I have some insights to share on this subject. I grew up as a teen bisexual. I loved girls in high school. Then in college I fell in love with a guy. I 'chose' to pursue this path of homosexuality. I never understood drag queens or effeminate men. I just liked guys. I was very romantic and wanted to meet a guy, live together and adopt kids. It never happened. It was a torturous life of seeking what could not be found. Even the men I knew who were married were in open relationships. The men who were into me didn't want kids... just to be forever children. Men are driven by hormones. They can't control their desires. Their desires once fulfilled become mundane and they seek riskier and wilder experiences. Sex devolves into drugs and orgies for the vast majority of gay men. Parents would be horrified if they knew what their gay children were up to. Insecurity , broken parental relationships often drive homosexuality. ITs not just 'born that way'. I witnessed straight acting guys devolve into sissies. Attitudes and vocal inflections are contagous. I realized I was seeking a relationship with a man to fulfill being rejected and abandoned by my father. Two years ago I allowed Christ into my heart. I am ever more happy and peaceful as I cultivate intimacy with him ! My life is radically different now. I am not alone anymore and am in a perfect relationship with HIM. Thats what I was seeking all along. Not gay but to be with and loved by the FATHER. I chose to abstain from all sexual contact. I hadn't had sex for a long time before because of covid so it was easy to abstain and I had pretty much lost trust in gay men. I put a ring on my marriage finger to represent I married Jesus. Not a homosexual gesture - a powerful spiritual one. This was before I ever heard the body of christ referred to as 'the bride'. Within months my attraction to women returned. I was astonished. I'm still attracted to men but I recognize the sin of it and it repulses me into repentance. I want kids, I want a best friend to build a home with. You can't do that if you're gay. Sorry guys. - Getting a surrogate pregnant for $$ is wrong. God wants us to build families FOR HIM. He wants to build his family. Being gay destroys family. They dont have kids. They aren't happy. I lived in NYC, Los Angeles and Miami. I never met one happy gay person. Never. I saw people go crazy from it, become drug addicts, get AIDS and die. I'm going to trust with maximum faith that there is a beautiful young woman out there that will forgive me of my past sins and build a family with me... I might have to wait until after Jacobs trouble... but I know it will happen. Gay is a choice. I learned the hard way. It cost me 35 years of happiness. There is a reason God says not to do it. Listen to him. If you can please pray for me to find the perfect wife and build a family. thank you
Thank you Shawn for sharing your powerful personal testimony with us. There is incredible strength in your vulnerability. May your story help others to find freedom in Jesus! And may God bless you with a wonderful wife with whom you can share your life. Bless you, brother. Shalom Rob
Bless you in your endeavors. Christ will love you when/if you follow the spirit. His spirit within you imo should be your final authority in this issue.He speaks uniquely to you and has complete authorization to lead..you. Peace brother.
Sin is derived from the Hebrew word chata meaning to fail to miss the mark to fail in ones obligations. Religion derived from the Latin religare meaning to bind together much like the tares ready for the flames to consume them. YHWH knew man would fall short of His glory from the start, he told us in the book of Genesis in the genealogy of mankind, Adam meaning man Seth meaning appointed Enosh meaning mortal, Kenan meaning sorrow, Mahalel meaning the blessed God, Jared meaning shall come down, Enoch meaning Teaching Methuselah meaning his death shall bring, Lamehc meaning despairing, Noah meaning comfort, rest. Man's salvation in summary, Man is appointed Mortal sorrow the blessed God shall come down teaching His death shall bring the despairing comfort and rest. Who are you to condemn another for missing the mark when you too fall short. Yeshua came to take legalism out of the temple of YHWH you still use it to condemn others, need I remind you of the words of Yeshua, " Let him who is without sin cast the first stone".
You assume that I was condemning others. It is the Holy Spirit who condemns the believer, not me. Nonetheless, we are still to walk in discernment judging right from wrong. My statement is based on Satan's temptation of Eve and on the words of Jesus when he said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man.” And did not Paul also publicly chastise Peter, his superior, for behaving in a contradicting manner when he would not sit with gentiles in the presence of Jews? If you are pricked because of my words, consider for your own sake the possibility that it is not merely my words but the nudging of the Holy Spirit. @@Swampwizard-f2j
@@dansaber4427 No you can’t. We are all born in sin but we are commanded to repent and turn from wicked ways. Make all the excuses you want, God has made it clear where he stands.
@@ridingtheeventhorizon3315 God's the creator of everything. It sounds like you fell for the original sin. Trust God's original command and you won't be ashamed or puffed up. You can be born again. Wash yourself of the knowledge of Good and E with the renewing of your mind and the cleansing of your conscience. And then you'll be clean and reconciled with the father. Jesus paid for the fall. Choose a new name for yourself. You can be born again. You can be made whole with a holy spirit instead of divided against yourself.
I remember finding out about the word arsenokoitēs using Strong's concordance. Another detail that's interesting is that Paul was so careful and precise that he literally invented this word for this context. He made sure that what he said was exactly what he meant.
15:00 Notice how he never addresses the other word in "man lie with man" because that doesn't exist in the Hebrew 18:15 Notice how he assumes that arsenokoitai is a descriptor for males with no evidence. .. I'll give this man some props, he has a very convincing illusion but he's still carrying baseless assumptions into the text.
I’m not a Christian, but as a gay man I find this topic interesting because it impinges on my life in a society whose laws and morality is based on Christian doctrine. I too read this article, and had similar reservations about the author’s conclusions. However, while I agree with much of what you say, I’m not sure that you treated the author totally fairly. You talked about how the older foreign language bible translations were worded to speak to people of that period (17th century eg al) but you neglected to talk about the historical perspective of the original ancient texts. How would Jews alive when Leviticus was written have understood the text? What would Paul’s audience have thought he was referring to? While this probably wouldn’t alter your overall reading of the texts, and the overarching teachings on sexual ethics, there is an argument that the writers may well have had in mind not simply same sex sexual activity, but that which occurred (not uncommonly I understand) within the practices of some pagan worship of the time. As I said, I don’t think that it would have fundamentally changed your conclusions, but it would have been interesting to hear that included and discussed. Personally, I feel convinced that if you believe that the bible truly represents God’s commands etc then ( like you) I think the basic message is pretty clear to Christians. However, as a nonbeliever, looking at it from the outside, I feel that the Pauline epistles are given too much weight, and are at times pretty uncomfortable. I, of course, don’t accept that they are divinely inspired. I really appreciate your basic message though, that if same sex activity is a sin it is no worse or better than many other sins that Christians commit. Treating homosexuals unkindly is inherently unchristian - if I understand the teachings of Jesus correctly.
Thanks, sandrew! I appreciate your input. You make a good point about further discussion of how the original audiences of these texts would've understood them. I agree it likely would not have fundamentally changed the conclusions, but it would've been interesting to explore. Blessings! Rob
@ShiaDiscourseinteresting. Thanks. So is this word used in Leviticus? Or elsewhere in the “Old Testament”? What about non-penetrative sexual activity then?
@ShiaDiscourse The talmud is not from God. It adds to the word of God which is strictly prohibited by God. Just to use the issue of meat/dairy as an example: We know the teaching not to mix meat and dairy is not biblical. Abraham served the Lord meat and dairy in the tent in Genesis.
Something that most miss about the adulterous woman brought before Yahshuah is that He based His non-condemnation upon the lack of condemnation from any other. His use of "then" as pointing to the previous qualifier statement, that says so much, and yet remains in the wings of silence when discussed and taught from. That is so telling.
You read from a 20th/21st Bible, but ignore Papyrus 75. Papyrus 75 is the earliest text of the gospel of John. But there's a problem, "you who is without sin..." isn't there. It was added after.
Good point! John 7:53 to 8:11 is bracketed in NASB, NLT says "The most ancient Greek manuscripts do not include John 7:53-8:11.", and the NKJV has a note "John 7:53 NU brackets 7:53 through 8:11 as not in the original text. They are present in over 900 mss. of John."
Excellent work and deep dive into understanding the hermeneutics, linguistics, and contextualization of the Scripture. We do not live as the world lives, we are of His Kingdom, let us show the world what a citizen of Heaven looks like through our commitment and love to the Lord.
You're very interesting to listen to. By the way, you made the common mistake of pronouncing "yee" with a Y. It's pronounced "thee". They started using Y when the letter thorn disappeared due to its resemblance.
@@Sherlock245 You're absolutely right, I don't know him. But, my point remains: you can't be Christian and homosexual. (You can be a Christian with homosexual desires, but a practising homosexual is fooling himself if he thinks God is going to honour him).
@@AviViljoen are you charismatic you need to stay ahead of the time. They is a new type of gay christian that show why you can!!!! And many now are turning that way. Do you know andy??? He just went to a conference pushing this agenda.
@@Sherlock245 The God I serve is eternal, everlasting, and not changing. There is no need to "stay ahead of the time" or to follow trends when you serve the One True God. And no thanks, I don't want to meet any person spreading false teachings and telling me it's okay to tempt God. Anyway, by now you know where I stand on your original question. Good luck to you.
I agree on all your points except one my brother. Homosexual behavior is a worst sin then heterosexual behavior like fornication and adultery. Because it violates the creative order of God as mentioned in Romans 1 as well as Genesis chapter 1. But heterosexual behavior does not violate the laws of nature but it does violate the laws of God but that's not the same with homosexual behavior which does violate those laws of nature along with the very creative order and laws of God.
Odd that the same punishment would be prescribed for both if they are not of the same magnitude All types of fornication are indeed against the natural order. They are destructive to the family
@@tbishop4961 Very good point, I suppose you could argue that anyone that rejects the gospel will receive the greater damnation. Christ said that it'll be more tolerable on the day of judgment for Sodom and Gomorrah then it will be for someone who rejects the truth of the gospel and that could be anybody. Nevertheless the Bible speaks very negatively about homosexual behavior because is violates the creative order that God established in the beginning and therefore they are given over to a position where they cannot repent and believe the gospel.
@@FormerTrucker you don't need a list, just ability to reason. Lists get unwieldy and can easily be misinterpreted or misapplied. Genesis 3 isn't about "the first sin". It's a story to teach us about our innate understanding of good and evil. And the LORD God said: 'Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil; and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever.' Actions have consequences. If we pay close attention we can observe the consequences of particular behaviors and "see the future" as it were
Absolutely, our actions do have consequences. Christian's tend to sin as well, but the difference between a lost person and a Christian there are two nature's one is The flesh and the other is the Spirit which wars against each other. That does not exist in a lost person because he or she does not have the spirit of God in them and they are spiritually dead. The story of Adam and Eve represents original sin (or as you called it The First Sin) which came from Adam and therefore passing down thru humanity. Thank you for your response Christian theology and religion of course politics are my favorite subjects.
What is not addressed is how the original words in the original language were used in the original context. What examples of the use of these words are found outside of the scriptures? And what do those examples refer to? What practices of the original timeframe where common, that readers would have been aware of? Are those practices a direct correlation to practices of today, or are they enough different so as to suggest an alternative meaning to these words? In other words, what would the original readers have understood the meaning to be? Perhaps they would have immediately made a connection to certain cultural practices of their own day. This is most important with the New Testament passages. The Leviticus passages are part of a larger group of laws, many of which Christians ignore, such as the food laws. It seems arbitrary to ignore some laws, while adhering to other laws.
Did you ever come to figure out why for instance the Ten Commandments are still being preached and practiced by Christians to this day but not let’s say the food laws or some of the civic laws ??
could you do the same type of analysis for divorce and remarriage? there is the one man/one woman for life and then there seems to be exceptions believed by some.
Love your videos and really appreciate your patient approach. I'm glad you added Paul at the end, as it felt like your OT-based argument ran counter to your logic in rebutting Hebrew roots folks. In your other videos, you note that Jesus' sacrifice does away with the old law...couldn't one make the argument that the prohibition on homosexuality is an "old" law that Jesus replaced? Again, great videos. You're a powerful teacher and I look forward to seeing what's next for you.
Thanks, Barron! In the NT we actually find that Jesus endorsed the sexual ethic of the OT. The Mosaic commands fulfilled by Jesus were all ritual or ceremonial in nature; they were grounded in the temporary system of worship and atonement that God established for ancient Israel until Christ arrived (Gal. 3:23-25, Heb. 10:1-6). The commands regarding right and wrong (morality) have never changed because they are grounded in God's unchanging moral perfection. Blessings! Rob
Mark Ward has a great video breaking down the original words and what they meant. Just like he says here, it meant homosexual then and still does now. In addition to this video, i would suggest watching Mark's too.
20:40 the one moral rule that you mentioned, -to believe in Yehowah God-, that's called: The Eternal Gospel or The Eternal Message. And then is the gospel or message of salvation for your soul which is: If you believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for all our sins, then you are saved, your soul is saved by just believing the fact that He died to pay for all our sins. Meaning all transgressions we have ever made. That's amazing! 1 Corinthians 15.1-4 Galatians 1.8-9 Whosoever teaches something different is anathema. Isn't that amazing?!
I enjoy your channel alot. And as a fellow Christian. I totally agree with all you said on this topic. We all fall short of God's grace. And we all sin. Thats why Jesus had to humble himself for us..We don't have to support sexual sin. But we as Christians should also not judge or show hatred to another. I have had alot out of marriage sexual relationship growing up. And look with lustful eyes at beautiful women. And in today's time that's so easy to get sucked into.. impossible not to at today's times even as a married man now... Just being honest. And i pray to God regularly to help me. To keep me on the straight and narrow path to Jesus. To help me understand and to fight against those type of sins.. But it's still sinning agaisnt God. I just pray to Jesus every day to mold me and make me better every morning I wake up. To honor him and keep moving forward in my personal relationship with Him. To realize every day is a true blessing and to not take it for granted. To allow the Holly Spirit to guide me thru this world. To do and be the best I can. Making as many as I can see God in the blessing in my life. To share what jesus has done for me. And the blessings he provides my family. God is Good. Keep up the amazing job you do to share God and his word. Thank you and God bless everyone.
