How the Arkham Knight SHOULD HAVE been Handled

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024


  • @clipsdelosmajes
    @clipsdelosmajes 5 місяців тому +189

    Either make it Jason and reveal it in the first scene or make it Prometheus and build him up as an antagonist the whole game.

    • @darlingxluxii7977
      @darlingxluxii7977 5 місяців тому +18

      True! Bane would’ve been great but I feel bane has been used a lot already in previous Arkham games. New villain that was not used from the comics yet like Prometheus is perfect.

    • @Lindsay-John
      @Lindsay-John 5 місяців тому +15

      @@darlingxluxii7977Bane😂. He’s way too big. And suit would give his identity away right away

    • @cmawhir1265
      @cmawhir1265 5 місяців тому +6

      @@Lindsay-John well in the container yard you can find banes gear, so it couldve been possible for him to be much smaller and smarter compared to how he was in city or asylum.

    • @AstraFulminous
      @AstraFulminous 5 місяців тому


    • @clipsdelosmajes
      @clipsdelosmajes 5 місяців тому +8

      @@cmawhir1265 Origins Bane is still the biggest character (without any augmentations) in the franchise.

  • @NightRunner2099
    @NightRunner2099 5 місяців тому +126

    The difference between Under The Red Hood and Arkham Knight is that in the movie, the emotional fallout of Jason's return and its consequences for both characters is the center focus, with the reveal being the final nail in the coffin. The movie doesn't try to hide that it's Jason behind the mask, but rather that Bruce is in denial that that's who Jason has become. While in Arkham Knight, too much time is dedicated to the mystery of who Knight is, rather than exploring what it means for Bruce as a person. The question should have never been about who is behind the mask, but rather what the return of Jason mean for Bruce and his psyche. Especially now that he's on his way to become Joker 2.0.

    • @djb9267
      @djb9267 5 місяців тому +2

      That is the whole question. In the panessa studios, the game just throws it at your face that jason is the knight. Even batman himself ignores obvious clues, and doesn't want to figure out who the knight is.

    • @NightRunner2099
      @NightRunner2099 5 місяців тому +9

      @@djb9267You can interpret those flashbacks as Bruce's mind torturing him by showing him his worst days. That's why there's even one of the day Barbara got crippled. That instant has nothing to do with Jason.
      And even if that was the question, the game does a terrible job capitalizing on it by being 90 percent of the time busy with who the Knight is, which takes away the time from the emotional moments and stories you could have with a returned Jason being known. The only real emotional thing you get with Jason's return in Knight is his conversation with Babs in the audiologs. That's what mostly of the game should have been.
      The movie does this better by not focusing too much on unmasking him, but rather on more personal character moments that these two had and the emotional moments and gradually building up to the inevitable. The reveal only serves as the final nail in the coffin. It's not supposed to be shocking, just sad.

    • @SoyboyPeter
      @SoyboyPeter 5 місяців тому +1

      @@NightRunner2099 The mystery of the Arkham Knight’s identity isn’t a main priority of the game. Batman asks Alfred to google search for possible suspects and that’s it. The primary is focus is discovery why the Arkham Knight holds a vendetta against Batman. Why can’t anyone criticize Arkham Knight adequately?

    • @NightRunner2099
      @NightRunner2099 5 місяців тому +1

      @@SoyboyPeter and how would you find out his reason for doing these things without knowing his identity? And Batman knows why Knight is doing this. He has a grudge against him. Batman is trying to why out why he has a grudge against him.
      Also Alfred's researchs weren't simple things. Batman was asking him to check every where that came to his mind and everyone who could have had grudge against him while he himself was on the field actively trying to stop Scarecrow and his efforts. Not to mention all other villains.

    • @SoyboyPeter
      @SoyboyPeter 5 місяців тому +1

      @@NightRunner2099 If you know why a person is doing what they’re doing, then you’ll know their identity. Batman doesn’t know why the Knight has a grudge against him. Alfred searching for possible suspects isn’t a focus, it’s put in the background in the midst of everything else going on.

  • @milkiassamuel780
    @milkiassamuel780 5 місяців тому +82

    One idea I had was instead of Jason being the Arkham Knight. An interesting idea would be to reveal that Damian Wayne, in his early 20s, could've been Arkham Knight. The idea of an older Damian being the Arkham Knight would've been intriguing, and maybe he became the Arkham Knight as a way to avenge his mother, Talia. Damian blames Bruce for failing to save her. Damian would've used his resources from the League of Assassins and teamed up with Scarecrow to secretly double-cross Scarecrow in his misguided revenge against his biological father. Maybe Bruce could've stopped him, and Damian could've gone down a character redemption to become the next Batman in a hypothetical Batman Beyond game?

    • @djb9267
      @djb9267 5 місяців тому +24

      Damian would have been way too young. The way talia was talking about that night made it seem that it wasn't that far into the past. Considering that knight only takes place a few months after City, that means that Damian needs to be at least a couple years old. Which doesn't make any sense.
      He would also never Team up with scarecrow. If he wants batman dead, then he should use the league.

    • @kwayneboy1524
      @kwayneboy1524 5 місяців тому +8

      Okay I am gonna be real I don't think Damian exists as Ra's would've used him a factor to get Batman to join him or use him in Arkham City.

    • @djb9267
      @djb9267 5 місяців тому

      @apexsmokepacker He did Team up with scarecrow.

  • @djb9267
    @djb9267 5 місяців тому +66

    The arkham Knight was never supposed to be a mystery. Once you see the flashbacks of jason, the game told you who he was. The question then becomes "How will Batman deal with this revelation?" and not "I wonder who he is."
    Batman also didn't even want to figure out the knight's identity, as he would then be confronted with his biggest failure. Bruce made sure to not acknowledge obvious clues, and didn't want it to be true.

    • @darlingxluxii7977
      @darlingxluxii7977 5 місяців тому +10

      That’s true… but when Jason unmasked himself for Bruce. Why did Bruce say “ Jason I thought you are dead. Joker sent me the clips “ like he just acted so surprised and shocked there.

    • @djb9267
      @djb9267 5 місяців тому +3

      @@darlingxluxii7977 Because he was right all along. Bruce needed to come to terms with the fact that jason really was the knight

    • @clipsdelosmajes
      @clipsdelosmajes 5 місяців тому +15

      Then why did Rocksteady try to hide it so much? Even saying that it was a new character?
      Also, "Bruce didn't want to know who it was.", then why did he ask Alfred to search far and wide for his identity?

    • @djb9267
      @djb9267 5 місяців тому +5

      @@clipsdelosmajes For the casual Player. Obviously, they won't spoil his identity, if the game isn't out.
      Because he wants to know the knight's identity. However, whenever he finds a clue, he directly doesn't want to believe it.
      "Batman has rarely let himself ruled by his emotions. Catwoman seems to be able to manipulate batman's feelings, as does the daughter of Rā's al Ghül, Talia. But when Batman encounters the mysterious arkham knight, he ignores, perhaps deliberately, clues to the knight's identity. For if the arkham Knight is who Batman secretly suspects him to be, then that means he has truly failed someone he considers family. "
      Taken from batman arkham universe the ultimate visual guide

    • @showerstranger
      @showerstranger 5 місяців тому +3

      this. yes.

