Attempting to explain the plot of Arachnids in the UK



  • @lucycecil5682
    @lucycecil5682 3 роки тому +261

    i absolutely HATE the acting in this episode (apart from the spiders' acting because they're doing their best 💖)

    • @qnebra
      @qnebra 3 роки тому +19

      First major work of new VFX team in Doctor Who, and obviously they care a lot. Unlike Chibs.

    • @deanwicks1278
      @deanwicks1278 3 роки тому +12

      I'd rather watch a whole series with the spiders as the main characters than Jodie and her circus of wooden friends.

    • @AndrewPRoberts
      @AndrewPRoberts 3 роки тому +2

      @@qnebra Yeah, the production quality has really improved, like the VFX, Lighting, camera work, ect. Too bad the writing and directing isn't nearly as good.

    • @MoskHotel
      @MoskHotel 2 роки тому

      Shelob had far more character development than these, new-age, boring and poorly written idiots.

  • @JackTCM
    @JackTCM 3 роки тому +207

    This is honestly more entertaining than the actual episode itself

  • @TracyBeakerMemories
    @TracyBeakerMemories 3 роки тому +229

    Essentially the resolution of the story:
    Companion A: “How are we going to get rid of these spiders?”
    Doctor: “Well I suppose we could attract them all with some music. Music’s loud enough to stretch across all of Sheffield right?”
    Companion B: “Ah good plan Doc! What next? Are you going to bring them into your TARDIS to take them to a safe home?”
    Doctor: “No. I’m gonna STARVE THEM!”
    Doctor: “Oi! Trump! Don’t kill mummy spider with that big bad gun!”
    Trump Impressionist: “Why? I’m putting it out of its misery?”
    Doctor: “DONT LIKE GUNS! Let it suffocate instead!”
    Doctor: “So after I just sentenced living creatures to a life of starvation and misery are you sure you wanna come travel with me”
    Pretty sure Chibnall forgot the meaning of the Doctor’s name in this episode. The person who saves living, conscious creatures from pain.

    • @kazzoo8722
      @kazzoo8722 3 роки тому

      Spiders don't have a conscious.

    • @TheRedname
      @TheRedname 3 роки тому +14

      ​@@kazzoo8722 That doesn't make sense. You can't have or not have 'a conscious.' Conscious is a description, meaning something has mental faculties. Spiders are in fact alive and conscious. I get the feeling you've confused conscious for *conscience,* meaning empathy or moral reasoning, which, yes, spiders do not have.

    • @kazzoo8722
      @kazzoo8722 3 роки тому +1


    • @ShadowtheRonin
      @ShadowtheRonin 3 роки тому +12

      I have a simple answer.
      Nobody, and I mean nobody, in the current Doctor Who production team has ever, ever watched Doctor Who. Maybe like one or two episodes, y'know the kinda not-great ones. And all of their ideas come from elsewhere.
      This doesn't feel like Doctor Who. Whitaker doesn't feel like The Doctor. The Companions don't feel like people. Nothing they say or do makes sense. The only person that actually somewhat works in this series is Graham, because Bradley Walsh has watched, and is a fan of, Doctor Who. However, his admittedly only better-than-average performance serves to exacerbate the issue that is _literally everyone else._

    • @kazzoo8722
      @kazzoo8722 3 роки тому

      Doesn't Graham leave in the New Years special?

  • @LabradorIndependent
    @LabradorIndependent 3 роки тому +60

    "Like I *get it* but it doesn't feel satisfying or interesting" is the best description of the last few years of Doctor Who

  • @smifull
    @smifull 3 роки тому +65

    I had completely forgotten this episode existed until now and I was happy dammit

  • @NickName183
    @NickName183 3 роки тому +91

    Arachnids of the UK had a plot?

    • @qnebra
      @qnebra 3 роки тому +5

      Orange man bad, Trump bad

    • @worshiptheanimal
      @worshiptheanimal 3 роки тому +2

      Well it was more pointing out the obvious than a plot as the comment above states

  • @NeonVisual
    @NeonVisual 3 роки тому +37

    It's as if Chinbals has no functioning short term memory.

