Become one of the cool kids and join my Discord! We are already at over 3000 Members and it keeps growing. I am active on it every day and I don't miss any mentions, so if you want to chat come over! Keep in mind that I am busy coaching sometimes, so if I don't reply immediately, it's probably because I am currently working, but I'll try my best to get back to everyone :)
Just wanted to let you know that I have set up 12,000 dpi and 1 in-game sensi. And to control the cursor, so it matches my in-game sensi. settings; I have changed the cursor speed by going to mouse settings in Windows 10.
I’ve never really doubted iostux, but I was skeptical about the whole, sensitivity with widow ADS to 38. HOLY SHIT. I am now hitting shots like I never have before. This was my perfect sense, I am finally useful with widow, I’m flicking shots onto tracers diving me like crazy, I’m getting headshots on people who barely peak their heads over the orisa/rein shields on accident. My crosshair placement is finally paying off. Thank you. Edit: went from 40% average with widow to about 46% getting about 60-63% accuracy peaks now and then.
Wow, SO Greatly appreciate the video and detailed breakdown on the differences between sensitivity and dpi, as well as addressing the challenges modifications to the FOV can add, even though im not playing overwatch currently but other games this was exactly what I needed to get a good grasp on what I was doing wrong and right, killed it and seriously thanks!
This is the first video I have ever watched that actually goes into detail into the shit I want to know, have messed around with relative sens etc so much trying to figure out why it feels different and ended up trying to learn 1:1 ratio. I didnt even think about zooming in being a fov reduction.This is probably why I am profoundly shit at widow, but good at Mcree. It's like I'm changing sensitivities!
im 3 years late but thank you for this. i main ana, play widow sometimes as well, but was wondering why 37.94 on ashe felt so slow but felt fine with ana/widow.
Great video! I moved from a 4,000 eDPI to 1,000 and it makes gaming on CSGO 100% better for me. More headshots and aiming is effortless. I can’t believe I’ve been using that high of a eDPI for years.
I don't play this game, but for FPS in general, I've found medium DPI and medium sensitivity to be the best for me. I tried high DPI & low sensitivity for a long time (mainly just because I bought into the hype of high DPI earlier on when it became a thing), but it feels like my aim has improved since I changed it (and that says a lot, since I've been playing FPS since the early 90s, and for most of that, it was an obsession).
For me it was somewhat hard to find out how to match my desktop sens to my in game sens. And having to do this on multiple games made it even more difficult
This series should've been #1 on Reddit, but iostux shit on muh overwatch. That's a true feelsbadman, thank you anyway for being a try hard and making these on your busy schedule.
You're missing a thing about low-sensitivity user. They can whip their mouse and produce high-sensitivity movements, by using their whole arm. You can't do that in good regard to high-sensitivity users. Basically a low-sense player has more control not only in aiming but movement, because they can increase the speed of their own movement which produces high-sensitivity effects. Think I'm wrong? well go watch Tfue play a scrim in final circles, then see how fast he boxes himself in multiple times with just 400dpi/.08. Hard part for me is getting used to arm-movements. I'm over exaggerating my wrist to make movements and it is killing my wrist.
He's talking about low sense though. I've played CS:GO for 5 years now so trust me I know low sense, CS:GO probably has the lowest average professional sensitivity. There is definitely such a thing as too low, you shouldn't have to move your shoulder just to do a 90 degree turn. When you're too low you get to a point where you start making big real world adjustments for small in game adjustments, which usually means speed is necessary, your wrist will always be faster than your arm and shoulder.
@@umbra9705 Yes. But a lot of players only focus on wrist movement and that's not what they should do with a slow sensitivity because you have limited turn area and it can cause injury
I have found that an eDPI of 800-1000 is the cradle that holds the majority of the most statistically accurate pc fps players. I personally play at 600-800. My recommendation is to use a light mouse with a good cable or a good wireless (Logitech is the best in class at the time of this comment). G305 lightspeed is my choice. this allows me to utilize the full movement of my arm to some extent when aiming which, if you think about it, is what you would be doing if moving and firing a real weapon. I was a high sense player for years, but the change to low improved my performance beyond belief.
Legit just leave windows speed centered with precision off, find the right DPI (assuming you can change it) for your desktop workflow, then adjust in game sens until it feels good. Everyone is different, there is no good or bad number. Also 1440P will change compared to 1080P, etc.
