In Kenya,we never see a Parliament this full...secondly,the president never attends parliamentary sessions,he is like a God here. No one puts him to task or asks him questions like this. We need an EFF in Kenya aki!
Why given them land for free, let them buy it, even a Little price... like R50.000 instead R200.000 this is just making black people of South Africa even poorer, even more laziest, come on SA government wake up and give values to life.
As a (white) south african who knows how incredibly difficult, competitive and unprofitable farming is, I hope that if they do take farms, they turn the land into new cities in the same way that Shenzen was transformed by China. The expertise required to successfully manage a large farm is immense and having seen my family struggle, I'd never wish to be a farmer. I know many people think land is the secret to wealth but that was 200 years ago. Now days, cities are the drivers of growth. What we need is a new economically free city in each province. If we're going to go down the sinister path of taking land from people who themselves had nothing to do with the original expropriation, at least let's be intelligent about what we do with that land and not just leave it as a farm, bound to fail in the absence of the decades of knowledge it takes to become a good farmer.
What we need is people buying land in the farms either land to build homes and to invest in the land. People with the intention of working the land for long term not people with get reach quick mentality. Like it or not we still need some white people with the heart of Africa in them to help develop land and mentor those who wish to develop farming skills whether black or white with the help of government. I know this was proposed before but it sabotaged by the very white people. Please I know what you are thinking hence I said we need people the heart of Africa in them. Things have changed, economy is not going our direction whether black or white. This is not the time to sabotage opportunities but to make use if every chance you get. Many whites went abroad and returned after seeing that this is the land of opportunities like it is or not. There are not a lot of opportunities out there since everyone is scrambling for the same piece of the pie. When white people come to Africa the same shit was playing out in their ountries and coming here was a Hugh relieve both socially and financially. Poverty was the order of the day in their lives. Africa liberated whites and not the other way around.
Well said,I am black and there is a farm at home,that thing is hard to run, resources are expensive, workers need to be paid and worst of all if a hail storm comes every thing dies
For all those that didn't understand what he said, he said that the government is going to issue land that it owns and land from individuals that isn't being used in an informed basis
Mr president is a man of intergrity and he knows how to answers the questions from opposition party in a good Manner since he took power our parliarment is running very good without disrubted -my wise president
I’m English... someone explain to me how these people are going to build their own houses? They get the land for free which is great, but houses cost money to build. Especially decent houses. Sounds to me like your just going to end up moving the townships closer to the cities...
there is descents house in township. vacants lands in the cities cost more than those houses in twonship. Some also have money to build descents house but don't have land do to aparthied system. You want them to stay at their township?
Abdoulaye Diack not at all, I was just thinking it’s not really worth while giving them land if they don’t have the ability or capital to build houses. It would be better if the government built houses on the land and then sold them to the people at cost price. They could get a government backed mortgage that they could pay off over the years. It would mean better houses with more organised infrastructure. Or they could do a community build project where the people supply the labour and government supply materials and good management. If you want to increase the standard of living your people then it’s essential that you invest in good infrastructure.
I agree with you many African countries do that i don't know if that is their plan. But the big issue with that solution is in Africa governement is so corrupt then generally build poor houses, so people prefer build themselves
Land expropriation is right but Zuma's ANC was too busy plundering SA to care. That is also why EFF proposed nationalizing of all land is wrong. EFF rule will give all land to Mr Malema and his cronies. History teaches us we can't trust any government to use this kind of power justly. The poor masses will lose yet again. ANC policy of giving people ownership of their own piece of land is the right way for justice and good economy.
Last year, white people lauded Cyril and (for the first time ever) took to the streets to march with the rest of us in an attempt to oust Zuma. A couple of months into his tenure, the same Cryil finds himself under immense pressure to perform and judging by what I see, he is all too happy to deliver. It's ironic because I doubt things would have escalated at this rate towards expropriation were Zuma still in office.
To be fair, it was White liberals in the media. White conservatives who want to see Land reform be accelerated through title deeds and the free market have never been caught up in "Ramaphoria". But yes, Zuma was too busy stealing from Black people to steal from White people.
lol...I bet he's cracking up in his homestead, living the life and watching everything unfold. I'm just dumbfounded at the pace with which everything is progressing since Cyril took seat. Guess they don't call him "Mr Thuma Mina" for
I'm personally not happy. "Mr Send Me" is still misleading the people. Using land as a means to stoke racial tensions, is not a sign of a strong leader. He irresponsibly said that Whites own 72% of the land in SA. Thats simply factually incorrect. As per the 2017 land audit by Dept of Rural Development and Land Reform Whites own 72% of 37 milliion hectares. So thats more like 22% of the extent of South Africa, 43% of which is in the NC(a literal desert). This idea that Whites own everything and we are still oppressed is so far removed from reality, it makes me sick. I even give White beggars money at traffic lights. Now thats true transformation #BlackExcellence.
@huey Someones been drinking the EFF oros. You do realise no White person alive today stole anything from us. Land reform has already dealt with the damage caused by the 1913 land act. Those whites that colonised are long dead. I dont hold them responsible for things their forefathers did, in the same way I dont hold Zulu people responsible for Shaka. Please educate yourself before spreading lies and mistruths on the public space.
Having listened to today's parliamentary session I am inclined to agree with you on this one. There are so so many gray spots and unanswered questions that one is left wondering whether perhaps this is a step in the right direction and if indeed the necessary legwork has been carried out to ensure its viability. Policy aside, I think at this point I am more worried about the repercussions on the financial sector...I do believe consultations have been ongoing with the major banks and some of the insurance giants, but I have yet to pick up on any input from others in the sector. Maybe I am looking in the wrong place but from where I sit, I worry our economic livelihood could be in jeopardy if we fail to look beyond what is presented by Ramaphosa and co...
