hi emongg and everyone. i’m the guy from the video, tysm for the kind comments. i’ve been playing a lot more comp lately and noticed most deaths/lost teamfights was because i was too aggressive (i main ashe) and basically frontlining when i saw my team get pick or two resulting in me dying to poor positioning, i also noticed my aim has been getting a lot better and am now comfortably sitting at bronze 1
sometimes it happens a lot, sometimes you're just with your team, you see 1 or 2 enemies low hp and you go to secure the kills, and next thing you know is your team is wiped out and you get yourself killed too
I’m sure you already know this but if you don’t the dps passive gives you faster reload speed after you get a kill for a couple seconds. It can be very useful when playing ash because of the super long reload time
The way chat always chimes in with the weirdest stuff is funny to me, because bad player or good player, chat members will act like they’re top 500 and either totally shit on new people or give lukewarm advice
after watching a couple channels, that seems to be common amongst all of their chats. every single person in there critiques the VOD like they are god's gift to FPS games, but they just end up repeating the same like 5 points they saw in a TikTok video a while ago. the vast majority of their chats would all be in bronze/silver right alongside the VOD player.
@@venera_7I've been playing for a long time and I actually hate this community. I fucking one a game yesterday and everyone in the lobby was complaining. Even my own goddamn team
😂 so frustrating when somebody is 1 health and you reload 1 bullet, but miss, and need another bullet, just to miss again because now you’re rushing. Painful.
For one month into this game, they are pretty decent. A lot of things they're missing right now will come with time. Just be patient, learn from mistakes and believe in yourself
Seriously. On first point attack they not only took high ground, they *stayed* there until there was nothing left to shoot and then gave it up. Also, the number of times they shot at the supports rather than the tank? Plenty of Plat DPS see a blocking Doomfist and see a giant bulleye.
I feel this Ashe, I placed diamond 5 support after just two weeks of playing and I've been too afraid to keep playing ranked since. I even watched back one of my replays and I played Brig as passive as an Ana, I'm sure our Hanzo appreciated having a personal bodyguard lmao
You can be decently passive as Brig, as long as you are hitting a whipshot every cooldown, you can sit in the backline and get plenty of healing out with your aura.
A lot of times it'll place new players higher than they should be. Don't be afraid to play just because you'll go down. In the end, it's just pixelated numbers. Who cares? It won't give you a good representation of your rank if you don't play enough. Although... Even if you do play enough, it still probably won't... the ranked system is GARBAGE. It's so incredibly broken, it's not even funny.
On certain team comps it's optional to play a more protective Brig, that's not necessarily a sign that you're doing bad. Like, if the enemy has Ball and Tracer for example, pocketing your Hanzo by fending off dive is not a bad play.
Same I kept getting plat games during my DPS placements and I underperformed, I felt so bad for my teams but thankfully I placed gold which makes more sense lmao
This guy is not bad at all. Just keep playing dude and you’ll figure it out. Positioning is very good and probably the reason why he’s in silver in the first place seeing as the aim could use some work. I noticed a lot of smart decisions from this ashe throughout the game. So.. Just keep playing dude!! You will climb soon enough!
@@BooksAndShitButNotLiterallyGood relative to rank. We're not saying they have pro level positioning, just that they have a better idea than you'd initially think they do
No cap, sometimes I feel the same way when I’m getting rolled for several matches in a row. BUT then I win several in a row and I start feeling like I’m just stuck. It’s crazy down here in the basement man.
There is a very fundamental concept that most people of this rank, and especially people new to Overwatch, don't understand. It's two prone: 1. What is your team's main path to value? 2. What is the enemy team's main path to value? Keeping those two in mind and actively trying to promote your own win condition while obstructing the enemy win condition, THAT is what will give you consistency at this rank. It's not about stats, it's not about feeling like you're carrying. It's about enabling your team's most reliable source of value, and be a solid brick wall for the enemy that shuts them down whenever they try to forward their own main advantage. If we analyze this game, what is the enemy main win condition? They don't have team synergy, but they have two heroes that can snowball fights: Doom and Junkrat. Thus, your main target should be to ensure these two people do not get value and opportunities to start their snowball. Now, is Sojourn the best hero to stop Junkrat and Doom from doing what they want? I'd say absolutely not, not with your skill level in mind -and here you need to be realistic. Be realistic about certain key things like "I can't reach a high ground to pressure the Junkrat out of his favorable positions, maybe Ashe is a better pick to do that, or Pharah, or Junkrat of my own". And when you look at Junkrat's ult, it's a potential team wiper especially in silver. What does that mean? Can you reliably stop it? Most likely not. That means you will either need to rely on a support to counteract the riptire every time (which is inconsistent and outside of your control) or think that you yourself need to have an equally consistent and impactful ultimate to swing those fights to even the odds. You know in yourself that Sojurn ult is dogwater at this rank. You know you can't reliably guarantee that you will get the kills you seek out - so don't rely on what you KNOW is inconsistent. You have to match the enemy value for value at minimum, ideally you want to put yourself ABOVE the enemy in the value department, but under no circumstances do you want to put yourself BELOW them. And Sojourn at this rank with this skill level vs snowball heroes like Doom and Junk, that IS putting yourself below the enemy in the consistent value department. If the enemy ran a Soldier or Ashe or some other medium value hero that has decent base value but not much of a snowball effect to them, then you can rely on Sojourn and outperform them if you trust your basic skills on that hero. But understand your own limitations, and realize as soon as possible which team has the value advantage. The Junkrat has the potential to get an instant burst kill on an ally every single fight he goes into, and given enough time he WILL get those kills, he will build his ult and wipe your team, he will play from angles you can't easily poke out with Sojourn. You NEED to realize this as soon as possible and either change up your playstyle, or more likely change up your hero that has a more favorable value matchup so they can't just have the potential to massively outscale and snowball your team every fight without you having any way of reliably shutting them down.
