Nanya dong bang, cara awal pakai karbon aktif gimana ya, apa karbon aktif harus di cuci bener bener bersih sampai cairan warna hitamnya hilang? Soalnya saya pakai karbon aktif cuma di cuci semprot air doang lalu langsung saya masukan ke box media filter tapi aquarium saya langsung kehitaman..
So I basically want to talk about water purifies in terms of water saving, energy saving and best products because I have a lot of experience with water purifiers in the past year as since we are discussing water and water saving , so the water which is our most important part should also be clean and clear So the questions are Are these worth it? Are all purifiers actually same? Do they really work or is their any difference bw technology? The thing about all water purifiers is that they are based on same technology but if we talk about something different upon my experience as i am middle east citizen who lives in UAE. I would suggest “Eureka Forbes UAE” in terms of their water purifiers which use RO and UV water purifying technology they are really great in terms of energy saving and taste, along with this they also offer other unique water solutions and products from domestic to industrial level, but I personally recommend Eureka Forbes Dubai for their customer service which is really fast, responsive. If you are here looking for a best water purifier or water processing technologies i.e. UV Sterilizers, Water Softeners, Fine Sediment, Water Filter etc they are using MURAL CRM for customer management and service scheduling, #waterfilter #waterfilters #aquaguard #eurekaforbes #bestwaterpurifiersindubai #DubaiWaterFilters #EurekaForbesDubai #DubaiROFilters #
kebanyakan pakai jenis pasir filter jadi ga sempurna proses penyaringannya. Padahal cukup kapas + pasir silika + kapas + manganese green sand... udh cukup kok
Watch @SAWBO Charcoal Water Filtration animation in English. The Charcoal Water Filtration animation explains the process of developing charcoal filtration systems using sand. It is a simple process that helps to remove many, but not all, pollutants in water that can otherwise cause health problems. Watch and download here:
Cerdas, Amanah
Ilmu yg bermanfaat
Gw pgn praktekin buat aquarium ush pke filter yg biasa dpke org2 yg punya aquarium..joss gandozzz!!
Pake waterpal pasir silika jernih
I love your channel
Tak usah ribet ... kasih kain ma pasir dah bening ... tes kopiii
Kan ini sesuai prosedur mba
itu kapasnya kapas apa yang bawah sendiri ??
Mau beli semua pasir n karbon nya itu dimana ya?
Tq vidionyaa bermanfaat bgt ka:)
Kak aku pernah nyoba experiment kayak gini pas waktu kls 3 sd dan hasil nya:
Yg tadi nya air keruh menjadi super duper bersih seperti air jernih kak
Nanya dong bang, cara awal pakai karbon aktif gimana ya, apa karbon aktif harus di cuci bener bener bersih sampai cairan warna hitamnya hilang? Soalnya saya pakai karbon aktif cuma di cuci semprot air doang lalu langsung saya masukan ke box media filter tapi aquarium saya langsung kehitaman..
Iya hrus bersih sampe debu nya ngga pekat
Berapakah nisbah yang digunakan pada setiap bahan itu pak ? Asap
Name Deep dey nice
So I basically want to talk about water purifies in terms of water saving, energy saving and best products because I have a lot of experience with water purifiers in the past year as since we are discussing water and water saving , so the water which is our most important part should also be clean and clear So the questions are Are these worth it? Are all purifiers actually same? Do they really work or is their any difference bw technology? The thing about all water purifiers is that they are based on same technology but if we talk about something different upon my experience as i am middle east citizen who lives in UAE. I would suggest “Eureka Forbes UAE” in terms of their water purifiers which use RO and UV water purifying technology they are really great in terms of energy saving and taste, along with this they also offer other unique water solutions and products from domestic to industrial level, but I personally recommend Eureka Forbes Dubai for their customer service which is really fast, responsive. If you are here looking for a best water purifier or water processing technologies i.e. UV Sterilizers, Water Softeners, Fine Sediment, Water Filter etc they are using MURAL CRM for customer management and service scheduling, #waterfilter #waterfilters #aquaguard #eurekaforbes #bestwaterpurifiersindubai #DubaiWaterFilters #EurekaForbesDubai #DubaiROFilters #
Aduh yang bener donk tong bikinya..tapi bagus lah..nambah essense kan wkwkw
Batu zeolite yang di jual di petshop sama gk pak? Bingung nyari org yg jual, susah di tempatku.