  • @MrMagicianJr
    @MrMagicianJr 2 місяці тому +6

    We should have had a Jason DLC where your playing as Jason being tortured by joker then have Jason escape the asylum

  • @comicfan1324
    @comicfan1324 5 місяців тому +44

    Speaking as someone who had the twist spoiled for me long before I played the game, I can definitely save, revealing it earlier would’ve helped.
    I knew that Jason was the Arkham Knight, but I kept wondering “why does he hate Batman? If half of Gotham believes Batman killed the Joker?”
    Then we got to see how much Joker tortured Jason, and made the former Robin believe Batman, abandoned him, and then my biggest question was answered. That’s how they should’ve gone about it. The question shouldn’t be who is the Arkham Knight, but why is he the Arkham Knight?

    • @djb9267
      @djb9267 5 місяців тому +4

      That is the plot of the game. Once you reach the panessa studios, the game throws it into your face. The questions were all answered in his boss fight.
      Why does he hate batman? Because joker manipulated him into thinking that bruce abandoned him. The people who believe batman killed joker are all low level thugs. Jason's anger doesn't come from the fact that batman didn't kill joker. It comes from the fact that batman used him as a child soldier and that he didn't kill the joker a long time ago.

    • @darlingxluxii7977
      @darlingxluxii7977 5 місяців тому

      @@djb9267that’s true. It just that there wasn’t any connection or feel. It felt all rushed with Jason that’s why.

    • @darlingxluxii7977
      @darlingxluxii7977 5 місяців тому

      @@djb9267we knew as players yes. It’s just the way Batman reacted to him revealing himself he acted so surprise and it sucks because there wasn’t much development emotion connection between Jason and Bruce. Like his torture scenes in the Panessa studio would be fine and you can still reveal them early just to make batman feel guilty that Jason became the Arkham knight. Early reveal of Jason still would make a great emotional connection story.

  • @crownlessponk
    @crownlessponk 5 місяців тому +17

    I always wondered why they didn't just make the Red Hood DLC also include the story of the tie-in comic where it's explained how he both survived Joker's torture, and how he decided on the name Arkham Knight as the beginning, and then also include him as the Robin for the Batgirl DLC. It's a lot of patch work after the fact, yes, but it still could've worked as it is now.

    • @altalia07
      @altalia07 5 місяців тому +2

      Yeahh, I wish he was Robin in the Matter of Family DLC 🥲

  • @xanderlowe1543
    @xanderlowe1543 Місяць тому +8

    Rocksteady: Our new game will have the main antagonist as "The Arkham Knight." He's a young man wearing a mockery of the Batsuit who has a personal grudge against Bruce Wayne.
    Everyone: So it's Jason Todd?
    Rocksteady: No! The Arkham Knight is an original character. He carries a pair of massive pistols as his sidearms, and has an intimate knowledge of Batman's tactics.
    Everyone: So it's Jason Todd?
    Rocksteady: NO! Also if you purchase the Pre-Order, you'll get to play as the Red Hood. Who is Jason Todd.
    Everyone: The Arkham Knight is clearly Jason Todd.

  • @comicfan1324
    @comicfan1324 5 місяців тому +22

    I do think Jason is the best choice but if they didn’t go Jason, here’s a couple other options they could’ve done:
    1. Anarchy:
    The villain from Arkham origins returns and teams up with scarecrow to “free” Gotham from the restraints society places upon it. After all with everyone evacuated, those who stay behind are the ones who “enjoy the chaos” and then the fear to, and will just bring out their pure animalistic nature. Of fear and anarchy. So why the new identity? Well, maybe he got sent to Arkham and was experimented on by Hugo Strange, warping his mind even further than it was. Combine that with his run-in with Batman, and he would be convinced that to truly make Gotham into the anarchist utopia he wants, he will need to become his own symbol of fear, so he does his best to emulate what Batman.
    2. Talia:
    She is brought back from the dead by use of the Lazarus pit and has finally accepted that Bruce will never join the league of assassins and “save” Gotham so she decides to do it for him.
    3. Random no-name henchmen:
    This third one may seem a bit odd, but hear me out. After over a decade of Batman being the terror of criminals a small group of henchman decide enough is enough and they want to bring down the Bat. But if they want to do that they are going to need to combined their efforts and all of the information they’ve discovered about over the years. Batman has knocked them out, broken their bones, and struct tear into their hearts enough times that they have started to see the patterns and in addition, they’ve been chatting with their fellow henchman to get even more information. Once they feel that they know the Bat well enough, they create an identity that they can share amongst each other. That way, even if one of them gets taken out, the others can take up the mantle and continue the mission. So they have several duplicates of the costume prepared. as you face off against the Arkham Knight, each time you can subtly see that the way he acts is a bit different. His voice modulator may keep his voice relatively, the same, but his way of talking, his movements, and his fighting style changes with each encounter. One of them may be better trained with guns. One of them may be better with hand to hand combat. One of them may absolutely suck in a fight, but he’s good at operating tanks and ordering other henchmen to assist him. But by the end you go up against all of the Arkham Knights at once, in a huge predator encounter in which no single takedown will work twice because they have learned from one another. In this version there would be singular Arkham Knight: THEY ARE THE ARKHAM KNIGHTS!

    • @djb9267
      @djb9267 5 місяців тому +4

      Anarchy doesn't work. Why would he work with scarecrow? If he was sent to arkham, then Alfred would already know that anarchy is the arkham knight, as he is constantly researching possible solutions.
      Talia also doesn't work. Why would she Team up with scarecrow and use an army of Tanks? She would have the whole League of assassins behind her.

    • @relt745
      @relt745 5 місяців тому +6

      I like the third one because it satisfies it being a new character and it's an interesting way to put henchmen in the spotlight

    • @rk_092neo
      @rk_092neo 5 місяців тому +4

      Number 3 sounds similar to Mystery of the Batwoman movie with multiple batwomen

  • @chair5389
    @chair5389 5 місяців тому +5

    i honestly thought the jason flashbacks in my first playthrough were just the effects of fear toxin, Joker messing with him and showing him his worst fear: losing someone he loved
    the twist works well for any unassuming player

    • @davidbeer5015
      @davidbeer5015 5 місяців тому

      Seeing also the flashback of Barbara, for all a player unaware of Jason/Red Hood knows, Bruce could be tormented by these visions of what he could become with Joker constantly talking to him.

  • @Tea-Shart
    @Tea-Shart 5 місяців тому +7

    2:48 Panera Bread😂

  • @altalia07
    @altalia07 5 місяців тому +4

    I love Jason as the Knight, and I lovee thinking about alternate reveals. They definitely should've revealed him earlier or at least have Batman suspect something (maybe annoyed at himself he compares this mystery man to his presumed-dead son).
    I DO wish there were even more emotional scenes, I love stuff like that. And yeahh, Joker talking about Jason more and him as Robin flashbacks!! I also love his audio tapes. I wish soo much we got that big talk with Jason and Bruce.
    And I bet you'll get that 100k sub goal, your videos are fantastic.

  • @tobidaboss6000
    @tobidaboss6000 5 місяців тому +4

    Personally I never had an issue with the Arkham Knight, I mean we already knew who he was once we first saw him. But my biggest issue with the Arkham Knight was his boss fight, like seriously you grappling up on a gargoyle just to stop to him from shooting you just so Batman can say a few words to him. They could’ve done better with him especially when it’s revealed that he is Jason Todd. Like just imagine using all the skills and gadgets you used on every enemy in-game only for Jason to counter them all, it would’ve made his boss fight more immersive and extremely difficult.

