I think August specifically talked about why Vi’s kit should not be ported from wild rift. I think you should look into that cause it’s kinda interesting
I was a Janna main in wild rift, after theses changes (she was closer to her PC form before a rework there) I abandoned her, automatic shields, automatic birds and automatic tornados, it was so boring to play with her after this, the only saving grace was the ultimate, but it's not nearly enough
As a wild rild player, I hate Janna's new Q, I love the old one since it was an instant engage-deny tool. Now. it is at best a CC tool and a skill to use when running away. Janna's instant Q was better before.
Something to keep in mind is that a lot of these champions were introduced as their league version then reworked years later, like shyvana, sona and janna
Was going to comment this but yeah. Definitely prefer most of wild rift changes though since it suits the champs play style on a mobile device. Definitely a good gate way into League as well. It’s what got me into League in the first place and I’ve been playing since season 1
lulu in league: unavoidable point and click cc lulu in wild rift: whimsy is a trap on the ground where the first champion who steps on it either gains movement speed(ally) or polymorphed(enemy)
Polymorph is not even Lulu's best ability, it's actually W on ally, the damage you give to you carry is absurd, it's the best steroid in the game for attack speed characters
@@hunterkinsella5303 Really isn't, most of the time you don't even need polymorph if you team has 10% brain capacity and spaces properly, we're not in assassin meta the E is more than enough
I love the Blitzcrank overclock. The slow should never be removed since it is fits his thematic as a big clunky robot so being able to overclock it fits him perfectly.
Played him recently. Both version of slow is only 1 second instead of 2 with -99% on the double cast. Can be even lower with QSS as it has a passive of reducing cc by 25% if i recall.
@@zilentecho3954it's super funny to scare enemy's lvl 7-8 ADC tho with the second cast coz u were just ZOOOMIN so fast sometimes they waste their Flash in panic😂😂
As a Vi main I can say I would kill for the Wild Rift version of her. You’re right about the sticking potential. I either have to have R or flash up to catch them after Q
The move speed is really nice, but she's has less shield now over all, kinda made damage for her harder to use as she needs 5 attacks to get the full effect of shield and move speed
@@AnaDoMatoSA true, but that does makes her feel more Vi-ish. How to stick with your opponents? Punch How to get max shield stack fast? Punch What to do to get the most out of her kit? Punch It's more fun really
@@ToastySNXZ well that's true, the only problem is that she needs to stack attacks, só after you use her dash shes gets caited easy, the only thing that saves it is that her E gives a mini range and dash when hit. To me it would be nice to have the shield like lol, with the move speed, less shield but more sticky as you have to hit abilities to gain shield
I'm a fiddlesticks main who dabbled a bit in Wild Rift and he felt soooo much better. The passive feels more thematic and impactful, it was super nice to have wards that lasted when seeing an enemy, and being able to move and auto attack during his W felt so much smoother. Only in my wildest dreams would they change the League version to match the Wild Rift one, but i can dream.
Some of these changes, like making katarinas ult letting her move, fiddlesticks moving, and janna moving were primarily because it was too easy to cancel it by moving, from what I know
While this change just happened, singed just got a whole new kit too, it's quite interesting and makes him more viable in lane and less proxy(which is already hard to do in WR)
I think he got a pretty good rework, it kept his essence but gave him more opportunities and possibilities Overall he's still the same champion but with a overall stronger kit that he REALLY needed ( and finally after years, he got the grievous wounds on R)
@@r.achmadrivaldi8598 yeah jungle works, but you need to already be good with singed in lane before you take him to jungle 😂 There's a challenger singed main in wildrift that plays him full ap in jungle with electrocute, domination runes, and I forgot the last rune lol
The Wild Rift Vi is by far the best example of a rework. She's so much better than the PC version, it's not even close. The only thing we have is Divine Sunderer. Wait. Wait...
As a one-trick Sona, I despise the changes done to her power chord on WR. A half second stun is, in no way, better than a 2 second heavy slow or a 3 second exhaust. I will absolutely not accept that change in PC. For one, It removes the "skill-expression" because it's literally removing the fast decision making needed in chaotic team fights. That's what separates a bad Sona to a good Sona player. Bad Sona players will literally face roll their keyboard to get their power chord up just to deal extra damage. Sona's meant for her buffs and debuffs, not damage or hard CC. She's not built for that. And second, her WR passive is essentially just a disrupt than an actual stun. In terms of extended fights this is bad, because you can't really lock down high priority targets with it. In situations where you need to minimize the enemy's DPS threat, a small stun isn't really gonna help much. Whereas a well placed slow is better at peeling or chasing, or an exhaust chord guarantees a better chance at winning fights Though I do agree with her ultimate. Sona literally has no zoning capability whatsoever and that makes her an easy target out of her current ultimate. Her WR ultimate aligns with her identity of being consistent in extended team fights, and it makes her just an equal a threat in terms of pressure not only because of her utility.
As someone who plays Sona in WR I have to say I agree. IMO the ultimate trade-off was worth it for WR (the new ultimate is more useful more of the time) but I understand preferring the old version
Super agree. Choosing which enhanced passive to use on your opponent was the real advantage Sona had among other supports. A free movement speed debuff, attack debuff, and bonus damage with near 0 cooldown was so awesome. I wouldn't be lying when I say that her passive is what got me to Diamond as a soloq Sona-only player. But, I do understand where they were going for with these changes and I don't hate it. Nerf the passive and Buff the ultimate. This isn't a bad trade. Besides, the new passive isn't like it has downsides. We can use the Glacial Augment rune, which is the better rune than Aery for less experienced Sona players. IMO, the overall change is a positive for me, but I will miss the old passive.
And right now, Sona rework can't be played on mid / Solo lane, Since her damage is gutted by half ( even when you are already hit 3rd level of ultimate ); and her usefullness (free exhaust and slow ) is removed ( especially when mercury treads no longer gives tenacity for free, people has to build tenacity on runes, which sacrifice damage by alot ). R.I.P. Full AP Sona in WR, you will be missed.
Fun fact, they did have the Wild Rift version of Teemo on PC at one point. It was on PBE after WR was announced but before it was released. They IceBoxed the changes and used it in WR. A lot of the changes in WR have existed in PC lol before but never made it to the final game.
Sion in wild rift is also a bit different. Mainly his passive being able to fear nearby enemies and his hp stacking move to his passive. Which mean you can start Q and still get hp from killing enemies.
Also his R now has a infinite range. You basically just Ult back to lane or just Ult to another lane to gank and be at objectives faster. There's also a red indicator signaling the direction where Sion will charge you at.
@@aprilfoola you can also do sion driving where you go through the enemy base into side lanes in sion ult tking out all the minions infinitely if you are good enough and no one tries to stop you
I think the reason why this isn't in PC is because Swain's W is semi-global in PC. Meaning he has more utility use for it outside of being just damage. In WR it's not semi-global and while it does give vision, the effective range of it is much shorter meaning there has to be a trade-off for the loss of range, and I think that's where the crit passive comes in if they're cc'ed.
@@suho_calamity I dunno about that but all I noticed that Swain W has short time of the blast. Means it doesn't take long for the eye to explode, so you had a better aiming for E grab or HP spamming...
@@VarsVerum It's ashe's ultimate from Overwatch, where she commands B.O.B to do something where B.O.B charge's at a straight line and whenever he collide with a enemy hero, he knocks them up in the air. Then he stops to shot the enemy presumably near him
As a enchanter main I love these Karma changes, no Karma top is needed tbh. Sona ult looks soo cool, I also want that For Janna I think its more complicated, it would be way too powerful and i like the reset mechanic for her e but it I think there could be some serouis imrpovement for more skill ceiling Very cool and hope to get some of this some day in a similiar way for league
Her new ult allows karma to become a dps monster if u build her full ap on sup, u do and empowered tether on ur enemy laners then ult and get an empowered q instantly, wr karma on release was ungodly broken and even after many nerfs has never been bad (and i feel like 99% of players still dont know how to use other empowered spells than q)
Just wanted to say that Shyvanna's stacks don't take any long to fully max out First objectives spawn at like 4-6 minutes, plates fall at 7;30, Baron first spawns at 12 and Elder at 18 Shyvanna can fully max out her stacks at minute 9 which makes her extremely strong currently, she's like a pick or ban atm
Nah not see her alot ATM, if you choose to play junggler and ask 9 min to stay passive, good luck because we ff at 6, alot of junggler being played are quick impact like rengo, lee, Nunu, phant, or a tank that just stay and perma cc someone.
