Hello don't worry about her tshirt....they don't care about that in the Philippines...that is why your country has so many mental issues becaused every little thing you make it a big deal. Here in the Philippines we are happy, chill people...we don't stress out on every little things...🤣
I just came back to the United States from Dumaguete and I had a wonderful time. Getting used to the traffic and riding in it on a scooter is one thing that is a shock the system. But I found it to be pleasant and a beautiful place that I will consider retiring to. Probably down around Dauin or up in Valencia. I even got to meet Goldfinger :-)
By the way Paul , coming up on my one year anniversary since got married in ormoc city , I have followed you for three years and found your advice quite helpful sir . Thank to you and the beautiful baby Mae for all tips .
2010 there were over 200,000 Expats living in the Philippines. 2024 around 154,000. American: 10,912, British: 3,392, Chinese: 49,556, Indian: 26,123, Taiwanese: 7,800, etc.. Population of the Philippines is around 117.3 million. 4.1 million Filipino Americans living in the United States. Nice Shirt Mae 😁 Paul has great hair. I love blue cheese bacon cheese burgers, they're awesome. That is all, LOL!
I'm glad Trump won, but I wouldn't live in the U.S. if there was a free mansion with BMWs in the driveway all tax free waiting for me. What good is all that if you to worry about being carjacked, mugged, or shot every time you go out?
@@commonsense6534 depends where u live,,,really,,,What did Trump accomplish his 1st term? No best healthcare, no infrastructure, no wall by Mexico, he raised the debt by almost 8 trillion, cheat on all of his wives, ok to grab women, mocked disabled person,,,is that the best u can elect. Also, when Trump left office the stock market was around 22k, under Biden it hit 44k. I just sold 60% of my stocks for massive profit. Trump and the non elected immigrant Elon with crash the market. But u are probably Maga, so u have no clue about economics....We are pumping out more oil then ever,,,,,I lived in cebu city for 7 years, it was all Maga foreigners in cebu. They were there to find a teenager for sex, old, fat, wrinkles, and they would talk politics all the time in the restaurants or bars. I left the USA for that reason, but they should STFU in the PI. I do not want to hear their nonsense,,,,Trump lies constantly,,,fact checked lies,,,,goodluck perv
I live a luxury life in the PH on $1306/month. My two buddies live on $2,500/month and $4,000/month respectfully. We all live in the same place - and live the same basic lifestyle. My rule of thumb for my imcome is 40% for domicle needs - 30% for food needs - 30% for unexpecteds.
HI PAUL and MAE , TY for updating some things there , it is getting out of control expensive here in USA on the east coast , moreso here where I am near NYC. I just want to say YOU GUYS MAKE A BEAUTIFUL COUPLE GOD BLESS CIAO
Inflation on food is up 50% in the United States, rents has fallen from $2000 to 1550 a month on average, but that is still up by 50%, the country is entering a time of deflation as people are being laid off in large numbers and car companies are shutting down and laying off. Used cars ,motorcycles and anything els that is used can be bought cheaper because 70% of the American people are broke from inflation and many have relied on credit cards to keep going.
I am going to have to check out the Philippines. I live in Thailand. I live in an older condo in Pattaya (a 5-minute scooter ride to the beach). It is all concrete, so the rooms are quiet (I have a video of the condo). I am on the ninth floor, so the sunsets are great, and I do not have much trouble with mosquitoes or road noise. We have a large pool with a slide. There is a restaurant by the pool; most meals are 3-7 dollars. My rent is $207/month. I have a new wall unit A/C, that I run 24/7 and my electric bill is $30/month. My room is 270 square feet or 30 square meters. It has plenty of room for a single guy.
Paul, I came here to the Philippines February 2022. I spent the first 6 months in Cebu. The rest of the time I have lived here in Bacong. You are 100% correct with everything you say.
Hi Paul just saw your video about your eyes. Last month had right eye cataract done. This morning had left eye done. The Doc was so nice and fast both times in and out in 1 hour. No pain. Best part is i am retired Military so Tricare for Life, and Medicare paid for both eyes. I only paid for the drops $19.00 for each eye. I am like a new man after wearing glasses for 68 years. Now I will still have to wear cheater glasses for up close reading.. Glad my Eye Doctor told me it's time to get surgery.
I was over in Dumaguete a couple months ago, and I really enjoyed it. As for foreigners - yeah, there were certainly more than in Bacolod (or at least in the part of the city where I stay when I'm there), but I didn't think it was over the top.
Actually most people here in the USA will tell you that inflation over the last 4 years is actually higher than 20%. It's the government saying its about 20%. For instance my rent is up about 36%. Another example is I just bought a new phone recently. Same kind and from the same place and it was close to 100% increase. Just a few examples. Always enjoy your videos!
I'll be in Duma on my first scouting trip December 13-16. I hope I run into you guys! If I do, I'll come up and introduce myself if it looks like I won't be intruding on something important, and offer to buy ya' a cup of coffee or a meal! Staying at the DCCCO hotel.
