The Trinity has its roots way back. The pagan nations were worshipping their trinities of gods. Israel was warned against picking up pagan beliefs, and this was stressed. "Listen O Israel, OUR God Jehovah is ONE Jehovah" - Deuteronomy 6:4.
Addressing the false trinity doctrine, truly is a pioneering effort I don't expect it to be popular with SDA's or the Sunday churches very ingrained false teaching, from documents i have learnt that it is a relatively new instruction and originally not in SDA but was introduced by hireling leaders with in the lofty heights of the leadership. The words 'I am God and there is none like me" should cause us to investigate these words as your good pastor has done. What troubling is the greater church has access to the same info as the Pastor, Excellent basic research to address this issue. Our Father, Jesus they are spirit by nature. Creating a third person and placing The Holy Spirit as something other than Our Father in heaven is blasphemy. The same spirit that rose Christ from the dead abides in you! Who rose Christ from the dead? Our Father in heaven did. So if the Holy Spirit truly abides in you then that spirit is the spirit of the Father. This reality is what trinitarians miss by creating a fictional third person out of an already represented God Head! Hope something above helps someone. Blessings. doge those lie's brothers and sisters. Well done pastor first mainstream church i have seen teaching the truth of this!!!!There is plenty more where that came.
Yeah, Messiah said the Father is a Spirit. John 4:24. Father is the Holy Spirit, that's why We need his Son as mediator between us and His Father. Gotta keep his 10 commandments, and Trinity breaks the 1st commandment.
@@gregcox6165 and man made tradition of sundown to sundown Sabbath also breaks it too. Matthew 28:1 proves Sabbath ends at dawn of Sunday. Meaning Sabbath starts Dawn Saturday and Ends Dawn Sunday. Break free from the traditions of Men and enter into the Truth of the Word.
" The -mystery- of iniquity," Paul calls it. Interestingly, the Catholic system refers to their trinity as the *mystery* of whatever, like the mystery of love. Powerful presentation.
That is so true. Even back in ancient times. The people of God always looked to the world. " Give us a king..." So Samuel anointed Saul. Then there is Balaam.
1. **The Early Years and Foundation of Faith (1844 - 1896)** **Context:** Ellen White emphasizes the significance of the truths received during the early years of the Adventist movement, particularly around 1844. She underscores that these teachings were established under divine guidance and that they have remained unchanged. **Ellen White's Quote (1896):** "The past fifty years have not dimmed one jot or principle of our faith as we received the great and wonderful evidences that were made certain to us in 1844, after the passing of the time." *(Manuscript 31, 1896)* **Explanation:** Here, Ellen White affirms that the foundational principles of the Adventist faith, established in the early years (circa 1844), have not changed over time. This statement directly counters any notion that core doctrines, particularly those concerning the nature of God, had evolved into Trinitarianism. 2. **Endorsement of Foundational Literature (Pre-1903)** **Context:** Ellen White highly valued certain foundational Adventist books, such as Uriah Smith's "Thoughts on Daniel and the Revelation," for their accurate representation of Adventist beliefs. **Ellen White's Quote (Date Not Specific, but prior to 1903):** "The Lord calls for workers to enter the canvassing field that the books containing the light of present truth may be circulated. The people in the world need to know that the signs of the times are fulfilling. Take to them the books that will enlighten them. *Daniel and Revelation*, *The Great Controversy*, *Patriarchs and Prophets*, and *The Desire of Ages* should now go to the world. The grand instruction contained in *Daniel and Revelation* has been eagerly perused by many in Australia. This book has been the means of bringing many precious souls to a knowledge of the truth. Everything that can be done should be done to circulate *Thoughts on Daniel and the Revelation*. I know of no other book that can take the place of this one. It is God's helping hand." *(21MR 444.3)* **Explanation:** All non-trinitarian books, but especially Ellen White's endorsement of "Thoughts on Daniel and the Revelation" by Uriah Smith highlights her support for non-Trinitarian teachings during this period. This further illustrates that the early Adventist understanding of God and Christ, which was non-Trinitarian, was seen as divinely approved. I refer to the original book and not the one Trinitarians published later, where they removed everything on the personality of God from the book. He was very outspoken against the trinity doctrine. See the contradictions from what we are told yet? 3. **The Kellogg Crisis and the "Omega of Apostasy" (1903 - 1905)** **Context:** During the early 1900s, Ellen White confronted what she referred to as the "omega of apostasy," which involved Dr. John Harvey Kellogg's pantheistic views. She warned against the introduction of false ideas regarding the personality of God and the Holy Spirit. It was not only about pantheism as some claim. He stated in a letter, that in a very short time he came to believe in the trinity doctrine. Please do study this topic carefully for yourself. **Ellen White's Warnings (1903):** **While specific quotes on the omega of apostasy are well-documented, the specific quotes mentioned are contextual rather than direct quotes. However, they emphasize the criticality of this period in her warnings against any theological shifts within the church, especially on the personality of God (The Father) and where His presence is.