Thanks for sharing this journey with us! Seneng deh ngeliat perempuan ngelakuin hal yang buat dia ngerasa cantik dan merasa lebih nyaman apalagi makin percaya diri. mau itu shopping, dress up dikamar sendiri.. pasti banyak yg relate! yang penting hati sendiri seneng heheh😊 yang penting hati sendiri puas dan seneng ci ❤
ci everytime you talk about your bruxism tuh aku gak tega karna gak kebayang pasti pegel bgt so i'm really glad you finally did the surgery!! super proud of youuu
"mereka bukan aku, dan mereka gak pernah ada di posisi aku" relate banget ciii, tiap kali ada yg ngejudge aku jerawatan, gendut, or somethin like that, kek disuruh perawatan lah, disuruh diet olahraga lah, makan sehat lah, i just DON'T CARE gitu loh, karena ya they never walk in my shoes, ngga tau apa yg udah aku laluin
glad you're doing this for your happiness! and wow the muscles due to the bruxism are almost gone it's amazing! 😱 hopefully in the long run, your bruxism can go away and no more sore face in the mornings ❤
Thank you cia for being part of my journey, helping me edit this to the best video ever, and all the videos before this! Youve seen all the raw footages and never judged meee mwahh love uuu ciaaa!!
Kalau gini jadi tahu kebiasaan makan selain bentuk gigi juga pengaruh pada bentuk wajah, Fyi aku dulu pernah dicabut gigi pake behel dan lumayan banyak ngerubah struktur muka Alhamdulillah juga makan jadi lebih gampang terimakasih baya cii videonya
im sooo happy to get to see such a raw and realistic journey of pre and post-surgery, thank you so much for sharing cii 😭❤ cause I've been thinking to get one in the future too! and this video has made rethink the decision tbh, you're so brave!! ga kebayang kalau aku yang ada diposisi itu, physically and mentally draining bgt pastii 😖 you definitely look prettier ci Titan 😍 bahkan sebelum surgery juga selalu makin kesini makin cakepp, auranya makin glow gituhh. anyway, get well soon ci!
Aku tuh selalu ngerasa ngilu kalo liat org abis operasi, apalagi operasi bagian wajah. Tapiiiiii kalo liat ci Titan yg operasi berasa banyak funny nya dr pd ngilunya wkwk pembawaannya tuh lucu bangettt. Melet2, expensive fruit dll bisa jadi hiburan bgt buat ci Titan huhu kereeeen!! Cepet pulih ya ciiii ✨✨✨🫶🏻🫶🏻
ciii this is honestly just beautiful! aku ampe touched sendiri sejujurnya pas liat how grateful u are for everything esp the ppl around you!!! you look amazing ciii, before and after
SHOOO SHOOO HAPPY FOR YOUUUU CII! youu look more prettier and stunning! by the waay i feel soo touched when you told us that you cried while washing your face because of gaius and after that gaius comfortingg youu AND I SUDDENLY thinking 'what if ci titan get preggo isnt it will be cute when she is got emotional rollercoaster and gaius will be comforting her' WKWKWK. and i hope you enjoy your dream face shapeee cii, im sorry if you offended bcs my words. i love you cii!💘💘💘
biasanya banyak org yg habis op malah jdi keliatan aneh soalnya yg di op ituu kayak too much gituuu, tp di ci titan ga sama sekaliiii gila so natural & cocok bgtt 😍 bener2 terlihat proporsional & tetap terlihat seperti ci titan yg biasanya, cuma habis diet aja 🤣❤️
its still look like your rahang but better!! woahhh aku amaze banget sama habis oplas korea karna bisa bikin complete kaya dolly, atau cuma still wanna have the face feature tapi lebih bagus! ga kayak di indo.. yang ku liat semua rata2 sama apalagi urusan filler.. temen ku dagunya pada panjang semua dan keluatan sama... bahkan lip filler.. some women i know kalau urusan filler always look the same i kinda scared if i wanna do plastic surgery here.. haha
I think confident people no need to clarify to others that they are confident. When someone said to herself that she is the most confident but do things to improve her confident, I think it is contradict to each other. However, hopefully she can discover the root of pyschology problem that stops the bad habit of chewing during the night. Well, actually to make your face more slim, you can do lots of exercise to make it slimmer. Doing plastic surgery has pro and cons, but in my opinion, it does not solve the problem actually, but it can add more insecurities that lead more surgery and more surgery. But it depends on each person of course. Appreciating ourselves the good ones and the bad ones, is healthier. It is the art of self love.
