End Times Timeline from the Bible: Rapture, Tribulation, Millennium Explained

  • Опубліковано 5 лют 2025
  • What does the Bible say about the sequence of major end times events? In this video, Lead Pastor Allen Bonnell visually lays out and explains the biblical timeline from the Rapture through the 7-year Tribulation period, the roles of the Antichrist and False Prophet, Christ's Second Coming and Battle of Armageddon, the Millennial Reign, Final Judgment and creation of the New Heavens and Earth.
    Get a clear overview as he draws out the chronological order of:
    The Rapture (both pre-trib and post-trib views discussed)
    The 7-year Tribulation and Great Tribulation
    The return of Christ and Armageddon
    The 1000-year Millennial Kingdom
    The Final Judgment and Lake of Fire
    The New Heavens and New Earth
    Using scripture as a guide, Pastor Allen breaks down this prophetic timeline in an easy-to-understand way, whether you're just getting started with end times prophecy or wanting to dive deeper into the chronological details laid out in the Bible. Get answers to key questions in this 10-minute visual overview.


  • @555T22
    @555T22 2 місяці тому +2

    The spine of Biblical Prophecy means this; Arrange major events in Book of Revelation in chronological order first, because Book of Revelation is not written in chronological order. How does one determine the order of events in Revelation? First, it has to be done on a chart it cannot be done in memory because the Book of Revelation is complex. Next, based on my own experience, I think the foundation for determination of the order of events should be the consecutive numbering of Angels sounding their trumpets and announcing a particular event. First 4 Angels are related to the same great event which we expect next, which will be the first resurrection of saints, removing Satan from the world for 1000 years and building the Ezekiel Temple of God. So you see, this is the 1st great event that we should put on our chart. What is next chronological great event that we should put on our chart ? Obviously, the event which will be announced by 5th Angel. And 5th angel opens the bottomless pit and releases Satan who was in hell during 1000 years of reign of Christ. So we already have 2 separate periods of time (events), however, between the first 4 Angels and 5th Angel we have to have additional space on our chart for the great period of reign of Christ during 1000 years. So thus far, we already have 3 separate events on our chart. And the 4th great event will be the one announced by 6th Angel, and next and final will be announced by the last trumpet sounded by last 7th Angel announcing the Rapture and the End of the world.

    • @WeAreIBC
      @WeAreIBC  2 місяці тому

      Thanks for the thoughtful comment!

  • @555T22
    @555T22 2 місяці тому +2

    The Scripture text does not say that the Two Witnesses are two men. It does say that they are 2 olive trees and 2 candlesticks. First Witness is Spirit of God and second Witness is Truth of God. When these Two Spiritual Witnesses are combined together they represent Holy Spirit which is Spirit of Truth with which all true believers are filled. The death of the Two Witnesses means silencing the Words of God and the Gospel. Of course it is impossible to kill the Spirit of God, however Holy Spirit (Spirit of Truth) is represented by physical Christians when they talk about the Words of God, preach the Gospel and promote it. So when Satan will kill physical Christians (many of them not just two) it will appear that they really killed them and that's why they will keep their dead bodies on the streets to be sure that they are really dead and not resurrected like Lord Jesus Christ. And when they come to life again it is the manifestation of Power of God by resurrecting the dead. I believe this is the prelude to the Rapture when they ascend up to Heaven at the end of 2nd woe which is 6th Angel. The Seventh Angel will sound the last trumpet which is 3rd woe, and the Rapture and the end of the world will begin. It’s not possible that these 2 Witnesses are 2 individual men because the number 1260 days is the same number and period of time which is in Rev. 12: 6 which is the period of the entire church age to the end of the world, which means thousands of years and of course no 2 individual men can live thousands of years. The woman in Rev.12:6 represents the church which is the body of Christ filled with the Two Spiritual Witnesses and continues thru thousands of years to the end of the world.

    • @WeAreIBC
      @WeAreIBC  Місяць тому

      Thank you for your thoughtful comment.

  • @lonecar144
    @lonecar144 8 місяців тому +3

    Take a look around you we are in "those days" Matt 24:29 (KJV), with the 3 1/2 year "Great Tribulation" on the horizon.

    • @WeAreIBC
      @WeAreIBC  8 місяців тому +1

      That's an interesting interpretation

  • @georgeschlaline6057
    @georgeschlaline6057 8 місяців тому

    Ever hear of Keith Potter?

    • @WeAreIBC
      @WeAreIBC  8 місяців тому

      Nope, haven’t heard of him. Who is he?

    • @georgeschlaline6057
      @georgeschlaline6057 8 місяців тому

      Pastor at North Wood Church

  • @vanessaford7406
    @vanessaford7406 Місяць тому

    God is warning us daily..12/26/2024.

    • @WeAreIBC
      @WeAreIBC  Місяць тому

      “The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.”
      ‭‭2 Peter‬ ‭3‬:‭9‬

  • @suekeith
    @suekeith 8 місяців тому

    What makes you think there's only one rapture?
    Don't you think Rev 11, when the two witnesses are killed, those are mid-trib events?
    Meaning, the 2 witnesses are here when the 144k are, during the first half.
    Only the remnant is here during the 2nd half of Daniel's 70th week. The church leaves at mid-trib.
    Jesus told us the 7 lampstands are the churches, Rev 1:20. He also called the 2 witnesses, 2 lampstands. This means, the 2 witnesses represent 2 churches in Jerusalem. These two prophets come into belief and are grafted into the church per, Rom 11.
    Since Pentecost, all the gifts of the Holy Spirit flow from the church, including prophecy and the ministry of evangelism. The New Covenant is experienced through Christ's body, the church. This is why the 2 witnesses and 144k are ministering through the church.
    I thought all pastors knew the purpose and mission of the church.
    Why do gentiles think the Jews were good enough to kick off the church age but not good enough to close out the church age?

  • @georgeschlaline6057
    @georgeschlaline6057 8 місяців тому +2

    I want your magic markers

    • @WeAreIBC
      @WeAreIBC  8 місяців тому

      The screen is pretty cool 😂

    • @independantfundament
      @independantfundament 4 місяці тому

      Ooooorrrr, we could watch a ten minute video instead

  • @Animals_Gone_wild
    @Animals_Gone_wild 8 місяців тому +1

    Read revelations it will tell you

    • @independantfundament
      @independantfundament 4 місяці тому

      If all we needed was Revelation, we wouldn't need the other 65 books