This is great. I was listening to Hine in the 80s and have the original Australian pressings of the trilogy albums. They are far from rare and cost pennies these days but all three are wonderful and worth revisiting. You picked my favorite of the three to talk about. Concidentily I was listening to The Album Years podcast this week where Steve and Tim talked about this record though Hine rarely gets a mention anywhere these days. If I play this album I know I'll also want to play the other two and Walking Into Mirrors by Johnny Warman which I bought around the same time.
Love Rupert Hine! Thanks for showcasing him, he does not get enough exposure!
This is great. I was listening to Hine in the 80s and have the original Australian pressings of the trilogy albums. They are far from rare and cost pennies these days but all three are wonderful and worth revisiting. You picked my favorite of the three to talk about. Concidentily I was listening to The Album Years podcast this week where Steve and Tim talked about this record though Hine rarely gets a mention anywhere these days. If I play this album I know I'll also want to play the other two and Walking Into Mirrors by Johnny Warman which I bought around the same time.
I had this album back in the day, it has one of my all time favourite tracks on it, 'Dark Windows'.
"To one a mind quite empty
Is more use than one too full"