June 24-July 1, 2024 - GOLDEN ROAD - SuperNova Astrology Update

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    What a powerful Solstice portal over this last week. The Sun's bi-yearly pause took us deep into contemplation with the Capricorn Full Moon happening just after the Solstice, at the very beginning of the sign. We are examining everywhere that we are not autonomous and free. Contractual arrangements from past lives are coming to the surface in order to give us an opportunity to release wherever we have loyalties outside of ourselves. We are being pushed into full sovereignty, in order to smoothly move over into the Aquarian Age.
    We can feel a pull into the patterns of the past, with Pluto heading back into the sign of Capricorn. So much is unwinding, it's bound to be a little confusing and messy along the way. Luckily Pluto is also in sextile to Neptune at the very end degrees of Pisces, giving us a ticket out of the game. We are jimmying the lock of our reality, so we can escape the nightmare. Remember that whatever is coming up, is coming up so it can get cleared. So that we can Dream a New Dream.
    The Sun, at the very beginning of Cancer, has been in square to Neptune for this last week, bringing confusion and tension to our search for our True Identity. Nothing is making sense, things are falling apart, and yet there is some sense that something is falling back together. The Sun has also been in square to Black Moon Lilith, sitting exactly opposite of Neptune at 29 degrees Virgo. The treasures that we are trying to uncover have to do with our special gifts of healing.
    True healing had to be extinguished, in order for the false control mechanisms to maintain control over humanity. Now, the persecuted healer is being freed, to once again bring healing to the world. It's a tsunami of abundance, as we take back all that has been stolen from us. Healing is happening rapidly, and all on it's own. We can support this detox by caring for our body as the Temple. We are landing home, into our own Cathedral.
    Black Moon Lilith at the end of Virgo, is exactly opposite of Neptune in Pisces. Healing the Healers is the next essential step in the epic saga we have been playing out for lifetimes. This opposition is exact through the end of the month, and we will continue to feel it through most of July. Neptune's sextile with Pluto is helping to harmonize the detox process and remind us that we are emptying out so much, in order to make room for the massive blessings which are on the way.
    Our personal planets made the move into the sign of Cancer last week, putting a spotlight on the Power of Nurturing which is coming back into the world. Mercury, Venus, and the Sun in Cancer will be taking turns squaring up with the Nodes of the Moon, and then squaring up with Chiron in Aries.
    This season is about nurturing ourselves back into ourselves. Do you have a right to be Truly You, and express your full potential? This world has not been supportive of the Light of Consciousness. But now the power of consciousness is growing to overtake the old destructive programs and paradigms, and bring us back into the Original Dream. It's Her World Now.
    Mercury just squared up with the Nodes yesterday, and Venus will come into square with the Nodes on June 27th. Mercury will square up with Chiron on June 29th, making this a tense week of endings and New Beginnings. There's only one way forward and it is to grab a hold of our autonomous consciousness. It's essential to actualize the understanding that we have the power to create our own reality.
    It's time to lean into the energy of The Mother, who knows us better than we know ourselves. She is calling us home to our Hearts. Small things have big meaning in this dynamic Astrology. Watch for hints and clues, and be vigilant and deliberate in your energy, in order to avoid traps and pitfalls. It's a narrow path, and yet it calls you on. We are finding the Golden Road.
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