Maybe make him do it vs a hyperscaling champion like Vlad, Veigar, bcs vs galio kills won’t matter that much bcs he is tanky but won’t get to a point that oneshot you like Veigar or vlad
It is no surprise that feeding certain champions does not provide equally bad game state as with others. If it was Zed, Katarina, Talon or Yasuo, it would've been a completely different story. I am afraid there was nothing new in this video. Especially since deaths were early in the game when resurrection timers are short. And not enough emphasis on the fact, that nobody at the shown elo does almost 10 CS/min. AND dying at the same time once a minute. With that farm accuracy people are at much closer to Challenger elo anyway.
@@anomaly3055 it was my first though, i didn't expect him to be 0/5 at 8 minute Maybe more realistic would be 2 people leaving game, but lets be honest 3v5 0/5 Hector would like this oods
Today, we tied Hectors hands behind his back to simulate what low elo players look like, and told him to take 10 second blinks to severely impair his visibility...
Imagine trying your best in your rank game and winning 5/0 on your lane only to find out that Skill Capped is just using you as a test subject for Hector's suffering.
@@Checco185 No, it's kind of the opposite, you can kill people, but can't attack towers."zero damage Tryndamere" is zero damage to champions, what I mean is zero damage to structures.
No joke I really thought they would say, “The point of these challenges is to make Hector as miserable as possible” XD Keep up the great work Skill Capped and Hector.
"In order to prove that good macro is REALLY all you need to win games, we challenged hector to lose a game while trying is absolute best, BUT making every single wrong macro play available." I feel like this might be a good challenge 😉
no he just didnt want to make it obvious, if he shows galio that hes trolling galio may think its a free win anyways and then he starts concentrating less. He didnt want galio to lose focus on the game.
@@kidthebilly7766 cuz u will be banned for inting :D. Except if riot watches this video he won't be banned for inting, the chance is higher that he gets banned for account sharing.
good video! Recap of things i learned 1. play safer if enemy has a big wave near tower and limit test when i have the big wave which gets denied from them if tower dive/aggression is succesfull 2. Analyze the match up and go in to reclaim lead once they do something their champion shouldn't be doing these concepts perfect for me because, i never ff in ranked there was this one time i feed a vayne to 6/0 at 7 min but still got most honored because i stayed positive was was right about the vayne not knowing how to use/keep the lead lol
It's worth noting at 4:53 in that brief tab to items, Ryze is still up 24 CS on his opponent. The gold difference isn't quite as terrible as it could be. They made an excellent point about how important it is to clear the wave--It shows in the comeback. Great video!
This is a great video. I've been struggling to get Silver I (don't laugh, I'm a new player) and I'm always kinda depressed when I'm feeding early or I see my team mates be 0/4 in like 5 minutes. But since a few games I'm telling myself that people are throwing a lot, especially in this elo, so I'm doing my best until the very end. In a game I played recently, the early was awful. I was 0/3 as Miss Fortune ADC and the whole team kept dying too. I decided to power farm, and even if we got an open Nexus, I was level 18 and full built and I managed to help my team get 2 aces in a row, get elder, baron and straight to win with a score of like 8/7/12 or something. It's not great but hey, I went from a full deppressed 0/4 to winning the game against throwing ennemies. I'm happy with that, even if I don't carry. I eventually played in that spirit in the next few games and got a Quadra and then a Pentakill ! Now I won't surrend the game that easily. I've been playing since like April or something (ty Covid-19), and I just learned that having the right mindset is at least 50% of your winning chances. Not always easy, but with /mute all and a focusing mind, it's doable :)
to simulate playing with the poor connection we have placed Hector, inside of a 4x4 wooden box in the middle of the Nevada desert with a laptop and satellite internet to see if he can carry his iron team.
Thanks to skill capped I did climb up from silver 1 to plat 4 just by watching youtube videos, it does work. Unfortunately, I'm stuck again because I am not able to win the game just by laning and take advantage of enemies mistakes that we can learn from here(I am now doing them quite well), the team fights and mid and late-game macro decisions are so chaotic that just I don't know what to do
I think this guide not only tells you how to come back from a game, but also how to actually kill. Thanks to this guide, I just noticed that some of my kills are a lot more meaningless than I thought.
