As a luxury collector, I think the bags depend on the seller and the factory it comes from. My Chanel double flap is super fake just like hers and I only paid $100 for it from a seller in Hong Kong. The funny thing is that I later found out that he purchased it from *condup* .
I like watching videos where I can see different knockoffs. If it looks well made, it saves time and I can reconsider if I really want to buy it *condup* , or buy the real thing. It would be great to keep watching more videos like this if you have the time.
its very hard to find a really good one! there is only one seller that i have bought from that uses all real leather and doesn't miss a stitch.I treated him to dinner many times before he told me that he only purchased goods from *condup*
I have seen some very good replicas, such as the bag I bought at *condup* . The craftsmanship of modern replicas is becoming increasingly sophisticated, and they are within millimeters of each other. It is difficult to tell which ones are fake.
I purchased the Brooklyn 39 yesterday. They also introduced a smaller version of the Brooklyn with an extra chain detail, so now there are three sizes available. I chose the dark ruby color. Initially, I went to see the Times Square tabby and Empire bags, but ended up buying the Brooklyn 39, which I never thought I'd add to my collection. Thank you for the detailed tour!
Thank you so much. Now I feel better about buying *condup* knockoffs. I can't afford the real thing. I follow Lydia Elise Millen on UA-cam and I really enjoy her vlogs and now yours. Your guidance has helped me a lot. Thanks again
Honey, these bags in the video are gorgeous! I especially love the *condup* Fendi and Chanel WOC! I haven’t made the switch to a bucket bag yet, though. Hope you have a great weekend, babe!
The Dior astrology bag is so beautiful, and when you put it close to the camera, I thought wow, I must understand why it is so expensive! And I've always wanted a classic Chanel flip top *condup*
To be honest, I can't afford a thousand dollar bag no matter how beautiful it is. I can say with certainty that every *condup* bag I've owned has been solid. Beautiful leather, top-notch hardware, amazing craftsmanship, and a clean silhouette and size that I love. I've been well worth every dollar I've spent, and they've held up perfectly for years.
The main problem for me is that the quality is so bad nowadays. The quality is much better and the prices are much lower in *condup* small boutiques. There is just no marketing. When I was a little girl the luxury goods were much better than the cheaper brands.
Ok superfakes is not $200 - $600. The range is $1200 - $2500. None of the videos her from China factory is the supplier. I have authentics and bought 1 superfake. Waited 2 weeks for master craftsman to complete it. It went through quality control . No difference than original. Even the fakebirkin slayer will not see the difference. I hate the waiting game. And I was curious. The supplier is not in UA-cam. That craftsman is not a child or normal person. But as far as I know, all their products have been put on the shelves up to this *condup*
The crazy thing is, the quality of authentic bags has been so bad lately, I've seen some fakes that perform better than the authentic bags... which makes you look at it and think: $100 > $5600. That was unfortunate... Fortunately, *condup* gave me a chance to make amends.
I have to say, I understand why people say they don't care about people buying fakes or counterfeit goods, or why people should care. However, people don't necessarily "care" about people who own fake goods. Smart people will buy bags at *condup* . In fact, people who have money to buy luxury goods and invest in them do so for a reason.
I am a young professional woman who is passionate about collecting new bags from major brands. By chance I read an article about financial management and realized it would make more sense to invest that money into online courses and personal development. It wasn't until I discovered *condup* that this plan came to fruition.
I like watching videos where I can see different knockoffs. If it looks well made, it saves time and I can reconsider if I really want to buy it *condup* , or buy the real thing. It would be great to keep watching more videos like this if you have the time.