** **Explanation:** Ellen White's concerns about the "omega of apostasy" were tied to changes in the church's understanding of God, which she feared would lead to a departure from the truth. Her focus was on preserving the original, non-Trinitarian teachings that had been established and preventing them from being altered. **Ellen White's Quote (1905):** "Hold fast to the original faith. The past fifty years have not dimmed one jot or principle of our faith as we received the great and wonderful evidences that were made certain to us in 1844, after the passing of the time." *(Letter 326, 1905)* **Explanation:** This quote reinforces her earlier statement, reaffirming that the faith and principles established in 1844 were divinely guided and remained unaltered by her or any other church leaders. The trinity doctrine stands in direct conflict with the principals God gave us in the beginning, thus, another contradiction. 4. **Summary on Ellen White** **Context:** Ellen White’s writings demonstrate her consistent belief in the original non-Trinitarian understanding of God, which she upheld until her death. The later introduction of Trinitarian beliefs into the Adventist church was, according to historical accounts, marked by manipulation, lies, secret Bible conferences and rebellion against the Holy Spirit of God, rather than divine revelation. Ask yourself, if she did in fact change (which would make all her previous works and claims of Divine guidance null and void on the personality of God), why did God not reveal Himself in that manner from the beginning? We were raised as a people to give the 3 Angel’s messages, but God did not give us all truth about Himself contained in the first of the 3 Angel’s messages? It makes no logical sense at all. **Key Question:** Who has the authority to change how God originally revealed Himself through "unquestionable authority"? Ellen White’s writings clearly suggest that such authority belongs solely to God, not to any person or group within the church. This breakdown places Ellen White's statements in historical and doctrinal context, reflecting her consistent stance on the immutability of the foundational principles received in 1844. LeRoy Edwin Froom. Froom played a significant role in introducing and solidifying the Trinitarian doctrine within the Seventh-day Adventist Church, especially during the 1930s and 1940s. Here’s a summary of his actions and statements, along with the timeline of these events and how long after Ellen White's death they occurred: 5. **Ellen White’s Passing (1915)** **Context:** Ellen White passed away on July 16, 1915. She had consistently upheld the non-Trinitarian beliefs that were part of the foundational doctrines of the Adventist Church. 6. **LeRoy Froom’s Role in Doctrinal Shifts (1930s-1940s)** Context:** About 15-25 years after Ellen White's death, LeRoy Froom began advocating for a shift towards Trinitarianism within the Seventh-day Adventist Church. **Froom’s Statements on Trinitarianism (1931):** **Introduction of the Trinity into Adventism:** “I was compelled to search out a score of valuable books written by men outside of our faith-those previously noted-for initial clues and suggestions, and to open the way for constructive study, which had to be done.” *(Froom, "Movement of Destiny," 1931)* **Explanation:** Froom acknowledges that the ideas leading to the adoption of the Trinity doctrine within Adventism were sourced from non-Adventist authors, indicating a departure from the original beliefs held by the early Adventists, including Ellen White. **Froom’s Efforts in Revising the Doctrine (1944):** **Compiling the Book "Evangelism":** “May I state that my book [*Evangelism*] does not contain one sentence or thought that I did not personally put into it. I am responsible for its contents and hold myself fully accountable for what it contains.” *(Froom, Letter to Otto H. Christensen, December 16, 1944)* **Explanation:** In this statement, Froom admits to playing a central role in compiling and editing the book "Evangelism," which has been noted for selectively quoting Ellen White's writings to support Trinitarianism. This was a deliberate effort to steer the church towards accepting the Trinity doctrine. 7. **Historical Changes Post-Ellen White’s Death** **Context:** Ellen White's death in 1915 marked the end of her direct influence on the church's doctrines. The significant changes initiated by Froom and others occurred approximately 15-30 years after her passing. **Froom’s Admission of Doctrinal Changes (1950):** **Acknowledging Resistance to the Trinity Doctrine:** "I was astonished to discover that in a period of less than half a century [since 1888], the advent believers had been largely devoid of any expressed belief in the full and eternal deity of Christ... because of this lack, there was a resistance to the introduction of the full doctrine of the Trinity." *(Froom, Letter to W. E. Read, April 27, 1950)* **Explanation:** Froom admits that the early Adventists, including Ellen White, did not hold to the full doctrine of the Trinity, and there was resistance to this doctrinal shift within the church. This shift occurred decades after Ellen White's death, highlighting the significant change in Adventist theology during the mid-20th century. 8. **Summary of the Timeline** **1915:** Ellen White’s death. **1931:** Froom begins introducing Trinitarian concepts into the church. **1944:** Froom compiles "Evangelism," selectively quoting Ellen White to support the Trinity doctrine. **1950:** Froom acknowledges the resistance to the Trinity doctrine and the absence of such a belief among early Adventists. **Conclusion** Froom's efforts to introduce the Trinity doctrine into Adventism took place decades after Ellen White's death and were marked by his use of external sources and selective quoting of Ellen White's writings. This period of doctrinal change reflects a significant departure from the original teachings held by the pioneers of the Adventist faith.
