And not a single part is interchangeable with the AK-47. Except perhaps the front and rear sights because the Soviet made rifles, Ak-47, SKS, and SKS-D share the same sight design so if you can aim one you can aim them all. The Czechs hated the Russians so they pushed for and won the right to design and manufacture their own rifle as long as it had the same sights and was in 7.62x39mm. Not even the magazines interchange!
Nice cutaway. Helped me to visualize what the trigger group is doing. Thanks
this content is gold
AK magazine can be modified to fit into VZ.58. Unfortunately, last round hold open function becomes redundant in if used AK ( modified) magazines.
And not a single part is interchangeable with the AK-47. Except perhaps the front and rear sights because the Soviet made rifles, Ak-47, SKS, and SKS-D share the same sight design so if you can aim one you can aim them all.
The Czechs hated the Russians so they pushed for and won the right to design and manufacture their own rifle as long as it had the same sights and was in 7.62x39mm.
Not even the magazines interchange!
S nenávistí to nemělo nic společného, to je lež.
VZ лучше АК ! Просто он не разпиарен как калаш !
Vz. znamená vzor, typ. Správně tedy SA vz. 58.