    • @kwayneboy1524
      @kwayneboy1524 5 місяців тому

      I feel like we should've had Jason fight Bruce 3 times in game with him constantly matching your moves like if you throw a Batarang he will shoot it to pieces or if you use smoke bombs to flee then Jason's mask should have infrared vision to still be able to track you.
      Heck his toy has him duel wielding red Katanas so maybe have a sword battle with would be cool.

  • @Mvstheworld
    @Mvstheworld 5 місяців тому +2

    I remember Rocksteady saying that the Arkham Knight was a "new character". Alright... I think Paul Dini would have come up with something more interesting.

  • @Jasonnolastname
    @Jasonnolastname 3 місяці тому +1

    Did anyone notice at 2:45 it says "Panera Bread" instead of Panessa 💀

  • @darlingxluxii7977
    @darlingxluxii7977 5 місяців тому +3

    I agree. I didn’t have problem with Jason being the Arkham knight. I think it was such a cool idea. His design was so cool. Just I think they should reveal him early and actually spend time developing him as a threat of a villain and having that emotional connection between him and Bruce. They could have developed a lot of emotional scenes like the boss fight with him but I feel they just rushed him that’s why there was no connection and I guess why people felt let down by Jason’s character in the game. We needed more moments like his great tapes with oracle. Just really wished we get more of that because that really would make people connect to him and understand why he’s doing all this as the Arkham knight. ❤❤

  • @itsghostgamer16
    @itsghostgamer16 5 місяців тому +1

    I was lucky enough to be 11 years old when it came out and I never heard of Jason before. Never even heard of Red Hood at that point. Only Nightwing and Tim. So the reveal for me was quite cool but yes looking back on it, it’s just so………. Disappointing???? Also the Arkham Red Hood was my introduction to him and he has been my favorite comic character since.

  • @ryanyoung7494
    @ryanyoung7494 5 місяців тому +2

    Not having the torture scene might have been better it would take away from the elephant in the room

  • @theochabba8296
    @theochabba8296 5 місяців тому +2

    Maybe I'm being too nice with the game by saying that, but the fact that Jason tells Batman "You really have no idea, do you, Bruce ?" just before the "twist" kinda saves the way that the AK mystery was handled for me. It doesn't feel like a sentence that a character would say if the twist was supposed to make the player surprised and shocked. This and the Panessa Studios scenes feels like the game didn't want to treat that as a unpredictable thing for the player, but as a mystery that tortures Batman throughout the story.
    A lot of people knew who the AK was even before the game came out, but Batman still doesn't just before the reveal because he can't or refuse to imagine that Jason is somehow alive despite what he saw in Panessa Studios, so Jason turns his sentence almost like "Do I really need to tell you ?", like he would tell to the player and Batman.

  • @vigil7924
    @vigil7924 5 місяців тому +2

    Awesome video as always! I like how you brought up the idea of using the best of both worlds, and I think your ideas work very well.
    From what I've seen from other fans, it seems there are two groups. Some fans either don't mind the twist or were shocked by the twist, and the value of having Jason Todd in the game out weights any inconsistencies in the execution. For others, the character is an absolute disaster and one that is either extremely lame or disappointing, or both. I'm somewhere in the middle. I love that Jason is in this game, and I appreciate his inclusion but I also see the potential and realize that we could have gotten so much more.

  • @m5man
    @m5man 5 місяців тому +2

    6:26 Am I the only one who thought the floor was lego first?

    • @altalia07
      @altalia07 5 місяців тому

      Oh lmaoo i see it

  • @garfieldfan925
    @garfieldfan925 5 місяців тому +5

    The missions in Panera Bread were awesome though

    • @Billy-tn3ft
      @Billy-tn3ft 5 місяців тому +1

      Probably my favorite sequence in the game tbh

  • @jacobholly2096
    @jacobholly2096 13 днів тому

    I knew it was Jason when he called Bruce " Old Man" like in Batman under the red hood movie.

  • @Hawk-yq4ln
    @Hawk-yq4ln 5 місяців тому +2

    Idk, I think the execution was cool to me.
    But they could’ve had us explore a darker side of the Rocksteady’s Arkhamverse.
    Like, how Jason got caught and stuff and his torture.. all that led up to this post..
    I didn’t wanna read it, I wanted to experience it through gameplay

    • @blistow3519
      @blistow3519 5 місяців тому

      Agree honestly I think half the problems could be fixed if they had spent more time on the red hood dlc since Jason is one of the most important characters in this game would have been nice to have more than 30 minutes of extra content, obviously I get it’s the first dlc they made as is designed more as a cool small pre order bonus but maybe it should have been more the length of the batgirl one if not longer. Like image we got a dlc (or a whole game) about Jason we start as him as Robin we see him get captured we see the torture then we play as him escaping and the years between asylum and knight. Then you play as Jason through the events of knight when he’s the Arkham knight finally ending as him now as the red hood post night. That would have been cool and could have made a good dlc

  • @batmanarkham321
    @batmanarkham321 5 місяців тому +2

    I'm already subscribed weirdo. And i watch all your videos five times a day.

  • @jreaves17
    @jreaves17 5 місяців тому

    I agree for the most part because I think that if you reveal the Knight as Jason when Batman first meets him at Ace Chemicals, then it opened the game up to more conversations between them (such as if Jason slices into Batman’s comms and having him taught Batman throughout the game, especially after he kidnapped Barbara). They could’ve also had more cutscenes where Batman is begging Jason to talk and even a mini boss fight before the final fight between them. Then we would’ve gotten the relationship a lot more

  • @BatmanNoir
    @BatmanNoir 5 місяців тому +1

    me personally i loved the Arkham knight my friends that had no idea loved the plot twist and for me and the friends that knew loved how it played out

  • @djnorris1572
    @djnorris1572 2 місяці тому

    3:32 At least Arkham Knight found a way to fit it's title into the game. Arkham Origins on the other hand is just a prequel to the other games. The villains don't go to Arkham Asylum. They go to Blackgate.

  • @Zizivlogs123
    @Zizivlogs123 4 місяці тому

    For some ppl they might have shown the Jason torture scenes just because the joker in his mind was telling the story of what happened or it’s something batman has nightmares about and constantly remembers it because previously batman referee do Tim as Jason…. Either way joker is involved lol 😂

  • @Hallowpool193
    @Hallowpool193 5 місяців тому

    One thing I love about Arkham Knight is that all of us comic book experts knew it was Jason Todd but the average superhero fan (who isn't an expert) didn't so it was a surprise to them and I think that's what makes it so good

  • @djnorris1572
    @djnorris1572 2 місяці тому

    3:17 Great now you made me want to see that.

  • @charleslee8313
    @charleslee8313 5 місяців тому

    The BATS episode "Showdown" gave me the idea that perhaps Ra's Al Ghul had a son, and the son was more into training the men in the League Of Assassins, while Talia trained the women. The brother was willing to accept Batman into the family, but since both Ra's and Talia wanted Batman to someday take over the league... that drove him mad. Then having Batman fail to save Talia's life -- *that* totally made him snap.
    The writers of the game could have made a new character, and it's the son of Ra's, and folks would see it's a massive revenge plot.
    With that said, your video was a good idea. Just reveal it's Jason early on (probably before the Ace Chemicals explosion), and then build up the emotional beats from there. If only Paul Dini had written this, just as he wrote the first two Arkham games...

  • @BoosterLane
    @BoosterLane 5 місяців тому

    I always thought about the idea of Red Hood being the Arkham Knight’s Robin. Maybe have Tim being the one who has to fight Jason and reasoning with Jason in the end.