Great Video Pauly. People need to understand no one knows how much it is going to cost for another person to live. I live here in Florida and I have no clue what it would cost for another to live here. Granted I can say I spend more then 600 a month in food but I am picky on what I eat and cook . That is not going out to eat that is all cooking at home. I spend about 165 a month on lights and that is because I keep my place at 64 F . I pay a little over 100 a month for net that is because the net company is greedy. That alone tells no one anything because people might eat different then I do. My light bill means nothing because I keep my house at 64 F others might keep theirs at 78 F Net means little because it cost more for Phone and Cable TV and I do not have Cable TV because I think it is a waste of money. Depending on where you live in Florida the rent can cost 800 a month to 5000 a month. Then you have people that like to make people think they have more money then they really do so they would go bar hopping and not notice just how much they are spending. Or they wish to impress others and go to high end places to eat then tip big. It happens a lot. I see it many times. I know a guy that makes a little more then me and he use to ask me for money every week. I had to put a stop to that. He started to ask others for money so he could keep his fake I am rich look going and he ended up broke and homeless. You can't teach people how to handle their money. They will do what they wish no matter what. I have seen people set a limit on how much they will spend for a night out. I would hang out not because I like bars I don't but to watch how they screw up. Most of the time by 10 PM they are asking for money and when they don't get it they try the guilt trip man with out money my night is done it's over come on man help me out. I never did help them out. They still never learned. I like to drink beer and I would rather stay home and pay 24 dollars for a case of 16 oz beer that is 24 beers rather then go to a club and pay 9 dollars for a beer at a club. I would rather drink alone and enjoy my beer then have people hang out and drink my beer for me and they do not bring any or pay for what they drink. I am a simple man living a simple life and I am happy. I love to cook and I eat one meal a day sometimes every other day. I am single so I eat when I want sleep when I want go do anything I want and have no one telling me I need to do this or that. Some times I don't eat till 3 AM .
@@varythings I am more then happy . I gave up on dating because every girl I ever dated lied, Cheated and even most of them stole from me. I am a slow learner I know but I learned I am not meant to be with anyone.
With five million fewer foreigners visiting the PH this year, one would think that visas would be easier and faster than ever. The government must be desperate for Westerners to drop some cash there.
I was in dumaguete the spring of last year twice just for the day and seen a couple of foreigners but not noticeably more then other places. I seen much more young (mostly European) backpackers at the port and on the ferry to Siquijor.
Tomorrow is my One Month in the Philippines Milestone. Based on the "Negatives" I heard about Dumaguete, over the last year I looked up tons of Data about Cities all over the Philippines. For my wants & needs I choose Cebu City for my One Year Trial after Civil Service Retirement. At this point, I don't see why I would want to return to the US. Being within Walking Distance or Cab Ride of anything I need is wonderful.
Interesting. I live in Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada. The population might be around 60000 now after some natural and economical disasters, but the last count a few years ago registered nearly 5000 Filipinos living here. And indeed there pleasant faces pop up everywhere.
Great video Paul & Baby. You got in bang on the nail with the budget thing, finding a wife and somewhere to live. 👍. However, we live in the north of Luzon...in the provinces you might say, and the choices are a little better and cheaper. Look after those eyes mate. Take care.
Glad things worked out for you on finding the right girl for you. I also met my Filipina by being introduced to each other by our friends. My friend had married a friend of hers so that is how we got introduced to each other. I agree that seems to be the best way to find someone.
Hi Paul, Inflation is approximately 5% per year and its accumulating, Medical and Emergencies expenses are a huge problem everywhere, also - if one needs to move back home, it might be almost impossible.
this video resonates for me living here in provincial Cebu. So little choice of established, acceptable quality accommodation. We have the means to buy, but after a number of years, still haven't found a place that ticks all the boxes you mentioned. It looks like we will have to go the well trodden path of buying a lot and building what we want. Not my preference, but left with little choice.
Foriegners have more money in general, that is the bottom line. Yes noses and eyes make a difference, but a homeless guy with a big nose, won't "cut the mustard".
What you say goes for every country. I do live in Panama. I'm German. But I don't go to German/Austrian/Swiss meetings. I lived before moving to Panama in Canada for 14 years. Same over there. If I move in a different country, I like to live with locals to experience the normal life. And yes. I have "lost 😂 " some ladies who were interested in me / my wallet - because I didn't moved into a fancy skyscraper with gym, pool and so on. It would have cost me 3-5 times to rent an apartment there instead what I am paying for my 2 bedroom house with a big garden the last 3 years. And yes. You have the guys who MUST show off or just need North Americans as neighbors and don't like to interact with locals if it isn't necessary. My question is and will be always: WTF do people leave their country if they need "little USA" to be happy? Sometimes when I visit a restaurant, people ask me where I live. When I tell them that I am renting a nice clean house in the "open streets" (how scary 😨) they suddenly say: "OMG! Is that safe?!" Seriously? What is wrong with people? You don't like the country experience, just go back home! Prices? Yes. Americans throw around money like they die tomorrow! And the next day, they complain that they got ripped off! 😂 Seriously? Overrun by Expats? Sure. There are places in Panama where Americans "took over" like Boquete. Locals can't afford to buy properties. Restaurants are totally overpricing everything. Ice cream? $4 dollars a ball of ice cream! I like ice cream! But holy. I passed on that one. I was in Sienna Italy at the ice cream store of THE WORLD CHAMPION OF ICE CREAM MAKING. Just stumbled over it. 80 cents a ball of fantastic ice cream. Just compare. But hey. Who am I to tell Americans to watch their money? 😂😂😂
Awesome comment, I can relate to everything you said. I usually hide that I understand German when I encounter people speaking it. I am Austrian. Ladies ? Learn to say 'no'. Guys don't remember that they are in power as long as they're the one who has money. 😊
Never retire in a "Best place to retire " city written up in Forbes magazine, or overly advertised by youtube channels. You'll just end up in a place occupied by elderly Americans that costs way too much.
@RatTerminator Yes. You Americans say scoop. We Germans say ball because if you go to Europe, they actually roll balls out of the ice cream. When I had my first ice cream cone in Canada, I just thought: Wow. Just smack it on top of the cone without any love in what you do... 😁 I figured they all do it that way in North America. When I had friends coming over to my house, they loved the ice cream balls I scooped out and served them with cream liquor on top. I bought extra that European ice cream spoon online a couple years ago. Couple? Wow. I think that's already 15 years ago!