  • @sophielowe5552
    @sophielowe5552 3 роки тому +43

    This episode’s resolution was diabolical and cruel. Even though the idea was staring the writer in the face with the use of sound to draw the spiders out, how they didn’t do the most Doctor-y of things by having the Doctor wear the speaker as a backpack and lead the spiders in a Pied Piper fashion (perhaps even self referencing ‘Hamelin’ in passing) as the spiders follow the Doctor into the TARDIS to start a new life on Metebelis III. 🕸 🕷

    • @Rocket1377
      @Rocket1377 3 роки тому +14

      Yes, exactly. There were so many easy solutions to this, and the writer chose the worst possible one. The Doctor didn't even try, she just locked the problem in a room and tried to forget about it, and that is unforgivable to me. It is so out of character.

    • @dylanlarge11
      @dylanlarge11 3 роки тому +7

      @@Rocket1377 Moans at Robinson shooting the 'Mother' spider then locks all the children in an underground bunker with no food and no escape to die. So where exactly is the moral high ground there? She let the spiders die a long painful death and he killed it and put it out of it's misery straight away? It makes no sense.

    • @StormgemThunder
      @StormgemThunder 3 роки тому +4

      Or really any other planet that can support giant spiders, one with much higher oxygen and food amounts so they can support themselves.
      Like, surely they could find a containment room in the tardis when the spiders are being transported right?

  • @interestingemail561
    @interestingemail561 3 роки тому +55

    Something I've never properly understood was that Ryan playing music on his phone was apparently enough to attract every single spider in Sheffield (besides non-giant spiders for some reason.) To my knowledge, the plan was "have Ryan play loud music on his phone and the vibrations will get all the spiders to go there. Were it not for the spider in Graham's house, you could just assume that all the spiders were in the hotel except Anna's spider, which makes some incredibly miniscule amount of sense, but no, it's every single one.
    Would the phone even send enough vibrations to attract the spiders in the hotel?
    Wouldn't at least some of the spiders stay back, rather than all going in a massive horde?
    How did they know they got all the spiders except the mother? What if some HAD stayed back, and the spiders just killed everyone because nobody knew they were there?
    Why DIDN'T the mother spider go? Was there something making that specific spider exempt? It didn't seem to be trapped in the ballroom, and these spider literally smashed through a bathtub earlier?
    How did a spider smash a bathtub? I get it's big, but surely not big enough to smash a bathtub and the concrete floor beneath it, and be completely unfazed afterwards?
    How did nobody notice the spiders? Not even in the hotel, they are ALL OVER Sheffield, right? Literal giant spiders trying to kill people and nobody saw? This would have made national news at least by now, right?
    Why did the spiders web up the door (I don't know if I'm remembering correctly, and I do not care enough to double-check)? If they were trying to keep the "fam" in, why not attack them when they got there? If they are smart enough to do that, why are they not smart enough to go after everyone, rather than just trap them in then leave before they return?
    If Ryan's phone was enough to attract every spider in the hotel, why were the spiders never attracted to them by the noise they made when talking?
    Why was the Doctor mad about a spider being shot -but ok with them starving/suffocating in a room she trapped them in- at all? It's a spider. It's a giant spider that kills people. It was on the verge of death anyway. Does the Doctor get mad at anyone who kills spiders?
    Why was the spider dying? There may be some science to "oh it's too big to breathe" but we are talking about Chibnall here; I doubt he bothered to fact check it - it just seems like a contrived way to deal with the ethical issues of the Doctor killing a spider - as in, there are no ethical issues, but Chibnall really wants to insist that there are. *EDIT:* according to Any Old Biscuit, the spider suffocating to death, at least, does make sense.
    I have more questions but let's be honest no-one read all of these anyway

    • @francesatty7022
      @francesatty7022 3 роки тому +8

      imagine just chilling in your house when this is happening, you play a video on your phone and suddenly every spider in sheffield comes running

    • @BRAWGWill
      @BRAWGWill 3 роки тому +4

      The "too big to breath" bit does make sense though. Spiders (and arthropods in general) rely on tracheoles, rather than lungs, to breathe, and once they reach a certain size (because of surface area to volume ratio), their respiratory systems become too inefficient as oxygen cannot reach cells properly.

    • @BambiTrout
      @BambiTrout 3 роки тому +6

      The Doctor being ok with suffocating but not shooting is as a result of Chibnall not understanding that The Doctor's issue with guns is not that they are guns, but that they are pretty much only useful for killing. The Doctor is against killing except in the most desperate of situations, therefore The Doctor is against guns - especially the war-phobic 9th Doctor and the black-and-white moralistic 10th Doctor.
      Judging by 13's behaviour and statements in 11.1, 11.2, 11.4, 11.7, 11.10, 12.1, 12.2, 12.5, 12.9, 12.10, and probably more that I have have missed, she appears to have very few issues with killing people, aliens, or robots, (or allowing them to be killed) as long as the killing is not done with a gun. She's also perfectly happy using The Master's skin colour to get him presumably sent to a concentration camp by the Nazis, which I shouldn't have to say is more than a little fucked up. 13's morality is janky as fuck and, like the rest of her character traits, it seems to come and go depending on if the plot requires it.

