Every RCT Classic Flat Ride in REAL LIFE

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @dustmybroom288
    @dustmybroom288 2 роки тому +113

    The 3D cinema was probably inspired by Science World in Vancouver Canada. It contains an omnimax theatre located in a dome just like the one in the game with a two story base underneath. It was built to be part of the Vancouver expo in 86

    • @JNattyBoi
      @JNattyBoi  2 роки тому +41

      Nice call out, I think you’re right. The resemblance is pretty strong

    • @unexpected2475
      @unexpected2475 2 роки тому +10

      Lightly related fun fact: there's a very similar theatre to the 3D Cinema in the Ontario Science Centre in Toronto. It doesn't have the base and it's half-submerged in concrete but it does look rather similar.

    • @dustmybroom288
      @dustmybroom288 2 роки тому +6

      I live in Vancouver so I am familiar with the building

    • @alexgeorge501
      @alexgeorge501 2 роки тому +2

      I got to see a few films at the Omnimax theater at the Ontario Science Center back in I was in elementary school

    • @nolifenerdwhohasnevergotten
      @nolifenerdwhohasnevergotten 2 роки тому +4

      Given that the Cinesphere in Toronto is the original IMAX theatre, it's likely that the 3D Cinema in the game was based off of it.

  • @MichaelfromtheGraves
    @MichaelfromtheGraves 2 роки тому +37


  • @Soonjai
    @Soonjai 2 роки тому +17

    A (sad) correction to the "Flying Shark" ride from Hansa Park: It is defunct since the end of the 2018 Season and was removed from the Park. I don´t know though if it was scrapped back then or if someone bought it.

  • @Jess-jg4hw
    @Jess-jg4hw 2 роки тому +10

    Long time fan of rct and theme parks in general here and this is my first time finding out my local theme parl is the inspiration for the crooked house. Thats actually incredibly neat.

  • @JD3Gamer
    @JD3Gamer Рік тому +2

    A flat ride that was omitted from the game that is strange to me is the Tilt-a-Whirl. That ride was a go to for my mom and I at county fairs and also Valleyfair has one.

  • @zuper1133
    @zuper1133 2 роки тому +2

    the snow cups ride still operates at Santa's village in east Dundee Illinois

    • @JNattyBoi
      @JNattyBoi  2 роки тому

      You're right! Although from what I've heard it's missing the snowman in the middle which is a bit of a shame

  • @DogsRNice
    @DogsRNice 2 роки тому +43

    The haunted house apparently has the pagoda like shape so it can be recognized quickly no matter what angle it's being viewed from

    • @Cr4z3d
      @Cr4z3d 2 роки тому +1

      Funny meeting you here Dogs (it's Dugglet)

  • @AG7-MTM
    @AG7-MTM Рік тому +1

    Correction: The "Canoes" Ride DOES actually have a real life theme park counterpart, Davy Crockett's Explorer Canoes at Disneyland! I should also mention the "Italian Police" Twister reskin also partially resembles the HUSS Breakdance 3 (and actually uses the same theming!)

  • @TS_Mind_Swept
    @TS_Mind_Swept Рік тому +4

    It's funny you said flat rides are easy for fans of the industry to overlook, because my favorite ride at Knott's Berry Farm used to be their HOOss Top Spin before they removed it..

  • @Ericairline
    @Ericairline 2 роки тому +6

    There’s an observation tower at Hershey Park in Pennsylvania. There’s a spiral slide at Knoebels Grove in Pennsylvania.

    • @JNattyBoi
      @JNattyBoi  2 роки тому +2

      This is true! Knoebels has one of the few stateside spiral slides as far as I'm aware

  • @RmsDome
    @RmsDome 2 роки тому +13

    Can I just say… your attention to detail on these videos is incredible. You are talented!

  • @PhilipMurphy8Extra
    @PhilipMurphy8Extra 2 роки тому +4

    This is a great suggestion by UA-cam to me on a Saturday night.

  • @omn30
    @omn30 2 роки тому +3

    3:14 "...to London," *shows image of Las Vegas ferris wheel*

    • @JNattyBoi
      @JNattyBoi  2 роки тому +1

      Awfully sorry to all the Londoners out there for that mistake

  • @CheesecakeMilitia
    @CheesecakeMilitia 2 роки тому +24

    This is beyond fantastic - you're really digging into the obscure crap I've never heard of before. And I also love the park designs you use to showcase the flats - some (like the Dodgems) feel so natural I had to do a second take wondering if they were in the vanilla scenarios.

