New Reno is an absolute beast. Not only does it clears the enemy board, it also limits his boardspace to 1 for a turn AND gives you a very strong heropower. I am pretty sure he is gonna get nerfed
@@Chen13376 an easy way to nerf it is to make the effect symmetrical. Really, it's more flavourful for a "lone ranger" to have a 1 on 1 duel of minions, and it means it won't be as mindlessly lopsided as it is now
As a wild player: Raza should be S tier. In the Highlander Priest deck, he is more important even than Zephrys. -The dragon druid should be in A -Murozord at least in B, he's an excelent card, combining value, a good body and removal -Doctor Holli Dae is also A tier -Alex hasn't been that great for a long time
@@guido8887 It really depends on which variant you are talking about because the shadow one seems to be doing extremely well for quite some time now atleast. Druid is carried by Guff, Pally well the order kinda buffed it beyond imagination, Even Warrior is a interesting take??? Mage well is just Mage ig. Shaman just has pretty good all round cards similar to the shadow raza deck
The funny thing about the druid Elise, it saw most of it's standard play in maly druid which wasn't a highlander deck but would draw their entire deck and used Elise to enable moonfire combos.
Elise the trailblazer is weird to judge now because back when it was released it didn’t have the Highlander component to it that makes it less terrible. Still meme tier though.
Elise, badlands savoir was dog shit if you deck contains no duplicates summon 4 minions with 5/5 in stats. Like by the time you get to 8 mana you've drawn all your minions. Or you get such meh card crimson clergy or the charge boar. 25/4/24 whizbangs. Now it's buffed, it said if your deck started with no duplicates. You can have an actual wincon.
Ink master Solia is the easiest F tier by a long shot. Elise for priest at the very least has huge potential, and we've seen priest decks with similiar effect that ended up being very good (Zerek's cloning army). On the other hand, compare the effect of solia to the effect of dragoncaster, also a mage card, and see how garbage Solia really is.
almost every single game of highlander hunter I've currently played, Theldurin has been huge. Crazy how perfect the meta is for dropping him on 4 with all the paladins roaming around
His card pool selection being so poor really does syop him from being the best. Hell, I'd even argue he's not even S tier, given how if there isn't a perfect card in his pool at the time, he's basically worthless compared to more modern stuff.
og reno is still s tier. auto include in all reno decks in wild. I saw some lists cutting 8 mana reno in wild because its too slow, but 6 mana fully heal is still very strong and relatively early.
Saying that Reno is not S is absurd, he was so good that he warped a meta around him and named the archetype on his lonesome, we do not call them highlander decks, we call them Reno decks. Reno saw play then, sees play now, will always see play.
this is a tier list i gotta say I disagree with heavily in many places. Reno priest starting from karazhan is my most played of all time. Raza was such a big deal even way before Anduin and of course with anduin he possibly became one of the 2 cards that make one of the best decks of all time. But even if we rate him on his own he was so big for priest should easily be S tier. Also feel like the doctor is much better then both the druid cards especially for their time. Also Elise was such a great card back when she was actually played and was very impactful. If we rating them based on their time period i'd say she has to be B or A even. Kazakus being B tier is also crazy cause Gadgetzan was run by pirate warrior but Reno + kazakus was basically the only thing competing. Both of those cards belong in S just because of the impact they had during their time. Thats it though it was a fun video to watch for me thanks rarran.
Idk if they patched it yet, but there’s a bug with Spirit of the BadLands where if the Mirage copies a forgeable minion, forging it duplicates the mirage. So you can just get an extra mirage for the rest of the game. Nothing too gamebreaking but haven’t heard anyone bring it up yet. And it’s a consistent thing, not random at all.
I vote new Reno is better than Zephrys. There’s nothing Zephyrs could give you for 6 mana that matches Reno’s swing. Not only does he clear the board including locations and untouchable/dormant cards, he does it without Deathrattle and prevents resurrection effects. Then you get a great hero power for closing out the game as you start dealing 2 damage each turn. Reno hero card goes in 100% of Highlander decks going forward. Personally, I don’t think Zephyrs hits 100%, sometimes he’s just too slow nowadays
The real way to settle this debate is to consider if Zephyrs would improve Blood DK as much as Reno hero card does. It’s currently optimal to go Highlander in Blood DK standard. Personally I don’t think Zephyrs would make Blood DK switch to Highlander, today or when he was released. Reno is worthy, though
People said I was crazy during leaks but I legitimately think Lone Ranger is the single best card in the game. There are some cards that maybe were more oppressive at the time, but pound for pound, Reno Lone Ranger is probably the stupidest singleton I've ever seen.
