I would love to see Equestria Girls to come back in some form in the future! I think the show and toys have a lot of potential that would be wasted if left unused. Also yes to future style Equestria girls haha
I have a season idea you know how discord is the last of his kind. What if instead of his race being killed there were banished to the human world without magic. Also pony of shadows was banished there.
In fact, everyone must have seen that Princess Celestia was a thousand years old in pony world,but in human world, she was maybe 40+ years old, that means time is really different in both worlds, also I think that when Sunset Shimmer and her friends were 16,17 years old, at that time, Izzy must have been 5 or 6 years old. Also I had more to say, but that's all
Yeah you are right and about Celestias age in that world it is fine since that is like another dimension where the only thing that changes is that they are human but with the same time as the human world so if they are at the same time as the pony world why the human world has more technology while the pony world does not well since they are human they can do more things than ponies like build invent etc while ponies are horses even though they have human abilities like sense and talk it doesnt mean they can do things that humans can do too an example of that in we can see at real life with China and Japan that have more technology and modernity than us so i think thats why the human world is more advanced than for the ponies
If they do an Equestria Girls story in the "future" they could place the G5 mane 5 in a "Starfleet Academy" typesetting. This would provide a school-like setting and plenty of space elements. Not to mention all that sweet merchandise.
I can definitely agree that an anime animation style would be very interesting for g5! I was thinking that in g5 eqg, the rivalry would perhaps be between different schools, cities or towns...or if they are living on their equivalent of Mars or the moon...space stations haha. Also, may I ask what the background music is at 1:21 ? It’s sooo pretty!
Well they can't call it equestria girls anymore now that there is a boy in the group, "equestria kids? " nah, doesn't quite roll of the tounge, sorry hitch but it's still gonna be called "equestria girls" XD
What if . . . The magic we saw growing and getting stronger in the Equestria Girls stories kept getting stronger and more common. Maybe to the point that their tech stagnated as people embraced the magic. Then, sometime between then and the current G5 story, their magic vanished, too. It could leave them at a similar or only slightly more advanced tech level but still with no magic remaining. Sunny and friends restoring magic in Equestria reignites one or more of the portals between worlds, and magic starts creeping back in. There's lots of story potential there.
Given that in "Rainbow Rocks" Sunset even says that there wouldn't have been magic if not for her, so if as Sawtooth Waves theorized; it had "even out" due to portals, then some should at least return to Equestria and amplify the previous and returning magic. If linking with the G4 Equestria Girls then they don't necessarily need to have their human counterparts but merely show a familiar aspect of the G4 locations when showing the magic returning
that sound like highly not possible scenario. Humans would start search limits of magic and technology would advance into Star Wars level in few thounsands years.
@@jankrnac3535 As we've seen a bit of time dilation between worlds (only a few months pass in the human world as years pass in Equestria), they may not have gotten that far. Even if it's been hundreds or thousands of years in Equestria, it could be only decades in the human world.
I loved Equestria Girls. It wasn't as good compared to the main series but on its own it was alright. I think if they revive it, I hope they do give closure to the G4 Equestria Girls because I NEED CLOSURE.
@@ShawnPickettPauley the fact you mentioned chicken little and has nothing to do with this video and the fact I mentioned that the chances of eqg coming back is very unlikely
If it's a distant future in EG world, then they should have technology so advanced that it would look like magic. Indeed, all the powers of EG could be implemented with Star Trek or Stargate level technology, like forcefield for Rarity, tractor beam for Twilight, neural interface for Sunset, universal translator for Fluttershy, exoskeleton for Applejack, personal accelerator for Rainbow, and, of course, lasers for everyone. Magic would have to up its game to a whole new level in EG-G5.
I would love for Equestria Girls to either have a comeback or revamp or at the very least give us a true finale. If I got my wish, I'd have all three, which is technically possible.
I gotta be honest low-key prefered EQG over FiM but because I love the magical girl genre. I honestly just want them to give an ending to the original EQG and then do a new one
Same here, I actually wouldn't be a Brony if it wasn't because of eqg. Though it is a shame it has ended without a proper ending with the chances of a return being slim at least we got many fans out there to make their own versions, and I plan on making my own version later this year on the mlp fan fiction site I post them on.
I don't believe that EG is going to come back in any shape or form, which is sad, because I liked it more than FiM (yeah, I said it). But perhaps there's going to be some other spinoff using the same idea of different worlds. Could be even better, who knows. Just imagine for a moment that Sunny opens a portal straight to Cybertron!
It they’ll have to answer what happened to the Human world at some point. I’m not sure we’ll necessarily see a spin off series of it, but I’m sure people would be curious to know (myself included) just wth has been going on for the last few centuries. I think they’d be jumping the shark if Sunny opened a portal to Cybertron. Crossing over properties only really works with Marvel. Neat idea though.
@@thomasegcouplesandships1956 Really? What's the source of this information? And what third season? There are movies, specials, a 3-episode mini-series, and a whole lot of mini-clips. I don't know of any seasons.
@@thomasegcouplesandships1956 You don't have to answer right now, but you can't tease something major like this and then just leave me hanging, c'mon 🙂
There is still a place for depicting xenophobia in Equestria Girls without it being disturbingly realistic. If it's a distant future there, then the xenophobia could be directed at aliens. Now that might get interesting.
@@ilikemlpandjunk9035 Yeah. And the mascots of those schools will be a unicorn, the Pegasus (human world only has one of those), and a fish (because Earth ponies smell like fishes).
I admit it, I like Equestria girls. It was a fun spinoff of My little pony friendship is magic. I hope Hasbro does the right thing and revive it in G5.
@@sergioandrescontreras5251 I never watch it and when the movie was airing on TV, i was out of my MLP fase but my sister and i watched the Monster High episodes and she loved the toys, as much has she loved the Bratz & Barbie.
@@sergioandrescontreras5251 Also the human versions of the ponies should have had normal coloured skin (all the ones we know of) and could already have there versions of all the characters without having them to enter the dimension, so that they're pony versions could meet them, also humans have no cutie marks, otherwise, i think the rest is fine.
I'm very interested in this theory, I was talking to my friend what the MLP G5 human world might be like, if one existed, my friend and I also talked about what's Sunny's human counterpart might be like, we both agreed that Sunny's human counterpart, might be some kind of activist.
