Back To The Future was the only one, the single sole franchise from a past generation that wasn't ruined in the current time and has remained perfectly intact. This is of course due to the fact that the creators basically said "over my dead body" to offers of sequels and reboots, outright refusing Hollywood's attempts to get their grubby hands on it as long as they live and have the rights to their creation. Bless them for keeping that legacy safe from a fate worse than death.
Well, I can't deny it works! You know, I wonder if perhaps another way to guard against this corporate crapification would be to do away with copyright. If anyone can make their own addition to a fictional universe, without fear of being sued, then you get more avenues for good stuff to pop up and for the bad to become just another ditch in the road instead of a massive gorge.
@@theapexfighter8741 Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull was already hated by many as a lame late sequel to the franchise, but now there's apparently a fifth one in production, supposedly for next year. It's certainly another franchise not simply left alone, but we'll see if the upcoming feature bombs as hard as I'd expect.
I remember when we had a diverse cast of a white man, an alien, a Southern doctor, a Scot, an Asian, a Black woman and a Russian who made an iconic series which changed everything. They didn't have to signal exactly, in painstaking detail, why each was a valuable asset. None of them had to put the others down to show they were worthy of being represented. They explored strange new worlds, sought out new life and new civilizations and boldly went where no man/one had gone before.
And they tackled political and social dilemmas by showing that there are two sides to arguments and both can be right. All without needing the skills of a Mary Sue to save the day!
@@sillypuppy5940 I'm currently reading the fifty year mission Star Trek books. Its books compiled of meticulous interviews with the creators, writers, producers , actors etc etc of all Star Trek from the TOS all the way up to Enterprise and some bits on the J.J movies .. The books are just interviews but it flows in chronological order so its sort of a story... I'm only up to the first few episodes of DS9 in the books (thats a book and a half) But sooooo many of the people involved in old trek say we NEVER beat the audience over the head with a message it was left ambiguous and up to the viewer to decide, and soo many of the cast and crew said its when shows beat the audience over the head with a message of whats right and whats wrong that shows and movies fall into deep problems. I don't know how long ago Enterprise came out? Maybe 20 years now but if the people working in the entertainment knew that basic rule why don't modern people working in the business
It’s an absolute shame that this era’s obsession with remakes, reboots, sequels and the utter lack of originality and creativity killed some of the greatest franchises in cinema.
They do seem to have something quite original, the use of creativity on how to fuck absolutely everything up. They should hire Tommy Wiseau as a director, he'd make a great director/screenwriter these days.
@@David_Budbill I think it will all end. And we will look back at this period of human history with great confusion. An era where everyone was freer than ever before but every group felt marginalized in some way. An era with unbelievable advancement in entertainment arts but everything was a remake or a reboot. We are moving forward in every regard but we’re thinking backwards. The great confusion is in full effect. But, like George Harrison famously said, all things must pass.
I don't understand how KK could be so literally like Sheev Palpatine. Cozying up to the main characters, staying in the background for decades, only for her to slowly but surely take roles ever increasing in importance, and then finally, when she had unlimited power, casting the galaxy far far away into darkness hitherto unseen.
Sometimes I wonder if this is what she wanted or if she feels like she has to do this because it is what Hollywood wants. Obviously, she remembers a time when films were good she worked in its glory days.
The oldest trick- latch onto a successful man, ride his success then subvert it. Sometimes have an affair with them to leverage against them later. Kamala Harris, Linda Hamilton and helena bonham carter all did it
That's leaving out the fact he stayed working and acting on the role despite his illness for the children who enjoyed watching him play as the good doctor.
And it was a crime that they will pay for. They have not yet begun to pay yet. It's time for all of us to step up, shut them down one at a time, and put them on notice: Hey Disney, you're next.
Yeah, I've never watched even one episode but I can surely empathize with the core fans who feel the pain of losing their beloved franchise to a bunch of radical left morons who hate tradition and respect for anything good to begin with.
They're paying for what they've done to the show. The "Easter special" episode that aired a couple of weeks ago not only got universally bad reviews but also managed the worst UK viewing figures for any episode in the show's 59 year history. Thirteenth Doctor merchandise sales are down the toilet with licensees discontinuing lines and not renewing contracts with alarming regularity while her DVD and blu-ray sales are 5% - 10% what they were are the 10th and 11th Doctor New Who peaks.
I remember in the old days extremely diverse groups of people would get together and celebrate these franchises. No one was excluded. People talked about how these shows saved them. How the people in the fandoms saved each other. Now they've broken the thing they claim to be trying to promote. It almost makes me think they either had no idea what they had or they wanted to divide these groups up for some nefarious purpose.
Have you ever met one of these people, and they didn't also already have a variety of mental illnesses? I don't think there's a nefarious plan, I think these people are collectively and individually mentally ill. I don't hate them, I pity them, and handle them cautiously. Why? Because they're nucking futz.
@@winterleia9027 That is the one kinda funny thing with the last Star Wars sequel. Disney tried to please both sides and ended up pleasing no one, with a lot on both sides agreeing it sucked. It's just those that hated The Last Jedi were the first to know that incoming result on the following movie.
@@winterleia9027 Kathleen Kennedy and J.J. Abrams apparently. Thanks for the extra insight on Force Awakens. I found Force Awakens likeable but still felt like it was just a remake of A New Hope so was only a tiny bit letdown at first and didn't think about it much deeper at the time so thanks for some further explanation. I've got a slightly older relative that is harder to please in movies yet really enjoyed Force Awakens and was really game for Last Jedi. When Last Jedi came out, he chuckled about and mentioned how he hated it but he also, albeit very lightly, came across like a death in the family had occurred. I found Last Jedi jarring but didn't hate it outright at first. The biggest problems I had with it at the time was how easily Snoke was killed and Leia's Mary Poppins in space moment. I partially grew to hate it more because so many people (including my relative) gave their critique online and were instantly branded racist misogynist bigots just for hating the movie even though anybody could race and gender swap the characters all they wanted and you'd still have the same terrible story. I only recently realized how stupid Rian Johnson's story choices were as far as his hatred for lore. His believing that people should just like the character of Rey no matter what without any reason to or with any interesting history to go with the character. Just buy into the movie and buy the merchandise as the studio thought would happen. Johnson and everyone else involved (including Abrams, you're right) had absolutely no inkling on how to write and produce good fantasy fiction.
I'd like to raise a toast to all the victims in the Painful Pilfering category, including (but not limited to) Wheel of Time, Witcher, Halo, all the live action remakes of Disney classics, Cowboy Bebop, and the soon to be molested Lord of the Rings.
I was a huge Star Wars/Star Trek nerd back then. When I heard about Star Trek XI, I was excited, but then realized it was just trying to get a soft reboot and completely ruined the original story. I never hated the SW PT and the original would always be my favorite. But the sequels completely destroyed the characters. I was most disappointed in Luke's character growth.
@@user-sn1hi7my7x I feel you fam. If even the actor (Mark Hamill) says that this isn't even anything like the character he used to portray, then you know that you fucked up badly.
Jar Jar Abrams aka "franchise destroyer". Indeed, there couldn't be a better nickname for him. Worst of all is that not having enough with Star Trek and Star Wars, he also recomended the writers that would be hired for LOTR Rings of Power, extending his infamous path of destruction.
I used to defend JJ, I used to think he had a plan but then Rian Johnson f*cked it all up. Now I see that he’s just a prequel hater who couldn’t come up with any good ideas.
@@brewmaster2912 I just watched Breaking Bad for the first time, and my question is. HOW THE FUCK DOES A PERSON WHO HAS MADE OZYMANDIAS MAKE SUCH AN ASS OF A MOVIE?!
1. The destruction of Dr. Who broke my heart; I have watched since the 70s, but will NOT watch now. 2. Disney is the kiss of death. 3 It's nearly impossible to avoid thinking all this destruction was done by design, with a social engineering agenda - dismantle dreams, and obliterate hope for a bright future.
It is all's part of the new world order agenda. We will all soon be subject to the woke social credit system. Obey or you can't buy food, water, and other necessities. Will be hell on earth.
It’s communism, they don’t need entertainment, they just think they’re going to take over, and have some mad man/mad woman scream at us on television 24/7 anyway. It’s a strategy of tension.
The amazing thing about Game of Thrones is that it was one thing I would constantly talk about with people and today nobody acknowledges it, nobody ever wants to talk about it anymore and for good reasons. It just took the deepest dive off a cliff and that was that.
Come on why are people being idiots it’s just an ending there’s happy ending there’s bad endings you get an ending you get that’s it don’t be toxic about it and puss one time when I was playing a video game and one Guy just said that the show sucks which it does not I was like say that one more time or I will spawn camp you until the day you die don’t say any more or you are going to regret it
I cried when it got to Doctor Who. That scene with Capaldi when he gives that amazing speech is something I always go back to, when I need to remind myself that acting was an art once. An art form used to convey a message but not "the message ". When stories were about learning lessons, morals and optimism. It's incredibly depressing to think we may never return to that.
Once it went to Doctor WOKE, I quit watching because they Reconned close to 60 years of Cannon. From what I have heard, they have gone back to basics and plan on a Retcon of Doctor WOKE.
@@roseblite6449 I honestly believe they should just take Whitaker's stint and erase it from the cannon, just pick off from Capaldi again and have a proper 13th Doctor
Agreed. The editing is on point and speaks directly to the audience. I'd like to say it's my generation, born in the 70s but it speaks to all true fans really. The little quips and cuts just really drive it home and make for a well studied and VERY entertaining series of clips and reels of what comes off as bloopers. I love the style of this channel and rewatch many of them just to get a laugh from the old "blooper" style TV shows from the 80s-90s.
It started out well, and I was genuinely excited to see a female Doctor. And the first few episodes were actually pretty good. But it was a steep trip downhill from there.
I used to watch the revived Dr Who series but I stopped during Peter Capaldi (12th) simply because Netflix took the show off. I'm not a Whovian but I still enjoyed the show somewhat, when I heard about Jodi as the 13th I rolled my eyes, I knew it was just the show's creators to pander to the woke mob. This video is the first time I heard about "The Timeless Child" & now I actually feel offended & I have a lot of sympathy for all the true Whovians
@@monkeybusiness673 yeah that was something that was about the same for me I felt like they could of improved it the next series but that was the worse they could have ever done to doctor who but there is chance to untangle this spergheti of a mess as I think I have an idea to fix this and restore it.
Trekkie and Star Wars fan here, and I feel you. I had the good sense not to watch anything after “Into Darkness” so my feelings and love of Trek is nearly 100% intact. I did however have the displeasure of watching TLJ, so that segment made me very sad, especially when he flashed those OT clips. Made me remember how good Star Wars used to be…. Let’s pour one out for our beloved franchises lads.
The battle for Terminator, GoT, Star Trek, Star Wars and Doctor Who is long over. The battle for Middle Earth is about to begin. Here we might save something.
Dont cry for the death of the franchises. Be happy for all the great memories they gave to you. What exist nowadays are not that shows anymore, but a mere shadow of what was once great.
Funny to think that there was a time when I was hoping for a sequel to Back to the Future, and thinking the stubborn producers where wrong in refusing to make it. Now, I’m very thankful those producers stood their ground because we all know how that sequel/prequel/reboot would’ve turned out.
I pretty much liked Roswell when I was young (well, ok, so I couldn't stand Liz, with her lisp and non existent acting abilities), so I started watching the new one. In the first minute, I (again) hated Liz, but this time because they made her Latino with a chip on her shoulder. Then, Max was supposedly "still" in Roswell, when he left (as did they all) at the end of the original series. But when a female sheriff got out of the squad car, I was done. I shut it off and have never watched past that point to this day.
@@morphinmartian6266 You just KNOW that there is a complete script somewhere with a female doc and Marty. There are definitely people who have tried to pull it off already.
I think it's often conveniently overlooked that the general imsaculation of male characters and or repeatedly portraying them as weak or vile not only turns off the male fan base but the female one too. Not to mention that the rise of the Mary Sue leaves many intelligent women feeling belittled as such characters are not seen to overcome adversity and grow but rather are handed greatness seemingly out of sympathy. Basically it's like inviting your wife to play D&D but secretly buffing all her rolls because she's just a girl.
Yep , as much as we men like to see strong kick ass male hero's women love watching them too , especially if they are good looking. I mean you take someone like David Tennant, not someone I would consider to be " good looking" and you give him the roll of Doctor who with his charisma and charm he became a sex symbol for millions of women ( and I am sure some men ). Now you take Jodie Whitaker, someone men do not find attractive and give her the role , she then turns it into a annoying, loud , awkward version of the character that neither Men want to look at and women just find annoying Same with Thor , what would your female friends rather look at , Buffed Chris Hemsworth or middle aged Natalie Portman?
You forget there is a vast difference between being a member of a species with the Sex of Male and being a Man or one among Men. male is a sex classification being a Man or not is a mental construct driven by the proper ratio of logic, ego and emotion in balance for the best interests of of all. We shall leave insanity out of it for now. There are actually 3 species, Men , males and the Woe of Man. All women are crazy the only difference is the degree, and one does not hand a loaded weapon with a a hair trigger to a undisciplined child. (Which is exactly what has been allowed and done). Men are more rare than ever , Witthaut men there is no sanity nor grounding point for women, so all will suffer. but both are necessary to achieve balance, for without logic being the primary factor and for many various reasons both Organic and Inorganic, It was begun and continuing. So once again, with the Decline of Civilization, the Barbarians and parasites are running amuck. it shall be interesting to see what survives and what does not. We are running out of time to Terminate with Extreme Postjudice
@@robodd4694 YES! bloody hell 100% YES! - I was having this exact conversation with the wife today regarding the trans community. We are all as good as our actions in life dictate and there should be no preferential or detrimental treatment for a persons colour, religion or sexuality. Furthermore we are either punished equally for hate speech and prejudice or not at all.
@@andysalter7192 Uhh idk buddy it's not all about looks. We love characters for their personality, the decisions they make and when the story portrays them with intelligence. So we certainly wont love someone who is preachy and shoves their opinions down your throats. I love action heroes whether they're men or women but these idiots are trying to push feminism by making women do everything men did and make them insufferable instead of letting them be original characters who stand on their own. Empowerment shouldn't be about putting others down right
Star Wars brings tears to my eyes, because throughout all my life I can remember SW being there, be it playing Lego Star Wars 2 on my PSP, the evenings I spent watching the 2003 animated Clone Wars series in the DVD player or the 2008 on Cartoon Network, watching the movies with my parents, talking to friends for hours about it, and then I see what they did with it now, It's so sad
I was a SW fan all the way back in the early 80s. I too feel a lot of the same sentiments. After The Last Jedi, it took The Mandlorian for me to start watching it again.
i think andor has come along and saved the franchise. like clone wars and resistance is shows more about the universe of star wars than just the jedi/sith. sadly book of boba and obi wan were bad, andor was brilliant and mando at least showed what luke could have been not that travisty that was the last three shudders movies.
I love the Talkien stories and it didn't bother me as much when they ruined it with the Rings of Crap as much as when they killed Star Wars. My father was a HUGE fan of Star Wars, he grew up with it. Literally. When he died suddenly one day (I know, it sucks, but life, what can you do; also might've been for the best he didn't see the new movies....) my sorry 20-something year old self sat and watched all the original movies, 1 per day, because I hadn't watched them until then, it just didn't interest me. To my dad's horror lol. To this day, I still don't love it (sorry diehard fans lol) but I saw what sparked the interest in my father's youth. It is inspiring, epic, different and many more things, it is a good story overall and you can feel it was made by people that loved what they were doing, with passion. Watched the reboots too(Phantom Menace and the like) - also good and in my eyes they fell well in line with the other films. Felt like a modern take on the originals, made very carefully to honor the lore and such. There were even quotes from them that I heard daily irl for some time, which is a very good sign for a movie, especially something as old as Star Wars. Then came Mary Sue and dropped a huge steaming one on the the whole legacy of the franchise. It was soul-crushing to watch it get destroyed, as if you are mocking all the previous generations strived for. All that they valued. More than that - it felt like beating up Elmo from Sesame street - uncalled for and totally evil. You just don't do that. And for what - political agenda ? That should be a crime. If you can't make anything better than the original, you have no right to make anything at all. Just leave it be. I can accept it if they at least tried and failed but no - they just wanted to destroy it and push their ideas, consequences be damned. They movie being good was never the goal. So yea, to me destroying Star Wars was an unforgivable sin, showing just how far degeneracy can go. Every generations has at least one or a few such movies they will never forget through their lifetime and Star Wars was such a movie for SEVERAL generations.
Damn I'm not even a Doctor Who fan and that actually hurt to watch, a franchise that long getting destroyed by selfish creatively bankrupt writers just really hurts.
Same here, when I saw Star Wars at #2 I couldnt picture what franchise could have been done worse. I am not a big Dr. Who fan, but I do have to admit that they burned that show worse than Star Wars.
