that's not courage. If he thinks he can do better, then he should run for power and become the change. It's easy to criticize, it's difficult to act. Do u even know how difficult it is to join either the democrat or republican party? It's politics and you gotta know how to play the game.
While I agree with this father/husband, it makes me sad that in an alternate universe... there is a Rep Tom MacArthur who sided with the democrats on the ACA and he is being "Chewed out" to the same extreme by a Republican constituent. You can't win!
@@bkit5 😂😂😂😂😂 It ain't difficult to join the rethuglikkkan party WHATSOEVER... George Santos joined them... sure, he had different names, but he could lie... Dumpty never spent ONE DAY in politics, but ruzzia installed him in the WH anyways, 'cause money and of course, kompromat... I could name DOZENS of rethuglikkkans who BOUGHT their way into a seat, but you know the truth.
Lol, are you kidding? All the fun happens in America. And what I said is true. Speech totally unscripited, but 100 times better than any trash a politican can dish out. American or British.
How sad you like to tell people what they should and shouldn't do on a website. Especially when you don't know the person you are trying to order around (and failing drastically). Clearly shows you're compensating for something. We call that 'Little Hitler' syndrome in the UK. Sure you have a word for it in the US too. But in plain's pathetic.
Shame? For what lol. For me commenting on what a good job this guy did making a politician look small? I love it when anyone does that to a politician. Their country of origin is irrelevant. Just like the internet. It's an international audicence. So STFU and grow a pair.
And not that you'll believe me. My soon to be wife is from AZ. She lives with me in the UK. So when we get married, the process would be easier for me to become a US It's something I could do - if I choose to do so. Fortunately for you, she has no wish to return to the US permanently so I'm happy enough not to do it.
Because nice words and phrases like "peaceful protesting" and "concerned citizen" get nowhere, unless you make some noise per history told us. Women defied and sat at voting polls to make a point. He's fighting for someone else other than himself and that human happens to be his wife 👏👏👏
Because the US should by now have full and complete free healthcare like we do in Canada and Geoff Ginter, knows that! And you know that too! Free Health Care! Who could argue that? No one!
@@ChrisCaldwell employers and employees pay into health insurance that then charges you more money and denies claims. You should probably educate yourself on single-payer healthcare before commenting.
Darlene Pedersen That's not why they didn't clap. Its the same reason why the Republicans didn't clap when Obama was giving his speech. Party politics.
I'm a Canadian. Americans have heard a lot about our healthcare system. I have to admit, living here we never had to worry about pre-existing conditions or deductibles. But I can tell you this. If you ask a Canadian if our healthcare system needs work, 100% of us would say "YES!". And if you asked us if we wanted American-style healthcare, 100% of us would say "NO!!!!"
@@bluskytoo True, wealthy Canadians do come to the US to avoid long waits for elective surgery. But even they don't want Canada to move to a more US-like healthcare system.
Great Wolf I’m glad he was defeated, and while I don’t know how long he was in office, he likely has a golden parachute. Congress has ridiculously generous pensions, and he likely will get a very high paying job as a lobbyist to try to influence the GOP agenda for the corporations who spend so heavily in US politics. He holds the views he does because he doesn’t listen to his former constituents, but to those campaign donors who operate a system of legalized bribery. One hopes that politicians will begin getting the message, and start listening to their constituents, rather than well heeled lobbyists, but citizens need to stay on top of their elected representatives.
Wow maybe you can take up a collection for him for his insurance. He does so good at putting polititions down, someone can pay him for such a service well done. Hope someone will throw some nickles and dimes. And maybe a few dollars. And if he gets rich off of his stand up putting polititions down he can help pay someone else's insurance!
@@knoxjones3273 ha ha. He reminds me of those people the police stop and they go off the deep end. Like the homeless lady at LAX airport stealing luagage and screaming all over the place! He should have gotton arrested like she did!
@@eec589 the ACA is pure crap get off your ass get a job and pay for real Healthcare stop trying to lump me into your mediocre b******* because you can't afford anything with a mediocre education
@@eec589 when I was in New Jersey wouldn't even hear Spanish names like you're bringing a whole family over through the Border or are you one of those Puerto Ricans that like to nest there. Don't call me a racist because I'm cuban.
Democrats and Republicans are the same Crap. The same song and dance we have heard and seen. We live in the most powerful and rich nation in the World. Yet! this crap is happening because of corrupt politicians. I am tired of hearing about Veterans and Citizens being neglected.
Governments always say there first priority is to protect their citizens. What B.S. when you can die from lack of health care in the richest country in the world. Insane America. You are so far behind the rest of the industrialized world in this area.
DBZFan2 can’t you talk like a grown up? Your constant name calling and bullying just shows how unhinged you are. People might listen to you if you talked like you have some sense.
quickzilver3333 : Want to take a guess where that Defense spending goes? It goes into the pockets of private contractors who build things we do not need. If anything goes to the actual service member, it comes in the form of a redecoration of a common room area. Not better food, accommodations, cost of uniforms, nor anything else that will ease the burden of serving in unpleasant parts of the world.
That was great. There's nothing more dangerous to a politician, than a well informed constituent. He proved that there is no need for voilance. Just use his own words and facts to destroy him. Good job my friend, you can be very proud of yourself.
Thats why the democrats and Republicans run misinformational slander campaigns against each other and misinformation about topic they all make money from.
@@debbiek.bradley1503 I would be the first to admit my spelling is bad. But it's like everything else, when you get away from doing it on a regular basis, your not as good as before. And as far as returning to second grade, if I could, I would. I'm sure there's a few people who would like to start over. I'd do a lot differently. Have a good day.
@@debbiek.bradley1503 Several studies have shown that statistically, Democrats far out weigh Republicans when it comes to completing secondary education. (That's college, Trumpy) so, I think you may be confused (not hard to do to a Republican) about which base carries more idiots. You defend a party that's a-okay with alien sex doctors and the most idiotic conspiracy theories. Come on, it's okay, here's a hug.
Well looks like Tom MacArthur lost his seat to Democrat Andy Kim in the mid terms. Would love it if this guys speech contributed to that. America really needs to work together to sort its healthcare.
"America really needs to work together to sort its healthcare." The simple answer, is to "Just Do It"! Look at Canada and or Great Britain! America! Stop fooling around as if 'health care' were a, sporting event! I'm 62 years old, in pretty good shape, born and raised in Canada and have always enjoyed free and superb medical care! Last January I got myself into a bit of medical distress. My wife took off to New York to visit her best friend, so, I bought a bottle of my favourite Scotch.... oops! I over did it and woke up on the floor. I found it hard to walk up a single fight of stairs that I would normally easily run up any time, but I wasn't drunk!? So I called our local On Call registered nurse. And after a short chat I was off to the hospital. My heart was racing about 159+ beats per minute. I saw the monitor! The ER docs worked on me with oxygen and a drug that lowered my heart rate. That, felt a lot better! They held me for another hour or two and then let me go home, as my heart had slowed to an almost normal rate. I felt fine and I am fine now, no problems! Perfect heart rate and blood pressure. I had to pick up a small prescription on the way home that was also paid by my medical plan. I took my meds exactly as prescribed and was soon and still am, just fine now. The United States of America can bounce a Laser beam off of a mirror the size of a dime on the moon, shut down any injustice or strife anywhere in the world but cannot build and apply a national health care system? Are you kidding? Or are you just crazy? It IS crazy and sad that y'all DO NOT have the very best free health care in the world! Some of my best life experiences happened in the USA hangin' out with Americans but what happened to YOUR medical plan? Good Luck! Take Care...
Jack Lizzard Thanks for sharing your story. It’s more important than you believe, because many Americans are lied to by those who stand to benefit from the old system (pre Obamacare). They are told that the Canadian System is terrible, that many Canadians come to America for treatment, ignoring such facts that many Americans, especially Senior Citizens, would travel for hours by bus to Canada, to purchase medications which were less expensive, even without coverage, than in the US. Sarah Palin went so far as to lie that Obamacare would create death panels (thus sanctioning euthanasia- which was a total fabrication). Sadly, many agreed with her. But as it has been implemented, more and more Americans are liking Obamacare. Obama, when attacked on it in 2012, didn’t run away from it, instead he made the election into a referendum on Obamacare. He easily won re-election. The popular vote as well as the electoral vote. Hope you stay healthy, and I’d avoid the Scotch.
RPG 808 You may be 62, but you are arguing on the level of a five year old. You are pulling out of thin air your belief that this man is a smoker and is obese. You have no way of knowing that, and you have no idea whether this man has an addiction to alcohol. If he was, he likely would have had many more problems than an elevated heart rate. Quite simply, not even a good doctor be able to determine what happened here, given the limited information we have on this incident. You don’t know his medical history, his medications (and possible interactions with alcohol). You are essentially trying to practice medicine without a license. As for the Canadian System, if it is as unpopular as you claim, then why has no political party attempted to repeal it? Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper was in power for several years just before losing to the current PM Trudeau. Yet as conservative as Harper was, he didn’t DARE try to repeal Canada’s health coverage system. That should indicate to you that Harper knew that any such attempt would probably end his career. No system is perfect. And no system is free. It’s paid for through taxation. People will always grumble about that, but that doesn’t mean they want to change it. In the US, health insurance has become connected to the employer. The reason has to do with WWII. during that period, the US operated under a centralized command and control economy (out of necessity - the country was virtually unarmed when the Japanese bombed Hawaii). Prices and wages were frozen, and we had a system of rationing. Since workers unions couldn’t collectively bargain for a raise in wages, what companies offered was health care coverage. At that time, health care was not nearly as costly as today. If you had heart disease, there was no angioplasty or bypass surgery options. All you got was nitroglycerin tablets, which would dilate your blood vessels. Even the President couldn’t get effective treatment for his chronic hypertension. Those medications didn’t exist then. And the lack of effective treatments killed him, and he was just a couple of years older than you are now. But that is how health coverage came to be associated with one’s employer. It wasn’t planned that way, and is flawed in that if the person working sustains a catastrophic illness or injury, what happens to their coverage because they are no longer able to work? What happens to their family? But that is how it came to be, and those flaws are why every Democratic President since FDR (who understood from personal experience, in brutal fashion, chronic illness and disability) has tried to get legislation passed addressing universal access to health care. Barack Obama was the first President to successfully get some legislation through Congress. The only other President to get some legislation passed was Lyndon Johnson, with Medicare (a JFK proposal) and Medicaid. But neither were universal. Given the season, you should be grateful for your good health. Not everyone is blessed with that, even those who eat right, exercise, avoid alcohol and tobacco, are not overweight, etc.
I cried watching this, not just for this man, his family, and millions like them, but because if so many more voters were this angry, this engaged, and this impassioned on issues like this that matter, this would be a better country.
Thank you for your support. I do LiveStreams with Real Progressives every Wednesday night at 8pm EST. Here’s link to my latest one.
No. He's a socialist. He's rude and loudmouth. His wife probably got cancer because of nagalase in a flu shot. His employer probably gives flu shots out like candy. They probably force all the employees to get them. This guy ought to move to Venezuela. Or, any country is Central or South America, or Africa, where socialism rots the economies. His DNC politics ALWAYS lead to destruction:
As a Brit i actually feel guilty living in the UK where NOBODY gets sick and worries about paying for healthcare. What is wrong with a society that doesnt protect its citizens from inequality in health. Our NHS is by far perfect but my god we look at America and weep for these people suffering 🇬🇧 This husband and father should run for office
He was so right when he said, health is NOT a FOR-PROFIT BUSINESS! What is wrong with the US that they allow for these huge insurance conglomerates and huge privately owned hospitals to be able to ride all over poor people. It is criminal and goes completely against the Hippocratic Oath that all doctors have to take. Some things need to be government owned and run - health and education being the primary ones - and run with empathy. You can still have private hospitals and private insurance for those that want greater choice and can afford it. But for the average person, they just need to be able to be kept alive and well without having to mortgage their whole life and the lives of their children! Wake up America - if you vote for a Republican you are voting to be FREE to be ruined and/or to die, that's all!
Heru- deshet If you were facing the same situation this man was, you’d be shouting too, if you were being ignored by your elected representatives. There are very few Americans who are not facing similar health crises, and if you are not, you likely will be in the future. That’s life. Health insurance doesn’t work like car insurance or home insurance. You may never need your insurance for your car or home. But at some point, you, or a family member WILL need access to health care. And people have died because they lacked health insurance, or because their insurance company found some excuse to deny coverage of life-saving medical treatment. The ACA (Obamacare) is far from perfect. But it managed to pass (with no help from the Republicans) - the first attempt at universal health care coverage to do so. I doubt Trump and the GOP (who still control the Senate) are not likely going to cooperate with Democratic attempts to improve it. But at least it will become more difficult for the Republicans to further undermine it.
