Isles of Scilly AIRPORT SHUTS + Scillonian III is SOLD OUT!!

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024


  • @WhenAdventureKnox
    @WhenAdventureKnox  Рік тому +1

    Have you ever been stranded - or worse, not been able to get out onto the Isles of Scilly for the start of your holiday? What happened, were you able to fly on a different flight, take the ferry on the same day - or was it the Scillonian that interrupted your travels?

    • @MattWhitingsEurope
      @MattWhitingsEurope Рік тому

      I had a very similar experience to this trying to get off a Scottish island last year, I really need to speed up my editing! It's crazy when it's actually happening as you really don't know what's going to happen next! Glad you made it back in time for the classroom on Monday morning!

    • @thekeeper7885
      @thekeeper7885 4 місяці тому

      I was on the Scillonian years ago it got to lands' end and stopped. Then in the distance a navy helicopter came above the boat and done a training exercise by taking someone off the boat. At one time i thought the boat was gonna capsize because of the wind and the draft off the helicopter. When it was over everyone was ill and we ended up at the bottom of the boat for the rest of the journey. Great video😘

  • @neilcollier5040
    @neilcollier5040 27 днів тому

    Excellent video. We had the same experience in May of this year,2024, when the flights out from Exeter were cancelled. We were put up in a lovely hotel (at our own expense) and the following morning taken by coach down to Penzance to board the Scillonian, my goodness what a crossing. I think I was one of the few who thankfully were not ill !! We did receive the money back for the hotel whilst on the islands but had to wait for compensation for the loss of the days holiday /accommodation etc back from the insurers and then only received a fraction of our costs.

  • @Rtt-d5m
    @Rtt-d5m Місяць тому

    Excellent video. My daughter and family went through the same experience last weekend. Arrived home early hours of the morning after a 9hour drive home then school in the morning.

  • @whathasxgottodowithit3919.
    @whathasxgottodowithit3919. 2 місяці тому

    A lot of people will say we need some wind to move the fog, however around the British coastline any time between May & September fog is possible and sometimes it is blowing at 60 knots too. I and many others was once stuck on a North Sea Oil Production Platform for 10 days due to the Icelandic Volcano erupting, this in turn led to a European airspace flight restrictions.

  • @lukethompson7972
    @lukethompson7972 Рік тому +3

    I’m a local and I thaught this was going to be a normal shit, but you have done so well on this it’s good how you have put everything in perspective and I fully like what you done ere

    • @WhenAdventureKnox
      @WhenAdventureKnox  Рік тому +1

      Hi Luke, thank you so much, this means a lot that you were pleasantly surprised by the video! Definitely think in times like these you need perspective, no one cancelled the flights just to annoy us... it was to keep us safe. No one made us sit around at the airport just for the fun of it, it was because staff were working their socks off trying to get us a roof over our heads for the night, etc. etc. Whilst I know it can be frustrating, regularly reminding yourself that everything is actually for you to be safe and well goes such a long way! Still so grateful for the immense hospitality of the locals - you're lucky to live in such a wonderful community!

  • @davidcyrilbrown
    @davidcyrilbrown Місяць тому

    I live on the coast, I can see the Isles from my garden. We can get thick sea fog that lasts a few days. We run an NHS clinic there once a week, We always always pack several sets of underwear and tooth brush when popping over

  • @nickpowell2847
    @nickpowell2847 Рік тому +1

    Hi Caroline. I rarely comment on You Tube but your tale of woe reminded me of our family hols on tresco. We had the same problem one year and like yourself, my father had to get home for Monday. He was a GP and had a full surgery planned. We sat at the airport waiting to see if the helicopter would fly. There was no Skybus then, early 1970's,just helicopter or Scillonian. We were told that the weather may improve and we could hang on and risk it or get on the boat. Dad chose the latter as it was guaranteed. The was a lot less tourism to the islands then so space on the boat wasn't an issue. We got about half way across and the sky cleared, promptly followed by the helicopter flying back!
    There is also the famous tale of the guy who goes into the newsagent on a fog bound St Marys and asks for his paper which came over on the first flight. "Do you want todays or yesterdays?" askes the newsagent. "Well todays of course" says the guy. " Come back tomorrow! " was the reply. I have actually heard this myself. Keep up the good work.

