Why Top Laners SUCK at CARRYING GAMES Even When Fed!

  • Опубліковано 28 січ 2025


  • @skillcapped
    @skillcapped  2 роки тому +10

    Escape low elo FAST with our skill insurance. FIVE Divisions Guaranteed: www.skill-capped.com/lol 💪

  • @arjunarihant7283
    @arjunarihant7283 2 роки тому +141

    You can't imagine how helpful this guide was to me. It might me be the second most helpful one right below the one about minion wave mechanics. I am an ADC main and usually i always win my lane and despite that i have never carried a game. When the game enters late game i am not a fed ADC just a normal champ with avg KDA. Next t ok me i will try to follow this and let's see what the results are.

    • @raphaelnej8387
      @raphaelnej8387 2 роки тому +6

      Yeah spectate your game from the fed enemy evelynn’s persepective, I m sure it’s highly informative

    • @spookyscarygraviton5944
      @spookyscarygraviton5944 2 роки тому +5

      Watch some cookie's vids, and you'll get better in no time

    • @Porkchoppyu
      @Porkchoppyu Рік тому +1

      ​@@spookyscarygraviton5944 💀

    • @spookyscarygraviton5944
      @spookyscarygraviton5944 Рік тому

      @@Porkchoppyui know the news, but there's still no better content for adc

    • @xTheNameisEthan
      @xTheNameisEthan Рік тому +1

      Kind of where I'm at mid, usually kill the other guy a few times and out CS him by 30 but then mid game comes and I'm not really that strong

  • @Gonzspartano
    @Gonzspartano 2 роки тому +120

    My main concern with this strategy is the enemy jungler. You should always have good vision and/or good communication with your team to make sure that u can go and make the enemy toplaner`s life hell. Otherwise an aggressive play that would be fine if u were 1v1 can end up with u inting your lead to the enemy jungler. Im referring to the early minutes of the game especially, because sometimes it is safer to take 1 more plate and back even though it doesnt get u that far ahead of the enemy toplaner than to try and cut him off and get ganked by his jungler.

    • @Financialguide2023
      @Financialguide2023 2 роки тому +8

      That's why they said especially with vision, even if it's the tri behind the tower it gives you enough time to make space to survive or get a 1 for 1

    • @suportedw9894
      @suportedw9894 2 роки тому +12

      Yeah, true, but the guide is teaching how to carry and in the end of the day if you wish to become a great player you should be playing aggresive when you can... extracting the maximum value

    • @voltwolf9839
      @voltwolf9839 2 роки тому +6

      or if you dont wanna worry about any of that play a champ like aatrox or darius that can 2v1 their jungle and top

    • @nojaodoggo2896
      @nojaodoggo2896 2 роки тому +3

      Has they said vision is key, i Apple this strat everytime i can and man see your enemy2 and even 3 lvls behing without being able to even respond is depressing. For him obviously, for ours is the funniest sheet ever

    • @lukamagicc
      @lukamagicc Рік тому

      Agreed. I was fine w the 3 plates and B play. But at the same time, trynd is already way ahead, both are really fine but your comment is still less risky unless you can assess vision. Overall I would B still, lane is guaranteed over after that.

  • @Mershedpaterters
    @Mershedpaterters 2 роки тому +88

    Someone go make sure Hector is ok.

  • @Lukamvgg
    @Lukamvgg 2 роки тому +19

    *hector feeds early* Skillcapped: TIME FOR ANOTHER GUIDE

  • @thanosofthecommunistdruzhi9107

    In iron draft, I was genuinely scared because enemy top and mid were obviously duo queuing with matching usernames while the enemy jungler was emerald (I check mobalytics because I constantly get smurf matchups and that's what my friend did.)
    The comp was this
    My team: Gangplank, Shaco, Brand, Jhin, Pantheon
    Enemy team: Kayle, Graves, Irelia, Samira, Nami
    I initially was really scared because I thought I was laning against a smurf, which I was, but they weren't good. Kayle let my wave eat away at her hp and even though we were even in CS, I was able to use the macro against her. When Graves ganked, my jungler came and I got two kills. The rest of the lane was a breeze but I was really scared regardless. When I ended up getting more solo kills, I began rotating to help my team out instead of keeping Kayle down. I thought that Kayle was going to snowball regardless due to her kit so I just left her alone to use the time to help my team push towers and take objectives, which turned out really well. I went back to lane and got solo killed by Kayle despite being 2 items ahead... Later, I 1v1'd Irelia who I was also two items ahead of, and almost died despite getting the kill. Now I knew that something was genuinely wrong. I don't know where I went wrong though, and just blamed the matchup. After all, Irelia would just block my barrels with her damage reduction then proceed to run me down. I could be trying to kill Kayle, but then she'll ult and kite me to death with her powerful autos. Initially I thought it was just bad matchup and micro mismanagement on my part, but now that I watch this video, I'm beginning to think that me losing to Kayle might be due to a larger macro misplay. After all, I just left her alone in lane to farm and take objectives while I help my team (who was losing) get ahead in certain areas. The whole game just fell apart after the midgame and ultimately we lost with me trashing my KDA completely (from 12/2/3 to 15/7/10). Next time, it might be best for me to keep my laner from snowballing lol, but maybe the game was lost regardless since every other lane was losing. That I do not know.