@@vo1ce147but you dont just stay and farm until minute 9... All she need is her ult and after 1 full clear + scuttle you get it. She is incentivized to gank too because takedowns give you 15 passive stack. You CANNOT get minute 9 400 stack without any kill/assist. Rengo is broken after the rework, Lee always been good, but Nunu and Panth? Barely seen them... Its mostly just Warwick Viego Vi XZ and Shyv now. Fighters are just really broken. They can one shot you have still have the sustain to not get instakilled back.
@infiniteearth6996 point and click stays as she is a beginner mage... throw a skill shot in the mix and she becomes a different champion (and not one that can counter some assassins)... Lux would take that spot then as because of many reasons
For Sona I would like the best of both worlds keep power chord from PC version and take the ultimate from wild rift. This would be cool because even though you don't get a stun you could always E power chord slow into ult for CC. W power chord for peel or Q power chord for burst. It would be super fun to play around with.
PART 2 PLEASE you should look at the changes to volibear on wild rift he is significantly better than he is on pc and only even one ability was changed
Lux q passes through minions and only stuns champions and monsters. Also her e detonates with contact to enemy champs making her combo alot faster to execute on mobile
I hated the Lux changes too. passing through minions was wack, I played Lux a lot on WR, but it was just too easy when they made that change, and the E detonating immediately was dumb. I know they wanted to make the combo easier, but they could have just made it if she snared someone in the E then it detonated automatcially, or if she E’d a Q’d opponent it went off.
In a laning perspective, I hate the changes lmao. Cant use stun to crash the wave to their tower or to stun the front minions to force the range minions to be aggro'd first, and the instant proc of her E removes the ability to completely zone an area.
One change I loved was Kai’sa’s passive, where you evolve your abilities when you buy a legendary item, so you can but a riftmaker for example and still upgrade your Que directly
As a Fiddlesticks onetrick, he looks fucking AMAZING to play. No more having to worry about the limited ward coverage, I get to dodge stuns during W, AND I don’t have to choose between full combo or just spamming W when using R
Don't forget that there are also champs like Senna, who got even lower atk speed for having PC like champ (on PC most stats are higher), who can only be only useful with full lethality build with some tank items, cause her itemization was nerfed
I play wild rift (but I've followed league for several years). I main senna and yes she's good. But I've also watched her PC version and I WANT that. I'll DOMINATE the battlefield even more.
Ok I didn’t realize there were so many differences. The two that I am like “why not” are Vi and Annie. Vi’s just makes sense to give the players more depth and control of their character’s defensive tool. Annie I just don’t know why they are keeping her in the Stone Age. These changes would modernize her without a giant rework.
Im hoping to see Shen on this list. He desperately needs his Q to be able to deal damage to tower. Also he can use his W on a target ally without them having to move towards his spirit blade
Riot tried the idea with Teemo on PBE before wild rift was even announced, the main differences were that his e didn’t have dash and it functioned like an akshan w and the q dealt bonus damage highlighted as a crit if the target was poisoned, apparently it was too broken or too underwhelming and they scraped it. Unrelated but this happened around the same time as the removal of Zed’s ult stacking mechanic. Edit: the only thing that was carried over from this rework is the number of mushrooms you can have and the range of how far you can place them based on ability rank
Soraka is the only Wild Rift rework I hated. Ioved Soraka being super unique and using her health as a resource. I played her a ton before they reworked her. Now she’s more boring, yeah she’s technically better, but it made her too easy to play and boring.
another champ that fits here is syndra. Mana whenever you hit an ability, you can choose which ability to upgrade AND the empowered ultimate explodes when it kills a champ?
You can barely move with q though with how much it slows you. I wish they kept old asol, why did they have to bring pc asol to WR, old asol was more fun and was better imo. (Old Q being able to cover a huge area to stun at objectives. Old W was also more fun, but being canceled when taking damage, old E was too difficult to use, new ult is better but not by much.
Yeah but that doesn't work on pc controls. It does on mobile because the movement wheel is separate from the attack button. Pc only has a single mouse to do both. If you're aiming forward, you will also be moving in that way. If you plan to retreat backwards while using Q, too bad cuz the Q will turn towards where your cursor is. They'd have to make Q auto target enemies if they wanna make it work
one thing to note about fiddle W is that, not only can you move during it, you can also use other abilites without canceling it, and that just makes him eve more deadly
A big change I want that's on Wild Rift and not PC is how instead of having Rakan be able to cast Battle Dance (E) on Xayah from an extended range, the shield value is stronger and lasts longer. This makes clutch plays more satisfying (for me) and rewards players who play Xayah and Rakan that actually coordinate with one another
Wild Rift is like PC LoL except it plays way better, from these champion improvements, to quality of life things like the flipped map when you would be topside so the camera awkwardness becomes a non-issue. It also helped me tremendously learning the champions, because of the more beginner friendly controlls and smaller cast. The only reason I can't have it on my phone anymore is because it took too much time out of my day.
You can also play normal karma in mid Lane, she's just not a carry, she's an enchanter mid, your goal is play for the team after lane phase, so you'll get AP items in the beginning and slowly transition to support items
Some champs (Teemo,TF) have only 2 basic spells like Vi and it would be cool to add the wild rift spell to the champions kit like tf one just gives bonus attack speed it's better than nothing
The rework for Janna might sound good on paper, but it's actually quite bad. Her tornado is less predictable, but its airborne duration and max range are shorter. Additionally, the rework made the tornadoes on her skins look very bad. Her Zephyr is somewhat good, and I wish this had been the only ability reworked, but it should only affect Janna and a single target. Her shield is even worse. It’s practically non-existent, and you can’t reliably shield the ally champion you want to. The only issue with her ultimate is that its healing has become much weaker. If you play her now, it feels like you’re playing Sona because of her simple tap-tap abilities. Unlike Sona, though, Janna has become very boring. I used to main Janna as my support in Wild Rift, but not anymore since her gameplay is not satisfying as before. I don't even know why she was reworked. A lot of people used to play her before she was reworked, but now she rarely appears in my games.
I seen a clip where a dev talked about Vayne W being changed. The main point of changing champion abilities which only has a passive part was made, because Wild Rift game is way quicker and the UI of the spells would feel messed up as their would be a spell what you cant press. So I guess that is the reason why Vi Teemo and Vayne is changed. For the rest I could see some being implemented in Leauge, like the Annie and Blitz one looks pretty good the rest feels like a meh, but for sure some champs in leauge needs a quality of like update.
11:35 for Hecarim, why not both? I'd rather he had a spammable Q that didn't give movespeed or ramp up his damage but just had a consistently low cooldown and an alt cast thst was a charge up for big damage movespeed with a slightly longer CD. For example, imagine his Q CD is 7 / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 seconds. Tapping it refunds 60% cooldown. Max change adds %max health and grants you movement speed and slow resist. So you time the full charge Q to get a burst of dmg and MS to follow up your E initiate, then you use the tap version to spam it. %max health in the jungle means you could maintain clear speed without nearly so many casts.
The problem with this is that, this would create one shot hecarim lethality built. And not a bruiser run in ur face. And he able to just run away like nothing happen. And this is even more annoying in high elo bc people know how to fully utilize movement speed and Q max range to kite
Can't believe no one has mentioned yet that Teemo had a rework that was put on PBE 5 years ago that did switch his passive and E. He had no tumble, however, and they decided against it, only giving him extra charges on his ult.
"but surely it wouldn't be too much effort to program vi's passive and w switch or teemo's passive and e switch" oh, do I have a jpg of a coconut to sell to you...
Nah, WR Ambessa is just a noobstomper actually. So WR Ambessa feels good only cause there are just too many boosted players or idiots who were just boosted literally by WR broken MM (some guys are literally farming lanes while being a jungle)
@@the-flash. I disagree with this, maybe you can try to defend Ambessa top, but Ambessa JG is a complete monster and VEEY strong, she literally has Talon W for free in WR
@@the-flash.I have to disagree, she has incredible popoff potential and is hard to keep in check early, she can easily invade in jgl and also safely proxy on toplane, she wont be able ro 1v9 late but she always has good sustain and cc
Maybe Wild Rift shifted champ abilities away from channeling because of accidently movement commands cancelling the abilities? Katarina's ult also got changed so that she can now move while casting.
