1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. 2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds. 2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal. 4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent. 11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing. 3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel. 4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge. 5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven. 6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise. 82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy. 157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful. 158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided. 168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy. 169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know. 170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided? 171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand. 219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think. 222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.” 268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing. 275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever. 276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate. 277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve. 278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers. 279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged. 280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew. 281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged. 10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks. 11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down. 12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.” 13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!” 14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.” 15 He said, “You are of those given respite.” 16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path. 17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.” 18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all. 19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.” 20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.” 21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.” 22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?” 23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.” 24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.” 25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.” 26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed. 27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe. 28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?” 29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.” 30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided. 31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive. 32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know. 33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.” 34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it. 35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. 36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever. 170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise. 171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector. 172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether. 85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers. Read The Quran
My late wife enjoyed it. We first talked about it because we were curious. Then one night after having a few drinks, things started to happen, then "it" happened. Became a regular thing after that, sober.
Excuse me, where are you from? I dated an English girl once, but sadly she broke up after I try it twice with her in a night. Initially she said nothing, but a few days later she told she didn't want to be in a relationship. I've heard that in England common people are strongly against.
I really like your show because you ask the questions that many would like to know but would be embarrassed to talk about over dinner. Keep up the good work.
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. 2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds. 2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal. 4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent. 11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing. 3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel. 4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge. 5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven. 6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise. 82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy. 157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful. 158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided. 168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy. 169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know. 170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided? 171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand. 219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think. 222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.” 268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing. 275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever. 276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate. 277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve. 278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers. 279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged. 280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew. 281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged. 10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks. 11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down. 12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.” 13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!” 14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.” 15 He said, “You are of those given respite.” 16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path. 17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.” 18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all. 19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.” 20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.” 21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.” 22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?” 23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.” 24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.” 25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.” 26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed. 27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe. 28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?” 29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.” 30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided. 31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive. 32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know. 33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.” 34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it. 35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. 36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever. 170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise. 171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector. 172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether. 85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers. Read The Quran
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. 2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds. 2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal. 4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent. 11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing. 3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel. 4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge. 5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven. 6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise. 82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy. 157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful. 158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided. 168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy. 169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know. 170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided? 171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand. 219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think. 222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.” 268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing. 275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever. 276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate. 277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve. 278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers. 279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged. 280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew. 281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged. 10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks. 11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down. 12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.” 13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!” 14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.” 15 He said, “You are of those given respite.” 16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path. 17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.” 18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all. 19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.” 20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.” 21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.” 22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?” 23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.” 24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.” 25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.” 26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed. 27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe. 28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?” 29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.” 30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided. 31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive. 32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know. 33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.” 34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it. 35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. 36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever. 170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise. 171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector. 172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether. 85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers. Read The Quran
Hetro anal sex hasn't become more common. It's just being admitted to more often because there's now less of a stigma about it. As for why some women do it and some don't, some get off on it and some don't. Pretty simple, really. Helps if the man knows what he's doing, that's for sure. Or at least, so I'm told.
I have no idea what your deal is. But you are absolutely incredible. Your mannerisms are adorable. You try your best to stick to facts. You try your best to keep an open mind. You genuinely seem to care about your work. And you respect peoples time, well, people in general. I didn't know they made people like you anymore. But I'm glad you are here. The opening to this video killed me. You are hands down one of the best channels on this platform.
@@carpediem4512 "The opening to this video killed me." If that isn't good enough... Idk. Cus that's what pushed me over the edge to post. Ok. Fine. I mean, I agree with a lot of what she says. She is a very component and well organized presenter. From my own experience some women hate it to the point they can't even bring themselves to consider trying it, some woman love it more than the standard affair. One actually did use it as a form of contraception. Seems to match up alright with her facts and numbers. I tried it myself just to see what all the f'king fuss was about. I was raised to never ask of others what you wouldn't do for them. It doesn't do anything for me personally. But it was impossibly easy. I was excepting a painful mess, tearing and seepage, all that jazz. It's literally nothing but a bit of pressure if you do it right. If interested, I highly recommend training yourself, so you can kind of feel everything out, and you can go at your own pace. You can literally do it in one day if you pay close enough attention. I know, because I did. Women can no longer use the excuses. It is 99% mental and 1% physical. Because I am... lets call it... sexually enlightened, yeah that's a nice way to put it, I didn't have to ease into it. I already knew what to expect. You see all these crazy contraptions, they tell you to start small, etc. Nah, I got something that was similar in size to myself, lubed everything up proper, and jumped into the deep end feet first. You know, put in the work. Again, it is so unbelievably easy. It made me lose a bit of respect for women. Cus... Eh... TMI TBH. It would be beneficial for both parties to have a second option. That's probably fine enough. Also, don't know if its related, but I haven't had a hemorrhoid since trying it. I also struggle with dehydration and used to have semi frequent rectal tears. Now I only get those in the summer, and they are no where near as bad. And I only did it a couple times until: 1) It could go all the way in. 2) it was no longer uncomfortable going in and out. So my best guess it that it requires very little upkeep. So, there could be potential health benefits. I think that is all I have to say on the matter. Hope it helps.
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. 2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds. 2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal. 4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent. 11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing. 3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel. 4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge. 5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven. 6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise. 82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy. 157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful. 158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided. 168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy. 169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know. 170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided? 171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand. 219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think. 222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.” 268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing. 275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever. 276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate. 277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve. 278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers. 279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged. 280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew. 281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged. 10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks. 11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down. 12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.” 13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!” 14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.” 15 He said, “You are of those given respite.” 16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path. 17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.” 18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all. 19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.” 20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.” 21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.” 22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?” 23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.” 24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.” 25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.” 26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed. 27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe. 28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?” 29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.” 30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided. 31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive. 32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know. 33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.” 34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it. 35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. 36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever. 170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise. 171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector. 172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether. 85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers. Read The Quran
Dr. Malik your content is always appreciated and ever so informative! Even more so appreciated, is your transparency with the information you provide ☺️
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. 2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds. 2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal. 4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent. 11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing. 3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel. 4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge. 5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven. 6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise. 82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy. 157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful. 158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided. 168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy. 169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know. 170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided? 171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand. 219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think. 222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.” 268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing. 275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever. 276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate. 277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve. 278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers. 279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged. 280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew. 281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged. 10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks. 11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down. 12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.” 13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!” 14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.” 15 He said, “You are of those given respite.” 16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path. 17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.” 18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all. 19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.” 20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.” 21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.” 22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?” 23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.” 24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.” 25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.” 26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed. 27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe. 28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?” 29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.” 30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided. 31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive. 32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know. 33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.” 34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it. 35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. 36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever. 170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise. 171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector. 172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether. 85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers. Read The Quran
I think in Latin cultures it's been a thing for a while. It originally came from Catholic girls wanting to preserve their vaginal virginity for marriage, so oral and anal sex were outlets. In some of the countries with a lot of West African culture, like Cuba and Brazil, there was a big emphasis on the beauty of large butts and it became a fixation. So those factors combined made it a cultural obsession. I'm not sure of Latin women have a higher percentage of women who prefer it to vaginal, but it wouldn't surprise me
But if they were really religious, they would not have sex at all. I was Catholic and converted to Jehovah's Witnesses. Now, I am an atheist. Both religions made it very clear that you cannot engage in any sexual activity until you are married.
In Latin cultures besides the fixation for large hips and small waists(because latin women in general do not carry “big” breasts. You learn to like what you have available), it has been for the same old reason as anywhere else: to have sex without unwanted pregnancies. That hasn’t changed much throughout history; now people rationalize it as “variety” but it remains the same, an alternative to vaginal intercourse
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. 2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds. 2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal. 4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent. 11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing. 3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel. 4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge. 5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven. 6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise. 82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy. 157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful. 158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided. 168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy. 169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know. 170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided? 171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand. 219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think. 222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.” 268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing. 275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever. 276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate. 277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve. 278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers. 279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged. 280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew. 281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged. 10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks. 11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down. 12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.” 13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!” 14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.” 15 He said, “You are of those given respite.” 16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path. 17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.” 18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all. 19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.” 20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.” 21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.” 22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?” 23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.” 24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.” 25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.” 26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed. 27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe. 28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?” 29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.” 30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided. 31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive. 32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know. 33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.” 34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it. 35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. 36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever. 170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise. 171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector. 172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether. 85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers. Read The Quran
@@22wabbit This is why I don't listen to doctors who go to UA-cam that provide this information. Its rarely in-depth reviews of actual studies its a synopsis and conclusion without the meat. Some of the answers given by respondents may be valid but ultimately the information is tainted by the ridiculously small sample size. Not to dismiss anyone either but, when the average person hears "majority" they apply that to everyone they see and know even if that majority only reflects 28 people.
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. 2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds. 2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal. 4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent. 11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing. 3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel. 4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge. 5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven. 6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise. 82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy. 157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful. 158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided. 168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy. 169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know. 170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided? 171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand. 219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think. 222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.” 268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing. 275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever. 276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate. 277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve. 278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers. 279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged. 280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew. 281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged. 10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks. 11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down. 12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.” 13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!” 14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.” 15 He said, “You are of those given respite.” 16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path. 17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.” 18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all. 19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.” 20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.” 21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.” 22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?” 23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.” 24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.” 25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.” 26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed. 27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe. 28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?” 29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.” 30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided. 31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive. 32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know. 33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.” 34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it. 35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. 36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever. 170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise. 171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector. 172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether. 85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers. Read The Quran
My experience with women who enjoy such things is that they like it and want it. Not all the time, but when in the mood it was what they wanted. And all the women that I have known could easily reach orgasm and even said it is a different kind of orgasm.
My experience as well. At least, the women's experience, not me. I was always the "giver" in this situation. Usually protracted arousal was a requirement, but my wife really surprised me one night right after we left a club. There was some alcohol involved, but not a lot. Just enough.
Its free birth control😂 jk, but to me, its an acquired taste that I developed. The feeling alone now is enough for me to start shaking. Definitely a nerve of some sort. But also its like reverse… ing… there’s a level of closeness i feel with my husband. Maybe same as oral. Its the level of intimate closeness that makes me very stimulated and i actually like feeling uncomfortable during intimacy.
It sounds like we need a study on " regular" woman. Meaning, not drug abusers. The woman I've been with actually wanted anal intercourse and I did not push them in that direction. They initiated it.
Uhm..... Drug abusers ARE STILL REGULAR WOMEN. what do you even MEAN by that? Smh. 😂😂. They just have an addiction problem. Nothing more, nothing less.
