+Keith Thompson well Without Jesus Dying on the Cross there would be no hope for anyone thank God he had mercy on us and withheld his wrath by sending Jesus as the ultimate sacrifice and Shedding His blood for us so we could be saved by His Grace yes i am thankful for Grace but more so for the Blood Jesus Shed on the Cross for us all.
+Michael Miller Your objection of this comment seems a bit pointless at best and divisive at worse. We all accept that we are saved because of Christ's work on the cross and His resurrection but it is the very Grace of God that put Christ on the cross and it is by Grace that we are able to see ourselves as depraved and in need of the cross, its by Grace that we come to Christ and by Grace through faith we are Saved (Eph. 2:8-9) Because of Grace our sins are nailed to the cross and by Gods Grace we receive Christ's righteousness credited to us. It is silly to question ones Salvation that expresses such gratitude for the Grace of God, as its an Amazing Grace that saved a wretch like me.
+Michael Miller My apologies Michael, I thought you were responding to the original comment, I didn't see the remarks from the anti-theist until he wanted to mock my comment. I was going to delete my comment to you after I realized what happened but there is enough Gospel in it to leave it for the would-be anti-theist trolls that happen along and really, it's only the Gospel that we are obligated to give such people. No amount of apologetics will ease the hatred of those who would use their time seeking out Christian videos on YT to try to ruffle some feathers.
I'm not a Calvinist. At least I wouldn't call or think of myself as one, due to the risk of identifying myself with an ideology instead of the truth. But by God's sovereign grace and guidance, I did come across some irrefutably powerful truths while studying these doctrines. It is the Holy Spirit who leads us into all truth.
It made me cried this video just for the fact that I'm the worse of all sinners an yet God loves and took my curse on the cross😭. Thank you John piper you've been a blessing to me since I was a teenager and yes I believe in the sweet doctrines of grace🙌
Calvinism is the foundation of the Gospel and has been such a blessing to me. God's grace to me, even me who wouldn't have chosen him because I loved my sin so much, took me out of my sin and brought me to my amazing Saviour. Praise God, this doctrine is my life!
The gospel is the good news that Jesus Christ died for us while we were still sinners. Because I believe in Calvinism, I know it was all his work and that he gets all the glory. If I don't believe in Calvinism, the rest of the Gospel doesn't make musch sense. That is why I say it is the foundation of the Gospel.
Andy Osborne I also believe that Christ died for us while we were still sinners. I also know that it's all His work and He deserves all the glory. The gospel makes perfect sense to me. Yet I don't believe in Calvinism and specifically the "Doctrines of Grace ". Wonder how that is? I think I'll just keep Christ the foundation of the Gospel. He's done more for me than Calvin.
I'm sure you understand the gospel. But the only logical explanation for it is Total depravity (we are sinners), Unconditional election (God has grace on us while we are still his enemies), Limited atonement (Christ's blood cleansed the sins of all those he died for), Irrisistable grace (Us comingt to God is God's work; he gets all the glory) and Preservation of the Saints (God keeps us to the end by his grace). It has nothing to do with Calvin, that's just the name.
I'm Lutheran and in my case i once believed in the tulip. I love my Christian Calvinist brothers. And we might disagree on things. But we share the faith that we have. And i do believe that we are predestined. God bless you John Piper
Thank you Pastor John for tracing your ministry for us back to a desire to preach Christ in the local church. I've been blessed by the ministry of Desiring God but I'm way more blessed weekend after weekend at my church that preaches Christ crucified.
Thank you for this. Embracing God's sovereignty, in the specific area of rape, molestation, and the like... this is difficult for me. I need to own this truth. Thank you for speaking about this boldly and gladly.
Thank you, Dr Piper. I rejoice in the the "Doctrines of Grace," but I attend a Southern Baptist church where my pastor has described them as "doctrines from the pits of hell."
Amen. Thank you for that encouragement. Tears of thankfulness and AMEN fell as you spoke and I reflected.... A near (should have been) fatal motorcycle accident... 3 cars stolen... A 'please let me die / considered suicide [but that wouldn't honor God] because of the pain' tooth infection... and lots of other relational issues I can't mention.... God is in control and He really IS working everything together for good for those who love Him and who are called according to His purpose (rom8.28). Surely, He didn't just call us to believe in His name, but also to suffer for His sake. (somewhere in Philippians) It never seems fun at the time. but afterward it really DOES yield the fruit. Jesus over everything. - Walker from Vallejo, California. Soli Deo Gloria
I do believe in God being sovereign, but I also believe in free will. Jesus always called people to repentance, which meant that they had to make a choice themselves. So I don't quite understand how they both work hand in hand, but it's in God's word and I believe it (even if I can't understand it). Maybe God will explain it to me - and everyone else who believes - in heaven one day. I also don't believe in the Calvinist definition of Limited Atonement since God so loved the whole world, and came to seek and save what was lost (John 3:16; Luke 19:10).