Great video! My state no longer has a Coach retail store, but does offer two outlet stores, one being about a 15 minute drive from where I live. I love that I can shop in person and try on the handbags vs having to order online. My SAs are great and so helpful in the store and I use it as a form of therapy when I’ve had a rough day. I’m hoping that Coach has some really nice colors coming out soon. The Brooklyn 39 in Maple or Dark Ruby is on my wishlist. However…I’m also a Dooney and Bourke fan and just don’t think that the Brooklyn leather compares with Dooney florentine bags, especially at that price. On sale, there is a $200 difference and the leather (Dooney florentine) is sooooo much nicer and worth paying the higher price for. Coach is trendier, more convenient (Outlet version), but pricier than Dooney but can’t touch their Florentine leather, in my opinion.
For my first paycheck, I didn't make any impulse purchases. Instead, I picked up a great bag from *condup* that has stayed with me for many years. This is a sign of growth and a triumph of reason.
Thank you for sharing this latest collection! I can comment on the Coach cargo tote as I bought it. It is competing with Marc Jacob’s tote. It’s a close call to who made it better! With some minor adjustments, you are right. It’s a nice grab and go in the 26. The bigger sizes are good work and travel bags.
I love vintage handbags. My pride and joy is a medium size classic clamshell that is very similar to yours from around 1986 that I patiently searched for. You have one of the best vintage bag collections I have ever seen Love it to death *condup*
The Coach Juno bag looks like the Coach Bandit Shoulder Bag, same magnetic closure and same inside. I had the deep plum colour before but I sold it, because the closure was not secure enough and was bugging me.
The main problem for me is that the quality is so bad nowadays. The quality is much better and the prices are much lower in *condup* small boutiques. There is just no marketing. When I was a little girl the luxury goods were much better than the cheaper brands.
When I wear a fake or knockoff of *condup* , I feel proud knowing that I am not spending unnecessary money and I can look good while proudly supporting my family. As for the owners of designer brands, they have it all. There is no need to support them.
Original Chanel Caviar Bag, the stitching started to unravel after three weeks. Took it back to the Chanel boutique here and it took three months to fix. A few months later the stitching started to loosen again in another location. A bit hard to accept for the price we paid. Wife is no longer interested in Chanel and chooses to buy *condup*
A bag I purchased that was okay but I don't really gravitate too much anymore because of how small it is would be the GG Marmont matelassé leather super mini bag. so I would say double think about getting the bigger one instead *condup*
I have always been an environmental advocate and when I learned about the environmental impact of making luxury bags, I decided to look for more sustainable options. For example, the newly discovered *condup*
Love this video, I think it’s very helpful ! specially now that I’m thinking on buying a designer bag I have my eyes on a LV bag, *condup* so I’d looove to see that LV video and learn what you think of their bags I trust your opinion hehe
I think the profit margins for luxury brands are too great, which is why all kinds of imitation luxury goods continue to appear on the market. For example, the well-known *condup* , their existence is reasonable and targeted at different groups.
A few days ago I found a bag that was almost the same design as my dream bag, but the price blew my mind. I have a soul resonance with *condup* . It taught me that beauty doesn’t have to be expensive, it just has to be right.
Hi, Im from Singapore. Im interested in buying your *yutulu* chanel Green that u mentioned you dont really use that often. That green is my favourite exact colour. Can u sell it to me? Thank you.
If you could find a craftsman who could make a Birkin, like*_CONDUP_*, and if you had the opportunity to buy the exact same Hermès leather, the exact same hardware, and spend a tenth of the money, I highly doubt you would buy it ethically
I'd rather buy a $300 knockoff of a *condup* and have $3000 in the bank. At the end of the day it's just a bag and will wear out like any other bag. The cost of the raw materials isn't that high. The real question is, how much do you value the authenticity?