Stop with the negativity.This is NOT Zimbabwe 2. When more people prosper , the better for all!!!!!! Become part of the solution by supporting the government to make this a success!!!!!
Guys you know what... I am really starting to think that our leaders are incapable of relating to the man and woman in South Africa. Did you guys hear how the president responded to Julius Malema's statement about the young lady that was thrown out of parliament. Is it just me or did the president completely miss the whole point of Malema's statement. Oh and @eNCA its not Julius Ramaphosa "I get it" but you should have someone to check that sort of thing.
Nobody is talking about the tribal lands that will also be seized. The Zulus have also said they will fight and are supporting white farmers. I never thought I'd here that.
President Cyril Ramaphosa, how can you take land from whites only , it's not about your people what about all South Africans who own land it's not just about Africans it's about all SA citizens who live in SA
Expropriation of private land here has not been made clear, after all it was private land that was expropriated in the Land Act of 1916, not government owned land back then. To reverse this and restore a balance, privately owned land MUST be expropriated and redistributed evenly throughout the nation to restore justice against the current inequalities.
Ben10 10ben By saying 'you' insinuates you classifying me into a class of race akin to poverty and crime.. it was because of robbery and gross lack that 'we' are in this current state. And on the contrary, not all of us despite the gross injustice that crippled and shackled us at a generational scale are poor and criminal.
Kevin Masindi🌈 my brother you blacks must investigate your fucking government and the truth will come out🌈 South Africa has the the wealthiest people and cities in Africa due to white people🌈 African countries people are starving everyday because there's no white people, you blacks must stop looking for racism and mind your own business 🌈🌈
Is there a more detailed plan for this event in writing somewhere? I understand the action wanted, but only "in general". Surely the following have already been addressed before the proposal was requested: - How will the land be divided? - How is the size of land to be given determined? - Who decides on which persons get land? - What are the qualifications to have a share of the land? - How is priority of land handover handled? - Does the land remain under government ownership after handing the land to the new owner? - How many people will have a portion of the new land? - What are the possible economic reprecussions when land expropriation is in effect? - How will this action help the majority of poor people in the short and long run? - Who are the contractors involved when developing the land for the various new land owners? - How will this action benefit our GDP? I would just like to be well informed as I am sure a lot of other people would as well.
so they not even talking about giving land back to rightful owners now?? they are literally just wanting white land because ahh they feel like it?? its only just if its given to people that rightfully occupied the piece of land at issue and they have proof that it was theirs. Thats justice not giving stuff to people for the sake of wanting it. And i would love to know how on earth these people they would give the land to, love to know the funding they would receive to develop this land at hand. Can not even maintain the infrastructure of schools and hospitals yet some how magical funds will turn up for all these proposals of shops etc. Goodluck if this goes ahead
There are no jobs for the people in the economic centre's so when you give them houses will you also give them free electricity and water and social grants for food because the problem start with jobs and the money our country loses in the billions or trillions to corruption,you probably could have created half a million jobs and houses with the moneys the Gupta's stole,yes all people deserve a house and a certain standard or living that is 100% true but taking away from 1 person and making them homeless to give it to another person will not solve the problem.
agood point by honourable Malelma to point out that division in settlement should be addressed black people live 50 km away from their work places and are expected to arrive to work on time.
Why not release the 4000 farms and land that is owned by government so that we can see how the people can handle that land... Or is the land only for the ministers and their affiliates and families ????
I agree fully with what was said. The government owns enormous pieces of land (which is something they've purposely failed to mention before) which could have been released to the public freely to build on ages ago. This state owned land is a culmination of both rural and areas close to various CBD's and have been lying dormant for decades. I agree that they need to be pulled out the township way of living and be given the opportunity to develop proper suburban areas. Their challenge will be to figure out which land will be released for what purpose as some will be more beneficial to these new communities as residential sections and others as commercial, agricultural or in other ways industrial. It's important that as these new communities are built in such a way that, from the get go, it's designed and developed with a suburban mentality. Another challenge they have is the fact that most people living in townships will not have the means to build houses on their own, and if the past decade and a bit of RDP projects have shown us, is that it's slow and unreliable to say the least. New ways need to be created and encouraged for new businesses and wealth to be created in these communities in order for them to carry their own in some time. The government can't afford to carry this on their own, they need the assistance of this new wealth to keep the boat floating. This is all, of course, in an ideal world, and the ANC currently has a terrible history with taking on new projects and managing it correctly so we'll need to see what comes of it. I do hope it all comes into fruition.
To the Honorable Melema: There are ways to peacefully disturb the white and Indian farmers by informing them that it is there time to relocate. During the process of the land expropriation effort, the people can protest by Surrounding the sections of land being occupied by white and East indian people, bring out the old African drums. Beating the Ancient ancestors drums loudly will Summon the spirits of our ancestors that the people are ready to regain the lands there ancestors once occupied. Dlion.
I Love Julius Malema. I would be his 3rd wife if i wasn't married. Lmbo..Strong man for his people!! Much respect!! Prayers from America that taking the land back will happen quickly and i pray for your success for my African siblings.... Much love distant siblings. Much Love!!
Expropriating land is not a quick operation, and taking it without compensation is another story that is near impossible unless you don't care about foreign aid to your country. Another sticky point would be the money owed to the banks , who's going to pick up the tab for that?.
1. If they don't have money to build on the land what will happen? 2. If you give them a house and the don't have money to maintain the house what will happen? 3. As far as I know EVERYONE in South Africa are currently on a piece of land. They are not floating in the clouds. So what more do you want to give?