Very simple, if a translation bothers me, I will do two things. 1. I will ask the Holy Spirit for help. 2. I will study the original text. Let’s take for instance 1Ti 4:10 in which Paul writes: … we put our trust in God Savior of all men. Great, but then it goes on ‘especially of those that believe’. That to me is troublesome as it clearly does not line up with all men before. The 4 words ‘of those that believe’ is only 1 word in Greek’ pistos’ an adjective meaning faithful. The word especially is the word malista, an adverb meaning: above all. Now read again. God Savior of all men above all faithful. Do you think it talks of God as faithful or men? Now we can trust Him, because He never breaks his promise, He is the Faithful One! I found the same type of misunderstanding when it comes to sin ( = missing the mark, or unbelief). Idolatry, adultery, ( sexual) immorality etc. Nothing to do with natural things, all to do with the unity in the spirit: husband and wife: Head and Body : the Christ!
Great points and thank you for researching this for us ! I am currently reading 8 modern translations but I think God willing will be a while before I branch out into your level of research! ❤
I really enjoyed your presentation on this topic but would like to know what translation you're reading from. May Yahweh continue to bless your ministry.
Isn't arsenokoitai male bed and isn't it in Leviticus do not lie with men in beds of woman? Can κοίτης use alone? Is κοίτης mean malebed alone because of masculine suffix(is male hidden)? So is arsenokoitai mean male malebedder or malebedder only?
Doesn't anyone remember the verse where it says "cast the first stone" Never said cast a stone at her this would be called the Mandela effect I love your videos brother you do such an amazing job especially your detailed debates with Sean and other individuals keep it rolling amen God bless you
can you address transgender people and their mention in Talmud? ...do you think the Bible equivalent is a eunuch (in the case of trans females)? Sefaria has a good article called 6 sexes and gender expression as reference.
09.29.2023 Thank you so much Brother Rob for your excellent explanation on this most difficult subject. Staying true to the Father's Holy Word, as always.👊👑
Regarding the Biblical diet restrictions; I DO TRUST that those foods that the Bible states are acceptable for the Jews to consume, WILL be highly nutritious and safe for humanity. They'll be the BEST foods you could possibly choose if given the choice. In like manner, the items forbidden for consumption may well have risks or health damage potential in at least some situations or environments. As examples: Pigs. Pigs are offal consumers. They eat garbage. That just may become a human health risk depending on the particular garbage and it's load of contaminates, toxins and dangerous microbes and diseases. Pigs also do not sweat. They instead store all of the toxins that they consume in their FAT. So again depending on their consumed levels of toxins such as pesticides, poisons, chemicals, antibiotics, hormones etc etc, you could have a human health risk. Ruminant animals. Quite likely designed by God to BE specifically food for humanity. With the fourth stomach they are VERY good at neutralizing consumed toxins. (Genuine) science tells us that they are THE most nutritious, healthy and safe food that we can consume today. Bats. Science also shows us the dangers of bat consumption, specifically animal diseases moving over into the human population. This also applies to many other animals that were not designed specifically to be food for humanity. God as the designer would know of this danger of course, and probably another 10,000 issues about which we currently have no idea. Remember that EVERYTHING that God requires of us or of his chosen people specifically, IS in our own best interest. And that still applies whether or not he had more important reasons for the particular requirement. Personally I'm OFF the damaging SAD diet for some years now, and my health has been steadily improving ever since, as the decades of dietary damage is repaired. I recently went Kosha, which was of almost zero inconvenience. In my case I only had to give up eating bacon, pork, prawns and shellfish. I did this for safety. Firstly I'm by no means absolutely sure that modern Christians are actually free of those Old Testament food requirements/guidelines, and secondly as mentioned above, we can all be VERY sure that the foods Biblically listed as acceptable will provide a diet that God would and has already condoned, for the sustenance of the human body. The human body is a hugely complex biological machine, a great gift to us from God. It is our duty to look after it appropriately, including it's feeding and maintenance, and as per this video, the correct and appropriate use of all it's many subsystems. Sexuality is a very important even critical body subsystem, that God takes very seriously indeed. We should too. God Bless.
Wether the word is used or not, it’s clearly understood. Forgiveness is always the choice one should make, but repentance is the ultimate goal. For at judgement it is no longer optional.
Hi, Radostin. I can tell you're trying to make a point, but the point isn't clear. Salvation does not come by keeping the law, but through faith in Jesus (Gal. 2:16). And belief in Jesus does not free us from the obligation to obey God's commands that apply to us. The NT expressly teaches that many of the commands given under the Old Covenant Law do not apply to Christians today. (ex. Repeated blood sacrifices for sin are no longer required (Heb 10:18).) We still serve God and obey His commands, “But now we are released from the law, having died with Christ to that which held us captive, so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit and not in the old way of the written code” (Rom 7:6). So if we want to put a classification of "law" on it, Christians follow the Law of Christ. Blessings, Rob
@@radostinvasilev599 Hey, R! All that is required for salvation is faith in Jesus (Gal. 2:16; Eph. 2:8-9). If our faith in Jesus is genuine, it will naturally result in a desire tp obey and do good works (Eph 2:10). Under the New Covenant, there's no need to view this relationship through the lens of a "law." But sure, if you insist on using the concept of "law" then yes, we are under the law of Christ. Shalom!! R
@@TheBiblicalRoots so, if you are under the law of Christ, the law is required. As Christ is under the law of God. The head of the family is man, the head of man is christ amd head of Christ is God, thus there's no Trinity as God is above Christ. Holy Spirit is not on even mention on this lather. Thus God law is his own character and remains and is required.
Well homosexual is a modern concept but the Bible frowns upon putting the male reproductive organ in any orifice except the corresponding female part to a woman the man is married to. People have always engaged in those other sexual behaviors but this wasn’t always considered specifically “homosexual” identity. The Bible is more focused on behavior than an identity.
If there is anything at all in your life that you value MORE than God, you are not worthy of God. That's how it works. It doesn't mean you have to be perfect, it is an orientation of your heart.
I was trying to find out the reason behind food laws. When i was reading Leviticus , i noticed that some things are described as an abomination and some things are described as an abomination unto you... by this, i took that something that is an abomination unto you is something that doesn't agree with you in the sense of your body. This was just my conclusion. I could be wrong though
In regard to section 3, question 4 of your LGBTQ statement which reads, "Same-sex attraction is not sinful. It is not the temptation but the behavior that is deemed sinful in Scripture.". I'd like to push back a little. There is two types of temptations. One is merely the offer of something sinful, but with nothing within the person which desires sin. The second is the internal temptation, where the person who's offered sin, finds a desire to sin. I would say Jesus is an, the example of the former. Jesus was tempted, but had no desire within to sin. The latter is our experience. We are offered and we are tempted, we do find something within which desires sin. And this, I'd argue, is sinful. That is, it is sinful to desire sin: regardless whether we give in or not. And so, for the one who is same sex attracted, that attraction comes from sin within and is evidence itself of either their fallen nature (not saved) or their old man (saved). Now, I want to be clear, for the Christian, this old man is not of the new creation the Christian is, so the Christian can have confidence in the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit. Nonetheless, as I said those desires come from sin. For the non Christian, however, I think they must understand that this desire is utterly sinful because it in fact comes from their sinful nature which is all they have. They are not new creations. Anyway, thats my two cents. Thank you for your time and your hard work in making these videos.
@@scented-leafpelargonium3366 If the Holy Spirit doesn't sanctify Jesus's Bride, then His Bride won't be sanctified. There is no such thing as an unsanctified Christian. However, sanctification is a process, and as is clear in 1st John, Christians continue to sin. But lets be clear, as for judging, we are commanded to judge. In fact Paul tells us, " Or do you not know that the saints will judge the world?'. And we're supposed to judge those inside the church. Furthermore, to call sin anything other than sin, is to be unloving and lie. I hear often this refrain that homosexuality is an easy sin to point out and those who do are probably hypocrites. But I wonder would you say that about pedophilia? Sin is serious, whether that sin is lying, or murder. The minimizing of one sin is the minimizing of all sin, because the same God who said honor your father and your mother, said homosexuality is an abomination. But that's not all, we are being told homosexuality is not a sin and should be celebrated by the church, otherwise you're a hateful etc.. And as a sexual sin, it is a sin against ones own body. No, homosexuality is not the worse of sins, but it is a sin, and the Bride of Christ must resist the insidious Finney influenced tendency to believe appeasement is love and wins souls. No, this shall not, indeed it cannot win souls. Preach the Law undiluted and the Gospel unashamed, and know and believe, this is love.
But if Martin Luther interpreted it as pedastry its diificult to comprehend how your conclusion is otherwise - you say your translation tool uses the best greek texts available. Is the source of these texts based upon the Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus of the fourth century? This text, publicized by Westcott and Hort, is also known as the Alexandrian Text. It originated in Egypt and has been massaged by "higher critics" down through the ages. Sometimes described also as 'minority texts'. Are the texts employed by the interpretation tool derived from this source ? Or - is the source of text employed by translation/interpreter tool derived from the Textus Receptus "Received Text" or "Byzantine Text" (also termed "Syrian", "Antioch", or Koine text) which was used in the King James Version. Textus Receptus is the preferred source of Greek manuscripts preferred by Protestants as the authorative sources for Bible tranlations up to the mid 19th century. Which source of Greek texts is your translator/interpreter tool using? This is a very relevant question
Hello, Turquoise! As it happens, both the Textus Receptus (www.logosapostolic.org/bibles/textus_receptus/1_corinthians/fcor06.htm) and the Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece (diebibel.ibep-prod.com/en/bible/NA28/1CO.6) use the same word in 1 Corinthians 6:9: ἀρσενοκοῖται. The discrepancy isn't about the difference between Greek manuscripts, but rather the difference between 16th-century German and 21st-century English. And not just the linguistic differences, but differences in culture as well. We see big changes even in the English language. Today a “nice” person is one who is pleasant to be around. But that word started as an insult. The Middle English equivalent of "nice" meant stupid or ignorant. Or perhaps more to the point, we might note how the English word "gay" has changed in meaning. It is no longer used to mean carefree and happy. So I think the beg question is exactly what knabenshänder meant in 16th century Germany! Blessings, Rob
Most people still read Eph 5:22 to 5:33 as Paul speaking about husband and wife in the natural. Now in verse 5:32 he writes that this is a great mystery: he is actually talking about Christ and the Church. The Husband is The Head (the Lord Jesus), The Wife is the Body, the Church, that is all of us. Together: the marriage: the Christ. This is called relation. Complete opposite of Babylon and Jezebel: the woman ( the harlot) is the head sitting on top of the body ( male part, the beast). This is called Religion. I know this hard to understand, but once we understand that all are created male and female, it becomes easier. From the Garden, our female side ( Eve, Hava) heard the voice first and then talked to our male side. Turn this in the reverse direction and that is how you hear the voice of God.
You have written on the topic several times, but it appears that you removed my response to your article. If so, why? It's true that God's word consistently categorizes man lying with man as sin, but you forgot to mention that both men have committed a detestable act (Leviticus 20:13), and he follows with: They shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. You might ask the question, should we stone them to death? I will respond to that question with the following: Yeshua took the curse of the law to the cross because of God's love toward humanity, but in the day of judgment, the curse and the consequences of that abominable act will take place when they are cast into the lake of fire. It has nothing to do with them being unworthy of God's love; it has to do with them not wanting to do anything with God, and because of this, God has turned them over to a reprobate mind (Romans 1:28), which you did not mention. If God gave them up, don't bother going out there to get them; only God can get them. Sodom and Gomorrah make this clear. God pulled out Lot and his family; not one homosexual did he pull out when he allowed judgment to fall upon them. Again, God has rejected them for their rejection of Him and for their continual embracement and indulgence in their godless depravity. Robert Solberg, do you know why Yeshua did not condemn her? For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved (John 3:17). Yeshua told a man to rise, take up his bed, and walk, and when he found him in the temple, he said unto him, behold, thou are made whole; sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto you. Another way of saying it to the adulteress woman: woman, neither do I condemn you because I did not come to condemn the world, but that the world through me might be saved, but go sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto you. Robert wrote me this in the past: To a holy God, all sin is an abomination. Homosexual behavior is no more sinful than any other sexual sin. Leviticus 18:26-27 tells us that all sexual sins are an abomination. An "abomination" does not mean "super sin." Do you know what else is an abomination to God? Then he throws the question: Do you believe that homosexual behavior is an unforgivable sin? This was my response: You said, to a holy God, all sin is an abomination. What you are doing is trying to rationalize the statements you made on the topic of homosexuality. Now I can see why you said in this video that you have homosextual friends, making it appear as if you socialize with them. Do you? Now, let's get into Leviticus 18. Did you read the entire chapter, or did you just pull a verse out of context to suit the view you hold, which is based on an opinion? In Leviticus 18, God is telling the people not to conduct their lives as the cannanites (Gentiles) who lived an abominable life before God. What were they doing that God called an abomination? They were performing abnormal and unacceptable sexual behaviors within families, which is not only nauseating to God but goes against God's design of a family. Another thing: why don't you read verses 22 and 23 again? God directly states that homosexuality is an abomination, and lying with a beast is confusion (though an abomination as well). What makes it an abomination is that it goes against what God intended for mankind. These abominations were reprehensible, which is why God put an immediate curse of death on those laws. Here are the statements that Robert Solberg made in his article: 1) Attending the wedding is not a requirement for showing love to the couple, and he added that he can show them love as human beings in many other ways. ---- Robert Solberg made it clear from his own mouth that he recognizes them as a couple. 2) He said that he decided to respectfully decline their invitation and simply tell them, “It was lovely to have been invited. I love you both! ---- Robert Solberg found it lovely that he was invited. Was it lovely, Robert Solberg, that you were invited? 3) He said that he privately committed to praying for the couple daily up until the date of the wedding. ---- Again, he addresses them as a couple. Robert Solberg, your response should have been direct. Yeshua made it clear and was direct to the adultress, which was why he said, go sin no more, letting her know of the sin she was committing.
Robert Solberg stated three reasons he wanted to attend the wedding: he liked the couple as people, he wanted to make those around me (who wanted me to go) happy, and it would just feel good to be there, hug the couple, and celebrate with them on what is surely an exciting new chapter in their lives. That said, personal experience over the years has made me keenly aware that what feels right is not always right. Sometimes (oftentimes?) the right thing is the hard thing. ---- His statement that what feels right is not always right is a true statement, but as a believer, there should not have been any reasons for him to think about it if he knew the scriptures. To my recollection, he had to pray for this decision, knowing that the scripture is clear. . Robert Solberg, make it clear that these friends of yours are living in a sinful nature, that it is detestable and an abomination to God, and that you are glad that you did not partake of it. Read his entire article.