I disagree here. The Arminians have failed here. So how come no one from Bethlehem Baptist Church come to Simpson shelter and preach the gospel of grace?
Standard Christianity has Jesus dying for all men who would repent and believe. The doctrines of grace have this god, creating non-elect reprobates to burn in hell for eternity to somehow show his glory. Which one is the doctrines of grace again?
Why does he have to mix the doctrine (not "doctrines") of grace with Calvinism. Calvinist and noncalvanist believe in God's immeasurable grace. Therein lies the biggest problem with Calvinist: they have to refer every doctrine, everything they believe, back to Calvin. Even their love of God is through the lens of Calvinism, meaning the most important thing we can do in life is marginalized.
+David Paulino Thank You it should all lead back to God's Word and what Jesus did for us all on the Cross they dont Believe Jesus died for the sins of everyone. They believe God picks and chooses who will be saved.
@@michaelmiller7879 so you believe God is making things up as he goes along and doesnt know the begining from the end as stated in the bible?? Your saying God is not in control and that we are??
Grace is the ultimate gift. It's the beginning. As Christians, we don't follow the Bible to get closer to God or get to heaven. We first accept and realize the grace extended to us by Jesus on the cross that enables us to be with Him. Then from that revelation, we pursue God and want to do His will out of love and recognition of His sovereignty. The instructions of the Bible have a place but first, they point out how much we need a Savior (Romans 7:7-13). It's backwards to religion. Salvation comes before the good works and "rule following." After Salvation, those things tend to flow naturally (there is deep-rooted change in followers of Christ).
+Chiy'el Yasharahla grace comes from the latin word gratia which means free, without price, with no cost, but it does not mean that anything that comes with gratia has no cost, but rather it means that the one who recieves the gratia does not have to pay the price for it because it has been already paid by someone else so it would be free for the one who recieves.
"If one wants to see the problem illustrated, you need look no further than John Piper’s video entitled, “The Doctrines of Grace Are My Life.” In that glowing eulogy to “Calvinism” Piper calls the doctrines of grace (TULIP) the “source of” his life, the “joy of” his life, the “sustaining foundation” of his life, the “hope, the end, the goal of” his life, and “the center” of his pastoral ministry for the last 33 years. That is an amazing example of what happens when Christ our Lord is taken out of the center of Christianity and replaced with TULIP. Supposedly, were it not for TULIP, Piper would not have been able to overcome his prostate cancer, and a family in his church would not have been able to get through the nightmare of discovering their child had been molested. Sorry, but that is just doctrinally aberrant and bizarre. I cannot imagine Calvin, or any historic Reformed theologian from centuries past speaking in such a worshipful tone about any particular theory regarding election, the atonement, or the mechanisms of the ordo salutis. And people accuse me of building a straw-man when I say that modern Calvinists have reduced the essence of Christianity to the never-ceasing gnostic contemplation of TULIP? That’s precisely what I mean by the TULIP cult."-- Paul Owen (A Calvinist)
The eternal secret of the whole human race, and each of their All of this in a secret relationship with God That is described in the Bible is the Word of God The Bible's view of salvation In the story of God and all the individuals Light and darkness of it In the darkness of ignorance That God is light, and one which conditions Fewer have done in parables So Yesterday, today, and Your forever the same for everyone To eternal truth Inside of the Whole BIBLE the way of the place and joy in Eden That is all in the Human. As recorded in the book of Bible Is of the secret knowledge of each of All Inside of Humanbeing. To understand with that Knowledge (from Genesis to Revelation) Realize that is The salvation ~ ! ! ! Secret relationship with God 3Person -> 2Person ->1Person Adam(Mascuine) -> Through Word of Truth (Feminine) -> Distribute: Knowledge of Truth (Neuter) (Col 1:25-27 NAS) 25 Of this church I was made a minister according to the stewardship from God bestowed on me for your benefit, that I might fully carry out the preaching of the word of God, 26 that is, the mystery which has been hidden from the past ages and generations; but has now been manifested to His saints, 27 to whom God willed to make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Revelation 22:18 I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, if any man shall add unto them, God shall add unto him the plagues which are written in this book: ※ Which mean Genesis to Revelation Revelation 22:19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the tree of life(Genesis 2:9) and from the holy city (Revelation 21:10), which are written in this book. Genesis 2:9 And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Revelation 21:10 And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city , the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God,
@BecomingMike it doesn't matter because substitutionary atonement is biblical and is the only way to account for our salvation. In order for us to become righteous God has to take the wrath of God which we rightfully deserved. He was the Lamb who was slain, the final and perfect sacrifice. God appeased the wrath of God for the enemies of God, that is true forgiveness!
