AI2 - Medicine in The AI Era: Prof Arriel Benis Conference at HIT Holon Institute of Technology

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024
  • Using AI to improve Epidemiological modeling
    Prof. Arriel Benis, Head of Department of Digital Medical Technologies, HIT
    Epidemiological modeling plays a crucial role in understanding the spread and impact of diseases or behavior changes. However, the traditional modeling techniques have limitations, such as oversimplification of complex systems and limited abilities to account for individual-level factors. Artificial Intelligence (AI) approaches offer solutions to enhance epidemiological modeling from different perspectives. Machine Learning, as a subfield of AI, allows identifying patterns and predicting disease outbreaks in real-time, to provide timely and effective responses, based on more and more complex and heterogeneous data. Nevertheless, the use of AI in epidemiological modeling also poses challenges, including data quality, privacy, and interpretability. In this talk, based on real cases, we will discuss the potential and challenges of AI to improve epidemiological modeling.