@@tbbbtoolsbooksbladebones556 because its the truth.... we as a species have adressed fear as an external problem that has multiple causes but he asks us to look inward and find fear instead looking at the causes and see how fear is same in every situation and it is an internal problem instead of it being an externally generated source
It's like, the you is created wen u think of fear. It's like just give in to the feeling and sensation of fear, don't think, just give in. Then fear will end
FEAR is a feeling . Sensation ! An inattentive person only is afraid of this feeling . So, be attentive ! This is called real YOGA . Not sitting in any place chanting Mantras ! Awake your mind !
chanting can BE a portal , myFriend .. depending on yOur level of consciousness , and if "we" can let go .. and merge with Cosmic Intelligence again (terminology can only point) There are incountable rivers flowing into ONE Ocean Saludos desde aquí
TRANSCRIPT: As long as there is division between you and fear, then there is conflict, there is wastage of energy - by suppressing it, running away from it, talking about it, going to the analysts and so on and on and on and on. But whereas, when you see the truth that you are that fear, your whole energy is gathered in this attention to look at that thing. Now what is that thing which we call fear? Is it a word which has brought fear, or is it independent of the word? You are following this? If it is the word, the word being the associations with the past - I recognise it because I have had fear before. You understand? I look at that fear though it is part of me because I name it, and I name it because I have known it to happen before. So, by naming it I have strengthened it. I wonder if you see this. So, is it possible to observe without naming it? If you name it, it’s already in the past, right? If you don’t name it, it’s something entirely different, isn’t it? So is it possible not to name that thing which you have called ‘fear’, therefore free of the past so that you can look. You cannot look if you are prejudiced. If I am prejudiced against you, I can’t look at you, I am looking at my prejudice. So is it possible not to name the thing at all? And then if you do not name it, is it fear? Or has it undergone a change, because you have given all your attention to it. You understand? I wonder if you get it. When you name it you are not giving attention to it, when you try to suppress it you are not giving your attention to it, when you try to run away from it you are not giving your attention to it - whereas when you observe that fear is you, and not name it - what takes place? What takes place? You are doing it now. What takes place? Q: It’s an emotion. K: Wait, it is a sensation, isn’t it? A feeling which is sensation. Please watch it, it’s a sensation, isn’t it? All feelings are sensations. I put a pin in there, and all the rest of it. So it’s a sensation. What’s wrong with sensation? Nothing is wrong with sensation, is it? But when sensation plus thought, which becomes desire with its images, then the trouble begins. I wonder if you understand all this! This is too much probably in the morning. (Laughter) You know, this is part of meditation. You understand? This is really part of meditation. Not to sit under a tree and just think about something or other, or try to concentrate, or try to repeat some mantra or some words - Coca-Cola - or something or other (laughter) - but this is really meditation because you are enquiring very, very, very deeply into yourself. And you can enquire very deeply only when you are really without any motive, when you are free to look. And you cannot look if you separate yourself from that which you are looking at. Then you have complete energy to look. It is only when there is no attention that fear comes into being. You understand? When there is complete attention which is complete, total energy then there is no fear, is there? It’s only the inattentive person that is afraid, not the person who is completely attentive at the moment when that feeling arises. That feeling is a part of sensation. Sensation is normal, natural. It’s like looking at a tree, looking at people, you know - sensation. But when sensation plus thought, which is desire with its images, then begins all our problems. You understand? This is simple. Right? Now can you look at your fear - be serious for five minutes! Can you look at your fear, whatever it is; not separate yourself from that fear, but you are that fear, and therefore you give your total attention to that fear. Then is there fear? Q: No. K: Then walk out of this tent without fear. Don’t say no and then go outside full of fears.
There’s only one word that can illuminate this truth; brilliant! I so wish I could’ve met this man. We have the next best thing though, through your videos. Thank you.
You feel fear. A thought comes When you are In a situation Happened in past And In past you have not Attended that situation properly. Now in same situation Fear arises. Thoughts arises. Sit is saying Thought is a sensation Don't name it. Don't bring images of past. You are in a situation Watch it Without any motive Without any conclusion Without any image Without suppressing it Not running from situation. If you give undivided attention To situation in front of you You would found that You are full of energy And you found That it is not fear of others You yourself is fear. You are weak You are not attentive. You are not in love. You are not living rightly. Fear is to blame others In attention You found real culprit is you.