Technically that's not true. Currently there are are millions of people living in shacks on land yes, but that is not land that they own. It is land they (or their parents/ grandparents) were put on back during "those" times. These places tend to not have any basic necessities like running water, toilets or electricity and are very far away from economic hubs where the wealthy live and work. Unless you've walked for over 2 hours to get to work/ school, I don't think you would understand.
if the government really gave a shit about those people living in poor conditions with the resources they have every right to have, why have they not used the funds they have been provided with to improve their living conditions temporarily until suitable land is provided. 25 years down the line and nothing has been done, you think they have funds to build houses? If they cant even give those people a temp boost to help them get by there is NO WAY they will receive a house
MizuKageG they will still not own the land... Plus why have they not created an economy of those areas? I have seen schools build and broken down to foundation so that they dont have to walk 2 hours. Stop making excuses. 26 years and you are telling me that no one tried to make the economy in those areas you are talking about grow? Ask the ANC why?
Karstel that’s their own problem this is AFRICA NOT ENGLAND. African people have the ability to speak more than 5 languages what’s stopping Pink people?
one of my biggest hopes is that in these plans South Africa will thrive for both Blacks and whites economically and socially and crime rates come to zero. Hopefully , it's never going to be an easy process especially considering the huge numbers of illiterate and unemployable number of children, youth and adults in SA, so it's will be a process but still possible.
Shill Boy Postachio Only Caucasian nations stand in a foundation of shit😂😂😂🖕🏿That's why whity has to rely on African nations for it's resources. The irony. Whity invest heavily in African nations because you can't survive without😊😂✊🏿Whity even lives in a place that you falsely claim is a foundation of shit. You can't stop it. Tuff titty. Good riddance. Hypocrit. Jealous coward. Shut up you spoiled brat. White suspremacy is finished you moron😂😂😂
While they speak about land expropriation others plan to expropriate public monies (PIC). SA’s largest investor, the Public Investment Corporation (PIC) and Pelo Agricultural Ventures are set to buy a majority shareholding in Karan Beef for up to R5.2bn. Again The Public Investment Corporation has boosted its shareholding in mobile operator, MTN. The country’s largest asset manager, which oversees R2 trillion in assets, increased its stake in the group from around 15% to 23.6% The purchase price was not disclosed. With MTN currently facing a $10.1 billion crisis in Nigeria, the PIC investment is being seen as the group betting on the yellow network, in a vote of confidence. MTN has suffered several blows due to its operations in Nigeria over the years, which have led to multi-billion dollar claims by the country’s authorities, and an exodus of executives at the group. A shock $5.2 billion fine in Nigeria in 2015 embroiled MTN in 10 months of negotiations and prompted a management overhaul. Earlier in 2018, authorities in the West African nation announced another round of multi-billion-dollar demands. In the latest claim, Nigerian authorities have accused MTN of expatriating $8.1 billion in dividend without permission. The country added another $2 billion fine to the mix in relation to taxes. MTN’s market cap has halved since the initial Nigerian crisis, with the carrier currently valued at R166 billion. In afternoon trade on the JSE, MTN shares were a fraction of a percentage higher, trading at R88.19. Who controls the tap to these funds. Certainly not the public or any whites. Some serious questions should be asked Mr Cyril Ramaposa about these deals and who is benefiting here.
Land in South Africa belongs to people of melanin ..Blacks , Khoisan and Coloureds...And white people are very much welcome as well..We are the Rainbow nation ..but it's not fair that 1% if the population owns land while majority don't own land ..stop being selfish ...we should just work as a country such that the land is given fairly and all parties can live peacefully . ..why would u want to own huge acres of land while nothing is done on it .. e.g there is a place next to Soshahguve owned by a white man it's free land , no farming or anything done it but the person still wants to be selfish about it ? Huh why . .I'm sure the government plans on implementing expropriation of land on such land .
I find it very amusing that Ramaphosa doesn't know the history of South Africa. The boers signed a treaty with Dingaan for land. Nce the treaty was signed Dingaan had Piet Retief and his men killed in his kraal. 10 000 zulu warriors attacked 475 boers. They defended themselves. They didn't steal the land by the barrel of a gun. Nor did they killed 3500 warriors. They acred in seld defense. Ramamaphosa get you facts straight before you make these accusations. Tell the world the truth for once.
Maybe the president has his story wrong because you say so? You people are strangers to the truth. Boers have and are making claim that the Dutch settlers killed three thousand Zulus and here now you are chatting crap from that stinker on your face that it never happened the way Ramaphosa said it happened but we should believe your story.
@@dailyfx1415 correct, Mr Malema was speaking standard Sepedi from Polokwane and Mr Ramaphosa responded in a mix of Sepedi and Joburg Sotho being a Sowetan himself
They had better have a military force to back up their political actions otherwise I see a group of Bantus on borrowed time. If I was one of those farmers everyone in that parliament would be seeing their maker.
All the white baby boomers & gen x’s who sat by and accepted systematic racism under apartheid, will now feel the hardship as the tides turn and it’s their kids who suffer from their acceptance of racism. IMO there should be a generational cut off for land expropriation. Millennials and younger who have bought their own land should not be subjected to expropriation, if it’s inherited land then expropriation makes sense.
Let the whites be forced to learn South Africa language as a prerequisite to get a job there. Most EU countries subject everyone to speak their language or u die in hunger and poverty .
I don't understand why we have to release land that is already occupied... We want land that is unused but owned. That must be expropriated with no compensation.
