so did Bill Clinton, Buffalo Bill Clinton's presidency was famous for extraordinary rendition. (basically flying a prisoner into a country where its legal/you can get away with torturing and/or killing someone.
@The Real Incognome actually this country is so divided and it's sad I pray we won't be like this for long but as long trump is around it will .... Coming from Somone who voted for Trump 2016:
Wait, so Republicans view Putin favorably for "making a plan and executing it quickly, and letting everyone react"? Isn't that exactly what they hated about Obama? Have I missed something?
Well yes because the executive branch exists but two other branches exist to check as a balance the executive branch. Unlike Obama, Putin kills to get what he wants while Obama is forced to negotiate. That's kind of what at this point, both parties want each other dead but the Republicans a bit more.
I'm from Estonia and let me be clear: the most important reason why I fear Trump's presidency is because he's very lenient towards Russia. Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and many other Eastern European countries joined NATO in the hope that it would protect the personal freedoms of their citizens and the sovereignty of their country from Russia. Trump is now betraying that faith. What Trump cares about is personal power and money, not democracy or personal freedoms you hold dear in Western nations. You should be afraid as well.
Rebasepoiss - Stop overreacting. Me and many Russians with me are against any kind of invasion of the Baltics, or any invasion at all for that matter. The reason Russia annexed Crimea was because Russia is afraid of NATO troops on their borders and don't want to lose their very strategic warm water port on the Black Sea. It goes both ways you know; NATO comes closer - Russia acts more agressive. Russia acts more agressive - NATO comes closer. If Russia wanted to annex The Baltics or Crimea for *no good reason*, they would of done that already in the 90s, when it was easier. Unlike the Baltics, Russia was refused membership of NATO and the EU, so Russia didn't benefit as much from their free market reforms as a lot of Eastern Europe did. We had all the downsides without the upsides. The 90s, when Russia was "best friends" with the west, were terrible times for Russia, because of the rising Oligarchy and US corporations exploiting Russia and its peoples. The Russian crisis of the 90s was 20 times worse than the Great Depression. Look, if Russia ever even tries to Annex the Baltics, I'll be standing in the front line of the protests. But I also don't want to relive the 90s.
+Octo PUSS Of course he wouldn't protest it, Crimea was given by Kruschev to Ukraine as a gift in 1954. The peninsula is predominantly made of Russian population, 596 out of 600 schools were Russian speaking waaaay before the "invasion". So that you can understand it from your perspective, imagine if the USA, Canada, Mexico were a union like the USSR, let's all it UCMR. And at some point, a leader of the UCMR whose ethnic roots are Mexican, decided to transfer the state of Texas to the Mexican republic of the UCMR as a gift to the Mexican nation... People of Texas don't really mind it because in their minds UCMR is one country, and this transfer is done merely for administrative reasons. However, 40 years later, the UCMR collapses... There is a complete chaos, the USA, Canada and Mexico are now separate countries. Texas is a part of Mexico (with it's predominantly American population). Mexico doesn't want to give it up for obvious reasons, and the US has a drunkard president (let's call him Yeltsynson or Yeltsman) and there is complete chaos in the country, so the US government can care less about the affairs of Texas and its desire to rejoin with the US. As a result, Texas stays with Mexico as an autonomous republic with its predominantly American population and 596 out of 600 schools speaking English instead of Spanish. Now we fast-forward another 20 years and now there is a mess going on in Mexico. Apparently they are super pro-Russian aligned (the enemy of the US) and since the collapse of the UCMR, the US has been leasing its only strategic warm sea military port in Texas (now a part of Mexico). The US paid Mexico millions of dollars every year to have the right to use the port (even though it has been a part of the US for hundreds of years before it became a communist UCMR and Texas was transferred to Mexico...) So the US has 20,000 troops legally stationed in Texas at the leased sea port. However, an interesting event happens, the president of Mexico who was more or less pro American has been overthrown. There has been a coup! Russians are saying they have nothing to do with it, but its so obvious when you see Russian political leaders standing right there in the protests handing out cookies and pies to people... These protesters are all wearing masks and destroy everything they see in the center of Mexico city. Other Mexicans are upset about it but they are afraid to do anything, the other half have been brainwashed by pro-Russian media for the past 20 years, and you have Russian oligarchs like Sorosov who openly state that they have been financing pro-Russian propaganda in Mexico since the fall of the UCMR . All over Mexico you see the anti-American movement. Mexicans are tired of being oppressed by the US, they want to align themselves with Russians, the true liberators who will make their hard working people rich and prosperous. Anyone who speaks English is beaten up, English speaking kids in schools are forced to speak Spanish. People are afraid of saying a word in English, and people of Texas are extremely worried, because they are first and foremost American, they will never be forced to speak Spanish and call themselves Mexican. No, the people want to fight, it's their land, they are American, and they don't care that some communist leader of the UCMR decided to transfer their state to the Mexican republic 60 years ago.. Texas is American! And before any bloodbath, US decides to interfere, and with the help of its 20,000 legally stationed troops it keeps away the aggressive nationalists pouring in from the rest of Mexico. The new Mexican government is Russian aligned, and first thing they want to do is cut out the US from its only military port in the warm waters, and gain full control of Texas. But they didn't think that the people of Texas will revolt, even more, they didn't count on the US using its military power to protect its people. No, these people are not citizens of the US, but they once were, and Texas must belong to the US once again. The US seals and protects the borders of Texas and makes a referendum. With 