Absolutely agree. I was blown away by how beautifully framed the whole picture was. And Ms. Pike is absolutely a front runner for best actress. Such an amazing performance!
Great film, but what an amazing review by Kermode. How he delivers such an incisive, insightful and fluent analysis of a multilayered movie without notes beats me. Wish I'd heard it before I went, as he adds value, but without giving a thing away.
holygoalie3 reminded me very much of the OST from Silent Hill 2. Almost identical in fact. Upon research I found that this was no coincidence as it seems influenced.
I must admit, Ben Affleck's performance is pretty brilliant in this movie. Almost made me forget the unspeakably bad Armageddon and Pearl Harbor, almost.
This one epitomizes why I love KErmode-Reviews: They are profound, informative and to the point. Plus you get a personal opinion and humor. (Most reviewers only cover the last two points, to one degree or another..) :)
I enjoyed Gone Girl, it wasnt Fincher's best (Zodiac and The Social Network) nor his most interesting (Fight Club and Se7en) but it was very well done. The only problem and complaint I see people having is the plot itself which is based on the book. I sort of agree with that view but I think many people are missing the point that the film isnt just a simple twist film - theres so much more going on - skewering of the news media, plenty of satire and most importantly the deception that occurs in relationships at the beginning and how people truly begin to reveal themselves later on. And the distrust and feelings that arise due to those revelations.
Too many plot holes at the end for me. What on earth happened to all the CCTV at Desi's place? We see Amy fake being in distress for the CCTV one time but what about her entering his house at her own free will? Him driving off to work every day for weeks etc. The blood in the kitchen and club - no head injury on Amy etc. Plenty of other plot holes too.
The two people that robbed her could sell their story or bribe her... She met the old boyfriend in a crowded bar or restaurant with hundreds of people around... She cut a few inches off her hair and put on some glasses to 'disguise' herself so NOBODY recognises her on TV later on - what is she??? the female Clark Kent/Superman? The film started off well but became more and more ludicrous as it went on. Yet another example of Hollywood 'phoning it in' :(
For christ sake. These are not plot holes. Just because you aren't spoon fed every single little detail doesn't mean the're plot holes. Amy could very easily edit the recordings of the CCTV in any way she liked. How do you even know the CCTV was activated before her arrival? The blood in the kitchen was pointed out in the movie by the detective... Please post your "pot holes" to be debunked. Otherwise, practice your comprehension skills
G_Morto they found the murder weapon and that much blood indicated that she had a huge trauma in the head. She CONFIRMED this head injury...yet the ONLY head injury there was was the hammered cheek. and maybe the slightest bump on her head when they robbed her. Stories don't match the injury. the beauty about CCTV is that it's DATED and it goes by the HOUR and MILLI seconds. so if you were to edit OUT something, it would be OBVIOUS that you edited out a part of the cctv. you can't go back and put another image there. with old technology the CCTV would re-record itself every week. with the new technology it only re-records every 3 -10 years. there is NO WAY in hell she would be able to get away with that. The only thing i can think of is that she can lie and say that she was brought to his house before he took her to the secluded vacation home. I think he didn't have cctv around his actual house. however, he may have had alibis during the time she claimed that the blond guy had kidnapped her. and it is the police's job to go find evidence if he indeed did the kidnapping. Given that he went to work everyday.. he most likely was at work during the time of the kidnapping. there is very very very little chance that she would get away with this huge lie. 2. it didn't make sense that ben aflek's character would stay with her because of her baby. Just throw the bitch to jail and get full custody of the child. and even if it isn't HIS actual child and it's that blond dude's kid, but he really wants to take care of the kid, he CAN still throw her in jail and adopt the child and get full custody and live in peace and harmony in his giant house. it was just a dumb ending to shock viewers. it was not believable at all. I don't buy it.
codgemeister1 While I agree there were numerous plot holes I don;t accept that her "disguise" was one. All white people look alike to me so it was very convincing.
@@8alih think youre all missing the point that people were WILLING to believe her story and not doubt it. i think you missed that a large part of the film was making a point about how the media can skew the way people think and the fickleness of people in general. amy was smart at manipulating people and knew what to say when, think of how she directs ben afflecks character at the end in particular and the scene when the female cop brings up these plot holes, noone cares - in fact they seem transfixed by her/her story
Has Fincher ever made a bad movie? I mean a genuinley stinker of a movie? Saw Gone Girl last night and absolutely loved it. The only Fincher movie I haven't seen now is The Game and I get the impression that even though it maybe his weakest, it's still well liked.