  • @tessaspanton6891
    @tessaspanton6891 Рік тому +1

    Glad you got back in time for work! All part of the adventure. Similar happened to us. Waiting for the last helicopter of the day from Tresco, waiting and waiting in the fog. Scillonian specially put on for us. We were very late back to London though. The good news is that when it's foggy at least the sea is calm. Another time when the ash cloud happened nothing was flying so we went down the day before, stayed in a BandB and got the Scillonian. Again thankfully the sea was flat calm and it was a beautiful day. As we came round into the harbour at St Marys the sea was glittering like millions of diamonds. Then we got a boat to Tresco, there was a human chain to pass the cases down to the boat. Third time there was fog delay at St Marys airport, we were looked on Skybus. It got to about 3 in the afternoon before flying resumed and they started dealing with the backlog. As we waited they called our names and told us that they would have to offload us (someting about total weight and weather conditions and as we had been the last to book we would be first to be offloaded.) We had to decide whether to chance it and wait to see if they could fit us on the next one or go by Scillonian. Then they called our names again and said we could go on. I noticed that a family who had been in the queue at checkin were missing so I guess they had decided it wasn't worth risking the plane not going and had opted for the Scillonian. So we got our seats back and the plane did fly. Another time we arrived at Penzance only to find that our luggage was coming on the next helicopter so we had to wait. That also happened on an outward journey. I think our best trip was last year when we flew into St Mary's on a luxury helicopter that they had leased, it had leather seats and plush carpet. This year they put us on a very noisy one. I was told it was what they used to take workers out to oil rigs. If you go by helicopter take the ear plugs they offer ( I didn't and regretted it) or better still take Boots wax earplugs. I do know of people who have got back to Penzance on the jetboat! Wrist bands, ginger and travel sickness pills!

    • @WhenAdventureKnox
      @WhenAdventureKnox  Рік тому +1

      The jetboat?! Wow, what a way to end the message 🤣 I couldn't think of anything worse. I still really want to fly in a helicopter so I'm hoping that we can do the islands again that way and the ear plugs are a great recommendation. The private one sounds amazing. I know I'd have equally have been excited by one used for oil rig workers, but I guess when you've seen what the other ones can be like, I bet that was quite a let down! It's interesting to hear just how many times your travels have been disrupted and in the different ways too. The ash cloud feels like such a long time ago now. I was living and working in Toronto back then and a friend was travelling in North America at the time, but eager to finish up her travels and fly back to the UK and I remember her coming to visit me and feeling so helpless as there was nothing for her! Crazy to think that the ash had enough of an impact to ground flights no where near Iceland!

  • @andrewclayton4181
    @andrewclayton4181 Рік тому +1

    I was working on Scilly for about three months in the late 70s. I've also been across several times for holiday breaks. I've tried small plane, helicopter, and the boat. When we tried going across by plane from Lands End airport we were delayed by half a day due to fog, which was really frustrating. So I prefer to take the boat. A pill is pretty effective at preventing queasyness, though I was a bit rough the first time I went, which was really due to the night out in Penzance before we left! Once I took the helicopter and sat right at the back, in the tail, I found that swings around a bit, being so far from the supporting rotor, it started to make me feel queasy. On the boat, I prefer to be on deck in the fresh air. Standing on the centre line at the back you are subjected to less movement than hanging over the side. I find that better. My daghter, who has a cast iron stomach went right to the front on our roughest trip, to watch the waves crashing. She enjoyed the violent upping and downing, but I wouldn't have stood it t mins.
    Loved seeing the film of the islands, reminded me of many happy days. As you say the rail line through Cornwall and Devon is gorgeous. Everyone should experience it a couple of times. It is quite unique.

