QOTD: Having been a player who falls into the "quickly reach G4 and stop playing" for a few years now, I'm aiming to just get any higher rank than that, and keep the motivation to keep playing even after hitting Gold.
To be honest it's not that different. Gold players can be very egotistical and the main reason why it might not seem that way is because they're toxic in the more traditional ways of just saying stuff that will get them banned where diamond players are usually better at avoiding the ban hammer so are usually more condescending as it wont get you banned.
Actually, ego between Gold and Diamond isn't too different becouse both of this ranks are considered as "milestone" by low elo players. Golds think they are good becouse they got out of silver, bronze which is considered by them as "worst" elo. Diamonds aren't too different becouse diamond is considered first "high elo" rank. So players of both ranks have most likely high ego.
@@mschecter0078 Diamond 4 do not play against Challengers. And if they get a smurf against them, they can simply blame their jungler for 0 help, enemy jungler for babysitting, enemy champ for being OP or just say "it was unlucky game". So I really doubt that anything can really damage their ego tbh. Moreover, imagine what would happen if a D4 would win a game against GM or Challenger smurf in the enemy team... xD I remember I played once a game on PBE as Kayle vs Nasus. And this Nasus was famous challenger youtuber "foggedftw2". We stayed even in lane and no one died. After all my team has won a game and I killed him in a teamfight. That was very enjoyable for my ego. And I'm not even D4, but Platinum 2 hardstuck
I was hard stuck in silver for years. Got gold today with a 90% WR in my last 10 games. Learning to 1) have a game plan coming out of load screen, 2) use an early/mid game champ (Warwick) to get an early lead and 3) play around baron in the mid game were the missing piece for me going from silver to gold. Knowing the right macro play didn’t matter if I hadn’t proven to my teammates that I could make a play happen, so early game presence has helped a lot.
"Gold players really struggle with measuring the riskiness of their plays", this is perfectly put. So many times do I see people making stupid decisions like invading as a support level 1 trying to proc their support item. The up side? You get 15 or 30 gold. The downside? They come out of nowhere and kill you. The risk is definitely not worth it.
QOTD: At least Plat. Despite playing for a few years, I never really focused on ranked and always end up rushing in the end of the season to reach gold. This season, I'm gonna dedicate myself on reaching my best rank possible.
@@petergoodspieces130 Probs cuz promos got removed and I have been having quite a lot of unluck in them, they have been the main reason of my hardstuck
Been playing this game since S1 (S2 was my first ranked years) and I've been hovering between Bronze-Silver every year... now I'm hoping to make it to Plat 4 this year!!
QOTD: Before this new season, I have more faith in climbing higher as I got good last one, but with the changes in items this preseason, I feel keeping the ranked will be good, Get to diamond could be amazing
I've been playing in League for about 8 years now and I was 4 times former challenger from season 4 to season 8 and things really changes so fast that I stopped playing for a year to focus on studies. I came back on the middle of season 9 and struggle to climb to my desired rank until now. I wonder if playing LOL is still worth playing...
"When you're gold, the game is just starting for you" I always thought that of my ranked Rocket League. I played it for college and grinded to whats the "Masters" of Rocket League. I actually quit League and went to RL, but tbh the best times in rocket league was when I was starting and grinding, there was so much improvement to be made and it felt so good. At the top level, its micro improvements that barely feel rewarding, its a harder grind.
QOTD: Plat. Stuck in Gold due to not being able to carry other lanes from feeding. Also just difficult in general to solo-queue as Support in Lower Elo, I feel. When I play normal games with my higher rank friends, games are sooo much better and I feel like I can finally breathe bc I don’t need to stress about my AD’s positioning or wave management, or solo lanes feeding. Gosh... rant over~ sorry sorry.
I usually don't comment but I would like to help if you're down, I've climbed to diamond twice via sup. It isn't hard in my opinion and maybe you're just stuck on some fundamentals or in a need of a mentality change. No offense to that as that's just a potential reasoning as I have done some coaching.
If you really think it’s just the other players holding you back (I overdramatized that a bit, you know your state more than I so) I’d advise you to look for some adc‘s you can actually communicate with. When I was trying to climb in jungle, I fished myself a Leona main after looking in a few rounds of normals and we just got to Platin this week 😄
QOTD: I play Ekko, Nocturne, Warwick, and Yorick... but unfortunately Noc just isn't playable this season :( he gets countered by a lot of champs with CC and one-shots. He is really good in the early game, but after 15 min when people get items, he just falls off HARD. I hope they buff him really soon. I honestly love the champ.