98% of people voting to be a part of the US once again, it takes back what rightfully belongs to them. Then all hell breaks loose and the world conspires against the US. Russia is now a dominant power and any US aligned nations are ridiculed. US is seen as an aggressor and is sanctioned by Europe, Russia and other major powers. But the US doesn't care, because Texas is now with them and the people of Texas are rejoiced. However, it is heartbreaking to watch how the new fascist Mexican government is eliminating all English speakers in the north of Mexico, with predominantly English speaking population. English speakers are dying every day, and there is absolutely nothing that the US can do except to just watch the bloodbath on its borders and hope that the political regime will change for the better. How about this story? Will seeing it from a different perspective change your view? It's actually funny making this comparison, because unlike Crimea which is predominantly Russian, Texas has a huge Spanish speaking population.. so the comparison is not even accurate, a better comparison would be the sates of Utah, Wyoming, Nebraska, etc. becoming a part of Mexico, but that's geographically impossible.. Also, south-west of the US actually belonged to Mexico historically. So it would actually make more sense if California, Texas, etc. joined Mexico... The east of Ukraine on the other hand always belonged to the Russian Empire, before the communist revolution when Lenin gave up those lands, similarly to how Kruschev transferred Crimea. That's the reason why east of Ukraine is made up of Russian speakers and its pro-Russian. Because its native population are ethnic Russians who lived there since Kievan Rus (i.e. 1000+ years). So you can't even compare it to US/Mexico, but that's as close as I could get. Maybe I should have compared it to Canada instead? :/
We are, generally speaking, for limited government. I think what would be a more accurate description of our view on Putin is that we respect him. You do not need to agree with someone to respect them. I very much doubt that I'd have a whole lot in common with Putin politically, however, I have respect for his position and ability.
@@captaincallipygian2783 His position and ability to do what exactly? You don’t know him personally and we rarely hear anything not government related about him in the media, so what’s exactly to respect other than the fact that he’s authoritarian?
Because vox is trying to incite an online war between the left and right. The liberals fight with feelings and tumblr while the conservatives fight with facts and logic
Republican / christian ideology always prefers to have an authoritarian / dictator type leadership / patriarchy... so you can see why Trump is like a wet dream to many republicans. We are also witnessing the disassembly of our government by the stooges that have been appointed to important positions... and also many people quitting and many positions going unfilled.
Uh oh here come the Putin-bots ready to spam the comment section for probably around a couple cents an hour. Truly pathetic the modern economic condition of Russia.
Have you seen the troll farms lately? All pushing for American civil war, and to stop helping Ukraine. It’s absolutely overwhelming in comment sections. Very seldom do I comment anymore
Putin is an authoritarian dictator who censors the press and puts up the facade of democracy. The US has never had an authoritarian president and the 1st Amendment is one of the most protected amendments, the free press being a key hallmark. We have never stooped to Russia's lows, ever.
They're planning our downfall. They're also forming a North Korea like state in Ukraine. look up the VICE report on youtube about the Ukraine being taken over by Russia.
When someone goes against rules of democracy then he/she MUST be covered harshly by media with no remorse.. it doesn't matter where this information came from.
Sensei Dekkers first of all, bias is almost unavoidable and secondly bias recognizable as such is beneficial towards a critical inquiry of a source. Fake news presents itself as unbiased facts whereas it is a heavily biased lie. Thirdly, Vox does not claim that they're unbiased nor should they be.
Not all fake news sources claim to be unbiased. Look at cnn for example. They are clearly democratic and preach it, while being a large fake news source as well.
@Rjkoolijay Actually this video would qualify as propaganda. Because while like you say it reports the facts it also tells alot of half truths and uses some unvertifiable and likely fake information. If you're simply reporting information you wouldn't present unvertifiable information as fact.
They're planning our downfall. They're also forming a North Korea like state in Ukraine. look up the VICE report on youtube about the Ukraine being taken over by Russia. Don't forget also that they're bombing civilians in Syria even targeting hospitals.
Well,Id rather be friendly with Russia then China, As a Republican we realised, Russia is not a threat really,But they are staring to feel Chinas influence as are the EU and US, so while yes Putin is a dictator we should be a little nicer to him because we cant have China grow anymore
BTW, Its was REPUBLICANS that gave Ukraine DEADLY weapons unlike Obama which just sent pillows and food. For all the talk of Trump withholding aid,He still has given WAY more to them then Obama
This isn't anti-Trump, this is pro-objective reality. Putin is becoming more popular with Republicans, this is not some made idea from "the biased liberal media" as you call it
Some say Putin is a dictator in Russia, but I am Russian and I voted for him because there are no compatitors. I meen there are a lot of people who opposite to Putin in Russia but they are not half as smart and strong as Putin. What you suggest, vote for another person just because your government doesnt like Putin? Would you do the same in your country?
This video is just explaining why Putin is becoming more popular with Republicans, something that is actually happening. If you think objective reality is divisive then I suppose they should stop publishing the news and current events?
SuperFly25 What they're trying to push herr is some messed up agenda where if you support putin you're on the other sida. So what I meant was - they're dividing people even more than necessary.
Of course, you shouldn't come here expecting non-biased news. Same for Breitbart. Looking at either as a good form of news is confirmation-bias, you look at it because you align with their general views. The best way to study anything political is to access all sides; then you have all the information and can make up your own mind.