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. 2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds. 2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal. 4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent. 11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing. 3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel. 4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge. 5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven. 6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise. 82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy. 157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful. 158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided. 168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy. 169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know. 170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided? 171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand. 219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think. 222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.” 268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing. 275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever. 276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate. 277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve. 278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers. 279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged. 280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew. 281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged. 10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks. 11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down. 12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.” 13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!” 14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.” 15 He said, “You are of those given respite.” 16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path. 17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.” 18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all. 19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.” 20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.” 21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.” 22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?” 23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.” 24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.” 25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.” 26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed. 27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe. 28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?” 29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.” 30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided. 31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive. 32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know. 33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.” 34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it. 35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. 36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever. 170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise. 171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector. 172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether. 85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers. Read The Quran
they wanted them "to have a history of illicit drug use", that is weird, so why not just women without the drug history? Sounds as if the researchers had a bias as to what types of women engage in anal sex.
Not a statistically significant size of the study and very biased by only including drug users. I suspect the results would be FAR diferent if drug use wasn't a requirement to be in the survey.
😂 !!! I suspect that a lot of people have a little bit of alcohol, maybe smoke some marijuana, and or whatever while having sex of any kind. Moderate users are responsible for no shortage of liquor stores, marijuana dispensaries, pharmacies or where ever else people get their accouterments to enhance their romantic adventures.
@@Raymond-rr5iv That sounds like casual users doesn't sound like people, who are in a " Drug Abuse Program"...and the Data of the study itself was only based on 32 people.....hardly enough considering the number of people in the, say, 20-40 year old group.
I am disappointed that she based an entire presentation on this one small, dated, and biased sample. I don't think that a meaningful generalization could be made from this one small sample. I am a high school science teacher. Her presentation is well composed and professional, but if this were my student giving this presentation, I would definitely take off a large amount of points for not having more sources and better data to support their conclusions.
The size of the study wasnt statistically significant. However, at the same time one persons suspicion that the results would differ is also not statistically significant. Even if everyone had the same suspicion it would still be less significant than the small study.
Can you make a video about differences between male and female libido? Does the idea that men are more sexually available while women have to be in the right mood have any biological basis, or is it more of a social construct?
My friend, I can tell you in a heart beat, the one thing that gets most women in the mood almost every time. It's that famous 4 letter word., and it is as irrefutable as the law of gravity CASH. Greetings from Melbourne, Australia.
I like 💸 and I'm a man, I do work for people and people expect more out of a job than agreed on. If they are not clear about their terms then you either walk away or get paid in full before the job starts.
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. 2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds. 2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal. 4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent. 11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing. 3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel. 4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge. 5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven. 6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise. 82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy. 157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful. 158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided. 168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy. 169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know. 170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided? 171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand. 219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think. 222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.” 268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing. 275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever. 276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate. 277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve. 278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers. 279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged. 280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew. 281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged. 10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks. 11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down. 12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.” 13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!” 14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.” 15 He said, “You are of those given respite.” 16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path. 17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.” 18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all. 19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.” 20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.” 21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.” 22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?” 23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.” 24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.” 25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.” 26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed. 27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe. 28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?” 29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.” 30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided. 31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive. 32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know. 33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.” 34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it. 35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. 36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever. 170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise. 171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector. 172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether. 85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers. Read The Quran
Retired LEO, 41 years. When we worked human trafficking cases we would interview the women. Anal sex was frequently requested by the Johns or clients if that term is preferred. There was a lot of alcohol and drug problems with these young women. There were also a lot of STDs.
@@Omegacrafton they're called STI's now ... they used to be called Sexually Transmitted diseases... I guess some people were offended so they changed it to infection (kidding)
Sexually transmitted diseases. So better keep it in your pants like myself and stay healthy. Sex is dangerous if you don't have a stable relationship based on full trust. @@Omegacrafton
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. 2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds. 2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal. 4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent. 11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing. 3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel. 4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge. 5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven. 6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise. 82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy. 157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful. 158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided. 168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy. 169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know. 170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided? 171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand. 219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think. 222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.” 268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing. 275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever. 276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate. 277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve. 278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers. 279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged. 280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew. 281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged. 10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks. 11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down. 12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.” 13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!” 14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.” 15 He said, “You are of those given respite.” 16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path. 17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.” 18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all. 19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.” 20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.” 21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.” 22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?” 23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.” 24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.” 25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.” 26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed. 27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe. 28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?” 29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.” 30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided. 31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive. 32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know. 33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.” 34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it. 35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. 36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever. 170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise. 171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector. 172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether. 85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers. Read The Quran
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. 2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds. 2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal. 4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent. 11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing. 3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel. 4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge. 5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven. 6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise. 82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy. 157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful. 158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided. 168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy. 169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know. 170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided? 171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand. 219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think. 222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.” 268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing. 275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever. 276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate. 277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve. 278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers. 279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged. 280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew. 281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged. 10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks. 11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down. 12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.” 13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!” 14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.” 15 He said, “You are of those given respite.” 16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path. 17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.” 18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all. 19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.” 20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.” 21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.” 22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?” 23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.” 24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.” 25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.” 26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed. 27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe. 28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?” 29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.” 30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided. 31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive. 32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know. 33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.” 34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it. 35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. 36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever. 170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise. 171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector. 172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether. 85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers. Read The Quran
@@poulwinther the people in the study were attendees of drug abuse clinics and those getting tested for STIs. I don't even see how this study is relevant
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. 2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds. 2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal. 4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent. 11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing. 3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel. 4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge. 5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven. 6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise. 82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy. 157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful. 158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided. 168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy. 169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know. 170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided? 171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand. 219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think. 222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.” 268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing. 275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever. 276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate. 277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve. 278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers. 279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged. 280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew. 281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged. 10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks. 11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down. 12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.” 13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!” 14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.” 15 He said, “You are of those given respite.” 16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path. 17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.” 18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all. 19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.” 20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.” 21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.” 22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?” 23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.” 24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.” 25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.” 26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed. 27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe. 28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?” 29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.” 30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided. 31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive. 32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know. 33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.” 34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it. 35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. 36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever. 170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise. 171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector. 172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether. 85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers. Read The Quran
I always love watching your videos. They are very informative and educational. You always give your info in a very straight-forward, matter-of-fact way. I wish there more well informed and knowledgeable people doing this kind of video on UA-cam.
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. 2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds. 2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal. 4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent. 11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing. 3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel. 4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge. 5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven. 6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise. 82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy. 157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful. 158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided. 168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy. 169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know. 170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided? 171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand. 219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think. 222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.” 268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing. 275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever. 276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate. 277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve. 278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers. 279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged. 280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew. 281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged. 10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks. 11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down. 12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.” 13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!” 14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.” 15 He said, “You are of those given respite.” 16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path. 17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.” 18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all. 19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.” 20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.” 21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.” 22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?” 23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.” 24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.” 25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.” 26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed. 27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe. 28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?” 29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.” 30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided. 31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive. 32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know. 33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.” 34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it. 35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. 36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever. 170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise. 171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector. 172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether. 85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers. Read The Quran
I don't understand how you can make the assumption that the results of this test group reflect the general population of women. If this were a study of women from a certain geographical area or religion or economic status - it would be hard to extrapolate the results to all women. This was a very specific subset of women that I suspect doesn't represent the female population as a whole in any way, let alone sexual practices. Having said that I do think, without any empirical evidence, that the 50% figure is correct esp as the study ignores a key point which was frequency. Some of the women in the study might have had anal sex only once or twice and never again v.s. those women who find pleasure in it. If you factor in women who have experimented with anal sex then the percentage would be much higher than the percentage of women who enjoy anal sex and want it as part of their regular love making.
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. 2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds. 2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal. 4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent. 11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing. 3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel. 4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge. 5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven. 6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise. 82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy. 157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful. 158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided. 168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy. 169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know. 170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided? 171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand. 219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think. 222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.” 268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing. 275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever. 276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate. 277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve. 278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers. 279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged. 280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew. 281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged. 10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks. 11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down. 12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.” 13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!” 14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.” 15 He said, “You are of those given respite.” 16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path. 17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.” 18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all. 19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.” 20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.” 21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.” 22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?” 23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.” 24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.” 25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.” 26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed. 27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe. 28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?” 29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.” 30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided. 31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive. 32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know. 33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.” 34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it. 35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. 36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever. 170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise. 171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector. 172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether. 85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers. Read The Quran
Being pregnant is fatal for me 😢 I actually fantasized about Anal Sex after I was married because there was no fear of becoming pregnant, I could truly enjoy the sensations without anxiety. Sadly, my boyfriend passed away before we were physically intimate (2020 happened). Needless to say, I have no doubts or fears about it for my future partner. 😊
Anal is such an enjoyable and personal thing for me, however I gotta be more picky and selective with who I allow that with because I had a previous relationship who continued after I told them I was dry and it hurt really bad during. So I appreciate you breaking this down
For me, it's because I have a big backside, and I've always got extra attention in that area because of it. Also, it just feels more intense to go that extra step and let him experience all of me in every way.
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. 2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds. 2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal. 4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent. 11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing. 3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel. 4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge. 5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven. 6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise. 82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy. 157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful. 158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided. 168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy. 169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know. 170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided? 171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand. 219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think. 222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.” 268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing. 275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever. 276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate. 277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve. 278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers. 279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged. 280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew. 281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged. 10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks. 11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down. 12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.” 13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!” 14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.” 15 He said, “You are of those given respite.” 16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path. 17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.” 18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all. 19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.” 20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.” 21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.” 22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?” 23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.” 24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.” 25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.” 26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed. 27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe. 28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?” 29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.” 30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided. 31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive. 32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know. 33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.” 34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it. 35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. 36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever. 170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise. 171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector. 172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether. 85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers. Read The Quran
@ I am definitely open to it, my problem is getting her to be open to it, every time I try to instigate it, I get a resounding No, and if I drop hints a 2nd time I get a “Hell No”. One time I didn’t ask and just tried it, she turned around so fast and bitch slapped me so hard that she left a hand print on my face. 😞
@WangChung69 Well, I don't know how long you've been with your lady, but perhaps it's just not her thing. Most women aren't into like that, however, there's plenty of ladies that love it. You just have to find the lady who's willing to at least try it.
I wish this channel had more female viewers because the comment section is always skewed to male perspective. Nothing worse than people presuming to speak for another group that they clearly don't understand. Obviously, it more valuable to hear directly from the group in question.
I don't think it's becoming "increasingly" common in so much as there's less of a stigma to it than there used to be so more women are admitting they enjoy it.
