This concept is amazing. I would love to see it applied for control mages in the mid lane. (Also, lots of love to Hector for sacrificing his weekend to show us how much we actually suck).
i think they also forgot the darius nasus match up where darius can make nasus only have 19 cs in 20 min which i did i was the darius and nasus got nothing
@@goldsm1th92 I personally find the nasus darius matchup easy (as nasus). Just farm under tower, wither if he pulls you in and once you got enough stacks and ult wait for him to waste his q on the wave. Also I start cloth armour and 4 pots to help with early sustain seeing as your passive doesn't heal much early game cause you're doing no damage
You suck if you don't think. You have one main, right? So just analyze matchups nonstop and try to figure out how to fully counter you own champion. Based on that, if you find that matchup, analyze that replay and see which mistakes did you do, and which mistakes did your opponent do, and just like that you've become a game plan factory. You'll identify mistakes if you know which game plan did you have to follow, and which game plan did your opponent have to follow. There's a special case for toplane though: wave management and champion knowledge > everything else in the laning phase.
@@HappyGick thanks I'll use your knowledge to go from bronze to silver (which is my end goal for this year) . Should I analyze matchups in normals first? I got carried through my iron promos
@@benkoskinen3871 Normals are good for mastering your champion. Laning phase is a bit harder since no one takes normals seriously (and they're not meant to be taken seriously), but normals still teach you about it anyways. People say normals don't teach you anything, but chances are, you make the same mistakes both in ranked and in normals, because the only difference between them is that in ranked you get or lose LP depending on the outcome of the game, and normals don't lose you anything. It's the same game. So analyzing normals can help you. It's better to analyze what you're doing during the game though.
yip thats what i think too xD like i can say that i see a disatvantage in the enemy because he levels wrong or he builds the wrong things... but says that i build the right ones?
Skill capped: "falling behind is not a huge deal" Them in the next video: "by walking into lane 1 microsecond later, he practically threw and the game is won from here on out"
if you actually care about your rank, you cant always be as cool as this renekton. You can always chill out and have fun in normal games, aram, arurf etc. You can even create/buy a smurf account. How can you act cool while you are losing trying to climb? Especially in high elo, games tend to be a flip and many times you lose even tho you do almost no mistakes. I believe that getting mad is good for you, IF you try to get better at anything
The fact that he didn't farm for 5 mins, didn't spend extra 800+ gold, and won against a Renekton with only a sheen while standing still, makes me fear Nasus as a champion more now lmao Also thanks for this video, i love those educational bad scenarios videos a lot, please keep them coming.
Feliz nasus isnt op as a champ. If you strugle against him just build shit that stops his movement and healing and let your midlaner and adc kill the fucksr
The issue with how the Renekton played was that he just mindlessly shoved into the Nasus. He's not denying him any CS, if anything, he's just giving the Nasus the free opportunity to farm after each shove. Had he shoved and froze, it would've been an entirely different story, being able to freeze the wave and then run Nasus down or focus on repeatedly burst trading and setup ganks
kite him bro u can't win stand still 1v1 againt Nasus when he have Ult he Q ever 2s and have in build heal plus his W slow ur attack speed his E penetrate ur armor. How do u win that maybe ur Trundle or olaf or Darius or tryndamare full rage
@@wabalaka1565 dude you can still kite.this renekton just traded autohits with nasus even when renekton doesnt deal any dmg outside of his skills. It was like the renekton really tried to die there
@@Uniformbogen you shouldn't be in the position where you have to kite in the first place if you used both of your dashes to get on him you're dead kiting or not especially with Nasus w.
nah, he'll be like 'Riot fix Nasus and the entire game, holy, this is getting soo frustrating' *5 minutes later:* welcome to summoner rift (btw, unless someone tells him, he probably will never watch this video or relatively close to this one) ;)
One of the most helpful, inspiring, mindset-clarifying videos I've seen on reasons not to tilt. Huge props to you, Hector, the video editors, and the entire Skill-Capped team.
Mid Laner and jungler dies to the enemy and they securing dragon and rift herald and getting tier 2 midlane tower, teammates are flaming why are you not helping the team, and teammates are spam pinging you and surrender vote, your whole team is 0/19/0. Goodluck!!