My wife and I live in a suburb of Chicago. We have an 1100 square foot house. Property tax is $5700 per year. We both have Medicare and a supplemental health insurance plan at a total cost of $1202.00 per month effective January 1, 2025. Inflation is alive and well in the U.S.
Your on the right track. People here in the usa are getting more and more hateful everyday. The usa politics and the economy is a possible cause. We can't afford to live here anymore. I'm coming to the PI soon. See ya around.
When I visited Dumaguete, I noticed it has a lot of nature. If you are a nature lover, Dumaguete is for you. There are plenty of places in the PH where you can find much cheaper places to live than Dumaguete. They are just as nice as Dumaguete, too.
Looking good, glad you're feeling better. Just did a month in Duma and one thing that surprised me was how far apart things are. Since vlogs about Valencia, Dauin, etc all kind of fall in the same Dumaguete pot I just had a mental image of them all being much closer together.
They aren't really that far apart, it's just the traffic getting to them. It used to take me an hour to go 6km from Sibulan to Robinson's mall Duma. I could get from Robinson's mall Duma to Bayawan City in about an hour, because no traffic at the right time of day.
Most of the crap I left behind sat idle I used once in a while downsizing was excatly what I needed ready to keep it simple think I'll get one big box of crap sent over here some day thats it good video Paul
I'm living in a hotel near the airport. Around 22k a month, but I don't have to pay for electricity, water, internet, or maid service. My internet here is amazing, backup generators, power is never down for more than 10 minutes. Great water pressure and nice hot showers. Sure its a a little on the small size. About the size of a US college dorm room, but its just me and works great for me. If I ever find a good Filipina, then I will look for other housing. But for just me, I'm doing pretty good. No pool, but nice breakfast every morning for 120php, or 220 for pancakes, sausage, and egg. I don't go out to the bars or nice restaurants. My budget is $1400/mo. I keep to myself mostly. Been here 3 months, have not even felt like a Filipina has looked in my direction.
Where are you staying if I may ask? It sounds like a good deal for a quick 1-2 month scouting visit in the future. If there are many options in the area just say so.. no need to get too specific in that case. Thx
$18 someplace in Wisconsin I've heard for a big mac meal. Wendy's tried to introduce surge pricing, then had to backtrack. Near me the price of a DBL Cheeseburger has tripled from 4 years ago.
I've been here 11 months with my girlfriend in Piapi. About foreigners, I pretty much agree -- I see most foreigners at the gym or at Robinsons. Some days I go all day without seeing another one on the street. Not overrun with foreigners at all. If I were single, the gym would be a pretty good hunting ground for female companionship. I'd also follow the advice of getting to know the local expats, and showing their girlfriends/wives that I'm a 'good guy', and getting introductions that way. Great advice. Budget? We're capped at P100k/mo which is $1700-1800/mo right now. My girl makes it work. And, that's with each of us getting a p10k allowance for eating out and Shopee/Lazada shopping. I'm banking the rest for our future home sometime in the next 3 years or so. We really love Duma and want to live close to downtown, such as we are in Piapi. Though Sibulan is doable. Great video, and the lighting was fine if variable. Missed Gaylord, though.
Hey Paul, you guys are the best, I’ve been enjoying your informative, engaging, fun videos for quite awhile. But, may I ask, there’s one topic I haven’t run across which is of major concern for me while giving serious consideration to living in the Philippines. The subject is insects. How do you handle mosquitos, which is my main concern, and other creepy critters? If you’re wondering whether I have a phobia, not exactly, my formative years were spent in the tropics, namely Puerto Rico, and it was difficult. Mosquitoes, ticks, flying roaches, flying ants, spiders etc… left an indelible impression on me. The climate, landscape, the beautiful Filipino people, the relaxed provincial lifestyle are all incredibly appealing so I’m willing to overcome my concerns. Can you advise me as to what the worst might be so I can prepare ahead. ☺️
I am living on that same 2000.00 here in Canada. Truck payment, insurance, gas, food and phone and internet. Electric bill also. Also single with no dependents no credit card. Depends on your mindset.
@varythings For now yes. I won't in a few more years. My pensions have to be coming in first. I am making good money here now so I want to keep it going for now while I still can. I know people in the Philippines who live very well on less than 2000.00 a month. Location is the key I am learning.
Hello, I’m Canadian living in Japan for over 12 years now, but want to return to Canada 🇨🇦. I’m worried about affording it now due to skyrocketed rents and real estate. Where in Canada can I afford to live for $2000/month? Does that include rent or do you own a house without a mortgage payment?
@@perryhenrickson7750 I would suggest you look somewhere else first and Dumaguete be the fall back position. Pick any first class city (population over 100k) to add to your short list.
I liked your comments about meeting a partner in the Philippines. My wife was also a friend of a friend. If the ladies know that a foreigner of reasonable quality is single and available he will have no problem getting married there.
The home prices of Dumaguete definitely back up the fact that foreigners make up a larger percentage than you think. How else do these sellers like Alma who are constantly posting homes and land that are nearly as high as the same house would be in America. The land prices I keep seeing are 50k for a lot that is like 1/8 acre. My house in America is 5 bedroom and my lot is 1.3 acres and if I try to buy it there it will cost me more than here. Is this a misconception I have just based on all of the sellers being listed to us here in America?