    • @WhenAdventureKnox
      @WhenAdventureKnox  Рік тому

      Really interesting to hear your take on the helicopter and how being at the back can cause a swing like that. Good to know for my next opportunity of being able to ride on one! I couldn't help but laugh over your honestly over the illness probably being from the night out in Penzance the night before 🤣 I've since heard differing views and people seem split between going to the bottom, or staying out on deck!

  • @MrHemp55
    @MrHemp55 3 місяці тому

    Brilliant video brings back great memory’s for me as a kitchen porter in the early seventies on st Marys

  • @elcaminanteyexplorador53
    @elcaminanteyexplorador53 Рік тому +2

    Quite a beautiful place. Would like to go there if i have a chance. 😊😊😊 thanks for sharing.

    • @WhenAdventureKnox
      @WhenAdventureKnox  Рік тому

      You're most welcome. If you ever get the chance, I'd wholeheartedly recommend a trip there as it's definitely up there as one of my favourite holidays.

  • @cebusapella9125
    @cebusapella9125 Рік тому +2

    Hi Caroline, glad you managed to make it back in time. Luckily there are worse places to be stranded! I think the Scillonian's reputation is a bit exaggerated. I've done 50+ crossings and was only seasick once, on a dead calm day when no-one else was. Been on one or two rough crossings and was absolutely fine, a few people throwing up, but the vast majority fine. I think it's in part psychological, cos the only times I felt a bit queasy was when I was worrying about it. I don't like the "quiet area", it's the noisiest part of the ship! And no windows! The deck is the best place to be for me, fresh air, lovely views of the islands and the coast of Penwith, dolphins, gannets, shearwaters and if you're lucky basking sharks and possibly a whale or two! Many thanks for the video!

    • @WhenAdventureKnox
      @WhenAdventureKnox  Рік тому

      My biggest take-away has to be how many times you've been fortunate enough to visit the Isles of Scilly - but with 50+ crossings and only being ill once, it does sound like people over exaggerate it (plus of course throwing in my own experience! 🤣) I agree about the 'quiet' area being very noisy and I wasn't too taken by the lack of windows, but because I fell asleep, I didn't mind too much. The wildlife spotting though sounds like a lot of fun, especially if you get to see basking sharks and whales... people may a good amount of money to go on sightseeing trips for those guys! So pleased you enjoyed the video

    • @eleanorduffin6911
      @eleanorduffin6911 10 місяців тому


  • @46FreddieMercury91
    @46FreddieMercury91 Місяць тому

    Yep.... 2 weeks ago we took the plane from lands end to st Mary's with a return flight booked for 17:30. But the weather changed and the return flight was cancelled. We had missed the last boat back to the mainland so we had to spend a night in a hotel room then get the boat back the following afternoon
    Btw, those airport minibuses that wait outside to take you into town are a rip off. We were charged £36 for a one mile trip. Wished I'd walked it had I known the distance.
    That was my hotel at 11:26, The Atlantic. Only £320 a night !

  • @dcbrit2003
    @dcbrit2003 20 днів тому

    The airline are required to cover the cost of your accommodation plus appropriate meals and refreshments. That is UK law. You should not have been asked to pay the hotel bill
    They have a duty of care to you while you are delayed. Please ensure that you know your rights

  • @hfraat25
    @hfraat25 Рік тому +1

    Thank you for posting.

  • @travelingRonman
    @travelingRonman Рік тому +1

    I had similar issues this summer. Not from Scilly, but leaving Scotland, my plane was late arriving at the airport in Edinburgh for my flight to London which caused me to miss my connecting flight to NYC. The earliest they could rebook me was for Monday(I was supposed to fly home Friday). I ended up with a free weekend in London because of it. I did end up missing work that Monday because of it but luckily they were very understanding. I was thankful though that the airline had already rebooked me on a flight home so I didn't have shell out a couple thousand dollars for another flight.