@@LOTRFAN33 I also stopped at Capaldi. You could see the wokeness building up all throughout his first two seasons. So yeah that was it for me. I'm sorry we're gonna have to relive it all over again with LOTR lol. Though the fallout from that will still be entertaining to watch from a distance.
Man, I'm sorry for Star Wars, but this is not the one that breaks my heart the most. I've never watched Doctor Who, but man... It breaks my heart to see how these guys broke everything that was the original and turned it into trash. I can't imagine how heartbreaking that is for the fans if it's heartbreaking for me.
@Jamie Brennan fine? Fewer than 3m watch it. That's fewer than were watching when it was axed in 1989. 12m watched voyage 9f the damned. So 75% of dr who's audience disagree that it is 'fine."
The real tragedy is the new generation of would be fans, because all they'll grow up with is this ideological subversive diseased shows. Which is was the goal of these sick perversive ideologs.
This video should be kept in the records of the Congress' Library for humanity to never forget the events of the current Culture War. Excellent video Nerdrotic, as always, right on the spot of each issue. Great description, analysis, and factual evidence of the planned destruction of the top franchises of western culture. And the history ain't over.
Yes, Orcinus it should. Because OF WHAT WE LOST. These were great franchises that ACCOMPANIED US in our growing up , in our childhoo and when we were at college. We saw these great franchises with our friends in theaters, at our homes during movie night, and at past clubs and past Trek conventions. A lot of that joy and hope has been destroyed.
We'll need to store these video's. If a "cyber attack" would hit. We'd lose all this stuff. It has to be preserved OFFLINE. Please people. Store and save all "red pilling" and "exposing" video's and content.
@@lalalalalalalalala60 I do just that myself. And I would recommend and request that you do too. Asking others to do it is fine enough but everyone just asks everyone else to do it but no one does it themselves and it won't get done, you know? That and it's literally too much for one person to do at all but it is in small enough bits where if enough people chip in we can preserve quite a lot. Personally I use a raspberry pi and a SATA storage device. Because I fully expect a Great Leap Forward type of event or a mass Purge of a lot of the internet, eventually. The Fediverse & self-hosted decentralized alternatives to the centralized systems are also something worth looking into. Good luck, and stay proactive my friends.
It's just sad to see what happened to Doctor Who. You see how the actors who played the Doctor have such respect for the origins. They know the importance and weight of torch that was passed to them. If we live in an age where you need to literally see yourself in a character (either in race or gender) in order to relate or feel like you could be that character, then the age of heroes and brave stories is over. The point of these heroes and stories was never their 'diversity', their 'inclusiveness', or their 'representation'. Every culture has their own stories to draw inspiration from, to see the diversity. The point of these heroes and brave stories was what was inside the hero, what was being told through the story. A type of storytelling which no longer exists. Inward leading out, rather than outward leading nowhere.
it was everything about lefty identity politics, SJWs, intersectional feminism and the antiwhiteism that played a huge role in the demise of these beloved properties.
@@spndusk2362 Agreed. But a female Doctor could have worked if the show runner / writer and actor were both good and respected the past. Missy is a truly excellent incarnation of The Master, she might actually be my favorite version of that character. That's because she was written and acted extremely well. But Chibnall is a hack who intentionally wanted to destroy the franchise and Whittaker was not a fan of the series and couldn't even be bothered to research the role. Pathetic.
@@Me__Myself__and__I no it wouldn't have because the Doctor is male and should stay as such. Why do we need to change something that already worked for years and years?? Allowing these idiots to change shit into the "all new all different" is what got us into this mess in the first place. And yes it is pathetic.
The funny and sad thing (at the same time) is that you CAN create something like that. At least most people including me loved the first season of Arcane. Great art style and animation, voice acting, well written characters and a good story with great worldbuilding. Of course it helps that the existing characters are already diverse, but they managed to write complex, interesting, competent characters with diversity in there that didn't piss off many. Showing with some creativity and effort you can do it, and no one cares if it is done well. But most shows, movies and stuff are lazy, boring and either destroy established characters and/or lore, or look down and break the "bad gender" (from their very strange perspective) and think they somehow promote their thinking that way. They actually think no one sees this. But people do. And I think they do now more than ever, because we see through the facade. We see through the bullshit, because we've seen most of it to often already
my condolences to my fellow Tolkien enjoyers. let us brace for what's coming. but always remember; “Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made.”
We can always always ALWAYS go back to the books and movies. Let's just pretend the show doesn't exist. It doesn't count as a part of Tolkien, it's just something trying to mess it up.
Condolences for what? We had the greatest trilogy on cinema history, im happy for that. That atrocity being made by amazon in no way represents LoTR. I will give it the same treatment i gave the last Star Wars movie and simply dont watch it.
None of the modern shit can harm Tolkien’s work as much as the Peter Jackson films did, because it will probably be shit and everyone will reject it. At the end of the day, everyone recognizes that this crap isn’t real Star Wars, real Ghost Busters, real Star Trek, etc. I’m of the same mind as Christopher Tolkien. The Jackson films hollowed out Tolkien’s world and made it an action movie for young men aged 12-25, and everyone lauded it because it was a good action movie. If Arda is dead, it is because Peter Jackson’s Middle Earth killed it.
@@deriznohappehquite Listen, I like the spalunking escapades as much as the next fan, but putting in 7 days of walking without the scenery changing is not the most efficient use of screentime. You are only going to get exactly what you want if you are the sole creator of a story.
I appreciate the way the SW prequals were described. It's probably the most accurate description I've heard and doesn't claim everyone always hated them, personally I've always loved the prequals.
“Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made.” JRR Tolkien. Daamn this is so old an still fits perfect in todays madness !! hats of nerdrotic for bringning us this majestic content, its a sparkle of hope for equality and freedom. Mery Christmas and my best wishes
Yes it is funny, sad and scary how a lot of phrases from people back in the day are still relevant. Yesterday I was watching the dictator movie of charlie chaplin and the final speach was so real from a movie from 80 years ago that it gave me goosebumps
Because he saw that first hand in his time, with the soviets, the nazis and the fascists... a politic agenda corrupting art to push an ideological agenda, emptying those production of any artistic value.
It's honestly scare how many beloved franchises have been absolutely ruined.. Wheres Prey honorable mention? Making a prequel to the manliest action sci-fi horror film ever made where an alien destroys the most deadliest, well trained, elite, special task force, muscle bound, team in the world, and makin them run, and scream like girls while they get ripped apart by this unstoppable killer they can't predict, for Arnold to defeat it by pure luck in the end... to then make a prequel where a little indian girl who looks like she was raised in hollywood, and has a valley girl accent, who doesn't look authentic at all, whom has never had training within the context of the film, who can't even kill a bobcat... somehow becomes fearless marysue badass against an 8 foot tall alien beast with hi tech weaponary (whom is tougher than the original predator alien)... and she kills it with skill?!?!? and screams like a badass with no fear after killing it? isn't phased or scared at all....!?!? Making Arnold and company look like stupid, man babies!?!?!? Lol go f yourself hollywood.
@@heronekkotheanimer7386 As the wise King Solomon proclaimed in the book of Ecclesiastes: "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun." Ecc 1:9.
This video is both beautifully made and edited, as well as horrifically sad. My franchise love was always Star Wars, so seeing that on here made sense. However, I never got into Dr. Who but had a mate who passed away that absolutely loved it. He passed away a few days before The Timeless Children, I'm glad he didn't have to see that
I remember 10 years ago when myself and all of my close friends would plan get togethers to watch game of thrones, to discuss the books, to theorize and speculate, and to generally praise the show for its authenticity, set and costume designs, casting, and overall quality in basically every way. By season 7 we had all started to pretend that we didn't even watch the show, and by the end of it we started pretending that it didn't exist.
i saw it as a bad sign when those two dweebs had to do a talk to explain the episode after each one... as if we were that stupid...sigh... i guess understandable with all that mucked up writing but i switched off before watching them each ep[isode... wont watch them now to see what they say - as they were obviously halfwits....
I've rewatched a lot of series for my love of them, even the bad seasons and some bad endings, I've managed to want to rewatch them, and Game of Thrones while most of it is a great series, I just for some reason can't get invested in it again enough to rewatch that 1.
This was equal parts wonderfully entertaining and heartbreakingly sad to watch, so much damage done to once great franchises, by people who never cared for them in the first place.
"...Luke Skywalker, who bravely defeated darkness with mercy, only to be turned into a creepy abusive uncle who quit on the Jedi, quit on his family and the galaxy, moved to an island, drank out of a boob, got his butt kicked by a mary sue version of himself, and then OD on the force..." I can't believe all of that is real... it's could you messed up a character that much??
Luke was a Gary Stue in the OT, the last Jedi made him HUMAN. But most "fans" are not ready to understand that people must be complex, and not flat and simple beings as they were in the OT
@@caurd I call bullshit on your argument, he got his ass handed to him and struggled for a long while until the end where he redeemed Vader and defeated Sidious, only to have that gutted by shit writers who ruined him in the sequels, he was human in the OT but the sequels ruined him. Rey never struggled or had to suffer in any way.
@@trevargrisham35 Of course, of course. Luke in the OT is an empty shell, a generic hero we've seen dozens of before. His personality is the personality of every young man who begins his hero's journey, with nothing new, nothing to contribute. And Luke had his Gary Stue moments, too, like when he destroyed the Death Star because "the force," or like when he drew his lightsaber into the ice cave with no prior training in telekinesis, or like when it turns out that he is the best pilot in the Resistance because "the force". (By the way, force is a deux ex machine in the OT and in the ST, exactly the same) Luke was never human in the OT, he was just a shell with no personality for the viewer to project themselves onto.
@@caurd I think you need to go back and watch a new hope and listen to what Luke said before they attacked the first death star, I'll even quote it for you because I doubt you own a copy of it as most SJWs don't. "Luke : It's not impossible. I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-16 back home, they're not much bigger than two meters."
@@3dssolidsnake I know the movies perfectly, I don't need to see them again. That is precisely why I say what I say. Do you know what that is called? Plot convenience. But you seem to forget the small detail that the projectiles made a perfect 90 degree angle, and then traveled through a narrow conduit for several km until they hit the core of the death star without rubbing against each other or the walls of the conduit (what which would have made them explode before their time). That's a deux ex machine.
Well, I totally know how to define "female"...learned it from the movies..."female" means being able to do anything, being better than men just for being female, fighting all day - even with men twice the size of them - and winning all the time, being praised by everyone, show no emotions whatsoever, being promiscuitive and just take the men they want, always having a "cool" one-liner on the tongue, using any occasion to diminish men, and occasionally kicking guys into their balls...that's exactly matching reality...isn't it?...btw: I heard a really SICK thing - some women allegedly press out little, slimey, incapable humans out of their...belly...and then even care for them...while the man takes care of earning some dough to support them...the MAN!!😂...and some women even decide to stay with that little abomination and the man - the SAME man!!! Just gross!!! 😉✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻
Once Rings of Power comes out, that’ll take the top spot on this list. For many of us, LOTR and Tolkien are #1 in our hearts in terms of IP. Edit: Yup, I hate being right…
The thing is, it is hard to enjoy Star Wars these days, because you know how it will all end up, and that all of it is basically pointless. But Lotr is different, because the whole franchise/story is finished. Tolkien wrote his story and that story is and will always be just his thing (Christopher Tolkien maybe adding a few things, but him being probably the biggest Tolkien purist in the world, we can accept his stuff as well). No one can ever add anything else to the Tolkien universe or change cannon in any way...the story is complete. Sure, you can make addaptions, but I don't think that it will change the fandom in any meaningful way now. Not even the Peter Jackson trilogy was able to change canon or the characters in any way and those movies were just viewed as fucking great movies and nothing more. When the rings of power come out, they will probably suck, but they won't be able to ruin the franchise...people will be sad about it for a few years, that we can't have another decent movie adaption of Tolkien, but then most people will just fall back to the books again. You can't hurt Tolkien lore, everything that is created now is just fanfiction - good fanfiction will be enjoyable and might give you new ideas on how you look at Tolkiens world and characters - and bad fanfiction can get ignored easily.
You can't ruin Tolkien because the canon is fixed and unchanging. Sure, they can create some really shitty adaptations like Rings of Power. But that won't ruin the canon. What Tolkien wrote is not changeable. In Doctor Who, THEY DESTROYED THE CANON of the entire franchise and the identity of the main character and his home planet!
@@Hudpix16 Peter Jackson didnt wrote Lord of the Rings Dude. Wtf 😂😂😂 Tolkien created various Storys that take place in a huge World and this is considered a Franchise. For example: The Hobbit and LotR are completely different Books but theyre Part of the same Franchise because the events take Place in the same World.
Sadly, Amazon got their hands on it. We can hope and pray all we want, but rings of power will sadly most likely be trash. I really hope that I’m wrong though
@@John_the_Paul i'm confident it won't last tho.... if it does, it's purely corporate money that will fund its existence. It seems far too universally disliked for anyone with common sense to support it
Remember, Amazon only has partial contorl, They cannot and never will change the cannon. I see it purely as high-budget fanfiction. (They literally said they were telling the story tolkien never wrote... that's fanfiction)
13:06 The thing I hate so much about Disney buying Star Wars, is that they Bought So Much Lore. They could have made 2-3 movies and games a year, for decades off of the lore, but they uncanonized and dumpstered about 35 years of lore, and just said "Ehh whatever, we'll just write up our own, how hard could it be?" Why the hell didn't Disney just make their own series? They just bought Star Wars for the name, and nothing else. It pisses me off.
Doesn't matter. Even the Roman Empire had it's end. It's now up to fans and inthusiasts. This is the era of indi-industry. Nothing to worry about, just ignore, avoid the darkness and may the force be with us all, loyal sw fans.
@@Vhisper The indi-industry can't save Star Wars because of "Intellectual Property" Rights and and Laws. Disney will never give up Star Wars back to the fans, no matter how much money they lose.
@@bast4rdlyreaper naah, the underground will always survive, don't you worry. Even games like SW Galaxies are still running ONLY thanks to the fans and enthusiasts.
Watching Star Wars in the cinema with my dad back in '77 is one of my first memories, it had a profound effect on me. I used to fall asleep to Empire every night, it is still my favourite film. I was absolutely gutted when TLJ came out and pissed all over what had come before. Absolutely heartbreaking.
Same for me. And my 13 year old son has seen all the movies, but (with no pressure or bias from me) only talks about and rewatches the OT. He loves Luke Skywalker even more than I did as a kid in the 70s and 80s. It's sad what they've done to our culture.
On the bright side, the sequels aren't even considered Canon anymore by Disney. I don't even think Star Wars is in that bad of a state. The Star Wars shows that have been coming out have been great. With all the projects they are releasing in the future. I think it's a good rebuild.
@@larry2281 Reinstating the Extended Universe would go a long way to healing the rift. But after Gina Corano, I'm not so sure anymore. I will always have Empire, there is nothing they can do to take that from me.
Finally! Thanks so much for talking about the 2009 Star Trek movie. I watched the first half of the movie around 10 years ago, then watched again it from the beginning (I think) a year ago. Even though my mom and sister liked it, I did not. I thought it was boring, the plot didn’t make sense to me, the character interactions barely made and sense, and I thought the comedy wasn’t funny.
Just finished watching and there's tears in my eyes. That Doctor Who segment crushed me, after Star Wars knocked me down. Tom Baker was my first Doctor and I was in grade school when SW first came out. The senseless destruction and vindictiveness is what gets me.
You know who was an original badass...Sarah Connor. Seeing her transformation through the first and second Terminator films is one of the best characterizations of modern cinema. It doesn't matter that she's a woman. What matters is that she grew, was challenged and became something everyone could look up to. The same with Ellen Ripley from Aliens and Princess Leia from Star Wars. These are the real heroes I grew up with that just happened to be female. But that did not define them as characters.
I find it much more endearing when stories acknowledge and respect the reality and limitations of women, like they can't fight off a guy twice their size, and physical fighting in general isn't their area of expertise. But we got to see how they work around the differences between men and women, develop as realistic people, and not just become men with boobs.
I remember when they announced that Doctor Who was going to be a woman. I - a woman - objected, saying it couldn't possibly result in anything good. I - a woman - was told by countless millennial men that I didn't really "get" Doctor Who and had internalized misogyny that I really should work on (it really was kind of them to mansplain it to me). Funny how that turned out...
The fact the new doctor was a woman wasn't a big thing. The fact that the budget was slashed , the new show runner didn't actually seem to like the show, hired writers who never did science fiction, and chose a cast of which only one of them could even act. That all did far more damage.
@@peterkottke2570 As in many other cases, the casting of a woman is not the big deal. The big deal is making the character and the script revolve around the fact that the character is a woman.
I wasn’t pleased with the gender change but it could have worked with good writing. The poor writing, acting, direction, editing, soundtrack and well… just about everything are what have made the show so poor over the last 4 years.