Great video! Another thing I've noticed is that many modern biblical scholars are under the presumption that they somehow know better than the Church Fathers of the first millennium that read the Scriptures and many of which natively spoke Greek themselves; that the Church Fathers are somehow backward, and now thousands of years after them it is suddenly revealed that X word actually means Y. You'd think that the very same theologians who could read the original texts directly would catch on to what progressive scholars are asserting and advocate for a more "liberal" Christianity (for the lack of a better word), yet that was never the case. God bless!
very interesting ,but I will point out the story of the woman at the well is not found in the NT manuscripts until about 400-500 AD it's not found in the Alexandrian and Epraimi texts. But thanks for your videos. God Bless
Gay Christian? Is that like an Adulterous Christian or an Idolator or Drunkard Christians? All who will not inherit the Kingdom of God. 1 Corinth 6 9-20
And as He instructed us that “the Sabbath was made for man” (not just for the Jews) so too was woman made for man…. crazy how some reject not just one of those gifts but both And insist on using the very same arguments to claim "not for me"…lol “But…but those OT prohibitions were just for the Jews…now we’re about love…not casting stones first” Oh and I have heard “not even Acts 15 specifies homosexuality prohibited” Maybe that’s why James concluded W X Y Z would be required BECAUSE Moses was preached every subsequent Sabbath…ya know to better understand HOW to follow Him…love as He loved us and not the world with its clever traditions…
Food laws and sexual laws arent really comparable in my opinion. The New Testament also addressed the food laws. And Jesus reiterated the definition of marriage
@micahwatz1148 : Stealing and sexual laws aren't really comparable either if you're just focussing on what the content of the law is or how similar they should be for them to be kept. God still pronounced both as wrong, and in the case of food laws and sexual laws often as abomination, which is much stronger terminology than for stealing, murder etc. A closer look at the New Testament not influenced by how denominational doctrine views it does not show that the New Testament addressed food laws in the way you might prefer, but actually reveals the opposite and how food laws were not abolished, but if people are blinkered already they will not want to accept this truth, even if God and Yeshua say so. You are right in that you write "in your opinion," but that may not be God's opinion at all. 🙃
@@micahwatz1148 I don't think we are "under" anything. If a doctor offered you medicine or a vaccination would you say you were "under" it in such a negative and ungrateful way? No, most people appreciate advice from a helpful beneficial authority. And so it is with God's advice. To spurn what He says (in quite strong terms, with words such as "abomination", which therefore should not be taken lightly) as being simply nothing, for only certain ethnicities, or to be ignored by those who claim to believe in the Word of God and the All-knowing Creator is quite preposterous, if not an insult. That would be like spurning Christ's salvation. We don't do that! 🤯 When God gives us things for our benefit we should be thankful, not dissmissive of Him. He supplied the Sabbath (for man, according to Yeshua) to give us prescribed physical rest for all, whether servant, family, non-Israelite ("ger" or "stranger") and even animals all very fairly. He warns us not to eat unclean animals and sewage-imbibing shellfish and other creatures, which the Gentile Noah, before any law, covenants or Israel existed, fully knew the clear distinctions of when the clean and unclean animals were boarded on the Ark in differing numbers, 14 animals of clean as they were permitted by God for food and thus would be needed in larger numbers, whilst the unclean but ecologically necessary scavengers boarded in twos. Even 15 years after the resurrection, Peter as head of the Church refused three times to rise up and eat unclean animals and God did not chastise Him for disobedience, but rather He remained obedient to God's law in this test just as Noah by obedience found grace in the eyes of the Lord. Instead, Peter later "wondered about the meaning of the vision" and accepted unclean Gentiles, as He would have viewed them, into the Jewish Church. He did not start eating horses and monkeys! What are YOU saying about food laws, over and above what God Himself says in His Word? Do you think that God has changed His mind without changing the biology or scavenging diets of these creatures that God created for cleaning the planet, but not for humans to eat? I never heard Yeshua say anything about changing God's law and for men to eat "treif". His silence alone indicates that no such change took place and unclean is still unclean. 🐖🦐
"Romans 1:24-29 NKJV "Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, [25] who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. [26] For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. [27] Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. [28] And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; [29] being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers" I think God has been very clear without using the word homosexual. Don't try to change the word to suite the world.
Of the 13 COMMANDs, Asareth Ya'dibrot 10 sentences aka COMMANDments+ 3 oral.... which is the gay one? 🤔 The commands are the covenant.. And all laws hang on 2 of the ten!!!! Furthermore.... He who breaks the 13 COMMANDs is not saved, nor do they have a COVENANT.... It is written. Luke 17:34 “I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed👀🤔; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left.” MatithYahu 10:15 gift of YaHU'aH Verily I say unto you, it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Day of Judgment than for that city As it is written, Father YaHU'aH said of the seed of Israel (Ephraim), when he went with the Greeks, uncircumcised themselves & built gyms, "Ephraim has went his own way, leave him be!
Arsenokoitoi refers to pederasty. WWJC? WHO WOULD JESUS CONDEMN? He would grant mercy to a cultural, intergenerational initiation of the Greeks and Hebrews. He would grant mercy to the victims of the mistranslation, homosexuals, which did not even become a term until 19th century.
😂😂😂😂 Germany has always been a majority Christian country. The north being more protestant and the south more Roman Catholic. Even in the 1980s, (ie before reunification in 1990) people had bibles. But the market for bibles was probably low/stable due to declining congregations, which did not make shelling out for a new translation profitable for a local West German publishing company.
Professor, I admire your teachings, you are excellent but when it comes to your teachings on food, you interchange words; Food for animal. Wrong bible interpretation will also include standing with a man for sexual acts. So, the spirit of the commandment is males having unnatural sex. If Sex between men is not written in scriptures as sex with young boys which is the case, why do you say Yahweh gave Israel certain foods Rather than you saying Yahweh gave Israel certain animals as food ? Why are you interchanging the Word food for Animal / beast ? You explain though not directly that marriage as described in the bible does not include homosexual marriage but only refer to a male and a female. Why do you then classify animals which are not classified by Yahweh as food being food? Don't you see yourself abusing your gift of being an Excellent teacher ? Thanks for your teachings. Yours Kirui from Kenya E.Africa
Hello, Kirui! The Hebrew word for "food" or "nourishment" is אָכְלָה and it is used of animals. For example, in Genesis 9:3, God told Noah, "Every moving thing that lives shall be אָכְלָה (food/nourishment) for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything." God told Noah that *all* animals are food. Blessings, Rob
Good video up until you said God does stuff arbitrarily. Just because we don't understand something doesn't make it arbitrary. The definition of arbitrary is: based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system. I may not know God's reasoning behind the dietary laws, but I highly doubt they are arbitrary. Even with a small amount of study, you would discover that the things God didn't consider as food were designed differently than the things He called clean. A few things that separate the unclean things is that many of them eat blood or their own feces. Coprophagia is how some animals fully digest certain things, instead of ruminating (chewing the cud). Some carry a toxic load and has to be cooked to a certain temp just to kill the bacteria and parasites, such as pork. While this may not have been God's reasoning, I don't think He does anything without reason. If those laws were given to God's people to set them apart to Him, why would we (as God's people) be held to a different standard? Unless you believe that the laws were for salvation in the OT. God hates unjust weights and balances though.
I agree! While we may not understand why God chose that specific set of qualifications (cloven hooves, chews cud), we can be sure He had a reason. So from a human perspective, the list of prohibited animals is arbitrary. And as I've mentioned in other videos, I believe that's what makes it so powerful. It left the ancient Israelites with only one answer when asked why they avoided those _specific_ foods: because Yahweh said so. Blessings! Rob
The beginning of sin, the mystery of iniquity began in Eden, Genesis 4:8-15-24. (Actually it began with Lucifer, but since he would never receive forgiveness, God began to impute His righteosness as soon as man sinned, and made a way out for him by the blood of the sinless Lamb slain before the foundation of the world, but that lives, sitted on the throne of God in the heavenly places. Ezekiel 28:16, and promptly judged verses 17-19, John 16:11, while man got a 1000 years deferred punishment, which was paid for by the sinless blood of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, and the complete man, on the cross of Calvary. ) This sin couldn't readily be judged simply because there was no preceding law about being one's brother's keeper that was broken. (Thus, the whole system was destroyed by the flood, and the laws started with that Genesis 9:5-6, until finally judged and finished on the cross John 19:30) And in verse 15, a precedent was laid down for the time it would take to judge sin, 70x7 or 490 years. That generation was wiped out by the flood, but the precept remained: sin shall be avenged seventy and seven fold. (Matthew 18:21-23). This was the standard by which Israel also judged, as they also had to spend 70 sabbath years ( or 70x7= 490 years), in exile, outside of the promised land. When it was the 69th week year Daniel prayed to God, and fasted to remind Him of the imminent due date of the return of God's people to their promised land; but the sin of the Amorite was not yet full, Genesis 15:16, also, Israel was still in rebellion towards God, and the land cannot sustain rebellion- it was Holy! So, the Messiah had to come and make a way for grace and justification, and righteousness of God to be imputed, so Israel can get back their monarchy, through the house of David, and back to the kingdom of God, by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, as the Son of God, and the Son of man -the promised Son of David, the king of Israel to order His Kingdom Isaiah 9:6; who would ascend His throne as God had promised him. Romans 1:3; Acts 2:30, and come to bring them back to God, Jeremiah 16:16a; Luke 19:10; Matthew 10:5. Instead, they rejected and killed Him. Thus, from then onwards, the way to God was opened to whosoever would come to Him by grace through the shedding of His blood, by grace through faith in His sacrificial death, burial and resurrection. They were given the adoption of sons and daughters into the kingdom, which hitherto, they were not permitted Ephesians 2:13; John 1:11-14, becoming heirs and joint heirs of God and the Abrahamic covenanted promises an blessing (Genesis 25:6- the representatives of his other children by Hagar and Keturah, the Kings of the East, could now access and partake of the blessing, and they showed their allegiance and faith, by worshipping Jesus Christ, as a Child!) Jesus Christ gave His life for all who would simply believe in Him as Lord and Savior, in order to keep them from the wrath of God that will be unleashed upon the Amorite, until the end. Isaiah 63:18; Daniel 8:13; Zechariah 12:3; Luke 21:24; Revelation 11:2. And eventually, they will be rescued at the second coming of Christ Luke 21:13; Zechariah 14. He finished the work of salvation of the soul of man John 19:30 and this continues the "acceptable year of the Lord" which began as He took the sealed book of Daniel, 12:4, from God, as the Lamb of God, who alone is Worthy, and opened the seals Revelation 5, and fulfilled the first of the three part of Isaiah 61:2, in Luke 4:16-21, and He SHUT it again. This will run through this dispensation of preaching of the gospel of grace, (which ended the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom, which ended with the stoning of Stephen) by faith in the sacrificial death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and He will return to gather His saints from the world, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 Corinthians 15; and present them faultless before the presence of God the Father, with exceeding joy, Jude 24; with victory over sin, devil, death, hell and eternal damnation in the lake of fire and brimstone Isaiah 66:24. The second dispensation is nearly upon us, at this time Isaiah 63:4, which will usher in the tribulation period when the 70th and last year will be ushered in to finish all transgressions! Daniel 9:24. ( As the Messiah has become the sacrifice for sin, and was dead, buried and rose again from the dead! His shed blood sprinkled on the heavenly mercy seat for propitiation for sins for all who would go to God by and through Him, simply by faith! Ephesians 2:8). Then, the Lord will return the second time, complete with His body, as a new Creature resting upon the Mount of Olives Zechariah 14, to make a way of escape for the remnants of Israel Matthew 24:31. Then the battle of armageddon will ensue, and it will end up in total obliteration of this earth. Isaiah 24; Joel chapters 2 and 3, Jeremiah chapters 1-11...; 1 Peter 3 etc. This is the fullness and end, and judgment of the sin of the Amorite! Matthew 18:21-22; Psalm 75:8; 73:3-17. Then the new heaven and earth will be created after the conclusion of the millennium- to mark the expiration date of sin and death, like it was back in Eden. Now man will live out the 1000 year curse of death Isaiah 65, (Genesis 5). Then history will repeat itself when everything reaches full circle- the serpent will be released once again, Revelation 20:1-6, to tempt man as he did with Adam and Eve, those who follow him will get totally judged and cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, together with hell, death, the antichrist, false prophets and all whose portion is with them Isaiah 66:24. Revelation chapters 19-22. God has perfected the end from the beginning. But as it is written-"My people are destroyed for lack of Knowledge " Hosea 4:6, so, "With all thine getting, get understanding " Proverbs 4:7; Luke 24:45. Be filled with and led by the Holy Spirit, and abide in the fold, John 10, until He returns as promised, to take up His purchased possession! John 14:26; Ephesians chapters 1-2! Then He will set up His kingdom! Isaiah 9:6! Be encouraged!
Excellent polemic on homosexuality in the bible! I take issue with your evaluation of foods abstinence. It's likely that the mosaic people took God's phenomenological information as a guide to their food abstinences and not a 'direct' 'God told us too' approach. Pork can cause trichinosis and shellfish can cause gout, these illness are easily linked to diet in real time. The Mosaic covenant was a codified expression of how the people understood God's designing of the world.
Leviticus 18:22 makes it clear that it is an abomination for a man to lie with mankind, as with womankind; it is an abomination. The word "abomination" means something greatly disliked or abhorred, and in Romans 1, for God to say that God gave them over to a reprobate mind, appears to reflect the word "anathema," one that is cursed or damned. I heard your entire video, and it appears that you are trying to please both sides or want to find favor from both sides. In addition, you were speaking as a way of trying to prevent yourself from offending gay people. Robert Solberg, would you please answer the following questions so that everyone knows what you really believe or truly stand on this topic? 1) A man lying with a man-is it an abomination to God? 2) Can a man be a believer and continue to live a life that God calls an abomination? 3) Will a man enter the kingdom of God if he is indulging in this abominable act? 4) Are your gay couple friends indulging in sinful behavior? 5) Will you make it clear in the comment section of this board that you denounce this abomination act? 6) Will you denounce all gay organizations? You said that you know gay couples who are kind and loving people, so why should it matter that they're the same gender? So, it should matter because God called it an abomination, and we need to call it what God called it. Let me also mention that you should read the story of Sodom and Gomorrah and look at how God handles this abomination. This way, you can make it clear without trying to please both sides. When I first read your article, I made it clear to someone that you were going to post such a video.