    • @interestingemail561
      @interestingemail561 3 роки тому

      @@BRAWGWill Ah, ok. Fair enough then. I'll give Chibnall that one, at least.

    • @interestingemail561
      @interestingemail561 3 роки тому +3

      @@BambiTrout Her morality is definitely inconsistent, to say the least. Tim Shaw and Trump parody man (he had a name but I don't remember it) leaving people in stasis/shooting a spider, but Graham trapping Tim Shaw and Ryan literally killing space racist man (I don't remember his name either lol) were completely fine.

  • @gentlemanviking2644
    @gentlemanviking2644 3 роки тому +51

    The reason you're getting confused about what's going on is because you're putting more thought into this than the writers did.

    • @cr10001
      @cr10001 3 роки тому +3

      And that one wins the Internet! :)

  • @DanTheMan2150AD
    @DanTheMan2150AD 3 роки тому +17

    It’s like Planet of the Spiders but without the heart. Boom.

    • @lexezlao
      @lexezlao 3 роки тому +3

      @Vesper F -quality

  • @mattyice9535
    @mattyice9535 3 роки тому +15

    This is the episode where I realized something was off. The previous ones were hit and miss for me (more miss but I like to be positive if possible), and I wanted to believe that it was going to improve. But this episode made me turn it off. No other episode has done that, it is that clunky. I think Chibnall's style of writing just flatly doesn't work for me.

  • @Domisbeast
    @Domisbeast 3 роки тому +10

    This entire video: "So... So... So the... So"

    • @maxkennedy7430
      @maxkennedy7430 3 роки тому +2

      I can’t..why can’t I, I...I can’t...HEY WHO TURNED OFF THE LIGHTS.

  • @582time
    @582time 3 роки тому +15

    The ending of this episode will always bother me. So it's not okay to basically preform a mercy killing because the giant queen spider is dying since its too big to and can't get what it needs to survive. But it's okay to lock all the baby spider into a small room and doom them to either die of starvation or the bigger one will eat the smaller ones. If they really want to go with all life is precious angle then. Why doesn't the Doctor just lure them to the TRADIS and then take then to a different plant where they can live peaceful?

    • @absolembum6399
      @absolembum6399 3 роки тому +2

      Actually, they would suffer the same fate. As the scientist explained, they will keep growing all throuhought their expanded lifetime, until they'll eventually become too big for themselves and ultimately suffocate to death.
      This episode's "enemy" is an unsolvable issue that probably was rendered unsolvable by the writers by mistake, and instead of expanding on it and treating it like a serious subject, they basically just hide the issue, put it under a rug, and pretend that everything is great.
      That's the worst fault of this episode in my opinion, blatantly handwaving the resolution and moving on, hoping that no one would notice it

    • @qwertyuio404
      @qwertyuio404 2 роки тому +1

      Unless they’re put in a more oxygen rich atmosphere, such as an alien planet or an alien zoo like a miniscope. Giant insects thrived through Earth’s Carboniferous Period, so in a certain atmosphere, they would probably survive much longer and ultimately die of old age.

    • @absolembum6399
      @absolembum6399 2 роки тому +1

      @@qwertyuio404 Oh shit you're absolutely right, and the Doctor DOES have the logistics and knowledge to actually save all of them
      That makes me hate the episode even more

  • @StormgemThunder
    @StormgemThunder 3 роки тому +1

    This episode is like if you took the green death, replaced maggots with spiders, then removed everything thats good about the green death.

  • @xectilus5530
    @xectilus5530 3 роки тому +23

    It's all well and good having an entire scene where characters just relentlessly spout exposition at each other, but it's not much help if the story being exposited is a meaningless mess anyway

  • @retrogamingcommentary4163
    @retrogamingcommentary4163 3 роки тому +3

    I am *so* looking forward to your episode analysis videos, because you make every effort to be fair to the episodes on their own terms, but even with that, they remain baffling. That matches with my experience as well.
    I would be thrilled for Jodie Whittaker to get to be part of a truly well-written, classic Doctor Who story. It's ridiculous to me that she could be on the show for as long as Matt Smith was-- and almost as long as Tennant was-- and still not have *one* great episode. I don't blame the actors in this-- it's the writing and producer.