And you know what, play with allot of confidence. I built my gaming PC 5 years ago, never really played for games on it because I had no skill with the mouse. Recently, last month I said screw that, I need to git guud, I used to hold easily a 2.5 -3 kd on console, on PC I was garbage. So I changed all of my settings and only play with the same dpi and sense every game. I get called a hacker now in some fps games. So if anyone is interested in getting better with m+kb hit me up on steam, I will give you all the information I have learned over the last month. Every day im getting better ign: CosbyPersuasion
I'm a MOBA player, but I like to play FPS with friends, so I have some problems with DPI because I normally use 3200 dpi for regular stuff and moba gaming, but when I have to play Apex Legends or any FPS dik if should I lower my DPI or reduce my sens. Because currently I use 1200 dpi + high sens very very high! because if i don't it just don't feel confortble and I'm used to use my wrist and not my arm. Also idk if high dpi for shooters is okay, because everyone say that i should use 800 dpi, but it's kinda impossible for me as a League player.
So match the distance it takes for your cursor to reach the other end of the monitor for a 180 turn ingame...isn’t this like too high (extreme for some) of a sense?🤔
Anywhere from 38 to 50 is technically accurate. 38 is recommended due to being the most practical for close range flicks, whereas 50 is suitable if you're flicking to the very edge of your screen. It's hard to break down without a write up, but the general argument is that 38 is very close to 1:1 accuracy for a microflick and slowly becomes more inaccurate the larger your flick. 50 on the other hand gets more and more accurate the larger your flick is, eventually hitting the 1:1 sweet spot on the edge of your screen. The question you've got to ask yourself is how large are your flicks?
ioStux Coaching | Overwatch I saw you reply to someone's comment saying to follow theb321 rule. My 321 is Ana/Zen/Rein, Heal/Tank, Projectile. However, I'm in bronze so to have a good team comp I usually need to flex into other roles, and sometimes those heroes don't work in the situation (ex. I'm playing against a team with a bastion and a really good flanker. Bastion melts Rein sheild, flanker melts Zen and Ana). What should I do in those situations?
Aryan Singh Get good, a good Rein will be able to deal with a Bastion, and a good Ana and Zen can kill a Tracer in Bronze no problem! Watch back your gameplay and search for mistakes, Im sure youll find something!
What DPI and Mouse Sens should i use, with a 1920x1080 resolution and 35,5cm Mousepad? (to achieve the 38/360 exactally) Currently running with 800 Dpi
But is the relative scoped sens the same for different characters? Don't the different characters have different zoom levels? In that case 38 won't be the center-of-the-screen-equivalent-screen-space-sens. 38 is probably the number for widow, but what is it for ana and ashe?
Your arm is more tense with high sense as you have to sort of concentrate on the little movements more, as far as I know. It makes sense that its more fatigueing. Big swings on low sens shouldnt be as tiring, especially if you are working out and/or fapping all day every day.
I tried the PSA method u mentioned in your video and after about 2 weeks of using the Sens I got from it I realized it was just too low. It doesn't work if ur doing it in the practice range because the bots are too slow and their hit boxes are too large. I use 1600 dpi, Sens before the PSA was 2.65, PSA gave 2.3, didn't feel comfortable in game until I raised it to 2.5 The PSA method is only helpful for new or bad players who have barely ever experimented with their sensitivities. All it does is help you figure out what is way too high and way too low, but the consensus between myself and players I have met around my rank (master) who tried it as well is that PSA is overhyped.
"It doesn't work if ur doing it in the practice range because the bots are too slow and their hit boxes are too large. " --> And here's your fault. You were trying to make it work on the moving bots. DONT do it. Keep to the instructions, it's not about finding a sens for good tracking "out of the box", it's for finding a sens that is natural for your brain/arm coordination. Improvements in tracking etc. come later with it.
Put your mouse on the left edge of your desktop. Move it to the right until it hits the right edge. Measure how many cm/in you had to move the mouse. Now you can adjust your dpi and your ingamesens until the distance to go from the left edge to the right edge is the same as making a 360 degree turn in game.
I play at 1750 dpi and I wouldn't be able to play at anything lower since it feels so slow and my mousepad is the size of a coaster so anything lower would be impractical really but Im not to interested in changing although lower dpi does have some advantage in consistency
@@MaybeKian He even said it scales differently in various games im just stating that I have to use a high DPI because of mouse pad space, I don't play overwatch so I can't say what sense I use. I know what he said im not unaware of the difference
Any tips on how to improve on 30 fps aim with no mousepad? And a 15 dollar honda gaming mouse that I don't know what dpi it has but it had 4 different modes?
Why should the Desktop match a 180 degree turn in-game? Mine matches 103 degrees in-game, my fov... because that's what I view in both... Is 180 better?
I set it (Windows mouse sens) equal to 103 deg (in-game) so that way when I view a target let's say 3 inches from the left border of the screen, the distance to move the mouse to hit it is the same as if I were moving the mouse cursor in Windows desktop the same distance (from the center to click something that was 3 inches from the left border of the screen). Am I correct in assuming that's how it works?