QOTD: Every seasons the same for me. I tell myself I want Masters+. I play a bunch in Feb and March and get to D2. I realize how Riot have once again ignored making ADC a playable role and that reaching Masters+ unlike other ELOs isn't just about skill but is also about putting in a ridiculous amount of time and I decide to play normal games and other games for the rest of the season.
QOTD: High Plat/Low Diamond. I'm pretty solid with apehlios all around, but I feel very reliant on my support's skill level as well due to limited mobility, opposed to playing something like Cait or Sivir who has a much easier time with a weaker support
I finally hit plat this pre season for the first time after years of playing. Then immediately my teams werem throwers and I lost it. Now I cant get back
Pro Tip from Bunnyfufuu. If you play ADC or are playing clash and you really need your clicks to be on point. Go into a costume game with draven. Max attack speed, and just catch axes!! Bunny did this before every LCS game even as a support player!
QOTD: I started league at the very start of season ten, specifically the same day Fiddlesticks rework was on the live servers. First champ i picked up, been maining him since. Spent the ENTIRITY of season 10 getting as much skill and game knowledge as I can, while only finishing my promos just to get Lucian eternals, now, I'm aiming for Plat in season 11, and ain't nothing gonna stop me
I’m hardstuck gold because I’m trying to climb as an ADC. If mid, top, jg or any combination of those positions feed, bot lane can’t carry those games. I adhere to everything you listed in this video. I finish the season gold 2 and then every proceeding game has a either a troll, an inter, or something that makes a game unwinnable.
QOTD: I feel like I can definitely make it to Silver this season since I just started playing towards the end of Season 10. As a support main I'm having a ton of fun, but hopefully I can find a secondary role that makes sense. So far Swain and Nami have been my faves and I believe they can carry me to victory. Making it to Gold would be a dream, but I know I have a lot to work on.
QotD: I am one win away from promoting to silver this preseason. So in S11 I plan to get to Silver 2. That should make me an "average player" statistically, plus it would put me in the same rank as my friends. That has been my goal throughout playing league: to be good enough to play with my friends. They still let me join their normals but I get curb stomped and have a really bad time...
I played about 50 games last season, first season on this account, at slightly over 50% wr and only in bronze 1. So far this season I have a 70% win rate after 80 games, but somehow winning gives me 18LP and losing losses 28 at silver 4. It blows my mind that my mmr could be this terrible after this win percentage.
as a hardstuck D4 player, I've basically stopped trying to push, its not worth it for me anymore. I've peaked d1 60lp a few years ago, haven't been able to get back, and probably never will.
QOTD: For me I want to reach atleast PLATINUM, DIAMOND or maybe higher. I have knowledge for the game, and have been playing for 5 years. During pre-season 9 and 10 I aimed to step on GOLD, but season 11 might be the lucky season for me to start stepping on higher ELOs (fingers crossed). I'm still working on my 'Decision Making' skill though, because that really holds me on ranking up. Best of luck then....
QOTD: Gold. I’ve been fluxing between bronze and silver last season, and all my friends that are high gold to high diamond always tell me that i have too much game info for being hard stuck. So ima push myself to hit gold
I play in gold 1 - and I can mention all the mistakes I make over and over and over again. I forget to ward... I get greedy for low health targets... I play all roles... I play all champs... I follow stupid build guides on youtube... I tilt... I surrender... Limited flaming though but every now and then they get a few wordings just to demotivate your teammates a bit more. I have come to realize I am never going to improve because the game becomes boring for me when I cant make flashy plays or I have to run around clearing wards constantly - and you know what thats fine I am exactly where i belong
QOTD: Xayah being buffed enough to be a champion again on her own, not just a measely 0.6 attack speed increase and the buff the Crit for ADCs to have impact.
I’ve gone up a division every season (started seriously playing rank in 2017 but have been playing since 2014) and got Plat 4 for the first time this year. So my goal is Diamond 4 next season.
QOTD : Since I try to at least reach one rank higher than the previous season, I'll be aiming for at least platinium 2 but if I can go higher, I'll try to do it.