Balas pak penting
Iyah sama, Zeloit
Di petshop atau toko aquascape
Penjelasannya kurang, tolong untuk lebih di perhatikan tentang penjelasan atau langkah langkah
kebanyakan pakai jenis pasir filter jadi ga sempurna proses penyaringannya.
Padahal cukup kapas + pasir silika + kapas + manganese green sand... udh cukup kok
Sama arang
Arang tempurung kelapa
Watch @SAWBO Charcoal Water Filtration animation in English. The Charcoal Water Filtration animation explains the process of developing charcoal filtration systems using sand. It is a simple process that helps to remove many, but not all, pollutants in water that can otherwise cause health problems. Watch and download here:
Bagai mana cara ausun pasir pilter mas tu kan ada 3 macam pasie nya mas
jelas 30% lebih jernih.. itu kan awalnya sudah di isi air jernih duluan..😁😁😁
99%orang pasti iklan snaks vidio
NJ DC no it will go into the water
Dibagi gk berkurang. ILMU
Bisa untuk air laut gak?
Klau air laut ad tmbahn klau gk slah. Buat ngilangin rasa asinnya.
I use this method for waste water outlet from my home. But It won't work, smell comes, and color changes to little brown.
Gnanaprakash Palanisamy B
Teman ku ahli menyaring air.
Mending klo mau diminum filter nya pake batu dan rumput...
Klo pas darurat trus gaada air keruh/kotor,air bersih pake kencing bisa kan
Ngakak bjeer
Makasih atas bantun vidio pndknya..maju terus ya gan.!
Terimakasih supportnya +Wardiman Sofyan
If the water is still dirty,repeat it until its clean
What is this black substance and other one too
One is coal or koeala
apa bisa diminum
Which material you use in the the below to pas water with that
the water is still dirty
kak, bagian yg kakak kasih dilapisan pertama di bawah itu apa?
kapas buat saringan akuarium
Beli dimana kalau kayak gitu kak kapasnya? Nanti kalo beli bilangnya mo beli kapas aquarium?
Di bagian bawah adalah
Kapas buat aquarium
Kak apa sih y dilapisi dibah pertama itu
View white white kya he
Itu YG putih Paling bawah apa
Water us still dirty
wow ok👍
Thanks Subbu kalai
Bikin experimen.. Apakah air kencing jg bisa dimurnikan.. Haha..
bisa pakai cara distilasi :D
Kak putih yg dibawah itu apa
Itu lah span/sponge serupa span basuh pinggan
Thes is a nise thing
Tak coba buat air kolam lele bisa enggak
Bisa untuk lele tapi bikin yang ukuran besar, karena kolam lele lebih cepat kotor.
thanks @gala rasdian
wathing guys :D
I also make this but matka
Kok ga bening?
not real filter you are hide water pipe line
Please send journal paper
Wow ok
Nyari bahan ny susah om
Bisa beli di toko filter / toko akuarium mas Arman
ga jernih? masih keruh jg
tapi tooooop
Bahanya apa cuy
Plz explain in bengali
Bahan2 nya susah
io he venido por un proyecto de ciencias .....
kok engga jernih baget ya airnya
Where is activated charcoal available
Make your own
Tapi masih blom jernih bgt ya
agus prayitno "
Ko masih kuning
susah dapet bahan2 nya
Biasanya ada di toko peralatan akuarium +SulisTya 131205
Hhhh not clean
Vidio ini sangat buruk
Yudh jgn ditonton dong, gblk siaa