Kabelo Theko 🌈🌈now you are clearly being racist no doubt, what's the difference ground is ground, blacks will stay poor because of no economic knowledge 🌈🌈 what did black government do beside stealing after 25 years😏????
oh ok, so you actually want to chase me out of my house that i legaly paid for and give it to someone else for free? I can understand the hatred. my house was not built in 1652 it was built in 2005. i will burn it to the ground before you take it.
Quiet Stranger You must get information first before you make conclusions, this thing of houses had been clarified I don't nkow if u just sowing hate or really you don't understand.
@@ntuthukovincent4492 I can read between the lines. I don't just listen to what ever jargon our politicians so eloquently say. And im not spewing hate either. Go and read some other comments from our BLf And EFF supporters. Read them objectively and tell me if its me or them spewing hate.
Yeah give the land to your people but your also taking it by your people or are we BOERE not part of your people since you want to take our ground to give to your people
Lets speed up on this matter, we have to much talks and less action visit the drawing boards the desired answers will indicate who owns th tparticular land its not rocket science...
@@mosimanegapebapo9600 ...please interpret on the line of latitude presented hear..what did Ramaphosa acted particular on this debate apart from white individuals
Daniel the people should get involved i hate 2 say but the same one's u stole land from the Indians in the United States are the same one u stole land in Africa our people was solen from there land history don't lie GOD WILL RETURN. WHAT WAS STOLEN FROM OUR PEOPLE
You lack knowledge of history for sure, the Indians in America were only concentrated in a very small area, like South Africa where the blacks only inhabited a small area in the eastern cape and Zululand. The western cape was totally devoid of any blacks. Only the Khoi was the in WC being nomads and not farmers at all.
Daniel all I know that the whole land was promised to the children of Abraham and they are taking it back and not only that in Europe the basque n the sardinia they are also black i share genetic with these people original kings of Europe for you could have a little understanding those are the Lost tribe of Israel
Thank u Mr malema for making a strong point..truly speaking if political parties can stop undermining you..South Africa would be a better country particularly Anc must admit that Eff policies are Morden than the Anc policies.... They time to full ppl has past longe time... viva juju viva!!!!
Very articulate statement made by Mr. Ramaphosa. He really advanced on Juju's question. I will also love my Juju, the only African fighter left on the continent to stand for his people.
is this a real account or a fake one. . . it's rare to here a White South African saying that. . . .if your account is real, I wish I could shake your hand. That RDP houses money can be used for something else.
In Kenya,we never see a Parliament this full...secondly,the president never attends parliamentary sessions,he is like a God here. No one puts him to task or asks him questions like this. We need an EFF in Kenya aki!
its not an EFF thing its a SouthAfrican constitutional thing, Mandela set the presedence in 94'
Nais Kaurrai i know right. Thats excellent and fair.
Umuntu I love Mandela. Mandela Rest easy King!! See again one day.
Nais Kaurrai it is called lack of responsability and discipline
Joh, and you call yourself a democracy
Why given them land for free, let them buy it, even a Little price... like R50.000 instead R200.000 this is just making black people of South Africa even poorer, even more laziest, come on SA government wake up and give values to life.
As a (white) south african who knows how incredibly difficult, competitive and unprofitable farming is, I hope that if they do take farms, they turn the land into new cities in the same way that Shenzen was transformed by China. The expertise required to successfully manage a large farm is immense and having seen my family struggle, I'd never wish to be a farmer. I know many people think land is the secret to wealth but that was 200 years ago. Now days, cities are the drivers of growth. What we need is a new economically free city in each province. If we're going to go down the sinister path of taking land from people who themselves had nothing to do with the original expropriation, at least let's be intelligent about what we do with that land and not just leave it as a farm, bound to fail in the absence of the decades of knowledge it takes to become a good farmer.
What we need is people buying land in the farms either land to build homes and to invest in the land. People with the intention of working the land for long term not people with get reach quick mentality.
Like it or not we still need some white people with the heart of Africa in them to help develop land and mentor those who wish to develop farming skills whether black or white with the help of government. I know this was proposed before but it sabotaged by the very white people. Please I know what you are thinking hence I said we need people the heart of Africa in them. Things have changed, economy is not going our direction whether black or white. This is not the time to sabotage opportunities but to make use if every chance you get.
Many whites went abroad and returned after seeing that this is the land of opportunities like it is or not. There are not a lot of opportunities out there since everyone is scrambling for the same piece of the pie. When white people come to Africa the same shit was playing out in their ountries and coming here was a Hugh relieve both socially and financially. Poverty was the order of the day in their lives. Africa liberated whites and not the other way around.
Well said,I am black and there is a farm at home,that thing is hard to run, resources are expensive, workers need to be paid and worst of all if a hail storm comes every thing dies
Not so fast ⏩
3 Generations later to your grandson. Whether you are dead or not. The land IS VERY VALUABLE.
You make me proud, my Black South African Brothers and Sisters!!!
@k hill you are pink you fool
PAPA YUNG Get Fucked you shit hued loser.
@Yutube Lurker
Exactly. It's so ironic that those who are the first to point the finger yelling racist, are the most racist scum of the earth.
Bok ram and who are those?
If I said you make me proud White south africans this would be racist. what you have said is wrong
Cradle of Communism
Cradle of white supremacy..
@@okuomose1 i wasnt even born in apartheid..
steam steam on behalf of the real Africans we don’t care!!! Cry us a river😎
Leave that shit hole why u can.
The cradle of Chinese colonialism.
Mr president if you don't expropriate land without compensation we shall never celebrate you. don't be timid
For all those that didn't understand what he said, he said that the government is going to issue land that it owns and land from individuals that isn't being used in an informed basis
Mr president is a man of intergrity and he knows how to answers the questions from opposition party in a good Manner since he took power our parliarment is running very good without disrubted -my wise president
Townships will never die, the plan worked
I like the way they speak their language, that's what we need to do in African now..then we're truly becoming liberated..