And, I also disagree with your Romans 1:26-27 argument. This is not what gay sex is about. Real consensual gay sex between two loving people is the opposite of all that is written in these verses. Paul was biased and culturally myopic--he saw things from a totally Jewish perspective, as that is all that he knew. Or maybe he, too, was gay. Having penetrative sex--male to female--is not the only way to have sex. God made many places where you can stick it! Let's not limit god with our small thinking.
Your argument does not hold water when the German, Swedish and Norwegian Bible all agree that it is young boy and boy molester/abuser is condemned instead of man with man in Leviticus 18:22 and 1 Corinthians 6:9 respectively. Moreover, it is absurd in contextualization when you suggest that in these countries and during that era only sex with young boy or boy molesters/abusers were relevant and understood when romantic love between man and man had existed since ancient time. Something is not right here!
Hello, Whaley! Actually, the question we would need to explore is what the German word "knabenschänder" meant to a 16th-century German. That lies at the heart of this research, and unfortunately, I barely know any German, much less Ye Olde German! More importantly, though, there are six passages in the Bible that specifically discuss homosexuality, and it's very clear they are talking about male sexual activity, not abuse or molestation of young boys. (Of course, the Bible certainly condemns the abuse or molestation of anyone!) Blessings, RLS
@DBRofC Knabenschänder is boy molester! You conveniently avoided validating it by quickly changing the subject in your video. Leviticus 18:22 and 1Corinthians 6:9 like the rest of the remaining clobber passages which are either mistranslated or taken out of context or both are frequently used by homophobes like you to bash gay men.
I am going to get a lot of flack for this however I have prayed long and hard about it and am very passionate about symbolism and authorized ritual and symbol. So...imo its time to open our arms and embrace those who feel they are naturally gay to have union authorized by our faith. It doesn't need to be called "marriage" . It could have been called something else, however because it is law now, should we really be that judgemental. Are we that much holier in our reasoning? I know what the bible says however context context context. Most of the time logic and reason and parental love harmonize with Christian reasoning except in this case. For instance in the time that same sex was commented upon their was not a community supportive family unit for the couple to participate in worship..now there is. context folks. Do we really expect a same sex attracted individual to be abstinent their entire life? If they do not unite will they not fail to control their expression and this lead to many experimental non committal and non religious encounters? Context...just some thoughts. I had a very hard time with this because there are very specific scriptures that seem to condemn this behaviour, but in the context of a Christian faith practicing family..should we really judge to the level of demanding chastity for life to have the mercy of Christ and fellowship. Time to understand "and I will write my law upon their hearts" imo. And yes..I know the argument that it does not square with natural law..I get it and yes I know our bias abhors it but should we not allow logic reason and charity to rule our "feelings". Just some thoughts.Imagine if you were born this way...just imagine, and wanted to be part of the fellowship. Do unto others as you would have done unto you...imo. I will throw a wrench into the works. Jehovah in the OT presents himself as a polygamist...twice in allegory ( I thought only one man and one woman concepts were in there? lol). If you don't believe me you are welcome to ask for the references. Context folks. I only mention this to show..context matters. It requires one to put the spirit of the law above the literal meaning. There are other instances this matters as well. Spirit above Letter. Should you "obey" an abusive boss or ruler? Should women be quiet in the church? should women cover their heads? all this is in there also folks but we use logic reason and truth in our current context, (which is spiritual) to address these things.btw I am a straight Christian. I think its time to put context into the principals of our faith that reveal the love of Christ behind that literal translation, in context. Allow others for Christ to lead them personally in this explaining the word and letting the spirit guide them personally , as he should do each believer..even you. What if someone else insists you listen to your abusive boss, or tells your wife to cover her head and be quiet in church...hmmm. I bet you start arguing context then. btw having said all this, I respect and value this teacher highly..no joke.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Peter. I completely disagree with what you're saying here, but I appreciate you adding to the conversation. In our modern culture, sexuality is an area where obedience to God can become very uncomfortable. It carries a high price tag for many of us. God’s sexual ethic doesn’t make sense to many modern people, even including some Christians. And for those who don’t follow God, the answer “because God says so” seems meaningless. So this becomes a critical decision point in the walking out of our faith. When God’s Word and modern society disagree on an issue, who are we going to follow? Blessings, Rob
Without context understanding of obedience can err. For instance the law of circumcision, without the context of the NT gentiles still need to be circumcised,without the context of culture, one can not determine the "why" of a law. The "why" can change in another context. This is why the Spirit's authority within is the ultimate "law". and the heart is what is ultimately good or evil. Without context every non baptized individual in the world is not saved etc etc. Context matters and if one doesn't get that, they have to learn it before they can teach effectively or advise imo. No book, no man, no religion has authority over God's spirit within if he seeks earnestly to follow Yeshua imo especially no man's understanding, not even his own because understanding can be flawed but the gift of the Holy Ghost can never be "and I will write my law upon their hearts"@@AviViljoen Now i am not saying I know I am right, I am saying we do not have the authority to "know" for others. We can have a strong opinion or even revelation but only God can designate an authority and a book speaks to the one who reads it and not thru a clutter of others opinions. I may be wrong on this one, but its ot of study and prayer..I could be wrong. Thank the Lord I am not mankind's judge, but he who can read a mans heart perfectly is. I am simply empathizing with those I don't understand as if they were me, and withholding condemnation without knowing the context. The Lord will certainly take into account each mans understanding to their own conscience.
@@peterhook2258 Obedience to the Holy Spirit - and to God's law - is exactly what I'm talking about. For clarity: circumcision is OT law, and not applicable here, because I'm Christian and not Jewish. Also, I never mentioned the law. I mentioned obedience. If you remain obedient to God, you will know that you are called to holiness. Being tolerant of disobedience and perversion is contrary to God's will. It has nothing to do with context. One point that we can agree on, is the authority of God's Holy Spirit in all things.
Excellent explanation thanks Rob. I personally find offence at the misuse of the word 'gay' and the misuse of the 🌈 as they soften what God calls an abomination. Simply call yourself a homosexual if that is what floats your boat. Sorry but homosexual can not be an adjective before the word Christian anymore than we could have a sinful Yeshua. As John 6:44 explains . . . God draws his people to himself and then the work of Christ on the cross (atonement) brings the beginning of sanctification. Sanctification cannot co-exist in the heart of a practicing homosexual. But God can draw that man to himself revealing the sin and the man can be forgiven and justified through the blood of the Lamb but only if repentance happens and the sin stops.
I just found and subscribed to this channel. I came to this video, read the sensitivity statement, and then promptly unsubscribed. The fact that you even have and felt the need to issue a sensitivity statement, is just what anyone who loves the world would be compelled to do. You’re playing with fire here my friend. You can’t have things both ways, pandering to both sides…
Thanks for your candor, Whitakers. I'm curious, was there anything in my sensitivity statement that you disagreed with? Or did you just not like the fact that I took the time to explain myself? BTW I base my apologetic approach on this verse: "But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander." (1 Pet 3:15-16). Blessings, Rob
What you are quoting in directly is Mahatma Gandhi, hate the sin but love the sinner. God is not going to punish sin, he is going to punish the sinner, Read Roman 1:32, Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them. So, the question that you might have, how are you approving them their behavior? Think for a minute, and if you can come up with an answer ask your theologian friends, maybe they might know.
Actually, Luis, we have *_all_* fallen short of the glory of God and are sinners who deserve the wages of sin, which is death. Thankfully, are also *_all_* given the opportunity to cry out to Jesus in faith and find life. "Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned...For if, because of one man's trespass, death reigned through that one man, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ...so that, as sin reigned in death, grace also might reign through righteousness leading to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Rom. 5:12, 17, 21) Blessings, RLS
@@TheBiblicalRoots I understand we all fall short, But the question that is over looked in the verse is 'but also approve of those who practice "them". This is not only talking about those involve in these type of acts, but if you approve of them then you will received the same punishment.
The problem with these condemnation of Homosexuality is that it's not made by Jesus Jesus said absolutely nothing. I'm not saying that the Bible is wrong, but I will have to put doubts on it. I'll continue to advocate for homosexuals to be free to love one another But at the same time, I will not advocate for them to be married in the Church because Jesus said nothing Until the day of Jesus' return, no changes shall be made.
I hear you, Fyn, but I have to disagree. While Jesus did not mention homosexuality by name, He did condemn sexual immorality (Matt. 5:32, 15:19, 19:9; Mark 7:21; John 8:4-11, etc.), which, as we talked about in this video, is defined in the Hebrew Scriptures as any sexual activity outside of the covenant of marriage. He also affirmed that the covenant of marriage was between one man and one woman (Matt. 19:5; Mark 10:7). So I don't believe it's biblical or reasonable to conclude that Jesus approves of homosexual activity. And, as was also mentioned in the video, He also would not approve of mistreating or persecuting anyone, gay or straight. Blessings, Rob
Yeshua made no comment along those lines, because His audience already knew what Torah said about the topic in Leviticus. It was assumed that they knew it was against the law of God.
You lost credibility when you said “ I wish there was some grey area “ … 🤦🏽♂️.. We all have family and friends unfortunately lost in that particular sin. We love them dearly.. just like we love the stranger down the street with a drug addiction, alcohol addiction, gang lifestyle, money hungry.. ect.. But to start off this video 30 seconds in with that statement. No.. sir
I believe strongly that majority of people involved in homosexuality are influence and reinforce by spiritual force and as christians we need to steadfastly pray for them not condemn them. And yes homosexuality is a sin just as hook up is a sin or stealing or lying and other sinful acts.
The kjv bible clearly defines the difference between adultery and homosexuality. With all due respect the woman had committed adultery. The men from Sodom wanting Lott to hand over the angels for their homosexual desires would be a more accurate choice. And what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah!!!
Abuse of sexuality. Having come from a generation in the 60s where the tv turned off at midnight, men’s magazines only displayed the top of women nude, it show how much in the WEST we focus on sex. I heard in Mexico, there was a week long sex festival. Compare to AA (Alcoholic Anonymous), if you go, don’t do the steps or fellowship continue drinking and not willing to change, then I guess you can be a practicing homosexual Christian and sure, you rather believe God made you that way then, your choice. Ashley Madison hacked 30 million ……..perverts. We abort over that many too. Wonder why? Common.
Additionally, you say that God created only Adam and Eve; however, Adam and Eve created all of us. If one were to read the Hebrew Bible, the following is what one would find in accordance with your statement when you state that marriage is only between one man and one woman as if this equation is what sound family values should sound like: You have disdain for today's immorality and label it rampant; however, the Hebrew Bible is full of frothy details of kings having hundreds of wives, concubines, and sex slaves, as if one wife is not enough. The Hebrew Bible also contains a vast number of references to rape and other forms of sexual violence, both in the Law of Moses, its historical stories, and in its prophetic poetry. On the other hand, not only is Sarah Abraham's wife, but she takes her slave servant Hagar and allows she and her husband to have sex since she cannot conceive. If the father of faith (Abraham) truly believed God had promised him a child, why did he sleep with his house slave (she was purchased in Egypt)? Is this another example of sound biblical marriage? In Genesis 9:22, Ham, son of Noah, "saw" his father's "nakedness," a phrase which elsewhere in the Hebrew Bible can mean "had sex with Noah," perhaps even sodomized him in his sleep. Lastly, in Genesis 19, Lot's daughters also have sex with him. Is this what is considered good family values in the bible? Many gay people are only asking for their right to marry people whom they love and care deeply about. If we compare the values of the Old Testament to the values of decent gay people, I would rather be a proponent of rights for gay people.
I have some insights to share on this subject. I grew up as a teen bisexual. I loved girls in high school. Then in college I fell in love with a guy. I 'chose' to pursue this path of homosexuality. I never understood drag queens or effeminate men. I just liked guys. I was very romantic and wanted to meet a guy, live together and adopt kids. It never happened. It was a torturous life of seeking what could not be found. Even the men I knew who were married were in open relationships. The men who were into me didn't want kids... just to be forever children. Men are driven by hormones. They can't control their desires. Their desires once fulfilled become mundane and they seek riskier and wilder experiences. Sex devolves into drugs and orgies for the vast majority of gay men. Parents would be horrified if they knew what their gay children were up to. Insecurity , broken parental relationships often drive homosexuality. ITs not just 'born that way'. I witnessed straight acting guys devolve into sissies. Attitudes and vocal inflections are contagous. I realized I was seeking a relationship with a man to fulfill being rejected and abandoned by my father. Two years ago I allowed Christ into my heart. I am ever more happy and peaceful as I cultivate intimacy with him ! My life is radically different now. I am not alone anymore and am in a perfect relationship with HIM. Thats what I was seeking all along. Not gay but to be with and loved by the FATHER. I chose to abstain from all sexual contact. I hadn't had sex for a long time before because of covid so it was easy to abstain and I had pretty much lost trust in gay men. I put a ring on my marriage finger to represent I married Jesus. Not a homosexual gesture - a powerful spiritual one. This was before I ever heard the body of christ referred to as 'the bride'. Within months my attraction to women returned. I was astonished. I'm still attracted to men but I recognize the sin of it and it repulses me into repentance. I want kids, I want a best friend to build a home with. You can't do that if you're gay. Sorry guys. - Getting a surrogate pregnant for $$ is wrong. God wants us to build families FOR HIM. He wants to build his family. Being gay destroys family. They dont have kids. They aren't happy. I lived in NYC, Los Angeles and Miami. I never met one happy gay person. Never. I saw people go crazy from it, become drug addicts, get AIDS and die. I'm going to trust with maximum faith that there is a beautiful young woman out there that will forgive me of my past sins and build a family with me... I might have to wait until after Jacobs trouble... but I know it will happen. Gay is a choice. I learned the hard way. It cost me 35 years of happiness. There is a reason God says not to do it. Listen to him. If you can please pray for me to find the perfect wife and build a family. thank you
Was your parents believers?
Thank you Shawn for sharing your powerful personal testimony with us. There is incredible strength in your vulnerability. May your story help others to find freedom in Jesus! And may God bless you with a wonderful wife with whom you can share your life. Bless you, brother.
Shalom Rob
I am praying for you. Thanks for sharing your testimony.
Bless you in your endeavors. Christ will love you when/if you follow the spirit. His spirit within you imo should be your final authority in this issue.He speaks uniquely to you and has complete authorization to lead..you. Peace brother.