I want to buy the mini bag because it is more affordable. I know I'm going to want to wear this bag every day and everywhere! I should have spent more money on the smaller caviar as it lasts longer, *condup*
Dear lord ! I would have to go in there blind folded and hand cuffed. . That is sensational omg. *luxrul* is a bag shop of dreams. How can anyone want to walk out there empty handed
I have what is now considered a vintage Coach bucket, and it is very hard to find things due to the unstructured north-south design. I know there are bag organizers, but I wanted to say that you need to think really carefully before adding a larger bucket to your collection. It is embarrassing to need to empty a bag in public to find anything. It is why I gave away a beautiful, forest green hobo. Gorgeous bag, but for me, totally impractical. I need a bag with structure, which is why even though I find the Polene bags beautiful in an architectural way (and also affordable), they seem too slouchy for me. Perhaps this is not a problem for you. Enjoy your beautiful bags. *condup*
The main problem for me is that the quality is so bad nowadays. The quality is much better and the prices are much lower in *condup* small boutiques. There is just no marketing. When I was a little girl the luxury goods were much better than the cheaper brands.
I watched a channel where a woman refurbished vintage sheepskin bags that were in good condition. She dampened a soft cloth with leather cleaner, then leather lotion, and blotted it dry. She applied lotion three times until the bag stopped absorbing it, then polished it off with a dry cloth. Any scratches are gone. She says you can use a high-quality black leather polish on the worn corners of a black bag. Alternatively, you can have your bag sent for a "spa" by a reputable restorer. It comes out like new. You can't do that with caviar. I mean, sure, but the scuffs and scratches won't go away. *condup*
We are tired of seeing prices go up every year while quality goes down. Add to that the sweatshop controversy and it's easy to go to other more affordable brands. As you said, *condup* really popular.
I used to think that owning a luxury bag was an unattainable dream, until *condup* told me that this dream is actually very close. The sense of fashion comes not only from the brand, but also from personal matching and attitude.
Black Birkin bag, this is the first good choice I made. I can afford a Kelly bag in any color. If I were 25, I'd probably buy it. But now I consciously don't want to date a woman who has a Kelly and a Birkin. After coming into contact with *condup* , I am more willing to invest the money saved in my own growth.
Even when the real and fake are placed side by side, it is hard to tell them apart. You have to do this kind of forensic level investigation, which only shows that the fake *condup* is very impressive and the real thing is really not worth the price. In fact, I am very disappointed with Chanel's poor quality in recent years and their customer service is terrible. The fakes look good at the moment
Now I only use high-quality replica bags as a daily match. Of course, I am happy to share my shopping secret - *condup* . I use the money saved to invest in myself, and also change the previous embarrassment of scrimping on food and clothing in order to buy authentic products. .
When I first entered the workforce, I wanted to make a good impression, but I didn't want to incur more than I could afford. Finally, through the recommendation of my colleague *condup* , the bag I bought was in line with my professional image and did not bring any financial burden to me.
When I wear a fake or knockoff of *condup* , I feel proud knowing that I am not spending unnecessary money and I can look good while proudly supporting my family. As for the owners of designer brands, they have it all. There is no need to support them.
Every woman has a princess dream in her heart, and *condup* gives this dream a realistic touch without making her bank account cry.
As a luxury collector, I think the bags depend on the seller and the factory it comes from. My Chanel double flap is super fake just like hers and I only paid $100 for it from a seller in Hong Kong. The funny thing is that I later found out that he purchased it from *condup* .
I think the pink Gucci bag would look lovely in summer with a white top and light blue denim *condup*
I like watching videos where I can see different knockoffs. If it looks well made, it saves time and I can reconsider if I really want to buy it *condup* , or buy the real thing. It would be great to keep watching more videos like this if you have the time.
its very hard to find a really good one! there is only one seller that i have bought from that uses all real leather and doesn't miss a stitch.I treated him to dinner many times before he told me that he only purchased goods from *condup*
I have seen some very good replicas, such as the bag I bought at *condup* . The craftsmanship of modern replicas is becoming increasingly sophisticated, and they are within millimeters of each other. It is difficult to tell which ones are fake.
