A Special Promotion Ceremony

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024
  • RP
    A Special Promotion Ceremony
    Please everyone, Have a seat. Please keep all talking out of local. We're about to begain...
    There's comes a time in all of our lives that we become what we should be. And today, is one of those days. This demon has shown his loyalty, love, honor, trust, and respect To me and his family, throughout the years I've known him.
    my son EG_JOHN_ToA_CDA, Please come forth...
    As you stand before me. I thank you for doing the things I needed done. Without questions, you stepped up, and did what was needed. I'm so proud and very honored to have you as my son.
    Please kneel my son.... Crazy my girl, please come stand to the left of your mate.
    Today is a special day. Not only for you my son. But for me as well... Looks at your Title, "EG" (smiles softly) snatches it from you. Your days as an Elder God is over. For you my dear son, you are more.
    It is known to many that long ago this was offered to you, but out of respect and honor you declined. Now, my dear son, I think it is time that you are bestowed this honor and shown this respect.
    Snatches the ToA Tag from you as well. My son... Say the name of the Tag you wish to have....
    So Mote It Be!
    John, From this day forth, you will be know as; Prime_JOHN_TAD_CDA... Co-Owner of ALL houses under the ToA Tag. Be forth warned! IF you abuse the Title in any way, I will strip you from it.
    Do you accept your rightful place as Prime?
    "EG_JOHN_TAD_CDA, Yes!"
    Rise into Glory Prime_JOHN_TAD_CDA. "As I turn and looks at the thrones.. I walk over to mine and stand... Please Prime, come join me and take your place. Not only as my Right hand. But also Co-Head of the family with me.
    As I walk over to you. Places the Crown of ALL the houses within this family, up on your head... Takes a step back as I proudly bow to you Prime. My son... With honor and respect, I ask everyone to bow and Congrats Prime, Co-Owner of ToA!
    So Mote It Be!