  • @datcravat
    @datcravat 3 роки тому +15

    I only have a bachelor's degree in zoology. But even I can tell that everything they say zoology-related in this episode is utter bullshit

    • @zacmumblethunder7466
      @zacmumblethunder7466 3 роки тому +4

      Ha! What is a mere bachelor's degree in zoology compared to Chibnall's illustrated copy of Incy Wincy Spider?

  • @EatinPaste
    @EatinPaste 3 роки тому +25

    Plot, shmot. Writing, shmiting.

    • @Domisbeast
      @Domisbeast 3 роки тому +5

      Chibnall is that you?!?

    • @captainz9
      @captainz9 3 роки тому

      The plot was "Orange Man Bad". Everything else was just filler nonsense to take up the rest of the time.

  • @colemacgrath2005
    @colemacgrath2005 2 роки тому

    I want a spin-off starring the spiders where they massacre the Doctor and her “fam”

  • @KateHarper23
    @KateHarper23 3 роки тому +27

    This video is fun to watch when you have arachnophobia 😁

    • @Aaaaaaaartem414
      @Aaaaaaaartem414 3 роки тому


    • @KateHarper23
      @KateHarper23 3 роки тому

      @@Aaaaaaaartem414 well it’s true

    • @blatherskite3009
      @blatherskite3009 3 роки тому

      You want to try being needle-phobic during the last year or so! It's not as if the news has shown you constant daily spider footage and you've been obliged to turn up and hold a spider on 2 separate occasions ... plus a booster spider-cuddle in the autumn :)

    • @KateHarper23
      @KateHarper23 3 роки тому

      @@blatherskite3009 my news channel hasn’t shown spiders in ages

  • @astersworld6169
    @astersworld6169 3 роки тому +2

    Also, this is the EXACT opposite ending to the beast below, ya know, when the doctor was going to *ahem* PUT IT OUT OF ITS MISERY! Like, that is exactly, verbatim, what he said, and you can be like "oH bUt hE WaSn'T gOiNg To ReAlLy kiLl it JuSt TuRn iT iNtO a VeGetaBle" which 1) is more or less the same thing since it would turn off higher motor functions of the brain, and 2) the doctor would be putting out of its misery, if it was up to thirteen she'd be like 'oh, you're torturing this creature so you can keep living on its back, well, seems find to me, carry on 😊' like wtf

  • @masterspade7991
    @masterspade7991 3 роки тому +3

    I can feel your confusion through my screen

  • @victorias9095
    @victorias9095 3 роки тому +6

    I don't know how Chibnall's episodes manage to be stupidly simple and dull.. yet convoluted and illogical at the same time

    • @AndrewHalliwell
      @AndrewHalliwell 3 роки тому +1

      It's a talent. Remind me never to watch Broad church...

  • @EshfulCookie
    @EshfulCookie 3 роки тому

    Chris Noth as Mr Big Spider

  • @Brogan_Balfour_Crescent
    @Brogan_Balfour_Crescent 3 роки тому +2

    Shame because this episode could have been so interesting and a good callback to the Pertwee era and the Spiders of Metebelis III.

  • @kevinkelly5780
    @kevinkelly5780 3 роки тому +2

    Yup, the current makers of New Who don't give an arse. About the characters or the audience

  • @SJ9001
    @SJ9001 3 роки тому +6

    At its core, I don't understand why the episode tries to make us care about the deadly spiders. By the Doctor's... reasoning... is anyone who has ever killed a spider before a bad person, or do the one in the episode deserve preferential "humane" treatment just because they're giant?

  • @LPTV84
    @LPTV84 3 роки тому +7

    You know that explanation the Fourth Doctor gave to Lela about the tardis being bigger on the inside? "What if you have the same distance of a bigger box closer to you and put that inside the little box?" Yeah that makes more sense than this plot.

    • @jacobcurle8964
      @jacobcurle8964 3 роки тому +7

      That explanation does make sense though. It’s a real scientific theory. It just seems nonsensical because it deals in dimensions we’re not really equipped to understand with our human brains.
      This episode, however, is just nonsense.

    • @Rocket1377
      @Rocket1377 3 роки тому +6

      That explanation was fine, as the Doctor was trying to find the simplest way to make a primitive like Leela understand how the TARDIS works. He didn't mean it literally. The show itself even pointed out how silly the concept was.