Splitting bot, having all 5 enemies on my botlane trying to kill me, while our team, with vision in their jungle does not go baron, but instead hovers it
just watch my history of games 17 games and not 1 team that knew his stuff there is 1 win but that time the team didnt int at least and i was able to carry
5:26 "sorry junglers" LOL poor jungle T-T Thing is, how OP minion exp is early on just means when we're behind, ganking is actually the best way to catch back up... even if you don't get kills, absorbing that sweet exp is so strong.
Skillcapped: "With a cheaty recall that gives you double your opponent's items at level 2, you're guaranteed to stomp lane and snowball!" Me, looking at my cheated cull: "...You gonna be there for me when I mis-position and get blitz pulled, right?" My cull: "Nah, bro, you're on your own."
@@yutasato2441 counting on team in soloq on low elo is one of the worse way to climb. They are random people that does random moves and it is hard to rely on them most of the time. They can feed, they can snowball and them stupidly give shutdown gold over and over. They can be good too, but the chances are low
"What should happen is more important that what happens". Whatever I think I can accomplish, is more easy to accomplish if I honestly try instead of not doing it. Insanely good advice from another video, but it can be applied to this video, and others as well. I think, everything, lol.
Next week: We forced one of our experts to pick yuumi toplane, build lethality and take aftershock. We dumped him around in gold and he is not allowed to take kills or cs. To make it harder to hector, he is also not allowed to base AND not allowed to win AT ALL. We'll see how a challenger smurf still wins, because all low elo players suck.
This mind set really helped me in every game i play, as an adc even though my support feeds i still can sometimes carry the games or just have a great time playing even though i lost at the end
Hey skill capped, I recently had a game where after not playing pvp for 4 months I didn't know how to lane against a Fiora even as a mastery 6 Garen. I just stayed at a safe distance without farming and got flame horizoned, but we won late game because the Fiora was not being impactful elsewhere around the map while I was effectively frontlining with a full tank build in every teamfight. Needless to stay I kept saying top diff to tilt them even more as we were ending the game, so thanks for the good strategy
I don't know how to get this message to him, but I wanted to say that I named one of my newborn kittens Hector, because this kitten was born 9 hours after it's siblings and then immediately pushed its way to the food despite being half their size already. Thanks Hector for all the great lessons and entertainment!
in the jungle it's harder since you get pressured on by that counterjungle and their jungle is either taken by laners or is cleared by the jungler when he paths towards yours. In this scenario, all I do is gank. Gank-river-gank-river-gank. it's a 3-gank path which i love since it can turn games around quite easily.
actually that last tip to stay positive is what scores me some victories. Even if your opponent crush 2 of your inhibitors, in late game, one horrible team fight on their side means a victory for you. I managed to pull that off 2 days ago when the enemy Riven is cocky enough to push by herself and punished, fool from her teammates, they force a 4v5 without their most fed member. We easily wipe them and push them all the way through.
So in one video you say that you can abuse cs leads as small as 10 minions and destroy the opponent, but then you can also not farm for 5 minutes and still win..... interesting
Well how I see it, the whole point is to demostrate that even when you are behind you can come back by punishing your rival mistakes, and clearly the rivals didn't try to make the best out of their leads even if they were little, I guess they want to show what can you do in both cases ahead and behind and that both can be effective with the correct game knowledge
Setting my mind to "Your opponent sucks" - sooooo ez. I think like this every game even before it started *feeling cool*. I am at least from 1/3 smurf 😎 :) tutorial
Not farming gold and stack is not the main problem. The main challenge is when you opponent freeze the wave and zone you from getting experience. But when try to break the freeze , they will punish you or even kill you.
To all watching, this is very important. This only works if you're either a bruiser or a tank. (source: my 1M mastery each with Tahm and Yorick). Tanks have items which are generally cheaper thus they can have less gold and still impact the game. An example is if I'm Yorick playing against let's say Irelia. Even if I'm 40 cs behind, I can still win mid game, why? Irelia's spike is with Trinity force which is 3700g. Yorick can adjust his item to a Frozen Gauntlet which is 2800g instead of Triforce. That means, a deficit of 900g or 45cs (900g/20g per cs average=45). Yes, I won't be able to 1v1 a triforce irelia BUT I can act as a tank in teamfight in which the armor the gauntlet gives counters the disadvantage of not being triforce yorick. Combine that with other tank+bruiser items, then I can generally have lower cs but yet still impact the game. This challenge is not to be compared if you're playing a non-tank carry. If you're playing vayne top and you didn't cs for 5 minutes, you're pretty much useless until end game.