    • @WhenAdventureKnox
      @WhenAdventureKnox  Рік тому

      Wow, that feels crazy that such a popular route like London to NYC would be sold out for 2 days, but I guess it must have been a very popular time to travel! Was the ticket one that you purchased in one go (so they're responsible if you miss a connection) or had you booked them individually - and did you have to cough up the accommodation costs too? So great that your employer was understanding about it all. It's the dread of needing to have that conversation though!

    • @glynscothern4073
      @glynscothern4073 Рік тому

      Use a bus.

  • @SteveZodiac777
    @SteveZodiac777 Рік тому +1

    Wowser - your return home turned out to be quite an endurance test!

    • @WhenAdventureKnox
      @WhenAdventureKnox  Рік тому

      I like that 'endurance test'. It really was. I was mentally prepared for the long train ride, but not for also a long ferry instead of the chopper, and also for waiting around a whole extra day!! 🤣 No regrets though - was 100% worth it to have had the trip we did!

  • @KarenCoach
    @KarenCoach Рік тому +1

    A great video, I watched another one of your Scilly Isles, great tip about going down stairs for a kip and taking you sea sickness tablets first, I am off to the chemist tomorrow to get some before my trip in a couple of weeks :-) thank you again xx

    • @WhenAdventureKnox
      @WhenAdventureKnox  Рік тому

      Hi Kaz, I'm so pleased this video has been helpful for you. A lot of people have responded to this video both here and in a FB group I'm part of to say they feel when the weather is nice, being on deck is best, but if the seas are choppy and the weather is too bad to be sat on deck, then go to the very bottom. I hope this is helpful. So envious of you getting to visit in a couple of weeks, I hope you enjoy it as much as we did!

    • @KarenCoach
      @KarenCoach Рік тому +1

      @@WhenAdventureKnox Cool, what FG group is this please? :-) I am like you (a lot) a teacher, and love traveling :-) x

    • @WhenAdventureKnox
      @WhenAdventureKnox  Рік тому +1

      @@KarenCoach Hi Kaz, it's called 'Isles of Scilly Notice Board' and it's one of the most wholesome online communities I've ever had the pleasure of being part of. Restores you faith in humanity, and the ability for people to always be nice online! Awesome to virtually meet a fellow travel loving teacher!

    • @KarenCoach
      @KarenCoach Рік тому

      @@WhenAdventureKnox thank you :-) xx

    • @KarenCoach
      @KarenCoach Рік тому +1

      @@WhenAdventureKnox It was a great visit, so great in fact, that I have booked another 2 weeks for next year!

  • @charliehichens2093
    @charliehichens2093 7 місяців тому

    I'm a Penzance boy, grown up seeing the Scillonian 3 most days, some of the 'sky bus' plane flights but mostly the old helicopters. Any of the locals will know the old heliports and the old Penzance Heliport (now a Sainsbury's) were the best. The helicopters were old but I believe were ex North Sea oil copters that could run in rough weather similar to in your video. Sadly the 3 copters they had were too old and there wasn't any money to replace them. Sadly the weather can get bad down west, i was driving in it today, not fun. Do visit again though!

  • @Wes66-143LakePowellProductions
    @Wes66-143LakePowellProductions 21 день тому

    In my Groucho Marx voice, "Getting stranded on Scilly? Why that's the silliest thing I've ever heard."

  • @LEGOMadness
    @LEGOMadness Рік тому +1

    13:26 I went to the Isles of scilly from the 14th-21st June 2022 and i went with my school. we got the scillonian both ways and it was wonderful

    • @WhenAdventureKnox
      @WhenAdventureKnox  Рік тому +1

      What an amazing school trip to visit the Isles of Scilly! I wish I knew how to get a school trip there approved. Ours usually have to be linked to the curriculum!!!