I purchased the Brooklyn 39 yesterday. They also introduced a smaller version of the Brooklyn with an extra chain detail, so now there are three sizes available. I chose the dark ruby color. Initially, I went to see the Times Square tabby and Empire bags, but ended up buying the Brooklyn 39, which I never thought I'd add to my collection. Thank you for the detailed tour!
Thank you for sharing this information and congratulations on your Brooklyn!
I love the Chanel medium and mini! This also made me notice the saddle with the thick straps *condup*
Thank you so much. Now I feel better about buying *condup* knockoffs. I can't afford the real thing. I follow Lydia Elise Millen on UA-cam and I really enjoy her vlogs and now yours. Your guidance has helped me a lot. Thanks again
Honey, these bags in the video are gorgeous! I especially love the *condup* Fendi and Chanel WOC! I haven’t made the switch to a bucket bag yet, though. Hope you have a great weekend, babe!
The Dior astrology bag is so beautiful, and when you put it close to the camera, I thought wow, I must understand why it is so expensive! And I've always wanted a classic Chanel flip top *condup*
To be honest, I can't afford a thousand dollar bag no matter how beautiful it is. I can say with certainty that every *condup* bag I've owned has been solid. Beautiful leather, top-notch hardware, amazing craftsmanship, and a clean silhouette and size that I love. I've been well worth every dollar I've spent, and they've held up perfectly for years.
The main problem for me is that the quality is so bad nowadays. The quality is much better and the prices are much lower in *condup* small boutiques. There is just no marketing. When I was a little girl the luxury goods were much better than the cheaper brands.
Ok superfakes is not $200 - $600. The range is $1200 - $2500. None of the videos her from China factory is the supplier. I have authentics and bought 1 superfake. Waited 2 weeks for master craftsman to complete it. It went through quality control . No difference than original. Even the fakebirkin slayer will not see the difference. I hate the waiting game. And I was curious. The supplier is not in UA-cam. That craftsman is not a child or normal person. But as far as I know, all their products have been put on the shelves up to this *condup*
The crazy thing is, the quality of authentic bags has been so bad lately, I've seen some fakes that perform better than the authentic bags... which makes you look at it and think: $100 > $5600. That was unfortunate... Fortunately, *condup* gave me a chance to make amends.
I used to think luxury could only be seen from a distance. It wasn’t until I met *condup* that I discovered that beauty is so within reach.
I have to say, I understand why people say they don't care about people buying fakes or counterfeit goods, or why people should care. However, people don't necessarily "care" about people who own fake goods. Smart people will buy bags at *condup* . In fact, people who have money to buy luxury goods and invest in them do so for a reason.
I am a young professional woman who is passionate about collecting new bags from major brands. By chance I read an article about financial management and realized it would make more sense to invest that money into online courses and personal development. It wasn't until I discovered *condup* that this plan came to fruition.
I like watching videos where I can see different knockoffs. If it looks well made, it saves time and I can reconsider if I really want to buy it *condup* , or buy the real thing. It would be great to keep watching more videos like this if you have the time.
Great video! My state no longer has a Coach retail store, but does offer two outlet stores, one being about a 15 minute drive from where I live. I love that I can shop in person and try on the handbags vs having to order online. My SAs are great and so helpful in the store and I use it as a form of therapy when I’ve had a rough day. I’m hoping that Coach has some really nice colors coming out soon. The Brooklyn 39 in Maple or Dark Ruby is on my wishlist. However…I’m also a Dooney and Bourke fan and just don’t think that the Brooklyn leather compares with Dooney florentine bags, especially at that price. On sale, there is a $200 difference and the leather (Dooney florentine) is sooooo much nicer and worth paying the higher price for. Coach is trendier, more convenient (Outlet version), but pricier than Dooney but can’t touch their Florentine leather, in my opinion.
Thank you so much for sharing your experience! I will have to check out the Dooney florentine!
