Some Explanations of the books mentioned by Ustadh. Faris 1. Thalatha Usool : If you know Arabic : (فضيلة الشيخ محمد بن صالح العثيمين ) English Speakers: (Ustadh AbdulRahman Hassan ) (Ustadh Saeed Hassan) 2. Kitab At Tawheed : (Sheikh Haytam As Sarhan) (Ustadh Abdulaziz Al-Hagan) (Ustadh Yasin Munye) (Ongoing,lives on Friday , uploads on Saturdays or Sunday)(Ustadh Saeed Hassan) 3. Sifat Salat An Nabi: (Ustadh AbdulRahman Hassan) 4.Manhaj As Salikeen: ( Sheikh Haytam As Sarhan) (Ustadh Abdulaziz Al-Hagan) (Ustaadh Sa’eed Hassan) 5. The Sealed Nector: No explanations for this book but one can benefit from the explanation of Al Arjuzatul Miiyyah by Ustadh AbdulRahman Hassan which is very summarized 6. Arbaoon An Nawawi: ( Ustadh Faris Al Hammadi) (Ustadh Abdulaziz Al-Hagan) (Ustadh AbdulRahman Hassan) 7. Aqeedah Al Wassitiyyah: (Ustadh Abdulrahman Hassan) (On-Going) (Ustadh Yasin Munye) And Allah Knows Best May Allah Put Barakah In Your Path Of Seeking Knowledge
It's because they love shirk, they like to follow desires. Hating Imam Abdul bin wahab has their agenda behind it, it can be money, fame, status and so on. Basically rejecting truth boils down to main categories 1. Social reason 2. Psychological reason [mention by br shamshi referring to shaykh Saleh Aly shaykh] applies to both non Muslim and ahlebidah. Social reason include family pressure, community pressure or he will loose his status. Psychological reason include arrogance, hatred @@ayshaahmed8930
@@ayshaahmed8930 because subcontinent people follow madhahib blindly neglecting sunnah... Well that's my opinion... Also they say we should follow only one imam from four they let you pick one from 4 options... Even scholar can make mistakes we should chose more correct view from all four... But they say no... Also they call wahabi if you quote saheeh hadith which was categorised saheeh by Sheikh Al-Albani they slander him. Only Allah SWT can guide us to the right path.
0:17 Disclaimer - Importance of Circles of Knowledge 0:19 Learning Arabic 2:32 Sincerity - Learning Islam for the sake of Allah alone 4:09 Memorizing Qur'an 6:14 Qur'an Translation in English (Muhsin Hilali) 7:17 Three Fundamental Principles of Islam 8:30 Kitab at Tawheed 9:56 Description of the Prophet's Prayer (Sheikh Albani) 10:55 The Path of the Wayfarer (Sheikh Sa'di) 11:58 Sealed Nectar 12:40 40 Hadith (Imam an Nawawi) 13:33 Aqeedah al Wasitiyyah (Commentary by Sheikh bin Uthaimeen) 14:48 Sharh Aqeedah Ahlul Sunnah wal Jama'a (Sheikh bin Uthaimeen) 15:52 Final Advice 17:07 Pens 17:37 Highlighters 17:53 Sticky Notes 18:12 Sticky Bookmarks
Memorizing Quran is good but God sent Quran so that we Muslims must follow its all laws and ethical codes sincerely, and by doing so, enter in Gardens 17:9. If a person memorizes whole Quran but does not understand the Quran nor implement laws of Quran, is like that donkey, on which, books are loaded 62:5 يَحْمِلُوهَا كَمَثَلِ ٱلْحِمَارِ يَحْمِلُ أَسْفَارًۢا
JazakAllah Khair for this video. I've started memorising the Quran and I'm learning Arabic and I totally agree that learning Arabic opens up many doors to seeking knowledge. May Allah SWT accept our efforts...🤲🏼
For those who want a English explanation for the book of fiqh the ustadh mentioned. "Manhaj As salikeen" Then on UA-cam u can look up "explannayion of manhaj as salikeen by abu abdillah Saeed hassan" it took him a little over 4 years but alhamdulilah he finished explnanaing thr whole book in detail, in English
Masha’allah may Allah preserve you brother, I was a Shia and alhamdulillah i’ve reverted February this year to Ahlul Sunnah wal Jama’a. These books should help me on my journey to becoming more knowledgeable jazakallah khairan ❤️
@@Zarghaam12 Wallahi i was. May Allah guide the shia. I was an Usuli shia and i read hadiths from the shia books about how the prophet was whitewashed and loved blonde girls with big buttocks and sleeping with prostitutes made my ranks as high as Ali and Muhammad and that made me convert. Read your own disgusting hadiths and then tell me i wasn’t a shia ya kadhab
بارك الله في Great collection of books. I am going slow on learning but trying my best. I have joined AMAU academy and all these are in coursework. InshaAllah