    • @chasemarquez7620
      @chasemarquez7620 9 місяців тому

      That’s how most of my games go these days I went from plat 3 to silver 4 in the last 2 weeks with a 30% win rate it’s been absolutely disgusting

    • @supimzazz
      @supimzazz 24 дні тому

      Altruism has been the bane of plenty of my games. Remember your own value, don't sacrifice yourself nor tank or block for your 1/6 adc, learn when to fight or rotate on your free time if it isn't a coin flip otherwise keep snowballing as a 1v4 will always be better than a 1v5 you'll have later specially against scaling champions.

  • @kiril12944
    @kiril12944 Місяць тому

    6:50 - proxy wave is a good startegy to also cut the oponent off, you need vision
    -you can freeze lategame if you're far behind.

  • @pigymc1695
    @pigymc1695 Рік тому +1

    unreal how well you explain this, I'm so amazed. I did get 1 question correctly by looking at the wave, but I was fully oblivious about every other thing, skill capped really is truly helpful

  • @kfk4441
    @kfk4441 2 роки тому +4

    I'm a main support, I usually win my games as top laner because the other top laners are usually too busy caring on how bigger they are compared to me instead of trying to stop me from doing anything. Specially if I'm not doing nothing in the lane, because I'm not that good.
    They're just desperate to inflate their egos on 1v1s they die constantly if i play patiently

    • @r4pt0rx68
      @r4pt0rx68 2 роки тому +3

      Literally the concept of toplane :)
      Patience wins in most cases on toplane
      Either when you freeze your opponent to death and he gets angry and just mindlessly engages or, when the opponent is ahead, not freezing, just mindlessly pushing every wave and you lose nothing, until they do a big mistake / your jungle comes (ye ... it does happen, sometimes) and you kill him ... Patience is you best friend top

    • @raphaelnej8387
      @raphaelnej8387 2 роки тому +2

      I faced a supp main autofilled top and the guy was perma dropping waves to roam (master elo). This was so weird and unpredictable that he killed my mid/jgl multiple times. He still lost because after I got a 100 cs lead, they needed to be 2 to stop me in side lane.
      Not mentioning the fact that if his strategy was viable, I would expect it and ping my team accordingly.
      Non toplaner are absolutely disgusting at wave management.

  • @stonearchitect116
    @stonearchitect116 2 роки тому +11

    So similar to what my tennis coach says when in a lead: "Don't give the opponent any chances, don't stop the train."

  • @freezzer0019
    @freezzer0019 2 роки тому +17

    My problem with that one is that it is the factual right play, but you could risk a mental boom in lower elo with this. Diana could throw a tantrum saying ya guys would have won and that would just spiral, maybe you do feed a kill with that but it maybe helps keeping Diana's mental somewhat stable

    • @BARDOCK601
      @BARDOCK601 Рік тому +1

      My thoughts exactly lol Diana would be hung up on it the whole rest of the game and would probably go afk or would just start running it down mid

    • @DeathBean89
      @DeathBean89 Рік тому +1

      As someone in silver, I disagree. Yes, the Diana will possibly get mad and flame, but the kind of player that does that will lose their mental over something else anyway. Throwing another kill won't help that at all. It's likely better to make your call and ignore whether the Diana is going to tilt or not.

  • @Bowling_FNP
    @Bowling_FNP 2 роки тому +6

    I’ll be honest I bought skill-capped and used it religiously for a month or so. I didn’t climb the 5 divisions they guaranteed when I was using it, but what I learned from watching the videos did eventually help me reach plat after I stopped using the service. Very informative videos and the commentary videos were awesome. I would say if you are stuck in bronze/silver it will Definitely help you climb to gold.