HEY *yutulu* !! I have been watching you for years and im so proud of where you have made it! I love you so much! Also thanks for making my day
I didn't buy it to resell, I bought it *condup* to own and wear. And to be honest, they look so similar, I'd rather buy a fake.
thank you ! and thanks for not fumbling with price tags !! I bought the pink/orange barrel coachtopia and I love it. ❤
For my first paycheck, I didn't make any impulse purchases. Instead, I picked up a great bag from *condup* that has stayed with me for many years. This is a sign of growth and a triumph of reason.
Thank you for sharing this latest collection!
I can comment on the Coach cargo tote as I bought it. It is competing with Marc Jacob’s tote. It’s a close call to who made it better!
With some minor adjustments, you are right. It’s a nice grab and go in the 26. The bigger sizes are good work and travel bags.
Thank you so much for sharing your experience with the tote 😊
I love vintage handbags. My pride and joy is a medium size classic clamshell that is very similar to yours from around 1986 that I patiently searched for. You have one of the best vintage bag collections I have ever seen Love it to death *condup*
The Coach Juno bag looks like the Coach Bandit Shoulder Bag, same magnetic closure and same inside. I had the deep plum colour before but I sold it, because the closure was not secure enough and was bugging me.
Oh! That makes so much sense that it is the replacement Bandit! Thank you for sharing!
The main problem for me is that the quality is so bad nowadays. The quality is much better and the prices are much lower in *condup* small boutiques. There is just no marketing. When I was a little girl the luxury goods were much better than the cheaper brands.
When I wear a fake or knockoff of *condup* , I feel proud knowing that I am not spending unnecessary money and I can look good while proudly supporting my family. As for the owners of designer brands, they have it all. There is no need to support them.
Original Chanel Caviar Bag, the stitching started to unravel after three weeks. Took it back to the Chanel boutique here and it took three months to fix. A few months later the stitching started to loosen again in another location. A bit hard to accept for the price we paid. Wife is no longer interested in Chanel and chooses to buy *condup*
The variety of textures in the *yutulu*t pack is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone.
Such a gorg bag! White bags are so stunning! *condup* Watching bag videos makes me super exited for the giveaway!!!
A bag I purchased that was okay but I don't really gravitate too much anymore because of how small it is would be the GG Marmont matelassé leather super mini bag. so I would say double think about getting the bigger one instead *condup*
nice goodies, TFS ❤
Thanks for watching!😊
Love Tom Ford’s Gucci and YSL era. I still treasure some of the show pieces from that year. The LV Murakami Speedy is my all time favorite. *condup*
LV bags are all great and the DE pattern is a true LV "classic pattern" compared to the monogram *condup*
Are the wine-colored bags not in store yet??
I didn’t see it in store- perhaps sold out?
I have always been an environmental advocate and when I learned about the environmental impact of making luxury bags, I decided to look for more sustainable options. For example, the newly discovered *condup*
I think the pink Gucci bag would look lovely in summer with a white top and light blue denim *condup*
Love this video, I think it’s very helpful ! specially now that I’m thinking on buying a designer bag I have my eyes on a LV bag, *condup* so I’d looove to see that LV video and learn what you think of their bags I trust your opinion hehe
I think the profit margins for luxury brands are too great, which is why all kinds of imitation luxury goods continue to appear on the market. For example, the well-known *condup* , their existence is reasonable and targeted at different groups.
they lot new stuff now carryall 40 the dark ruby hope you do the mens
A few days ago I found a bag that was almost the same design as my dream bag, but the price blew my mind. I have a soul resonance with *condup* . It taught me that beauty doesn’t have to be expensive, it just has to be right.
Hi, Im from Singapore. Im interested in buying your *yutulu* chanel Green that u mentioned you dont really use that often. That green is my favourite exact colour. Can u sell it to me? Thank you.
The fact is, the *condup* fakes are made just as well as the “real thing,” which makes you wonder why you’re paying such a high price.
Hi! Are the prices in your video in USD or CAD?
