Tucker Carlson: Michael Vick 'Should Have Been Executed' [Uncut Video]

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • Tucker Carlson filled in for Sean Hannity Tuesday night on Fox News and made a shocking claim: Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Michael Vick should be executed.
    Carlson led a panel discussion pegged to President Obama's recent phone call with the Eagles owner, in which he applauded the Eagles for giving Vick a second chance following his time in jail over his dogfighting scandal.
    But Carlson is not as forgiving as Obama or the Eagles.
    "I'm a Christian, I've made mistakes myself, I believe fervently in second chances," Carlson said. "But Michael Vick killed dogs, and he did in a heartless and cruel way. And I think, personally, he should've been executed for that. He wasn't, but the idea that the President of the United States would be getting behind someone who murdered dogs? Kind of beyond the pale."
    Comments From Readers:::
    whowhatwhywherewhen: Is Tucker off his meds again?
    DavidMartindale: Calling for the execution of Vick is a bit harsh how about executing say some one who committed treason against the state by outing a CIA field agent
    Vic22: I went to India for 3 months for work with a group of about 20 other Americans. Young homeless children would come up to us begging for food, yet these Americans would turn away from them disgusted, and make comments about how they refuse to give to these people because its a waste. Meanwhile, when a wild dog would come up to us begging for food, they would get all googly eyed and give the dog whatever they had. Its amazing that there is so much pain in this world, and so much suffering for our fellow human beings, even in our own back yards, but there are a decent amount of people who care more about the well being of animals, than humans who have no control over the horrid conditions they were born into.
    texlib2112: Tucker, please execution for someone convicted of dog killing. As much as I got upset about how person could do such an despicable things to animals. But to advocate the death penalty is bit harsh and does not serve a purpose in our society.
    Alonso_Quijano: Publicly calling for someone to be executed is tantamount to a threat of lethal violence that should be punishable by law. Executions are for juries to decide after proper due process ONLY, never by individuals, even the POTUS.
    SoCalNick: I could go on about this all day but I will just say this. ALL you need to know about this man is the fact that he actually said, " I AM A CHRISTIAN " and " HE SHOULD BE EXECUTED" in the same breath. Religion has been the " Dress" that too many a COWARD has hidden behind throughout History. That is all.
    Estreet1964: Carlson: "Please, please look at me. I'm important! Mommy and Daddy are very rich so that makes me important. Please look at me. I so want to have my own TV show again. I deserve it!"
    enlightenedgirl: Common Criminals kill people everyday and serve less time than a drug dealer. Why would Vick get harsher punishment for fighting dogs? No wonder Carlson is stuck in tv limbo somewhere.
    Travian77: Glad to see that 90% of the responses are in disagreeme­nt with what Carlson said. Gives me a little bit more hope for humanity..
    lilacluvr: My thoughts exactly - this is more of Tucker's hatred of Obama than about Vick.
    jdl51: Is there anywhere in the world where you can get the death penalty for dogicide? Maybe in Tucker's world if you aren't the right color.
    lilacluvr: Isn't it very telling how these so-called Christians all profess to be such loving and forgiving people but yet are all too quick to step in and be the be executioner of people they deem unworthy? I suspect this latest Tucker moment is nothing more than a manifestation of an in depth Obama-hatred manifesting itself on to the judgment of Michael Vick. You did notice they were actually talking about Obama calling the Eagles owner and were not actually talking about Vick himself. The so-called Religious Right have an unhealthy hatred of everything Obama and it always comes out in anything they say or do.

    Cassierwilliams: Not saying killing dogs is no big deal, but I love how Fox promotes these jokers who wants people who kill a few dogs to be executed but mercenarie­s who kill humans for sport (Blackwate­r, etc) to get billions of dollars of government contracts and corporatio­ns that kill entire ecosystems (BP, ExxonMobil­, etc) and companies that destroy entire families' lives (BofA, Countrywid­e, Chase, Wells Fargo, AIG, etc) to get billions in government bailouts. Walk me through that thought process, Tucker.
    SoCalM: They put him on the air during the holidays, when nobody's really watching or paying attention. Some children will do anything for attention.


  • @SpiritualAtheist
    @SpiritualAtheist 13 років тому +10

    Executed?! Wow, and I thought I had a soft spot for dogs.

