Tony Darnell has written and produced a beautiful, cosmic documentary. And it would have been so much better. If Tony, wasn't as close to his, cheap, Taiwanese, cardioid, condenser microphone. And if he had engaged the low-cut, filter. On the microphone. If it had one? On the mixer. Or in the software. In postproduction. And some proper, dynamic range limiting. Ya know. Like, 12 or, 20, to 1. Slamming about 10 DB of, gain reduction. And then some gentle downward expansion. To take any background noise or room tone that ain't so great, out. Ya see Tony. You're not really the after midnight DJ here. Ya made it sound like college radio. You write and produce so well. But ya don't have to listen to me. I'm just a retired nobody. That did, major national commercials and coast-to-coast major news events. For over 20 years. And ya have to make things sound a certain way. If you really want to be taken seriously? That's a well read narration track. That is not a well presented narration track. Ya kind of have to be an audio engineer. To get that right. And I might imagine? Your next documentary will sound absolutely fabulous?
When someone obsesses over form instead of content.... Besides I was never bothered by the sound, it is more than good enough, with beautiful music imo. And a very good narration with excellent rhythm and timing.
The way he talks about this 'dying galaxy' I half expected him to start asking for donations to save it.... "For less than a cup of coffee per day, you too can help IC1101 avoid oblivion..."
was it only me or did anyone here felt like just crying after watching this video. i dont know why but sometimes i just wanna cry. i just get so overwhelmed by knowing that we as human are nothing compared to the vastness of our universe. i wish i could just get on a spaceship and travel all over the universe. i want to live for billions of year so that i could see this wonderfull universe of ours. it just makes me so sad to know that in just 100 years from now i will just perish from this universe and no one will remember me.
You look at that in the wrong way,you are crying that you are not experiencing the universe when in truth you are experiencing a very special part of it,you are alive,something that is incredibly rare in the universe,not only that you are also an intelligent life form,a human with the abillity to think,imagine and wonder.intelligent life are extreamly rare in the universe,I bet that if you will be in all life supporting planets you will see that almost all life are not intelligent.Not only you are experiencing the universe,you are infact the universe,the atoms you are made of can be traced back to the big bang,an expension from a singualrty that created our universe,and you will have impact on the universe,everything you do is and always will happen in the spacetime continuum and after you will die,well I don't know tbh,I am an atheist but I don't know if our conciousness is retained after our biological body dies,it might,it might not,its still doesn't important because you are the way of the universe of experiencing one its most facsinating parts and you should be thankfull for that.
Name no dear. i m not crying because i am not experiencing our universe. i feel like crying because i get this strange feelings whenever i think about the universe. i just dont know how to describe what i feel. maybe because i dont know how to put my feelings into words. english is not my first language, but even if i could say what i feel in my first language (urdu) i dont think i will be able to express my feelings. i feel something strange. its not because i feel sad and want to cry. its not sadness. its something else which makes me want to cry.
Fawad Amin I agree with you Fawad Amin. It is good that you open up and let people know how you feel. The universe is large and we may never be able to explore it. Even our planet hasn't been fully explored and discovered!! I think we need to focus on the now and who surrounds our lives. Lets make life on this planet better for ourselves and the future generations. Thats what living is about. Explore your potential Fawad and you will see and experience so much. God Bless
every few billion years, galaxies die needlessly by lack of planets and suns. By donating just a few planets and suns could save the life of a galaxy. Thank you
i dont think it has that much diversity of life because most of it's stars are old and red dwarfs make it's planets somewhat unhabitable due to their radiation bursts. Probably more than milky way and andromeda and triangulum combined but not in life per star ratio
too bad its impossible in the current date to travel or even dream about travelling there, who knows what planets we may find there, perhaps some species, perhaps some creatures somewhere on a planet in IC1101 galaxy watching metube on their INTERNET EXPLORER learning about Milky Way and how they are the only intelligent species in the world or wait perhaps they saw humans with their advanced telescopes...
It's very likely it's very advanced compared to civilizations in our galaxy simply due to the large number of galaxies it would have merged with and the probable interaction of advanced species from various absorbed galaxies, assuming they have found a way to travel faster than the speed of light.
In the milkyway galaxy, out of the say 100-200 billion stars, at least 9 billion stars have solar systems and planets in similar conditions to ours, aka Life-Like. (Can't remember the source sorry folks =), its in a science video out there somewhere's =))
Hey, guess what? It is possible. There is a space simulator game. It is "Space Engine" It's FREE. and it just had an update yesterday, its fuckin amazing. You can go to any galaxy, to any star, to any planet, to any moon, any asteroid. Ang guess what? It is alllll free roam. With amazing graphics. You press F3 in game to search for stuff. Just type IC 1101. and click "Go to". And there you go. Here's the link bro:
I feel just this same way. How incredibly fortunate, for example, to be alive when we can see the very first images formed by the ancient light near the biug bang itself. The Hubble UDF, the WMAP and and other images of the CMB even farther back in time. Since the very start of things that these images show us, no one on Earth has seen them. Until now, right now. Holy cow. If that doesn't put a shiver down one's spine looking at these and thinking about them, probably nothing will. A person might just as well be dead. I am ecstatic to be alive now, and I just want to live forever, or at least a very long time, to learn the answers to the questions we still don't we still understand, and the ones we cannot even ask yet!
So, if we look at a really large galaxy. Its part closest to us would be thousands of light years closer than the farthest parts of that galaxy. Meaning that, on a picture, the farthest part would be where they were thousands of years before the "front" parts. That basically means that we're not seeing these things as they are, but rather skewed in time. Which is kinda trippy. :D
stitchem7 Wow, thanks man. :) I appreciate that. I don't really know anyone who could find the data required to do that, but i do know some people who could probably do a 3d rendered model of it, if they're given the proper data.
They state in the vid that ic1101 is 6 million ly across, so the number is 6 million, not a few thousand. Regardless, i dont think you would observe much of a difference, as thousands or even 6 million is such a small number on a galactic scale
It's millions of light years away. Light years is the distance it takes for light to travel in a year. If you're 20 years old that not even a blink of an eye in the lifespan it takes to get to you.
I believe the title should say "The Largest KNOWN Galaxy in the Universe." Imagine this we view them in just a patch of sky and in that patch of sky we can observe thousands upon thousands of galaxies. Now with technology developing, we will be able to observe even more galaxies at a much larger scale. I can't wait to see what scientist will discover in a few years.
+iamihop If there's anything you learn while studying the history of scientific progress, it's this: saying "We can't do this any better than we're doing it now" is almost a surefire way to be wrong.
iamihop For all we know, astrophysicists in a decade could declare that a previously observed cluster of galaxies is actually a single enormous galaxy, and THAT galaxy is actually the largest. We could look further into deep space (I'm not sure why you think we've reached the limit of observability; even the Hubble Ultra Deep Field image can be improved, and that's a VERY small slice of the sky) in practically any direction and find a bigger galaxy. We could change the very definition of "galaxy" in the coming decades to change how we think of this altogether, much like Pluto was once a planet. Do you see now why it's a bad bet to make a claim as strong as "This is the largest galaxy in the observable universe" and expect it to be the final word on the matter?
+iamihop Didn't they discover a particle that's faster than the speed of light, at CERN, a couple of years ago? I'm unsure if it has been proven or not. Nevertheless I'm fairly certain that with enough technological advancements we will one day be traveling faster than the speed of light, if we haven't commited planetary suicide that is. However like you've pointed it out we'll probably find a clever way of circumventing the speed of light first. You also have Quantum Physics and with it Quantum Entanglement. QE a process in which information travels instantaneously. With enough technological advances we could manipulate this to eventually look past our observable universe & instantaneously receive the information. On the note of Physical Law. It doesn't mean that these laws are mathematically correct. For all we know in a few decades we might entirely dismiss certain laws as false. Theories are still theories until proven as facts. Also, isn't it entirely possible that one of these massive galaxies might block the view of an even bigger galaxy. We have barely observed a fraction of galaxies in our observable universe.
+iamihop While I like what you're trying to say, I like what Simon is saying a bit more. The truth is that... Based on the information we CURRENTLY have, we BELIEVE that the universe is 13.5-7 billion light years old. The truth is, that's what we know based on the technology that we have now. And while I don't argue the importance of the speed of light and its impact on our ability to see things, I also don't doubt the ability of new technology to show us that the universe isn't ACTUALLY 13.5-7 billion years old, it stretches far beyond that number, we were simply unable to see that before. Anyways, the idea is simple, just because we currently consider the the age of the universe as fact, doesn't mean that we won't prove ourselves wrong, come the future :).
+iamihop I like you're explanation but Galaxy's are getting bigger and more stars are forming inside of them.So the light can travel towards us and we can see more bigger Galaxy's.Anyways we will be able to see bigger Galaxys, because Our galaxy,The Milky Way is moving through space and,Other galaxies are moving through space also.And one Galaxy might get close to our Galaxy and scientists might "catch it" and see that there was a bigger Galaxy.(Probably there's a one % chance that,A galaxy might get to close to our galaxy)
"The largest Galaxy we've ever seen" is not the same as the largest that exists in the known universe. We can't possibly know what is the largest because some of them are so far away they barely register as tiny specks to the most powerful telescopes.
Thanks to Hubble, we do know a lot about those farthest (hence earliest) galaxies in the universe. Most of them are small, irregular and full of young, bright stars. Nowhere near the size of the later ellipticals. So even though we haven't seen many of those galaxies directly, the ones we have seen has taught us much. We may one day find a galaxy larger than IC 1101, but the point of this video was to teach you about just how big they can get. Thanks for watching!
Deep Astronomy Um no… I'm talking about galaxies only recently and barely discovered on the fringe of the universe that show up as the tiniest specks. Billions of them newly discovered by the advanced optics of the latest space scopes. These galaxies are much too far away to discern their size. There might well be some on the fringes of visibility that dwarf IC 1101.
We see the farthest galaxies as they looked like 10 billion years ago. They may have been full of young, bright stars back then. But the galaxy in the video has ended up much closer to us, "only" one billion lightyears away.
WilfredIvanhoe So true. We are seeing the distant past. Many visible star systems may no longer exist and the light from newly created ones is not yet visible.
hahahaha He said that IC 1101 is a billion light years away and it is dying a slow death. hahahaha if it is a billion light years away then it will still appear in the night sky to us up to 1 billion years after it dies. So the "slow death" may have already run its course and it may already be dead.