He goes for that mercy alot and actually gets some good hits, they at least are looking for opportunities with high ground and dont just funnel into chokes, so I would say silver is a good spot for them. This is litterally just a case of ranked sucking major balls atm and you can go on massive loss streaks that arent even remotely your fault, i think it's less likely as dps as I find I usually have it happen on support where I can drop several ranks in plat while my peek is masters 😂
To whoever said reloading too much, thats not a thing on Ashe. Ashe reloads a single bullet at a time, whenever you have the chance to reload a couple bullets without losing fight value you take it. Its different for other heroes because they reload the entire mag at once. Ashe takes forever to reload so you rarely ever want to actually hit 0 bullets.
This is genuinely me. I floor quick play, but then enter comp and am completely shit. I'm not sure why this is the case, and it's ruining the game for me. Because on one side I want to play comp, on the other I feel shit for dragging my team down and get so fed up with the game after losing so many comp games without my rank updating. Been multiple seasons without me even touching comp because of this, and can't back this season, irs still the exact same...
Aim is solid sometimes but i honestly think this player just needs time and to be able to think steps ahead . They seemed to focus on one decision at a time
Bro i started playing half a week ago and Im in silver. A guy was running his mouth in a comp game and I was like bro get off your high horse this is silver. We are 1 rung from the bottom of the ladder.
I usually main Brig as support and knock about bronze 1 to silver 4.Played comp DPS for the first time and got carried to 5 wins and ranked at gold 2 lol.Im just letting it decay slowly and currently I'm silver 1
@@_bizmo_fungus_894 I have a few hundred hours in comp. I was bronze forever then I did something and accidentally reset everything. Settings, stats, progress. All of it. Once I got the 50 qp wins (horrible) I placed in platinum 1. I've been messed up ever since.
@@BillSevere dam that sounds awful. It’ll probably take a good 5 or so placements to get back down. I’d understand if you wouldn’t want to do that tho cuz I’m dam well I wouldn’t want to get rolled for 100+ games just to de rank
I had fun in Ow1 in high gold low plat. Barely touched Plat 1 as tank. Now it has me high diamond and I hate the game. I dont belong in sweaty nerd lobbies with grandmasters and such
There's nothing really out of place here for a Silver player. If anything, they're underselling themselves from my perspective. There's a bit of a lack of awareness (Cass sneaking up on him even though he could hear the footsteps), panic when confronted and in a 1v1, and some reaction issues (Torb turret), but all of that is common in High bronze/Low Silver (and really happens at just about every rank lol. Masters 2 here and people will walk straight into a tank mode Bastion as Hanzo and then whine about me not healing them through it).
yeah same I used to be masters support in the middle seasons of overwatch one and now that i'm back playing the game it has put me in masters again and I honestly feel like it shouldnt
He's actually not terrible for a new player. The one thing I think he needs to work on is his sensitivity settings. It looks a bit too high to me. He misses a lot of scope shots and it looks like he moves past them and then over corrects trying to move back to the target.
I see very unnecessary wide peaks at times but not even using coach gun to mitigate time spend in the open and get back to cover once shot at. I think if this player focuses a bit on their own positioning and doing it more consciously, they are going to have a smooth ride to Platinum+ fairly quickly.
The thing about bronze players is that they have some sort of glaring problem. Like... your monitor isn't on level of problem. I don't see that here. You're using coach gun to get high ground, and you're hitting most of your dynamites. You're also mixing in some hip shots with aimed shots better than even a lot of gold players. The big issue I'm seeing is that you're way too passive. You spend most of the match (like 80%) not doing anything. This is a very common problem in low ranks, and is a big part of why low rank games are super slow-pace compared to higher rank games. I think this person absolutely deserves to be at least at their current rank. A little bit of work on taking a more active role in the game will cause them to climb pretty quickly imo.
if hes new then its likely he hasnt seen much doomfist which is what this felt like. he was just getting jumped and not saving his shot gun. also learning to balance ash reload takes time.
im over here playing ashe on switch where hipshots basically never hit watching this guy hit super long hipshots but then missing everything up close lol
In all honesty, they played well. The thing i think is happening is they play qp so much they dont play against the absolute cheese players will pull to win in comp.