I’m from Mexico. This guy’s speech should be accounted as one of the greatest speeches in history of mankind. Really compelling, incredibly powerful and above all, real. The words that needed to be said in the most perfect moment.
how are insurance companies, doctors, etc. supposed to profit off of your sickness if there is no profit incentive?! how are they supposed to make money off of you? you think they should give you healthcare for "free" at the expense of others? 😂😂😂😂😂 behold the stupidity of your argument.
@@marcomtrujillo1889 how so? Also unlike you I have great health insurance so I don't need handouts from the government like you panhandlers constantly do!
@DBZFan2 not that you need to know but since you call me a panhandler.. I own a trucking company, two farms, comercial building and 4 single family houses.... Ohh yeah and ill be opening a mechanic shop in March of next year.... i can pay my medical bills I think you are the panhandler buddy lol... get lost
He made an emotional grandstand He gave not one suggestion on how to help anything Obviously he has anger issues and poor coping skills . What did he accomplish other than to fool some people into thinking how right he thinks he is . There are thousands of emotional pleas , rants just like this one from people involved with government run health care . Many who's family members died waiting for tests , procedures simple appointments , managed care , procedures going before a board ( financial ) review the case and make a decision as to what course if action to take .... .. all the while you wait . Example , there were 178k cancer diagnosis in Canada , of those 80 k had died due to what we just cited . How is his story more important than the others ? An argument can be made , if he had the ( free ) health care , his wife could very well have passed . This is an emotional angry rant that served no purpose , solved nothing , made zero recommendations . The guy was bordering on being incoherent . Take the emotion out of it , do you have any idea as to what he said ? The many contradictions did not bother you ,? You question nothing ? I read these comments and am shocked at the ignorance .
all good ...i see it too. He is a democratic constituent., there are so so many issues here that are hollered about, but, as always...not much can be done at this point. Listen to this guy, he says in the last 4 min. You came for my wife. No, man that was cancer, not the congressman, or the insurance companies, or President Trump, or the doctors, or the presidents and ceos of the hospitals...etc. I do not have an idea or solution at this point, my turn will come sooner or later, maybe maybe no. Crap shoot is ones health. Sure, feel good, look good, feel good...but in the end my thought is no one beats cancer. No one. Cancer has the persistance and longetivity of a timeless, featureless, like the oxygen in our air, just IS. All over the place...and again despite what one does or doesnt do if its coming, it will get there to its destination 98 percent. Of the time. May take years...decades. No one wins over cancer. Not one.
@@typeonegative7210 If you want to suggest he's a paid actor, have the balls to say so and let's know your evidence. Otherwise stfu. Hmmmmm doesn't cut any ice.
I am a Canadian and have great health care but this man is freakin awesome . Politicians need an ass reaming like this to remember why and how they got there and that they can be removed
Steve Grandy, I agree. Too bad this man's impassioned scolding won't get them to change. They have heard it all before. They are soulless beings that feed on greed, corruption, and power.
Canadian here. Don't pretend the Canadian system is all that great. Just ask all the terminally I'll people seeking desperate treatment in other countries like the US.
Julien MORREN Yes.. Voted Red-All the way! Barry started this horrible healthcare situation! Also I get kinda pissed when Britts run their mouths about what we should do! Don't you have your own stuff! Don't we have a history about Britts telling the USA WHAT TO DO.
@@bobschmengle6259 wrong. the rapepublicons did this. they worked against him. if Obama got what he originally wanted then it would be a lot better. thank your rapepublicons
Liberals will NEVER Get It...!! They don't want to get it...!! And now They've been Hijacked by the Socialist Far Left. They will lose for decades...!! Red Wave ....MAGA,,,,,!!
@@iceberg4479 how so? and what "cartoons" dumbass? how is any of what i said wrong? since when is healthcare a right in the bill of rights?!?! what if i told you that the fruits of someone's labor are NOT your rights?!
Crypto Acrobat says: "Pat Sin Would not have a first without a 2nd." == No. When the US fought and won the independence war, there was no second amendment. In fact, US was prohibited to have the military by the British government. How did y come up with conclusion appears in your comment? Any historical example> Do you know that it's not about the rights, it's about the profit, don't you?
ActuallyI think (after 1 Year) you should keep the 2nd, but as a WELL formed militia (as it was written and ment), not because of the nutjob gun freaks. As soon as Trumps christian Gestapo is cruising through the nights you might need them .... (But you are fu..ed anyway ... as you have NO Drones).
Give this man a medal , really. He's no fool , and he knows when the powers that be are trying to pull the wool over his eyes. He's a straight up man , a no BS man , and he has had enough. It was really inspiring, even touching, to see him tell how it is, to the people who made it so. People like him, are in all likelyhood, the kind of people that will end this Trump era, nonsensical, destructive and divisive madness. I tip my hat to that guy, you need him and everyone like him.
Drick Lorenz, thank you for your support. I do LiveStreams with Real Progressives every Wednesday night at 8pm EST. Here’s link to my latest one.
No, I'm a Democratic Socialist in the mold of Bernie Sanders. I believe that the Government of the people, for the people, and by the people should, you know, be of the people, be for they people, and be by the people. Not the oligarchs. They are citizens and should be afforded the same power, rights, and responsibilities as everyone else. Instead, they are taking the immense wealth they have been given to buy that which should never be for sale; our Democracy.
@@ufofireninja99 laura looney tunes loomer? YOU subscribe to the bat💩 crazy trash who's so crazy that even the convicted felon doesn't want her around him anymore😂😂😂😂😂🤣 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Surely more people should be speaking out? No other country in the western world has 3rd world health care like America does? I am English I can’t believe the people have had no backbone for so long, we had had enough of being abused when my farther and the others returned from the horrors of world war 2, after 5 years of fighting and dying and struggling to put food on the table the British had had enough and voted on mass for change, introducing the National health service free to all from cradle to grave, our proudest acheavment as a civilised people, and the envy of the world. Wake up America your being abused!
Holly shit NHS is worst then our Canadian Healthcare System ffs! What the Hell are you talking About? Why all the British Physicians and Surgeons are Leaving the UK? And coming here to Canada to Replace Canadian Doctors that moving to the US! I live outside a Small Town in the Yukon a Community about 8500-10 000 ppl 4500 in Town the rest on Farms, Ranches, Homesteads and Lodges we've 2 Medical Clinics and Small Hospital 12 Doctors 6 surgeons that I know of! The Clinic I go to have 6 drs Dr Prigmore from Wales, Dr Lennox fr Scottland, Dr.Row from England, Dr Nagy from SouthAfrica/England Dr Samir from India and Dr Palshar from Bangladesh! I' mean Jesus Man the 3 British doctors came to Canada in the Past 5-6 yrs Dr Nagy who Practiced in UK for 2 decades came here in 2005 They rather come here to the End of the World 7- Months Winter 4 Months 18-20 hrs Darkness then to keep working in the UK, Where they were underpaid, under equipped, Over worked, over stressed! the NHS is HORRIBLE Man! Doctors and Nurses Commit Suicide more often in the UK then any other Western Society! And you think your Healthcare System is Great lol So many Insane Lunatics! Just wait till you get Older and Sicker you'll see!
Well, I wouldn’t say that the quality of healthcare in America is poor, as it’s among the best in the world. However, too many Americans cannot even afford it, especially if their employer doesn’t offer it to them. So the problem isn’t about the healthcare itself, but it’s the for-profit system, with all the insurance & pharmaceutical companies and the powerful lobby groups that are in the pockets of far too many politicians, which is the real problem that America faces in regards to healthcare.
jozsefkacsa We will agree to disagree, before the nhs if you couldn’t afford treatment or pain relief you died in agony! Every one is entitled to treatment no matter what you means are, if your Canadian system is better then that’s great.
Mohammad Hussain Then I am sorry if people can’t afford treatment then that is to me 3rd world health care? and reflects badly on the USA as a civilised forward thinking fair nation.
@Happy Days he’s talking about the congressman in this video, Rep Tom MacArthur. The one who’s name is literally in the videos title. He’s not talking about goddamn general MacArthur from ww2 lmfao
how are insurance companies, doctors, etc. supposed to profit off of your sickness if there is no profit incentive?! how are they supposed to make money off of you? you think they should give you healthcare for "free" at the expense of others? 😂😂😂😂😂 behold the stupidity of your argument.
@@DBZFan2 You really do not get it do you? Starting at the end of the Carter administration some of his cabinet members went to work for HMO's etc. and they are for profit share holder companies. It drives up the cost of healthcare. Before that billing was in the hands of the doctors,clinics and hospitals.
@@DBZFan2 Well, you just revealed your ignorance. The Carter administration had nothing to do with our present health care situation unless one considers his ex cabinet members. Do some reading or go back to bed. Adios.
@@jamesdunn9714 no, but our healthcare system has been in turmoil ever since LBJ created medicare and medicaid!!! also listen to this simple explanation of why healthcare costs have escalated ever since medicare and medicaid were created. ever since LBJ introduced medicare and medicaid, that's when healthcare costs escalated for everyone. before then it used to be dirt cheap!! health insurance premiums only used to cost $5 per month (which is only $41 in today's money) and you were covered for catastrophic care. but when medicare and medicaid were introduced, doctors started taking advantage of that and raised their prices. but the bill didn't fall on you, it fell on the government. so then the government began charging more. and it's why healthcare costs have skyrocketed ever since. there's no point in trying the same thing over and over again and expect different results.
jag10 there is a common theme running through Trumps base and many in the GOP. That is they don't offer solutions they only offer insults and lies. The GOP complained that the Democrats rushed their Healthcare Plan through Congress. BUT they did have open sessions and in those sessions they interviewed experts. Then what do the GOP do they rush through their plan and do it all in secret. The GOP like Trump and you are just a bunch of lying hypocrites. There is a saying that empty vessels make the most noise and you, the GOP and the President make on hell of a lot of noise. The blue wave is coming, it is not happening in the national forum it is happening in the districts all over America. The GOP are been made to own what they have done and it will come back to haunt them in November. Never before in American history have so many heads of committees in Congress decided not to stand for re-election because they know what their grassroots are saying and it ain't favourable to the GOP. Any system where 20% of the money collected for healthcare goes into the pockets of a few is a healthcare system that is fundamentally flawed. The Healthcare industry in America is no different than big tobacco and when the truth came out we found that they had lied to the American people for decades to protect their profits and the healthcare industry are using exactly the same tactics as big tobacco. Sadly there are many in the GOP and their supporters who are either too dumb to see this or too corrupt to care.
I love this man he is breaking it down to were you understand what is coming out of his mouth. He is telling the truth health care is needed for pre- existing people everybody we need our Doctors who take care of us!
What is amazing is that the Cops, actually let him finish, today they would of tackled him, pinned him down, oh wait, he is a white guy, they would of just led him out, but not let him finish
@Dan Thomas You guys are so Unenlightened you need to jump to something, when there is nothing there fool. Sarcasm, try it once in a while, but I know that takes Intelligence which both of you do not have. You can actually NOT be a racist and realize when the racism would happen. Since my Godfather was a 6 foot 8 African American Man from the Inner City Detroit, and I was raised around 80% African American Jazz Musicians including many you probably knew, such as Oscar Petterson etc. who my father played with anytime he was in the area etc. Go stick your ignorance up your A$$.
Ann Linley At least you’re thinking Ann,not just saying nope no good without any consideration because lobbyists bought you a steak dinner and fund your campaign.
Ann Linley I have paid taxes for years. And some of my ancestors were native American, so maybe you need to return to your country of origin. We pay too much for the military budget, and useless wars.
Ann Linley Very few people are given refugee status so it is rather stupid and paranoid to worry about them as if they were attacking us with tanks. You give yourself away with your hate and paranoia. Eat a Trump Steak and try not to choke on it.
@Ann Linley you're asking how much it would cost which is approaching the discussion dishonestly. If I had to answer this though, I'd cut the military budget, bring our troops home and provide them and the people in the country they fought for with healthcare. What you should be asking is how much would we save if we shifted to single payer since it's been proven by studies produced on both sides of the aisle that implementing it would result in net savings. Wages theoretically would have room to grow since employers no longer have to worry about providing healthcare. Pro tip: People who don't have health insurance are likely to end up in the emergency room at some point. This results in a hit to the taxpayers when providing preventative care would've resulted in a healthier person and much less of a bill on our part. An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure. This applies to the cost of healthcare as well.
Angel Fernandes What go’s unacknowledged is the fact that the Chargemasters (CDM) have been far too long left unchecked. They are the ones who decide what gets billed to the insurer and the insure and decide the price that is MASSIVELY overpriced from 2-5X the actual cost. This was exposed a long time ago nearly knew their was even a middle man deciding this.