  • @Carol-sd7xb
    @Carol-sd7xb 5 місяців тому

    We all agree that the game lacked the interaction with the bat family. With Dick, Tim and Jason all being in Gotham along with Barbara during the events of AK, with Tim dating Barb and Jason returning after so many years, a lot had happened during the time when Jason was killed. Hence, it would have been so cool to see all the members of the bat family reuniting (maybe they could have hinted at the possible later addition of Damien, though that might be too much.) Especially since that never happened in the previous games. It was a similar case as the Dark Knight Rises where the expectations were very high after the success of Arkham City and hence there was a lot of pressure on the devs to replicate the success hence, they couldn't deliver properly. However, they did make up for it with their refined gameplay and the much better open world.

  • @aleisterleopold6229
    @aleisterleopold6229 Місяць тому

    They should have been called Red Hood from the start.

  • @xnet_cascade6257
    @xnet_cascade6257 3 місяці тому

    This is a very hot take, but I think the Arkham Knight should’ve been an older Damian Wayne instead of Jason. He would hate Batman because he would blame him for the death of his mother (Talia) and destroying the League. And he would know Batman’s identity and his abilities because Talia told him.

  • @stonebesilver
    @stonebesilver 2 місяці тому

    I can’t believe our boss battle with this character was a easy stealth concept when we should’ve had a deathstroke type arkham orgins boss battle 🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️

  • @baki484
    @baki484 5 місяців тому

    The game's tie-in novel states that batman knew it was was in denial (it's not Canon I know) but it gives us an idea of batman's thoughts for the events of the game.

  • @frankensteinsghost9281
    @frankensteinsghost9281 5 місяців тому

    Since joker is dead , I think scarecrow can fill the same role like in the under the red hood , where Jason betrays him threatens to kill him unless Batman stops him at the end

  • @djnorris1572
    @djnorris1572 2 місяці тому

    2:07 And joker revealed to be black mask in arkham origins ... I guess?

  • @gx_pro2277
    @gx_pro2277 Місяць тому

    He was fine it wasnt supposed to be a twist read between the lines
    As it was obvious the whole gsme was batman trying to find another person so that he didnt have to accept what eas right in front of him and then when jason took his mask off it was just confirming batmans fears it wasnt intended to be a twist and the boss fight was great a father trying to comfort his broken son

  • @logandothewarlock6043
    @logandothewarlock6043 5 місяців тому

    Personally I would have restructured the story as a whole, making the Arkham Knight a separate character from Jason. I think there's a way better story potential if the villains are laid out like this:
    -At the beginning of the game, establish the 3 key players as a group calling themselves The Scarred (or smth like that). This group consists of three villains who feel that Batman harmed them irreversibly in different ways: Scarecrow, Hush, and Red Hood. Each of the three serves a different role in conquering Gotham.
    -Red Hood, like in his original appearance, takes control of the gang/mob scene in Gotham, making them follow his rules in exchange for protection from the Batman by using his Militia. Hush gathers together all of the super-villains in Gotham while pretending to be Bruce Wayne, acting like Bruce has become a villain and promising to use his resources and wealth to fuel their escapades as long as they all get together and do a "favor" for him. This not only unites the villains but also destroys Bruce's reputation. Scarecrow essentially does the same thing as before and threatens to use fear toxin on all of Gotham. All 3 of these villains are working together and perform these things in the days leading up to Halloween. The Arkham Knight would be the mastermind behind the whole thing and in charge of "the scarred" and be hinted at as Batman investigates them and finds new Chronicles of Arkham throughout the city during the knight. After the 3 villains have been defeated (Red Hood choosing to join Batman and help him defeat Scarecrow and Hush) the Arkham Knight reveals himself to begin the final phase of the story. He claims to be the true spirit of Amadeus Arkham, who on the night of All Hallows Eve shall finally purge Gotham of the deranged degenerate filth that has plagued it for so long. At the climax, the Arkham Knight breaks into the GCPD lockup and is ready to kill all of the villains that Batman has conveniently grouped together for him (almost like the Knight knew it would happen like this). Batman, Robin, Nightwing, Azrael (who would have some kind of role in the main story) and all of the villains the player has captured (main story and sidequests) team up to take down the arkham knight who has brought an army of wonder city robots with him, some modified to be bulkier or have other power-ups. At the end, it's revealed that the Arkham Knight is himself a robot as well, created by the League of Assassins decades ago, but had the "soul" of Amadeus Arkham uploaded into him after he died. He worked with Ra's al Ghul and the League in implanting in Hugo Strange the idea of protocol 10, used some psycho-crap to control Quincy Sharpe (hence the supposed "schizophrenic delusion" he had of being the spirit of Arkham). Now that Ra's is dead (temporarily as always, but Amadeus was unaware of the events surrounding the Shadow War sidequest) he decided to step out of the shadows and purify Gotham once and for all, just like he and Ra's planned.
    Anyway that's just what I would have done, I know it's far from perfect but I feel it has more potential than the way the game handled it in the end. I still love Arkham Knight regardless and would totally keep the Joker hallucinations as imo that was the best part of the game and one of my favorite incites into Batmans character ever.

  • @Andrew-up3dr
    @Andrew-up3dr 5 місяців тому +1

    I think Jason should have been the Robin in the matter of family dlc, also I always thought it'd have been better if batman figured out it was Jason sooner possible after Barbara is taken but before she "dies" sometime within that part of the game

    • @djb9267
      @djb9267 5 місяців тому

      Batman deliberately chose to ignore the knight's identity. He didn't want to figure it out.

    • @GM-gb1eu
      @GM-gb1eu 5 місяців тому +2

      ​@@djb9267So why did he want Alfred to search for every possible identity? You are defending the plot hole that is undefendable.

    • @djb9267
      @djb9267 5 місяців тому

      @@GM-gb1eu Because, if Alfred found a Match, it wouldn't be jason. It would be someone entirely different.

  • @DukeChuggs
    @DukeChuggs 5 місяців тому

    I feel like the reason we care so much about arkham Jason Todd is because we haven't seen much of him

  • @VerdantRange
    @VerdantRange 3 місяці тому

    How I would have handled the Arkham Knight.
    I would have made it that the Arkham Knight would have been this universe's version of Lyle Bolton, AKA, Lock-Up.
    Hear me out.
    In this, Bolton would have been someone who was there all the way back as far as Arkham Origins as one of the guards at Blackgate who saw what happened with Croc at the beginning of the game as a failure of Batman's and a need for why the super criminals needs to be treated either more harshly or put down.
    After the events of Origins, he would transfer to work as security at Arkham Asylum, where his methods would draw the attention of Hugo Strange, who he believes would be onboard for his plans for the upcoming Arkham City, especially since Joker's actions that night resulted in over 100 people being killed.
    Once things get underway with the Arkham City project, Strange and Ra's start to see potential in Bolton and begin to mold him into what Ra's wants; someone who will do what Batman won't should Protocol 10 fail. Bolton starts being trained by the League of Assassins to become his tool to put an end to threats of Gotham and Batman, should he continue to refuse to follow Ra's path.
    Then, after the events of Arkham City, Ra's followers and what's left of Ra's begin a new plan to ultimately end the Batman as both a man and a symbol. They will break him down in front of the world and either have him cross his lines or destroy him. Bolton would despise Batman, seeing him as the reason why so much of Arkham's scum could cause death and destruction for so many years and now it's time for him to suffer for his failures to protect Gotham.
    But that's just me.