+De Selby No, it is definitely still there. Most of the stars in it, are thought to be Red Dwarves. We are not quite sure how long those stars last, because we know they last longer than the current age of the universe. Some theories say they will last between 50-100 billion years, and others say they could last just longer than a trillion years. So most of those stars will be there long after the billion years it takes for the light it emitted to reach us. Even after all those stars and whatever successive generations of stars might take their place all burn out, the galaxy will still be there, it just won't be emitting much light. All the remnants, white dwarves (long since cooled off) brown dwarves, tiny bit of gas, dark matter, neutron stars, black holes, etc. will still be there too. None of that is going anywhere, unless the expansion of the universe accelerates much more than predicted so it could even rip eliptical galaxies apart. Though that would still be so far in the future that our brains have trouble even counting how many years that might be, as a minimum. The point is, the "slow death" thing is a bit of amisnomer. It's not going anywhere anytime soon. In fact, its Red Dwarves will burn out around the same time as the ones in the MilkyWay and whatever other galaxies it merged with in the interim. On those sorts of time scales, 2-3 billion years is pretty much 10 minutes ago,
+De Selby no they can tell how old stars are in this galaxy based on their light. and stars do last more than a billion years. our sun for instance is way older than a billion years.
Imagine when at the last seconds of the video, the narrator casually says, "Even with the enormous size of IC 1101, it is no bigger than your mother." And suddenly it ends.
+Mario Urias +Lugnos Dee Don't worry, I am pretty sure there are other life on other planets as well.We are not the only ones who have evolved this much.Some scientists are 100% sure that kepler 452b, more as Earth 2.0, contains life.
+ThePlayingScholar there's other life, but we are far more important here on Earth as we are stuck in a cycle of incarnating against our will. Everyone think it's just normal to die and reincarnate here. Well, it's not, It's a trap. Our negative energy is a food source. Humans are the newest extension used in this 3rd dimension by your soul to achieve Christ Consciousness. Jesus was very aware of all of this and broke the cycle. He even incarnated on his own free will at a time due to the fact he REGAINED it. He forgave the people that hurt him because he saw that if only they knew the truth, they'd be in tears and would understand Jesus. That's a positive view point and the only one Jesus used. He knew not to go to the light and because of that, he returned to the Source. He couldn't be fed off of no longer.
If you look closely at the star that's 2,347,783rd from the top and 12,833,456,133rd from the left corner towards the center, you can see a space ship orbiting the 3rd planet.
could happen over time but what if we are the first? Even though there are many possibilities and coincedences what if we ARE alone? What if mankind is eternal, with this in mind, do we want to chase alien life or maintain ours on this globe>? We should try to understand animals first, before making contact with higher lifeforms to whom we are animals as animals are to us, so pls cut the BS if there would be aliens able to come to our star etc. they might as wel be angel-like and might be beyond evil as they are beyond darkness... if they aren't they are either hiding from their own destruction and trying to fool the masses on their planet into oblivian by telling them they are seeking other lifeforms on other planets... or "THEY ARE COMING" we are being attacked by the humans... while flying their own ufo's killing their own kind... HMNS the mindfuck is allways a sadstory, not hisstory it's just HIS story...
Haven't you heard, the greys the ET what been visiting us for thousands of years, are communist that is the only reason you Gov. the USA I presume, kept it a secret from you the people? And I mean the three planets they live on are all Communist only one people on all the planets living in peace. I doubt is the kind of controlling freaks Communism what we have on Earth but never the less is Communism, everybody works and everybody is looked after and apparently death for them is not a big deal. And they are a very old civilization hundred of thousands of years ahead of us.
In an infinite universe, it's a certainty that somewhere there are other thinking fact, it's a certainty that somewhere there's identical earth and yous and mes, but even in a finite universe, the chances that we are it are so far beyond highly unlikely that it's a statistically virtual certainty.
I think we ha ve predicted that milions of planets like Earth exist in the milky way alone. So yeah bilions if not trilions of planets like Earth should exist in ic 1101. That does not mean they all have life but yeah.
If this galaxy is roughly a billion light years away, then we are seeing it in its state a billion years ago... So therefore is it possible that this galaxy is already gone, or that this galaxy is very near total oblivion with most of its matter sucked into the black hole at its center?
Galaxies last for many billions of years. It could become dimmer in billions of years as its younger stars die out. Or it may merge with another galaxy and undergo a short period of star formation. Black holes do not suck matter in. They always seem to make up less than a few percent of the total mass of a galaxy, so are thought to only feed on nearby matter during merging with another galaxy.
It is a billion light years away so what we are seeing today is a billion light years old picture. Billion light years are not equal to billion years. When I think of the size of the universe I always wonder what it might hold. How many and what type of life forms.
jagdeep sidhu "Billion light years are not equal to billion years." Um...yes, it is, in a way. A billion light years is the distance that takes light a billion years to travel. That means when seeing an object a billion light years away, we're actually seeing what it looked like a billion years ago (give or take, considering light from the stars on its far side took less time to get here than the light from the stars on its near side). Any creatures in that galaxy looking our direction would see the Milky Way as it appeared a billion years ago, and if they had the capability of imaging the Earth they would see it long before the Cambrian Explosion started filling the oceans with the huge diversity of life forms, even though humans are presently here looking up a them. While light years are measurements of distance rather than measurements of time, they are very closely linked with time because of the limitation of the speed of light and the incomprehensibly vast distances that light has to travel.
***** What you say is nearly there, but doesn't quite tell the whole story. The relationship between distance and the time it takes light to reach us is not a 1:1 relationship. This is because the very fabric of space is expanding. Thus galaxies very far away are substantially further in their distance from us than it has taken their light to travel to us. If the relationship was strictly 1:1, then the universe would have a radius the size of its age (13 billion light years) however it's true diameter is more likely in the realm of 150 billion light years. This is because when the universe expands, the very fabric of space expands with it. It's possible to have galaxies travelling away from each other faster than the speed of light because of this, in which case their secrets will be forever lost to us. When we see light from a galaxy which has taken 12 or 13 billion years to reach us, it's entirely possible that they are now many times further away
@@aNimELoVer-mq4bw nothing to brag about. My uncle has a mid sized galaxy with about 200 billion stars, and he is now buying another one containing 100 billion stars. Most stars are already rented out btw.
Can somebody please explain to me how to galaxies became so far away from each other. Shouldnt there be just one big galaxy instead of many scattered across the cosmos because if there's collision the merge them why wouldn't all of them have to merge into one eventually.
This is an excellent question an I'm not an astrophysicist therefore not qualified to give the best complete answer but... The early rapidly expanding universe was very smooth but with very slight fluctuations in density or gravity. The rapid expansion got many parts of the universe away from the gravitational influence of others. The slight fluctuations made those independent parts clump up to form stars and galaxies. And yes some galaxies are gravitationally locked so they may eventually merge as IC 1101 is the merger of many gallaxies
Can't really say, but its probably from the initial expansion of the universe that is causing everything to separate, but sometimes 2 galaxies merge into one and some say that the Virgo Supercluster will merge to become one gigantic galaxy in the distant future.
+Henrik Schmidt its all a mystery..we see only the shapes and sizes of the planets, stars, and is inconcievably large..a dark landscape with incredible structures lighting up the sky..a truly wondorous universe in which we live in..way larger than any one man or woman can hope to conquer like one would a plot of land or a country..that in itself is intimidating..and knowing once we leave earth..theres no where else known we can use as substitute and call home.. you would just drift farther and farther away into the darkness.. floating in an endless void..where neither above or below you would the space the cosmic ocean..there is no shore certain to hold paradise..
If it's a billion light years away, aren't we talking about something that happened a billion years ago? Why do we keep referring it as if it's in the present.
Because it's the present in our reference frame. From the perspective of someone in that galaxy right now, life on earth is just crawling out of the oceans. From someone in a galaxy a billion years from both this one and ours, both views are true.
A weirder thing to think about is everything you see is in the "past". If you're standing a few feet away from someone, having a conversation, it takes a few picoseconds for that light to reach you (and it takes even longer for the sound to get to you). "Now" is kind of a hard thing to pin down, and has less and less meaning the more you stop to think about it. The best we can do to define a "now" or the present is to say that it's when the photons finally reach our specific reference point. I've been fascinated by astronomy for the better part of two decades, but man does the physics all sound like some elaborate practical joke sometimes.
+Chris P. Bacon that makes perfect sense. Thanks for your time & explanation. "Now" is really a relative term or a perception (for a lack of better words).
This is beyond mind blowing and amazing! I love Astronomy, and knowing that there are 100 billion galaxies in the Universe just completely comes to mind that if there's life in any other galaxies!
This 9 year old video is not really up to date. Modern observation and studies show that 2 trillion galaxies in just the observable universe is already a very low estimate.
the amount of alien life out there in those 6489367503756043740galaxies which contains 4638346593639374937202978792426354923749057648474 stars..... must be mindboggeling.....
Mark Topma and don't forget each star has several planets orbiting it plus those numbers are just the in the observable universe which is probably just a tiny sliver of the whole universe.
Every time I let my self be too optimistic about the future of our race, and believe in global unity and space exploration, I come back to this video to view the comments. Works every time.
What if at the end of the video the narrator just casually said "Even with the enormous size of IC 1101, it's almost as large as your mother" and the video just stops
Every galaxy and star we can see is about 4% of the entire universe. We don’t even know of the other 96%.. just grasp that for a second. There are definitely bigger ones out there
holy shit :p the distance must be insane, I wonder what kind of planets are in that galaxy. Sucks that physics is lame and we cant just go there and visit for a bit also theres probably bigger galaxies outside the observable universe
"It's over 50 times the size of our galaxy, and over 2000 times more massive." Wow, that's one slim galaxy. By cubing the size it would have to be 125000 times the Milky Way's mass, if it had the same mass density... And it's elliptical, it's much better space-filling than a spiral galaxy... The distances between stars in IC1101 must be very large, it would be a pretty lonely galaxy. (It's also one of the reasons why it's an aging galaxy with very little star formation - stuff is just too far apart for favorable star-forming conditions to form.
Oddly enough, though I have always been fascinated by the different sizes of stars, for some reason, I never really thought about the sizes of galaxies.(??) Now I will.
Religion = I have no clue, someone created all this by magic 'cause I read it in some two-thousand year old book of myths based on ignorance. Atheism = let's think rationally and experiment with conclusions based upon verifiable, concrete evidence and observation through a series of trials. Thank you, I'll take Atheism anytime :).
+triplejudy Well, you define "religion", an umbrella term, with only one: Christianity. Religion doesn't consist of merely one sect; so it would be ignorant of someone to dismiss the plethora of other religions without recognizing them, while hailing Atheism as the supreme choice because of "some two-thousand year old book". Religion's significance is gauged by how an individual perceives it, so "myths", in an extreme context, can be interpreted as facts, or conversely, as guidelines on how to live your life morally. In my opinion, your above statement about religion is based on your "ignorance", since not all religions are based on "myths". Maybe next time you should put some effort into your research before discussing broad topics such as religious beliefs.