Lol but for real though, I dislike my face shape but I am not an insecure person, and doing surgery or not - does not change my self love. I can live my life with/without this surgery, so why not just do it? Plus this has medical benefits for my bruxism pain. I don’t understand why you take time out of your day to leave a hurtful and judgmental comment for someone you do not know in real life.
Sorry if my comment hurts you; I don't mean it. That's why I hope you find the root of the psychological problem that causes the bad habit of chewing during the night. Which one in my comment is judgmental for you? I think I just shared my opinion, and I already stated that it is different for some people because it has pros and cons. So please read carefully before you judge whether the other person's comment is judgmental. I take time to comment because I care for you and hope you can rethink what you think is best. If you disagree with my comment, you can just ignore it. Have a good day.
Omg thank u so much for sharing ur raw experience about this😭 i love ur energy, i love how grateful u are, i love the way u doing everything in ur life like for urself always, everything about u.. this is honestly just beautifulllyy touching 😭 definisi dari cantik jadi makin cantikkk ♥️
Wah liat prosesnya kaya gini, hebat sih yg berani jalanin oplas krnnterlihat lebih serem ketimbang operasi caesar apalagi ada blood bagnya. Aq sendiri juga suka kerat2 juga sejak kecil dan dulu terbiasa ngunyah permen karet sampe berjam2 jadi rahangku berotot juga keliatan tembem. Selain itu tulang hidung juga bengkok menyamping bawaan lahir. Tapi belom berani kalo mau oplas gitu
IYAAA PLS aku juga pas operasi wisdom teeth sempat cekat darah & liur ditenggorokkan.. ga enak banget! btw ci titan gemes bgt pas mukanya bengkak hihi & you look way more prettier after surgery! lovin it!
Bersyukur atas pemeliharaan dan pertolongan Tuhan buat Titan hingga saat ini. Tuhan terus menolong dalam proses pemulihan Titan paska operasi rahang ini. Mengenai Bruxism, mungkin Titan dapat mencoba konsultasi dan terapi akupunktur tetapi akupunktur yang Japanese style acupuncture menggunakan teknik Kiiko Matsumoto (muridnya Master Nagano) untuk di terapi ke arah TMJ (Temporomandibular joint). Saya merasa akupunktur ke arah TMJ ini akan sangat membantu mengurangi Bruxism Titan. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat.
Baru sempet nonton ga berenti ketawa pas baca chatingannya 😂 kalo aku jadi ci titan udah lepas itu jaitan karena ngakak 🤣 Btw selamat ya ci.. aku tau ko buat orang2 yg mau operasi kaya cici bukan keputusan yg gampang kaya oke besok gw op deh. Pasti bener2 dipikirin mateng2. Dari video cici aja udah bisa ngerasain sedihnya terharunya ❤ ditunngu updatenya ci.. 🤗
Having bruxism make me wake up everyday with constant headache. Puyer lah, obat pusing lah, semua dicoba malah bikin ngantuk, gak bagus juga kan kebanyakan pereda nyeri buat ginjal dkk. Ditanya orang ah gak mungkin sakit itu, begitu orangnya suatu ketika kena juga, dia ngeluhnya bukan maen. Oh BTW, aku lihat video ini karena lewat di beranda Yt. Gak pernah ngikutin kakak, tapi akj merasa relate waktu lihat dalamnya ada bruxism. Buat botox aja duit belum teralokasi, apalagi operasi, hopefully waktu sudah ada uang nantinya bisa diobatin yg lebih proper. Last but not least, I hope setelah ini kakak gak sakit lagi rahangnya, ototnya lebih nyaman, nguyah-tidur lebih oke, gak ada after-effect di kemudian hari.❤
Omg, sebelumnya ci titan emang udah cantikk, tapi sekarang tambah cantikkkk. Liat dari awal sampe akhir kek, gila sih iniiii, ci titan kuat bangett, aku aja kaya ngerasainya sakit bangett. Wahh keren banget si ka perjuanganyaa. ++ cantikkk
ela começa tentando justificar por saude e termina: ok é pq eu quero ficar mais bonita kkkkkkk mas é isso , a vida é dela ela faz o que quiser....é linda de qualquer jeito. So acho engraçado como as influencers agora estão numa pseudo segurança de sí mesma e continuam buscando aprovação da internet =D espero que ela encontre felicidade interior de verdade
Before afternya sama2 cantik!❤ thanks for sharing cj Titan! I hope one day i can afford jaw surgery at banobagi as well! but in my case because i have labiopalatoschisis 🥹
Hi titan! I have been following you for years and I am so happy you got this done for yourself. It’s my sign to overcome my fear and get what I want done too bc life is short!! Thank you for sharing your experience. Please share updates!