Wild Rift Shyvana was my main main in that game, I’d usually build trinity force, wit’s end, death’s dance, Thornmail, and spirit visage (with the exact order depending on the enemy team and game state as well as having some other items I’d build sometimes) and it was SO much fun to dragon dive into people and just go ham, popping the W during the dive then immediately E blasting everyone you dove on and spamming autos and Qs. If you did your stacks well you became such a monster, and the push on her ult dive makes it such a good ganking tool to help get said stacks. Also once she had 400 stacks and 3 items she could solo Baron because unlike a lot of % hp damage her E mark damage isn’t capped against monsters. She’s one of the only characters who can, and definitely the fastest of them. She needs the omnivamp from 400 stacks though cause WR Baron HURTS.
The sona ult would be a good change, but loosing the amount of skill expression on the passive change would feel really bad. Being able to choose between slow/exhaust/dmg is fairly interactive.
Overall, it's great but maybe only for mobile players. PC League can keep their Warwick ult as is, since the mobile version is designed for mobile experience
bruh the new warwick is OP, the fact that the new ult is a jump and then AA to put the suppresed effect is strong and you dont have to worry about their allies blocking your ult from the target. i cant count how many times i got bursted out by new warwick (im an adc main)
I currently have Mastery 10 on Sona, and I'd hate having the changes ported over. The entire skill expression with Sona (not to say it's insanely high) is determining what powercord you need to have access to, juggling and timing your abilities so you have access to it, and then stacking up your quest as fast as possible so you can spam your ult. There is a consideration for the powercord to help people realize how much sona is putting out as I don't think people realize she has a 30% damage debuff in her kit, but I'm not sure that's worth the nose dive in skill expression feel-good a Sona player can get. And you couldn't change the ult without getting rid of the quest as the WR version is far more large teamfight oriented while the PC version is more of a quick, distinct impact to then quickly regain through active, agressive gampeplay so you hopefully will get 2 in a fight.
@@whynot4069Yeah the new passive sucks but the ult is more functional in teamfights and less dangerous since it slows and stuns with a wider range and I don't have to step up tk the front line to cast it like OG Crescendo.
Yes, as a Sona and Janna main in wild rift, when they both got reworked I was so upset lmao, they're basically just taking the skill out of all the supports with those reworks, Janna one annoyed me the most since I went from a 65% Winrate to 58 with her damn rework
Talon passive gives him a little movement speed burst whenever he procs the passive or kills and enemy champ with it, this allows him to reposition or flee after eliminating an enemy
League and WR player here…on Janna I must said that at first i didn’t like it a bit….the Q above all. But now I have discovered different approach to it. It way more useful using one of the charges to stop dashes and jumps….or to split the enemy team and/or when you get initiated…and you have the second charge to secure that it doesn’t escape from…it’s way more useful to zone enemies from neutral objectives…and you alway can use a charge for poke.
fiddle is my most played champion and seeing him be able to use sweeper instead of only having his passive i think is a buff that would immediately make him pick/ban on the normal rift, not to mention the w change im surprised how disgustingly strong he looks on mobile, i can't imagine what about mobile would make him need so much more power
as a lee sin main on wr, you dont need wards or targets to use your w, so his combos are so much easier. also, im not sure if this is possible in pc but you can ult+flash, essentially kicking the enemy back to your teammates even though you were not behind them when you kick them
I really like corki on wild rift, not only does he still have the package but his E lets you strafe around so you don't need to be awkwardly walking towards the enemy to use it
The karma critique brings back memories. When she was first released, the W didn’t bind anyone. Instead it was probably one of the strongest slows in the game, whoever crossed the line was damaged, slowed/sped up. It was simple, and boy, it was a like speeding up everyone in your team like sona, but waaaaaaay better. Bind is cool and all, but a strong slow does pretty much the same thing. You won’t move that much with a 80%+ slow on you. Karma used to get lots of free AP the lower her HP, her Q was an aoe heal and they took it away. New karma is just a worse poke mage, you may as well pick lux or xerath instead. Current karma is a jack of all trades, master of none. There will always be better options, so why use karma?
Riven in Wild Rift is also different (more broken lmao). Her ult resets on kills, she can Q3 flash (removed from LoL PC), and her passive works on turrets (pre sure they added this to PC but idk).
I kinda liked version 1 of Wukong e in wildrift with it being similar to Ahri w. Though the ad ratio on it would transform Wukong from being a bruiser to a full lethality monster, I think numbers could be tweaked to balance it out or it just keeps the ap ratio. I would definitely be a buff oriented towards jungle but also a nice lane tool to catch out your enemy laner out if they’re isolated.
Love this part of the video about wildrift counterpart of Annie 5:28. In LOR Annie is depicted as a one cost champion card, but once you level her up during the animation you can see tibbers hovering behind her which is so menacing not as a walking monster teddy bear in LOL but as one of the runeterra demon. Although she's one cost, the tibbers card after her level up is just so game changing, wildrift did her so well, with such simple kits design(her being one cost), but making Tibbers jumps at the enemy just make her ultimate so impactful not as a nuking tool but one ability that you need to pay attention to. Hell look at daisy, dude have stunt and lunge at enemy in the kit, why can't annie be the same??.
Im a Katarina main on pc and Ive played wild rift, kat can move slowly while channeling her ult in wild rift, its not a major change but I think it would help a lot katarina in the current stage shes in
All do respect / fighting for Annie here- While I love the idea of Tibbers having CC apart from Annie- the shield change that was ported over was REALLY needed for Annie. Annie's biggest issue is the fact that she basically is hardstuck to midlane. She struggled everywhere else. So the fact she can give shields and thus, be a viable support due to stacking stun via shields was one of the greatest changes given to her. That said, if anything- her Q skillshot would be a welcome addition. It does mean saying goodbye to her very useful, unmissable stun- but it also means she can finally throw an ability into bushes and not facecheck, or have another way to speedstack stun before ulting. Also, potentially a lot more range- as she has absurdly low range for a ranged mage. That said, since the point-and-click stun would go- I would change her passive to not dissolve the stun unless an enemy has been hit- but also allowing Q to bypass this limitation for non-champions. So Annie rapidly using Q on minions will not rid her of her stun, hitting a champion with it will.
Funny thing about teemo in wild rift is that originally they were planning on putting that in the original game for Timo, but I guess it was like too clunky or something or people really didn’t like it so the most they did was just changed the ult a little bit with the amount of mushrooms he carries
With teemo's, its the fact that he loses true invisibility. Plus when they were testing it on pbe, they had a large cd on it until they reworked it to reduce it the longer he stayed in brush
I'd definitely love to see some of those ability changes come to pc, but others not so much. like if the ult changes for both sona and janna could come without the passive and q changes respectively, that would be dope.
I would've loved to have tried Wild Rift Sona with the old Zeke's Convergence. I don't think it'd be ideal or anything, but I could see it being a bit niche and annoying for enemies just due to how easily and how often she'd be able to provide immobilization.
i used to play fiddle a lot and i often thought that i rather have no passive that he currently has, so wild rift passive would be aweome. I don't like the idea of walking while holding W, its a really powerful mechanic and i wouldn't wan't to lose burst potential for that kind of consistency. the burst of damage at the end often is what kills your enemy and i find it satisfying when enemy is close to escape but it hits them. kinda like AP nunu. also moving while draining reminds me of swain.
as a wild rift player, the one wild rift change that i didn't like the camille Q change being an instant auto cast instead of a "click for part one and then click again for part 2 " i like the old one where its like you need more skill to play
For some reason I'm more comfortable playing Swain and Samira on mobile rather than pc because of the execution time. Swain W take longer time to blast plus the map so small it gives advantage that you will succeed hit the enemy, for Samira her skill didn't reset when you hit different target and the ult also has better cooldown when you trigger the S-Style.