QOTD: I wanna be gold so badly, two seasons ago I only needed one win to get in(gold V back then) to gold. Now I am confident, thanks to your videos I feel I can achieve it next season ^^
I should give this guide to every player in my game that uses electrocute on champs like Riven, Fiora, Ashe, Vayne or any other champ that doenst have burst
I was hard stuck bronze 3 playing so many different champs I was so delusional I thought my tm8s were inting but in reality I was playing every champ in ranked, I started playing kayn jungle and omg I went on a winning streak and got to silver 3 In 2 days and I hope I get to gold soon
2:45 ..... im gold 4, my runes..... legit i always have sorcery in primary and secondary, I ALWAYS GET CELERITY AND GATHERING STORM.... don't ask (even get it on Yasuo and Akali and much moreeeeee)
It’s season 12 for me now, I got silver 4 3lp this season because I barely played league at all, I’m aiming for gold 4-3 in season 12 tho, I think it’s achievable knowing my skill gap and understanding of mid as zed
QOTD: well now it’s diamond 3 because I got gold 3 and was on a huge winning streak towards the end. Being a diamond streamer is the biggest goal. Then we will work on master and maybe challenger one day
Qotd: 1k lp challenger at least. I play perfectly every game and deserve rank 1. I watch players like nilestop, tonytop, and revenge. They all make tons of clear mistakes, and I play much better than them. Unfortunately I only play gangplank every game though, so it’s not possible to reach 1k lp. I know that it’s not possible because nobody has ever done it on any server ever.
QOTD: Diamond on East. Currently I have gold. I decided to start maining Graves since he's been in meta for a very long time. But I lose a lot of games and start to doubt if it's possible to make that much progress :(
The unspoken truth is that any idiot can reach diamond. The biggest issue is that once people get diamond they stop to care about the game. Their ego is so high and they are so far up themselves, they will not listen to your calls, they will ignore your pings, and insult you for trying to do so. Just stick to 3 champs and master those 3, you do this to understand as many matchups as possible. Focus on improve in every game and not to win, once you improve you will start to win more games. A challenger once told me 7 years ago "You are the elo you deserve to be". And this quote is so true. So guys....stop blaming or flaming your teammates, everyone is trash at the game even you, untill you reach Diamond 1 or higher. Everything below that is considered low elo. Trust me.
What rank do i aim for in season 11? Bronze 1. I've fought against diamonds, platinums and won some of the matches without getting carried or losing line. I constantly get matched with these ranks BUT i like bronze, and i'm proud of my bronze 1 rank. Played 10 games last season and after i got bronze 1 i stopped, same this season 10. Why? As i said, i like bronce 1 and also enjoy normal games much more, less toxicity, almost no tilt, friendlier players, best overall experience for me.
I'm far to be the best, but in gold the most difficult is to break momentoun of the other team. People just keep making tf that don't make sense. I'm a middle loaner, so I still need to know how to carry in this situations
Aiming for atleast diamond this season. I started league a few months ago. My buddy got me into it shortly after i got my pc. Im pretty solid, i frag pretty often in draft. I think i can make it
QOTD: so I started near the end of season in s10 and I got like silver 3 I think. And now that I am starting from the begging of an actual season I hope to get to gold
QOTD: Ive been playing league for years and always have sat at gold for the free skin but now a lot of my friends are flaming me so im going to try and go for diamond/high plat
People flaming you is not a good motivator for ranked. If "showing off" is all the motivation behind trying to climb to diamond, i can guarantee that you will be frustrated and disappointed fast.
I want to try to get to silver 1 or 2. I didn't play much ranked last season but in my normal games I managed to pull off a 58% winrate on my one-trick, Leona.
QOTD: I would like to get to gold, but I'm always stuck in silver. You can't improve if you have no one who is a higher rank than you, is what it seems like.
QOTD : Probably Challenger been stuck in Diamond in 4 years and Now season 10 I become Grandmaster in my Server Hopefully I could reach the highest ranked in S11
QOTD: I definitely want to get diamond this season. This has been my second season playing and I got to plat, but my main goal is getting to diamond 4 :)
QOTD : i hope for diamond like hit gold from iron 3 to gold 4 in 4 months without coaching now i am aiming for diamond and now i am watching vids on gold vs diamond stuff so it may help me in my aim
QOTD: Atleast I must reach d4. Hardstuck in plat 1 for damn whole season 10, almost made it to d4 just 1 win away with the promo series but as you all expect.... You already know and repeat again. What a life.