It's all about location and convenience. Philippines property except agricultural land and if it's on a road even that is overpriced. You can buy cheap in small towns where nobody wants to be, or in Manila now that the POGOs have gone. I saw a tidy house in Pasay going for $42k. Foreigners definitely drive up land prices but it's also an influx of money into the Philippines for the last 5 years or so.
Baby Mae , please do not hide your smile ! We know you are in process of getting teeth straightened but we all have seen your great soul and personality ...... Your Sunshine in your soul Shines Brightly and we all feel warm inside knowing that Baby Mae is around and smiling for Paul and his huge following of loyal friends ..... I Smile everytime I think of Baby Mae & Paul ....... Keep it up Dynamic Duo ! ! Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195 , Calayo Rd, Calayo Beach , Batangas province near Nasugbu.......
We own our own home now but when my wife and i rented our very basic apartment in rural Philippines we paid P3000 a month. It came with a community dirty kitchen and free weekly brownouts.😊
Our family home is in Naval, Biliran Province. Even though its a provincial town, its more expensive because everything has to be transported there with multiple means until it arrives at its final destination. We finally have a fast boat to Cebu, but that is passenger only. The potential for building a nice home in a great lot is excellent, but you will definitely pay a premium for this as compared to places like Dumaguete. Materials will be more expensive as well as getting a quality contractor from locations like Ormoc or Tacloban.
A/C can be a big cost as well with electric usage also depending on how much your cooling.. I personally can’t not sleep or live without it in the Philippines 😅
I run my AC 24/7 also. Using the most efficient split AC helps a lot. I'm remodeling a place with two 0.8hp 650W peak AC where my house I have right now has a non inverter split 1.0hp that pulls 820W peak, of which I have two but I only run one of them. It's good to have two in case of brownout for quick cooling or if one fails. Continuous running means the drains clog up less.
I'm in the Philippines. I only take a trike on Sunday to church. 100 pesos. Other than that I walk everywhere. I like walking. It is good exercise for an old man. I have no problem with it. If I took I trike everyday to everywhere I go... I'd be broke. I don't smoke. I don't drink coffee. I don't go to bars. I don't own a car or motorbike or bicycle, I cook my own food a lot because it is better than the street food to me. That said. I am no saint. I drink beer everyday as I relax on the balcony of my apartment. I have a hard time spending more than 1500 a month. Because of that... I can travel in the Philippines every other month and once a year I can go to my favorite spot in Thailand. I'm living the dream. It might not be your dream. But it is mine for sure since I don't work and I am living pretty well. Take care.
Great video Paul, you're spot on about price inflation in Ph, the only other reason for western expats to come to Ph was for older guys to date young women. But that's also drying up with the use if social media, the proportion of women online scamming has gone up big time since start of pandemic, so chances for guys to find women for serious relationships is much lower now. Add into this the poverty, trash and skin tax, people are voting with their feet. Other Asian countries have recovered well since pandemic. I heard that November Cambodia will overtake Philippines.
Paul, your adult wife should object to wearing a shirt with "baby girl" on it. What is wrong with you? Absurd.
Get a life, I think it's cute
Your reading wayyyy too much into a simple tee shirt.
She isn't called Baby Mae for nothing lol)
This guy doesn’t realize the matrix has other dimensions……Absurd….
Hello don't worry about her tshirt....they don't care about that in the Philippines...that is why your country has so many mental issues becaused every little thing you make it a big deal.
Here in the Philippines we are happy, chill people...we don't stress out on every little things...🤣
The simplicity of life equals less stress which is why I LOVE The Philippines. I was there last year & 2019 & love it there.
I just came back to the United States from Dumaguete and I had a wonderful time. Getting used to the traffic and riding in it on a scooter is one thing that is a shock the system. But I found it to be pleasant and a beautiful place that I will consider retiring to. Probably down around Dauin or up in Valencia. I even got to meet Goldfinger :-)
I just got back home from dumegete yesterday for 10 days. Horrible experience...
I got to meet Goldfinger today too
Glad you enjoyed it
Thanks Paul! I really enjoy your videos. Thanks for making them!
@@cohenalbertb Thank you very much 😊
Great video Paul. You really told it like it is. Thanks
Good vedieo paul i enjoyed it 👍 Mabuhay
I liked the little bye-bye of Baby May's at the end of the video.. Keep brightening our days..
Great video and great information, thank you.
Hi Paul, May, thank you for the informative and honest content, good to see you back on your platform.
Glad to see you’re doing better Paul 🙏🏼🫡
LOVE your Background Views, Paul. Nice and Simple and the fresh wind looks bowing just right God Bless
Morning here Paul. I have seen several vids taken inside of grocery stores there. Whats crazy is those prices are almost the same as here.
Thanks Paul for spreading the truth.
Glad to see you back to regular posting
Thank you for making this show for us.
Great video!
By the way Paul , coming up on my one year anniversary since got married in ormoc city , I have followed you for three years and found your advice quite helpful sir . Thank to you and the beautiful baby Mae for all tips .
We are all rooting for you to quit smoking. Keep up the fight, you can do it.
Love your videos Paul. Top notch. Merry Christmas to you and Baby Mae
2010 there were over 200,000 Expats living in the Philippines. 2024 around 154,000.
American: 10,912, British: 3,392, Chinese: 49,556, Indian: 26,123, Taiwanese: 7,800, etc.. Population of the Philippines is around 117.3 million.
4.1 million Filipino Americans living in the United States.
Nice Shirt Mae 😁
Paul has great hair.
I love blue cheese bacon cheese burgers, they're awesome.
That is all, LOL!
