Where are your laboratories, Rescue helicopters and space programs, Black Man? You’re the “Original” yet you’ve deferred all higher order thinking to “Johnny come Lately’s” You, the “Original,” just YAP, and all you do is YAP about your so-called “contributions” to civilization, while the White Man hands you civilization in a bottle. And like a petulant child the Black Man screeds “IT ALL BEGAN WITH ME!” The Black Man isn’t doing a GODDAMN thing on this planet that shows and proves it all started with him.
Where are your laboratories, Rescue helicopters and space programs, Black Man? You’re the “Original” yet you’ve deferred all higher order thinking to “Johnny come Lately’s” You, the “Original,” just YAP, and all you do is YAP about your so-called “contributions” to civilization, while the White Man hands you civilization in a bottle. And like a petulant child the Black Man screeds “IT ALL BEGAN WITH ME!” The Black Man isn’t doing a GODDAMN thing on this planet that shows and proves it all started with him.
Minister Nuri Muhammad the Teacher that's keep Blessing the True Believers each time he speaks APDTA
brother Nuri please come to South africa.
The 7 Jewels 7 represents perfection the perfection teaching of Brother Minister Nuri Muhammad APBTA
We love you brother Nuri
You're so smart
Love Our Brother Nuri..🇹🇷
Where are your laboratories, Rescue helicopters and space programs, Black Man? You’re the “Original” yet you’ve deferred all higher order thinking to “Johnny come Lately’s” You, the “Original,” just YAP, and all you do is YAP about your so-called “contributions” to civilization, while the White Man hands you civilization in a bottle. And like a petulant child the Black Man screeds “IT ALL BEGAN WITH ME!” The Black Man isn’t doing a GODDAMN thing on this planet that shows and proves it all started with him.
Peace brother
Nuri Muhammad Y📬 You are my sun
Jeanette Norman
Asalam Alakum
APDTA for the N.O.I.
Iran !!!!!!!! Oi iran!!!!!
U.S.A. United States of Allah APDTA
Where are your laboratories, Rescue helicopters and space programs, Black Man? You’re the “Original” yet you’ve deferred all higher order thinking to “Johnny come Lately’s” You, the “Original,” just YAP, and all you do is YAP about your so-called “contributions” to civilization, while the White Man hands you civilization in a bottle. And like a petulant child the Black Man screeds “IT ALL BEGAN WITH ME!” The Black Man isn’t doing a GODDAMN thing on this planet that shows and proves it all started with him.