I thought this was excellent, brother Vasko! A lot of good information here. I didn’t know that 666 was a triangular number, just to give one example. Let me share something with you. In my Bible, out beside Ezekiel 8:16, I have written in ink. The year 1980. When I saw this text a couple years ago, some things just jumped out at me. So I contacted my sister, who is even older than I am. And I asked her, “how many people were on that committee that decided to bring in the trinity doctrine, in 1980 and make it a fundamental belief, and bring it to a vote at the 1980 General Conference?” And without hesitation she said: “25 men”. The text only says about twenty five men, so the number doesn’t even have to be exact. Ezk 8:16 And he brought me into the inner court of the LORD'S house, and, behold, at the door of the temple of the LORD, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the temple of the LORD, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east. There you have the Lord’s house, (God’s Church) and the twenty five men, that are worshipping the sun toward the east. (Trinity doctrine) Also I found this: The General Conference was now a world conference, with an Executive Committee of twenty-five men representing the various interests of the whole world field. {5Bio 94.4} I showed this to Andy, but he poo poo’d the idea that it could be talking about the SDA Church. What do you think? Again, excellent video. I’ll have to watch it again so I can write down all the Encyclopedia references. I got some of them.
If I may, I'd like to point something out. In many of the pagan trinities, there is a father and a son. In fact, although maybe through reincarnation, the son is a REAL son and the father is a REAL father. My point being, satan's trinity is actually closer to the real God and Son than the Christian's trinity. The trinity of satan uses a real father and a real son, but, as you pointed out, is missing the number of perfection by one, ... so he adds it to be included. The Christian trinity misses the real by calling the Father and the Son a metaphorical father and son. And, we've heard often that the Holy Spirit is sort of like the mother of the trinity. Now, much closer to the pagan trinities. Pagan trinities include a closer example of what the real God looks like than the Christian trinity. Both are wrong, of course, but just adding something to think about. I agree the Christians copied an example of the pagan trinities, but, they twisted it even further than did the pagans when satan tried to be included in divinity with the pagan trinities, by copying and twisting real divinity.
Bart D Ertman can give a clear explanation on the otigin of the Trinity. Even William Craig agrees in a debate that trinity does not exist in the Tanakh.
I really don’t think the world cares what day Christian’s worship. The mark of the beast is not a Sunday observance. That’s foolish. The world hates Christian’s. They don’t care if they worship Saturday or Sunday they hate us regardless.
“For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:” Isaiah 14:13 KJV The Table of Shewbread was placed on the North side of the Holy Place. On the table was place 2 stacks of 6 loaves each called The Bread of Presence, symbolizing the Father and His Son… guess who wants to add himself to the divine presence of God and His Son? (Adding another 6)
Eber was contemporary with Nimrod. Eber began the non-trinitarian Hebrews that lived outdoors and promoted freedom. Nimrod began the polytheist pagans and trinitarians that made empires built on enslaving people. Both Eber and Nimrod were the last of the giants who lived many centuries. Both led two different religions and government types. Republicanism and Protestantism descended from Eber, while Communism/Nazism and Trinity worship descended from Nimrod.
Because Satan is a master of counterfeit that he created his version of trinity to fool the Christians is very easy because Jesus Christ rose on Sunday now Roman Catholic church have way to insist Sunday to the followers of Jesus Christ.
Yes she did say that. But read all of it. Context is everything. We can agree that the Holy Spirit is a person. But not a different person to Christ, or the Father. It is the Spirit of Christ. “This refers to the omnipresence of the SPIRIT OF CHRIST, called the COMFORTER.” - (E.G. White, 14MR 179.2 “The HOLY SPIRIT is the SPIRIT of CHRIST, which is sent to all men to give them sufficiency,” -(E.G. White, 14MR 84.3) “We want the HOLY SPIRIT, which is JESUS CHRIST.” - (E.G. White, Lt66, April 10, 1894
"Three people" is your very own paraphrase and is a significant interpretation. Nowhere does she use the term "first person" and nowhere does she use the term "second person" She does however use the term "third person" Now you can choose to understand this numerical, but the lack of the former two mentioned terms, makes that quite unlikely. You could also, like her own son, understand it as the grammatical "third person" Now the million dollar question is this: In the bible, who consistently speaks of himself in the grammatical third person? Now as to identifying as non-triniterian Seventh day Adventist. Any honest church historian, will telly you, that this was the official understanding from the establishment of the church in 1864 until the Dallas GC in 1980.