  • @nguyentuan469
    @nguyentuan469 5 місяців тому

    i would like a chacrater that have a grudge against Bruce Wayne be the AK. At the finale it will reveal that Jason was the one train the AK and manipulated him to become a big villian that batman force to kill. The reason why is like in the vid said "force batman to kill to see the error in his way"

  • @dariusfulmer4452
    @dariusfulmer4452 5 місяців тому

    The scene where that officer confronts the dude smoking in the back of the diner (Jason) I think if they revealed his face there everyone would be like oh it Jason! Even with the “J” on his face.

  • @CloudyK1ng
    @CloudyK1ng 5 місяців тому

    I think that when this game came out I knew it was him I just really didn’t want him to be, so I kept wiping it from my head and telling myself “it’s a new character, why would they go to such lengths for a character everyone would immediately guess. It’s too obvious”
    I am a fool in a man’s shoes

  • @clementine2234
    @clementine2234 5 місяців тому

    They should have made Jason Todd into Hush instead of arkham knight, it wouldnt have been guessed so easily

  • @Rhyciz
    @Rhyciz 5 місяців тому

    My idea to “fix” it (even though AK is my favorite Arkham game and I don’t have much of a problem) if it was to be a mystery would be to make no mention of Jason until after the reveal. Then dose Batman with some fear toxin and have him hallucinate the torture scenes, or do an Uncharted 4 type flashback where you play as Jason and escape the Asylum.

    • @blistow3519
      @blistow3519 5 місяців тому

      Or have it revealed early or something but Batman assumes it’s fear toxin messing with him
      I’m no great writer but could have it so not only is Batman seeing joker but he’s seeing his friends and family full around him randomly when he’s fighting thugs they suddenly start looking like Dick, Jason, Tim, Barbara, basically any of the batfamily Bruce would come to accept he’s seen these fear hallucinations so when the Arkham knight takes of the mask Bruce assumes it’s that again (or you could have Bruce see him take of the mask earlier in the game maybe when he’s watching the video of Barbara getting taken)

  • @gabrielcaesar4684
    @gabrielcaesar4684 4 місяці тому

    i saw that "panera bread" lmao

  • @MrMucus1980
    @MrMucus1980 5 місяців тому

    It took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out who he was, but once i got Jason Todd's Bio i compared it with the arkham knight and low and behold they had the same stats

  • @nemesisprime4501
    @nemesisprime4501 5 місяців тому

    Make him a bruce wayne clone as a way to explain his predictions of batmans every move

  • @gx_pro2277
    @gx_pro2277 5 місяців тому

    Would of been cool if you could see him spying on you like azrael in arkham city and then showing up in arkham knight

  • @unidentifiedtoast8076
    @unidentifiedtoast8076 5 місяців тому

    I played this game for the first time in grade 7 when I was 12, the twist was shocking to me, I remember my brother walking in on the Panessa studios part and him saying what if it is Jason Todd, I proceeded to tell him Jason is dead and he’s a dumbass.
    I am now in grade 12 and I’m 17. I’ve payed this game 9 times, city 4 time, asylum 3 time and origins once. As of now I am a huge dc fan.

  • @mikaelwilson8049
    @mikaelwilson8049 5 місяців тому +1

    4:30 you should use the face cam more

  • @roydennis1462
    @roydennis1462 5 місяців тому

    I thought Arkham Knight was going to end up being a Bruce clone from Amanda Waller…because Jason Todd was too obvious!

  • @habarenas1029
    @habarenas1029 5 місяців тому

    Either way They have made more better To see Jason Talk with Scarecrow in opening scene. I mean Jason Todd is my favorite Batfamily character, Honestly We never See Jason and Batman Talk about no killing rule. We could get Reveal from begin the game.

  • @Mrdreamer09
    @Mrdreamer09 5 місяців тому

    I usually don't comment a lot but I just wanna say , i really like your content , and to be honest I can't stop watching, even when I play arkham knight 😂😅

  • @bloodhound1182
    @bloodhound1182 3 місяці тому

    The game would've been better if they just flat out revealed who the Arkham Knight was to the audience but not to Batman. Dramatic Irony is a powerful tool and it's so good when executed well. Just take a look at Batman: Arkham Origins... The player knows DAMN well Bane won't be revealing Batman's identity by the end of the game, we know Alfred doesn't actually die during his "Death" scene, and WE KNOW that these 7 hired assassins aren't going to be able to kill Batman that night. However, what makes the game so good is that the player wants to know WHAT happens next?? HOW will Batman stop Bane from revealing his secrets?? HOW is Batman going to save Alfred and HOW does he cope with the fact that he almost lost his remaining father figure, and HOW is a Year 2 Batman going to face against the deadliest assassins Gotham has ever seen? Rocksteady really missed their opportunity

  • @Quenterro-tx4qy
    @Quenterro-tx4qy 5 місяців тому

    doesnt seem like they were trying to not make it obvious

  • @rynohogan
    @rynohogan 2 місяці тому

    And this is why I don’t play as him in knights

  • @JesudChavez
    @JesudChavez 5 місяців тому

    Also he looks so bad ass

  • @Beyond386
    @Beyond386 5 місяців тому

    Personally, I loved this character from day 1

  • @Clover_the_gun_slinger
    @Clover_the_gun_slinger 5 місяців тому

    I feel like arkham Knight is a great character. it's just that we all knew who it was

  • @djnorris1572
    @djnorris1572 2 місяці тому

    12:14 bru

  • @ReneAzizSuarez
    @ReneAzizSuarez 5 місяців тому +1

    i see no flaw in this video

  • @stephenthecreator_
    @stephenthecreator_ 5 місяців тому

    10:43 i thought the comics were canon?

    • @johnshrewsbury
      @johnshrewsbury 5 місяців тому

      Some are, some aren't. You kinda need to cherry-pick them. A lot of the Arkham City issues and stories line up perfectly with the game, as well as the in-game stories section. Others not so much.
      Arkham Knight's comics are non-canon for the most part. For one, they kill Bane in the comics where in-game all we hear is that he went back to Santa Prisca to kill all the druglords and corrupt. Two, in the comics, Captain Boomerang is killed by the white Deadshot. Since SSKTJL came out, the comic death isn't canon.

    • @blistow3519
      @blistow3519 5 місяців тому

      @@johnshrewsbury yeah you kind of have to work by the logic that the comics are canon unless the game contradicts that in which case that part of the comic isn’t canon but the overall narrative often is. Example pre knight the Arkham knight was recruiting and killing villains as part of the scarecrows plan in the comics he kills bane something that we know didn’t happen as the game says banes alive still so whilst Jason did go around hunting and killing criminals bane wasn’t one of them. the vague situation happens but not the exact details