I use to play Demigod before playing League and I recall one of my very first games of League with the friend that talked me into it where I said, "I know dying is bad, but I don't know how to stop..." Fast forward to the present. I have almost exclusively played Illaoi. Why? I never figured out how to stop dying; instead I figured out how to take more of them with me when I do, lol. 🤣 Seriously, though. I went 0/8 in lane into a Darius, made sure my deaths at least meant something, and came back to start solo killing him when I finally got items. Don't give up; after each death ask yourself, "What is my situation, what is the map state, and what can I do to recover?" Watch how the enemy uses their lead, too. That Darius proceeded to run around the map constantly. Abandoning waves, plates, e.t.c. I knew I'd be able to avoid his focus after laning and get far more CS to balance out, and exceed, his kill lead.
This guide has 1 major flaw yes you can come back 0-5 if you're a challenger in low elo and even sometimes if you opponents mess up horribly, but most of the ppl arent challenger and starting 0-5 like this almost garuntees a loss for those ppl anyways alway love the content as always!
CHALLENGER CHALLENGE: Play a tank JG (e.g., Amumu) and duo with a mid lane Nunu "pet" troll that takes most camps and CS, shares any lane XP, and dies to the enemy when there is nothing left to sabotage. The troll obviously ints immediately at 00:15 -- not to be late for pet duty at first buff. Logistical note: You technically should queue as mid and your Nunu-pet duo should queue as JG; in champ select you type, "I am JG" and lock your Amumu. This is simply to replicate a more realistic degree of ally confusion, misplaced blame, and fatalism. You are still playing to win and your Nunu is playing to lose; you are still the JG and he is the mid, but your other three allies are despondent. Nunu votes "Yes" on any ff votes. I.e., play a fairly common plat/diamond game in NA.
There were definitely some really good tips in this Video, but what I’ve been interested in seeing for a while is what to do when the whole enemy team is fed. Let’s say the enemy Jgl and mid also both play assassins, how would you recover as an adc? I know that if you’re 0/5 in laning phase there are other things to work on, but what could you still do in that situation? If you’re really behind they’ll spam dive you, and if not then it still feels incredibly hard to build up a lead when the enemy team can just push all lanes with you, worst case, being the only member on your team who has watched skill capped. (Just started playing botlane, usually only play toplane which gives me another question, more to that later) Those situations are best avoided, but sometimes it’s already at that point and id really like to see hector carry that (maybe with premades to make it more acceptable). I’ve been playing tanks in toplane for quite a while now, and had rather big success (especially in laning phase), but compared to other characters it feels incredibly hard to do anything when the rest of your team is behind. If I come out of lane and the enemy Vayne (+others) is 10/0 I really feel like it’s over😕
Glad to see Hector again, but I'm curious to see how you can deal with a support taking CS as ADC. I'm still a little tilted from 2 games fighting the supp for the wave and getting forced into pushing the wave into turret.
Love your content I'll love to sign up for skill capped but I live in Mexico and 12dlls is to much money for me but love your content in UA-cam! When I have money I'll definitely will pay a month to learn all I can
Holy... Didn't knew about this concept yet I play like this (Push then limit test) with Ziggs long ago (Flash/ ghost + Aery) Good to know that, while I'm not doing the optimal choice all the time, I wasn't that wrong
I would like to see this challenge on a champion that isn't a hyper scaling champ. Does not matter if you feed or ryze if you make it to late game. Should try this again on an assasin or just a non hyper carry.
When I'd suggest a challenge for Hector, it would be Bronze Bravery. I'm aware you aren't always gonna be able to win this way, but that's a natural side-effect of a real challenge - you aren't always gonna get a first try win. I'd recommend doing this in low silver or Bronze but Gold might work, too(although you'd have to get pretty lucky with your build).
Skill Capped:"Okay Hector were going to need you to go 0/5/0 in silver" Hector Accepts Challenge: "Okay now I'm going to get myself executed to raptors 5 times EZ CLAP!"
champ that struggles when he falls behind, ryze :D what. Let him play an assassin that needs to burst someone. Ryze has great waveclear and always cc/ a bit of DPS. Assassin need to burst someone so items are really important. Letting him play an early/midgame champ makes it way harder to get back into the game since u cant just outscale the enemies.