May God bless you and alwayd keep you near him.
Wow! I can tell you prayed over this teaching. Well done!
Anytime someone looks to justify their sin by asking "did God really say..." you know they've got the mind of the devil and not of God.
Sin is derived from the Hebrew word chata meaning to fail to miss the mark to fail in ones obligations. Religion derived from the Latin religare meaning to bind together much like the tares ready for the flames to consume them. YHWH knew man would fall short of His glory from the start, he told us in the book of Genesis in the genealogy of mankind, Adam meaning man Seth meaning appointed Enosh meaning mortal, Kenan meaning sorrow, Mahalel meaning the blessed God, Jared meaning shall come down, Enoch meaning Teaching Methuselah meaning his death shall bring, Lamehc meaning despairing, Noah meaning comfort, rest. Man's salvation in summary,
Man is appointed Mortal sorrow the blessed God shall come down teaching His death shall bring the despairing comfort and rest. Who are you to condemn another for missing the mark when you too fall short. Yeshua came to take legalism out of the temple of YHWH you still use it to condemn others, need I remind you of the words of Yeshua, " Let him who is without sin cast the first stone".
You assume that I was condemning others. It is the Holy Spirit who condemns the believer, not me. Nonetheless, we are still to walk in discernment judging right from wrong. My statement is based on Satan's temptation of Eve and on the words of Jesus when he said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man.” And did not Paul also publicly chastise Peter, his superior, for behaving in a contradicting manner when he would not sit with gentiles in the presence of Jews? If you are pricked because of my words, consider for your own sake the possibility that it is not merely my words but the nudging of the Holy Spirit. @@Swampwizard-f2j
You can be LGBT and Christian 👨❤️👨
@@dansaber4427 No you can’t. We are all born in sin but we are commanded to repent and turn from wicked ways. Make all the excuses you want, God has made it clear where he stands.
@@ridingtheeventhorizon3315 God's the creator of everything. It sounds like you fell for the original sin. Trust God's original command and you won't be ashamed or puffed up. You can be born again. Wash yourself of the knowledge of Good and E with the renewing of your mind and the cleansing of your conscience. And then you'll be clean and reconciled with the father. Jesus paid for the fall. Choose a new name for yourself. You can be born again. You can be made whole with a holy spirit instead of divided against yourself.
This is the best explanation and apologetics on the subject that I’ve ever heard.
Excellent summary and analysis. Thank you.
Thank you brother for your teaching, but not only it but the way you aproach the text, the themes, and the attitud you show. Humility and respect.
The best explanation of this issue I have ever seen..thank you.
I remember finding out about the word arsenokoitēs using Strong's concordance.
Another detail that's interesting is that Paul was so careful and precise that he literally invented this word for this context.
He made sure that what he said was exactly what he meant.
Rob, my wife and I so appreciate your insightful, motivating, and clear presentations. Man i wish we were neighbors.
Thank you! Blessings, Rob
This is a really good teaching! Man! I’m amazed at how many languages you know! 👍😃
Notice how he never addresses the other word in "man lie with man" because that doesn't exist in the Hebrew
Notice how he assumes that arsenokoitai is a descriptor for males with no evidence.
I'll give this man some props, he has a very convincing illusion but he's still carrying baseless assumptions into the text.
I’m not a Christian, but as a gay man I find this topic interesting because it impinges on my life in a society whose laws and morality is based on Christian doctrine. I too read this article, and had similar reservations about the author’s conclusions. However, while I agree with much of what you say, I’m not sure that you treated the author totally fairly. You talked about how the older foreign language bible translations were worded to speak to people of that period (17th century eg al) but you neglected to talk about the historical perspective of the original ancient texts. How would Jews alive when Leviticus was written have understood the text? What would Paul’s audience have thought he was referring to? While this probably wouldn’t alter your overall reading of the texts, and the overarching teachings on sexual ethics, there is an argument that the writers may well have had in mind not simply same sex sexual activity, but that which occurred (not uncommonly I understand) within the practices of some pagan worship of the time. As I said, I don’t think that it would have fundamentally changed your conclusions, but it would have been interesting to hear that included and discussed. Personally, I feel convinced that if you believe that the bible truly represents God’s commands etc then ( like you) I think the basic message is pretty clear to Christians. However, as a nonbeliever, looking at it from the outside, I feel that the Pauline epistles are given too much weight, and are at times pretty uncomfortable. I, of course, don’t accept that they are divinely inspired. I really appreciate your basic message though, that if same sex activity is a sin it is no worse or better than many other sins that Christians commit. Treating homosexuals unkindly is inherently unchristian - if I understand the teachings of Jesus correctly.
Thanks, sandrew! I appreciate your input. You make a good point about further discussion of how the original audiences of these texts would've understood them. I agree it likely would not have fundamentally changed the conclusions, but it would've been interesting to explore.
Blessings! Rob
@ShiaDiscourseinteresting. Thanks. So is this word used in Leviticus? Or elsewhere in the “Old Testament”?
What about non-penetrative sexual activity then?
@ShiaDiscourse The talmud is not from God. It adds to the word of God which is strictly prohibited by God.
Just to use the issue of meat/dairy as an example: We know the teaching not to mix meat and dairy is not biblical. Abraham served the Lord meat and dairy in the tent in Genesis.
@ShiaDiscourse I rely on the Holy Spirit to teach me and guide me and to rightly divide. Have a blessed day
Something that most miss about the adulterous woman brought before Yahshuah is that He based His non-condemnation upon the lack of condemnation from any other. His use of "then" as pointing to the previous qualifier statement, that says so much, and yet remains in the wings of silence when discussed and taught from. That is so telling.
You read from a 20th/21st Bible, but ignore Papyrus 75. Papyrus 75 is the earliest text of the gospel of John. But there's a problem, "you who is without sin..." isn't there. It was added after.
Good point! John 7:53 to 8:11 is bracketed in NASB, NLT says "The most ancient Greek manuscripts do not include John 7:53-8:11.", and the NKJV has a note "John 7:53 NU brackets 7:53 through 8:11 as not in the original text. They are present in over 900 mss. of John."
Excellent work and deep dive into understanding the hermeneutics, linguistics, and contextualization of the Scripture.
We do not live as the world lives, we are of His Kingdom, let us show the world what a citizen of Heaven looks like through our commitment and love to the Lord.
You're very interesting to listen to.
By the way, you made the common mistake of pronouncing "yee" with a Y. It's pronounced "thee". They started using Y when the letter thorn disappeared due to its resemblance.
My goodness!!! even the lgbt "christians" interpret that text to their favor, they cannot mis-interpret sodom and gomorah..
Well done and helpful, thanx.
So is he saying you can be chrisitan and homosexual??
Absolutely not.
@@AviViljoen you dont know him very well.
@@Sherlock245 You're absolutely right, I don't know him. But, my point remains: you can't be Christian and homosexual. (You can be a Christian with homosexual desires, but a practising homosexual is fooling himself if he thinks God is going to honour him).
@@AviViljoen are you charismatic you need to stay ahead of the time. They is a new type of gay christian that show why you can!!!! And many now are turning that way. Do you know andy??? He just went to a conference pushing this agenda.
@@Sherlock245 The God I serve is eternal, everlasting, and not changing. There is no need to "stay ahead of the time" or to follow trends when you serve the One True God. And no thanks, I don't want to meet any person spreading false teachings and telling me it's okay to tempt God. Anyway, by now you know where I stand on your original question. Good luck to you.
I agree on all your points except one my brother. Homosexual behavior is a worst sin then heterosexual behavior like fornication and adultery. Because it violates the creative order of God as mentioned in Romans 1 as well as Genesis chapter 1. But heterosexual behavior does not violate the laws of nature but it does violate the laws of God but that's not the same with homosexual behavior which does violate those laws of nature along with the very creative order and laws of God.
Odd that the same punishment would be prescribed for both if they are not of the same magnitude
All types of fornication are indeed against the natural order. They are destructive to the family
@@tbishop4961 Very good point, I suppose you could argue that anyone that rejects the gospel will receive the greater damnation. Christ said that it'll be more tolerable on the day of judgment for Sodom and Gomorrah then it will be for someone who rejects the truth of the gospel and that could be anybody. Nevertheless the Bible speaks very negatively about homosexual behavior because is violates the creative order that God established in the beginning and therefore they are given over to a position where they cannot repent and believe the gospel.
@@FormerTrucker you don't need a list, just ability to reason. Lists get unwieldy and can easily be misinterpreted or misapplied. Genesis 3 isn't about "the first sin". It's a story to teach us about our innate understanding of good and evil.
And the LORD God said: 'Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil; and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever.'
Actions have consequences. If we pay close attention we can observe the consequences of particular behaviors and "see the future" as it were
The punishments are not the same. @@tbishop4961
Absolutely, our actions do have consequences. Christian's tend to sin as well, but the difference between a lost person and a Christian there are two nature's one is The flesh and the other is the Spirit which wars against each other. That does not exist in a lost person because he or she does not have the spirit of God in them and they are spiritually dead. The story of Adam and Eve represents original sin (or as you called it The First Sin) which came from Adam and therefore passing down thru humanity. Thank you for your response Christian theology and religion of course politics are my favorite subjects.
What is not addressed is how the original words in the original language were used in the original context. What examples of the use of these words are found outside of the scriptures? And what do those examples refer to? What practices of the original timeframe where common, that readers would have been aware of? Are those practices a direct correlation to practices of today, or are they enough different so as to suggest an alternative meaning to these words? In other words, what would the original readers have understood the meaning to be? Perhaps they would have immediately made a connection to certain cultural practices of their own day.
This is most important with the New Testament passages. The Leviticus passages are part of a larger group of laws, many of which Christians ignore, such as the food laws. It seems arbitrary to ignore some laws, while adhering to other laws.
Did you ever come to figure out why for instance the Ten Commandments are still being preached and practiced by Christians to this day but not let’s say the food laws or some of the civic laws ??
Hey Rob, what Bible translation is the thick blue one? I’m switching to ESV and want a good study Bible..
Hey, JM! The big Bible I was reading from was the NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible. The little brown one is a regular (non-study) ESV.
could you do the same type of analysis for divorce and remarriage? there is the one man/one woman for life and then there seems to be exceptions believed by some.
The new covenant does not give any allowance for remarriage apart from death under the new covenant.
@@letstalkbiblewithshun.sit does if the spouse commits adultery.
Love your videos and really appreciate your patient approach. I'm glad you added Paul at the end, as it felt like your OT-based argument ran counter to your logic in rebutting Hebrew roots folks. In your other videos, you note that Jesus' sacrifice does away with the old law...couldn't one make the argument that the prohibition on homosexuality is an "old" law that Jesus replaced? Again, great videos. You're a powerful teacher and I look forward to seeing what's next for you.
Even letting such an outlandish thought cross your mind leads me to believe that you don't have the mind of the Messiah.
Thanks, Barron! In the NT we actually find that Jesus endorsed the sexual ethic of the OT. The Mosaic commands fulfilled by Jesus were all ritual or ceremonial in nature; they were grounded in the temporary system of worship and atonement that God established for ancient Israel until Christ arrived (Gal. 3:23-25, Heb. 10:1-6). The commands regarding right and wrong (morality) have never changed because they are grounded in God's unchanging moral perfection.
Blessings! Rob
@luiscajigas5567 Who among us does? That's why he died for us.
@@barroncj68 What do you mean by Who among us does? In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Yeshua Hamachiach.
@DBRofC Tahnks for clarifying John 8, so you (and the Bible, Jesus) says its OK to commit adultery!! Thank you
Mark Ward has a great video breaking down the original words and what they meant. Just like he says here, it meant homosexual then and still does now. In addition to this video, i would suggest watching Mark's too.
20:40 the one moral rule that you mentioned,
-to believe in Yehowah God-,
that's called:
The Eternal Gospel
The Eternal Message.
And then is the gospel or message of salvation for your soul which is:
If you believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for all our sins, then you are saved, your soul is saved by just believing the fact that He died to pay for all our sins.
Meaning all transgressions we have ever made.
That's amazing!
1 Corinthians 15.1-4
Galatians 1.8-9
Whosoever teaches something different is anathema.
Isn't that amazing?!
what software are you using?? Very informative video!!!
Thanks, Ronald! In this video, I used the free BibleGasateway.com website and Logos software.
Blessings, Rob
I enjoy your channel alot. And as a fellow Christian. I totally agree with all you said on this topic. We all fall short of God's grace. And we all sin. Thats why Jesus had to humble himself for us..We don't have to support sexual sin. But we as Christians should also not judge or show hatred to another. I have had alot out of marriage sexual relationship growing up. And look with lustful eyes at beautiful women. And in today's time that's so easy to get sucked into.. impossible not to at today's times even as a married man now... Just being honest. And i pray to God regularly to help me. To keep me on the straight and narrow path to Jesus. To help me understand and to fight against those type of sins.. But it's still sinning agaisnt God. I just pray to Jesus every day to mold me and make me better every morning I wake up. To honor him and keep moving forward in my personal relationship with Him. To realize every day is a true blessing and to not take it for granted. To allow the Holly Spirit to guide me thru this world. To do and be the best I can. Making as many as I can see God in the blessing in my life. To share what jesus has done for me. And the blessings he provides my family. God is Good. Keep up the amazing job you do to share God and his word. Thank you and God bless everyone.
Very simple, if a translation bothers me, I will do two things. 1. I will ask the Holy Spirit for help. 2. I will study the original text.
Let’s take for instance 1Ti 4:10 in which Paul writes: … we put our trust in God Savior of all men. Great, but then it goes on ‘especially of those that believe’. That to me is troublesome as it clearly does not line up with all men before.
The 4 words ‘of those that believe’ is only 1 word in Greek’ pistos’ an adjective meaning faithful. The word especially is the word malista, an adverb meaning: above all.
Now read again. God Savior of all men above all faithful. Do you think it talks of God as faithful or men? Now we can trust Him, because He never breaks his promise, He is the Faithful One!
I found the same type of misunderstanding when it comes to sin ( = missing the mark, or unbelief). Idolatry, adultery, ( sexual) immorality etc. Nothing to do with natural things, all to do with the unity in the spirit: husband and wife: Head and Body : the Christ!
How beautifully worked through and stated. Heavy subject.