Men try and repackage the Bible based on their understanding and "coin" a term because they look up to other 'great men of faith", so-called. Just teach the Bible, rightly divided. Anything beyond that is VANITY and of the FLESH.
Pertaining to understanding the Word of God, I rely on the Word of God and the Holy Spirit...I can listen to others, but ultimately, I stay with God's word. I despise these fancy terminologies meant to validate someone's "education"...they make it so complicated, that you are almost forced to "go through them". That is the same reason, the catholic club tried to keep the Bible in latin...Well, the doctrines of men is a slick way of doing the same thing...The devil is subtle.
+bible4truth I agree with you and look at the Mormons the have Mormonism sounds like Calvinism both groups got the basis of their faith from a man. I always go to God's Word and study it for myself but i do have a pastor and i do go to bible study but always search God's word on the final word.
Becomingmike is lost in bad theology The Bible clearly teaches that sin must be atoned for by a blood sacrifice and only Christs blood was and is sufficient
Choosing the name "Doctrines of grace" rather than "Calvinism" is a much more appealing denomination for this set of truths scattered all around the Scriptures and which magnify far beyond our understanding, the sovereignty of God in all matters and especially this great salvation that we must not neglect. However by christian standards, the attitude of Calvin toward heretic Michel Servet (French name : i'm french speaking !!!) can be considered as such of one who did not experience saving faith : no murderer will inherit eternal life. I know killing people deemed apostates or heretics in his age was common but does not a true disciple of the Prince of peace swim against the tides ?
You seem not to know the history of what happened with Servetus at all... "Calvin corresponded with Servetus before and during his imprisonment, imploring him to recant. One letter read "I neither hate you nor despise you; nor do I wish to persecute you, but I would be as hard as iron when I behold you insulting sound doctrine with so great audacity." Later Calvin wrote, "I reminded him gently how I had risked my life more than sixteen years before to gain him for our Savior... In a word, I had used all humanity to the very end, until he, being embittered by my good advice hurled all manner of rage and anger against me." It was the council at Geneva that sentenced Servetus to death, Calvin openly tried to persuade them to spare him, yet, he did not have any authority and was not well liked by the council himself. And so, Servetus died. As Calvin clearly displayed the character of saving grace.
Thanks for enlightening me on Servetus case. However, under what teachings and influence the members of this Council who sentenced to death Servetus where under ? The doctrine of the presumed "irresistible" and even coercitive grace of God was one of their influences. May I recommend you the series of teachings of Steve Greggs on the calvinism and non-calvinism on youtube. These doctrines are not the main point of our christian faith nevertheless they influence the way we consider and think of God and Man. Be blessed
Col 3:1 - When CHRIST, who IS OUR LIFE, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory. NOT the “doctrines of grace”. We are not called to worship “doctrine” or make it the center point of our worship, that is exactly what the Pharisees did, and Jesus rebuked them for it. It is idolatry. We are called to worship God, and His son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Christians, how ought someone who is a racial minority be convinced God loves him or her amidst their experiences with racism? Just a question of curiosity.
I'd like John to estimate the % of the human race pre-destined to damnation (according to Calvinism)? The justified elect are a small group, as Jesus said: "...those who find it are few..."
Deuteronomy 29:29 [29] “The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.
I like how he commend the doctrines of grace,via Calvinism, which is no where in the Bible. What about just preaching the gospel, without you supposed great men of God, philosophy. Did Calvin die for our sins? Did not hear the name Jesus, who died for the sins of the WORLD--remember him? Repent and believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Sadly you do not understand that the doctrines of God's grace and the gospel of Jesus Christ are in complete accord. Without a true understanding of the doctrines of grace you cannot have a full understanding of the gospel message.
bible4truth Every single aspect of the Doctrines of Grace are completely in line with the word of God. What aspect of the Doctrines of Grace do you differ with? What makes you believe that this is a philosophy of men? I would truly like to know what you have to say. In an earlier post you state that we are to just preach the gospel and then you stated Repent and believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But how do you present the good news of the gospel to anyone without presenting to them the truths of the sovereignty of God's grace and explain to them why they need to repent? How do you witness to anyone of the good news without also explaining to them first the bad news? Man's Radical Depravity, God's Sovereign Election, God's Definite Atonement, the Effectual Calling of God and also God's Preservation of those that He saves are all as biblical as the fact that Jesus is our Lord and Savior.