  • @miguelgoncalves5398
    @miguelgoncalves5398 2 роки тому +24

    I have a question tho, if trynd continued to do herald while diana dies, wouldnt that result in him fighting for herald in a 1v2 or 1v3 as he probably wouldnt kill herald in time OR diana would try to run towards him leading the enemy team into the river, what i am trying to say what if diana dies they find him doing herald and he still isnt finished

    • @toplanetxt158
      @toplanetxt158 2 роки тому +1


    • @blehbeh3717
      @blehbeh3717 2 роки тому +9

      u leave herald when u realise there is a bunch of ppl

    • @CUSTOM_V9
      @CUSTOM_V9 2 роки тому +3

      Simply just trynd E out of the Herold/Baron pit to the red buff

  • @honzahord
    @honzahord 2 роки тому +5

    i want to meet hector in real life and get something signed by him

  • @videoclipum7678
    @videoclipum7678 2 роки тому +1

    The in-game chat was pure comedy

  • @TheCosmicAstro-
    @TheCosmicAstro- 2 роки тому +9

    The biggest issue to me here is specifically when tryn is taking rift, should hector rotate to help Lux. While not helping(initially)is the correct play. The amount of times I have been pinged and then trolled for not joining a stupid/losing fight is too many to count. So while logically its not correct to help. I'm confident that if he didn't try it is very likely he would have had toxicity thrown at him for it

    • @mattiasbacklund8706
      @mattiasbacklund8706 2 роки тому +6

      He hovered the fight to assess if it was a good fight or not, but only comitted when the fight looked winnable. This due to the waves not being crashed, so he was in no hurry to catch any waves.

    • @stonearchitect116
      @stonearchitect116 2 роки тому +12

      Well, that's what the mute all command is for. If you continue to focus on toxicity affecting your games, you won't improve. Just ignore them, mute them is best, and focus on what you KNOW is correct.

    • @victorgengler695
      @victorgengler695 Рік тому

      sometimes the fight is ``stupid`` BECAUSE youre not joining

    • @pharkasj
      @pharkasj Рік тому

      @@stonearchitect116 The league is full of dickheads, but you got 20% less chance getting one than the enemy team if you are not one of them.

  • @lukamagicc
    @lukamagicc Рік тому +3

    Biggest comeback tip not mentioned:
    "Down 0-6 at 12 mins w no tower but somehow score is 9-10"

    • @Brogrammer730
      @Brogrammer730 11 місяців тому

      Excellent observation! 1:22 adc 2/0 support 2/0 mid 2/1. They were fed af that early on.

  • @estoyaqui257
    @estoyaqui257 2 роки тому +1

    I agree with the most part but if there is one thing I disagree on is that if this camille knew a good tactic she can use with her e and w she would not be half hp when tryndamere zone her off in-between turrets. U see trynda has no cc whatsoever to cancel camille's e so all camille has to do is hit trynda one time with q to proc her passive shiled and e towards the turret while W at the same time so when camille attached herself to the wall her W slows the trynd and use 2 e towards her turret. If it was Darius riven irelia someone with cc to cancel camille e then yea half hp or dead but tryn has no cc so camille has no problem getting back to lane while managing her hp. Yea trynda has slow but camille can also slow tryn if she knows how to do e w combo

  • @jackhughes7255
    @jackhughes7255 Рік тому +1

    That was quite useful , but the first example is tryndamere specific or at least works only for sustain and waveclear champs... what if a champ like fiora is ahead ? How can she use that lead ? She has bad waveclear and is not a good team fighter ...

  • @beemanAU
    @beemanAU 2 роки тому

    12:24 i thought this was old galio for most of the fight until anivia passive went off lol

  • @DoomSlingerGAME
    @DoomSlingerGAME 2 роки тому +2

    I'm not gonna lie, I really like that yall have hector in a lot of these videos. His bad plays actually make the games seem more realistic and act as a reminder not to give up early, especially when he wins despite him inting.

  • @caiotn1204
    @caiotn1204 Рік тому +4

    9:32 tbh I think backing off and leaving Diana to die right there would be even worse, since it translates in a free herald to the enemy team. I would commit for that skirmish everyday, specially having such a gold lead, too bad he didn't knew it was a 2v3. If there's anyone to blame it is certainly Diana.

    • @mrchung
      @mrchung Рік тому

      I’d honestly ping her off whatever she was doing

  • @phillipcoleman6267
    @phillipcoleman6267 2 роки тому +6

    The intro to this video really giving me these vibes
    Bruce Wayne: Why didn’t you just kill me?
    Bane: Your punishment must be more severe.
    Bruce Wayne: Torture?
    Bane: Yes, but not of the body. Of the soul. I will build you and Gotham up with hope and then destroy you. Hope is really the key to torture. Gotham will build to a point of joy and then be wiped from the map.
    Bruce Wayne: You are a madman.
    Bane: When Gotham is ashes, then you have my permission to die.
    So we become the Bane of top lane. Got it.