Movie Master He has kind of disowned at since he has such a terrible time with the studio. To be honest, I quite like Alien 3 (at least the Assemby Cut).
I thought The Curious Case of Benjamin Button was an abomination of Biblical proportions. I always pick it up as an example of how even genuinely talented people can fail completely.
Man now I'm psyched for Gone Girl. Fincher is one of my favourite directors - Fight CLub remains to be my favoruite movie of all time, and The Social Netowrk and The Game all relate to me somehow. And Se7en was a very intense movie. Really can't wait to see Gone Girl. thanks for the review, kermode!
I usually agree with mark Kermode, but disagree IN PART which made me dislike this film. If you don't mind an ending which you won't question how the police and FBI didn't look deeper into things and are bloody gullible then you will enjoy this film. If you enjoy the whole forensics angle this film portrays then you will NOT like it. It completely falls apart in the last 20 minutes because the police and FBI completely buy what a person who has been apparently kidnapped tells them. After all the clever work they do to try and find this missing girl, they just believe whatever she says and don't look into her story. I would have preferred it if the police WERE stupid, but they were not portrayed like this so this is why you are left asking questions, and not in a good way, but a frustrating way.
1) it's fiction 2) they never went to great lengths to find Amy at all? They were more invested in criminalising Nick, and getting him charged with murder even without a body 3) the police lady was extremely suspicious towards these plot holes but as you saw Amy managed to cut her off & get away with it and that's just the way it is. The fact that you hate this proves this it's a good convincing film ironically; you're treating it like its a real crime investigation and not some flimsy story but remember that it's all done on purpose.
***** Right, so by your theory everyone here who agrees with me proves that this film is a convincing film ironically?! This film DOES want you to treat it like a real crime investigation that's why I hated the ending. I was also annoyed at the fact that after the police woman questions her nothing more is done. Even the other police guy tells her husband to stop questioning things and just enjoy his wife is back. But by your theory lets just say that's the way things are and not question films. So as I said in my first post. If you like films that you don't have to question what is going on, like yourself, then you will like the film. I question things, so I didn't like the ending.
Raymi Salas there is nothing lazy about writing a compelling novel with a deliberately frustrating ending. art is supposed to make you feel something other than satisfaction at times, and this does a good job at that. i'm hardly a fool for appreciating something that managed to get under the audiences' skin so well... i also quite liked the ending, contrary to popular opinion.if it ended like it should have, it would have been too well-rounded, and thrillers are normally too sharp and complex for that. having a good ending would be an injustice to the numerous plot twists throughout the novel. it's no surprise the novel/movie ended with one too. I'm a budding writer too, so i can't help but applaud how well it was written and structured, and just appreciate the plot ending.
***** Well this is going to be a marmite film. You either love it or hate it... However I liked it, just not the ending. I just wish they could have made out the old boyfriend be some kind of recluse so that the idea of him actually being able to kidnap her would have been more believable. Enough said.
I think the most important question Gone Girl left us with is: Can Tyler Perry truly act? or the brevity of his appearance gave away the illusion of competence?
Can't wait to see this - I'm a huge Fincher fan and have enjoyed every one of his films (except Alien3, but I hear there's a certain cut which makes the film a lot better) and don't understand the indifference to Dragon Tattoo, which I personally thought was tonnes better than the Swedish film (and its sequels). Zodiac and Se7en are still my favourites of his (but also Dragon Tattoo and The Game), I wonder how this will fare compared to them. It seems there's a certain trajectory of theatric intensity starting from The Social Network, into Dragon Tattoo and House Of Cards that seems to create something more refined and immediate and completely immersive but the concept here throws a slight curveball by including a main character that is presumably dead or missing. Fincher's very playful with formula - I've always compared him with his contemporary Steven Soderbergh, who gambles a little bit more (quite boldly) but both have a thoughtfully considered approach to the concepts they tackle. I'm on board with everything Fincher does...the only time I was slightly disappointed was Benjamin Button - but to be fair to him, I do need to revisit it to decide what I finally think about it.
The Social Network was better, but I think I may have been slightly ruined watching this film by reading the novel first. Fincher does novel adaptations very well, almost too well. I think I wanted him to add more to the text through film, rather than create a note perfect replication.