@@TheForeverScav zephyrs is a 10 mana twisting nether; Reno is 8 plus it wipes locations and portals off the board, plus it wipes dormant minions, plus it heals you 5, plus it gives you a better hero power. comparing the two cards for BDK, Reno is literally just better in like 90% of situations.
Yeah as a board clear, reno is better. But zephry's whole power comes from his verstaility. If you just wanted a board clear, you could run a board clear. Zephrys can find you lethal or allow for you to remove single large targets. It can provide you healing or allow for you to turn to jarraxus if your opponent doesn't have massive board presence. It can also be bounced as it is a minion to continue to provide more value.
@MeTakingAStand I think we can all agree that the Warlock Questline was the most busted card in the game. Reno is second I'd say but that quest line was so insane it completely destroyed Wild and invented the ban list in wild.
Only two critiques here, in my opinion. My biggest concern is your inconsistency about rating cards when they were in the game versus how strong they are now. For example, you put cards like Kazukas lower on the list because it isn’t as strong now, but you kept reiterating how powerful Brann was when he was played. While I’m sure he sees play in Highlander Hunter in Wild, the relative power level of the card is not what it was and given all of the other cards that are available, he’s not as impressive as he was in his heyday. For the record, I don’t think he’s a weak card. But I just thought it was strange that you rated him so highly based on how powerful he used to be. Also, Finley in C-tier? I hard disagree here, but I absolutely respect your opinion.
Zephrys literally gives you the perfect card for that moment, it's too flexible and it saves you the game and a finisher sometimes, reno is just an 8 mana oppressive board clear, you have to wait 8 turns for the payoff, soo yeah, zeph is the goat of HL.
honestly nailed this one. the only thing I nitpick is that Theldurin is a B and Spirit of the Badlands is either low B or high C. the new hunter one is scary fucking good. also I think you forgot another one of the kazakus cards, but that one was bad (made the custom golem) for the most part. Reno the Lone Ranger is the best card in standard right now; people ARE doing the zephyrs thing where they're playing highlander JUST for Reno, and those decks are crazy good (bunnyhoppor I think was top 50 with Reno warrior; no hands was on Reno bdk). you were spot on with kurturus. card is great; deck is shit. I think Reno is actually better than Zephrys, but admittedly that's kind of a hot take. Zeph was RIDICULOUS. Reno is too. Defensive and offensive card. gives bad classes a good hero power. heals you 5. just a crazy card.
People didn't call highlander decks "Zephrys [x]", they called them "Reno [x]" (x being whatever class the deck was). To not put Reno Jackson in S is some bum ass behavior. Also Of the A-tiers Raza doesn't actually fit. The A Tiers all have something in common in that they often win the game on the spot (Alex getting another Alex was winning the game, Brann + brann for double king krush was winning the game). If you played Raza and never drew Anduin, the ability wasn't actually that great, thus it should be B tier
no way, I played a lot and why would you even consider to take him and not the Scull of Manari? Like this weapon would summon big demons on turn 4-5? And if you put both of them than Scull would summon Kruul and you would be very dissapointed.
@@kaktusgaming2219 I remember playing him too. It was really consistent to get a big demon board because of the "3 mana draw 2 demons" tutor card. If the opponent clears you, you just play the Deathknight Warlock card and get all big demons back. The only deck that was barely fast enough to go under was tempo rogue with vilespine slayer shenanigans.
Tip for presenting in general you may want to try. These long form videos make great podcast type listening, and so it can be nice to talk about things as if people can't see the screen/know the cards by heart. Even just saying what the Card does/what highlander means etc can go a long way. This has the added benefit of helping others who are hard of sight and might struggle to keep up with the tiny text. btw you do this naturally already but also just wanted to bring it to attention. professors are great at this sort of thing when giving lectures, they repeat things a lot
Raza is like a combo card. The deck was good qithout It, was a lot better with It. Fringe A or B tier no way it's S. Dino brand was a card that made the deck posible in a sense, but not as good as raza priest, A. Alex is S, low S compared to zeph but S none the less. Reno made the archetype, honorary S tier. If Zeph gatekeeps S tier the move It to Uber tier
I can’t believe there was a guy in twitch chat who argued Reno is better than zephrys because it could win you the game not just save it. Did he ever actually ply zeph?😂
He meant at the same time - Zephrys doesn't do both, it does one or the other. If you brawl with zephyrs you can't bloodlust with zephrys. Reno shuts out the opponent while setting you up for an automatic victory. There's so many scenarios where a board is relatively even, you Reno them, shove all your minions face, put them on lethal, and they can't even counter develop. The only response is their own reno. I'm in the same boat as Rarran where it's too soon to tell, especially with the mana discrepancy, but yes, reno is *stronger*, it's just also later into the game.