  • @chukarec
    @chukarec 2 роки тому +1

    12-13 when camille killed trynda for the first time, this means that their team had 12 kills splitted up in them, and the trynda had between 4 to 6 kills from the 13 kills, what does this mean? He got carried by his whole team

  • @joshuapineda8708
    @joshuapineda8708 2 роки тому

    2:50 Ngl I figured the correct answer would be to cash in on your gold so you can stay ahead because overstaying or even going further might result in a gank. Why take the risk anyway even if you’re someone like Tryndamere when the best way to make your opponent’s life hell is to put em in a stranglehold where getting help is impossible?

    • @zerimas_
      @zerimas_ 2 роки тому

      i would say it depends how strong you are in comparison with current items, if you can still zone with the items you have then staying is best until you need to cash in to push it further

  • @pashma8945
    @pashma8945 Рік тому +2

    In my elo, if I didn’t help diana, she would grief and feed

  • @lordvondraco6712
    @lordvondraco6712 2 роки тому +3

    Got it👍 , "have every time the wining team!" Very good advice.

  • @mange.du.pain1999
    @mange.du.pain1999 2 роки тому +1

    Best tips for top laner look if its your or there botlane that int only thing you can do is watch eneways

  • @kurtjohn4442
    @kurtjohn4442 2 роки тому +1

    i just went a 15-0 in a 44-45 score baron lane after this video. thanks for changing my game mentality 😆

  • @ihavenoidea4727
    @ihavenoidea4727 2 роки тому

    Tell this to the 7 - 1 level 16 monster released upon my games in gold when the unleashed teleport timer ticks off

  • @ivanstayner8818
    @ivanstayner8818 Рік тому +1

    He came back by playing a late game cho gath Ult.
    Iv played Camille into Fiora. Got 8-9 kills on Fiora and still lost to the Fiora late game. It's literally just who out scales better late game.
    Kayle doesn't win lane. She might even feed 6+ kills. But she will still come back late game.
    Its all down to who out scales late game. And Camille out scales Trynd come late game.
    Have him turbo int on Daruis next time.

    • @brubie7584
      @brubie7584 Рік тому

      While that is true, Tryndamere was so ahead that he could have won the game for his team. Camille is only allowed to scale because tryn threw like 2K gold at him by dying twice in a row stupidly. If tryn is ahead and splits, there are 0 things camille can do to stop him by herself. Also Camille has ignite so tryn can always just push and roam and Camille will never be there in time

  • @pedrinbalafina4122
    @pedrinbalafina4122 Рік тому

    It looks like the more I learn, the more I spend time in one or 3 champions, the worse I get, I don't know wtf is happening, I think it's a "trust the process" type of thing. Because I really just want to improove, but I'm almost silver again so kinda nervous.

  • @ChristosPriangelos
    @ChristosPriangelos Рік тому

    I love this guide but the main problem is that in low elo a lot of the team are dumb apes and the jungle never gangs or takes objectives effectively will the other jungler dominates the jungle and kills everyone. what should someone do at this situation ?

  • @kentchs
    @kentchs 2 роки тому +1

    This is the best video in recent months.

  • @Fletcher-sk5ry
    @Fletcher-sk5ry 2 роки тому

    At 3:00 when talking about champions with good wave clear and sustain and how they should proxy and zone, what about champions with bad wave clear and sustain?

    • @Xeverous
      @Xeverous 2 роки тому

      If you can clear the wave before the next one comes, I think it's okay. It would be much worse in reverse (clear but no sustain) as sooner or later you would run out of life and/or mana.

  • @milebackwards
    @milebackwards Рік тому

    2:50 What if I am playing a champion something like Sejuani that sucks at 1v2 and lacks sustain?

  • @MAX_DJM
    @MAX_DJM 2 роки тому +1

    dude i didnt even watch it yet but as a top main i seriously need this XD

  • @yokami_9408
    @yokami_9408 2 роки тому +2

    and here, ladies and gentlemen, is a 13 minutes video explaining why teemo is still playable

  • @you741sings
    @you741sings 10 місяців тому

    How do I avoid dying when trying to get pressure? Do I just back off when I think they could come and wait, and then push if they're not there? Or reset and buy

  • @countaplay6749
    @countaplay6749 Рік тому +1

    What is Cam thinking? She's probably thinking my giga-fed bot lane w/ better scaling will carry me. It's insane you never once mention the fact that Camille's bot lane was also far ahead. You can't analyze things in a vacuum and it's fair to assume that game state had an impact on how Trynd played this out because the plays look forced. The REAL topic here is how can you leverage an early lead top-side to shut down an early lead bot? It seems as though Trynd/Diana/Kat could've won through top.