MO not just that we need to stop wearing suits and wear clothes from our respective tribes
Devnull lol what
Devnull lol nice joke I see what you playing at
Yes. Just like Africa. Look at Africa. A giant shit hole. Your peopel. Your language
Yutube Lurker poser just letting you know you are spotted
I’m English... someone explain to me how these people are going to build their own houses? They get the land for free which is great, but houses cost money to build. Especially decent houses.
Sounds to me like your just going to end up moving the townships closer to the cities...
there is descents house in township. vacants lands in the cities cost more than those houses in twonship. Some also have money to build descents house but don't have land do to aparthied system. You want them to stay at their township?
Abdoulaye Diack not at all, I was just thinking it’s not really worth while giving them land if they don’t have the ability or capital to build houses.
It would be better if the government built houses on the land and then sold them to the people at cost price. They could get a government backed mortgage that they could pay off over the years.
It would mean better houses with more organised infrastructure.
Or they could do a community build project where the people supply the labour and government supply materials and good management.
If you want to increase the standard of living your people then it’s essential that you invest in good infrastructure.
I agree with you many African countries do that i don't know if that is their plan. But the big issue with that solution is in Africa governement is so corrupt then generally build poor houses, so people prefer build themselves
Yes, this doesn't bode well for South Africa....
China has been building there for years.#RESEARCH it.
Land expropriation is right but Zuma's ANC was too busy plundering SA to care. That is also why EFF proposed nationalizing of all land is wrong. EFF rule will give all land to Mr Malema and his cronies. History teaches us we can't trust any government to use this kind of power justly. The poor masses will lose yet again. ANC policy of giving people ownership of their own piece of land is the right way for justice and good economy.
Last year, white people lauded Cyril and (for the first time ever) took to the streets to march with the rest of us in an attempt to oust Zuma. A couple of months into his tenure, the same Cryil finds himself under immense pressure to perform and judging by what I see, he is all too happy to deliver.
It's ironic because I doubt things would have escalated at this rate towards expropriation were Zuma still in office.
To be fair, it was White liberals in the media. White conservatives who want to see Land reform be accelerated through title deeds and the free market have never been caught up in "Ramaphoria". But yes, Zuma was too busy stealing from Black people to steal from White people.
lol...I bet he's cracking up in his homestead, living the life and watching everything unfold. I'm just dumbfounded at the pace with which everything is progressing since Cyril took seat.
Guess they don't call him "Mr Thuma Mina" for
I'm personally not happy. "Mr Send Me" is still misleading the people. Using land as a means to stoke racial tensions, is not a sign of a strong leader. He irresponsibly said that Whites own 72% of the land in SA. Thats simply factually incorrect. As per the 2017 land audit by Dept of Rural Development and Land Reform Whites own 72% of 37 milliion hectares. So thats more like 22% of the extent of South Africa, 43% of which is in the NC(a literal desert). This idea that Whites own everything and we are still oppressed is so far removed from reality, it makes me sick. I even give White beggars money at traffic lights. Now thats true transformation #BlackExcellence.
@huey Someones been drinking the EFF oros. You do realise no White person alive today stole anything from us. Land reform has already dealt with the damage caused by the 1913 land act. Those whites that colonised are long dead. I dont hold them responsible for things their forefathers did, in the same way I dont hold Zulu people responsible for Shaka. Please educate yourself before spreading lies and mistruths on the public space.
Having listened to today's parliamentary session I am inclined to agree with you on this one. There are so so many gray spots and unanswered questions that one is left wondering whether perhaps this is a step in the right direction and if indeed the necessary legwork has been carried out to ensure its viability.
Policy aside, I think at this point I am more worried about the repercussions on the financial sector...I do believe consultations have been ongoing with the major banks and some of the insurance giants, but I have yet to pick up on any input from others in the sector.
Maybe I am looking in the wrong place but from where I sit, I worry our economic livelihood could be in jeopardy if we fail to look beyond what is presented by Ramaphosa and co...
If the country goes on like this we are gonna end up like Zimbabwe
I see u ar the fan or superiors
When you say our people, are you talking about South African or specifically black people?
Don't be fooled by what people say, of course it's about black, not White, Indian or Chinese.
He's talking about OUR people! You decide if you're a part us or not.
He is talking about all people but in this instance its obvious that it is black people because they do not have land.
@@akshaynarshi827 Africans
Stop with the negativity.This is NOT Zimbabwe 2. When more people prosper , the better for all!!!!!! Become part of the solution by supporting the government to make this a success!!!!!
Guys you know what... I am really starting to think that our leaders are incapable of relating to the man and woman in South Africa.
Did you guys hear how the president responded to Julius Malema's statement about the young lady that was thrown out of parliament.
Is it just me or did the president completely miss the whole point of Malema's statement.
Oh and @eNCA its not Julius Ramaphosa "I get it" but you should have someone to check that sort of thing.
Protect those brave people because your enemies will try to take them out
Nobody is talking about the tribal lands that will also be seized. The Zulus have also said they will fight and are supporting white farmers. I never thought I'd here that.
President Cyril Ramaphosa, how can you take land from whites only , it's not about your people what about all South Africans who own land it's not just about Africans it's about all SA citizens who live in SA
Expropriation of private land here has not been made clear, after all it was private land that was expropriated in the Land Act of 1916, not government owned land back then. To reverse this and restore a balance, privately owned land MUST be expropriated and redistributed evenly throughout the nation to restore justice against the current inequalities.