  • @stylesclash101
    @stylesclash101 13 років тому

    @sgoodl Whatever dude... In Hunting you're still killing animals.. Brutal or not. If you ask me, keeping the head of a innocent defenseless dear as a trophy is quite humiliating. In the eyes of some, Hunting is just as taboo of a sport as Dog Fighting.

  • @FrenchMastiff
    @FrenchMastiff 12 років тому +6

    "empathy" ...... actually, i have lots of empathy for the victims of a crime...none for the perpetrator.

  • @TandemKnights
    @TandemKnights Рік тому +2

    I've never agreed with Tucker Carlson on anything in my life, but I agree with him on this one. Money is all they matters in America, if Vick was a street hood he would've been toast. I've banned the Eagles for life for giving him a job.

  • @Polishedchocol8
    @Polishedchocol8 12 років тому +9

    Vick is a monster.

  • @BootyBot
    @BootyBot 13 років тому +6

    wow he must really love dogs.

  • @pharmdmsn
    @pharmdmsn  13 років тому +14

    @natsfirst: So killing moose is ok, but dog fighting is barbaric! How about killing of Leopard, Cheatah, Lion, Elephant, Giraffe, Zebra, by whites vacationing in Africa who only take away the animal's head as trophy after discarding the carcas? The brutality of the whiteman in the African Savannah game is never considered barbaric, but a pastime sport, yet Vick is riviled. If dog fighting is barbaric, then bull fighting in Spain cheered by whites with bulls pierced and bleeding is barbaric too.

  • @telka3013
    @telka3013 13 років тому +1

    @hoodford1 so killing animals for sport is justified if it's on private land? So I can shoot a dog if I live on a farm? Or is it just a horns vs collar thing? Horns =justified kill, collar=sacred. And I dont think an animal would care if they were killed "cleanly". Sorry you fell short.

  • @telka3013
    @telka3013 13 років тому +2

    "Dealing crack as a kid"? C'mon everyone knew where he was going. And even these people were smart enough to refuse to go down that road with him.

  • @geoscope1
    @geoscope1 11 років тому +1

    At the end of the day he killed a dog not a person and people need to get over it. He paid his debts to society and should be forgiven.

  • @howardbangert4247
    @howardbangert4247 3 роки тому +1

    The president of the united states (Obama) was wrong to even comment on Vick. The President should away from commenting on issues that do not concern his chief executive duties. Even though I voted for Trump, I believe he was wrong when he commented on NFL players taking a knee during the national anthem.

  • @pegcage
    @pegcage 13 років тому

    Tucker, you give Christians a bad name. Jesus said there is only one unforgiveable sin and that is blaspheming the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit is now working in Vick's life, you are blaspheming Him. Think on that one. No one can be redeemed with the Holy Spirit, which Christ gives. Rethink your position.

  • @009FireHawk
    @009FireHawk 12 років тому

    This guy Tucker Carlson? What a clown.... Christianity doesn't need anymore of these kind of people... I pray Tucker Carlson changes his way of thought because wishing death upon someone is over the top ESPECIALLY for a Christian.

  • @tedcomet3121
    @tedcomet3121 3 роки тому

    Hmmmmmm I womder why Obama wanted Vick to be pardoned

  • @csosabutler
    @csosabutler 12 років тому

    Will you people ever learn to stop holding grudges for something that happened 5 years ago?!! damn I'm not defending him at all he was wrong for what he did, but he is not a bad person he is human like all of you judgmental people here on youtube bashing him to want him to die!! Wishing death on someone is just as bad as someone killing mere dogs. Move on guys!! You don't live in his life and you don't have the right to judge him END OF STORY!!

  • @deadbeathero1
    @deadbeathero1 13 років тому

    Child Please!! 69 year old retired marine shot and killed a father of 2 because his dog pissed in his lawn....was sentenced to probation, Jim Leyritz former yankee and padre, gets hammered plows through a red light and kills a woman no jail time, Dante Stallworth runs over a man and kills him in florida does 90 days in jail, and how come Fucker Carlson didnt say this last year? he had to wait till Vick was at the top of his game playing the best ball in his career

  • @csosabutler
    @csosabutler 12 років тому

    This is what gets people all nuts?? over dogs?!!! come on I love dogs too but come on this is 5 years going on now. And know he should not be tortured and die, because he is human just like all of you. Don't act like you never made some dumb ass mistakes before. How hyprocrital can you people get??

  • @ROCKETS2965
    @ROCKETS2965 12 років тому +3

    Apparently you missed the "Eye for an Eye" verse.