Thank you Jesus for this Christ brother. 🙏🙏🙏
Great points and thank you for researching this for us ! I am currently reading 8 modern translations but I think God willing will be a while before I branch out into your level of research! ❤
I love that Francis Chan quote!
I really enjoyed your presentation on this topic but would like to know what translation you're reading from.
May Yahweh continue to bless your ministry.
Thanks, David! In this video, I was reading from the NIV.
Blessings, Rob
@@TheBiblicalRootsThe NIV is not the best translation.
spot on! well presentation!
Isn't arsenokoitai male bed and isn't it in Leviticus do not lie with men in beds of woman? Can κοίτης use alone? Is κοίτης mean malebed alone because of masculine suffix(is male hidden)? So is arsenokoitai mean male malebedder or malebedder only?
Excellent video. Thank you.
Doesn't anyone remember the verse where it says "cast the first stone"
Never said cast a stone at her this would be called the Mandela effect I love your videos brother you do such an amazing job especially your detailed debates with Sean and other individuals keep it rolling amen God bless you
can you address transgender people and their mention in Talmud? ...do you think the Bible equivalent is a eunuch (in the case of trans females)? Sefaria has a good article called 6 sexes and gender expression as reference.
Thank you so much Brother Rob for your excellent explanation on this most difficult subject.
Staying true to the Father's Holy Word, as always.👊👑
You can be LGBT and Christian 👨❤️👨
Isn't saying a man is not to lay with a boy still saying, male with a male?
Yes, that's very true, Charles.
No it's talking about lil boys like kids it's not the same thing
Regarding the Biblical diet restrictions; I DO TRUST that those foods that the Bible states are acceptable for the Jews to consume, WILL be highly nutritious and safe for humanity. They'll be the BEST foods you could possibly choose if given the choice. In like manner, the items forbidden for consumption may well have risks or health damage potential in at least some situations or environments.
As examples:
Pigs. Pigs are offal consumers. They eat garbage. That just may become a human health risk depending on the particular garbage and it's load of contaminates, toxins and dangerous microbes and diseases. Pigs also do not sweat. They instead store all of the toxins that they consume in their FAT. So again depending on their consumed levels of toxins such as pesticides, poisons, chemicals, antibiotics, hormones etc etc, you could have a human health risk.
Ruminant animals. Quite likely designed by God to BE specifically food for humanity. With the fourth stomach they are VERY good at neutralizing consumed toxins. (Genuine) science tells us that they are THE most nutritious, healthy and safe food that we can consume today.
Bats. Science also shows us the dangers of bat consumption, specifically animal diseases moving over into the human population. This also applies to many other animals that were not designed specifically to be food for humanity. God as the designer would know of this danger of course, and probably another 10,000 issues about which we currently have no idea.
Remember that EVERYTHING that God requires of us or of his chosen people specifically, IS in our own best interest. And that still applies whether or not he had more important reasons for the particular requirement.
Personally I'm OFF the damaging SAD diet for some years now, and my health has been steadily improving ever since, as the decades of dietary damage is repaired. I recently went Kosha, which was of almost zero inconvenience. In my case I only had to give up eating bacon, pork, prawns and shellfish. I did this for safety. Firstly I'm by no means absolutely sure that modern Christians are actually free of those Old Testament food requirements/guidelines, and secondly as mentioned above, we can all be VERY sure that the foods Biblically listed as acceptable will provide a diet that God would and has already condoned, for the sustenance of the human body.
The human body is a hugely complex biological machine, a great gift to us from God. It is our duty to look after it appropriately, including it's feeding and maintenance, and as per this video, the correct and appropriate use of all it's many subsystems. Sexuality is a very important even critical body subsystem, that God takes very seriously indeed. We should too. God Bless.
Hello, what is the software you used in this video that breaks down the greek/hebrew translations?
Hi Syd! The softWare I use is called Logos.
Blessings, Rob
Wether the word is used or not, it’s clearly understood. Forgiveness is always the choice one should make, but repentance is the ultimate goal. For at judgement it is no longer optional.
People read Roman chapter 1
"Apostle to the homosexual and the transsexual": ua-cam.com/video/oMCcMX-rApM/v-deo.html
Rob, is it required to stop on a red light to get saved, or if you believe in Jesus you are not under the street law?
Hi, Radostin. I can tell you're trying to make a point, but the point isn't clear. Salvation does not come by keeping the law, but through faith in Jesus (Gal. 2:16). And belief in Jesus does not free us from the obligation to obey God's commands that apply to us.
The NT expressly teaches that many of the commands given under the Old Covenant Law do not apply to Christians today. (ex. Repeated blood sacrifices for sin are no longer required (Heb 10:18).) We still serve God and obey His commands, “But now we are released from the law, having died with Christ to that which held us captive, so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit and not in the old way of the written code” (Rom 7:6). So if we want to put a classification of "law" on it, Christians follow the Law of Christ.
Blessings, Rob
@@TheBiblicalRoots so, is the law of Christ required for salvation, or if you believe in Jesus you are not under the law of Christ?
@@radostinvasilev599 Hey, R! All that is required for salvation is faith in Jesus (Gal. 2:16; Eph. 2:8-9). If our faith in Jesus is genuine, it will naturally result in a desire tp obey and do good works (Eph 2:10). Under the New Covenant, there's no need to view this relationship through the lens of a "law." But sure, if you insist on using the concept of "law" then yes, we are under the law of Christ.
Shalom!! R
@@TheBiblicalRoots so, if you are under the law of Christ, the law is required. As Christ is under the law of God. The head of the family is man, the head of man is christ amd head of Christ is God, thus there's no Trinity as God is above Christ. Holy Spirit is not on even mention on this lather. Thus God law is his own character and remains and is required.
The red logo was more memorable and eye catching.
The blue is still nice.
Well homosexual is a modern concept but the Bible frowns upon putting the male reproductive organ in any orifice except the corresponding female part to a woman the man is married to. People have always engaged in those other sexual behaviors but this wasn’t always considered specifically “homosexual” identity. The Bible is more focused on behavior than an identity.
If there is anything at all in your life that you value MORE than God, you are not worthy of God.
That's how it works. It doesn't mean you have to be perfect, it is an orientation of your heart.
I was trying to find out the reason behind food laws. When i was reading Leviticus , i noticed that some things are described as an abomination and some things are described as an abomination unto you... by this, i took that something that is an abomination unto you is something that doesn't agree with you in the sense of your body. This was just my conclusion. I could be wrong though
In regard to section 3, question 4 of your LGBTQ statement which reads, "Same-sex attraction is not sinful. It is not the temptation but the behavior that is deemed sinful in Scripture.". I'd like to push back a little. There is two types of temptations. One is merely the offer of something sinful, but with nothing within the person which desires sin. The second is the internal temptation, where the person who's offered sin, finds a desire to sin. I would say Jesus is an, the example of the former. Jesus was tempted, but had no desire within to sin. The latter is our experience. We are offered and we are tempted, we do find something within which desires sin. And this, I'd argue, is sinful. That is, it is sinful to desire sin: regardless whether we give in or not. And so, for the one who is same sex attracted, that attraction comes from sin within and is evidence itself of either their fallen nature (not saved) or their old man (saved). Now, I want to be clear, for the Christian, this old man is not of the new creation the Christian is, so the Christian can have confidence in the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit. Nonetheless, as I said those desires come from sin. For the non Christian, however, I think they must understand that this desire is utterly sinful because it in fact comes from their sinful nature which is all they have. They are not new creations. Anyway, thats my two cents. Thank you for your time and your hard work in making these videos.
I appreciate your respectful and articulate 2 cents, AR! Thanks, Rob
Good points.
“Same-sex attraction” may not be a sin, but it is a sickness. A sickness that Christ can heal.
@@scented-leafpelargonium3366 If the Holy Spirit doesn't sanctify Jesus's Bride, then His Bride won't be sanctified. There is no such thing as an unsanctified Christian. However, sanctification is a process, and as is clear in 1st John, Christians continue to sin. But lets be clear, as for judging, we are commanded to judge. In fact Paul tells us, " Or do you not know that the saints will judge the world?'. And we're supposed to judge those inside the church. Furthermore, to call sin anything other than sin, is to be unloving and lie. I hear often this refrain that homosexuality is an easy sin to point out and those who do are probably hypocrites. But I wonder would you say that about pedophilia? Sin is serious, whether that sin is lying, or murder. The minimizing of one sin is the minimizing of all sin, because the same God who said honor your father and your mother, said homosexuality is an abomination. But that's not all, we are being told homosexuality is not a sin and should be celebrated by the church, otherwise you're a hateful etc.. And as a sexual sin, it is a sin against ones own body. No, homosexuality is not the worse of sins, but it is a sin, and the Bride of Christ must resist the insidious Finney influenced tendency to believe appeasement is love and wins souls. No, this shall not, indeed it cannot win souls. Preach the Law undiluted and the Gospel unashamed, and know and believe, this is love.
But if Martin Luther interpreted it as pedastry its diificult to comprehend how your conclusion is otherwise - you say your translation tool uses the best greek texts available. Is the source of these texts based upon the Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus of the fourth century? This text, publicized by Westcott and Hort, is also known as the Alexandrian Text. It originated in Egypt and has been massaged by "higher critics" down through the ages. Sometimes described also as 'minority texts'. Are the texts employed by the interpretation tool derived from this source ?
Or - is the source of text employed by translation/interpreter tool derived from the Textus Receptus "Received Text" or "Byzantine Text" (also termed "Syrian", "Antioch", or Koine text) which was used in the King James Version. Textus Receptus is the preferred source of Greek manuscripts preferred by Protestants as the authorative sources for Bible tranlations up to the mid 19th century.
Which source of Greek texts is your translator/interpreter tool using?
This is a very relevant question
Hello, Turquoise! As it happens, both the Textus Receptus (www.logosapostolic.org/bibles/textus_receptus/1_corinthians/fcor06.htm) and the Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece (diebibel.ibep-prod.com/en/bible/NA28/1CO.6) use the same word in 1 Corinthians 6:9: ἀρσενοκοῖται.
The discrepancy isn't about the difference between Greek manuscripts, but rather the difference between 16th-century German and 21st-century English. And not just the linguistic differences, but differences in culture as well. We see big changes even in the English language. Today a “nice” person is one who is pleasant to be around. But that word started as an insult. The Middle English equivalent of "nice" meant stupid or ignorant. Or perhaps more to the point, we might note how the English word "gay" has changed in meaning. It is no longer used to mean carefree and happy.
So I think the beg question is exactly what knabenshänder meant in 16th century Germany!
Blessings, Rob
What does men loving men and women loving women, mean in the Bible?
Trust GOD Amen
you have wisdom , bro
In heaven there no gender
Most people still read Eph 5:22 to 5:33 as Paul speaking about husband and wife in the natural. Now in verse 5:32 he writes that this is a great mystery: he is actually talking about Christ and the Church. The Husband is The Head (the Lord Jesus), The Wife is the Body, the Church, that is all of us. Together: the marriage: the Christ. This is called relation.
Complete opposite of Babylon and Jezebel: the woman ( the harlot) is the head sitting on top of the body ( male part, the beast). This is called Religion.
I know this hard to understand, but once we understand that all are created male and female, it becomes easier.
From the Garden, our female side ( Eve, Hava) heard the voice first and then talked to our male side.
Turn this in the reverse direction and that is how you hear the voice of God.
When you say our female side, are you stating that a male has a female side?
@@luiscajigas5567 here is your answer. Be blessed brother
It’s OK to be anti-gay because it’s OK to be against perversion.
You have written on the topic several times, but it appears that you removed my response to your article. If so, why?
It's true that God's word consistently categorizes man lying with man as sin, but you forgot to mention that both men have committed a detestable act (Leviticus 20:13), and he follows with: They shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
You might ask the question, should we stone them to death? I will respond to that question with the following: Yeshua took the curse of the law to the cross because of God's love toward humanity, but in the day of judgment, the curse and the consequences of that abominable act will take place when they are cast into the lake of fire.
It has nothing to do with them being unworthy of God's love; it has to do with them not wanting to do anything with God, and because of this, God has turned them over to a reprobate mind (Romans 1:28), which you did not mention. If God gave them up, don't bother going out there to get them; only God can get them. Sodom and Gomorrah make this clear. God pulled out Lot and his family; not one homosexual did he pull out when he allowed judgment to fall upon them. Again, God has rejected them for their rejection of Him and for their continual embracement and indulgence in their godless depravity.
Robert Solberg, do you know why Yeshua did not condemn her? For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved (John 3:17). Yeshua told a man to rise, take up his bed, and walk, and when he found him in the temple, he said unto him, behold, thou are made whole; sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto you. Another way of saying it to the adulteress woman: woman, neither do I condemn you because I did not come to condemn the world, but that the world through me might be saved, but go sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto you.
Robert wrote me this in the past: To a holy God, all sin is an abomination. Homosexual behavior is no more sinful than any other sexual sin. Leviticus 18:26-27 tells us that all sexual sins are an abomination. An "abomination" does not mean "super sin." Do you know what else is an abomination to God? Then he throws the question: Do you believe that homosexual behavior is an unforgivable sin?
This was my response: You said, to a holy God, all sin is an abomination. What you are doing is trying to rationalize the statements you made on the topic of homosexuality. Now I can see why you said in this video that you have homosextual friends, making it appear as if you socialize with them. Do you?
Now, let's get into Leviticus 18. Did you read the entire chapter, or did you just pull a verse out of context to suit the view you hold, which is based on an opinion? In Leviticus 18, God is telling the people not to conduct their lives as the cannanites (Gentiles) who lived an abominable life before God. What were they doing that God called an abomination? They were performing abnormal and unacceptable sexual behaviors within families, which is not only nauseating to God but goes against God's design of a family. Another thing: why don't you read verses 22 and 23 again? God directly states that homosexuality is an abomination, and lying with a beast is confusion (though an abomination as well). What makes it an abomination is that it goes against what God intended for mankind. These abominations were reprehensible, which is why God put an immediate curse of death on those laws.
Here are the statements that Robert Solberg made in his article:
1) Attending the wedding is not a requirement for showing love to the couple, and he added that he can show them love as human beings in many other ways. ---- Robert Solberg made it clear from his own mouth that he recognizes them as a couple.
2) He said that he decided to respectfully decline their invitation and simply tell them, “It was lovely to have been invited. I love you both! ---- Robert Solberg found it lovely that he was invited. Was it lovely, Robert Solberg, that you were invited?