Ben10 10ben By saying 'you' insinuates you classifying me into a class of race akin to poverty and crime.. it was because of robbery and gross lack that 'we' are in this current state. And on the contrary, not all of us despite the gross injustice that crippled and shackled us at a generational scale are poor and criminal.
Kevin Masindi🌈 my brother you blacks must investigate your fucking government and the truth will come out🌈 South Africa has the the wealthiest people and cities in Africa due to white people🌈 African countries people are starving everyday because there's no white people, you blacks must stop looking for racism and mind your own business 🌈🌈
I like how they speak their language
Malema wouldn't last a day in a real concentration camp😂😂😂
Is there a more detailed plan for this event in writing somewhere?
I understand the action wanted, but only "in general".
Surely the following have already been addressed before the proposal was requested:
- How will the land be divided?
- How is the size of land to be given determined?
- Who decides on which persons get land?
- What are the qualifications to have a share of the land?
- How is priority of land handover handled?
- Does the land remain under government ownership after handing the land to the new owner?
- How many people will have a portion of the new land?
- What are the possible economic reprecussions when land expropriation is in effect?
- How will this action help the majority of poor people in the short and long run?
- Who are the contractors involved when developing the land for the various new land owners?
- How will this action benefit our GDP?
I would just like to be well informed as I am sure a lot of other people would as well.
so they not even talking about giving land back to rightful owners now?? they are literally just wanting white land because ahh they feel like it?? its only just if its given to people that rightfully occupied the piece of land at issue and they have proof that it was theirs. Thats justice not giving stuff to people for the sake of wanting it. And i would love to know how on earth these people they would give the land to, love to know the funding they would receive to develop this land at hand. Can not even maintain the infrastructure of schools and hospitals yet some how magical funds will turn up for all these proposals of shops etc. Goodluck if this goes ahead
we have paid tax, all SA citizens reach out to the poor
There are no jobs for the people in the economic centre's so when you give them houses will you also give them free electricity and water and social grants for food because the problem start with jobs and the money our country loses in the billions or trillions to corruption,you probably could have created half a million jobs and houses with the moneys the Gupta's stole,yes all people deserve a house and a certain standard or living that is 100% true but taking away from 1 person and making them homeless to give it to another person will not solve the problem.
agood point by honourable Malelma to point out that division in settlement should be addressed black people live 50 km away from their work places and are expected to arrive to work on time.
Why not release the 4000 farms and land that is owned by government so that we can see how the people can handle that land... Or is the land only for the ministers and their affiliates and families ????
I agree fully with what was said. The government owns enormous pieces of land (which is something they've purposely failed to mention before) which could have been released to the public freely to build on ages ago. This state owned land is a culmination of both rural and areas close to various CBD's and have been lying dormant for decades. I agree that they need to be pulled out the township way of living and be given the opportunity to develop proper suburban areas. Their challenge will be to figure out which land will be released for what purpose as some will be more beneficial to these new communities as residential sections and others as commercial, agricultural or in other ways industrial. It's important that as these new communities are built in such a way that, from the get go, it's designed and developed with a suburban mentality. Another challenge they have is the fact that most people living in townships will not have the means to build houses on their own, and if the past decade and a bit of RDP projects have shown us, is that it's slow and unreliable to say the least. New ways need to be created and encouraged for new businesses and wealth to be created in these communities in order for them to carry their own in some time. The government can't afford to carry this on their own, they need the assistance of this new wealth to keep the boat floating. This is all, of course, in an ideal world, and the ANC currently has a terrible history with taking on new projects and managing it correctly so we'll need to see what comes of it. I do hope it all comes into fruition.
To the Honorable Melema: There are ways to peacefully disturb the white and Indian farmers by informing them that it is there time to relocate. During the process of the land expropriation effort, the people can protest by Surrounding the sections of land being occupied by white and East indian people, bring out the old African drums. Beating the Ancient ancestors drums loudly will Summon the spirits of our ancestors that the people are ready to regain the lands there ancestors once occupied. Dlion.
I always knew there’s something depressing abt townships...!!
Auttie B not the fact that they were forced to be cramped up there? We shall see, continue 👁
I Love Julius Malema. I would be his 3rd wife if i wasn't married. Lmbo..Strong man for his people!! Much respect!! Prayers from America that taking the land back will happen quickly and i pray for your success for my African siblings.... Much love distant siblings. Much Love!!
Expropriating land is not a quick operation, and taking it without compensation is another story that is near impossible unless you don't care about foreign aid to your country. Another sticky point would be the money owed to the banks , who's going to pick up the tab for that?.
@@Daniel-zw4jo what per cent of South Africa's GDP does foreign aid account for? Take your aid and go F yourself.
You can have him. I will even pay to have him mailed to you with no return address
Please leave America you racist piece of shit.
Seems to be the right moment to take any investment out of South Africa.
1. If they don't have money to build on the land what will happen?
2. If you give them a house and the don't have money to maintain the house what will happen?
3. As far as I know EVERYONE in South Africa are currently on a piece of land. They are not floating in the clouds. So what more do you want to give?
Technically that's not true. Currently there are are millions of people living in shacks on land yes, but that is not land that they own. It is land they (or their parents/ grandparents) were put on back during "those" times. These places tend to not have any basic necessities like running water, toilets or electricity and are very far away from economic hubs where the wealthy live and work. Unless you've walked for over 2 hours to get to work/ school, I don't think you would understand.
if the government really gave a shit about those people living in poor conditions with the resources they have every right to have, why have they not used the funds they have been provided with to improve their living conditions temporarily until suitable land is provided. 25 years down the line and nothing has been done, you think they have funds to build houses? If they cant even give those people a temp boost to help them get by there is NO WAY they will receive a house
MizuKageG they will still not own the land... Plus why have they not created an economy of those areas? I have seen schools build and broken down to foundation so that they dont have to walk 2 hours. Stop making excuses. 26 years and you are telling me that no one tried to make the economy in those areas you are talking about grow? Ask the ANC why?
