A memorial plaque, honoring the 96 workers known to have died constructing Hoover Dam in the US. It is sad but it happens. We have to put memorial for them. Thank you Abiy ❤ we did it.
Who paid for the Aswan Dam? First the United States, then the United Kingdom agreed to finance dam construction, earmarking respectively 56 and 14 million dollars.
ከድህነት ወሬና ካለመቻል አስተሳሰብ ወደ ተሻለ ደረጃና ስለመሻገር ሐሳቦችን ለማሰብና ለማውራት መብቃቱ ራሱ ትልቅ ድልና ስኬት ነው። እንችላለን መበልፀግ በእግዚአብሔር እርዳታ።
A memorial plaque, honoring the 96 workers known to have died constructing Hoover Dam in the US. It is sad but it happens. We have to put memorial for them. Thank you Abiy ❤ we did it.
ስንቱን የበላ ግድብ 😢😢😢
አቡይ ሺ አመት ይግዛን ጀግና እኮ ነዉ ጠላት በዛበት እንዲ አንድ ነገር ኮሽ ባለ ቁጥር መንግስትን መዉቀስ የለመዳችሁ ይሆን ሰዉ ለቀቅ አርጉት ጎንደር ለይ ፍኖዉ ሰዉ ይገሉና ይደፍሩና ከዛ መንግስት ነዉ ይላሉ ከቡዙ ጥሩ ነገሩ አንድን ስህተት ይዘዉ ይጫረስሉ
Who paid for the Aswan Dam?
First the United States, then the United Kingdom agreed to finance dam construction, earmarking respectively 56 and 14 million dollars.