You are right falling behind isnt bad in lower elo,today i played jhin mid VS irelia, i had a bad ping,an afk adc and flash exhaust, so i constantly reminded myself to use exhaust whenever chance shows up, i did lose lane, and irelia was afk farmi g, sure she was level ahead, but considering that i was playing jhin mid, and had a hook support, i used that advantage to get fed on bot lane, quickly i figured out it is not all about the farm, it is about just like you said, playing around our im not gonna lie irelia was tough,but exhaust and a hook support saved my game.
The itemisation of renekton Vs what he should have built, just highlighted to me why I win so much on maokai. I constantly consider if I'm Vs ap or ad and thus decides what my first item will be.
The main thing to take away from this is it's ok to not just rush your biggest item. You can easily adapt to your lane by building efficient epic items that shut down your opponent. Don't delay by a ton, but the small items matter tremendously
I think one of the main problems with low elo ranked and queues is losing mental really early into the game. Clear example of it in that one vs Renek where Kai'Sa and Senna were just fighting. Forcing fights inside out and not fighting the opponents instead makes people play horribly because they slack and blame teammates.
Imagine if any of them had the faintest idea of wave manipulation and froze the lane on his side of the turret. Especially with Urgot since his range allows him to get both the CS as well as zoning Nasus off experience.
As someone who plays both League and Smite it blows me away people don't know how to animation cancel. You live or die by your AA cancels in Smite and they're harder to pull off than they are in league in a lot of cases.
Alright I got it now. When I'm behind, I just need to keep going in to kill my opponent because they are trash. Eventually, my superior skill will overtake their lead from all my deaths. Challenger here I come!
Thats nice and dandy n' all, but I wanna see hector go against a team with a 3/0 Lead while the entire enemy team is fed with 6 kills each. I ain't impressed by winning lanes, I'm impressed by turning games.
I love your videos. However, this one is simply showing how a challenge player can beat down a gold player when behind and then snowball off their bad 1v1 fighting. It shows how skill can overcome gold advantage but when skill level is equal I don't think this concept translates. Put Hector against some challenger players and lets see how he does.
jekster I think the point is that he’s challenger because of the skills they are teaching, if you implement this skill you’re one step closer to challenger than you were before. You may be evenly skilled but if you Watched and learned from this vid and your opponent didn’t you have advantage. Also the point of putting him in gold is to show how to abuse low elo mistakes, it’s still applicable in challenger but they will make less mistakes and the video wouldn’t be as educational
Skill in standing still, rightclicking and spamming Q? They picked champion for 2heads like nasus to show everybody can do this Just play easy champ like mundo, voli, malphite and focus on the game, not the champion (like every silver yasuo main)
Adjusting yes, exactly that skill, knowing your champion and having patience, and performing the basics such as last hitting as opposed to getting frustrated at being behind and running it down your own lane even more
Dude stop the hating, its a educational video showing you that knowing your champions strengths and the right kit can overcome a bad start. Stop with this shit about challenger player x gold, would you attend a class that someone is dumb than you ? Challenger player know about the champion ,if it was a gold player he would never blame himself because he already "knows everything" ,its jungle or bot fault for losing 0/20/0
a silver 4 reenekton with a negative winrate-* in a silver 4 NA elo which is about mid bronze on eu.... playing nasus the best duelist in the game for melee range
Wit that Jax example, how would you find out their Runes beforehand. For example, you can look at their keystone, and then secondary page by hitting tab, but how would you know the specific rules. Please help me on this, because I feel like a genius now with this information ad want to reinforce it even more.
Like and Subscribe if you want Hector to work weekends! 👏
I want to see more of his limit testing content xD
Can you do this but in diamond multiple times against an adc and/or mage top pls?