Meh - the final third was nonsense, Neil Patrick Harris was woefully miscast and Tyler Perry's performance was just nuts and bolts acting. The trail of evidence was transparent as well.
Second best Fincher film to Seven guys.... Fight Club has the tricks, Panic Room is the mainstream popcorner and Zodiac is the film for people who like to make themselves seem really highbrow.
There's one scene that's a 10 in intensity and it's pretty absurd but the rest isn't bad at all. Some of the implications the film makes on marriage are pretty depressing though.
On a scale of 1 to 10? Hm, let's say Seven is an 8 and Zodiac is a 10, then I'd say Gone Girl is somewhere in between (8-9). At least just as bleak as Seven (but in a different way). Zodiac takes the cake, though. As far as violence goes, it's not very bloody at all but there's one scene which made me feel sick. And scary is a word that doesn't apply really for this film imo. Sure, it has some very suspenseful moments and the plot always keeps you busy (time passes by pretty quickly despite the long runtime), but It's rather a film that I would describe as highly uncomfortable. It's a film that doesn't make you want to run out of the theater screaming, but rather a film that makes you want to jump into the scene and change it. And the ending, without giving anything away, won't give you (the audience) what you want (which can be a good or a bad thing).
So im guessing that the amazing Amy novels had messed up her mind as growing up in the shadow of a fictional self had her obvioulsy trying to live up to it because its everything she wasn't and everything that people expected to see in her.
Sorry, but the good doctor is wrong about this film. It's not believable at all. The plot had loads of holes in it and it felt like a 'paint by numbers' effort in the second half. The film had the most obvious midpoint scene that I have ever watched. I actually looked at my watch to confirm it, and it was exactly half way through the running time. Plot points from the first half of the film were left unresolved and the ending felt rushed and 'tacked on'.
I have to agree. When the movie was wrapping up I found myself screaming about how this woman could be certain Desi (Neil Patrick Harris) didn't have an alibi for the day she went missing or the times when she claims to have been assaulted. I just hated that third act of this film.
Like what? I think a lot of the things in the movie are not supposed to be resolved in some weird social pressure way. Or are you aiming at something else?
See this is the issue with "plot holes". Idiots attempting to sound smart for once in their lives by picking out "errors" in movies when in actual fact they are not plot holes at all.
Sometimes you can over analyse stuff. Yes, all of stuff concerning the performances, the direction, the look, the social comment are well made BUT movies tell stories and if the story does not hold together, then the movie does not hold together. Great movies are based on great stories and the final third of this story is vapour thin.
Whats all the talk of misogyny and pornography in the comments? I have heard of some pretty explicit sex scenes and nudity but what gives? i guess i am a miss as usually:(
Where do I get a refund for my theatre ticket ? What the hell was there to like about this movie ? Personally I thought it was boring and I didn't give a damn for anyone in it. It took itself far too seriously but didn't bother to be believable or true to its intention. I watched All Good Things recently, go rent that and don't waste your time with this drip of a movie .
I found this film to he remarkable all the way through until the end where it massively falls of a cliff. All the tension and suspense that is built all the way through is lost for me. I just just wanted the woman to get her comeuppance and when it didn't happen it fell flat for me and hit the wrong note.
Gone Girl isn't about a man who is wrongfully accused of murder and finally gets justice. It's about the fact that these two people - Nick and Amy - deserve each other. That detail seems to fly over people's heads. He chooses to stay with her because if he was with anyone else, a nice "normal" girl, he'd turn into his father. Amy forces him to be better. Remember the line "the only time you ever liked yourself was when you were pretending to be someone this c**t might like". Nick is not as crazy as Amy, but he's not a saint either because he had an affair with a college student and used Amy's parents money to open a bar business. He pretended to be someone different to get Amy, and then completely neglected himself/the relationship after. The book explains it far better - the movie makes Nick a far more sympathetic character.
I read that Fincher uses the weakness of some elements of the novel to his strength. For example some (I've read) call the novel mysogynistic, but critics say that that just fits right into Fincher's bleak world. Or others talk about how the plot in the novel becomes more and more ludicrous as it goes along, but if you remember the Game or Seven then you'll realize that that doesn't really seem a problem in a Fincher film (at least to me). I haven't read the novel, but if Fincher can turn a screenplay about Facebook into an exciting film, then I'm also convinced he can turn a weak novel into a very good film.