Great statistics. Thanks
I'm glad Trump won, but I wouldn't live in the U.S. if there was a free mansion
with BMWs in the driveway all tax free waiting for me. What good is all that if you to worry about being carjacked, mugged, or shot every time you go out?
Exactly. Especially if you try and defend yourself and then need a defense attorney, like Kyle or Daniel.
@@commonsense6534 depends where u live,,,really,,,What did Trump accomplish his 1st term? No best healthcare, no infrastructure, no wall by Mexico, he raised the debt by almost 8 trillion, cheat on all of his wives, ok to grab women, mocked disabled person,,,is that the best u can elect. Also, when Trump left office the stock market was around 22k, under Biden it hit 44k. I just sold 60% of my stocks for massive profit. Trump and the non elected immigrant Elon with crash the market. But u are probably Maga, so u have no clue about economics....We are pumping out more oil then ever,,,,,I lived in cebu city for 7 years, it was all Maga foreigners in cebu. They were there to find a teenager for sex, old, fat, wrinkles, and they would talk politics all the time in the restaurants or bars. I left the USA for that reason, but they should STFU in the PI. I do not want to hear their nonsense,,,,Trump lies constantly,,,fact checked lies,,,,goodluck perv
Thanks Paul and Mae for another informative video ❤ Hi yippee & Tada!! Love the crazy people 😊
Appreciate you friend s. As always keeping it real
Always enjoy the videos and learn something....Thanks Paul and Mae!! Im the one that couldn't slow down. You have taught me alot!!
Thanks, Paul and Mae. Pleasure as always.
Thanks for an informative video. You guys have been through thick and thin and i appreciate your time. Keep up the good work 👍🎉
Thanks for the high production video 😊
I live a luxury life in the PH on $1306/month. My two buddies live on $2,500/month and $4,000/month respectfully. We all live in the same place - and live the same basic lifestyle. My rule of thumb for my imcome is 40% for domicle needs - 30% for food needs - 30% for unexpecteds.
Good job Paul . I’ll wait for an introduction from a respected friend.
Thanks Paul.
HI PAUL and MAE , TY for updating some things there , it is getting out of control expensive here in USA on the east coast , moreso here where I am near NYC.
Inflation on food is up 50% in the United States, rents has fallen from $2000 to 1550 a month on average, but that is still up by 50%, the country is entering a time of deflation as people are being laid off in large numbers and car companies are shutting down and laying off. Used cars ,motorcycles and anything els that is used can be bought cheaper because 70% of the American people are broke from inflation and many have relied on credit cards to keep going.
I am going to have to check out the Philippines. I live in Thailand. I live in an older condo in Pattaya (a 5-minute scooter ride to the beach). It is all concrete, so the rooms are quiet (I have a video of the condo). I am on the ninth floor, so the sunsets are great, and I do not have much trouble with mosquitoes or road noise. We have a large pool with a slide. There is a restaurant by the pool; most meals are 3-7 dollars. My rent is $207/month. I have a new wall unit A/C, that I run 24/7 and my electric bill is $30/month. My room is 270 square feet or 30 square meters. It has plenty of room for a single guy.
Great to see you feeling healthy again Paul. We will be visiting BGC next week for three weeks. Looking forward to being in the Philippines again.
Old Dog and The Lovely B.A.B.Y. - Baby Mae':
Tks. much
Hi Paul, good video. Great to see your back online and speedy recovery. Regards Gerry in Luzon.
Beautiful background Paul
Another great video 😁
Thank you for watching!
Every time I go to the grocery store here in America I discovered something new that I can live without
Agreed - good advice ...
Good video paul and mae
Paul, I came here to the Philippines February 2022. I spent the first 6 months in Cebu. The rest of the time I have lived here in Bacong. You are 100% correct with everything you say.
Hi Paul just saw your video about your eyes. Last month had right eye cataract done. This morning had left eye done. The Doc was so nice and fast both times in and out in 1 hour. No pain. Best part is i am retired Military so Tricare for Life, and Medicare paid for both eyes. I only paid for the drops $19.00 for each eye. I am like a new man after wearing glasses for 68 years. Now I will still have to wear cheater glasses for up close reading.. Glad my Eye Doctor told me it's time to get surgery.
Good info, thanks. Keep making these videos in outdoor locations. It's much nicer for the viewer than a couch/wall view.
Great job Mae and Paul.
Good luck with your New House Build.
Good video Paul. Thanks. Greetings from Belgium 🇧🇪
Damm Paul Great straight talk.
I was over in Dumaguete a couple months ago, and I really enjoyed it. As for foreigners - yeah, there were certainly more than in Bacolod (or at least in the part of the city where I stay when I'm there), but I didn't think it was over the top.
Actually most people here in the USA will tell you that inflation over the last 4 years is actually higher than 20%. It's the government saying its about 20%. For instance my rent is up about 36%. Another example is I just bought a new phone recently. Same kind and from the same place and it was close to 100% increase. Just a few examples. Always enjoy your videos!
i agree with you. meat here is 100% to 400% more expensive than it was pre biden.
Yes its higher
And most food is 30 to 50% higher and Gas was 1.87 In 2018 and went over double .
The water and electricity never goes out. Traffic flows very well and is safe to drive in. There is a Walmart in Duma.
Thanks for sharing.
Cheers to you both from the PNW Seattle WA area.
Fluffy ✌️
Miss you Frankie ❤❤❤
I'll be in Duma on my first scouting trip December 13-16. I hope I run into you guys! If I do, I'll come up and introduce myself if it looks like I won't be intruding on something important, and offer to buy ya' a cup of coffee or a meal! Staying at the DCCCO hotel.
great vlog
I love her t-shirt. I love her too
Checking in guys
i was shocked to discover no grab or taxis. TG I didn't come there.