    • @JNattyBoi
      @JNattyBoi  2 роки тому +3

      Thanks so much! I spent more time than I probably should have trying to find the right scenarios to showcase each ride, glad to hear someone appreciated it haha

  • @thequestcube
    @thequestcube 2 роки тому +3

    The haunted house is very similar in resemblence to the phantom manor attraction in disneyland paris

  • @LexEllis
    @LexEllis Рік тому +1

    I LOVE how much detail you put into these, talking about the dates of release, where the rides were released, and interesting facts such as mechanical failures and such

    • @JNattyBoi
      @JNattyBoi  Рік тому +1

      Thanks so much! Glad to hear others also find those details interesting

    • @LexEllis
      @LexEllis Рік тому

      @@JNattyBoi Booted up OpenRCT2 again, you got me in the mood! haha

  • @WoddCar
    @WoddCar 2 роки тому +30

    I’m sure glad this video shed light on the super rare marry go round, I’ve always wanted to know where Chris sawyer got the idea to include this super obscure ride

    • @DoritoTime
      @DoritoTime 2 роки тому +4

      The RCT version of “Mario confirmed for the new Smash Bros”

  • @Happymali10
    @Happymali10 2 роки тому +6

    Small note: The "Flying Shark" at Hansapark was sadly removed a few years ago and ended up at the scrapyard. The park cited unreasonable cost for making spares (no more manufacturer support) and relatively high "hunger" for electricity as the reason, esp. with newer, better rides also wanting that tasty power at the small park. So it unfortunately is a thing of the past, there's nothing left.
    Adding insult to injury it wasn't replaced with anything, the ride-area is just empty, no new ride there.

    • @JNattyBoi
      @JNattyBoi  2 роки тому +3

      Ah that's a shame, I was indeed unaware. Sad to see so many Huss ride models being removed in recent years

    • @Happymali10
      @Happymali10 2 роки тому +1

      @@JNattyBoi HansaPark had a lot of rare/odd rides that got taken out in recent years unfortunately. The flying shark, the Bell, ElPaso Express, the starflyer...

    • @KnightOfKnights
      @KnightOfKnights Рік тому

      ​@@Happymali10 I missed taking a ride on my last visit before removal. Also really missing the Sturmvogel 😢

  • @bretton_woods
    @bretton_woods 2 роки тому +2

    I live near Adventure Island and I remember the Crooked House before the new paint job/updates, or should I say I remember the 1990's version. Ultra creepy animatronics and stairwells you could barely fit through! Good memories.

    • @FireWalkWithMe91
      @FireWalkWithMe91 Рік тому

      All I remember is a creepy animatronic covered with fake shaving foam, it used to terrify me!

  • @Gigidag77
    @Gigidag77 2 роки тому +7

    Heide Park used to have a lot of duplicate rides for some reason. The observation Tower was called "Observation Tower 1" because they also had an "Observation Tower 2" that was build later. Tower 2 was later modified to the gyro drop tower "Scream" and I think that's when they also renamed Tower 1 to "Panorama Tower "
    The Enterprise in RCT1 & 2 however is modelled after the ones build by Anton Schwarzkopf, NOT the Huss variant. ;)
    The "Flying Shark" in Hansa-Park Germany has been demolished a few years back unfortunately.

    • @UwePieper
      @UwePieper 2 роки тому +4

      Heide Park bought all attractions from some other park that failed. Lets all give a second to remember Wildwasserbahn 2. It had an awesome drop - and aweful name.

    • @martijn9568
      @martijn9568 Рік тому +2

      ​@@UwePieper Wildwasserbahn 2 is just a beautiful name. Why else do all RCT players name their rides in similar ways😉

  • @jasond.b-w
    @jasond.b-w Рік тому

    I’m a brand new RCT2 player, but in my quest to learn how to build scenery, I’ve absolutely fallen in _love_ with flat rides. They and stalls give my big buildings purpose and generate more money to continue elaborating them. A lot of flat rides are easy to hide in structures with a ceiling, and the ones that can’t are usually able to be incorporated into the design itself (like the ferris wheel and 3D theatre.) I love that I can make a somewhat ‘pretty’ park that’s still functional and not just full of coasters (which I’m still not so sure how to make.)
    Having never been to a park before irl-I just like looking at them and learning about roller coaster history-it’s so interesting gettin to see where all these rides come from!

