Scared Straight: Super Reactive Dog Crosses the Line with Prince and Pays the Price Instantly!



  • @dion_brown
    @dion_brown 2 місяці тому +326

    I can confirm that Joel's statements are true. We had our session with our puppy in between this dog's sessions and Joel was extremely helpful.

    • @LKaz74
      @LKaz74 2 місяці тому

      Joel's statements are complete bullshit! Don't believe a single word he says!

  • @JessicaKendal
    @JessicaKendal 2 місяці тому +769

    People who come here and say this is abuse have no idea how much this interaction helped this dog for the rest of his life.

    • @bbailey7740
      @bbailey7740 2 місяці тому +41

      Exactly! This is exactly as nature intended!

    • @zoezoo3782
      @zoezoo3782 2 місяці тому

      The people claiming training is abuse are the ones who euthanise dogs needlessly.

    • @saralackey3435
      @saralackey3435 2 місяці тому +50

      Yes and it can prevent dogs from being surrendered to a shelter or being put down.

    • @kristenburkett4274
      @kristenburkett4274 2 місяці тому +35

      Precisely. And your can clearly see that he wasn't even close to actually biting at any mussels. He was literally just pinching his skin. No more painful than when a mother picks up her pups by the scruff of their necks.

    • @danawhiteboy
      @danawhiteboy 2 місяці тому +27

      Prince is the 🐐

  • @mhods4457
    @mhods4457 2 місяці тому +367

    The right dog can teach in 30 seconds to another dog, what the average person cannot teach in 10 years.

    • @rosamunddrag8971
      @rosamunddrag8971 2 місяці тому +24

      Same with horses. If you don't let horses be horses and teach their foals manners, you are going to get the most undisciplined adult ever.
      I've had mares fix stallions behavior a few times, which gave them a hint to behave for the rest of their life. It's crucial for their development and proper behavior to be with their own kind, even if it's just their own mother.
      The best correction I've seen was when a mare yeeted stallions ass on the ground, literally, she slammed into him, and yelled right in his face 😂
      Never saw him disrespect a woman again

    • @thealphamorph
      @thealphamorph 2 місяці тому +2

      ​@@rosamunddrag8971 Wow, that is crazy!!! I never knew a lot about horses, so this immediately caught my interest. That is so amazing how the mare's will handle the stallions 😂honestly, not too too surprising if I'm gonna be real. That humility always does a real number!

    • @genesis1831
      @genesis1831 Місяць тому +1

      Facts I see positive only trainers trying to train this out of a dog and after a year they only barely reacted, it’s insane how people think you should use humane efforts for an animal…

  • @SJane3
    @SJane3 2 місяці тому +368

    You can tell that dog's play bow isn't with good intentions because the king of all play bows doesn't even bow back! Prince read him like a book from the start! Great work as always! Prince was the best thing to ever happen to that dog! Glad he is doing a board and train as well! Thank you for showing us these videos!

    • @BDTraining
      @BDTraining  2 місяці тому +85

      “The king of all play bows”, lol

    • @SJane3
      @SJane3 2 місяці тому +24

      @BDTraining He is certainly only the Prince by name! Hahaha.. to call him anything less than the king of play bows wouldn't do him justice! Hahaha

  • @annalisacandaso-robertson9179
    @annalisacandaso-robertson9179 2 місяці тому +88

    Love this video. He rushed Prince SO fast and Prince immediately put him in his place. After that Prince tried to sniff him like "you didnt even introduce yourself first bro u just rushed me!"

  • @artdigital3478
    @artdigital3478 2 місяці тому +152

    Am I the only one that puts the video on slow speed to watch Prince be SUPERB with no harmful biting? It's like he knows how to grab the coat hair (OW!! LOL!!!) without going full jaw down on the skin and muscle of dogs he has to discipline. Prince is like those karate/kungfu/jujitsu masters that let the anger run full force towards them while they calmly use some groovy side step moves with some weighty pushing and spin 'em around til they fall. I go into loud admiring laughter especially when he has to discipline a bratty dog, but this one from the street stole my heart. What a handsome dog who learned a good lesson from the best! Bless yall, Joel! Appreciate your integrity and excellence!