Yep! I was lucky enough to have a curious girlfriend and let me have that part, but after that I experience another burden a man needs to control, the pleasure was so insane that actually make me addicted to it but, not all women like it and that is why is a problem because you need to hold yourself, contain your animal lust, I do not force myself to women nor like to hurt them regardless some like it that way, stay away of that dangerous situation if you are not into it. Thanks Dr as always the right information!🌹🕊
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. 2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds. 2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal. 4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent. 11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing. 3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel. 4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge. 5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven. 6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise. 82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy. 157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful. 158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided. 168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy. 169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know. 170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided? 171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand. 219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think. 222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.” 268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing. 275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever. 276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate. 277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve. 278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers. 279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged. 280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew. 281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged. 10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks. 11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down. 12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.” 13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!” 14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.” 15 He said, “You are of those given respite.” 16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path. 17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.” 18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all. 19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.” 20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.” 21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.” 22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?” 23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.” 24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.” 25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.” 26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed. 27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe. 28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?” 29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.” 30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided. 31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive. 32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know. 33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.” 34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it. 35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. 36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever. 170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise. 171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector. 172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether. 85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers. Read The Quran
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. 2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds. 2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal. 4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent. 11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing. 3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel. 4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge. 5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven. 6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise. 82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy. 157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful. 158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided. 168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy. 169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know. 170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided? 171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand. 219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think. 222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.” 268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing. 275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever. 276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate. 277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve. 278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers. 279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged. 280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew. 281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged. 10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks. 11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down. 12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.” 13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!” 14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.” 15 He said, “You are of those given respite.” 16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path. 17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.” 18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all. 19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.” 20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.” 21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.” 22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?” 23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.” 24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.” 25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.” 26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed. 27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe. 28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?” 29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.” 30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided. 31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive. 32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know. 33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.” 34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it. 35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. 36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever. 170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise. 171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector. 172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether. 85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers. Read The Quran
One of the guys I worked with stated that his wife couldn't/wouldn't use birth control pills so they almost exclusively engaged in anal sex(as birth control?)
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. 2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds. 2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal. 4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent. 11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing. 3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel. 4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge. 5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven. 6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise. 82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy. 157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful. 158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided. 168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy. 169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know. 170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided? 171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand. 219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think. 222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.” 268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing. 275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever. 276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate. 277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve. 278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers. 279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged. 280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew. 281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged. 10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks. 11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down. 12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.” 13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!” 14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.” 15 He said, “You are of those given respite.” 16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path. 17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.” 18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all. 19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.” 20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.” 21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.” 22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?” 23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.” 24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.” 25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.” 26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed. 27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe. 28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?” 29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.” 30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided. 31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive. 32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know. 33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.” 34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it. 35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. 36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever. 170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise. 171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector. 172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether. 85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers. Read The Quran
I’ve found 90% say “hurts/too big/ front side better” but a few of my GF’s loved it…and ONE actually preferred it! and had multiple orgasms every time, therefore vaginal became a very welcome treat for me. She noted that her sister shared the phenomenon.
When I was a high school sex education teacher I told my students that all forms of human sexuality were OK providing both partners got pleasure from it. Being Catholic I taught this class from a heterosexual perspective.
As a Catholic you should know that anal sex is Sodomy and Sodomy is a mortal sin. If you die with one mortal sin on your soul you go straight to hell. That is normative Catholic Teaching. If you don’t believe me read your Catechism. And as a teacher who is teaching it that means you unwittingly in this case were teaching others to commit mortal sin. I am not Judging you as we all sin but I am encouraging you as a fellow Catholic to please go to confession. You don’t have to believe a word I just wrote just research for yourself. I hope this helps you! God Bless!
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. 2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds. 2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal. 4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent. 11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing. 3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel. 4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge. 5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven. 6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise. 82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy. 157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful. 158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided. 168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy. 169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know. 170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided? 171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand. 219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think. 222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.” 268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing. 275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever. 276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate. 277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve. 278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers. 279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged. 280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew. 281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged. 10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks. 11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down. 12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.” 13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!” 14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.” 15 He said, “You are of those given respite.” 16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path. 17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.” 18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all. 19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.” 20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.” 21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.” 22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?” 23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.” 24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.” 25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.” 26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed. 27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe. 28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?” 29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.” 30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided. 31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive. 32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know. 33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.” 34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it. 35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. 36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever. 170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise. 171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector. 172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether. 85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers. Read The Quran
Over all my years..most of the women I have been with at least wanted to try it.90% really enjoyed it and wanted it on the regular. The few that didn't had had a previous negative experience before me and just couldn't relax. So overall I feel if you know what you're doing it can be quite pleasurable for you and her.
It seems like this study was trying to prove that anal was something forced on women. A drug rehab clinic is a perfect place to skew statistics towards sexual assault. I’ve met many women who report really enjoying anal, and with the anal passage so close to the clitoral nerve of course that makes sense. This idea that women are getting nothing out of anal comes apart pretty quickly when you talk to women who enjoy it. Obviously, what the individual wants and consent should be the most important factor in any interaction ) I also prefer vaginal sex, but I’ve had women ask me for this many times.
As a heterosexual guy, I have never had any desire to do that to a woman. It just seems unclean, and the idea of doing that to a woman makes me physically sick. To each their own though.
😂😅😂😅 Do you expect to get a prize for thst or something? If you won't do it to your wonan, somebody else will and she will appreciate it and go back for more. LOL!
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. 2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds. 2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal. 4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent. 11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing. 3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel. 4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge. 5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven. 6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise. 82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy. 157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful. 158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided. 168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy. 169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know. 170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided? 171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand. 219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think. 222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.” 268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing. 275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever. 276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate. 277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve. 278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers. 279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged. 280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew. 281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged. 10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks. 11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down. 12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.” 13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!” 14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.” 15 He said, “You are of those given respite.” 16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path. 17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.” 18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all. 19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.” 20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.” 21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.” 22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?” 23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.” 24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.” 25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.” 26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed. 27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe. 28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?” 29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.” 30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided. 31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive. 32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know. 33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.” 34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it. 35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. 36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever. 170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise. 171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector. 172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether. 85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers. Read The Quran
My beloved late wife & I did this about 5 or 6 times in our 34 years together. While certainly not a "mainstay", it was a REALLY fun alternative that we both enjoyed. Just a bit of "rambunctious kink"! Lord, I miss her so.
Sorry for your loss. Even though you miss her, be grateful that you actually do miss her. It is so rare nowadays that a marriage is healthy and loving, so thank God that you and your wife were one of the lucky ones. Best of luck.
Really sorry for your loss. I can't imigine what that kind of loss would be like. Losing a parent was the worst I can imigine, and it still hurts to this day. Losing my wife and the love of my life I don't know if I could handle that.
@@jameshawkins6619 was she old 🤔her front door so wide that why must go back door right,I for sure her back door will have trouble every where she sits 😅😢
I feel like women like to do it for three reasons (1) because they hear about from their female friends who have done it and how they liked it (2) because they feel like it’s another alternative for men who are afraid to have vaginal sex cause they don’t want to wear rubbers or get their partner pregnant. Then (3) I feel like some men and women who watch porn and see people doing it and they are interested in trying it with their partner/spouse.
Perhaps for a better understanding the doctor should give us some feedback as to what she thinks about it. Does she practice it? Does she enjoy it? It would be a lot more helpful to everyone if we hear it from a well grounded and well educated person.
Pretty much anything would be better than the "statistics" she referred to, since it was based on only 32 women, plus all of those women were chosen because they were drug users.
Hi and thank yo once again for the incredibly frank and truthful post. Given the reasons above I'm truly blessed with my lifelong partner of forever. Cheers!
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. 2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds. 2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal. 4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent. 11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing. 3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel. 4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge. 5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven. 6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise. 82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy. 157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful. 158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided. 168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy. 169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know. 170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided? 171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand. 219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think. 222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.” 268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing. 275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever. 276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate. 277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve. 278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers. 279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged. 280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew. 281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged. 10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks. 11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down. 12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.” 13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!” 14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.” 15 He said, “You are of those given respite.” 16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path. 17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.” 18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all. 19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.” 20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.” 21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.” 22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?” 23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.” 24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.” 25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.” 26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed. 27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe. 28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?” 29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.” 30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided. 31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive. 32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know. 33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.” 34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it. 35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. 36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever. 170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise. 171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector. 172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether. 85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers. Read The Quran
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. 2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds. 2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal. 4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent. 11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing. 3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel. 4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge. 5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven. 6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise. 82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy. 157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful. 158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided. 168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy. 169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know. 170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided? 171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand. 219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think. 222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.” 268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing. 275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever. 276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate. 277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve. 278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers. 279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged. 280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew. 281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged. 10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks. 11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down. 12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.” 13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!” 14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.” 15 He said, “You are of those given respite.” 16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path. 17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.” 18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all. 19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.” 20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.” 21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.” 22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?” 23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.” 24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.” 25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.” 26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed. 27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe. 28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?” 29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.” 30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided. 31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive. 32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know. 33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.” 34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it. 35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. 36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever. 170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise. 171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector. 172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether. 85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers. Read The Quran
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. 2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds. 2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal. 4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent. 11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing. 3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel. 4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge. 5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven. 6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise. 82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy. 157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful. 158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided. 168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy. 169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know. 170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided? 171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand. 219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think. 222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.” 268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing. 275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever. 276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate. 277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve. 278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers. 279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged. 280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew. 281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged. 10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks. 11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down. 12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.” 13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!” 14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.” 15 He said, “You are of those given respite.” 16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path. 17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.” 18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all. 19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.” 20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.” 21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.” 22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?” 23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.” 24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.” 25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.” 26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed. 27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe. 28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?” 29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.” 30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided. 31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive. 32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know. 33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.” 34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it. 35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. 36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever. 170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise. 171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector. 172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether. 85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers. Read The Quran
I've only experienced it with long term partners, after we've gotten to know each other really, really well... No doubt, go slow, get her ready... And, in my experience, if you know what you're doing, it's the best orgasm she's ever had, but don't make it a regular thing!
Been married 3 times, all my wives did it. First wife tried it but really didn’t like it, so only did it a couple times. Second wife thought it was something to try, we did it 3 or 4 times it,I think she was just trying to please me. My third wife….. SHE LOVED IT!!!! Of course, we couldn’t do it often, she would ask for it. All three of have died now. But good memories. To make it work 1) BOTH have to want it. 2) must be patient and slow 3) she has to TRUST you, if she says “stop” you will. 4) LUBE!!!!! Do all these, can be very loving act.