  • @ryans413
    @ryans413 Рік тому +1

    The classic RCT is so good and very simple to understand I can spend hours playing the game. Something about the graphics and the fixed camera angles makes it very appealing and fun.

  • @Wembley2018
    @Wembley2018 Рік тому

    7:56 Fun fact about that one in the UK. The was another one called the Pepsi Max Drop inside London Trocadero which was a massive arcade owned by SegaWorld London. It was meant to be built in the summer of 1997 and be the 1st indoor free-fall ride in the world but due to delays was built in March 1998. Sadly like all things it was removed in 2002 due to the costs of it and the arcade craze slowly dying off in 2022 I think the whole arcade was closed down

  • @iseneau27
    @iseneau27 2 роки тому +21

    I'm not sure if the Top Spin in RCT was inspired by the Huss Top Spin. To me, it seems like it was taken inspiration of the very rare NA Superrides Top Spin. This model populated UK fairs exclusively. It was build because Huss Top Spins weren't a good match for the british fair circuit, as fairs in britain usually last much shorter than fairs in other countries.
    Very nice video though. I'm very glad to see this kind of content as well. I also didn't know that, next to Giovanola, so many other famous swiss ropeway engineers worked for Intamin.

    • @JNattyBoi
      @JNattyBoi  2 роки тому +10

      Ah you’re probably right about the Top Spin. Didnt research that one too extensively as my mind immediately went to Huss.
      Glad you enjoyed the video!

  • @TheHylianBatman
    @TheHylianBatman 2 роки тому +9

    As always, an excellent, excellent video!
    This video leaves me with two conclusions:
    1. Flat rides are the most devilish, since their whole goal is "spin/move in one specific way", and THAT's what makes me motion sick!
    2. The German amusement park and fair circuit must be INSANE.
    A shame you brought up California's Great Adventure, since they're closing soon.
    Ah, well. At least, like RCT, we'll have it in memory forever!
    Thanks so much for the series!! I can't wait to get into the stands and such! I always look forward to every upload!

    • @Soonjai
      @Soonjai 2 роки тому +6

      As a German, I feel like that our fair circuit was at it´s most insane in the 90´s and early 00´s. Don´t get me wrong, it´s still great, but the most insane rides we had where too short lived, sometimes only build once and ultimately too complicated to maintain and / or too expensive to travel with. Like the Schwarzkopf Sound Factory. Or rides where sold to various Parks around the World, like the Inverted Eurostar Coaster or Thriller from Schwarzkopf (aka Texas Tornado from Astroworld). At this point, I´m honestly surprised that Olympia Looping is still travelling and wasn´t sold to a Park decades ago.

    • @martijn9568
      @martijn9568 2 роки тому +1

      @@Soonjai I think we can be glad that no theme park has been willing to bid enough money for it.

    • @JNattyBoi
      @JNattyBoi  2 роки тому +1

      Thanks HylianBatman! Agreed that the German fair circuit looks phenomenal, really hope I get to experience it one day. It's genuinely disappointing going to fairs in the states knowing what their true potential is (looking at you Olympia Looping).
      Thanks for supporting this series since day 1!

    • @TheHylianBatman
      @TheHylianBatman 2 роки тому

      ​@@JNattyBoi Gladly, I'll support as long as I can!
      We ought to start a crowdfunding campaign to get you to a German fair! Hahahaha!

  • @unexpected2475
    @unexpected2475 2 роки тому +2

    Once again, back with another eagerly anticipated upload. Hell yeah!

  • @triple7marc
    @triple7marc 2 роки тому +3

    4:52 The California carousel is one foot taller :)

  • @pharmeiga
    @pharmeiga 2 роки тому +21

    So, given how thorough you've been in the videos. I'm surprised there was no mention about the Launched Freefall being called the "Whoa Belly" in US RCT1.
    I'd love to know the origin of that name.
    At least "Scambled Eggs" somewhat made sense since the real rides are usually called "Scamblers".
    The Top Spins were also called "Gravitrons", which is an entirely different type of ride in real life.