i cant believe you want a short chubby face 😭😭 meanwhile i’m insecure about mines & it makes me cry it interests me how one’s insecurity can be another persons desire. i hope you are satisfied with your surgery and live a good life
Aku ga suka face shape, bukan berarti aku insecure tentang segalanya dari diriku dong? Aku bisa hidup dengan atau tanpa operasi rahang, self love nya gak berkurang kok. Jadi kalau aku ada kesempatan untuk melakukan operasinya, kenapa tidak? Mencintai diri sendiri bukan dari penampilan saja loh
Ci titan, I love the result and you look really pretty!!! It must have been a tough process, you have been through a lot! I wish you happiness always, Ci. Lets be healthyy
bukan fans ci titan jujur, cuma silent followers aja dan sering liat igs ci titan, dari sebelum op smpe stlh op.. jd udh biasa liat muka ci titan after op di ig.. tp baru sadar pas nntn video ini klo sblm op parah banget jaw nya... kayak tupai yang simpan makanan di mulutnya plis 😭 pdhl dlu merasa kekny biasa aja.. dan before after op sama aja 😅... i can surely say that u've done a right decision🥰
Titan im sorry krna ketawa jg pas di blg kayak nanas 🤣🤣 tp, skrg meskipun blm pulih total tp benar" kelihatan gak OP samsek, makin cantiiikkk ❤❤❤❤ makasih yaa krna sllu terbuka ❤❤❤
Semangat ci Titan recoverynya! btw aku penderita gigit2 saat tidur juga ci boleh dong share experience terapi ci hehe tpi bener sih tiap kali stress pasti tidurnya kyk nguyah gt/gesekin gigi
Thanks for sharing this journey with us! Seneng deh ngeliat perempuan ngelakuin hal yang buat dia ngerasa cantik dan merasa lebih nyaman apalagi makin percaya diri. mau itu shopping, dress up dikamar sendiri.. pasti banyak yg relate! yang penting hati sendiri seneng heheh😊 yang penting hati sendiri puas dan seneng ci ❤
ci everytime you talk about your bruxism tuh aku gak tega karna gak kebayang pasti pegel bgt so i'm really glad you finally did the surgery!! super proud of youuu
Her face is the face we dream of. she wanted to change it because shes dreaming of another’s face 😅
Cakep banget cii titan tbh! , jjur ikut terharu banget sama journey ci titan smpe selesai operasi! 😭❤️ only can say one word..AMAZING ! ❤️😍😍
Thank you 🙏🏻🤭🙇🏻♀️
Cantik bgt ci titan
@@paulinawahyu1236 Perez, biasa aja Wajah Titan 😅😂
"mereka bukan aku, dan mereka gak pernah ada di posisi aku" relate banget ciii, tiap kali ada yg ngejudge aku jerawatan, gendut, or somethin like that, kek disuruh perawatan lah, disuruh diet olahraga lah, makan sehat lah, i just DON'T CARE gitu loh, karena ya they never walk in my shoes, ngga tau apa yg udah aku laluin
glad you're doing this for your happiness! and wow the muscles due to the bruxism are almost gone it's amazing! 😱 hopefully in the long run, your bruxism can go away and no more sore face in the mornings ❤
Thank you cia for being part of my journey, helping me edit this to the best video ever, and all the videos before this! Youve seen all the raw footages and never judged meee mwahh love uuu ciaaa!!