He is saying, do not conceptualize (use a word, name it) the experience of fear, just be in the moment, in the present. Be the fear, because we are really just beings, anything else is suffering. When our thoughts intercede, it creates the fear/ sufferings. For we are “experience” before we are humans. Shut the mind off and be the fear instead of denying it
This is really one of the core videos about the topic of being attentive while allowing full attention to a sensation before emotions take over. Beautifully observed and explained.
Graziiiiiiieeeeeee ...un video ricco di saggezza e verita da esperimentare osservando senza separazione dalla cosa osservata .... apprezzo la descrizione del testo agginto .....❤
"What's wrong with sensation?" The essential confusion is that we think the sensations are happening to me whereas the sensations are creating the me. Somehow we do not come to the realisation that all that there is is sensations - a mechanical response of the organism to the present situation.
@@daithiocinnsealach1982 Free will is clearly an illusion. the preconditions decide how we "choose". and a conscious "choice" is even established before we are aware of it.
@@marcopony1897 thats not an established fact actually. Determinism is long gone and causality along with it, so how do you know that a choice is in response to anything at all ? All events or states have an independent probability of happening and it even though we seem bound by our situations while making a choice its just a potential and the wavefunction can collapse into a number of fixed states. And consciousness is not just response - its the awareness of response
@@daithiocinnsealach1982 I think thats not really an implication of what was said... Meaning that free will, as everything else arises out of sensations which simply are. While theres always a certain uncertainty in the more complex cognitive phenomena which derive from sensations, sensations in the present moment are ultimately direct, only 'as such'. Meaning by exploring these you can get a direct view of what you're made up of at the base level.
I liked the end very much, when he replied to the one, who answered "no" to his question. Because this shows the main problem of understanding him. Imagine, you are the one who replies too fast, aren't you?
When i attentive to fear it is just an a type of energy/sensation i feel. And so all i do is change my sensation or experience on my life, to not let fear trouble me.
I noticed the same is true for pain, one can try pinch the belly with his fingers very very hard putting all the attention on the feeling of pain, and I have tried this and there is no pain at all, there is just a feeling. And also it doesn't hurt, only when I think that it might leave me a bruise I feel the hurt, or when I don't focus much on it, otherwise it is a pleasant experience. With fear it is the same, when one puts the same attention as in the case of the pinch one feels immerged in a sort of powerful radiation while doing the thing one fears, but it is incredibly pleasant and exhilarating and after the experiene one feels very strong and courageous, it's amazing.
When you meditate, as you give attention to that fearful sensation, it absolutely reduces stress & increase energy. This was all done & learned without computers by the way, our bodies are definitely genius’s.
One of the best minds of our century plus i have been to his centres 2 times in London ... BUT ... Dare I ask the Question? : What if u need to work for a living? What if u Fear of supporting your children? What if you Fear of supporting your own life ?. What to do then ? Remain Passive ?
LOL... whao brother, wait a min! Dare I ask you some more questions! Who is breathing through "you" ...? if it is your life, and you have full control of it, try stopping for 10 mins lol.... if you can't, just accept there is something more to this "ME" sensation. Looking at "half-truth" and going crazy over "my wife, my son, my life" will not help at all! Billions are doing the same! Remaining passive is not the solution, Being intense and calm at the same time in this "ME" thought would reveal all... you need no one's answer. But you know, many may drink the milk, but a very few will get the butter out of the same milk :) Was just going over the comments, so, I am not JK lol, but like you, just a life.... so, just thought, in case your questions are genuine,- tried to help. :)
Does the fear help you? Does the fear change the circumstances of needing to provide? Is the fear something helpful in resolving the issue? Or is the issue the same if I am fearful, or I am at peace? Does fear make one look away, escape, avoid what needs to be done? One has to work to feed/house/etc. themselves and others, that is all. One can work while having a free mind - looks the same on the outside, but one feels true freedom (&joy) on the inside.