I'm wondering where all the funds will come from once the land is expropriated....
They will print money faster lighting
China will lol Europe u can go.
Use the natural resources to uplift your People and get water, electricity and gas throughout the country. A 5 to 8 year plan.
They should always speak english in parliament because a lot of people dont understand other languages
Karstel that’s their own problem this is AFRICA NOT ENGLAND. African people have the ability to speak more than 5 languages what’s stopping Pink people?
I want to see Malema as the President of South africa
one of my biggest hopes is that in these plans South Africa will thrive for both Blacks and whites economically and socially and crime rates come to zero. Hopefully , it's never going to be an easy process especially considering the huge numbers of illiterate and unemployable number of children, youth and adults in SA, so it's will be a process but still possible.
I'm a white South African and I don't like Malema but he has a good point here to create employment and etc which most people don't understand
I don't understand but i have an idea of whats going on #RISEaFRICA
Yutube Lurker Shut up, reprobate
Ian Vurayai Yes Rise Africa!! Im so excited in America for the Rise of Africa.. My sibling are waking up and Rising up!!
how can you rise when you stand in a foundation of shit... You always sink back in...
Shill Boy Postachio Only Caucasian nations stand in a foundation of shit😂😂😂🖕🏿That's why whity has to rely on African nations for it's resources. The irony. Whity invest heavily in African nations because you can't survive without😊😂✊🏿Whity even lives in a place that you falsely claim is a foundation of shit. You can't stop it. Tuff titty. Good riddance. Hypocrit. Jealous coward. Shut up you spoiled brat. White suspremacy is finished you moron😂😂😂
While they speak about land expropriation others plan to expropriate public monies (PIC).
SA’s largest investor, the Public Investment Corporation (PIC) and Pelo Agricultural Ventures are set to buy a majority shareholding in Karan Beef for up to R5.2bn.
The Public Investment Corporation has boosted its shareholding in mobile operator, MTN.
The country’s largest asset manager, which oversees R2 trillion in assets, increased its stake in the group from around 15% to 23.6%
The purchase price was not disclosed.
With MTN currently facing a $10.1 billion crisis in Nigeria, the PIC investment is being seen as the group betting on the yellow network, in a vote of confidence.
MTN has suffered several blows due to its operations in Nigeria over the years, which have led to multi-billion dollar claims by the country’s authorities, and an exodus of executives at the group.
A shock $5.2 billion fine in Nigeria in 2015 embroiled MTN in 10 months of negotiations and prompted a management overhaul. Earlier in 2018, authorities in the West African nation announced another round of multi-billion-dollar demands.
In the latest claim, Nigerian authorities have accused MTN of expatriating $8.1 billion in dividend without permission. The country added another $2 billion fine to the mix in relation to taxes.
MTN’s market cap has halved since the initial Nigerian crisis, with the carrier currently valued at R166 billion.
In afternoon trade on the JSE, MTN shares were a fraction of a percentage higher, trading at R88.19.
Who controls the tap to these funds. Certainly not the public or any whites. Some serious questions should be asked Mr Cyril Ramaposa about these deals and who is benefiting here.
Land in South Africa belongs to people of melanin ..Blacks , Khoisan and Coloureds...And white people are very much welcome as well..We are the Rainbow nation ..but it's not fair that 1% if the population owns land while majority don't own land ..stop being selfish ...we should just work as a country such that the land is given fairly and all parties can live peacefully . ..why would u want to own huge acres of land while nothing is done on it .. e.g there is a place next to Soshahguve owned by a white man it's free land , no farming or anything done it but the person still wants to be selfish about it ? Huh why . .I'm sure the government plans on implementing expropriation of land on such land .
Our people our people that is all you have to offer.....
nice question malema but according to my view i think South Africa is nothing without white people
I find it very amusing that Ramaphosa doesn't know the history of South Africa. The boers signed a treaty with Dingaan for land. Nce the treaty was signed Dingaan had Piet Retief and his men killed in his kraal. 10 000 zulu warriors attacked 475 boers. They defended themselves. They didn't steal the land by the barrel of a gun. Nor did they killed 3500 warriors. They acred in seld defense. Ramamaphosa get you facts straight before you make these accusations. Tell the world the truth for once.
Maybe the president has his story wrong because you say so? You people are strangers to the truth. Boers have and are making claim that the Dutch settlers killed three thousand Zulus and here now you are chatting crap from that stinker on your face that it never happened the way Ramaphosa said it happened but we should believe your story.
Which language are they using before they switch to English, and why ?
Green Manalishi It’s called Zulu and it’s the most spoken language in South Africa
that was not zulu at all. If im not mistaken it was Sotho. I could be wrong, maybe venda
daniel skilton You probably right. I guessed Zulu because in Parliament English & Zulu is most commonly spoken.
Its sepedi and what do you mean why ?
@@dailyfx1415 correct, Mr Malema was speaking standard Sepedi from Polokwane and Mr Ramaphosa responded in a mix of Sepedi and Joburg Sotho being a Sowetan himself
African language spoken in Parliament. The Plot thickens.
Official Languages it's not our problem you don't hear, you can get your passport and go
Zavier 1 well this is Africa not the West or do they speak English in the German parliament
You in africa incase you forgot...
Manje shlanganaph naloko thina baba...
@@MRTWICE11473 Du bist immer noch ein kleiner Junge, erzieh dich, die Dinge werden dann besser werden.