I've no doubt it's possible, though I haven't seen the film. Film and novel are entirely different forms and have different languages and rhythms. The novel's pretty repellent - it's basically the Criminally Psychotic Woman all over again - and the characters are about as deep and interesting as those in a school project. It's different when a novel has merits of its own - film can't really capture the richness of a great story.
Absolutely agree. I was blown away by how beautifully framed the whole picture was. And Ms. Pike is absolutely a front runner for best actress. Such an amazing performance!
6 years later still think she should have won
@@65g4 Watch Still Alice first.
@@richierich7229 Still Alice was so obviously Oscar bait. This movie was significantly more interesting.
One of the more haunting closing shots in any movie
Prisoners is up there
149 minutes and Kermode wasn't bored? Must be a good movie.
Great decision to cast tyler perry, he was brilliant.
+Clive Alcaraz A rarity at that haha. But ja very good actor when he's serious
He was ok, nothing major, no need to hype it up.
The Brown Knight
shut up please
+Kaelo Phayane He was ok, nothing major, no need to hype it up.
Great film, but what an amazing review by Kermode. How he delivers such an incisive, insightful and fluent analysis of a multilayered movie without notes beats me. Wish I'd heard it before I went, as he adds value, but without giving a thing away.
not forgetting the amazing soundtrack
the use of it in that Desi sex scene in particular.
ye Trent Reznor is the man! hope he and Atticus get the oscar again
it sounded almost like a David Lynch soundtrack
I thought the whole film was very Lynch
reminded me very much of the OST from Silent Hill 2. Almost identical in fact. Upon research I found that this was no coincidence as it seems influenced.
I must admit, Ben Affleck's performance is pretty brilliant in this movie. Almost made me forget the unspeakably bad Armageddon and Pearl Harbor, almost.
How can you hate Armageddon?😭😭😭😭
Rosamond Pike should have gotten an Oscar.
This one epitomizes why I love KErmode-Reviews: They are profound, informative and to the point. Plus you get a personal opinion and humor. (Most reviewers only cover the last two points, to one degree or another..) :)
listened to the first second of this review. That was all i needed really.
I enjoyed Gone Girl, it wasnt Fincher's best (Zodiac and The Social Network) nor his most interesting (Fight Club and Se7en) but it was very well done. The only problem and complaint I see people having is the plot itself which is based on the book. I sort of agree with that view but I think many people are missing the point that the film isnt just a simple twist film - theres so much more going on - skewering of the news media, plenty of satire and most importantly the deception that occurs in relationships at the beginning and how people truly begin to reveal themselves later on. And the distrust and feelings that arise due to those revelations.
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo was "flashy but empty"? I'd easily give it a 10/10, it's in my favourite films list.
No way, it's a 7/10 at least.
Yeah, TGWTDT is top 5 Fincher for me. "Gone Girl" however sits pretty low on the list.
Do you understand the concept of an opinion?
***** I'm mistaken if I think the remake is in my own favourites list? That makes absolutely no sense.
***** I'm really not. I love the film and nothing you say will change that.
Rosamund Pike is a dead cert for the Oscar, she has always been a fine actress but she completely hit every note perfectly.
Too many plot holes at the end for me. What on earth happened to all the CCTV at Desi's place? We see Amy fake being in distress for the CCTV one time but what about her entering his house at her own free will? Him driving off to work every day for weeks etc.
The blood in the kitchen and club - no head injury on Amy etc. Plenty of other plot holes too.
The two people that robbed her could sell their story or bribe her... She met the old boyfriend in a crowded bar or restaurant with hundreds of people around... She cut a few inches off her hair and put on some glasses to 'disguise' herself so NOBODY recognises her on TV later on - what is she??? the female Clark Kent/Superman? The film started off well but became more and more ludicrous as it went on. Yet another example of Hollywood 'phoning it in' :(
For christ sake. These are not plot holes. Just because you aren't spoon fed every single little detail doesn't mean the're plot holes.
Amy could very easily edit the recordings of the CCTV in any way she liked. How do you even know the CCTV was activated before her arrival?
The blood in the kitchen was pointed out in the movie by the detective...