Nobody should ever be forced to do something which should evolve out of love or desire of each other…that’s awful that still people are still abused this way
I would be Interested in women's feed back on this topic however this information is useless. At the end of the day it only matters what you and your partner enjoy. As long as you have clear conversations about it.
I'm trying to figure out how I can recommend to many of my doctors your channel just to ensure that they know what you know. I'm curious about the "popularity" of AS, I think mostly because porn is so easily accessible, and "social media" promotes way too much FOMO..., especially younger girls. "... Britney said it's amazing!!" I always say "ladies choice" anyways, so whatever floats your boat. This is not a competition folks, or at least it shouldn't be. Be kind, and do what you and your partner like. Make each other happy.
Well this particular video is not one to use for promotion, since it's completely flawed. She's talking about a study based on only 32 people, which is not at all enough for valid statistics, plus all the women were drug users.
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. 2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds. 2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal. 4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent. 11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing. 3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel. 4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge. 5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven. 6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise. 82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy. 157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful. 158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided. 168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy. 169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know. 170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided? 171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand. 219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think. 222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.” 268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing. 275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever. 276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate. 277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve. 278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers. 279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged. 280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew. 281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged. 10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks. 11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down. 12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.” 13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!” 14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.” 15 He said, “You are of those given respite.” 16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path. 17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.” 18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all. 19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.” 20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.” 21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.” 22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?” 23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.” 24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.” 25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.” 26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed. 27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe. 28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?” 29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.” 30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided. 31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive. 32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know. 33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.” 34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it. 35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. 36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever. 170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise. 171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector. 172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether. 85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers. Read The Quran
I was always told it was because they didn’t want to get pregnant, I’m no expert but it used to be called going Greek, I just thought it was because they used this method to prevent pregnancy.
It’s also to preserve virginity - It’s still not all that uncommon for the woman’s mother to hang out the bloody sheets after the wedding night in Greece.
@@TraditionalAnglican While some women bleed during their first intercourse it is nowhere near everyone. A lot of people still believe that the hymen exists, but it is a myth.
Have u discussed the phisiology of anal sex, already? It might be istersting to talk about how anal sex can stimulate the nerves of the clitoris and also talk about the differences of female nerve endings structures.
My girlfriend loves it cause she finds it more satisfying. We use no kinds of drugs. Also she likes it hard. Her saying is if it doesn’t hurt it isn’t pleasurable.
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. 2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds. 2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal. 4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent. 11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing. 3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel. 4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge. 5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven. 6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise. 82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy. 157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful. 158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided. 168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy. 169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know. 170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided? 171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand. 219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think. 222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.” 268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing. 275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever. 276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate. 277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve. 278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers. 279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged. 280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew. 281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged. 10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks. 11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down. 12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.” 13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!” 14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.” 15 He said, “You are of those given respite.” 16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path. 17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.” 18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all. 19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.” 20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.” 21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.” 22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?” 23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.” 24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.” 25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.” 26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed. 27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe. 28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?” 29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.” 30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided. 31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive. 32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know. 33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.” 34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it. 35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. 36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever. 170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise. 171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector. 172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether. 85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers. Read The Quran
I was OK with it with my last boyfriend. I actually enjoyed it. But when I found out he was having sex with at least 4 other people, I felt dirty and used. He was the only one I did it with, because I thought I could trust him. He betrayed me. 😢
@@squirtohh thanks for your reply. I truly appreciate it. He was an absolute barstard. I don't date anymore. I've had enough of relationships. I can't say any of my past relationships have been good. My ex husband was abusive. I'm very happy being alone with my cavalier king charles spaniels. Their love is unconditional.
Why let your past dictate your future..as a guy I dont date as my ex,s all been bad but if that special person came along I'd grab her she might be different a one off...you should do the same because many of us guys are not bastards we have also been abused and hurt!,but you would never give us a chance because of your exes..
One of the biggest reasons why I've seen women do it is they're trying to trick you. They say I have never done that with anyone before, and I'm not a virgin but I'm a virgin that way to make you think you are this super special guy Etc. But you may be surprised if you ever talk to one of her EX's!!!!
It is so wonderful to see real caring and knowledge brought to these difficult topics. Doc, you are the very best.
Nothing is wrong in this world
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.
2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal.
4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent.
11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing.
3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel.
4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge.
5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven.
6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise.
82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy.
157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful.
158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided.
168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy.
169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know.
170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided?
171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand.
219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think.
222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.”
268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing.
275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever.
276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate.
277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve.
278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers.
279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged.
280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew.
281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged.
10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks.
11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down.
12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.”
13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!”
14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.”
15 He said, “You are of those given respite.”
16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path.
17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.”
18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all.
19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.”
20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.”
21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.”
22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?”
23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.”
24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.”
25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.”
26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed.
27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe.
28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?”
29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.”
30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided.
31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive.
32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know.
33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.”
34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it.
35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever.
170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise.
171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector.
172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether.
85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers.
Read The Quran
Just because the Rollercoaster is broke 5 to 7 days a month does not mean they close the entire theme park.. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I couldn’t have said it better myself😂👍🏻.
I went to a water park once ... They Yellow River, by I.P. Dailey ...
Brilliant 👌
Nah, just need to learn to stir the paint 😂
My late wife enjoyed it. We first talked about it because we were curious. Then one night after having a few drinks, things started to happen, then "it" happened. Became a regular thing after that, sober.
@@MrElchavdon’t be scared
My brother's wife wouldn't let him poke her in front till they were married.
Excuse me, where are you from? I dated an English girl once, but sadly she broke up after I try it twice with her in a night. Initially she said nothing, but a few days later she told she didn't want to be in a relationship. I've heard that in England common people are strongly against.
@@marvinyetter4041 I think she was right, and I think this is the right way to happen.
When Dr. Malik said "To Go A Bit Deeper" I couldn't help but Smile.😊
It went over my head. 😁
Yep I couldn’t help but smile. I was just about to put the same on here😃👍
She knows her audience well
😂😂 same here 😂😂👍
I really like your show because you ask the questions that many would like to know but would be embarrassed to talk about over dinner. Keep up the good work.
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.
2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal.
4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent.
11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing.
3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel.
4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge.
5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven.
6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise.
82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy.
157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful.
158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided.
168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy.
169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know.
170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided?
171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand.
219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think.
222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.”
268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing.
275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever.
276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate.
277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve.
278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers.
279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged.
280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew.
281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged.
10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks.
11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down.
12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.”
13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!”
14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.”
15 He said, “You are of those given respite.”
16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path.
17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.”
18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all.
19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.”
20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.”
21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.”
22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?”
23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.”
24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.”
25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.”
26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed.
27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe.
28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?”
29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.”
30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided.
31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive.
32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know.
33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.”
34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it.
35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever.
170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise.
171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector.
172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether.
85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers.
Read The Quran
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.
2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal.
4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent.
11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing.
3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel.
4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge.
5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven.
6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise.
82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy.
157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful.
158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided.
168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy.
169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know.
170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided?
171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand.
219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think.
222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.”
268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing.
275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever.
276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate.
277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve.
278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers.
279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged.
280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew.
281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged.
10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks.
11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down.
12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.”
13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!”
14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.”
15 He said, “You are of those given respite.”
16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path.
17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.”
18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all.
19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.”
20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.”
21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.”
22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?”
23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.”
24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.”
25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.”
26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed.
27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe.
28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?”
29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.”
30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided.
31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive.
32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know.
33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.”
34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it.
35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever.
170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise.
171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector.
172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether.
85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers.
Read The Quran
Hetro anal sex hasn't become more common. It's just being admitted to more often because there's now less of a stigma about it. As for why some women do it and some don't, some get off on it and some don't. Pretty simple, really. Helps if the man knows what he's doing, that's for sure. Or at least, so I'm told.
Maybe you could find one of the knowing ones in your community and try to steal their knowledge. Good luck!!!
Yes I mean years ago it was seen as a perversion but not anymore.
Women see it on porn,...and men talk them into it....notice how the survey said they were all drunk or high .
There's little to no detail given, in the sense of, say, having a couple beer and saying "teehee, let's go!" you know what I mean?
@@straightrippnable706 I think saying that they were drunk or high ,says it all .guys talk them into it .
I have no idea what your deal is. But you are absolutely incredible. Your mannerisms are adorable. You try your best to stick to facts. You try your best to keep an open mind. You genuinely seem to care about your work. And you respect peoples time, well, people in general. I didn't know they made people like you anymore. But I'm glad you are here. The opening to this video killed me. You are hands down one of the best channels on this platform.
Any comment on the video topic? 💯
@@carpediem4512 "The opening to this video killed me." If that isn't good enough... Idk. Cus that's what pushed me over the edge to post. Ok. Fine. I mean, I agree with a lot of what she says. She is a very component and well organized presenter. From my own experience some women hate it to the point they can't even bring themselves to consider trying it, some woman love it more than the standard affair. One actually did use it as a form of contraception. Seems to match up alright with her facts and numbers.
I tried it myself just to see what all the f'king fuss was about. I was raised to never ask of others what you wouldn't do for them. It doesn't do anything for me personally. But it was impossibly easy. I was excepting a painful mess, tearing and seepage, all that jazz. It's literally nothing but a bit of pressure if you do it right. If interested, I highly recommend training yourself, so you can kind of feel everything out, and you can go at your own pace. You can literally do it in one day if you pay close enough attention. I know, because I did. Women can no longer use the excuses. It is 99% mental and 1% physical. Because I am... lets call it... sexually enlightened, yeah that's a nice way to put it, I didn't have to ease into it. I already knew what to expect. You see all these crazy contraptions, they tell you to start small, etc. Nah, I got something that was similar in size to myself, lubed everything up proper, and jumped into the deep end feet first. You know, put in the work. Again, it is so unbelievably easy. It made me lose a bit of respect for women. Cus... Eh... TMI TBH. It would be beneficial for both parties to have a second option. That's probably fine enough.
Also, don't know if its related, but I haven't had a hemorrhoid since trying it. I also struggle with dehydration and used to have semi frequent rectal tears. Now I only get those in the summer, and they are no where near as bad. And I only did it a couple times until: 1) It could go all the way in. 2) it was no longer uncomfortable going in and out. So my best guess it that it requires very little upkeep. So, there could be potential health benefits. I think that is all I have to say on the matter. Hope it helps.
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.
2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal.
4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent.
11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing.
3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel.
4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge.
5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven.
6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise.
82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy.
157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful.
158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided.
168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy.
169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know.
170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided?
171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand.
219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think.
222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.”
268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing.