Honestly the main thing seems to be they take too long with their shots, which still miss half the time. They go completely still and line up the "perfect shot". Some times it works, most the time it doesn't. The first push of attack they contributed very little imo. Not saying they don't deserve silver but their over all out put was so low I think they only got 2 Bob's on attack.
The awareness is trash (experience), but honestly, their aim is better than low silver. And they have some knowledge of how to play the character. A lot of people have several hundred hours on Ashe and are waaaaay worse.
Finally this kind of video! I have the same problem too I did amazing with mei but after she nerf I found out I not so good at dps so I stuck at gold and just being scream at for not good enough 😢
It’s gold no1 is good. Some are better but no1 is good. In the same gold game I’ll see a support with less than 500 damage, dps feeding sym/Zarya like crazy, ppl dying to the torb turret on top of the payload, cass popping noon when the whole enemy team is inches from cover, and dvas putting bomb behind walls. Point being ignore them or clap back cause their ego is much higher than their skill.
bronzes out there saying this looks like your bronze games: HOW can you actually believe you will see the difference between bronze and silver when youre in bronze mostly due to lack of game sense and when the differences are way harder to see than most of the mistakes you make?
Good mechanics but can't hit the broad side of a building. However, he can hit the dynamite way more than i can. Some reason my ashe is complete ashe, feels like she shoots like 0.25 seconds after i click the mouse.
Just missing some game knowledge. Also when it sounds like their footsteps are basically on your eardrums it's probably a good idea to not ignore them and punish them.
Aint gonna lie, i feel for this Ashe. I joined OW from the second installment, joined comp in S3, and after 8 games (got placed in Silver 2) got promoted to Gold 1 start of S4 Im still Gold 1 and havent played...please send help. Anything above Bronze is scary for me.
I feel for this person honestly. I've been put in high diamond for a few seasons now in supp. I feel as though I don't deserve it at all and should be lower, but I've almost reached masters a few times. I don't get it. My other two, dps and tank, are so, So much lower (im talking bronze and silver (though ive only played a few comp games on them tbf)), and my combined is high plat.
7:51 High sensitivity and low sensitivity really don't matter unless it is so low or high that it does inhibit gameplay, but that's only in the extremes where either you barely move your mouse and your character does a 360 or if you need to swipe your mouse across the entire table just to do a 180. Sensitivity is just personal preference. With time, you will become more familiar and comfortable with your sensitivity. Bad aim is just bad aim most of the time, unless they had good aim on a different game (for instance TF2, Valorant, or CSGO) but now have bad aim on Overwatch 2 due to a drastic change in sensitivity. I felt this the other day after playing a few hours of Ghostrunner, since the in-game sensitivity is much higher in that game, so I found myself aiming too slowly in Overwatch 2 for around the first few minutes of playing (also having high sensitivity in Ghostrunner is really good, since I jokingly refer to it as a nanoblade simulator). I was able to quickly readjust though. There are, of course, some general rules when it comes to sensitivity in games like Overwatch 2, since generally it's a good idea to have the lowest sensitivity possible while also allowing you to turn a certain amount, as a lower sensitivity will make your aim more precise. For instance, in Valorant, you should be able to do a full 180 in a little less than a swipe from the center of your mousepad to one edge since you will rarely be required to do 360s quickly. Meanwhile, it is better to have a bit higher sensitivity in Overwatch 2 since you may need to do 180s quicker depending on your role and what the other players in the lobby are doing. For instance, if there's a Sombra flanking you, you may end up needing to do a 180 to look at her and keep turning in that same direction to track her.
This is low-mid gold at least. His teammates were just dogshit and couldn’t capitalize on any opportunities. Like his mei will wall an enemy by himself and they’ll all miss their shots and not kill that singular person.
Ive only played overwatch for 3 months now, the highest ive gotten was Silver 3 and I play similarly to how this person played, I still need to improve my aim cause it sucks sometimes lol... idk if I belong is silver or not but I play comp for comp credits so I just try to have fun if I can
I'm like this ashe except I played a lot of ranked for support and not as much for dps and think my silver 2 dps rank should be swapped with my bronze 5 support rank. For context I'm sparrowness the mercy from the bronze bingo.