Please post your "pot holes" to be debunked. Otherwise, practice your comprehension skills
G_Morto they found the murder weapon and that much blood indicated that she had a huge trauma in the head. She CONFIRMED this head injury...yet the ONLY head injury there was was the hammered cheek. and maybe the slightest bump on her head when they robbed her. Stories don't match the injury.
the beauty about CCTV is that it's DATED and it goes by the HOUR and MILLI seconds. so if you were to edit OUT something, it would be OBVIOUS that you edited out a part of the cctv. you can't go back and put another image there. with old technology the CCTV would re-record itself every week. with the new technology it only re-records every 3 -10 years. there is NO WAY in hell she would be able to get away with that. The only thing i can think of is that she can lie and say that she was brought to his house before he took her to the secluded vacation home. I think he didn't have cctv around his actual house. however, he may have had alibis during the time she claimed that the blond guy had kidnapped her. and it is the police's job to go find evidence if he indeed did the kidnapping. Given that he went to work everyday.. he most likely was at work during the time of the kidnapping.
there is very very very little chance that she would get away with this huge lie.
2. it didn't make sense that ben aflek's character would stay with her because of her baby. Just throw the bitch to jail and get full custody of the child. and even if it isn't HIS actual child and it's that blond dude's kid, but he really wants to take care of the kid, he CAN still throw her in jail and adopt the child and get full custody and live in peace and harmony in his giant house. it was just a dumb ending to shock viewers. it was not believable at all. I don't buy it.
codgemeister1 While I agree there were numerous plot holes I don;t accept that her "disguise" was one. All white people look alike to me so it was very convincing.
@@8alih think youre all missing the point that people were WILLING to believe her story and not doubt it. i think you missed that a large part of the film was making a point about how the media can skew the way people think and the fickleness of people in general. amy was smart at manipulating people and knew what to say when, think of how she directs ben afflecks character at the end in particular and the scene when the female cop brings up these plot holes, noone cares - in fact they seem transfixed by her/her story
Has Fincher ever made a bad movie? I mean a genuinley stinker of a movie? Saw Gone Girl last night and absolutely loved it. The only Fincher movie I haven't seen now is The Game and I get the impression that even though it maybe his weakest, it's still well liked.
Alian 3
Movie Master He has kind of disowned at since he has such a terrible time with the studio. To be honest, I quite like Alien 3 (at least the Assemby Cut).
Batman Social Network wasn't that good and know people really like it but for the life of me I can't understand why.
I thought The Curious Case of Benjamin Button was an abomination of Biblical proportions. I always pick it up as an example of how even genuinely talented people can fail completely.
Daniel Falk I don't like Fight Club, but it's not a badly made movie.
Just watched it tonight...I stayed awake throughout...that's an achievement right there, 5 ⭐ all night long...
Ending is brilliant.
Man now I'm psyched for Gone Girl. Fincher is one of my favourite directors - Fight CLub remains to be my favoruite movie of all time, and The Social Netowrk and The Game all relate to me somehow. And Se7en was a very intense movie.
Really can't wait to see Gone Girl. thanks for the review, kermode!
I usually agree with mark Kermode, but disagree IN PART which made me dislike this film. If you don't mind an ending which you won't question how the police and FBI didn't look deeper into things and are bloody gullible then you will enjoy this film. If you enjoy the whole forensics angle this film portrays then you will NOT like it. It completely falls apart in the last 20 minutes because the police and FBI completely buy what a person who has been apparently kidnapped tells them. After all the clever work they do to try and find this missing girl, they just believe whatever she says and don't look into her story. I would have preferred it if the police WERE stupid, but they were not portrayed like this so this is why you are left asking questions, and not in a good way, but a frustrating way.
1) it's fiction 2) they never went to great lengths to find Amy at all? They were more invested in criminalising Nick, and getting him charged with murder even without a body 3) the police lady was extremely suspicious towards these plot holes but as you saw Amy managed to cut her off & get away with it and that's just the way it is. The fact that you hate this proves this it's a good convincing film ironically; you're treating it like its a real crime investigation and not some flimsy story but remember that it's all done on purpose.
***** Right, so by your theory everyone here who agrees with me proves that this film is a convincing film ironically?! This film DOES want you to treat it like a real crime investigation that's why I hated the ending. I was also annoyed at the fact that after the police woman questions her nothing more is done. Even the other police guy tells her husband to stop questioning things and just enjoy his wife is back. But by your theory lets just say that's the way things are and not question films. So as I said in my first post. If you like films that you don't have to question what is going on, like yourself, then you will like the film. I question things, so I didn't like the ending.