    • @LPTV84
      @LPTV84 3 роки тому

      @@Rocket1377 I know, but I use how a silly idea makes more sense than the plot of this episode. Then again, Doctor Who has had some nonsensical and bad plots. This is just one of them.

  • @alexdavison259
    @alexdavison259 3 роки тому +4

    Honestly one of the most egregious things about this episode is that it’s trying to be a pun on anarchy in the uk but arachnids sounds nothing like anarchy in any way

    • @interestingemail561
      @interestingemail561 3 роки тому +2

      I never realised that. Somehow, the episode has gotten even worse.

  • @Tickerchicken
    @Tickerchicken 3 роки тому +1

    UA-cam crashes as I was watching this, even google was struggling

    • @JoboVT
      @JoboVT 3 роки тому

      Lol not even Google understands the plot

  • @hayleinope8873
    @hayleinope8873 3 роки тому +2

    So many questions raised by this episode and not nearly enough answers.
    I know it hurt your brain to try and decipher this (it did mine too) but you did a good job. I wish the BBC would spend their money on competence rather than whatever the hell this is. 😅

  • @AiRsTrIkExXzZ
    @AiRsTrIkExXzZ Рік тому

    I watched this episode again and realised that the doctor and the fam were sad about the big mum spider growing too big and then suffocating but they just caused way more spiders to die from exactly what they didn’t want the big spider to die from. You don’t even have to look at 2 or more episodes for bad character writing or whatever writing it is. The character written for that episode alone is inconsistent in just those 45 minutes

  • @zacmumblethunder7466
    @zacmumblethunder7466 2 роки тому

    The conclusion would have made more sense if there was an accompanying justification as there was in "The Invisible Enemy".
    The Green Death made it clear that the giant maggots were an aberration that would cause ecological disaster.

  • @andrewcroft5606
    @andrewcroft5606 3 роки тому +7

    Can we pleeeease see your Rosa review? I'm in emotional chastity over here.

    • @JackWolf10
      @JackWolf10  3 роки тому +8

      It's been a bit delayed I'm afraid. It's basically all written, but April was a really busy month for me and I didn't get a chance to record it. I have some other content coming soon to tide people other!

    • @andrewcroft5606
      @andrewcroft5606 3 роки тому +2

      @@JackWolf10 In you, we trust.

  • @QuakerRaze
    @QuakerRaze 3 роки тому +2


  • @scribblefightschannel1587
    @scribblefightschannel1587 3 роки тому +1

    Hunting?! They’re ambush predators favyncddghgs

  • @JoboVT
    @JoboVT 3 роки тому

    Yeah yesterday after watching this video I went and watched the episode to see for myself if it really is this confusing and yes it is

  • @JaredGriffiths2000
    @JaredGriffiths2000 2 роки тому

    Very funny video!

  • @francesatty7022
    @francesatty7022 3 роки тому

    They easily could've done what they did with the fat blobs in the adipose episode (10th doctor). Just let the spiders leave Earth, not murder them

  • @sebastiananstey2669
    @sebastiananstey2669 3 роки тому +1

    That’s cool and all but where does Jennifer comely fit in all of it

  • @DontSigh
    @DontSigh 3 роки тому

    The spiders are kinda cute tbh and I usually have quite a strong fear/aversion to spiders
    Edit: what a shame they all die slowly

    • @popopop984
      @popopop984 3 роки тому

      Well not that slow. Some die quick by being eaten by their fellow spiders, other spiders live for long or die by illness due to cannibalism.

  • @GeorgeTheDinoGuy
    @GeorgeTheDinoGuy 3 роки тому

    There was an attempt by the writers and there was an attempt by JackWolf

  • @tenacious3911
    @tenacious3911 Рік тому

    Ah yes, the episode where the ersatz Trump's plan was kinder than the Doctor's.

  • @dylanlarge11
    @dylanlarge11 3 роки тому

    Moans at Robinson shooting the 'Mother' spider then locks all the children in an underground bunker with no food and no escape to die a long and painful death. So where exactly is the moral high ground there? She let the spiders die a long painful death and he killed it and put it out of it's misery straight away? It makes no sense. Also The Doctor choses genocide for a whole race of spiders who were doing no harm apart from killing one woman? Should of taken them to Metabolis 3 to live in peace with the Eight Legs.

