nonduality" simply _ignores_ the *true nature* that One is *_both_* "good" *_and_* "evil."
@@dicksilk Not necessarily any call.
Both good and evil, and yet neither. No such thing, ultimately.
@@JonasAnandaKristiansson Yes, "any." Only Love Reveals Unity; all else reflects duality.
हर- हर महादेव, nice explanation , wisdom like this are hidden in hinduism, it should reach to everyone , thanks for the effort
Advaita Vedanta 🙏
भाई ये लोग किस्को मानते हैं ये क्या बोल रहे हैं और ये नास्तिक है या आस्तिक है या फिर ये आदी शंकराचार्य ओर शिव को मानते हैं जवाब जरूर दे भाई
@@saniyagamer-xd2oq किसी को मानने या न मानने वाली बात नही हैं, सनातन संस्कृति 6 प्रकार के दर्शन को मानती है, ये अद्वैत वेदांत की बात कर रहे हैं , आप सांख्य और द्वैत-अद्वैत दर्शन को पढ़िए, ये video समझ आ जाएगी
@@ashishjha9961 ये अद्वैत वाद को मानते हैं तो आदि शंकराचार्य को भी मानते होंगे ?
@@ashishjha9961 Uncle, there are other than six. read sarva darsan sangraha by madhabacharya. trika philosophy is not included in 6 darshan, its a hindu philosophy.
Neatly avoiding, subject/object - maya, and self-inquiry which ends seeking.
Nonduality is not about physical reality's about perception beyond body mind and spirit ... it's awakening
No, it’s both. There is no separation. Reality is reality. You literally just made it a duality.
Nope. It’s all of the above. It literally can’t be non duality if you exclude anything from it.
*I am non-dualist and I loved the video.*
Very well done, meditation well described!
Thank you for that pearl or wisdom on Kashmir Shaivism. Suddenly 25 years of confusion scattered and vanished like the clouds ☁️ in your montage 🕉💐🙏
" Awareness cannot exist with duality, and mind cannot exist without duality. Awareness is non-dual, and mind is dual.
If you go outwards you will move into the world of duality. If you go inwards you will move into the world of non-duality; you will become non-polar.
Enlightenment is the realization of the non-dual.
When there is I, it creates thou. When there is I it creates duality, and all is lost in duality. When there is no I, then there is non-duality. Then you are one with existence, utterly one. Then you are nothing but a pulsation of existence itself, just a ripple in the lake of this infinite consciousness.
If you are divided in two, into man and woman, negative/ positive, darkness/light, mind/heart, thought/feeling - if you are divided in two, your energy will be going downward. Division is the way of the downward. When you are undivided, one, you start moving upward. To be one is to move upward, to be two is to move downward. Duality is the way to hell, non-duality is the way to heaven.
These are the two planes of humanity: duality, the plane of duality, what Hindus call DWAITA, the plane of two; and non-duality, the plane of one, the plane of the non-dual. When you are divided you are in this world; when you are undivided, you have transcended - you are no longer here, you have penetrated into the Beyond. Then boundaries meet and the boundaries meet in you. So the whole effort is how to become undivided, how to become one.
This has to be the criterion whether you have reached the goal or not. If there is still something as its polar opposite, you have not reached; you are still in the duality. One can move from one duality to another duality; it does not make any change. One has to move from duality to non-duality, because non-duality is the ultimate. The ultimate has no opposite to it. It is the final synthesis where all opposites have melted into one, when male and female have melted into one.
REMEMBER, when we use the word ‘oneness’, that too is part of duality. If there is no duality how can there be oneness? That’s why Hindus never use ‘oneness’. If you ask Shankara, “What is the nature of existence?” he says, “Non-dual, ADVAITA, not two.” He will never say one, because how can you say one? If there is only one, how can you say one? One needs two to be meaningful. If there is no possibility of the second, of the two, then what is the use of saying that it is one? Shankara says, “At the most, I can say not two, but I cannot say positively one. I can say what the reality is not: it is not two. I cannot say what it is, because meaning, words, all become useless.”
Enlightenment simply means you disappear, you become the whole. There is no question of separation or no separation. There is no question of oneness, because even the word `oneness’ hides behind it twoness. What do you mean when you say oneness? - you mean twoness. The mystics have avoided using the word `oneness’, but you cannot. In the very nature of intellectual understanding you can go a little roundabout - and that’s what people like Shankara have done. They talk about non-duality, no-twoness; they don’t talk about oneness. They want to indicate oneness, but they don’t want to use the word `oneness’ because oneness points towards twoness.