You realize that 1/5 assassin with one item can still one shot adc right? Like people always complain about these challenges but its whole purpose is to show how to get back into the game when you're behind and how to punish enemies mistakes
@@ldz771 0/5 assassin wouldnt even have the cs of the ryze when ryze got the first kill, the assassin wouldnt be able to kill the galio and the adc just has to play a bit smart and he wont die. Its assassin favored but not auto loss for adcs.
@@sarmadghafoor1484 I really hope they do this challenge with pantheon so he can win easy too and make your silver ass understand that yall hard stuck because you lack fundamentals
Have Hector carry with a toplane bruiser. Yorick, preferrably, since he has no AoE, no DPS, heavily depends on his ult, is immobile, and for extra challenge, make him play against a Renekton, Shen or any toplane adc. The challenge is to itemize correctly.
Winning a matchup as Yorick is mostly about abusing enemy mistakes, and snowballing even the slightest leads. Also taking care of your Maiden, and managing your Ghouls. From there on it's just knowing where to be and why. With Yorick in low elo, it's easy to get and snowball leads, but it's also really easy to throw them. Knowing limits is extremely important as well. As for playing against Yorick, usually you want to abuse his lv1. I can't stress that enough, people for some stupid reason never do it. You also want to dodge his Es, and know which trades you win aganst him, and why. As a jungler, camping and diving him is a really good option. Maiden is very chaotic to control, so killing her every chance that you get is also a good call. She's affected by champion-only CC. CC lockdowns are also very good against him. Don't forgive a Yorick.
It is impressive, but I’d like to see him try it on someone like jayce/pantheon/kallista/Olaf who doesn’t scale into a late game monster from behind. I find it really hard to get back into the game when I mess up early on one of these champs
Hmm any advise on how to deal with team mate mentality? Someone can play ad/sp go even in lane or get a cs lead while their team ints topside and flame each other breaking each others mental and then they give up pre 15.
You cant control your team, just if you mute and play well yourself then its likely sometimes your team will believe you can carry and not mental boom. But you have to realise that theres 4 randoms on your team and 5 on the enemy team so the enemy has those players more unless youre the problem
just yesterday in silver I had a 10/0 yone mid and 6/1 jinx, while my adc, still triggered with his last game bought a support item, so we had a fasting senna adc that did no damage and a varus tank support, I went 24/9 as fiora and proved that if ur fed enough on fiora, you can spam Q and win just like on yi
Yo, guys! Could you, please, make Hector feed 5 times as ADC and show how to play this role when you are far behind? How to carry on role which is more damage support than a carry. Also, he should play not a giga safe champ as ez, maybe, someone as ashe or jhin.
Further torture.. I mean challenge.. of Hector by combining 5 deaths with zero CS does indeed sound interesting to watch. I would hope that's actually impossible outside of Wood League but let's see.
As a challenge I'd love to see Hector carry a completely inting and tilting team while staying even against his lane opponent for a certain amount of time.
This video: Here's how to play from behind with a pretty hefty lead for your opponent. also this video: Our challenger CSed well, so he isn't that far behind also also this video: EvERytHiNg yOu dO iS A mIStaKE
Kind of a cop-out really. You're playing a specific strat to minimise the impact of your 5 deaths, then carrying by being better. The reason that low elo players go behind is by either being outclassed in lane (aka dying under their own turret) or by not respecting vision or engages. A low elo player would be down 5 kills AND the farm too. All this does is teach the int-sion strat and then win by being a smurf. If you want this challenge to be better, put a person 2 divisions lower in lane for the first 10 mins with no outside help, then have Hector recover it whilst limiting his mechanics too.
Well, that's kind of the point. The whole video was about learning how to play from behind and identifying how much you've lost by dying. The "dying 5 times" bit is just clickbait.
@@nathannguyen298 But it's not the point though. The message of the video is "deaths aren't as impactful if you've shoved the wave in and bounced it", but what that's inversely saying is if you can't do that then you're fucked.
If you’re down that far you’ve already fucked up too hard and clearly need to work on laning mistakes rather than focusing on how to catch up. This video just illustrates how kills don’t matter, but rather minion denial matters more
so for Galio's first 'mistake' it seems like the play is defendable given the singed roaming down, so even if eve is there, it's a 2v2 with galio ahead. Am I missing something? EDIT: obviously he played the fight poorly and hector still won, which does play into the 'all-in against conq' mistake, though it's also that he doesn't kite back to singed at all really.