    • @pittymama4500
      @pittymama4500 2 місяці тому +9

      You're not the only one cuz I do too and girl this was one for the books!

    • @TracyTHeath
      @TracyTHeath 2 місяці тому +3

      Ikr 😊👍

    • @gaileverett
      @gaileverett 2 місяці тому +8

      That's it! I was trying to think of what Prince would be if he were a human, and that's it, a kung fu master. The way he waited calmly after the discipline, with really no anger in his eyes. AMAZING.

    • @AleisterCrowleyMagus
      @AleisterCrowleyMagus 2 місяці тому +4

      Prince is seriously like a champion dancer/heavyweight boxer combination - he is tough but amazingly graceful.

  • @cattoes1609
    @cattoes1609 2 місяці тому +178

    What a fantastic display of a healthy dominant dog. Thank you Prince.

  • @lineprestkvrn9014
    @lineprestkvrn9014 2 місяці тому +74

    This reminds me of a horse I knew. This is his major event that changed his life;
    So, a friend of mine got this harness racing horse. He was havoc on four hooves. Decided he would not do things and really faught hard. Once he ended hanging upside down from the barn wall where he was tied up while getting harnessed for a training session. My friend just sat down on the stairs, lit a cigarette and watched him fight it through and lose the fight with the barn wall. So there he lay, feet up along the wall, stuck. She let him up and continued with her plans for the day. But after he really went after her, walking on the backlegs while trying to hit her with his frontlegs and she defending herself with a whip while backing out of reach, she decided enough was enough. She stabled up her mares, and then she let him into the partly forested pasture where her very highranking gelding usually lead his little herd of mares. Now it was the gelding and the harness racer on this fenced in 10 acre pasture. She knew there was a serious risk for the racer (also a gelding) to be seriously maimed or killed.
    They faught for 3 nights and 3 days. She could hear them scream and thuds from kicks, and saw them fighting teeth and hooves, neither one of them backing down. All day and all night. When she woke on the 4th morning, everything was quiet. Dead quiet. She looked out the window and saw her gelding grazing peacefully. No harness horse to be seen. So she grabbed a halter and a rope and climbed in to go look for what was left of the harness racer. She walked all around, but no dead or injured horse laying anywhere. Nothing in the forest, either. Then a movement caught her eye, and there he was, hiding behind some trees, just peeking around it to see who was coming. She haltered him and looked him over. Just some scuffs and bitemarks, but nothing serious.
    As she was leading him back to the gate, the gelding saw them. He came full speed with murder in his eyes. She shouted «OY!!!» and he screeched to a halt, turned around and left. The harness racer was awstruck!!! He had faught him for so long and lost, and she could tell him off with one sound!!!
    After that day he was soft as butter and would do anything she asked of him. After all, she was even tougher than the toughest horse he ever met… 😂

  • @gloriagehring8676
    @gloriagehring8676 2 місяці тому +169

    Bless this guys heart for saving a dog off the streets.

    • @cybinja2438
      @cybinja2438 2 місяці тому +13

      not only adopting, but taking the time and effort to rehab that dog post life on the streets into life with a loving human. I can with full certainty say that this man who has rescued this pup loves that dog, to the point of giving him the best training and tools to operate in his new pack. Hats off to both Joel, prince and the owner for doing right by that pup!

  • @grassfolk
    @grassfolk 2 місяці тому +115

    Prince is the best! The herding aspect was such a great call.

  • @fender35946
    @fender35946 2 місяці тому +65

    That was very impressive from Prince, if that dog behaved like that to another big strong dog, then it could be bad news for him, in reality, Prince saved this dogs life in the long term. top job Prince, the dog that always uses his head to make the correct decisions.

