Shang Tsung is weak despite his powers. He's a coward and has shown that his greatest asset is his ability to weasel and betray those he supposedly supports. That's his whole gimmick. He's been killed so many times and the first time, he had to beg Khan for forgiveness in order to be restored to his physical prime by Khan. He later teams up with Quan-Chi and takes out Khan and later Raiden only to later betray Quan Chi. This movie portrayed Shang Tsung perfectly. He always takes the easy way out.
Probably the best "Let Me Go" scream in the history of movies. lol
0:00 - 0:10 = what eating at Milton's Diner is like.
how come raiden jokes around to much on the movie. hes pose to be wise
When you have all the power, life is no longer serious to you.
Mortal Kom yec
@ryanreuben well it just kinda annoys me with his raspy-like voice....sorry
i hated raiden's in this movie lol
Shang tsung was potrayed so weak
Shang Tsung is weak despite his powers. He's a coward and has shown that his greatest asset is his ability to weasel and betray those he supposedly supports. That's his whole gimmick. He's been killed so many times and the first time, he had to beg Khan for forgiveness in order to be restored to his physical prime by Khan. He later teams up with Quan-Chi and takes out Khan and later Raiden only to later betray Quan Chi. This movie portrayed Shang Tsung perfectly. He always takes the easy way out.