@@joshuaburgess1204 I think "Thomas Paine" misspelled his/her last-name... should be PAIN. Attempting to have an educated, well informed "conversation" about ACA with the un-educated, ill-informed "Americans" is a futile endeavor.
@@sandrablanco6592 It doesn't matter. He is my fellow American. We have to do something about this. Medical care for me hits a heart string hard. I didnt choose this. And nobody does. Not a single person wakes up and says "bipolar disorder sounds fun" or "stage 4 cancer would be cool". We have to be passionate and also understanding of the CURRENT conservative ways. I view these people as sick the same way I view myself as sick. And with sick people, compassion is what you show them. I do not believe this person wakes up every day and decides to hate. I think they don't know any better. My previous comment is based on emotion and that's why it seems so radical. But I want to show the GOP voters I do not believe they are bad people. That is a lie. But that liberal views are for Americans, not commies or socialist or whatever. If this persons child gets sick, I am completely willing as a nation to make sure that child gets care that I help pay for. So they and the child don't have to worry about recovery AND cost. That is not fair. Staying alive for anyone is the first. Paying is not something anyone should have to worry about while fighting a mental or physical illness.
It's bad for him because if he loses his job tomorrow, he won't have health insurance. No other company will touch his and his wife's with his preexisting conditions.
This is why Republican voters have got to learn to vote for quality honest candidates instead of voting for a Party. Vote for the best interest of the people of the United States of America.
Outstanding! This is what we all need to do. Hold our representatives accountable!!! And if they fail to do so, vote them out! They forget they are Public Servants not political Party sycophants.. Thank you for standing up for America.
how are insurance companies, doctors, etc. supposed to profit off of your sickness if there is no profit incentive?! how are they supposed to make money off of you? you think they should give you healthcare for "free" at the expense of others? 😂😂😂😂😂 behold the stupidity of your argument.
All he did was show how rageful and virtue signalling and unhinged and unaccountable for their own lives Liberals are. I'm sorry he has bad genes and all his family have medical conditions but I'm not going to pay for it. He can bloody well pay for it himself stay out of my pocket please
He wanted to literally beat the hell out of him. Did you see the calming breath he took before he started? That was the same breath my mom took when she came home and saw that I had sprayed a fire extinguisher in the living room.
@@mukiwabanda2794 you good with paying for bombs being used thousands of miles away or presidential golf excursions? You can't say a bad word about this individual when you're a typical selfish ass that only cares about something when it hits your doorstep.
@@firepuppies4086 You know what bugs me? You can't get tax money from a corpse You can't have an economy with a population of permanently ill people You can't run a country without a healthy base. So why do our national leaders refuse to give us health care?
Average Health Insurance Premiums Doubled Since 2013 ,you can keep your insurance and doctor said obama. if you have job you pay ,if not you get a free ride,more like obama snare. the democrats and the republican rino's are one and the same,KST RUNS DC AND BOTH PARTIES ARE AT THE TROUGH.
Absolutely brilliant. Has me completely grabbing my chin with heart ache. I know change is coming, I have a wife 4 kids and I'm wiping my tears every 10 seconds. As America we should take care eachother.
DANMMM Dude. Whether you agree with him or not I give the citizen props for using his voting power and speaking his mind. He is at least honestly passionate and cares and at least wants a better solution. Either analyze the current ACA system and make it better or come up with a whole new system that is better. +1,000 points to the enraged husband.
Daniel Garnett You must be watching something else like a Republican speaking because you are talking about somebody that spews lies that’s definitely a Republican!
Rick Keeton seriously!! I have a child with type one diabetes, I have chronic health issues.. My husband and I had fabulous insurance before the ACA was pushed through before most of Congress ever read it! We went from paying $900 a month with a $2000 deductible to $6800 a month with a $25,000 deductible!! My sons meds & supplies cost around $3000 a month. Then he has specialist & the occasional ER visit. My sister & her husband just paid the fine every year because it was cheaper than buying insurance!! And we know hundreds of families like ours!! The Republicans didn’t screw us, Obama and his useful idiots, screwed us!!
@@lovingmymcmahon3382 So just to verify your math. On the ACA you were paying $6,800 a month just for insurance. That adds up to $81,600 a year. That means you make enough income to put you in the bracket of middle class at least. We know of 2 adults and 1 child. So the cost of penalty for 2016-2018 is $695 for each adult and $162 for a child. So the penalty is only $1552. I don't know which state you are in but in my state for comparison there isn't even a plan that cost that much as what you describe. I went to my states ACA market site and using the estimate of your info. And the most expensive plan that I could even find is only $16,000 a year. So I tried using even higher estimates and most expensive plan that I could even build was only $20,000 a year. So either you were doing it wrong or you live in a state where they implemented the ACA wrong. OR there is the possibility that you exaggerating your numbers. OR you are just lying.
@@lovingmymcmahon3382 As a secondary note, several of my friends during the first year thought the same thing as you. After I sat down with them and did a little research all of them ended up paying either far less than before the ACA or a couple pay close to before. It amazes me how many people get confused and panic easily. To be fair that is only my state though. But that means that the ACA isn't inherently bad, just people or government use it poorly. I wish you the best of luck. But if you are still paying some rediculas amount then please go ask someone for help.
Well spoken indeed. I'm so proud to know there are AMERiCANS like in this amazing country. This is the power of the vote, vote can make the difference. VOTE!!! Our lives depend on it! #HumanRace
Everyone of you brainless Lazy idiots who If you'd do YOUR OWN Research. would KNOW that Trump IS for Insurance that Covers Pre Existing Conditions. Keep watching CNN and All media period. Who are Being paid Millions to tell you that Trump will end Pre existing coverage. Have even one of you thought about Why their called FAKE NEWS.?? No you haven't. The MSM is Brainwashing All of You. Just like Hitler did. Thru the then only newspapers media. People then believed it all. Then 40+ Million people were killed. So u keep watching CNN. U keep fighting for open borders. Has one of you ever looked at how the EU is doing with open borders. 100 rapes a day. Killings and be headings. EVERY SINGLE DAY. ALL BECAUSE OF OPEN BORDERS. ITS YOU SICK SOB's who's really going to Destroy this country. You and MSM. Clinton's have well over a 100 murders under their belt they ordered to happen. And I can go on for hours. FOR GODS SAKE AND THIS COUNTRYS SAKE, I Beg u all to Stop watching MSM. It's their plan to brainwash you. AGAIN. JUST LIKE HITLER DID. Go see and look up all the things and all the numbers of Lowerest unemployment in the history of this country. Stop relying on what others say. Even me. Do Your Own Research. You'll be amazed at what you'll really see. It's called the TRUTH. AND ALL OF U HAVE UNWARRANTED HATE towards a man that's truly making this country Great again. If u only knew. Sad. It's a sad shame how bad your All being lied too. Hitler did the same exact thing. Thru the media at that time. Look it up. Don't take my word for it. Look it All up.
@@fcz64 Agreed...when i see the so-called caravan I see illegals taking healthcare...and for the people who maybe don't know but there are millions.......
Brave. Articulate man, we need more like this at town halls. Bravo! He expressed anger without letting rage overtake his faculties. Wish I was there, I would have stood up, clapped, and hugged this man for having the courage to speak up; the courage to do what I could not. I can write a letter, make a phone call, sign a petition, encourage people to vote, offer to drive people to the polls. THIS man demonstrated what all of us should feel and do.
What are you talking about. I just got Health care and My wife has pre existing conditions, Don't know what his guy is talking about. sorry another uneducated Planted Democrat actor.
@Becky Skadsen I tell you what why don't you go to Obama Care website and check it out for yourself. You don't have to trust anybody's word Do your on investigation. Let me know your results. If I 'm lying or if the Democrats are lying.
Break it down . Take out his emotional fact free diatribe . He is pushing for a system that can't work . I see him as having major anger management issues , along with obvious lack of coping skills . Child like . The system does indeed need major adjustments to be sure . That said , he offered nothing in the way of any kind of tangible positive repairs . Only an anticdotal story . There are many of these stories that come from governmental run systems where thousands have died....from cancers like his wife specifically due to having to wait to be seen , wait to be treated , inferior technologies , governmental cost effective boards lack of treatment etc . The speech is of passion , but no substance .
Because conservatives are convinced that any government assistance is a blight on society that falls under the category of SOCIALISM. The insurance company and pharmaceutical lobbies have made sure of that. Mitch McConnell has said outright he's coming for the other ENTITLEMENTS: MEDICARE, MEDICAID and SOCIAL SECURITY. Never mind that we working stiffs have paid into these programs. They're still "entitlements" to McConnell and the other 1%. It's utterly mind-boggling that Republican politicians say their intentions OUT LOUD, and yet their head-in-the-sand constituents continue to vote for them.
Diane Morris-Hill I'm from Sweden and I try to understand what is going on in The US , and that isn't easy . You are one of the richest country in the world , and still you can't provide normal prized healthcare ans education for your people , and I don't wan't to start talking aboat your so called President !! A lying , crazy and stupid idiot !!! I love America and the American people , but please do something aboat it ....VOTE PLEASE !!! Love from Sweden !!
It's a country for profit everything is for sale..even our health. We have poo education unless you're rich or willing to get in deep debt. Two basic needs we have to pay a fortune's ridiculous!
cbfbmc damn right! This guy is what everyone around the country needs to be doing! We need to SHAME these CORRUPT politicians into supporting this! We did it with Amazon and it worked! Or at least according to the media it did!
@haitipi Can I ask you something? Is America a country, or is it a "land where random people live with no unity". We live under the same state and face the same problems of life. Why not work together to take the burden off the shoulders of our fellow countrymen? Is this really only a "personal problem"? I understand that the United States was founded on individualist beliefs and is not so much a collectivist society. But there has to be a midpoint where we can funnel our sources together to help each other. Because we are the U.S.A., the UNITED states of America, right?
@haitipi 50 failing semi-autonomous countries under a cracking federal republic. The way it's going, the USA is gonna break up into 50 independent countries.
You lovely Americans need a guy like this! He’s definitely very, very bit? His speaking the truth! Afterward can you please let him come over to our country for a while to help us out? Love this guy!
it is terrible to know the richest country in the world doesn't provide free Health Insurance for their people, I admire the unknown hero talking with the shocked congressman, I hope your family is doing well, I hope many americans follow your example. With love from England, the country with free HEALTH INSURANCE for everybody.
And a BIG AMEN from Canada!!! Like you - EVERYONE in my country has free Health Insurance! Sen. Sanders has been promoting and trying to get this in place for ALL American people - BUT Dems AND Repugs in government are corrupt - they don't want to lose their huge payoffs from Big Pharma and health care Insurance companies! THIS is why clinton et all her corrupt DNC/DCCC sabotaged Sen. Sanders and over HALF their base. They AND the US main-stream media ARE STILL pushing their corrupt agenda - already demeaning/degrading Sanders. They (corrupt crap) are terrified of Sen. Sanders simply BECAUSE he fights for everyday people!! Did clinton go after Amazon/ Disney et al - to pay their workers decent wages? NO! Never gonna happen with corrupt clinton and her cronies - who, by the way, include booker and harris - also on the corporate dole! Nothing will change in the US government till you boot out the corrupt politicians on BOTH sides of the aisle! NOTHING!!!
It aint free. Its just that everyone pays for it through taxation. But its certainly better than the American system. I do wonder though if people in the UK, where I live, would take far better care of themselves if they had to take out medical insurance, the price of which would be based on lifestyle.
I think you meant fanatic, The Democrats gave us this broken healthcare system, that only helps out those who’s doctor bills will exceed $20,000 a year. You pay $!5,000 a year for your families insurance, your son breaks his arm, $ 5,000 Sorry, you haven’t met your deductible This clown is an actor, pre rehearsed speech I will never vote Blue again !
@Angeliquelovely yes. Lets show the world how unhinged and confused the leftist are. Obama care failed and these ass hats still wanna scream to save it. What a moron.
you mean fantastic "fake" speech right? If you could not tell this guy was acting 10 seconds in, with that horribly fake head down heavy breathing as if angry "suddenly" after giving his name yet still having that measured calm voice with a forced "strain" to it to give off an air of frustration...if you could not see that, I have little hope for you.
Richard Depaola jr Here’s the thing, Richard. Regardless of whether this guy is an actor, or has been paid, or is just a shill, or whether he is a bonafide , genuine angry husband and father, what he says is correct. I’m not paid, or a shill, or an actor.
Congrats on basically ignoring the entire point of my post just because of your unrelated personal beliefs. This is why the country is in the state its in. Make excuses for actions because if you dont, you feel you are not supporting personal beliefs. How about we demand that people stop lying even if when the message is in line with what we believe?