@@RaventhortheWarrior however zephyrs could just discover a Reno if the game calls for it. He literally has any card open to him if the scenario is correct so he literally can do anything Reno can
@@Smilinturd maybe then, I don’t play wild, but my point is zeph always (or nearly always) provides the best card possible for the situation. So if that would leave the board in a beneficial and potentially game winning state for you it will offer that
@@Liamo051 no? He only pulls from legacy cards, minus shadowstep/youthful brewmaster And that difference makes all the difference. His best board clears are brawl, chaos nova, and flamestrike, which leave him to, on average, be a twisting nether late game, which is vaaaaastly inferior to reno, *especially* since the only way to stop reno are things like the 5/5 battlecry +5 mana, frost plagues, or turning off reno, which all hit zeph as hard. Again, not saying zeph shouldn't still be #1 but the original guy did have a point on finishers. Zeph relies *heavily* on windfury, bloodlust, savage roar, and fireball/pyro, which can be very hard to set up if you're behind. Reno has counterlethal options PAST its board clear. They can redevelop behind a zeph, not behind a reno.
ranking old cards that were designed within a certain card pool on how they perform now is not a good way of ranking them, in my humble opinion. one of the best examples is DK Rexxar. the card was absolutely insane for it's life cycle in standard. it literally was in every deck ever. of course the card is bad in wild now that you have 5 years of bad beasts introduced to the game. for example, nobody plays dino tamer bran now, but you still rank it A.
As someone who pretty much exclusively plays jank highlander decks in wild, I don’t ever really include Kazakus, Sir Finley, or DQA anymore. Kazakus potions just aren’t that strong anymore. I sometimes have it in questline priest just because it allows for a 4 mana card into a 5 mana potion, but even there I’ve been cutting it. Finley can override a hero power from Reno or Cariel, which I think is almost always going to be a downgrade. So you really have a very short window for the hero power to actually be useful. DQA is still good, but there are a lot of shit dragons in the game now. It’s super unreliable and generally it just amounts to a bunch of stats on the board. It’s good, but not really as game winning as it used to be. I will say that i think Solia is better than you’ve got her as. There is some real fun shit you can do with potion of illusions in order to cheat out tons of big spells. Plus there are just more spells that you’d want to cheat out than when Mean Streets was in standard. Zephyrus is 100% the best Highlander. The fact that it is only 2 mana means that It has basically infinite potential use cases where Reno just doesn’t. Do you need an answer to a specific threat? Zephyrus has removal spells for you. Do you need to contest the board early? Zephyrus has got you with strong three drops or wild growth for ramp. Do have a board and want to push for lethal? Zeph’s got savage roar or bloodlust depending on your needs. Need a little more reach over the top? Zeph’s got burn ranging from arcane shot to pyroblast. Do you want to be Juraxxus, Zeph can make you an Eredar Lord of the Burning Legion.
Will never happen unfortunately mate. Hs is on a trajectory to die out before we ever get to the point. Especially given the fact the most you could get into one deck rn is about 8
OG Reno was one of the most tilting cards to ever play against for me after league came out. "We're gonna be-" *concede* was my record. Especially if they ran duplicates and they're still getting the "heal for 29" before turn 10
Some good takes, but a lot of bad ones too. Zephrys is a low tier S card, if his pool wasn’t so limited, recognized low attack minions that need to be silenced, or recognize that you want to play a card this turn instead of offering you a card for next turn, he’d easily be S+ but he just doesn’t. As of right now, Lone Ranger blows him out of the water. Not having Reno in S tier seems really stranger. Any card thats giving you an extra turn to live, like Ice Block, or Rogue’s immune secret, are easily S tier cards, I get the idea of ranking the cards by themselves, but its unfair to look at cards in a game in a vacuum, Reno with blood DK now being able to restore 40+ hp is just absurd now combo’d witb lone ranger, that most of the time is winning the game on the spot. Raza in also an S-tier card; especially in shadow priest, being able to control the board with a free deal 2 dmg to anything is very difficult to recover from and just about only pally can keep up with that sort of tempo. He only shines even more now with the inclusion of the new hero card.
Raza is straight B tier. he is so mid without Anduin. He's good but he's not great. Rheastraza is a good A tier, not fantastic but great value. edit: You cannot look at this list and tell me Raza is on par with anything else in A tier.
Aight list but ngl the next time you downtalk raza because he’s only part of the puzzle and then hype up a 7mana 2/4 because he mana cheats out something big I’ll write a stronger worded comment. They’re both only enablers, but the difference is that one enables an absolutely goated combo deck and the other vomits up a dino which is fucking cool but come on big man 3:29
Zephris is eben Player in miracle rogue in wild cause you Filter trough your Deck so fast the Same goes for reno jackson in mechathun when catalysm wasnt nerved
You can consistently discover dragonqueen alex and the new protodrake, how is that not a great payoff, plus dragon druid has extremely consistent draws so you can run both rhea and reno and get their activations without much problem in a non highlander deck
I wouldn't put kazakus in a deck other than for fun, but thassarian is an auto-auto-include in every highlander hunter deck. I'm sure finley is also a lot better than kazakus.