@@criert135 see, I disagree, simply because there was never any chance the writing could possibly be good. When you randomly change gender for a character who has been around 50 years, the odds that it's an organic choice as opposed to driven by ideology is around 0%, and when you're dealing with an ideologically driven choice in any kind of story telling it just isn't going to go well. The choice you've made for the character is completely forced, and when that's your starting point, there's nowhere to go. "We're making her a woman because it's time for a female Doctor!" is just not something you can build a narrative around.
Of all the franchises, Star Trek is the most sad for me. I never was a Trekkie as I preferred Star Wars, but when I decided to sit down for an evening and check out TNG, I wound up watching all of Season 1 until morning came. I also liked Patrick Stewart as an actor. And so many Internet Personalities I listen to were Trekkies, empathizes on “were”. Seeing what Star Trek has become is physically painful for me. Because to me, it’s obvious what they want to do, which is GoT in Space, and it’s even more obvious what they don’t have the brains to do it. Because they are so isolated from society and bitter about the success of their predecessors, that it actively interferes with their creativity. It’s so sad that to call it a tragedy is an insult to the term.
I was fortunate that Voyager soured me on Trek. It was just so bland and predictable. The franchise was really running on empty by that time. After Voyager I clocked out on Trek. I only saw the Jar Jar Abrams Trek movie after its DVD rip became available on Tortuga. I had heard good things about it, but by god, IT WAS HORRIBLE! It wasn't Trek! It was some generic action movie with a Trek skin. And that was when I knew Star Wars was in trouble the moment I heard Jar Jar Abrams was going to direct it. I never saw Discovery, never saw Pukehard. But everything I hear and see about in the Fandom Menace makes me very sad. And glad that I had clocked out when I did, so it doesn't hurt me as much as it could have. But I sympathize and empathize with my Trekkie brothers as I will probably go out and riot like a certain group of fiery but mostly peaceful protesters once the Amazon LOTR series comes out. Salute my brother!
@@chaptermasterpedrokantor1623, I was very into Star Trek, it was the first book I ever read cover to cover, Star Trek 2, it was just four Star Trek episodes into a single book. I hated reading, but when my Mom saw me reading a book, she bought every single Star Trek book. I loved the Original Star Trek. My wife and I loved the Next Generation, we both liked Deep Space Nine, and were OK but never watched all of Voyager. We never saw Enterprise but did watch the Movies of the Original Star Trek in theaters but never the Next Generation. So, we had kind of left Star Trek behind, except to this day I still have the Books my Mom bought me on a shelf. As for Star Trek Discovery, my wife and I saw the first episode, when CBS showed it on air, then announced it would be behind a pay wall. Both my wife and I had the opinion of Discovery sucked. Your main character attacked the Captain, starts a war and gets let out of the brig. We both just shock our head and were actually happy that it was behind a pay wall as we would not be tempted to watch another episode.
@@wvanyar1801 As a young boy in the late 70's here in the Netherlands there was no Trek to watch or be had. I think they aired it in the 60's but they never did a rerun. Thankfully the country is small and Germany close by, so we could watch German TV. And on friday they always had some old sci fi show. TOS Trek, BSG, Space 1999. All the classic sci fi shows, and Laurel and Hardy. But all dubbed in German. I think I only heard Shatner's real voice for the 1st time when I saw the 1st Trek film on video. On the plus side I learned to understand and read German from watching German TV. The video age brought us the TOS movies. God I loved the Wrath of Kahn at the time. And I SO wanted to play with those space ships. I think I made a wooden copy of the Enterprise at the time, with the engine nacelles made from a broom stick. Happy times! Not so much when I first saw ST3. I was so distraught when they blew up the Enterprise, I was probably depressed for weeks. ST6 was probably the 1st Trek movie I got to see in theater. I was in university at the time so I went to the theater, had a good time, came home to the room that was my home and the man who rented me that room told me that he had received a message from my father that my mother, who had cancer, was going to die that night and I had to go home to see her for the last time. I may not care as much as I once did for this franchise, but it still means something to me. It helped me understand another language, it taught me happiness and sadness, and it will forever be linked to me to the loss of a loved one. To see it destroyed by bloody ideological vandals disgusts me.
@@chaptermasterpedrokantor1623, the memories you just triggered. I remember watching Star Trek the Original series as a kid and later on in High School - it was on at 11:30pm but my Mom would let me stay up - if I scratched her back during the show. But space 1999, that was middle school years for me. When Wrath of Kahn came out I bought the sound track LP. Blake Seven, and Tom Baker's Dr. Who rounded out my 80s years of SciFi.
@@chaptermasterpedrokantor1623 Agreed. Although I did rewatch the various Trek series both on TV and on home video. I refused to watch JJ Trek '09 as the marketing and the comments about the film (effects and references) were enough to convince me then that I should avoid. I did watch the first episode of PIcard and that was enough to confirm that again, nothing but references. Absolutely awful.
I will never forgive Disney, for not bringing Luke, Leia and Han together in a respectfully crafted, expanded Universe again, and instead cobbling together the heresy we all wish we never saw.
The Endings, MASTERPIECE. You summarized them all in one minute. It just not about the franchise that are being murdered. Humanity is doomed because of it
The First Doctor's, William Hartnell's, speech brings a tear to my eye. It delivers such feeling and inspiration, providing memories that flood into one's mind to fire the imagination. Something that current year franchise destroyers can't even fathom how to create and bring forth from their work, people that fail to understand they are suppose to be creating fun and enjoyable entertainment, because all they want to do is spout off boring horrible soapbox lectures that are delivered by one dimensional characters that are basically token cardboard cutouts of, "Look at me, I'm current year person, whose only motivation is to be current year person....who is oppressed."
What's gets me is the constant excuse that "Doctor Who sometimes got real world political issues into the show back during the 60s and 70s so what makes that different compared to Jodies run doing it in the late 2010s?" Maybe better writing and not shoving it in your face?
Update on Obi wan and Darth Vader, yes Disney also managed to destroy those two iconic characters too with the very disappointing and shameful Obi Wan show.
Well that's good. The franchise is officially dead. Literally nobody cares about it anymore and Disney is loosing billions because of it. "It's gonna get a lot worse before it gets better"
@@A.Froster Billions? You must be kidding. It will take a LOT for a megacorp such as Disney to even be considered bankrupt. I assure you, they are losing nothing. They're still earning millions from star wars even after effectively killing the franchise. I just want to see them die after killing my favourite franchise.
This could be easily turn into a documentary film. Halo, The Witcher, The Wheel of Time, The Watchman, prolly The Lord of the Rings by the end of the year, even the MCU, all fit in these category.
I disagree with the wheel of time, no identity politics in the show, and while the first season certainly wasn’t what it could have been, I have high hopes for the next one.
@@mortuitissedai2085 They literally said that the Dragon could be female which makes absolutely no sense with the WoT magic system. What reason other than identity politics is there for that?
@@mortuitissedai2085 have you even read the books my guy? They don't mention saidin and saidar, because that'd be to close to saying there's only two genders, the super diverse cast from a village that's basically been isolated for centuries, they way none of the three male main characters accomplished anything of note. They went as far as to take rand using the eye of the world to destroy the trollic horde at the gap to the strong independent women hell I could go on and on. Tldr: wheel of time is fucked
I am 64 years old. I spent the first 48 years of my life in Hollywood. To say that my early years were a nightmare straight from the bowels of hell would be an understatement. The only things that gave me any hope, the only things that showed me that there was a better way were Doctor Who; Star Trek, and Star Wars. To say that I am heartbroken, to say that my soul is damaged - again - would also be an understatement. This was not done by accident. The evil that rules this world has done this, with malice and forethought. Having never been anything at all in Hollywood, and never being welcome in Hollywood, and never being wanted there - but trying SO hard to "make it" there - I know far too much about the background of this evil city (Hollywood includes Nashville and London - make no mistake: like I did) so I know that none of this is by accident. This is not a series of unfortunate mis-steps. This is murder. Cold blooded, premeditated murder. Of us. Of our history. Of our dreams. Of our hopes. Of what kept us going in the darkest of times. This is designed - on purpose - to remove our history from our hearts and our dreams, and leave us empty and directionless. Broken. Hurt. Sad. We are a broken people. And the enemy delights in what we have allowed ourselves to become. Victims. To fight back, we would have to stand together - as one people, as one race - and say "no more." Never again. And yes, I still cry.
Elon Musk has purchased Twitter. Twitter is/was a toxic echo chamber & safe space for every hollyweird shtlib type on earth. That's all over now and they're absolutely gobsmacked and melting down in ways not seen since the historic 2016 Trumpian landslide & subsequent evisceration and utter destruction of Hitlery Cunton. So,congratulations to you and to everyone who's ever been fkd over by these scumbags because this is a huge blow to their way of life and their FUBAR ideology.
It's only a problem if you let it be a problem. There are enough great movies from the 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, and 70's to keep me going. Until I've seen all the classics, it doesn't matter what kind of movies children make these days. I like things that have stood the test of time, and until they have, I don't have time for them.
Star Wars in particular hurts. Never before have I wished for anyone to become homeless and ill before Kathleen Kennedy, Abrams, and Johnson, and never before have I wanted to see any single company burn to the ground more than Disney. They destroyed a precious part of my childhood, and I want them to suffer for it.
@@bentonrp The original trilogy and Revenge of the Sith were amazing, episodes one and two slightly less so, The Clone Wars was an absolute masterpiece, Rebels was decent, Rogue One was good, The Mandalorian was good, and from what I've heard, The Book of Boba Fett was a bit of a joke that did not live up to the hype. I just like to pretend the sequel trilogy doesn't exist or isn't canon.
Just gonna come back to this sometime in the future to mourn the ones we lost, and the ones we will soon lose. Pre-RIP to HALO, The Witcher, and The Lord of the Rings. At least we'll always have the Bungie games, the novels and CD Projekt Red games, Tolkien novels and Peter Jackson films to remember them by.
I will even be _very_ careful with my optimism about the new Babylon 5 stuff from JMS. I do have _some_ hope in his independence from all this shit since that independence was what he has insisted upon pretty much always, but I'll still wait for the first reviews before even watching any trailers. Until then, I'll always have the amazing B5 universe 🥰
There was talk a while ago about bringing back Farscape but now I don't want anyone to touch it. I couldn't bear seeing that get destroyed like all these others.
I will never forgive what that dumb broad Bonnie Ross did to my beloved "Halo". Halo was legendary and now a shadow of its former self. RIP and RIP to all the other franchises.
Don't worry. The Lord of the Rings, at least, can't be murdered because the only real canon in the franchise are the books written by Tolkien and his father. Not even the Peter Jackson films are considered the true canon, only the books are. It's not the same as Star Wars, where the movies are the canon of the show, and therefore the canon story can't be changed by Rings of Power. Rings of Power may be an absolutely terrible adaptation that makes up it's own story and ignores the actual lore of the series, but it will not have any effect on the actual canon of the show. The only way they could do that is if they bring Tolkien back from the dead and force him to rewrite the books.
I forgot how much the loss of Dr Who hurt. My favorite show as a young, nerdy, socially, awkward boy 40+ years ago. I loved Star Wars of course, but DW was the show I always watched faithfully. It’s probably the only show I knew by heart when it played (Sunday mornings on pbs)
I think we tend to forget because we (well me anyway) gave up on them years ago. I gave up on Doctor Who in 2016 and on Star Trek after 3 episodes of Discovery. I mourned at the time and moved on, but this is like seeing a home video of a loved one just prior to them just brings back all those heartbreaking memories.
I gave up on Dr Who during Sylvester McCoy's run, because some of the stories were monumentally bad. I mean, we always got a bad story here and there, but poor Sylvester was saddled with some doozies. Still reckon the Beeb should have brought in a female Dr only for us to find out later that, in fact, she was Romana and was secretly trying to locate the Valeyard and recover our beloved Time Lord to the side of right. It would've been an epic psychological face off and every Dr (sans diverse represntation duh) would have their say in rescuing himself!
@@clogs4956 Yeah, I remember that era. What made that so sad was, McCoy himself was (I thought) a very appealing Doctor. (He was certainly a vast improvement over the extremely-abrasive, annoying, almost-toxic Colin Baker.) But yeah, the scripts during his tenure were pretty bad. (Which he himself recognized at the time & about which expressed his frustration in interviews, saying, "We could do it so much _better,_ if only...")
LOTR needed to be proactively added to this list. It will easily take the #1 spot as soon as Rings of Power is released. We can all pretend to call ourselves open-minded and not make judgments until it comes out...but we're really just being polite enough to claim illiteracy to the writing on the wall standing before us in big, bold, bright letters. I'd love nothing more than to be proven wrong, but at this point I'd historically have better odds managing my future personal finances with the assumption I'll win the power ball 5 consecutive times.
I agree with the writting on the wall, not that they will manage to destroy the world of Arda (Earth's name in LOTR, to include Numenor and Valinor to the conversation). It may very well prove the step too far for them, and force those studios to reconsider before aggressing a big franchise
At least people will be free to voice their opinions on Twitter! Lol,every opinion that doesn't fall into line with the easily triggered,weak AF shtlib group think sheeple will set off a sht storm of negativity and hatred from the lying,projecting,hypocritical and (self proclaimed)oh so tolerant shtlibs who cannot stand differing opinions and who are absolutely everything they claim to hate. Can't wait!
It's honestly a tragedy. Just hearing the original Star Trek, Star Wars, and Doctor Who themes still gives me goosebumps..and then I remember what was done to them. It makes me livid. Shame about LotR...
@Nogent The first two seasons of Star Trek TNG are god-awful yet grew into a strong series. As someone from the outside (not a fan of the Lord of the Rings) Rings of Power actually has a plot and I feel I have a better gauge on the story than the source material (it's probably because it is dumbed down, but that is what Lord of the Rings needed to appeal to my tiny brain). I would not call it good (the acting/dialog/CGI leaves a long way for improvement), but I also haven't given up hope. I could be a lot worse so I'll give it another season - if it does a Picard and totally crashes and burns in season 2 I'm out.
For me, it's Star Wars. Aside from it being the only one on the list I'm most familiar with, looking at the Disney trilogy in retrospect pains me. They had a shot with the Mandalorian, but killed it with a double-barreled shotgun of firing Gina Carano for shit reasons and then erasing the chance of erasing the Disney trilogy in The Book of Boba Fett. Any Star Wars I see now is what I write - fanfiction is better than what they're doing. Because you need to be a fan to do it.
For me, Star Wars is simply what was done by George Lucas. It was, is, and always will be his story. He told his story in the 6 films he made, and that's all. We have them to watch forever, and I will be happy knowing that.
I'm with you that the firing of Gina Carano was horrendous. AND the latest batch of disjointed movies people are calling a "Trilogy" are an absolute abomination. In my opinion, what we've seen on screen so far with The Mandalorian is pretty good. I think it has a great balance of standing on it's own without completely destroying any of the original material.
I was so disgusted with what they did to star wars I took it upon myself to write a simple, yet better story that takes place after episode six in video game form. again, the story is relatively simple, but it's a sight better written than the disney trilogy.
@@nybergsgarage hey man if it’s good enough try and pitch it man. Now people are making there own movies because movies now suck. Take this as motivation my friend.
The problem with the "Terminator" franchise is that after Terminator 2, it passed through the hands of several people who had no interest in making "Terminator" movies. They thought simply owning the rights to the franchise was enough. They thought they were also buying a built-in fan base who would consume any crap they made with it. That is NOT true. You have to earn the fan's loyalty with each new movie you make.
I am surprised that after making several Terminator films, with arguably more bad films than good, it's never dawned on the studio to make a terminator film set in the dystopian future we keep seeing glimpses of, focusing on John Conner leading the resistance in a gritty war film, and actually make the Terminator's threatening again. Nowadays it's machine vs machine, but the first one worked so well because it was man vs machine, and mankind was badly outmatched against this nightmare machine. It raised the stakes. Enough of the time travel plots, the writers clearly aren't smart enough to write them well. Also, bring back Stan Winston to do the special effects.
@@Demostravius I didn't dislike 3 either. I thought it was a decent movie. It wasn't as good as 1 or 2 but it wasn't bad. Not like some of the abominations that came after.
Star Trek, Doctor Who and Star Wars where not just franchises, they were cultural touchstones. This was the malicious assassination of deeply embedded cultural icons and heroic ideals, followed by a twisted parody in the vein of Weekend at Bernie's.
You are totally correct Gary, the other franchises were lobotomized, but Dr. Who is completely atomized... there is no coming back from what Chibnal did to it. Truly heartbreaking!
dude to say any one franchise on this list was murdered more than another , is just fanboy-ism. These were all equally murdered. just because some one is stil parading around the corpses of some (star trek and star wars) doesn't mean they aren't dead.