***** actually it is very conscious. We are the universe. The universe didn't happen from one point and spewed out. The big bang happened everywhere at the same time. For billions and billions of years, the universe was here and no one knew about it. More to the point, for all that time, the universe itself had no idea that it existed. But then, around 13.82 billion years after the Big Bang, and almost four billion years since life first evolved, something strange began to happen: Tiny parts of the universe became conscious, and came to know something about themselves and the universe of which they are a part. Eventually, some of these tiny parts of the universe - the parts we call ‘scientists' and ‘scientifically-informed laypeople' - came to understand the Big Bang and the evolutionary process through which they had come to exist. After an eternity of unconsciousness, the universe now had some glimmering awareness that it existed and some understanding of where it had come from. This might sound like a strange thing for a universe to do, but perhaps it's not; perhaps many possible universes would become conscious of themselves given sufficient time.
***** all iam getting at really is that, yes we are conscious but we are undoubtedly part of the universe, and solely because of this the universe is conscious. A few discoveries have now been made that the universe expands similar the way a network or a brain expands. Iam not a hippy spouting rubbish, everything really is connected. Every single atom in the universe vibrates at a different frequency. So much so that everytime an atom moves in space time, it directly affects atoms sometimes billions of lightyears away, in a way that makes sure that no two atoms resonate exactly the same.
eskimo4130 please don't interfere, you probably haven't even looked up the double slit experiment or understand it. If you can comprehend it. It may change your mind on how you see the universe
It takes 5 and 1/2 hours for light from the sun to reach Pluto. One light year is the distance light can travel in one year. If we tried to used current spaceships going at 250,000 miles per hour to reach our nearest neighboring star (4 light years away), it would take 18,000 years to get there. IC 1101 is 5.5 million light years across. This galaxy is so large that our mind is incapable of comprehending just how big it really is. To think of all the alien life that has come and gone. Millions of civilizations that were born, died, or transcended into something more, with exotic technology that we'll never get to see. So beautiful.
+exionem The video says "largest galaxy in the known universe". That cannot be substantiated. He should have said "largest galaxy known in the universe."
+Dave Moore It is both...the known universe consists of the stuff we can detect, that's what makes it "known" to us. So the largest galaxy known to us to exist in the universe guessed it...the largest galaxy in the known universe.
+exionem Observable by what means, How do we Know? Is this knowledge shared, are these two words Interchangeable in the context? known by whom? dark matter???!!? is this observable, or even really known? how much of this videos information is speculative thinking? educated though it is
+relentlessmadman Observable by ALL means known to us, including optical and radio telescopes. We know because astronomical knowledge is virtually ALWAYS shared, to afford opportunity for independent corroboration. Are WHICH two words interchangeable and to which context are you referring? Yes, Dark matter. Its gravitational effects are observable, and therefore, known. (Assuming you know that the space between stars is occupied by hydrogen atoms, and that not ALL matter radiates light.) Did you think to ask the maker of the video as to how much of the information given is speculative? Are you as big an idiot as your comment makes you appear? Is this idiocy measurable? Are you actually human, or only a bot? If you are a bot, who is the moron who authored you? If you are human, is the space between your ears also occupied by hydrogen atoms?
Kristov Asunciou I think its more likely that we are bound to this Earth until we die, then we are free to go wherever we want... given that there is something after life.. i really hope so.. also.. it cant be that the Universe is so extremely big and we are the only ones living in that Cluster.. it could also very well be that we are the most advanced but dont even know that yet.. If i had the option to ask one Question to an all knowing being... i guess it would just be "So.. how big is the Universe really?" We can only speculate things... maybe the Universe is shaped like a Donut and is connected as a loop.. but we simply cant see that connection.. it just cant be that the Universe could be "infinite".. well maybe i just cant grasp that fact..
DieHardjagged The Universe is finite, and it's been proved that it has the shape of an ellipse. Recently however, the shape of a donut has been proposed by German scientists in 2003.
***** no one knows... besides (the following is for atheists) the bible is way to wacky to be faked, probably aliens, and people found a book that was written 600 years ago and contains a unsolvable cipher (they've tried to break it for more than a decade century) and it has a picture of what looks way to close to Andromeda in it, and then they had telescopes that couldn't reach that far, or get it that high def. at the least, so either aliens, god, or aliens are god XD
***** We are quite intelligent compared to other animals, there are recent studies though suggesting that dolphins use language, they can't translate it or tell if its instinctive or learned, though.
People arguing over if God is real or not. There is no proof that he is or isn't real. Both sides need to stop trying to prove their argument, it's impossible!
God ? it exists only in the souls of those who belive in him :) to the other ones ? they have music, science, arts , sex and all what pump adrenalin, in theyr soul and thats what keeps them motivated :) i belive peple that belive in god are more weker then those who belive in theyrself :)
Adults arguing over God/religion is exactly like two 6-year olds arguing over whose invisible friend is best. Superstitious nonsense cooked up be rulers and elites to keep the peasants in line.
+stevie6621 No one makes it up, it's theoretical physics based on the rate of expansion of the universe based on how fast matter, stars and galaxies are moving apart in the universe. As for God and gods, humans make them up, that's for sure.
Are you implying the world is 6,000 years old according to the bible? That's ridiculous, there are civilizations older than that. "They" being thousands of physicists working on this? They could well have the exact time wrong, but it's definitely in the billions of years.
+stevie6621 To give you a bit less hostile of a reply: a lot can be said about the age of the universe. For instance, we see galaxies moving away from us - the ones farther away move faster. This implies that the universe as a whole is expanding. Measuring how fast this expansion is, allows us to trace it back - and it turns out that you can trace it back to about 13.7 billion years ago.
mattfox14 The universe and all matter contained within was created _"in the beginning"_ There is no time referenced to how long this beginning was. We do not get time period references to any of the creation days, as they are long periods of time and *not* a literal day as in 24 hours.
Edward Parks That's incorrect. Our parent star, moon, stars, and galaxies were created in the beginning. They were already in existence by the 4th Day.
The bible is absolutely accurate and true about what it has to say about science because God is the creator of the universe and God cannot lie. Therefore you are wrong, the sun and moon and the stars were created on the fourth day. Where are you getting your information from?
Man is totally insignificant in this vast universe but in his quest to feel special mankind keeps making up gods, from Zeus to Thor, to Yahweh to Allah to seem special in it's own eyes. It's not God who creates the universe and man, it's man who creates God.
This is the appropriate youtube video for anybody who needs to find out about this topic. You understand so much its nearly hard to argue with you (not that I really would needHaHa). You definitely put a new spin on a subject thats been written about for years. Nice stuff, simply great!
A great marvelous Universe confirms the insignificance of God???? LOL God Is GREAT. His Domain is the Universe of Universes. You did not create the Earth or the Cosmos. Yet you have the nerve to denounce the Great Creator. Life is intelligent design; if you do not see this then you must not be intelligent.
Chris Nenshati Intelligent design?? Have you been sick? Have you seen patients in the hospital? Bad gall bladder, bad appendix, born with hole in the heart, blue babies, babies born with heart, stomach, intestines outside their bodies, babies with huge water logged useless brain, born dead because of umbilicus wrapped around their neck, babies born with exposed spinal, cord, babies born with missing arm, leg, extra fingers, toes, with only one eye etc., etc. An intelligent designer could do much better than that "Great Creator".
Chris Nenshati "Yet you have the nerve to denounce the Great Creator. Life is intelligent design" If life is intelligent design, the Great Creator made a pretty crappy job of it. I'd like a stronger back, and while he's at it another heart. We have two lungs and kidneys (very sensible arrangement, as we can get by on only one of either if necessary) so why not two hearts? That would literally be a huge lifesaver. Evolution by natural selection tends to produce Gold Ruberg machines - patch and make do, morphing, melding and sometimes eliminating existing structures under evolutionary pressure, and this more closely corresponds to the available evidence. Many people suffer from backache and problems such as slipped disks. Second only to the common cold as a cause of lost days at work. Half the population suffers from back pain at some time during their lives. This is not surprising as a bipedal gait is a relatively recent innovation - for nearly all of our evolutionary history since our fishy ancestor emerged from the oceans we went on all fours. Our current pelvic and spinal column arrangement is not perfectly suited to function, especially in modern industrial societies - it could do with some additional butressing. Unfortunately evolution only ever works in terms of 'good enough to ensure survival up to the point of successful reproduction', and not perfection. Why would the Great Creator build such imperfections into his 'intelligent' designs? "I created everything, deal with it. Try disproving me." And I'll deal with that one by saying all you've done is make a claim "I created everything" - where's the evidence? The onus is also on you to prove your case as you are the one making the claim. I don't have to disprove anything. You've tipped head first into the Negative Proof Fallacy
It is sad that I won't live long enough to experience when the human race has achieve their goals to travel beyond in space to find new civilization. It is a dream of mine to travel to other plants and galaxies to encounter possibly life forms. Hopefully I will get to experience some type of advance technology such as the time machine before I past.
+Kamall XvX if our "souls" are recycled then how do we account for their being more living things on earth than there used to be? new souls? what if we suffer an extinction? nowhere for these souls to go do they cease to exist? do all living things contain a spirit? what makes you more deserving of a spirit than a plant or microbe?
No one ever really dies. We are the same consciousness living in different bodies and having different experiences. When we die, we just wake up like it was a dream.
Yeah, Milkyway and Andromeda merging is the last big show of our observable universe. After the merge show, the expansion of the universe is faster than light from any other galaxies toward us, which means our observable universe will have only one single galaxy to been seen at that time. Then, we will just sit and wait for everything to rip apart and die.
Mathias Moser According to the latest cosmological data available, the uncertainties are still too large to discriminate among the three cases w < −1, w = −1, and w > −1. This question is still open. Most probable is frozen death, still.
Luna You obviously missed my point. But I am sure you are wonderful and as great as you make it.... I noticed you have made homophobic and racist comments on other vids.... nice.... smh
drew2pac Whoever I troll on my free time is my own bussiness. Attack the ideals and not the person making them you butt. You ruined this thread with your ineptitude at discussion.
We are so used to everything being created. Since you were born, you under stand you were created, ur parents were, ur house, toys, and even the universe. So finally, u hear that a god is uncreated, it just doesn't sound right. I can't force u to believe, but I hope you do, just don't become a Buddhist lol
Coming back from 8 years ago. Now ESO 383-76 is the largest known galaxy with 1.76 million light-years and IC 1101's size seemingly got reduced to "only" 553,200 light-years (which is still big for a galaxy, but not as big as we once believed).