My idea for a G5 EQG would be 10 years after Sunset Graduated, and Human Sunny would start researching events that happened at canterlot high. Then she would realize that its connected to a girl named Sunset Shimmer. She is new to canterlot high so doesn’t really have that many friends so shes surprised to hear that a bubbly girl named Izzy wants to be friends with her. Shes reluctant at first but after realizing that Izzy also doesn’t have that many friends either, she agrees. Izzy starts questioning what she is researching and Sunny lets her in on whats happening. Sunny decides to start asking around the town after school and Izzy tags along. After she and Izzy leave school, they are about to walk across the street when they are stopped by somebody. It’s revealed that Hitch is the one who stopped him. Not many people like Hitch since he’s always been a stickler for rules. Hitch says that they were jaywalking and chews them out. Sunny and Izzy make a break for it while Hitch is monologuing on how nobody at CHS ever listens to him. Hitch realizes this and starts chasing after them. They eventually lose him and Hitch remembers who they are to get mad at them tomorrow. Sunny and Izzy knock door to door if anyones heard of Sunset Shimmer. These people who respond are references to people in OG EQG who didn’t know who Sunset was like people from Crystal Prep. They head back to school tomorrow while avoiding Hitch. At lunch they decide to ask around the school. They go to the field and see a girl named Zipp who is running around the field probably for track. They ask her about if they knew info on Sunset. Zipp says that she was researching this schools history for one of her classes and that she can probably help them. Zipp decides to hang out with Sunny and Izzy for a bit so they can grow a bond. Zipp invites the girls at her house for a sleepover. Zipp introduces her to that the magical connections wasn’t just to Sunset, and that Sunset was just apart of a group of 7 magical girls. They continue talking when Pipp barges into the room screaming about internet problems (again idk). Zipp and Pipp start arguing while Sunny and Izzy are just watching them. They stop when they realize it’s a bad impression for both of them. Pipp apologizes and introduces herself to the girls. They say it’s not a problem. Pipp asks why they are here aside having a sleepover. They explain it to her and Pipp says that she can probably check if the Main 7 have any socials so they agree to let her into the team. At lunch they all discuss about what they have found on the main 7. Pipp says that they used to have socials but they are all privated. As they continue to discuss, Hitch slams his hand on their table and gets mad at Sunny and Izzy. He later stops and gets confused why Zipp and Pipp are with them even though they have barely any connections as far as he knows. Zipp explains basically what they’re doing. Hitch has somewhat of a light shine in his eyes. It turns out that he wanted to research it too but ran into a dead end and just gave up. They all (reluctantly) allow him to share research and help them. They have a montage of researching things about the Main 7. They all group up on a friday after school and snoop around school (against Hitch’s wishes) to see if they can find anything. They find old records revealing info on the sirens. They then put together clues to draw a conclusion that they are probably at a musical event. Coincidentally there is a huge concert happening that Pipp wanted to go to. They all drive there and see who is performing and it turns out to be a band called the Dazzlings. They meet up after the show and talk to the Dazzlings. Sunny asks Them if they know anyone by the name of Sunset shimmer. Adagio chuckles then smiles. CLIFFHANGER. I know that this was long but if youre reading this tell me some improvements I could make! Of course this is only the first part and if enough of you like it ill put my idea for a second movie. CYA!
I’ve been wondering what the human world is like ever since I first saw the G5 trailer. Of course, if the writers tried to include the human world into G5 media, Hasbro would have to make EQG toys as well, which might not be the best business decision if the idea is unlikely o catch on. It’s sad that the costs of having to sell merchandise and toys of everything they create has to inhibit so much of MLP’s potential, though I can totally imagine how a futuristic world of colorful people can capture the interest of young kids and make for some awesome toys and accessories, what with the new technology and gadgets, so who knows? Whatever the case, we’ll always have plenty of fanfics full of their writers’ own ideas to keep us entertained!
here are the theories why Equestria girls should come back 1. The characters in mlp g4 are soooo popular that lots of people can hold on to their characters’ legacy through Equestria girls 2. It is called Equestria GIRLS… cus the main characters in g5 consists of mane 5 but one of them is hitch trailblazer which he is a male 3. To see Equestria girls what their future will be look like, maybe they don’t loose any equestrian magic to the human world for a while, but after sunny brought back magic, I think more Equestrian magic continue to be on the loose to human world so that the humane seven will take their heroic action back again to save their world And their story goes on…
Both the first and third ideas seem likely to be useful as a "jumping off point," but for option 1 the ponies would need to know of the human counterparts of the Mane 6 and aside from the ending of "Spring Breakdown" there was no hint that anyone in Ponyville really saw their human-turned-pony counterparts head towards Twilight's castle to get back to their own world. Option 3 seems more likely as it doesn't have to be directly linked with a long-term jump in time
My teory is that something happened to the equestria timeline resulting it time to move slower in human world and faster in the pony world, there is still so many questions on what happened between G4 and G5 so it could be possible
It's like Narnia when Peter and his family went back it was only a few years for them but in Narnia its been centuries. Sunset returns with her friends were is princess celestial everyone who? Sunny okey twilight who? Sunny were are the dragons everyone they died out centrists ago. Would be a good way to have the g5 ponys met up with the g4 ones.
I think I heard somewhere that the writer's for Equestria Girls actually wanted the series to deal with somewhat heavier themes to be more realistic to what girls their age would be going through, but obviously execs weren't going to let that happen since the target demographic was so young. Still, though, I wonder how much better the series might have been if it could have had more mature and nuanced plots aimed more at, like, at least tweens. Also, they wanted several characters to be LGBTQ+ and actually wrote them as such and it would have made the show a lot more interesting to actually be able to explicitly show these relationships between fleshed out characters instead of leaving it limited to the girls exclusively dating bland boys who typically felt like plot devices at best and only leaving us with subtext that some of the girls might have been more than just friends.
They should've just started there own tv show. Than it wouldnt of been mlp. It would of been some adult version of mlp. Also the fake mlp human characters in equestria girls were pretty bland to. Maybe it's just a writing issue in general.
Given how little Flash Sentry seemed to be linked with either Twilight (pony) or Sunset, it's clear he was written as more than a background character even though Zephyr's human form seemed more obsessive with his interest in "Rainbows" as he called RD. Given my limited experience with both, the ways that Applejack and Rarity, Sunset and SwiTwi, and potentially even Lyra and Bon Bon interacted seemed like there was more than "subtext" with the characters, and others saying that Ashleigh Ball had "confirmed" Applejack and Rainbow Dash interacted was meant as canon for them being a couple. Any means of making the series suitable for all audiences (despite the target demographic) allows anyone to appreciate it rather than "dumbing it down" for children
@@redpanda881 Just adding an LGBT+ element doesn't mean it had to be "liberal fanaticism," and could allow young audiences to see themselves in characters they might not otherwise have a chance to see and accept others who are different. It would further flesh out the characters, especially as some people who don't see a version of themselves tend to try harder to understand themselves, which could make things harder as they grow up
If you remember in one episode Spike was running a film projector about how the pegasi get water to their cloud city. So their technology level is more like the late 1950s to 1970s. I suspect they didn’t want the more efficient diesel locomotives and people have preferences. Explains their preference for balloons over airplanes since they are better for all (and uses less resources).
I think that like, since unicorns, pegasus, and earth ponies were in conflict, my idea is that sport club, "smart people" club, and gardening club were in conflict.
I always thought like because magic was gone that could’ve caused a time warp where time in the human world got slower and in equestria it got faster. And I imagine that Izzy, sunny & hitch, Pipp & zipp would all attend different schools and become friends due to like a newer version of the friendship games and I imagine that sunny and hitch attends canterlot high with sunset being the principal and scitwi is vice principle. But those are just my thoughts
The way that this new series is going, we’re obviously never going to see the equestrian girls ever ever. They’re never going to mention them most likely in the portal to that dimension is most likely destroyed or somewhere as an artifact and probably doesn’t work anymore.
I think time goes slower in the human world since mlp friendship is magic ended before eg (I think) and they are teenagers in the human world while in the pony world they are adults.
Maybe the sudden surge of magic in Equestria reignited the magic portals meaning magic starts spilling over onto Earth again. If Human tech has progressed then maybe humanity detects the magic from portals and builds a machine then can cross over the dimensional barrier. It would be neat to see the inverse of Equestria girls. You have a cyborg human turned pony trying to escape back to Earth maybe?
I'd like to theorize that the human world G5.. Would be something akin to winx club. They utilize magic and high-tech at the same time. It would be very cyberpunk.
what about the plot will it be similar to the first eqg movie and sunny will go through a mirror. im thinking thet they might find twilights castel in the series and in their eqg movie sunny and her friends are looking through twilights things and find the magic mirror that's dusty and worn out but still useable maybe the magic in it is slowly fading so the mirrors time limit is back
I don't think they should let it die, so far the equestria girls has recieved good collaboration and reviews I haven't seen any but i can assume they are good! I think they should include sombra next!