Enlightenment means the point from where you take a jump into the non-dual. Before that point is duality. Everything is divided.
Language creates duality, language exists through duality. It cannot indicate the non-dual. If I say ‘day’, immediately I create night. If I say ‘life’, immediately I create death. If I say ‘good’, immediately bad is created. If I say ‘no’, just by the side of the no, yes is existing. Language can exist only through the opposite. That’s why we see life as always divided - God and devil. Drop language, drop this linguistic pattern. Once language is no more on your mind and you look directly into reality, day IS night. Suddenly you will start laughing at why you missed it so long! Day, every day turns into night; night turns into day every morning again, and you have been missing. Life is always turning into death, death always turns again into life, and you have been missing. They are not two, they are one whole. This is the non-dual, ADWAITA. This is the most essential religion."
How are day and night not different?
Thanks 🙏🙏
@@dingding4898 because this whole nature works on single universal principle.
Ah leave it! Read some philosophy and try reading Upanishads and Bhagwat Gita so you would better understand all this 👍🙏
Your words are pure gem 🙏
I can't define how I am feeling after reading these wise words about Truth❤️🙏
Thank you. Well articulated in English. Very helpful. I like Derrida.
Wow what a great explanation in a simple way.
I love this saying: Nothing is as it seems, nor is it otherwise.
It's from the Lankavatara sutra.
“Like the butter hidden in milk, the Pure Consciousness resides in every being. That ought to be constantly churned out by the churning rod of the mind.”
Amrita Bindu Upanishad, Verse 20
Good video, although I wouldn't say the non-dual state is below language. It is more beyond language and the mind/language appears within that space but isn't above or below it
I think it makes sense if you think of a non-dual state as preceding language. Like, you know Lacan and the mirror stage? Lacan posited that, before we see ourselves in the mirror, we identify with everything, experiencing no understanding of separation between self and other and environment. However, when we see ourselves in the mirror, we understand that we're a separate entity. Furthermore, we develop an ideal self-image that separates us from the self that's pure id. Language, then, is symbolic, in that we use it to represent the self. Now, obviously, there are some problems with this theory. For starters, what about blind people? I also don't think it's possible to be separated from the unconscious self, because it's literally me. Although of course we can construct a self-image based on language... But while words can't tell anyone else who I am, my concept of self is based mostly in emotional experience. Anyway! I can't call myself Buddhist, because I don't think return to the unconscious is the goal. I mean, when you identify perfectly with the universe, including others, you have a very surface conception of them. That is, you have no capacity for understanding them as separate individuals with their own thoughts and feelings. I think we gave up one kind of unity so we could move toward another. Granted, I do think it's possible to revert to unconscious; really I think it's a spectrum we move along. But I think it's more of a spectrum we move back and forth along, with neither being the ultimate goal. Lol, this came to me while I was drunk: for me the boundary between self and other blurs more easily in that state, which feels good... But I wouldn't want to stay there forever.
I always understood that being below conciousness
@@Hakajin Here there was a non-dual experience,but then the mind ore the imagiairy self came and claimed the experience to it self .And that's the joke because the 'i' wasn't there .If one would abide all the time in this non-state ,he would never talk about it .
@@hermansohier7643 Hm... I was just discussing with a friend how... I define myself by things I can't really communicate, mostly emotional states. And I use the word "define" loosely, because I do think of the self as something fluid. It's something I can't even really put into words. I mean, I can get people to understand, on the basis that they have similar experience, but if someone had no basis for understanding, I couldn't communicate it to them. I think that's a lot of what language is: referencing things we have in common
The language of non-duality is what an infant without depth-perception possesses when it first views the universe, when it has no concept that what it is viewing will later be labeled "other," "not-self."
The Taoists pretty much describe the experience accurately: "That which can't be named."
The upanishads declare that there is Only One.
On effect of Maya, the individual consciousness (Jeeva Prajna) considers itself as separate from the divine consciousness ( Daiva Prajna) , much like the two birds of Mundakopnishad which though One appears as two.
The acts that we do, the words that we speak much all take us back to the realisation of this Upanishadic truth.