QOTD: 2 years ago my goal was silver, which I got easily, 1 year ago my goal was gold which I also got easily. This year my goal was plat and I reached that 2 times. So this year I will focus on diamond
Ngl, I have been playing irelia since ss6. And now I am diamond 2 if I have irelia. Once the champs is banned, my lane become weakside no matter what I play
QOTD: Reached silver 3 casually in s10 and heading for high plat/diamond in firts split in s11 ;) I'm atm 210k m7 Kayn main. Started s10. If Kayn is banned I'm playing Nunu or Scarner also I started picking up Lee Sin :D
QOTD: even though I am in sliver right now I want to get to diamond iv for season 11 but my main goal is challenger because I really want to go pro one day
@@faselfasel2864 that is y I am going to go grinding rank games also I feel my macro and micro is pretty good (mostly on Shen though) but it is just a goal that is going to be hard to reach but it is possible
Well, as far as I noticed meta is always above skills. You can easily climb if you just pick OP champs and you will always dominate experienced mains, because they are just weaker.
I mostly play top and support and almost got gold. I'm silver 1 and gain 10-14 lp per match. I also started league around november last year and play off and on. For season 11 I'm aiming for gold 4-1
QOTD: I'm aiming for diamond , last season I reached gold but this one I got better, got silver 4, 4 months and I'm gold 2 rn but sometimes I get scared about playing with high elos, just because I don't understand them... YET 🤘🏻
QOTD: probably gold, since i reached silver this season. This season has also been my first
That was my first season as well but i am not even lvl 30
Mine is plat cuz i have reached gold 3 this season. Its also my first one
QOTD: Having been a player who falls into the "quickly reach G4 and stop playing" for a few years now, I'm aiming to just get any higher rank than that, and keep the motivation to keep playing even after hitting Gold.
Did you hit higher brother?
Did you?
You guys forgot to add the biggest difference: ego.
Yea the ego in dia is something else.
To be honest it's not that different. Gold players can be very egotistical and the main reason why it might not seem that way is because they're toxic in the more traditional ways of just saying stuff that will get them banned where diamond players are usually better at avoiding the ban hammer so are usually more condescending as it wont get you banned.
Actually, ego between Gold and Diamond isn't too different becouse both of this ranks are considered as "milestone" by low elo players. Golds think they are good becouse they got out of silver, bronze which is considered by them as "worst" elo. Diamonds aren't too different becouse diamond is considered first "high elo" rank. So players of both ranks have most likely high ego.
High plat has the highest elo.
@@mschecter0078 Diamond 4 do not play against Challengers. And if they get a smurf against them, they can simply blame their jungler for 0 help, enemy jungler for babysitting, enemy champ for being OP or just say "it was unlucky game". So I really doubt that anything can really damage their ego tbh. Moreover, imagine what would happen if a D4 would win a game against GM or Challenger smurf in the enemy team... xD
I remember I played once a game on PBE as Kayle vs Nasus. And this Nasus was famous challenger youtuber "foggedftw2". We stayed even in lane and no one died. After all my team has won a game and I killed him in a teamfight. That was very enjoyable for my ego. And I'm not even D4, but Platinum 2 hardstuck
I was hard stuck in silver for years. Got gold today with a 90% WR in my last 10 games. Learning to 1) have a game plan coming out of load screen, 2) use an early/mid game champ (Warwick) to get an early lead and 3) play around baron in the mid game were the missing piece for me going from silver to gold. Knowing the right macro play didn’t matter if I hadn’t proven to my teammates that I could make a play happen, so early game presence has helped a lot.
"Gold players really struggle with measuring the riskiness of their plays", this is perfectly put. So many times do I see people making stupid decisions like invading as a support level 1 trying to proc their support item. The up side? You get 15 or 30 gold. The downside? They come out of nowhere and kill you. The risk is definitely not worth it.
dat me, when i sennna, i go in and try to get some stacks :3
@@butterboy1716 very fucking funny lol
QOTD: At least Plat. Despite playing for a few years, I never really focused on ranked and always end up rushing in the end of the season to reach gold. This season, I'm gonna dedicate myself on reaching my best rank possible.