Personally if I would be to set my scoped sens to 38 my cursor would fly over my screen due to my edpi beimg 7200 should I lower my edpi or just stick with my old scope sense of 25? The reason my edpi is so high is cuz my mouse is inconsistant and sometimes has alot of inputlag
4:23 u said both game should have same FOV does it affect our aim if iam using 68(max) fov in csgo and in overwatch 103 ?? does FOV scale use universal principal in all other game? please answer
So 38 relative scope is literally measured from the edge of the screen to the centre of the screen which is where the crosshair is Please answer me on this question stux! Im going mad here its all new to me
Man, I have such a big problem with sensitivity.... I started at 3200 dpi with 12.5 ingamesens and since that was insanely high i have been gradualy decreasing it. Problem is, I cant really stop. Its so bad now that I use 800 dpi with 1.4 ingamesens. Im buing a razer speed extended because of my low sens and im essencially hoping that one day something will click in my head and it will be good and i will be able to get some muscle memory.....I used to use strickly wrist aim with a big mouse and now i use a hybrid of wrist and arm aim with a small mouse. Idk if I should go back up to something resonable like 1600 dpi with 4 sens and have shit aim for 2 weeks or if i should keep going...halp
same here, i used to play on 3200 dpi until i heard that was super high so i kept decreasing it gradually as well as incorporating my arm for aiming. i play with 400 dpi now and my accuracy is pretty good. don’t know if that’s useful info for you. anyway, i wish you a blessed day/night
I wonder though if it makes a difference what kind of DPI to sens ratio you have in game (apart from pixel skipping issue) provided eDPI is the same. Say, I play with 3200 eDPI and my current settings are 1600x2. Would it make any difference if I play 3200x1 or 800x4? Regarding your comment on desktop sens - that would be irrelevant in my case since I switch do 200 dpi for desktop use.
I like the idea of the desktop sens being the same as in-game sens, but I don't think it works out quite right. My DPI is 400 and in-game is about 17.6 inches/360, but it takes just shy of 4 inches to move from one end of the monitor to the other at the desktop (at 6 Windows sens), or in other words, half the distance you're suggesting it take to do a 180 turn in-game. That would mean I would have to use half the DPI to compensate, and I'm not sure using 200 DPI is worth it or if that low a DPI brings any negative side effects. So basically, moving my cursor from one end of the monitor to the other is only about a 90-degree turn for me, and it would only get further off the lower the in-game sens you use. Any clarification on this?
I'm not so sure if I understood it correctly, but I think he used that number as of an example of what the settings need to be on Overwatch. So that's not very useful info if you don't play it.
@@leandrofod is 38 relative scope just measured from the edge of your screen to the centre of your crosshair in cm? Thank you if you manage to get back to me
Someone needs to make a program that you can easily figure out your sens from one game to the next or get it as close as possible. I would pay for something like that.
can you comment how to hold mouse, i'm ok at shooting at front, but i use my palm to anchor my hand. and it is so hard to move around say 180deg as i feel like someone is holding my arm, friction of palm and arm... i've to effectively lift my arm up. if i do that, im able to move large distances, but then my aim which was perfect because palm goes bad.
So, if I get it right the movement required to go from the left to the right side of my desktop should equal the movement ingame for a 180° turn? I am currently playing at 800 DPI and 5.5 in game sensitivity. That means the desktop movement thing takes me about 6cm but I need about 15cm to do a 180° turn in game. But lowering the DPI doesn't feel really comfortable for me on the desktop. Does that mean that I would have to higher my sensitivity in game to match my DPI? That would be a way too high sensitivity, wouldn't it?
late reply, you can always adjust windows sensitivity to any dpi rather it be low or high if your concerned about your mouse cursor speed. you could play 6,000 dpi with windows sense on 1 and whatever game sense you choose, you will still get 6000 dots per inch.
@@steampile8327 That doesn't fix what he's talking about. If you change the Windows sense and mouse dpi but you're still not 1:1 in game then it's still the same problem. He needs to get used to swiping more out of game, there's no way around that. Personally I don't think its a big deal to actually try and do that. I think you're better off having your desktop sensitivity completely different so that you essentially have 2 completely different muscle memories instead of 2 that are really similar but not perfectly the same.
I've heard about 38 a long time ago but that seems to be just for Widowmaker. Doesn't Ana have a different scoped FOV and zoom tho? Never done some solid testing myself but it looks like Ana's scope has a lower zoom strength compared to Widowmaker's. I play neither of those heroes competitively, I'm just curious because I play a lot of Mystery Heroes. Overwatch Central BTW
Before I was playing at 500 dpi with 5 sensitivity. I now play with 2500 dpi with 1 sensitivity. Is this a drastic change? I thought it doesn’t really matter since the ratios were consistent.
I am really struggling with this, having just come to the PC version from playing console the last two years. At low sensitivity, I feel precise but I can't turn without picking up my mouse and it feels really awkward. I have a DeathAdder mouse which can go up to 3500 DPI, but right now I have it at 1800, which feels good out of game. I'm still struggling with the in game sensitivity
Daniel Mitchell it's gonna take some time getting used to PC. It took me months before I could reload without hitting e by mistake or ulting when I'm trying to hit tab.