Finley saw no play, Kazakus is still played in Reno Priest And Mage, And they have a ton of good Card. I think Kazakus is A, He isnt As flexible as zeph, but if you need tempo, one really great one drop is a way, if you play him on curve, 5 mana potion is goated And 10 mana one for late game
@@diiselix Well even though Zephrys gives outdated cards, the flexibility is really in his favour. Kazakus can give you value, body, damage, health, freeze or transform enemy minions, And because is pretty relyable, I think he Is pretty good
i play wild singleton warlock for years now and for warlock specifically, only 6 highlander cards are avaliable: the OG reno, the hero card reno, zephrys, krul, kazakus and dragonqueen alextraza. let me tell you that right now only half of those cards are worth running and those 3 cards are the only ones i use: OG reno, the hero card and of course zephrys. that's it. none of the others are worth it anymore, they are no longer "premium" powercards. well, to be fair, krul always sucked ass even during bloodreaver gul'dan era when demons were worth playing (running demons are no longer viable today btw, unless you count summoning endless swarm of them from sargeras portal as "running demons"). it is kinda crazy that the ONLY class specific highlander card that warlock got throught the entire god damn decade was krul the unshakled, arguably the worst one of them all. that's it, warlock never, ever in their history saw any semblence of decent class specific highlander card. warlock players really got shat on in that sense.
Reno the Relicologist is a complete garbage card that has become outdated!! If you gave this garbage card a good rating, then you don't play Reno mage TODAY! Any aggro shaman toten on the 5th turn will have 5 minions with 4 or more health!! What the SHIT is Reno the Relicologist going to do??? YOU DON'T PLAY RENO MAGE!!
I don't know any of the new badlands cards as I've quit playing, but I do know Inkmaster Solia and the fact she is absolute garbage, that should be the bottom of F tier, even worse than Krul imo. You could at least build a bad HL demon deck around Krul and make it somewhat better by adding other HL cards. There is no way you find a spot for Inkmaster in a HL mage deck. If I remember right she was printed back when there were not many great 10 mana spells, and by the time those were put in the game, they also got way better ways to cheat them early than this. Zephrys the absolute goat tho, I feel it should have a separate tier above S: GOAT
Zephrys was even played in regular, non-reno decks, he is the goat
Highlander Blood DK is a thing, so people have been trying Reno in other classes already. He for sure feels good enough being the only pay off
Highest DK winrate deck in standard
@@TheForeverScav what? how can you even compare plague dk to this? the deck is shit
New Reno is an absolute beast.
Not only does it clears the enemy board, it also limits his boardspace to 1 for a turn AND gives you a very strong heropower.
I am pretty sure he is gonna get nerfed
@@Chen13376 an easy way to nerf it is to make the effect symmetrical. Really, it's more flavourful for a "lone ranger" to have a 1 on 1 duel of minions, and it means it won't be as mindlessly lopsided as it is now
As a wild player: Raza should be S tier. In the Highlander Priest deck, he is more important even than Zephrys. -The dragon druid should be in A
-Murozord at least in B, he's an excelent card, combining value, a good body and removal
-Doctor Holli Dae is also A tier
-Alex hasn't been that great for a long time
He was ranking it no based on its combo and if that is the case Raza really isn't that good without anduin Raza is just a bad payoff card
Raza priest is actually one of the worst wild highlander decks right now though. Shaman, mage, paladin, druid and even warrior are al better
@@guido8887 It really depends on which variant you are talking about because the shadow one seems to be doing extremely well for quite some time now atleast. Druid is carried by Guff, Pally well the order kinda buffed it beyond imagination, Even Warrior is a interesting take??? Mage well is just Mage ig. Shaman just has pretty good all round cards similar to the shadow raza deck
The funny thing about the druid Elise, it saw most of it's standard play in maly druid which wasn't a highlander deck but would draw their entire deck and used Elise to enable moonfire combos.
Fun fact, Doc Hollidae has better stats than Reno and Zeph in HL Shaman, both Standard and Wild
i believe it, that weapon is insane
Patches the pirate is a heckin terrible card every time i play It i lose!!!
@@securityguy9992 don't play him from hand, you need to summon him from deck!
5 mana 49/50 is pretty decent stats I guess
@@impkiller5932that went right over ur head
Elise the trailblazer is weird to judge now because back when it was released it didn’t have the Highlander component to it that makes it less terrible. Still meme tier though.