Yes... 'For there are three that testify.' 1 John 5:7 ESV And what are the three that testify? let's keep reading... 'The Spirit and the water, and the blood; and these three agree.' 1 John 5:8 ESV Amen! And what does the Spirit, the water and blood testify? Let's keep reading... 'That Jesus is the Son of God.' 1 John 5:5 ESV 'This is he who came by water and blood - Jesus Christ...and the Spirit is the one who testifies.' 1 John 5:6 ESV Amen! Context is King. Context is lovely. Context bleeds truth.
Trinity comes from someone wanting to fool others failing to realize one that fooled others get fooled himselves by telling himself three in one. But failed to fool Jesus othe 5 brothers and sisters and the Jews .The Pagans were fooled.
Am a Modalist so not a trinitarian a part of this teaching is historically correct but I do not believe that the sabbath is to be observe , the law was giving to the Jews not to the gentiles and the meaning of God take all is meaning: IT'S TO ENTER INTO JESUS ETERNAL REST faith ! Also I am not a futurist but a partial preterist because of Jesus teaching and I disagree with futurist view of prophecy Jesus return was in 70 ad as he teach in Matt.24
If you guys want to to do research or watch proper research. I recommend you guys to watch amd subscribe. Dr James Tabor Dr Bart D Ertman Gnostic Informant Mythvision podcast Rabbi Tovia Singer Dr David Litwa Dr Kipp Davis. These guys don't assume but done a proper research than any theologians or preachers.
Somebody needs to share this presentation with pastor Steven Bohr, Randy Skeet, and all the sda trinitarian preacher. They are confusing and dividing God's people to maintain their celebrity status in the media.
The two Babylons by Alexander Hislop mostly is made up story. Tammuz was never the son of Semiramis...there is no evidences but Hislop assume it. This man took these ideology from someone but fail to study the ancient religion deeply. Watch Gnostic informant on sons of god ,Saviours before jesus. If you wanna do research do proper research and gave the whole truth not just an idea to fit your theology.
Matthew 28:1 28 In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre. Scriptural proof a Day Ends and the next day begins at Dawn. Saturday Sabbath begins at Dawn Saturday and Ends Dawn Sunday. So if you end and go buy or sell, or have sex or work before Dawn Sunday, you are profaning the Sabbath and not keeping it Holy.
@@elisa4908 when did the Light start? First. What did he call the Light? Day. We are children of the day and start our days at dawn. The Animals don't start working till dawn Sunday. Animals keep Sabbath
The original Greek states "It was already late into the day, as it became light" dawn did not indicate the start of the day, it was already late into the day, when it became light.
@@francois1546 TR'1550+ Textus Receptus 1550 Stephanus (with accents, Strong's numbers and parsing info) Μτ 28:1: "Ὀψὲ δὲ σαββάτων τῇ ἐπιφωσκούσῃ εἰς μίαν σαββάτων ἦλθεν Μαρία ἡ Μαγδαληνὴ καὶ ἡ ἄλλη Μαριὰ θεωρῆσαι τὸν τάφον". Deepl: TR'1550+ Textus Receptus 1550 Stephanus (with accents, Strong's numbers and parsing info) Mt 28:1: "And tonight on the sabbath day Mary Magdalene came to the one sabbath day, and the other Mary came to see the tomb."
This presentation was so well done... thank you... You have answered many questions and connected many dots.
This was beautifully presented. I really appreciated the historical side of it. This makes for a more complete picture. Thank you. God bless.
Thank you Br. Vasko. Beautifully put together and very clear
A very proper and accurate presentation of unmitigated historical truth.
The Trinity has its roots way back. The pagan nations were worshipping their trinities of gods.
Israel was warned against picking up pagan beliefs, and this was stressed.
"Listen O Israel, OUR God Jehovah is ONE Jehovah" - Deuteronomy 6:4.
Addressing the false trinity doctrine, truly is a pioneering effort I don't expect it to be popular with SDA's or the Sunday churches very ingrained false teaching, from documents i have learnt that it is a relatively new instruction and originally not in SDA but was introduced by hireling leaders with in the lofty heights of the leadership. The words 'I am God and there is none like me" should cause us to investigate these words as your good pastor has done. What troubling is the greater church has access to the same info as the Pastor, Excellent basic research to address this issue. Our Father, Jesus they are spirit by nature. Creating a third person and placing The Holy Spirit as something other than Our Father in heaven is blasphemy. The same spirit that rose Christ from the dead abides in you! Who rose Christ from the dead? Our Father in heaven did. So if the Holy Spirit truly abides in you then that spirit is the spirit of the Father. This reality is what trinitarians miss by creating a fictional third person out of an already represented God Head! Hope something above helps someone. Blessings. doge those lie's brothers and sisters. Well done pastor first mainstream church i have seen teaching the truth of this!!!!There is plenty more where that came.