  • @chrislethbridge1759
    @chrislethbridge1759 Рік тому +1

    I go over to Scilly regularly (and lived there for a couple of years). Scillonian is usually better on the return journey than outward as she’s sailing with the prevailing wind, however I’m quite a good sailor but even I succumbed to sickness once! I find it better to be on deck unless it’s too rough to go outside. Also if you have a calm crossing going on deck can be great for wildlife - especially when dolphins follow the boat and play in her wake.

    • @WhenAdventureKnox
      @WhenAdventureKnox  Рік тому +1

      Hi Chris. That's really interesting to hear about the return journey often being better due to the prevailing wind, I never would have guessed something like that could have such an impact! I would have loved to see wildlife though. Still not seen whales off the coast of the UK, but spotted lots of dolphins, seals and great seabirds. Hopefully we'll spot whales one of these days!

    • @chrislethbridge1759
      @chrislethbridge1759 Рік тому +1

      @@WhenAdventureKnox Good luck with spotting whales. They are seen from Scillonian from time to time - other unexpected visitors to the waters off the islands are Sunfish and very occasionally, turtles!

    • @WhenAdventureKnox
      @WhenAdventureKnox  Рік тому +1

      @Chris Lethbridge Oh no way, I'd love to see both sun fish and turtles!!! 😍

    • @chrislethbridge1759
      @chrislethbridge1759 Рік тому

      @@WhenAdventureKnox I’ve seen a sunfish on the wildlife trip round the Western Rocks - never a turtle though! I believe the best time for both is when there’s a ‘bloom’ of jellyfish as they prey on them. Trouble is, loads of jellyfish are not good if you want to swim. You can also see basking sharks from Scillonian sometimes, especially in May when you were filming. Usually the captain will let passengers know if there’s interesting wildlife about.

  • @MattWhitingsEurope
    @MattWhitingsEurope Рік тому +1

    "All in the same boat!, "a bridge you don't want to cross", "hanging tight for the helicopter" - you certainly didn't lose your sense of humour during the ordeal 😂. Nothing like reading about the air traffic accidents just before taking your flight! The fog did look really bad and things were looking pretty dire until you got the breakthrough with the hotel, lovely place but I wish you had of captured the moment you were told about the £180. Room did look very plush though! That's an epic name for a boat, especially after what you said about the journey! Cool that you got a relatively smooth crossing, what an adventure though! Looking forward to finding out where the next adventure is!

    • @WhenAdventureKnox
      @WhenAdventureKnox  Рік тому +2

      Oh dear 🤦‍♀️ I don't think I realised I was cracking half those jokes.... but in those situations you gotta laugh otherwise the alternative is to cry! I was caught so off guard with the cost of the accommodation I didn't know I was meant to be filming my reaction - gutted! The good news was, our insurance company reimbursed the night in full so we got a very fancy stay for free, but it was a little stressful at the time not knowing what the excess might have been. I'll have a few round up videos like tips, itinerary, top 10, then a new series. As a hint, it's and island in Europe, and as far as I'm aware, you've not been (or at least I couldn't see any Vlogs on your channel from there)

    • @MattWhitingsEurope
      @MattWhitingsEurope Рік тому

      @@WhenAdventureKnox Ah so you had to claim through your travel insurance, I thought the helicopter company might have been liable for that. You have got me thinking about your next trip to a European island with no blogs on my channel. Funnily enough my next vlog is from a European island I’d not been to before! What are the chances 😂, we will see. Looking forward to your summary videos.

  • @aryanscience
    @aryanscience 6 місяців тому

    I took the ferry to/from Liverpool to Douglas and plenty of puking was going on all around me..Tip: stay in your seat and it's not nearly so bad..

