Hey, I have been playing around with the idea of using s computer vision aided solenoid punch on a battle robot, and this and your other video are quite relevant to what I am planning to do. Is there a place I could contact you to throw some ideas around/get more info on this?
Hey, I have been playing around with the idea of using s computer vision aided solenoid punch on a battle robot, and this and your other video are quite relevant to what I am planning to do. Is there a place I could contact you to throw some ideas around/get more info on this?
these omni wheel robots must be quite expensive for students.
Yes, need to use the budget provided by the administration.
Thanks! :)
Selamat Pagi bolehkah saya mendapat tutorial untuk membuat robot soccer tersebit ?
Jikalau ada waktu mungkin bisa saya tunjukkan tutorialnya kelak.
@@nudgeme4844 terima kasih jikalau Anda sudi membagikan ilmu nya
@@nudgeme4844 terima kasih jikalau Anda sudi membagikan ilmu nya
Selamat Pagi bolehkah saya mendapat tutorial untuk membuat robot soccer tersebit ?
Selamat pagi, boleh sahaja cumanya sy bimbang tidak berkesempatan untuk membuat tutorial tersebut kerana agak sibuk buat masa ini.