S. Nathan Man's Radical Depravity, God's Sovereign Election, God's Definite Atonement, the Effectual Calling ...THESE ARE ALL MADE UP TERMS BY MEN, who don't understand and accept what the Bible clearly says. BUT, I am sure they will write a book, sell me a DVD, do a tour, to explain their "coined" concepts and pat each other on the back about being in the "know"...Yet, they deny John 3:16...LIARS! Yes...We are all sinners Yes...Jesus is the only way Yes...We are saved by grace through faith AND... Yes...God calls all men to repent Yes...God wills that all men be saved Yes...God is not willing that any should perish Yes...Whosoever believes in Jesus shall be saved AND... Yes...Its by Jesus life, death, burial and resurrection Yes...By His stripes we are healed Yes...His blood paid for the sins of the whole world Yes...He rose from the grave Yes...There is no other name given under heaven, whereby men MUST be saved Now...give me a fancy term to explain why John 3:16 isn't really true (in the greek, of course)?
bible4truth I believe that I understand you now. You can go along on your way and 'lead' people to the Lord. You can continue to tell them that Revelation 3:20 pertains to their lost condition and that Jesus stands at the door and knocks and can only come in if they allow Him to. You can continue to lead people into a sinner's prayer and then tell them that they are now members of the family of God and to let no one tell them otherwise. You can make salvation as easy as possible for them so that the tares, in believing that they are now saved, can go to church and worship with the wheat. I refuse to do so as does anyone who understands God's doctrines of grace. I once believed in a similar way than you now do and I will eternally thank God for revealing His doctrines of grace to me. May He awaken you to the truth that He alone is sovereign in salvation, that He alone chooses those who will be saved (Eph 1:4) that He alone draws men to Himself (John 6:44) and that no man seeks after Him (Romans 3:10-11). We are all radically depraved sinners and if election had any conditions we could never meet them. Jesus met them all on our behalf. If the atonement was universal then why are there people in hell today? No one can resist the grace of God because God's calling is effectual and He will save all that He has chosen and none of the saved can ever be lost because no one can pluck them from the Father's hand. Your understanding of salvation is skewed by all of your man-made traditions and man-made understandings. The doctrines of grace are the gospel.
The true problem with Calvinism is that it doesn't believe in forgiveness. It has God punishing Jesus instead of us. Last time I checked, forgiveness is the withholding of punishment, not the punishment of somebody else. It is immoral and unjust. No grace, just a legal transaction.
Jesus had to be punished for our sins because there was no other way. He had to bear our sins on His back and have the wrath of God be poured out on Him. Read Isaiah 53:3-6.
Grace, only grace! Drop the doctrine teaching, it deprives the clean Biblical meaning of Grace. Do word searching in Bible about the Grace. No philosophy just Grace
No thanks to Augustine's/Calvin's misguided view of sovereignty: Divine Determinism. I'd rather bask in the sweet foundation (and confirmed by early apostolic tradition) of knowing that God is not the ultimate cause of all things that happen, but that he can work unto good all things that do happen.
Why do the Doctrines of Grace paint the loving GOD of the Bible as an impersonal, whimsical, hateful, unjust, merciless, discriminatory, selfish, sadistic monster of mindless robots?
Amen. Without Grace, I know there would be no hope for me.
+Keith Thompson well Without Jesus Dying on the Cross there would be no hope for anyone thank God he had mercy on us and withheld his wrath by sending Jesus as the ultimate sacrifice and Shedding His blood for us so we could be saved by His Grace yes i am thankful for Grace but more so for the Blood Jesus Shed on the Cross for us all.
i take it your not a Christian because Jesus Dying on the Cross is the Basis for Christianity.
+Michael Miller Your objection of this comment seems a bit pointless at best and divisive at worse.
We all accept that we are saved because of Christ's work on the cross and His resurrection but it is the very Grace of God that put Christ on the cross and it is by Grace that we are able to see ourselves as depraved and in need of the cross, its by Grace that we come to Christ and by Grace through faith we are Saved (Eph. 2:8-9)
Because of Grace our sins are nailed to the cross and by Gods Grace we receive Christ's righteousness credited to us.
It is silly to question ones Salvation that expresses such gratitude for the Grace of God, as its an Amazing Grace that saved a wretch like me.
+Michael Miller My apologies Michael, I thought you were responding to the original comment, I didn't see the remarks from the anti-theist until he wanted to mock my comment.