I've been saying shyvana should get her wild rift changes for a long time now. It helps encourage d bruiser shyvana while the only thing ap user miss out on are extra resistances, even if I'd rather them just remove her ap ratios myself and go from there. I do think they should change the E buff though because league the %hp onhit scales with ad and it's only flat in wild rift. Maybe make landing R on champions marks them so you don't have to E before dealing your damage and rewarding aggressive ulting more
as a sona main, I greatly prefer her league version. Having a stun on passive would be nice, but I wouldn't give up the variety and power of her current power chords. Having a lingering effect on her ult would be nice, but I wouldn't give up the immediacy of the current ult.
Hi! Hecarim main here 11:30 . I played wild rift hecarim for around 5 mathces 6 months ago and I remember that I fucking hated it lmao. For me the most fun part of Hecarim is just mashing your q button so hard it turns into mush while doing good dps. Yeah wild rift version technically has more burst but the wind feels slow and clunky for me I like Hecarim when I am just mashing buttons and movespeed is cool but it doesn't compensate for the clunky q.
I NEED the shyvana from wildrift. It makes her make more sense with smolder and asol and makes tank shyvana actually viable (you could do actual damage instead of tickling people) and play her like a juggernaut like she was suposed to be
Sadly, part of the reason that Teemo doesn't have the wild rift version is because of a vocal minority of teemo mains. And they are really the only ones who play teemo. (As a Teeto main, I am sadden by my fellow brothers in... well, it's not arms any more... scouting? erg. stupid vu) So Teemo probably will never get the fix he deserves.
I could definitely get behind some of these changes. Sona's ult, Shyvana, Annie's ult, Blitz, Karma, these seem like good changes. Never gave any attention to Wild Rift, might just have to see what other changes they've made to champions.
There is a lot, even the in-game mechanics. If you want to try it out as a League PC player, you will be amazed. Not necessarily on the gameplay aspect, but to the change in experience
Honestly, I’m confused why riot hasn’t ported the wildrift engine to pc while converting abilities to the pc version. I’m sure it’s significantly less buggy and easier to work with than league considering the age (and possible spaghetti code) of current league. The model quality and animations look way better. It’s like everyone got a vgu.
@ I don’t know. The game is already well optimized to run on a phones limited tech. If it can run on that, it should be fine on most pcs now. Also I would say a centralized engine will make league updates more efficient, and save riot money in the long run.
Eh, its looks a bit better but going from mobile to PC is a gigantic pain in the behind coding wise. Trust me, it really isnt worth the time. Also, they would lose users if they asked you to reinstall league probably. Furthermore, they'd have to be very particular with what they keep and what they stop from WR considering every champ on WR is balanced to very short games by PC standards.
PC Janna main here - Wild Rift version removes all the things I love about her. Her MS-scaling damage, the passive threat of a charging tornado, and tailwind can effectively do what new zephyr would do. Not to mention, it just looks like they forgot to tweak the numbers on her E’s AD??? Did they just forget that a level 5 E would give her team 120 + 30%AP AD??? That’s 4,200 gold worth of stats at 0 AP. What on earth were they thinking?
in pc version Janna Q is one of the most hardest skillshot skill in this game. You have to predict and read enemys movements changing it would be confuse pc janna players (I played both janna and she was my old main in wild rift before the update)
I really love Sona's gameplay and I don't think power chord needs a change, especialy not to replace it with a point and click stun, but the ult could be fun, maybe change that but keep her passive the same
I miss how wild rift used to have previous asol. But they gave him his current pc rework awhile ago, however i think he was better with the previous skills
I like the look of wild rift sonas stuff but ide say her current passive in pc is much more skill expressive and not faceroll at all. Im sure most sonas just use bonus damage for the poke, but its much more benificial to hold those stacks for a beefy slow or as much as a 30% damage reduction on a diver or assasin comming for your adc. I akin her passive to how rengars fury works, what bonus effect helps the most in this current situation
Hi Vars! Just wanted to let you know that they recently reworked Lucian, Diana and Warwick; I think their WR version is very cool and I’d love if you could check them out too. Also, on the 19th on this month they will release reworked Singed!! I hope you can make a video about it too. Also, there are some champs in WR that I think are worse than their pc counterpart, like Syndra and Vladimir W. They also recently reworked Miss Fortune and Rengar
To have the best of both worlds Sona should have the Wild Rift Ult alongside what comes next with the ult (her skills gets Buffed :Increased heal, movement and dmg) in PC but doesn't change her passive of Slow, Exhausr and More Dmg in the cords to not be braindead too much
One imporant point of forced differences between League pc and Wild Rift, is that the tech for Wild Rift cannot handle not having an active on all abilities, so having passives only like on w, or whatever, such as Vi and Teemo, just isn't possible. Riot August talked shortly about this on stream at one point.
7:40 I liked Sona better when the passive gave the debuffs instead of the stun. Especially the green aura passive giving a huge dmg debuff almost identical to exhaust.
~SPONSOR~ Don’t let your browser hold you back from victory. Dominate the Rift now: operagx.gg/Vars5
1 big one you missed I think is Zeri it would be a lovely relive for every zeri players Q button
spywaregx woo!
I think August specifically talked about why Vi’s kit should not be ported from wild rift. I think you should look into that cause it’s kinda interesting
Tbh Wild rift brought me into this whole LoL-culture so I think it’s a really good starting point even if you don’t have a computer
I HATE RTS style controls, so I PREFER wild rift to PC leagu, lol
Same here
I transitioned from lol to wildrift, it's just infinitely better
Is it really@@parafuegosarchive
Also just way less toxic because the match is shorter and it way harder to type on the phone than keyboard so it has way less people telling me to Kys
As a Janna player I prefer to keep the vanilla league tornado, it just provides more skill expression and pressure. But I'd love the wild rift ult
I was a Janna main in wild rift, after theses changes (she was closer to her PC form before a rework there) I abandoned her, automatic shields, automatic birds and automatic tornados, it was so boring to play with her after this, the only saving grace was the ultimate, but it's not nearly enough
@@minepool4343Thanks god someone thinks the same, I saw so many liking that so braindead playstyle
Yeah it would be enough if they just change her passive. @@minepool4343
I prefer the old tornado. Janna is too much of a menace in lane with spamming tornados now.
As a wild rild player, I hate Janna's new Q, I love the old one since it was an instant engage-deny tool. Now. it is at best a CC tool and a skill to use when running away.
Janna's instant Q was better before.
Something to keep in mind is that a lot of these champions were introduced as their league version then reworked years later, like shyvana, sona and janna
Was going to comment this but yeah. Definitely prefer most of wild rift changes though since it suits the champs play style on a mobile device. Definitely a good gate way into League as well. It’s what got me into League in the first place and I’ve been playing since season 1
Shyvana change would be great, but Sona and Janna would lose a lot of skill expression so idk
Don’t forget Ashe can drive her arrow like a projectile sion ult
they most likely wouldn't do that because it would break pro play
when I first tried to play the ashe in WR I almost died of laughter when I saw that the arrow could be controlled xd🤣
ashes Q its pretty nice too
Pretty sure you could do that to her old ult in League
@mstrikerwildrift nope
lulu in league: unavoidable point and click cc
lulu in wild rift: whimsy is a trap on the ground where the first champion who steps on it either gains movement speed(ally) or polymorphed(enemy)
regular league lulu is better
Polymorph is not even Lulu's best ability, it's actually W on ally, the damage you give to you carry is absurd, it's the best steroid in the game for attack speed characters
It can also extend the range on her Q being able to poke more often
@@kauanjos3199this just untrue. W may be essential to her kit, doesn’t make polymorph any less broken
@@hunterkinsella5303 Really isn't, most of the time you don't even need polymorph if you team has 10% brain capacity and spaces properly, we're not in assassin meta the E is more than enough
I love the Blitzcrank overclock. The slow should never be removed since it is fits his thematic as a big clunky robot so being able to overclock it fits him perfectly.
Played him recently. Both version of slow is only 1 second instead of 2 with -99% on the double cast. Can be even lower with QSS as it has a passive of reducing cc by 25% if i recall.
@@zilentecho3954it's super funny to scare enemy's lvl 7-8 ADC tho with the second cast coz u were just ZOOOMIN so fast sometimes they waste their Flash in panic😂😂
As a Vi main I can say I would kill for the Wild Rift version of her. You’re right about the sticking potential. I either have to have R or flash up to catch them after Q
The move speed is really nice, but she's has less shield now over all, kinda made damage for her harder to use as she needs 5 attacks to get the full effect of shield and move speed
@@AnaDoMatoSA true, but that does makes her feel more Vi-ish.