@@mrgabes2215 well people hope and pray over it because they are still busy parading around the beaten, mutilated and rotting corpses of star trek and Star wars. But i'd say they are good well and fucked. this is the general model with any american business once the original creator/owner is out of the picture. it's why walmart is shit now , as well as all these tv shows. it's why steam (a pc game distributor) will be shit when their CEO, gabe newell , dies or exits the company. it's why Halo as a franchise has been kinda fucked before they even made a tv show for it. this is just business in America as usual. and they'll wring out these long dead and fly infested remains until they can get no more money from doing so. sad but true.
@@recline69 Jaref and You, you are both right. Despairing aint the right thing but i also dont think we should 'just' remember-back. How about the Third Option? Support videos like Critical Drinekrs 'Why modern movies s-ck' and Madvocates videos about the Flash being Unsufferable, so that Awairness spreads a dn we get Quality back?
I feel your pain Gary. For me, Star Trek hurts the most. The Next Generation was formative for me. I still remember being on the edge of my seat, screaming at the TV in 1990 when "To be continued..." appeared on the screen at the end of season 3. I was excited when Discovery was announced, the rumours of if being set after Star Trek VI with a joint Starfleet/Klingon crew sounded really interesting. We gave the creators too much credit, they would never be that imaginative. I gave the show a chance but was done by the end of season 2, it was so dumb. Picard season 1 was painful to watch, it actually left me feeling depressed. I will never watch any new Trek again. Fortunately prior to 2005 Trek is not ruined for me and I can still enjoy it. Also, when talking about strong female characters done right, I feel Captain Janeway is often overlooked. Voyager had its problems but Kate Mulgrew nailed the character, bringing strength of will and authority, yet femininity to the role.
Totally agree about Kate Mulgrew. She was and will remain my favorite Captain. She had her vulnerabilities, but she always remained strong for her crew! :)
I remember sitting down with my parents to watch TNG every week: precious and unique memories. Same goes for DS9 and my wife - she doesn't normally go for science fiction. Modern ST is a grotesque perversion, not a TV series. None of my relatives would suffer a moment of it.
Gary, as one who is a Star Wars and GOT fan, I had no clue how bad Dr. Whos destruction was. I love the former franchises but objectively speaking you are correct and that is some of the worst fucking writing I’ve ever seen.
It was so bad. When I heard what happened in The Timeless Children, I dropped Doctor Who before I even saw Jodie's seasons. Imagine how fans felt when they watched them.
@@LunarSpiral1127 Practically my grandparents who I watch doctor who with literally said it's "bullshit" I hadn't heard them swear before but God damn.
Outstanding editing and voiceover Gary. I'll be honest: I almost cried at 17:50 when rang the Tardis's bell and "Vale Decem's' piano cover. It remembered me how much I cherished this show.
Because some... people... aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some... people... just want to watch the world burn.
As someone who never watched Dr. Who, I'll have to take your word for it. But I agree with the rest of the list, especially Star Trek. I cannot believe the damage that they have done there, not just to characters and lore, but to an entire ethos and raison d'être.
Agreed, Star Trek hurt the most. I watched the original Star Trek reruns over and over as a kid, looked forward to the OG movies, then in 1987 TNG debuted and all the way to 2005, there was always a new show, worth watching, flaws and all, on continuously. It never occurred to me the whole franchise could not just die but be blasphemed and bastardized as it has been since 2009.
I grew up on Doctor Who. It was a wonderful show. Every story was new & exciting. Each new doctor was fresh & fun. Even the weaker stories & actors felt honest and there was always something to enjoy. The show wanted to entertain & amaze you. The possibilities were endless, even more than Star Trek in some ways. Seeing it destroyed like this has been gutwrenching
@@ArmchairOps Fair enough. I know it's not for everyone. It was always authentic and straightforward entertainment. Even the weaker episodes in the mid 80s were miles ahead of Doctor Karen
This was a eulogy of franchises struck down by malice and hubris, all of them including the honourable mentions deserved better than what happened to them. 😔
@@saymyname2417 If that makes you feel better, I guess it's always nice to divest oneself of any guilt and point the finger of blame at others. These ideologies have been creeping in for decades and decades and we've all kept paying them to ramp it up. We are exactly where we have paid them to take us.
No M-she-U? Cmon man you practically invented the term....and I *think wheel of time and LOTR could have been in honorable mentions. Other than that; Good list.
Gary, you actually almost made me cry! 😭 This is so heartbreaking, especially Star Trek & Star Wars! I watched the original Star Trek as a child, & saw the original Star Wars in the Theater! You hit every nail on the head, and every criminal that you named should be tied up and forced to watch this video on a loop for a FULL MONTH straight! Well on that note, I think I'll have my son download both of those original classics and watch them ASAP! And try to forget that any of the rest of this revolting nightmare actually happened! 🤨
Listening to William Hartnett made me shed a tear. This Man was a legend and still is the first Doctor Who. No one can compared to his legendary status. I tip my hat to Him and I'll pour out a share of my drink any day for Him. So good day to you sir.
Patrick Troughton was my first Dr, but Jon Pertwee and Tom baker were the mainstays until the reboot in 2005, then onward until Peter Capaldi (he didn't gel for me), gave up and not returned, no intention of either.
Not sure something like this is doable once a week, Gary worked on this one for something like a month or more, but a special presentation once a month might be workable or maybe even a handful a year or as the situation warrants. Great job Gary! Kudos!!
Having watched Dr Who as a child from Pertwee onwards I agree with you 100% and it hurts seeing what was done to Dr Who: destruction of cannon for ideology and so much more. Dr Who ended with Peter Capaldi and Stephen Moffat for me. RIP Dr Who.
Steven Moffat was awesome. He was like the George Lucas of Doctor Who. Unappreciated while he was running the show but he will be validated by time because his stories had heart. Every triumph and every mistake in his era came from a place of love for Doctor Who.
William Hartnell was accused by some of "racism". So I wonder if his character became a victim of cancel culture when he was deleted as the first Doctor Who.
As I watched Star Wars as a kid, played Jedi Outcast, KOTOR, watched The Clone Wars, and speculated about future movies (my ideas revolved around the Sith Lore) I was truly devasted at how many great opportunities The Force Awakens did not use (not uniting the main characters being the most fatal one...and the death of Han could have been far more meaningful) and my complete fandom started to collapse during The Last Jedi. I got a glipse of hope given back by Mando, but The Book of Boba Fett and Obi-Wan again shuttered the rest of what I had left for Star Wars. Same fate as GoT...still thinking about what could have been. Childhood-dreams shattered. Fugging horrible.
I couldn't agree more. Although PC stuff was coming in before Whittaker it wasn't preachy in your face. And Capaldi's force was just tremendous. I forgot to mention that aside form the WOKE politicialisation of the show, that the stories and scripts themselves were mostly woeful. Chibnal can not write good Dr.Who. His cliffhangers are always resolved by something underwhelming and the dialogue tells you the story rather than have the story told through events. It's a sad ending to Who but like you I stop at the end of Capaldi. When he said 'Doctor I Let You Go' I wonder if Moffatt new what was coming. i.,e. that DW was going nowhere except towards a gradual death.
The entertainment comment really hit for me. It's so accurate. They are more worried about a message than actually just giving us something entertaining. Sad times we live in.
Most of these franchise deaths were inflicted on them by malicious actors in the studios, but only one was slain on purpose. George Martin has so completely abandoned his books that you can tell he has simply lost interest in the main series and would rather explore other times and places in his world. The vibe he gives off is so blatantly hostile that part of me thinks he genuinely hates the prospect of needing to finish the main story. He gets salty as hell when the subject is brought up and has recently confirmed that the main story is no longer his main priority. He wants to focus on the Dunk and Egg series, that is where his main interest lay, secondary to that is his Blood and Fire "prequel" series, both of those stories adaptations, and dead last is the main story that captured fan's imaginations. Where these other franchises died due to lack of creative vision, Game of Thrones has died from creative hostility, I don't know what else to call it.
I refuse to bother blaming him. I blame HBO for greenlighting the show before the story was done. It was always a disaster waiting to happen with an author as erratic as Martin.
@@politicallycorrectredskin796 I can see your point, but back before season one, HBO had every reason to think that at least the next book will have been published, if not significant strides in ADOS as well. So I think there is a responsibility on both sides; HBO's greed and Martin's apathy just created a terrible mix.
@@daniell1483 You'd think so. But they took him onboard there at first, remember. He's a hermit. You can't drag him with you into all that attention and hooplah without distracting him. He's like me: once distracted the ship has left the docks. I'll never get myself back in the zone I was in before I became distracted. Maybe it was impossible to know that in advance. But some creators are eccentric and view their role as creators of art. Others view it as a job. They go in every day early in the morning and work as authors, or whatever it is. The latter you can trust to stay focused, the former not. Distract them and GoT can happen to you. This is why some musical bands only have three-four good albums in them while others can make 150 quality symphonies before they die of syphilis aged 37. The artist vs the professional. It's just a difference in lifestyle for the most part, but it makes a huge difference.
@@politicallycorrectredskin796 I'm not sure how much I buy the persona of a hermit he puts up on his blog. He goes to conventions all the time, he does a lot of writing for projects besides ASOIAF (e.g. Martin was the co-writer of Elden Ring), etc. I'm more of a hermit than he is by that metric. So again I think you probably have part of the answer, but not the whole thing. Maybe in 30 years or so we will get a documentary of the books being written and can finally figure out why he has seemingly lost all interest in the main series. Whatever the case may be, he is objectively underperforming in writing his magnum opus.
Back To The Future was the only one, the single sole franchise from a past generation that wasn't ruined in the current time and has remained perfectly intact. This is of course due to the fact that the creators basically said "over my dead body" to offers of sequels and reboots, outright refusing Hollywood's attempts to get their grubby hands on it as long as they live and have the rights to their creation. Bless them for keeping that legacy safe from a fate worse than death.
Well, I can't deny it works!
You know, I wonder if perhaps another way to guard against this corporate crapification would be to do away with copyright. If anyone can make their own addition to a fictional universe, without fear of being sued, then you get more avenues for good stuff to pop up and for the bad to become just another ditch in the road instead of a massive gorge.
Don’t give them ideas…
But what about Indiana Jones?
@@theapexfighter8741 Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull was already hated by many as a lame late sequel to the franchise, but now there's apparently a fifth one in production, supposedly for next year. It's certainly another franchise not simply left alone, but we'll see if the upcoming feature bombs as hard as I'd expect.
@@ThePlamzJoker Why people hate that? It was one of my favorite movies back at the time! What did people dislike about it back then?
I remember when we had a diverse cast of a white man, an alien, a Southern doctor, a Scot, an Asian, a Black woman and a Russian who made an iconic series which changed everything. They didn't have to signal exactly, in painstaking detail, why each was a valuable asset. None of them had to put the others down to show they were worthy of being represented. They explored strange new worlds, sought out new life and new civilizations and boldly went where no man/one had gone before.
What was that
And they tackled political and social dilemmas by showing that there are two sides to arguments and both can be right. All without needing the skills of a Mary Sue to save the day!
@@sillypuppy5940 I'm currently reading the fifty year mission Star Trek books. Its books compiled of meticulous interviews with the creators, writers, producers , actors etc etc of all Star Trek from the TOS all the way up to Enterprise and some bits on the J.J movies .. The books are just interviews but it flows in chronological order so its sort of a story... I'm only up to the first few episodes of DS9 in the books (thats a book and a half) But sooooo many of the people involved in old trek say we NEVER beat the audience over the head with a message it was left ambiguous and up to the viewer to decide, and soo many of the cast and crew said its when shows beat the audience over the head with a message of whats right and whats wrong that shows and movies fall into deep problems. I don't know how long ago Enterprise came out? Maybe 20 years now but if the people working in the entertainment knew that basic rule why don't modern people working in the business
ST was literally commie propaganda
@@sheev2829 Star Trek
It’s an absolute shame that this era’s obsession with remakes, reboots, sequels and the utter lack of originality and creativity killed some of the greatest franchises in cinema.
That's the difference between passion for something vs just wanting to make money.
They do seem to have something quite original, the use of creativity on how to fuck absolutely everything up. They should hire Tommy Wiseau as a director, he'd make a great director/screenwriter these days.
That's why I mostly watch creators on UA-cam.
Do you think it will ever end?
@@David_Budbill I think it will all end. And we will look back at this period of human history with great confusion. An era where everyone was freer than ever before but every group felt marginalized in some way. An era with unbelievable advancement in entertainment arts but everything was a remake or a reboot. We are moving forward in every regard but we’re thinking backwards. The great confusion is in full effect. But, like George Harrison famously said, all things must pass.
I don't understand how KK could be so literally like Sheev Palpatine. Cozying up to the main characters, staying in the background for decades, only for her to slowly but surely take roles ever increasing in importance, and then finally, when she had unlimited power, casting the galaxy far far away into darkness hitherto unseen.
Kathleen Kennedy is a Sith Lord.
The [Marxist] long march through the institutions.
Sometimes I wonder if this is what she wanted or if she feels like she has to do this because it is what Hollywood wants. Obviously, she remembers a time when films were good she worked in its glory days.
@@jackcozad6345 LOL, nothing marxist about it. Unless Disney gave up being capitalists. xD xD
The oldest trick- latch onto a successful man, ride his success then subvert it. Sometimes have an affair with them to leverage against them later. Kamala Harris, Linda Hamilton and helena bonham carter all did it
I'm not even a Dr who fan but what they did to the first doctor is a crime against humanity 🤦
Yes. Yes it is.
That's leaving out the fact he stayed working and acting on the role despite his illness for the children who enjoyed watching him play as the good doctor.
And it was a crime that they will pay for. They have not yet begun to pay yet. It's time for all of us to step up, shut them down one at a time, and put them on notice: Hey Disney, you're next.
Yeah, I've never watched even one episode but I can surely empathize with the core fans who feel the pain of losing their beloved franchise to a bunch of radical left morons who hate tradition and respect for anything good to begin with.
They're paying for what they've done to the show. The "Easter special" episode that aired a couple of weeks ago not only got universally bad reviews but also managed the worst UK viewing figures for any episode in the show's 59 year history. Thirteenth Doctor merchandise sales are down the toilet with licensees discontinuing lines and not renewing contracts with alarming regularity while her DVD and blu-ray sales are 5% - 10% what they were are the 10th and 11th Doctor New Who peaks.
I remember in the old days extremely diverse groups of people would get together and celebrate these franchises. No one was excluded. People talked about how these shows saved them. How the people in the fandoms saved each other. Now they've broken the thing they claim to be trying to promote. It almost makes me think they either had no idea what they had or they wanted to divide these groups up for some nefarious purpose.
Have you ever met one of these people, and they didn't also already have a variety of mental illnesses?
I don't think there's a nefarious plan, I think these people are collectively and individually mentally ill.
I don't hate them, I pity them, and handle them cautiously.
Why? Because they're nucking futz.
You obviously didn't pay much attention. Fannish enclaves have ALWAYS had the divisive elements. The "gatekeepers". The "true fans".
@@winterleia9027 That is the one kinda funny thing with the last Star Wars sequel.
Disney tried to please both sides and ended up pleasing no one, with a lot on both sides agreeing it sucked.
It's just those that hated The Last Jedi were the first to know that incoming result on the following movie.
@@winterleia9027 Kathleen Kennedy and J.J. Abrams apparently.
Thanks for the extra insight on Force Awakens.
I found Force Awakens likeable but still felt like it was just a remake of A New Hope so was only a tiny bit letdown at first and didn't think about it much deeper at the time so thanks for some further explanation. I've got a slightly older relative that is harder to please in movies yet really enjoyed Force Awakens and was really game for Last Jedi. When Last Jedi came out, he chuckled about and mentioned how he hated it but he also, albeit very lightly, came across like a death in the family had occurred.
I found Last Jedi jarring but didn't hate it outright at first. The biggest problems I had with it at the time was how easily Snoke was killed and Leia's Mary Poppins in space moment. I partially grew to hate it more because so many people (including my relative) gave their critique online and were instantly branded racist misogynist bigots just for hating the movie even though anybody could race and gender swap the characters all they wanted and you'd still have the same terrible story.
I only recently realized how stupid Rian Johnson's story choices were as far as his hatred for lore. His believing that people should just like the character of Rey no matter what without any reason to or with any interesting history to go with the character. Just buy into the movie and buy the merchandise as the studio thought would happen. Johnson and everyone else involved (including Abrams, you're right) had absolutely no inkling on how to write and produce good fantasy fiction.
I am sure the answer is both
I'd like to raise a toast to all the victims in the Painful Pilfering category, including (but not limited to) Wheel of Time, Witcher, Halo, all the live action remakes of Disney classics, Cowboy Bebop, and the soon to be molested Lord of the Rings.
Wheel of time was so bad.
Man. You're so right. So so right.
"soon to be molested Lord of The Rings"
I just gave your comment its 117th like.
Augh.... Halo.... why.... -_-
Like, is there a single franchise that has not been turned into an infected front hole?
The Timeless Children: how to destroy a beloved franchise in one ghastly scene.
I was born in 1994. Grew up with movies and tv from the 80s and 90s. Timeless classics. Just to see them completely destroyed in a matter of a decade.