275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever.
276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate.
277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve.
278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers.
279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged.
280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew.
281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged.
10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks.
11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down.
12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.”
13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!”
14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.”
15 He said, “You are of those given respite.”
16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path.
17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.”
18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all.
19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.”
20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.”
21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.”
22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?”
23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.”
24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.”
25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.”
26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed.
27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe.
28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?”
29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.”
30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided.
31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive.
32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know.
33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.”
34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it.
35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever.
170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise.
171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector.
172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether.
85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers.
Read The Quran
I was in Malaysia, many women took it up the dumper to “remain virgins” until marriage.
I need to visit there! … … Seriously!!
@@arrjee9474like wise😂
Wait lol. Does that actually count 😅
@@VariantZilean LOL Sure. As long as the hymen is intact.
That is common in Muslim majority countries. I’ve heard that about the Muslim country I work on from a friend who owned a ladies spa.
Dr. Malik your content is always appreciated and ever so informative! Even more so appreciated, is your transparency with the information you provide ☺️
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.
2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal.
4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent.
11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing.
3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel.
4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge.
5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven.
6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise.
82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy.
157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful.
158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided.
168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy.
169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know.
170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided?
171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand.
219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think.
222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.”
268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing.
275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever.
276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate.
277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve.
278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers.
279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged.
280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew.
281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged.
10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks.
11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down.
12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.”
13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!”
14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.”
15 He said, “You are of those given respite.”
16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path.
17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.”
18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all.
19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.”
20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.”
21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.”
22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?”
23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.”
24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.”
25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.”
26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed.
27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe.
28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?”
29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.”
30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided.
31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive.
32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know.
33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.”
34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it.
35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever.
170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise.
171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector.
172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether.
85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers.
Read The Quran
I think in Latin cultures it's been a thing for a while. It originally came from Catholic girls wanting to preserve their vaginal virginity for marriage, so oral and anal sex were outlets. In some of the countries with a lot of West African culture, like Cuba and Brazil, there was a big emphasis on the beauty of large butts and it became a fixation. So those factors combined made it a cultural obsession. I'm not sure of Latin women have a higher percentage of women who prefer it to vaginal, but it wouldn't surprise me
I study or presentation on that would have been more interesting then that one on 32 woman in 2014...
But if they were really religious, they would not have sex at all. I was Catholic and converted to Jehovah's Witnesses. Now, I am an atheist. Both religions made it very clear that you cannot engage in any sexual activity until you are married.
There is no way a girl can defend her virginity while your knocking on her back door
In Latin cultures besides the fixation for large hips and small waists(because latin women in general do not carry “big” breasts. You learn to like what you have available), it has been for the same old reason as anywhere else: to have sex without unwanted pregnancies. That hasn’t changed much throughout history; now people rationalize it as “variety” but it remains the same, an alternative to vaginal intercourse
The same is true amongst the Mormon faith. Pre-marital sex is either oral or anal.
Always interesting topics on your channel.
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.
2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal.
4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent.
11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing.
3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel.
4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge.
5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven.
6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise.
82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy.
157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful.
158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided.
168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy.
169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know.
170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided?
171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand.
219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think.
222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.”
268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing.
275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever.
276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate.
277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve.
278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers.
279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged.
280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew.
281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged.
10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks.
11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down.
12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.”
13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!”
14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.”
15 He said, “You are of those given respite.”
16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path.
17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.”
18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all.
19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.”
20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.”
21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.”
22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?”
23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.”
24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.”
25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.”
26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed.
27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe.
28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?”
29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.”
30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided.
31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive.
32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know.
33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.”
34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it.
35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever.
170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise.
171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector.
172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether.
85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers.
Read The Quran
I think it's a very important info to all men. Thanks a lot Doc Reena.
@@22wabbit This is why I don't listen to doctors who go to UA-cam that provide this information. Its rarely in-depth reviews of actual studies its a synopsis and conclusion without the meat. Some of the answers given by respondents may be valid but ultimately the information is tainted by the ridiculously small sample size.
Not to dismiss anyone either but, when the average person hears "majority" they apply that to everyone they see and know even if that majority only reflects 28 people.
Yeah dude, its really important...
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.
2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal.
4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent.
11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing.
3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel.
4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge.
5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven.
6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise.
82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy.
157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful.
158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided.
168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy.
169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know.
170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided?
171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand.
219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think.
222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.”
268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing.
275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever.
276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate.
277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve.
278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers.
279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged.
280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew.
281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged.
10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks.
11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down.
12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.”
13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!”
14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.”
15 He said, “You are of those given respite.”
16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path.
17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.”
18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all.
19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.”
20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.”
21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.”
22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?”
23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.”
24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.”
25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.”
26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed.
27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe.
28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?”
29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.”
30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided.
31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive.
32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know.
33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.”
34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it.
35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever.
170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise.
171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector.
172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether.
85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers.
Read The Quran
My experience with women who enjoy such things is that they like it and want it. Not all the time, but when in the mood it was what they wanted. And all the women that I have known could easily reach orgasm and even said it is a different kind of orgasm.
My experience as well. At least, the women's experience, not me. I was always the "giver" in this situation. Usually protracted arousal was a requirement, but my wife really surprised me one night right after we left a club.
There was some alcohol involved, but not a lot. Just enough.
@@Scrappy444 same reaction from after reads such comments
Really true....
Its free birth control😂 jk, but to me, its an acquired taste that I developed. The feeling alone now is enough for me to start shaking. Definitely a nerve of some sort. But also its like reverse… ing… there’s a level of closeness i feel with my husband. Maybe same as oral. Its the level of intimate closeness that makes me very stimulated and i actually like feeling uncomfortable during intimacy.
It sounds like we need a study on " regular" woman. Meaning, not drug abusers. The woman I've been with actually wanted anal intercourse and I did not push them in that direction. They initiated it.
Or just a study. This was obviously not.
How lucky you are!
Alot of women like it
Peanut butter on the banana.
Uhm..... Drug abusers ARE STILL REGULAR WOMEN. what do you even MEAN by that? Smh. 😂😂. They just have an addiction problem. Nothing more, nothing less.
Your videos are always well written and presented.
Thanks and see you again
But poorly researched. 32 drug users in 4 groups? 9 years ago?
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.
2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal.
4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent.
11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing.
3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel.
4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge.
5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven.
6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise.
82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy.
157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful.
158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided.
168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy.
169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know.
170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided?
171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand.
219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think.
222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.”
268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing.
275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever.
276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate.
277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve.
278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers.
279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged.
280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew.
281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged.
10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks.
11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down.
12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.”
13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!”
14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.”
15 He said, “You are of those given respite.”
16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path.
17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.”
18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all.
19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.”
20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.”
21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.”
22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?”
23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.”
24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.”
25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.”
26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed.
27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe.
28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?”
29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.”
30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided.
31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive.
32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know.
33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.”
34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it.
35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever.
170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise.
171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector.
172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether.
85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers.
Read The Quran
they wanted them "to have a history of illicit drug use", that is weird, so why not just women without the drug history? Sounds as if the researchers had a bias as to what types of women engage in anal sex.
And that bias is most likely true lmfao...
these women are also a vulnerable population.
Sounds like some Christian group funded the study
Same. I knew a few girls in HS that did that with no drugs.
Which is exactly why this wasn't even "research" from the outset. Just pure nonsense.
Not a statistically significant size of the study and very biased by only including drug users. I suspect the results would be FAR diferent if drug use wasn't a requirement to be in the survey.
😂 !!! I suspect that a lot of people have a little bit of alcohol, maybe smoke some marijuana, and or whatever while having sex of any kind. Moderate users are responsible for no shortage of liquor stores, marijuana dispensaries, pharmacies or where ever else people get their accouterments to enhance their romantic adventures.
@@Raymond-rr5iv That sounds like casual users doesn't sound like people, who are in a " Drug Abuse Program"...and the Data of the study itself was only based on 32 people.....hardly enough considering the number of people in the, say, 20-40 year old group.
I am disappointed that she based an entire presentation on this one small, dated, and biased sample. I don't think that a meaningful generalization could be made from this one small sample. I am a high school science teacher. Her presentation is well composed and professional, but if this were my student giving this presentation, I would definitely take off a large amount of points for not having more sources and better data to support their conclusions.
@@roberttrimmier3276 I agree...she should do more research and find a better study,......or studies, and do this video over!
The size of the study wasnt statistically significant. However, at the same time one persons suspicion that the results would differ is also not statistically significant. Even if everyone had the same suspicion it would still be less significant than the small study.
Can you make a video about differences between male and female libido? Does the idea that men are more sexually available while women have to be in the right mood have any biological basis, or is it more of a social construct?
My friend, I can tell you in a heart beat, the one thing that gets most women in the mood almost every time.
It's that famous 4 letter word., and it is as irrefutable as the law of gravity
Greetings from Melbourne, Australia.
it's called testosterone. women who have more of it also have a higher libido.
I like 💸 and I'm a man, I do work for people and people expect more out of a job than agreed on. If they are not clear about their terms then you either walk away or get paid in full before the job starts.
@@lukebrady3728yes expensive cars and the smell of success is the key to women
Thank you for all the knowledge you share with us. My wife and i have enjoyed many of your vids.
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.
2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal.
4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent.
11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing.
3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel.
4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge.
5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven.
6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise.
82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy.
157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful.
158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided.
168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy.
169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know.
170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided?
171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand.
219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think.
222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.”
268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing.
275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever.
276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate.
277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve.
278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers.
279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged.
280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew.
281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged.
10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks.
11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down.
12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.”
13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!”
14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.”
15 He said, “You are of those given respite.”
16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path.
17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.”
18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all.
19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.”
20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.”
21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.”
22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?”
23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.”
24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.”
25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.”
26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed.
27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe.
28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?”
29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.”
30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided.
31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive.
32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know.
33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.”
34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it.
35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever.
170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise.
171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector.
172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether.
85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers.
Read The Quran
Retired LEO, 41 years. When we worked human trafficking cases we would interview the women. Anal sex was frequently requested by the Johns or clients if that term is preferred. There was a lot of alcohol and drug problems with these young women. There were also a lot of STDs.
What is STDs ?
@@Omegacrafton Sexually Transmitted Disease.
@@Omegacrafton Sexually Transmitted Disease
@@Omegacrafton they're called STI's now ... they used to be called Sexually Transmitted diseases... I guess some people were offended so they changed it to infection (kidding)
Sexually transmitted diseases. So better keep it in your pants like myself and stay healthy. Sex is dangerous if you don't have a stable relationship based on full trust. @@Omegacrafton
As always, awesome and respectful videos that are appreciated, educational and informative. 😊 Ty again
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.