    • @ReapersLove69
      @ReapersLove69 2 роки тому

      nah it works well here, he killed and tortured and maimed so maybe he should have lost his life

  • @wagzel
    @wagzel 13 років тому

    You move up the ladder at Fox with crazy points - this is Carlson's shot. No second chance because he's rich? And black.

  • @travis122tv
    @travis122tv 13 років тому +1

    See "Tucker Carlson philly style execution." NOW PLAYING

  • @StaffordChristensen
    @StaffordChristensen 13 років тому +1

    @pharmdmsn "The whiteman"? What is this? The 1600s?

  • @wheez123
    @wheez123 13 років тому +1

    How long before he apologizes AND gets fired?

  • @ravioliravioli7780
    @ravioliravioli7780 3 роки тому +1

    I agree

  • @332ndVFGBearcat
    @332ndVFGBearcat 13 років тому +5

    This is pitiful and this man starts his statement off with "I'm a christian" and in the same breath says that a man should have been executed for killing a dog. And people wonder why Christianity in this country gets such a bad rap. Never mind the fact that The President wasn't making a public statement, he was having a private conversation nor did he make the call just to praise him for giving Vick a second chance. He called because Lurie's plans to use alternative energy tech at his stadium

  • @mtr2724
    @mtr2724 10 років тому +2

    Btw hes a "christian" who believes in executing people...okkkkkkkkkk buddyyy hahahahahaha

  • @ericlord821
    @ericlord821 13 років тому

    Wow this guy is downplaying 2 years in Leavenworth. He wouldn't even last a week.

  • @relauraba
    @relauraba 13 років тому

    yea folks this is all about money. the question isn't "is it moral for Vick to get his job back". I guarantee you the NFL was not discussing morality at any point. It's about whether or not Vick is still profitable. If the answer is yes, then the NFL should, in a free state, hire him back and make shit loads of money off of him. if you don't agree with Vick's morality, boycott. otherwise, I don't really see the issue. Are you in favor of facism?

  • @CasualCausalThinker
    @CasualCausalThinker 12 років тому

    3) President Obama, per usual, made a comment on the Vick situation when he really had no need or place to, and as a result...
    4) The Republicans in this room are using this as fodder to bash Obama for every stupid little thing he does.
    THAT'S IT! Race was never even mentioned here. Vick is black, he is also a quarterback. The more we label him a "black quarterback", the less we can expect him to be treated as an equal in this society.

  • @009FireHawk
    @009FireHawk 12 років тому

    @ssgkillsuall Really? We're all people just different shades of grey... easy on the racism

  • @csosabutler
    @csosabutler 12 років тому

    wow some empathy you have wishing death on some one. that just shows how indecent you were when mike vick killed those dogs. like i said i love animals too dont get me wrong. but that doesn't make it ok to wish someone dead. that is just as bad. but i agree with you it was bad. However you cant hold on to reseantment forever bro.

  • @CasualCausalThinker
    @CasualCausalThinker 12 років тому

    @XxBL00DW0LFxX What, if anything, does this have to do with race. There are a few genuine facts that we should be allowed to comment on here.
    1) Michael Vick killed and abused dogs FOR PROFIT!
    2) He did his time in jail, although it was a SEVERELY reduced sentence because of who he is.
    3) He has turned his life around as an advocate and spokesperson against Illegal dog fighting, while showing that he is still plenty deserving of being a starting quarterback in the NFL.

  • @imax1971
    @imax1971 12 років тому

    It's from Mark chapter 8. Read it and you'll understand what I mean... The fact that you wrote that you don't recall when Jesus "scrapped" an eye for an eye tells me you don't grasp what Jesus taught..

  • @atrollgod3804
    @atrollgod3804 9 років тому

    tucker is a good forgivin christian boy palin cruz 2016

  • @imax1971
    @imax1971 12 років тому

    Apparently you missed Christ's entire ministry...

  • @csosabutler
    @csosabutler 12 років тому

    sorry my comments were a little a bit an attack for you. i just thought you were a little bit to harsh and biased. im a forgiving person you know. i didnt like what he did either trust me

  • @wheez123
    @wheez123 13 років тому

    Hey Tucker, Sarah Palin just shot a Moose! Oh ! He's still not wearing his bowtie after Jon Stewart made a crack about it on "CrossFire." Ha ha.