when I focus on fear, it becomes joy/liveliness. then the focus moves to the other things happening and I witness an emptiness. then that emptiness gets classified as something bad because of thinking about how meaningless my monitor and all these things in my room are. then fear is back because of the desire to escape that situation. so the transition from fear to joy happens through focus on immediate perception of how I feel which replaces thought and the transition back to fear happens when thought comes back and decides that everything is bad the conclusion for me is that you can't think your way out of fear, meaning as long as you live in this fast world where you need to think from 9 to 5, it seems impossible to me to not be in fear. only when thought is absent, you close your eyes and focus on how you feel, fear disappears I assume if you learn this pattern of how fear appears over and over again, eventually the thinking classification disappears. but you would need extraordinary clarity for that. I can grasp that clarity but this is so far away for most people that they won't even try
Cuando habla de nombrar al miedo, Yo creo que se refiere al "objeto" del mismo, es decir, al pensamiento sobre algo...eso es el prejuicio. La idea previa sobre algo, basada en pensamientos, no la cosa real, la cosa en sí. Es lo que pasa en las relaciones con las personas...o más bien lo que uno ve, cómo interpreta, lo que sucede. Eso es vivir con miedo. Pero el miedo es algo que sucede, a través de uno...si tú observas el miedo en los demás, no parece malo, sino algo... humano. No juzgas el miedo de otro, te juzgas a tí mismo al compararte, con los demás. 🙄
Yes, its a lifetime or many lifetimes work. Your subconscious mind is a huge storehouse of memories including fear experiences. And everytime a sensation come up the memory recognises them as this or that called perception including fear. Memory is you in every cell in your body. You are the accumulation of past experiences in memory storehouse for millions of years. Meditation is the way to give total attention to phenomena like fear, observe fear, penetrate fear and look at it as it is which is emptiness and not as dictated by memories or the past which create future fears. Once you are aware of its emptiness, fear is transcended for ever. But that is a very very long way off. Whatever your way of dealing with fear mow is only temporary, fear persists as long as you still have the subconscious as part of your mind...
Self knowledge doesn't work for everyone especially if the issue of fear is more acute to the point where one may need other tools to deal with than just being attentive to your fears. So, it all depends on who you are addressing this issue of fear to because if self knowledge was the key to all our problems, then most of us would cured.
@RobertMBGH False. Self knowledge is the key because most people don't have that thing so there are all sorts of mental problems. It is incorrect for you to assume that the world knows what self knowledge is. Self knowledge is knowing your complete being, the you. Not verbally or memorising it but very very deeply. And the world doesn't do that because the world is more interested in entertainment and all sorts of pleasurable things, that is why it doesn't work for everyone. Krishnamurthy talks about all sorts of fears including the deep rooted fears. When you observe any type of fear even your abuse by parents it will disappear. People don't know what it is to "look" at fear so they say it doesn't work.
Fear and excitement share many symptoms. Short breath, fast beat, sweat, energy release for action, … stay at “I am”, not i am fear, i am excited. The mislabelling sprouts fear and the tree of knowledge, of past, not present. The same for excitement and the tree of knowledge, of past, not present events. Both steps past i am, remove you from the present, where you leave reality by thinking of images not present. I am is present reality, until you step forward to labelling past images. When you notice this occurring, step back to I am.
It seems by this logic when I still feel fear when I'm thinking about fear I'm not really paying attention right? I guess an implicit lesson here is don't bite off more than you can chew
I finally understood jk but my fears are still not fully gone with most of my fears i feel a sensation but the ones that still get to me are the ones with vivid images am i having a misunderstanding somewhere or will it take some more time
He wants to say that most of our problems are because we have created a separation between observer and the thing we are observing by creating a image of it in our mind....if we remove this separation by not forming any image in our mind than observer and the thing observed are same things and we will be able to undertand it more clearly
I have a question i have understand the fact that the fear we have is as a result of our own thoughts that in real sense what we fear is actually us we are our fears. But my question is say i see someone getting shot right..then i begin to fear death and the thought of death i have is that of the man i saw being killed is that fear still me?
A true teacher who is not alive yet changing lives constantly. This is how truth prevails. ❤
i got goosebumps..this is all of the worlds knowledge in one video!!!
How do you know that?
@@tbbbtoolsbooksbladebones556 It's not about knowing but feeling/sensing it without naming !