Do you have any videos about sensitivity settings/aiming on console? I want to improve my aim but all the videos I watch are specific to PC. I’m not a professional coach but I think it’s safe to say that aiming with your arm/hand is a lot different from aiming with your thumb lol. Do you still think lower sensitivity is not great for console players?
Become one of the cool kids and join my Discord! We are already at over 3000 Members and it keeps growing. I am active on it every day and I don't miss any mentions, so if you want to chat come over! Keep in mind that I am busy coaching sometimes, so if I don't reply immediately, it's probably because I am currently working, but I'll try my best to get back to everyone :)
change intro to "Hey, my name is ioStux and I am a professional private coach and semi professional contenders coach" looooool
How does unit circle relate to this?
Just wanted to let you know that I have set up 12,000 dpi and 1 in-game sensi. And to control the cursor, so it matches my in-game sensi. settings; I have changed the cursor speed by going to mouse settings in Windows 10.
It looked cool haha, not related to the video directly
ioStux Coaching | Overwatch is 400 dpi on 2 the same as 800 dpi on 1 ?
I would’ve headshotted the subscribe button but I was playing Ana
Im already TRACER
Same I was using zarya
hi im pharah one trick
@@nigwardyoda8095 I'll be bastion
And I'll play wow.
Direkt in der ersten sekunde gemerkt, dass er Deutsch ist. Gutes Video.
Oh yeah yeah
ja zis is veri gud
lol man watch out last warning
Abraham Wolde oh
Me, a precalculus student, seeing the unit circle thumbnail: *vietnam flashbacks*
Lil late but same stg
damn liked your comment when this was posted 3 years ago
I’ve never really doubted iostux, but I was skeptical about the whole, sensitivity with widow ADS to 38. HOLY SHIT. I am now hitting shots like I never have before. This was my perfect sense, I am finally useful with widow, I’m flicking shots onto tracers diving me like crazy, I’m getting headshots on people who barely peak their heads over the orisa/rein shields on accident. My crosshair placement is finally paying off. Thank you.
Edit: went from 40% average with widow to about 46% getting about 60-63% accuracy peaks now and then.
Try 37.89 now
I don't know why but I just love it when you say "this is problematic". :D
Wow, SO Greatly appreciate the video and detailed breakdown on the differences between sensitivity and dpi, as well as addressing the challenges modifications to the FOV can add, even though im not playing overwatch currently but other games this was exactly what I needed to get a good grasp on what I was doing wrong and right, killed it and seriously thanks!
Insanely detailed video, good job
This is the first video I have ever watched that actually goes into detail into the shit I want to know, have messed around with relative sens etc so much trying to figure out why it feels different and ended up trying to learn 1:1 ratio.
I didnt even think about zooming in being a fov reduction.This is probably why I am profoundly shit at widow, but good at Mcree. It's like I'm changing sensitivities!
For anyone interested. More precise widow/ana 1 to 1 zoom sensitivity is 37.94. And for Ashe it is 51.44 (since she has higher fov).
im 3 years late but thank you for this. i main ana, play widow sometimes as well, but was wondering why 37.94 on ashe felt so slow but felt fine with ana/widow.
Me: is supposed to be studying to memorize the unit circle for tomorrows test
This Video: has the Unit Circle in it
Me: Illuminati confirmed
TheUn1cornLord I bet you’d learn this one faster 😂
What’s funny tho?
Fun fact: You have 69 likes now ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
the unit circle is ez fam. I got some mnemonics if ya need em
@@adamschneider868 well give em for everyone ey?!
This video made me think my screen was extremely dirty
WOW how have I not thought of this. Now just browsing the web I practice my snap aim and the movements translate!
homie really pulled out the unit circle
I tried to clean the screen at 1:48...
I did the same.
bro saameee
xdd yes
G L O P hahaha same and then i called him somthink ...
For the dpi:sens ratio, there is a setting that changes your windows mouse sens so you can have the dpi:sens ratio that feels right for you
Great video! I moved from a 4,000 eDPI to 1,000 and it makes gaming on CSGO 100% better for me. More headshots and aiming is effortless. I can’t believe I’ve been using that high of a eDPI for years.
same thing here, used high long time, got over 3500 hours csgo now and dpi 800 ingame sense 1.1 here
I don't play this game, but for FPS in general, I've found medium DPI and medium sensitivity to be the best for me. I tried high DPI & low sensitivity for a long time (mainly just because I bought into the hype of high DPI earlier on when it became a thing), but it feels like my aim has improved since I changed it (and that says a lot, since I've been playing FPS since the early 90s, and for most of that, it was an obsession).