+Fred The size is all the proof you need. It's almost impossible that galaxy didn't have at least one star with planets around it in the habitable zone. Probably had dozens. You mighta missed it but scientists just releases a study saying the odds there ISN'T intelligent life out there is one to one hundred billion trillion, based on an actual equation to determine the likelihood of intelligent life out there its a great article look it up
I'm not saying that there's no extra terrestrial life, I'm saying where is your proof that there's life there? What planets in IC 1101 have life? You can't claim there's life if you have no evidence outside of the "statistic".
Why are you people going back and forth with "noooo, god is real" and "nooo, he's not" and shit like that. Really? Is that really all maturity u guys have? I respect Christians, Atheists, Muslims, Buddha believers...u name it. I may not agree with their religion and their opinion, and i may downright think its stupid to believe in God, but i will keep peace and just simply say 'OK' because going back and forth with people will get u nowhere. How about we stop arguing and start enjoying life while we have it because no one knows if there even is a afterlife. If u think there is, good. If not, great. LETS MOVE THE FUCK ON.
You're totally wrong. We should spread atheism as widely as possible and work to persuade people to join us. Atheists should evangelize, but not in the sense of bothering strangers on the street or going house-to-house and ringing doorbells. Instead, we should write letters to the editor and contribute guest editorials in newspapers and magazines. We should participate in public debates and maintain pro-atheism websites explaining ourselves to the world. We should, wherever possible, appear on TV and radio shows. We should regularly write to our elected representatives. And we should publicly take on theists practicing the more annoying forms of evangelism. By their actions, they have made themselves fair game for rebuttal; and many people no doubt would be glad to see a knowledgeable atheist confront an obnoxious streetcorner preacher. All these actions serve to spread our message and inform people of our existence without intruding directly into their lives, which is what I believe we should aim for.
John Smith Well, i never said i was an atheist, but i see what you are trying to say. You simply feel like you, and other atheist, should spread your beliefs to other people and let the world know what you are right. That's good and all, but i'm warning, that may not turn out as good as u think it will. Many people will get offended and many just wont care. Sure, you may get a few people who agrees with you, but at the end of the day your actions would be pointless. You should just let people believe in what they want to believe and keep peace. You can do what you want, its not like i'm your mom or anything, But i'm just giving you a heads up.
Tony you are hands down the best narrator on astronomy WHY IN THE UNIVERSE DID YOU STOP DOING VIDEOS LIKE THIS? Just think of the young minds that will never get into astronomy because of this decision. You are the best PERIOD! I wish you would return.
+أحمد القنور Testify all you want. Do it until you're blue in the face. State it with as much conviction as you can muster but, in the end, remember that just because you say it doesn't make it so.
tipigi I think there is no religion on the planet worse then Islam. It is the ebola of religions. However, I have one disagreement with you regarding the forced clitoris removal of pre-pubescant girls. This is an African issue and not an Islamic one. Ethiopia for example is a majority Christian country and this practice is very common. It is practiced in more then 20 African countries, not all of them are Muslim.
From the spiritual perspective, we are at the center of the universe. If the Universe is infinite in all directions, that means you are at the center. All life coming to you is for you. Google *the ultimate truth and click on the first website*
Dan Cervone It doesn't even need to be infinite in all directions for you to be LITERALLY and scientifically at the center of the universe, but then again so is every other point in the universe so why would such a pointless thing even matter. To find meaning in such a thing just screams foolishness, although I'm probably responding to a bot that is getting likes from other bots.
***** Not of the whole universe, of course. But we're talking about the observable universe, and we're center of that. Scince WE are the ones that observe. My observable universe is just a few thousand kilometres different than yours.
Tony Darnell has written and produced a beautiful, cosmic documentary. And it would have been so much better. If Tony, wasn't as close to his, cheap, Taiwanese, cardioid, condenser microphone. And if he had engaged the low-cut, filter. On the microphone. If it had one? On the mixer. Or in the software. In postproduction. And some proper, dynamic range limiting. Ya know. Like, 12 or, 20, to 1. Slamming about 10 DB of, gain reduction. And then some gentle downward expansion. To take any background noise or room tone that ain't so great, out.
Ya see Tony. You're not really the after midnight DJ here. Ya made it sound like college radio. You write and produce so well. But ya don't have to listen to me. I'm just a retired nobody. That did, major national commercials and coast-to-coast major news events. For over 20 years. And ya have to make things sound a certain way. If you really want to be taken seriously? That's a well read narration track. That is not a well presented narration track. Ya kind of have to be an audio engineer. To get that right. And I might imagine? Your next documentary will sound absolutely fabulous?
what he uses is good enough for what he does.ask Fraser Cain or Skylias or Paul Matt Sutter.... get a life and dont comment, fuckwit
I think he sounds just fine :-)
When someone obsesses over form instead of content.... Besides I was never bothered by the sound, it is more than good enough, with beautiful music imo. And a very good narration with excellent rhythm and timing.
and content is the key here
RemyRAD You Sir,are a tool.
How many civilizations have come and gone in IC 1101
+digitalsketchguy ...Could be trillions. Or, NONE. No life was created.
+digitalsketchguy We will never know. But it's amazing to think there could have been so many in such a large galaxy.
+digitalsketchguy If we use the rarity of Earth and what it takes for us to be created... at least 5.
+digitalsketchguy Wouldn't it be something that in the gigantic life of IC 1101, that there was never any life. Maybe it always a dead galaxy.
Impossible to imagine something so incredibly huge.
Imagine it from reverse perspective, just imagine zooming in on galaxy.
That's what she said
Yes it is.
@Zenme Yangzi ...but she was looking @ Uranus!
I don't know, I've seen your mother.
The way he talks about this 'dying galaxy' I half expected him to start asking for donations to save it.... "For less than a cup of coffee per day, you too can help IC1101 avoid oblivion..."
+Joshua Pace And I bet people would actually send money !!
Shame on you Joshua
Joshua Pace is that a star bucks coffee or a mc Donald's cheapo
I've donated my 50p to save this galaxy.
Let It Go, Let It Go
Im watching this while on the toilet...
i feel so insignificant.
Lmao! You feel so insignificant because you are
+Cosmik Debris your username fits the video topic.
We're all "cosmik debris", the rest of ancient supernovae, but believe it or not, my nick has nothing to do with the cosmos.
***** Care to summarize it?
was it only me or did anyone here felt like just crying after watching this video. i dont know why but sometimes i just wanna cry. i just get so overwhelmed by knowing that we as human are nothing compared to the vastness of our universe. i wish i could just get on a spaceship and travel all over the universe. i want to live for billions of year so that i could see this wonderfull universe of ours. it just makes me so sad to know that in just 100 years from now i will just perish from this universe and no one will remember me.
No, it is just you, who is crying.
You look at that in the wrong way,you are crying that you are not experiencing the universe when in truth you are experiencing a very special part of it,you are alive,something that is incredibly rare in the universe,not only that you are also an intelligent life form,a human with the abillity to think,imagine and wonder.intelligent life are extreamly rare in the universe,I bet that if you will be in all life supporting planets you will see that almost all life are not intelligent.Not only you are experiencing the universe,you are infact the universe,the atoms you are made of can be traced back to the big bang,an expension from a singualrty that created our universe,and you will have impact on the universe,everything you do is and always will happen in the spacetime continuum and after you will die,well I don't know tbh,I am an atheist but I don't know if our conciousness is retained after our biological body dies,it might,it might not,its still doesn't important because you are the way of the universe of experiencing one its most facsinating parts and you should be thankfull for that.
Name no dear. i m not crying because i am not experiencing our universe. i feel like crying because i get this strange feelings whenever i think about the universe. i just dont know how to describe what i feel. maybe because i dont know how to put my feelings into words. english is not my first language, but even if i could say what i feel in my first language (urdu) i dont think i will be able to express my feelings. i feel something strange. its not because i feel sad and want to cry. its not sadness. its something else which makes me want to cry.
Fawad Amin
Like a stroke or an aneurysm?
Fawad Amin I agree with you Fawad Amin. It is good that you open up and let people know how you feel. The universe is large and we may never be able to explore it. Even our planet hasn't been fully explored and discovered!!
I think we need to focus on the now and who surrounds our lives. Lets make life on this planet better for ourselves and the future generations. Thats what living is about. Explore your potential Fawad and you will see and experience so much. God Bless
When he said "this galaxy is dying a slow death" i was waiting for him to say "by donating only 5$ you can save this galaxy".
الروح العربية lol
GoFundMe for IC 1101?
every few billion years, galaxies die needlessly by lack of planets and suns. By donating just a few planets and suns could save the life of a galaxy. Thank you
The narration and soundtrack was very relaxing.
agree, he has a very smooth voice
Sooo many potential aliens in our universe. Yet I'm still single 😭
+Preston La Vallee maybe go outside and try to ask someone out? or just sit there and watch videos
Well hell there is something wrong with you
I’m 4 years late to tell you you’re ugly
I feel you
Man, that thing makes the milky way look tiny. Can you imagine all the habitable planets, and all the (potential) diversity of life in it?
the answer is "no. no you cannot."
***** You couldn't imagine them all one after the other...
i dont think it has that much diversity of life because most of it's stars are old and red dwarfs make it's planets somewhat unhabitable due to their radiation bursts. Probably more than milky way and andromeda and triangulum combined but not in life per star ratio
This guys voice is amazing
The largest galaxy is the Note 5
I like and agree
Really LOL 😂
damn! that's a very nice mobile phone.. hehe
+Willian Peng
That's comedy gold right there.
Actually it's the 390g chocolate bar.
So this galaxy, IC 1101, is just the a very good player.
The narrator has the perfect voice for me to sleep.
Perfect ASMR voice then!
His voice reminds me of Neil deGrasse Tyson
@@MrBoobieMan69 it is
@@Nhatv6 no it isn't its Tony darnell
too bad its impossible in the current date to travel or even dream about travelling there, who knows what planets we may find there, perhaps some species, perhaps some creatures somewhere on a planet in IC1101 galaxy watching metube on their INTERNET EXPLORER learning about Milky Way and how they are the only intelligent species in the world or wait perhaps they saw humans with their advanced telescopes...
hahaha i always fantasize like this :D i love it
but really, who knows this might actually be true :D
It's very likely it's very advanced compared to civilizations in our galaxy simply due to the large number of galaxies it would have merged with and the probable interaction of advanced species from various absorbed galaxies, assuming they have found a way to travel faster than the speed of light.
