AI Infra is too hard. Should we all just give up? - Live Podcast

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • Guests:
    ​Roman Shaposhnik, Co-founder & CTO, Nekko.AI
    Bryan Cantrill, Co-Founder & CTO, Oxide Computer Company
    ​Greg Chase, Community Organizer at
    ​If you’ve been following tech pundits and investors lately, you’ve probably read statements like “We’re heading for the Valley of Despair in the AI Hype Cycle” and “AI Infrastructure is a tar pit idea.” Notably, Goldman Sachs just issued a report stating that generative AI has limited economic upside, is capital intensive, can't solve complex problems, and has no killer app.
    ​Their advice includes “leave it to the big AI players and cloud providers” and “sell before the bubble bursts!”
    ​We asked the co-founder of, Roman Shaposhnik if he had a reply to these naysayers. “Oh boy, do I! Nobody said creating an AI infrastructure should be easy and a quick win!”
    ​We also asked Bryan Cantrill, Co-Founder of Oxide Computer Company, to comment. He’s building a company everyone also said would be too hard: cloud servers for data centers.
    ​Join us for a lively, opinionated discussion with Roman and Bryan about building startups in hard mode. Are these co-founders eternal optimists or gluttons for punishment? Bryan will reflect on his journey with Oxide and, before that, Joyent. Roman will share his experience building his prior startup, Zededa, and his aspirations for his new AI Infrastructure venture,
    ​We promise not to share too many memes about old men yelling at clouds and dumb AI chatbots.