The strength of a leader is precieved effective in one of two basic ways: Strong because of the leader's commitment to the well being of the people and therefore beloved; or, Strong because of the power they have to suppress the will of the people by force, and therefore beloved, or else. It is clear which type of strong leader Putin is; and, even in his abject idiocy, Trump knows as well.
Controversial statement: there needs to be a political dialog with Russia, it was widely know that disengagement with Russia would result in a strengthening of ties between Russia and China. The Europeans are not in the position of power politics with either Russia or China, so that leaves the United States to serve as a check on strategic hegemony. The US can deal with one or the other but a solid alliance between Russia and China it can't deal with effectively. The US has more common interests with Russia than with China and by acting as a wedge between Eurasia would be a critical factor balancing power on the world stage.
+auneakeffect No, you're going to stay subscribed just so you can complain in the comments about how triggered you are when somebody presents an opposing political viewpoint.
This video highlights the stark differences between the President of today and previous Presidents. Please just compare Regan's use of language and vocab and compare it to Trump's.
My favorite part is when he says that we are in a potential crisis where our president could be financially tied to another country's leader.... Remind me what happened again in the Clinton Foundation after Hillary lost?
as a citizen of the world i respect Putin and what he is trying to do for himself and country but as an American it's unfortunate that people cannot see the obvious....
America is in serious trouble when a well-made video merely presenting a thoroughly researched perspective on a tremendously important issue gets disliked to oblivion just because it questions a possible explanation to a single man's recent behaviour.
4:52 That's pure ignorance. Is there any American that has read about Marxism and understood what it actually consists of? The USSR was not communist, and no other government in the world has ever been able to create a communist government...communism demands a lack of government, not totalitarianism.
Hacking an election and spying are v different... many countries have "spies," they're more intelligence officers than James Bonds who go around killing people. Both countries may be bad, both are certainly imperialist, but the US has a much freer press and Russia recently decriminalized spousal abuse. Additionally, and most importantly, even if the two countries were equal, either country should still be very worried about the other influencing its elections....
Russia has no reason to worry about us tampering with their elections. Putin has a rock solid majority, he controls the press, and jails dissenters. He's also not above rigging elections. As flawed as our political process may be, our elections are still pretty open and democratic. You can't really rig our system on the national level, it would be a bureaucratic nightmare. Add in the free press and speech, and we are much more vulnerable to foreign propaganda.
I find it quite hard to see how Russia can influence the political environment of the world's greatest power, but can't even influence Ukraine which is a bankrupt nation, with many ethnic Russians in the country and also in general historic ties to Russia.
China want Trump in power. Might not seem like it considering his anti-China stance but Chinese former politicians and political scientists keep saying they prefer Trump as president because he is breaking up American alliances and relations with other countries, making it easier for China to gain influence.
Franco Today's Russia is like the USSR and as we speak is getting close to it. Hell they're forming a North Korea like state in the Ukraine. Look it up.
***** Russia used to be USSR. Russian isn't as bad as USSR, but Russia is still pretty imperialistic. They've promised Ukraine to keep the borders peaceful in exchanges for nukes years ago. Now they've just violated that by Annexing Crimea
Well, Trump attacked the Syrian Government which is strong friends with Russia, and now the US shot down a Syrian MiG fighter jet. Great way to start WW3.
The problem is that russia has actively attacked the us with misinformation and tech for years. They dont act in good faith. And trump has been helping putin get what he wants. If we value freedom over tyranny, we shouldnt be betraying our democratic allies in favor of a dictator like putin, just bc russians spend money
The GOP has had a hard on for Communists for decades. They love the idea of the POTUS controlling the Press and businesses. State run industry is a goal of the GOP and now Trump is directly controlling private industry.
I think that the culpability of stealing private information lies only between the thief(hacker) and the victim. Releasing the info to the public is a benefit if it represents the truth (obviously you probably won't feel that way if the truth hurts the candidate you have already decided to align with), therefore the consequences of the truth should not be reproachable just because the truth was stolen. The culpability is there, but you can't use that fact to make the results of the propagation of truth seem harmful or disruptive because they are in fact beneficial. I personally still see no reason to believe that Putin and the United States cannot agree on who would make a better president for the US, which seems to be the requisite assumption Vox is wanting you to make here. I would much rather seek presidential approval from a country like Russia, despite its many criticisms, than any of the countries in the disintegrating European Union which will likely continue their descent into bankruptcy, poverty, and socialistic stagnation that dooms them. Thank Putin we still have a fighting chance against that abject destiny.
Excuse me for intruding here, but the fact is that The Russian Federation is no longer the Soviet Union, is no longer dominated by the economic ideology of communism, and is no longer the enemy of the USA. As your video essay admits, Reagan won the Cold War. Russia is reduced in size but its leader doesn't consider his nation to be an enemy of the USA. When Nixon sought to open diplomacy with China, where were your criticisms? And when John F. Kennedy made a pact with Kruschev to avoid nuclear confrontation with the former Soviet Union, did you not praise his genius in preventing nuclear confrontation?
Who is this man in blue holding that monologue? How is he so convinced about what he is saying? He seems to be extremely confident about his words, though there's nothing the video shows to support him.