How to stick with your opponents? Punch
How to get max shield stack fast? Punch
What to do to get the most out of her kit? Punch
It's more fun really
I played wr before LOL , I was so shocked to find out Vi wasn't the same
@@ToastySNXZ well that's true, the only problem is that she needs to stack attacks, só after you use her dash shes gets caited easy, the only thing that saves it is that her E gives a mini range and dash when hit. To me it would be nice to have the shield like lol, with the move speed, less shield but more sticky as you have to hit abilities to gain shield
@@AnaDoMatoSA Stacking is easy
I'm a fiddlesticks main who dabbled a bit in Wild Rift and he felt soooo much better. The passive feels more thematic and impactful, it was super nice to have wards that lasted when seeing an enemy, and being able to move and auto attack during his W felt so much smoother. Only in my wildest dreams would they change the League version to match the Wild Rift one, but i can dream.
Some of these changes, like making katarinas ult letting her move, fiddlesticks moving, and janna moving were primarily because it was too easy to cancel it by moving, from what I know
Yes using analog makes it easier to move by accident
Yeah due to the analog control, it's too easy for accidental ult cancel hence the change.
While this change just happened, singed just got a whole new kit too, it's quite interesting and makes him more viable in lane and less proxy(which is already hard to do in WR)
I think he got a pretty good rework, it kept his essence but gave him more opportunities and possibilities
Overall he's still the same champion but with a overall stronger kit that he REALLY needed ( and finally after years, he got the grievous wounds on R)
he also gets stronger with proxy as well, and while it's harder it's still possible to make it work
He's also not just being locked into solo laner only, can he go fine as midlaner, support, maybe jungler(?)
Cute pfp :3
@@r.achmadrivaldi8598 yeah jungle works, but you need to already be good with singed in lane before you take him to jungle 😂
There's a challenger singed main in wildrift that plays him full ap in jungle with electrocute, domination runes, and I forgot the last rune lol
The Wild Rift Vi is by far the best example of a rework. She's so much better than the PC version, it's not even close. The only thing we have is Divine Sunderer. Wait. Wait...
As a one-trick Sona, I despise the changes done to her power chord on WR. A half second stun is, in no way, better than a 2 second heavy slow or a 3 second exhaust. I will absolutely not accept that change in PC.
For one, It removes the "skill-expression" because it's literally removing the fast decision making needed in chaotic team fights. That's what separates a bad Sona to a good Sona player. Bad Sona players will literally face roll their keyboard to get their power chord up just to deal extra damage. Sona's meant for her buffs and debuffs, not damage or hard CC. She's not built for that.
And second, her WR passive is essentially just a disrupt than an actual stun. In terms of extended fights this is bad, because you can't really lock down high priority targets with it. In situations where you need to minimize the enemy's DPS threat, a small stun isn't really gonna help much. Whereas a well placed slow is better at peeling or chasing, or an exhaust chord guarantees a better chance at winning fights
Though I do agree with her ultimate. Sona literally has no zoning capability whatsoever and that makes her an easy target out of her current ultimate. Her WR ultimate aligns with her identity of being consistent in extended team fights, and it makes her just an equal a threat in terms of pressure not only because of her utility.
Sona's ult in WR is so much fun compared to her old/PC ult. Also Karma's ult.
totally agree
As someone who plays Sona in WR I have to say I agree. IMO the ultimate trade-off was worth it for WR (the new ultimate is more useful more of the time) but I understand preferring the old version
Super agree. Choosing which enhanced passive to use on your opponent was the real advantage Sona had among other supports. A free movement speed debuff, attack debuff, and bonus damage with near 0 cooldown was so awesome. I wouldn't be lying when I say that her passive is what got me to Diamond as a soloq Sona-only player.
But, I do understand where they were going for with these changes and I don't hate it. Nerf the passive and Buff the ultimate. This isn't a bad trade. Besides, the new passive isn't like it has downsides. We can use the Glacial Augment rune, which is the better rune than Aery for less experienced Sona players. IMO, the overall change is a positive for me, but I will miss the old passive.
And right now, Sona rework can't be played on mid / Solo lane,
Since her damage is gutted by half ( even when you are already hit 3rd level of ultimate );
and her usefullness (free exhaust and slow ) is removed ( especially when mercury treads no longer gives tenacity for free, people has to build tenacity on runes, which sacrifice damage by alot ).
R.I.P. Full AP Sona in WR, you will be missed.
I hope this video gets part 2
same :)
If it does, he needs to add the guided ashe arrow 😂
And also the infinite range lux ult, letting ashe/lux bot lanes kill the enemy top laner 😂
And zeri mechanic
or a counterpart for items. WR items are interesting enough on their own
Fun fact, they did have the Wild Rift version of Teemo on PC at one point. It was on PBE after WR was announced but before it was released. They IceBoxed the changes and used it in WR. A lot of the changes in WR have existed in PC lol before but never made it to the final game.
Yeah wildrift's a test server basically
Sion in wild rift is also a bit different. Mainly his passive being able to fear nearby enemies and his hp stacking move to his passive. Which mean you can start Q and still get hp from killing enemies.
Also his R now has a infinite range. You basically just Ult back to lane or just Ult to another lane to gank and be at objectives faster. There's also a red indicator signaling the direction where Sion will charge you at.
@@poroknight5937 WHATTTTTTTTTT ???? please as a sion main bring this to the game 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@@aprilfoola you can also do sion driving where you go through the enemy base into side lanes in sion ult tking out all the minions infinitely if you are good enough and no one tries to stop you
Kinda sad phase rush doesn't reset on death tho
Yeah Sion + warmog can just infinitely roam the sideslane easily 😂. You can take both top and bot lane minion with R while still moving + W
I think swain's wild rift W critting on ccd targets would be cool in pc, rewards him more for his e-w
I think the reason why this isn't in PC is because Swain's W is semi-global in PC. Meaning he has more utility use for it outside of being just damage. In WR it's not semi-global and while it does give vision, the effective range of it is much shorter meaning there has to be a trade-off for the loss of range, and I think that's where the crit passive comes in if they're cc'ed.
@@suho_calamity makes sense yea
@@suho_calamity I dunno about that but all I noticed that Swain W has short time of the blast. Means it doesn't take long for the eye to explode, so you had a better aiming for E grab or HP spamming...
5:49 "B.O.B! Do Something!"
I don't get the joke lol
@@VarsVerumOverwatch Ashe ult
@@VarsVerum It's ashe's ultimate from Overwatch, where she commands B.O.B to do something where B.O.B charge's at a straight line and whenever he collide with a enemy hero, he knocks them up in the air. Then he stops to shot the enemy presumably near him
@@VarsVerumit’s basically the same ult in overwatch for a character named Ashe as the wild rift Annie ult is
As a enchanter main I love these Karma changes, no Karma top is needed tbh.
Sona ult looks soo cool, I also want that
For Janna I think its more complicated, it would be way too powerful and i like the reset mechanic for her e but it I think there could be some serouis imrpovement for more skill ceiling
Very cool and hope to get some of this some day in a similiar way for league
Its also balanced for Mid too
Her new ult allows karma to become a dps monster if u build her full ap on sup, u do and empowered tether on ur enemy laners then ult and get an empowered q instantly, wr karma on release was ungodly broken and even after many nerfs has never been bad (and i feel like 99% of players still dont know how to use other empowered spells than q)
Just wanted to say that Shyvanna's stacks don't take any long to fully max out
First objectives spawn at like 4-6 minutes, plates fall at 7;30, Baron first spawns at 12 and Elder at 18
Shyvanna can fully max out her stacks at minute 9 which makes her extremely strong currently, she's like a pick or ban atm
Nah not see her alot ATM, if you choose to play junggler and ask 9 min to stay passive, good luck because we ff at 6, alot of junggler being played are quick impact like rengo, lee, Nunu, phant, or a tank that just stay and perma cc someone.
@@vo1ce147but you dont just stay and farm until minute 9...
All she need is her ult and after 1 full clear + scuttle you get it. She is incentivized to gank too because takedowns give you 15 passive stack. You CANNOT get minute 9 400 stack without any kill/assist.