@@TitanTyra 🥺🥺🥺 happy to be a part of your journey! love you lots!❤❤❤
Kalau gini jadi tahu kebiasaan makan selain bentuk gigi juga pengaruh pada bentuk wajah, Fyi aku dulu pernah dicabut gigi pake behel dan lumayan banyak ngerubah struktur muka Alhamdulillah juga makan jadi lebih gampang terimakasih baya cii videonya
I’m super happy that ur mom, husband, dad, everyone support you ci 😭😭😭😭😭🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
im sooo happy to get to see such a raw and realistic journey of pre and post-surgery, thank you so much for sharing cii 😭❤ cause I've been thinking to get one in the future too! and this video has made rethink the decision tbh, you're so brave!! ga kebayang kalau aku yang ada diposisi itu, physically and mentally draining bgt pastii 😖 you definitely look prettier ci Titan 😍 bahkan sebelum surgery juga selalu makin kesini makin cakepp, auranya makin glow gituhh. anyway, get well soon ci!
I am also thinking to do plastic surgery.... In future
the results look so good, I can't wait to see the results in 1-2 years. its gonna look even better
Aku tuh selalu ngerasa ngilu kalo liat org abis operasi, apalagi operasi bagian wajah. Tapiiiiii kalo liat ci Titan yg operasi berasa banyak funny nya dr pd ngilunya wkwk pembawaannya tuh lucu bangettt. Melet2, expensive fruit dll bisa jadi hiburan bgt buat ci Titan huhu kereeeen!! Cepet pulih ya ciiii ✨✨✨🫶🏻🫶🏻
HAHAHA aku juga ketawa sendiri loh nonton vlog ini, BISA BISANYA MASIH PECICILAN ABIS OP😭🙏🏻🥹😂
@@TitanTyra kaget banget dibalessss 🫠🫠 dah lah fix luv you ciii!!!
@@TitanTyra❤ hi from the us
gemess bgt waktu selesai operasi, udh baby face makin kek bayii kek chipmunk LUCUU BGTT hihih
ciii this is honestly just beautiful! aku ampe touched sendiri sejujurnya pas liat how grateful u are for everything esp the ppl around you!!! you look amazing ciii, before and after
JADI CANTIK BGTTTT!! Love the transition 😭😭😭😭 jd lebih pass gituuuuuu!!! ❤❤❤
so excited, finally you shared your own surgery journey! 💓
I am excited too!
SHOOO SHOOO HAPPY FOR YOUUUU CII! youu look more prettier and stunning! by the waay i feel soo touched when you told us that you cried while washing your face because of gaius and after that gaius comfortingg youu AND I SUDDENLY thinking 'what if ci titan get preggo isnt it will be cute when she is got emotional rollercoaster and gaius will be comforting her' WKWKWK. and i hope you enjoy your dream face shapeee cii, im sorry if you offended bcs my words. i love you cii!💘💘💘
Glad you got support from your husband and your mom. The different is really worth it especially it makes you feel happier.
biasanya banyak org yg habis op malah jdi keliatan aneh soalnya yg di op ituu kayak too much gituuu, tp di ci titan ga sama sekaliiii gila so natural & cocok bgtt 😍 bener2 terlihat proporsional & tetap terlihat seperti ci titan yg biasanya, cuma habis diet aja 🤣❤️
its still look like your rahang but better!! woahhh aku amaze banget sama habis oplas korea karna bisa bikin complete kaya dolly, atau cuma still wanna have the face feature tapi lebih bagus! ga kayak di indo.. yang ku liat semua rata2 sama apalagi urusan filler.. temen ku dagunya pada panjang semua dan keluatan sama... bahkan lip filler.. some women i know kalau urusan filler always look the same i kinda scared if i wanna do plastic surgery here.. haha
Jujur hasil operasinya blm ada sebulan udah cakepp, tidak sabar menunggu hasil maksimalnyaa❤❤❤ Tambahhh pwettyyyyy
ini sudah cantik, nanti jgn di ubah2 lagi yah.. tkutnya nanti ketagihan, natural juga hasilnya..❤
I think confident people no need to clarify to others that they are confident. When someone said to herself that she is the most confident but do things to improve her confident, I think it is contradict to each other. However, hopefully she can discover the root of pyschology problem that stops the bad habit of chewing during the night. Well, actually to make your face more slim, you can do lots of exercise to make it slimmer.
Doing plastic surgery has pro and cons, but in my opinion, it does not solve the problem actually, but it can add more insecurities that lead more surgery and more surgery. But it depends on each person of course. Appreciating ourselves the good ones and the bad ones, is healthier. It is the art of self love.