    • @unexpected2475
      @unexpected2475 2 роки тому +8

      According to Urban Dictionary, Whoa Belly is the sensation of your stomach lifting when you crest a hill or do something similar on an amusement ride. How reliable this is, I don't know, but it makes *some* degree of sense.

    • @jefffinkbonner9551
      @jefffinkbonner9551 2 роки тому +4

      I absolutely remember them being called the Whoa Belly. I rename every twist and launched freefall their proper names Scrambled Eggs 1 and Whoa Belly 1. Then everything is right with the world.

    • @JNattyBoi
      @JNattyBoi  2 роки тому +6

      @pharmeiga Nice callout, I completely forgot it was originally named "Whoa Belly." Absolutely hilarious name. Unfortunately I'm just as clueless as to why it was named that in the US RCT1

    • @jefffinkbonner9551
      @jefffinkbonner9551 2 роки тому +2

      @@JNattyBoi “Whoa Belly 1 looks too intense for me!”

    • @CTGrell
      @CTGrell 2 роки тому +2

      omg I forgot about that

  • @nightcaller92
    @nightcaller92 2 роки тому +4

    Pretty cool video! I like hearing about RCT's connections to and inspirations from the real world amusement industry. Also, Busch Gardens Williamsburg is my favorite theme park, though I haven't been there in a while on account of recent world events, so this is the first I've heard about Da Vinci's Cradle being defunct

  • @MickanMansRCTStation
    @MickanMansRCTStation 2 роки тому +3

    Another fantastic video! Super interesting and extremely well put together as usual!

    • @JNattyBoi
      @JNattyBoi  2 роки тому +1

      Thanks man! Glad you got the chance to check it out :)

  • @garyskippracing
    @garyskippracing 2 роки тому +2

    Hey! It’s me, being annoying! Haha. Thanks dude ❤

    • @JNattyBoi
      @JNattyBoi  2 роки тому

      Hahaha the annoyance displayed in the video was all theatrics - really appreciate you calling the Boat Hire out, it gave me the push I needed to find a way to include in one of these videos

  • @michaelacosta9204
    @michaelacosta9204 2 роки тому +4

    3:15 That's not London!🤣😂

  • @Doofaraine
    @Doofaraine Рік тому +1

    This is super interesting!! Some surprising references

  • @jimmy3people0
    @jimmy3people0 2 роки тому +2

    oh hell yeah, been waiting for this for months. can't wait to see the RCT3 follow-up - they put some _real_ deep cuts in there.

    • @JNattyBoi
      @JNattyBoi  2 роки тому +3

      Making the RCT3 follow-up was one of the main reasons why I was so excited to make this video, they added so many insane flats to that game. Thanks for the comment!

  • @bjtgaming
    @bjtgaming 2 роки тому +6

    The legend is back :)

  • @devo94
    @devo94 2 роки тому +6

    I think the Inverted looping ship might be a Weber traumboot model instead of the HUSS ones, Weber has other designs for the ships that look more like the ones in the game.
    The Enterprise also looks more like a Schwarzkopf to me, especially looking at the point where the structure is attached at the base.
    Nice video overall, really awesome to see people researching flatrides.
    Next up all flatrides in rct3? Looking forward to it!

  • @KyaneTiger
    @KyaneTiger 2 роки тому +1

    Omg you actually did it. I remember commenting on the last video to do flat rides and you did it. Thank you. Hopefully you have a RCT 3 version lined up as well lol.

  • @samueldionne9675
    @samueldionne9675 2 роки тому +2

    Excellent and informative video!

  • @ThatEverydayEnthusiast
    @ThatEverydayEnthusiast Місяць тому

    11:25 That’s actually a picture of the one in Illinois that I’ve been on. As of right now, it is still very much operational.

  • @nrdesign1991
    @nrdesign1991 2 роки тому +1

    0:13 This ride is unfortunately gone now. It was a classic at Hansa Park Sierksdorf.