When talking about gold i feel it is also important to mention that thr more times you die the lower your gold value becomes. So the 300 gold per kill. If a team member ints 5 deaths like hector did. Hes not really giving 1500 in gold. Its more like 1000 cause of the devaluing.
dying 5 times in lane doesn't seem to matter when it's hector 😐
does Hector stream? Where can I find his streaming channel?
How about making Hector close a game ASAP? Like around 15 min. Would love to see the mentality of how to aggressive push to win
Maybe make him do it vs a hyperscaling champion like Vlad, Veigar, bcs vs galio kills won’t matter that much bcs he is tanky but won’t get to a point that oneshot you like Veigar or vlad
It is no surprise that feeding certain champions does not provide equally bad game state as with others. If it was Zed, Katarina, Talon or Yasuo, it would've been a completely different story. I am afraid there was nothing new in this video. Especially since deaths were early in the game when resurrection timers are short. And not enough emphasis on the fact, that nobody at the shown elo does almost 10 CS/min. AND dying at the same time once a minute. With that farm accuracy people are at much closer to Challenger elo anyway.
@@Enlyss Just sounds like excuses.
Hector: **Breathes**
Skill-Capped: "Is that a challenge?"
Skill Capped: We've made Hector play league without breathing and he carried the game still.
@@viniciusmarra1291 Would be pretty interesting if he had to take a 1-minute timeout if he has to breathe
@@viniciusmarra1291 breathing is overrated
I feel like Hector hasn’t been let out of Skill Capped headquarters for 3 years
I feel like my mid laners are trying this challenge every game
Me when the *150 likes, exactly 3 hours ago, no replies*
typical silver comment :|
Wait, were you my jungler last game? Lol
Yes, but only the death part, not the recovery after that😅
step one: *Be Challeneger*
Hector: *dies 5 times*
Hector: "okay it's time to carry"
Hectors team agrees to surrender 4/1
Bold of you to assume Hector wasn't already 15/5 by 15 min
@@anomaly3055 it was my first though, i didn't expect him to be 0/5 at 8 minute
Maybe more realistic would be 2 people leaving game, but lets be honest 3v5 0/5 Hector would like this oods
hahahhahaha imagine if that ad happened xD
@@petrboril4589 Enemy: It's a 3v5, you are five kills behind, your top lane is tilted, your bot is feeding!
Hector: So it's an even fight.
@@MrLastlived Hector: i'm gonna play ap yasuo so they will have some chance
Today, we tied Hectors hands behind his back to simulate what low elo players look like, and told him to take 10 second blinks to severely impair his visibility...
there is a video when he only uses his mouse and has to click the ability and then the target.
Yeah, brother they actually already did this
Imagine trying your best in your rank game and winning 5/0 on your lane only to find out that Skill Capped is just using you as a test subject for Hector's suffering.
*reads title before clicking on the video*
"poor Hector..."
Yeah I said that out loud
The single dingle master
@@boli5636 lmaoo
@@boli5636 we chilling
if you can't handle me at my disoster, you don't deserve me at my shilling
we at sub-optimal temperatures for this single dingle
Hector: *exists*
Skill Capped: Did I just catch you having fun?
That Galio is cute af thinking he's doing really well
Thats the galio that will type ? In all chat and spam emotes and then wonder why hes silver.
7:42 Mordekaiser: "he smurfing with that blue champ lmao"
Meaning Mordekaiser is bronze or iron?
Next challenge: win without destroying enemy nexus
@Maxblau surrender destroys the enemy nexus bro
@@magistrate7009 but you’re not destroying it, so it counts
win without even touching an enemy torrent/inhibitor
@@george-hh-chang basically "zero damage Tryndamere", that was meta some time ago
@@Checco185 No, it's kind of the opposite, you can kill people, but can't attack towers."zero damage Tryndamere" is zero damage to champions, what I mean is zero damage to structures.
No joke I really thought they would say, “The point of these challenges is to make Hector as miserable as possible” XD
Keep up the great work Skill Capped and Hector.