Since the 1920's democrats have hired and promoted Soviet agents in the State Department, defending them hysterically whenever questions were raised. It took HUAC and McCarthy for the truth of their deceit to be seen.
He executes more than just decisions...
so did Bill Clinton, Buffalo Bill Clinton's presidency was famous for extraordinary rendition. (basically flying a prisoner into a country where its legal/you can get away with torturing and/or killing someone.
True bruh, with novichok and polonium
To the gulag
yep he executes his plans too!!! to a tee!!
So do American government by invading countries
This is the epitome of :
“The enemy ( Russia ) of your enemy ( Democrats ) is your Friend..”
Ironic and terrifying
Another fallout lesson kids!:D
@The Real Incognome actually this country is so divided and it's sad I pray we won't be like this for long but as long trump is around it will .... Coming from Somone who voted for Trump 2016:
Wait, so Republicans view Putin favorably for "making a plan and executing it quickly, and letting everyone react"? Isn't that exactly what they hated about Obama? Have I missed something?
They will support a russian before a black man. Sorry it took 5 years for someone to say that.
Well yes because the executive branch exists but two other branches exist to check as a balance the executive branch.
Unlike Obama, Putin kills to get what he wants while Obama is forced to negotiate.
That's kind of what at this point, both parties want each other dead but the Republicans a bit more.
I'm from Estonia and let me be clear: the most important reason why I fear Trump's presidency is because he's very lenient towards Russia.
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and many other Eastern European countries joined NATO in the hope that it would protect the personal freedoms of their citizens and the sovereignty of their country from Russia. Trump is now betraying that faith. What Trump cares about is personal power and money, not democracy or personal freedoms you hold dear in Western nations. You should be afraid as well.
Rebasepoiss - Stop overreacting. Me and many Russians with me are against any kind of invasion of the Baltics, or any invasion at all for that matter. The reason Russia annexed Crimea was because Russia is afraid of NATO troops on their borders and don't want to lose their very strategic warm water port on the Black Sea.
It goes both ways you know; NATO comes closer - Russia acts more agressive. Russia acts more agressive - NATO comes closer.
If Russia wanted to annex The Baltics or Crimea for *no good reason*, they would of done that already in the 90s, when it was easier.
Unlike the Baltics, Russia was refused membership of NATO and the EU, so Russia didn't benefit as much from their free market reforms as a lot of Eastern Europe did. We had all the downsides without the upsides.
The 90s, when Russia was "best friends" with the west, were terrible times for Russia, because of the rising Oligarchy and US corporations exploiting Russia and its peoples. The Russian crisis of the 90s was 20 times worse than the Great Depression.
Look, if Russia ever even tries to Annex the Baltics, I'll be standing in the front line of the protests. But I also don't want to relive the 90s.
Russia's not gonna invade you
crimea prove otherwise
Artjom Pavlov
You didn't protest Crimea though did you
+Octo PUSS Of course he wouldn't protest it, Crimea was given by Kruschev to Ukraine as a gift in 1954. The peninsula is predominantly made of Russian population, 596 out of 600 schools were Russian speaking waaaay before the "invasion".
So that you can understand it from your perspective, imagine if the USA, Canada, Mexico were a union like the USSR, let's all it UCMR. And at some point, a leader of the UCMR whose ethnic roots are Mexican, decided to transfer the state of Texas to the Mexican republic of the UCMR as a gift to the Mexican nation... People of Texas don't really mind it because in their minds UCMR is one country, and this transfer is done merely for administrative reasons.
However, 40 years later, the UCMR collapses... There is a complete chaos, the USA, Canada and Mexico are now separate countries. Texas is a part of Mexico (with it's predominantly American population). Mexico doesn't want to give it up for obvious reasons, and the US has a drunkard president (let's call him Yeltsynson or Yeltsman) and there is complete chaos in the country, so the US government can care less about the affairs of Texas and its desire to rejoin with the US. As a result, Texas stays with Mexico as an autonomous republic with its predominantly American population and 596 out of 600 schools speaking English instead of Spanish.
Now we fast-forward another 20 years and now there is a mess going on in Mexico. Apparently they are super pro-Russian aligned (the enemy of the US) and since the collapse of the UCMR, the US has been leasing its only strategic warm sea military port in Texas (now a part of Mexico). The US paid Mexico millions of dollars every year to have the right to use the port (even though it has been a part of the US for hundreds of years before it became a communist UCMR and Texas was transferred to Mexico...) So the US has 20,000 troops legally stationed in Texas at the leased sea port.
However, an interesting event happens, the president of Mexico who was more or less pro American has been overthrown. There has been a coup! Russians are saying they have nothing to do with it, but its so obvious when you see Russian political leaders standing right there in the protests handing out cookies and pies to people... These protesters are all wearing masks and destroy everything they see in the center of Mexico city. Other Mexicans are upset about it but they are afraid to do anything, the other half have been brainwashed by pro-Russian media for the past 20 years, and you have Russian oligarchs like Sorosov who openly state that they have been financing pro-Russian propaganda in Mexico since the fall of the UCMR .