QOTD: I was harstuck gold for the entirety of season 10, then I climbed this preseason all the way to D4, aiming to atleast stay there or get masters
@@apmaz6112 pre season is easier and most ppl are chilled
How since the lp gains are so trash
@@petergoodspieces130 Idk sincirelly
@@petergoodspieces130 Probs cuz promos got removed and I have been having quite a lot of unluck in them, they have been the main reason of my hardstuck
QOTD: Imagine playing ranked
imagine playing league for other reason than playing soloq
Imagine playing league
@@AnBe5 i
Imagine John Lennon
QOTD: Master. I'm tired of being diamond hardstuck.
Get it~ You can do it!
same, peaking D1 isnt what it used to be in Seasson 3 so i have to push it further this year finally.
Same. Ive been diamond for the past 3 seasons...
QOTD: Really want to reach Platinum
You got this bro, unless you already got it lol
@@CoolaidMix haha still working hard on it especially im a supp main super difficult to rank up if team is bad (Currently Gold III)
@@julianluigisansing6031 well actually not true, support is the easist role to carry on
@@gaminggubber3139 in high elo yes not low elo
Been playing this game since S1 (S2 was my first ranked years) and I've been hovering between Bronze-Silver every year... now I'm hoping to make it to Plat 4 this year!!
QOTD: Before this new season, I have more faith in climbing higher as I got good last one, but with the changes in items this preseason, I feel keeping the ranked will be good,
Get to diamond could be amazing
I've been playing in League for about 8 years now and I was 4 times former challenger from season 4 to season 8 and things really changes so fast that I stopped playing for a year to focus on studies. I came back on the middle of season 9 and struggle to climb to my desired rank until now. I wonder if playing LOL is still worth playing...
You made me feel like I could actually achieve diamond 😂
Trust me it’s not that hard I just hit just gotta grind games
Proguids: relax the game is just starting for you
Me: hard stuck gold 4 2years, yeah I'm just getting started
"When you're gold, the game is just starting for you"
I always thought that of my ranked Rocket League. I played it for college and grinded to whats the "Masters" of Rocket League. I actually quit League and went to RL, but tbh the best times in rocket league was when I was starting and grinding, there was so much improvement to be made and it felt so good. At the top level, its micro improvements that barely feel rewarding, its a harder grind.
Wow I had no idea gold players struggle because of THEIR LACK OF INEXPERIENCE
yeah right
QOTD: of course gold III
This seson i finished in silver III
QOTD: Plat. Stuck in Gold due to not being able to carry other lanes from feeding. Also just difficult in general to solo-queue as Support in Lower Elo, I feel. When I play normal games with my higher rank friends, games are sooo much better and I feel like I can finally breathe bc I don’t need to stress about my AD’s positioning or wave management, or solo lanes feeding. Gosh... rant over~ sorry sorry.
Bro I don't know how supports climb. I changed to jungle and then to carry junglers. Climbed so much more easily since then
For real I'm a support main and hard stuck gold. In order to get plat in season 11, I need to play my secondary role: JG.
I usually don't comment but I would like to help if you're down, I've climbed to diamond twice via sup. It isn't hard in my opinion and maybe you're just stuck on some fundamentals or in a need of a mentality change. No offense to that as that's just a potential reasoning as I have done some coaching.
Yeah avoid playing support until you are high gold/plat. ADC's will piss you off until then
If you really think it’s just the other players holding you back (I overdramatized that a bit, you know your state more than I so) I’d advise you to look for some adc‘s you can actually communicate with.
When I was trying to climb in jungle, I fished myself a Leona main after looking in a few rounds of normals and we just got to Platin this week 😄
QOTD: I play Ekko, Nocturne, Warwick, and Yorick... but unfortunately Noc just isn't playable this season :( he gets countered by a lot of champs with CC and one-shots. He is really good in the early game, but after 15 min when people get items, he just falls off HARD. I hope they buff him really soon. I honestly love the champ.
QOTD: Every seasons the same for me. I tell myself I want Masters+. I play a bunch in Feb and March and get to D2. I realize how Riot have once again ignored making ADC a playable role and that reaching Masters+ unlike other ELOs isn't just about skill but is also about putting in a ridiculous amount of time and I decide to play normal games and other games for the rest of the season.
QOTD: High Plat/Low Diamond. I'm pretty solid with apehlios all around, but I feel very reliant on my support's skill level as well due to limited mobility, opposed to playing something like Cait or Sivir who has a much easier time with a weaker support
I finally hit plat this pre season for the first time after years of playing. Then immediately my teams werem throwers and I lost it. Now I cant get back
QOTD:i want to get to plat but i think i won't get pass gold 2
Pro Tip from Bunnyfufuu. If you play ADC or are playing clash and you really need your clicks to be on point. Go into a costume game with draven. Max attack speed, and just catch axes!!