The problem with the dominant western philosophy is take the language as absolute reality.
Anyone who has meditated knows why the dominant Western tradition is wrong.
The score for this is amazing!
The upanishads declare that there is Only One.
On effect of Maya, the individual consciousness (JeevaPrajna) considers itself as separate from the divine consciousness ( DaivaPrajna) , much like the two birds of Mundakopnishad which though One appears as two.
Maya is expanded as “Ya Ma Iti Maya” meaning that that which is not is Maya. It refers to the fact that the universe is a projection of consciousness and an illusion.
The acts that we do, the words that we speak must all take us back to the realisation of this Upanishadic truth.
Upanishads or Vedanta is the real gem of India which can save this world from consumption
I hope more people will understand the non duality much better like you do brother 🙏🙏
Best Example of Dualism is Sankhya Philosophy of Sage Kapila!!! posits the idea that Creativity and Conciousness are two individual units that make up universe....!!! Creativity= Matter+Energies+Fields
Duality and non-duality are, in of themselves, a duality. AsteroxRising
only in concept.
And neither.
The material is of two natures ( body and mind ), while consciousness is of one nature ( awareness )
But material is illusion as it's not permanent, which is not permanent can't be real so we understand consciousness alone as real
@@Anshulhe Consciousness is real because only consciousness can have a conception of " real " while matter being unconscious does not have the ability to conceptualize anything. Your body through is not an illusion as we can use it as a instrument to serve us spiritually as well as materially.
The universe can't exist without an observer. Self-and-other are ONE - or more accurately, "Non-Dual."
Basically philosophy of Purusha & Prakriti in hinduism
I like how this is made with the thought in mind that while I physically 47, I do love things explained cartoon form, spirituality speaks to the kid in you.
Wonderful description. Thank you
Non-Duality isn’t a description & isn’t these words here either; but there’s really no-one… & only apparently someone
The explanations and visuals are fire
Descartes was idiot for claiming that animal are not sentient like humans
*As a non dualist, Advaita is pinnacle of philosophy to us because of extensive literature to back it up with logic and experience based explanations and methods to realize the same.*
Trika is also good
So non-dualism is the combination of dualism and monism essentially. That reality is dualistic, but exist as one inseparable and intertwined unity. Am I on the right track?
@jonweston6294 that's fair and I understand the concept, however I've been meditating for a while now and the biggest realisation was that there is a consciousness which is able to say "hey you're distracted, come back to your breath". So it's as if even in the mind there are two forms which interact. How does a mind notice when the mind is distracted then? So this plays more into how the universe is dualistic. Yes there is one consciousness, but even said consciousness is divided, even in the physiology of our brains being separated in left and right hemispheres. Everything points to the idea of dualism, even down to the atom being electrons and protons, up and down quarks etc..
I just haven't yet been given an explanation of non-dualism that actually makes enough sense to nudge my belief.
That thou art. I am the awareness that everything appears to 🙏
Now: You may be quite able to see through the distortions of conventional Christianity. You may have changed your ideas to such an extent that you can see little similarity between your current ones and those of the past. Now you may believe in the theories of Buddhism, for example, or of another Eastern philosophy. The differences between any of those systems of thought and Christianity may be so apparent that the similarities escape you. You may follow one of the schools of Buddhism in which great stress is laid upon the denial of the body, discipline of the flesh, and the avoidance of desire. These elements are quite characteristic of Christianity also, of course, but they may appear more palatable, exotic, or reasonable coming from a source foreign to your childhood education. So you may leap from one to the other, shouting emancipation and feeling yourself quite free of old limiting ideas, but hold the old ideas and simply put new terms to them. Philosophies that teach denial of the flesh must ultimately end up preaching a denial of the self and building a contempt for it, because even though the soul is couched in muscle and bone it is meant to experience that reality, not to refute it. All such dogmas use artificial guilt, and natural guilt is distorted to serve those ends. In whatever terms, the devotee is told that there is something wrong with earthly experience. You are, therefore, considered evil as a self in flesh by virtue of your very existence. This alone will cause adverse experience, making you reject the very basis of your own framework of experience."
The Seth Material
All things are dual shiva shakti feminine masculine etc. The concept of an opposite or inverse exists in balance in all things (meaning everything is a duality) Even formlessness is within the set of form-fulness that makes up the universe
Simply beautiful. V.R.VITTAL
It seems a great way to pretend truth does not exist and isolate oneself from reality. The ultimate cop out.