Rengo is broken after the rework, Lee always been good, but Nunu and Panth? Barely seen them... Its mostly just Warwick Viego Vi XZ and Shyv now. Fighters are just really broken. They can one shot you have still have the sustain to not get instakilled back.
Annie's Wild Rift Q is now also has a very small aoe, meaning you could end up bursting down 2 targets instead of 1
And is a projectile skill shot that goes against what Annie is designed to be
@@Scudmaster11not really she’s extremely simple
@infiniteearth6996 point and click stays as she is a beginner mage... throw a skill shot in the mix and she becomes a different champion (and not one that can counter some assassins)... Lux would take that spot then as because of many reasons
I prefer pc targeting compared to skill shot. Thats my only gripe otherwise her rework is great
For Sona I would like the best of both worlds keep power chord from PC version and take the ultimate from wild rift. This would be cool because even though you don't get a stun you could always E power chord slow into ult for CC. W power chord for peel or Q power chord for burst. It would be super fun to play around with.
you should look at the changes to volibear on wild rift he is significantly better than he is on pc and only even one ability was changed
which ability?
Lux q passes through minions and only stuns champions and monsters. Also her e detonates with contact to enemy champs making her combo alot faster to execute on mobile
I hated the Lux changes too. passing through minions was wack, I played Lux a lot on WR, but it was just too easy when they made that change, and the E detonating immediately was dumb. I know they wanted to make the combo easier, but they could have just made it if she snared someone in the E then it detonated automatcially, or if she E’d a Q’d opponent it went off.
What even more annoying is her being able to proc her passive with abilities so she can do full dmg combos from doible the range
In a laning perspective, I hate the changes lmao. Cant use stun to crash the wave to their tower or to stun the front minions to force the range minions to be aggro'd first, and the instant proc of her E removes the ability to completely zone an area.
I would love that updated Shyv. I'd learn jungle again just to play her
One change I loved was Kai’sa’s passive, where you evolve your abilities when you buy a legendary item, so you can but a riftmaker for example and still upgrade your Que directly
Video starts at 2:10
As a Fiddlesticks onetrick, he looks fucking AMAZING to play. No more having to worry about the limited ward coverage, I get to dodge stuns during W, AND I don’t have to choose between full combo or just spamming W when using R
Don't forget that there are also champs like Senna, who got even lower atk speed for having PC like champ (on PC most stats are higher), who can only be only useful with full lethality build with some tank items, cause her itemization was nerfed
I play wild rift (but I've followed league for several years). I main senna and yes she's good. But I've also watched her PC version and I WANT that. I'll DOMINATE the battlefield even more.
I don't remember in PC ver, but in WR , Senna has AP scaling on her Q and Ult, so she can be a literal enchanter.
Senna doesn't have attack speed.
The thing that LoL needs the most from Wild Rift is a working actual client xd.
Our still bugs out sometimes, but hey at least we don't have vanguard crashin our games lmaoooo
@@ToastySNXZ Its funny when I see screenshots of fellow players seeing what seems to be an amalgamation of glitched out ui elements in bright pink
Ok I didn’t realize there were so many differences. The two that I am like “why not” are Vi and Annie. Vi’s just makes sense to give the players more depth and control of their character’s defensive tool. Annie I just don’t know why they are keeping her in the Stone Age. These changes would modernize her without a giant rework.
Im hoping to see Shen on this list. He desperately needs his Q to be able to deal damage to tower. Also he can use his W on a target ally without them having to move towards his spirit blade
Riot tried the idea with Teemo on PBE before wild rift was even announced, the main differences were that his e didn’t have dash and it functioned like an akshan w and the q dealt bonus damage highlighted as a crit if the target was poisoned, apparently it was too broken or too underwhelming and they scraped it. Unrelated but this happened around the same time as the removal of Zed’s ult stacking mechanic.
Edit: the only thing that was carried over from this rework is the number of mushrooms you can have and the range of how far you can place them based on ability rank
Nobody gone talk about Saroka being able to heal you with Q without draining her HP
She really neee that buff and that buff dont even make her good😂
She gives that heal to herself only now. It's w that doesn't take away her health
Soraka is the only Wild Rift rework I hated. Ioved Soraka being super unique and using her health as a resource. I played her a ton before they reworked her. Now she’s more boring, yeah she’s technically better, but it made her too easy to play and boring.
@@CookieTaiga nah it's too good, back when she got that, she literally 0-100% 2-3 people on lvl 5 ( 2 LV on q and ult).
@CookieTaiga this is because they had to gut her.
another champ that fits here is syndra. Mana whenever you hit an ability, you can choose which ability to upgrade AND the empowered ultimate explodes when it kills a champ?
Works like a collector too, It executes those health in a certain percentage.
Want to clarify that she can't choose to upgrade her ulti until all the other 3 basic abilities are upgraded
We NEED Aurelion's moving Q. He's so much fun in WR because you're not punished to sitting still by using Q
You can barely move with q though with how much it slows you.
I wish they kept old asol, why did they have to bring pc asol to WR, old asol was more fun and was better imo. (Old Q being able to cover a huge area to stun at objectives. Old W was also more fun, but being canceled when taking damage, old E was too difficult to use, new ult is better but not by much.
Yeah but that doesn't work on pc controls. It does on mobile because the movement wheel is separate from the attack button. Pc only has a single mouse to do both. If you're aiming forward, you will also be moving in that way. If you plan to retreat backwards while using Q, too bad cuz the Q will turn towards where your cursor is. They'd have to make Q auto target enemies if they wanna make it work
@@kevinanders5570i truly miss the massive dopamine rush ganking with a lane sized q
Impossible, unfortunately. He move and aim his breath with mouse, but can't do both at same time.
one thing to note about fiddle W is that, not only can you move during it, you can also use other abilites without canceling it, and that just makes him eve more deadly
A big change I want that's on Wild Rift and not PC is how instead of having Rakan be able to cast Battle Dance (E) on Xayah from an extended range, the shield value is stronger and lasts longer. This makes clutch plays more satisfying (for me) and rewards players who play Xayah and Rakan that actually coordinate with one another
unless I'm mistaken, Janna used to have that exact passive during the earlier seasons
Wild Rift is like PC LoL except it plays way better, from these champion improvements, to quality of life things like the flipped map when you would be topside so the camera awkwardness becomes a non-issue. It also helped me tremendously learning the champions, because of the more beginner friendly controlls and smaller cast. The only reason I can't have it on my phone anymore is because it took too much time out of my day.
I played both PC and WR karma. I find WR more fun to play you can play her mid and her dmg is insane. I got triple killed by her ultimate alone.
You can also play normal karma in mid Lane, she's just not a carry, she's an enchanter mid, your goal is play for the team after lane phase, so you'll get AP items in the beginning and slowly transition to support items
@kauanjos3199 I know that playstyle but I prefer her as main ap dmg source with utility shield and cc(root).
Ult and enhanced 1st skill is so good on team fights
Some champs (Teemo,TF) have only 2 basic spells like Vi and it would be cool to add the wild rift spell to the champions kit like tf one just gives bonus attack speed it's better than nothing
PLEASE VARS do a PART 2, there WAAAAAY more to talk about
The rework for Janna might sound good on paper, but it's actually quite bad.
Her tornado is less predictable, but its airborne duration and max range are shorter. Additionally, the rework made the tornadoes on her skins look very bad.
Her Zephyr is somewhat good, and I wish this had been the only ability reworked, but it should only affect Janna and a single target.
Her shield is even worse. It’s practically non-existent, and you can’t reliably shield the ally champion you want to.
The only issue with her ultimate is that its healing has become much weaker.
If you play her now, it feels like you’re playing Sona because of her simple tap-tap abilities. Unlike Sona, though, Janna has become very boring. I used to main Janna as my support in Wild Rift, but not anymore since her gameplay is not satisfying as before. I don't even know why she was reworked. A lot of people used to play her before she was reworked, but now she rarely appears in my games.
Singed have the most interesting changes on his kit where all fit well with the actual singed
I seen a clip where a dev talked about Vayne W being changed.
The main point of changing champion abilities which only has a passive part was made, because Wild Rift game is way quicker and the UI of the spells would feel messed up as their would be a spell what you cant press.
So I guess that is the reason why Vi Teemo and Vayne is changed.