Dale Glenny the fakeness is more relevant because it smacks of PROPAGANDA. And ALL propaganda is bad, even the propaganda that fits your worldview. You need to be asking WHY is it necessary to FAKE this if what is being said is true or good, and WHO is doing it..and even more than that you need to be asking how you became so well trained, that you over look it as if the ends justify the means.
Liberals will NEVER Get It...!! They don't want to get it...!! And now They've been Hijacked by the Socialist Far Left. They will lose for decades...!! Red Wave ....MAGA,,,,,!!
The Senator and the cop at the end just wanted to shut that guy up...the Truth is so dangerous to corporate interests ! That voice MUST be silenced... Americans must not wake up from their stupor.
Good job, you told him. He should be ashamed! He doesn't care, nothing bothers this guy. This Speaker is trying to stress his upset over his family's health issues. He has been waiting for your help, which has never COME. You have done nothing toward the expectations of families like this speaker's family. Wake up and do your job!!!!!!!
Mark Goodair yeah there's never a question or debate or anything about health or the NHS because it runs like a golden clock, it's absolutely perfect purring like an engineering masterpiece.
19Lion8 taxes by definition cover things every citizen is going to use and need. Like roads, bridges, police, military, public schooling, public libraries, Ect. Not every citizen needs, or uses healthcare medical treatments, I.e healthy people, so taking money out of peoples paychecks to literally forcibly give to someone else because they don’t want to pay for there own healthcare costs is stealing, aka socialism. If everyone has to pay for there own food, clothing, housing, Ect. Then why should other ppl be forced to give money out of there hard earned paychecks to give to ppl that don’t want to or can’t pay there own health costs. Life is not fair perfect or a fairy tale just how it is, in the end stealing is always wrong. Ppl have options on relying on charities, low-cost medical facilities, or live a healthy lifestyle, stealing from other ppl should not be an option in a free just society.
kristie jacobs This guy is compelling, but dems as a whole are ridiculous-- And that whole business about going to war with NK is ridiculous-- and Russia collusion... as we are now seeing unfold before our eyes, was nothing more than the previous administration using the intelligence agencies to spy on the trump campaign--
Martin Van Lent That’s your opinion- thank you- I’ll stick with Trump Trump loves our country Trump stands up to China Trump stands up for the country Trump represents America--- Trump puts America first -- Seems that the left slanders Trump at all costs Trump far from racist-- I support Trump 100%!!!!!! I would even vote for an extra term for trump being that the Left lied about Russian collusion-Not only was it a hoax- but it was a non starter- Behind doors - big time dems like Adam schiff and James Comey, Mcabe, Peter Strozk.... the list goes on......they gave under oath statements saying there was no evidence of Russian collusion- but they moved forward with investigation anyway-- How pathetic--!!!!!!! After knowing this--I recognize the left is bias against Trump- I don’t trust Democrats for anything----- Trump will win re-election Look at the left trying to steal the election with mail-in votes---
@@mtavarez4561 god I wish this man could confront trump and tell him to his orange bloody face what he thinks him(and what the world thinks of him) I don't know how your American politics work but can this man run for some kind of office? Your orange blob of a president cant even talk without looking left to right at stupid teleprompters.even then he sounds disconnected and robotic.i personally cannot wait for the debates because now we have so ammunition against him in our arsenal, unlike when he pathetically confronted Hillary, who actually I'm told won the popular vote.i can't wait to see your ineloquent inarticulate imbecilic leader taken down by SMOKIN joe,and revealed as the pathetic coward bully he is to the world. We could start with when he threw toilet rolls in Puerto Rico,when he bravely pushed aside the Montenegren president and was roundly put in his place by Angela Merkel. Oh yes and when he claimed he had the biggest turnout for his inauguration! Like you Americans say bring it on Joe!
@millindollamovies dude I've seen you all over this video's comments spreading hatred and bigotry. GTFO with that shit bro, the new generation's America doesn't have time for the ignorance.
Sure... yeah... that is exactly what we need, right?! Another idiot anarchist who just spouts off rage and utter contempt for everyone else with a different viewpoint than his... yes, exactly what we need. Is there no one on this thread with a speck of understanding?
how is he "right" dumbass?! since when is "free" healthcare a right in the bill of rights?!?! what if i told you that the fruits of someone's labor are NOT your rights?! He sounds stupid as Jimmy Kimmel when he used his stupid brat as a political pawn for his liberal agenda back in May 2017. i watched his pathetic attempt to use his stupid son to attack trump and it was beyond laughable!! Behold the stupidity of your and Jimmy Kimmel's logic.😂😂😂
They’re not gonna fix healthcare because you mofos keep sending back to Congress those who take healthcare from us but give it to themselves. You people are the dumbest mofos walking the face of this earth. When you all stop voting then we can get things done!
Calling him out in front of the world. My applause to this courageous man.
that's not courage. If he thinks he can do better, then he should run for power and become the change. It's easy to criticize, it's difficult to act. Do u even know how difficult it is to join either the democrat or republican party? It's politics and you gotta know how to play the game.
While I agree with this father/husband, it makes me sad that in an alternate universe... there is a Rep Tom MacArthur who sided with the democrats on the ACA and he is being "Chewed out" to the same extreme by a Republican constituent. You can't win!
He'll be speaking at our rally on July 30th in Washington D.C.
@@bkit5 😂😂😂😂😂
It ain't difficult to join the rethuglikkkan party WHATSOEVER...
George Santos joined them... sure, he had different names, but he could lie...
Dumpty never spent ONE DAY in politics, but ruzzia installed him in the WH anyways, 'cause money and of course, kompromat...
I could name DOZENS of rethuglikkkans who BOUGHT their way into a seat, but you know the truth.
I'm from Britain...but I gotta say should have people like this running your government. What a speech!
Lol, are you kidding? All the fun happens in America. And what I said is true. Speech totally unscripited, but 100 times better than any trash a politican can dish out. American or British.
How sad you like to tell people what they should and shouldn't do on a website. Especially when you don't know the person you are trying to order around (and failing drastically). Clearly shows you're compensating for something. We call that 'Little Hitler' syndrome in the UK. Sure you have a word for it in the US too. But in plain's pathetic.
Shame? For what lol. For me commenting on what a good job this guy did making a politician look small? I love it when anyone does that to a politician. Their country of origin is irrelevant. Just like the internet. It's an international audicence. So STFU and grow a pair.
And not that you'll believe me. My soon to be wife is from AZ. She lives with me in the UK. So when we get married, the process would be easier for me to become a US It's something I could do - if I choose to do so. Fortunately for you, she has no wish to return to the US permanently so I'm happy enough not to do it.
Weazel typical reply..
Why is this man identified as a enregard man. Why couldn't he be identified as a concerned American husband and father.
Because nice words and phrases like "peaceful protesting" and "concerned citizen" get nowhere, unless you make some noise per history told us. Women defied and sat at voting polls to make a point.
He's fighting for someone else other than himself and that human happens to be his wife 👏👏👏
It’s strictly to get views
he knows the nuts and bolts of what's happening to people, in their lives. This Politician does not.
Because the US should by now have full and complete free healthcare like we do in Canada and Geoff Ginter, knows that! And you know that too! Free Health Care!
Who could argue that? No one!
Because he’s a white man, that’s why.
Facts, this is a real husband real father and real man holding this politician responsible.
He'll be speaking at our rally on July 30th in Washington D.C.
@@ChrisCaldwell employers and employees pay into health insurance that then charges you more money and denies claims. You should probably educate yourself on single-payer healthcare before commenting.
This guy is the voice of America. He spoke for the masses. I learned a lot from this man. Thank you sir.
Not for me! He’s a self-righteous douche.
True. My daughter if off my company ins because she turns 27. Universal healthcare would ease that concern.
@Evan Underwood in the words of Emperor Trumpatine: "Wrong."
this guy is a hero
@@gliza Oh so wanting your family to stay alive is self-righteous now? WTF is wrong with u
It's always nice to see citizens letting their Representatives know exactly how they're doing.
Darlene Pedersen
That's not why they didn't clap. Its the same reason why the Republicans didn't clap when Obama was giving his speech. Party politics.
@Darlene Pedersen they didn't clap because he lied and obfuscated and doesn't give a damn about people.
God Bless you Sir for standing up for DEMOCRACY. Wish you everything in the World. 💙💙🙏🙏💙💙
This dude single-handedly ruined this politician’s career in a few minutes.
If an elected politician doesn’t work for the people, he/she should ALWAYS be voted out!
I wish...😥😥
@@jocelynjohnston8257 it's actually scary. They just keep on ROLLING.
Fools have to vote him out, fools still vote for the biggest com man in our country. I'm not holding my breath
Absolutely. @@michelleadams2812
I'm a Canadian. Americans have heard a lot about our healthcare system. I have to admit, living here we never had to worry about pre-existing conditions or deductibles. But I can tell you this. If you ask a Canadian if our healthcare system needs work, 100% of us would say "YES!". And if you asked us if we wanted American-style healthcare, 100% of us would say "NO!!!!"
bic papermate as a fellow Canadian, I agree 100% with this.
Canada health insurance isn’t good they come here just to get minor things done I don’t want government insurance it’s no good
but many Canadians come to the USA for surgery
@@bluskytoo True, wealthy Canadians do come to the US to avoid long waits for elective surgery. But even they don't want Canada to move to a more US-like healthcare system.
@@bluskytoo Yeah, ELECTIVE surgery - just saying, cono.
Who is watching after midterms and is so proud that he lost!!!??
I hope Tommy boy and his family lose all their wealth and they have to rely on Obamacare to survive. What a sweet sweet irony would that be.
Its such a relief that the evil personified by McAuther has been eliminated. Its like a deep dark cloud has lifted over the whole world.
Great Wolf I’m glad he was defeated, and while I don’t know how long he was in office, he likely has a golden parachute. Congress has ridiculously generous pensions, and he likely will get a very high paying job as a lobbyist to try to influence the GOP agenda for the corporations who spend so heavily in US politics.
He holds the views he does because he doesn’t listen to his former constituents, but to those campaign donors who operate a system of legalized bribery.
One hopes that politicians will begin getting the message, and start listening to their constituents, rather than well heeled lobbyists, but citizens need to stay on top of their elected representatives.
@@johncronin9540 He served 2 terms. Elected in 2014, re-elected in 2016, and defeated in 2018.
hadesflames Thanks for that information. But I don’t think I ever mentioned how long he was a Member of Congress.
I'll admit. I haven't seen a take down of a politician quite like this.
Should put him in the press core at the white house
George gallaway taking down the Senate was. Impressive
Yup. Dude got lit up.
Wow maybe you can take up a collection for him for his insurance. He does so good at putting polititions down, someone can pay him for such a service well done. Hope someone will throw some nickles and dimes. And maybe a few dollars. And if he gets rich off of his stand up putting polititions down he can help pay someone else's insurance!
@@knoxjones3273 ha ha. He reminds me of those people the police stop and they go off the deep end. Like the homeless lady at LAX airport stealing luagage and screaming all over the place! He should have gotton arrested like she did!
The guy spoke the truth: MacArthur was defeated by the Democrat in 2018.
Payback's a bitch.
Yes Look how well Democrats in office has done for New Jersey.lmao
@@ihave35cents95 Hell of a lot better than the Republican idiot who tried to repeal the ACA so yes they are doing a hell of a good job.
@@eec589 the ACA is pure crap get off your ass get a job and pay for real Healthcare stop trying to lump me into your mediocre b******* because you can't afford anything with a mediocre education
@@eec589 when I was in New Jersey wouldn't even hear Spanish names like you're bringing a whole family over through the Border or are you one of those Puerto Ricans that like to nest there. Don't call me a racist because I'm cuban.
Sir, please run for office someday. You have chutzpah to take on the scum bags in Washington. AMEN!
Term limits.
Most politicians go in like the good guy here. After a few terms… they’re the ones being called out. It’s a cycle.
@@yaakw 👍💯
We spend Trillions of Dollars in Defense!! Yet we ignored the Health and Welfare of our Own Citizens. Welcome to the United States!!
Democrats and Republicans are the same Crap. The same song and dance we have heard and seen. We live in the most powerful and rich nation in the World. Yet! this crap is happening because of corrupt politicians. I am tired of hearing about Veterans and Citizens being neglected.
Governments always say there first priority is to protect their citizens. What B.S. when you can die from lack of health care in the richest country in the world. Insane America. You are so far behind the rest of the industrialized world in this area.