All over Mexico you see the anti-American movement. Mexicans are tired of being oppressed by the US, they want to align themselves with Russians, the true liberators who will make their hard working people rich and prosperous. Anyone who speaks English is beaten up, English speaking kids in schools are forced to speak Spanish. People are afraid of saying a word in English, and people of Texas are extremely worried, because they are first and foremost American, they will never be forced to speak Spanish and call themselves Mexican. No, the people want to fight, it's their land, they are American, and they don't care that some communist leader of the UCMR decided to transfer their state to the Mexican republic 60 years ago.. Texas is American! And before any bloodbath, US decides to interfere, and with the help of its 20,000 legally stationed troops it keeps away the aggressive nationalists pouring in from the rest of Mexico.
The new Mexican government is Russian aligned, and first thing they want to do is cut out the US from its only military port in the warm waters, and gain full control of Texas. But they didn't think that the people of Texas will revolt, even more, they didn't count on the US using its military power to protect its people. No, these people are not citizens of the US, but they once were, and Texas must belong to the US once again. The US seals and protects the borders of Texas and makes a referendum. With 98% of people voting to be a part of the US once again, it takes back what rightfully belongs to them. Then all hell breaks loose and the world conspires against the US.
Russia is now a dominant power and any US aligned nations are ridiculed. US is seen as an aggressor and is sanctioned by Europe, Russia and other major powers. But the US doesn't care, because Texas is now with them and the people of Texas are rejoiced. However, it is heartbreaking to watch how the new fascist Mexican government is eliminating all English speakers in the north of Mexico, with predominantly English speaking population. English speakers are dying every day, and there is absolutely nothing that the US can do except to just watch the bloodbath on its borders and hope that the political regime will change for the better.
How about this story? Will seeing it from a different perspective change your view? It's actually funny making this comparison, because unlike Crimea which is predominantly Russian, Texas has a huge Spanish speaking population.. so the comparison is not even accurate, a better comparison would be the sates of Utah, Wyoming, Nebraska, etc. becoming a part of Mexico, but that's geographically impossible.. Also, south-west of the US actually belonged to Mexico historically. So it would actually make more sense if California, Texas, etc. joined Mexico... The east of Ukraine on the other hand always belonged to the Russian Empire, before the communist revolution when Lenin gave up those lands, similarly to how Kruschev transferred Crimea. That's the reason why east of Ukraine is made up of Russian speakers and its pro-Russian. Because its native population are ethnic Russians who lived there since Kievan Rus (i.e. 1000+ years). So you can't even compare it to US/Mexico, but that's as close as I could get. Maybe I should have compared it to Canada instead? :/
Wild Cuckobo nah I think he’s happy Roy Moore lost
Joel Gomez a good amount of Republicans are
RedTeamReview iii
Throw both of them in jail
😂😂😂😂 Zing!!!!!!
*Russian Dictator
Ethan Nunofyourbeezewax Vladimir Putin was elected into his office by a vote.
andy bechdoldt Yeah but it wasn't like it was a fair election
andy bechdoldt I don't call 10 years without opposition democratic.
Dictator and elected are not mutually exclusive. Kim Jong-Un was elected.
Camali11 _ nobody else ran against him, so it want very democratic
Would LOVE to see an update on this!
Boy this aged well
Aren't Republicans supposed to be for SMALL government? I can't be the only one who sees this.
We are, generally speaking, for limited government. I think what would be a more accurate description of our view on Putin is that we respect him. You do not need to agree with someone to respect them. I very much doubt that I'd have a whole lot in common with Putin politically, however, I have respect for his position and ability.
Captain Callipygian you respect him for his ability? Do you mean his arbitrary imprisonment and killing of all those who oppose him?
@@captaincallipygian2783 His position and ability to do what exactly? You don’t know him personally and we rarely hear anything not government related about him in the media, so what’s exactly to respect other than the fact that he’s authoritarian?
Republicans are only for small government when it’s to their advantage. But when it comes to abortion, they want government to intervene.
@@deadloaf8479 Small government doesn't mean: cannot do anything whatsoever
Hi Vox, request for a 2019 update or Part 2 of this story.
Putin do b stepping down
@Patriot_Optimia 😂 He isn’t going to resign 😂 😂
Now we need a 2022 update!!
why does this have so many dislikes? are you disagreeing with the fact that most Republicans support Putin?
bfchang trump supporters hate when someone says something bad about their leader they think he is like god like he is perfect😂😂😂😂
They don't want anyone disrespecting GOD EMPEROR DONALD TRUMP (sarcasm)
Because vox is trying to incite an online war between the left and right. The liberals fight with feelings and tumblr while the conservatives fight with facts and logic
TheArtkaw I'm Canadian Too.
I thought the Republicans were for smaller gov't and yet they believe it is imperative that we have a "strong" leader.
America needs better leadership, not more government.
Republican / christian ideology always prefers to have an authoritarian / dictator type leadership / patriarchy... so you can see why Trump is like a wet dream to many republicans.
We are also witnessing the disassembly of our government by the stooges that have been appointed to important positions... and also many people quitting and many positions going unfilled.
Republicans would love to have a dictator.
. . . . as long it's THEIR dictator.
@Patrick Laughing At Your Small PP whats crooked about hillary?
@Patrick Laughing At Your Small PP I can't believe how ppl think conspiracies are true SMH
@@ezequielgonzalez8567 Well, since they're true they're a bit more than just "conspiracies". Especially since there is literally proof of all of this
No we don't want a dictator
I’m a Democrat but I beg you to please make one negative video for Democrats. I’ve exclusively seen videos ripping on Republicans.
ToastedNoodle they did one or two on CNN
@@technobladefan7791 yea and thats it...