Us doesn’t mean 3. Father and Son only.
Yeah, Messiah said the Father is a Spirit. John 4:24. Father is the Holy Spirit, that's why We need his Son as mediator between us and His Father. Gotta keep his 10 commandments, and Trinity breaks the 1st commandment.
Yes it does
@@gregcox6165 and man made tradition of sundown to sundown Sabbath also breaks it too.
Matthew 28:1 proves Sabbath ends at dawn of Sunday. Meaning Sabbath starts Dawn Saturday and Ends Dawn Sunday. Break free from the traditions of Men and enter into the Truth of the Word.
Tovia Singer disagrees.
@@knmm247 disagrees with scripture. Matthew 28:1
I'll believe scripture over mankind's opinion. Jeremiah 17:5 curse in on many because of your pride
" The -mystery- of iniquity," Paul calls it. Interestingly, the Catholic system refers to their trinity as the *mystery* of whatever, like the mystery of love. Powerful presentation.
Steven Haskell's book on Daniel the Prophet, Gives a good description of Constanine's mindset.
That is so true. Even back in ancient times. The people of God always looked to the world. " Give us a king..." So Samuel anointed Saul. Then there is Balaam.
1. **The Early Years and Foundation of Faith (1844 - 1896)**
**Context:** Ellen White emphasizes the significance of the truths received during the early years of the Adventist movement, particularly around 1844. She underscores that these teachings were established under divine guidance and that they have remained unchanged.
**Ellen White's Quote (1896):**
"The past fifty years have not dimmed one jot or principle of our faith as we received the great and wonderful evidences that were made certain to us in 1844, after the passing of the time." *(Manuscript 31, 1896)*
**Explanation:** Here, Ellen White affirms that the foundational principles of the Adventist faith, established in the early years (circa 1844), have not changed over time. This statement directly counters any notion that core doctrines, particularly those concerning the nature of God, had evolved into Trinitarianism.
2. **Endorsement of Foundational Literature (Pre-1903)**
**Context:** Ellen White highly valued certain foundational Adventist books, such as Uriah Smith's "Thoughts on Daniel and the Revelation," for their accurate representation of Adventist beliefs.
**Ellen White's Quote (Date Not Specific, but prior to 1903):**
"The Lord calls for workers to enter the canvassing field that the books containing the light of present truth may be circulated. The people in the world need to know that the signs of the times are fulfilling. Take to them the books that will enlighten them. *Daniel and Revelation*, *The Great Controversy*, *Patriarchs and Prophets*, and *The Desire of Ages* should now go to the world. The grand instruction contained in *Daniel and Revelation* has been eagerly perused by many in Australia. This book has been the means of bringing many precious souls to a knowledge of the truth. Everything that can be done should be done to circulate *Thoughts on Daniel and the Revelation*. I know of no other book that can take the place of this one. It is God's helping hand." *(21MR 444.3)*
**Explanation:** All non-trinitarian books, but especially Ellen White's endorsement of "Thoughts on Daniel and the Revelation" by Uriah Smith highlights her support for non-Trinitarian teachings during this period. This further illustrates that the early Adventist understanding of God and Christ, which was non-Trinitarian, was seen as divinely approved. I refer to the original book and not the one Trinitarians published later, where they removed everything on the personality of God from the book. He was very outspoken against the trinity doctrine.
See the contradictions from what we are told yet?
3. **The Kellogg Crisis and the "Omega of Apostasy" (1903 - 1905)**
**Context:** During the early 1900s, Ellen White confronted what she referred to as the "omega of apostasy," which involved Dr. John Harvey Kellogg's pantheistic views. She warned against the introduction of false ideas regarding the personality of God and the Holy Spirit. It was not only about pantheism as some claim. He stated in a letter, that in a very short time he came to believe in the trinity doctrine. Please do study this topic carefully for yourself.
**Ellen White's Warnings (1903):**
**While specific quotes on the omega of apostasy are well-documented, the specific quotes mentioned are contextual rather than direct quotes. However, they emphasize the criticality of this period in her warnings against any theological shifts within the church, especially on the personality of God (The Father) and where His presence is.**
**Explanation:** Ellen White's concerns about the "omega of apostasy" were tied to changes in the church's understanding of God, which she feared would lead to a departure from the truth. Her focus was on preserving the original, non-Trinitarian teachings that had been established and preventing them from being altered.