Wow you are so smart, and you know the insides of my feelings and heart the best! ……that’s the response you wanted right? 😉
Lol but for real though, I dislike my face shape but I am not an insecure person, and doing surgery or not - does not change my self love. I can live my life with/without this surgery, so why not just do it? Plus this has medical benefits for my bruxism pain. I don’t understand why you take time out of your day to leave a hurtful and judgmental comment for someone you do not know in real life.
Sorry if my comment hurts you; I don't mean it. That's why I hope you find the root of the psychological problem that causes the bad habit of chewing during the night. Which one in my comment is judgmental for you? I think I just shared my opinion, and I already stated that it is different for some people because it has pros and cons. So please read carefully before you judge whether the other person's comment is judgmental. I take time to comment because I care for you and hope you can rethink what you think is best. If you disagree with my comment, you can just ignore it. Have a good day.
Omg thank u so much for sharing ur raw experience about this😭 i love ur energy, i love how grateful u are, i love the way u doing everything in ur life like for urself always, everything about u.. this is honestly just beautifulllyy touching 😭 definisi dari cantik jadi makin cantikkk ♥️
Inilah defenisi dr “ Beauty is pain” 👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️
sumpah ci sudah lbh proposionalll muka dgn badan, cakeppppp pas banget
Omg! Im crying!!! Terharu banged sama semuanya bener bener nunjukin carenya.. thanks God 🥺
thanks titan for being so real and shared so many things that most ppl dont tell about plastic surgery
hasilnya cakep banget kak, pas nonton aga deg"an krna darah" trs TP SETELAH LIAT AKHIRNYA JD WOWWW KEREN BANGET
Salut sm org yg mau nyakitin diri sdri dgn ngoplas ! Ur chewing problem wont kill u, gal !!
bener ya Tan, beauty is (sometimes) pain. but you deserve it! cheers for youuu 🎉🎉
Wah liat prosesnya kaya gini, hebat sih yg berani jalanin oplas krnnterlihat lebih serem ketimbang operasi caesar apalagi ada blood bagnya. Aq sendiri juga suka kerat2 juga sejak kecil dan dulu terbiasa ngunyah permen karet sampe berjam2 jadi rahangku berotot juga keliatan tembem. Selain itu tulang hidung juga bengkok menyamping bawaan lahir. Tapi belom berani kalo mau oplas gitu
WOW the result is great, you are so beautiful! 🥰😍 I'm glad you did this for yourself Titan ❤
U're beautiful actually..but now u look more beautiful than before tbh👍👍👍
Happy for u girl!!!❤
selalu suka nntn video mu dan aku slalu ga komen. untuk yg satu ini komen lah yaa, u cantik amat sih fr. love u ❤️❤️❤️🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
aku juga pas operasi wisdom teeth sempat cekat darah & liur ditenggorokkan.. ga enak banget!
btw ci titan gemes bgt pas mukanya bengkak hihi & you look way more prettier after surgery! lovin it!
Tolong banget jgn bully titan ya gais karna ortunya aja ngedukung loh jdi kt hrus ngedukung jg
Bersyukur atas pemeliharaan dan pertolongan Tuhan buat Titan hingga saat ini. Tuhan terus menolong dalam proses pemulihan Titan paska operasi rahang ini.
Mengenai Bruxism, mungkin Titan dapat mencoba konsultasi dan terapi akupunktur tetapi akupunktur yang Japanese style acupuncture menggunakan teknik Kiiko Matsumoto (muridnya Master Nagano) untuk di terapi ke arah TMJ (Temporomandibular joint). Saya merasa akupunktur ke arah TMJ ini akan sangat membantu mengurangi Bruxism Titan. Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat.
sumpah bagus bngt hasilnya!!! Walo d akhir msh keliatan bengkak dikit, tp cantik bngt
Hr ke 28 jd cakep banget.. before & after udh beda banget ., super keren
Finallyyyy ya ci, bagus hasilnya jugaa ❤ love it
Baru sempet nonton ga berenti ketawa pas baca chatingannya 😂 kalo aku jadi ci titan udah lepas itu jaitan karena ngakak 🤣
Btw selamat ya ci.. aku tau ko buat orang2 yg mau operasi kaya cici bukan keputusan yg gampang kaya oke besok gw op deh. Pasti bener2 dipikirin mateng2. Dari video cici aja udah bisa ngerasain sedihnya terharunya ❤ ditunngu updatenya ci.. 🤗
Alhamdulillah berjalan lancar operasinya ... fabulous ... salute with your brave to do that journey.