How pathetic that Trump gives more respect to Putin than he does to some Americans.
Uh oh here come the Putin-bots ready to spam the comment section for probably around a couple cents an hour. Truly pathetic the modern economic condition of Russia.
Oh Russian currency... from Ruble to Rubble...
Have you seen the troll farms lately? All pushing for American civil war, and to stop helping Ukraine. It’s absolutely overwhelming in comment sections. Very seldom do I comment anymore
Im a Republican and I don't approve of Putin...
It is so hypocritical that we are talking about russia this much given our history. We do the exact same things as a country
adrian anane So if native americans started slaughtering white people, you'd be fine with that?
Not only native Americans but also countries in almost every continent.
Putin is an authoritarian dictator who censors the press and puts up the facade of democracy. The US has never had an authoritarian president and the 1st Amendment is one of the most protected amendments, the free press being a key hallmark. We have never stooped to Russia's lows, ever.
They're planning our downfall. They're also forming a North Korea like state in Ukraine. look up the VICE report on youtube about the Ukraine being taken over by Russia.
So, what should we do? Go to war?
When someone goes against rules of democracy then he/she MUST be covered harshly by media with no remorse.. it doesn't matter where this information came from.
The rules of democracy stands to reason.
The Republican party does not.
Meh DeMoCrAcY
Thanks for the totally un-biased video again vox.
Vox has never said that they weren't biased. They are liberals. Fox News and Infowars are conservatives.
Get over it.
Let me clarify myself. They are spewing out the fake news maybe even faster than CNN and deceiving their fan base.
Sensei Dekkers first of all, bias is almost unavoidable and secondly bias recognizable as such is beneficial towards a critical inquiry of a source. Fake news presents itself as unbiased facts whereas it is a heavily biased lie. Thirdly, Vox does not claim that they're unbiased nor should they be.
Not all fake news sources claim to be unbiased. Look at cnn for example. They are clearly democratic and preach it, while being a large fake news source as well.
They have never stated they ARE biased either. Telling half truths and presenting it like facts is incredibely dangerous.
Please never show Ted Cruz, the zodiac killer, in one of your videos ever again.
This, Kids, is what you call propaganda
Awwww, did Vox touch on something you disagree with? Boohoo, poor you.
What? Reporting on simple accepted facts is propaganda now? Wow you better share this discovery with every single media outlet in the world..
Actually this video would qualify as propaganda. Because while like you say it reports the facts it also tells alot of half truths and uses some unvertifiable and likely fake information. If you're simply reporting information you wouldn't present unvertifiable information as fact.
They're planning our downfall. They're also forming a North Korea like state in Ukraine. look up the VICE report on youtube about the Ukraine being taken over by Russia. Don't forget also that they're bombing civilians in Syria even targeting hospitals.
0:10 "Murderous strongman, with a nasty habit of invading his neighbours" that sums up every american president.
LOL, quite true! Though, usually it's invading distant nations the US should have no business there at all
not just their neighbours but the middle east and the nearest galaxy too!
True true. One persons hero is another persons terrorist.
So why was there such a big spike in August?
Lucy Hunt Republican representatives creating a fuzzy image of Putin, rather than telling the people who he really is.
Yes- but why?
Well,Id rather be friendly with Russia then China, As a Republican we realised, Russia is not a threat really,But they are staring to feel Chinas influence as are the EU and US, so while yes Putin is a dictator we should be a little nicer to him because we cant have China grow anymore
BTW, Its was REPUBLICANS that gave Ukraine DEADLY weapons unlike Obama which just sent pillows and food. For all the talk of Trump withholding aid,He still has given WAY more to them then Obama
Why would anyone dislike this video?
It's not biased.
Facts are supposed to be re-checked, understood and accepted not ignored.
trump supporter follows basic algorithmic pattern
trump supporter see
trump supporter anger
Tumor Boy I think that's true in some cases, but not in all cases.
Unlike a democrat, trump supporter does not let identity define political ideology.
Who is more dumb?
@@NameofLion better than you.
@tumor boy
Democrat see
Democrat angry
@@NameofLion "borderline illiterate"? Lol says the buffoon.
"with the nasty habit of invading his neighbors" - yeah that's good description
The video is desperately in need of a second part.
I don't understand what's so bad about being closer with Russia.
This is one of the most comprehensive pieces of journalism I've seen in a long time
Thank RT for his popularity
I'll translate what Trump supporters are saying:
(sheep noises)
Lol this comment is so ironic on many different levels.
Says the one who believed Russia hacked the election lmao
Says the one who believes we should go to war with Russia
A Pacing Goose: Stick to drinking the LIBERAL kool-aid butt brain!
Hiam Shekelgoldblattshoahstein say that again?
Having "total control" does not equate to being a good leader (Putin). Having power and using it for good is what makes a good leader (Obama).
Oldie but goodie
Who is watching because of the debate coming up
“People Are Looking At Putin As One Who Wrestles Bears And Drills For Oil.”
“People Are Looking At Our President, Who Wears Mamá Jeans
when was the last time vox made a video Not about (against lmao) donald trump
Literally yesterday lel watch?v=K-NBcP0YUQI
Yesterday and the day before
This isn't anti-Trump, this is pro-objective reality. Putin is becoming more popular with Republicans, this is not some made idea from "the biased liberal media" as you call it
Putin rejected the LGBT's push on Russia and got out of the Progressive new world order
Damn, Mike Pence aged like a babushka
Some say Putin is a dictator in Russia, but I am Russian and I voted for him because there are no compatitors. I meen there are a lot of people who opposite to Putin in Russia but they are not half as smart and strong as Putin.