  • @user-nu1dd8tx5n
    @user-nu1dd8tx5n 3 місяці тому

    Unfortunately the airline is not responsible for weather delays

  • @dougyates2983
    @dougyates2983 10 місяців тому

    Flat as a Mill Pond ! Half the fun is the ferry crossing. Last Year I spotted and photographed 3 whales swimming about 300 metres away. Always see dolphins. Great Series of Videos. Doug

  • @MrStukno
    @MrStukno Рік тому +1

    Happened to us twice now. Never found a Travel Insurance that would cough up for the additional costs of accomodation. Hope that you prove me wrong!

    • @WhenAdventureKnox
      @WhenAdventureKnox  Рік тому

      Hi Stu, sorry to hear you didn't get reimbursed either time. I let Andy sort the insurance as he works in that industry, but he tells me we took a policy out with LV and they reimbursed us for the hotel in full. Our train tickets were refundable - though GWR did pull a fast one saying they had reason to believe we'd travelled, so a quick call to their customer service dept. with the whole story and the ability to show the letter from the hotel, the letter from the helicopter company and proof of buying new tickets for the Sunday suddenly made them change their mind. I hope this helps :)

  • @shreshthasengupta260
    @shreshthasengupta260 Рік тому +1

    The video was really informative and helpful. Wanted to know if the sea is comfortable as I am planning to travel with my dog on the starting of April.

    • @WhenAdventureKnox
      @WhenAdventureKnox  Рік тому

      Hi Shreshtha, so pleased you found the video helpful. I'm very envious that you'll be visiting in April - and the Islands are so dog friendly too, you'll have an amazing time! I think the seas can be awful, but they can also be beautifully calm like we experienced - it's pure luck of the draw. I'd recommend taking some sea-sickness tablets just in case.

    • @tawnywitch
      @tawnywitch Рік тому

      We take our dog on the plane.

  • @westoncamman
    @westoncamman 11 місяців тому

    such a common problem. you should try being stranded when you have a Cocker Spaniel with you, even more limited choice of where to stay. love the video though.

  • @benthwaites381
    @benthwaites381 Рік тому +1

    I love your video, but why did you mention the fog! As I went for my 40th with all my family got to lands end airport was very cloudy, got on the airplane taxi to the runway and had to turn back to much low cloud! So we got off and their managed to find a hotel in st Ives We had to pay for the hotel up front as well and reclaim it later on. But next day still no flights so we had to get the boat across. Thankful it was calm but lost one and half days but still had amazing time in the scillies

    • @WhenAdventureKnox
      @WhenAdventureKnox  Рік тому

      Argh, with hindsight, I feel I may have jinxed things for others about to go on a trip there who watch this! 🤦‍♀️ I'm sorry to hear you had to stay an extra night on the mainland... and like us have to take the boat. Out of curiosity, did the insurance company also cover the lost 1.5 days too, or just the hotel?

    • @benthwaites381
      @benthwaites381 Рік тому

      @@WhenAdventureKnox will paid for the hotel on the main land and about 4 weeks later we got our money back. And the b@b on st Mary’s were amazing and took the money off for the night we missed. We did not miss out financially but it made our break a bit to short I think 3 nights instead of 4 nights

  • @Hbeth
    @Hbeth Рік тому +1

    What an adventure!

    • @WhenAdventureKnox
      @WhenAdventureKnox  Рік тому

      It really was. I'd still love to go back for another holiday in the future though!

  • @ajwalou-nack2343
    @ajwalou-nack2343 Рік тому

    I always used to be stranded as i wouldn't hurry. I would have made a day of it and take a tent . I lived on st Martin's till 1987 and left because the council will refuse to let you build a home for yourself unless you have money or would be some benefit to the island. Like a doctor or a prostitute perhaps. I couldn't because i was a murderer. ( Not ) . I can't forget the dead in 1983 helicopter crash as me and my boss had to get a body off the beach at wine cove . Must have been in the water just a few days and was bad. In 1988 i was stranded on one of the inhabited islands and didn't have a tent . I was forgotten about. Think this was a joke by the boat owner because i fell out with his daughter over leaving the islands for good. Never been so cold in all my life . Lucky it was samson and there was shelter from the wind .