That show us how unbalants is leag. So the only reson why hector won is cuz enemys was bulding wrong items
I'm tryna know how to play against a GOOD lucian/vayne/roaming quinn from behind
This concept is amazing. I would love to see it applied for control mages in the mid lane. (Also, lots of love to Hector for sacrificing his weekend to show us how much we actually suck).
“You will almost never be in this bad of a situation in a real game.”
I think they greatly underrated my ability to unintentionally feed.
Actually, I suspect they are politely trying to show you how not to, without saying so and causing offense...
And I was making a joke not a serious critique of the video :/
@@timroberts6989 I feel the point is more that it's better to give up cs than to die in lane
i think they also forgot the darius nasus match up where darius can make nasus only have 19 cs in 20 min which i did i was the darius and nasus got nothing
@@goldsm1th92 I personally find the nasus darius matchup easy (as nasus). Just farm under tower, wither if he pulls you in and once you got enough stacks and ult wait for him to waste his q on the wave. Also I start cloth armour and 4 pots to help with early sustain seeing as your passive doesn't heal much early game cause you're doing no damage
"Your opponent sucks. Just abuse their mistakes"
See, there is your first mistake skill capped. I *also* suck.
You suck if you don't think. You have one main, right? So just analyze matchups nonstop and try to figure out how to fully counter you own champion. Based on that, if you find that matchup, analyze that replay and see which mistakes did you do, and which mistakes did your opponent do, and just like that you've become a game plan factory. You'll identify mistakes if you know which game plan did you have to follow, and which game plan did your opponent have to follow.
There's a special case for toplane though: wave management and champion knowledge > everything else in the laning phase.
@@HappyGick thanks I'll use your knowledge to go from bronze to silver (which is my end goal for this year) . Should I analyze matchups in normals first? I got carried through my iron promos
@@benkoskinen3871 Normals are good for mastering your champion. Laning phase is a bit harder since no one takes normals seriously (and they're not meant to be taken seriously), but normals still teach you about it anyways. People say normals don't teach you anything, but chances are, you make the same mistakes both in ranked and in normals, because the only difference between them is that in ranked you get or lose LP depending on the outcome of the game, and normals don't lose you anything. It's the same game. So analyzing normals can help you. It's better to analyze what you're doing during the game though.
yip thats what i think too xD
like i can say that i see a disatvantage in the enemy because he levels wrong or he builds the wrong things... but says that i build the right ones?
"500 Ping cant do anything"
Challenger IQ moves
Truly a master of deception
Illusion 100
"im vryu laggy"
Skill capped: "falling behind is not a huge deal"
Them in the next video: "by walking into lane 1 microsecond later, he practically threw and the game is won from here on out"
In high elo, low is different
the point is the mentality.
Basically Griefing by walking into the bush lmao goldies amirite
OMG, finally a guide that applies to the game the way I play it
haha 🤣
Why would you actively seek out being behind 😕
@@antyeshtifilm it comes naturally
"so we held Hector's family hostage and made him win a game with his eyes close to prove that you don't need eyes to play league of legends"
Renekton: "well you won this round brother"
finally someone who cares about lore
Next video: we forced Hector to play Yuumi jungle in gold to prove picks don't matter much in low elo. He ended up getting a 2 week vacation, tho.
Me made Mcbaze Yuumi mid..
@@skillcapped LMAO.
By the way, that McBaze Yuumi mid video is probably my all-time favorite video of yours. Extremely helpful. Watched it like 10 times.
Whats the name of the video?
@@hommelduhs mate...really? Just search for yuumi mid skill capped... on youtube
If all of us league players were as cool as this renekton when we lost...the game would be much more enjoyable and competitive 3:27
My friend and I love to do lol roleplay like that, specially my friend
Him saying brother I would say there’s a good chance he watches SRO
I dont flame the worst player, I flame the worst person. Im polite most of the time
@@Feyolen nasus and renekton are brothers in game...
if you actually care about your rank, you cant always be as cool as this renekton. You can always chill out and have fun in normal games, aram, arurf etc. You can even create/buy a smurf account. How can you act cool while you are losing trying to climb? Especially in high elo, games tend to be a flip and many times you lose even tho you do almost no mistakes. I believe that getting mad is good for you, IF you try to get better at anything
The fact that he didn't farm for 5 mins, didn't spend extra 800+ gold, and won against a Renekton with only a sheen while standing still, makes me fear Nasus as a champion more now lmao
Also thanks for this video, i love those educational bad scenarios videos a lot, please keep them coming.