@@tbbbtoolsbooksbladebones556 because its the truth.... we as a species have adressed fear as an external problem that has multiple causes but he asks us to look inward and find fear instead looking at the causes and see how fear is same in every situation and it is an internal problem instead of it being an externally generated source
🌸Free from fear.. 🌸free from shame .. 🌸free from guilt🌸
Why free ? Are they going to biding your or is it your wish to be free ?
@@mrrohitjadhav470 ofcourse may the second one which you said . Free fromm all fears
I love this man. He is so human. One that has wisdom, humanely.
Fear , a word. You name it, you strengthen it. Observe it, it is a part of you , it is a sensation .What great clarity 🙏🙏🙏🙏
That's Jiddu Krishnamurthy
"do you get it ?","I wonder if you....."
"its too much for the morning.."... haha
Hehe..he is unintentionally funny..he talks about being serious always though.
We ourselves are fear. It’s to save ourselves.
How can we live if we are focussed on surviving?
It's like, the you is created wen u think of fear.
It's like just give in to the feeling and sensation of fear, don't think, just give in.
Then fear will end
I get it. Fear is me. So I should not be in conflict. Thanks to all your videos. Appreciate it.
FEAR is a feeling . Sensation !
An inattentive person only is afraid of this feeling .
So, be attentive ! This is called real YOGA .
Not sitting in any place chanting Mantras !
Awake your mind !
chanting can BE a portal , myFriend ..
depending on yOur level of consciousness ,
and if "we" can let go .. and merge with Cosmic Intelligence again (terminology can only point)
There are incountable rivers flowing into ONE Ocean
Saludos desde aquí
JK is indirectly telling about VIPASSANA
@vijayendrachaudhary5693 he never accepted any kind of practice or methodology for meditation...
This person is really mind blowing .
Thank you Krishnamurti 🙏
❤thank you very much publisher and Krishnamurti
He makes me laugh so much it makes my eyes tear up! Thank u for the wisdom
Incredible. Absolutely perfect. I’m laughing about how much I didn’t get it at first but the idea is so simple
Mind explainin
Can you explain please
TRANSCRIPT: As long as there is division between you and fear, then there is conflict, there is wastage of energy - by suppressing it, running away from it, talking about it, going to the analysts and so on and on and on and on. But whereas, when you see the truth that you are that fear, your whole energy is gathered in this attention to look at that thing. Now what is that thing which we call fear? Is it a word which has brought fear, or is it independent of the word? You are following this? If it is the word, the word being the associations with the past - I recognise it because I have had fear before. You understand? I look at that fear though it is part of me because I name it, and I name it because I have known it to happen before. So, by naming it I have strengthened it. I wonder if you see this. So, is it possible to observe without naming it? If you name it, it’s already in the past, right? If you don’t name it, it’s something entirely different, isn’t it? So is it possible not to name that thing which you have called ‘fear’, therefore free of the past so that you can look. You cannot look if you are prejudiced. If I am prejudiced against you, I can’t look at you, I am looking at my prejudice. So is it possible not to name the thing at all? And then if you do not name it, is it fear? Or has it undergone a change, because you have given all your attention to it. You understand? I wonder if you get it. When you name it you are not giving attention to it, when you try to suppress it you are not giving your attention to it, when you try to run away from it you are not giving your attention to it - whereas when you observe that fear is you, and not name it - what takes place? What takes place? You are doing it now. What takes place?
Q: It’s an emotion.
K: Wait, it is a sensation, isn’t it? A feeling which is sensation. Please watch it, it’s a sensation, isn’t it? All feelings are sensations. I put a pin in there, and all the rest of it. So it’s a sensation. What’s wrong with sensation? Nothing is wrong with sensation, is it? But when sensation plus thought, which becomes desire with its images, then the trouble begins. I wonder if you understand all this! This is too much probably in the morning. (Laughter)
You know, this is part of meditation. You understand? This is really part of meditation. Not to sit under a tree and just think about something or other, or try to concentrate, or try to repeat some mantra or some words - Coca-Cola - or something or other (laughter) - but this is really meditation because you are enquiring very, very, very deeply into yourself. And you can enquire very deeply only when you are really without any motive, when you are free to look. And you cannot look if you separate yourself from that which you are looking at. Then you have complete energy to look. It is only when there is no attention that fear comes into being. You understand? When there is complete attention which is complete, total energy then there is no fear, is there? It’s only the inattentive person that is afraid, not the person who is completely attentive at the moment when that feeling arises. That feeling is a part of sensation. Sensation is normal, natural. It’s like looking at a tree, looking at people, you know - sensation. But when sensation plus thought, which is desire with its images, then begins all our problems. You understand? This is simple. Right? Now can you look at your fear - be serious for five minutes! Can you look at your fear, whatever it is; not separate yourself from that fear, but you are that fear, and therefore you give your total attention to that fear. Then is there fear?