  • @Love_rainy_days
    @Love_rainy_days Рік тому +1

    Caroline, Thanks for sharing. Well it looked like more of an adventure then you wanted.🛳 But it all worked out. We have been stranded on car trips due to bad weather like snow and ice on roads and wind storms with trees and power lines down on the road. We had the stay in motels a few times but never had to sleep in a car. I really thankful for those road and power line repair men and women working through out the night in a snow storm to get the road open and safe. Their the unsung heroes. 🏆 love the channel stay safe and have fun. Cheers ☕☕🧔

    • @WhenAdventureKnox
      @WhenAdventureKnox  Рік тому +1

      I always think of the PCN as being relatively wet and mild like the UK - were those ice and snow storms near you, or have they been when you've ventured elsewhere in the US? I'd hate to drive in those types of conditions - let alone be working out in them, so couldn't agree more about having a lot of respect for the people who do those repairs!

    • @Love_rainy_days
      @Love_rainy_days Рік тому +1

      @@WhenAdventureKnox What is the "PCN" ?

    • @WhenAdventureKnox
      @WhenAdventureKnox  Рік тому +1

      @Rainy Day Oh wow, I have no idea 🤣... I'd meant the PNW 🤦‍♀

    • @Love_rainy_days
      @Love_rainy_days Рік тому

      @@WhenAdventureKnox well mountains can make the PNW fun in the winter.

  • @missasinenomine
    @missasinenomine Рік тому +1

    The fog? Blame that on Brexit! (Europe NEVER has fog. No never). The seasickness? Blame that on that sausage @ 12:37.
    The name of the launch? "Golden Spray" is what you get when you're on deck on the Scillonian downwind of your partner, having, or not having eaten one of those greasy Best of British sausages, & suddenly the refreshing salty sea spray is mingled with something much saltier, (& not quite so refreshing). Yikes........
    I'm curious however; why do you want to know who named the launch? Is it an odd name?

    • @WhenAdventureKnox
      @WhenAdventureKnox  Рік тому

      Hahaha, oh yes, I hear golden spray and I immediately think of urine 🤣🤣🤦‍♀️ I guess not what I personally would have called the boat, but I can also see the idea of the sea spray in the golden glow on a sunset too... just not what first comes to mind! The sausage wasn't mine - it was Andy's - I went for the yoghurty-waffle, but thankfully the seasickness never reared its ugly head... maybe it was because I avoided the sausage eh?

    • @missasinenomine
      @missasinenomine Рік тому

      @@WhenAdventureKnox Oh yes. I get it now. Duh. Yes, I agree with you that oatmeal topped with yoghurt is a better choice than a full English breakfast before embarking on the Scillonian! Andy must have a cast iron stomach! Bon appetit!

    • @cebusapella9125
      @cebusapella9125 Рік тому

      @@WhenAdventureKnox Strangely enough the thought of urine never occurred whenever I've been on the Golden Spray, but I guess it will from now on! It does spring to mind whenever I hear a "Yellow Snow Warning" on the weather forecast though.