DBZFan2 can’t you talk like a grown up? Your constant name calling and bullying just shows how unhinged you are. People might listen to you if you talked like you have some sense.
quickzilver3333 : Want to take a guess where that Defense spending goes? It goes into the pockets of private contractors who build things we do not need. If anything goes to the actual service member, it comes in the form of a redecoration of a common room area. Not better food, accommodations, cost of uniforms, nor anything else that will ease the burden of serving in unpleasant parts of the world.
9 months later..
We spend trillions in defense but we can't even afford to give our own soldiers body armor.
Think on that.
That was great. There's nothing more dangerous to a politician, than a well informed constituent. He proved that there is no need for voilance. Just use his own words and facts to destroy him. Good job my friend, you can be very proud of yourself.
Thats why the democrats and Republicans run misinformational slander campaigns against each other and misinformation about topic they all make money from.
Can you please go back to 2nd grade and learn how to spell a little better? Oh wait your probably a leftists.
@@debbiek.bradley1503 I would be the first to admit my spelling is bad. But it's like everything else, when you get away from doing it on a regular basis, your not as good as before. And as far as returning to second grade, if I could, I would. I'm sure there's a few people who would like to start over. I'd do a lot differently. Have a good day.
@@robertheck6747 ok I totally agree with that.
@@debbiek.bradley1503 Several studies have shown that statistically, Democrats far out weigh Republicans when it comes to completing secondary education. (That's college, Trumpy) so, I think you may be confused (not hard to do to a Republican) about which base carries more idiots.
You defend a party that's a-okay with alien sex doctors and the most idiotic conspiracy theories. Come on, it's okay, here's a hug.
Well looks like Tom MacArthur lost his seat to Democrat Andy Kim in the mid terms. Would love it if this guys speech contributed to that. America really needs to work together to sort its healthcare.
"America really needs to work together to sort its healthcare."
The simple answer, is to "Just Do It"! Look at Canada and or Great Britain!
America! Stop fooling around as if 'health care' were a, sporting event!
I'm 62 years old, in pretty good shape, born and raised in Canada and have always enjoyed free and superb medical care! Last January I got myself into a bit of medical distress.
My wife took off to New York to visit her best friend, so, I bought a bottle of my favourite Scotch.... oops!
I over did it and woke up on the floor. I found it hard to walk up a single fight of stairs that I would normally easily run up any time, but I wasn't drunk!?
So I called our local On Call registered nurse. And after a short chat I was off to the hospital. My heart was racing about 159+ beats per minute. I saw the monitor!
The ER docs worked on me with oxygen and a drug that lowered my heart rate.
That, felt a lot better!
They held me for another hour or two and then let me go home, as my heart had slowed to an almost normal rate. I felt fine and I am fine now, no problems!
Perfect heart rate and blood pressure.
I had to pick up a small prescription on the way home that was also paid by my medical plan. I took my meds exactly as prescribed and was soon and still am, just fine now.
The United States of America can bounce a Laser beam off of a mirror the size of a dime on the moon, shut down any injustice or strife anywhere in the world but cannot build and apply a national health care system? Are you kidding? Or are you just crazy? It IS crazy and sad that y'all DO NOT have the very best free health care in the world!
Some of my best life experiences happened in the USA hangin' out with Americans but what happened to YOUR medical plan?
Good Luck! Take Care...
Jack Lizzard Thanks for sharing your story. It’s more important than you believe, because many Americans are lied to by those who stand to benefit from the old system (pre Obamacare). They are told that the Canadian System is terrible, that many Canadians come to America for treatment, ignoring such facts that many Americans, especially Senior Citizens, would travel for hours by bus to Canada, to purchase medications which were less expensive, even without coverage, than in the US.
Sarah Palin went so far as to lie that Obamacare would create death panels (thus sanctioning euthanasia- which was a total fabrication). Sadly, many agreed with her.
But as it has been implemented, more and more Americans are liking Obamacare. Obama, when attacked on it in 2012, didn’t run away from it, instead he made the election into a referendum on Obamacare. He easily won re-election. The popular vote as well as the electoral vote.
Hope you stay healthy, and I’d avoid the Scotch.
RPG 808 You may be 62, but you are arguing on the level of a five year old. You are pulling out of thin air your belief that this man is a smoker and is obese. You have no way of knowing that, and you have no idea whether this man has an addiction to alcohol. If he was, he likely would have had many more problems than an elevated heart rate.
Quite simply, not even a good doctor be able to determine what happened here, given the limited information we have on this incident. You don’t know his medical history, his medications (and possible interactions with alcohol). You are essentially trying to practice medicine without a license.
As for the Canadian System, if it is as unpopular as you claim, then why has no political party attempted to repeal it? Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper was in power for several years just before losing to the current PM Trudeau. Yet as conservative as Harper was, he didn’t DARE try to repeal Canada’s health coverage system.
That should indicate to you that Harper knew that any such attempt would probably end his career. No system is perfect. And no system is free. It’s paid for through taxation. People will always grumble about that, but that doesn’t mean they want to change it.
In the US, health insurance has become connected to the employer. The reason has to do with WWII. during that period, the US operated under a centralized command and control economy (out of necessity - the country was virtually unarmed when the Japanese bombed Hawaii). Prices and wages were frozen, and we had a system of rationing. Since workers unions couldn’t collectively bargain for a raise in wages, what companies offered was health care coverage. At that time, health care was not nearly as costly as today. If you had heart disease, there was no angioplasty or bypass surgery options. All you got was nitroglycerin tablets, which would dilate your blood vessels. Even the President couldn’t get effective treatment for his chronic hypertension. Those medications didn’t exist then. And the lack of effective treatments killed him, and he was just a couple of years older than you are now.
But that is how health coverage came to be associated with one’s employer. It wasn’t planned that way, and is flawed in that if the person working sustains a catastrophic illness or injury, what happens to their coverage because they are no longer able to work? What happens to their family?
But that is how it came to be, and those flaws are why every Democratic President since FDR (who understood from personal experience, in brutal fashion, chronic illness and disability) has tried to get legislation passed addressing universal access to health care. Barack Obama was the first President to successfully get some legislation through Congress. The only other President to get some legislation passed was Lyndon Johnson, with Medicare (a JFK proposal) and Medicaid. But neither were universal.
Given the season, you should be grateful for your good health. Not everyone is blessed with that, even those who eat right, exercise, avoid alcohol and tobacco, are not overweight, etc.
I cried watching this, not just for this man, his family, and millions like them, but because if so many more voters were this angry, this engaged, and this impassioned on issues like this that matter, this would be a better country.
I think you meant to passionate.
Most people put their heads down and say nothing instead of speaking up. "United you stand divided you fall"
Melissa Santana well said
Daniel Garnett , 🤮
I would like to shake this man's hand. Extremely well done.
Thank you for your support. I do LiveStreams with Real Progressives every Wednesday night at 8pm EST. Here’s link to my latest one.
He's right health care for profit is immoral!
No. He's a socialist. He's rude and loudmouth. His wife probably got cancer because of nagalase in a flu shot. His employer probably gives flu shots out like candy. They probably force all the employees to get them. This guy ought to move to Venezuela. Or, any country is Central or South America, or Africa, where socialism rots the economies. His DNC politics ALWAYS lead to destruction:
As a Brit i actually feel guilty living in the UK where NOBODY gets sick and worries about paying for healthcare. What is wrong with a society that doesnt protect its citizens from inequality in health. Our NHS is by far perfect but my god we look at America and weep for these people suffering 🇬🇧 This husband and father should run for office
He was so right when he said, health is NOT a FOR-PROFIT BUSINESS! What is wrong with the US that they allow for these huge insurance conglomerates and huge privately owned hospitals to be able to ride all over poor people. It is criminal and goes completely against the Hippocratic Oath that all doctors have to take. Some things need to be government owned and run - health and education being the primary ones - and run with empathy. You can still have private hospitals and private insurance for those that want greater choice and can afford it. But for the average person, they just need to be able to be kept alive and well without having to mortgage their whole life and the lives of their children! Wake up America - if you vote for a Republican you are voting to be FREE to be ruined and/or to die, that's all!
Inspiring. This is what a REAL citizen sounds like!
He just got voted out last night.
We'll see if this guy stops yelling or he'll keep yelling at a democrat instead.
Asta la bye bye❤
Heru- deshet If you were facing the same situation this man was, you’d be shouting too, if you were being ignored by your elected representatives. There are very few Americans who are not facing similar health crises, and if you are not, you likely will be in the future. That’s life.
Health insurance doesn’t work like car insurance or home insurance. You may never need your insurance for your car or home. But at some point, you, or a family member WILL need access to health care. And people have died because they lacked health insurance, or because their insurance company found some excuse to deny coverage of life-saving medical treatment.
The ACA (Obamacare) is far from perfect. But it managed to pass (with no help from the Republicans) - the first attempt at universal health care coverage to do so. I doubt Trump and the GOP (who still control the Senate) are not likely going to cooperate with Democratic attempts to improve it. But at least it will become more difficult for the Republicans to further undermine it.
Heru- deshet I suppose that depends on what his new Representative does.
I’m from Mexico.
This guy’s speech should be accounted as one of the greatest speeches in history of mankind. Really compelling, incredibly powerful and above all, real. The words that needed to be said in the most perfect moment.
@@GoodBoyDanny what the deuce?
@Brian Kimball hey numbnuts that wasn't acting. That man is PISSED
@Brian Kimball I'd love to have a battle of wits with you little boy, but I just can't bring myself to beat up on an unarmed moron 😘
no mames
"Sit on down Tommy're done" There are no truer words.
Stick a fork in him he's done!
This guy. He's my hero. So much passion, so much empathy for his family. And that POS standing before him.
how are insurance companies, doctors, etc. supposed to profit off of your sickness if there is no profit incentive?! how are they supposed to make money off of you? you think they should give you healthcare for "free" at the expense of others? 😂😂😂😂😂 behold the stupidity of your argument.
Its not compassion its fear! Of loosing his family to preexisting conditions
@@marcomtrujillo1889 so what if he loses his worthless family to "pre existing conditions"? idgaf!! let them drop dead!!!
@@marcomtrujillo1889 how so? Also unlike you I have great health insurance so I don't need handouts from the government like you panhandlers constantly do!
@DBZFan2 not that you need to know but since you call me a panhandler.. I own a trucking company, two farms, comercial building and 4 single family houses.... Ohh yeah and ill be opening a mechanic shop in March of next year.... i can pay my medical bills I think you are the panhandler buddy lol... get lost
His wife and family are lucky to have a man to stand up for them like that ...and he did his research. He wasn’t spouting nonsense. Facts are Facts!
He made an emotional grandstand
He gave not one suggestion on how to help anything
Obviously he has anger issues and poor coping skills .
What did he accomplish other than to fool some people into thinking how right he thinks he is .
There are thousands of emotional pleas , rants just like this one from people involved with government run health care . Many who's family members died waiting for tests , procedures simple appointments , managed care , procedures going before a board ( financial ) review the case and make a decision as to what course if action to take .... .. all the while you wait . Example , there were 178k cancer diagnosis in Canada , of those 80 k had died due to what we just cited . How is his story more important than the others ?
An argument can be made , if he had the ( free ) health care , his wife could very well have passed .
This is an emotional angry rant that served no purpose , solved nothing , made zero recommendations .
The guy was bordering on being incoherent .
Take the emotion out of it , do you have any idea as to what he said ? The many contradictions did not bother you ,? You question nothing ?
I read these comments and am shocked at the ignorance .
They are all unlucky not to have a president who will stand up for them.
all good ...i see it too. He is a democratic constituent., there are so so many issues here that are hollered about, but, as always...not much can be done at this point. Listen to this guy, he says in the last 4 min. You came for my wife. No, man that was cancer, not the congressman, or the insurance companies, or President Trump, or the doctors, or the presidents and ceos of the hospitals...etc. I do not have an idea or solution at this point, my turn will come sooner or later, maybe maybe no. Crap shoot is ones health. Sure, feel good, look good, feel good...but in the end my thought is no one beats cancer. No one. Cancer has the persistance and longetivity of a timeless, featureless, like the oxygen in our air, just IS. All over the place...and again despite what one does or doesnt do if its coming, it will get there to its destination 98 percent. Of the time. May take years...decades. No one wins over cancer. Not one.
Paid actor maybe not but hmmm
@@typeonegative7210 If you want to suggest he's a paid actor, have the balls to say so and let's know your evidence. Otherwise stfu. Hmmmmm doesn't cut any ice.
I am a Canadian and have great health care but this man is freakin awesome . Politicians need an ass reaming like this to remember why and how they got there and that they can be removed
Steve Grandy, I agree. Too bad this man's impassioned scolding won't get them to change. They have heard it all before. They are soulless beings that feed on greed, corruption, and power.