Q: No.
K: Then walk out of this tent without fear. Don’t say no and then go outside full of fears.
Thank you.Omg i finnaly was able to be attentive and in the body and fear didnt arrise
Thank you very much for the precious upload and transcript
Thank you 😊
Graziiiiiiieeeeeee ❤GRAZIIIIIIE ❤GRAZIIIIIIE ❤
It helps me soo much I'm soo grateful and thankful 🙏❤❤
Oh my lord, such a marvelous
...... , absolutely no words.🤗
There’s only one word that can illuminate this truth; brilliant! I so wish I could’ve met this man. We have the next best thing though, through your videos. Thank you.
J K is model for the world to acquire a clear perception.
i love this man, he is a genuine rockstar of the spiritual world...look at his expression at 2.12 ..oh come on...:)
Sensation--> Natural reasonings ... Imagination--> Problems in reasoning
gorgeous! he is happy
You feel fear.
A thought comes
When you are
In a situation
Happened in past
In past you have not
Attended that situation properly.
Now in same situation
Fear arises.
Thoughts arises.
Sit is saying
Thought is a sensation
Don't name it.
Don't bring images of past.
You are in a situation
Watch it
Without any motive
Without any conclusion
Without any image
Without suppressing it
Not running from situation.
If you give undivided attention
To situation in front of you
You would found that
You are full of energy
And you found
That it is not fear of others
You yourself is fear.
You are weak
You are not attentive.
You are not in love.
You are not living rightly.
Fear is to blame others
In attention
You found real culprit is you.
Such subtlety! ❤️
Face it head on 💞
Best video so far! Thank you so much for this upload... This helped a lot
Extraordinary J!!! Thank you so so much ❤️❤️❤️🙏
He is saying, do not conceptualize (use a word, name it) the experience of fear, just be in the moment, in the present. Be the fear, because we are really just beings, anything else is suffering. When our thoughts intercede, it creates the fear/ sufferings. For we are “experience” before we are humans. Shut the mind off and be the fear instead of denying it
This is really one of the core videos about the topic of being attentive while allowing full attention to a sensation before emotions take over.
Beautifully observed and explained.
He is so great. Explained it well. Thank you 🙏
Really helpful. Observe without naming.
Another very helpful extract, thanks.
Graziiiiiiieeeeeee ...un video ricco di saggezza e verita da esperimentare osservando senza separazione dalla cosa osservata .... apprezzo la descrizione del testo agginto .....❤
"What's wrong with sensation?" The essential confusion is that we think the sensations are happening to me whereas the sensations are creating the me. Somehow we do not come to the realisation that all that there is is sensations - a mechanical response of the organism to the present situation.
Spot Om
Free will is clearly an illusion. the preconditions decide how we "choose". and a conscious "choice" is even established before we are aware of it.
@@marcopony1897 thats not an established fact actually. Determinism is long gone and causality along with it, so how do you know that a choice is in response to anything at all ? All events or states have an independent probability of happening and it even though we seem bound by our situations while making a choice its just a potential and the wavefunction can collapse into a number of fixed states. And consciousness is not just response - its the awareness of response
Ramkrishna Kulkarni this resonates and is very much similar to what I’m learning about vipassana!
@@daithiocinnsealach1982 I think thats not really an implication of what was said... Meaning that free will, as everything else arises out of sensations which simply are. While theres always a certain uncertainty in the more complex cognitive phenomena which derive from sensations, sensations in the present moment are ultimately direct, only 'as such'. Meaning by exploring these you can get a direct view of what you're made up of at the base level.