"In order to prove that good macro is REALLY all you need to win games, we challenged hector to lose a game while trying is absolute best, BUT making every single wrong macro play available."
I feel like this might be a good challenge 😉
Thats actually a good idea
yeah but it doesn't teach anything lol
@@vannoah no it actually teaches a lot because it's gonna show most mistakes we make and get analysis from it
Idk, Hector is not only ahead in terms of macro choices, but also mechanichaly of any low elo player. He probably can just run down mid and still win.
How thebaus gets good cs
"Just one more wave"
I love how he is such a great player that he literally struggles inting the Galio 1:24
no he just didnt want to make it obvious, if he shows galio that hes trolling galio may think its a free win anyways and then he starts concentrating less. He didnt want galio to lose focus on the game.
@@rafunzel3980 no he didnt want to get banned for inting...
@@kidthebilly7766 cuz u will be banned for inting :D. Except if riot watches this video he won't be banned for inting, the chance is higher that he gets banned for account sharing.
it is not the same to feed a galio as ryze than feeding an assasin like fizz or so
No. It's not AS BAD to feed a galio AS RYZE than to feed a galio as AN ASSASSIN. what they're playing isn't part of the equation in low ELO
Welp, he can only tried once
7:41 lmao the chat, he's smurfing with that BLUE CHAMP
7:20 kill PURPLE THING
good video!
Recap of things i learned
1. play safer if enemy has a big wave near tower and limit test when i have the big wave which gets denied from them if tower dive/aggression is succesfull
2. Analyze the match up and go in to reclaim lead once they do something their champion shouldn't be doing
these concepts perfect for me because, i never ff in ranked there was this one time i feed a vayne to 6/0 at 7 min but still got most honored because i stayed positive was was right about the vayne not knowing how to use/keep the lead lol
"and we were worried he was *almost* feeling happy again, so we knew it was time"
mmmmm the content we love
what about 0/10 Yasuo power spike challenge?
My teammates: Ah you see, this is a quality death. And those other 5? Also quality deaths
'Making space'
Appreciate the content!
These videos are so great
They get the point across of constant low-elo mistakes, and they are also very fun to watch.
'Tis been a while since I've seen Hector LMAO. Nice video btw
It's worth noting at 4:53 in that brief tab to items, Ryze is still up 24 CS on his opponent. The gold difference isn't quite as terrible as it could be. They made an excellent point about how important it is to clear the wave--It shows in the comeback. Great video!
Hector: *Exists*
Skill-capped: *If life ain't fun, hand over the gun*
Today we reversed Hector's blink pattern! Instead of blinking every 30s, now he can open his eyes for a microsecond every 30s!
This is a great video. I've been struggling to get Silver I (don't laugh, I'm a new player) and I'm always kinda depressed when I'm feeding early or I see my team mates be 0/4 in like 5 minutes. But since a few games I'm telling myself that people are throwing a lot, especially in this elo, so I'm doing my best until the very end. In a game I played recently, the early was awful. I was 0/3 as Miss Fortune ADC and the whole team kept dying too. I decided to power farm, and even if we got an open Nexus, I was level 18 and full built and I managed to help my team get 2 aces in a row, get elder, baron and straight to win with a score of like 8/7/12 or something. It's not great but hey, I went from a full deppressed 0/4 to winning the game against throwing ennemies. I'm happy with that, even if I don't carry. I eventually played in that spirit in the next few games and got a Quadra and then a Pentakill ! Now I won't surrend the game that easily. I've been playing since like April or something (ty Covid-19), and I just learned that having the right mindset is at least 50% of your winning chances. Not always easy, but with /mute all and a focusing mind, it's doable :)
I would love if you did a baus sion replay analysis.
to simulate playing with the poor connection we have placed Hector, inside of a 4x4 wooden box in the middle of the Nevada desert with a laptop and satellite internet to see if he can carry his iron team.
Title: We Made a Challenger Die FIVE Times in Lane - Mid Guide
How I read: We made Hector die FIVE Times in Lane - Mid Guide
Oh, so the 0/10 Yasuo at 5 min was just waaay ahead of us, got it.