بارك الله فيك يا شيخنا ! القواعد الأربع، ألأصول الستة... شروحات الشيخ صالح الفوزان حفظه الله يسر لطلاب غير الناطقين باللغة العربية.. و رحمه الله الشيخ العثيمين رحمة واسعة و شروحاته مفيدا جدا لأنه رحمه الله قد بحث عن دقة مسائل.. و من معاصرين شروحات الدكتور سليمان الرحيلي و عبد الرزاق البدر مميز و مفيد جداً ....
لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير❤ أعظم ذكر في يوم عرفة أتمنى من إخواني أن وصل 100 مرة هذا الذكر❤️🇵🇸🤲 ادعو لإخوانك في غزة اللهم عليك باليهود والمنافقين العملاء
About reading the books without having a scholar as a teacher, I remember either Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen رحمه الله, Or Sheikh Fawzan حفظه الله said that that is istifaadah (benefitting), as for learning, that is only from the scholars. And that teaching, making fatawa etc cannot be done from istifaadah, and he said, "don't rely upon your own understanding, don't give fatawas" when he talked about istifaadah. Hope this adds up, بارك الله فيكم.
Asalamualeykum. I think its because he promotes people to read books from contemporary salafi scholars who are not agreed upon within the ummah. His approach here is not in line with the traditional middle path rather it's promoting his own contemporary sheikhs
@@traditionalmiddlepath3773That’s a lie. Show me one thing in the books of shaykh Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdul Wahhab that contradicts the teachings of the scholars of Ahlus Sunnah before him.
@clypeus6703 Shukrun for your response, brother. I think you are missing the point. Please, confirm why he just promotes the works of these cherry-picked subjective scholars. Shouldn't the priority be studying from the classical imams. He did mention a few here but it should be consistant Example- He says read albanis book on fiqh. Why not study one of madhabs like ibn taymiyah did as he was a hanbali ? This is why the salafi curriculum these brothers push, with their own agenda, causes these sectarian groups to form. This is exactly the same with all other groups
Even a kafir can teach you islamiq knowledge.. it does not mean he is to be followed and listen to. as you will not be able to know when he is telling the truth and when he is speaking falsehood.. this man is a muratad mushrik who is paid by his the taghut goverment to spread an islam that followd their thought even when it fights ISlam on all angles.
*Authentic Islamic Knowledge is ONLY AND ONLY in that Book which Rasool, 4 Caliphs and all Sahaaba left behind, and that is the book which is protected by God 15:9, 17:88, **41:42**, and that is Quran ONLY **6:19**, 6:114. If a person tells you, that fabricated books of Tafsirs, Hadiths, Seera and Asbab-Nazool are authentic books, then that man is telling you lies* Simple Question for a person who have healthy brain: Did Rasool, 4 Caliphs, and Companions of Rasool leave behind even one written page of so called Hadiths, Sunnah, Seera, Asbab-Nazool and Tafsirs? No Then who are those enemies of Allah and His Book and His Rasool who forged millions of stories, and then attached those stories with the name of Rasool by adding words "Qaala Rasool-Allah"? قال رسول الله Do you even know that those authors of Hadith books were in fact Munafiq of Sabaite Baatni Tehreek? I can post here 500 example, just few one now: Quran tells that Rasool used to have best Conduct 68:4 but Hadith Forger Bukhari tells that Rasool tried to commit suicide several times. God says: He is protector of Quran 15:9, 17:88, 41:42, but Books of fabricated hadiths tells that a Sheep ate verses of Stoning / Rajam (a Talmudic punishment). Was that sheep more powerful than Who has send down the Quran? Quran tells: during Fast and menses do not do intercourse with wife but forged hadith books tell that Rasool used to do intercourse even during menses and fasting? These examples make 100% Clear that author of hadith books were indeed Munafiq
Learning arabic should be compolsary.Because even though tha main book is authentic sometimes translator put his biases or worse his deviancy in the translated version of the book. I am a muslim from bangladesh recently started to study about the deen and finding this phenomenon very prevelent in bengali language book.