Canadian here. Don't pretend the Canadian system is all that great. Just ask all the terminally I'll people seeking desperate treatment in other countries like the US.
@@MateuszTeter EXACTLY correct 💯 percent!!!!!
This man is on it. He is forecasting the health emergency in America.
@@jeromehutchins240 typical freeloading parasite
From Europ to ALL Americans. After listening to the man ,you all must understand for whom you will vote for .
Can I please just come live there? I will work 50+ hours a week and do charity work. Just please don't make me live here anymore.
Julien MORREN Yes.. Voted Red-All the way! Barry started this horrible healthcare situation! Also I get kinda pissed when Britts run their mouths about what we should do! Don't you have your own stuff! Don't we have a history about Britts telling the USA WHAT TO DO.
@@bobschmengle6259 wrong. the rapepublicons did this.
they worked against him.
if Obama got what he originally wanted then it would be a lot better.
thank your rapepublicons
Liberals will NEVER Get It...!! They don't want to get it...!! And now They've been Hijacked by the Socialist Far Left. They will lose for decades...!! Red Wave ....MAGA,,,,,!!
@@cueoneful delusional idiot.
you have a traitor in the white house and backing Nazi's.
you will be destroyed trust me
I wish people like this guy were running for office.
DBZFan2 are you an adult you seem to be into cartoons ?
@@iceberg4479 how so? and what "cartoons" dumbass? how is any of what i said wrong? since when is healthcare a right in the bill of rights?!?! what if i told you that the fruits of someone's labor are NOT your rights?!
Improve the ACA!!!!
@Darrell I thought we are the "united" states of America
@Darrell i
1st Amendmet at its finest!
Republicans and Democrats are evil. Same with big government and big business.
Crypto Acrobat says:
"Pat Sin Would not have a first without a 2nd."
When the US fought and won the independence war, there was no second amendment.
In fact, US was prohibited to have the military by the British government.
How did y come up with conclusion appears in your comment?
Any historical example>
Do you know that it's not about the rights, it's about the profit, don't you?
ActuallyI think (after 1 Year) you should keep the 2nd, but as a WELL formed militia (as it was written and ment), not because of the nutjob gun freaks. As soon as Trumps christian Gestapo is cruising through the nights you might need them .... (But you are fu..ed anyway ... as you have NO Drones).
Pat Sin says:
"ActuallyI think (after 1 Year)...."
Who are you talking to?
to crypto, as he brought it up
This was one of the most inspiring thing I've seen in so long. This man is admirable
He'll be speaking at our rally on July 30th in Washington D.C.
@@ChrisCaldwell you don't understand predatory business practices.
Give this man a medal , really. He's no fool , and he knows when the powers that be are trying to pull the wool over his eyes. He's a straight up man , a no BS man , and he has had enough. It was really inspiring, even touching, to see him tell how it is, to the people who made it so. People like him, are in all likelyhood, the kind of people that will end this Trump era, nonsensical, destructive and divisive madness. I tip my hat to that guy, you need him and everyone like him.
This man should be in office! This is the kind of passionate pleading that the average working person needs👍🏼👍🏼
great work. He is obviously well informed and passionate
Drick Lorenz, thank you for your support. I do LiveStreams with Real Progressives every Wednesday night at 8pm EST. Here’s link to my latest one.
Drick Lorenz yes plus they went after his fam I WOULD BE IN HANDCUFFS
Geoffrey Ginter Youre a leftist arent you?
you cant suggest hes informed after that russian interest comment.
No, I'm a Democratic Socialist in the mold of Bernie Sanders. I believe that the Government of the people, for the people, and by the people should, you know, be of the people, be for they people, and be by the people. Not the oligarchs. They are citizens and should be afforded the same power, rights, and responsibilities as everyone else. Instead, they are taking the immense wealth they have been given to buy that which should never be for sale; our Democracy.
Macarthur lost the midterm election. This publicized townball was likely the nail in coffin. Now he will have to get health insurance on his own.
no he didn't, 7,000 votes uncounted
@@ufofireninja99 just got called for Kim
Daniel Garnett - Sad but true
@@ufofireninja99 laura looney tunes loomer?
YOU subscribe to the bat💩 crazy trash who's so crazy that even the convicted felon doesn't want her around him anymore😂😂😂😂😂🤣
Surely more people should be speaking out? No other country in the western world has 3rd world health care like America does? I am English I can’t believe the people have had no backbone for so long, we had had enough of being abused when my farther and the others returned from the horrors of world war 2, after 5 years of fighting and dying and struggling to put food on the table the British had had enough and voted on mass for change, introducing the National health service free to all from cradle to grave, our proudest acheavment as a civilised people, and the envy of the world. Wake up America your being abused!
Holly shit NHS is worst then our Canadian Healthcare System ffs! What the Hell are you talking About? Why all the British Physicians and Surgeons are Leaving the UK? And coming here to Canada to Replace Canadian Doctors that moving to the US! I live outside a Small Town in the Yukon a Community about 8500-10 000 ppl 4500 in Town the rest on Farms, Ranches, Homesteads and Lodges we've 2 Medical Clinics and Small Hospital 12 Doctors 6 surgeons that I know of! The Clinic I go to have 6 drs Dr Prigmore from Wales, Dr Lennox fr Scottland, Dr.Row from England, Dr Nagy from SouthAfrica/England Dr Samir from India and Dr Palshar from Bangladesh! I' mean Jesus Man the 3 British doctors came to Canada in the Past 5-6 yrs Dr Nagy who Practiced in UK for 2 decades came here in 2005 They rather come here to the End of the World 7- Months Winter 4 Months 18-20 hrs Darkness then to keep working in the UK, Where they were underpaid, under equipped, Over worked, over stressed! the NHS is HORRIBLE Man! Doctors and Nurses Commit Suicide more often in the UK then any other Western Society! And you think your Healthcare System is Great lol So many Insane Lunatics! Just wait till you get Older and Sicker you'll see!
Well, I wouldn’t say that the quality of healthcare in America is poor, as it’s among the best in the world. However, too many Americans cannot even afford it, especially if their employer doesn’t offer it to them. So the problem isn’t about the healthcare itself, but it’s the for-profit system, with all the insurance & pharmaceutical companies and the powerful lobby groups that are in the pockets of far too many politicians, which is the real problem that America faces in regards to healthcare.
jozsefkacsa We will agree to disagree, before the nhs if you couldn’t afford treatment or pain relief you died in agony! Every one is entitled to treatment no matter what you means are, if your Canadian system is better then that’s great.
Mohammad Hussain Then I am sorry if people can’t afford treatment then that is to me 3rd world health care? and reflects badly on the USA as a civilised forward thinking fair nation.
This man in the blue was "spitting" the truth.. And going off at the same time, and verbally abusing him without profanity.
Brilliant point.
Didn't notice that.
A beautiful thing!
You think that's bad? Wait until MacArthur finds out what's waiting for him in Hell.
@@happydays8171 It looks as though he had the same compassion for his constituents as for his enemies.
@Happy Days he’s talking about the congressman in this video, Rep Tom MacArthur. The one who’s name is literally in the videos title. He’s not talking about goddamn general MacArthur from ww2 lmfao
I've never used this word, because it's always utilized incorrectly, this was EPIC ! Unfortunately, no one truly has the freedom of speech anymore.
how are insurance companies, doctors, etc. supposed to profit off of your sickness if there is no profit incentive?! how are they supposed to make money off of you? you think they should give you healthcare for "free" at the expense of others? 😂😂😂😂😂 behold the stupidity of your argument.
@@DBZFan2 You really do not get it do you? Starting at the end of the Carter administration some of his cabinet members went to work for HMO's etc. and they are for profit share holder companies. It drives up the cost of healthcare. Before that billing was in the hands of the doctors,clinics and hospitals.
@@jamesdunn9714 "the Carter administration"?!?! need i remind you entitled panhandlers that Mr. Peanut Farmer was a disaster and a laughing stock?!?!
@@DBZFan2 Well, you just revealed your ignorance. The Carter administration had nothing to do with our present health care situation unless one considers his ex cabinet members. Do some reading or go back to bed. Adios.
@@jamesdunn9714 no, but our healthcare system has been in turmoil ever since LBJ created medicare and medicaid!!! also listen to this simple explanation of why healthcare costs have escalated ever since medicare and medicaid were created. ever since LBJ introduced medicare and medicaid, that's when healthcare costs escalated for everyone. before then it used to be dirt cheap!! health insurance premiums only used to cost $5 per month (which is only $41 in today's money) and you were covered for catastrophic care. but when medicare and medicaid were introduced, doctors started taking advantage of that and raised their prices. but the bill didn't fall on you, it fell on the government. so then the government began charging more. and it's why healthcare costs have skyrocketed ever since. there's no point in trying the same thing over and over again and expect different results.
Geoff Ginter for congress! This is one of the greatest unscripted speeches I've ever heard.
jag10 you're just jealous because you can't think as fast as this guy!
jag10 Like we should believe you, conservatard!!!
jag10 there is a common theme running through Trumps base and many in the GOP. That is they don't offer solutions they only offer insults and lies. The GOP complained that the Democrats rushed their Healthcare Plan through Congress. BUT they did have open sessions and in those sessions they interviewed experts. Then what do the GOP do they rush through their plan and do it all in secret. The GOP like Trump and you are just a bunch of lying hypocrites. There is a saying that empty vessels make the most noise and you, the GOP and the President make on hell of a lot of noise. The blue wave is coming, it is not happening in the national forum it is happening in the districts all over America. The GOP are been made to own what they have done and it will come back to haunt them in November. Never before in American history have so many heads of committees in Congress decided not to stand for re-election because they know what their grassroots are saying and it ain't favourable to the GOP. Any system where 20% of the money collected for healthcare goes into the pockets of a few is a healthcare system that is fundamentally flawed. The Healthcare industry in America is no different than big tobacco and when the truth came out we found that they had lied to the American people for decades to protect their profits and the healthcare industry are using exactly the same tactics as big tobacco. Sadly there are many in the GOP and their supporters who are either too dumb to see this or too corrupt to care.
He does, he's just concerned for others...unlike you. He's also concerned for his wife because people can lose their jobs.
I love when citizens confront these do nothing politician's this man is a hero
I love this man he is breaking it down to were you understand what is coming out of his mouth. He is telling the truth health care is needed for pre- existing people everybody we need our Doctors who take care of us!
So true
Gigi Williams you need your gouvernment to take care of you
Right on...Lady!!! Thank you.
@@superduperpooperscooper8097 Took a breather from Fux new's ?
This is holding your members of congress accountable
Through one ear.............
What is amazing is that the Cops, actually let him finish, today they would of tackled him, pinned him down, oh wait, he is a white guy, they would of just led him out, but not let him finish
@@toddstevens13 there's that racist comment again,,, "oh he's a white guy"
Todd Steven
@Dan Thomas You guys are so Unenlightened you need to jump to something, when there is nothing there fool. Sarcasm, try it once in a while, but I know that takes Intelligence which both of you do not have. You can actually NOT be a racist and realize when the racism would happen. Since my Godfather was a 6 foot 8 African American Man from the Inner City Detroit, and I was raised around 80% African American Jazz Musicians including many you probably knew, such as Oscar Petterson etc. who my father played with anytime he was in the area etc. Go stick your ignorance up your A$$.
Thank God this man told off this evil politician. I hope he gets voted out.
Ann Linley At least you’re thinking Ann,not just saying nope no good without any consideration because lobbyists bought you a steak dinner and fund your campaign.
Ann Linley I have paid taxes for years. And some of my ancestors were native American, so maybe you need to return to your country of origin. We pay too much for the military budget, and useless wars.
Ann Linley Very few people are given refugee status so it is rather stupid and paranoid to worry about them as if they were attacking us with tanks. You give yourself away with your hate and paranoia. Eat a Trump Steak and try not to choke on it.
@Ann Linley you're asking how much it would cost which is approaching the discussion dishonestly. If I had to answer this though, I'd cut the military budget, bring our troops home and provide them and the people in the country they fought for with healthcare.
What you should be asking is how much would we save if we shifted to single payer since it's been proven by studies produced on both sides of the aisle that implementing it would result in net savings.
Wages theoretically would have room to grow since employers no longer have to worry about providing healthcare.
Pro tip: People who don't have health insurance are likely to end up in the emergency room at some point. This results in a hit to the taxpayers when providing preventative care would've resulted in a healthier person and much less of a bill on our part.
An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure. This applies to the cost of healthcare as well.
Angel Fernandes What go’s unacknowledged is the fact that the Chargemasters (CDM) have been far too long left unchecked. They are the ones who decide what gets billed to the insurer and the insure and decide the price that is MASSIVELY overpriced from 2-5X the actual cost. This was exposed a long time ago nearly knew their was even a middle man deciding this.