  • @Deez561
    @Deez561 5 місяців тому

    Bateman Arkham knight

  • @DanielSolorzano_O2
    @DanielSolorzano_O2 5 місяців тому


  • @Robbo1043
    @Robbo1043 5 місяців тому


  • @confusedindividual
    @confusedindividual 5 місяців тому

    I can buy Jason Todd being the Arkham Knight. I don’t buy him being the militia leader. The Jason Todd in this game is emotional, high-strung, and hell-bent on killing Batman. He openly defies Scarecrow on multiple occasions for the sake of doing so. That man is not the man who spends what has to be years training and organizing a professional military force to conquer Gotham. This is what I liked about Deathstroke replacing Jason as the militia leader because that position suits his character to a T… boss fight notwithstanding.
    In my mind, the campaign would’ve worked much better with the following setups:
    1) Deathstroke is the militia leader throughout the entire campaign. He’s got his own history with Batman (I.e. Arkham Origins) to draw on and is smart enough to figure out enough about how Batman conducts himself to design and implement specialized training on how to neutralize him. Basically, he is capable of doing everything Jason does in the game - just in a calmer, more methodical fashion. If you give him a similar persona to the one he had in Teen Titans on top of all that, 🤌🤌
    2) Jason is a lone wolf chaotic neutral character that comes in to make life difficult for everybody in critical moments. On the one hand, he’s pissed at Batman for the same reasons he had in the original game and doesn’t hesitate to take shots at him when opportunities present themselves. In fact, what you can do is craft a series of encounters with Jason anytime the player does a side quest. To avoid becoming too predictable, it doesn’t always have to be at the end encounter with the villain of the quest. The point Jason is making is that Batman failed to save him simply because his way of doing things is too inefficient. He always has to keep everybody alive and always has to personally handle every little thing even if it means spreading himself too thin, wasting time, and presenting more vulnerabilities. Batman, are you seriously providing rooftop training sessions for Azrael in the middle of a hostile occupation with Barbara missing? On the other hand, since Jason is going to make this argument against Batman, he should practice what he preaches in between encounters. He’s not okay with the state of affairs either. So, the player encounters signs of Jason’s activities throughout the main story and side missions. You will hear thugs and militia talking about some gun-toting vigilante just ruining their business throughout the city. In a way, although he’ll never admit it, he’s helping Batman stay on task. You can be interrogating a Riddler informant when his head explodes mid-sentence due to Jason sniping him and when you go to chase him, he leads you to a militia outpost where your next main story objective is. When you’re in a fistfight against a group of militia, Jason takes a couple of potshots before leaving the last handful to you and dips. It all comes to a head when Robin is taken from Panessa Studios. Both Jason and Batman arrive around the same time in response to the security alert. The obvious choice is to work together to save Robin but Jason has to say it: he’s killing Scarecrow. If Batman disagrees, he’s killing him first. Any rationality Jason might have had prior to this point is gone. It was bad enough when Barbara was kidnapped before this but now, Jason is reliving his trauma from the outside looking in. Cue the boss fight of the century with fists, bullets, and emotional shots galore.

    • @djb9267
      @djb9267 5 місяців тому

      Jason only got emotional, when he was alone with bruce. Throughout the entire game, the knight was a tactical genius, explaining batman's tactics and teaching the milita how to counter them. The whole briefing in the headquarters was all because of him.

    • @confusedindividual
      @confusedindividual 5 місяців тому

      @@djb9267 I get that, but it just shows this massive divide between two different states of mind that I don’t buy coming from the same person. Even as Robin, Jason Todd was someone who lacked patience and would do things with reckless abandon. Combine those personality traits with six months of torture at the hands of the Joker and I highly doubt you end up with someone with the mental faculties to be a military leader. Meanwhile, Deathstroke is former military and a master tactician. Since he’s already going to be in the game, he should’ve been the one behind the militia from the start.

    • @djb9267
      @djb9267 5 місяців тому

      @@confusedindividual He was tortured by the joker for over a year. And jason told batman that he only concentrated on killing him. It's quite easy to see how a former Robin, who wants batman dead, can build an army with the help of the other criminals.
      Why do you dislike the knight's portrayal in arkham knight?

    • @confusedindividual
      @confusedindividual 5 місяців тому

      @@djb9267 I said it both times I posted. His motive doesn’t mix with his execution. He either doesn’t want to kill Batman like he says he does which is why he doesn’t immediately shoot him on several occasions. But then, he goes on tirades claiming the exact opposite. If I took everything Jason says and does in the game seriously, he becomes an angry child throwing tantrums at daddy Scarecrow because he’s not letting him immediately kill Batman at first opportunity. To me, that’s an even worse view on the character because, really? That’s who Batman is up against? Please. And it doesn’t change the fact this person is not a believable military leader.

  • @HappyRamenReviews
    @HappyRamenReviews 5 місяців тому

    Can you do the same thing with Arkham origins please @gothampaladin

  • @lilliamdominguezcastillo5711
    @lilliamdominguezcastillo5711 5 місяців тому +41

    Something I would’ve like that happened that’s not entirely unrelated is that, when we get the flashback sequence of Crime Alley, instead of Bruce finding his parents corpses AGAIN, he instead reminisces of the first time he met Jason back when he tried to steal the Batmobile’s tires
    Because one, it would take away the reoccurring memory of Bruce’s parents that I personally feel was really repetitive in the games, and two, we would see another hurtful memory of his
    Remembering the boy he he loved like a son, who made him laugh in the same place where he suffered his greatest tragedy and who he eventually lost
    I know it probably wouldn’t had changed the "twist ending" in the end, but it would’ve made for a nice change of pace

  • @Rclarke115
    @Rclarke115 5 місяців тому +8

    It probably would’ve been better if someone who’ve been tied to the Arkham bloodline to be the Arkham Knight who would blame Batman as to why the Arkham Legacy had been tainted, while Jason is established as Red Hood having a side quest with Harley Quinn as he tries to stop/kill her, officially putting Joker’s legacy to a close.

    • @kwayneboy1524
      @kwayneboy1524 5 місяців тому

      But there is no living members of the Arkham bloodline and even still they would have shallow reasons to hate Batman.

  • @acesworld320
    @acesworld320 5 місяців тому +11

    We should of gotten a full blown arkham knight boss battle like the deathstroke battle in origins

    • @SoyboyPeter
      @SoyboyPeter 5 місяців тому +1

      That would be an assassination of Batman’s character because he wouldn’t try to fight Jason in a melee. Going with a more strategic stealth boss fight was was the correct move.

    • @JamesKing-jv2kk
      @JamesKing-jv2kk 4 місяці тому +1

      @@SoyboyPeteridiot Batman fights red hood all the times😂

    • @SoyboyPeter
      @SoyboyPeter 4 місяці тому +1

      @@JamesKing-jv2kk This has very little to do with the Arkham games. Batman in Arkham Knight doesn’t try to engage in a melee fight with Jason. He’s trying reason with him.

    • @JamesKing-jv2kk
      @JamesKing-jv2kk 4 місяці тому +1

      @@SoyboyPeter doesn’t matter he still was fighting him in cutscenes

  • @Mike-fc9bx
    @Mike-fc9bx 5 місяців тому +16

    That dialogue between Barbara and Jason was really sad and the fact jason asks how Alfred is shows how much he cares for him and Barbara. Also it was the first time I’ve heard it even when I used to play AK

    • @kagura9663
      @kagura9663 4 місяці тому

      Hey bro i know its been 1 month but when did Jason talk to Alfred

    • @Mike-fc9bx
      @Mike-fc9bx 4 місяці тому +1

      @@kagura9663 hey man youre right about how long its been but he didn't speak to Alfred

  • @kingjb554
    @kingjb554 4 місяці тому +6

    Plot twists can either be a reveal for the audience, or a reveal for the characters. Its always interesting when the audience knows something the characters don't

  • @Arkhambatpro564
    @Arkhambatpro564 5 місяців тому +18

    A perfect example of revealing the villain early in the story is the tinkerer from miles morales, the twist was predictable and we all expected it and that's why they revealed her early to have more emotional scenes in the story and the final boss fight hitting so much harder after seeing all the happy moments they have shared! This is how the arkham knight should have been done!!!