3) He said that he privately committed to praying for the couple daily up until the date of the wedding. ---- Again, he addresses them as a couple.
Robert Solberg, your response should have been direct. Yeshua made it clear and was direct to the adultress, which was why he said, go sin no more, letting her know of the sin she was committing.
Robert Solberg stated three reasons he wanted to attend the wedding: he liked the couple as people, he wanted to make those around me (who wanted me to go) happy, and it would just feel good to be there, hug the couple, and celebrate with them on what is surely an exciting new chapter in their lives. That said, personal experience over the years has made me keenly aware that what feels right is not always right. Sometimes (oftentimes?) the right thing is the hard thing. ---- His statement that what feels right is not always right is a true statement, but as a believer, there should not have been any reasons for him to think about it if he knew the scriptures. To my recollection, he had to pray for this decision, knowing that the scripture is clear.
Robert Solberg, make it clear that these friends of yours are living in a sinful nature, that it is detestable and an abomination to God, and that you are glad that you did not partake of it.
Read his entire article.
"Apostle to the homosexual and the transsexual": ua-cam.com/video/oMCcMX-rApM/v-deo.html
1 Corinthians 5:13
God will judge those outside. “Expel the wicked person from among you.”
Great video! Another thing I've noticed is that many modern biblical scholars are under the presumption that they somehow know better than the Church Fathers of the first millennium that read the Scriptures and many of which natively spoke Greek themselves; that the Church Fathers are somehow backward, and now thousands of years after them it is suddenly revealed that X word actually means Y. You'd think that the very same theologians who could read the original texts directly would catch on to what progressive scholars are asserting and advocate for a more "liberal" Christianity (for the lack of a better word), yet that was never the case. God bless!
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins
I would say, above all: obey His commandments. 👑
very interesting ,but I will point out the story of the woman at the well is not found in the NT manuscripts until about 400-500 AD it's not found in the Alexandrian and Epraimi texts. But thanks for your videos. God Bless
Gay Christian? Is that like an Adulterous Christian or an Idolator or Drunkard Christians? All who will not inherit the Kingdom of God. 1 Corinth 6 9-20
And as He instructed us that “the Sabbath was made for man” (not just for the Jews) so too was woman made for man….
crazy how some reject not just one of those gifts but both
And insist on using the very same arguments to claim "not for me"…lol
“But…but those OT prohibitions were just for the Jews…now we’re about love…not casting stones first”
Oh and I have heard “not even Acts 15 specifies homosexuality prohibited”
Maybe that’s why James concluded W X Y Z would be required BECAUSE Moses was preached every subsequent Sabbath…ya know to better understand HOW to follow Him…love as He loved us and not the world with its clever traditions…
Food laws and sexual laws arent really comparable in my opinion. The New Testament also addressed the food laws. And Jesus reiterated the definition of marriage
@micahwatz1148 : Stealing and sexual laws aren't really comparable either if you're just focussing on what the content of the law is or how similar they should be for them to be kept. God still pronounced both as wrong, and in the case of food laws and sexual laws often as abomination, which is much stronger terminology than for stealing, murder etc.
A closer look at the New Testament not influenced by how denominational doctrine views it does not show that the New Testament addressed food laws in the way you might prefer, but actually reveals the opposite and how food laws were not abolished, but if people are blinkered already they will not want to accept this truth, even if God and Yeshua say so.
You are right in that you write "in your opinion," but that may not be God's opinion at all. 🙃
@@scented-leafpelargonium3366 wait wait, what are you saying about food laws? Do you still think were under the laws food restrictions?
@@micahwatz1148 I don't think we are "under" anything. If a doctor offered you medicine or a vaccination would you say you were "under" it in such a negative and ungrateful way? No, most people appreciate advice from a helpful beneficial authority. And so it is with God's advice.
To spurn what He says (in quite strong terms, with words such as "abomination", which therefore should not be taken lightly) as being simply nothing, for only certain ethnicities, or to be ignored by those who claim to believe in the Word of God and the All-knowing Creator is quite preposterous, if not an insult. That would be like spurning Christ's salvation. We don't do that! 🤯
When God gives us things for our benefit we should be thankful, not dissmissive of Him.
He supplied the Sabbath (for man, according to Yeshua) to give us prescribed physical rest for all, whether servant, family, non-Israelite ("ger" or "stranger") and even animals all very fairly.
He warns us not to eat unclean animals and sewage-imbibing shellfish and other creatures, which the Gentile Noah, before any law, covenants or Israel existed, fully knew the clear distinctions of when the clean and unclean animals were boarded on the Ark in differing numbers, 14 animals of clean as they were permitted by God for food and thus would be needed in larger numbers, whilst the unclean but ecologically necessary scavengers boarded in twos.
Even 15 years after the resurrection, Peter as head of the Church refused three times to rise up and eat unclean animals and God did not chastise Him for disobedience, but rather He remained obedient to God's law in this test just as Noah by obedience found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
Instead, Peter later "wondered about the meaning of the vision" and accepted unclean Gentiles, as He would have viewed them, into the Jewish Church. He did not start eating horses and monkeys!
What are YOU saying about food laws, over and above what God Himself says in His Word?
Do you think that God has changed His mind without changing the biology or scavenging diets of these creatures that God created for cleaning the planet, but not for humans to eat?
I never heard Yeshua say anything about changing God's law and for men to eat "treif".
His silence alone indicates that no such change took place and unclean is still unclean. 🐖🦐
"Romans 1:24-29 NKJV
"Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, [25] who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. [26] For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. [27] Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. [28] And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; [29] being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers" I think God has been very clear without using the word homosexual. Don't try to change the word to suite the world.
This passage has helped me understand so much.
Of the 13 COMMANDs, Asareth Ya'dibrot 10 sentences aka COMMANDments+ 3 oral.... which is the gay one? 🤔
The commands are the covenant..
And all laws hang on 2 of the ten!!!!
He who breaks the 13 COMMANDs is not saved, nor do they have a COVENANT.... It is written.
Luke 17:34
“I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed👀🤔; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left.”
MatithYahu 10:15 gift of YaHU'aH
Verily I say unto you, it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Day of Judgment than for that city
As it is written, Father YaHU'aH said of the seed of Israel (Ephraim), when he went with the Greeks, uncircumcised themselves & built gyms, "Ephraim has went his own way, leave him be!
Arsenokoitoi refers to pederasty. WWJC? WHO WOULD JESUS CONDEMN? He would grant mercy to a cultural, intergenerational initiation of the Greeks and Hebrews. He would grant mercy to the victims of the mistranslation, homosexuals, which did not even become a term until 19th century.
😂😂😂😂 Germany has always been a majority Christian country. The north being more protestant and the south more Roman Catholic. Even in the 1980s, (ie before reunification in 1990) people had bibles. But the market for bibles was probably low/stable due to declining congregations, which did not make shelling out for a new translation profitable for a local West German publishing company.
Professor, I admire your teachings, you are excellent but when it comes to your teachings on food, you interchange words; Food for animal.
Wrong bible interpretation will also include standing with a man for sexual acts.
So, the spirit of the commandment is males having unnatural sex.
If Sex between men is not written in scriptures as sex with young boys which is the case, why do you say Yahweh gave Israel certain foods Rather than you saying Yahweh gave Israel certain animals as food ?
Why are you interchanging the Word food for Animal / beast ?
You explain though not directly that marriage as described in the bible does not include homosexual marriage but only refer to a male and a female.
Why do you then classify animals which are not classified by Yahweh as food being food?
Don't you see yourself abusing your gift of being an Excellent teacher ?
Thanks for your teachings.
Yours Kirui from Kenya E.Africa
Hello, Kirui!
The Hebrew word for "food" or "nourishment" is אָכְלָה and it is used of animals. For example, in Genesis 9:3, God told Noah, "Every moving thing that lives shall be אָכְלָה (food/nourishment) for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything."
God told Noah that *all* animals are food.
Is the content of Genesis 9:3 part of Sinaic Covenant?
Good video up until you said God does stuff arbitrarily. Just because we don't understand something doesn't make it arbitrary.
The definition of arbitrary is: based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.
I may not know God's reasoning behind the dietary laws, but I highly doubt they are arbitrary. Even with a small amount of study, you would discover that the things God didn't consider as food were designed differently than the things He called clean. A few things that separate the unclean things is that many of them eat blood or their own feces. Coprophagia is how some animals fully digest certain things, instead of ruminating (chewing the cud). Some carry a toxic load and has to be cooked to a certain temp just to kill the bacteria and parasites, such as pork. While this may not have been God's reasoning, I don't think He does anything without reason. If those laws were given to God's people to set them apart to Him, why would we (as God's people) be held to a different standard? Unless you believe that the laws were for salvation in the OT. God hates unjust weights and balances though.
I agree! While we may not understand why God chose that specific set of qualifications (cloven hooves, chews cud), we can be sure He had a reason. So from a human perspective, the list of prohibited animals is arbitrary. And as I've mentioned in other videos, I believe that's what makes it so powerful. It left the ancient Israelites with only one answer when asked why they avoided those _specific_ foods: because Yahweh said so.
Blessings! Rob
Wow this one was deep
The beginning of sin, the mystery of iniquity began in Eden, Genesis 4:8-15-24. (Actually it began with Lucifer, but since he would never receive forgiveness, God began to impute His righteosness as soon as man sinned, and made a way out for him by the blood of the sinless Lamb slain before the foundation of the world, but that lives, sitted on the throne of God in the heavenly places. Ezekiel 28:16, and promptly judged verses 17-19, John 16:11, while man got a 1000 years deferred punishment, which was paid for by the sinless blood of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, and the complete man, on the cross of Calvary. )
This sin couldn't readily be judged simply because there was no preceding law about being one's brother's keeper that was broken. (Thus, the whole system was destroyed by the flood, and the laws started with that Genesis 9:5-6, until finally judged and finished on the cross John 19:30)
And in verse 15, a precedent was laid down for the time it would take to judge sin, 70x7 or 490 years.
That generation was wiped out by the flood, but the precept remained: sin shall be avenged seventy and seven fold. (Matthew 18:21-23).
This was the standard by which Israel also judged, as they also had to spend 70 sabbath years ( or 70x7= 490 years), in exile, outside of the promised land.
When it was the 69th week year Daniel prayed to God, and fasted to remind Him of the imminent due date of the return of God's people to their promised land; but the sin of the Amorite was not yet full, Genesis 15:16, also, Israel was still in rebellion towards God, and the land cannot sustain rebellion- it was Holy!
So, the Messiah had to come and make a way for grace and justification, and righteousness of God to be imputed, so Israel can get back their monarchy, through the house of David, and back to the kingdom of God, by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, as the Son of God, and the Son of man -the promised Son of David, the king of Israel to order His Kingdom Isaiah 9:6; who would ascend His throne as God had promised him. Romans 1:3; Acts 2:30, and come to bring them back to God, Jeremiah 16:16a; Luke 19:10; Matthew 10:5. Instead, they rejected and killed Him.
Thus, from then onwards, the way to God was opened to whosoever would come to Him by grace through the shedding of His blood, by grace through faith in His sacrificial death, burial and resurrection.
They were given the adoption of sons and daughters into the kingdom, which hitherto, they were not permitted Ephesians 2:13; John 1:11-14, becoming heirs and joint heirs of God and the Abrahamic covenanted promises an blessing (Genesis 25:6- the representatives of his other children by Hagar and Keturah, the Kings of the East, could now access and partake of the blessing, and they showed their allegiance and faith, by worshipping Jesus Christ, as a Child!)
Jesus Christ gave His life for all who would simply believe in Him as Lord and Savior, in order to keep them from the wrath of God that will be unleashed upon the Amorite, until the end. Isaiah 63:18; Daniel 8:13; Zechariah 12:3; Luke 21:24; Revelation 11:2.
And eventually, they will be rescued at the second coming of Christ Luke 21:13; Zechariah 14.
He finished the work of salvation of the soul of man John 19:30 and this continues the "acceptable year of the Lord" which began as He took the sealed book of Daniel, 12:4, from God, as the Lamb of God, who alone is Worthy, and opened the seals Revelation 5, and fulfilled the first of the three part of Isaiah 61:2, in Luke 4:16-21, and He SHUT it again. This will run through this dispensation of preaching of the gospel of grace, (which ended the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom, which ended with the stoning of Stephen) by faith in the sacrificial death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and He will return to gather His saints from the world, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 Corinthians 15; and present them faultless before the presence of God the Father, with exceeding joy, Jude 24; with victory over sin, devil, death, hell and eternal damnation in the lake of fire and brimstone Isaiah 66:24.
The second dispensation is nearly upon us, at this time Isaiah 63:4, which will usher in the tribulation period when the 70th and last year will be ushered in to finish all transgressions! Daniel 9:24.
( As the Messiah has become the sacrifice for sin, and was dead, buried and rose again from the dead! His shed blood sprinkled on the heavenly mercy seat for propitiation for sins for all who would go to God by and through Him, simply by faith! Ephesians 2:8).
Then, the Lord will return the second time, complete with His body, as a new Creature resting upon the Mount of Olives Zechariah 14, to make a way of escape for the remnants of Israel Matthew 24:31.
Then the battle of armageddon will ensue, and it will end up in total obliteration of this earth. Isaiah 24; Joel chapters 2 and 3, Jeremiah chapters 1-11...; 1 Peter 3 etc.
This is the fullness and end, and judgment of the sin of the Amorite! Matthew 18:21-22; Psalm 75:8; 73:3-17.
Then the new heaven and earth will be created after the conclusion of the millennium- to mark the expiration date of sin and death, like it was back in Eden. Now man will live out the 1000 year curse of death Isaiah 65, (Genesis 5).
Then history will repeat itself when everything reaches full circle- the serpent will be released once again, Revelation 20:1-6, to tempt man as he did with Adam and Eve, those who follow him will get totally judged and cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, together with hell, death, the antichrist, false prophets and all whose portion is with them Isaiah 66:24. Revelation chapters 19-22.
God has perfected the end from the beginning. But as it is written-"My people are destroyed for lack of Knowledge " Hosea 4:6, so, "With all thine getting, get understanding " Proverbs 4:7; Luke 24:45. Be filled with and led by the Holy Spirit, and abide in the fold, John 10, until He returns as promised, to take up His purchased possession! John 14:26; Ephesians chapters 1-2!
Then He will set up His kingdom! Isaiah 9:6!