Feliz nasus isnt op as a champ. If you strugle against him just build shit that stops his movement and healing and let your midlaner and adc kill the fucksr
The issue with how the Renekton played was that he just mindlessly shoved into the Nasus. He's not denying him any CS, if anything, he's just giving the Nasus the free opportunity to farm after each shove.
Had he shoved and froze, it would've been an entirely different story, being able to freeze the wave and then run Nasus down or focus on repeatedly burst trading and setup ganks
kite him bro u can't win stand still 1v1 againt Nasus when he have Ult he Q ever 2s and have in build heal plus his W slow ur attack speed his E penetrate ur armor. How do u win that maybe ur Trundle or olaf or Darius or tryndamare full rage
@@wabalaka1565 dude you can still kite.this renekton just traded autohits with nasus even when renekton doesnt deal any dmg outside of his skills. It was like the renekton really tried to die there
@@Uniformbogen you shouldn't be in the position where you have to kite in the first place if you used both of your dashes to get on him you're dead kiting or not especially with Nasus w.
But what do you do if the enemy laner is a challenger smurf messing around for a video on youtube?
Be a hector
Out-Hector him
Lmao 🤣🤣🤣
I bet that Renekton player will never pick up that champ again.
He is Nasus main now
if he didnt uninstall already
nah, he'll be like 'Riot fix Nasus and the entire game, holy, this is getting soo frustrating'
*5 minutes later:* welcome to summoner rift
(btw, unless someone tells him, he probably will never watch this video or relatively close to this one) ;)
nope, hel most likely attribute the loss to something else and will q up again
@@moezaic5237 league is hard.
... for all the wrong reasons.
alternate title: "we made hector int your ranked games and 1v9 it afterwards just to prove a point"
Hector suffers for our sins. Everytime with a challenge he has to do it
Skill Capped > ProGuides
Are you getting ganked in your own lane???
Proguides seems way too simple and surface level. I like how Skill capped really gets into the specific situations and explain intuitively
3:32 renekton: well you won this round brother
paid actor gold oscars omegalul
Fun Fact: Renekton and Nasus are brothers so that's why he said that. Relating to the lore.
@@vinsoid8485 I know that back in pre alpha LoL before S1
paid actor still
@@UnordinaryCarl Renekton and Nasus came out after beta?
@@vault-tecrep8565 lol wiki
by the way-hashinshin
"Rushing sheen is worse than rushing tiamet"
Animated Rick but it takes away wave control, dueling, and mana, AND cdr, AND makes you take longer to get trinity
"Your opponent is bad" - Nice!
*Goes into game*
*First times Fiora*
*plays against Master Jax main in normal game*
*gets obliterated*
*rage quit*
@TheWeeaboo truue
'Well you won this round, brother' ~Renekton at 3:28
"So we challenged Hector to play blindfolded and put language settings to German so he cant find any items in the shop either"
Changing langauge doesnt do anything on hiding.items
@@loafofbread9400 he cannot see the items tho LMAO
but he is blind folded do u have brain? LMAO
One of the most helpful, inspiring, mindset-clarifying videos I've seen on reasons not to tilt. Huge props to you, Hector, the video editors, and the entire Skill-Capped team.
Skill Capped, How do I play from behind?
"Just be better than your opponent."
Actual respect for Hector
I feel like there's a life lesson hidden here.
Oh well, I'm just gonna go back to inting as bruiser Soraka top lol
aahahhaha! can i join ya? trust me im good yuumi feeder jg
btw i play on EUW and my IGN is Oliver The King
As long as it's not ranked is OK 😛
Damm you, now I don't have any excuses left not to make it out of silver.
Your 1/17 bot lane. You're welcome.
Your 0/20 Botlane and midlaner and your jungler going afk after dieing on his raptors
Mid Laner and jungler dies to the enemy and they securing dragon and rift herald and getting tier 2 midlane tower, teammates are flaming why are you not helping the team, and teammates are spam pinging you and surrender vote, your whole team is 0/19/0. Goodluck!!