I was going to delete my comment to you after I realized what happened but there is enough Gospel in it to leave it for the would-be anti-theist trolls that happen along and really, it's only the Gospel that we are obligated to give such people. No amount of apologetics will ease the hatred of those who would use their time seeking out Christian videos on YT to try to ruffle some feathers.
Amen 🙏✝️
I'm not a Calvinist. At least I wouldn't call or think of myself as one, due to the risk of identifying myself with an ideology instead of the truth. But by God's sovereign grace and guidance, I did come across some irrefutably powerful truths while studying these doctrines. It is the Holy Spirit who leads us into all truth.
It made me cried this video just for the fact that I'm the worse of all sinners an yet God loves and took my curse on the cross😭.
Thank you John piper you've been a blessing to me since I was a teenager and yes I believe in the sweet doctrines of grace🙌
What was your greatest sin?
God bless you John Piper. All your messages are great. Your words bring live to my soul. I love God.
except the message about the rape of children being ordained by God. most of his sermons are good though
I love Pastor John. He is real. I live in Pennsylvania. I would love to visit his church in Minnesota some day. The Lord uses him to bless my soul
He is retired now.... so 🤷♂️
Probably you can see him at a conference
Now that know what the TULIP is. I now fully agree with it.
Calvinism is the foundation of the Gospel and has been such a blessing to me. God's grace to me, even me who wouldn't have chosen him because I loved my sin so much, took me out of my sin and brought me to my amazing Saviour. Praise God, this doctrine is my life!
AMEN Andy!
I thought Jesus Christ was the foundation of the Gospel.
But somehow, I'd expect a Reformer to say Calvinism is.
The gospel is the good news that Jesus Christ died for us while we were still sinners. Because I believe in Calvinism, I know it was all his work and that he gets all the glory. If I don't believe in Calvinism, the rest of the Gospel doesn't make musch sense. That is why I say it is the foundation of the Gospel.
Andy Osborne I also believe that Christ died for us while we were still sinners. I also know that it's all His work and He deserves all the glory. The gospel makes perfect sense to me. Yet I don't believe in Calvinism and specifically the "Doctrines of Grace ". Wonder how that is? I think I'll just keep Christ the foundation of the Gospel. He's done more for me than Calvin.
I'm sure you understand the gospel. But the only logical explanation for it is Total depravity (we are sinners), Unconditional election (God has grace on us while we are still his enemies), Limited atonement (Christ's blood cleansed the sins of all those he died for), Irrisistable grace (Us comingt to God is God's work; he gets all the glory) and Preservation of the Saints (God keeps us to the end by his grace). It has nothing to do with Calvin, that's just the name.
thank you for your grace Lord may you continue to pour it out on us because we need it everyday
I'm Lutheran and in my case i once believed in the tulip. I love my Christian Calvinist brothers. And we might disagree on things. But we share the faith that we have. And i do believe that we are predestined. God bless you John Piper
Amen! As Charles Spurgeon once said, "whether Calvinist or Arminian, be christian first." Or something along the lines of that, lol.
The center of God's will is the safest place.
Thank you Pastor John for tracing your ministry for us back to a desire to preach Christ in the local church. I've been blessed by the ministry of Desiring God but I'm way more blessed weekend after weekend at my church that preaches Christ crucified.
+Jason Lock our Pastor Preaches Christ Crucified as well but we do not practice the doctrines of John Calvin but of Jesus Christ and God's Word.
thank GOD for this man
Excellent !
Thank you Dr. Piper :)
Desiring God has brought great blessings in my life :) I thank God for your ministry :)
I salute your faith sir. God bless you
Amen and Amen!
Thank you for this. Embracing God's sovereignty, in the specific area of rape, molestation, and the like... this is difficult for me. I need to own this truth. Thank you for speaking about this boldly and gladly.
Thank you, Dr Piper. I rejoice in the the "Doctrines of Grace," but I attend a Southern Baptist church where my pastor has described them as "doctrines from the pits of hell."
thank you Jon Piper
Amen. Thank you for that encouragement. Tears of thankfulness and AMEN fell as you spoke and I reflected.... A near (should have been) fatal motorcycle accident... 3 cars stolen... A 'please let me die / considered suicide [but that wouldn't honor God] because of the pain' tooth infection... and lots of other relational issues I can't mention.... God is in control and He really IS working everything together for good for those who love Him and who are called according to His purpose (rom8.28). Surely, He didn't just call us to believe in His name, but also to suffer for His sake. (somewhere in Philippians) It never seems fun at the time. but afterward it really DOES yield the fruit. Jesus over everything. - Walker from Vallejo, California. Soli Deo Gloria
I do believe in God being sovereign, but I also believe in free will. Jesus always called people to repentance, which meant that they had to make a choice themselves. So I don't quite understand how they both work hand in hand, but it's in God's word and I believe it (even if I can't understand it). Maybe God will explain it to me - and everyone else who believes - in heaven one day. I also don't believe in the Calvinist definition of Limited Atonement since God so loved the whole world, and came to seek and save what was lost (John 3:16; Luke 19:10).
cried a little
Muy bueno, gracias por subirlo!