OMG that's blackpink dance!!! Ngakak bangettt u & ii 🤣🤣🤣
Jujur ngeliatnya jauh lebih cantik setelah operasi❤
Having bruxism make me wake up everyday with constant headache. Puyer lah, obat pusing lah, semua dicoba malah bikin ngantuk, gak bagus juga kan kebanyakan pereda nyeri buat ginjal dkk.
Ditanya orang ah gak mungkin sakit itu, begitu orangnya suatu ketika kena juga, dia ngeluhnya bukan maen.
Oh BTW, aku lihat video ini karena lewat di beranda Yt. Gak pernah ngikutin kakak, tapi akj merasa relate waktu lihat dalamnya ada bruxism.
Buat botox aja duit belum teralokasi, apalagi operasi, hopefully waktu sudah ada uang nantinya bisa diobatin yg lebih proper.
Last but not least, I hope setelah ini kakak gak sakit lagi rahangnya, ototnya lebih nyaman, nguyah-tidur lebih oke, gak ada after-effect di kemudian hari.❤
woww cii i really love the result!! malah gakeliatan kayak oplas saking naturalnya, cuma kayak kurusan aja
aku nonton dari 0:00 menit sampe ke 30:24 menit dundd tanpa skip bagian manapun! iam so happy for you ci Titan🥰🥰
Aku nontonnya ngilu asli, hebat bangeettt ❤❤❤❤
Pasti tidur jd lebih baik ya ga sesakit sebelumnya, cantik bgt
Hahhhh br sempet nonton inii. Berguna banget deh video ini, ngeliat journey to the westnya titan, jd tau selukbeluknya jugaaa
Penasaran hasil beberapa bulan kedepan. Baru beberapa Minggu aja udah kelihatan perubahan nya woi🥺 ♥️
Omg, sebelumnya ci titan emang udah cantikk, tapi sekarang tambah cantikkkk. Liat dari awal sampe akhir kek, gila sih iniiii, ci titan kuat bangett, aku aja kaya ngerasainya sakit bangett. Wahh keren banget si ka perjuanganyaa. ++ cantikkk
Thank you so much yaa!!!!
Sblmx cntik sih sesudahx lebih cntik lgi tyrus kayak cantik natural deh pantesan aja artis Korea mukax gitu rata2 keren deh ❤❤❤
cantik ci natural, walaupun foto di IG kayak na jidat jd over gtu, tp kayak na efek foto aja sm rambut
Kereenn, support dr kluarga g main2. G sabar liat hslnya 3 bulan lagi
Waaaaww ciii u cantik bgt sumpah😢😢 pdhl ini belom hasil final ya ci tapi udah keliatan bgt bedanyaaaa
Sangat cantik ci tytan, operasinya benar2 berhasil. Gimana kalau udah 6 bulan ya makinnnn pretty😘😘
Seneng bgt liat titan tyra…… gak tau knppppp🎉🎉🎉🎉
Ikut nangissss tapi bangga bangetttt udah bagus bgt sekarang
aku baru nonton ini, ci.. aku ketawa2 lhooo chuu banget haha kocak :DD but u re awesome !! lov u !!
cantiik bangeett looh dan keliatan banget perubahan nya 🥰🥰
Omg. I didn't know u were Filipino until you started speaking it. 😮🤯
ela começa tentando justificar por saude e termina: ok é pq eu quero ficar mais bonita kkkkkkk
mas é isso , a vida é dela ela faz o que quiser....é linda de qualquer jeito. So acho engraçado como as influencers agora estão numa pseudo segurança de sí mesma e continuam buscando aprovação da internet =D
espero que ela encontre felicidade interior de verdade
Kenapa gemes banget sih yaaa liat swollen face nyaaaaaaa 😭😭😭💕 nangis shayangg gemes bgt ci tittt wkwkmwwkwkwk🤏
Before afternya sama2 cantik!❤ thanks for sharing cj Titan! I hope one day i can afford jaw surgery at banobagi as well! but in my case because i have labiopalatoschisis 🥹
Your husband and your mum very supportive. Your so pretty.