What you suggest, vote for another person just because your government doesnt like Putin? Would you do the same in your country?
what is this smacking noise when she speaks?? so annoying...
trying to divide america, nice one vox!
tbh I think America is already divided given the last year in politics...
ofc, but why stop there? Vox won't rest until both wings are at war.
This video is just explaining why Putin is becoming more popular with Republicans, something that is actually happening. If you think objective reality is divisive then I suppose they should stop publishing the news and current events?
SuperFly25 What they're trying to push herr is some messed up agenda where if you support putin you're on the other sida. So what I meant was - they're dividing people even more than necessary.
i like watching vox but it is clearly politically biased
Zimbabway _ in every way. They are spreading propaganda
Of course, you shouldn't come here expecting non-biased news. Same for Breitbart. Looking at either as a good form of news is confirmation-bias, you look at it because you align with their general views.
The best way to study anything political is to access all sides; then you have all the information and can make up your own mind.
The strength of a leader is precieved effective in one of two basic ways: Strong because of the leader's commitment to the well being of the people and therefore beloved; or, Strong because of the power they have to suppress the will of the people by force, and therefore beloved, or else. It is clear which type of strong leader Putin is; and, even in his abject idiocy, Trump knows as well.
Can VOX do a video about Democratic support for China and Iran. It would be interesting to see when and why it has occurred.
Controversial statement: there needs to be a political dialog with Russia, it was widely know that disengagement with Russia would result in a strengthening of ties between Russia and China. The Europeans are not in the position of power politics with either Russia or China, so that leaves the United States to serve as a check on strategic hegemony. The US can deal with one or the other but a solid alliance between Russia and China it can't deal with effectively. The US has more common interests with Russia than with China and by acting as a wedge between Eurasia would be a critical factor balancing power on the world stage.
auneakeffect facts and questions with skepticism, this is how we all form thought about a subject.
+auneakeffect No, you're going to stay subscribed just so you can complain in the comments about how triggered you are when somebody presents an opposing political viewpoint.
Fly1ngShurtugal XIII just because thats what youd do doesnt mean it's what i would
Puttin, Is lowkey great
I agree, Putin however? Urgh
This video highlights the stark differences between the President of today and previous Presidents. Please just compare Regan's use of language and vocab and compare it to Trump's.
audio mixing is a little spotty here. Ya'll should listen to your final mix at a super low volume to see if all the different voices can be understood
This video is definitely not biased
liberal properganda
david cobian At least spell propaganda correctly.
david cobian not liberal *government*
+david cobian Meanwhile, all the news that fits your own pwecious political agenda isn't propaganda at all! Not at all!
My favorite part is when he says that we are in a potential crisis where our president could be financially tied to another country's leader.... Remind me what happened again in the Clinton Foundation after Hillary lost?
But I do agree that Putin is a dictator and not a great guy, but the people of Russia love him...
Fully maintain that all Trump voters are responsible for what is happening in Ukraine right now
You sound brain dead. I didn’t vote for trump, I don’t like him, but you my friend are missing some information. Do some more research bud.
this video was okay until about 3 minutes in when vox decided it was a good idea to reference the buzzfeed article
I would rather hang out with 1,000 Vladimir Putin's than 1 Vox employee.
Are we at war with Eurasian or EastAsia? Remember Oceania...
Simple as this: 1) War with Russia or 2) No war with Russia... I chose 2) No war with Russia
I don't think that Hilary Clinton would have started a war with Russia.
🤣 Republicans never cease to amaze me...
as a citizen of the world i respect Putin and what he is trying to do for himself and country but as an American it's unfortunate that people cannot see the obvious....
America is in serious trouble when a well-made video merely presenting a thoroughly researched perspective on a tremendously important issue gets disliked to oblivion just because it questions a possible explanation to a single man's recent behaviour.
lol crazy times we're living in
Miss leading chart Vox
Come on guys you can do better
Actually, they can't :P They're literally buzzfeed.
Great job VOX! You've nailed the sound byte nonsense down. Too bad crying about being wrong for so long gets you nowhere.
4:52 That's pure ignorance. Is there any American that has read about Marxism and understood what it actually consists of? The USSR was not communist, and no other government in the world has ever been able to create a communist government...communism demands a lack of government, not totalitarianism.
did you guys not miss that the document is fake?
A honest question : How is the US better then Russia ? As an arab one seems to me as bad as the other
Of course talkin'about the gov not people. Also i don'have any opinion on trump yet
Because the US has liberty of speech and liberty of press.
Hacking an election and spying are v different... many countries have "spies," they're more intelligence officers than James Bonds who go around killing people. Both countries may be bad, both are certainly imperialist, but the US has a much freer press and Russia recently decriminalized spousal abuse.
Additionally, and most importantly, even if the two countries were equal, either country should still be very worried about the other influencing its elections....
Russia has no reason to worry about us tampering with their elections. Putin has a rock solid majority, he controls the press, and jails dissenters. He's also not above rigging elections.
As flawed as our political process may be, our elections are still pretty open and democratic. You can't really rig our system on the national level, it would be a bureaucratic nightmare. Add in the free press and speech, and we are much more vulnerable to foreign propaganda.