***** hahaha, or just pure laziness and you are a fool for thinking it is genius... nevermind.
Raymi Salas there is nothing lazy about writing a compelling novel with a deliberately frustrating ending. art is supposed to make you feel something other than satisfaction at times, and this does a good job at that. i'm hardly a fool for appreciating something that managed to get under the audiences' skin so well... i also quite liked the ending, contrary to popular opinion.if it ended like it should have, it would have been too well-rounded, and thrillers are normally too sharp and complex for that. having a good ending would be an injustice to the numerous plot twists throughout the novel. it's no surprise the novel/movie ended with one too. I'm a budding writer too, so i can't help but applaud how well it was written and structured, and just appreciate the plot ending.
***** Well this is going to be a marmite film. You either love it or hate it... However I liked it, just not the ending. I just wish they could have made out the old boyfriend be some kind of recluse so that the idea of him actually being able to kidnap her would have been more believable. Enough said.
Can you do a review of one of your favourite classic movies?
Great movie! Great review! Loved it!
I think the most important question Gone Girl left us with is: Can Tyler Perry truly act? or the brevity of his appearance gave away the illusion of competence?
I loved it! Blue ruin and Gone girl have to be my favourite films of the year so far
Can't wait to see this - I'm a huge Fincher fan and have enjoyed every one of his films (except Alien3, but I hear there's a certain cut which makes the film a lot better) and don't understand the indifference to Dragon Tattoo, which I personally thought was tonnes better than the Swedish film (and its sequels). Zodiac and Se7en are still my favourites of his (but also Dragon Tattoo and The Game), I wonder how this will fare compared to them. It seems there's a certain trajectory of theatric intensity starting from The Social Network, into Dragon Tattoo and House Of Cards that seems to create something more refined and immediate and completely immersive but the concept here throws a slight curveball by including a main character that is presumably dead or missing. Fincher's very playful with formula - I've always compared him with his contemporary Steven Soderbergh, who gambles a little bit more (quite boldly) but both have a thoughtfully considered approach to the concepts they tackle. I'm on board with everything Fincher does...the only time I was slightly disappointed was Benjamin Button - but to be fair to him, I do need to revisit it to decide what I finally think about it.
Just saw this for the first time, in 2020. Fincher's best, so far. Rosamund Pike? Perfect❗❗❗❗
I love girl with the dragon tattoo
I want Gillian Flynn and Chuck Palahniuk to marry each other. It would be beautifully diabolical (yes, I know Chuck is gay).
a very good book and a very good film
Director David Fincher delivers A well acted, thrilling, intriguing, well written & twisted missing
persons thriller. (80%) (4/5 stars) (positive)
0:44 what's he saying? a "bifocated" story?
DavidGruwez en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bifurcation_(law)
The Social Network was better, but I think I may have been slightly ruined watching this film by reading the novel first. Fincher does novel adaptations very well, almost too well. I think I wanted him to add more to the text through film, rather than create a note perfect replication.
Meh - the final third was nonsense, Neil Patrick Harris was woefully miscast and Tyler Perry's performance was just nuts and bolts acting. The trail of evidence was transparent as well.
Second best Fincher film to Seven guys.... Fight Club has the tricks, Panic Room is the mainstream popcorner and Zodiac is the film for people who like to make themselves seem really highbrow.
In a scale of 1 to 10, how scary/disturbing is Gone Girl? Thanks
There's one scene that's a 10 in intensity and it's pretty absurd but the rest isn't bad at all. Some of the implications the film makes on marriage are pretty depressing though.
On a scale of 1 to 10? Hm, let's say Seven is an 8 and Zodiac is a 10, then I'd say Gone Girl is somewhere in between (8-9). At least just as bleak as Seven (but in a different way). Zodiac takes the cake, though.
As far as violence goes, it's not very bloody at all but there's one scene which made me feel sick.
And scary is a word that doesn't apply really for this film imo. Sure, it has some very suspenseful moments and the plot always keeps you busy (time passes by pretty quickly despite the long runtime), but It's rather a film that I would describe as highly uncomfortable. It's a film that doesn't make you want to run out of the theater screaming, but rather a film that makes you want to jump into the scene and change it. And the ending, without giving anything away, won't give you (the audience) what you want (which can be a good or a bad thing).
How can you review this film without mentioning the exquisite soundtrack?
So im guessing that the amazing Amy novels had messed up her mind as growing up in the shadow of a fictional self had her obvioulsy trying to live up to it because its everything she wasn't and everything that people expected to see in her.
Worst movie I've seen recently. Why did the cops not check for her 'head wound'? Awful film.