  • @hadawi1000
    @hadawi1000 2 роки тому +2

    This seems fine and all but Hector's team was winning from the start only he was behind everyone else was even or ahead of the enemy team.

  • @donkylefernandez4680
    @donkylefernandez4680 2 роки тому

    Oof I was in the Tryndamere's exact position.
    Jax top, destroying Yasuo, then I got cocky and Yasuo got my shutdown and was back in the game but I still wanted to play arrogantly, but by this time I should've been respecting Yasuo's authority

  • @shamelabaza3572
    @shamelabaza3572 2 роки тому

    Toplane in specific it's not " able to carry " that i want , it's " able to enjoy " which seems more impossible

  • @blaster5800
    @blaster5800 9 місяців тому +1

    The real mistery is HOW can a Camille lose vs a Tryndamere, to begin with.

  • @mohandasjung
    @mohandasjung Рік тому

    Great content!

  • @g0dzilapr0gaming36
    @g0dzilapr0gaming36 Рік тому

    i had a game where i got the enemy renekton 0/3 and go afk and i was 6/1 with 5 plates then my teammates fed samira 9/3 and a xerath 7/1 and i couldnt play the game how do u convert that

  • @zsomborszigeti6797
    @zsomborszigeti6797 2 роки тому +1

    skillcapped: practice snowballing every time you get ahead in lane
    me a singed player: what does ahead in lane even mean?

    • @raphaelnej8387
      @raphaelnej8387 2 роки тому +1

      It s when you are between t1 and t2
      Very ahead is when you are between t2 and t3
      Getting in enemy base is called touch down
      Getting executed by fountain is called home run

    • @zsomborszigeti6797
      @zsomborszigeti6797 2 роки тому

      @@raphaelnej8387 proxying both midwave and top wave in the enemy base is called double proxy

  • @MAX_DJM
    @MAX_DJM 2 роки тому +3

    imagine if tryin leveled R on 7:35

    • @abcdefghilihgfedcba
      @abcdefghilihgfedcba 2 роки тому

      Idiots stuck in the past still going the pre-nerf skill order.

    • @raphaelnej8387
      @raphaelnej8387 2 роки тому +1

      He would obviously spin less
      As a Garen otp I can ensure you that spinning less than maximum is not optimal.

  • @onlyjoeyouneed5740
    @onlyjoeyouneed5740 2 роки тому

    Does this include TW setver

  • @Mershedpaterters
    @Mershedpaterters 2 роки тому +2

    I do this with Olaf to plat. The top loaners don't understand how to deal with it... Its so fun. I may add "Stay at fountain cutie" just to tilt em (don't reccomend as it's toxic but eh.... People have said worse) :P

  • @ravenruppie96
    @ravenruppie96 2 роки тому

    Giving them big brain big value vids. thx broskis

  • @isaac2986
    @isaac2986 2 роки тому +4

    I had a similar game as trynd playing mord, but I didn't know that you can accelerate the top laners speedrun to tilting into oblivion by just contesting them from getting farmland stealing the jungle (I was playing vs singed top and Mundo jg).

  • @dankevan5675
    @dankevan5675 2 роки тому

    I’m diamond and found this guide funny, because I can’t believe after 13 years people still need this guide
    This is just silver gold elo stuff, map objectives> kills
    this tryn is example of why low elo player value kills (meaningless) too much after fed, he can farm entire jungle and 2 lanes makes much more than a solo kill
    When you have lane priority just go to 5v4 or 5v5, instead hunting Camille, doesn’t like he can’t win 5v5 anyway

  • @aoofmg6684
    @aoofmg6684 Рік тому

    1.4 mill bronze camille here. I feel the pain of hector... although not against tryndra 😅

  • @strongestskinnyguy3973
    @strongestskinnyguy3973 Рік тому

    So basically tryndamere got a massive lead from unga bunga right click and then proceeded to int that lead astronomically from unga bunga right click

  • @droknarnaramor8650
    @droknarnaramor8650 Рік тому

    Trynda lategame is turbo weak.
    Camel has her OP engage + pick potential Ult.
    Fiora her stun + %true dmg with tons of AA resets.
    Irelia with her mobility, W and useful utility in fights (at the cost of not being able to dash away).
    WW with his Sustain, dmg reduction fear and suppress (at the cost of turret taking speed).
    Even Noc top has his advantages.
    Trynda gets bonked by random skill for 1/2 oh his HP later into the game And if he uses his R in time gets to witness being CC'd for ~4s straight by 1.5 item support.