Splitting bot, having all 5 enemies on my botlane trying to kill me, while our team, with vision in their jungle does not go baron, but instead hovers it
just watch my history of games 17 games and not 1 team that knew his stuff there is 1 win but that time the team didnt int at least and i was able to carry
5:26 "sorry junglers" LOL poor jungle T-T Thing is, how OP minion exp is early on just means when we're behind, ganking is actually the best way to catch back up... even if you don't get kills, absorbing that sweet exp is so strong.
Someone give Hector a raise!
3:25 The renekton with good sportsmanship
I'd rather watch "How to not lose when you're ahead 30 cs"
Skillcapped: "With a cheaty recall that gives you double your opponent's items at level 2, you're guaranteed to stomp lane and snowball!"
Me, looking at my cheated cull: "...You gonna be there for me when I mis-position and get blitz pulled, right?"
My cull: "Nah, bro, you're on your own."
These hector videos will honestly make u guys more popular than other companies like mobalytics
So how did Hector use his Mindset to stomp this lane:
Hector: Im Challanger..
LOL 5:26 "Holding back would only bring shame to the other. Let's give it our all"
by far the best and most professional league content channel i've ever seen
11:15 when you're making graphics but dont remember the actual name of your channel
10:56 What if I'm NOT the better player? :c
You could be team oriented instead if you lost lane hard. Not every game is winnable too, it's just a matter of consistency
@@yutasato2441 counting on team in soloq on low elo is one of the worse way to climb. They are random people that does random moves and it is hard to rely on them most of the time. They can feed, they can snowball and them stupidly give shutdown gold over and over. They can be good too, but the chances are low
@@TheExiledMeriler if you lost lane hard there's no other way
then you lose?
then stay in that rank forever lol
"What should happen is more important that what happens".
Whatever I think I can accomplish, is more easy to accomplish if I honestly try instead of not doing it. Insanely good advice from another video, but it can be applied to this video, and others as well. I think, everything, lol.
i love how you guys make hector suffer stupid things to prove points. its entertaining and insightful
Very interesting video. Im gonna try this in soloq later tonight
the skills the video taught us or the 5 min no cs?
@@Ivan-of5vb I wont say
Running in a renekton hoping he first timed him?
Thanks! I always keep missing cs when playing Jungle and Support!
Im actually an expert in the field of missing cs. If hector needs any advice with this he can hire me for some iron coaching.
when he said "a cool build, but totally worthless", I felt that xd
Started to watch ur videos little over a month ago. I was s2 back then. Now im P4 and im still climbing. Really love ur videos :)
Next week:
We forced one of our experts to pick yuumi toplane, build lethality and take aftershock. We dumped him around in gold and he is not allowed to take kills or cs. To make it harder to hector, he is also not allowed to base AND not allowed to win AT ALL. We'll see how a challenger smurf still wins, because all low elo players suck.
This mind set really helped me in every game i play, as an adc even though my support feeds i still can sometimes carry the games or just have a great time playing even though i lost at the end
Hey skill capped, I recently had a game where after not playing pvp for 4 months I didn't know how to lane against a Fiora even as a mastery 6 Garen.
I just stayed at a safe distance without farming and got flame horizoned, but we won late game because the Fiora was not being impactful elsewhere around the map while I was effectively frontlining with a full tank build in every teamfight.
Needless to stay I kept saying top diff to tilt them even more as we were ending the game, so thanks for the good strategy
"Well you won this round brother" what a fucking guy. I love this renekton
I don't even need to watch the video to know that the game will still go exactly like normal it will just take Nasus 5 extra minutes to catch up
This should be a mandatory video for everyone in my elo....
I don't know how to get this message to him, but I wanted to say that I named one of my newborn kittens Hector, because this kitten was born 9 hours after it's siblings and then immediately pushed its way to the food despite being half their size already. Thanks Hector for all the great lessons and entertainment!
in the jungle it's harder since you get pressured on by that counterjungle and their jungle is either taken by laners or is cleared by the jungler when he paths towards yours. In this scenario, all I do is gank. Gank-river-gank-river-gank. it's a 3-gank path which i love since it can turn games around quite easily.
Your opponent sucks?