There is no justification for profit over people. Please share this 1000's of times.
Who is this man? He speaks for all of us.
He's a drama queen. I have no idea what he is babbling about. He is just throwing out accusations.
That was March 2017.... and still the GOP wants to hurt us! Vote Democrat in the Midterms, we were better back in 2015.
@Thomas Paine Revolution oh really? So let's see some proof.
@@joshuaburgess1204 I think "Thomas Paine" misspelled his/her last-name... should be PAIN. Attempting to have an educated, well informed "conversation" about ACA with the un-educated, ill-informed "Americans" is a futile endeavor.
@@sandrablanco6592 It doesn't matter. He is my fellow American. We have to do something about this. Medical care for me hits a heart string hard. I didnt choose this. And nobody does. Not a single person wakes up and says "bipolar disorder sounds fun" or "stage 4 cancer would be cool". We have to be passionate and also understanding of the CURRENT conservative ways. I view these people as sick the same way I view myself as sick. And with sick people, compassion is what you show them. I do not believe this person wakes up every day and decides to hate. I think they don't know any better. My previous comment is based on emotion and that's why it seems so radical. But I want to show the GOP voters I do not believe they are bad people. That is a lie. But that liberal views are for Americans, not commies or socialist or whatever. If this persons child gets sick, I am completely willing as a nation to make sure that child gets care that I help pay for. So they and the child don't have to worry about recovery AND cost. That is not fair. Staying alive for anyone is the first. Paying is not something anyone should have to worry about while fighting a mental or physical illness.
And that's how bad it is for a guy with a good job and good insurance.
Otto Nomicus this guy is grandstanding I am sick of hearing him holler
@@revbobmartin = BUTTHURT.
It's bad for him because if he loses his job tomorrow, he won't have health insurance. No other company will touch his and his wife's with his preexisting conditions.
LOL far from it. I just like to use my evil powers for good. Catches people off guard.
I mean, that's true and all, but if everyone has health care, then he won't have to worry about getting his shitty kids treated, they'd be covered.
Boy that man is something. and he's not using a prompter. just his heart.
Paid professional shill.
I wish I could do that.
@@matthewwilson2369 You wish to a paid shill?
@@uio890138 Nah, I'm paid ok by my day job.
@@uio890138 92% Of the Republicans are Russian puppets!!
This is why Republican voters have got to learn to vote for quality honest candidates instead of voting for a Party. Vote for the best interest of the people of the United States of America.
You are accusing others of what you are doing, moron.
Outstanding! This is what we all need to do. Hold our representatives accountable!!! And if they fail to do so, vote them out!
They forget they are Public Servants not political Party sycophants.. Thank you for standing up for America.
how are insurance companies, doctors, etc. supposed to profit off of your sickness if there is no profit incentive?! how are they supposed to make money off of you? you think they should give you healthcare for "free" at the expense of others? 😂😂😂😂😂 behold the stupidity of your argument.
he is our hero . He spoke it out lould for all us . Thanks !!!
That dude just verbally beat the shit out of that joker. Bravo.
All he did was show how rageful and virtue signalling and unhinged and unaccountable for their own lives Liberals are.
I'm sorry he has bad genes and all his family have medical conditions but I'm not going to pay for it. He can bloody well pay for it himself stay out of my pocket please
@@mukiwabanda2794 do you even know how health insurance works? Lol
He wanted to literally beat the hell out of him. Did you see the calming breath he took before he started? That was the same breath my mom took when she came home and saw that I had sprayed a fire extinguisher in the living room.
@@mukiwabanda2794 you good with paying for bombs being used thousands of miles away or presidential golf excursions? You can't say a bad word about this individual when you're a typical selfish ass that only cares about something when it hits your doorstep.
@Ivan Smith It was a disgraceful display and totally ill-informed. America is not a socialist country and never will be.
See he doesn't want to hear what the people have to say, vote him out
Damn, I love this guy! Way to go! The ACA does have problems, but throwing millions of people under the bus is NOT the solution.
Gotta propose something better in its place.
You know what bugs me?
You can't get tax money from a corpse
You can't have an economy with a population of permanently ill people
You can't run a country without a healthy base.
So why do our national leaders refuse to give us health care?
You think this is helpful to anyone? He isn't discussing any issues. He is just carrying on. What the hell is he even talking about? He's a clown
The ACA threw millions under the bus. They lost their policies.
You think this guy is angry? He has a good job, and he has insurance. Now guess how angry the majority of us are?
Health Care should be free in the USA. Why not?
@@jacklizzard1428 You know nothing about economics do you?
@@jacklizzard1428 Nothing is free. You work hard.
@@benh1047You sure gottem
Average Health Insurance Premiums Doubled Since 2013 ,you can keep your insurance and doctor said obama.
if you have job you pay ,if not you get a free ride,more like obama snare.
the democrats and the republican rino's are one and the same,KST RUNS DC AND BOTH PARTIES ARE AT THE TROUGH.
And he didn’t care he still voted yes ... vote this jerk out ...
His speech took my breath away...thank you Sir
Absolutely brilliant. Has me completely grabbing my chin with heart ache. I know change is coming, I have a wife 4 kids and I'm wiping my tears every 10 seconds. As America we should take care eachother.
Our vote is our voice. Make it count like your life depends on it, because it does.
That Congressman sure got ROASTED🔥🔥🔥
DANMMM Dude. Whether you agree with him or not I give the citizen props for using his voting power and speaking his mind. He is at least honestly passionate and cares and at least wants a better solution. Either analyze the current ACA system and make it better or come up with a whole new system that is better.
+1,000 points to the enraged husband.
Daniel Garnett
You must be watching something else like a Republican speaking because you are talking about somebody that spews lies that’s definitely a Republican!
Rick Keeton seriously!! I have a child with type one diabetes, I have chronic health issues.. My husband and I had fabulous insurance before the ACA was pushed through before most of Congress ever read it! We went from paying $900 a month with a $2000 deductible to $6800 a month with a $25,000 deductible!! My sons meds & supplies cost around $3000 a month. Then he has specialist & the occasional ER visit.
My sister & her husband just paid the fine every year because it was cheaper than buying insurance!! And we know hundreds of families like ours!! The Republicans didn’t screw us, Obama and his useful idiots, screwed us!!
@@lovingmymcmahon3382 So just to verify your math. On the ACA you were paying $6,800 a month just for insurance. That adds up to $81,600 a year. That means you make enough income to put you in the bracket of middle class at least. We know of 2 adults and 1 child. So the cost of penalty for 2016-2018 is $695 for each adult and $162 for a child. So the penalty is only $1552. I don't know which state you are in but in my state for comparison there isn't even a plan that cost that much as what you describe. I went to my states ACA market site and using the estimate of your info. And the most expensive plan that I could even find is only $16,000 a year. So I tried using even higher estimates and most expensive plan that I could even build was only $20,000 a year. So either you were doing it wrong or you live in a state where they implemented the ACA wrong. OR there is the possibility that you exaggerating your numbers. OR you are just lying.
@@lovingmymcmahon3382 As a secondary note, several of my friends during the first year thought the same thing as you. After I sat down with them and did a little research all of them ended up paying either far less than before the ACA or a couple pay close to before. It amazes me how many people get confused and panic easily. To be fair that is only my state though. But that means that the ACA isn't inherently bad, just people or government use it poorly. I wish you the best of luck. But if you are still paying some rediculas amount then please go ask someone for help.
If he runs for Congress, I'd vote early and often for him.
Too late
Well spoken indeed. I'm so proud to know there are AMERiCANS like in this amazing country. This is the power of the vote, vote can make the difference. VOTE!!! Our lives depend on it! #HumanRace
Rita Tomei Well said , I totally agree with you !!!
Rita Tomei doesn’t sound to amazing
Rita Tomei what’s amazing about it?
Everyone of you brainless Lazy idiots who If you'd do YOUR OWN Research. would KNOW that Trump IS for Insurance that Covers Pre Existing Conditions. Keep watching CNN and All media period. Who are Being paid Millions to tell you that Trump will end Pre existing coverage. Have even one of you thought about Why their called FAKE NEWS.?? No you haven't. The MSM is Brainwashing All of You. Just like Hitler did. Thru the then only newspapers media. People then believed it all. Then 40+ Million people were killed. So u keep watching CNN. U keep fighting for open borders. Has one of you ever looked at how the EU is doing with open borders. 100 rapes a day. Killings and be headings. EVERY SINGLE DAY. ALL BECAUSE OF OPEN BORDERS. ITS YOU SICK SOB's who's really going to Destroy this country. You and MSM. Clinton's have well over a 100 murders under their belt they ordered to happen. And I can go on for hours. FOR GODS SAKE AND THIS COUNTRYS SAKE, I Beg u all to Stop watching MSM. It's their plan to brainwash you. AGAIN. JUST LIKE HITLER DID. Go see and look up all the things and all the numbers of Lowerest unemployment in the history of this country. Stop relying on what others say. Even me. Do Your Own Research. You'll be amazed at what you'll really see. It's called the TRUTH. AND ALL OF U HAVE UNWARRANTED HATE towards a man that's truly making this country Great again. If u only knew. Sad. It's a sad shame how bad your All being lied too. Hitler did the same exact thing. Thru the media at that time. Look it up. Don't take my word for it. Look it All up.
Agreed...when i see the so-called caravan I see illegals taking healthcare...and for the people who maybe don't know but there are millions.......
Brave. Articulate man, we need more like this at town halls. Bravo! He expressed anger without letting rage overtake his faculties. Wish I was there, I would have stood up, clapped, and hugged this man for having the courage to speak up; the courage to do what I could not. I can write a letter, make a phone call, sign a petition, encourage people to vote, offer to drive people to the polls. THIS man demonstrated what all of us should feel and do.
What are you talking about. I just got Health care and My wife has pre existing conditions, Don't know what his guy is talking about. sorry another uneducated Planted Democrat actor.
@Becky Skadsen I tell you what why don't you go to Obama Care website and check it out for yourself. You don't have to trust anybody's word Do your on investigation. Let me know your results. If I 'm lying or if the Democrats are lying.
@@carlospena5942 pendejo
@@OnePiece-yy1lu I m sorry I don' speak that language, I speak English.
Break it down . Take out his emotional fact free diatribe .
He is pushing for a system that can't work . I see him as having major anger management issues , along with obvious lack of coping skills . Child like .
The system does indeed need major adjustments to be sure .
That said , he offered nothing in the way of any kind of tangible positive repairs . Only an anticdotal story .
There are many of these stories that come from governmental run systems where thousands have died....from cancers like his wife specifically due to having to wait to be seen , wait to be treated , inferior technologies , governmental cost effective boards lack of treatment etc .
The speech is of passion , but no substance .
In such a rich country, I don't get why healthcare
Is a luxury, instead if a human right.
Because conservatives are convinced that any government assistance is a blight on society that falls under the category of SOCIALISM. The insurance company and pharmaceutical lobbies have made sure of that. Mitch McConnell has said outright he's coming for the other ENTITLEMENTS: MEDICARE, MEDICAID and SOCIAL SECURITY. Never mind that we working stiffs have paid into these programs. They're still "entitlements" to McConnell and the other 1%. It's utterly mind-boggling that Republican politicians say their intentions OUT LOUD, and yet their head-in-the-sand constituents continue to vote for them.
Because its for profit, they could give a shit if people die
I asked an American why universal health care wasn't a reasonable goal for such a wealthy country and he replied, "Because socialism."
Diane Morris-Hill I'm from Sweden and I try to understand what is going on in The US , and that isn't easy . You are one of the richest country in the world , and still you can't provide normal prized healthcare ans education for your people , and I don't wan't to start talking aboat your so called President !! A lying , crazy and stupid idiot !!! I love America and the American people , but please do something aboat it ....VOTE PLEASE !!! Love from Sweden !!
It's a country for profit everything is for sale..even our health. We have poo education unless you're rich or willing to get in deep debt. Two basic needs we have to pay a fortune's ridiculous!
This guy really tries holds politician accountable.
Yes hes does...
I am proud of this guy whether he's a Republican or Democrat or independent I like how he stood up to these politicians
cbfbmc damn right! This guy is what everyone around the country needs to be doing! We need to SHAME these CORRUPT politicians into supporting this! We did it with Amazon and it worked! Or at least according to the media it did!
This is by far the best thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life
Remember this line from this enraged constituent: Health insurance as a for-profit business is IMMORAL. .
@haitipi Guess you don't know what for-profit means? Hint: it doesn't simply mean you get paid for your job.
Do ANY of you guys know what profit actually IS?
Very well said.