So when are we getting the amputated arms and eyes challenge to show how basic macro fundamentals outshine the need for limbs
Community: DOPA is the best solo que player
Hector: Hold my beer
Thanks to skill capped I did climb up from silver 1 to plat 4 just by watching youtube videos, it does work. Unfortunately, I'm stuck again because I am not able to win the game just by laning and take advantage of enemies mistakes that we can learn from here(I am now doing them quite well), the team fights and mid and late-game macro decisions are so chaotic that just I don't know what to do
I think this guide not only tells you how to come back from a game, but also how to actually kill. Thanks to this guide, I just noticed that some of my kills are a lot more meaningless than I thought.
“We were worried he was almost starting to feel happy again” I’m dying. Poor Hector. He’s always a #mood poor guy XD
5:10 morde pings question mark
5:20 10 seconds later: wp
I use to play Demigod before playing League and I recall one of my very first games of League with the friend that talked me into it where I said, "I know dying is bad, but I don't know how to stop..."
Fast forward to the present. I have almost exclusively played Illaoi. Why? I never figured out how to stop dying; instead I figured out how to take more of them with me when I do, lol.
Seriously, though. I went 0/8 in lane into a Darius, made sure my deaths at least meant something, and came back to start solo killing him when I finally got items. Don't give up; after each death ask yourself, "What is my situation, what is the map state, and what can I do to recover?"
Watch how the enemy uses their lead, too. That Darius proceeded to run around the map constantly. Abandoning waves, plates, e.t.c. I knew I'd be able to avoid his focus after laning and get far more CS to balance out, and exceed, his kill lead.
This guide has 1 major flaw yes you can come back 0-5 if you're a challenger in low elo and even sometimes if you opponents mess up horribly, but most of the ppl arent challenger and starting 0-5 like this almost garuntees a loss for those ppl anyways alway love the content as always!
Thanks for the guide!🙂 never thought about just not dying any time that you haven’t killed all their minions🙂
CHALLENGER CHALLENGE: Play a tank JG (e.g., Amumu) and duo with a mid lane Nunu "pet" troll that takes most camps and CS, shares any lane XP, and dies to the enemy when there is nothing left to sabotage. The troll obviously ints immediately at 00:15 -- not to be late for pet duty at first buff.
Logistical note: You technically should queue as mid and your Nunu-pet duo should queue as JG; in champ select you type, "I am JG" and lock your Amumu. This is simply to replicate a more realistic degree of ally confusion, misplaced blame, and fatalism. You are still playing to win and your Nunu is playing to lose; you are still the JG and he is the mid, but your other three allies are despondent. Nunu votes "Yes" on any ff votes. I.e., play a fairly common plat/diamond game in NA.
1:34 it's me every time trying to help bot
YAY a mid guide, i need these.
The skillcapped shield looks like the difficulty selection shield in Halo
There were definitely some really good tips in this Video, but what I’ve been interested in seeing for a while is what to do when the whole enemy team is fed. Let’s say the enemy Jgl and mid also both play assassins, how would you recover as an adc? I know that if you’re 0/5 in laning phase there are other things to work on, but what could you still do in that situation? If you’re really behind they’ll spam dive you, and if not then it still feels incredibly hard to build up a lead when the enemy team can just push all lanes with you, worst case, being the only member on your team who has watched skill capped. (Just started playing botlane, usually only play toplane which gives me another question, more to that later) Those situations are best avoided, but sometimes it’s already at that point and id really like to see hector carry that (maybe with premades to make it more acceptable).
I’ve been playing tanks in toplane for quite a while now, and had rather big success (especially in laning phase), but compared to other characters it feels incredibly hard to do anything when the rest of your team is behind.
If I come out of lane and the enemy Vayne (+others) is 10/0 I really feel like it’s over😕
Glad to see Hector again, but I'm curious to see how you can deal with a support taking CS as ADC. I'm still a little tilted from 2 games fighting the supp for the wave and getting forced into pushing the wave into turret.
Love your content I'll love to sign up for skill capped but I live in Mexico and 12dlls is to much money for me but love your content in UA-cam! When I have money I'll definitely will pay a month to learn all I can
Holy... Didn't knew about this concept yet I play like this (Push then limit test) with Ziggs long ago (Flash/ ghost + Aery)
Good to know that, while I'm not doing the optimal choice all the time, I wasn't that wrong
This explains to me why my deaths with sett arent that fatal (most of the time), never thought about that.