Elise, badlands savoir was dog shit if you deck contains no duplicates summon 4 minions with 5/5 in stats. Like by the time you get to 8 mana you've drawn all your minions. Or you get such meh card crimson clergy or the charge boar.
25/4/24 whizbangs.
Now it's buffed, it said if your deck started with no duplicates. You can have an actual wincon.
Ink master Solia is the easiest F tier by a long shot.
Elise for priest at the very least has huge potential, and we've seen priest decks with similiar effect that ended up being very good (Zerek's cloning army).
On the other hand, compare the effect of solia to the effect of dragoncaster, also a mage card, and see how garbage Solia really is.
almost every single game of highlander hunter I've currently played, Theldurin has been huge. Crazy how perfect the meta is for dropping him on 4 with all the paladins roaming around
I would've given Zephrys the number 1 spot if he wasn't so limited and sometimes just actually bugged.
His card pool selection being so poor really does syop him from being the best. Hell, I'd even argue he's not even S tier, given how if there isn't a perfect card in his pool at the time, he's basically worthless compared to more modern stuff.
@@MrShukaku1991you don't plqy wild, do you?
og reno is still s tier. auto include in all reno decks in wild. I saw some lists cutting 8 mana reno in wild because its too slow, but 6 mana fully heal is still very strong and relatively early.
Saying that Reno is not S is absurd, he was so good that he warped a meta around him and named the archetype on his lonesome, we do not call them highlander decks, we call them Reno decks. Reno saw play then, sees play now, will always see play.
Absolutely hilarious that this video came out before deepminer brann
The only reason I would put Rhastraza in B is because she will always be in a meta with Reno lone Ranger, and he hard counters her
I mean not really you just hold it and try to force reno with dragon golems then drop her and win
this is a tier list i gotta say I disagree with heavily in many places. Reno priest starting from karazhan is my most played of all time. Raza was such a big deal even way before Anduin and of course with anduin he possibly became one of the 2 cards that make one of the best decks of all time. But even if we rate him on his own he was so big for priest should easily be S tier. Also feel like the doctor is much better then both the druid cards especially for their time. Also Elise was such a great card back when she was actually played and was very impactful. If we rating them based on their time period i'd say she has to be B or A even. Kazakus being B tier is also crazy cause Gadgetzan was run by pirate warrior but Reno + kazakus was basically the only thing competing. Both of those cards belong in S just because of the impact they had during their time. Thats it though it was a fun video to watch for me thanks rarran.
Always love to see a tier list video thanks mr rarran
Idk if they patched it yet, but there’s a bug with Spirit of the BadLands where if the Mirage copies a forgeable minion, forging it duplicates the mirage. So you can just get an extra mirage for the rest of the game. Nothing too gamebreaking but haven’t heard anyone bring it up yet. And it’s a consistent thing, not random at all.
It doesn't really work doing a tier list that uses both when a card was played in standard vs wild. Two completely different games.
I vote new Reno is better than Zephrys. There’s nothing Zephyrs could give you for 6 mana that matches Reno’s swing.
Not only does he clear the board including locations and untouchable/dormant cards, he does it without Deathrattle and prevents resurrection effects.
Then you get a great hero power for closing out the game as you start dealing 2 damage each turn. Reno hero card goes in 100% of Highlander decks going forward. Personally, I don’t think Zephyrs hits 100%, sometimes he’s just too slow nowadays
The real way to settle this debate is to consider if Zephyrs would improve Blood DK as much as Reno hero card does. It’s currently optimal to go Highlander in Blood DK standard.
Personally I don’t think Zephyrs would make Blood DK switch to Highlander, today or when he was released. Reno is worthy, though
People said I was crazy during leaks but I legitimately think Lone Ranger is the single best card in the game. There are some cards that maybe were more oppressive at the time, but pound for pound, Reno Lone Ranger is probably the stupidest singleton I've ever seen.
@@TheForeverScav zephyrs is a 10 mana twisting nether; Reno is 8 plus it wipes locations and portals off the board, plus it wipes dormant minions, plus it heals you 5, plus it gives you a better hero power. comparing the two cards for BDK, Reno is literally just better in like 90% of situations.
Yeah as a board clear, reno is better. But zephry's whole power comes from his verstaility. If you just wanted a board clear, you could run a board clear. Zephrys can find you lethal or allow for you to remove single large targets. It can provide you healing or allow for you to turn to jarraxus if your opponent doesn't have massive board presence. It can also be bounced as it is a minion to continue to provide more value.
@MeTakingAStand I think we can all agree that the Warlock Questline was the most busted card in the game. Reno is second I'd say but that quest line was so insane it completely destroyed Wild and invented the ban list in wild.
My favorite deck to play in Wild is Highlander Pure Paladin with Zephrys where I hard mulligan for Zeph.