Hi titan! I have been following you for years and I am so happy you got this done for yourself. It’s my sign to overcome my fear and get what I want done too bc life is short!! Thank you for sharing your experience. Please share updates!
i cant believe you want a short chubby face 😭😭 meanwhile i’m insecure about mines & it makes me cry
it interests me how one’s insecurity can be another persons desire. i hope you are satisfied with your surgery and live a good life
Your face such a beautiful please don't do anything with your face already you have got gifted such a beautiful face😢❤
Aduh mau cantik itu kudu pengorbanan..jadi males ak op rahang..tll mderita..salut ak ma titan😊
Tbh makin cakep cii, kyk habis diet gitu jadinya
Ciiii pas tgl 13 may lucu bgtttt gemesss!!!! Happy for you ciii❤
Do what u like with your life...tapi to be honest kamu sudah cantik banget Don...❤ wish u happy and good luck ya 😘
Aurel Hermansyah & Chikita Meidy sukses besar oplasnya, beda banget dgn masa kecilnya !
You were very brave. You are more beautiful and increased elegance.
I cried watching your video. You have such a supportive mom and husband! I’ve a question though, How did you brush your teeth the first 3 days?
Gak insecure tp bilang gak suka shape of your face wk
Aku ga suka face shape, bukan berarti aku insecure tentang segalanya dari diriku dong? Aku bisa hidup dengan atau tanpa operasi rahang, self love nya gak berkurang kok. Jadi kalau aku ada kesempatan untuk melakukan operasinya, kenapa tidak? Mencintai diri sendiri bukan dari penampilan saja loh
CANTIKKK BGTTTTTT🥹🥹💖💖💖 sumpaaa cantik bgt cii💖
Thank you for your honest sharing about your jaw surgery. Hopefully it will be good for you. Good luck for your future
Bingung 😂 before surgery and after surgery sama sama cantik ci 😍🥰
Ci titan, I love the result and you look really pretty!!! It must have been a tough process, you have been through a lot! I wish you happiness always, Ci. Lets be healthyy
So cuteeee waktu di lepasss lucu bangettt 😫😫
Tambah cantik itu bonus tp yg paling penting dah ga keganggu dgn pegel2 tiap hari
Sebelumnya emang cakep tapi ini lebih cakep lagi astaga🫶🏽
Ci, you are veru strong to do it! But yeah tq for sharing your surgery journey, you nailed it.
bukan fans ci titan jujur, cuma silent followers aja dan sering liat igs ci titan, dari sebelum op smpe stlh op.. jd udh biasa liat muka ci titan after op di ig.. tp baru sadar pas nntn video ini klo sblm op parah banget jaw nya... kayak tupai yang simpan makanan di mulutnya plis 😭 pdhl dlu merasa kekny biasa aja.. dan before after op sama aja 😅... i can surely say that u've done a right decision🥰
Ya ampunnn mau cantik aja se menyiksa ituu 😭😭 but you look amazing ci ❤❤
Selalu sehat kak✨, ini gak sengaja lewat d beranda. I like your positivity
woah ci titan, looks cool!! nice decision❤
aku kepo banget ci , tapi aku takut sama darah. Jadi memaksakan untuk nonton sambil pusing lemes keliyengan liat darah:(. You so amazing ci
Semoga kepegelan karena bruxismnya berkurang ya Cii❤
Cii suara nya jadi berubah gitu yaa pas awal2 op😂 kiyutt
Totally beautiful Titan... btw aku nyari dimana dia operasi (belek) nya ternyata dr dalam mulut yaa bukan dr luar wajah.. keren bgtt siihh
I'm here from instagram's broadcast!
This is so cute and wholesome 💟
Titan im sorry krna ketawa jg pas di blg kayak nanas 🤣🤣 tp, skrg meskipun blm pulih total tp benar" kelihatan gak OP samsek, makin cantiiikkk ❤❤❤❤ makasih yaa krna sllu terbuka ❤❤❤
Thank youuu🥰🥰
u look sooo pretty, love the result ❤❤❤
Semangat ci Titan recoverynya! btw aku penderita gigit2 saat tidur juga ci boleh dong share experience terapi ci hehe tpi bener sih tiap kali stress pasti tidurnya kyk nguyah gt/gesekin gigi
Ci titan you look so cuteee tho 😍😚