I would like to see this challenge on a champion that isn't a hyper scaling champ. Does not matter if you feed or ryze if you make it to late game. Should try this again on an assasin or just a non hyper carry.
How about you try doing this on Ryze or any scaling champ of your choosing and see how it goes?
When I'd suggest a challenge for Hector, it would be Bronze Bravery.
I'm aware you aren't always gonna be able to win this way, but that's a natural side-effect of a real challenge - you aren't always gonna get a first try win. I'd recommend doing this in low silver or Bronze but Gold might work, too(although you'd have to get pretty lucky with your build).
Can you make a guide on how to lane against champions like Urgot and Garen? I find it really hard to play against those champs
Skill Capped:"Okay Hector were going to need you to go 0/5/0 in silver"
Hector Accepts Challenge: "Okay now I'm going to get myself executed to raptors 5 times EZ CLAP!"
champ that struggles when he falls behind, ryze :D what. Let him play an assassin that needs to burst someone. Ryze has great waveclear and always cc/ a bit of DPS. Assassin need to burst someone so items are really important. Letting him play an early/midgame champ makes it way harder to get back into the game since u cant just outscale the enemies.
You cant carry games playing non scaling champs unless you are snowballing really hard and ur insane splitpusher
You realize that 1/5 assassin with one item can still one shot adc right?
Like people always complain about these challenges but its whole purpose is to show how to get back into the game when you're behind and how to punish enemies mistakes
Any assassin can kill every adc with the right combo, while a fed assassin just needs to land q, e and w.
@@nanime1694 not if the adc plays atleast a bit smart
@@ldz771 0/5 assassin wouldnt even have the cs of the ryze when ryze got the first kill, the assassin wouldnt be able to kill the galio and the adc just has to play a bit smart and he wont die. Its assassin favored but not auto loss for adcs.
Hector: Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
This channel should be called "How much can we torture Hector?"
I wish to see Hector do that same thing with Pantheon. I think that one would be a bit more difficult.
yea it would be impossible since he is a early game champ, he could only rely on his team mates at that point and get them fed through ults
@@sarmadghafoor1484 I really hope they do this challenge with pantheon so he can win easy too and make your silver ass understand that yall hard stuck because you lack fundamentals
How about this challenge but on a champion that doesn't scale well?
Hector: " I've only shown you 5% of my power. "
I love this channel!!! It's the best!!!!
Hector is the unsung hero of this chanel.
can we get this chall but with an early game champ? I feel like having a champ that CAN'T GET BACK INTO THE GAME hits different
at this point, my brain changes "challenger" to hector whenever there's these sentences
Have Hector carry with a toplane bruiser.
Yorick, preferrably, since he has no AoE, no DPS, heavily depends on his ult, is immobile, and for extra challenge, make him play against a Renekton, Shen or any toplane adc.
The challenge is to itemize correctly.
Winning a matchup as Yorick is mostly about abusing enemy mistakes, and snowballing even the slightest leads. Also taking care of your Maiden, and managing your Ghouls. From there on it's just knowing where to be and why. With Yorick in low elo, it's easy to get and snowball leads, but it's also really easy to throw them. Knowing limits is extremely important as well.
As for playing against Yorick, usually you want to abuse his lv1. I can't stress that enough, people for some stupid reason never do it. You also want to dodge his Es, and know which trades you win aganst him, and why. As a jungler, camping and diving him is a really good option. Maiden is very chaotic to control, so killing her every chance that you get is also a good call. She's affected by champion-only CC. CC lockdowns are also very good against him. Don't forgive a Yorick.
It is impressive, but I’d like to see him try it on someone like jayce/pantheon/kallista/Olaf who doesn’t scale into a late game monster from behind. I find it really hard to get back into the game when I mess up early on one of these champs
i wonder if hector is in my games, just not actually completing the challenge
how to carry a game in silver:
step one: be challenger
That is a strategy I call shutdown farm, you feed your laner so he gets a bounty and then you get the bounty, ez gold
Hmm any advise on how to deal with team mate mentality? Someone can play ad/sp go even in lane or get a cs lead while their team ints topside and flame each other breaking each others mental and then they give up pre 15.