    • @SoyboyPeter
      @SoyboyPeter 5 місяців тому +1

      No it definitely shouldn’t. Revealing the knight’s identity so early on would a terrible decision because it ruins the culmination of Batman’s arc of the game. The mystery of the Arkham Knight’s identity isn’t a main priority of the game. Batman asks Alfred to google search for possible suspects and that’s it. The primary is focus is discovery why the Arkham Knight holds a vendetta against Batman. The knight twist happened at the appropriate time.

    • @Arkhambatpro564
      @Arkhambatpro564 5 місяців тому +3

      @@SoyboyPeter if the knight was revealed early then the hallucinations we got would have been more powerful and throughout the game batman would wonder why Jason would go through all this trouble to kill him even going as far as to kill oracle, and in the hq instead of a "who are you" we could have gotten a "why, why jason" which would have been much more emotional and powerful

    • @SoyboyPeter
      @SoyboyPeter 5 місяців тому +1

      @@Arkhambatpro564 So I guess you completely ignored the part where it ruins the culmination of Batman’s arc in the game, the knight reveal serves as the culmination of Batman’s arc of the game, that being his fear of losing his allies.

    • @Arkhambatpro564
      @Arkhambatpro564 5 місяців тому +1

      @@SoyboyPeter but he already lost jason, or thought he did, batman's fear in Arkham knight isn't losing his allies, it's becoming the evil he had been fighting all these years, the fear toxin hallucination of Barbara's death only happens because scarecrow manipulates the situation to his liking which is why it happens in the penthouse and not the airships. Batman's arc in this game has nothing to do with the not knowing the Knight's identity, he just serves as some random mysterious figure who batman just wants to know who it is so he can understand how he was able to do all this, if the knight however was revealed early, batman would have a different arc where his fear of becoming evil would also be inforced by the fact that one of his allies has turned against and he would blame himself, it's a much more engaging narrative!

    • @SoyboyPeter
      @SoyboyPeter 5 місяців тому +1

      @@Arkhambatpro564 Or Batman is simply afraid of both turning into the joker and losing his allies. Learning Jason is still alive is learning point for Batman to put more faith in his allies. This wouldn’t have worked if the Arkham Knight revealed himself early.

  • @TehPrime
    @TehPrime 5 місяців тому +10

    Before the game came out, I liked to think of the Arkham Knight as a result of Scarecrow's Toxin, Batman's greatest fear; an unbeatable enemy, always one step ahead, who knows everything and anything about him, his tactics, his gear, and can instantly adapt to whatever Batman does. Plus, having an army that occupies Gotham, while negating Batman's way of fighting back, like the Road Blocks and Mines for the car or the Rooftop Checkpoints so that he can't use the buildings, even the Batwing is useless bc of the flying Drones, and even the GCPD can't help due to the Tanks. The dude thought of everything. And who could think of everything when it comes to dealing with Batman and his city? Noone, but Batman always was afraid of it!! His greatest fear, that Scarecrow's Toxin gave life to, is that he can't protect his own city because of this guy he can't defeat. And he's bearing the name of perhaps the most important place in Batman's mind: Arkham. The prison that was closesd off for so many years until the Joker first showed up and Blackgate almost collapsed. The place where Joker's "party" happened and he got infected, and then the city-wide prison that almost scarred Gotham and resulted in innocents being killed and his archnemesis dying (and bc of him in his mind). Even when Jason was revealed I still thought it was some kind of Fear Toxin trick.

    • @fatih8675
      @fatih8675 5 місяців тому

      Great explanationn👍

    • @bloodhound1182
      @bloodhound1182 3 місяці тому +1

      HOLY SHIT why is ur idea lowkey exponentially better

    • @TehPrime
      @TehPrime 3 місяці тому +1

      @@bloodhound1182 hehe thanks, I don't know, I thought it was natural, with Scarecrow being the main villain and all I thought it made sense to go that route

  • @youngtouss8854
    @youngtouss8854 5 місяців тому +7

    Crazy how its 2024 and you can still put the arkham series interesting even after the suicide squad flop

  • @dawudabdulali3827
    @dawudabdulali3827 5 місяців тому +5

    Another W vid, you always be making the beat vids about the Man Ham universe.

  • @BKF0308
    @BKF0308 5 місяців тому +5

    Man, I'm still honestly surprised you haven't made it to a 100k subs yet. I thought you had more than 200k by now. Your content is so good and you deserve many many more subs. You'll do it til the end of the year for sure

  • @UserName70-ee4fx
    @UserName70-ee4fx 5 місяців тому +7

    What if Scarecrow captured Jason and gave him the suit? The mask feeds him fear toxin to make Batman look like the Joker to him. As for the boss fight, I want Arkham Knight to actively hunt you with his own disruptor and smoke bombs. You have to beat him at stealth with some hand to hand combat mixed in.

    • @djb9267
      @djb9267 5 місяців тому +4

      Why would scarecrow hunt him down? How would crane even know about jason to begin with? The fear Toxin wouldn't work. It's üuplic knowledge that the joker died.

    • @UserName70-ee4fx
      @UserName70-ee4fx 5 місяців тому

      @@djb9267 I see what you're saying, but I was thinking he would get caught after trying to hunt down all of Gotham's rogues. Scarecrow could have made a new formula for fear toxin that is especially hard to break free from, and the Arkham Knight suit as a mockery of Batman

    • @djb9267
      @djb9267 5 місяців тому +1

      @@UserName70-ee4fx Jason's goal isn't to kill villains. He only wants batman to Die.

  • @blistow3519
    @blistow3519 5 місяців тому +5

    Image dialogue with nightwing with Bruce telling him Jason is alive.
    Or you play into the Bruce not trusting his family fully and dick learning it on his own when he encounters the knight and then goes to Bruce angry that he hide the fact Jason is alive

    • @kwayneboy1524
      @kwayneboy1524 5 місяців тому +3

      Heck maybe he can go all BTAS on him and have Nightwing punch Bruce in the face for keeping this from him.

    • @blistow3519
      @blistow3519 5 місяців тому +3

      @@kwayneboy1524 yeah exactly
      For me the other big issue with knight is that a lot of trailers sell it as a batfamily game but really they play a very small role and don’t interact with one another just Batman (trailer gave that cool shot of Batman Robin and nightwing together) by having Jason establish earlier it allows the batfamily to have a bigger role. Like I can totally see Dick learn it’s Jason hitting Bruce in anger kind of thing then he goes out on his own to try and find Jason and bring him back (maybe give an older brother dynamic) then you can have a Jason who’s angry at both Dick and Bruce A) for not saving him and B) Jason could be feeling “if the joker took him there perfect son you would have saved him wouldn’t you Bruce”. Similarly Jason and Tim can be given an interesting dynamic with Jason feeling replaced.

    • @kwayneboy1524
      @kwayneboy1524 5 місяців тому +3

      @@blistow3519 my point exactly in the trailer "All who follow you" we literally see Robin, Nightwing and Batman facing Arkham Knight's army yet in the game Robin spends all his time in a cell and Nightwing leaves Gotham despite everything that's happening like he feels so disconnected to the plot.
      I think they should've had Robin go rogue after breaking out and searching for Barbara only for you to play as him while fighting Jason who will capture you. Or have Nightwing help you during the cloud burst by having him drop bombs on tanks in the Batwing.
      Honestly the game feels like it rewards Batman for pushing everyone away from him.

