A few facts about Abraham Lincoln

  • Опубліковано 19 вер 2024
  • Check out Confederate Shop's selection of books on Lincoln:
    Lincoln as he Really Was:
    The Life of Abraham Lincoln:
    The Real Lincoln:
    Lincoln Unmasked:
    Lincoln, Marx, and the GOP:


  • @myfreedomfirst
    @myfreedomfirst 3 години тому +1

    The Lincoln Douglas debates were during 1858 when Lincoln was running for US Senate against Douglas.
    Lincoln lost the election, largely due to his stance on slavery. This is why when the Republican Party revised their platform in 1860, they completely overhauled the 1956 document and added raising tariffs. This would spark secession. Yet few cover this history.

  • @surfermom1562
    @surfermom1562 3 години тому +2

    He was the first president to print money with no gold to support it. Which played a part in the economic panics to follow and finally the Great Depression

    • @SolarMillUSA
      @SolarMillUSA 3 години тому +1

      Ah yes… The great “conspiracy“ of paper money argument, accompanied with the thinking that we should go back to the gold standard. An absolutely bonkers idea. While gold is still being mined in small amounts, the overall supply is relatively fixed which means that as the population increases that would be less and less currency and circulation and dust the value of currency with increase dramatically. This is the opposite of inflation. In this example, at some point you would be able to buy a gallon of gas for $.10. And while that might *sound* like a good idea, it would completely undermine any incentive to invest because simply holding onto your money would show an increase in value. This would be absolutely devastating for an economy, even worse than the moderately high amounts of inflation we had following the pandemic, perhaps on par or even worse with the hyper inflation seen in some Latin American and African countries. Google: “deflationary spiral” to learn more.

  • @DrJeff-iq7dk
    @DrJeff-iq7dk 4 години тому

    He didn't let a crisis go to waste to advance his agenda. No different than today's politicians.

  • @tomhaake9133
    @tomhaake9133 3 години тому +1

    I am by no means a scholar on Lincoln, however the more I read I learn that he was not the man I was taught about in school. I was led to believe that he was the hero and Davis was the villain......... which is not true.............

  • @keithshedron4351
    @keithshedron4351 Годину тому

    For me, the causes of Lincoln's war are of secondary consideration to the question of secession. Did the southern states have the right to secede? If they did, the north carried out a war of conquest and empire. The Declaration of Independence makes it abundantly clear that the states did, in fact, have the right, and not only a right but a duty, to separate and form a government of their liking. And, consider the implications if that were not true: The Revolutionary War was never legitimate and we should all be singing God Save The King. But more than that, we are not, and never can be, free people as we do not have any right to determine how we are governed.

  • @SolarMillUSA
    @SolarMillUSA 3 години тому

    Mississippi’s Declaration of Secession “Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin.”

    • @confederateshop
      @confederateshop  2 години тому

      Let me guess, you’ve never read that document in its entirety. Because it, along with other founding documents, note plenty of other factors. You also neglect the context of why they mention slavery. There was no threat-it was already protected and the North even proposed further protection with the first 13th amendment (Corwin amendment). The reason why they mentioned this issue was because a radical group of individuals were attempting to incite race war and murder within Southern society. That group had also gained executive power. Southerners saw this as more evil than the status quo of slavery.

  • @malcolmandrews4942
    @malcolmandrews4942 3 години тому

    You lost me just as soon as you talked about sexual “preferences” so nonchalantly.

    • @confederateshop
      @confederateshop  2 години тому +1

      There are so many reasons to hate Lincoln that I haven't even gotten to the possibility of him being a sodomite.