I 10000% think I was ranked way to high just started July 29th and put in silver 3 moira it's crazy idk I avg 6.5k heals on all maps and highest has been 12 I'm just shocked
Top 500 player here i dont know how the f*** i reached there and i don’t deserve it I barely deserve masters dont even mention grandmaster and here i am sitting at top 200
wtf how does this look good?! aim is pretty bad, crosshair placement is terrible, and decision-making is iffy, stays on low ground too much in the open and drops down from height for no reason... I've literally played like 10 games of overwatch and I can already see the mistakes
He honestly looks like someone who came from CoD or Apex, as his mechanical aim is at least Plat level. As someone who came from Masters in BLOPS2, he probably just doesn't understand how Overwatch works yet. I had to play tank and healer for a year or more before I started to understand how the game flows, and this might be where he gets the feel that he isn't as good as he really is. CoD and Apex are games where it's carry-biased, whereas Overwatch and other MOBAs are feeder-biased. He is simply measuring his own ability by the wrong metrics, and assuming that because he isn't carrying, that he isn't useful.
If anyone in this video is in the wrong rank it's the Doom and Mercy smurfing lol, but fr if anything I'd say they play like a low gold, if anything the aim is poor but positioning and game sense were generally above silver. I'd never say they should de-rank though, they weren't bronze level
i got placed in gold 3 for dmg in comp recently and i truly don't know why. ow2 is the first and only fps game i've ever played and my aim is,,, not great lmao
I may not play like i seem I'm good, but once im pushed to a curtain point, i play as good or even bwtter than this player, it isn't often, sometimes i lose unranked on purpose sometimes to give myself a reason to win, I've been playing for ill say teo months and a half, ofc i had overwatch back when it was good, when it had loot boxes, wish they could come back, so combined i spenr a total time of three to four months playing until the time i post this comment. And the crazy thing is, i never played to win, i played to play, i played for fun and reaction time
Honestly, considering the game play, they silver lol just gotta learn, it's kind of what metal ranks are for, though tons of em are toxic af for no reason...like you in a low tier, keep your ego in check
The chat were such assholes during this vod for no reason. I dont get why the comunity is like this when he was humble and has played for a month like. No wonder the games losing players
You know he's new because his humility is still intact, love to see it
unlike old players “i believe i should be Top 500” and then feeding nonstop
one can be mature without being new though, so its not really a good way of telling if someone's new
The conversion approaches
hi emongg and everyone. i’m the guy from the video, tysm for the kind comments. i’ve been playing a lot more comp lately and noticed most deaths/lost teamfights was because i was too aggressive (i main ashe) and basically frontlining when i saw my team get pick or two resulting in me dying to poor positioning, i also noticed my aim has been getting a lot better and am now comfortably sitting at bronze 1
sometimes it happens a lot, sometimes you're just with your team, you see 1 or 2 enemies low hp and you go to secure the kills, and next thing you know is your team is wiped out and you get yourself killed too
@@Sac-chan that’s the exact situation lmao
I’m sure you already know this but if you don’t the dps passive gives you faster reload speed after you get a kill for a couple seconds. It can be very useful when playing ash because of the super long reload time
@@newmeta1237 it still happens to me and im into this game for like, 5 months
@@_bizmo_fungus_894 thank you, i know about it but i never thought about it or noticed it mid-game, i’ll try using it more
The way chat always chimes in with the weirdest stuff is funny to me, because bad player or good player, chat members will act like they’re top 500 and either totally shit on new people or give lukewarm advice
Right? They're like
"He isn't as good as jay3! Lol! Lmao! Go to bronze"
Ight, post your vod
after watching a couple channels, that seems to be common amongst all of their chats. every single person in there critiques the VOD like they are god's gift to FPS games, but they just end up repeating the same like 5 points they saw in a TikTok video a while ago. the vast majority of their chats would all be in bronze/silver right alongside the VOD player.
He's not even blaming his teammates, what a legend
when so many people suck then the "default" human becomes a legend
@@danisob3633 the game corrupts you over time
@@venera_7I've been playing for a long time and I actually hate this community. I fucking one a game yesterday and everyone in the lobby was complaining. Even my own goddamn team
@jaydenhohman2590 same buddy wish this community to burn because everyone complaining 24/7 about something.
@@jaydenhohman2590I normally don’t have that problem but I’m in silver so what does my opinion matter
"i think you're ALWAYS reloading too much on ashe" is so real
You’ll never know when you need to be fully loaded
With her reload taking so long you better do it as soon as you get a moment of nothing happening than end up with no ammo mid fight
then u have a doom right in ur face and ur freaking out using cooldowns
😂 so frustrating when somebody is 1 health and you reload 1 bullet, but miss, and need another bullet, just to miss again because now you’re rushing. Painful.
For one month into this game, they are pretty decent. A lot of things they're missing right now will come with time. Just be patient, learn from mistakes and believe in yourself
Seriously. On first point attack they not only took high ground, they *stayed* there until there was nothing left to shoot and then gave it up.
Also, the number of times they shot at the supports rather than the tank? Plenty of Plat DPS see a blocking Doomfist and see a giant bulleye.