Fair analysis but the Priest Dragon is really good, Auto-Include for Highlander Priest
Only two critiques here, in my opinion. My biggest concern is your inconsistency about rating cards when they were in the game versus how strong they are now. For example, you put cards like Kazukas lower on the list because it isn’t as strong now, but you kept reiterating how powerful Brann was when he was played. While I’m sure he sees play in Highlander Hunter in Wild, the relative power level of the card is not what it was and given all of the other cards that are available, he’s not as impressive as he was in his heyday. For the record, I don’t think he’s a weak card. But I just thought it was strange that you rated him so highly based on how powerful he used to be. Also, Finley in C-tier? I hard disagree here, but I absolutely respect your opinion.
You are awesome Rarran!! Keep up the amazing work!!!
Zephrys literally gives you the perfect card for that moment, it's too flexible and it saves you the game and a finisher sometimes, reno is just an 8 mana oppressive board clear, you have to wait 8 turns for the payoff, soo yeah, zeph is the goat of HL.
honestly nailed this one. the only thing I nitpick is that Theldurin is a B and Spirit of the Badlands is either low B or high C. the new hunter one is scary fucking good. also I think you forgot another one of the kazakus cards, but that one was bad (made the custom golem) for the most part.
Reno the Lone Ranger is the best card in standard right now; people ARE doing the zephyrs thing where they're playing highlander JUST for Reno, and those decks are crazy good (bunnyhoppor I think was top 50 with Reno warrior; no hands was on Reno bdk).
you were spot on with kurturus. card is great; deck is shit.
I think Reno is actually better than Zephrys, but admittedly that's kind of a hot take. Zeph was RIDICULOUS. Reno is too. Defensive and offensive card. gives bad classes a good hero power. heals you 5. just a crazy card.
The custom golem Kazakus requires no 4 cost cards in deck, not highlander.
A lot of people played Reno decks last year at high level at least
I actually was thinking about this
Higlander I hardly know her, we need to bring this back
Raza wasnt that amazing pre anduin when he was really just a standalone in mean streets, dont think he should be S simply because of that fact
People didn't call highlander decks "Zephrys [x]", they called them "Reno [x]" (x being whatever class the deck was). To not put Reno Jackson in S is some bum ass behavior. Also Of the A-tiers Raza doesn't actually fit. The A Tiers all have something in common in that they often win the game on the spot (Alex getting another Alex was winning the game, Brann + brann for double king krush was winning the game). If you played Raza and never drew Anduin, the ability wasn't actually that great, thus it should be B tier
People are putting reno in decks with duplicates cuz it's just soo good
Kruul was actually played a lot back in the day
no way, I played a lot and why would you even consider to take him and not the Scull of Manari? Like this weapon would summon big demons on turn 4-5? And if you put both of them than Scull would summon Kruul and you would be very dissapointed.
@@impkiller5932 Well, there wasnt skull until Kobolds. It was played before that with Mal Ganis, etc.
@@kaktusgaming2219 I remember playing him too. It was really consistent to get a big demon board because of the "3 mana draw 2 demons" tutor card. If the opponent clears you, you just play the Deathknight Warlock card and get all big demons back. The only deck that was barely fast enough to go under was tempo rogue with vilespine slayer shenanigans.
Tip for presenting in general you may want to try. These long form videos make great podcast type listening, and so it can be nice to talk about things as if people can't see the screen/know the cards by heart. Even just saying what the Card does/what highlander means etc can go a long way. This has the added benefit of helping others who are hard of sight and might struggle to keep up with the tiny text. btw you do this naturally already but also just wanted to bring it to attention. professors are great at this sort of thing when giving lectures, they repeat things a lot
Raza is like a combo card. The deck was good qithout It, was a lot better with It. Fringe A or B tier no way it's S.
Dino brand was a card that made the deck posible in a sense, but not as good as raza priest, A.
Alex is S, low S compared to zeph but S none the less.
Reno made the archetype, honorary S tier. If Zeph gatekeeps S tier the move It to Uber tier
I can’t believe there was a guy in twitch chat who argued Reno is better than zephrys because it could win you the game not just save it. Did he ever actually ply zeph?😂
He meant at the same time - Zephrys doesn't do both, it does one or the other. If you brawl with zephyrs you can't bloodlust with zephrys. Reno shuts out the opponent while setting you up for an automatic victory. There's so many scenarios where a board is relatively even, you Reno them, shove all your minions face, put them on lethal, and they can't even counter develop. The only response is their own reno.
I'm in the same boat as Rarran where it's too soon to tell, especially with the mana discrepancy, but yes, reno is *stronger*, it's just also later into the game.