  • @drakonli
    @drakonli 2 роки тому +2

    9:42 i disagree completely. He ABSOLUTELY should have MOVED there. He shouldnt have e'd into them like he did, he should have simply pressed the move command until he's near. Then he could either decide to go in or move out. But the move was 100% correct because he could catch the waves anyway AND he could do the rift after.

  • @TheDendran
    @TheDendran 2 роки тому

    I know I did everything right, when my enemy starts flaming me for being a skin illness everytime they die and noones helping them

  • @ahmedrommani3698
    @ahmedrommani3698 Рік тому

    It's all fun and games for the enemy until my 700 stack nasus does a magic trick where your health dissapears and he heals basically to full with one abilty

  • @tormentoxx
    @tormentoxx 2 роки тому +2

    This is me. I am the Tryndamere.

    • @raphaelnej8387
      @raphaelnej8387 2 роки тому +1

      Remember to tell your friends you stomped a challenger

  • @Eitya
    @Eitya Рік тому

    10:40 "E flash to kill lux" Well said "" Just a QC nippick "" lol
    Great, informative, thank you.

  • @Dentas137
    @Dentas137 Рік тому

    I get flamed for telling my teams to push waves so I can get some pressure on the map to do something on side lane.

  • @einesgrw2297
    @einesgrw2297 2 роки тому +1

    I play with morde and im 9/0 and then i get 5v1 take 3 of them with me and team does nothing

  • @dango2126
    @dango2126 2 роки тому

    Somehow the red guide name feels so demonic to me

  • @duddikopf
    @duddikopf Рік тому

    how do i win with a 6 kills 40 cs lead when mid and bot are 8 kills and 80 cs behind ?

    • @dethdaemon
      @dethdaemon Рік тому

      You may not, but stop whining and focusing on your own gameplay is key

  • @mosdeadly98
    @mosdeadly98 2 роки тому

    I mean are we gonna pretend the trynd didn’t also have ways to make those plays work? Trends he’s shoulda been used under turret since you get rage from ultimate. It would have been enough for cd. Also walking forward not knowing tryndameres kill radius.

  • @marmitacomunista5247
    @marmitacomunista5247 2 роки тому

    In short: try to think at every second what decision would make the opponent's life miserable.

  • @MyHonestReakshan
    @MyHonestReakshan 2 роки тому

    Then what if im 21/0 and lose game still?

  • @shikikankillzone4239
    @shikikankillzone4239 2 роки тому +6

    Fun fact: *Every toplaner I saw that claimed that toplane falls off as you reach master has never reached master*

    • @mange.du.pain1999
      @mange.du.pain1999 2 роки тому +2

      Top lane is the worst role to carry and nore hard to climb in every elo best to cary is jungle mid supp adc and after top

    • @raphaelnej8387
      @raphaelnej8387 2 роки тому

      I reached master and never said that

  • @jacobjones1849
    @jacobjones1849 2 роки тому

    I lost a 27-1 irelia game the other day…
    Me: 5 mid
    My bot lane:you’re not that good you just got lucky with a top lane that fed you

  • @JustBillyLoL
    @JustBillyLoL 2 роки тому

    ok thanks for help now that im d1 i need to hit masters guide for masters? :D

  • @marcuspruitt2345
    @marcuspruitt2345 Рік тому

    I think my problem is when I'm 0/6 I'm also behind 70+ cs not 20

    • @idk188
      @idk188 Рік тому

      This always sucks for a top lane. I try to switch with my bot if they got the tower down or try to get cs somewhere else that doesn't hurt the team. Playing safe under tower isn't always a thing. CS is King but if you can waste the jungle and top laner time even better.

  • @alphaproxxiii4778
    @alphaproxxiii4778 Рік тому

    "Why Top Laners SUCK at CARRYING GAMES Even When Fed!"
    *Me destroying a top lane inhibitor min 13* : Did u said something buddy?

  • @EpicToastish
    @EpicToastish Рік тому

    it's so funny how you keep picking on hector in these guides

  • @rinshaoran3679
    @rinshaoran3679 2 роки тому

    Farm jungle as laner season 13. Best tactic

    • @metagollum676
      @metagollum676 2 роки тому

      yeah i love it when riot babysits junglers and therefore ruins they game for everybody else

  • @mange.du.pain1999
    @mange.du.pain1999 2 роки тому

    But in is game is bot lane is not in 0-12 how that even possible ?

  • @cwhit2575
    @cwhit2575 2 роки тому +1

    "How our GM feeds in gold" volume 56

    • @raphaelnej8387
      @raphaelnej8387 2 роки тому

      We can thank hector for reminding us that we could stomp a challenger 1v1 with our auto attack mechanics

    • @cwhit2575
      @cwhit2575 2 роки тому

      @Raphaël Nej every one of these Hector videos are just him feeding.