For the rest I could see some being implemented in Leauge, like the Annie and Blitz one looks pretty good the rest feels like a meh, but for sure some champs in leauge needs a quality of like update.
11:35 for Hecarim, why not both?
I'd rather he had a spammable Q that didn't give movespeed or ramp up his damage but just had a consistently low cooldown and an alt cast thst was a charge up for big damage movespeed with a slightly longer CD.
For example, imagine his Q CD is 7 / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 seconds. Tapping it refunds 60% cooldown. Max change adds %max health and grants you movement speed and slow resist.
So you time the full charge Q to get a burst of dmg and MS to follow up your E initiate, then you use the tap version to spam it. %max health in the jungle means you could maintain clear speed without nearly so many casts.
The problem with this is that, this would create one shot hecarim lethality built. And not a bruiser run in ur face. And he able to just run away like nothing happen. And this is even more annoying in high elo bc people know how to fully utilize movement speed and Q max range to kite
Can't believe no one has mentioned yet that Teemo had a rework that was put on PBE 5 years ago that did switch his passive and E. He had no tumble, however, and they decided against it, only giving him extra charges on his ult.
"but surely it wouldn't be too much effort to program vi's passive and w switch or teemo's passive and e switch" oh, do I have a jpg of a coconut to sell to you...
I would really love to see Vars's take on WR Ambessa cuz my god she makes the pc version look balanced 💀
Nah, WR Ambessa is just a noobstomper actually. So WR Ambessa feels good only cause there are just too many boosted players or idiots who were just boosted literally by WR broken MM (some guys are literally farming lanes while being a jungle)
@@the-flash. I disagree with this, maybe you can try to defend Ambessa top, but Ambessa JG is a complete monster and VEEY strong, she literally has Talon W for free in WR
ur definitely bronze in wr cus Ambessa fucking sucks in it
@@usarhabilidade2697how does she have talon W
@@the-flash.I have to disagree, she has incredible popoff potential and is hard to keep in check early, she can easily invade in jgl and also safely proxy on toplane, she wont be able ro 1v9 late but she always has good sustain and cc
Maybe Wild Rift shifted champ abilities away from channeling because of accidently movement commands cancelling the abilities? Katarina's ult also got changed so that she can now move while casting.
Wild Rift Shyvana was my main main in that game, I’d usually build trinity force, wit’s end, death’s dance, Thornmail, and spirit visage (with the exact order depending on the enemy team and game state as well as having some other items I’d build sometimes) and it was SO much fun to dragon dive into people and just go ham, popping the W during the dive then immediately E blasting everyone you dove on and spamming autos and Qs. If you did your stacks well you became such a monster, and the push on her ult dive makes it such a good ganking tool to help get said stacks.
Also once she had 400 stacks and 3 items she could solo Baron because unlike a lot of % hp damage her E mark damage isn’t capped against monsters. She’s one of the only characters who can, and definitely the fastest of them. She needs the omnivamp from 400 stacks though cause WR Baron HURTS.
In wild rift ambessa can dash through walls and her abilities and energy resets after a kill
The sona ult would be a good change, but loosing the amount of skill expression on the passive change would feel really bad. Being able to choose between slow/exhaust/dmg is fairly interactive.
Wild rift recently updated Warwick's gameplay. Things are even more easier now, but still, I don't know how to feel about it
Easier and more impactful, also move him from jungle to lane, and that a big W in my book.
Overall, it's great but maybe only for mobile players. PC League can keep their Warwick ult as is, since the mobile version is designed for mobile experience
bruh the new warwick is OP, the fact that the new ult is a jump and then AA to put the suppresed effect is strong and you dont have to worry about their allies blocking your ult from the target. i cant count how many times i got bursted out by new warwick (im an adc main)
It's the dumbed down version
I currently have Mastery 10 on Sona, and I'd hate having the changes ported over. The entire skill expression with Sona (not to say it's insanely high) is determining what powercord you need to have access to, juggling and timing your abilities so you have access to it, and then stacking up your quest as fast as possible so you can spam your ult. There is a consideration for the powercord to help people realize how much sona is putting out as I don't think people realize she has a 30% damage debuff in her kit, but I'm not sure that's worth the nose dive in skill expression feel-good a Sona player can get. And you couldn't change the ult without getting rid of the quest as the WR version is far more large teamfight oriented while the PC version is more of a quick, distinct impact to then quickly regain through active, agressive gampeplay so you hopefully will get 2 in a fight.
A lot of sona mains in wild rift hated when she got reworked because it took al her skill expression but liked the ult
@@whynot4069Yeah the new passive sucks but the ult is more functional in teamfights and less dangerous since it slows and stuns with a wider range and I don't have to step up tk the front line to cast it like OG Crescendo.
In summary:
New passive bad, Rework ult good. I agree
Yes, as a Sona and Janna main in wild rift, when they both got reworked I was so upset lmao, they're basically just taking the skill out of all the supports with those reworks, Janna one annoyed me the most since I went from a 65% Winrate to 58 with her damn rework
@@_Makii_ Soraka had the worst rework imo: having the regeneration passive removed was a pain
Talon passive gives him a little movement speed burst whenever he procs the passive or kills and enemy champ with it, this allows him to reposition or flee after eliminating an enemy
League and WR player here…on Janna I must said that at first i didn’t like it a bit….the Q above all. But now I have discovered different approach to it. It way more useful using one of the charges to stop dashes and jumps….or to split the enemy team and/or when you get initiated…and you have the second charge to secure that it doesn’t escape from…it’s way more useful to zone enemies from neutral objectives…and you alway can use a charge for poke.
fiddle is my most played champion and seeing him be able to use sweeper instead of only having his passive i think is a buff that would immediately make him pick/ban on the normal rift, not to mention the w change im surprised how disgustingly strong he looks on mobile, i can't imagine what about mobile would make him need so much more power
as a lee sin main on wr, you dont need wards or targets to use your w, so his combos are so much easier. also, im not sure if this is possible in pc but you can ult+flash, essentially kicking the enemy back to your teammates even though you were not behind them when you kick them
I really like corki on wild rift, not only does he still have the package but his E lets you strafe around so you don't need to be awkwardly walking towards the enemy to use it
The karma critique brings back memories.
When she was first released, the W didn’t bind anyone. Instead it was probably one of the strongest slows in the game, whoever crossed the line was damaged, slowed/sped up. It was simple, and boy, it was a like speeding up everyone in your team like sona, but waaaaaaay better.
Bind is cool and all, but a strong slow does pretty much the same thing. You won’t move that much with a 80%+ slow on you.
Karma used to get lots of free AP the lower her HP, her Q was an aoe heal and they took it away.
New karma is just a worse poke mage, you may as well pick lux or xerath instead.
Current karma is a jack of all trades, master of none. There will always be better options, so why use karma?
Riven in Wild Rift is also different (more broken lmao). Her ult resets on kills, she can Q3 flash (removed from LoL PC), and her passive works on turrets (pre sure they added this to PC but idk).
I kinda liked version 1 of Wukong e in wildrift with it being similar to Ahri w. Though the ad ratio on it would transform Wukong from being a bruiser to a full lethality monster, I think numbers could be tweaked to balance it out or it just keeps the ap ratio. I would definitely be a buff oriented towards jungle but also a nice lane tool to catch out your enemy laner out if they’re isolated.
Love this part of the video about wildrift counterpart of Annie 5:28. In LOR Annie is depicted as a one cost champion card, but once you level her up during the animation you can see tibbers hovering behind her which is so menacing not as a walking monster teddy bear in LOL but as one of the runeterra demon. Although she's one cost, the tibbers card after her level up is just so game changing, wildrift did her so well, with such simple kits design(her being one cost), but making Tibbers jumps at the enemy just make her ultimate so impactful not as a nuking tool but one ability that you need to pay attention to. Hell look at daisy, dude have stunt and lunge at enemy in the kit, why can't annie be the same??.
Im a Katarina main on pc and Ive played wild rift, kat can move slowly while channeling her ult in wild rift, its not a major change but I think it would help a lot katarina in the current stage shes in
Don’t forget about all the changes items have in Wild Rift.
All do respect / fighting for Annie here-
While I love the idea of Tibbers having CC apart from Annie- the shield change that was ported over was REALLY needed for Annie.
