I Am That - Yol Swan

  • Опубліковано 31 гру 2012
  • I am That
    I am the pulse of existence,
the space between your thoughts,
and the spark of your desires.

    I am the source of life and death,
the everything and the nothing,
all happiness and all sorrow.

    I am mountains and rivers,
creatures and creators,planets and galaxies,and beyond.

    I am the power of eternal love,
the magnificent lightbehind the veil of illusion,
and the illusion itself.

    I am you,if you could see me,flowing through your mind,
making your every move,
whispering in your heart.

    I am that, and you are
that which I am, too,
unaware of the worldsyou create and destroy
with every single thought.
    Yol Swan is an intuitive spiritual counselor, life purpose coach, and creative writer with an eclectic life and an intense spiritual journey of self-exploration. With degrees in English Literature, music, and homeopathy, Buddhist and Hindu spiritual teachers, and over 28 years exploring the mind and psyche, Vedic and metaphysical sciences, psychology and spirituality, Yol discovered that her life purpose was to share her intuitive gifts to empower others to discover their own purpose and embrace their true sense of self. You may visit her website here to learn more about her services, or find her on facebook.