I feel this Ashe, I placed diamond 5 support after just two weeks of playing and I've been too afraid to keep playing ranked since. I even watched back one of my replays and I played Brig as passive as an Ana, I'm sure our Hanzo appreciated having a personal bodyguard lmao
You can be decently passive as Brig, as long as you are hitting a whipshot every cooldown, you can sit in the backline and get plenty of healing out with your aura.
A lot of times it'll place new players higher than they should be. Don't be afraid to play just because you'll go down. In the end, it's just pixelated numbers. Who cares? It won't give you a good representation of your rank if you don't play enough.
Although... Even if you do play enough, it still probably won't... the ranked system is GARBAGE. It's so incredibly broken, it's not even funny.
On certain team comps it's optional to play a more protective Brig, that's not necessarily a sign that you're doing bad. Like, if the enemy has Ball and Tracer for example, pocketing your Hanzo by fending off dive is not a bad play.
I feel this lol. I got placed in Plat 2 after going 5-4 as dps. Makes no sense LUL. I’d been playing about a month at that point.
Same I kept getting plat games during my DPS placements and I underperformed, I felt so bad for my teams but thankfully I placed gold which makes more sense lmao
I actually died of laughter when the description said silver 4 followed by such a high rank
lmao. He went from playing people with no thumbs to people with all their fingers and it suddenly became a different ball game.
@@dash4800 What rank do they grow brain cells?
@@bigfudge2031 around plat/ diamond. Anything under plat isn’t real overwatch
Rest in peace, I suppose.
@@_bizmo_fungus_894ah as someone who is in diamond the braincells are hit or miss 💀
This guy is not bad at all. Just keep playing dude and you’ll figure it out. Positioning is very good and probably the reason why he’s in silver in the first place seeing as the aim could use some work. I noticed a lot of smart decisions from this ashe throughout the game. So.. Just keep playing dude!! You will climb soon enough!
how is his positioning good when he keeps dropping from high ground for no reason and dying?
@@BooksAndShitButNotLiterallyGood relative to rank. We're not saying they have pro level positioning, just that they have a better idea than you'd initially think they do
Am i the only one who saw the ashe see the kiriko climb the wall and thought she could do the same at 0:48 💀
Bro really tried to climb up when he saw kiriko do it
i mean tbf it did look like a ladder
No cap, sometimes I feel the same way when I’m getting rolled for several matches in a row. BUT then I win several in a row and I start feeling like I’m just stuck. It’s crazy down here in the basement man.
There is a very fundamental concept that most people of this rank, and especially people new to Overwatch, don't understand. It's two prone:
1. What is your team's main path to value?
2. What is the enemy team's main path to value?
Keeping those two in mind and actively trying to promote your own win condition while obstructing the enemy win condition, THAT is what will give you consistency at this rank. It's not about stats, it's not about feeling like you're carrying. It's about enabling your team's most reliable source of value, and be a solid brick wall for the enemy that shuts them down whenever they try to forward their own main advantage.
If we analyze this game, what is the enemy main win condition? They don't have team synergy, but they have two heroes that can snowball fights: Doom and Junkrat. Thus, your main target should be to ensure these two people do not get value and opportunities to start their snowball. Now, is Sojourn the best hero to stop Junkrat and Doom from doing what they want? I'd say absolutely not, not with your skill level in mind -and here you need to be realistic. Be realistic about certain key things like "I can't reach a high ground to pressure the Junkrat out of his favorable positions, maybe Ashe is a better pick to do that, or Pharah, or Junkrat of my own". And when you look at Junkrat's ult, it's a potential team wiper especially in silver. What does that mean? Can you reliably stop it? Most likely not. That means you will either need to rely on a support to counteract the riptire every time (which is inconsistent and outside of your control) or think that you yourself need to have an equally consistent and impactful ultimate to swing those fights to even the odds. You know in yourself that Sojurn ult is dogwater at this rank. You know you can't reliably guarantee that you will get the kills you seek out - so don't rely on what you KNOW is inconsistent. You have to match the enemy value for value at minimum, ideally you want to put yourself ABOVE the enemy in the value department, but under no circumstances do you want to put yourself BELOW them. And Sojourn at this rank with this skill level vs snowball heroes like Doom and Junk, that IS putting yourself below the enemy in the consistent value department.
If the enemy ran a Soldier or Ashe or some other medium value hero that has decent base value but not much of a snowball effect to them, then you can rely on Sojourn and outperform them if you trust your basic skills on that hero. But understand your own limitations, and realize as soon as possible which team has the value advantage.
The Junkrat has the potential to get an instant burst kill on an ally every single fight he goes into, and given enough time he WILL get those kills, he will build his ult and wipe your team, he will play from angles you can't easily poke out with Sojourn. You NEED to realize this as soon as possible and either change up your playstyle, or more likely change up your hero that has a more favorable value matchup so they can't just have the potential to massively outscale and snowball your team every fight without you having any way of reliably shutting them down.