@ 4:22... Sensations with thoughts which becomes desire with its images... then trouble begins
You are an wise old man, sir 🙏💖🌹
Thanks for uploading this masterpiece!
I liked the end very much, when he replied to the one, who answered "no" to his question. Because this shows the main problem of understanding him. Imagine, you are the one who replies too fast, aren't you?
When i attentive to fear it is just an a type of energy/sensation i feel. And so all i do is change my sensation or experience on my life, to not let fear trouble me.
I noticed the same is true for pain, one can try pinch the belly with his fingers very very hard putting all the attention on the feeling of pain, and I have tried this and there is no pain at all, there is just a feeling. And also it doesn't hurt, only when I think that it might leave me a bruise I feel the hurt, or when I don't focus much on it, otherwise it is a pleasant experience. With fear it is the same, when one puts the same attention as in the case of the pinch one feels immerged in a sort of powerful radiation while doing the thing one fears, but it is incredibly pleasant and exhilarating and after the experiene one feels very strong and courageous, it's amazing.
This is perfect. He speaks like me.
The audio is amazing
Once again, thank you,
Well described about fear thanks and gratitude
Thank you sir 💕❤️
This is amazing
Beautiful !!!
Love you💜
Thank you 🌼
Thank you for uploading this. 🙏🏼
What a brilliant mind
The attachment of the desire is the fear.
The great man.
Passion in words...Wow
When you meditate, as you give attention to that fearful sensation, it absolutely reduces stress & increase energy. This was all done & learned without computers by the way, our bodies are definitely genius’s.
One of the best minds of our century plus i have been to his centres 2 times in London ... BUT ... Dare I ask the Question? : What if u need to work for a living? What if u Fear of supporting your children? What if you Fear of supporting your own life ?. What to do then ? Remain Passive ?
LOL... whao brother, wait a min!
Dare I ask you some more questions!
Who is breathing through "you" ...? if it is your life, and you have full control of it, try stopping for 10 mins lol.... if you can't, just accept there is something more to this "ME" sensation. Looking at "half-truth" and going crazy over "my wife, my son, my life" will not help at all! Billions are doing the same!
Remaining passive is not the solution, Being intense and calm at the same time in this "ME" thought would reveal all... you need no one's answer.
But you know, many may drink the milk, but a very few will get the butter out of the same milk :)
Was just going over the comments, so, I am not JK lol, but like you, just a life.... so, just thought, in case your questions are genuine,- tried to help.
Does the fear help you? Does the fear change the circumstances of needing to provide? Is the fear something helpful in resolving the issue? Or is the issue the same if I am fearful, or I am at peace? Does fear make one look away, escape, avoid what needs to be done? One has to work to feed/house/etc. themselves and others, that is all. One can work while having a free mind - looks the same on the outside, but one feels true freedom (&joy) on the inside.
Love you ❤️
Sensation + Thought -> Root Cause
Trust it nothing is needed more than understanding him with totality attentively..and the cycle ends into 0♾️
I often see myself away, as a onlooker ,
when I am in such a situation, when it looks it is a drama happens, which flow I know already.
YES 🙌🏽
when I focus on fear, it becomes joy/liveliness. then the focus moves to the other things happening and I witness an emptiness. then that emptiness gets classified as something bad because of thinking about how meaningless my monitor and all these things in my room are. then fear is back because of the desire to escape that situation.
so the transition from fear to joy happens through focus on immediate perception of how I feel which replaces thought
and the transition back to fear happens when thought comes back and decides that everything is bad
the conclusion for me is that you can't think your way out of fear, meaning as long as you live in this fast world where you need to think from 9 to 5, it seems impossible to me to not be in fear.
only when thought is absent, you close your eyes and focus on how you feel, fear disappears
I assume if you learn this pattern of how fear appears over and over again, eventually the thinking classification disappears. but you would need extraordinary clarity for that. I can grasp that clarity but this is so far away for most people that they won't even try
No fear ✌️
I understand. Thank you🙏
So hes saying in a way, FEEL yr fear , like other feelings... like in therapy.. then it's felt n gone...😇
yes and when you say it's 'yours' then you still separate from it and then the fear can arise again
Beautiful, thank you.