Wonderful video. Thank you also for publishing Five Points. It is a library must to be read and re-read. God Bless!
I disagree here. The Arminians have failed here. So how come no one from Bethlehem Baptist Church come to Simpson shelter and preach the gospel of grace?
3:00 in ,, and They still have not Said , what it is
This video was nice and all but it never explained what exactly the doctrines of Grace are?
What is the song used in the video? Thanks!
anyone know what songs are playing?
the link inside the video isn't working (desiringgod org/fivepoints), just so you know ;)
Standard Christianity has Jesus dying for all men who would repent and believe. The doctrines of grace have this god, creating non-elect reprobates to burn in hell for eternity to somehow show his glory. Which one is the doctrines of grace again?
Why does he have to mix the doctrine (not "doctrines") of grace with Calvinism. Calvinist and noncalvanist believe in God's immeasurable grace.
Therein lies the biggest problem with Calvinist: they have to refer every doctrine, everything they believe, back to Calvin. Even their love of God is through the lens of Calvinism, meaning the most important thing we can do in life is marginalized.
+David Paulino Thank You it should all lead back to God's Word and what Jesus did for us all on the Cross they dont Believe Jesus died for the sins of everyone. They believe God picks and chooses who will be saved.
@@michaelmiller7879 so you believe God is making things up as he goes along and doesnt know the begining from the end as stated in the bible?? Your saying God is not in control and that we are??
Is it just me, or is mr Piper saying that diversity is a bad thing?
so...what exactly is grace? is grace something were under instead of following the instructions of the bible?
Grace is the ultimate gift. It's the beginning. As Christians, we don't follow the Bible to get closer to God or get to heaven. We first accept and realize the grace extended to us by Jesus on the cross that enables us to be with Him. Then from that revelation, we pursue God and want to do His will out of love and recognition of His sovereignty.
The instructions of the Bible have a place but first, they point out how much we need a Savior (Romans 7:7-13). It's backwards to religion. Salvation comes before the good works and "rule following." After Salvation, those things tend to flow naturally (there is deep-rooted change in followers of Christ).
+Chiy'el Yasharahla grace comes from the latin word gratia which means free, without price, with no cost, but it does not mean that anything that comes with gratia has no cost, but rather it means that the one who recieves the gratia does not have to pay the price for it because it has been already paid by someone else so it would be free for the one who recieves.
There is one and only doctrine of grace.
Please stop confusing people.
"If one wants to see the problem illustrated, you need look no further than John Piper’s video entitled, “The Doctrines of Grace Are My Life.” In that glowing eulogy to “Calvinism” Piper calls the doctrines of grace (TULIP) the “source of” his life, the “joy of” his life, the “sustaining foundation” of his life, the “hope, the end, the goal of” his life, and “the center” of his pastoral ministry for the last 33 years. That is an amazing example of what happens when Christ our Lord is taken out of the center of Christianity and replaced with TULIP. Supposedly, were it not for TULIP, Piper would not have been able to overcome his prostate cancer, and a family in his church would not have been able to get through the nightmare of discovering their child had been molested. Sorry, but that is just doctrinally aberrant and bizarre. I cannot imagine Calvin, or any historic Reformed theologian from centuries past speaking in such a worshipful tone about any particular theory regarding election, the atonement, or the mechanisms of the ordo salutis. And people accuse me of building a straw-man when I say that modern Calvinists have reduced the essence of Christianity to the never-ceasing gnostic contemplation of TULIP? That’s precisely what I mean by the TULIP cult."-- Paul Owen (A Calvinist)
The eternal secret of the whole human race, and each of their
All of this in a secret relationship with God
That is described in the Bible is the Word of God
The Bible's view of salvation
In the story of God and all the individuals
Light and darkness of it
In the darkness of ignorance
That God is light, and one which conditions
Fewer have done in parables
Yesterday, today, and Your forever the same for everyone
To eternal truth
Inside of the Whole BIBLE the way of the place and joy in Eden
That is all in the Human.