You know hes knew because his sanity is still there
omg that's so cute
I thought "surely there's a way to climb up there without a movement ability" lmao
He goes for that mercy alot and actually gets some good hits, they at least are looking for opportunities with high ground and dont just funnel into chokes, so I would say silver is a good spot for them.
This is litterally just a case of ranked sucking major balls atm and you can go on massive loss streaks that arent even remotely your fault, i think it's less likely as dps as I find I usually have it happen on support where I can drop several ranks in plat while my peek is masters 😂
Oh man, I was hoping a series like this would start up. My tank role went from Diamond 4 to GM 5, and I'd love to prove the MM that it's wrong.
To whoever said reloading too much, thats not a thing on Ashe. Ashe reloads a single bullet at a time, whenever you have the chance to reload a couple bullets without losing fight value you take it.
Its different for other heroes because they reload the entire mag at once. Ashe takes forever to reload so you rarely ever want to actually hit 0 bullets.
At least emong isn’t acting like he know everting cause he’s a high rank he accepts the fact that it’s hard to tell whether or no he should be there
Twitch chat really does enjoy dunking on someone who is probably better than the majority of them.
This is genuinely me. I floor quick play, but then enter comp and am completely shit. I'm not sure why this is the case, and it's ruining the game for me. Because on one side I want to play comp, on the other I feel shit for dragging my team down and get so fed up with the game after losing so many comp games without my rank updating.
Been multiple seasons without me even touching comp because of this, and can't back this season, irs still the exact same...
Aim is solid sometimes but i honestly think this player just needs time and to be able to think steps ahead . They seemed to focus on one decision at a time
The main advice here is just, be kind to yourself and give yourself time to get better
as a person in Gold2 DMG I can say it is terrifying so far, much more than silver was
I feel like a lot of those bronze players we've watched were ranked too highly if this guy is silver
Bro i started playing half a week ago and Im in silver. A guy was running his mouth in a comp game and I was like bro get off your high horse this is silver. We are 1 rung from the bottom of the ladder.
I have the same issue. I should be low bronze 5 but I'm platinum 3??? I can't even play it and everyone hates me lol
If you don’t mind me asking how many comp games have you played?
Edit: it takes a lot of placements to find your real rank
I usually main Brig as support and knock about bronze 1 to silver 4.Played comp DPS for the first time and got carried to 5 wins and ranked at gold 2 lol.Im just letting it decay slowly and currently I'm silver 1
@@garytate9587 they removed decay so it’s gonna stay there lol
@@_bizmo_fungus_894 I have a few hundred hours in comp. I was bronze forever then I did something and accidentally reset everything. Settings, stats, progress. All of it. Once I got the 50 qp wins (horrible) I placed in platinum 1. I've been messed up ever since.
@@BillSevere dam that sounds awful. It’ll probably take a good 5 or so placements to get back down. I’d understand if you wouldn’t want to do that tho cuz I’m dam well I wouldn’t want to get rolled for 100+ games just to de rank
I had fun in Ow1 in high gold low plat. Barely touched Plat 1 as tank. Now it has me high diamond and I hate the game. I dont belong in sweaty nerd lobbies with grandmasters and such
This is a cool idea mister Emongg man
There's nothing really out of place here for a Silver player. If anything, they're underselling themselves from my perspective. There's a bit of a lack of awareness (Cass sneaking up on him even though he could hear the footsteps), panic when confronted and in a 1v1, and some reaction issues (Torb turret), but all of that is common in High bronze/Low Silver (and really happens at just about every rank lol. Masters 2 here and people will walk straight into a tank mode Bastion as Hanzo and then whine about me not healing them through it).
This guy is too humble to be playing ranked, get this man a squad
yeah same I used to be masters support in the middle seasons of overwatch one and now that i'm back playing the game it has put me in masters again and I honestly feel like it shouldnt
He's actually not terrible for a new player. The one thing I think he needs to work on is his sensitivity settings. It looks a bit too high to me. He misses a lot of scope shots and it looks like he moves past them and then over corrects trying to move back to the target.
I see very unnecessary wide peaks at times but not even using coach gun to mitigate time spend in the open and get back to cover once shot at.
I think if this player focuses a bit on their own positioning and doing it more consciously, they are going to have a smooth ride to Platinum+ fairly quickly.
this is the first time i've ever heard someone say that their rank is too high
They are just a little slow with things but it’s so cute
The thing about bronze players is that they have some sort of glaring problem. Like... your monitor isn't on level of problem. I don't see that here. You're using coach gun to get high ground, and you're hitting most of your dynamites. You're also mixing in some hip shots with aimed shots better than even a lot of gold players. The big issue I'm seeing is that you're way too passive. You spend most of the match (like 80%) not doing anything. This is a very common problem in low ranks, and is a big part of why low rank games are super slow-pace compared to higher rank games.