2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal.
4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent.
11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing.
3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel.
4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge.
5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven.
6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise.
82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy.
157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful.
158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided.
168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy.
169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know.
170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided?
171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand.
219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think.
222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.”
268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing.
275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever.
276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate.
277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve.
278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers.
279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged.
280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew.
281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged.
10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks.
11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down.
12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.”
13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!”
14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.”
15 He said, “You are of those given respite.”
16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path.
17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.”
18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all.
19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.”
20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.”
21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.”
22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?”
23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.”
24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.”
25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.”
26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed.
27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe.
28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?”
29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.”
30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided.
31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive.
32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know.
33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.”
34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it.
35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever.
170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise.
171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector.
172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether.
85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers.
Read The Quran
WOMEN+MEN , that's what it's all about, like it!!!🎉
Ive never asked why, im just glad when i find a woman that does. So long as its consensal
It's better when it's not consensual, when it's a surprise !
@@chrisdelaplante5515 INDABUT😬
"To go a little deeper..." Well-said, Dr. Malik.
and I thought I was the only Beavis & Butthead fan on here...
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.
2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal.
4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent.
11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing.
3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel.
4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge.
5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven.
6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise.
82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy.
157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful.
158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided.
168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy.
169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know.
170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided?
171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand.
219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think.
222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.”
268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing.
275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever.
276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate.
277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve.
278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers.
279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged.
280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew.
281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged.
10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks.
11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down.
12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.”
13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!”
14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.”
15 He said, “You are of those given respite.”
16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path.
17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.”
18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all.
19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.”
20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.”
21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.”
22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?”
23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.”
24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.”
25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.”
26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed.
27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe.
28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?”
29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.”
30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided.
31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive.
32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know.
33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.”
34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it.
35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever.
170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise.
171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector.
172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether.
85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers.
Read The Quran
@@colinhooper1933 she said SEX uhh uhu uuh
Interesting study Dr. Malik! For the pool of research, needs to expand in today's society
It's not even research. "63% were high" - are bloody kidding me??
@@poulwinther the people in the study were attendees of drug abuse clinics and those getting tested for STIs. I don't even see how this study is relevant
@@Andrew54123 Exactly. But using it on her channel just reveals her ignorance based bias.
@@poulwinther I agree
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.
2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal.
4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent.
11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing.
3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel.
4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge.
5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven.
6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise.
82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy.
157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful.
158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided.
168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy.
169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know.
170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided?
171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand.
219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think.
222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.”
268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing.
275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever.
276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate.
277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve.
278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers.
279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged.
280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew.
281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged.
10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks.
11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down.
12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.”
13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!”
14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.”
15 He said, “You are of those given respite.”
16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path.
17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.”
18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all.
19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.”
20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.”
21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.”
22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?”
23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.”
24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.”
25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.”
26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed.
27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe.
28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?”
29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.”
30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided.
31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive.
32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know.
33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.”
34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it.
35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever.
170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise.
171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector.
172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether.
85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers.
Read The Quran
I always love watching your videos. They are very informative and educational. You always give your info in a very straight-forward, matter-of-fact way. I wish there more well informed and knowledgeable people doing this kind of video on UA-cam.
Rena Malik, M.D., is a brave soul and I wish all women were brave and open like her
Light on the pain if at all and it is consensual otherwise pain is totally avoidable and unneccessary
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.
2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal.
4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent.
11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing.
3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel.
4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge.
5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven.
6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise.
82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy.
157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful.
158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided.
168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy.
169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know.
170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided?
171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand.
219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think.
222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.”
268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing.
275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever.
276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate.
277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve.
278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers.
279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged.
280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew.
281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged.
10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks.
11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down.
12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.”
13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!”
14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.”
15 He said, “You are of those given respite.”
16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path.
17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.”
18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all.
19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.”
20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.”
21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.”
22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?”
23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.”
24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.”
25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.”
26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed.
27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe.
28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?”
29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.”
30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided.
31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive.
32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know.
33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.”
34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it.
35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever.
170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise.
171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector.
172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether.
85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers.
Read The Quran
What’s with the movement of her hands.
I don't understand how you can make the assumption that the results of this test group reflect the general population of women. If this were a study of women from a certain geographical area or religion or economic status - it would be hard to extrapolate the results to all women. This was a very specific subset of women that I suspect doesn't represent the female population as a whole in any way, let alone sexual practices. Having said that I do think, without any empirical evidence, that the 50% figure is correct esp as the study ignores a key point which was frequency. Some of the women in the study might have had anal sex only once or twice and never again v.s. those women who find pleasure in it. If you factor in women who have experimented with anal sex then the percentage would be much higher than the percentage of women who enjoy anal sex and want it as part of their regular love making.
The portrait seriousness and professionalism @ 0:30 - 0:36 made my day.
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.
2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal.
4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent.
11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing.
3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel.
4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge.
5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven.
6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise.
82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy.
157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful.
158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided.
168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy.
169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know.
170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided?
171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand.
219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think.
222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.”
268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing.
275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever.
276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate.
277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve.
278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers.
279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged.
280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew.
281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged.
10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks.
11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down.
12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.”
13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!”
14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.”
15 He said, “You are of those given respite.”
16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path.
17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.”
18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all.
19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.”
20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.”
21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.”
22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?”
23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.”
24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.”
25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.”
26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed.
27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe.
28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?”
29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.”
30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided.
31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive.
32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know.
33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.”
34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it.
35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever.
170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise.
171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector.
172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether.
85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers.
Read The Quran
The girl I dated a few years back said that the back door is reserved only for her husband, the front door was free for all.
she sounds so pure and innocent
For all?
The opposite at least would have made a bit of sense.
Her husband: "Sundown you better take care if I find you been creeping up her back-stairs". lol
Being pregnant is fatal for me 😢 I actually fantasized about Anal Sex after I was married because there was no fear of becoming pregnant, I could truly enjoy the sensations without anxiety. Sadly, my boyfriend passed away before we were physically intimate (2020 happened). Needless to say, I have no doubts or fears about it for my future partner. 😊
How 😮
Are you in renal failure?
Go girl ❤
I would love to be your boyfriend
@@michellekay223 sorry to hear about your boyfriend be dear
It just feels so good, the sensitivity and the pressure
Coercion sucks
Anal is such an enjoyable and personal thing for me, however I gotta be more picky and selective with who I allow that with because I had a previous relationship who continued after I told them I was dry and it hurt really bad during. So I appreciate you breaking this down
I smels bad also, isn't it?
For me, it's because I have a big backside, and I've always got extra attention in that area because of it.
Also, it just feels more intense to go that extra step and let him experience all of me in every way.
That's hot😂
You're gorgeous baby ❤
Will you marry me?
I love you❤❤❤
@@thomasstump2485what your little bird gonna do ?
perfect video and analisys . Thank you
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.
2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal.
4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent.
11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing.
3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel.
4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge.
5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven.
6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise.
82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy.
157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful.
158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided.
168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy.
169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know.
170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided?
171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand.
219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think.
222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.”
268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing.
275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever.
276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate.
277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve.
278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers.
279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged.
280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew.
281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged.
10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks.
11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down.
12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.”
13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!”
14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.”
15 He said, “You are of those given respite.”
16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path.
17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.”
18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all.
19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.”
20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.”
21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.”
22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?”
23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.”
24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.”
25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.”
26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed.
27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe.
28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?”
29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.”
30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided.
31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive.
32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know.
33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.”
34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it.
35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever.
170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise.
171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector.
172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether.
85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers.
Read The Quran
I've noticed more women over the years have straight up requested it. Although surprised, I had no problems helping them out with that request, lol.
Do you have any phone numbers that you can share ?
Ha,Ha, just kidding, but not really 😊
@WangChung69 Lol, I like the way you think. They're definitely out there, you just have to be open to it.
I am definitely open to it, my problem is getting her to be open to it, every time I try to instigate it, I get a resounding No, and if I drop hints a 2nd time I get a “Hell No”.
One time I didn’t ask and just tried it, she turned around so fast and bitch slapped me so hard that she left a hand print on my face. 😞
@WangChung69 Well, I don't know how long you've been with your lady, but perhaps it's just not her thing. Most women aren't into like that, however, there's plenty of ladies that love it. You just have to find the lady who's willing to at least try it.
You’re right and thanks for your insight👍
Where can I met these girls?
Ikr never met one or they just like alittle outside rub or just the tip
Dr Malik, could you please do a video on chronic epididymitis?
That would be a good one, for real. Anyone who has felt that knows it’s truly painful
@@thomasmcelroy4061what is that?
@@JeremyStevens-gw1hl inflammation or infection of the testicle cord
@@_Mr_Blue_Sky_ lost a testicle to that one......................
@@_Mr_Blue_Sky_ thank you for that info 😊✌️❤️
I wish this channel had more female viewers because the comment section is always skewed to male perspective. Nothing worse than people presuming to speak for another group that they clearly don't understand. Obviously, it more valuable to hear directly from the group in question.
Possibly the females are laughing at what the men write as reponses.
@@lapnoloc It would be better to correct them.
I don't think it's becoming "increasingly" common in so much as there's less of a stigma to it than there used to be so more women are admitting they enjoy it.
Yep! I was lucky enough to have a curious girlfriend and let me have that part, but after that I experience another burden a man needs to control, the pleasure was so insane that actually make me addicted to it but, not all women like it and that is why is a problem because you need to hold yourself, contain your animal lust, I do not force myself to women nor like to hurt them regardless some like it that way, stay away of that dangerous situation if you are not into it. Thanks Dr as always the right information!🌹🕊
"Not all women are free enough from tabu to learn how much they like it." - *Fixed.
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.
2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal.
4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent.
11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing.
3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel.
4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge.
5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven.
6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise.
82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy.
157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful.
158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided.
168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy.
169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know.
170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided?
171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand.
219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think.
222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.”
268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing.
275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever.
276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate.
277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve.
278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers.
279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged.
280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew.
281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged.
10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks.
11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down.
12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.”
13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!”
14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.”
15 He said, “You are of those given respite.”
16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path.
17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.”
18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all.
19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.”
20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.”
21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.”
22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?”
23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.”
24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.”
25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.”
26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed.
27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe.
28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?”
29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.”
30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided.
31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive.
32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know.
33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.”
34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it.
35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever.
170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise.
171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector.
172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether.
85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers.
Read The Quran
It can be addictive.
Yeah, in these kind of situations, being open when you receive is the more important thing. I agree with the doctor.
Bruh 🗿
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.
2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal.
4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent.
11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing.
3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel.
4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge.