My theroy is the writes did not think all this through and just made a spin off for the hell of it. there is so many things that dont make sense in Equestria Girls.
I would expect the thinga to flow in the reverse direction. While ponies do get their magics back, humans probably have quantum computer and who knows.
I would love to see a G5 Equestria Girls! I'm thinking the mane 8 (Spike) we know became historical heroes and have a statue of them in museums and on top of the new portal. After a while Midnight Sparkle destroyed that horse statue, they could have sealed it with their own statue. Maybe in one episode of the New Generation, mane 5 will discover the portal and go in front of the futuristic high school. Or maybe the human mane 5 will go to Equestria with their spaceship 😂. They'll also discover the magic.
waitwaitwaaait. If the time plays at the same speed, then is celestia in human world also imortal? what about luna? ??? Also, since they're just in school what about the rest of the world? if celestia is just a director whos the president? Who's was the monarch ruler in the past of that equestria? Sigh, I hate how weird the timeline is. Its more like a tiny bubble universe with wacky time rules
Celestia also isn't ruler in horse world she rules one country. We have not seen every other country yet. Equestria might be tiny compared to everywhere else
@@daraghokane4236 I mean yeah, but she controled the frickin sun. And her being the president of the human world would honestly be awesome. Imagine the mane six work as the fbi of that world lmao, its a fun concept
Wait but I recall that the sirens where sent to another dimension (the human world) like 1000 years before the start of FIM, yet the sirens where in the human world not that long.
I know most haters are gonna throw me into the pits of heck for saying this but equestria girls was what sparked my interest for mlp, I watched the first movie for the first time on netflix around after when it came out I wanna say 2014ish or so and I was already aware of the actual mlp show’s existence I just never looked at it cause back then was when I thought I wasn’t supposed to get into girly stuff but I later just somewhat watched equestria girls and liked it as well as the later specials and then I watched a few episodes of friendship is magic, back then I didn’t consider myself a brony since I thought I was those “few” boys who happened to like it nor knew the name or the bronies themselves existed. Till I later stopped after a while when I went back into the “well if I don’t want to get made fun of, it’s best I stop” tone and then around 2018 was when I looked at all the episodes as well as the 2017 movie at long last and discovered the bronies and found out I wasn’t the only one this whole time…while now a days I only pay attention to some good people of the fandom since most of them now are…nuts and can’t get a hold of themselves anymore but yeah the whole point is equestria girls was responsible for my interest in mlp and I love it as well as friendship is magic and a new generation and equestria girls is a much better spin off than pony life in my opinion even if pony life to me was somewhat in between of ok and fine…while yes, maybe it’s probably true of what you said of them making it just to compete with Mattel with the monster high thing but that doesn’t matter to me cause equestria girls stayed somewhat interesting just like the normal show…and another thing I question about when it comes to bronies is why are they hating on flash sentry? I mean the character did absolutely nothing wrong when he made his debut and then they go “oh let’s hate on him just for the heck of it or cause we hate the fact hasbro made this garbage just to win over another series by their rival company in the first place” you see what I mean when some are nuts most of the time? Well I was specifically referring to the ones who have serious issues like MisAnthro Pony or even some of the analysts OR those who are just completely out of control and want to bring heck itself to the surface of the earth…over a family friendly fictional cartoon of all things, idk and the mlp timeline itself I probably would’ve thought it to be the 70’s or the 80’s at least cause we seen a movie theater for a start in the bad seed song, and just look at manehatten too, heck even on the equestria map itself their was something that said “applewood” parodying hollywood…though the 1800’s or 1900’s or I wanna say as close as to the 30’s, maybe that’s where the timeline is considering from the looks of it they have the old fashion technology and their using steam trains and not diesels, I know for sure in a new generation that they be using diesels once they get their equestrian railroad system back on cause ya know it’s in today’s standards and we don’t use steam engines as much now a days, yes theirs still some running around but only for tourist purposes or in a museum never to run again as for of what the equestria girls dimension would be doing in the same timeline as a new generation, yeah I always wondered that too, now could that dimension be even more enhanced with the technology? Maybe idk, no one knows unless hasbro does something.
Well I guess we're all entitled to our own opinions so i'll say mine. I couldn't stand the originals. I didn't like the characters and I found they had no development. The animation was also kinda shitty. But I really enjoy the newer movies and gen 4. So I was just wondering why you think the "quality" went down. Is it something about the characters?
SUNNY MEETS SCI-TWI idea: so EG Twilight becomes astronaut and she is part of a team which is building the first FTL space ships. After sever small scale tests they go for a bigger mission in deep space and Twilight is part of the crew. The mission is successful but 100-200 have passed on Earth. The crew was ready for that but the society had changed drastically so the culture show is too severe. Twilight is struggling but kind of loosing the battle for adaptation...than she has an idea. "Wait, there was another me, right? And she was an alicorn, those live up to 1000 years! How about going to Equestria to just talking with her? This may help me cope with my situation or maybe even she has some magic solution.". She finds a way to locate the gate and pops out in Equestria in her pony form. The first pony she meats there is Sunny Starscout who recognises her as her Twilight Sparkle and faints out in shock and happiness...
What I don't understand about Equestria girls is that.... In the original G4 universe Celestia and Luna have been around for thousand years. So did the Equestria girls universe didn't existed back then ? How are Celestia and Luna are still alive in the universe?
A Futuristic Starfleet Academy or something Equestria Girls series in a world where magic from another universe was brought in could be amazing. My only disappointment would be that it would be far enough in the future that Sunset Shimmer would likely not be around (short of her becoming a nigh immortal Alicorn that kept her immortality in human form). But through various means it could show the influence the Equestria Girls had on their world after they finished High School and its entirely possible that Twilight and Sunset were involved in developing some Faster than Light travel. But there's a lot more you could do, you could do a futuristic super hero type story (if they get the Equestria Girl's powers it'll get some elements of it anyway). Plus it would be cool to see all the different Equestran Races turned humanoid and as aliens in a diverse Star Trek style galaxy... And I might have another fanfic to write.
There's a BIG oversight here, the crack in the statue kept leaking magic in meaning there could be much more magic in the human world than before meaning it might be a world that's used to magic so your plot wouldn't work if it kept leaking
I've bounced around an idea for a G5 Equestria Girls but it's also a crossover between another Hasbro property, Transformers. Here Sunny, her friends, and their Autobot partners are this patrol unit that protects their planet from the Decepticons and their various human sympathizers using the ability to merge with said companion Autobots.
I imagine the conflict in G5 equestery girls. Would be equestrian girls Sunny and the gang. Preventing a 3 sided interstellar Civil War. Between the humans of Earth and the humans that colonized Mars and Venus.
It’s entirely possible g5 eqg could be based on a starship or space station for that sci-fi angle as it would allow all sorts of things. A different twist though is that the magic spreading around in g4 eqg could have propagated so incredibly that it is as common for the humans as it was for ponies in g4.
Earth ponies appear to be late 90s early 2000s in tech, pegasi are 2020s unicorns seem to have no tech in the movie. In g4 tech is kinda all over the place, vinyl scratch has very modern looking dj equipment yet the trains look 1880s-1940s. cheese sandwiches factory is probably a mix of 1980s-2010s. I think the eqgirls world only time synced with equestria when twilight setup the mirror in her castle, before that i think time moved sliwer because sunset was celestia's student years before twilight but is the same age range once she shows back up.