Love the passion of this Dad & husband. We need the ACA!!
damn i teared up. This is a true American.
syppy I did too
@haitipi Can I ask you something? Is America a country, or is it a "land where random people live with no unity". We live under the same state and face the same problems of life. Why not work together to take the burden off the shoulders of our fellow countrymen? Is this really only a "personal problem"? I understand that the United States was founded on individualist beliefs and is not so much a collectivist society. But there has to be a midpoint where we can funnel our sources together to help each other. Because we are the U.S.A., the UNITED states of America, right?
@haitipi 50 failing semi-autonomous countries under a cracking federal republic. The way it's going, the USA is gonna break up into 50 independent countries.
He is so RIGHT
Who is this guy? Can somebody please try to convince him to run for presidency. He pretty much has a concern for the people.
That's Jeff from Pine Beach.
@C gull alert you need to go back on your meds troll
@@nevermorefrompast-qx5wb what you said about c gull.
You lovely Americans need a guy like this! He’s definitely very, very bit? His speaking the truth!
Afterward can you please let him come over to our country for a while to help us out? Love this guy!
C gull alert 🤯🙄🤢🤮🤮🤮
Wow! This guy really went in! I love how he defended his wife and family!
He'll be speaking at our rally on July 30th in Washington D.C.
I hope this video is shared EVERYWHERE when the next election or even the midterms happen.
More constituents need to do this in public and at the ballot box.
it is terrible to know the richest country in the world doesn't provide free Health Insurance for their people, I admire the unknown hero talking with the shocked congressman, I hope your family is doing well, I hope many americans follow your example. With love from England, the country with free HEALTH INSURANCE for everybody.
And a BIG AMEN from Canada!!! Like you - EVERYONE in my country has free Health Insurance! Sen. Sanders has been promoting and trying to get this in place for ALL American people - BUT Dems AND Repugs in government are corrupt - they don't want to lose their huge payoffs from Big Pharma and health care Insurance companies! THIS is why clinton et all her corrupt DNC/DCCC sabotaged Sen. Sanders and over HALF their base. They AND the US main-stream media ARE STILL pushing their corrupt agenda - already demeaning/degrading Sanders. They (corrupt crap) are terrified of Sen. Sanders simply BECAUSE he fights for everyday people!! Did clinton go after Amazon/ Disney et al - to pay their workers decent wages? NO! Never gonna happen with corrupt clinton and her cronies - who, by the way, include booker and harris - also on the corporate dole! Nothing will change in the US government till you boot out the corrupt politicians on BOTH sides of the aisle! NOTHING!!!
Hurray for free healthcare in the UK even though American companies are sniffing round hoping to buy their way in and destroy it.
It aint free. Its just that everyone pays for it through taxation. But its certainly better than the American system. I do wonder though if people in the UK, where I live, would take far better care of themselves if they had to take out medical insurance, the price of which would be based on lifestyle.
@@Richard482 Very true.
Richest to a few buffoon!
This should go viral every where!!!!!! Now
michael lehar Just shared
What a fantastic man and a courageous speech!!! BRAVO!!!! Please, please, please have voted Democrat next Tuesday!
DEmocrats dont fix things they only take.... Vote red
I think you meant fanatic, The Democrats gave us this broken healthcare system, that only helps out those who’s doctor bills will exceed $20,000 a year. You pay $!5,000 a year for your families insurance, your son breaks his arm, $ 5,000 Sorry, you haven’t met your deductible
This clown is an actor, pre rehearsed speech
I will never vote Blue again !
Red wave
@Angeliquelovely yes. Lets show the world how unhinged and confused the leftist are. Obama care failed and these ass hats still wanna scream to save it. What a moron.
This man speaks with the Courage of the Heart, thank You, mr. Ginter!
Put this on a national broadcast. Run for office. Please put right in the docket.
Its funny because he literally just lost against Andy Kim.
GhostBongo I agree but Beto’s lose was just so....satisfying
@@elpadre6636 *loss and okay you do you
GhostBongo focus on you boo, we good here
@@elpadre6636 kk
GhostBongo good boi
This Politician lost. Remember, your belief a vote does not matter is their weapon. Vote, always vote.
This guy should run for office. Bravo!!
Can we vote for this guy😯🇺🇸...#WhenAmericaSpeaks
Fantastic speech. Hammered them.Single payer system . Stop making the health parasites wealthier.
you mean fantastic "fake" speech right? If you could not tell this guy was acting 10 seconds in, with that horribly fake head down heavy breathing as if angry "suddenly" after giving his name yet still having that measured calm voice with a forced "strain" to it to give off an air of frustration...if you could not see that, I have little hope for you.
Richard Depaola jr
Here’s the thing, Richard. Regardless of whether this guy is an actor, or has been paid, or is just a shill, or whether he is a bonafide , genuine angry husband and father, what he says is correct. I’m not paid, or a shill, or an actor.
Congrats on basically ignoring the entire point of my post just because of your unrelated personal beliefs.
This is why the country is in the state its in. Make excuses for actions because if you dont, you feel you are not supporting personal beliefs.
How about we demand that people stop lying even if when the message is in line with what we believe?
Richard Depaola jr What he says is correct. That is relevant. Not unrelated. Relevant.
Dale Glenny the fakeness is more relevant because it smacks of PROPAGANDA. And ALL propaganda is bad, even the propaganda that fits your worldview.
You need to be asking WHY is it necessary to FAKE this if what is being said is true or good, and WHO is doing it..and even more than that you need to be asking how you became so well trained, that you over look it as if the ends justify the means.
This is what we should all be saying to the Republicans.
Liberals will NEVER Get It...!! They don't want to get it...!! And now They've been Hijacked by the Socialist Far Left. They will lose for decades...!! Red Wave ....MAGA,,,,,!!
He's not saying anything. He just ranting. What does he want done? This is a moron looking for attention.
@@cueoneful You're dumber than dirt, just like your orange piece of shit cult leader.
Remember first time in history 5 years of double digit % increases for healthcare payers after ACA was approved.
That politician got his ass burned so bad I'm surprised that its not red.
I had no conversation or constructing conversation to speak to the Congress he's an idiot
The Senator and the cop at the end just wanted to shut that guy up...the Truth is so dangerous to corporate interests ! That voice MUST be silenced... Americans must not wake up from their stupor.
Rep. MacArthur is not a senator - but i agree with your sentiments
Thank you for correcting me...I was in haste and will be more careful in the future ! Cheers.@@janepowers6711
Damn you are awesome xanbex, totally agree with you.
Way to go!! Regardless of the issue, it's great to see a regular guy lay down a quality ass chewing on some sleazy politician
Good job, you told him. He should be ashamed! He doesn't care, nothing bothers this guy. This Speaker is trying to stress his upset over his family's health issues. He has been waiting for your help, which has never COME. You have done nothing toward the expectations of families like this speaker's family. Wake up and do your job!!!!!!!
This sort of thing would never occur in Britain as we are all covered by the National Health Service. Universal Health Care works.
Mark Goodair yeah there's never a question or debate or anything about health or the NHS because it runs like a golden clock, it's absolutely perfect purring like an engineering masterpiece.
Mark Goodair ii
Universal healthcare could work in america but our congress are bribed (so called campaign contributions).
Mark Goodair I
19Lion8 taxes by definition cover things every citizen is going to use and need. Like roads, bridges, police, military, public schooling, public libraries, Ect. Not every citizen needs, or uses healthcare medical treatments, I.e healthy people, so taking money out of peoples paychecks to literally forcibly give to someone else because they don’t want to pay for there own healthcare costs is stealing, aka socialism. If everyone has to pay for there own food, clothing, housing, Ect. Then why should other ppl be forced to give money out of there hard earned paychecks to give to ppl that don’t want to or can’t pay there own health costs. Life is not fair perfect or a fairy tale just how it is, in the end stealing is always wrong. Ppl have options on relying on charities, low-cost medical facilities, or live a healthy lifestyle, stealing from other ppl should not be an option in a free just society.
This gentleman should consider running for office. We so desperately need this example of integrity in office!
I will vote for him!!
kristie jacobs
This guy is compelling, but dems as a whole are ridiculous--
And that whole business about going to war with NK is ridiculous-- and Russia collusion... as we are now seeing unfold before our eyes, was nothing more than the previous administration using the intelligence agencies to spy on the trump campaign--
Martin Van Lent
That’s your opinion- thank you-
I’ll stick with Trump
Trump loves our country
Trump stands up to China
Trump stands up for the country
Trump represents America---
Trump puts America first --
Seems that the left slanders Trump at all costs
Trump far from racist--
I support Trump 100%!!!!!!
I would even vote for an extra term for trump being that the Left lied about Russian collusion-Not only was it a hoax- but it was a non starter-
Behind doors - big time dems like Adam schiff and James Comey, Mcabe, Peter Strozk.... the list goes on......they gave under oath statements saying there was no evidence of Russian collusion- but they moved forward with investigation anyway--
How pathetic--!!!!!!!
After knowing this--I recognize the left is bias against Trump-
I don’t trust Democrats for anything-----
Trump will win re-election
Look at the left trying to steal the election with mail-in votes---
Martin Van Lent
And if you think I’m dumb-
I will not only debate you on the subject, I will make you look foolish---
Try me-
@@mtavarez4561 god I wish this man could confront trump and tell him to his orange bloody face what he thinks him(and what the world thinks of him)
I don't know how your American politics work but can this man run for some kind of office?
Your orange blob of a president cant even talk without looking left to right at stupid teleprompters.even then he sounds disconnected and robotic.i personally cannot wait for the debates because now we have so ammunition against him in our arsenal, unlike when he pathetically confronted Hillary, who actually I'm told won the popular vote.i can't wait to see your ineloquent inarticulate imbecilic leader taken down by SMOKIN joe,and revealed as the pathetic coward bully he is to the world.
We could start with when he threw toilet rolls in Puerto Rico,when he bravely pushed aside the Montenegren president and was roundly put in his place by Angela Merkel. Oh yes and when he claimed he had the biggest turnout for his inauguration!
Like you Americans say bring it on Joe!
If we all stood up like this man it would be game over for the tyrannical government that has overtaken this country. Bravo sir.
@millindollamovies dude I've seen you all over this video's comments spreading hatred and bigotry. GTFO with that shit bro, the new generation's America doesn't have time for the ignorance.
triumph hampton ha ha, you got triggered.
So it's "tyrannical" to not steal from taxpayers to give people free shit.
@millindollamovies What the HELL are you trying to say ???!!! This isn't intelligible English...get someone to write for you, buddy !!! 🤣😅
All wanting Democrats stop your whinging
MacArthur stopped listening two minutes into this. Look at the contempt on his face.
That's alright, the voters stopped listening to MacArthur's lies as well. He lost his seat.
Howd u like Kavanaughs face
@@daniellee9763 Didn't see it in the video. There may be a longer version out there with him in it though.
@castroy64 Everything but MacArthur's contempt at the truth.
castroy64 staged... how?
Wow. Best improv speech ever. This guy should run for congress!
Sure... yeah... that is exactly what we need, right?! Another idiot anarchist who just spouts off rage and utter contempt for everyone else with a different viewpoint than his... yes, exactly what we need. Is there no one on this thread with a speck of understanding?
@@Sanddollar1 I don't think anyone asked you for an elaborate description of The Orange Maniac.
He’s a plant
Another leftist
@@earlross309 STFU you russian hack
Clapping loud on 4 Novembre 2024. This wonderful, courageous man spoke truth passionately and, we all responded to it.
Congress critter versus brass balls! Congress critter didn't stand a chance.
Like a deer standing in the spot light frozen in time. What is happening öO who is this man destroying my corrupt future :) Mommy help me
Wow he just named him the single biggest threat to his family. Tommy boy about to cry.
The GOP are the biggest threat to this country. Not terrorists, not antifa not BLM etc.
Drop the mic!!!! This guy is awesome and mopped the floor with that terrible politician!!! 👍👍
how is he "right" dumbass?! since when is "free" healthcare a right in the bill of rights?!?! what if i told you that the fruits of someone's labor are NOT your rights?!
He sounds stupid as Jimmy Kimmel when he used his stupid brat as a political pawn for his liberal agenda back in May 2017. i watched his pathetic attempt to use his stupid son to attack trump and it was beyond laughable!! Behold the stupidity of your and Jimmy Kimmel's logic.😂😂😂
@@DBZFan2 You obviously didn't understand a word of it.
Gread job standing up to MacArthur, Sir Jeff!
God bless this man! This should be played on EVERY channel... over and over until they fix health care in Washington!
They’re not gonna fix healthcare because you mofos keep sending back to Congress those who take healthcare from us but give it to themselves. You people are the dumbest mofos walking the face of this earth. When you all stop voting then we can get things done!