The outro music was so calming
Actually read your chart. Glad I did. Subbed 10/10
The idea of matching your sensitivity in windows to your sensitivity in game is so simple and genius.
For me it was somewhat hard to find out how to match my desktop sens to my in game sens. And having to do this on multiple games made it even more difficult
In CS:GO just turn "Raw input" on and problem solved.
This series should've been #1 on Reddit, but iostux shit on muh overwatch. That's a true feelsbadman, thank you anyway for being a try hard and making these on your busy schedule.
wrist aimers:
gets carpel tunnel
Huh, I got to 38 relative sens as if it felt more comfortable, good to know there's a reason for it!
You're missing a thing about low-sensitivity user. They can whip their mouse and produce high-sensitivity movements, by using their whole arm. You can't do that in good regard to high-sensitivity users. Basically a low-sense player has more control not only in aiming but movement, because they can increase the speed of their own movement which produces high-sensitivity effects. Think I'm wrong? well go watch Tfue play a scrim in final circles, then see how fast he boxes himself in multiple times with just 400dpi/.08.
Hard part for me is getting used to arm-movements. I'm over exaggerating my wrist to make movements and it is killing my wrist.
Then don't use arm aim and use a higher sens. If you're not going pro, then it's not worth your wrist's health.
@@stormshadow281 Or just use forearm movements which is what you're supposed to do with low sens...?
He's talking about low sense though. I've played CS:GO for 5 years now so trust me I know low sense, CS:GO probably has the lowest average professional sensitivity. There is definitely such a thing as too low, you shouldn't have to move your shoulder just to do a 90 degree turn. When you're too low you get to a point where you start making big real world adjustments for small in game adjustments, which usually means speed is necessary, your wrist will always be faster than your arm and shoulder.
@@ExoGhost who does that? I thought people used arm to get close and wrist for micro movements.
@@umbra9705 Yes. But a lot of players only focus on wrist movement and that's not what they should do with a slow sensitivity because you have limited turn area and it can cause injury
I have found that an eDPI of 800-1000 is the cradle that holds the majority of the most statistically accurate pc fps players. I personally play at 600-800. My recommendation is to use a light mouse with a good cable or a good wireless (Logitech is the best in class at the time of this comment). G305 lightspeed is my choice. this allows me to utilize the full movement of my arm to some extent when aiming which, if you think about it, is what you would be doing if moving and firing a real weapon. I was a high sense player for years, but the change to low improved my performance beyond belief.
Legit just leave windows speed centered with precision off, find the right DPI (assuming you can change it) for your desktop workflow, then adjust in game sens until it feels good. Everyone is different, there is no good or bad number. Also 1440P will change compared to 1080P, etc.
I probably should calibrate my sensitivities between games now...
I have 1200 dpi and 4.15 sens in overwatch. I want my dpi 800 like normal but I don’t know what my sens will be ?? Help me pls
I generally say nothing more or less than 180 degress after a full swipe on a full small-mid sized mouse pad
love the soundtrack
Using a super wide curved widescreen... 2560x1080. Which mouse dpi would you choose? 800? Playing Rainbow six siege?
What is the 38 about? I am so confused. Looks like you were showing a monitor distance coefficient scale
Thats the relative scoped sensitivity in game for Widowmaker, 38% :)
The relative aim sounds great for Ana and Widow, but Ashe's ADS has a higher FOV and I feel like the setting should be different for her.
Should be 51.47 for Ashe
the moment you realize you are a competitive player is when you keep your sensitivity the same in every game you play
And you know what, play with allot of confidence. I built my gaming PC 5 years ago, never really played for games on it because I had no skill with the mouse. Recently, last month I said screw that, I need to git guud, I used to hold easily a 2.5 -3 kd on console, on PC I was garbage. So I changed all of my settings and only play with the same dpi and sense every game. I get called a hacker now in some fps games.
So if anyone is interested in getting better with m+kb hit me up on steam, I will give you all the information I have learned over the last month. Every day im getting better ign: CosbyPersuasion
@@Elguapoe I dont understand how he did the dpi to sens ratio thing
good thing the dpi/sens ratio is a minor thing.
OW 1080p,
desktop 4k(dif. screen)
and at work in absolute positioning lmao
The secret is low DPI and high sensitivity, or you can use high dpi low sensitivity, you just have to find the balance.
thanks for this !!!. Which song is this btw?
I'm a MOBA player, but I like to play FPS with friends, so I have some problems with DPI because I normally use 3200 dpi for regular stuff and moba gaming, but when I have to play Apex Legends or any FPS dik if should I lower my DPI or reduce my sens. Because currently I use 1200 dpi + high sens very very high! because if i don't it just don't feel confortble and I'm used to use my wrist and not my arm. Also idk if high dpi for shooters is okay, because everyone say that i should use 800 dpi, but it's kinda impossible for me as a League player.