Cuando habla de nombrar al miedo,
Yo creo que se refiere al "objeto" del mismo, es decir, al pensamiento sobre algo...eso es el prejuicio. La idea previa sobre algo, basada en pensamientos, no la cosa real, la cosa en sí.
Es lo que pasa en las relaciones con las personas...o más bien lo que uno ve, cómo interpreta, lo que sucede.
Eso es vivir con miedo.
Pero el miedo es algo que sucede, a través de uno...si tú observas el miedo en los demás, no parece malo, sino algo... humano.
No juzgas el miedo de otro, te juzgas a tí mismo al compararte, con los demás. 🙄
I come seeking solutions.........................leave with even more questions
JK will never answer any questions - he needs you to have insight for yourself! That is why one can't buy enlightenment haha
Yes, its a lifetime or many lifetimes work. Your subconscious mind is a huge storehouse of memories including fear experiences. And everytime a sensation come up the memory recognises them as this or that called perception including fear. Memory is you in every cell in your body. You are the accumulation of past experiences in memory storehouse for millions of years. Meditation is the way to give total attention to phenomena like fear, observe fear, penetrate fear and look at it as it is which is emptiness and not as dictated by memories or the past which create future fears. Once you are aware of its emptiness, fear is transcended for ever. But that is a very very long way off. Whatever your way of dealing with fear mow is only temporary, fear persists as long as you still have the subconscious as part of your mind...
This stuff really works.
With any type of emotion
Absolutely amazing
“No Fear”
fear of an image.
Understand message of k. There is nothing else in this world
This is vipassana meditation 🙏🙏🙏
fear is independent of the word.
Need a longer video of him so that I can sleep listening to it.
Why is it that understanding what he is saying is so difficult to so many?
no name no fear
Me gustaría hablar inglés 🤗
Self knowledge doesn't work for everyone especially if the issue of fear is more acute to the point where one may need other tools to deal with than just being attentive to your fears. So, it all depends on who you are addressing this issue of fear to because if self knowledge was the key to all our problems, then most of us would cured.
False. Self knowledge is the key because most people don't have that thing so there are all sorts of mental problems. It is incorrect for you to assume that the world knows what self knowledge is.
Self knowledge is knowing your complete being, the you. Not verbally or memorising it but very very deeply. And the world doesn't do that because the world is more interested in entertainment and all sorts of pleasurable things, that is why it doesn't work for everyone.
Krishnamurthy talks about all sorts of fears including the deep rooted fears. When you observe any type of fear even your abuse by parents it will disappear. People don't know what it is to "look" at fear so they say it doesn't work.
Fear and excitement share many symptoms. Short breath, fast beat, sweat, energy release for action, … stay at “I am”, not i am fear, i am excited. The mislabelling sprouts fear and the tree of knowledge, of past, not present. The same for excitement and the tree of knowledge, of past, not present events. Both steps past i am, remove you from the present, where you leave reality by thinking of images not present. I am is present reality, until you step forward to labelling past images. When you notice this occurring, step back to I am.
It seems by this logic when I still feel fear when I'm thinking about fear I'm not really paying attention right? I guess an implicit lesson here is don't bite off more than you can chew
What is life, but sensation? How one feels? Everything else is an illusion. A fading away.
Fear of insects how to deal with??
Hola, ¿crees que es posible de que puedas seguir traduciendo videos de Krishnamurti al español?
Can u add subtitled English is not my first language
Fear is nothing but a self created illusion...
I finally understood jk but my fears are still not fully gone with most of my fears i feel a sensation but the ones that still get to me are the ones with vivid images am i having a misunderstanding somewhere or will it take some more time
தெய்வமே தெய்வமே ____/\___
When he says the observer and the observation is none different, what does that mean? Somebody pls help to clarify
He wants to say that most of our problems are because we have created a separation between observer and the thing we are observing by creating a image of it in our mind....if we remove this separation by not forming any image in our mind than observer and the thing observed are same things and we will be able to undertand it more clearly
I have a question i have understand the fact that the fear we have is as a result of our own thoughts that in real sense what we fear is actually us we are our fears. But my question is say i see someone getting shot right..then i begin to fear death and the thought of death i have is that of the man i saw being killed is that fear still me?
Its again a thought process arises from visual sensation....
There is no need for thought process..