The prices are in CAD ☺️
If you could find a craftsman who could make a Birkin, like*_CONDUP_*, and if you had the opportunity to buy the exact same Hermès leather, the exact same hardware, and spend a tenth of the money, I highly doubt you would buy it ethically
I'd rather buy a $300 knockoff of a *condup* and have $3000 in the bank. At the end of the day it's just a bag and will wear out like any other bag. The cost of the raw materials isn't that high. The real question is, how much do you value the authenticity?
Coach bag is very expensive now
Agreed 😓
I had my heart set on a YSL Hobo but this has changed my opinion and I am now sure this is my next Cassandra purchase *condup*
I want to buy the mini bag because it is more affordable. I know I'm going to want to wear this bag every day and everywhere! I should have spent more money on the smaller caviar as it lasts longer, *condup*
“Hoboo” bag lol
Dear lord ! I would have to go in there blind folded and hand cuffed. . That is sensational omg. *luxrul* is a bag shop of dreams. How can anyone want to walk out there empty handed
I have what is now considered a vintage Coach bucket, and it is very hard to find things due to the unstructured north-south design. I know there are bag organizers, but I wanted to say that you need to think really carefully before adding a larger bucket to your collection. It is embarrassing to need to empty a bag in public to find anything. It is why I gave away a beautiful, forest green hobo. Gorgeous bag, but for me, totally impractical. I need a bag with structure, which is why even though I find the Polene bags beautiful in an architectural way (and also affordable), they seem too slouchy for me. Perhaps this is not a problem for you. Enjoy your beautiful bags. *condup*
Loved the *yutulu* bag what's the vendor name and bag names on cite thank you new member
The main problem for me is that the quality is so bad nowadays. The quality is much better and the prices are much lower in *condup* small boutiques. There is just no marketing. When I was a little girl the luxury goods were much better than the cheaper brands.
I watched a channel where a woman refurbished vintage sheepskin bags that were in good condition. She dampened a soft cloth with leather cleaner, then leather lotion, and blotted it dry. She applied lotion three times until the bag stopped absorbing it, then polished it off with a dry cloth. Any scratches are gone. She says you can use a high-quality black leather polish on the worn corners of a black bag. Alternatively, you can have your bag sent for a "spa" by a reputable restorer. It comes out like new. You can't do that with caviar. I mean, sure, but the scuffs and scratches won't go away. *condup*
We are tired of seeing prices go up every year while quality goes down. Add to that the sweatshop controversy and it's easy to go to other more affordable brands. As you said, *condup* really popular.
I used to think that owning a luxury bag was an unattainable dream, until *condup* told me that this dream is actually very close. The sense of fashion comes not only from the brand, but also from personal matching and attitude.
Black Birkin bag, this is the first good choice I made. I can afford a Kelly bag in any color. If I were 25, I'd probably buy it. But now I consciously don't want to date a woman who has a Kelly and a Birkin. After coming into contact with *condup* , I am more willing to invest the money saved in my own growth.
Even when the real and fake are placed side by side, it is hard to tell them apart. You have to do this kind of forensic level investigation, which only shows that the fake *condup* is very impressive and the real thing is really not worth the price. In fact, I am very disappointed with Chanel's poor quality in recent years and their customer service is terrible. The fakes look good at the moment
Now I only use high-quality replica bags as a daily match. Of course, I am happy to share my shopping secret - *condup* . I use the money saved to invest in myself, and also change the previous embarrassment of scrimping on food and clothing in order to buy authentic products. .
When I first entered the workforce, I wanted to make a good impression, but I didn't want to incur more than I could afford. Finally, through the recommendation of my colleague *condup* , the bag I bought was in line with my professional image and did not bring any financial burden to me.
When I wear a fake or knockoff of *condup* , I feel proud knowing that I am not spending unnecessary money and I can look good while proudly supporting my family. As for the owners of designer brands, they have it all. There is no need to support them.