Annie's biggest issue is the fact that she basically is hardstuck to midlane. She struggled everywhere else.
So the fact she can give shields and thus, be a viable support due to stacking stun via shields was one of the greatest changes given to her.
That said, if anything- her Q skillshot would be a welcome addition. It does mean saying goodbye to her very useful, unmissable stun- but it also means she can finally throw an ability into bushes and not facecheck, or have another way to speedstack stun before ulting. Also, potentially a lot more range- as she has absurdly low range for a ranged mage.
That said, since the point-and-click stun would go- I would change her passive to not dissolve the stun unless an enemy has been hit- but also allowing Q to bypass this limitation for non-champions.
So Annie rapidly using Q on minions will not rid her of her stun, hitting a champion with it will.
Funny thing about teemo in wild rift is that originally they were planning on putting that in the original game for Timo, but I guess it was like too clunky or something or people really didn’t like it so the most they did was just changed the ult a little bit with the amount of mushrooms he carries
I come from your Vars II channel because I play wuwa, genshin, hsr. How did I not know you had a league channel!
Cant you see that Riot has been making the effort of porting stuff from WR to PC? They just ported the gacha mechanic
Hopefully they sunset WR like they did LoR.
With teemo's, its the fact that he loses true invisibility. Plus when they were testing it on pbe, they had a large cd on it until they reworked it to reduce it the longer he stayed in brush
I'd definitely love to see some of those ability changes come to pc, but others not so much. like if the ult changes for both sona and janna could come without the passive and q changes respectively, that would be dope.
I would've loved to have tried Wild Rift Sona with the old Zeke's Convergence. I don't think it'd be ideal or anything, but I could see it being a bit niche and annoying for enemies just due to how easily and how often she'd be able to provide immobilization.
i used to play fiddle a lot and i often thought that i rather have no passive that he currently has, so wild rift passive would be aweome. I don't like the idea of walking while holding W, its a really powerful mechanic and i wouldn't wan't to lose burst potential for that kind of consistency. the burst of damage at the end often is what kills your enemy and i find it satisfying when enemy is close to escape but it hits them. kinda like AP nunu. also moving while draining reminds me of swain.
as a wild rift player, the one wild rift change that i didn't like the camille Q change being an instant auto cast instead of a "click for part one and then click again for part 2 " i like the old one where its like you need more skill to play
For some reason I'm more comfortable playing Swain and Samira on mobile rather than pc because of the execution time. Swain W take longer time to blast plus the map so small it gives advantage that you will succeed hit the enemy, for Samira her skill didn't reset when you hit different target and the ult also has better cooldown when you trigger the S-Style.
I've been saying shyvana should get her wild rift changes for a long time now. It helps encourage d bruiser shyvana while the only thing ap user miss out on are extra resistances, even if I'd rather them just remove her ap ratios myself and go from there. I do think they should change the E buff though because league the %hp onhit scales with ad and it's only flat in wild rift. Maybe make landing R on champions marks them so you don't have to E before dealing your damage and rewarding aggressive ulting more
as a sona main, I greatly prefer her league version. Having a stun on passive would be nice, but I wouldn't give up the variety and power of her current power chords. Having a lingering effect on her ult would be nice, but I wouldn't give up the immediacy of the current ult.
You should mention the diana ultimate. It's like the Janna ultimate but in reverse (in WR she has to be stationary to cast)
Hi! Hecarim main here 11:30 . I played wild rift hecarim for around 5 mathces 6 months ago and I remember that I fucking hated it lmao. For me the most fun part of Hecarim is just mashing your q button so hard it turns into mush while doing good dps. Yeah wild rift version technically has more burst but the wind feels slow and clunky for me I like Hecarim when I am just mashing buttons and movespeed is cool but it doesn't compensate for the clunky q.
The teemo thing was actually in the pbe for league at a point, but they ultimately decided against it for league
I NEED the shyvana from wildrift. It makes her make more sense with smolder and asol and makes tank shyvana actually viable (you could do actual damage instead of tickling people) and play her like a juggernaut like she was suposed to be
Sadly, part of the reason that Teemo doesn't have the wild rift version is because of a vocal minority of teemo mains. And they are really the only ones who play teemo. (As a Teeto main, I am sadden by my fellow brothers in... well, it's not arms any more... scouting? erg. stupid vu)
So Teemo probably will never get the fix he deserves.
I could definitely get behind some of these changes. Sona's ult, Shyvana, Annie's ult, Blitz, Karma, these seem like good changes. Never gave any attention to Wild Rift, might just have to see what other changes they've made to champions.
There is a lot, even the in-game mechanics.
If you want to try it out as a League PC player, you will be amazed. Not necessarily on the gameplay aspect, but to the change in experience
Honestly, I’m confused why riot hasn’t ported the wildrift engine to pc while converting abilities to the pc version. I’m sure it’s significantly less buggy and easier to work with than league considering the age (and possible spaghetti code) of current league.
The model quality and animations look way better. It’s like everyone got a vgu.
Probably because they want to keep the accessibility of league to older pcs
@ I don’t know. The game is already well optimized to run on a phones limited tech. If it can run on that, it should be fine on most pcs now.
Also I would say a centralized engine will make league updates more efficient, and save riot money in the long run.
Eh, its looks a bit better but going from mobile to PC is a gigantic pain in the behind coding wise. Trust me, it really isnt worth the time. Also, they would lose users if they asked you to reinstall league probably. Furthermore, they'd have to be very particular with what they keep and what they stop from WR considering every champ on WR is balanced to very short games by PC standards.
PC Janna main here - Wild Rift version removes all the things I love about her. Her MS-scaling damage, the passive threat of a charging tornado, and tailwind can effectively do what new zephyr would do. Not to mention, it just looks like they forgot to tweak the numbers on her E’s AD??? Did they just forget that a level 5 E would give her team 120 + 30%AP AD??? That’s 4,200 gold worth of stats at 0 AP. What on earth were they thinking?
i climbed so fast due to her ms passive and maxing W , roaming god now gone
We need part 2 to this, Lulu, Ashe, Lux, reworked Singed soon too
in pc version Janna Q is one of the most hardest skillshot skill in this game. You have to predict and read enemys movements changing it would be confuse pc janna players (I played both janna and she was my old main in wild rift before the update)
I really love Sona's gameplay and I don't think power chord needs a change, especialy not to replace it with a point and click stun, but the ult could be fun, maybe change that but keep her passive the same
I miss how wild rift used to have previous asol. But they gave him his current pc rework awhile ago, however i think he was better with the previous skills
Man, Wild Rift looks so much cooler than League, unfortunate how it's mobile.
Its not
I like the look of wild rift sonas stuff but ide say her current passive in pc is much more skill expressive and not faceroll at all. Im sure most sonas just use bonus damage for the poke, but its much more benificial to hold those stacks for a beefy slow or as much as a 30% damage reduction on a diver or assasin comming for your adc. I akin her passive to how rengars fury works, what bonus effect helps the most in this current situation
Hi Vars! Just wanted to let you know that they recently reworked Lucian, Diana and Warwick; I think their WR version is very cool and I’d love if you could check them out too. Also, on the 19th on this month they will release reworked Singed!! I hope you can make a video about it too.
Also, there are some champs in WR that I think are worse than their pc counterpart, like Syndra and Vladimir W.
They also recently reworked Miss Fortune and Rengar
Vars, check Shen. He can trow the blade like a skillshot to create the block area around the impact zone. I need that in pc
dont forget, they already put the wild rift teemo on pbe a long time ago, but then just never pushed it to live and gave up on it
That shyvana sounds so good wtf they just needed to do that and give her a visual update and id be happy
To have the best of both worlds Sona should have the Wild Rift Ult alongside what comes next with the ult (her skills gets Buffed :Increased heal, movement and dmg) in PC but doesn't change her passive of Slow, Exhausr and More Dmg in the cords to not be braindead too much
One imporant point of forced differences between League pc and Wild Rift, is that the tech for Wild Rift cannot handle not having an active on all abilities, so having passives only like on w, or whatever, such as Vi and Teemo, just isn't possible. Riot August talked shortly about this on stream at one point.
7:40 I liked Sona better when the passive gave the debuffs instead of the stun. Especially the green aura passive giving a huge dmg debuff almost identical to exhaust.