  • @cr10001
    @cr10001 3 роки тому

    I agree that the Doctor was grossly hypocritical over the killing-the-spiders issue. But not sure I agree that shooting the big one was merciful. Do spiders have a nervous system such that one shot will kill them instantly? If so, just where is it? I don't know, and I'll bet Mr Big Nasty didn't either. So chances were he just added a bit of needless pain to the spider's quiet demise (because, do spiders have the same choking reflex that we do? If not, being deprived of oxygen it might just fade out relatively peacefully, if no thug shot bullets into it).
    This does NOT excuse the Doctor's hypocrisy though, and if any of my suppositions are the case then Chibbers and the Doctor do NOT deserve the benefit because they could easily have stated exactly those points in the episode but they didn't.

    • @JackWolf10
      @JackWolf10  3 роки тому +1

      You’re right, Jack Robertson definitely didn’t have merciful intentions, it’s just a shame the episode paints such a one sided tale on the issue. The Doctors plan is just automatically right, with no time spent considering the consequences. I

  • @PapaLuge
    @PapaLuge 3 роки тому +1


  • @SinisterSlay1
    @SinisterSlay1 3 роки тому +3

    Sorry was on my phone. What's that? Trump kills evil spiders? Good, I guess I should vote for him or something. *ding* Oh new message.

  • @davidshead1323
    @davidshead1323 3 роки тому

    I know this wasn't the point of the video but this has seriously re-awakened my infatuation with Jodie Whittaker. No reason why. Just that her face was there and haven't seen it in a while. Does this comment have value and add to the discourse? No. I'm sorry you even read this.

  • @macmoore4599
    @macmoore4599 3 роки тому


  • @owenmonahan5821
    @owenmonahan5821 3 роки тому +5

    Somehow this manages to be my least favorite doctor who episode ever. This is like an utter and complete failure at telling a television story, doubly so for Doccy Who

  • @Squicx
    @Squicx 3 роки тому +1

    God I absolutely hate the music of this era. IT'S ALL THE SAME AMBIENCE!?!!?!?!?

  • @FrameRage
    @FrameRage 2 роки тому

    Yeah it's pretty clear that they just wanted an episode they could put a Trump caricature in so they can tell him he's bad, without actually putting in the effort to make it make sense. In the end, Trump is doing the right by shooting the spider to put it out of it's misery, but the episode has to say he's wrong because he's Trump. A more perfect example of politics over plot, you could not ask for.

  • @gladiator652004
    @gladiator652004 3 роки тому

    Plotting is not the present era's strong point, but that pales compared to the appalling characterisation! Chibnall must GO.

  • @markmountney1311
    @markmountney1311 3 роки тому +4

    i acaully think this is the worse nu-who episode ever ...i hate it

  • @ryanbush6118
    @ryanbush6118 3 роки тому +6

    The way Jodie says "pheromones" is irritating as hell

    • @defenderofminorities3056
      @defenderofminorities3056 3 роки тому

      a lot of people find her annoying but it’s only because of her accent, there’s plenty of actors and actresses who wind me up just based on that accent.

    • @ryanbush6118
      @ryanbush6118 3 роки тому +6

      @@defenderofminorities3056 Which is kinda funny because Christopher Eccleston has pretty much the same accent but it suits his doctor really well xD

    • @ftumschk
      @ftumschk 3 роки тому +1

      To my ears, there's absolutely nothing odd or irritating with the way she says "pheromones".

    • @marshallhuffer4713
      @marshallhuffer4713 2 роки тому +1

      She said she didn't want to do a different accent because doing accents is hard. Which is nothing but a pathetic excuse because doing different accents is something actors should be capable of, especially as David Tennent used a British accent instead of his natural Scottish accent for his tenure as the Doctor.

    • @ryanbush6118
      @ryanbush6118 2 роки тому

      @@marshallhuffer4713 And thank god for that too. I remember when he used his normal accent in Tooth & Claw and it didn't sound right at all. Jodie's Doctor would've benefitted from an English accent

  • @oldoldmeme
    @oldoldmeme 3 роки тому

    This episode was so focused on making the Trump caricature look SO bad that they somehow ended up making the Doctor look worse. Like for God's sakes, I'm not a Trump hater like 99% of Twitter but it doesn't take that much work to criticize the man, it's been the laziest go-to that comedians have been doing for years now, and somehow, SOMEHOW Chibnall just couldn't do it. Such a waste of resources.

  • @ethanlappin
    @ethanlappin 3 роки тому +2

    It's just shit mate, forget it and move on