Great Video Pauly. People need to understand no one knows how much it is going to cost for another person to live. I live here in Florida and I have no clue what it would cost for another to live here. Granted I can say I spend more then 600 a month in food but I am picky on what I eat and cook . That is not going out to eat that is all cooking at home. I spend about 165 a month on lights and that is because I keep my place at 64 F . I pay a little over 100 a month for net that is because the net company is greedy. That alone tells no one anything because people might eat different then I do. My light bill means nothing because I keep my house at 64 F others might keep theirs at 78 F Net means little because it cost more for Phone and Cable TV and I do not have Cable TV because I think it is a waste of money. Depending on where you live in Florida the rent can cost 800 a month to 5000 a month.
Then you have people that like to make people think they have more money then they really do so they would go bar hopping and not notice just how much they are spending. Or they wish to impress others and go to high end places to eat then tip big. It happens a lot. I see it many times. I know a guy that makes a little more then me and he use to ask me for money every week. I had to put a stop to that. He started to ask others for money so he could keep his fake I am rich look going and he ended up broke and homeless. You can't teach people how to handle their money. They will do what they wish no matter what.
I have seen people set a limit on how much they will spend for a night out. I would hang out not because I like bars I don't but to watch how they screw up. Most of the time by 10 PM they are asking for money and when they don't get it they try the guilt trip man with out money my night is done it's over come on man help me out. I never did help them out. They still never learned.
I like to drink beer and I would rather stay home and pay 24 dollars for a case of 16 oz beer that is 24 beers rather then go to a club and pay 9 dollars for a beer at a club. I would rather drink alone and enjoy my beer then have people hang out and drink my beer for me and they do not bring any or pay for what they drink. I am a simple man living a simple life and I am happy. I love to cook and I eat one meal a day sometimes every other day. I am single so I eat when I want sleep when I want go do anything I want and have no one telling me I need to do this or that. Some times I don't eat till 3 AM .
don't tell me that you are happy, you would not be here and chase your dreams otherwise
@@varythings I am more then happy . I gave up on dating because every girl I ever dated lied, Cheated and even most of them stole from me. I am a slow learner I know but I learned I am not meant to be with anyone.
Manhattan, NYC. ❤
Hi Paul
Comming to DUMAGETE, on Sunday, hope to meet up for coffee one day if your free to catch up.🤝
With five million fewer foreigners visiting the PH this year, one would think that visas would be easier and faster than ever. The government must be desperate for Westerners to drop some cash there.
I was in dumaguete the spring of last year twice just for the day and seen a couple of foreigners but not noticeably more then other places. I seen much more young (mostly European) backpackers at the port and on the ferry to Siquijor.
Tomorrow is my One Month in the Philippines Milestone. Based on the "Negatives" I heard about Dumaguete, over the last year I looked up tons of Data about Cities all over the Philippines. For my wants & needs I choose Cebu City for my One Year Trial after Civil Service Retirement. At this point, I don't see why I would want to return to the US. Being within Walking Distance or Cab Ride of anything I need is wonderful.
Interesting. I live in Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada. The population might be around 60000 now after some natural and economical disasters, but the last count a few years ago registered nearly 5000 Filipinos living here. And indeed there pleasant faces pop up everywhere.
Great video Paul & Baby. You got in bang on the nail with the budget thing, finding a wife and somewhere to live. 👍. However, we live in the north of Luzon...in the provinces you might say, and the choices are a little better and cheaper. Look after those eyes mate. Take care.
awesome as always you and may are the real deal than k you
Glad things worked out for you on finding the right girl for you. I also met my Filipina by being introduced to each other by our friends. My friend had married a friend of hers so that is how we got introduced to each other. I agree that seems to be the best way to find someone.
You are right, I just realized that I met my Khmer wife by being introduced. Never thought of it before...
I met your friend Goldfinger today at the Gen z restaurant, nice guy. Good food there too
Baby may, don't worry about negative comments. You can wear anything you want.
100% agree on the "living like a king" too many YTers putting out BS budget vids enticing those dumb enough to come over on a low budget and fail
Hi Paul, Inflation is approximately 5% per year and its accumulating, Medical and Emergencies expenses are a huge problem everywhere, also - if one needs to move back home, it might be almost impossible.
this video resonates for me living here in provincial Cebu. So little choice of established, acceptable quality accommodation. We have the means to buy, but after a number of years, still haven't found a place that ticks all the boxes you mentioned. It looks like we will have to go the well trodden path of buying a lot and building what we want. Not my preference, but left with little choice.
Foriegners have more money in general, that is the bottom line.
Yes noses and eyes make a difference, but a homeless guy with a big nose, won't "cut the mustard".
He'll still have White baby 😂
What you say goes for every country. I do live in Panama. I'm German. But I don't go to German/Austrian/Swiss meetings. I lived before moving to Panama in Canada for 14 years. Same over there. If I move in a different country, I like to live with locals to experience the normal life. And yes. I have "lost 😂 " some ladies who were interested in me / my wallet - because I didn't moved into a fancy skyscraper with gym, pool and so on. It would have cost me 3-5 times to rent an apartment there instead what I am paying for my 2 bedroom house with a big garden the last 3 years. And yes. You have the guys who MUST show off or just need North Americans as neighbors and don't like to interact with locals if it isn't necessary. My question is and will be always: WTF do people leave their country if they need "little USA" to be happy? Sometimes when I visit a restaurant, people ask me where I live. When I tell them that I am renting a nice clean house in the "open streets" (how scary 😨) they suddenly say: "OMG! Is that safe?!" Seriously? What is wrong with people? You don't like the country experience, just go back home! Prices? Yes. Americans throw around money like they die tomorrow! And the next day, they complain that they got ripped off! 😂 Seriously? Overrun by Expats? Sure. There are places in Panama where Americans "took over" like Boquete. Locals can't afford to buy properties. Restaurants are totally overpricing everything. Ice cream? $4 dollars a ball of ice cream! I like ice cream! But holy. I passed on that one. I was in Sienna Italy at the ice cream store of THE WORLD CHAMPION OF ICE CREAM MAKING. Just stumbled over it. 80 cents a ball of fantastic ice cream. Just compare. But hey. Who am I to tell Americans to watch their money? 😂😂😂
Awesome comment, I can relate to everything you said. I usually hide that I understand German when I encounter people speaking it. I am Austrian.