  • @EspadaHD
    @EspadaHD 2 роки тому +1

    I think i always play vs Hector, that's why i am losing games :)

  • @komradebigchungus7268
    @komradebigchungus7268 2 роки тому +15

    how to carry games after going 0/6 as a toplaner
    get the winning botlane
    Thank you skill capped

    • @broxhitman6902
      @broxhitman6902 2 роки тому

      Wanted to write the same. I looked at every tab to see how the team was doing and the moment I saw his bot winning I was like: Yeah, he is going to win. We can also look at the enemy team. Diana doesn't take advantage of Tryndame's lead and instead focuses on other lanes. Kata is tilted seen by chat and bot is inting as well.
      If Hector's bot would also be losing then the pressure difference would change. Hector would watch as a fed adc gets to occupy his lane and every objective would get taken.
      It's a coin flip on whose team gets the better bot and jungle.

  • @Terra201
    @Terra201 Рік тому

    I will check out Skill capped if you can teach me how to carry on top lane while my jungle, mid, bot and support all fed the enemy Jinx soo much that she is 13 0 at minute 15.

  • @inreisen
    @inreisen 2 роки тому +1

    I also am a top lane main and I always choose farming over chasing some kills for no reason. The problem is, I can't win every single game. No one can. Sometimes, you just have bad teammates. And I mean, soooooo bad man. Think about it. How can you carry a game when enemy mid + jungler + adc are fed and in your team, only you are fed? Some games are just impossible to win like that. I learned all of these tactics, pushing waves first mentality. But I am still Plat 1 stuck. Not hardstuck btw because LoL is not my main game I just play it casually. If I play MORE and pick champions that can do literally EVERYTHING, I could win more games. But no, I just like playing Sion or Mundo. I like late game scaling. But especially Sion's laning phase are so weak and has many counter picks. I also play Garen who can do literally everything. Instant wave pushing, mobility(using Phase Rush, no one can catch you and you can just do whatever you want), 1v1 opportunity because Garen is so good at 1v1 s and Garen is a team fight terror if you use him with Phase Rush. And I always get 10cs/min in games that I play Garen. But guess what? I have 21% W/R with Garen and it's not my fault at all. All of those just unlucky games and my teammates faults. Because Garen can't beat 3 fed champions/a team who gets every objective and win every team fights.
    TL:DR, some games are just unwinnable, you can't win every game even if you are a challenger player. If you know what to in games and still stuck in some division, you just need to commit and play more and pray that your teammates won't be brainless dogs. Because if they just don't team fight for no reason and just farm like me, playing safe etc. we can with those games easily but nah, they wouldn't understand anyway. I don't deserve Plat man...

  • @ImKingGene
    @ImKingGene 2 роки тому

    Not gone lie I actually learned from this I actually play like the trynd so I learned I need to think more

  • @HaPKoMaTo3
    @HaPKoMaTo3 Рік тому

    Huh, Sbuverse music???

  • @patriciofloresdifilipo3713
    @patriciofloresdifilipo3713 Рік тому

    It's always poor Hector, dude.

  • @LalliPallero
    @LalliPallero Рік тому

    This is why I hate top lane. It's miserable behind... but... This is why I love top lane

  • @anomonyus-57
    @anomonyus-57 2 роки тому +1

    This is just about your lane opponent....they have a team. You cannot carry a losing bot or mid even with 4k gold up. If their adc is fed let's say vayne or tristina, there is no way a tryn can solo carry that game.

    • @Metalwrath2
      @Metalwrath2 Рік тому


    • @xGrifo
      @xGrifo Рік тому

      you can’t win them all. sometimes shit happens and your team throws the match. so what? just like you have games with trash you’ll have games with decent players, and just like you the enemy will also have trash players. i also highly doubt you play perfect every match, learn to minimize mistakes and learn how to capitalize on enemy mistakes. climbing is a byproduct of getting better not the other way around. also rmr to have fun, if you’re always worried about your teammates inting you’ll mess up your mental which leads to even more mistakes.

    • @anomonyus-57
      @anomonyus-57 Рік тому

      @@xGrifo I'm saying it's all probability. Playing like that won't get u anywhere, unless you can influence the game.

  • @jeremybeard163
    @jeremybeard163 2 роки тому

    I just went 4/8 as Nasus in a game against a camille but built hullbreaker and just pushed top and 3 shot their nexus after a triple kill with the entire rest of my team feeding even more than I did. What's the suggestion when in that situation as nasus. Should I just keep my head down and farm or am I expected to teamfight?