Love the sound of Africa language especially happy it's us in South Africa parliament
what about your people this is unfair we are all South Africans
They had better have a military force to back up their political actions otherwise I see a group of Bantus on borrowed time. If I was one of those farmers everyone in that parliament would be seeing their maker.
All the white baby boomers & gen x’s who sat by and accepted systematic racism under apartheid, will now feel the hardship as the tides turn and it’s their kids who suffer from their acceptance of racism. IMO there should be a generational cut off for land expropriation. Millennials and younger who have bought their own land should not be subjected to expropriation, if it’s inherited land then expropriation makes sense.
What's next? Give them houses? They already have land in town.
Why u need two homes while u have Europe
Let the whites be forced to learn South Africa language as a prerequisite to get a job there. Most EU countries subject everyone to speak their language or u die in hunger and poverty .
I can only repeat myself: White Rule should never have ended
Thankfully it has and now justice prevails
You Afrikaanas you need mental help can you arrive in a peaceful place and turn it into hell and still think that was right ?
It should never have began, I can't wait to have a white queerpremacist skin rug, on my front porch.
So the cradle of human kind has no meaning?
@Anica Le Grange No, it is a scientific narrative. My God, who educates you people?
@Anica Le Grange Anica Le Grange, Sounds like a Eurooean Name and Surname to me, are you African?
Zavier 1 it was proven false only Africans came from Africa
Ramaphosa is gay, what malema is saying is true
Ramaposa is certainly doing facials in his face...He looks different
I don't understand why we have to release land that is already occupied... We want land that is unused but owned. That must be expropriated with no compensation.
Kabelo Theko 🌈🌈now you are clearly being racist no doubt, what's the difference ground is ground, blacks will stay poor because of no economic knowledge 🌈🌈 what did black government do beside stealing after 25 years😏????
@@Benben-qo2xi I was wondering why this response is so uniform, but the your name says it all. No boy, think about it.
Who gets the land? How will it be distributed? Will there be fair distribution?
Shacks are not houses
oh ok, so you actually want to chase me out of my house that i legaly paid for and give it to someone else for free? I can understand the hatred. my house was not built in 1652 it was built in 2005. i will burn it to the ground before you take it.
Quiet Stranger You must get information first before you make conclusions, this thing of houses had been clarified I don't nkow if u just sowing hate or really you don't understand.
@@ntuthukovincent4492 I can read between the lines. I don't just listen to what ever jargon our politicians so eloquently say. And im not spewing hate either. Go and read some other comments from our BLf And EFF supporters. Read them objectively and tell me if its me or them spewing hate.
@Sharon Cato Was born here my country too. Not from Europe. Never been there. Will stay here just to piss off people like you.
civil war....no1 is right no1 is wrong...all i am saying is CIVIL WAR...B PREPARED
@@cheslinorlein5594 I am prepared to die they will take it from my cold dead hands.
Yeah give the land to your people but your also taking it by your people or are we BOERE not part of your people since you want to take our ground to give to your people
And who is giving them money to do so?
Very poor idea to re-pack people close into cities. Across the world better life means using technology to disperse people not centralize.
-doesn't have a word for "parliment"
Lets speed up on this matter, we have to much talks and less action visit the drawing boards the desired answers will indicate who owns th tparticular land its not rocket science...
Did you know that the 72% of land owned by Whites is only 30% of the extent of SA. Read the 2017 land audit brother. Dont be led astray.
@@mosimanegapebapo9600 ...please interpret on the line of latitude presented hear..what did Ramaphosa acted particular on this debate apart from white individuals
my people are taking back what's there's
The people has very little say in all of this.
Daniel the people should get involved i hate 2 say but the same one's u stole land from the Indians in the United States are the same one u stole land in Africa our people was solen from there land history don't lie GOD WILL RETURN. WHAT WAS STOLEN FROM OUR PEOPLE
You lack knowledge of history for sure, the Indians in America were only concentrated in a very small area, like South Africa where the blacks only inhabited a small area in the eastern cape and Zululand. The western cape was totally devoid of any blacks. Only the Khoi was the in WC being nomads and not farmers at all.
Daniel all I know that the whole land was promised to the children of Abraham and they are taking it back and not only that in Europe the basque n the sardinia they are also black i share genetic with these people original kings of Europe for you could have a little understanding those are the Lost tribe of Israel
@@kevinmaysonet1138 The children of Abraham were Jews, what claim do they have on land in South Africa?.
let em do what they want ,,,,there cheap
we are the people
What is the president speaking, zulu?
Peter-john De Jong the fact that you don’t know should reveal howmuch you actually don’t know. 👁
Farmers it seems people dont need food anymote
EFF leader julias ramaphosa enca come on who wrote this
sorry 24 years
Thank u Mr malema for making a strong point..truly speaking if political parties can stop undermining you..South Africa would be a better country particularly Anc must admit that Eff policies are Morden than the Anc policies.... They time to full ppl has past longe time... viva juju viva!!!!
Very articulate statement made by Mr. Ramaphosa. He really advanced on Juju's question. I will also love my Juju, the only African fighter left on the continent to stand for his people.
South open your eyes why your people being a refugee in there on country
How does this now work....are you going to buy.
Sepedi sa goja bogobe.
Is this really happening?
Is all his people all south africans
Go back to Europe
Z-I-M-B-A-B-W-E - - - 2.0
Wanner gaan julle op hou met Julle kak mee
Emet the land issue s.
all races
Thanks God for this man.
is this a real account or a fake one. . . it's rare to here a White South African saying that. . . .if your account is real, I wish I could shake your hand. That RDP houses money can be used for something else.
Not fake,take care and God bless.
Mr weak always agrees with juju
Awa peepol!