Ladies ? Learn to say 'no'. Guys don't remember that they are in power as long as they're the one who has money. 😊
Never retire in a "Best place to retire " city written up in Forbes magazine, or overly advertised by youtube channels. You'll just end up in a place occupied by elderly Americans that costs way too much.
U mean Scoop of ice cream 🍦 🇺🇲
@RatTerminator Yes. You Americans say scoop. We Germans say ball because if you go to Europe, they actually roll balls out of the ice cream. When I had my first ice cream cone in Canada, I just thought: Wow. Just smack it on top of the cone without any love in what you do... 😁 I figured they all do it that way in North America. When I had friends coming over to my house, they loved the ice cream balls I scooped out and served them with cream liquor on top. I bought extra that European ice cream spoon online a couple years ago. Couple? Wow. I think that's already 15 years ago!
My wife and I live in a suburb of Chicago. We have an 1100 square foot house. Property tax is $5700 per year. We both have Medicare and a supplemental health insurance plan at a total cost of $1202.00 per month effective January 1, 2025. Inflation is alive and well in the U.S.
Your on the right track. People here in the usa are getting more and more hateful everyday. The usa politics and the economy is a possible cause. We can't afford to live here anymore. I'm coming to the PI soon. See ya around.
Call someplace paradise kiss it goodbye. Looks like your feeling better Paul.
When I visited Dumaguete, I noticed it has a lot of nature. If you are a nature lover, Dumaguete is for you. There are plenty of places in the PH where you can find much cheaper places to live than Dumaguete. They are just as nice as Dumaguete, too.
Looking good, glad you're feeling better. Just did a month in Duma and one thing that surprised me was how far apart things are. Since vlogs about Valencia, Dauin, etc all kind of fall in the same Dumaguete pot I just had a mental image of them all being much closer together.
They aren't really that far apart, it's just the traffic getting to them. It used to take me an hour to go 6km from Sibulan to Robinson's mall Duma. I could get from Robinson's mall Duma to Bayawan City in about an hour, because no traffic at the right time of day.
Dumeguete ain’t sleepy! It’s a busy town/city. I love it there. Visit relatives every month from Mindanao. You guys take care hope you’re doing good!
Most of the crap I left behind sat idle I used once in a while downsizing was excatly what I needed ready to keep it simple think I'll get one big box of crap sent over here some day thats it good video Paul
I'm living in a hotel near the airport. Around 22k a month, but I don't have to pay for electricity, water, internet, or maid service. My internet here is amazing, backup generators, power is never down for more than 10 minutes. Great water pressure and nice hot showers. Sure its a a little on the small size. About the size of a US college dorm room, but its just me and works great for me. If I ever find a good Filipina, then I will look for other housing. But for just me, I'm doing pretty good. No pool, but nice breakfast every morning for 120php, or 220 for pancakes, sausage, and egg. I don't go out to the bars or nice restaurants. My budget is $1400/mo. I keep to myself mostly. Been here 3 months, have not even felt like a Filipina has looked in my direction.
22k a month?
Where are you staying if I may ask? It sounds like a good deal for a quick 1-2 month scouting visit in the future. If there are many options in the area just say so.. no need to get too specific in that case. Thx
Php not usd@@MrSean03839
@@PrimusMagus E&R Airport Hotel. I may be here for while. I'm not having luck finding a place.
@@MrSean03839 Yes
McD’s at some locations here in the Midwest US still have $5 Big Mac meals..just need to use the app….yes a lot of other items are jacked up.
Thanks for the tip!
$18 someplace in Wisconsin I've heard for a big mac meal. Wendy's tried to introduce surge pricing, then had to backtrack. Near me the price of a DBL Cheeseburger has tripled from 4 years ago.
I've been here 11 months with my girlfriend in Piapi. About foreigners, I pretty much agree -- I see most foreigners at the gym or at Robinsons. Some days I go all day without seeing another one on the street. Not overrun with foreigners at all.
If I were single, the gym would be a pretty good hunting ground for female companionship. I'd also follow the advice of getting to know the local expats, and showing their girlfriends/wives that I'm a 'good guy', and getting introductions that way. Great advice.
Budget? We're capped at P100k/mo which is $1700-1800/mo right now. My girl makes it work. And, that's with each of us getting a p10k allowance for eating out and Shopee/Lazada shopping. I'm banking the rest for our future home sometime in the next 3 years or so.
We really love Duma and want to live close to downtown, such as we are in Piapi. Though Sibulan is doable.
Great video, and the lighting was fine if variable. Missed Gaylord, though.