Professional coach hmmm thank u
I have question if I had 60 dpi what is the sens that is the best for 60 dpi ?
just keep increasing the sensitivity until it feels smooth with low dpi you can have much higher sensitivity and be smooth
Moved from 2500 dpi to 1600, can land more headshots now but feels heavier
So match the distance it takes for your cursor to reach the other end of the monitor for a 180 turn ingame...isn’t this like too high (extreme for some) of a sense?🤔
ooh thaks dude !!
How the heck can you use 38% sens ADS? When I go lower than 60 I'm already feeling it slower than my actual sens...
Does this work for all games?
I always had 38 but a lot of pros use 50...
Anywhere from 38 to 50 is technically accurate. 38 is recommended due to being the most practical for close range flicks, whereas 50 is suitable if you're flicking to the very edge of your screen. It's hard to break down without a write up, but the general argument is that 38 is very close to 1:1 accuracy for a microflick and slowly becomes more inaccurate the larger your flick. 50 on the other hand gets more and more accurate the larger your flick is, eventually hitting the 1:1 sweet spot on the edge of your screen. The question you've got to ask yourself is how large are your flicks?
What are your cm per 360
ioStux Coaching | Overwatch I saw you reply to someone's comment saying to follow theb321 rule. My 321 is Ana/Zen/Rein, Heal/Tank, Projectile. However, I'm in bronze so to have a good team comp I usually need to flex into other roles, and sometimes those heroes don't work in the situation (ex. I'm playing against a team with a bastion and a really good flanker. Bastion melts Rein sheild, flanker melts Zen and Ana). What should I do in those situations?
Aryan Singh Get good, a good Rein will be able to deal with a Bastion, and a good Ana and Zen can kill a Tracer in Bronze no problem! Watch back your gameplay and search for mistakes, Im sure youll find something!
What DPI and Mouse Sens should i use, with a 1920x1080 resolution and 35,5cm Mousepad? (to achieve the 38/360 exactally) Currently running with 800 Dpi
Is this applicable to other games ? Forgive me if you said in video I'm a bit hung over
But is the relative scoped sens the same for different characters? Don't the different characters have different zoom levels? In that case 38 won't be the center-of-the-screen-equivalent-screen-space-sens. 38 is probably the number for widow, but what is it for ana and ashe?
widow and ana are .38 ashe is .51
Aim fatigue is actually more common with higher sens than lower from the research that I have done.
Your arm is more tense with high sense as you have to sort of concentrate on the little movements more, as far as I know. It makes sense that its more fatigueing.
Big swings on low sens shouldnt be as tiring, especially if you are working out and/or fapping all day every day.
ye fapping all day helps
If you have big meaty arms then yeah, it's tiring
It depends what your aiming style is. I basically only use arm, with my elbow at the desk aswell.
Jani: that's a big "if"!
I tried the PSA method u mentioned in your video and after about 2 weeks of using the Sens I got from it I realized it was just too low.
It doesn't work if ur doing it in the practice range because the bots are too slow and their hit boxes are too large.
I use 1600 dpi, Sens before the PSA was 2.65, PSA gave 2.3, didn't feel comfortable in game until I raised it to 2.5
The PSA method is only helpful for new or bad players who have barely ever experimented with their sensitivities.
All it does is help you figure out what is way too high and way too low, but the consensus between myself and players I have met around my rank (master) who tried it as well is that PSA is overhyped.
"It doesn't work if ur doing it in the practice range because the bots are too slow and their hit boxes are too large. " --> And here's your fault. You were trying to make it work on the moving bots. DONT do it. Keep to the instructions, it's not about finding a sens for good tracking "out of the box", it's for finding a sens that is natural for your brain/arm coordination. Improvements in tracking etc. come later with it.
very interesting video
if anyone is still watching this video can you explain how to do the dpi to sensitivity ratio thing?
Put your mouse on the left edge of your desktop. Move it to the right until it hits the right edge. Measure how many cm/in you had to move the mouse. Now you can adjust your dpi and your ingamesens until the distance to go from the left edge to the right edge is the same as making a 360 degree turn in game.
Man merkt so hart dass du deutsch bist haha
mr savage left the chat
so to have a rate 1 to 1 we have to 38 cm ti 360° ? *
I play at 1750 dpi and I wouldn't be able to play at anything lower since it feels so slow and my mousepad is the size of a coaster so anything lower would be impractical really but Im not to interested in changing although lower dpi does have some advantage in consistency
dude the dpi says nothing bout ur sensitivity why do ppl not understand the difference between dpi and edpi
@@MaybeKian He even said it scales differently in various games im just stating that I have to use a high DPI because of mouse pad space, I don't play overwatch so I can't say what sense I use. I know what he said im not unaware of the difference
Any tips on how to improve on 30 fps aim with no mousepad? And a 15 dollar honda gaming mouse that I don't know what dpi it has but it had 4 different modes?