I'm a new revert(Feb this year) this is a great list of books I'll be getting them all. I couldn't understand the name of who you recommended for commentary, could someone tell me please?
Shaykh Ibn al-‘Uthaymeen. Personally I would get the explanation of Shaykh Fawzan as they are easier to understand for a beginner. The explanations of Shaykh Ibn al-‘Uthaymeen are amazing, but very detailed.
The priority should be to study the works of classical scholars, scholars who are actually part of the Salaf themselves, and are authorities in the Deen, rather than to focus on more contemporary scholars and their works
Asalamualeykum my brother Allah subhantallah bless you. One question I have is why do you jump and recommend people to start learning books from contemporary scholars Some of these scholars you have selected follow the so-called "salafi" Creed and your approach is the same as all other sectarian groups. Read books from my sheikhs who I follow, which is not part of our tradition .
ya Akhi I dont know your intention , May Allah reward ! you according to it .... but let me know, some scholars who understand islam and speak according to it --- I mean , who talk against the evil which is established on the land after islamic establishment has been destroyed ... and what you are showing on the screen , these people never talk about the change happening in the Arab. Salam
Long live 🇸🇦 🇦🇪 🇯🇴 & Their Blessed Projects with Israel 🇮🇱 🙏 انشاءالله Its Understood Kingdoms cannot be Sacrificed for Gaza 🇵🇸 who did it to themselves by Supporting West in World War I against Turks. By the way is it TRUE, that Turks have never Ditched or Enslaved other Turks in History unlike rest of Mankind ❓️❓️❓️❓️❓️❓️❓️❓️
In Sha Allah May Allah bless you for trying akhi, alhamdulillahh I have read those books and tbh I realise the allegations on him bringing shirk and all wallahi I felt it's all a lie... Just reading the text and not explanation of his 3 fundamentals book will make us realise how big liars are those who have made allegations on him May Allah guide you akhi and guide us all
Learn Arabic. 2.30 - Fix intention to lift jahl and spread truth and apply. Hadith 1st 3 in heI. 4.10 - Hifz Quran, clip of Suleiman Ruhayli, says Mohsin Khan tafsir is good. Clip Sh. Fawzan. 6.40 - Aqida, Usul Thalatha - for 3 questions of qubur, recommends ebn Uthaymeen shar. Kitab Tawhid, shar ebn Uthaymeen. 10.00 - Sifat Salat Nabi by Sh. Albani. Says some shar is good. 11.00 - minhaj Salikin by Sh. Saadi. 12.00 - Sealed nectar. 12.30 - 40 hadith Nawawi Recommends Shar ebn Uthaymeen. 13.30 - Shar Aqida Wasitiya by ebn Taymiyya. Ebn Uthaymeen also has commentary. 14.45 - Shar aqida Ahlul sunna ebn Uthaymeen. 15.00 - asks on Shar Sunna Barbahari Recommends good notes. My fav is form is hadith jibril, summarize or structure key topics and branch out to organize in wholesome way. Ends with hadith virtues of seeking ilm makes path to janna easily.