  • @Damon089
    @Damon089 12 років тому

    Starting to think that he said this because Obama liked the Eagles signing him...

  • @biggreglikewhat
    @biggreglikewhat 7 років тому +2

    The guy who called for Vick's execution is taking O'Reilly's time slot. What an upgrade.

  • @briantotse3
    @briantotse3 13 років тому +5

    Classy as always, Fox.

  • @crabsackmccringle1687
    @crabsackmccringle1687 4 роки тому +1

    What did he mean by executed?

    • @ReapersLove69
      @ReapersLove69 2 роки тому

      dead, like all the dogs he murdered

    • @nekozombie
      @nekozombie Рік тому

      Killed, dude.
      And I've never agreed more.

  • @CasualCausalThinker
    @CasualCausalThinker 12 років тому

    Still, it was reduced from what you or I would have gotten. Although there is debate as to whether he got a reduction because of his celebrity status or, since he was so renowned in the dog fighting for so long, he was willing to share information to convict other dog fighters and expose dog fighting operations.

  • @wagzel
    @wagzel 13 років тому

    @vector313 I agree on your points with the exception "Vick fought dogs," which on the face of it is true. But the issue that outrages people is that Vick tortured dogs, If he fought dogs but otherwise treated them humanely many people would be OK.

  • @KushPizzaSleep
    @KushPizzaSleep 13 років тому

    wheres the bow tie Carl?

  • @009FireHawk
    @009FireHawk 12 років тому

    @ssgkillsuall That sounds a bit immature man... Grow up lol

  • @tripwire99
    @tripwire99 13 років тому

    Doug Schoen has a larger brain than Tucker Carlson and Leslie Sanchez put together.

  • @dannydonnelly8027
    @dannydonnelly8027 4 роки тому +3

    I agree about Vick. I disagree with what Carlson tries to spin it into, and with almost everything else Carlson has said. But Vick deserved execution or at least life in prison.

  • @csosabutler
    @csosabutler 12 років тому

    Oh yes he did stop judging. God does that, not you. that = Hypocrite

  • @ROCKETS2965
    @ROCKETS2965 12 років тому

    I don't remember the part where He said to scrap the eye for an eye method...

  • @specialme2
    @specialme2 12 років тому

    The picture i get is thank God he is not in government,simple

  • @upabittoolate
    @upabittoolate 13 років тому

    @ericlord821 A week? Let's try 90min.

  • @jebenn23
    @jebenn23 13 років тому

    America needs to abolish the death penalty all together

  • @danlee89KS
    @danlee89KS 13 років тому

    this would have been better if tucker still had his bowtie

  • @nat-the-brat
    @nat-the-brat 4 роки тому

    Vick never served time for animal cruelty, instead: Michael Vick was not convicted according the Virginia Animal Cruelty laws. Instead he was indicted in Federal Court and pled guilty to one (1), I repeat, one count of “Conspiracy to Travel in Interstate Commerce in Aid of Unlawful Activities and to Sponsor a Dog in an Animal Fight Venture”. An offense that carries a two to five year sentence. I am going to say this again because it’s important: ‘Vick was sentenced to 23 months and served 18 months’. Again, not quite two years and certainly short of the five year maximum sentence. But again, this is only for one count or offense. So no Mr. President, Michael Vick has NOT paid his debt to society. But, then again, your Secretary of the Treasury is an admitted tax evader. It must be nice to view right and wrong from your perspective.
    One count. This is unbelievable. Between 2001 and 2007 Michael Vick sponsored dogs in eleven fights. Additionally, he traveled to four states to purchase eleven dogs. Again, could this not be construed as 22 counts? Even with Vick’s meager sentencing this would have equated to 396 months or 33 YEARS!! And even at an absolute minimum, why was he not charged with four counts of the incredibly weak “Conspiracy…”?
    But better yet, if he had been truly tried according to Virginia’s Animal Cruelty Laws he could have been tried for twenty dog fights and nine executions. SIXTY FIVE YEARS! Instead, he was again allowed to plead out (while serving out his Federal sentence) and received a three year suspended sentence for time served on the Federal charges. The prosecutor (Virginia’s Surry County Commonwealth Attorney General - Gerald G. Poindexter) didn’t feel that the costs associated with transporting Vick to Virginia from Leavenworth penitentiary in Kansas was worth it. There was also another $2,500 fine.