It isn't a "metaphysical concept". It is exactly not that. I mean that literally.
Liked the conclusion
Very interesting, thank you. Oneness, the sense of connexion to everything, an awakening to being part of the whole, is for me an EXPERIENCE rather than a concept. Indeed, holding it as a concept would seperate us from its reality. It is a level of consciousness beyond the world of duality in which most people function.
Non-duality is just one side of the coin. Duality and non-duality exists simultaneously and that is real "non-duality". Practicaly we can experience it know, we are in one reality but still separated. And that is eternal fact. There is no merging into oneness. There is only devotion to God which is real unity in diversity.
@@antimaterialworld2717 Belief in an abstract dogma, however sincerely held, is no substitute for spiritual experience. Fortunately for all of us enlightenment is inevitable.
@@SpiritOfTheRainbow where did beliefe come into play? To clam that God is beliefe and that you self is real experience is based on your belief and your experience. Similiary like you can experience self beyond that is experience of self of the selves, who connects all partial selves toghether.
@@antimaterialworld2717 I rest my case.
Then you should be a state of deep sleep forever.
Hmm not sure about this. In advaita Brahman is the ultimate reality and all is Brahman. This is why advaita is considered a non dual philosophy.
If he saw the world in ultimate reality today he would hide in a cave
@@scottkraft1062 the modern appearance of Brahmin is called Kaliyuga
This is not about sankara's advaita, this is about abhinav gupta's non dualistic trika philosophy.
Duality is duality, monism is monism, meditation is the meditator and there is no description of non-duality. Any experience of non-duality is duality because there cannot be two; an experiencer and the other thing being experienced.
Try some DMT and get back to me
J. Krishnamurti “The observer becomes the observed “.
People like you are the ones who've got us into this ideological and spiritual cesspool, thinking some drug will suddenly open up your third eye or whatever BS when 90% of every philosophical or religious breakthrough you've ever heard of has been through extensive contemplation
Everything is one means universe .... duality means individual...there is no individual in non duality god bless
What means free will exist right?
Apenas pela razao se percebe a realidade real de seus constituintes cada um no tempo que lhe é próprio. Pelos sentidos vc ve,cheira,toca a unidade da realidade de suas partes como uma só no instante do ato chamado ilusao
When one is in deep sleep, that is nonduality.
zzz I see
Nice video, thanks bro.
Excellent !
Non-duality have become the new buzzword on internet and UA-cam. Everybody seems to want to talk about and explain the non-dual reality of our experiences. Does these people know what non-duality really means? The nature of true non-duality is such that there can only be one form of non-duality. In that sense it is the ultimate state. The ultimate reality that cannot be partial or experienced in stages. Non-duality is what remains as the only reality when all other descriptions of reality have been examined and found to be false. At that point even the slightest idea lingering in the mind about the concept of non-duality will also effectively prevent it from being experienced or realized. The idea of non-duality will thus become the toughest obstacle towards the realization of complete enlightenment. Only when notions of both duality and non-duality are abandoned can true realization of enlightenment be approached and accomplished. But Hindu practitioners doesn’t know anything about that since they still cling to an array of concepts concerning more refined types of self. Which utterly defeats any attempts to approach the pure awareness that goes beyond both duality and concepts of non-duality. Hindu practitioners does not accept the Buddhist version of Śūnyatā because they are blocked from abandoning the concepts of Athman or Brahma. For that reason they take much pleasure in talking loudly about non-duality as if it could be categorized into a philosophical view or a topic of particular interest. They do not understand that only through the completion of the abandonment of ALL views, including any form of refined types of self such as Athman or Brahman, can awareness begin to approach a state beyond both concepts of either duality or non-duality.
Non-dual experience can only mean an experience that is utterly devoid of any object/subject notions. As long as there’s the slightest awareness of an I, me or existence a non-dual experience is still happening but is not experienced as such, even though we may think we’re having a non-dual experience. Non-duality can only be realized when all efforts and contrivances have been abandoned. It can only reveal itself when true and timeless awareness is present as the joining factor between experiencer and the which is experienced. In that state of awareness neither existence - non-existence, self - non-self, athman- anathman are longer relevant.