    • @missasinenomine
      @missasinenomine Рік тому

      @@WhenAdventureKnox Following suite on your Golden Spray question: Hopefully no minors here. You might well be forgiven (esp. as a woman?) that Penninis Head on St Marys reminds you of a male appendage.
      The explanation is that the anatomists borrowed (aka STOLE) terminology from literature, theology, & in this case, geography, so that a male appendage was named after a geological promontory, that is to say, a peninsular. A peninsular being pen = almost, + insular = island. Almost an island. Penninis of course goes one step further, & leaves little to the imagination, (after the anatomists had done their dirty work suffice it to say).
      Not to mention the "head" on the very end. Whoops!
      The Cornish adroitly side-step this awkward nomenclature with their own language, thus;
      "Peninnis Head (Cornish: Penn Enys, meaning Island Head) is the southernmost point of St Mary's, Isles of Scilly. ."
      So instead of having "Penis Head" , this is now rendered far more suitably for family viewing by the simple insertion (ouch!) of a "nin". (Did I say PIN? No!!!!!). Hence Pen-NIN-is Head.
      But being a secondary school teacher you knew all this long since. (and much more!).
      What a fun job you must have Caroline.
      Enjoy your Penninis Head when the time comes........................but don't get seasick.

    • @missasinenomine
      @missasinenomine Рік тому

      An excellent example of a peninsular being the Ards peninsular in N. Ireland, east of Belfast.
      Here nothing is left (geographically speaking) to the imagination. Except perhaps a case of ED?
      But let's keep this channel clean, shall we?

  • @HurricaneIrene07
    @HurricaneIrene07 Рік тому

    Avoid at all costs. This ruined our otherwise magical overseas holiday and I lost several thousand dollars and it was not related to this time frame😢
    Also if you are from another country they will give English first priority for remaining available seats.
    Its a big world and there are infinite other possibilities.

  • @glynscothern4073
    @glynscothern4073 Рік тому +1

    Best thing is NOT TO GO THERE. Planes can fly at night .why not Sundays .Why not till 9 0 clock.

    • @WhenAdventureKnox
      @WhenAdventureKnox  Рік тому

      Not going would certainly solve the problem 🤣 but it's worth the kerfuffle! Whilst the helicopter staff were frantically trying to to find accommodation for the night for passengers, I didn't want to be that customer asking why we couldn't fly at these other times, but I assume there's a license/agreement that planes can't operate past a certain time/on Sundays and no doubt it will be for a number of reasons, mostly for environmental and for the locals living there... which is fair enough as living right by an airport, even if it was a small one like this, wouldn't be my first choice!

    • @glynscothern4073
      @glynscothern4073 Рік тому

      In 2022 there should be at least a 3 hour opening on Sunday.

    • @ajwalou-nack2343
      @ajwalou-nack2343 Рік тому

      Birds .That's why .

    • @polymath9372
      @polymath9372 4 місяці тому

      Why can't the planes and helicopters fly _all day and all night_ ? Tough luck on the inhabitants, wildlife, etc. Tourists rule!

  • @Khatoon170
    @Khatoon170 Рік тому +1

    How are you doing mrs Caroline as I read right now it’s only one airport in Isles of Scilly located at st Mary operated by Isles of Scilly owned by duchy of Cornwall established since 1937 but have facilities such as Cornwall air ambulance fire rescue services there are horrible incident happened in. 1983 when British air way helicopter Penzance helicopter crashed into sea 19 passengers and one crew members were killed only six were survivors it’ I think weather is so cold so that they canceled flights as I read best time to visit Isles of Scilly on months of May and September any way have you watch World Cup my home land Saudi Arabia won over Argentina its historical victory and I read too England won World Cup in 1966 over west Germany on this great achievement they will allow all students and employees to have holiday for one day ihope not only in sports have achievement in all fields too good luck to you your family friends

    • @WhenAdventureKnox
      @WhenAdventureKnox  Рік тому

      Hi Khatoon, I am well thank you, I hope you are too. If there's a few things that make me un-typically British, not being too interested in the football is one of them I'm afraid, so I've not watched any of the matches. But that said, I do love the stories that come out of it like Saudi Arabia beating Argentina and how it's never been done before. Were there lots of celebrations across the country? In the UK, we can go a bit mad with our football celebrations, especially when we get further into a competition such as the World Cup or Euros. I wouldn't say no to an extra day's holiday if we won this year... but something tells me the government would make it a day when the schools are on holiday anyway!