Similar for me I feel your pain its sick what theyve done to our myth
I was a huge Star Wars/Star Trek nerd back then. When I heard about Star Trek XI, I was excited, but then realized it was just trying to get a soft reboot and completely ruined the original story. I never hated the SW PT and the original would always be my favorite. But the sequels completely destroyed the characters. I was most disappointed in Luke's character growth.
@@user-sn1hi7my7x I feel you fam. If even the actor (Mark Hamill) says that this isn't even anything like the character he used to portray, then you know that you fucked up badly.
I was born in 79 and have seen entertainment rise to it's peak, only to be destroyed by liberals.
I was born 10 years earlier, sorry you didn't spend as much time with these stories but it sounds like someone brought you up right
‘The first female Doctor ended her reign in an era where we can’t define female.’
I’m dead.
That's why a gay black man has taken over. Let's see the ratings go thought the floor now.
Best comment here
If we can't define what is a women, also we can't define what is a men
Sad times
@@nicolaspinto76 Very true
if you are dead how did you write this comment?
Jar Jar Abrams aka "franchise destroyer". Indeed, there couldn't be a better nickname for him.
Worst of all is that not having enough with Star Trek and Star Wars, he also recomended the writers that would be hired for LOTR Rings of Power, extending his infamous path of destruction.
I used to defend JJ, I used to think he had a plan but then Rian Johnson f*cked it all up. Now I see that he’s just a prequel hater who couldn’t come up with any good ideas.
We need to go back time with a paradox free backwards travel capable time machine and destroy his career before it begins
I didn't find the Star Trek movies that horrible.
@@brewmaster2912 I just watched Breaking Bad for the first time, and my question is. HOW THE FUCK DOES A PERSON WHO HAS MADE OZYMANDIAS MAKE SUCH AN ASS OF A MOVIE?!
@@adrianaslund8605 Tell me you never watched any of the Star Trek TV shows without saying you've never watched any of the Star Trek TV shows.
I've never seen Doctor Who but even I felt offended learning what the Timeless Children actually are and what they mean.
Thr 2005 reboot with Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper is one of the best seasons.
@@neil_mch Billie Piper is pretty hot.
@@neil_mchit's not a reboot
1. The destruction of Dr. Who broke my heart; I have watched since the 70s, but will NOT watch now. 2. Disney is the kiss of death. 3 It's nearly impossible to avoid thinking all this destruction was done by design, with a social engineering agenda - dismantle dreams, and obliterate hope for a bright future.
It's Mao's cultural revolution, reimagined for Anglosphere nations.
It is all's part of the new world order agenda. We will all soon be subject to the woke social credit system. Obey or you can't buy food, water, and other necessities. Will be hell on earth.
@@chrisbingley Definitely turned out to be a Great Leap Backward
It’s not Disney’s fault this happened to Star Wars.
It’s communism, they don’t need entertainment, they just think they’re going to take over, and have some mad man/mad woman scream at us on television 24/7 anyway. It’s a strategy of tension.
The amazing thing about Game of Thrones is that it was one thing I would constantly talk about with people and today nobody acknowledges it, nobody ever wants to talk about it anymore and for good reasons. It just took the deepest dive off a cliff and that was that.
Come on why are people being idiots it’s just an ending there’s happy ending there’s bad endings you get an ending you get that’s it don’t be toxic about it and puss one time when I was playing a video game and one
Guy just said that the show sucks which it does not I was like say that one more time or I will spawn camp you until the day you die don’t say any more or you are going to regret it
Like something famous that committed a grave sin that ruined it's legacy.
Like something famous that committed a grave sin that ruined it's legacy.
I'm not really interested in any Game of Thrones prequels because I know how badly the story ends.
@@ExistentHope True, nobody talks about OJ Simpsons football career.
I cried when it got to Doctor Who. That scene with Capaldi when he gives that amazing speech is something I always go back to, when I need to remind myself that acting was an art once. An art form used to convey a message but not "the message ". When stories were about learning lessons, morals and optimism. It's incredibly depressing to think we may never return to that.
You did not cry
Once it went to Doctor WOKE, I quit watching because they Reconned close to 60 years of Cannon. From what I have heard, they have gone back to basics and plan on a Retcon of Doctor WOKE.
@@roseblite6449 I honestly believe they should just take Whitaker's stint and erase it from the cannon, just pick off from Capaldi again and have a proper 13th Doctor
They'd probably ban that speech now for being anti-war.
Dr WHOke
I still get goosebumps listening to the Dr who theme tune. What a bloody shame it got destroyed.
“A forgettable cast that looks like they walked out of a toothpaste commercial” that actually made me laugh
people forget they destroyed the sopranos to
I know, that was!
Unlike a certain alcoholic
Can I give an award to the editor? Those cuts, the accuracy, the jokes and background music are just too perfect
Thanks man
Agreed. The editing is on point and speaks directly to the audience. I'd like to say it's my generation, born in the 70s but it speaks to all true fans really. The little quips and cuts just really drive it home and make for a well studied and VERY entertaining series of clips and reels of what comes off as bloopers. I love the style of this channel and rewatch many of them just to get a laugh from the old "blooper" style TV shows from the 80s-90s.
I've never been a Doctor Who fan but my heart goes out to those who are. I knew the new direction was bad but I never knew how bad.
Me neither or GOT
It started out well, and I was genuinely excited to see a female Doctor. And the first few episodes were actually pretty good. But it was a steep trip downhill from there.
It was clearly only a tool to push political agenda, no consideration to DW, same for other series.
I used to watch the revived Dr Who series but I stopped during Peter Capaldi (12th) simply because Netflix took the show off. I'm not a Whovian but I still enjoyed the show somewhat, when I heard about Jodi as the 13th I rolled my eyes, I knew it was just the show's creators to pander to the woke mob. This video is the first time I heard about "The Timeless Child" & now I actually feel offended & I have a lot of sympathy for all the true Whovians
@@monkeybusiness673 yeah that was something that was about the same for me I felt like they could of improved it the next series but that was the worse they could have ever done to doctor who but there is chance to untangle this spergheti of a mess as I think I have an idea to fix this and restore it.
This List brings tears to my eyes. Especially the Dr. Who part. Farewell sweet prince.
As a Trekkie and Whovian my heart just cried. I lost two of my most beloved and oldest fandoms.
From a Tolkien fan and Star Wars, I feel your pain. Disgusting what they are doing in all mediums of media, even video games and comics.
Trekkie and Star Wars fan here, and I feel you. I had the good sense not to watch anything after “Into Darkness” so my feelings and love of Trek is nearly 100% intact. I did however have the displeasure of watching TLJ, so that segment made me very sad, especially when he flashed those OT clips. Made me remember how good Star Wars used to be…. Let’s pour one out for our beloved franchises lads.
I could laugh off most of what they done, but now it's LOTR's turn, a series I first read when I was 11, and know I feel your anguish
The battle for Terminator, GoT, Star Trek, Star Wars and Doctor Who is long over. The battle for Middle Earth is about to begin. Here we might save something.
Dont cry for the death of the franchises. Be happy for all the great memories they gave to you. What exist nowadays are not that shows anymore, but a mere shadow of what was once great.
Funny to think that there was a time when I was hoping for a sequel to Back to the Future, and thinking the stubborn producers where wrong in refusing to make it.
Now, I’m very thankful those producers stood their ground because we all know how that sequel/prequel/reboot would’ve turned out.
That horrendous remake would probably look like this
maddy mcfly goes back in time to invent f3minism with the help of a poc doctor 🤢🤮🤮🤮💀
oh yes, the characters gender-swapped to Martha McFly & Dr Emily Brown
They cannot remake Back to the Future until like year 2085 or something.
Zemeckis knew what was coming.
I pretty much liked Roswell when I was young (well, ok, so I couldn't stand Liz, with her lisp and non existent acting abilities), so I started watching the new one. In the first minute, I (again) hated Liz, but this time because they made her Latino with a chip on her shoulder. Then, Max was supposedly "still" in Roswell, when he left (as did they all) at the end of the original series. But when a female sheriff got out of the squad car, I was done. I shut it off and have never watched past that point to this day.
You just KNOW that there is a complete script somewhere with a female doc and Marty. There are definitely people who have tried to pull it off already.
I think it's often conveniently overlooked that the general imsaculation of male characters and or repeatedly portraying them as weak or vile not only turns off the male fan base but the female one too. Not to mention that the rise of the Mary Sue leaves many intelligent women feeling belittled as such characters are not seen to overcome adversity and grow but rather are handed greatness seemingly out of sympathy. Basically it's like inviting your wife to play D&D but secretly buffing all her rolls because she's just a girl.
Well said, hit the nail on the head.
Yep , as much as we men like to see strong kick ass male hero's women love watching them too , especially if they are good looking.
I mean you take someone like David Tennant, not someone I would consider to be " good looking" and you give him the roll of Doctor who with his charisma and charm he became a sex symbol for millions of women ( and I am sure some men ).
Now you take Jodie Whitaker, someone men do not find attractive and give her the role , she then turns it into a annoying, loud , awkward version of the character that neither Men want to look at and women just find annoying
Same with Thor , what would your female friends rather look at , Buffed Chris Hemsworth or middle aged Natalie Portman?
You forget there is a vast difference between being a member of a species with the Sex of Male and being a Man or one among Men. male is a sex classification being a Man or not is a mental construct driven by the proper ratio of logic, ego and emotion in balance for the best interests of of all. We shall leave insanity out of it for now.
There are actually 3 species, Men , males and the Woe of Man. All women are crazy the only difference is the degree, and one does not hand a loaded weapon with a a hair trigger to a undisciplined child. (Which is exactly what has been allowed and done). Men are more rare than ever , Witthaut men there is no sanity nor grounding point for women, so all will suffer. but both are necessary to achieve balance, for without logic being the primary factor and for many various reasons both Organic and Inorganic, It was begun and continuing.
So once again, with the Decline of Civilization, the Barbarians and parasites are running amuck.
it shall be interesting to see what survives and what does not.
We are running out of time to Terminate with Extreme Postjudice
@@robodd4694 YES! bloody hell 100% YES! - I was having this exact conversation with the wife today regarding the trans community. We are all as good as our actions in life dictate and there should be no preferential or detrimental treatment for a persons colour, religion or sexuality. Furthermore we are either punished equally for hate speech and prejudice or not at all.
@@andysalter7192 Uhh idk buddy it's not all about looks. We love characters for their personality, the decisions they make and when the story portrays them with intelligence. So we certainly wont love someone who is preachy and shoves their opinions down your throats. I love action heroes whether they're men or women but these idiots are trying to push feminism by making women do everything men did and make them insufferable instead of letting them be original characters who stand on their own. Empowerment shouldn't be about putting others down right
12:16 man, I cried a little. These intro edits are brilliant
Star Wars brings tears to my eyes, because throughout all my life I can remember SW being there, be it playing Lego Star Wars 2 on my PSP, the evenings I spent watching the 2003 animated Clone Wars series in the DVD player or the 2008 on Cartoon Network, watching the movies with my parents, talking to friends for hours about it, and then I see what they did with it now, It's so sad
I was a SW fan all the way back in the early 80s. I too feel a lot of the same sentiments. After The Last Jedi, it took The Mandlorian for me to start watching it again.
i think andor has come along and saved the franchise. like clone wars and resistance is shows more about the universe of star wars than just the jedi/sith. sadly book of boba and obi wan were bad, andor was brilliant and mando at least showed what luke could have been not that travisty that was the last three shudders movies.
I love the Talkien stories and it didn't bother me as much when they ruined it with the Rings of Crap as much as when they killed Star Wars. My father was a HUGE fan of Star Wars, he grew up with it. Literally. When he died suddenly one day (I know, it sucks, but life, what can you do; also might've been for the best he didn't see the new movies....) my sorry 20-something year old self sat and watched all the original movies, 1 per day, because I hadn't watched them until then, it just didn't interest me. To my dad's horror lol.
To this day, I still don't love it (sorry diehard fans lol) but I saw what sparked the interest in my father's youth. It is inspiring, epic, different and many more things, it is a good story overall and you can feel it was made by people that loved what they were doing, with passion. Watched the reboots too(Phantom Menace and the like) - also good and in my eyes they fell well in line with the other films. Felt like a modern take on the originals, made very carefully to honor the lore and such. There were even quotes from them that I heard daily irl for some time, which is a very good sign for a movie, especially something as old as Star Wars.
Then came Mary Sue and dropped a huge steaming one on the the whole legacy of the franchise. It was soul-crushing to watch it get destroyed, as if you are mocking all the previous generations strived for. All that they valued. More than that - it felt like beating up Elmo from Sesame street - uncalled for and totally evil. You just don't do that. And for what - political agenda ? That should be a crime.
If you can't make anything better than the original, you have no right to make anything at all. Just leave it be. I can accept it if they at least tried and failed but no - they just wanted to destroy it and push their ideas, consequences be damned. They movie being good was never the goal. So yea, to me destroying Star Wars was an unforgivable sin, showing just how far degeneracy can go. Every generations has at least one or a few such movies they will never forget through their lifetime and Star Wars was such a movie for SEVERAL generations.
Yeah, Kennedy did us dirty.
Damn I'm not even a Doctor Who fan and that actually hurt to watch, a franchise that long getting destroyed by selfish creatively bankrupt writers just really hurts.
You have no idea how much it hurt me, I watched my first episode at 5 years old and I’m now 51 and those last seasons murdered me.
Same here, when I saw Star Wars at #2 I couldnt picture what franchise could have been done worse. I am not a big Dr. Who fan, but I do have to admit that they burned that show worse than Star Wars.
I stopped at Capaldi so i saved myself from that travesty and the Disney SW is not canon. For that I have my EU books (the original ones)
@@LOTRFAN33 Same for me. I sensed that something bad was brewing at the Beeb so I also cut myself off at Capaldi's Doctor. I'm glad I did.
@@LOTRFAN33 I also stopped at Capaldi. You could see the wokeness building up all throughout his first two seasons. So yeah that was it for me. I'm sorry we're gonna have to relive it all over again with LOTR lol. Though the fallout from that will still be entertaining to watch from a distance.
Man, I'm sorry for Star Wars, but this is not the one that breaks my heart the most. I've never watched Doctor Who, but man... It breaks my heart to see how these guys broke everything that was the original and turned it into trash. I can't imagine how heartbreaking that is for the fans if it's heartbreaking for me.
@Jamie Brennan I used to be obsessed with Doctor Who and I can confirm that it is ruined beyond repair.
With the new cast I think this is the way it will always be now. RTD could be interesed in keeping the timeless child shit if he wants to
@Jamie Brennan fine? Fewer than 3m watch it. That's fewer than were watching when it was axed in 1989. 12m watched voyage 9f the damned. So 75% of dr who's audience disagree that it is 'fine."
Thank you for your condolences. We STILL grieve the Doctor’s destruction.
Why haven't you watched it
8:27• I know I’m two years late but• that’s like me saying I don’t like kids but then a daycare hires me then what the hell am I doing at a daycare?
What a sad fate these series have suffered. The only people that suffered more were the fans.
The real tragedy is the new generation of would be fans, because all they'll grow up with is this ideological subversive diseased shows. Which is was the goal of these sick perversive ideologs.
They don’t care! It’s about control
This does indeed make us sad 😢
Wait for LOTR franchise fo be ruined by this amazon series
@@stansb37 .they will have to burn my copies from my dead hands
This video should be kept in the records of the Congress' Library for humanity to never forget the events of the current Culture War. Excellent video Nerdrotic, as always, right on the spot of each issue. Great description, analysis, and factual evidence of the planned destruction of the top franchises of western culture. And the history ain't over.
Yes, Orcinus it should. Because OF WHAT WE LOST. These were great franchises that ACCOMPANIED US in our growing up , in our childhoo and when we were at college. We saw these great franchises with our friends in theaters, at our homes during movie night, and at past clubs and past Trek conventions. A lot of that joy and hope has been destroyed.
@@lukeyznaga7627 Deliberately destroyed because they want kids now to be in their own version of Hitler Youth.
Yep. Lord of the Woke Cuckrings going: Hold my beer.
We'll need to store these video's. If a "cyber attack" would hit. We'd lose all this stuff. It has to be preserved OFFLINE. Please people. Store and save all "red pilling" and "exposing" video's and content.
@@lalalalalalalalala60 I do just that myself. And I would recommend and request that you do too. Asking others to do it is fine enough but everyone just asks everyone else to do it but no one does it themselves and it won't get done, you know?
That and it's literally too much for one person to do at all but it is in small enough bits where if enough people chip in we can preserve quite a lot. Personally I use a raspberry pi and a SATA storage device.
Because I fully expect a Great Leap Forward type of event or a mass Purge of a lot of the internet, eventually.
The Fediverse & self-hosted decentralized alternatives to the centralized systems are also something worth looking into.
Good luck, and stay proactive my friends.