Hey Paul, you guys are the best, I’ve been enjoying your informative, engaging, fun videos for quite awhile. But, may I ask, there’s one topic I haven’t run across which is of major concern for me while giving serious consideration to living in the Philippines. The subject is insects. How do you handle mosquitos, which is my main concern, and other creepy critters? If you’re wondering whether I have a phobia, not exactly, my formative years were spent in the tropics, namely Puerto Rico, and it was difficult. Mosquitoes, ticks, flying roaches, flying ants, spiders etc… left an indelible impression on me. The climate, landscape, the beautiful Filipino people, the relaxed provincial lifestyle are all incredibly appealing so I’m willing to overcome my concerns. Can you advise me as to what the worst might be so I can prepare ahead. ☺️
I am living on that same 2000.00 here in Canada. Truck payment, insurance, gas, food and phone and internet. Electric bill also. Also single with no dependents no credit card. Depends on your mindset.
but you have to work, in Philipines , you can live on 2000.00 without work
@varythings For now yes. I won't in a few more years. My pensions have to be coming in first. I am making good money here now so I want to keep it going for now while I still can. I know people in the Philippines who live very well on less than 2000.00 a month. Location is the key I am learning.
Hello, I’m Canadian living in Japan for over 12 years now, but want to return to Canada 🇨🇦. I’m worried about affording it now due to skyrocketed rents and real estate. Where in Canada can I afford to live for $2000/month? Does that include rent or do you own a house without a mortgage payment?
@@perryhenrickson7750Location and who else is living with you defines the budget.
@@perryhenrickson7750 I would suggest you look somewhere else first and Dumaguete be the fall back position. Pick any first class city (population over 100k) to add to your short list.
I liked your comments about meeting a partner in the Philippines. My wife was also a friend of a friend. If the ladies know that a foreigner of reasonable quality is single and available he will have no problem getting married there.
The home prices of Dumaguete definitely back up the fact that foreigners make up a larger percentage than you think. How else do these sellers like Alma who are constantly posting homes and land that are nearly as high as the same house would be in America. The land prices I keep seeing are 50k for a lot that is like 1/8 acre. My house in America is 5 bedroom and my lot is 1.3 acres and if I try to buy it there it will cost me more than here. Is this a misconception I have just based on all of the sellers being listed to us here in America?
It's all about location and convenience. Philippines property except agricultural land and if it's on a road even that is overpriced. You can buy cheap in small towns where nobody wants to be, or in Manila now that the POGOs have gone. I saw a tidy house in Pasay going for $42k. Foreigners definitely drive up land prices but it's also an influx of money into the Philippines for the last 5 years or so.
With the price of energy, so goes the price of life in general.
I agree. Inflation. Coast is global Some people take advantage of this inflation but over all even in Canada it is a problem
Yes, I can verify as of today that a regular meal deal at McDonalds is $9 to $12 and I live just outside of Nashville Tennessee in the suburb
Here I pay $4 for a large meal with large coke, large fries, and 2 regular burgers at Burger King.
Baby Mae , please do not hide your smile ! We know you are in process of getting teeth straightened but we all have seen your great soul and personality ...... Your Sunshine in your soul Shines Brightly and we all feel warm inside knowing that Baby Mae is around and smiling for Paul and his huge following of loyal friends ..... I Smile everytime I think of Baby Mae & Paul ....... Keep it up Dynamic Duo ! ! Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195 , Calayo Rd, Calayo Beach , Batangas province near Nasugbu.......
She looked just fine with her previous teeth. But to each, their own..
We own our own home now but when my wife and i rented our very basic apartment in rural Philippines we paid P3000 a month. It came with a community dirty kitchen and free weekly brownouts.😊
Our family home is in Naval, Biliran Province. Even though its a provincial town, its more expensive because everything has to be transported there with multiple means until it arrives at its final destination. We finally have a fast boat to Cebu, but that is passenger only. The potential for building a nice home in a great lot is excellent, but you will definitely pay a premium for this as compared to places like Dumaguete. Materials will be more expensive as well as getting a quality contractor from locations like Ormoc or Tacloban.
Damn. Baby Mae is looking FINE!!!
A/C can be a big cost as well with electric usage also depending on how much your cooling.. I personally can’t not sleep or live without it in the Philippines 😅
I run my AC 24/7 also. Using the most efficient split AC helps a lot. I'm remodeling a place with two 0.8hp 650W peak AC where my house I have right now has a non inverter split 1.0hp that pulls 820W peak, of which I have two but I only run one of them. It's good to have two in case of brownout for quick cooling or if one fails. Continuous running means the drains clog up less.
I'm in the Philippines. I only take a trike on Sunday to church. 100 pesos. Other than that I walk everywhere. I like walking. It is good exercise for an old man. I have no problem with it. If I took I trike everyday to everywhere I go... I'd be broke. I don't smoke. I don't drink coffee. I don't go to bars. I don't own a car or motorbike or bicycle, I cook my own food a lot because it is better than the street food to me. That said. I am no saint. I drink beer everyday as I relax on the balcony of my apartment. I have a hard time spending more than 1500 a month. Because of that... I can travel in the Philippines every other month and once a year I can go to my favorite spot in Thailand. I'm living the dream. It might not be your dream. But it is mine for sure since I don't work and I am living pretty well. Take care.
It really is a dream for us older guys. But I need a lot more than $1500/mo.
The feeling of its a lot of foreigners has nothing to do with the actual numbers
Great video Paul, you're spot on about price inflation in Ph, the only other reason for western expats to come to Ph was for older guys to date young women. But that's also drying up with the use if social media, the proportion of women online scamming has gone up big time since start of pandemic, so chances for guys to find women for serious relationships is much lower now. Add into this the poverty, trash and skin tax, people are voting with their feet. Other Asian countries have recovered well since pandemic. I heard that November Cambodia will overtake Philippines.