When ultimate reality is revealed it is not seen as yet another view or newly acquired knowledge. It is called Ultimate because it is primordial. That means it is ever present, never absent, never partial, all accomplishing, beyond notions of duality and non-duality. It is never created yet nothing whatsoever appears outside of it. It defies any descriptions and can never be held or grasped. Enlightenment can only mean one thing, -remaining effortlessly in this awareness. It is free of all movements and the principles of karma are not applicable in the ultimate state of awareness. just as ultimate nature never moves the superfluous principles of cause and effect are transcended when the awareness of ultimate reality arises.
For a Buddhist this is the only form of enlightenment worthy of its name!
But adi shankaracharya badly defeated all Buddhists in debate and debunked stupid atheist nastika philosophy of sunyata and re established Vedic philosophy.buddha was nothing but a crypto Vedic . nothingness or sunyata which has no self concept doesn't make any can cry hard but non duality is reality not sunyata because something can't come from nothing
@@Mr_mk_46466 I just want to clarify one thing; -neither the Buddha nor anyone following his teachings claim to “own” the nature of reality or the state of awakening. But the teachings of the Buddha have proven to be an effective way to discover what the true nature of reality is. Not just as a philosophical topic but as an actual accomplishment. The Buddha found a way to bring himself to complete liberation from all obscurations and thus attained the irreversible state of complete enlightenment. Not only did he do so for his own sake but he spent the last 45 years of his life teaching and guiding others the way. According to him both the natural ground, the methods and the result of liberation are universal principles that does not belong to any specific religion or tradition.
ah. so you're either part of the ultimate state which is stateless, or not. in other words, its a duality
@@gk10101According to Buddhist thought we are always in the original state. Either we recognize it, or we don’t. The state always remains the same. We never move from one state to another. It’s only a matter of our understanding being temporarily obscured, or not.
You're too self centered or haven't bother to study Vedanta or Agama practically to make these types of statement, like do you know about the division of tattvas? Shuddha vidya tattva? Isvara tattva? Anything. Non dualism means ontologically the whole reality in one and what ever differences seen in waking and dreaming states are nothing but names and forms. There is so much to disvuss but still when for thousands of years of debate cannot come up with a conclusion how come you claim buddhism has better under standing? But still I wonder why particularly buddhist nowadays seems so frustrated with main stream Advaita?
Non dualism asserts that there is no distinction between 'subject' and 'object'. That they arise simultaneously - i.e. the apparent object that is seen is simply made out of seeing, rather than there being a subject who is the seer and an object which is seen - in other words, the seer, the seeing and the seen are one. This can of course be applied to all sensory experience - which is how we apprehend the so called world. the world is not distinct from our perception of it, so in that sense there is simply perceiving with no separate perceiver or something being perceived
As an eyes have have 1...There is an oneness
Great video! It deserves way more views. The music doesn’t do it for me though. It feels like I’m in Donkey Kong country. Would like a piano to listen to.
I liked the music. Let's demand that he does this score Thursday and Friday and you get Tuesday and Wednesday. If not we demand child support!
यह वीडियो बनाने के लिए धन्यवाद
Nothing is real or No-Thing. There is no place or location for something to be real.
Then how is the witness real? (The witness to all that is non real)
@@jshdhdyjfjdjfhfyyene731 The witness isn't real or unreal. There are 3 states.
1.The waking state.
2. The dream state.
3. The deep sleep state.
And there is a 4th state that is known as the true self or witnessing consciousness.
The states are not real they are for teaching only.
When the states are removed all that remains is the true self.
The see'er of seeing can't be seen.
The hearer of hearing can't be heard.
The know-er of knowing can't be known.
That which can't be known by the mind, But that by which the mind is known.
Know this to be the witnessing consciousness or the true self.
That witnessing consciousness that lights up the mind but the mind can not know.
Nothing is ever created, And nothing is ever destroyed.
Be as you are and know that everything is already fulfilled and complete.
@@SidePocket008 how do i be the see'er, how do i be my true self please tell me _/\_
@@maggotkirito3164 be still and see everything ariseing and passing away thoughts,feelings,sounds,clouds, cars people all is ariseing and passing away,the stillness is boundless,your innate peace and freedom is always there.
At least this does the concepts justice
But the real question is: is it true?
The background music is disturbing
When you point there, you point here.