**Ellen White's Quote (1905):**
"Hold fast to the original faith. The past fifty years have not dimmed one jot or principle of our faith as we received the great and wonderful evidences that were made certain to us in 1844, after the passing of the time."
*(Letter 326, 1905)*
**Explanation:** This quote reinforces her earlier statement, reaffirming that the faith and principles established in 1844 were divinely guided and remained unaltered by her or any other church leaders. The trinity doctrine stands in direct conflict with the principals God gave us in the beginning, thus, another contradiction.
4. **Summary on Ellen White**
**Context:** Ellen White’s writings demonstrate her consistent belief in the original non-Trinitarian understanding of God, which she upheld until her death. The later introduction of Trinitarian beliefs into the Adventist church was, according to historical accounts, marked by manipulation, lies, secret Bible conferences and rebellion against the Holy Spirit of God, rather than divine revelation. Ask yourself, if she did in fact change (which would make all her previous works and claims of Divine guidance null and void on the personality of God), why did God not reveal Himself in that manner from the beginning? We were raised as a people to give the 3 Angel’s messages, but God did not give us all truth about Himself contained in the first of the 3 Angel’s messages? It makes no logical sense at all.
**Key Question:** Who has the authority to change how God originally revealed Himself through "unquestionable authority"? Ellen White’s writings clearly suggest that such authority belongs solely to God, not to any person or group within the church.
This breakdown places Ellen White's statements in historical and doctrinal context, reflecting her consistent stance on the immutability of the foundational principles received in 1844.
LeRoy Edwin Froom.
Froom played a significant role in introducing and solidifying the Trinitarian doctrine within the Seventh-day Adventist Church, especially during the 1930s and 1940s. Here’s a summary of his actions and statements, along with the timeline of these events and how long after Ellen White's death they occurred:
5. **Ellen White’s Passing (1915)**
**Context:** Ellen White passed away on July 16, 1915. She had consistently upheld the non-Trinitarian beliefs that were part of the foundational doctrines of the Adventist Church.
6. **LeRoy Froom’s Role in Doctrinal Shifts (1930s-1940s)**
Context:** About 15-25 years after Ellen White's death, LeRoy Froom began advocating for a shift towards Trinitarianism within the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
**Froom’s Statements on Trinitarianism (1931):**
**Introduction of the Trinity into Adventism:**
“I was compelled to search out a score of valuable books written by men outside of our faith-those previously noted-for initial clues and suggestions, and to open the way for constructive study, which had to be done.”
*(Froom, "Movement of Destiny," 1931)*
**Explanation:** Froom acknowledges that the ideas leading to the adoption of the Trinity doctrine within Adventism were sourced from non-Adventist authors, indicating a departure from the original beliefs held by the early Adventists, including Ellen White.
**Froom’s Efforts in Revising the Doctrine (1944):**
**Compiling the Book "Evangelism":**
“May I state that my book [*Evangelism*] does not contain one sentence or thought that I did not personally put into it. I am responsible for its contents and hold myself fully accountable for what it contains.”
*(Froom, Letter to Otto H. Christensen, December 16, 1944)*
**Explanation:** In this statement, Froom admits to playing a central role in compiling and editing the book "Evangelism," which has been noted for selectively quoting Ellen White's writings to support Trinitarianism. This was a deliberate effort to steer the church towards accepting the Trinity doctrine.
7. **Historical Changes Post-Ellen White’s Death**
**Context:** Ellen White's death in 1915 marked the end of her direct influence on the church's doctrines. The significant changes initiated by Froom and others occurred approximately 15-30 years after her passing.
**Froom’s Admission of Doctrinal Changes (1950):**
**Acknowledging Resistance to the Trinity Doctrine:**
"I was astonished to discover that in a period of less than half a century [since 1888], the advent believers had been largely devoid of any expressed belief in the full and eternal deity of Christ... because of this lack, there was a resistance to the introduction of the full doctrine of the Trinity."
*(Froom, Letter to W. E. Read, April 27, 1950)*
**Explanation:** Froom admits that the early Adventists, including Ellen White, did not hold to the full doctrine of the Trinity, and there was resistance to this doctrinal shift within the church. This shift occurred decades after Ellen White's death, highlighting the significant change in Adventist theology during the mid-20th century.
8. **Summary of the Timeline**
**1915:** Ellen White’s death.
**1931:** Froom begins introducing Trinitarian concepts into the church.
**1944:** Froom compiles "Evangelism," selectively quoting Ellen White to support the Trinity doctrine.
**1950:** Froom acknowledges the resistance to the Trinity doctrine and the absence of such a belief among early Adventists.