You cant control your team, just if you mute and play well yourself then its likely sometimes your team will believe you can carry and not mental boom. But you have to realise that theres 4 randoms on your team and 5 on the enemy team so the enemy has those players more unless youre the problem
@@shaunslays2151 do you think it is worth communicating with them and try to get them to focus more on the game?
@@codyypeng Youre best just muting them from the start so you wouldnt even see if they are mad or not
just yesterday in silver I had a 10/0 yone mid and 6/1 jinx, while my adc, still triggered with his last game bought a support item, so we had a fasting senna adc that did no damage and a varus tank support, I went 24/9 as fiora and proved that if ur fed enough on fiora, you can spam Q and win just like on yi
The guy's literal embodiment of "don't worry bro, we'll scale"
Literally every illaoi game I play.. 10-11cs/min but 0/3 at 10min, and then I just 1shot whoever comes at me, simple
He's feeling too happy. Nice timing for a challenge!
That moment when you read "We made a challenger die five times..." and instantly cames Hector's name to your head
I'm a jungler, I don't even watch these for the tips.
I just like seeing them torment Hector.
Yo, guys! Could you, please, make Hector feed 5 times as ADC and show how to play this role when you are far behind? How to carry on role which is more damage support than a carry. Also, he should play not a giga safe champ as ez, maybe, someone as ashe or jhin.
in this video we dont allow hector to play the game until he completes akuma's combo challenges in street fighter 5
By the time this is over, the title is going to read "We made a challenger play in a game where all 4 of his teammates run it down mid"
Further torture.. I mean challenge.. of Hector by combining 5 deaths with zero CS does indeed sound interesting to watch. I would hope that's actually impossible outside of Wood League but let's see.
Hector after 5 deaths: aight boys, time to use my mouse.
I watched this video for fun but suddenly learned a lot
As a challenge I'd love to see Hector carry a completely inting and tilting team while staying even against his lane opponent for a certain amount of time.
This video: Here's how to play from behind with a pretty hefty lead for your opponent.
also this video: Our challenger CSed well, so he isn't that far behind
also also this video: EvERytHiNg yOu dO iS A mIStaKE
High elo players have the biggest ego on god
Kind of a cop-out really. You're playing a specific strat to minimise the impact of your 5 deaths, then carrying by being better.
The reason that low elo players go behind is by either being outclassed in lane (aka dying under their own turret) or by not respecting vision or engages. A low elo player would be down 5 kills AND the farm too. All this does is teach the int-sion strat and then win by being a smurf.
If you want this challenge to be better, put a person 2 divisions lower in lane for the first 10 mins with no outside help, then have Hector recover it whilst limiting his mechanics too.
Well, that's kind of the point. The whole video was about learning how to play from behind and identifying how much you've lost by dying. The "dying 5 times" bit is just clickbait.
@@nathannguyen298 But it's not the point though. The message of the video is "deaths aren't as impactful if you've shoved the wave in and bounced it", but what that's inversely saying is if you can't do that then you're fucked.
If you’re down that far you’ve already fucked up too hard and clearly need to work on laning mistakes rather than focusing on how to catch up. This video just illustrates how kills don’t matter, but rather minion denial matters more
Skillcapped has hector’s family
So if you are at their turret its best to wave clear the minions unless you need to freeze ?
so for Galio's first 'mistake' it seems like the play is defendable given the singed roaming down, so even if eve is there, it's a 2v2 with galio ahead. Am I missing something?
EDIT: obviously he played the fight poorly and hector still won, which does play into the 'all-in against conq' mistake, though it's also that he doesn't kite back to singed at all really.
Hector: "oh no"
When talking about gold i feel it is also important to mention that thr more times you die the lower your gold value becomes. So the 300 gold per kill. If a team member ints 5 deaths like hector did. Hes not really giving 1500 in gold. Its more like 1000 cause of the devaluing.
This is the best anime comeback I've ever watched.
i bet you actually killed him 5 times irl
Morale of the story : When you're behind, just smurf your silver-plat game because you're actually challenger.
*Where* do I see full gameplay?
7:40 Mordekaiser: He's smurfing with that blue champ
Make him do the same video but in diamond 1, rly looking forward !
Aight, how about a deal? :D
Make Hector do this in all other four lanes, and I'll sub AND ring the bell :P