I think this person absolutely deserves to be at least at their current rank. A little bit of work on taking a more active role in the game will cause them to climb pretty quickly imo.
I was actually thinking if sending a similar video.
I finished OW1 with
Do it, that would be interesting to see.
The overwatch matchmaking system is so weird man
if hes new then its likely he hasnt seen much doomfist which is what this felt like. he was just getting jumped and not saving his shot gun. also learning to balance ash reload takes time.
im over here playing ashe on switch where hipshots basically never hit watching this guy hit super long hipshots but then missing everything up close lol
In all honesty, they played well. The thing i think is happening is they play qp so much they dont play against the absolute cheese players will pull to win in comp.
Honestly the main thing seems to be they take too long with their shots, which still miss half the time. They go completely still and line up the "perfect shot". Some times it works, most the time it doesn't. The first push of attack they contributed very little imo. Not saying they don't deserve silver but their over all out put was so low I think they only got 2 Bob's on attack.
"The aim will come with time " I wish that was true. been playing since 2016 lol
The awareness is trash (experience), but honestly, their aim is better than low silver. And they have some knowledge of how to play the character. A lot of people have several hundred hours on Ashe and are waaaaay worse.
Finally this kind of video! I have the same problem too I did amazing with mei but after she nerf I found out I not so good at dps so I stuck at gold and just being scream at for not good enough 😢
It’s gold no1 is good. Some are better but no1 is good. In the same gold game I’ll see a support with less than 500 damage, dps feeding sym/Zarya like crazy, ppl dying to the torb turret on top of the payload, cass popping noon when the whole enemy team is inches from cover, and dvas putting bomb behind walls. Point being ignore them or clap back cause their ego is much higher than their skill.
as someone whos a silver 4 support main [moira one trick but trying to learn kiri and zen] i also feel like im WAY too highly ranked
Love the vids emmong! 💖
Good positioning, missing some shots, but mostly they just look a bit overwhelmed at the speed of the game.
bronzes out there saying this looks like your bronze games:
HOW can you actually believe you will see the difference between bronze and silver when youre in bronze mostly due to lack of game sense and when the differences are way harder to see than most of the mistakes you make?
Can't belive he was 1 month on the game. I thought he was at least 6 months in.
Nobody in that game focused the mercy that's been pocketing the doom
Good mechanics but can't hit the broad side of a building. However, he can hit the dynamite way more than i can. Some reason my ashe is complete ashe, feels like she shoots like 0.25 seconds after i click the mouse.
Just missing some game knowledge. Also when it sounds like their footsteps are basically on your eardrums it's probably a good idea to not ignore them and punish them.
I feel they have gold/plat aim and mechanics, bronze map awareness and team comp understanding, silver average out
Aint gonna lie, i feel for this Ashe. I joined OW from the second installment, joined comp in S3, and after 8 games (got placed in Silver 2) got promoted to Gold 1 start of S4
Im still Gold 1 and havent played...please send help. Anything above Bronze is scary for me.
I feel for this person honestly. I've been put in high diamond for a few seasons now in supp. I feel as though I don't deserve it at all and should be lower, but I've almost reached masters a few times. I don't get it. My other two, dps and tank, are so, So much lower (im talking bronze and silver (though ive only played a few comp games on them tbf)), and my combined is high plat.
High sensitivity and low sensitivity really don't matter unless it is so low or high that it does inhibit gameplay, but that's only in the extremes where either you barely move your mouse and your character does a 360 or if you need to swipe your mouse across the entire table just to do a 180.
Sensitivity is just personal preference. With time, you will become more familiar and comfortable with your sensitivity. Bad aim is just bad aim most of the time, unless they had good aim on a different game (for instance TF2, Valorant, or CSGO) but now have bad aim on Overwatch 2 due to a drastic change in sensitivity. I felt this the other day after playing a few hours of Ghostrunner, since the in-game sensitivity is much higher in that game, so I found myself aiming too slowly in Overwatch 2 for around the first few minutes of playing (also having high sensitivity in Ghostrunner is really good, since I jokingly refer to it as a nanoblade simulator). I was able to quickly readjust though.
There are, of course, some general rules when it comes to sensitivity in games like Overwatch 2, since generally it's a good idea to have the lowest sensitivity possible while also allowing you to turn a certain amount, as a lower sensitivity will make your aim more precise. For instance, in Valorant, you should be able to do a full 180 in a little less than a swipe from the center of your mousepad to one edge since you will rarely be required to do 360s quickly. Meanwhile, it is better to have a bit higher sensitivity in Overwatch 2 since you may need to do 180s quicker depending on your role and what the other players in the lobby are doing. For instance, if there's a Sombra flanking you, you may end up needing to do a 180 to look at her and keep turning in that same direction to track her.
Ngl bro just death grips a ton on Ashe lol
The replay doesn't reflect fps right? They look like they are playing with frame dips
It does. Everything that happens to who your watching shows in the replay
Wow, im also an ashe player who is brand new to overwatch :D im so happy i found this video
how do i send a clip?