Some Explanations of the books mentioned by Ustadh. Faris
1. Thalatha Usool :
If you know Arabic : (فضيلة الشيخ محمد بن صالح العثيمين
English Speakers: (Ustadh AbdulRahman Hassan ) (Ustadh Saeed Hassan)
2. Kitab At Tawheed : (Sheikh Haytam As Sarhan) (Ustadh Abdulaziz Al-Hagan) (Ustadh Yasin Munye) (Ongoing,lives on Friday , uploads on Saturdays or Sunday)(Ustadh Saeed Hassan)
3. Sifat Salat An Nabi: (Ustadh AbdulRahman Hassan)
4.Manhaj As Salikeen: ( Sheikh Haytam As Sarhan) (Ustadh Abdulaziz Al-Hagan) (Ustaadh Sa’eed Hassan)
5. The Sealed Nector:
No explanations for this book but one can benefit from the explanation of Al Arjuzatul Miiyyah by Ustadh AbdulRahman Hassan which is very summarized
6. Arbaoon An Nawawi: ( Ustadh Faris Al Hammadi) (Ustadh Abdulaziz Al-Hagan) (Ustadh AbdulRahman Hassan)
7. Aqeedah Al Wassitiyyah: (Ustadh Abdulrahman Hassan) (On-Going) (Ustadh Yasin Munye)
And Allah Knows Best
May Allah Put Barakah In Your Path Of Seeking Knowledge
Jazakallahu Khairan
God bless u brother
For Islam, do not follow these man-made books. These Books usually misguide people. Just hold fast Quran, and that will take you to Paradise 17:9
JazakAllah khair
May ALLAH bless you and preserve you. Brother Faris I used to be upon the belief of the Khawarij and you helped me alot in leaving it
Allahumma Laka Al Hamd - All praise due to Allah, your comment made my day.
May Allah keep you firm brother
@@Farishammadi Sheihk, why sufis like nakashbandi and shias hate abdul wahab so much?
It's because they love shirk, they like to follow desires. Hating Imam Abdul bin wahab has their agenda behind it, it can be money, fame, status and so on. Basically rejecting truth boils down to main categories 1. Social reason 2. Psychological reason [mention by br shamshi referring to shaykh Saleh Aly shaykh] applies to both non Muslim and ahlebidah. Social reason include family pressure, community pressure or he will loose his status. Psychological reason include arrogance, hatred @@ayshaahmed8930
@@ayshaahmed8930 because subcontinent people follow madhahib blindly neglecting sunnah... Well that's my opinion... Also they say we should follow only one imam from four they let you pick one from 4 options... Even scholar can make mistakes we should chose more correct view from all four... But they say no... Also they call wahabi if you quote saheeh hadith which was categorised saheeh by Sheikh Al-Albani they slander him. Only Allah SWT can guide us to the right path.
0:17 Disclaimer - Importance of Circles of Knowledge
0:19 Learning Arabic
2:32 Sincerity - Learning Islam for the sake of Allah alone
4:09 Memorizing Qur'an
6:14 Qur'an Translation in English (Muhsin Hilali)
7:17 Three Fundamental Principles of Islam
8:30 Kitab at Tawheed
9:56 Description of the Prophet's Prayer (Sheikh Albani)
10:55 The Path of the Wayfarer (Sheikh Sa'di)
11:58 Sealed Nectar
12:40 40 Hadith (Imam an Nawawi)
13:33 Aqeedah al Wasitiyyah (Commentary by Sheikh bin Uthaimeen)
14:48 Sharh Aqeedah Ahlul Sunnah wal Jama'a (Sheikh bin Uthaimeen)
15:52 Final Advice
17:07 Pens
17:37 Highlighters
17:53 Sticky Notes
18:12 Sticky Bookmarks
May Allah reward you
Thank you
@@Farishammadi Can you please pin this comment? Jazak Allah Khair
Yes Ya Shaikh @FarisAlHammadi Pls pin this comment
May Allah reward you ❤
My life has changed since starting memorizing the Quran. ❤❤❤
How much you memorized so far? And how long it took? May Allah give help you in this and reward you
Memorizing Quran is good but God sent Quran so that we Muslims must follow its all laws and ethical codes sincerely, and by doing so, enter in Gardens 17:9. If a person memorizes whole Quran but does not understand the Quran nor implement laws of Quran, is like that donkey, on which, books are loaded 62:5
يَحْمِلُوهَا كَمَثَلِ ٱلْحِمَارِ يَحْمِلُ أَسْفَارًۢا
I love the “Disclaimer” part.