    • @kwayneboy1524
      @kwayneboy1524 5 місяців тому +3

      @@blistow3519 I also feel like we should've had a final level in Arkham Asylum like have Crane force you to go through a gauntlet in the asylum as he saturates the air in fear gas while he streams it to Gotham.

    • @blistow3519
      @blistow3519 5 місяців тому +1

      @@kwayneboy1524 yes to all of that.
      I feel nightwing and Robin should have had similar campaign missions as catwoman in city (which would also mean both can be used in open world which would be awesome) obviously Batmans still the focus but they are still present and are crossing over both should have some kind of interaction with the Arkham knight and you could chuck in team up missions for some reason Robin and nightwing are at the same location at this point in the story so they team up (just like Batman does with both of them) and mostly there story’s stay the same Robin is trying to make a cure to joker blood maybe he has to go after a certain villain to get something let’s say copperhead or someone then after the Harley story part and Barbara gets taken he goes out on his own leading to his capture and nightwing is helping deal with the gangs and aiding the police on the streets which could allow us to see more of the gang agreements set up (trailers made it look like penguin and two face and Harley were gonna be working together a lot something that also isn’t in the game) so nightwing story can expand on that maybe ends with him trying to find Robin and being attacked by the knight but he gets away or something (as he is the most skilled Robin)
      And yes there should have been a playable bit in the asylum maybe in between the Batman hallucination bits we could have had Jason breaking into the asylum and taking down the guards leading to him freeing Bruce also would be cool if we got one of those team combat sections where Batman and red hood can team up (or/as well as Robin and red hood)

  • @lazurath1206
    @lazurath1206 5 місяців тому +1

    The more I've replayed this game, the more I've realized how whiny and annoying arkham knight is. He sounds like a child with a voice changer.

    @PLUTOXGOAT 5 місяців тому +3

    Dosent need fixing. The reveal makes perfect sense and was never meant to be a suprise, hence why they teased it.

    • @blistow3519
      @blistow3519 5 місяців тому +2

      I mean it kind of was by the marketing when they claimed it was this original unknown character but in the game yeah it’s mostly fine (personally I would have liked to see more reaction to it being Jason and what that means like imagine Bruce having to tell Dick that Jason was alive)

  • @dawsonjenkins4403
    @dawsonjenkins4403 4 місяці тому

    I feel the entire game didn't get the conclusions with the side missions and the main story each one it builds up to something then automatically changes the fight with Deathstroke he Deathstroke constantly talks about wanting a rematch to Arkham origins, but a fist fight then changes to a tank battle the fight between batman and the Arkham knight was a build up then changes to a stealth battle but anyway what made the Arkham knight not much of a villain was the usage like main villain is scarecrow but most of the game is focused on the Arkham Knight the game is long and there are a total of 5 or 6 scenes with scarecrow but yes I do agree that there was not much to the mystery and the reveal I don't think Jason Todd should've been revealed at the time it as but I also don't thing it should've happened earlier yes the torture scenes in the movie studios is a big give away to the reveal of who the Arkham Knight is I feel what would've been a good lead up was if the Arkham Knight scenes gave you little hints like with the reveal Batman says who are you and The Arkam Knight says you really have no Idea do you Bruce like making it seem like there have been hundreds of hints and stuff to who the Knight is and when you find out who it is you get a 2 minute conversation and that's all so Its not bad just could've been handled better

  • @vache7
    @vache7 3 місяці тому

    I genuinely love the game, but i agree, Jason's reveal wasn't done well, I personally think he should've been revealed mid way through the story so there's some mystery maybe but i don't know, great video!

  • @neffyboy
    @neffyboy 5 місяців тому +1

    If Jason was revealed as the Arkham Knight earlier, the video of Joker "killing" Jason would have been brought up more. Remember, Jason said he was held in the asylum for over a year, and his armor was still good enough after all of that time to help Jason survive Joker's "killing" shot.

    • @kwayneboy1524
      @kwayneboy1524 5 місяців тому

      I feel it if they planned out the story right they should've had Bruce hallucinate Jason's torture during Asylum.

  • @MobiusTrigger7
    @MobiusTrigger7 5 місяців тому +1

    arkham knights story isnt as good as people think now. and thats perfectly fine its a comic book story it doesnt need to be amazing

  • @nicholasnielsen251
    @nicholasnielsen251 5 місяців тому

    Only thing I hated about the game was that stupid Batmobile giant mine shaft industrial fan mission.
    That was so boring

    • @blistow3519
      @blistow3519 5 місяців тому

      Fair. For me I hated the marketing, it made it seem like the game was gonna be a lot more about the batfamily and that Dick, Tim and others would play bigger roles (something that in retrospective would be awesome with the main villain being a ex batfamily member coming back for revenge) but sadly that obviously wasn’t the case and the batfamily were left with rather minor roles.
      Like imagine if nightwing and robin had their own campaign missions in knight (like catwoman did in city) and we got to see a few different narratives of the same night maybe get stuff like dick learn Jason’s alive and Robin starting to become more of his own hero independently of Batman. I think that would have been cool and the trailer made me think they were gonna do something like that

  • @etabiansosin
    @etabiansosin 5 місяців тому

    Batman: Arkham Legacy would've been a better title for The Arkham Knight Game.

  • @callmejacob3234
    @callmejacob3234 5 місяців тому

    I think people miss the point of Batman: Arkham Knight it was never about the Arkham Knight it was about Joker taking over Batman's mind. My boy really went through it in that game I felt bad for the guy.

  • @SinglePlayer29
    @SinglePlayer29 5 місяців тому

    Nah, this idea makes sense. I also like the idea that Jason adopts and has Damian Wayne as a Robin

  • @sindeviltrigger9268
    @sindeviltrigger9268 5 місяців тому

    I knew it was jason todd when they annouced the red hood story pack as a pre-order bonus.

  • @rodarollada
    @rodarollada 5 місяців тому

    Yes, I can't wait for SSKTJL to launch so I can finally play it!!! Waiting is torture!!! At this point, I had been waiting for another Rocksteady game for almost 9 years.
    Regarding the Arkham Knight topic, I agree with you. It would be more interesting if the reveal was at the beginning of the game.

    • @djb9267
      @djb9267 5 місяців тому

      The suicide squad game is already out. You can go ahead and buy it now.

  • @Lord-Emperor-Vader
    @Lord-Emperor-Vader 5 місяців тому

    2 things 1 how did this take about 2 months to get out this does not seem over complicated to make and it seems yo intended to release this shortly after Suicide Squads release and 2 you don't seem like an intergalactic criminal so I don't think you lick door knobs

  • @Dagger722
    @Dagger722 5 місяців тому

    imma be honest. You shouldn't have did a face reveal. I enjoy your voice without the face as I watch gameplay as i'm listing to your voice during your video. But now since I seen your face, I don't have that enojyment anymore.

    • @Hawk-yq4ln
      @Hawk-yq4ln 5 місяців тому

      Really broski?

    • @Clover_the_gun_slinger
      @Clover_the_gun_slinger 5 місяців тому

      That's a mid ass take tbh

    • @Hawk-yq4ln
      @Hawk-yq4ln 5 місяців тому +1

      @@Clover_the_gun_slinger I mean, it’s just kinda rude

    • @Clover_the_gun_slinger
      @Clover_the_gun_slinger 5 місяців тому +2

      @@Hawk-yq4ln yeah,and it isn't helped by the bloody horrendous spelling

    • @batmanarkham321
      @batmanarkham321 5 місяців тому

      So shocking!!! I thought he was a talking turtle.