Bunny did this before every LCS game even as a support player!
QOTD: I started league at the very start of season ten, specifically the same day Fiddlesticks rework was on the live servers. First champ i picked up, been maining him since. Spent the ENTIRITY of season 10 getting as much skill and game knowledge as I can, while only finishing my promos just to get Lucian eternals, now, I'm aiming for Plat in season 11, and ain't nothing gonna stop me
I’m hardstuck gold because I’m trying to climb as an ADC. If mid, top, jg or any combination of those positions feed, bot lane can’t carry those games. I adhere to everything you listed in this video. I finish the season gold 2 and then every proceeding game has a either a troll, an inter, or something that makes a game unwinnable.
QOTD: I feel like I can definitely make it to Silver this season since I just started playing towards the end of Season 10. As a support main I'm having a ton of fun, but hopefully I can find a secondary role that makes sense. So far Swain and Nami have been my faves and I believe they can carry me to victory. Making it to Gold would be a dream, but I know I have a lot to work on.
QotD: I am one win away from promoting to silver this preseason. So in S11 I plan to get to Silver 2. That should make me an "average player" statistically, plus it would put me in the same rank as my friends. That has been my goal throughout playing league: to be good enough to play with my friends. They still let me join their normals but I get curb stomped and have a really bad time...
I played about 50 games last season, first season on this account, at slightly over 50% wr and only in bronze 1. So far this season I have a 70% win rate after 80 games, but somehow winning gives me 18LP and losing losses 28 at silver 4. It blows my mind that my mmr could be this terrible after this win percentage.
as a hardstuck D4 player, I've basically stopped trying to push, its not worth it for me anymore. I've peaked d1 60lp a few years ago, haven't been able to get back, and probably never will.
QOTD: For me I want to reach atleast PLATINUM, DIAMOND or maybe higher. I have knowledge for the game, and have been playing for 5 years. During pre-season 9 and 10 I aimed to step on GOLD, but season 11 might be the lucky season for me to start stepping on higher ELOs (fingers crossed). I'm still working on my 'Decision Making' skill though, because that really holds me on ranking up. Best of luck then....
QOTD: challenger, what the heck. Even tho I'm silver it's good to have big goals
Johnny sins strikes again
I heard he mains top lane
QOTD: I'm most likely aiming for plat, I've played with enough in norms to feel I could make it
QOTD: Gold. I’ve been fluxing between bronze and silver last season, and all my friends that are high gold to high diamond always tell me that i have too much game info for being hard stuck. So ima push myself to hit gold
I play in gold 1 - and I can mention all the mistakes I make over and over and over again. I forget to ward... I get greedy for low health targets... I play all roles... I play all champs... I follow stupid build guides on youtube... I tilt... I surrender... Limited flaming though but every now and then they get a few wordings just to demotivate your teammates a bit more. I have come to realize I am never going to improve because the game becomes boring for me when I cant make flashy plays or I have to run around clearing wards constantly - and you know what thats fine I am exactly where i belong
QOTD: Xayah being buffed enough to be a champion again on her own, not just a measely 0.6 attack speed increase and the buff the Crit for ADCs to have impact.
QOTD: Just get into ranked because I have a lot of playing anxiety so getting into ranked would be a great achievement
if Riot would like to see people climb up, they should a sound effect to the Totem when it is ready to use
QOTD: I always played to Gold4 then stopped playing for the reward. This year, I want to try and get platinum. Go me!
I’ve gone up a division every season (started seriously playing rank in 2017 but have been playing since 2014) and got Plat 4 for the first time this year. So my goal is Diamond 4 next season.
QOTD : Since I try to at least reach one rank higher than the previous season, I'll be aiming for at least platinium 2 but if I can go higher, I'll try to do it.