100% agreed. جزاکم اللّٰهُ خیرا
Thank you so much dear sheikh may Allah gives you endless barakah 🤲
ℹ understand now what an umma means. Thanks. 🙏 I learned much more and also received revelation. Alhamdulillah
Jazzakallahu khayran for sharing...
God bless u and grant us beneficial knowledge
JazakAllah Khair for this video. I've started memorising the Quran and I'm learning Arabic and I totally agree that learning Arabic opens up many doors to seeking knowledge. May Allah SWT accept our efforts...🤲🏼
For those who want a English explanation for the book of fiqh the ustadh mentioned. "Manhaj As salikeen" Then on UA-cam u can look up "explannayion of manhaj as salikeen by abu abdillah Saeed hassan" it took him a little over 4 years but alhamdulilah he finished explnanaing thr whole book in detail, in English
Thank you, may Allah bless u and be pleased with u Aameen
Jazskallahu khairan 🤲, really need it Shaikh!
may allah grant you Jannah al Firdaus
Masha’allah may Allah preserve you brother, I was a Shia and alhamdulillah i’ve reverted February this year to Ahlul Sunnah wal Jama’a. These books should help me on my journey to becoming more knowledgeable jazakallah khairan ❤️
Most likely you never were one!
@@Zarghaam12 Wallahi i was. May Allah guide the shia. I was an Usuli shia and i read hadiths from the shia books about how the prophet was whitewashed and loved blonde girls with big buttocks and sleeping with prostitutes made my ranks as high as Ali and Muhammad and that made me convert. Read your own disgusting hadiths and then tell me i wasn’t a shia ya kadhab
@@Zarghaam12 Wallahil adheem i was, funny you have to delude yourself. May Allah guide and excuse you.
Jazakallah khair shaykh.
Beautiful advice ❤
may Allaah preserve you ustadh Faris
Jazak Allah Khair for this Sheikh
Jazakallahkhair for this amazing vid
So helpful. Really appreciate it. JazakAllah Khair
جزاكم الله خيرا و بارك الله فيكم
Thank you, may Allah bless u and be pleased with u and your family Aameen
Great Video , Useful ❤ May Allah grant you Jannatul Firdous
I love how you include snippets of our scholars to back up what you are saying, ما شاء الله!
May Allah preserve you❤️❤️ amin🤲🏼
جزاكم الله خيرا
Very Beneficial
بارك الله فيكم
حفظك الله
May Allah bless and preserve you! Found this very useful ❤
Jazak Allah hu khair
Barek Allahu Feek
بارك الله في
Great collection of books. I am going slow on learning but trying my best. I have joined AMAU academy and all these are in coursework. InshaAllah
جزاك الله خيرا
بارك الله فيك يا شيخنا !
القواعد الأربع، ألأصول الستة...
شروحات الشيخ صالح الفوزان حفظه الله يسر لطلاب غير الناطقين باللغة العربية..
و رحمه الله الشيخ العثيمين رحمة واسعة و شروحاته مفيدا جدا لأنه رحمه الله قد بحث عن دقة مسائل..
و من معاصرين شروحات الدكتور سليمان الرحيلي و عبد الرزاق البدر مميز و مفيد جداً ....
حفظ الله العلماء ورضي عنهم
May Allah preserve you shaikh. Thank you for posting beneficial videos.
beloved and blessed thy Allah SWT 💛 ما شاء الله الحمد لله الحمد لله❤ أحب هذه المواضيع لا اله الا الله ☝️
The first reason Is that I want to learn more about my religion because I don't want to be fooled by anyone who says everything in religion.
Educational. Thanks.
لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير❤ أعظم ذكر في يوم عرفة أتمنى من إخواني أن وصل 100 مرة هذا الذكر❤️🇵🇸🤲 ادعو لإخوانك في غزة اللهم عليك باليهود والمنافقين العملاء
About reading the books without having a scholar as a teacher, I remember either Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen رحمه الله, Or Sheikh Fawzan حفظه الله said that that is istifaadah (benefitting), as for learning, that is only from the scholars. And that teaching, making fatawa etc cannot be done from istifaadah, and he said, "don't rely upon your own understanding, don't give fatawas" when he talked about istifaadah.