It's just sad to see what happened to Doctor Who. You see how the actors who played the Doctor have such respect for the origins. They know the importance and weight of torch that was passed to them.
If we live in an age where you need to literally see yourself in a character (either in race or gender) in order to relate or feel like you could be that character, then the age of heroes and brave stories is over.
The point of these heroes and stories was never their 'diversity', their 'inclusiveness', or their 'representation'. Every culture has their own stories to draw inspiration from, to see the diversity. The point of these heroes and brave stories was what was inside the hero, what was being told through the story. A type of storytelling which no longer exists. Inward leading out, rather than outward leading nowhere.
At least He never touched Neighbour's though!
That sounds awfully intolerant of you!
Respect for origins didn't matter to writers and showrunners with social agendas to implement into the plot.
I know right. I'm not middle eastern but I do like reading their mythology. Its pretty awesome and reads like anime battles.
Dr. Who survived for many decades, only to get killed like that. But it's the doctor. He always comes back... somehow.
2024 now. Little did Nerdrotic know that things could get even worse for The Doctor.
It wasn't about the diverse new characters, it was about destroying the existing characters and lore. "Let the past die. Kill it if you have to"
Ruining the existing characters is step one to replacing them with "better" characters.
it was everything about lefty identity politics, SJWs, intersectional feminism and the antiwhiteism that played a huge role in the demise of these beloved properties.
@@spndusk2362 Agreed. But a female Doctor could have worked if the show runner / writer and actor were both good and respected the past. Missy is a truly excellent incarnation of The Master, she might actually be my favorite version of that character. That's because she was written and acted extremely well. But Chibnall is a hack who intentionally wanted to destroy the franchise and Whittaker was not a fan of the series and couldn't even be bothered to research the role. Pathetic.
@@Me__Myself__and__I no it wouldn't have because the Doctor is male and should stay as such. Why do we need to change something that already worked for years and years?? Allowing these idiots to change shit into the "all new all different" is what got us into this mess in the first place. And yes it is pathetic.
The funny and sad thing (at the same time) is that you CAN create something like that. At least most people including me loved the first season of Arcane.
Great art style and animation, voice acting, well written characters and a good story with great worldbuilding. Of course it helps that the existing characters are already diverse, but they managed to write complex, interesting, competent characters with diversity in there that didn't piss off many.
Showing with some creativity and effort you can do it, and no one cares if it is done well.
But most shows, movies and stuff are lazy, boring and either destroy established characters and/or lore, or look down and break the "bad gender" (from their very strange perspective) and think they somehow promote their thinking that way. They actually think no one sees this. But people do. And I think they do now more than ever, because we see through the facade. We see through the bullshit, because we've seen most of it to often already
my condolences to my fellow Tolkien enjoyers. let us brace for what's coming. but always remember;
“Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made.”
What are you talking about it I don’t know what fantasy you’re making up
We can always always ALWAYS go back to the books and movies. Let's just pretend the show doesn't exist. It doesn't count as a part of Tolkien, it's just something trying to mess it up.
Condolences for what? We had the greatest trilogy on cinema history, im happy for that. That atrocity being made by amazon in no way represents LoTR. I will give it the same treatment i gave the last Star Wars movie and simply dont watch it.
None of the modern shit can harm Tolkien’s work as much as the Peter Jackson films did, because it will probably be shit and everyone will reject it. At the end of the day, everyone recognizes that this crap isn’t real Star Wars, real Ghost Busters, real Star Trek, etc.
I’m of the same mind as Christopher Tolkien. The Jackson films hollowed out Tolkien’s world and made it an action movie for young men aged 12-25, and everyone lauded it because it was a good action movie. If Arda is dead, it is because Peter Jackson’s Middle Earth killed it.
@@deriznohappehquite Listen, I like the spalunking escapades as much as the next fan, but putting in 7 days of walking without the scenery changing is not the most efficient use of screentime.
You are only going to get exactly what you want if you are the sole creator of a story.
The production value of Nerdrotic has stepped up big time. Amazing work, guys. Be proud.
Yes it has and he's become that notable voice you hear from a WatchMojo segment.
Hail and Salute Nerdrotic and the Fellowship!!
I've noticed that, too. He has a god tier editor for sure. Shout out to him.
It's definitely the editing that I noticed. Amazingly creative use of sound and images woven together with a great script. Legendary video!
Brilliant video. But also depressing.
@@sirubisan698 WatchMojo is still around? Lmao, they're almost as bad as WhatCulture...
I appreciate the way the SW prequals were described. It's probably the most accurate description I've heard and doesn't claim everyone always hated them, personally I've always loved the prequals.
“Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made.” JRR Tolkien.
Daamn this is so old an still fits perfect in todays madness !!
hats of nerdrotic for bringning us this majestic content, its a sparkle of hope for equality and freedom.
Mery Christmas and my best wishes
Yes it is funny, sad and scary how a lot of phrases from people back in the day are still relevant. Yesterday I was watching the dictator movie of charlie chaplin and the final speach was so real from a movie from 80 years ago that it gave me goosebumps
Because he saw that first hand in his time, with the soviets, the nazis and the fascists... a politic agenda corrupting art to push an ideological agenda, emptying those production of any artistic value.
It's honestly scare how many beloved franchises have been absolutely ruined.. Wheres Prey honorable mention? Making a prequel to the manliest action sci-fi horror film ever made where an alien destroys the most deadliest, well trained, elite, special task force, muscle bound, team in the world, and makin them run, and scream like girls while they get ripped apart by this unstoppable killer they can't predict, for Arnold to defeat it by pure luck in the end... to then make a prequel where a little indian girl who looks like she was raised in hollywood, and has a valley girl accent, who doesn't look authentic at all, whom has never had training within the context of the film, who can't even kill a bobcat... somehow becomes fearless marysue badass against an 8 foot tall alien beast with hi tech weaponary (whom is tougher than the original predator alien)... and she kills it with skill?!?!? and screams like a badass with no fear after killing it? isn't phased or scared at all....!?!? Making Arnold and company look like stupid, man babies!?!?!? Lol go f yourself hollywood.
@@heronekkotheanimer7386 As the wise King Solomon proclaimed in the book of Ecclesiastes: "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun." Ecc 1:9.
Or Satan makes a counterfeit for everything good God has made.
This video is both beautifully made and edited, as well as horrifically sad. My franchise love was always Star Wars, so seeing that on here made sense. However, I never got into Dr. Who but had a mate who passed away that absolutely loved it. He passed away a few days before The Timeless Children, I'm glad he didn't have to see that
@@ArmchairOps Thanks man. Peace to you mate
Ill pay my respects, least your bud didn't see that clusterfuck. just hearing about the episode made me so pissed had to go on a good walk.
I wish Id never seen the timeless children shite
I don't even like Dr Who and watching Critical Drinker's summary of that episode made me angry for the fans.
@@JadeRunner you should meet the new modern who fans, talk about nasty and toxic.
I remember 10 years ago when myself and all of my close friends would plan get togethers to watch game of thrones, to discuss the books, to theorize and speculate, and to generally praise the show for its authenticity, set and costume designs, casting, and overall quality in basically every way. By season 7 we had all started to pretend that we didn't even watch the show, and by the end of it we started pretending that it didn't exist.
It felt to me that GoT producers made it their mission to be "Lost" but on an epic scale.
i saw it as a bad sign when those two dweebs had to do a talk to explain the episode after each one... as if we were that stupid...sigh... i guess understandable with all that mucked up writing but i switched off before watching them each ep[isode... wont watch them now to see what they say - as they were obviously halfwits....
I've rewatched a lot of series for my love of them, even the bad seasons and some bad endings, I've managed to want to rewatch them, and Game of Thrones while most of it is a great series, I just for some reason can't get invested in it again enough to rewatch that 1.
@@Eternaldarkness3166 same here re GOT... just can't....
I just imagine that mid-season 7 an asteroid obliterated Westeros.
9:18 "Ehm, Eeeeeeeeeh, Ehm E-Er-Ehm, Em, ehm, Ahm, and, Ehm, Ae-Ehm-E-Ehm, Ehm, Mmum, Ehm, em... *zoomes out*"
At this point, it's easier to ask which franchises have not been murdered.
ATLA was stabbed but not murdered. I still watch it at least once every year
At this time, I can only name one franchise I like that hasn't been murdered back to the future other than that everything else has just been ruined
To me, these five fallen titans perfectly reflect the consequences of the old saying: "All good things must come to an end."
But that's the thing. With real life this is the truth. With fiction it does not have to be like that, cause it is fiction.
It's not really a coincidence so many franchises are being destroyed in all the same ways.
Anything created by man will eventually decay.
Every candle must be put out on day
@@pt6238 Ah, but isn't fiction a lot more real than life?
This was equal parts wonderfully entertaining and heartbreakingly sad to watch, so much damage done to once great franchises, by people who never cared for them in the first place.
That’s why nepotism never works.
"There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep, that have taken hold.” :(
It was so well made too! Full of the kind of hard work and love we miss from our franchises.
Terminator2 Is in my top 5 movies of all time. It's still a masterpiece & the CG holds up even today.
"...Luke Skywalker, who bravely defeated darkness with mercy,
only to be turned into a creepy abusive uncle who quit on the Jedi,
quit on his family and the galaxy, moved to an island, drank out of a boob,
got his butt kicked by a mary sue version of himself,
and then OD on the force..."
I can't believe all of that is real... it's could you messed up a character that much??
Luke was a Gary Stue in the OT, the last Jedi made him HUMAN. But most "fans" are not ready to understand that people must be complex, and not flat and simple beings as they were in the OT
@@caurd I call bullshit on your argument, he got his ass handed to him and struggled for a long while until the end where he redeemed Vader and defeated Sidious, only to have that gutted by shit writers who ruined him in the sequels, he was human in the OT but the sequels ruined him. Rey never struggled or had to suffer in any way.
@@trevargrisham35 Of course, of course. Luke in the OT is an empty shell, a generic hero we've seen dozens of before. His personality is the personality of every young man who begins his hero's journey, with nothing new, nothing to contribute.
And Luke had his Gary Stue moments, too, like when he destroyed the Death Star because "the force," or like when he drew his lightsaber into the ice cave with no prior training in telekinesis, or like when it turns out that he is the best pilot in the Resistance because "the force". (By the way, force is a deux ex machine in the OT and in the ST, exactly the same)
Luke was never human in the OT, he was just a shell with no personality for the viewer to project themselves onto.
@@caurd I think you need to go back and watch a new hope and listen to what Luke said before they attacked the first death star, I'll even quote it for you because I doubt you own a copy of it as most SJWs don't.
"Luke : It's not impossible. I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-16 back home, they're not much bigger than two meters."
@@3dssolidsnake I know the movies perfectly, I don't need to see them again. That is precisely why I say what I say. Do you know what that is called? Plot convenience. But you seem to forget the small detail that the projectiles made a perfect 90 degree angle, and then traveled through a narrow conduit for several km until they hit the core of the death star without rubbing against each other or the walls of the conduit (what which would have made them explode before their time). That's a deux ex machine.
"And Jodie Whitaker, who started her reign as the first Female Doctor would end it in an era where we can't define 'Female'"
The insanity is moving fast
Well, I totally know how to define "female"...learned it from the movies..."female" means being able to do anything, being better than men just for being female, fighting all day - even with men twice the size of them - and winning all the time, being praised by everyone, show no emotions whatsoever, being promiscuitive and just take the men they want, always having a "cool" one-liner on the tongue, using any occasion to diminish men, and occasionally kicking guys into their balls...that's exactly matching reality...isn't it?...btw: I heard a really SICK thing - some women allegedly press out little, slimey, incapable humans out of their...belly...and then even care for them...while the man takes care of earning some dough to support them...the MAN!!😂...and some women even decide to stay with that little abomination and the man - the SAME man!!! Just gross!!!
Female is any man who wants to pretend he’s not a man.
This isn't savage... This is slaughter
Once Rings of Power comes out, that’ll take the top spot on this list. For many of us, LOTR and Tolkien are #1 in our hearts in terms of IP.
Edit: Yup, I hate being right…
Not really a franchise, it’s not set up in the same universe as the Peter Jackson films. But I get what you mean.
The thing is, it is hard to enjoy Star Wars these days, because you know how it will all end up, and that all of it is basically pointless.
But Lotr is different, because the whole franchise/story is finished. Tolkien wrote his story and that story is and will always be just his thing (Christopher Tolkien maybe adding a few things, but him being probably the biggest Tolkien purist in the world, we can accept his stuff as well).
No one can ever add anything else to the Tolkien universe or change cannon in any way...the story is complete.
Sure, you can make addaptions, but I don't think that it will change the fandom in any meaningful way now.
Not even the Peter Jackson trilogy was able to change canon or the characters in any way and those movies were just viewed as fucking great movies and nothing more.
When the rings of power come out, they will probably suck, but they won't be able to ruin the franchise...people will be sad about it for a few years, that we can't have another decent movie adaption of Tolkien, but then most people will just fall back to the books again.
You can't hurt Tolkien lore, everything that is created now is just fanfiction - good fanfiction will be enjoyable and might give you new ideas on how you look at Tolkiens world and characters - and bad fanfiction can get ignored easily.
You can't ruin Tolkien because the canon is fixed and unchanging. Sure, they can create some really shitty adaptations like Rings of Power. But that won't ruin the canon. What Tolkien wrote is not changeable. In Doctor Who, THEY DESTROYED THE CANON of the entire franchise and the identity of the main character and his home planet!
@@MrMonsterjesus wise words.
@@Hudpix16 Peter Jackson didnt wrote Lord of the Rings Dude. Wtf 😂😂😂 Tolkien created various Storys that take place in a huge World and this is considered a Franchise. For example: The Hobbit and LotR are completely different Books but theyre Part of the same Franchise because the events take Place in the same World.
You thought Doctor Who was bad in 2022...
We must defend LOTR at all costs! My heart bled for all of these franchises, especially Star Wars. That was my childhood!
Sadly, Amazon got their hands on it. We can hope and pray all we want, but rings of power will sadly most likely be trash. I really hope that I’m wrong though
We already know they’ve ruined it. Diverse elfs anyone?
@@John_the_Paul i'm confident it won't last tho.... if it does, it's purely corporate money that will fund its existence. It seems far too universally disliked for anyone with common sense to support it
Remember, Amazon only has partial contorl, They cannot and never will change the cannon. I see it purely as high-budget fanfiction. (They literally said they were telling the story tolkien never wrote... that's fanfiction)
Don’t worry, whatever the Amazon is planning, it is not canon, just their sick version os Tolkien’s world.
13:06 The thing I hate so much about Disney buying Star Wars, is that they Bought So Much Lore. They could have made 2-3 movies and games a year, for decades off of the lore, but they uncanonized and dumpstered about 35 years of lore, and just said "Ehh whatever, we'll just write up our own, how hard could it be?"
Why the hell didn't Disney just make their own series? They just bought Star Wars for the name, and nothing else. It pisses me off.
money money mOOONNneEEYYYy
Doesn't matter. Even the Roman Empire had it's end. It's now up to fans and inthusiasts. This is the era of indi-industry. Nothing to worry about, just ignore, avoid the darkness and may the force be with us all, loyal sw fans.
@@Vhisper The indi-industry can't save Star Wars because of "Intellectual Property" Rights and and Laws.
Disney will never give up Star Wars back to the fans, no matter how much money they lose.
@@bast4rdlyreaper naah, the underground will always survive, don't you worry. Even games like SW Galaxies are still running ONLY thanks to the fans and enthusiasts.
It makes me hangry man
Watching Star Wars in the cinema with my dad back in '77 is one of my first memories, it had a profound effect on me. I used to fall asleep to Empire every night, it is still my favourite film. I was absolutely gutted when TLJ came out and pissed all over what had come before. Absolutely heartbreaking.
Same for me. And my 13 year old son has seen all the movies, but (with no pressure or bias from me) only talks about and rewatches the OT. He loves Luke Skywalker even more than I did as a kid in the 70s and 80s.
It's sad what they've done to our culture.
Agreed. But don't forget that those sweet memories and the original trilogy can't be taken away.
@@pauldonvito6169 And they never will be. May the Force be with you.
On the bright side, the sequels aren't even considered Canon anymore by Disney. I don't even think Star Wars is in that bad of a state. The Star Wars shows that have been coming out have been great. With all the projects they are releasing in the future. I think it's a good rebuild.
@@larry2281 Reinstating the Extended Universe would go a long way to healing the rift. But after Gina Corano, I'm not so sure anymore.
I will always have Empire, there is nothing they can do to take that from me.
Finally! Thanks so much for talking about the 2009 Star Trek movie. I watched the first half of the movie around 10 years ago, then watched again it from the beginning (I think) a year ago. Even though my mom and sister liked it, I did not. I thought it was boring, the plot didn’t make sense to me, the character interactions barely made and sense, and I thought the comedy wasn’t funny.