Possibly sales slowed in Equestria girls because of the parents’ worried that it is dangerously anthropomorphic to children’s perspective due to mane six presence so I guess maybe that Equestria girls should be in long hiatus for children to clear their perspectives on the future of Equestria girls characters
The fact after the first two Equestria girls movies the original twilight is randomly replaced with the doppelganger who randomly is interested in magic and they literally replaced her because she's looks liks original twilight.
I actually have a theory that perhaps when Twilight ruled Equestria, the pony world and human world collided and now the humans could come to Ponyville and the ponies could come to human land. But when magic disappeared, the portal faded away. So I believe that some the ponies in G5 are really humans in pony form. It’s just a theory but I might right.
If Equestria Girls were to be continued with Gen 5, Hasbro would really have to up the quality on the dolls to compete with LOL OMG and Rainbow High. Both of those lines are known for their good articulation, attention to detail, and impressive high quality clothing. With Equestria Girls, I was kind of turned off by the original dolls because of their smaller size and faces, but I found the slightly bigger rebooted ones to be much more aesthetically pleasing. Neither version of them measured up to Monster High's quality and detail though. If Equestria Girls were to make a comeback, Hasbro would have to take their time to create high quality, aesthetically pleasing dolls at a decent price point to please doll collectors, pony collectors, and kids.
I like to think that when the pony world got more advanced the human world started to become more reliant on magic and now the human world looks like how the pony world used to look except with everyone as humans.
Why not make the equestria girls G5 in the future like you said, but with some kind of moral about ecology, I mean the unicorns like Izzy were living close to nature, maybe in that alternative dimension instead of wanting everypony to be together, sunny would be an endvironmental activist in a futuristic world, then she discorvers the lifestyle of unicorns with Izzy and together they find magic in nature and friendship idk
Maybe keep the society appearance of the G4 and mix your idea of eco-friendly living. Timber Spruce and Fluttershy seemed like good examples of ecologically-minded characters, especially with Applejack while SciTwi and Micro Chips could have led to advancing technology like in "Forgotten Friendship" when reading the yearbook "most likely to invent cold fusion" and if these five were the heralds of a better society it could lead to a similar social environment to G5
Honestly I dont think things move at the same rate in the human world, always felt like things are slower there, specially with sunset being in highschool all these years
I think that "Equestria Girls" would become an ''The Expanse'' in terms of development and social problems. Well, what fits, just the development and the problems and the reason why there was no magic here (if you watch this series, then guess).
Definitely wouldn't be opposed to gen 5 EG, however I do disagree with the anime style part, I don't think it suits the characters but your sunny (or the one you showed if it isn't yours) does look really really good. I just don't think a show in that style would suit an mlp type movie
G4 ended 3 years ago and eqg has been cancelled and confirmed from one of the writers themselves not to mention that hasbro denied a third season to begin with
Thats What i meant. Maybe equestrian girls will come back in some different forms/ animation so that it will change the children’s and parent’s perspective on equestria girls
I’d like to help with the development of equestria girls as well if hasbro decides to revive it. I have so many good ideas that could be incorporated to the series that would make it seem more like a passion project rather than a quick cash grab or to sell toys. I truly hope that equestria girls comes back.
I think that if they do make a new generation of human ponies then it should be rebranded to Equestria High. Since the mane group isn't just girls this time.
Do you know that Mattel is bringing back Monster High in 2022? Well, If Mattel is bringing back Monster High in 2022 then Hasbro should bring back Equestria Girls in 2022 just to stay competitive with Mattel.
If G5's technology level is equal to modern day humanity, then what would the human world looked like?
Post apocalypse!
@@lilj362 That's messed up but hilarious.
Dead from Covid
Post apocaliptic since everyone would have the same amount of magic as the ponies
I would love to see Equestria Girls to come back in some form in the future! I think the show and toys have a lot of potential that would be wasted if left unused. Also yes to future style Equestria girls haha
What if the Generation 5 ponies were imagined as Equestria Girls?
Pls just be good
I have a season idea you know how discord is the last of his kind. What if instead of his race being killed there were banished to the human world without magic. Also pony of shadows was banished there.
@@MLPFeverYT Okay, this has been bothering me ever since I watched the G5 movie...how in the world are they able to hold things with their hooves?
I still find the chances of eqg returning being rather slim
In fact, everyone must have seen that Princess Celestia was a thousand years old in pony world,but in human world, she was maybe 40+ years old, that means time is really different in both worlds, also I think that when Sunset Shimmer and her friends were 16,17 years old, at that time, Izzy must have been 5 or 6 years old. Also I had more to say, but that's all
No, time flows the same in both dimensions. Remember that 3 days have passed in one of the human worlds, and the same amount has passed in Equestria.
Yeah you are right and about Celestias age in that world it is fine since that is like another dimension where the only thing that changes is that they are human but with the same time as the human world so if they are at the same time as the pony world why the human world has more technology while the pony world does not well since they are human they can do more things than ponies like build invent etc while ponies are horses even though they have human abilities like sense and talk it doesnt mean they can do things that humans can do too an example of that in we can see at real life with China and Japan that have more technology and modernity than us so i think thats why the human world is more advanced than for the ponies
If they do an Equestria Girls story in the "future" they could place the G5 mane 5 in a "Starfleet Academy" typesetting. This would provide a school-like setting and plenty of space elements. Not to mention all that sweet merchandise.
I can definitely agree that an anime animation style would be very interesting for g5! I was thinking that in g5 eqg, the rivalry would perhaps be between different schools, cities or towns...or if they are living on their equivalent of Mars or the moon...space stations haha.
Also, may I ask what the background music is at 1:21 ? It’s sooo pretty!
Yes that's what i was thinking!
It will either be Easy Saturday or Easy Sunday
If Hitch is in Equestria Girls, wouldn't that make him an "Equestria Boy"?
Equestria pony 🤠🤙
Good point
Well they can't call it equestria girls anymore now that there is a boy in the group, "equestria kids? " nah, doesn't quite roll of the tounge, sorry hitch but it's still gonna be called "equestria girls" XD
Good point
@@rozinasalehuddin8868 maybe they could call it equestria friends or something or equestria teens
What if . . .
The magic we saw growing and getting stronger in the Equestria Girls stories kept getting stronger and more common. Maybe to the point that their tech stagnated as people embraced the magic. Then, sometime between then and the current G5 story, their magic vanished, too. It could leave them at a similar or only slightly more advanced tech level but still with no magic remaining. Sunny and friends restoring magic in Equestria reignites one or more of the portals between worlds, and magic starts creeping back in. There's lots of story potential there.
Given that in "Rainbow Rocks" Sunset even says that there wouldn't have been magic if not for her, so if as Sawtooth Waves theorized; it had "even out" due to portals, then some should at least return to Equestria and amplify the previous and returning magic. If linking with the G4 Equestria Girls then they don't necessarily need to have their human counterparts but merely show a familiar aspect of the G4 locations when showing the magic returning
that sound like highly not possible scenario.
Humans would start search limits of magic and technology would advance into Star Wars level in few thounsands years.
@@jankrnac3535 As we've seen a bit of time dilation between worlds (only a few months pass in the human world as years pass in Equestria), they may not have gotten that far. Even if it's been hundreds or thousands of years in Equestria, it could be only decades in the human world.