Hope this adds up, بارك الله فيكم.
جزاك خيرا يا شيخ❤
Tabakallahhu feek
I don’t understand why some Muslims whom we follow are against you if you are teaching us about the authentic Islamic knowledge. May Allah guide us
I think its because he promotes people to read books from contemporary salafi scholars who are not agreed upon within the ummah.
His approach here is not in line with the traditional middle path rather it's promoting his own contemporary sheikhs
@@traditionalmiddlepath3773That’s a lie. Show me one thing in the books of shaykh Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdul Wahhab that contradicts the teachings of the scholars of Ahlus Sunnah before him.
@clypeus6703 Shukrun for your response, brother.
I think you are missing the point.
Please, confirm why he just promotes the works of these cherry-picked subjective scholars. Shouldn't the priority be studying from the classical imams. He did mention a few here but it should be consistant
Example- He says read albanis book on fiqh. Why not study one of madhabs like ibn taymiyah did as he was a hanbali ?
This is why the salafi curriculum these brothers push, with their own agenda, causes these sectarian groups to form.
This is exactly the same with all other groups
Even a kafir can teach you islamiq knowledge.. it does not mean he is to be followed and listen to. as you will not be able to know when he is telling the truth and when he is speaking falsehood.. this man is a muratad mushrik who is paid by his the taghut goverment to spread an islam that followd their thought even when it fights ISlam on all angles.
*Authentic Islamic Knowledge is ONLY AND ONLY in that Book which Rasool, 4 Caliphs and all Sahaaba left behind, and that is the book which is protected by God 15:9, 17:88, **41:42**, and that is Quran ONLY **6:19**, 6:114. If a person tells you, that fabricated books of Tafsirs, Hadiths, Seera and Asbab-Nazool are authentic books, then that man is telling you lies*
Simple Question for a person who have healthy brain:
Did Rasool, 4 Caliphs, and Companions of Rasool leave behind even one written page of so called Hadiths, Sunnah, Seera, Asbab-Nazool and Tafsirs? No
Then who are those enemies of Allah and His Book and His Rasool who forged millions of stories, and then attached those stories with the name of Rasool by adding words "Qaala Rasool-Allah"? قال رسول الله
Do you even know that those authors of Hadith books were in fact Munafiq of Sabaite Baatni Tehreek?
I can post here 500 example, just few one now:
Quran tells that Rasool used to have best Conduct 68:4 but Hadith Forger Bukhari tells that Rasool tried to commit suicide several times.
God says: He is protector of Quran 15:9, 17:88, 41:42, but Books of fabricated hadiths tells that a Sheep ate verses of Stoning / Rajam (a Talmudic punishment). Was that sheep more powerful than Who has send down the Quran?
Quran tells: during Fast and menses do not do intercourse with wife but forged hadith books tell that Rasool used to do intercourse even during menses and fasting?
These examples make 100% Clear that author of hadith books were indeed Munafiq
Thank you for this Sheikh! May I travel to study under your tutelage in the UAE? InshaAllah!
@AhlulAlHaqq-cj4me Thank you for the recommendation, brother. May Allah bless you.
Sheikh Assalamu alaikum
May Allah bless you .. I have noticed ad with music played prior to this video .. is it ok ?
Jazakallah khairan, in which order we should read those books or which books should we read at the same time ?
Walaikumussalaam warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh
Learning arabic should be compolsary.Because even though tha main book is authentic sometimes translator put his biases or worse his deviancy in the translated version of the book.
I am a muslim from bangladesh recently started to study about the deen and finding this phenomenon very prevelent in bengali language book.
Assalamualaikum Wa rahmatullahi barakatuh Shaikh How to question Shaikh!
والىكم السلام ورحمت لله وبركاته
I'm a new revert(Feb this year) this is a great list of books I'll be getting them all. I couldn't understand the name of who you recommended for commentary, could someone tell me please?
Shaykh Ibn al-‘Uthaymeen. Personally I would get the explanation of Shaykh Fawzan as they are easier to understand for a beginner. The explanations of Shaykh Ibn al-‘Uthaymeen are amazing, but very detailed.