30fps didn't stop EQO from joining the Overwatchleague, just review your vods and practice :)
ioStux Coaching | Overwatch wait forreal?!?? Im going to grind overwatch then and as much as possible thanks for the hope.
Read this article :)
Why should the Desktop match a 180 degree turn in-game? Mine matches 103 degrees in-game, my fov... because that's what I view in both... Is 180 better?
Just a general rule of thumb :)
I set it (Windows mouse sens) equal to 103 deg (in-game) so that way when I view a target let's say 3 inches from the left border of the screen, the distance to move the mouse to hit it is the same as if I were moving the mouse cursor in Windows desktop the same distance (from the center to click something that was 3 inches from the left border of the screen).
Am I correct in assuming that's how it works?
@@raadraad Yes you're better off doing that, not what he said. Your way is 1:1
@@johnmoore1495 i dont understand how i do this dpi to sens thing please explain
Hi @ioStux I subscribe! What's the name of song? PLEASE! Love your vids!
Transformation - The Cinematic Orchestra s2
Personally if I would be to set my scoped sens to 38 my cursor would fly over my screen due to my edpi beimg 7200 should I lower my edpi or just stick with my old scope sense of 25?
The reason my edpi is so high is cuz my mouse is inconsistant and sometimes has alot of inputlag
4:23 u said both game should have same FOV does it affect our aim if iam using 68(max) fov in csgo and in overwatch 103 ?? does FOV scale use universal principal in all other game?
please answer
i have multiple dpi settings do i set them all to 400 or no cause i like to be able to control what im doin and not every where
DUDE, what u said
yo. i got an 18.5 cm 180 rotation.
that is 37 cm 360
That's a rather low sensitivity
how can í almost make my game move as much as i do in my dekstop? i play csgo with 2 sens and 400 dpi, and i cant play in 360 only 180 degrees
So 38 relative scope is literally measured from the edge of the screen to the centre of the screen which is where the crosshair is
Please answer me on this question stux! Im going mad here its all new to me
I'm used to mouse acceleration on, is it wrong? should I start to practice with mouse acceleration off?
me with 3500 hours in csgo . the answer on your Q is YES. you will improve, not immediatly but in the long run
Mouse acc is just a retarded invention
Scoped aim for heroes:
Widow: 1/2 %
Ashe: 1/1.9 %
Ana: 1/2.5 %
Those are the actual scope zoom
I have a question, how do i know if i have true 1:1 pixel movement, and is it possible to truly get 1:1 pixel movement with mouse movement recorder
idk but for me nothing works i cant match the desk and game i cant go under 50 dpi
Man, I have such a big problem with sensitivity.... I started at 3200 dpi with 12.5 ingamesens and since that was insanely high i have been gradualy decreasing it. Problem is, I cant really stop. Its so bad now that I use 800 dpi with 1.4 ingamesens. Im buing a razer speed extended because of my low sens and im essencially hoping that one day something will click in my head and it will be good and i will be able to get some muscle memory.....I used to use strickly wrist aim with a big mouse and now i use a hybrid of wrist and arm aim with a small mouse. Idk if I should go back up to something resonable like 1600 dpi with 4 sens and have shit aim for 2 weeks or if i should keep going...halp
Just stop if you dont wanna go lower lmao
same here, i used to play on 3200 dpi until i heard that was super high so i kept decreasing it gradually as well as incorporating my arm for aiming. i play with 400 dpi now and my accuracy is pretty good. don’t know if that’s useful info for you. anyway, i wish you a blessed day/night
800dpi 1ingame sense works well
never change mouse setting try to use the same in every game
I wonder though if it makes a difference what kind of DPI to sens ratio you have in game (apart from pixel skipping issue) provided eDPI is the same. Say, I play with 3200 eDPI and my current settings are 1600x2. Would it make any difference if I play 3200x1 or 800x4?
Regarding your comment on desktop sens - that would be irrelevant in my case since I switch do 200 dpi for desktop use.
I like the idea of the desktop sens being the same as in-game sens, but I don't think it works out quite right. My DPI is 400 and in-game is about 17.6 inches/360, but it takes just shy of 4 inches to move from one end of the monitor to the other at the desktop (at 6 Windows sens), or in other words, half the distance you're suggesting it take to do a 180 turn in-game. That would mean I would have to use half the DPI to compensate, and I'm not sure using 200 DPI is worth it or if that low a DPI brings any negative side effects. So basically, moving my cursor from one end of the monitor to the other is only about a 90-degree turn for me, and it would only get further off the lower the in-game sens you use. Any clarification on this?