Love it
@@WaywardSon5love your explanation
I loved Equestria Girls. It wasn't as good compared to the main series but on its own it was alright. I think if they revive it, I hope they do give closure to the G4 Equestria Girls because I NEED CLOSURE.
Sometimes not all things work out in the end and sadly that kinda was the case with eqg as hasbro pulled the plug when they denied a third season
Wait✋ a minute. "Closure"😯? That's from the cartoon movie🎥, Chicken🐔 Little.
Besides, I still like the Equestria Girls👩 specials💝
@@ShawnPickettPauley what does that have to do with my question
"Your question"😯? What kind?
@@ShawnPickettPauley the fact you mentioned chicken little and has nothing to do with this video and the fact I mentioned that the chances of eqg coming back is very unlikely
If it's a distant future in EG world, then they should have technology so advanced that it would look like magic. Indeed, all the powers of EG could be implemented with Star Trek or Stargate level technology, like forcefield for Rarity, tractor beam for Twilight, neural interface for Sunset, universal translator for Fluttershy, exoskeleton for Applejack, personal accelerator for Rainbow, and, of course, lasers for everyone. Magic would have to up its game to a whole new level in EG-G5.
And plasma grenades for Pinkie.
What about Spike?
@@nightshroud9671 Sadly, Spike the dog would be super-dead by G5's time.
@@nightshroud9671maybe an elderly dog spike
I would love for Equestria Girls to either have a comeback or revamp or at the very least give us a true finale. If I got my wish, I'd have all three, which is technically possible.
I gotta be honest low-key prefered EQG over FiM but because I love the magical girl genre. I honestly just want them to give an ending to the original EQG and then do a new one
Same. They should do it Gumball style.
Same here, I actually wouldn't be a Brony if it wasn't because of eqg. Though it is a shame it has ended without a proper ending with the chances of a return being slim at least we got many fans out there to make their own versions, and I plan on making my own version later this year on the mlp fan fiction site I post them on.
I don't believe that EG is going to come back in any shape or form, which is sad, because I liked it more than FiM (yeah, I said it). But perhaps there's going to be some other spinoff using the same idea of different worlds. Could be even better, who knows. Just imagine for a moment that Sunny opens a portal straight to Cybertron!
It they’ll have to answer what happened to the Human world at some point. I’m not sure we’ll necessarily see a spin off series of it, but I’m sure people would be curious to know (myself included) just wth has been going on for the last few centuries.
I think they’d be jumping the shark if Sunny opened a portal to Cybertron. Crossing over properties only really works with Marvel. Neat idea though.
EG is actually coming back for a third season.
@@thomasegcouplesandships1956 Really? What's the source of this information? And what third season? There are movies, specials, a 3-episode mini-series, and a whole lot of mini-clips. I don't know of any seasons.
@@DimitryRotstein listen, I'd rather not say right now. I'm a little bit busy.
@@thomasegcouplesandships1956 You don't have to answer right now, but you can't tease something major like this and then just leave me hanging, c'mon 🙂
There is still a place for depicting xenophobia in Equestria Girls without it being disturbingly realistic. If it's a distant future there, then the xenophobia could be directed at aliens. Now that might get interesting.
Prejudice based on what sports team you follow and Xbox vs PlayStation there.
or maybe it could be school rivelry like in freindship games and there are 3 seperate high schools who rival eachother based on wealth and grades
@@ilikemlpandjunk9035 Yeah. And the mascots of those schools will be a unicorn, the Pegasus (human world only has one of those), and a fish (because Earth ponies smell like fishes).
@@DimitryRotstein corectomondo
srry idk why im speaking like my 5th grade History teacher
I admit it, I like Equestria girls. It was a fun spinoff of My little pony friendship is magic. I hope Hasbro does the right thing and revive it in G5.
One of my old friends got the first movie for Christmas when we were in second grade.
@@stg4theglitchog768 did you like it?
@@sergioandrescontreras5251 I never watch it and when the movie was airing on TV, i was out of my MLP fase but my sister and i watched the Monster High episodes and she loved the toys, as much has she loved the Bratz & Barbie.
@@stg4theglitchog768 okay thank you for letting me know.
@@sergioandrescontreras5251 Also the human versions of the ponies should have had normal coloured skin (all the ones we know of) and could already have there versions of all the characters without having them to enter the dimension, so that they're pony versions could meet them, also humans have no cutie marks, otherwise, i think the rest is fine.
I'm very interested in this theory, I was talking to my friend what the MLP G5 human world might be like, if one existed, my friend and I also talked about what's Sunny's human counterpart might be like, we both agreed that Sunny's human counterpart, might be some kind of activist.
My idea for a G5 EQG would be 10 years after Sunset
Graduated, and Human Sunny would start researching events that happened at canterlot high. Then she would realize that its connected to a girl named Sunset Shimmer. She is new to canterlot high so doesn’t really have that many friends so shes surprised to hear that a bubbly girl named Izzy wants to be friends with her. Shes reluctant at first but after realizing that Izzy also doesn’t have that many friends either, she agrees. Izzy starts questioning what she is researching and Sunny lets her in on whats happening. Sunny decides to start asking around the town after school and Izzy tags along. After she and Izzy leave school, they are about to walk across the street when they are stopped by somebody. It’s revealed that Hitch is the one who stopped him. Not many people like Hitch since he’s always been a stickler for rules. Hitch says that they were jaywalking and chews them out. Sunny and Izzy make a break for it while Hitch is monologuing on how nobody at CHS ever listens to him. Hitch realizes this and starts chasing after them. They eventually lose him and Hitch remembers who they are to get mad at them tomorrow. Sunny and Izzy knock door to door if anyones heard of Sunset Shimmer. These people who respond are references to people in OG EQG who didn’t know who Sunset was like people from Crystal Prep. They head back to school tomorrow while avoiding Hitch. At lunch they decide to ask around the school. They go to the field and see a girl named Zipp who is running around the field probably for track. They ask her about if they knew info on Sunset. Zipp says that she was researching this schools history for one of her classes and that she can probably help them. Zipp decides to hang out with Sunny and Izzy for a bit so they can grow a bond. Zipp invites the girls at her house for a sleepover. Zipp introduces her to that the magical connections wasn’t just to Sunset, and that Sunset was just apart of a group of 7 magical girls. They continue talking when Pipp barges into the room screaming about internet problems (again idk). Zipp and Pipp start arguing while Sunny and Izzy are just watching them. They stop when they realize it’s a bad impression for both of them. Pipp apologizes and introduces herself to the girls. They say it’s not a problem. Pipp asks why they are here aside having a sleepover. They explain it to her and Pipp says that she can probably check if the Main 7 have any socials so they agree to let her into the team. At lunch they all discuss about what they have found on the main 7. Pipp says that they used to have socials but they are all privated. As they continue to discuss, Hitch slams his hand on their table and gets mad at Sunny and Izzy. He later stops and gets confused why Zipp and Pipp are with them even though they have barely any connections as far as he knows. Zipp explains basically what they’re doing. Hitch has somewhat of a light shine in his eyes. It turns out that he wanted to research it too but ran into a dead end and just gave up. They all (reluctantly) allow him to share research and help them. They have a montage of researching things about the Main 7. They all group up on a friday after school and snoop around school (against Hitch’s wishes) to see if they can find anything. They find old records revealing info on the sirens. They then put together clues to draw a conclusion that they are probably at a musical event. Coincidentally there is a huge concert happening that Pipp wanted to go to. They all drive there and see who is performing and it turns out to be a band called the Dazzlings. They meet up after the show and talk to the Dazzlings. Sunny asks Them if they know anyone by the name of Sunset shimmer. Adagio chuckles then smiles. CLIFFHANGER. I know that this was long but if youre reading this tell me some improvements I could make! Of course this is only the first part and if enough of you like it ill put my idea for a second movie. CYA!