Bro my MMR carried my DPS rank to Diamond and at this point I’m just too lazy to derank myself to gold
This is low-mid gold at least. His teammates were just dogshit and couldn’t capitalize on any opportunities. Like his mei will wall an enemy by himself and they’ll all miss their shots and not kill that singular person.
Ive only played overwatch for 3 months now, the highest ive gotten was Silver 3 and I play similarly to how this person played, I still need to improve my aim cause it sucks sometimes lol... idk if I belong is silver or not but I play comp for comp credits so I just try to have fun if I can
Destroying Baps lamp and trying to kill Mercy while ressing, is at least Gold.
They jump to high ground better than me and my DPS is Plat 4 (then again I don't play Ashe usually, but point still stands)
i had a comp record of 13 losses and 2 wins
it still put me in silver 4
I'm like this ashe except I played a lot of ranked for support and not as much for dps and think my silver 2 dps rank should be swapped with my bronze 5 support rank. For context I'm sparrowness the mercy from the bronze bingo.
I wonder if any voice comms were going on….
As a massive genji one trick, my rank is too high.
Honestly, they're good where they are. I have had much, *much* worse DPS in my silver and even gold games.
I 10000% think I was ranked way to high just started July 29th and put in silver 3 moira it's crazy idk I avg 6.5k heals on all maps and highest has been 12 I'm just shocked
Soo this is like ello heaven?
Top 500 player here i dont know how the f*** i reached there and i don’t deserve it I barely deserve masters dont even mention grandmaster and here i am sitting at top 200
This player is good. Silver not too high at all and even with the current mechanics should be gold
wtf how does this look good?! aim is pretty bad, crosshair placement is terrible, and decision-making is iffy, stays on low ground too much in the open and drops down from height for no reason... I've literally played like 10 games of overwatch and I can already see the mistakes
He honestly looks like someone who came from CoD or Apex, as his mechanical aim is at least Plat level. As someone who came from Masters in BLOPS2, he probably just doesn't understand how Overwatch works yet. I had to play tank and healer for a year or more before I started to understand how the game flows, and this might be where he gets the feel that he isn't as good as he really is. CoD and Apex are games where it's carry-biased, whereas Overwatch and other MOBAs are feeder-biased. He is simply measuring his own ability by the wrong metrics, and assuming that because he isn't carrying, that he isn't useful.
I was put to Diamond 5 on DPS even though I would barely deserve Bronze 4...
I Think I play to much Ana ^^' everytime I see this player not shooting on low healt aly Im like WHAT WHYYYY then oh .. right not ana HAHAHA
If anyone in this video is in the wrong rank it's the Doom and Mercy smurfing lol, but fr if anything I'd say they play like a low gold, if anything the aim is poor but positioning and game sense were generally above silver. I'd never say they should de-rank though, they weren't bronze level
If got got better aim could maybe be gold tbh, just needs a bit more map awareness as well
i got placed in gold 3 for dmg in comp recently and i truly don't know why. ow2 is the first and only fps game i've ever played and my aim is,,, not great lmao
EMONGG! love the vids
My dude really needs to lower the sensitivity, that will improve his aim pretty much!
The best way to improve your right click on Sojourn is putting it on your left click!
I am too high on DPS (it's plat) the rest of my roles are brilver so I'm def bronze
Bro im gold 1 and when i get the five win with 10 losses i get gold 1 how
Someone can explain this?
Ranking system is shit
I may not play like i seem I'm good, but once im pushed to a curtain point, i play as good or even bwtter than this player, it isn't often, sometimes i lose unranked on purpose sometimes to give myself a reason to win, I've been playing for ill say teo months and a half, ofc i had overwatch back when it was good, when it had loot boxes, wish they could come back, so combined i spenr a total time of three to four months playing until the time i post this comment. And the crazy thing is, i never played to win, i played to play, i played for fun and reaction time
I think this looks like a solid Silver game to me!
bro saying he doesn’t deserve s4 but s4 is a rock bottom rank
Honestly, considering the game play, they silver lol just gotta learn, it's kind of what metal ranks are for, though tons of em are toxic af for no reason...like you in a low tier, keep your ego in check
The chat were such assholes during this vod for no reason. I dont get why the comunity is like this when he was humble and has played for a month like. No wonder the games losing players
Im masters and i still think my plat rank was too high for me
i see a csgo player when i saw his ash
Shouldn't be lower I'm usually in gold on damage and my aim with ashe sucks
Tbf tho I don't play ashe😂
Ill be 100% honest. I see worst when vod reviewing games in diamond. I can see this guy getting to diamond or masters in a year time.
The player is just playing non aggressive with the character.
I can't play comp, I'm delulu and I'll actually think I'm good😅
he just like me fr
Amazing vid🙂🙂