    • @thegodofallakira6349
      @thegodofallakira6349 Рік тому

      Your playing nasus, if the other team lets you farm for 10 minutes when its late game enough for you to buy hullbreaker, you are the team.

  • @Omrxx
    @Omrxx 2 роки тому

    Yup, I make this exact mistake

  • @MiniKodjo
    @MiniKodjo Рік тому

    I won more consistently not try to be the hero that 1v9, play the macro and kills come naturally

  • @BestNeekoNA
    @BestNeekoNA 2 роки тому

    so diamond rank is now low elo?

  • @giorgitskhakaia9641
    @giorgitskhakaia9641 Рік тому

    this guide is just straight up evil, I mean ruining leadership of your enemy is one of the more effective ones that was used through out history, but using it in a game, a game were all, my self included are trying to have fun is kind of messed up. Don't get me wrong, I too use this tactic in my games but when you really think about it is kind of messed up.

  • @rychupeja512
    @rychupeja512 2 роки тому

    Excuse me??? Csing on a "behind" Camille is depressing? What about literally AKALI or LB

  • @cyberpunk-2O77
    @cyberpunk-2O77 2 роки тому

    Because riot refuses to make a 1v1 game mode.

  • @stresseddev
    @stresseddev Рік тому

    totally me doing e flash on lux

  • @th1anonly309
    @th1anonly309 Рік тому

    I just demoted coz Vayne top lane fed a Kayle till she was 7/0 and then kayle hard carried

  • @ogcorpstudio
    @ogcorpstudio 2 роки тому

    Do all this only for JG and Bot to go 2-17

  • @nikolygtx8848
    @nikolygtx8848 2 роки тому

    Top lane champions have problem, they can't get to enemy, and CC vulnerability
    but real answer its that team suck big time, and for most part solid mid lane and def top should be able to win games

    • @xGrifo
      @xGrifo Рік тому

      can’t get to enemy? cc vulnerability? *laughs in dr mundo*

  • @pochita8721
    @pochita8721 2 роки тому +1

    Hector doesnt get paid enough sometimes

  • @Hclody95
    @Hclody95 2 роки тому +1

    tbh the game was free for camille, you can notice at a point they were like 9-9 with camille having 6 deaths, which means camille's team was hard winning, either trynda did what he did, and if he joined a teamfight he would have been one shot by the fed adc. so yeah sure secret to come back is play safe because team is winning, what if team lost? this example is not relevant at all

    • @mattiasbacklund8706
      @mattiasbacklund8706 2 роки тому +2

      If you lose lane and the rest of your team is losing the game is just lost lmfao, no secret formula. If your team can keep it together however, there is a chance for you to comeback and carry the game. If you are fed and your team is inting, there is a chance for you to 1v9.

    • @Hclody95
      @Hclody95 2 роки тому

      @@mattiasbacklund8706 exactly my point, is easy to say "yeah dont worry if you lose lane, team will win the game for you, just play safe" this trynd had no chances ever to 1v9, his team was too behind, teamfighting for trynd was out of discussion, 1st because champ is bad teamfighter, 2nd he could even be 20 0 but vs fed adc and all their cc he would already get one shot from the distance. i think is useless calling out the "UNBELIEVABLE SECRET TECH TO CARRY EVERY GAME" when theres actually no tech at all except of having teammates that hard win lane...
      yes 1v9 is possible but only in the case when at least 1 other lane is not hard losing and actually follow the calls, thats the reason why boosters always play duo, because 1v9 is very rare, but 2v8 is actually feasible

    • @mattiasbacklund8706
      @mattiasbacklund8706 2 роки тому +1

      @@Hclody95 I get what you are saying. However in the video they point out some of the mistakes Tryndamere made, should he have not made those his posibility to carry would have been higher. In a perfect world he would have made the correct macro call each time to win the game, but of course everyone will make mistakes and that is what makes League hard; the large amount of decisions to be made.

    • @FourDerpyPaws
      @FourDerpyPaws 2 роки тому

      @@Hclody95 " this trynd had no chances ever to 1v9, his team was too behind"
      While I agree with Your general sentiment, idk what game You were watching, but it wasn't this one. At 15 minutes, his team was around 3k gold ahead, with 3 towers, 1 herald, 1 dragon vs 0 objectives on Hector's team. As can be seen at timestamp 7:14. He didn't have to 1v9 or even 1v5, he just had to play the game normally.
      Yes, there are times where You go 4/0 in top lane while watching helplessly on as the enemy jungle hecarim just gets their 8th kill and 2nd dragon. But this was not such a time.

  • @lycanrocknroll9158
    @lycanrocknroll9158 2 роки тому

    ADC players are really good at making the lives of others miserable. Mostly their own supports but still.