As recorded in the book of Bible
Is of the secret knowledge of each of All Inside of Humanbeing.
To understand with that Knowledge (from Genesis to Revelation)
Realize that is The salvation ~ ! ! !
Secret relationship with God
3Person -> 2Person ->1Person
Adam(Mascuine) -> Through Word of Truth (Feminine) -> Distribute: Knowledge of Truth (Neuter)
(Col 1:25-27 NAS)
25 Of this church I was made a minister according to the stewardship from God bestowed on me for your benefit, that I might fully carry out the preaching of the word of God,
26 that is, the mystery which has been hidden from the past ages and generations; but has now been manifested to His saints,
27 to whom God willed to make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Revelation 22:18 I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, if any man shall add unto them, God shall add unto him the plagues which are written in this book:
※ Which mean Genesis to Revelation
Revelation 22:19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the tree of life(Genesis 2:9) and from the holy city (Revelation 21:10), which are written in this book.
Genesis 2:9 And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Revelation 21:10 And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city , the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God,
@BecomingMike it doesn't matter because substitutionary atonement is biblical and is the only way to account for our salvation. In order for us to become righteous God has to take the wrath of God which we rightfully deserved. He was the Lamb who was slain, the final and perfect sacrifice. God appeased the wrath of God for the enemies of God, that is true forgiveness!
The reason not to believe in Calvinism is Calvin did not die for our sins; Calvin needed to be saved by
Men try and repackage the Bible based on their understanding and "coin" a term because they look up to other 'great men of faith", so-called. Just teach the Bible, rightly divided. Anything beyond that is VANITY and of the FLESH.
Pertaining to understanding the Word of God, I rely on the Word of God and the Holy Spirit...I can listen to others, but ultimately, I stay with God's word. I despise these fancy terminologies meant to validate someone's "education"...they make it so complicated, that you are almost forced to "go through them". That is the same reason, the catholic club tried to keep the Bible in latin...Well, the doctrines of men is a slick way of doing the same thing...The devil is subtle.
+bible4truth I agree with you and look at the Mormons the have Mormonism sounds like Calvinism both groups got the basis of their faith from a man. I always go to God's Word and study it for myself but i do have a pastor and i do go to bible study but always search God's word on the final word.
Becomingmike is lost in bad theology
The Bible clearly teaches that sin must be atoned for by a blood sacrifice and only Christs blood was and is sufficient
Choosing the name "Doctrines of grace" rather than "Calvinism" is a much more appealing denomination for this set of truths scattered all around the Scriptures and which magnify far beyond our understanding, the sovereignty of God in all matters and especially this great salvation that we must not neglect. However by christian standards, the attitude of Calvin toward heretic Michel Servet (French name : i'm french speaking !!!) can be considered as such of one who did not experience saving faith : no murderer will inherit eternal life. I know killing people deemed apostates or heretics in his age was common but does not a true disciple of the Prince of peace swim against the tides ?
You seem not to know the history of what happened with Servetus at all...
"Calvin corresponded with Servetus before and during his imprisonment, imploring him to recant. One letter read "I neither hate you nor despise you; nor do I wish to persecute you, but I would be as hard as iron when I behold you insulting sound doctrine with so great audacity." Later Calvin wrote, "I reminded him gently how I had risked my life more than sixteen years before to gain him for our Savior... In a word, I had used all humanity to the very end, until he, being embittered by my good advice hurled all manner of rage and anger against me."
It was the council at Geneva that sentenced Servetus to death, Calvin openly tried to persuade them to spare him, yet, he did not have any authority and was not well liked by the council himself. And so, Servetus died. As Calvin clearly displayed the character of saving grace.
Thanks for enlightening me on Servetus case. However, under what teachings and influence the members of this Council who sentenced to death Servetus where under ? The doctrine of the presumed "irresistible" and even coercitive grace of God was one of their influences. May I recommend you the series of teachings of Steve Greggs on the calvinism and non-calvinism on youtube. These doctrines are not the main point of our christian faith nevertheless they influence the way we consider and think of God and Man. Be blessed
Col 3:1 - When CHRIST, who IS OUR LIFE, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory. NOT the “doctrines of grace”. We are not called to worship “doctrine” or make it the center point of our worship, that is exactly what the Pharisees did, and Jesus rebuked them for it. It is idolatry. We are called to worship God, and His son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Christians, how ought someone who is a racial minority be convinced God loves him or her amidst their experiences with racism? Just a question of curiosity.
I'd like John to estimate the % of the human race pre-destined to damnation (according to Calvinism)? The justified elect are a small group, as Jesus said: "...those who find it are few..."