She gave herself a head wound with the hammer blow in the bathroom when she was incognito as Nancy.
so basically you found one flaw and that means the entire film is bad? That seems a little harsh, no?
+George Holborn that was a glaring floor, the whole movie stank. Are you a little happier about my opinion now?
+yeowart I hate a glaring floor, sometimes cleaners need to know when to stop cleaning.
Shot in 6K? wtf?
Sorry, but the good doctor is wrong about this film. It's not believable at all.
The plot had loads of holes in it and it felt like a 'paint by numbers' effort in the second half. The film had the most obvious midpoint scene that I have ever watched. I actually looked at my watch to confirm it, and it was exactly half way through the running time. Plot points from the first half of the film were left unresolved and the ending felt rushed and 'tacked on'.
So true
I have to agree. When the movie was wrapping up I found myself screaming about how this woman could be certain Desi (Neil Patrick Harris) didn't have an alibi for the day she went missing or the times when she claims to have been assaulted. I just hated that third act of this film.
Like what?
I think a lot of the things in the movie are not supposed to be resolved in some weird social pressure way. Or are you aiming at something else?
Geerhardus Fox I wondered how the other man she had accused of rape and staged the same scene with hadn't come forward. I still liked it though.
See this is the issue with "plot holes". Idiots attempting to sound smart for once in their lives by picking out "errors" in movies when in actual fact they are not plot holes at all.
Sometimes you can over analyse stuff. Yes, all of stuff concerning the performances, the direction, the look, the social comment are well made BUT movies tell stories and if the story does not hold together, then the movie does not hold together. Great movies are based on great stories and the final third of this story is vapour thin.
The plot and acting were absurdly bad.
In my Top Ten,,,,,,
Whats all the talk of misogyny and pornography in the comments? I have heard of some pretty explicit sex scenes and nudity but what gives? i guess i am a miss as usually:(
Where do I get a refund for my theatre ticket ? What the hell was there to like about this movie ? Personally I thought it was boring and I didn't give a damn for anyone in it. It took itself far too seriously but didn't bother to be believable or true to its intention. I watched All Good Things recently, go rent that and don't waste your time with this drip of a movie .
I loved it
I dont buy that Amy was gonna kill herself.narcissists dont commit suicide.
I found this film to he remarkable all the way through until the end where it massively falls of a cliff. All the tension and suspense that is built all the way through is lost for me. I just just wanted the woman to get her comeuppance and when it didn't happen it fell flat for me and hit the wrong note.
Gone Girl isn't about a man who is wrongfully accused of murder and finally gets justice. It's about the fact that these two people - Nick and Amy - deserve each other. That detail seems to fly over people's heads. He chooses to stay with her because if he was with anyone else, a nice "normal" girl, he'd turn into his father. Amy forces him to be better. Remember the line "the only time you ever liked yourself was when you were pretending to be someone this c**t might like". Nick is not as crazy as Amy, but he's not a saint either because he had an affair with a college student and used Amy's parents money to open a bar business. He pretended to be someone different to get Amy, and then completely neglected himself/the relationship after. The book explains it far better - the movie makes Nick a far more sympathetic character.
The rich guy came in her and her husband is going to look after the baby? Wtf
"Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" flashy but empty??????? I thought I liked Kermode
Good film, too long. I liked zodiac too.
I didn't like it. Just found it very unlikely
The novel was garbage.
I read that Fincher uses the weakness of some elements of the novel to his strength. For example some (I've read) call the novel mysogynistic, but critics say that that just fits right into Fincher's bleak world. Or others talk about how the plot in the novel becomes more and more ludicrous as it goes along, but if you remember the Game or Seven then you'll realize that that doesn't really seem a problem in a Fincher film (at least to me).
I haven't read the novel, but if Fincher can turn a screenplay about Facebook into an exciting film, then I'm also convinced he can turn a weak novel into a very good film.
I've no doubt it's possible, though I haven't seen the film. Film and novel are entirely different forms and have different languages and rhythms. The novel's pretty repellent - it's basically the Criminally Psychotic Woman all over again - and the characters are about as deep and interesting as those in a school project. It's different when a novel has merits of its own - film can't really capture the richness of a great story.
Tom Waits He didn't write the film
nostalgicejaculating I never wrote that. Pointless comment is pointless.
As well with the film. Quite fitting
Mark needs to take a chill pill.
Am I the only person who found Pike unwatchable in this?!
ms pike..opening your eyesvery wide is not acting..