Love from India 🇮🇳
@ 17 August 2024
Sheikh, I have a question. What do you think about the idea of reading these books in PDF format?
What’s the best resource to learn Arabic?
Our beloved Syaikh sulaiman aruhaily hafizahullah
The priority should be to study the works of classical scholars, scholars who are actually part of the Salaf themselves, and are authorities in the Deen, rather than to focus on more contemporary scholars and their works
Assalamu alaikkum...
Where can i get all these kitabs in uae?
Can we find any of these books online
Usthad where can we get these books online if possible. Jazak Allah Khayrn
I have the translation of Abdullah Yusuf Ali. Is it bad?
Anyone got a list of these books please
When can a woman consider herself clean after her menses for prayers.
Asalamualeykum my brother
Allah subhantallah bless you.
One question I have is why do you jump and recommend people to start learning books from contemporary scholars
Some of these scholars you have selected follow the so-called "salafi" Creed and your approach is the same as all other sectarian groups. Read books from my sheikhs who I follow, which is not part of our tradition .
ya Akhi I dont know your intention , May Allah reward ! you according to it .... but let me know, some scholars who understand islam and speak according to it --- I mean , who talk against the evil which is established on the land after islamic establishment has been destroyed ... and what you are showing on the screen , these people never talk about the change happening in the Arab. Salam
Salam alaykum brother.
Where do you get the books, the arabic ones and the englisch ones? Not all the books i am able to get from amazon.
Which country are you from, maybe I can help with sites.
@@clypeus6703 germany
Learning Arabic is wajib this man saying it’s not mandatory haha
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "We are an illiterate nation; we neither write, nor know accounts. (Saheeb Bukhari).
Long live 🇸🇦 🇦🇪 🇯🇴 & Their Blessed Projects with Israel 🇮🇱 🙏 انشاءالله Its Understood Kingdoms cannot be Sacrificed for Gaza 🇵🇸 who did it to themselves by Supporting West in World War I against Turks.
By the way is it TRUE, that Turks have never Ditched or Enslaved other Turks in History unlike rest of Mankind ❓️❓️❓️❓️❓️❓️❓️❓️
Faris man, why are you 👢 😋?
Of course he would mention books from Muhammad Abdul Wahhab 🙄. Ok Sheikh I will try and read that “scholar” books
Jazakallah Khair
Are you sufi😂
In Sha Allah
May Allah bless you for trying akhi, alhamdulillahh I have read those books and tbh I realise the allegations on him bringing shirk and all wallahi I felt it's all a lie... Just reading the text and not explanation of his 3 fundamentals book will make us realise how big liars are those who have made allegations on him
May Allah guide you akhi and guide us all
It seems you have had some bad influences and bias on you.
Assalamualikum brother its not allowed to havr names like kaafirs like "batman" and "superman".
Shia got hurt? 😂
Learn Arabic.
2.30 - Fix intention to lift jahl and spread truth and apply. Hadith 1st 3 in heI.
4.10 - Hifz Quran, clip of Suleiman Ruhayli, says Mohsin Khan tafsir is good. Clip Sh. Fawzan.
6.40 - Aqida, Usul Thalatha - for 3 questions of qubur, recommends ebn Uthaymeen shar.
Kitab Tawhid, shar ebn Uthaymeen.
10.00 - Sifat Salat Nabi by Sh. Albani.
Says some shar is good.
11.00 - minhaj Salikin by Sh. Saadi.
12.00 - Sealed nectar.
12.30 - 40 hadith Nawawi
Recommends Shar ebn Uthaymeen.
13.30 - Shar Aqida Wasitiya by ebn Taymiyya.
Ebn Uthaymeen also has commentary.
14.45 - Shar aqida Ahlul sunna ebn Uthaymeen.
15.00 - asks on Shar Sunna Barbahari
Recommends good notes.
My fav is form is hadith jibril, summarize or structure key topics and branch out to organize in wholesome way.
Ends with hadith virtues of seeking ilm makes path to janna easily.
جزاك الله خيرا