Maybe in G5 EQG, Canterlot High can be divided into houses like in Harry Potter, where each house is competing with each other
I’ve been wondering what the human world is like ever since I first saw the G5 trailer. Of course, if the writers tried to include the human world into G5 media, Hasbro would have to make EQG toys as well, which might not be the best business decision if the idea is unlikely o catch on. It’s sad that the costs of having to sell merchandise and toys of everything they create has to inhibit so much of MLP’s potential, though I can totally imagine how a futuristic world of colorful people can capture the interest of young kids and make for some awesome toys and accessories, what with the new technology and gadgets, so who knows? Whatever the case, we’ll always have plenty of fanfics full of their writers’ own ideas to keep us entertained!
here are the theories why Equestria girls should come back
1. The characters in mlp g4 are soooo popular that lots of people can hold on to their characters’ legacy through Equestria girls
2. It is called Equestria GIRLS… cus the main characters in g5 consists of mane 5 but one of them is hitch trailblazer which he is a male
3. To see Equestria girls what their future will be look like, maybe they don’t loose any equestrian magic to the human world for a while, but after sunny brought back magic, I think more Equestrian magic continue to be on the loose to human world so that the humane seven will take their heroic action back again to save their world
And their story goes on…
As great as this might be the chances are very unlikely it won't come back with g5 and that they denied a third season to begin with
Both the first and third ideas seem likely to be useful as a "jumping off point," but for option 1 the ponies would need to know of the human counterparts of the Mane 6 and aside from the ending of "Spring Breakdown" there was no hint that anyone in Ponyville really saw their human-turned-pony counterparts head towards Twilight's castle to get back to their own world. Option 3 seems more likely as it doesn't have to be directly linked with a long-term jump in time
EG is now multicolor skinned Cyberpunk "wake the buck up every pony we got a friendship to save!"cue the badass music.
My teory is that something happened to the equestria timeline resulting it time to move slower in human world and faster in the pony world, there is still so many questions on what happened between G4 and G5 so it could be possible
It's like Narnia when Peter and his family went back it was only a few years for them but in Narnia its been centuries. Sunset returns with her friends were is princess celestial everyone who? Sunny okey twilight who? Sunny were are the dragons everyone they died out centrists ago. Would be a good way to have the g5 ponys met up with the g4 ones.
And amphibia
Now that you mention it, I really like the idea of G5 Equestria Girls being set in the future!
The chances are very unlikely it won't happen as eqg didn't perform like hasbro thought it would
I think I heard somewhere that the writer's for Equestria Girls actually wanted the series to deal with somewhat heavier themes to be more realistic to what girls their age would be going through, but obviously execs weren't going to let that happen since the target demographic was so young. Still, though, I wonder how much better the series might have been if it could have had more mature and nuanced plots aimed more at, like, at least tweens.
Also, they wanted several characters to be LGBTQ+ and actually wrote them as such and it would have made the show a lot more interesting to actually be able to explicitly show these relationships between fleshed out characters instead of leaving it limited to the girls exclusively dating bland boys who typically felt like plot devices at best and only leaving us with subtext that some of the girls might have been more than just friends.
Great thing it ended where it did.
I'm getting the feeling it would've been some kind of overly modern liberal fanatic show.
They should've just started there own tv show. Than it wouldnt of been mlp. It would of been some adult version of mlp. Also the fake mlp human characters in equestria girls were pretty bland to. Maybe it's just a writing issue in general.
Given how little Flash Sentry seemed to be linked with either Twilight (pony) or Sunset, it's clear he was written as more than a background character even though Zephyr's human form seemed more obsessive with his interest in "Rainbows" as he called RD. Given my limited experience with both, the ways that Applejack and Rarity, Sunset and SwiTwi, and potentially even Lyra and Bon Bon interacted seemed like there was more than "subtext" with the characters, and others saying that Ashleigh Ball had "confirmed" Applejack and Rainbow Dash interacted was meant as canon for them being a couple. Any means of making the series suitable for all audiences (despite the target demographic) allows anyone to appreciate it rather than "dumbing it down" for children
@@redpanda881 Just adding an LGBT+ element doesn't mean it had to be "liberal fanaticism," and could allow young audiences to see themselves in characters they might not otherwise have a chance to see and accept others who are different. It would further flesh out the characters, especially as some people who don't see a version of themselves tend to try harder to understand themselves, which could make things harder as they grow up
MLP EQG was one of my fav parts of mlp, so I’m hoping they do something with it, but an anime style would be cool
If you remember in one episode Spike was running a film projector about how the pegasi get water to their cloud city. So their technology level is more like the late 1950s to 1970s. I suspect they didn’t want the more efficient diesel locomotives and people have preferences. Explains their preference for balloons over airplanes since they are better for all (and uses less resources).
I think that like, since unicorns, pegasus, and earth ponies were in conflict, my idea is that sport club, "smart people" club, and gardening club were in conflict.
I always thought like because magic was gone that could’ve caused a time warp where time in the human world got slower and in equestria it got faster. And I imagine that Izzy, sunny & hitch, Pipp & zipp would all attend different schools and become friends due to like a newer version of the friendship games and I imagine that sunny and hitch attends canterlot high with sunset being the principal and scitwi is vice principle. But those are just my thoughts
The way that this new series is going, we’re obviously never going to see the equestrian girls ever ever. They’re never going to mention them most likely in the portal to that dimension is most likely destroyed or somewhere as an artifact and probably doesn’t work anymore.
Equestria girls ended without a final episode or finale
Hasbro: oh no anyways
It's a shame it happened but sometimes things always don't work out in the end.
I think Equestria Girls should have anime-level maturity.
Yeah, like Non Non Biyori or K-On level of maturity.
TV-PG would be the highest Hasbro would ever go. But even TV-Y7-FV is still good.
@@skilledful Point is, not every anime is that mature.
@@verush27 like Pokémon it is supposed to be for kids they could do the same foe equestria girls.
Like pedophilia?
I think time goes slower in the human world since mlp friendship is magic ended before eg (I think) and they are teenagers in the human world while in the pony world they are adults.
Maybe the sudden surge of magic in Equestria reignited the magic portals meaning magic starts spilling over onto Earth again. If Human tech has progressed then maybe humanity detects the magic from portals and builds a machine then can cross over the dimensional barrier. It would be neat to see the inverse of Equestria girls. You have a cyborg human turned pony trying to escape back to Earth maybe?
I like this idea!
I think Winx has some pretty good sci-fi for a girls show.
I'd like to theorize that the human world G5.. Would be something akin to winx club. They utilize magic and high-tech at the same time. It would be very cyberpunk.
I'm not sure if you know this by now but recently there was word of a Spin off of Equestria girls but starring the cutie mark as magical girls
what about the plot will it be similar to the first eqg movie and sunny will go through a mirror. im thinking thet they might find twilights castel in the series and in their eqg movie sunny and her friends are looking through twilights things and find the magic mirror that's dusty and worn out but still useable maybe the magic in it is slowly fading so the mirrors time limit is back
As a big fan of pop music, one of the best things about Equestria Girls is the music.
I mean with the amount of Star Trek references in mlp, I'm surprised they haven't already done a sci-fi spin off.
i was always thinking about "what about the equstria girls?" and here it is a clue!, thank you for giving us an idea :)
I don't think they should let it die, so far the equestria girls has recieved good collaboration and reviews I haven't seen any but i can assume they are good! I think they should include sombra next!