@@RaventhortheWarrior however zephyrs could just discover a Reno if the game calls for it. He literally has any card open to him if the scenario is correct so he literally can do anything Reno can
@@Liamo051 isn't zephrys limited to legacy cards so he cannot get reno....
@@Smilinturd maybe then, I don’t play wild, but my point is zeph always (or nearly always) provides the best card possible for the situation. So if that would leave the board in a beneficial and potentially game winning state for you it will offer that
@@Liamo051 no? He only pulls from legacy cards, minus shadowstep/youthful brewmaster
And that difference makes all the difference. His best board clears are brawl, chaos nova, and flamestrike, which leave him to, on average, be a twisting nether late game, which is vaaaaastly inferior to reno, *especially* since the only way to stop reno are things like the 5/5 battlecry +5 mana, frost plagues, or turning off reno, which all hit zeph as hard.
Again, not saying zeph shouldn't still be #1 but the original guy did have a point on finishers. Zeph relies *heavily* on windfury, bloodlust, savage roar, and fireball/pyro, which can be very hard to set up if you're behind. Reno has counterlethal options PAST its board clear. They can redevelop behind a zeph, not behind a reno.
Krull is so good.... I'm sad now. I love highlander Demon Warlock
Zephyros the most perfect card ever existed
ranking old cards that were designed within a certain card pool on how they perform now is not a good way of ranking them, in my humble opinion.
one of the best examples is DK Rexxar. the card was absolutely insane for it's life cycle in standard. it literally was in every deck ever. of course the card is bad in wild now that you have 5 years of bad beasts introduced to the game.
for example, nobody plays dino tamer bran now, but you still rank it A.
As someone who pretty much exclusively plays jank highlander decks in wild, I don’t ever really include Kazakus, Sir Finley, or DQA anymore.
Kazakus potions just aren’t that strong anymore. I sometimes have it in questline priest just because it allows for a 4 mana card into a 5 mana potion, but even there I’ve been cutting it.
Finley can override a hero power from Reno or Cariel, which I think is almost always going to be a downgrade. So you really have a very short window for the hero power to actually be useful.
DQA is still good, but there are a lot of shit dragons in the game now. It’s super unreliable and generally it just amounts to a bunch of stats on the board. It’s good, but not really as game winning as it used to be.
I will say that i think Solia is better than you’ve got her as. There is some real fun shit you can do with potion of illusions in order to cheat out tons of big spells. Plus there are just more spells that you’d want to cheat out than when Mean Streets was in standard.
Zephyrus is 100% the best Highlander. The fact that it is only 2 mana means that It has basically infinite potential use cases where Reno just doesn’t.
Do you need an answer to a specific threat? Zephyrus has removal spells for you.
Do you need to contest the board early? Zephyrus has got you with strong three drops or wild growth for ramp.
Do have a board and want to push for lethal? Zeph’s got savage roar or bloodlust depending on your needs.
Need a little more reach over the top? Zeph’s got burn ranging from arcane shot to pyroblast.
Do you want to be Juraxxus, Zeph can make you an Eredar Lord of the Burning Legion.
Taking animal companion or bright wing over wild growth is truly a wild moment
What strong three drops does Zeph offer you?
I hope for the day we could do a 30 card deck only with highlander cards
Will never happen unfortunately mate. Hs is on a trajectory to die out before we ever get to the point. Especially given the fact the most you could get into one deck rn is about 8
what 8?@@Liamo051
@@Liamo051priest could have 9 but yeah
@@Liamo051 Game's already giga dead
@@amaze3727 Ik bro
OG Reno was one of the most tilting cards to ever play against for me after league came out. "We're gonna be-" *concede* was my record. Especially if they ran duplicates and they're still getting the "heal for 29" before turn 10
Please, you aggro players ran the game up until LoE, it was time the rest of us got a break
otk elise druid With malygos :)
if you're playing wild, reno is low A
Some good takes, but a lot of bad ones too. Zephrys is a low tier S card, if his pool wasn’t so limited, recognized low attack minions that need to be silenced, or recognize that you want to play a card this turn instead of offering you a card for next turn, he’d easily be S+ but he just doesn’t. As of right now, Lone Ranger blows him out of the water. Not having Reno in S tier seems really stranger. Any card thats giving you an extra turn to live, like Ice Block, or Rogue’s immune secret, are easily S tier cards, I get the idea of ranking the cards by themselves, but its unfair to look at cards in a game in a vacuum, Reno with blood DK now being able to restore 40+ hp is just absurd now combo’d witb lone ranger, that most of the time is winning the game on the spot. Raza in also an S-tier card; especially in shadow priest, being able to control the board with a free deal 2 dmg to anything is very difficult to recover from and just about only pally can keep up with that sort of tempo. He only shines even more now with the inclusion of the new hero card.