5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven.
6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise.
82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy.
157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful.
158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided.
168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy.
169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know.
170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided?
171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand.
219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think.
222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.”
268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing.
275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever.
276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate.
277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve.
278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers.
279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged.
280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew.
281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged.
10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks.
11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down.
12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.”
13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!”
14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.”
15 He said, “You are of those given respite.”
16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path.
17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.”
18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all.
19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.”
20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.”
21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.”
22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?”
23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.”
24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.”
25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.”
26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed.
27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe.
28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?”
29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.”
30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided.
31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive.
32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know.
33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.”
34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it.
35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever.
170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise.
171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector.
172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether.
85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers.
Read The Quran
One of the guys I worked with stated that his wife couldn't/wouldn't use birth control pills so they almost exclusively engaged in anal sex(as birth control?)
I did that with 6 women.
You be the man‼️
unbelievable 🤔
Well soon he will be doing guys and see no problem with it.
Well IUDs and condoms do exist.
Yeah that’s definitely more of a drug study.
Great information; objective and informative! 🙏🚀
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.
2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal.
4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent.
11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing.
3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel.
4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge.
5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven.
6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise.
82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy.
157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful.
158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided.
168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy.
169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know.
170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided?
171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand.
219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think.
222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.”
268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing.
275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever.
276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate.
277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve.
278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers.
279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged.
280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew.
281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged.
10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks.
11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down.
12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.”
13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!”
14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.”
15 He said, “You are of those given respite.”
16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path.
17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.”
18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all.
19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.”
20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.”
21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.”
22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?”
23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.”
24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.”
25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.”
26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed.
27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe.
28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?”
29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.”
30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided.
31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive.
32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know.
33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.”
34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it.
35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever.
170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise.
171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector.
172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether.
85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers.
Read The Quran
She loves it ❤
sa lahat naman ng gagawin ninyo bilang magpartner ay dapat na pagusapan ninyo at pareho kayo sumasangayon lalo na pagdating sa pagtatalik 💯❤
the video we were all waiting for...
Interesting results but I would love to see a study with a larger more diverse group. Great video!
Many love it.
i do
@AQvc44 nobody cares
Less than half apparently; so that’s not an “in favor” argument to be fair
I’ve found 90% say “hurts/too big/ front side better” but a few of my GF’s loved it…and ONE actually preferred it! and had multiple orgasms every time, therefore vaginal became a very welcome treat for me. She noted that her sister shared the phenomenon.
you lucky.
My wife enjoys back door more than front door. She says her O’s are much stronger in the back door
@@billyjimbob65 you should try it in the garage or laundry room then. Intense!
@@billyjimbob65 That's cause she's a dude
Are you closer to sister now?
This study does not apply to the general population because it was conducted on a very specific sample of women (recovering addicts).
Plus it's just 32 people. It's not enough.
I’ve done it twice at the WOMANS REQUEST!
Sharing is caring !!!
When I was a high school sex education teacher I told my students that all forms of human sexuality were OK providing both partners got pleasure from it. Being Catholic I taught this class from a heterosexual perspective.
As a Catholic you should know that anal sex is Sodomy and Sodomy is a mortal sin. If you die with one mortal sin on your soul you go straight to hell. That is normative Catholic Teaching. If you don’t believe me read your Catechism. And as a teacher who is teaching it that means you unwittingly in this case were teaching others to commit mortal sin. I am not Judging you as we all sin but I am encouraging you as a fellow Catholic to please go to confession. You don’t have to believe a word I just wrote just research for yourself. I hope this helps you! God Bless!
Thank you for having an open discussion that most likely be helpful mentally for women.
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.
2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal.
4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent.
11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing.
3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel.
4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge.
5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven.
6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise.
82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy.
157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful.
158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided.
168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy.
169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know.
170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided?
171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand.
219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think.
222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.”
268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing.
275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever.
276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate.
277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve.
278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers.
279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged.
280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew.
281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged.
10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks.
11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down.
12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.”
13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!”
14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.”
15 He said, “You are of those given respite.”
16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path.
17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.”
18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all.
19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.”
20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.”
21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.”
22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?”
23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.”
24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.”
25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.”
26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed.
27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe.
28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?”
29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.”
30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided.
31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive.
32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know.
33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.”
34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it.
35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever.
170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise.
171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector.
172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether.
85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers.
Read The Quran
Over all my years..most of the women I have been with at least wanted to try it.90% really enjoyed it and wanted it on the regular. The few that didn't had had a previous negative experience before me and just couldn't relax. So overall I feel if you know what you're doing it can be quite pleasurable for you and her.
Ok, tweezer tweeter what ever YOU gay, I mean say....
It seems like this study was trying to prove that anal was something forced on women. A drug rehab clinic is a perfect place to skew statistics towards sexual assault. I’ve met many women who report really enjoying anal, and with the anal passage so close to the clitoral nerve of course that makes sense. This idea that women are getting nothing out of anal comes apart pretty quickly when you talk to women who enjoy it. Obviously, what the individual wants and consent should be the most important factor in any interaction ) I also prefer vaginal sex, but I’ve had women ask me for this many times.
As a heterosexual guy, I have never had any desire to do that to a woman. It just seems unclean, and the idea of doing that to a woman makes me physically sick. To each their own though.
Do you expect to get a prize for thst or something?
If you won't do it to your wonan, somebody else will and she will appreciate it and go back for more. LOL!
what bro you dont like s__t on your knob?
Great information. Thanks Doc.
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.
2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal.
4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent.
11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing.
3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel.
4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge.
5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven.
6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise.
82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy.
157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful.
158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided.
168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy.
169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know.
170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided?
171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand.
219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think.
222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.”
268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing.
275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever.
276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate.
277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve.
278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers.
279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged.
280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew.
281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged.
10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks.
11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down.
12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.”
13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!”
14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.”
15 He said, “You are of those given respite.”
16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path.
17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.”
18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all.
19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.”
20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.”
21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.”
22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?”
23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.”
24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.”
25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.”
26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed.
27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe.
28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?”
29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.”
30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided.
31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive.
32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know.
33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.”
34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it.
35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever.
170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise.
171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector.
172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether.
85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers.
Read The Quran
My beloved late wife & I did this about 5 or 6 times in our 34 years together. While certainly not a "mainstay", it was a REALLY fun alternative that we both enjoyed. Just a bit of "rambunctious kink"! Lord, I miss her so.
Sorry for your loss. Even though you miss her, be grateful that you actually do miss her. It is so rare nowadays that a marriage is healthy and loving, so thank God that you and your wife were one of the lucky ones. Best of luck.
I’m gonna do it one day with my boss lady.
Thank you so much for your kind words!@@tylerhill2202
Really sorry for your loss. I can't imigine what that kind of loss would be like. Losing a parent was the worst I can imigine, and it still hurts to this day. Losing my wife and the love of my life I don't know if I could handle that.
@@jameshawkins6619 was she old 🤔her front door so wide that why must go back door right,I for sure her back door will have trouble every where she sits 😅😢
Why do something to someone who doesn't enjoy it.. Good content.. thx..
0:50 - Thanks for inspiring the name of my new synthwave band! Digital Penetration!
I feel like women like to do it for three reasons (1) because they hear about from their female friends who have done it and how they liked it (2) because they feel like it’s another alternative for men who are afraid to have vaginal sex cause they don’t want to wear rubbers or get their partner pregnant. Then (3) I feel like some men and women who watch porn and see people doing it and they are interested in trying it with their partner/spouse.
This comment is more spot on than the video
Even for #2, the condom is recommended esp. for the increased risk of STD or infection due to the structure and daily function of the area.
I hate condoms and I'm scared to put my Jimmy in there without a hat
Dont thay know about Rectal propalyse...
I've had two girlfriends in the past that did not do drugs or alcohol and they wanted to do it because they liked it
If I were u I'd ghost them😂
Not hes lucky
Perhaps for a better understanding the doctor should give us some feedback as to what she thinks about it. Does she practice it? Does she enjoy it? It would be a lot more helpful to everyone if we hear it from a well grounded and well educated person.
If she blinks three times in 10-seconds while talking about it - then she's cool with it.
Pretty much anything would be better than the "statistics" she referred to, since it was based on only 32 women, plus all of those women were chosen because they were drug users.
Hi and thank yo once again for the incredibly frank and truthful post. Given the reasons above I'm truly blessed with my lifelong partner of forever. Cheers!
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.
2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal.
4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent.
11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing.
3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel.
4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge.
5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven.
6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise.
82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy.
157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful.
158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided.
168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy.
169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know.
170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided?
171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand.
219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think.
222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.”
268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing.
275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever.
276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate.
277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve.
278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers.
279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged.
280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew.
281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged.
10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks.
11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down.
12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.”
13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!”
14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.”
15 He said, “You are of those given respite.”
16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path.
17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.”
18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all.
19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.”
20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.”
21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.”
22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?”
23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.”
24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.”
25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.”
26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed.
27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe.
28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?”
29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.”
30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided.
31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive.
32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know.
33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.”
34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it.
35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever.
170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise.
171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector.
172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether.
85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers.
Read The Quran
Great video
bummer. there needs to be a bigger and better survey done this small one sounded strange.
There have been several, just not in the US and not limited to drug/alcohol users, nor limited to penile penetration...
I would accept that gift for every holiday/special event. It's the best.
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.
2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal.
4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent.
11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing.
3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel.
4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge.
5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven.
6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise.
82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy.
157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful.
158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided.
168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy.
169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know.
170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided?
171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand.
219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think.
222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.”
268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing.
275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever.
276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate.
277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve.
278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers.
279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged.
280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew.
281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged.
10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks.
11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down.
12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.”
13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!”
14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.”
15 He said, “You are of those given respite.”
16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path.
17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.”
18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all.
19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.”
20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.”
21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.”
22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?”
23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.”
24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.”
25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.”
26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed.
27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe.
28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?”
29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.”
30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided.
31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive.
32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know.
33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.”
34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it.
35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever.
170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise.
171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector.
172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether.
85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers.
Read The Quran
A woman I used to work with did it because the guy was on the small side and she felt like it'd be the best way to feel stretched/full
Good info
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.
2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal.
4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent.
11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing.
3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel.
4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge.
5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven.
6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise.
82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy.
157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful.
158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided.
168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy.
169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know.
170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided?
171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand.
219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think.
222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.”
268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing.
275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever.
276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate.
277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve.
278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers.
279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged.
280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew.
281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged.
10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks.
11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down.
12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.”
13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!”
14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.”
15 He said, “You are of those given respite.”
16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path.
17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.”
18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all.
19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.”