In the milkyway galaxy, out of the say 100-200 billion stars, at least 9 billion stars have solar systems and planets in similar conditions to ours, aka Life-Like. (Can't remember the source sorry folks =), its in a science video out there somewhere's =))
if they use internet explorer they would be BLOWN AWAY if we´d show them chrome or mozilla....same as humanity when they discovered fire
Hey, guess what? It is possible. There is a space simulator game. It is "Space Engine" It's FREE. and it just had an update yesterday, its fuckin amazing. You can go to any galaxy, to any star, to any planet, to any moon, any asteroid. Ang guess what? It is alllll free roam. With amazing graphics. You press F3 in game to search for stuff. Just type IC 1101. and click "Go to". And there you go. Here's the link bro:
What a wonderful time to be alive, to see and learn so much about our universe. :)
I feel just this same way. How incredibly fortunate, for example, to be alive when we can see the very first images formed by the ancient light near the biug bang itself. The Hubble UDF, the WMAP and and other images of the CMB even farther back in time. Since the very start of things that these images show us, no one on Earth has seen them. Until now, right now. Holy cow. If that doesn't put a shiver down one's spine looking at these and thinking about them, probably nothing will. A person might just as well be dead. I am ecstatic to be alive now, and I just want to live forever, or at least a very long time, to learn the answers to the questions we still don't we still understand, and the ones we cannot even ask yet!
I agree and disagree with you. We are learning but we will never know the truth. At least, those of us alive now won’t.
The music, the visuals and Tony's voice is a hypnotic and intriguing combination! Great job!
IC 1101 been lifting
Plat inum Goddamnit. 😂
And eating
by whom?
So IC 1101 lifts other galaxies and relies on cannibalism for food?
Alcyoneus is 16.3 million light years so its largest in the universe
Why flat earthers keep disliking these videos?
Because thats there life, thy must be so unlucky haha
Wonder if this galaxy is flat? ;)
The Flat Earth theory is truth. With a really good telescope I once was able too look myself in the ass.
So, if we look at a really large galaxy. Its part closest to us would be thousands of light years closer than the farthest parts of that galaxy. Meaning that, on a picture, the farthest part would be where they were thousands of years before the "front" parts. That basically means that we're not seeing these things as they are, but rather skewed in time. Which is kinda trippy. :D
stitchem7 Wow, thanks man. :) I appreciate that. I don't really know anyone who could find the data required to do that, but i do know some people who could probably do a 3d rendered model of it, if they're given the proper data.
They state in the vid that ic1101 is 6 million ly across, so the number is 6 million, not a few thousand. Regardless, i dont think you would observe much of a difference, as thousands or even 6 million is such a small number on a galactic scale
Ok, i see what you're saying. Makes sense. I'd still love to see it, for the shear relativity-related qualities of it. :)
It's millions of light years away. Light years is the distance it takes for light to travel in a year. If you're 20 years old that not even a blink of an eye in the lifespan it takes to get to you.
IC 1101 is the Star Wars galaxy.
Life confirmed
+Richard Mendoza Nice profile pic.I was at their game yesterday
Meow meow
+Tronix Greedo shot first
Sorry that it had to come to that but...
Just thinking about the size of space makes my brain hurt. Utterly fascinating.
I believe the title should say "The Largest KNOWN Galaxy in the Universe." Imagine this we view them in just a patch of sky and in that patch of sky we can observe thousands upon thousands of galaxies. Now with technology developing, we will be able to observe even more galaxies at a much larger scale. I can't wait to see what scientist will discover in a few years.
+iamihop If there's anything you learn while studying the history of scientific progress, it's this: saying "We can't do this any better than we're doing it now" is almost a surefire way to be wrong.
For all we know, astrophysicists in a decade could declare that a previously observed cluster of galaxies is actually a single enormous galaxy, and THAT galaxy is actually the largest. We could look further into deep space (I'm not sure why you think we've reached the limit of observability; even the Hubble Ultra Deep Field image can be improved, and that's a VERY small slice of the sky) in practically any direction and find a bigger galaxy. We could change the very definition of "galaxy" in the coming decades to change how we think of this altogether, much like Pluto was once a planet.
Do you see now why it's a bad bet to make a claim as strong as "This is the largest galaxy in the observable universe" and expect it to be the final word on the matter?
+iamihop Didn't they discover a particle that's faster than the speed of light, at CERN, a couple of years ago? I'm unsure if it has been proven or not. Nevertheless I'm fairly certain that with enough technological advancements we will one day be traveling faster than the speed of light, if we haven't commited planetary suicide that is. However like you've pointed it out we'll probably find a clever way of circumventing the speed of light first.
You also have Quantum Physics and with it Quantum Entanglement. QE a process in which information travels instantaneously. With enough technological advances we could manipulate this to eventually look past our observable universe & instantaneously receive the information.
On the note of Physical Law. It doesn't mean that these laws are mathematically correct. For all we know in a few decades we might entirely dismiss certain laws as false. Theories are still theories until proven as facts.
Also, isn't it entirely possible that one of these massive galaxies might block the view of an even bigger galaxy. We have barely observed a fraction of galaxies in our observable universe.
+iamihop While I like what you're trying to say, I like what Simon is saying a bit more. The truth is that... Based on the information we CURRENTLY have, we BELIEVE that the universe is 13.5-7 billion light years old. The truth is, that's what we know based on the technology that we have now. And while I don't argue the importance of the speed of light and its impact on our ability to see things, I also don't doubt the ability of new technology to show us that the universe isn't ACTUALLY 13.5-7 billion years old, it stretches far beyond that number, we were simply unable to see that before. Anyways, the idea is simple, just because we currently consider the the age of the universe as fact, doesn't mean that we won't prove ourselves wrong, come the future :).
+iamihop I like you're explanation but Galaxy's are getting bigger and more stars are forming inside of them.So the light can travel towards us and we can see more bigger Galaxy's.Anyways we will be able to see bigger Galaxys, because Our galaxy,The Milky Way is moving through space and,Other galaxies are moving through space also.And one Galaxy might get close to our Galaxy and scientists might "catch it" and see that there was a bigger Galaxy.(Probably there's a one % chance that,A galaxy might get to close to our galaxy)
"The largest Galaxy we've ever seen" is not the same as the largest that exists in the known universe. We can't possibly know what is the largest because some of them are so far away they barely register as tiny specks to the most powerful telescopes.
Thanks to Hubble, we do know a lot about those farthest (hence earliest) galaxies in the universe. Most of them are small, irregular and full of young, bright stars. Nowhere near the size of the later ellipticals. So even though we haven't seen many of those galaxies directly, the ones we have seen has taught us much. We may one day find a galaxy larger than IC 1101, but the point of this video was to teach you about just how big they can get. Thanks for watching!
Deep Astronomy Um no… I'm talking about galaxies only recently and barely discovered on the fringe of the universe that show up as the tiniest specks. Billions of them newly discovered by the advanced optics of the latest space scopes. These galaxies are much too far away to discern their size. There might well be some on the fringes of visibility that dwarf IC 1101.
we are just a drop in an ocean
We see the farthest galaxies as they looked like 10 billion years ago. They may have been full of young, bright stars back then. But the galaxy in the video has ended up much closer to us, "only" one billion lightyears away.
WilfredIvanhoe So true. We are seeing the distant past. Many visible star systems may no longer exist and the light from newly created ones is not yet visible.
The World's Largest Universe
+GamerFromNorthWest lol
I C 1101 too!
l (right there) Can you C it too?
+legoclonetrooper1000 what illuminati
Tychoboy27 Holland illuminothing
This is so beautiful, The Universe truly is amazing and full of wonder and mystery. :D
hahahaha He said that IC 1101 is a billion light years away and it is dying a slow death. hahahaha if it is a billion light years away then it will still appear in the night sky to us up to 1 billion years after it dies. So the "slow death" may have already run its course and it may already be dead.
+De Selby Sadly yes. Or maybe it's a good thing if it is gone. who knows? lol. Fascinating stuff to ponder nonetheless.
+De Selby No, it is definitely still there. Most of the stars in it, are thought to be Red Dwarves. We are not quite sure how long those stars last, because we know they last longer than the current age of the universe. Some theories say they will last between 50-100 billion years, and others say they could last just longer than a trillion years. So most of those stars will be there long after the billion years it takes for the light it emitted to reach us.
Even after all those stars and whatever successive generations of stars might take their place all burn out, the galaxy will still be there, it just won't be emitting much light. All the remnants, white dwarves (long since cooled off) brown dwarves, tiny bit of gas, dark matter, neutron stars, black holes, etc. will still be there too. None of that is going anywhere, unless the expansion of the universe accelerates much more than predicted so it could even rip eliptical galaxies apart. Though that would still be so far in the future that our brains have trouble even counting how many years that might be, as a minimum.
The point is, the "slow death" thing is a bit of amisnomer. It's not going anywhere anytime soon. In fact, its Red Dwarves will burn out around the same time as the ones in the MilkyWay and whatever other galaxies it merged with in the interim. On those sorts of time scales, 2-3 billion years is pretty much 10 minutes ago,
+De Selby except that the smaller stars live a really really long time, so it's not dead yet.
+De Selby no they can tell how old stars are in this galaxy based on their light. and stars do last more than a billion years. our sun for instance is way older than a billion years.
I see your point but why is it so funny ??
Imagine when at the last seconds of the video, the narrator casually says, "Even with the enormous size of IC 1101, it is no bigger than your mother." And suddenly it ends.
Very enjoyable and informative video. Good narration and music kept it interesting as well.
What if we are the only life in the galaxy. The very thought of it is scary.
+Mario Urias Yes, scary and lonely...
+Mario Urias +Lugnos Dee
Don't worry, I am pretty sure there are other life on other planets as well.We are not the only ones who have evolved this much.Some scientists are 100% sure that kepler 452b, more as Earth 2.0, contains life.
+adrianbrowne1984 -- I get the same feeling when I camp out in the middle of a forest.
+Mario Urias not scary
+ThePlayingScholar there's other life, but we are far more important here on Earth as we are stuck in a cycle of incarnating against our will. Everyone think it's just normal to die and reincarnate here. Well, it's not, It's a trap. Our negative energy is a food source. Humans are the newest extension used in this 3rd dimension by your soul to achieve Christ Consciousness. Jesus was very aware of all of this and broke the cycle. He even incarnated on his own free will at a time due to the fact he REGAINED it. He forgave the people that hurt him because he saw that if only they knew the truth, they'd be in tears and would understand Jesus. That's a positive view point and the only one Jesus used. He knew not to go to the light and because of that, he returned to the Source. He couldn't be fed off of no longer.