My theroy is the writes did not think all this through and just made a spin off for the hell of it. there is so many things that dont make sense in Equestria Girls.
Imagine if they made a G5 Equestria girls that would be great i wanna see their human self
I would expect the thinga to flow in the reverse direction. While ponies do get their magics back, humans probably have quantum computer and who knows.
I hope they can make G5 equestria girls, it would be amazing 💗🦄👭
I would love to see a G5 Equestria Girls! I'm thinking the mane 8 (Spike) we know became historical heroes and have a statue of them in museums and on top of the new portal. After a while Midnight Sparkle destroyed that horse statue, they could have sealed it with their own statue. Maybe in one episode of the New Generation, mane 5 will discover the portal and go in front of the futuristic high school. Or maybe the human mane 5 will go to Equestria with their spaceship 😂. They'll also discover the magic.
As amazing as that sounds the chances are very unlikely it won't happen
waitwaitwaaait. If the time plays at the same speed, then is celestia in human world also imortal? what about luna? ??? Also, since they're just in school what about the rest of the world? if celestia is just a director whos the president? Who's was the monarch ruler in the past of that equestria?
Sigh, I hate how weird the timeline is. Its more like a tiny bubble universe with wacky time rules
Shhhh nothing makes sense. I just act like it does and go from there
Celestia also isn't ruler in horse world she rules one country. We have not seen every other country yet. Equestria might be tiny compared to everywhere else
@@daraghokane4236 I mean yeah, but she controled the frickin sun. And her being the president of the human world would honestly be awesome. Imagine the mane six work as the fbi of that world lmao, its a fun concept
@@wishfuldorian I want to hear g4 history described in equestria girls Luna was put on temporary suspension for 1000 day's.
Wait but I recall that the sirens where sent to another dimension (the human world) like 1000 years before the start of FIM, yet the sirens where in the human world not that long.
I thought that the sirens just don't age (or at least used the magic they harness from conflict to stop the aging process) even in human form.
I know most haters are gonna throw me into the pits of heck for saying this but equestria girls was what sparked my interest for mlp, I watched the first movie for the first time on netflix around after when it came out I wanna say 2014ish or so and I was already aware of the actual mlp show’s existence I just never looked at it cause back then was when I thought I wasn’t supposed to get into girly stuff but I later just somewhat watched equestria girls and liked it as well as the later specials and then I watched a few episodes of friendship is magic, back then I didn’t consider myself a brony since I thought I was those “few” boys who happened to like it nor knew the name or the bronies themselves existed. Till I later stopped after a while when I went back into the “well if I don’t want to get made fun of, it’s best I stop” tone and then around 2018 was when I looked at all the episodes as well as the 2017 movie at long last and discovered the bronies and found out I wasn’t the only one this whole time…while now a days I only pay attention to some good people of the fandom since most of them now are…nuts and can’t get a hold of themselves anymore but yeah the whole point is equestria girls was responsible for my interest in mlp and I love it as well as friendship is magic and a new generation and equestria girls is a much better spin off than pony life in my opinion even if pony life to me was somewhat in between of ok and fine…while yes, maybe it’s probably true of what you said of them making it just to compete with Mattel with the monster high thing but that doesn’t matter to me cause equestria girls stayed somewhat interesting just like the normal show…and another thing I question about when it comes to bronies is why are they hating on flash sentry? I mean the character did absolutely nothing wrong when he made his debut and then they go “oh let’s hate on him just for the heck of it or cause we hate the fact hasbro made this garbage just to win over another series by their rival company in the first place” you see what I mean when some are nuts most of the time? Well I was specifically referring to the ones who have serious issues like MisAnthro Pony or even some of the analysts OR those who are just completely out of control and want to bring heck itself to the surface of the earth…over a family friendly fictional cartoon of all things, idk and the mlp timeline itself I probably would’ve thought it to be the 70’s or the 80’s at least cause we seen a movie theater for a start in the bad seed song, and just look at manehatten too, heck even on the equestria map itself their was something that said “applewood” parodying hollywood…though the 1800’s or 1900’s or I wanna say as close as to the 30’s, maybe that’s where the timeline is considering from the looks of it they have the old fashion technology and their using steam trains and not diesels, I know for sure in a new generation that they be using diesels once they get their equestrian railroad system back on cause ya know it’s in today’s standards and we don’t use steam engines as much now a days, yes theirs still some running around but only for tourist purposes or in a museum never to run again as for of what the equestria girls dimension would be doing in the same timeline as a new generation, yeah I always wondered that too, now could that dimension be even more enhanced with the technology? Maybe idk, no one knows unless hasbro does something.
Yes indeed whatever happened to Equestria Girls, Hasbro literally just forgotten that the series existed
The quality of the MLP films and series has gone down quite a bit since the very first mlp movies and generation. It's really sad.
Well I guess we're all entitled to our own opinions so i'll say mine. I couldn't stand the originals. I didn't like the characters and I found they had no development. The animation was also kinda shitty. But I really enjoy the newer movies and gen 4. So I was just wondering why you think the "quality" went down. Is it something about the characters?
Omg yesterday i was just thinking that G5 should be an Equestria girl yesterday and then you did this how did you read my mind
SUNNY MEETS SCI-TWI idea: so EG Twilight becomes astronaut and she is part of a team which is building the first FTL space ships. After sever small scale tests they go for a bigger mission in deep space and Twilight is part of the crew. The mission is successful but 100-200 have passed on Earth. The crew was ready for that but the society had changed drastically so the culture show is too severe. Twilight is struggling but kind of loosing the battle for adaptation...than she has an idea. "Wait, there was another me, right? And she was an alicorn, those live up to 1000 years! How about going to Equestria to just talking with her? This may help me cope with my situation or maybe even she has some magic solution.". She finds a way to locate the gate and pops out in Equestria in her pony form. The first pony she meats there is Sunny Starscout who recognises her as her Twilight Sparkle and faints out in shock and happiness...
What I don't understand about Equestria girls is that.... In the original G4 universe Celestia and Luna have been around for thousand years. So did the Equestria girls universe didn't existed back then ? How are Celestia and Luna are still alive in the universe?
A Futuristic Starfleet Academy or something Equestria Girls series in a world where magic from another universe was brought in could be amazing. My only disappointment would be that it would be far enough in the future that Sunset Shimmer would likely not be around (short of her becoming a nigh immortal Alicorn that kept her immortality in human form). But through various means it could show the influence the Equestria Girls had on their world after they finished High School and its entirely possible that Twilight and Sunset were involved in developing some Faster than Light travel. But there's a lot more you could do, you could do a futuristic super hero type story (if they get the Equestria Girl's powers it'll get some elements of it anyway). Plus it would be cool to see all the different Equestran Races turned humanoid and as aliens in a diverse Star Trek style galaxy...
And I might have another fanfic to write.
There's a BIG oversight here, the crack in the statue kept leaking magic in meaning there could be much more magic in the human world than before meaning it might be a world that's used to magic so your plot wouldn't work if it kept leaking
If Equestria fell to war, then the Equestria Girls universe may even be post-nuclear-apocalypse
I don't want to set the world on fire...
i wonder what sprouts counterpart would be like probably a vice president on student council or a second i command on safety patrol or something
I've bounced around an idea for a G5 Equestria Girls but it's also a crossover between another Hasbro property, Transformers. Here Sunny, her friends, and their Autobot partners are this patrol unit that protects their planet from the Decepticons and their various human sympathizers using the ability to merge with said companion Autobots.