Shakti is universe supreme duality 99 percent empty and shiva is all nothing become one its nothing at all ...wisdom
I don’t think everything’s matter. I think everything is actually consciousness, imo, you got it backwards.
Nondualism is false. It’s not this OR that. It’s this AND that. The word nondualism is in itself negative. Not inclusive. It wrongly assuming existence is not expansive enough to include all possibilities. Of course there is duality. We see duality everywhere in our physical reality. “But not in the ultimate reality”, says the nondualist. And there enlies the irony. The nondualist wants to separate the “ultimate reality” from the every day reality that we experience in our waking lives. How can existence be nondual if we need to make these divisions. Nondualism falls into the trap of absolutes. Absolutes are rigid by their very nature. I’m not denying that the nondualists have experience transcendental states of consciousness from meditation, drugs, or other methods. What I’m saying is that the claims the nondualists make about this experience is false.
Nondualists say things like there is no self or no “I”. This would imply that there is just the “ultimate awareness” behind everything, simply watching the process of life carry on. But this also means that your actions are simply mechanical. Determined. Just carrying on like a programmed robot. No choices to be made, no discipline, just humans randomly going about their lives. This is not the case. We do have will and we use our power of will everyday. We can have discipline and we can make choices to better our lives.
So if “I” am this “ultimate awareness” of existence that is experiencing everything in the universe simultaneously. Then why can’t “I” experience the guy that just shot up heroin in Brooklyn. Why can’t I experience the guy getting mugged in Paris. I just picked two random experiences out of the billions that are currently happening as we speak. “I” am limited to experiencing this time space reality via my body. This is how I interface with reality. I am the one that is “driving” this body via my power of will.
So while I get what the nondualists are trying to get at, they are oversimplifying things with a rigid absolute. As above, so below. We are not all merged in one universal awareness right now, and in my experience, we won’t be after we die either. Many eastern philosophies mention the astral planes and how our spirits will go there after death. If we all just merged into one awareness then what would be the point of all these wonderful and unique lives?
Let’s just call this “ultimate awareness” that the nondualists speak of, The Eye. So the Eye is all there really is. And we are all The Eye. I am The Eye and I am utterly alone, witnessing the happenings of the universe. You are The Eye, and you are utterly alone as well. It’s just The Eye. And we all “see” from the viewpoint of The Eye. So where this gets problematic is if “I” am The Eye, then everyone else in the world is just fake, a figment of my imagination. Cuz I am the only thing that really exists. But the same has to be true for “you”! So that makes “me” fake and a figment of “your” imagination. Because you are The Eye, and you are the only thing that exists. This devalues all of human life. You are The Eye just watching these human programs play themselves out and turn to dust. Each human life means nothing to The Eye. The Eye just watches. For entertainment? I guess? What else is The Eye going to do! This goes against every single record of a near death, out of body, or astral experience. No one says I became “The Eye” and I was utterly alone, watching the human programs that I created. Everyone describes an experience of meeting other beings on the other side and feeling joy of being together again with these beings.
@jonesman I appreciate your reply and sharing your view on non dualism. I still have to disagree and I think non dualism is off on several things. Most classical non dualist teachers are determinists. They say that all you can do is just sit and watch, you cannot change anything. This is absolutely false and why India has been in poverty for so long. They simply accept it, because they have been taught that they cannot change it. So why try. The fact is, you shape your life every single day by your choices and your power of will. You can soar to the highest highs or fall to the lowest lows, the choice is always yours.
There can be oneness and individuals within the oneness. Existence is vast enough to contain both. Clearly, we are not all one right now. I cannot experience what you are experiencing right now, and vice versa. And if oneness is the goal then why all of this? Why didn't God just stay as one being? Again, its not this OR that, its this AND that. Claim your mighty "I AM"! It is not something to try to get rid of, in fact it is impossible to. Embrace the fact that you are a sovereign and unique soul, and always will be. Love yourself and create the life that you wish to live.
This AND that still implies 2 separate things.