Froom's efforts to introduce the Trinity doctrine into Adventism took place decades after Ellen White's death and were marked by his use of external sources and selective quoting of Ellen White's writings. This period of doctrinal change reflects a significant departure from the original teachings held by the pioneers of the Adventist faith.
I wish I could cut and paste this info.
Wow, I thought I left long comments. This is great! Thanks for taking the time to let God lead you in getting this info shared.
I thought this was excellent, brother Vasko! A lot of good information here. I didn’t know that 666 was a triangular number, just to give one example. Let me share something with you. In my Bible, out beside Ezekiel 8:16, I have written in ink. The year 1980. When I saw this text a couple years ago, some things just jumped out at me. So I contacted my sister, who is even older than I am. And I asked her, “how many people were on that committee that decided to bring in the trinity doctrine, in 1980 and make it a fundamental belief, and bring it to a vote at the 1980 General Conference?” And without hesitation she said: “25 men”. The text only says about twenty five men, so the number doesn’t even have to be exact.
Ezk 8:16 And he brought me into the inner court of the LORD'S house, and, behold, at the door of the temple of the LORD, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the temple of the LORD, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east.
There you have the Lord’s house, (God’s Church) and the twenty five men, that are worshipping the sun toward the east. (Trinity doctrine) Also I found this:
The General Conference was now a world conference, with an Executive Committee of twenty-five men representing the various interests of the whole world field. {5Bio 94.4}
I showed this to Andy, but he poo poo’d the idea that it could be talking about the SDA Church. What do you think? Again, excellent video. I’ll have to watch it again so I can write down all the Encyclopedia references. I got some of them.
Blessed Sabbath to all❤️❤️
If I may, I'd like to point something out. In many of the pagan trinities, there is a father and a son. In fact, although maybe through reincarnation, the son is a REAL son and the father is a REAL father. My point being, satan's trinity is actually closer to the real God and Son than the Christian's trinity. The trinity of satan uses a real father and a real son, but, as you pointed out, is missing the number of perfection by one, ... so he adds it to be included. The Christian trinity misses the real by calling the Father and the Son a metaphorical father and son. And, we've heard often that the Holy Spirit is sort of like the mother of the trinity. Now, much closer to the pagan trinities. Pagan trinities include a closer example of what the real God looks like than the Christian trinity. Both are wrong, of course, but just adding something to think about. I agree the Christians copied an example of the pagan trinities, but, they twisted it even further than did the pagans when satan tried to be included in divinity with the pagan trinities, by copying and twisting real divinity.
Great presentation, thank you
Praise the Lord 🙏
Bart D Ertman can give a clear explanation on the otigin of the Trinity.
Even William Craig agrees in a debate that trinity does not exist in the Tanakh.
I partly feel that the "Mark" is less Sunday observance than Sabbath disobedience.
I really don’t think the world cares what day Christian’s worship. The mark of the beast is not a Sunday observance. That’s foolish. The world hates Christian’s. They don’t care if they worship Saturday or Sunday they hate us regardless.
“For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:”
Isaiah 14:13 KJV
The Table of Shewbread was placed on the North side of the Holy Place. On the table was place 2 stacks of 6 loaves each called The Bread of Presence, symbolizing the Father and His Son… guess who wants to add himself to the divine presence of God and His Son? (Adding another 6)
Eber was contemporary with Nimrod. Eber began the non-trinitarian Hebrews that lived outdoors and promoted freedom. Nimrod began the polytheist pagans and trinitarians that made empires built on enslaving people. Both Eber and Nimrod were the last of the giants who lived many centuries. Both led two different religions and government types. Republicanism and Protestantism descended from Eber, while Communism/Nazism and Trinity worship descended from Nimrod.
Amen 🙏🏽
Because Satan is a master of counterfeit that he created his version of trinity to fool the Christians is very easy because Jesus Christ rose on Sunday now Roman Catholic church have way to insist Sunday to the followers of Jesus Christ.
I’m not sure why one would claim to be SDA when it’s ONLY prophet plainly declared there are three people in the Godhead.
Read again. Also the texts right before and after. Pray. God has a real Son. John 17:3.
Yes she did say that. But read all of it. Context is everything. We can agree that the Holy Spirit is a person. But not a different person to Christ, or the Father. It is the Spirit of Christ.