QOTD: I wanna be gold so badly, two seasons ago I only needed one win to get in(gold V back then) to gold. Now I am confident, thanks to your videos I feel I can achieve it next season ^^
I should give this guide to every player in my game that uses electrocute on champs like Riven, Fiora, Ashe, Vayne or any other champ that doenst have burst
Gangplank is very weak compared to what he use to be and if you aren’t a one trick i would leave him be
I was hard stuck bronze 3 playing so many different champs I was so delusional I thought my tm8s were inting but in reality I was playing every champ in ranked, I started playing kayn jungle and omg I went on a winning streak and got to silver 3 In 2 days and I hope I get to gold soon
2:45 ..... im gold 4, my runes..... legit i always have sorcery in primary and secondary, I ALWAYS GET CELERITY AND GATHERING STORM.... don't ask (even get it on Yasuo and Akali and much moreeeeee)
QOTD: Aiming to get back to 1300 LP.
Why th are you watching proguides then lmfao
It’s season 12 for me now, I got silver 4 3lp this season because I barely played league at all, I’m aiming for gold 4-3 in season 12 tho, I think it’s achievable knowing my skill gap and understanding of mid as zed
QOTD: well now it’s diamond 3 because I got gold 3 and was on a huge winning streak towards the end. Being a diamond streamer is the biggest goal. Then we will work on master and maybe challenger one day
Qotd: 1k lp challenger at least. I play perfectly every game and deserve rank 1. I watch players like nilestop, tonytop, and revenge. They all make tons of clear mistakes, and I play much better than them. Unfortunately I only play gangplank every game though, so it’s not possible to reach 1k lp. I know that it’s not possible because nobody has ever done it on any server ever.
Please tell me you are kidding sir
U are trippin my man
Qotd: Season 10 was my first Season. Currently I'm S2.
I'm aiming for Plat Season 11
QOTD: Diamond on East. Currently I have gold. I decided to start maining Graves since he's been in meta for a very long time. But I lose a lot of games and start to doubt if it's possible to make that much progress :(
QOTD : Hit Challenger, Join ProGuides Team and Remove Yuumi from Tier List cause that champ shouldn't exist.
I am already Diamond but when I wake up I see a gold tag. Must be a technical glitch on Riot's end, so awaiting a response to my ticket.
The unspoken truth is that any idiot can reach diamond. The biggest issue is that once people get diamond they stop to care about the game. Their ego is so high and they are so far up themselves, they will not listen to your calls, they will ignore your pings, and insult you for trying to do so. Just stick to 3 champs and master those 3, you do this to understand as many matchups as possible. Focus on improve in every game and not to win, once you improve you will start to win more games. A challenger once told me 7 years ago "You are the elo you deserve to be". And this quote is so true. So guys....stop blaming or flaming your teammates, everyone is trash at the game even you, untill you reach Diamond 1 or higher. Everything below that is considered low elo. Trust me.
What rank do i aim for in season 11? Bronze 1. I've fought against diamonds, platinums and won some of the matches without getting carried or losing line. I constantly get matched with these ranks BUT i like bronze, and i'm proud of my bronze 1 rank. Played 10 games last season and after i got bronze 1 i stopped, same this season 10. Why? As i said, i like bronce 1 and also enjoy normal games much more, less toxicity, almost no tilt, friendlier players, best overall experience for me.
I'm far to be the best, but in gold the most difficult is to break momentoun of the other team. People just keep making tf that don't make sense. I'm a middle loaner, so I still need to know how to carry in this situations
QOTD: I'm still unranked, but may start on pvp soon. Still ironing out some things in co-op.
QOTD: High gold/ Low plat bc this season I want to improve and am getting coaching
I’m about 2000 games of league total over the last 8 years and I’m still in silver. I think I’m a lost cause at this point.
Plat. Been gold for the past 2 seasons, probably a mix of me being subpar and INTeresting team mates.
its always the teammates
Do you have a guide for the new new players who don't know anything like what is macro and snowballing and what to do
Aiming for atleast diamond this season. I started league a few months ago. My buddy got me into it shortly after i got my pc. Im pretty solid, i frag pretty often in draft. I think i can make it
QOTD: I started playing this season and I got to gold so I'm aiming for diamond but platinum is obviously good enough.
QOTD: so I started near the end of season in s10 and I got like silver 3 I think. And now that I am starting from the begging of an actual season I hope to get to gold
I'm a Gangplank main and I agree to that
QOTD: Ive been playing league for years and always have sat at gold for the free skin but now a lot of my friends are flaming me so im going to try and go for diamond/high plat
People flaming you is not a good motivator for ranked. If "showing off" is all the motivation behind trying to climb to diamond, i can guarantee that you will be frustrated and disappointed fast.