- Well I suck more......
Now do one with ranged toplaners, 2 diffrent world's
Next video: we made Hector teammate feed 0/7/0. In 10min each of his lane
This whole Hector stuff has to become a meme eventually. "We made Hector play using a guitar to prove how fundamentals win every time"
We challenged hector to play a high scaling champ into an early game snowball champ and told him to play safe for the first 9 minutes
actually that last tip to stay positive is what scores me some victories. Even if your opponent crush 2 of your inhibitors, in late game, one horrible team fight on their side means a victory for you. I managed to pull that off 2 days ago when the enemy Riven is cocky enough to push by herself and punished, fool from her teammates, they force a 4v5 without their most fed member. We easily wipe them and push them all the way through.
Ah this is nothing have you seen my midlaner get his first cs at 20 minutes?
Your opponent sucks, continues to show TSM I am crying from laughter
So in one video you say that you can abuse cs leads as small as 10 minions and destroy the opponent, but then you can also not farm for 5 minutes and still win..... interesting
Yeah, those are in no way mutually exclusive?
if they're even in skill or matchup then yeah 10 cs means alot. this video just showed what other factors can be used to win low elo games
this video is more about abusing enemies mistakes than how to comeback into the game
Well how I see it, the whole point is to demostrate that even when you are behind you can come back by punishing your rival mistakes, and clearly the rivals didn't try to make the best out of their leads even if they were little, I guess they want to show what can you do in both cases ahead and behind and that both can be effective with the correct game knowledge
This Vid helped me ALOT thanks. (new player) I didn't realize how overly aggressive I was playing early game for no reason until I watched this vid
Setting my mind to "Your opponent sucks" - sooooo ez. I think like this every game even before it started *feeling cool*. I am at least from 1/3 smurf 😎 :) tutorial
Not farming gold and stack is not the main problem. The main challenge is when you opponent freeze the wave and zone you from getting experience. But when try to break the freeze , they will punish you or even kill you.
To all watching, this is very important. This only works if you're either a bruiser or a tank. (source: my 1M mastery each with Tahm and Yorick). Tanks have items which are generally cheaper thus they can have less gold and still impact the game. An example is if I'm Yorick playing against let's say Irelia. Even if I'm 40 cs behind, I can still win mid game, why? Irelia's spike is with Trinity force which is 3700g. Yorick can adjust his item to a Frozen Gauntlet which is 2800g instead of Triforce. That means, a deficit of 900g or 45cs (900g/20g per cs average=45).
Yes, I won't be able to 1v1 a triforce irelia BUT I can act as a tank in teamfight in which the armor the gauntlet gives counters the disadvantage of not being triforce yorick.
Combine that with other tank+bruiser items, then I can generally have lower cs but yet still impact the game.
This challenge is not to be compared if you're playing a non-tank carry. If you're playing vayne top and you didn't cs for 5 minutes, you're pretty much useless until end game.
The skill gap is too huge! 10 min afk for a real challenge, or let Hector do it in Diamond.
"Sorry Junglers" Damn they really be doing Tyler1 dirty in the captions
You are right falling behind isnt bad in lower elo,today i played jhin mid VS irelia, i had a bad ping,an afk adc and flash exhaust, so i constantly reminded myself to use exhaust whenever chance shows up, i did lose lane, and irelia was afk farmi g, sure she was level ahead, but considering that i was playing jhin mid, and had a hook support, i used that advantage to get fed on bot lane, quickly i figured out it is not all about the farm, it is about just like you said, playing around our im not gonna lie irelia was tough,but exhaust and a hook support saved my game.
That Renekton acknowledging Nasus' victory tho
hector makes it looks sooo easy. WOW
I would prefer more of these kind of videos.
The itemisation of renekton Vs what he should have built, just highlighted to me why I win so much on maokai. I constantly consider if I'm Vs ap or ad and thus decides what my first item will be.
Jokes on you, I often go zero CS at 10 minutes, support Mages ftw!
"To further prove our point Hector will not spend the futher 800 gold" - Proceeds to unbuy his short sword & health crystal ":("
Skill caped:lets make a new video puting Hector in a bad spot
Hector: Ahh shit here we go again
I like that they use a conqueror Jax page for the good player while phase rush has been dominating hard lately.