20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.”
21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.”
22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?”
23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.”
24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.”
25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.”
26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed.
27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe.
28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?”
29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.”
30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided.
31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive.
32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know.
33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.”
34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it.
35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever.
170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise.
171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector.
172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether.
85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers.
Read The Quran
"to go a little deeper...." Dr. Malik, you wordsmith lol
I love you❤❤
I've only experienced it with long term partners, after we've gotten to know each other really, really well... No doubt, go slow, get her ready... And, in my experience, if you know what you're doing, it's the best orgasm she's ever had, but don't make it a regular thing!
Thanks Dad!
Why not?
Humiliation is. Important for a woman's best orgasim.
@@arrjee9474 Keep her guessing... It makes things fun!!!
Thank you Doc Malik, you're my daily of ED cure 😅😅😅😮😂❤
I never ask for this, but it will come up in most relationships. I joke about it, but never ask for it.
Been married 3 times, all my wives did it. First wife tried it but really didn’t like it, so only did it a couple times. Second wife thought it was something to try, we did it 3 or 4 times it,I think she was just trying to please me. My third wife….. SHE LOVED IT!!!! Of course, we couldn’t do it often, she would ask for it. All three of have died now. But good memories. To make it work 1) BOTH have to want it. 2) must be patient and slow 3) she has to TRUST you, if she says “stop” you will. 4) LUBE!!!!! Do all these, can be very loving act.
Love your posts.
I though the most surprising part was the assertion that so many women find it pleasurable.
Nobody should ever be forced to do something which should evolve out of love or desire of each other…that’s awful that still people are still abused this way
I would be Interested in women's feed back on this topic however this information is useless.
At the end of the day it only matters what you and your partner enjoy. As long as you have clear conversations about it.
I'm trying to figure out how I can recommend to many of my doctors your channel just to ensure that they know what you know. I'm curious about the "popularity" of AS, I think mostly because porn is so easily accessible, and "social media" promotes way too much FOMO..., especially younger girls. "... Britney said it's amazing!!" I always say "ladies choice" anyways, so whatever floats your boat. This is not a competition folks, or at least it shouldn't be. Be kind, and do what you and your partner like. Make each other happy.
Well this particular video is not one to use for promotion, since it's completely flawed. She's talking about a study based on only 32 people, which is not at all enough for valid statistics, plus all the women were drug users.
Great content.
Because most people think about these things, it is good that somebody actually speaks about them!
Some women are more sensual in that area, and not drug users. I can see some may really enjoy it.
Actually all if culture hadn't scarred them.
How do you feel about it Dr. ? 🤔
Thanks, good information
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.
2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal.
4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent.
11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing.
3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel.
4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge.
5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven.
6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise.
82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy.
157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful.
158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided.
168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy.
169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know.
170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided?
171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand.
219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think.
222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.”
268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing.
275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever.
276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate.
277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve.
278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers.
279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged.
280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew.
281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged.
10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks.
11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down.
12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.”
13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!”
14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.”
15 He said, “You are of those given respite.”
16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path.
17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.”
18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all.
19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.”
20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.”
21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.”
22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?”
23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.”
24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.”
25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.”
26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed.
27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe.
28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?”
29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.”
30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided.
31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive.
32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know.
33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.”
34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it.
35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever.
170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise.
171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector.
172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether.
85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers.
Read The Quran
Thank you so much doctor!!!❤❤
"Women" these days have prostates so....
Its not up there though.
Funny as hell, and very true!😂😂
I was always told it was because they didn’t want to get pregnant, I’m no expert but it used to be called going Greek, I just thought it was because they used this method to prevent pregnancy.
It’s also to preserve virginity - It’s still not all that uncommon for the woman’s mother to hang out the bloody sheets after the wedding night in Greece.
@@TraditionalAnglican While some women bleed during their first intercourse it is nowhere near everyone. A lot of people still believe that the hymen exists, but it is a myth.
Have u discussed the phisiology of anal sex, already? It might be istersting to talk about how anal sex can stimulate the nerves of the clitoris and also talk about the differences of female nerve endings structures.
Look up Pudendal Nerve, it is in both Men and Women, and it is most often abused.
some women cannot do it with average size men or larger because they are just too physically small and inflexible in that part of their body .
Brazil here I come! Or, if you want to come to me I'm in the Santa Cruz, Ca. Area.
Wow all of this is interesting knowledge
My girlfriend loves it cause she finds it more satisfying. We use no kinds of drugs. Also she likes it hard. Her saying is if it doesn’t hurt it isn’t pleasurable.
I know, huh?! It's adorable hearing her say it
Is she okay??? If it doesn’t hurt its not pleasurable?? Has she been to therapy?
@@usaman7358creep, pain is adorable…
Be careful with her, she may have problems from that.
Thats a keeper!
Love your videos very informative
1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.
2 God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal.
4 To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. He is the Sublime, the Magnificent.
11 Originator of the heavens and the earth. He made for you mates from among yourselves, and pairs of animals, by means of which He multiplies you. There is nothing like Him. He is the Hearing, the Seeing.
3 He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel.
4 Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge.
5 Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven.
6 It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise.
82 Do they not ponder the Quran? Had it been from any other than God, they would have found in it much discrepancy.
157 Those who follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them wickedness, and unloads the burdens and the shackles that are upon them. Those who believe in him, and respect him, and support him, and follow the light that came down with him-these are the successful.
158 Say, “O people, I am the Messenger of God to you all-He to whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He. He gives life and causes death.” So believe in God and His Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, who believes in God and His words. And follow him, that you may be guided.
168 O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy.
169 He commands you to do evil and vice, and to say about God what you do not know.
170 And when it is said to them, “Follow what God has revealed,” they say, “We will follow what we found our ancestors following.” Even if their ancestors understood nothing, and were not guided?
171 The parable of those who disbelieve is that of someone who calls upon someone who hears nothing except screaming and yelling. Deaf, dumb, and blind-they do not understand.
219 They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is gross sin in them, and some benefits for people, but their sinfulness outweighs their benefit.” And they ask you about what they should give: say, “The surplus.” Thus God explains the revelations to you, so that you may think.
222 And they ask you about menstruation: say, “It is harmful, so keep away from women during menstruation. And do not approach them until they have become pure. Once they have become pure, approach them in the way God has directed you.” God loves the repentant, and He loves those who keep clean.”
268 Satan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing.
275 Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes-these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever.
276 God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate.
277 Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity-they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve.
278 O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers.
279 If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged.
280 But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew.
281 And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged.
10 We have established you firmly on earth, and made for you in it livelihood-but rarely do you give thanks.
11 We created you, then We shaped you, then We said to the angels, “Bow down before Adam;” so they bowed down, except for Satan; he was not of those who bowed down.
12 He said, “What prevented you from bowing down when I have commanded you?” He said, “I am better than he; You created me from fire, and You created him from mud.”
13 He said, “Get down from it! It is not for you to act arrogantly in it. Get out! You are one of the lowly!”
14 He said, “Give me respite, until the Day they are resurrected.”
15 He said, “You are of those given respite.”
16 He said, “Because you have lured me, I will waylay them on Your straight path.
17 Then I will come at them from before them, and from behind them, and from their right, and from their left; and you will not find most of them appreciative.”
18 He said, “Get out of it, despised and vanquished. Whoever among them follows you-I will fill up Hell with you all.
19 And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.”
20 But Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them their nakedness, which was invisible to them. He said, “Your Lord has only forbidden you this tree, lest you become angels, or become immortals.”
21 And he swore to them, “I am a sincere advisor to you.”
22 So he lured them with deceit. And when they tasted the tree, their nakedness became evident to them, and they began covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. And their Lord called out to them, “Did I not forbid you from this tree, and say to you that Satan is a sworn enemy to you?”
23 They said, “Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves. Unless You forgive us, and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.”
24 He said, “Fall, some of you enemies to one another. On earth you will have residence and livelihood for a while.”
25 He said, “In it you will live, and in it you will die, and from it you will be brought out.”
26 O children of Adam! We have provided you with clothing to cover your bodies, and for luxury. But the clothing of piety-that is best. These are some of God’s revelations, so that they may take heed.
27 O Children of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their garments, to show them their nakedness. He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them. We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe.
28 And when they commit an indecency, they say, “We found our parents doing this, and God has commanded us to do it.” Say, “God does not command indecencies. Are you attributing to God what you do not know?”
29 Say, “My Lord commands justice, and to stand devoted at every place of worship. So call upon Him, and dedicate your faith to Him alone. Just as He originated you, so you will return.”
30 Some He has guided, and some have deserved misguidance. They have adopted the devils for patrons rather than God, and they assume that they are guided.
31 O Children of Adam! Dress properly at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but do not be excessive. He does not love the excessive.
32 Say, “Who forbade God’s finery which He has produced for His servants, and the delights of livelihood?” Say, “They are for those who believe, in this present world, but exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection.” We thus detail the revelations for people who know.
33 Say, “My Lord has forbidden immoralities-both open and secret-and sin, and unjustified aggression, and that you associate with God anything for which He revealed no sanction, and that you say about God what you do not know.”
34 For every nation is an appointed time. When their time has come, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor can they advance it.
35 O Children of Adam! When messengers from among you come to you, relating to you My revelations-whoever practices piety and reforms-upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
36 But as for those who reject Our revelations, and are too proud to accept them-these are the inmates of the Fire, where they will remain forever.
170 O people! The Messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe-that is best for you. But if you disbelieve, to God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Omniscient and Wise.
171 O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain-it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him-that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector.
172 The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the favored angels. Whoever disdains His worship, and is too arrogant-He will round them up to Himself altogether.
85 Whoever seeks other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers.
Read The Quran
I was OK with it with my last boyfriend. I actually enjoyed it. But when I found out he was having sex with at least 4 other people, I felt dirty and used. He was the only one I did it with, because I thought I could trust him. He betrayed me. 😢
You deserve better glad he's an ex
@@squirtohh thanks for your reply. I truly appreciate it. He was an absolute barstard. I don't date anymore. I've had enough of relationships. I can't say any of my past relationships have been good. My ex husband was abusive. I'm very happy being alone with my cavalier king charles spaniels. Their love is unconditional.
Why let your past dictate your future..as a guy I dont date as my ex,s all been bad but if that special person came along I'd grab her she might be different a one off...you should do the same because many of us guys are not bastards we have also been abused and hurt!,but you would never give us a chance because of your exes..
Wonderful lady . Would you like to give me such a chance?😊
@@boogoodie You pick the wrong ones. I have an uncle who marries the wrong women. He divorced all of them.
Useful information!
But unreliable based on poor research.
Can men also have this experience..?
One of the biggest reasons why I've seen women do it is they're trying to trick you. They say I have never done that with anyone before, and I'm not a virgin but I'm a virgin that way to make you think you are this super special guy Etc. But you may be surprised if you ever talk to one of her EX's!!!!