Brann as S tier
Raza is straight B tier. he is so mid without Anduin. He's good but he's not great. Rheastraza is a good A tier, not fantastic but great value.
edit: You cannot look at this list and tell me Raza is on par with anything else in A tier.
Aight list but ngl the next time you downtalk raza because he’s only part of the puzzle and then hype up a 7mana 2/4 because he mana cheats out something big I’ll write a stronger worded comment. They’re both only enablers, but the difference is that one enables an absolutely goated combo deck and the other vomits up a dino which is fucking cool but come on big man 3:29
It's really tilting me that the ranks go from D to F. Like, you really want people like me to suffer, eh?
That’s how grading systems work here
Oh wow, Brann easy S-tier. Highlander Hunter top deck for two years cause of this card
Zephris is eben Player in miracle rogue in wild cause you Filter trough your Deck so fast the Same goes for reno jackson in mechathun when catalysm wasnt nerved
Dude, get some freaking spell checker
Dr. Hollandaise was nerfed and still was played. I don't think that Dinotamer was nerfed
Why is everyone coping with rheastraza like the golem isn't single handedly saving this mid card.
You can consistently discover dragonqueen alex and the new protodrake, how is that not a great payoff, plus dragon druid has extremely consistent draws so you can run both rhea and reno and get their activations without much problem in a non highlander deck
I wouldn't put kazakus in a deck other than for fun, but thassarian is an auto-auto-include in every highlander hunter deck. I'm sure finley is also a lot better than kazakus.
Finley saw no play, Kazakus is still played in Reno Priest And Mage, And they have a ton of good Card. I think Kazakus is A, He isnt As flexible as zeph, but if you need tempo, one really great one drop is a way, if you play him on curve, 5 mana potion is goated And 10 mana one for late game
@@jankozusnicek7699 i'm 99% sure kazakus is terrible. at least the hunter legendary is 10x better than him.
@@diiselix Well even though Zephrys gives outdated cards, the flexibility is really in his favour. Kazakus can give you value, body, damage, health, freeze or transform enemy minions, And because is pretty relyable, I think he Is pretty good
@@diiselixlmao wut he still sees play
@@C3l3bi1 good to know, but that doesn’t change the fact that Theldurin is 10x better
Zeph's suggestions are outdated, A tier
I’m going to punch you guy in C tier is wild. That man is at least A if not S
No way eddy uploaded
i play wild singleton warlock for years now and for warlock specifically, only 6 highlander cards are avaliable: the OG reno, the hero card reno, zephrys, krul, kazakus and dragonqueen alextraza. let me tell you that right now only half of those cards are worth running and those 3 cards are the only ones i use: OG reno, the hero card and of course zephrys. that's it. none of the others are worth it anymore, they are no longer "premium" powercards. well, to be fair, krul always sucked ass even during bloodreaver gul'dan era when demons were worth playing (running demons are no longer viable today btw, unless you count summoning endless swarm of them from sargeras portal as "running demons").
it is kinda crazy that the ONLY class specific highlander card that warlock got throught the entire god damn decade was krul the unshakled, arguably the worst one of them all. that's it, warlock never, ever in their history saw any semblence of decent class specific highlander card. warlock players really got shat on in that sense.
> Makes a highlander card tierlist
> Doesn't put the OG Reno Jackson in S++ Tier
> Unsubscribed.
I think the new reno i sbetter then zephrys
and i know murozond is better then kazakus why the fk is he in d
Reno the Relicologist is a complete garbage card that has become outdated!! If you gave this garbage card a good rating, then you don't play Reno mage TODAY!
Any aggro shaman toten on the 5th turn will have 5 minions with 4 or more health!! What the SHIT is Reno the Relicologist going to do???
I don't know any of the new badlands cards as I've quit playing, but I do know Inkmaster Solia and the fact she is absolute garbage, that should be the bottom of F tier, even worse than Krul imo.
You could at least build a bad HL demon deck around Krul and make it somewhat better by adding other HL cards.
There is no way you find a spot for Inkmaster in a HL mage deck. If I remember right she was printed back when there were not many great 10 mana spells, and by the time those were put in the game, they also got way better ways to cheat them early than this.
Zephrys the absolute goat tho, I feel it should have a separate tier above S: GOAT
Bro I love your videos but THERE IS NO WAY Thaldurin ever lower than B. He is fucking insane in each deck where he is in.
Also Hollindae is the best card in WILD reno shaman so I think it's much higher
Élise in F is truly a bad take sorry Rarran. Pretty good in highlander priest
These days Zephyrs provides you with very unreliable cards. When be was released, S tier sure. But he's falling off lately. B tier at best
Raza sucks ass. If it werent for anduins Hero power, noone would play 5 mana 5/5 to heal 2 health every turn.