The likelihood of eqg returning is very slim
I hope equestria girls continues. 😭 I created an OC for Equestria Girls.
Equestria girls would still be the same but maybe the Main 7 might be older or maybe they're dead
I imagine the conflict in G5 equestery girls. Would be equestrian girls Sunny and the gang. Preventing a 3 sided interstellar Civil War. Between the humans of Earth and the humans that colonized Mars and Venus.
They just announced the G5 equestria girl dolls of Sunny, Izzy, Zipp and Pipp.
What will happen if Sunny Starscout and her friends look like Equestria Girls?
I'll only wait for season three of Equestria Girls
The chances are very unlikely it won't come back with g5 and that they denied a third season to begin with
It’s entirely possible g5 eqg could be based on a starship or space station for that sci-fi angle as it would allow all sorts of things.
A different twist though is that the magic spreading around in g4 eqg could have propagated so incredibly that it is as common for the humans as it was for ponies in g4.
The chances are very slim it'll return
Star Trek really beat the cripes out of MLP because we believe the Mane 6 version of Star Trek has its existence.
Earth ponies appear to be late 90s early 2000s in tech, pegasi are 2020s unicorns seem to have no tech in the movie.
In g4 tech is kinda all over the place, vinyl scratch has very modern looking dj equipment yet the trains look 1880s-1940s. cheese sandwiches factory is probably a mix of 1980s-2010s.
I think the eqgirls world only time synced with equestria when twilight setup the mirror in her castle, before that i think time moved sliwer because sunset was celestia's student years before twilight but is the same age range once she shows back up.
Laura Cristancho.i clould .love yo see Equiestria girls to come back in some form in the future! Think the
The chances are very unlikely it'll return in the future
Ponies: we finally made a phones.
Humans: STAR WARS.
Thank you for saying sci-fi is for girls too! I’d like to see Captain Sunny Starscout of the USS Starswirl of the United Federation of Planets.
Possibly sales slowed in Equestria girls because of the parents’ worried that it is dangerously anthropomorphic to children’s perspective due to mane six presence so I guess maybe that Equestria girls should be in long hiatus for children to clear their perspectives on the future of Equestria girls characters
That's kinda not really the really they got cancelled
When she showed the question your girls altogether even with the two twilights the one that didn’t have glasses on her eyes looked weird.
The fact after the first two Equestria girls movies the original twilight is randomly replaced with the doppelganger who randomly is interested in magic and they literally replaced her because she's looks liks original twilight.
I actually have a theory that perhaps when Twilight ruled Equestria, the pony world and human world collided and now the humans could come to Ponyville and the ponies could come to human land. But when magic disappeared, the portal faded away. So I believe that some the ponies in G5 are really humans in pony form. It’s just a theory but I might right.
They could have been humans who fell into the portal by accident and then when magic disappeared they could have reverted back to humans
I don’t remember time moving at the same pace between the two worlds, where was that actually said?
The Humane 7 might return in chapters 5 or 6
If Equestria Girls were to be continued with Gen 5, Hasbro would really have to up the quality on the dolls to compete with LOL OMG and Rainbow High. Both of those lines are known for their good articulation, attention to detail, and impressive high quality clothing. With Equestria Girls, I was kind of turned off by the original dolls because of their smaller size and faces, but I found the slightly bigger rebooted ones to be much more aesthetically pleasing. Neither version of them measured up to Monster High's quality and detail though. If Equestria Girls were to make a comeback, Hasbro would have to take their time to create high quality, aesthetically pleasing dolls at a decent price point to please doll collectors, pony collectors, and kids.
That's probably what they'd need to do if they change their minds on it to bring eqg back but I'm sure the chances are very unlikely
I like to think that when the pony world got more advanced the human world started to become more reliant on magic and now the human world looks like how the pony world used to look except with everyone as humans.
Thx for making this kind of video
Why not make the equestria girls G5 in the future like you said, but with some kind of moral about ecology, I mean the unicorns like Izzy were living close to nature, maybe in that alternative dimension instead of wanting everypony to be together, sunny would be an endvironmental activist in a futuristic world, then she discorvers the lifestyle of unicorns with Izzy and together they find magic in nature and friendship idk
Maybe keep the society appearance of the G4 and mix your idea of eco-friendly living. Timber Spruce and Fluttershy seemed like good examples of ecologically-minded characters, especially with Applejack while SciTwi and Micro Chips could have led to advancing technology like in "Forgotten Friendship" when reading the yearbook "most likely to invent cold fusion" and if these five were the heralds of a better society it could lead to a similar social environment to G5
@@andrewmalinowski6673 Noice
Honestly I dont think things move at the same rate in the human world, always felt like things are slower there, specially with sunset being in highschool all these years
The rate is the same, but on a technological standpoint, the human world is more advanced
I think that "Equestria Girls" would become an ''The Expanse'' in terms of development and social problems. Well, what fits, just the development and the problems and the reason why there was no magic here (if you watch this series, then guess).
So space school?
I miss Equestria girls, I wish they continued it with g5
I wish Equestria Girls could be continued in G4.
Well hasbro denied a third season to begin with and they're putting their focus on g5 instead. So, the chances of eqg coming back is very unlikely
Love your explanation im going to make a fan animation on that
Definitely wouldn't be opposed to gen 5 EG, however I do disagree with the anime style part, I don't think it suits the characters but your sunny (or the one you showed if it isn't yours) does look really really good. I just don't think a show in that style would suit an mlp type movie
Save Mlp G4 again please and save Equestria girls please too
G4 ended 3 years ago and eqg has been cancelled and confirmed from one of the writers themselves not to mention that hasbro denied a third season to begin with
@@miloaguilar6284 move on, nothing can last forever
The idea of futuristic Equestria Girls would be awesome, but I don't think Hasbro have the guts to try doing it
Yeah, I find the chances of eqg coming back is very slim
I'm still extremely salty that G4 Equestria Girls didn't get the real ending it should have.
Many of us do but sometimes these things don't work out well whether we like it or not
Hi I love my little pony to and your videos to it’s amazing and the ideas 👍
Thats What i meant. Maybe equestrian girls will come back in some different forms/ animation so that it will change the children’s and parent’s perspective on equestria girls
Also the equestria girls maybe could not be related to g5 cuz it’s all about girls. But the mane 5 in g5, we have hitch trailblazer, a male pony
Plus, there's a slim chance of eqg returning
It would be fun to see Sunset again, old or at least referenced with the other main 6.
I’d like to help with the development of equestria girls as well if hasbro decides to revive it. I have so many good ideas that could be incorporated to the series that would make it seem more like a passion project rather than a quick cash grab or to sell toys. I truly hope that equestria girls comes back.
The chances are very unlikely it won't come back with g5 now and that they denied a third season to begin with
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I think that if they do make a new generation of human ponies then it should be rebranded to Equestria High. Since the mane group isn't just girls this time.
Yea you know one is a guy
If G5 Equestria Girls is anime I'm going to scream (In a bad way)
I just only the animation looks good, either good high budget looking 3d, or traditional 2d, if the series looks good, I gonna watch it
There’s also a concept art from gen 4 I found on Wikipedia
Do you know that Mattel is bringing back Monster High in 2022? Well, If Mattel is bringing back Monster High in 2022 then Hasbro should bring back Equestria Girls in 2022 just to stay competitive with Mattel.
Maybe 1000 years =10 years in Equestria Girls?