I can feel the hurt inside missing those last hits
have him duo with you, while you go 0/9/0 and thats the kind of guide i need
Can you do a DC the ADC and see how a support solo carries please?
"for 5 Minutes" why does he start at 5 mins then if the minions just arrive on the top at like 2:05
The main thing to take away from this is it's ok to not just rush your biggest item. You can easily adapt to your lane by building efficient epic items that shut down your opponent. Don't delay by a ton, but the small items matter tremendously
I think one of the main problems with low elo ranked and queues is losing mental really early into the game. Clear example of it in that one vs Renek where Kai'Sa and Senna were just fighting. Forcing fights inside out and not fighting the opponents instead makes people play horribly because they slack and blame teammates.
Imagine if any of them had the faintest idea of wave manipulation and froze the lane on his side of the turret. Especially with Urgot since his range allows him to get both the CS as well as zoning Nasus off experience.
This vod just proves that I should become nasus one trick
E max after w makes jax much weaker 6:50, good players max e after w... ? What should the skill order be?
As someone who plays both League and Smite it blows me away people don't know how to animation cancel. You live or die by your AA cancels in Smite and they're harder to pull off than they are in league in a lot of cases.
Alright I got it now. When I'm behind, I just need to keep going in to kill my opponent because they are trash. Eventually, my superior skill will overtake their lead from all my deaths. Challenger here I come!
Hi i am happy for this video. Can you do a guide for setup the lane as adc (for all case sustain, all in and poke)?
Thats nice and dandy n' all, but I wanna see hector go against a team with a 3/0 Lead while the entire enemy team is fed with 6 kills each. I ain't impressed by winning lanes, I'm impressed by turning games.
I love your videos. However, this one is simply showing how a challenge player can beat down a gold player when behind and then snowball off their bad 1v1 fighting. It shows how skill can overcome gold advantage but when skill level is equal I don't think this concept translates. Put Hector against some challenger players and lets see how he does.
jekster I think the point is that he’s challenger because of the skills they are teaching, if you implement this skill you’re one step closer to challenger than you were before. You may be evenly skilled but if you
Watched and learned from this vid and your opponent didn’t you have advantage. Also the point of putting him in gold is to show how to abuse low elo mistakes, it’s still applicable in challenger but they will make less mistakes and the video wouldn’t be as educational
Skill in standing still, rightclicking and spamming Q? They picked champion for 2heads like nasus to show everybody can do this
Just play easy champ like mundo, voli, malphite and focus on the game, not the champion (like every silver yasuo main)
Adjusting yes, exactly that skill, knowing your champion and having patience, and performing the basics such as last hitting as opposed to getting frustrated at being behind and running it down your own lane even more
Dude stop the hating, its a educational video showing you that knowing your champions strengths and the right kit can overcome a bad start. Stop with this shit about challenger player x gold, would you attend a class that someone is dumb than you ? Challenger player know about the champion ,if it was a gold player he would never blame himself because he already "knows everything" ,its jungle or bot fault for losing 0/20/0
a silver 4 reenekton with a negative winrate-* in a silver 4 NA elo which is about mid bronze on eu.... playing nasus the best duelist in the game for melee range
"let your personal hatred flow through this line tyler" subtitles lol? 5:36
What was Renek's CS at min 10 when they fighted? Because nauses has 60 cs, it's probably the same CS renek has. What items had renek as well?
We want more hector! We want more hector! We want more hector!
Sill-capped : your opponent is suck
me in rift : i suck
Will not work with snowball champs. Easy to do with scaling champs like susan
I would be super interested to see this challenge but as blitz
You should do these challenges but tell the opposing player how to counter you at the same time
Challenge hector to play with 2 feeders, 1 afk, and 1 flamer. This happens a lot in diamond. (Philippine Server)
Wit that Jax example, how would you find out their Runes beforehand. For example, you can look at their keystone, and then secondary page by hitting tab, but how would you know the specific rules. Please help me on this, because I feel like a genius now with this information ad want to reinforce it even more.
Send Hector to D4 on the EUNE server, and then let him win 3 games in a row. See now, that is a true challenge.
What's the song name at 8:23?
8:42 Best lines ever xD