DPI is dependent on resolution and ppi of the screen
Him:Doing algebra and shit
I just switched from a heavy to a light mouse, the sensitivity feels much faster on the heavier mouse even though the dpi on both mice are the same.
how do you make mouse dpi equal to OW edpi? you started to talk about it at the end but I have no way of knowing how to do it
@@ujng3791 it is
What if You use high dpi and low sense because you use a medium-sized mouse pad?
Did you say this to all of fps game?
Im here for battlefield 5. So should i turn the zoom sens to 38?
I'm not so sure if I understood it correctly, but I think he used that number as of an example of what the settings need to be on Overwatch. So that's not very useful info if you don't play it.
@@leandrofod is 38 relative scope just measured from the edge of your screen to the centre of your crosshair in cm? Thank you if you manage to get back to me
2:30 what is that song?
So with 30 cm/360, should I be running 400 or 800 dpi?
Its so hard to understand the drawings
Someone needs to make a program that you can easily figure out your sens from one game to the next or get it as close as possible. I would pay for something like that.
kovaaks sensitivity matcher, free
still dont know what dpi I want to use
can you comment how to hold mouse, i'm ok at shooting at front, but i use my palm to anchor my hand.
and it is so hard to move around say 180deg as i feel like someone is holding my arm, friction of palm and arm...
i've to effectively lift my arm up. if i do that, im able to move large distances, but then my aim which was perfect because palm goes bad.
And then comes a game with a nonlinear in game scale that throws edpi out the window.
So, if I get it right the movement required to go from the left to the right side of my desktop should equal the movement ingame for a 180° turn?
I am currently playing at 800 DPI and 5.5 in game sensitivity. That means the desktop movement thing takes me about 6cm but I need about 15cm to do a 180° turn in game.
But lowering the DPI doesn't feel really comfortable for me on the desktop.
Does that mean that I would have to higher my sensitivity in game to match my DPI?
That would be a way too high sensitivity, wouldn't it?
Of course it won't feel comfortable on the desktop, that's why you need to get used to it :)
late reply, you can always adjust windows sensitivity to any dpi rather it be low or high if your concerned about your mouse cursor speed. you could play 6,000 dpi with windows sense on 1 and whatever game sense you choose, you will still get 6000 dots per inch.
@@steampile8327 That doesn't fix what he's talking about. If you change the Windows sense and mouse dpi but you're still not 1:1 in game then it's still the same problem. He needs to get used to swiping more out of game, there's no way around that. Personally I don't think its a big deal to actually try and do that. I think you're better off having your desktop sensitivity completely different so that you essentially have 2 completely different muscle memories instead of 2 that are really similar but not perfectly the same.
i find my aim a lot more consistent on a higher sens. why is this?
Probably that’s suitable for you
I've heard about 38 a long time ago but that seems to be just for Widowmaker. Doesn't Ana have a different scoped FOV and zoom tho? Never done some solid testing myself but it looks like Ana's scope has a lower zoom strength compared to Widowmaker's. I play neither of those heroes competitively, I'm just curious because I play a lot of Mystery Heroes.
Overwatch Central BTW
TSLMachine ik im very late but no theyre the same
Its suprising how i dont know that the like button had a head. Hmm...
Before I was playing at 500 dpi with 5 sensitivity. I now play with 2500 dpi with 1 sensitivity. Is this a drastic change? I thought it doesn’t really matter since the ratios were consistent.
537CH it doesn't matter at all in terms of actual movement on your screen as it is the same eDPI
I think 1250 and 2 would be better cus 2500 dpi on 2d software is rlly high
I can't imagine trying to work in photoshop with 2500 dpi, that's insane.
@@hallwayraptor2036 I am working with 3600 dpi on Desktop so...
Ingame i have set the Multiplikator to 1.1 so it's like 3960 eDPI?
I am really struggling with this, having just come to the PC version from playing console the last two years. At low sensitivity, I feel precise but I can't turn without picking up my mouse and it feels really awkward. I have a DeathAdder mouse which can go up to 3500 DPI, but right now I have it at 1800, which feels good out of game. I'm still struggling with the in game sensitivity
Daniel Mitchell it's gonna take some time getting used to PC. It took me months before I could reload without hitting e by mistake or ulting when I'm trying to hit tab.
I use 2000dpi and 2.5 in-game sensitivity. Feels great lol
my 360 distance is 14.56 inches
I've never experienced aim fatigue; am I doing something wrong or am I just destined for greatness?
Brotato you're destined for greatness
youre doing so much wrong that its great again
Brotato owl player incoming
Maybe you just can't go any lower
Thanks for the wise words guys. I can confirm that with the help of your encouragement I will be soon to join one of the big owl teams.
Do you have any videos about sensitivity settings/aiming on console? I want to improve my aim but all the videos I watch are specific to PC. I’m not a professional coach but I think it’s safe to say that aiming with your arm/hand is a lot different from aiming with your thumb lol. Do you still think lower sensitivity is not great for console players?