Yas Oum US invented almost everything
I find it quite hard to see how Russia can influence the political environment of the world's greatest power, but can't even influence Ukraine which is a bankrupt nation, with many ethnic Russians in the country and also in general historic ties to Russia.
Ok, what about democrats and China?
Like what exactly...
@RoastWorthy trump signed multiple deals with china. Yes powerful currupt people like china
China want Trump in power. Might not seem like it considering his anti-China stance but Chinese former politicians and political scientists keep saying they prefer Trump as president because he is breaking up American alliances and relations with other countries, making it easier for China to gain influence.
good video but the sound levels were all over the place, blue sweater guy was so quiet 🤔
audio is terribly unbalanced. fix your mic or turn up the level!
How VOX's bias videos won the liberal snowflakes approval...
You seem grumpy lol
What was your favorite lie in this vox video? Mine was that trump has problems getting banks to invest in him.
We can't be sure if the banks had problems investing in him. But one thing we can be sure is that he has lots of Russian investors.
Franco Today's Russia is like the USSR and as we speak is getting close to it. Hell they're forming a North Korea like state in the Ukraine. Look it up.
***** Russia used to be USSR. Russian isn't as bad as USSR, but Russia is still pretty imperialistic.
They've promised Ukraine to keep the borders peaceful in exchanges for nukes years ago. Now they've just violated that by Annexing Crimea
Thank you good sir. We must educate people on the blind trust of Russia. Look at the facts.
Wikileaks has a 100% accuracy rate.
People forget that 'great' and 'good' are not the same thing...
He seems to be hesitant...
What is the problem of having closer relations with Russia? Do you want a 2nd cold war or a world war iii?
Well, Trump attacked the Syrian Government which is strong friends with Russia, and now the US shot down a Syrian MiG fighter jet. Great way to start WW3.
The problem is that russia has actively attacked the us with misinformation and tech for years. They dont act in good faith. And trump has been helping putin get what he wants. If we value freedom over tyranny, we shouldnt be betraying our democratic allies in favor of a dictator like putin, just bc russians spend money
"This is not a conspiracy...this may actually have some level of truth"
It's almost like we have a word for that...hmm
Turns out it was just conspiracy after all
i just saw a Scientology commercial for their weird ass tv channel. WTF
Americans saying other countries have the nasty habit of invading neighbors countries...
I love you vox! But the narrator keeps salivating and it is very distracting.
The GOP has had a hard on for Communists for decades. They love the idea of the POTUS controlling the Press and businesses. State run industry is a goal of the GOP and now Trump is directly controlling private industry.
nice bullshit strawman backed by nothing but your misinformation and feelings.
I'm so sick of hearing "but but why can't we be friends with Russia"
When are you doing a video about Hillary's relationship with Saudi Arabia?
This channel is becoming my go for useful content in UA-cam
It's not a surprise most of the world is starting to view Putin favorably Putin actually does what he says he's going to do.
I think that the culpability of stealing private information lies only between the thief(hacker) and the victim. Releasing the info to the public is a benefit if it represents the truth (obviously you probably won't feel that way if the truth hurts the candidate you have already decided to align with), therefore the consequences of the truth should not be reproachable just because the truth was stolen. The culpability is there, but you can't use that fact to make the results of the propagation of truth seem harmful or disruptive because they are in fact beneficial. I personally still see no reason to believe that Putin and the United States cannot agree on who would make a better president for the US, which seems to be the requisite assumption Vox is wanting you to make here. I would much rather seek presidential approval from a country like Russia, despite its many criticisms, than any of the countries in the disintegrating European Union which will likely continue their descent into bankruptcy, poverty, and socialistic stagnation that dooms them. Thank Putin we still have a fighting chance against that abject destiny.
Why does Mike Pence look like a grown up version of Ralphies younger brother from the Christmas Story?
"hacked" podesta is very generous summation of the truth.
I wish the media cared as much about the contents of the hack as opposed to who did it.
Russia won my heart when they banned gmo's. Seems like Russia cares more about there citizens than we do.
Please don't turn into buzzfeed. Please....
2012: Russia is our number one geopolitical foe
2020: China - Hold my beer
Hold my corona**
Excuse me for intruding here, but the fact is that The Russian Federation is no longer the Soviet Union, is no longer dominated by the economic ideology of communism, and is no longer the enemy of the USA. As your video essay admits, Reagan won the Cold War. Russia is reduced in size but its leader doesn't consider his nation to be an enemy of the USA. When Nixon sought to open diplomacy with China, where were your criticisms? And when John F. Kennedy made a pact with Kruschev to avoid nuclear confrontation with the former Soviet Union, did you not praise his genius in preventing nuclear confrontation?
Sarah Palin, the queen of Mom jeans, saying Obama wears Mom jeans lol
Interesting analysis.
Who is this man in blue holding that monologue? How is he so convinced about what he is saying? He seems to be extremely confident about his words, though there's nothing the video shows to support him.
This is a pretty cool channel!
Since the 1920's democrats have hired and promoted Soviet agents in the State Department, defending them hysterically whenever questions were raised. It took HUAC and McCarthy for the truth of their deceit to be seen.
isnt that report highly unsubstantiated?
5:36 have people missed Julian Assange saying it wasn't Russia?