Just finished watching and there's tears in my eyes. That Doctor Who segment crushed me, after Star Wars knocked me down. Tom Baker was my first Doctor and I was in grade school when SW first came out. The senseless destruction and vindictiveness is what gets me.
Yeah, the Dr. Who part got me. Especially sad when you see the respect Tennant and Capaldi had for previous doctors
@@leipzigergnom And who knew Capaldi could draw, he conjured the first doctor out of mid-air.
"Tom Baker was my first Doctor and I was in grade school when SW first came out."
Same. Gen-X fist bump.
@@MiloDC ditto. Gen Xers always agree, Baker has been, and shall always be our Doctor!
Your spot on with Tom Baker, my first Doctor and the best in my opinion.
You know who was an original badass...Sarah Connor. Seeing her transformation through the first and second Terminator films is one of the best characterizations of modern cinema. It doesn't matter that she's a woman. What matters is that she grew, was challenged and became something everyone could look up to. The same with Ellen Ripley from Aliens and Princess Leia from Star Wars. These are the real heroes I grew up with that just happened to be female. But that did not define them as characters.
I find it much more endearing when stories acknowledge and respect the reality and limitations of women, like they can't fight off a guy twice their size, and physical fighting in general isn't their area of expertise.
But we got to see how they work around the differences between men and women, develop as realistic people, and not just become men with boobs.
Sarah Connor is the the best female super hero of all time.
I remember when they announced that Doctor Who was going to be a woman. I - a woman - objected, saying it couldn't possibly result in anything good. I - a woman - was told by countless millennial men that I didn't really "get" Doctor Who and had internalized misogyny that I really should work on (it really was kind of them to mansplain it to me). Funny how that turned out...
The people who scream the loudest about sexism are the most sexist of all. Same for racism. And whatever other ism you can think of.
The fact the new doctor was a woman wasn't a big thing. The fact that the budget was slashed , the new show runner didn't actually seem to like the show, hired writers who never did science fiction, and chose a cast of which only one of them could even act. That all did far more damage.
@@peterkottke2570 As in many other cases, the casting of a woman is not the big deal. The big deal is making the character and the script revolve around the fact that the character is a woman.
I wasn’t pleased with the gender change but it could have worked with good writing. The poor writing, acting, direction, editing, soundtrack and well… just about everything are what have made the show so poor over the last 4 years.
@@criert135 see, I disagree, simply because there was never any chance the writing could possibly be good. When you randomly change gender for a character who has been around 50 years, the odds that it's an organic choice as opposed to driven by ideology is around 0%, and when you're dealing with an ideologically driven choice in any kind of story telling it just isn't going to go well. The choice you've made for the character is completely forced, and when that's your starting point, there's nowhere to go. "We're making her a woman because it's time for a female Doctor!" is just not something you can build a narrative around.
This list is gold! And the points listed are so freaking true….why the f*** haven’t the studio understood how they are killing these classics?
Of all the franchises, Star Trek is the most sad for me.
I never was a Trekkie as I preferred Star Wars, but when I decided to sit down for an evening and check out TNG, I wound up watching all of Season 1 until morning came. I also liked Patrick Stewart as an actor. And so many Internet Personalities I listen to were Trekkies, empathizes on “were”.
Seeing what Star Trek has become is physically painful for me. Because to me, it’s obvious what they want to do, which is GoT in Space, and it’s even more obvious what they don’t have the brains to do it. Because they are so isolated from society and bitter about the success of their predecessors, that it actively interferes with their creativity.
It’s so sad that to call it a tragedy is an insult to the term.
I was fortunate that Voyager soured me on Trek. It was just so bland and predictable. The franchise was really running on empty by that time. After Voyager I clocked out on Trek. I only saw the Jar Jar Abrams Trek movie after its DVD rip became available on Tortuga. I had heard good things about it, but by god, IT WAS HORRIBLE! It wasn't Trek! It was some generic action movie with a Trek skin. And that was when I knew Star Wars was in trouble the moment I heard Jar Jar Abrams was going to direct it. I never saw Discovery, never saw Pukehard. But everything I hear and see about in the Fandom Menace makes me very sad. And glad that I had clocked out when I did, so it doesn't hurt me as much as it could have. But I sympathize and empathize with my Trekkie brothers as I will probably go out and riot like a certain group of fiery but mostly peaceful protesters once the Amazon LOTR series comes out. Salute my brother!
@@chaptermasterpedrokantor1623, I was very into Star Trek, it was the first book I ever read cover to cover, Star Trek 2, it was just four Star Trek episodes into a single book. I hated reading, but when my Mom saw me reading a book, she bought every single Star Trek book. I loved the Original Star Trek. My wife and I loved the Next Generation, we both liked Deep Space Nine, and were OK but never watched all of Voyager. We never saw Enterprise but did watch the Movies of the Original Star Trek in theaters but never the Next Generation. So, we had kind of left Star Trek behind, except to this day I still have the Books my Mom bought me on a shelf.
As for Star Trek Discovery, my wife and I saw the first episode, when CBS showed it on air, then announced it would be behind a pay wall. Both my wife and I had the opinion of Discovery sucked. Your main character attacked the Captain, starts a war and gets let out of the brig. We both just shock our head and were actually happy that it was behind a pay wall as we would not be tempted to watch another episode.
@@wvanyar1801 As a young boy in the late 70's here in the Netherlands there was no Trek to watch or be had. I think they aired it in the 60's but they never did a rerun. Thankfully the country is small and Germany close by, so we could watch German TV. And on friday they always had some old sci fi show. TOS Trek, BSG, Space 1999. All the classic sci fi shows, and Laurel and Hardy. But all dubbed in German. I think I only heard Shatner's real voice for the 1st time when I saw the 1st Trek film on video. On the plus side I learned to understand and read German from watching German TV. The video age brought us the TOS movies. God I loved the Wrath of Kahn at the time. And I SO wanted to play with those space ships. I think I made a wooden copy of the Enterprise at the time, with the engine nacelles made from a broom stick. Happy times! Not so much when I first saw ST3. I was so distraught when they blew up the Enterprise, I was probably depressed for weeks. ST6 was probably the 1st Trek movie I got to see in theater. I was in university at the time so I went to the theater, had a good time, came home to the room that was my home and the man who rented me that room told me that he had received a message from my father that my mother, who had cancer, was going to die that night and I had to go home to see her for the last time.
I may not care as much as I once did for this franchise, but it still means something to me. It helped me understand another language, it taught me happiness and sadness, and it will forever be linked to me to the loss of a loved one. To see it destroyed by bloody ideological vandals disgusts me.
@@chaptermasterpedrokantor1623, the memories you just triggered. I remember watching Star Trek the Original series as a kid and later on in High School - it was on at 11:30pm but my Mom would let me stay up - if I scratched her back during the show.
But space 1999, that was middle school years for me. When Wrath of Kahn came out I bought the sound track LP. Blake Seven, and Tom Baker's Dr. Who rounded out my 80s years of SciFi.
@@chaptermasterpedrokantor1623 Agreed. Although I did rewatch the various Trek series both on TV and on home video. I refused to watch JJ Trek '09 as the marketing and the comments about the film (effects and references) were enough to convince me then that I should avoid. I did watch the first episode of PIcard and that was enough to confirm that again, nothing but references. Absolutely awful.
I will never forgive Disney, for not bringing Luke, Leia and Han together in a respectfully crafted, expanded Universe again, and instead cobbling together the heresy we all wish we never saw.
“Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made.”
You so right about this evil and money hungry
Attt, be sure and attribute this to Prof. Tolkien. No plagiarism now!
You need a lot more thumbs app shows you how many generations need to go back to school LOL
You summarized them all in one minute. It just not about the franchise that are being murdered. Humanity is doomed because of it
0:44 The Terminator
3:38 Game of Thrones
7:21 Star Trek
12:15 Star Wars
17:08 Honorable Mentions
18:03 Dr. Who
The First Doctor's, William Hartnell's, speech brings a tear to my eye. It delivers such feeling and inspiration, providing memories that flood into one's mind to fire the imagination.
Something that current year franchise destroyers can't even fathom how to create and bring forth from their work, people that fail to understand they are suppose to be creating fun and enjoyable entertainment, because all they want to do is spout off boring horrible soapbox lectures that are delivered by one dimensional characters that are basically token cardboard cutouts of, "Look at me, I'm current year person, whose only motivation is to be current year person....who is oppressed."
What's gets me is the constant excuse that "Doctor Who sometimes got real world political issues into the show back during the 60s and 70s so what makes that different compared to Jodies run doing it in the late 2010s?"
Maybe better writing and not shoving it in your face?
Update on Obi wan and Darth Vader, yes Disney also managed to destroy those two iconic characters too with the very disappointing and shameful Obi Wan show.
Welp, good job on disney’s part. They effectively killed every single one of their major characters.
Well that's good. The franchise is officially dead. Literally nobody cares about it anymore and Disney is loosing billions because of it. "It's gonna get a lot worse before it gets better"
@@A.Froster or it dies on the way*
@@A.Froster Billions? You must be kidding. It will take a LOT for a megacorp such as Disney to even be considered bankrupt. I assure you, they are losing nothing. They're still earning millions from star wars even after effectively killing the franchise. I just want to see them die after killing my favourite franchise.
That fight scene was cool as fuck though but kinda pointless but it did create a epic duel again I did like that a little lol
I love your humorous and creative editing -- it adds an extra incentive to watch your content
This could be easily turn into a documentary film. Halo, The Witcher, The Wheel of Time, The Watchman, prolly The Lord of the Rings by the end of the year, even the MCU, all fit in these category.
I disagree with the wheel of time, no identity politics in the show, and while the first season certainly wasn’t what it could have been, I have high hopes for the next one.
Years from now this time will be looked back on as the dark ages of TV & movies.
@@mortuitissedai2085 They literally said that the Dragon could be female which makes absolutely no sense with the WoT magic system. What reason other than identity politics is there for that?
@@mortuitissedai2085 You didn't watch the same show I watched, then.
@@mortuitissedai2085 have you even read the books my guy? They don't mention saidin and saidar, because that'd be to close to saying there's only two genders, the super diverse cast from a village that's basically been isolated for centuries, they way none of the three male main characters accomplished anything of note. They went as far as to take rand using the eye of the world to destroy the trollic horde at the gap to the strong independent women hell I could go on and on.
Tldr: wheel of time is fucked
I am 64 years old.
I spent the first 48 years of my life in Hollywood.
To say that my early years were a nightmare straight from the bowels of hell would be an understatement.
The only things that gave me any hope, the only things that showed me that there was a better way were Doctor Who; Star Trek, and Star Wars.
To say that I am heartbroken, to say that my soul is damaged - again - would also be an understatement.
This was not done by accident.
The evil that rules this world has done this, with malice and forethought.
Having never been anything at all in Hollywood, and never being welcome in Hollywood, and never being wanted there - but trying SO hard to "make it" there - I know far too much about the background of this evil city (Hollywood includes Nashville and London - make no mistake: like I did) so I know that none of this is by accident.
This is not a series of unfortunate mis-steps.
This is murder.
Cold blooded, premeditated murder.
Of us.
Of our history.
Of our dreams.
Of our hopes.
Of what kept us going in the darkest of times.
This is designed - on purpose - to remove our history from our hearts and our dreams, and leave us empty and directionless.
We are a broken people.
And the enemy delights in what we have allowed ourselves to become.
To fight back, we would have to stand together - as one people, as one race - and say "no more."
Never again.
And yes, I still cry.
And yet here we are. And what did it cost them in their quest? Everything. It has cost them everything.
Arise men of the west today is NOT THAT DAY
@@recline69 Second Star to the right and straight on til morning.
I'm sorry 😞
Elon Musk has purchased Twitter. Twitter is/was a toxic echo chamber & safe space for every hollyweird shtlib type on earth. That's all over now and they're absolutely gobsmacked and melting down in ways not seen since the historic 2016 Trumpian landslide & subsequent evisceration and utter destruction of Hitlery Cunton.
So,congratulations to you and to everyone who's ever been fkd over by these scumbags because this is a huge blow to their way of life and their FUBAR ideology.
It's only a problem if you let it be a problem. There are enough great movies from the 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, and 70's to keep me going. Until I've seen all the classics, it doesn't matter what kind of movies children make these days. I like things that have stood the test of time, and until they have, I don't have time for them.
Star Wars in particular hurts. Never before have I wished for anyone to become homeless and ill before Kathleen Kennedy, Abrams, and Johnson, and never before have I wanted to see any single company burn to the ground more than Disney. They destroyed a precious part of my childhood, and I want them to suffer for it.
Star wars was always shit.
Kinda like your opinions, right?
@@GranTorino7 so edgy🤪
Don't turn to the dark! Better to have loved and lost. We will always have the originals. 😊 I still watch them.
@@bentonrp The original trilogy and Revenge of the Sith were amazing, episodes one and two slightly less so, The Clone Wars was an absolute masterpiece, Rebels was decent, Rogue One was good, The Mandalorian was good, and from what I've heard, The Book of Boba Fett was a bit of a joke that did not live up to the hype. I just like to pretend the sequel trilogy doesn't exist or isn't canon.
I will *NEVER* forgive Chibnall for the Timeless Children. The bastard.
Just gonna come back to this sometime in the future to mourn the ones we lost, and the ones we will soon lose.
Pre-RIP to HALO, The Witcher, and The Lord of the Rings.
At least we'll always have the Bungie games, the novels and CD Projekt Red games, Tolkien novels and Peter Jackson films to remember them by.
I will even be _very_ careful with my optimism about the new Babylon 5 stuff from JMS. I do have _some_ hope in his independence from all this shit since that independence was what he has insisted upon pretty much always, but I'll still wait for the first reviews before even watching any trailers.
Until then, I'll always have the amazing B5 universe 🥰
Don't forget about Shark Boy and Lava Girl, I still can't believe how badly they butchered these iconic characters.
There was talk a while ago about bringing back Farscape but now I don't want anyone to touch it. I couldn't bear seeing that get destroyed like all these others.
I will never forgive what that dumb broad Bonnie Ross did to my beloved "Halo". Halo was legendary and now a shadow of its former self. RIP and RIP to all the other franchises.
Don't worry. The Lord of the Rings, at least, can't be murdered because the only real canon in the franchise are the books written by Tolkien and his father. Not even the Peter Jackson films are considered the true canon, only the books are. It's not the same as Star Wars, where the movies are the canon of the show, and therefore the canon story can't be changed by Rings of Power.
Rings of Power may be an absolutely terrible adaptation that makes up it's own story and ignores the actual lore of the series, but it will not have any effect on the actual canon of the show. The only way they could do that is if they bring Tolkien back from the dead and force him to rewrite the books.
I forgot how much the loss of Dr Who hurt. My favorite show as a young, nerdy, socially, awkward boy 40+ years ago. I loved Star Wars of course, but DW was the show I always watched faithfully. It’s probably the only show I knew by heart when it played (Sunday mornings on pbs)
I think we tend to forget because we (well me anyway) gave up on them years ago. I gave up on Doctor Who in 2016 and on Star Trek after 3 episodes of Discovery. I mourned at the time and moved on, but this is like seeing a home video of a loved one just prior to them just brings back all those heartbreaking memories.
I gave up on Dr Who during Sylvester McCoy's run, because some of the stories were monumentally bad. I mean, we always got a bad story here and there, but poor Sylvester was saddled with some doozies.
Still reckon the Beeb should have brought in a female Dr only for us to find out later that, in fact, she was Romana and was secretly trying to locate the Valeyard and recover our beloved Time Lord to the side of right. It would've been an epic psychological face off and every Dr (sans diverse represntation duh) would have their say in rescuing himself!
The clip from the show of them announcing “Look what I have done!” infuriated me
@@clogs4956 Yeah, I remember that era. What made that so sad was, McCoy himself was (I thought) a very appealing Doctor. (He was certainly a vast improvement over the extremely-abrasive, annoying, almost-toxic Colin Baker.) But yeah, the scripts during his tenure were pretty bad. (Which he himself recognized at the time & about which expressed his frustration in interviews, saying, "We could do it so much _better,_ if only...")
LOTR needed to be proactively added to this list. It will easily take the #1 spot as soon as Rings of Power is released. We can all pretend to call ourselves open-minded and not make judgments until it comes out...but we're really just being polite enough to claim illiteracy to the writing on the wall standing before us in big, bold, bright letters. I'd love nothing more than to be proven wrong, but at this point I'd historically have better odds managing my future personal finances with the assumption I'll win the power ball 5 consecutive times.
I agree with the writting on the wall, not that they will manage to destroy the world of Arda (Earth's name in LOTR, to include Numenor and Valinor to the conversation). It may very well prove the step too far for them, and force those studios to reconsider before aggressing a big franchise
Ridiculous. Just don't watch and let it flop, it will delete itself from mass consciousness eventually.
Doctor who died back in the 80s...
No, ROP will not erase Tolkien's books nor PJ's adaptations legacy.