@@ultravioletpisces3666 You are missing my point. "This OR that" is not inclusive. "This AND that" is inclusive. There can be ONE and there can also be many within the ONE. Non duality denies this. It says "no, there can only be the one". It is a very stubborn and rigid view. Reality is not stubborn. It is inclusive. Nonduality is a rigid and outdated philosophy that should be tossed imo
@@cruksi7001 The fact that you cant even have a normal conversation without putting the word YOU in parenthesis shows the stupidity of this way of thinking. "you" seem pretty certain of your assumptions. What makes "you" so certain lol. If you want to pretend that "you" don't exist then you are free to do so. It's a slave mindset but you are so free that you can even choose slavery. But no matter how hard you try, you can't run from responsibility. Only cowards run
@@cruksi7001 How are math and science based on non duality lol. Math and science are useful for our modern world but they haven't been able to answer the big questions about consciousness and life and they maybe will never be able to answer those types of questions.
You are making far too many assumptions my good sir.
Excellent! 😁
How to not " repeat cycles "
Are Buddhists non- dualists ?
There are four realistic things in Buddhism. 1) triggered mind, 2) thinking mind, 3) Matter and 4) Nirvanas.
1+ 2) can be generalized into Mind.
3) Matter falls under the nature of solidity, temperature, liquidity, gas form and empty gaps.
4) Nirvana is considered as nothingness, (or) also know as seizure of consciousness from endless reincarnation. These 4 are called PaRaMatta, meaning existentially real. And the opposite is PaNyat, which mean 'Just-a-name'. PaNyat is explained quite similar to non-dualism's explanation, saying.. cat, dog, human, hand, leg, car, plane, chair are just a name and essentially they are the combination of something else.
So if one just look at Buddhism based on 4 realities, it was never Monism and rather it is Dualism.
And it does not discuss much about whether it is non-Dualism, or not.
If you look at 4) Nirvanas, Buddhism main point is that both Matter and Mind are still the reason of suffering.
Thus its final aim is to Nirvanas: i.e. towards the seizure of both. So I would say whether Dualism or Non-Dualism is of less important in Buddhism.
@@kyawswehan there’s a lot to take in I am going to re-read your reply several times to take it all in ! Thanks for the clarification . Happy new year !
@@pardeepparkash398 yes they are,its realised that the self is an illusion,there is no thinker of thoughts
@@kyawswehan Good explanation, Buddhism Nirvana = Nothingness, Hinduism Moksha = Nothingness
@@shivendias9602 actually Moksa in Vedanta or hinduism is everythingness, that is only key difference in buddhism and vedanta otherwise rest of the practices and even ideas are same, only difference is buddhism considers nothingness as the ultimate reality while hinduism considers everythingness (infinity) , ultimately it doesn't matter if it is nothingness or everythingness either way as it is non dual it cannot be described as you need atleast two things to describe anything which is not the case in both.
I am that. I am.
Decartes wasn't the wisest of beings that have walked the planet haha.. Surely one of the most "overrated" though.
"I think therefore I am".
I Am, therefor I "can think", rather.
The "ability", to use the intellect and the human mind, is due to "Consciousness". The "source" of "thought", and all other objects of perception, is Brahman/That/God/TheSelf
Heard this concept in quantum computing - on off both
Now heard it 2 different ways
Give us more information about credit cardlism
All nondualists unite! find us on disboard under nondualism! Peace.
Quality and Quantity are Dualism isn’t that ???
Anima and animus? A lot of this seems almost like a later stage of jungian analysis
Jungian though was influenced by Indian philosophy not visa versa, he went to india and Even used indian terminology in his works if look through his work only later on it was
I split myself in two.
My, but aren't I the one.
We are the ONE.
@NeonBrainSwitch wow imma copy this comment into my notes .. who said that .. ur words perhaps?
@NeonBrainSwitch We are the one
We alone are one
Actually the one who controls all other one's is unaffected by all one's
Hare Aum
I don't understand.
Not to worry. It's a false teaching which makes no sense to people grounded in reality and living their best lives.
@@glennsimonsen8421reality is nonduality in lense of quantum realm but in real world it is hard to explain 😊
that background music is driving me insane
Not two.
I feel like all 3 are saying the same thing
They cancelled eh. And we just wanted to.
तत् त्वम् असि
✌🏽& ❤️
A non-dual comment is this is what it is.
Oldest dualists were the Jain
Here the oldest Dualists are referred to those belonging to other cultures. However the oldest Dualist philosophers where the followers of Jainism. It is distinct from Non-dualism as Jain philosophy clearly distinguishes between Jiva and Ajiva.
what is this shit. Non-Duality means just that - only one not more than one. we are all infinite awareness...mike drop
Its something that does not exist here.