  • @dustanglx50
    @dustanglx50 3 місяці тому +1

    11:45 Geauga Lake in Ohio had a Top Spin called the Texas Twister in 1993

  • @fo-ef8qo
    @fo-ef8qo 2 роки тому +3

    Space Rings and Motion Simulator make me think more about Science Museum uncharge attractions more than theme park attractions (although the motion simulator is a storied theme park attraction, the model used on game looks like what you'd find in an Air and Space Museum). Love these vids! great job!

  • @Upndouin
    @Upndouin Рік тому +1

    In the UK it is very common to still see Circuses in big events like Winter Wonderland or Shocktoberfest for halloween. I love that you can find them throughout the year.

  • @daltontorre5307
    @daltontorre5307 2 роки тому +1

    The motion simulator ride is really similar to the VR Voyager that used to operate at Dutch Wonderland in Lancaster, PA. It was manufactured by Flight Avionics in Scarborough England (so I'm sure it had a UK counterpart). But their nearly identical, most notable the shape, front windshield, and exposed, hydraulic base.

    • @JNattyBoi
      @JNattyBoi  2 роки тому +3

      Definitely agree that there's some resemblance, but I think the in-game model bears a much stronger resemblance to the Venturer Motion Rides - here's a stock photo (that I couldnt use in the video) showing a Venturer simulator that looks identical to the one in the game: www.alamy.com/stock-photo-venturer-motion-ride-simulator-16648382.html

  • @alexgeorge501
    @alexgeorge501 2 роки тому +1

    thanks for sharing another great video with us, see you next time when you cover the shops and stalls and have yourself a Merry Christmas!

  • @MattsMovieMadness
    @MattsMovieMadness 2 роки тому +3

    This is a really entertaining and informative video! I’ve always wondered what inspired these rides

  • @simplextm
    @simplextm Рік тому

    knoebels has a spiral slide :D Love that you mentioned Knoebels a couple of times also.

  • @ce7.0
    @ce7.0 2 роки тому +2

    Were Space Shots / launched freefalls ever called Whoa Bellys anywhere irl like they were in RCT1?

  • @linux_doggo
    @linux_doggo Рік тому

    the research chris sawyer and simon foster did for these games is just mindblowing, some of these are so obscure i wouldnt even think to look for them

  • @alaeriia01
    @alaeriia01 2 роки тому +1

    And now it is time to do the RCT3 rides.
    EDIT: yes the popcorn stall from Canobie Lake Park appeared. This makes me happy.

  • @syncRamon
    @syncRamon 2 роки тому +1

    Lovely videos :) new sub here
    13:24 I'd love to see a rtc2 and rct3 version :)
    Oh! And maybe a "most iconic parts"-collection of each game (as you called out schwarzkopf for rtc1 such)

  • @DangerHuub
    @DangerHuub Рік тому

    Great video, as are the others in this series :) regarding the haunted house, I always figured the Phantom Manor at Disneyland (Paris?) was the inspiration.

  • @RoshFragger
    @RoshFragger 2 роки тому +3

    Love the nostalgic content! ❤

  • @PaulCashman
    @PaulCashman 2 роки тому +1

    Really enjoyed this look at flat rides, the unsung heroes of amusement parks!
    I'm lucky to live near one of only three remaining five-across carousels in the world, the Riverview Carousel at Six Flags Over Georgia (built in 1908 and later moved from Chicago to SFoG). It's not often you get to ride on something that is listed on the National Register, and of course, one of the horses is haunted. :)
    As for spiral slides, the one located near the entrance to the Georgia Renaissance Festival looks exactly like the game version, even down to the default colors. Since it was built not long after the game came out, it's possible it was designed and painted to match the game, making life imitate art.

  • @kotchapakmaneechote2062
    @kotchapakmaneechote2062 3 місяці тому

    7:59 Didn't know you also mentioned PlayStation: The Ride, I've first heard this in Theme Park Crazy's sponsored rides video.

  • @tylerbennett5989
    @tylerbennett5989 2 роки тому

    There's an amusement park here in Pennsylvania called Knoebels Amusement Resort that has a sky slide and it looks just like the one on roller coaster tycoon and not only that Knoebels still uses fashioned ticket

  • @rangermansgaming7717
    @rangermansgaming7717 Рік тому +1

    13:06 think more ones in Colorado in Denver lake

  • @Faulty720
    @Faulty720 Рік тому

    I used to go in the Crooked house as a kid with my dad :) Moet times I go back to Adventure Island for their new rides I sometimes still have a go through the crooked house, it's still there and it's still open with a water marker quite a way up the building from a flood over 30 years ago

  • @JayLS
    @JayLS 2 роки тому +1

    Love this, great work!
    I think the Top Spin was based more on the Fabbri models, which were a regular at UK fairs back in the 90s.