  • @RBHILL300
    @RBHILL300 13 років тому

    Is it legal to say someone should be exicuted?

  • @Heebz24
    @Heebz24 13 років тому

    This is pathetic, I am very ashamed.

  • @imax1971
    @imax1971 12 років тому

    You have ears but cannot hear..

  • @mrdk216
    @mrdk216 13 років тому

    @pharmdmsn agreeed!!!!

  • @ROCKETS2965
    @ROCKETS2965 12 років тому


  • @csosabutler
    @csosabutler 12 років тому +1

    wow you people are disgusting. Look i love dogs too and i know they have feelings,but you shouldn't want someone to die that is a lot more heartless than what vick did to those dogs.

  • @StaffordChristensen
    @StaffordChristensen 13 років тому +1

    If you really are a Christian, Mr. Carlson, then you would understand that a human life is far more important and sacred than the life of a dog. What Vick did was awful and he spent time in the slammer for it - but he should not be killed for that, for crying out loud.

  • @Dinobot_Sigma
    @Dinobot_Sigma 7 років тому +1

    If I could get away with it, I'd throw vick into a vat of acid and watch him die in agony. Wouldn't lose a wink of sleep over it either. It's the justice he deserves. Carlson is right on the money.

  • @rednupe44
    @rednupe44 6 років тому

    Lol this is funny

  • @ReeseMac
    @ReeseMac 13 років тому

    I think that Tucker himself should "acknowledge the value of an unexpressed thought" . Whats more dangerous? Recognizing how Michael Vick changed his life for the better or admitting wishing death upon him. Vick was wrong but Tucker is totally downplaying the jail time Vick recieved for it. He even called Vick "the guy who is KILLING dogs". (as if Vick is still doing it). He wants to dismiss the redemption and talk about Vick as if he's still killing dogs.

  • @sgoodl
    @sgoodl 13 років тому

    Hunting is NOT the same as dog fighting...and ethical hunters (MOST hunters) do not "torture" animals for sport. Don't get me wrong - I don't begrudge Vick the opportunity to make a living: he did his time. My question about Obama weighing in is far more about the timing. (Wait until he's a winner on the field?) As for "redemption", a few forced PR opportunities with the sell-out SPCA does not make a changed man. I reserve the right to find his behavior repulsive.

  • @LordScrambles
    @LordScrambles 13 років тому

    @TheNextAriGold Tucker Carlson got his career from his parents. Everything was handed to him as a child. He's never had to worry about the future and he has never done anything to prove his character. Any money that he makes at all is undeserved.

  • @Joeym929
    @Joeym929 13 років тому

    Doug Schoen got it right. Vick knows what he did was wrong and is doing everything he can. Yes 2 years is a short time but that's how the system works. At least Vick served time and is trying to be a better person in the world unlike some people that get out of prison.

  • @a1W6av1e8
    @a1W6av1e8 13 років тому

    @bronx1725 Tucker is a grown man... 'a few more lessons in Sunday School' will surrrrrre change him. lol... How about locking him up for 2 years to show him what a joke 2 years in jail is.

  • @webederpin28
    @webederpin28 12 років тому

    i like how this turns into an anti-obama rant lol

  • @meganfigueroa9177
    @meganfigueroa9177 10 років тому

    Carlson, if you're a Christian man, you would know that God forgives everyone regardless of what sin they committed. Some of Jesus' own disciples were murderers (Paul). As long as they confess their sins and mean it, God doesn't even remember what they did.

    • @RottingintheMidwest
      @RottingintheMidwest 10 років тому +1

      god doesn't remember what they did?

    • @meganfigueroa9177
      @meganfigueroa9177 10 років тому

      If they asked for forgiveness he doesn't :)

    • @RottingintheMidwest
      @RottingintheMidwest 10 років тому

      Meg Figueroa
      that is fucking stupid, meg, and just because god is supposed to be all-knowing, but because god doesn't exist.

    • @meganfigueroa9177
      @meganfigueroa9177 10 років тому

      I know it sounds stupid but it's the truth. God is all-knowing and He is real. You might not think so but I know so. I'm not trying to force any of this on you, you have your reasons for why and what you believe in and I have mine.

  • @kyleketels731
    @kyleketels731 9 років тому

    Tucker go to jail for 2 years and then try to say that's nothing..

    • @nekozombie
      @nekozombie Рік тому

      For torturing animals? He should've gotten an eternity in hell.