04:10 Narrator's voice besides this music on this great video, it makes wonderful
If you look closely at the star that's 2,347,783rd from the top and 12,833,456,133rd from the left corner towards the center, you can see a space ship orbiting the 3rd planet.
Fj, Where exactly do you see that?
@@MahaSawarSawar-ml3jv I gave the exact location.
Superior quality and great presentation. I'm refreshed that good work is still present among all the infinitely ignore-able offerings.
we cant be the only ones out there there could be thousands of planets like earth in ic 1101 alone
more like millions or billions
could happen over time but what if we are the first? Even though there are many possibilities and coincedences what if we ARE alone? What if mankind is eternal, with this in mind, do we want to chase alien life or maintain ours on this globe>? We should try to understand animals first, before making contact with higher lifeforms to whom we are animals as animals are to us, so pls cut the BS if there would be aliens able to come to our star etc. they might as wel be angel-like and might be beyond evil as they are beyond darkness... if they aren't they are either hiding from their own destruction and trying to fool the masses on their planet into oblivian by telling them they are seeking other lifeforms on other planets... or "THEY ARE COMING" we are being attacked by the humans... while flying their own ufo's killing their own kind... HMNS the mindfuck is allways a sadstory, not hisstory it's just HIS story...
Haven't you heard, the greys the ET what been visiting us for thousands of years, are communist that is the only reason you Gov. the USA I presume, kept it a secret from you the people? And I mean the three planets they live on are all Communist only one people on all the planets living in peace. I doubt is the kind of controlling freaks Communism what we have on Earth but never the less is Communism, everybody works and everybody is looked after and apparently death for them is not a big deal. And they are a very old civilization hundred of thousands of years ahead of us.
In an infinite universe, it's a certainty that somewhere there are other thinking fact, it's a certainty that somewhere there's identical earth and yous and mes, but even in a finite universe, the chances that we are it are so far beyond highly unlikely that it's a statistically virtual certainty.
I think we ha ve predicted that milions of planets like Earth exist in the milky way alone.
So yeah bilions if not trilions of planets like Earth should exist in ic 1101.
That does not mean they all have life but yeah.
If this galaxy is roughly a billion light years away, then we are seeing it in its state a billion years ago... So therefore is it possible that this galaxy is already gone, or that this galaxy is very near total oblivion with most of its matter sucked into the black hole at its center?
Galaxies last for many billions of years. It could become dimmer in billions of years as its younger stars die out. Or it may merge with another galaxy and undergo a short period of star formation. Black holes do not suck matter in. They always seem to make up less than a few percent of the total mass of a galaxy, so are thought to only feed on nearby matter during merging with another galaxy.
It is a billion light years away so what we are seeing today is a billion light years old picture. Billion light years are not equal to billion years. When I think of the size of the universe I always wonder what it might hold. How many and what type of life forms.
jagdeep sidhu "Billion light years are not equal to billion years."
Um...yes, it is, in a way. A billion light years is the distance that takes light a billion years to travel. That means when seeing an object a billion light years away, we're actually seeing what it looked like a billion years ago (give or take, considering light from the stars on its far side took less time to get here than the light from the stars on its near side). Any creatures in that galaxy looking our direction would see the Milky Way as it appeared a billion years ago, and if they had the capability of imaging the Earth they would see it long before the Cambrian Explosion started filling the oceans with the huge diversity of life forms, even though humans are presently here looking up a them. While light years are measurements of distance rather than measurements of time, they are very closely linked with time because of the limitation of the speed of light and the incomprehensibly vast distances that light has to travel.
***** What you say is nearly there, but doesn't quite tell the whole story. The relationship between distance and the time it takes light to reach us is not a 1:1 relationship. This is because the very fabric of space is expanding. Thus galaxies very far away are substantially further in their distance from us than it has taken their light to travel to us. If the relationship was strictly 1:1, then the universe would have a radius the size of its age (13 billion light years) however it's true diameter is more likely in the realm of 150 billion light years. This is because when the universe expands, the very fabric of space expands with it. It's possible to have galaxies travelling away from each other faster than the speed of light because of this, in which case their secrets will be forever lost to us.
When we see light from a galaxy which has taken 12 or 13 billion years to reach us, it's entirely possible that they are now many times further away
***** Just to add to Frank, look up 'comoving distance':
"the smallest are only about 200 light years across and only have as few as 100 million stars".... lol
i was saying the same thing lol
That's a very small number... I myself have around a billion stars in my back pocket which is a million light years across....
@@aNimELoVer-mq4bw nothing to brag about. My uncle has a mid sized galaxy with about 200 billion stars, and he is now buying another one containing 100 billion stars. Most stars are already rented out btw.
Your voice is EXTRAORDINARY! You could make watching grass grow interesting. Extraordinary voice the best. My ears and brain thank you!
Can somebody please explain to me how to galaxies became so far away from each other. Shouldnt there be just one big galaxy instead of many scattered across the cosmos because if there's collision the merge them why wouldn't all of them have to merge into one eventually.
It depends on gravity versus whatever is making the universe expand.
This is an excellent question an I'm not an astrophysicist therefore not qualified to give the best complete answer but... The early rapidly expanding universe was very smooth but with very slight fluctuations in density or gravity. The rapid expansion got many parts of the universe away from the gravitational influence of others. The slight fluctuations made those independent parts clump up to form stars and galaxies. And yes some galaxies are gravitationally locked so they may eventually merge as IC 1101 is the merger of many gallaxies
I would think they are all forming one big galaxy. but its just that we arent in that stage yet. Galaxy lifetimes take forever
The answer is abundance of dark matter in my opinion
Can't really say, but its probably from the initial expansion of the universe that is causing everything to separate, but sometimes 2 galaxies merge into one and some say that the Virgo Supercluster will merge to become one gigantic galaxy in the distant future.
space is as awesome as it is scary
Space is scary it's a small word it's so so scary
How is space scary?
+Henrik Schmidt its all a mystery..we see only the shapes and sizes of the planets, stars, and is inconcievably large..a dark landscape with incredible structures lighting up the sky..a truly wondorous universe in which we live in..way larger than any one man or woman can hope to conquer like one would a plot of land or a country..that in itself is intimidating..and knowing once we leave earth..theres no where else known we can use as substitute and call home.. you would just drift farther and farther away into the darkness.. floating in an endless void..where neither above or below you would the space the cosmic ocean..there is no shore certain to hold paradise..
young Vegeta That's not scary lol. Space is just space.
If it's a billion light years away, aren't we talking about something that happened a billion years ago? Why do we keep referring it as if it's in the present.
Because it's the present in our reference frame. From the perspective of someone in that galaxy right now, life on earth is just crawling out of the oceans. From someone in a galaxy a billion years from both this one and ours, both views are true.
+Chris P. Bacon thanks. To say this whole thing is mind boggling is so much of an understatement.
A weirder thing to think about is everything you see is in the "past". If you're standing a few feet away from someone, having a conversation, it takes a few picoseconds for that light to reach you (and it takes even longer for the sound to get to you). "Now" is kind of a hard thing to pin down, and has less and less meaning the more you stop to think about it. The best we can do to define a "now" or the present is to say that it's when the photons finally reach our specific reference point.
I've been fascinated by astronomy for the better part of two decades, but man does the physics all sound like some elaborate practical joke sometimes.
+Chris P. Bacon that makes perfect sense. Thanks for your time & explanation. "Now" is really a relative term or a perception (for a lack of better words).
+Chris P. Bacon I am always thinking about that, that when you see something it append in the past it's mindblowing
This is beyond mind blowing and amazing! I love Astronomy, and knowing that there are 100 billion galaxies in the Universe just completely comes to mind that if there's life in any other galaxies!
This 9 year old video is not really up to date. Modern observation and studies show that 2 trillion galaxies in just the observable universe is already a very low estimate.
the amount of alien life out there in those 6489367503756043740galaxies which contains 4638346593639374937202978792426354923749057648474 stars..... must be mindboggeling.....
Um, sorry but that 10th digit from the left is wrong, I think it's a 4, not 3. :-)
+Deep Astronomy haha c:
we cant count because of merry..its
Mark Topma and don't forget each star has several planets orbiting it plus those numbers are just the in the observable universe which is probably just a tiny sliver of the whole universe.
Every time I let my self be too optimistic about the future of our race, and believe in global unity and space exploration, I come back to this video to view the comments. Works every time.
Okay, IC 101 is the largest KNOWN galaxy. We have the measurements of about .0000000000000000000000001% of our universe's galaxies.
And we haven't even found all of the galaxies.
***** Perhaps there's a galaxy that's about 1 billion light years across, Christ.
***** Or there could be a galaxy the size of a puppy. WHO THE FUCK KNOWS
There are galaxies we can't ever find.
***** our galaxy is 100 million light years across, go figure, so lets find one Graham's Number light years across :3
As a Space Enthusiast, I just subbed to your channel due to the contents you upload. Thank you.
What if at the end of the video the narrator just casually said "Even with the enormous size of IC 1101, it's almost as large as your mother" and the video just stops
Tha largest galaxy in the KNOWN universe - not necessarily the largest in the universe.
It doesnt matter anyway whatever galaxy is bigger or not... Every galaxy is bigger than anyone can comprehend
Every galaxy and star we can see is about 4% of the entire universe. We don’t even know of the other 96%.. just grasp that for a second. There are definitely bigger ones out there
holy shit :p the distance must be insane, I wonder what kind of planets are in that galaxy. Sucks that physics is lame and we cant just go there and visit for a bit
also theres probably bigger galaxies outside the observable universe
yeah, that would be awesome.
I know you don't mean it but never say physics is lame, is sort of everything/human reality, in a way.
Physics is what allowed us to discover something a billion light years away!
Jaximous but many teachers in physics, (not talking university level), are not able to open our eyes of how important and exciting physics can be...
You can, its called warp drive.
incredible. and Tysons smooth narrative along with the music make it mesmerizing to view. nice work
+Ben Kehler Tyson? You mean, Tony Darnell?
Yeah whoever sounds like Ty. Point being same
"It's over 50 times the size of our galaxy, and over 2000 times more massive."
Wow, that's one slim galaxy. By cubing the size it would have to be 125000 times the Milky Way's mass, if it had the same mass density... And it's elliptical, it's much better space-filling than a spiral galaxy... The distances between stars in IC1101 must be very large, it would be a pretty lonely galaxy.
(It's also one of the reasons why it's an aging galaxy with very little star formation - stuff is just too far apart for favorable star-forming conditions to form.