    • @JNattyBoi
      @JNattyBoi  2 роки тому +1

      Thank you! Someone else pointed this out as well, I admittedly didn't do as much research on the Top Spin as my mind immediately went to Huss. Thanks for the comment!

  • @kenepo4u496
    @kenepo4u496 2 роки тому +1

    Can you do a deep dive into both Thrillville games? I want to see the origin of their unique flat rides.

  • @craigauclair4026
    @craigauclair4026 2 роки тому

    I remember the Launched Free fall being called Whoa Belly in RCT1, and the Top Spin being called Graviton in it as well.

  • @jaovitorbecker1302
    @jaovitorbecker1302 2 роки тому

    I love how the Italian Police Ride in RCT2 is very similar to HUSS Breakdance 4 or Rodeo, even though the cars aren't taxi themed cars but yellow Fiat 500.

  • @Kriistiee
    @Kriistiee 2 роки тому +1

    The Observation Tower looks just like the Polo Tower at Morcambe's now defunct Frontier Land, Lancashire(UK)

    • @JNattyBoi
      @JNattyBoi  2 роки тому

      That tower is actually the same tower as the one from Blackpool in the video! It was relocated from Blackpool to Frontierland in 1993 to make room for the Big One

  • @TheJFish94
    @TheJFish94 2 роки тому +3

    3:15-that's not London, that's Vegas!

    • @JNattyBoi
      @JNattyBoi  2 роки тому +3

      Dang, my bad. You are 100% right, must’ve used the wrong photo

    • @jefffinkbonner9551
      @jefffinkbonner9551 2 роки тому +2

      @@JNattyBoi “That’s no moon…”

  • @jaovitorbecker1302
    @jaovitorbecker1302 2 роки тому

    Here in Brazil we had a very similar ride to the RCT2 3D Cinema, the Magic Motion, formerly known as Cine 2000 located on the former Playcenter park, in São Paulo. Over the nearly's 40 years of the park's operation (1973-2012), many films have been shown at the attraction, including "Street Luge" and "Himalamazon". I think that both videos can be found here on UA-cam.

  • @MattPerk7
    @MattPerk7 2 роки тому +1

    The snowball ride still operates at Santa's Village in East Dundee Illinois I believe

    • @JNattyBoi
      @JNattyBoi  2 роки тому

      You're right! Although from what I've heard it's missing the snowman in the middle which is a bit of a shame

  • @johnfoltz8183
    @johnfoltz8183 2 роки тому +2

    Boat Hire 1 has broken down.

  • @RebeccaLRodgers2024
    @RebeccaLRodgers2024 Рік тому

    There was a Double decker observation tower at Seaworld Orlando in the 80’s/90’s as well

  • @markdebruyn1212
    @markdebruyn1212 2 роки тому +2

    One thing i never understood is why there is no Wave Swinger in the classic games, as nearly every park has one

    • @TheExileFox
      @TheExileFox 2 роки тому

      I believe it's missing because of the "mini suspended coaster" being some sort of stand-in for it.

  • @vincugames
    @vincugames 2 роки тому +3

    Finally he is back with a banger again!

  • @jakelater596
    @jakelater596 Рік тому +1

    bro I turned on my UA-cam notifications just so I can ring that bell

  • @Bababoey3333
    @Bababoey3333 8 місяців тому

    Gravity Gardens: "Why would you need sides with your steak?"

  • @zkzk268
    @zkzk268 2 роки тому +1

    looking forward to see RCT3's flat ride in real life

  • @nameless5413
    @nameless5413 2 роки тому +1

    Oddly enough i recall paddle swan boats from just a normal non park related river boat hires in 90s.
    but i guess Chris would likely base his rides on what he withnessed locally or on his post TT(dL) success tour of funfares so unlikely he'd come here.