Be encouraged!
Excellent polemic on homosexuality in the bible! I take issue with your evaluation of foods abstinence. It's likely that the mosaic people took God's phenomenological information as a guide to their food abstinences and not a 'direct' 'God told us too' approach. Pork can cause trichinosis and shellfish can cause gout, these illness are easily linked to diet in real time. The Mosaic covenant was a codified expression of how the people understood God's designing of the world.
Leviticus 18:22 makes it clear that it is an abomination for a man to lie with mankind, as with womankind; it is an abomination. The word "abomination" means something greatly disliked or abhorred, and in Romans 1, for God to say that God gave them over to a reprobate mind, appears to reflect the word "anathema," one that is cursed or damned.
I heard your entire video, and it appears that you are trying to please both sides or want to find favor from both sides. In addition, you were speaking as a way of trying to prevent yourself from offending gay people.
Robert Solberg, would you please answer the following questions so that everyone knows what you really believe or truly stand on this topic?
1) A man lying with a man-is it an abomination to God?
2) Can a man be a believer and continue to live a life that God calls an abomination?
3) Will a man enter the kingdom of God if he is indulging in this abominable act?
4) Are your gay couple friends indulging in sinful behavior?
5) Will you make it clear in the comment section of this board that you denounce this abomination act?
6) Will you denounce all gay organizations?
You said that you know gay couples who are kind and loving people, so why should it matter that they're the same gender? So, it should matter because God called it an abomination, and we need to call it what God called it. Let me also mention that you should read the story of Sodom and Gomorrah and look at how God handles this abomination. This way, you can make it clear without trying to please both sides.
When I first read your article, I made it clear to someone that you were going to post such a video.
And, I also disagree with your Romans 1:26-27 argument. This is not what gay sex is about. Real consensual gay sex between two loving people is the opposite of all that is written in these verses. Paul was biased and culturally myopic--he saw things from a totally Jewish perspective, as that is all that he knew. Or maybe he, too, was gay. Having penetrative sex--male to female--is not the only way to have sex. God made many places where you can stick it! Let's not limit god with our small thinking.
Yes it is in the Bible,1 Corinthian 6:9-10.No homosexual can inherit the kingdom of God.NIV.
Simple as that.
Ah David and Jonathan again!
People love to hear good news about bad habits (sin).
That's why the Torah is still required as it says clearly that homosexuality is abomination to the Lord.
Your argument does not hold water when the German, Swedish and Norwegian Bible all agree that it is young boy and boy molester/abuser is condemned instead of man with man in Leviticus 18:22 and 1 Corinthians 6:9 respectively. Moreover, it is absurd in contextualization when you suggest that in these countries and during that era only sex with young boy or boy molesters/abusers were relevant and understood when romantic love between man and man had existed since ancient time. Something is not right here!
Hello, Whaley! Actually, the question we would need to explore is what the German word "knabenschänder" meant to a 16th-century German. That lies at the heart of this research, and unfortunately, I barely know any German, much less Ye Olde German! More importantly, though, there are six passages in the Bible that specifically discuss homosexuality, and it's very clear they are talking about male sexual activity, not abuse or molestation of young boys. (Of course, the Bible certainly condemns the abuse or molestation of anyone!)
Blessings, RLS
@DBRofC Knabenschänder is boy molester! You conveniently avoided validating it by quickly changing the subject in your video. Leviticus 18:22 and 1Corinthians 6:9 like the rest of the remaining clobber passages which are either mistranslated or taken out of context or both are frequently used by homophobes like you to bash gay men.
I am going to get a lot of flack for this however I have prayed long and hard about it and am very passionate about symbolism and authorized ritual and symbol. So...imo its time to open our arms and embrace those who feel they are naturally gay to have union authorized by our faith. It doesn't need to be called "marriage" . It could have been called something else, however because it is law now, should we really be that judgemental. Are we that much holier in our reasoning? I know what the bible says however context context context. Most of the time logic and reason and parental love harmonize with Christian reasoning except in this case. For instance in the time that same sex was commented upon their was not a community supportive family unit for the couple to participate in worship..now there is. context folks. Do we really expect a same sex attracted individual to be abstinent their entire life? If they do not unite will they not fail to control their expression and this lead to many experimental non committal and non religious encounters? Context...just some thoughts. I had a very hard time with this because there are very specific scriptures that seem to condemn this behaviour, but in the context of a Christian faith practicing family..should we really judge to the level of demanding chastity for life to have the mercy of Christ and fellowship. Time to understand "and I will write my law upon their hearts" imo. And yes..I know the argument that it does not square with natural law..I get it and yes I know our bias abhors it but should we not allow logic reason and charity to rule our "feelings". Just some thoughts.Imagine if you were born this way...just imagine, and wanted to be part of the fellowship. Do unto others as you would have done unto you...imo. I will throw a wrench into the works. Jehovah in the OT presents himself as a polygamist...twice in allegory ( I thought only one man and one woman concepts were in there? lol). If you don't believe me you are welcome to ask for the references. Context folks. I only mention this to show..context matters. It requires one to put the spirit of the law above the literal meaning. There are other instances this matters as well. Spirit above Letter. Should you "obey" an abusive boss or ruler? Should women be quiet in the church? should women cover their heads? all this is in there also folks but we use logic reason and truth in our current context, (which is spiritual) to address these things.btw I am a straight Christian. I think its time to put context into the principals of our faith that reveal the love of Christ behind that literal translation, in context. Allow others for Christ to lead them personally in this explaining the word and letting the spirit guide them personally , as he should do each believer..even you. What if someone else insists you listen to your abusive boss, or tells your wife to cover her head and be quiet in church...hmmm. I bet you start arguing context then. btw having said all this, I respect and value this teacher highly..no joke.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Peter. I completely disagree with what you're saying here, but I appreciate you adding to the conversation.
In our modern culture, sexuality is an area where obedience to God can become very uncomfortable. It carries a high price tag for many of us. God’s sexual ethic doesn’t make sense to many modern people, even including some Christians. And for those who don’t follow God, the answer “because God says so” seems meaningless. So this becomes a critical decision point in the walking out of our faith. When God’s Word and modern society disagree on an issue, who are we going to follow?
Blessings, Rob
@Peterhook: You are on a very dangerous and slippery slope. Turn away from it while you can. Logic doesn't trump obedience and faith.
Without context understanding of obedience can err. For instance the law of circumcision, without the context of the NT gentiles still need to be circumcised,without the context of culture, one can not determine the "why" of a law. The "why" can change in another context. This is why the Spirit's authority within is the ultimate "law". and the heart is what is ultimately good or evil. Without context every non baptized individual in the world is not saved etc etc. Context matters and if one doesn't get that, they have to learn it before they can teach effectively or advise imo. No book, no man, no religion has authority over God's spirit within if he seeks earnestly to follow Yeshua imo especially no man's understanding, not even his own because understanding can be flawed but the gift of the Holy Ghost can never be "and I will write my law upon their hearts"@@AviViljoen Now i am not saying I know I am right, I am saying we do not have the authority to "know" for others. We can have a strong opinion or even revelation but only God can designate an authority and a book speaks to the one who reads it and not thru a clutter of others opinions. I may be wrong on this one, but its ot of study and prayer..I could be wrong. Thank the Lord I am not mankind's judge, but he who can read a mans heart perfectly is. I am simply empathizing with those I don't understand as if they were me, and withholding condemnation without knowing the context. The Lord will certainly take into account each mans understanding to their own conscience.
@@peterhook2258 Obedience to the Holy Spirit - and to God's law - is exactly what I'm talking about. For clarity: circumcision is OT law, and not applicable here, because I'm Christian and not Jewish. Also, I never mentioned the law. I mentioned obedience.
If you remain obedient to God, you will know that you are called to holiness. Being tolerant of disobedience and perversion is contrary to God's will. It has nothing to do with context.
One point that we can agree on, is the authority of God's Holy Spirit in all things.
I am not articulating with skill, however I can tell your my brother. Praise Yeshua and Peace to you@@AviViljoen
Effeminate is the kjv word!
Excellent explanation thanks Rob. I personally find offence at the misuse of the word 'gay' and the misuse of the 🌈 as they soften what God calls an abomination.
Simply call yourself a homosexual if that is what floats your boat.
Sorry but homosexual can not be an adjective before the word Christian anymore than we could have a sinful Yeshua.
As John 6:44 explains . . . God draws his people to himself and then the work of Christ on the cross (atonement) brings the beginning of sanctification.
Sanctification cannot co-exist in the heart of a practicing homosexual.
But God can draw that man to himself revealing the sin and the man can be forgiven and justified through the blood of the Lamb but only if repentance happens and the sin stops.
You make some points, very good. However, I don't consider NIV as a correct version of the bible. I did enjoy video just the same!
I just found and subscribed to this channel. I came to this video, read the sensitivity statement, and then promptly unsubscribed. The fact that you even have and felt the need to issue a sensitivity statement, is just what anyone who loves the world would be compelled to do. You’re playing with fire here my friend. You can’t have things both ways, pandering to both sides…
Thanks for your candor, Whitakers. I'm curious, was there anything in my sensitivity statement that you disagreed with? Or did you just not like the fact that I took the time to explain myself?
BTW I base my apologetic approach on this verse: "But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander." (1 Pet 3:15-16).
Blessings, Rob
What you are quoting in directly is Mahatma Gandhi, hate the sin but love the sinner. God is not going to punish sin, he is going to punish the sinner, Read Roman 1:32, Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them. So, the question that you might have, how are you approving them their behavior? Think for a minute, and if you can come up with an answer ask your theologian friends, maybe they might know.
Actually, Luis, we have *_all_* fallen short of the glory of God and are sinners who deserve the wages of sin, which is death. Thankfully, are also *_all_* given the opportunity to cry out to Jesus in faith and find life.
"Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned...For if, because of one man's trespass, death reigned through that one man, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ...so that, as sin reigned in death, grace also might reign through righteousness leading to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Rom. 5:12, 17, 21)
Blessings, RLS
@@TheBiblicalRoots I understand we all fall short, But the question that is over looked in the verse is 'but also approve of those who practice "them". This is not only talking about those involve in these type of acts, but if you approve of them then you will received the same punishment.
In evidence is something else?🤔🧐😇
God's views on any sexual orientation differ than that of the Church.
The problem with these condemnation of Homosexuality is that it's not made by Jesus
Jesus said absolutely nothing.
I'm not saying that the Bible is wrong, but I will have to put doubts on it.
I'll continue to advocate for homosexuals to be free to love one another
But at the same time, I will not advocate for them to be married in the Church because Jesus said nothing
Until the day of Jesus' return, no changes shall be made.
I hear you, Fyn, but I have to disagree. While Jesus did not mention homosexuality by name, He did condemn sexual immorality (Matt. 5:32, 15:19, 19:9; Mark 7:21; John 8:4-11, etc.), which, as we talked about in this video, is defined in the Hebrew Scriptures as any sexual activity outside of the covenant of marriage. He also affirmed that the covenant of marriage was between one man and one woman (Matt. 19:5; Mark 10:7). So I don't believe it's biblical or reasonable to conclude that Jesus approves of homosexual activity. And, as was also mentioned in the video, He also would not approve of mistreating or persecuting anyone, gay or straight.
Blessings, Rob
Yeshua made no comment along those lines, because His audience already knew what Torah said about the topic in Leviticus. It was assumed that they knew it was against the law of God.
It's not "loving" others that's sin, it's the act itself.
You lost credibility when you said “ I wish there was some grey area “ … 🤦🏽♂️.. We all have family and friends unfortunately lost in that particular sin. We love them dearly.. just like we love the stranger down the street with a drug addiction, alcohol addiction, gang lifestyle, money hungry.. ect.. But to start off this video 30 seconds in with that statement. No.. sir
Hey, Jay. If I lose credibility with you for being honest, I'm okay with that.
Blessings! Rob
I believe strongly that majority of people involved in homosexuality are influence and reinforce by spiritual force and as christians we need to steadfastly pray for them not condemn them.
And yes homosexuality is a sin just as hook up is a sin or stealing or lying and other sinful acts.
The kjv bible clearly defines the difference between adultery and homosexuality. With all due respect the woman had committed adultery. The men from Sodom wanting Lott to hand over the angels for their homosexual desires would be a more accurate choice. And what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah!!!
Abuse of sexuality. Having come from a generation in the 60s where the tv turned off at midnight, men’s magazines only displayed the top of women nude, it show how much in the WEST we focus on sex. I heard in Mexico, there was a week long sex festival. Compare to AA (Alcoholic Anonymous), if you go, don’t do the steps or fellowship continue drinking and not willing to change, then I guess you can be a practicing homosexual Christian and sure, you rather believe God made you that way then, your choice. Ashley Madison hacked 30 million ……..perverts. We abort over that many too. Wonder why? Common.
Hate the sin, not the sinner. But teach them of God's love, Jesus sacrifice for us & the ways of the Bible.
Additionally, you say that God created only Adam and Eve; however, Adam and Eve created all of us. If one were to read the Hebrew Bible, the following is what one would find in accordance with your statement when you state that marriage is only between one man and one woman as if this equation is what sound family values should sound like:
You have disdain for today's immorality and label it rampant; however, the Hebrew Bible is full of frothy details of kings having hundreds of wives, concubines, and sex slaves, as if one wife is not enough. The Hebrew Bible also contains a vast number of references to rape and other forms of sexual violence, both in the Law of Moses, its historical stories, and in its prophetic poetry. On the other hand, not only is Sarah Abraham's wife, but she takes her slave servant Hagar and allows she and her husband to have sex since she cannot conceive. If the father of faith (Abraham) truly believed God had promised him a child, why did he sleep with his house slave (she was purchased in Egypt)? Is this another example of sound biblical marriage?
In Genesis 9:22, Ham, son of Noah, "saw" his father's "nakedness," a phrase which elsewhere in the Hebrew Bible can mean "had sex with Noah," perhaps even sodomized him in his sleep. Lastly, in Genesis 19, Lot's daughters also have sex with him. Is this what is considered good family values in the bible?
Many gay people are only asking for their right to marry people whom they love and care deeply about. If we compare the values of the Old Testament to the values of decent gay people, I would rather be a proponent of rights for gay people.
IMO, Mr Oxford or the German translator may have been a closet homosexual looking to justify that lifestyle.
Hi, Benji. Actually, Mr. Oxford is openly gay.
No need to shout.