To be fair, galaxies are pretty 2 dimensional, square it and you get 2500, now 2000x more doesn't seem that crazy anymore.
Oddly enough, though I have always been fascinated by the different sizes of stars, for some reason, I never really thought about the sizes of galaxies.(??) Now I will.
FishHeadSalad It's a really introductory topic that you'll find in a lot of beginner's Astronomy books.
Religion = I have no clue, someone created all this by magic 'cause I read it in some two-thousand year old book of myths based on ignorance.
Atheism = let's think rationally and experiment with conclusions based upon verifiable, concrete evidence and observation through a series of trials.
Thank you, I'll take Atheism anytime :).
***** I repeat, I'll take Atheism anytime.
Says the guy who is not very accurately how was he/she (dunno) created. I'll take religion thank you very much.
Does not know accurately*
+triplejudy Well, you define "religion", an umbrella term, with only one: Christianity. Religion doesn't consist of merely one sect; so it would be ignorant of someone to dismiss the plethora of other religions without recognizing them, while hailing Atheism as the supreme choice because of "some two-thousand year old book". Religion's significance is gauged by how an individual perceives it, so "myths", in an extreme context, can be interpreted as facts, or conversely, as guidelines on how to live your life morally. In my opinion, your above statement about religion is based on your "ignorance", since not all religions are based on "myths". Maybe next time you should put some effort into your research before discussing broad topics such as religious beliefs.
If an atheism can explain how all this created precisely then I will take atheism
so thank u I will take religion for sure :P
One of the best videos of any category on UA-cam.
Simply beautiful, this is why death cannot be absolute. Everything is recycled in nature and the universe.
***** everything in the universe is conscious. Look at the double slit experiment. For me it sort of proves it.
***** actually it is very conscious. We are the universe. The universe didn't happen from one point and spewed out. The big bang happened everywhere at the same time. For billions and billions of years, the universe was here and no one knew about it. More to the point, for all that time, the universe itself had no idea that it existed. But then, around 13.82 billion years after the Big Bang, and almost four billion years since life first evolved, something strange began to happen: Tiny parts of the universe became conscious, and came to know something about themselves and the universe of which they are a part. Eventually, some of these tiny parts of the universe - the parts we call ‘scientists' and ‘scientifically-informed laypeople' - came to understand the Big Bang and the evolutionary process through which they had come to exist. After an eternity of unconsciousness, the universe now had some glimmering awareness that it existed and some understanding of where it had come from. This might sound like a strange thing for a universe to do, but perhaps it's not; perhaps many possible universes would become conscious of themselves given sufficient time.
***** all iam getting at really is that, yes we are conscious but we are undoubtedly part of the universe, and solely because of this the universe is conscious. A few discoveries have now been made that the universe expands similar the way a network or a brain expands. Iam not a hippy spouting rubbish, everything really is connected. Every single atom in the universe vibrates at a different frequency. So much so that everytime an atom moves in space time, it directly affects atoms sometimes billions of lightyears away, in a way that makes sure that no two atoms resonate exactly the same.
Jamie Carter
After reading all your replies, i still have come to the very conclusion you need to lay off the dope.
eskimo4130 please don't interfere, you probably haven't even looked up the double slit experiment or understand it. If you can comprehend it. It may change your mind on how you see the universe
Beerus and Goku were about to screw this shit days ago, in episode 12 and 13 from Dragon Ball Super.
+Alverto Einstein lmao
+Alverto Einstein you mean episode 12-22
lol it't kind of hard to think about considering how enormous the universe is.
Hmm... but it's 1.07 billion light years away, it could means it has exploded by now.
How can a galaxy "explode" ? I hate it when stupid people watch science videos
u funny guy lol
It takes 5 and 1/2 hours for light from the sun to reach Pluto. One light year is the distance light can travel in one year.
If we tried to used current spaceships going at 250,000 miles per hour to reach our nearest neighboring star (4 light years away), it would take 18,000 years to get there.
IC 1101 is 5.5 million light years across. This galaxy is so large that our mind is incapable of comprehending just how big it really is. To think of all the alien life that has come and gone. Millions of civilizations that were born, died, or transcended into something more, with exotic technology that we'll never get to see. So beautiful.
Great video but wouldn't it be the largest galaxy of the OBSERVABLE universe ?
+exionem Yes, it's stated that way in the video itself.
+exionem The video says "largest galaxy in the known universe". That cannot be substantiated. He should have said "largest galaxy known in the universe."
+Dave Moore It is both...the known universe consists of the stuff we can detect, that's what makes it "known" to us. So the largest galaxy known to us to exist in the universe guessed it...the largest galaxy in the known universe.
+exionem Observable by what means, How do we Know? Is this knowledge shared, are these two words Interchangeable in the context? known by whom? dark matter???!!? is this observable, or even really known? how much of this videos information is speculative thinking? educated though it is
+relentlessmadman Observable by ALL means known to us, including optical and radio telescopes. We know because astronomical knowledge is virtually ALWAYS shared, to afford opportunity for independent corroboration. Are WHICH two words interchangeable and to which context are you referring? Yes, Dark matter. Its gravitational effects are observable, and therefore, known. (Assuming you know that the space between stars is occupied by hydrogen atoms, and that not ALL matter radiates light.) Did you think to ask the maker of the video as to how much of the information given is speculative? Are you as big an idiot as your comment makes you appear? Is this idiocy measurable? Are you actually human, or only a bot? If you are a bot, who is the moron who authored you? If you are human, is the space between your ears also occupied by hydrogen atoms?
there has to be some purpose to all of this and if there is an answer to those big questions, they can only be found after death.
Kristov Asunciou I think its more likely that we are bound to this Earth until we die, then we are free to go wherever we want... given that there is something after life.. i really hope so.. also.. it cant be that the Universe is so extremely big and we are the only ones living in that Cluster.. it could also very well be that we are the most advanced but dont even know that yet.. If i had the option to ask one Question to an all knowing being... i guess it would just be "So.. how big is the Universe really?"
We can only speculate things... maybe the Universe is shaped like a Donut and is connected as a loop.. but we simply cant see that connection.. it just cant be that the Universe could be "infinite".. well maybe i just cant grasp that fact..
DieHardjagged The Universe is finite, and it's been proved that it has the shape of an ellipse. Recently however, the shape of a donut has been proposed by German scientists in 2003.
You want there to be a purpose, there doesn't have to be a purpose
+Nikko2154 Do they want to change the shape of donuts?
+kefkapalazzo1 Would you do anything if you didn't have a purpose?
VERY interesting, but sadly i won't be able to live long enough (even though i'm only 18) to see what lies beyond space.
***** no one knows... besides (the following is for atheists) the bible is way to wacky to be faked, probably aliens, and people found a book that was written 600 years ago and contains a unsolvable cipher (they've tried to break it for more than a decade century) and it has a picture of what looks way to close to Andromeda in it, and then they had telescopes that couldn't reach that far, or get it that high def. at the least, so either aliens, god, or aliens are god XD
***** We are quite intelligent compared to other animals, there are recent studies though suggesting that dolphins use language, they can't translate it or tell if its instinctive or learned, though.
What is the name of the music?
I love this Galaxy!
love his voice tho..
People arguing over if God is real or not. There is no proof that he is or isn't real. Both sides need to stop trying to prove their argument, it's impossible!
God ? it exists only in the souls of those who belive in him :) to the other ones ? they have music, science, arts , sex and all what pump adrenalin, in theyr soul and thats what keeps them motivated :) i belive peple that belive in god are more weker then those who belive in theyrself :)
Adults arguing over God/religion is exactly like two 6-year olds arguing over whose invisible friend is best. Superstitious nonsense cooked up be rulers and elites to keep the peasants in line.
If you could change people's beliefs that easily, then maybe this world would be a little less chaotic.
The subject is interesting enough, but your narration is pretty spectacular on itself!
looks pretty tiny from over here.
Well, of course it does.
+David McMillin It's your arrogance speaking
13 billion years ago..who makes up these numbers..?
+stevie6621 No one makes it up, it's theoretical physics based on the rate of expansion of the universe based on how fast matter, stars and galaxies are moving apart in the universe. As for God and gods, humans make them up, that's for sure.
Willie Booker
They don't know anything about the age.
Are you implying the world is 6,000 years old according to the bible? That's ridiculous, there are civilizations older than that. "They" being thousands of physicists working on this? They could well have the exact time wrong, but it's definitely in the billions of years.
+stevie6621 To give you a bit less hostile of a reply: a lot can be said about the age of the universe. For instance, we see galaxies moving away from us - the ones farther away move faster. This implies that the universe as a whole is expanding. Measuring how fast this expansion is, allows us to trace it back - and it turns out that you can trace it back to about 13.7 billion years ago.
+stevie6621 So, how old is the universe really?
Wow which day did god create all this?
mattfox14 The universe and all matter contained within was created _"in the beginning"_ There is no time referenced to how long this beginning was. We do not get time period references to any of the creation days, as they are long periods of time and *not* a literal day as in 24 hours.
On the fourth day of creation God created the sun, moon and stars and all the galaxies
Edward Parks That's incorrect. Our parent star, moon, stars, and galaxies were created in the beginning. They were already in existence by the 4th Day.
The bible is absolutely accurate and true about what it has to say about science because God is the creator of the universe and God cannot lie. Therefore you are wrong, the sun and moon and the stars were created on the fourth day. Where are you getting your information from?
I must say, in comparison to other videos: Good voice, I really enjoy listening to what he's talking about. :)
Why do all the interesting space videos have to be depressing.
fredric porsche It's no closer that the beginning of the world.
This is the largest galaxy in the observable universe (as far as we can see at present.)
Man is totally insignificant in this vast universe but in his quest to feel special mankind keeps making up gods, from Zeus to Thor, to Yahweh to Allah to seem special in it's own eyes. It's not God who creates the universe and man, it's man who creates God.
This is the appropriate youtube video for anybody who needs to find out about this topic. You understand so much its nearly hard to argue with you (not that I really would needHaHa). You definitely put a new spin on a subject thats been written about for years. Nice stuff, simply great!
This only confirms the insignificance of our invention of God.
Reality utterly dwarfs this man-made creation.
Fred Garven this is always evident :)
A great marvelous Universe confirms the insignificance of God????
LOL God Is GREAT. His Domain is the Universe of Universes. You did not create the Earth or the Cosmos. Yet you have the nerve to denounce the Great Creator. Life is intelligent design; if you do not see this then you must not be intelligent.
Chris Nenshati
Allahu Akbar to you too.