  • @kyleh698
    @kyleh698 2 роки тому +1

    I really enjoyed this

  • @RebeccaLRodgers2024
    @RebeccaLRodgers2024 Рік тому

    Simulator also was at Epcot center in the 80’s/90’s known as Body Wars

  • @chatniortais8465
    @chatniortais8465 2 роки тому +1

    nice video for nice research
    thanks for the video !

  • @ElleCee62978
    @ElleCee62978 2 роки тому +1

    The Haunted House looks like one that was on Morey’s Pier in the 80s.

  • @ThrillSeekersandHellRaisers
    @ThrillSeekersandHellRaisers 2 роки тому +1

    There were also a few schwarzkopf enterprise's most notably at the Marriotts great Americas.

    • @JNattyBoi
      @JNattyBoi  2 роки тому

      Good callout, probably should've mentioned Schwarzkopf there. According to Wikipedia, they were the first manufacturer to produce one of these rides but Huss was the one issued the patent, pretty odd

  • @matthewkrager5754
    @matthewkrager5754 Рік тому +1

    You should do the RCT3 flat gorund collection! there are so many unique ones i used to always wonder if they were realy or not (like SWAT)

  • @CrashGordon94
    @CrashGordon94 Рік тому

    Maybe I shouldn't be surprised but it does strike me the sheer number of inspirations taken specifically from Blackpool Pleasure Beach.

  • @jefffinkbonner9551
    @jefffinkbonner9551 2 роки тому +1

    I don’t want to know what poltergeist the ghost in the top floor window of the haunted house was inspired by! 😱

  • @veggiet2009
    @veggiet2009 2 роки тому +1

    It would be cool if in RCT you could go into the flatrides like circus, funhouse, and haunted house and customize the interiors and attractions housed within

    • @martijn9568
      @martijn9568 2 роки тому +1

      That's just making everything way too complicated for what makes RCT still stand out from Planet Coaster.

  • @loopingthrills645
    @loopingthrills645 2 роки тому +1

    The alton towers one still exists it just had to get new gondolas but will be reopening next year

  • @Kittyhat
    @Kittyhat 2 роки тому +2


  • @Trootsbloxplayzthemetalfan
    @Trootsbloxplayzthemetalfan Рік тому

    "3D Cinema looks too intense for me!"

  • @MiaSharkesque
    @MiaSharkesque Рік тому

    the game's crooked house looks alot more like the one at Blackgang Chine, the place which i like to call the grail of walkthrough attractions (considering thats all the place is now after removing their single roller coaster)

  • @karelpipa
    @karelpipa 5 місяців тому

    so the original purpose of ''fun'' in dodgems was to dodge any other car, hence the name
    ...never crossed my mind this. MINDBLOWN

  • @bjtgaming
    @bjtgaming 2 роки тому +2

    Funny enough Alton towers is rebuilding the enterprise so it might actually make it to 40

    • @chrisjones5411
      @chrisjones5411 2 місяці тому

      One year later and there's no further work done. Shame really.

  • @andrewmin1410
    @andrewmin1410 2 роки тому +1

    love these videos!!

  • @TheWendigoKing1914
    @TheWendigoKing1914 Рік тому

    If you’re looking for another inspiration for the haunted house there’s also “The Haunted House” at Clifton Hill, Niagara Falls Canda

  • @georgeolaroiu3807
    @georgeolaroiu3807 Рік тому

    You made video Idea Every RCT3 Flat Ride in Real Life!!

  • @QDude24
    @QDude24 2 роки тому +1

    The Enterprise in Alton seems to be returning for god knows why

  • @arposkraft3616
    @arposkraft3616 2 роки тому

    @12:00 it classifies as a transport ride

  • @Zocker1998
    @Zocker1998 2 роки тому +1

    a really very interesting video :)

  • @gb9727
    @gb9727 2 роки тому +2

    Can you do this for rct3?

  • @alejandrocruzvargas611
    @alejandrocruzvargas611 Рік тому +1

    What about the RCT3 Flat/Tracked rides?

  • @Vipersnake21
    @Vipersnake21 2 роки тому +1

    And now all Flat Rides in RCT3? xD

  • @courage1363
    @courage1363 Рік тому +1

    When are you going to do the other rides in RCT3?

  • @notmuch_23
    @notmuch_23 2 роки тому +1

    So are the shop/stalls of RCT 1/2 or the RCT 3 flat rides next?