Deuteronomy 29:29
[29] “The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.
I like how he commend the doctrines of grace,via Calvinism, which is no where in the Bible. What about just preaching the gospel, without you supposed great men of God, philosophy. Did Calvin die for our sins? Did not hear the name Jesus, who died for the sins of the WORLD--remember him? Repent and believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Sadly you do not understand that the doctrines of God's grace and the gospel of Jesus Christ are in complete accord. Without a true understanding of the doctrines of grace you cannot have a full understanding of the gospel message.
The repackaged it "doctrines of grace" to mask the fact that they are following the philosophy of men.
bible4truth Every single aspect of the Doctrines of Grace are completely in line with the word of God. What aspect of the Doctrines of Grace do you differ with? What makes you believe that this is a philosophy of men? I would truly like to know what you have to say. In an earlier post you state that we are to just preach the gospel and then you stated Repent and believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But how do you present the good news of the gospel to anyone without presenting to them the truths of the sovereignty of God's grace and explain to them why they need to repent? How do you witness to anyone of the good news without also explaining to them first the bad news? Man's Radical Depravity, God's Sovereign Election, God's Definite Atonement, the Effectual Calling of God and also God's Preservation of those that He saves are all as biblical as the fact that Jesus is our Lord and Savior.
S. Nathan
Man's Radical Depravity, God's Sovereign Election, God's Definite Atonement, the Effectual Calling ...THESE ARE ALL MADE UP TERMS BY MEN, who don't understand and accept what the Bible clearly says. BUT, I am sure they will write a book, sell me a DVD, do a tour, to explain their "coined" concepts and pat each other on the back about being in the "know"...Yet, they deny John 3:16...LIARS!
Yes...We are all sinners
Yes...Jesus is the only way
Yes...We are saved by grace through faith
Yes...God calls all men to repent
Yes...God wills that all men be saved
Yes...God is not willing that any should perish
Yes...Whosoever believes in Jesus shall be saved
Yes...Its by Jesus life, death, burial and resurrection
Yes...By His stripes we are healed
Yes...His blood paid for the sins of the whole world
Yes...He rose from the grave
Yes...There is no other name given under heaven, whereby men MUST be saved
Now...give me a fancy term to explain why John 3:16 isn't really true (in the greek, of course)?
bible4truth I believe that I understand you now. You can go along on your way and 'lead' people to the Lord. You can continue to tell them that Revelation 3:20 pertains to their lost condition and that Jesus stands at the door and knocks and can only come in if they allow Him to. You can continue to lead people into a sinner's prayer and then tell them that they are now members of the family of God and to let no one tell them otherwise. You can make salvation as easy as possible for them so that the tares, in believing that they are now saved, can go to church and worship with the wheat. I refuse to do so as does anyone who understands God's doctrines of grace. I once believed in a similar way than you now do and I will eternally thank God for revealing His doctrines of grace to me. May He awaken you to the truth that He alone is sovereign in salvation, that He alone chooses those who will be saved (Eph 1:4) that He alone draws men to Himself (John 6:44) and that no man seeks after Him (Romans 3:10-11). We are all radically depraved sinners and if election had any conditions we could never meet them. Jesus met them all on our behalf. If the atonement was universal then why are there people in hell today? No one can resist the grace of God because God's calling is effectual and He will save all that He has chosen and none of the saved can ever be lost because no one can pluck them from the Father's hand. Your understanding of salvation is skewed by all of your man-made traditions and man-made understandings. The doctrines of grace are the gospel.
The true problem with Calvinism is that it doesn't believe in forgiveness. It has God punishing Jesus instead of us. Last time I checked, forgiveness is the withholding of punishment, not the punishment of somebody else. It is immoral and unjust. No grace, just a legal transaction.
Jesus had to be punished for our sins because there was no other way. He had to bear our sins on His back and have the wrath of God be poured out on Him. Read Isaiah 53:3-6.
Grace, only grace! Drop the doctrine teaching, it deprives the clean Biblical meaning of Grace. Do word searching in Bible about the Grace. No philosophy just Grace
No thanks to Augustine's/Calvin's misguided view of sovereignty: Divine Determinism. I'd rather bask in the sweet foundation (and confirmed by early apostolic tradition) of knowing that God is not the ultimate cause of all things that happen, but that he can work unto good all things that do happen.
So who is sir? That would nullify Him being God.
Why do the Doctrines of Grace paint the loving GOD of the Bible as an impersonal, whimsical, hateful, unjust, merciless, discriminatory, selfish, sadistic monster of mindless robots?