Chris Nenshati Intelligent design?? Have you been sick? Have you seen patients in the hospital? Bad gall bladder, bad appendix, born with hole in the heart, blue babies, babies born with heart, stomach, intestines outside their bodies, babies with huge water logged useless brain, born dead because of umbilicus wrapped around their neck, babies born with exposed spinal, cord, babies born with missing arm, leg, extra fingers, toes, with only one eye etc., etc.
An intelligent designer could do much better than that "Great Creator".
Chris Nenshati "Yet you have the nerve to denounce the Great Creator. Life is intelligent design"
If life is intelligent design, the Great Creator made a pretty crappy job of it. I'd like a stronger back, and while he's at it another heart. We have two lungs and kidneys (very sensible arrangement, as we can get by on only one of either if necessary) so why not two hearts? That would literally be a huge lifesaver.
Evolution by natural selection tends to produce Gold Ruberg machines - patch and make do, morphing, melding and sometimes eliminating existing structures under evolutionary pressure, and this more closely corresponds to the available evidence. Many people suffer from backache and problems such as slipped disks. Second only to the common cold as a cause of lost days at work. Half the population suffers from back pain at some time during their lives. This is not surprising as a bipedal gait is a relatively recent innovation - for nearly all of our evolutionary history since our fishy ancestor emerged from the oceans we went on all fours. Our current pelvic and spinal column arrangement is not perfectly suited to function, especially in modern industrial societies - it could do with some additional butressing. Unfortunately evolution only ever works in terms of 'good enough to ensure survival up to the point of successful reproduction', and not perfection. Why would the Great Creator build such imperfections into his 'intelligent' designs?
"I created everything, deal with it. Try disproving me."
And I'll deal with that one by saying all you've done is make a claim "I created everything" - where's the evidence? The onus is also on you to prove your case as you are the one making the claim. I don't have to disprove anything. You've tipped head first into the Negative Proof Fallacy
It is sad that I won't live long enough to experience when the human race has achieve their goals to travel beyond in space to find new civilization. It is a dream of mine to travel to other plants and galaxies to encounter possibly life forms. Hopefully I will get to experience some type of advance technology such as the time machine before I past.
Google the great filter
I actually believe that when we die, we don't actually die. Like our spirit just goes into a new being. Your life restarts.
+Kamall XvX I don't want a new life where I'm brainwashed by religious nuts from the start
+Kamall XvX if our "souls" are recycled then how do we account for their being more living things on earth than there used to be? new souls? what if we suffer an extinction? nowhere for these souls to go do they cease to exist? do all living things contain a spirit? what makes you more deserving of a spirit than a plant or microbe?
No one ever really dies. We are the same consciousness living in different bodies and having different experiences. When we die, we just wake up like it was a dream.
Yeah, Milkyway and Andromeda merging is the last big show of our observable universe. After the merge show, the expansion of the universe is faster than light from any other galaxies toward us, which means our observable universe will have only one single galaxy to been seen at that time. Then, we will just sit and wait for everything to rip apart and die.
If we do not find a way how to escape to some friendlier, possibly younger universe. :D
sorry no that will not happen dark matter and dark energy take up 85% of the universe it will be the big freeze not space rip
Isn't the dark energy what`s driving the acceleration and therefore the scientific consens is the big rip?
Mathias Moser According to the latest cosmological data available, the uncertainties are still too large to discriminate among the three cases w < −1, w = −1, and w > −1. This question is still open. Most probable is frozen death, still.
Sorry, I still can't grasp big freeze or heat death. I only know what big rip is like.
Knowledge of our cosmos like this make me feel so insignificant... a huge relief.
Well, doesn't this make you feel slightly insignificant! :)
No! I possess a lot of qualities that galaxies don't have.
I am a piece of the universe that is sentient and I feel great and powerful for it.
Luna You obviously missed my point. But I am sure you are wonderful and as great as you make it....
I noticed you have made homophobic and racist comments on other vids.... nice.... smh
drew2pac Stop stalking me xd
Luna Just wanted to know I was right in assuming you a freak. Convo over, go away
drew2pac Whoever I troll on my free time is my own bussiness.
Attack the ideals and not the person making them you butt.
You ruined this thread with your ineptitude at discussion.
Life scares me, but i appreciate it
It's more scary when we are only humans living in the ob universe which is infinite
+Toheed Khan ye
IC 1101 is nothing compared to the Great Tubular Hyper-galaxy found in my underpants.
So where's your super massive blackhole located at?
But my sister is a dude now.
A perfect voice. I thought only space narrator voice is good for these kind of videos but this guy is also good.
6 million lightyears? Tha fuck,
+erwin280 Do you know exactly what a "light year" is????
+john clewes Yes
+erwin280 What's wrong with 6 million light years?
+Dman 34241 Why do you guys take this as a negative? It just blew my mind that there is such a big galaxy. jeez.
erwin280 ok
People talk about this god stuff..
Then i have one question to those people:
What created god?....
We are so used to everything being created. Since you were born, you under stand you were created, ur parents were, ur house, toys, and even the universe. So finally, u hear that a god is uncreated, it just doesn't sound right. I can't force u to believe, but I hope you do, just don't become a Buddhist lol
omg you act like you KNOW FOR SURE that god isn't real. haven't you notched a pattern in religion?
also, i could easily turn your first argument around by saying,
if the universe created you, then who created the universe?
The Big Bang. 8D
***** Precisely.
Such as the Library of Alexandria.
The Universe is one big game of if you think about it
Coming back from 8 years ago. Now ESO 383-76 is the largest known galaxy with 1.76 million light-years and IC 1101's size seemingly got reduced to "only" 553,200 light-years (which is still big for a galaxy, but not as big as we once believed).
That galaxy has life in it
or had
+Fred The size is all the proof you need. It's almost impossible that galaxy didn't have at least one star with planets around it in the habitable zone. Probably had dozens. You mighta missed it but scientists just releases a study saying the odds there ISN'T intelligent life out there is one to one hundred billion trillion, based on an actual equation to determine the likelihood of intelligent life out there its a great article look it up
I'm not saying that there's no extra terrestrial life, I'm saying where is your proof that there's life there? What planets in IC 1101 have life?
You can't claim there's life if you have no evidence outside of the "statistic".
How the fuck can something this big exist
For real
And we think were special...
This channel is awesome, subbed straight away !
I managed to fit this large galaxy into my computer.
The Largest Galaxy in the Universw : IC 1101
thats why i eat heaps of big macs,were all doomed
*_Hello guys ! i am from galaxy IC 1101 planet KEPLER 186F :D it's really cool here ! :D_*
The Doods. u wot m8
The Doods. can we send you françois hollande ?
+The Doods. can u fly there? i want to know the gravity there
Someone is maaaad :)
+The Doods. What do the women look like?
Why are you people going back and forth with "noooo, god is real" and "nooo, he's not" and shit like that. Really? Is that really all maturity u guys have? I respect Christians, Atheists, Muslims, Buddha believers...u name it. I may not agree with their religion and their opinion, and i may downright think its stupid to believe in God, but i will keep peace and just simply say 'OK' because going back and forth with people will get u nowhere. How about we stop arguing and start enjoying life while we have it because no one knows if there even is a afterlife. If u think there is, good. If not, great. LETS MOVE THE FUCK ON.
You're totally wrong. We should spread atheism as widely as possible and work to persuade people to join us. Atheists should evangelize, but not in the sense of bothering strangers on the street or going house-to-house and ringing doorbells. Instead, we should write letters to the editor and contribute guest editorials in newspapers and magazines. We should participate in public debates and maintain pro-atheism websites explaining ourselves to the world. We should, wherever possible, appear on TV and radio shows. We should regularly write to our elected representatives. And we should publicly take on theists practicing the more annoying forms of evangelism. By their actions, they have made themselves fair game for rebuttal; and many people no doubt would be glad to see a knowledgeable atheist confront an obnoxious streetcorner preacher. All these actions serve to spread our message and inform people of our existence without intruding directly into their lives, which is what I believe we should aim for.
John Smith Well, i never said i was an atheist, but i see what you are trying to say. You simply feel like you, and other atheist, should spread your beliefs to other people and let the world know what you are right. That's good and all, but i'm warning, that may not turn out as good as u think it will. Many people will get offended and many just wont care. Sure, you may get a few people who agrees with you, but at the end of the day your actions would be pointless. You should just let people believe in what they want to believe and keep peace. You can do what you want, its not like i'm your mom or anything, But i'm just giving you a heads up.
kim MILLER That's nice. Apparently, what you don't respect is proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
***** Its UA-cam, i don't have to have proper grammar, shithead.
This gorgeous galaxy is dying.
The Great Rip eh? I see you have laid your bet, my money is on Death by Ice
+Scott Leaf I'll put my money on the big crunch.
stylz1 I want to change my bet to Phase Change
+Scott Leaf I shall go with the Big Rip. See you at the end of time.
+Scott Leaf Mao mao.
+Learning It Quietly wtf?
Tony you are hands down the best narrator on astronomy WHY IN THE UNIVERSE DID YOU STOP DOING VIDEOS LIKE THIS? Just think of the young minds that will never get into astronomy because of this decision. You are the best PERIOD! I wish you would return.
I testify that there is no God but Allah and that Mohammad is His Messenger
+أحمد القنور
Testify all you want. Do it until you're blue in the face. State it with as much conviction as you can muster but, in the end, remember that just because you say it doesn't make it so.
+أحمد القنور Sounds like a lot of bullshit to me!
I think there is no religion on the planet worse then Islam. It is the ebola of religions. However, I have one disagreement with you regarding the forced clitoris removal of pre-pubescant girls. This is an African issue and not an Islamic one. Ethiopia for example is a majority Christian country and this practice is very common. It is practiced in more then 20 African countries, not all of them are Muslim.
Fred Bohm
Fair enough
I think that there's no religion worse than any religion. All are equally bad, all are equally delusional, all are equally stupid and vacuous.
God looks at his creation and tells us "be amazed of what i can do"... and also "don't masturbate"
From the spiritual perspective, we are at the center of the universe. If the Universe is infinite in all directions, that means you are at the center. All life coming to you is for you. Google *the ultimate truth and click on the first website*
Dan Cervone It doesn't even need to be infinite in all directions for you to be LITERALLY and scientifically at the center of the universe, but then again so is every other point in the universe so why would such a pointless thing even matter. To find meaning in such a thing just screams foolishness, although I'm probably responding to a bot that is getting likes from other bots.
Rednidedni True
***** Every point in the observable universe is at the center of their observable universe.
Not of the whole universe, of course.
But we're talking about the observable universe, and we're center of that. Scince WE are the ones that observe. My observable universe is just a few thousand kilometres different than yours.