At least people will be free to voice their opinions on Twitter! Lol,every opinion that doesn't fall into line with the easily triggered,weak AF shtlib group think sheeple will set off a sht storm of negativity and hatred from the lying,projecting,hypocritical and (self proclaimed)oh so tolerant shtlibs who cannot stand differing opinions and who are absolutely everything they claim to hate. Can't wait!
Jurassic Park and LOTR deserve honorable mentions
It's honestly a tragedy. Just hearing the original Star Trek, Star Wars, and Doctor Who themes still gives me goosebumps..and then I remember what was done to them. It makes me livid.
Shame about LotR...
@Nogent They probably going downhill with season 2 so there won't be a 3rd season.
Star Trek was really hard, i always loved to watch even the oldest films, but the new one are simply annoying!
I'm the same with Terminator and SW.
I just ignore the movies after Jackson and retire with the hardbounds in my library.
@Nogent The first two seasons of Star Trek TNG are god-awful yet grew into a strong series. As someone from the outside (not a fan of the Lord of the Rings) Rings of Power actually has a plot and I feel I have a better gauge on the story than the source material (it's probably because it is dumbed down, but that is what Lord of the Rings needed to appeal to my tiny brain). I would not call it good (the acting/dialog/CGI leaves a long way for improvement), but I also haven't given up hope. I could be a lot worse so I'll give it another season - if it does a Picard and totally crashes and burns in season 2 I'm out.
For me, it's Star Wars. Aside from it being the only one on the list I'm most familiar with, looking at the Disney trilogy in retrospect pains me. They had a shot with the Mandalorian, but killed it with a double-barreled shotgun of firing Gina Carano for shit reasons and then erasing the chance of erasing the Disney trilogy in The Book of Boba Fett. Any Star Wars I see now is what I write - fanfiction is better than what they're doing. Because you need to be a fan to do it.
Anything Kathleen Kennedy touches she destroys.
For me, Star Wars is simply what was done by George Lucas. It was, is, and always will be his story. He told his story in the 6 films he made, and that's all. We have them to watch forever, and I will be happy knowing that.
I'm with you that the firing of Gina Carano was horrendous. AND the latest batch of disjointed movies people are calling a "Trilogy" are an absolute abomination. In my opinion, what we've seen on screen so far with The Mandalorian is pretty good. I think it has a great balance of standing on it's own without completely destroying any of the original material.
I was so disgusted with what they did to star wars I took it upon myself to write a simple, yet better story that takes place after episode six in video game form. again, the story is relatively simple, but it's a sight better written than the disney trilogy.
@@nybergsgarage hey man if it’s good enough try and pitch it man. Now people are making there own movies because movies now suck. Take this as motivation my friend.
The problem with the "Terminator" franchise is that after Terminator 2, it passed through the hands of several people who had no interest in making "Terminator" movies. They thought simply owning the rights to the franchise was enough. They thought they were also buying a built-in fan base who would consume any crap they made with it. That is NOT true. You have to earn the fan's loyalty with each new movie you make.
terminator 3 is a masterpiece compared to Genisys and dark fate.
It's crazy how they could destroy such an interesting series. So many opportunities for great films.
I am surprised that after making several Terminator films, with arguably more bad films than good, it's never dawned on the studio to make a terminator film set in the dystopian future we keep seeing glimpses of, focusing on John Conner leading the resistance in a gritty war film, and actually make the Terminator's threatening again. Nowadays it's machine vs machine, but the first one worked so well because it was man vs machine, and mankind was badly outmatched against this nightmare machine. It raised the stakes. Enough of the time travel plots, the writers clearly aren't smart enough to write them well. Also, bring back Stan Winston to do the special effects.
I quite liked number 3, but then it came out when I was a teenager and certain.. assets may have played a role in my opinion.
@@Demostravius I didn't dislike 3 either. I thought it was a decent movie. It wasn't as good as 1 or 2 but it wasn't bad. Not like some of the abominations that came after.
Star Trek, Doctor Who and Star Wars where not just franchises, they were cultural touchstones. This was the malicious assassination of deeply embedded cultural icons and heroic ideals, followed by a twisted parody in the vein of Weekend at Bernie's.
The thing you said about Disney turning Star Wars into a category on a streaming service hit me hard.
You can now add the Tolkien legendarium to the list of casualties.
That remains to be seen as RoP is by many considered just poorly made fan-fiction and not canon.
We can always pretend that Rings of Power doesn't exist.
And wheel of time
@Organic Elephant You mean M she you
@@darkhighwayman1757 And The Witcher.
You are totally correct Gary, the other franchises were lobotomized, but Dr. Who is completely atomized... there is no coming back from what Chibnal did to it. Truly heartbreaking!
dude to say any one franchise on this list was murdered more than another , is just fanboy-ism. These were all equally murdered. just because some one is stil parading around the corpses of some (star trek and star wars) doesn't mean they aren't dead.
Yeah, but Dr. Who isn't Star Wars. Nothing is Star Wars.
I'd argue Star Trek is equally unrecoverable, but at this point it's academic. I doubt anyone will really try.
@@mrgabes2215 well people hope and pray over it because they are still busy parading around the beaten, mutilated and rotting corpses of star trek and Star wars. But i'd say they are good well and fucked. this is the general model with any american business once the original creator/owner is out of the picture. it's why walmart is shit now , as well as all these tv shows. it's why steam (a pc game distributor) will be shit when their CEO, gabe newell , dies or exits the company. it's why Halo as a franchise has been kinda fucked before they even made a tv show for it. this is just business in America as usual. and they'll wring out these long dead and fly infested remains until they can get no more money from doing so.
sad but true.
Star trek and Dr. Who can be fixed once some good writers and directors come into position
This is the first UA-cam video that I have watched that actually made me cry.
This was the saddest thing I’ve ever seen…it really puts into perspective how destroyed our beloved franchises really are.
@@recline69 Jaref and You, you are both right.
Despairing aint the right thing but i also dont think we should 'just' remember-back.
How about the Third Option?
Support videos like Critical Drinekrs 'Why modern movies s-ck' and
Madvocates videos about the Flash being Unsufferable, so that Awairness spreads a
dn we get Quality back?
It'll be interesting to see this list made again and having the Marvel Cinematic Universe added to it.
And now also Indiana Jones
And Lord of the Rings
@@clemsch90 And the DC universe.
Im pretty sure by 2023 the MCU was long dead
I feel your pain Gary. For me, Star Trek hurts the most. The Next Generation was formative for me. I still remember being on the edge of my seat, screaming at the TV in 1990 when "To be continued..." appeared on the screen at the end of season 3. I was excited when Discovery was announced, the rumours of if being set after Star Trek VI with a joint Starfleet/Klingon crew sounded really interesting. We gave the creators too much credit, they would never be that imaginative. I gave the show a chance but was done by the end of season 2, it was so dumb. Picard season 1 was painful to watch, it actually left me feeling depressed. I will never watch any new Trek again. Fortunately prior to 2005 Trek is not ruined for me and I can still enjoy it. Also, when talking about strong female characters done right, I feel Captain Janeway is often overlooked. Voyager had its problems but Kate Mulgrew nailed the character, bringing strength of will and authority, yet femininity to the role.
Agreed! I feel exactly the same.
Totally agree about Kate Mulgrew. She was and will remain my favorite Captain. She had her vulnerabilities, but she always remained strong for her crew! :)
Agreed, but I'd say trek was actually #2 on the list. Gary's right about the timeless children.
Completely agree. I grew up watching Star Trek with my Dad. Voyager was actually my favorite. I seriously can't believe how bad things have gotten.
I remember sitting down with my parents to watch TNG every week: precious and unique memories. Same goes for DS9 and my wife - she doesn't normally go for science fiction. Modern ST is a grotesque perversion, not a TV series. None of my relatives would suffer a moment of it.
If only they knew back then just how far Doctor Who had yet to fall. Its not dead until you've defecated on its corpse. RTD has certainly done that
Gary, as one who is a Star Wars and GOT fan, I had no clue how bad Dr. Whos destruction was. I love the former franchises but objectively speaking you are correct and that is some of the worst fucking writing I’ve ever seen.
It was so bad. When I heard what happened in The Timeless Children, I dropped Doctor Who before I even saw Jodie's seasons. Imagine how fans felt when they watched them.
@@LunarSpiral1127 Practically my grandparents who I watch doctor who with literally said it's "bullshit" I hadn't heard them swear before but God damn.
Star wars still lives on. I'm going to make sure my kids see it as I didn't and never tell them about the Disney sequels. Except Rouge One.
@@LunarSpiral1127 Me too, DW ended for me on Darillium. Having not seen an episode after that, it actually feels like a perfect series finale.
@@thesuperintendent4290 good on you. I'm planning to take my daughter to see Star Trek TMP in the theater next month.
I was never a Dr. Who fan, but I feel for you guys.
Outstanding editing and voiceover Gary. I'll be honest: I almost cried at 17:50 when rang the Tardis's bell and "Vale Decem's' piano cover. It remembered me how much I cherished this show.
I felt the same way. That was heartbreaking. I miss Doctor Who. I'm watching some of the Tom Bakers and working my way through Tennant era right now.
Because some... people... aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some... people... just want to watch the world burn.
So they can try to intimidate us into letting them "build back better". Its sad how much we let them succeed.
As someone who never watched Dr. Who, I'll have to take your word for it. But I agree with the rest of the list, especially Star Trek. I cannot believe the damage that they have done there, not just to characters and lore, but to an entire ethos and raison d'être.
Agreed, Star Trek hurt the most. I watched the original Star Trek reruns over and over as a kid, looked forward to the OG movies, then in 1987 TNG debuted and all the way to 2005, there was always a new show, worth watching, flaws and all, on continuously. It never occurred to me the whole franchise could not just die but be blasphemed and bastardized as it has been since 2009.
I grew up on Doctor Who. It was a wonderful show. Every story was new & exciting. Each new doctor was fresh & fun. Even the weaker stories & actors felt honest and there was always something to enjoy. The show wanted to entertain & amaze you. The possibilities were endless, even more than Star Trek in some ways. Seeing it destroyed like this has been gutwrenching
@@ArmchairOps Fair enough. I know it's not for everyone. It was always authentic and straightforward entertainment. Even the weaker episodes in the mid 80s were miles ahead of Doctor Karen
This was a eulogy of franchises struck down by malice and hubris, all of them including the honourable mentions deserved better than what happened to them. 😔
It only happened because people kept/keep watching. The viewers are to blame.
Considering the ratings and box office failures of these things who the heck is watching this?
Malice and hubris literally brought on my woke ideologies and identity politics..
@@therealbacalao1402 - No. This would have happened anyway.
@@saymyname2417 If that makes you feel better, I guess it's always nice to divest oneself of any guilt and point the finger of blame at others. These ideologies have been creeping in for decades and decades and we've all kept paying them to ramp it up. We are exactly where we have paid them to take us.
Sad to see my childhood die but on the plus side. This has got to be one of the best videos you’ve ever done. Thanks Garry.
No M-she-U? Cmon man you practically invented the term....and I *think wheel of time and LOTR could have been in honorable mentions. Other than that; Good list.
Gary, you actually almost made me cry! 😭 This is so heartbreaking, especially Star Trek & Star Wars! I watched the original Star Trek as a child, & saw the original Star Wars in the Theater! You hit every nail on the head, and every criminal that you named should be tied up and forced to watch this video on a loop for a FULL MONTH straight! Well on that note, I think I'll have my son download both of those original classics and watch them ASAP! And try to forget that any of the rest of this revolting nightmare actually happened! 🤨
Listening to William Hartnett made me shed a tear. This Man was a legend and still is the first Doctor Who. No one can compared to his legendary status. I tip my hat to Him and I'll pour out a share of my drink any day for Him. So good day to you sir.
Patrick Troughton was my first Dr, but Jon Pertwee and Tom baker were the mainstays until the reboot in 2005, then onward until Peter Capaldi (he didn't gel for me), gave up and not returned, no intention of either.
You loved him so much you got his name wrong.
A video like this one once a week could make this channel super successful, keep bringing them 👍
You mean even "More" successful, but completely agree.
Not sure something like this is doable once a week, Gary worked on this one for something like a month or more, but a special presentation once a month might be workable or maybe even a handful a year or as the situation warrants. Great job Gary! Kudos!!
Let’s not turn this into WatchMojo.
Yeah, why can't Gary and Pierry paint the Mona Lisa 52 times a year!? 🙃
@@jimsherman2165 Could definitely work for once a month.
One of your best videos Gary.
Having watched Dr Who as a child from Pertwee onwards I agree with you 100% and it hurts seeing what was done to Dr Who: destruction of cannon for ideology and so much more. Dr Who ended with Peter Capaldi and Stephen Moffat for me. RIP Dr Who.
Steven Moffat was awesome. He was like the George Lucas of Doctor Who. Unappreciated while he was running the show but he will be validated by time because his stories had heart. Every triumph and every mistake in his era came from a place of love for Doctor Who.
William Hartnell was accused by some of "racism". So I wonder if his character became a victim of cancel culture when he was deleted as the first Doctor Who.
As I watched Star Wars as a kid, played Jedi Outcast, KOTOR, watched The Clone Wars, and speculated about future movies (my ideas revolved around the Sith Lore) I was truly devasted at how many great opportunities The Force Awakens did not use (not uniting the main characters being the most fatal one...and the death of Han could have been far more meaningful) and my complete fandom started to collapse during The Last Jedi.
I got a glipse of hope given back by Mando, but The Book of Boba Fett and Obi-Wan again shuttered the rest of what I had left for Star Wars.
Same fate as GoT...still thinking about what could have been. Childhood-dreams shattered.
Fugging horrible.
Chibnall era doesn't exist. The Timeless Child doesn't exist. The real series 11 will be air next year. I'm excited for RTD2 era.
I couldn't agree more. Although PC stuff was coming in before Whittaker it wasn't preachy in your face. And Capaldi's force was just tremendous. I forgot to mention that aside form the WOKE politicialisation of the show, that the stories and scripts themselves were mostly woeful. Chibnal can not write good Dr.Who. His cliffhangers are always resolved by something underwhelming and the dialogue tells you the story rather than have the story told through events. It's a sad ending to Who but like you I stop at the end of Capaldi. When he said 'Doctor I Let You Go' I wonder if Moffatt new what was coming. i.,e. that DW was going nowhere except towards a gradual death.
The entertainment comment really hit for me. It's so accurate. They are more worried about a message than actually just giving us something entertaining. Sad times we live in.
You're so right. Who wants to receive a lecture when all you wanted was a little escape. 😔
Most of these franchise deaths were inflicted on them by malicious actors in the studios, but only one was slain on purpose. George Martin has so completely abandoned his books that you can tell he has simply lost interest in the main series and would rather explore other times and places in his world. The vibe he gives off is so blatantly hostile that part of me thinks he genuinely hates the prospect of needing to finish the main story. He gets salty as hell when the subject is brought up and has recently confirmed that the main story is no longer his main priority. He wants to focus on the Dunk and Egg series, that is where his main interest lay, secondary to that is his Blood and Fire "prequel" series, both of those stories adaptations, and dead last is the main story that captured fan's imaginations. Where these other franchises died due to lack of creative vision, Game of Thrones has died from creative hostility, I don't know what else to call it.
I refuse to bother blaming him. I blame HBO for greenlighting the show before the story was done. It was always a disaster waiting to happen with an author as erratic as Martin.
@@politicallycorrectredskin796 I can see your point, but back before season one, HBO had every reason to think that at least the next book will have been published, if not significant strides in ADOS as well. So I think there is a responsibility on both sides; HBO's greed and Martin's apathy just created a terrible mix.
@@daniell1483 You'd think so. But they took him onboard there at first, remember. He's a hermit. You can't drag him with you into all that attention and hooplah without distracting him. He's like me: once distracted the ship has left the docks. I'll never get myself back in the zone I was in before I became distracted.
Maybe it was impossible to know that in advance. But some creators are eccentric and view their role as creators of art. Others view it as a job. They go in every day early in the morning and work as authors, or whatever it is. The latter you can trust to stay focused, the former not. Distract them and GoT can happen to you.
This is why some musical bands only have three-four good albums in them while others can make 150 quality symphonies before they die of syphilis aged 37. The artist vs the professional. It's just a difference in lifestyle for the most part, but it makes a huge difference.
@@politicallycorrectredskin796 I'm not sure how much I buy the persona of a hermit he puts up on his blog. He goes to conventions all the time, he does a lot of writing for projects besides ASOIAF (e.g. Martin was the co-writer of Elden Ring), etc. I'm more of a hermit than he is by that metric.
So again I think you probably have part of the answer, but not the whole thing. Maybe in 30 years or so we will get a documentary of the books being written and can finally figure out why he has seemingly lost all interest in the main series. Whatever the case may be, he is objectively underperforming in writing his magnum opus.
GOT died as an orphan. It’s Father went out for donuts and never returned.
Dr who aged like a fine wine given what’s come since Whittaker- definitely #1