Can't wait to start playing ranked tbh. Currently just playing, watching YT vids and ranking up. Lv25 atm.
QOTD , Gold. I'm currently in bronze 3.
I want to try to get to silver 1 or 2. I didn't play much ranked last season but in my normal games I managed to pull off a 58% winrate on my one-trick, Leona.
QOTD: Diamond 2 or 1, I'm a hardstuck D 3 player, but it is mostly because I'm always playing the supp I find more fun, not the meta ones :3
QOTD: I would like to get to gold, but I'm always stuck in silver. You can't improve if you have no one who is a higher rank than you, is what it seems like.
QOTD : Probably Challenger been stuck in Diamond in 4 years and Now season 10 I become Grandmaster in my Server Hopefully I could reach the highest ranked in S11
cleanest outro ever made
jesus christ
QOTD: I definitely want to get diamond this season. This has been my second season playing and I got to plat, but my main goal is getting to diamond 4 :)
QOTD : i hope for diamond like hit gold from iron 3 to gold 4 in 4 months without coaching now i am aiming for diamond and now i am watching vids on gold vs diamond stuff so it may help me in my aim
Guys I’m a gold support and tired of having a feeding team so I’m now going to main mid. Any tips?
QOTD: Atleast I must reach d4. Hardstuck in plat 1 for damn whole season 10, almost made it to d4 just 1 win away with the promo series but as you all expect.... You already know and repeat again. What a life.
QOTD: Gold, I startet League in season 10 and got silver, now I hope that I have improved and can climb one Rank
QOTD: Got Gold 4 like 4 months ago, aiming for around plat in season 12 (wow, already). If I get to plat, i will try my hardest for diamond.
8:28 I was the katarina lol, idk how the clip ended here lol XD
QOTD: Diamond. This will be my fourth season, and my first rank was silver. Since then, I'm aiming to reach one division higher than last season.
got to diamond last 2015 and then maintain gold to 2016 to present due to professional career(no more time to play)
QoTD: I'd like to be ranked this season, started basically in September/October and haven't been playing too much.
QOTD : After being hardstuck in high gold for a while, I am plat 3 65 lp rn and aiming for diamond next season baby
QOTD: 2 years ago my goal was silver, which I got easily, 1 year ago my goal was gold which I also got easily. This year my goal was plat and I reached that 2 times. So this year I will focus on diamond
I started playing league only a few months ago. I placed bronze, but I got to silver. I'm going to try to get to gold and maybe plat in a few months.
QOTD: I was had stuck gold for more than half the season ( months) and I reached diamond 3 . Plat was the easiest elo as I stayed there for a few days
Ngl, I have been playing irelia since ss6. And now I am diamond 2 if I have irelia. Once the champs is banned, my lane become weakside no matter what I play
QOTD: Reached silver 3 casually in s10 and heading for high plat/diamond in firts split in s11 ;)
I'm atm 210k m7 Kayn main. Started s10. If Kayn is banned I'm playing Nunu or Scarner also I started picking up Lee Sin :D
QOTD: even though I am in sliver right now I want to get to diamond iv for season 11 but my main goal is challenger because I really want to go pro one day
I'd aim for high gold this season buddy. You dont go from silver to diamond in 1 season. There is waaay too much of a gap.
@@faselfasel2864 that is y I am going to go grinding rank games also I feel my macro and micro is pretty good (mostly on Shen though) but it is just a goal that is going to be hard to reach but it is possible
Claim your "here before a million views tickets here"
Proguides gets +800k views every once a decade ur comment doesnt make any sense at all imo
Yeah imma come and take my ticket next year
Well, as far as I noticed meta is always above skills. You can easily climb if you just pick OP champs and you will always dominate experienced mains, because they are just weaker.
QOTD: I'm trying to reach gold. In season 10 I was stuck in Silver III
So I was hoping I will reach gold in season 11
QOTD: Got placed Iron III and climbed to Gold IV by the end of Season 10, going for diamond for Season 11
I mostly play top and support and almost got gold. I'm silver 1 and gain 10-14 lp per match. I also started league around november last year and play off and on. For season 11 I'm aiming for gold 4-1
QOTD: I'm aiming for diamond , last season I reached gold but this one I got better, got silver 4, 4 months and I'm gold 2 rn but sometimes I get scared about playing with high elos, just because I don't understand them... YET 🤘🏻