Psalm 125 Chant

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2020
  • Psalm 125 Chant
    Those who trust in Yahweh are | like Mount Zion,
    Which cannot be moved, but ever- | lastingly abides.
    As the mountains sur- | round Jerusalem,
    So Yahweh sur- | rounds His people,
    From | this time forth, And | everlastingly.
    For the scepter of wickedness will not rest
    on the land al- | lotted to the righteous,
    Lest the righteous reach out their | hands to injustice.
    Do good, Yahweh, to | those who are good,
    Even to those who are | upright in their hearts.
    As for such as turn aside to their | crooked ways,
    Yahweh will lead them away with
    the troublemakers. | Peace be upon Israel
    Glory to the Father, | and to the Son,
    And to the | Holy Spirit,
    As it was in the beginning, is | now, and ever shall be,
    Age after | age. A-men.
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