“This refers to the omnipresence of the SPIRIT OF CHRIST, called the COMFORTER.” - (E.G. White, 14MR 179.2
“The HOLY SPIRIT is the SPIRIT of CHRIST, which is sent to all men to give them sufficiency,” -(E.G. White, 14MR 84.3)
“We want the HOLY SPIRIT, which is JESUS CHRIST.” - (E.G. White, Lt66, April 10, 1894
"Three people" is your very own paraphrase and is a significant interpretation. Nowhere does she use the term "first person" and nowhere does she use the term "second person" She does however use the term "third person" Now you can choose to understand this numerical, but the lack of the former two mentioned terms, makes that quite unlikely. You could also, like her own son, understand it as the grammatical "third person" Now the million dollar question is this: In the bible, who consistently speaks of himself in the grammatical third person? Now as to identifying as non-triniterian Seventh day Adventist. Any honest church historian, will telly you, that this was the official understanding from the establishment of the church in 1864 until the Dallas GC in 1980.
@@atleandersen1924 That’s exactly right brother.
Enough Already. Fear God
The gnostic doctrines define the beast.
Churchianity only guesses who it is.
Two that are the one YAHAVAH. El and His Word.
1 John 5:7
Research Comma Johannine
'For there are three that testify.' 1 John 5:7 ESV
And what are the three that testify?
let's keep reading...
'The Spirit and the water, and the blood; and these three agree.' 1 John 5:8 ESV
And what does the Spirit, the water and blood testify?
Let's keep reading...
'That Jesus is the Son of God.' 1 John 5:5 ESV
'This is he who came by water and blood - Jesus Christ...and the Spirit is the one who testifies.' 1 John 5:6 ESV
Context is King. Context is lovely. Context bleeds truth.
Trinity comes from someone wanting to fool others failing to realize one that fooled others get fooled himselves by telling himself three in one. But failed to fool Jesus othe 5 brothers and sisters and the Jews .The Pagans were fooled.
Am a Modalist so not a trinitarian a part of this teaching is historically correct but I do not believe that the sabbath is to be observe , the law was giving to the Jews not to the gentiles and the meaning of God take all is meaning: IT'S TO ENTER INTO JESUS ETERNAL REST faith ! Also I am not a futurist but a partial preterist because of Jesus teaching and I disagree with futurist view of prophecy Jesus return was in 70 ad as he teach in Matt.24
If you guys want to to do research or watch proper research. I recommend you guys to watch amd subscribe.
Dr James Tabor
Dr Bart D Ertman
Gnostic Informant
Mythvision podcast
Rabbi Tovia Singer
Dr David Litwa
Dr Kipp Davis.
These guys don't assume but done a proper research than any theologians or preachers.
Somebody needs to share this presentation with pastor Steven Bohr, Randy Skeet, and all the sda trinitarian preacher. They are confusing and dividing God's people to maintain their celebrity status in the media.
The two Babylons by Alexander Hislop mostly is made up story.
Tammuz was never the son of Semiramis...there is no evidences but Hislop assume it.
This man took these ideology from someone but fail to study the ancient religion deeply.
Watch Gnostic informant on sons of god ,Saviours before jesus.
If you wanna do research do proper research and gave the whole truth not just an idea to fit your theology.
Idolatry false teaching church lies Read the Torah ther is only One God
Oh no … another fool who denies the existence of God …all these words a waste of breath and time..and the fools will be quick to agree…😢😢😢
The Trinity is in the Old and New Test writings in a plethora of verses.
There is not a single verse in the Bible that supports the Trinity or that speaks of one God in three persons
I can give you 30 texts that Jesus IS YAHWEH GOD ALMIGHTY
Matthew 28:1
28 In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre.
Scriptural proof a Day Ends and the next day begins at Dawn.
Saturday Sabbath begins at Dawn Saturday and Ends Dawn Sunday.
So if you end and go buy or sell, or have sex or work before Dawn Sunday, you are profaning the Sabbath and not keeping it Holy.
It’s sunset to sunset , read Genesis 1.
@@elisa4908 Genesis 1 says the Same. The next day begins at Dawn. Strong delusion of sundown profanity of Sabbath. Be not decieved
@@elisa4908 when did the Light start? First. What did he call the Light? Day. We are children of the day and start our days at dawn. The Animals don't start working till dawn Sunday. Animals keep Sabbath
The original Greek states "It was already late into the day, as it became light" dawn did not indicate the start of the day, it was already late into the day, when it became light.
TR'1550+ Textus Receptus 1550 Stephanus (with accents, Strong's numbers and parsing info)
Μτ 28:1: "Ὀψὲ δὲ σαββάτων τῇ ἐπιφωσκούσῃ εἰς μίαν σαββάτων ἦλθεν Μαρία ἡ Μαγδαληνὴ καὶ ἡ ἄλλη Μαριὰ θεωρῆσαι τὸν τάφον".
TR'1550+ Textus Receptus 1550 Stephanus (with accents, Strong's numbers and parsing info)
Mt 28:1: "And tonight on the sabbath day Mary Magdalene came to the one sabbath day, and the other Mary came to see the tomb."