  • @jasonsouza7003
    @jasonsouza7003 2 місяці тому +135

    Prince is the Man! Great job. Prince is such a Legend

    • @underduress5761
      @underduress5761 2 місяці тому +2

      "Man" does not mean what you think it means

    • @cappy2282
      @cappy2282 2 місяці тому +1

      Ya Prince is kinda dog where your house catches on fire and instead of waking u up or carrying u outta house, Prince just puts out the fire himself lol

    • @User7688.--_
      @User7688.--_ 2 місяці тому +1

      @@cappy2282, love this! 🌟😂😂

  • @krystal6137
    @krystal6137 2 місяці тому +41

    Prince’s discipline style reminds me of a mother dog when she’s weaning her pups and teaching them not to be little monsters at the 7-10 week old mark. A strong but fair no shit policy for their own good. So many pups are taken too early and they miss out on learning proper communication cues. I think Prince will make a wonderful father some day.

  • @austyn5004
    @austyn5004 2 місяці тому +47

    I want to say thank you Beckman for giving me the tools and behavioral knowledge to help with my cattle dog! This morning was the first time I was able to get my reactive dog with another dog without a leash or muzzle! She’s still slightly fearful and wanting to herd, but now she does the “where’s mom at???” Check in before she goes in for a small foot nip

    • @fetra54
      @fetra54 2 місяці тому +10

      Kudos to you sticking to the training you are putting in. I'm glad when I see people commit to training their dogs. I see too many dogs that unruly.

  • @EdgarAllanGo
    @EdgarAllanGo 2 місяці тому +57

    Love how you broke down the percentages of what might be wrong with him, and how he FAFO with Prince. Good call by you and the owner. Incredible he was off muzzle and off leash in an hour!!!

  • @Jungleehunter1330
    @Jungleehunter1330 2 місяці тому +35

    The fact that we see the dog was sniffing Prince and socializing normally for the first time after being corrected is very telling. Prince subtly demonstrated how to be a sociable dog and the lesson was learned. Amazing work as always!

  • @yungsparkles7355
    @yungsparkles7355 2 місяці тому +31

    Beautiful example of a strong correction given by Prince. A lot of the times just a nip and hovering over the misbehaving dog from a real dog is enough, but this dog needed a little extra and Prince was there to deliver the right touch. No dangerous bites to the throat or face, he went directly behind the ears then back of the neck to nip the dog. I'm always so happy to see how confident, well mannered, and socially acclimated Prince is. Congrats.

  • @ktel0718
    @ktel0718 2 місяці тому +23

    Prince never ceases to amaze me. He gives just the right amount of correction that is needed, and then backs off to allow the other dog to process what happened. It’s clear by the end of the video that the dog is in a much better state, which will allow him to learn from Joel and the other trainers. Well done!

  • @red_bigbadwolf2477
    @red_bigbadwolf2477 2 місяці тому +13

    Ahh yess,the "fuck around n find out" method. Nothing beats it for sure 😂🙏🏽👍🏼

  • @targetsunshine6060
    @targetsunshine6060 2 місяці тому +39

    Prince gives just enough and says is chill out bruh oh you won’t chill ok take a little more🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

  • @Ms.OliversLife
    @Ms.OliversLife 2 місяці тому +53

    Omg I see my own dog SO much in all of these dogs!!! Thank God for you. I’ve got it handled now. But hardly ANYONE wants to help you when you have a dog like this!!!! Thank you Joel!!!

  • @benji.B-side
    @benji.B-side 2 місяці тому +36

    Prince is the Mr Miyagi of the dog world. 😃
    This video shows why your methods are the best, the results speak for themselves. Excellent stuff Beckman!

  • @rptrick79
    @rptrick79 2 місяці тому +38

    Prince is so good at knowing when to stop and wait and chill. And *BOOM* ! Just like that the other dog gets what you explain, something we can't do as well as his own kind and things change for the better.
    All of the other nuggets of knowledge like "the least aggressive approach first", in here are FANTASTIC also. *WELL DONE!*

  • @Globetrotter8611
    @Globetrotter8611 2 місяці тому +11

    Prince is amazing!! Who better to teach a dog how to behave around other dogs than a confident dog? They can communicate so much more clearly and efficiently among each other than a human ever could.

  • @zuzuspetals8323
    @zuzuspetals8323 2 місяці тому +40

    Beautiful dog. When he fell in the water, it seemed to snap him out of it for a second. Princey is a brave boy. It’s like calling in the Marines! Amazing. p.s. Your yellow irises are beautiful, Joel. Thank you, as ever.

    • @GilbertdeClare0704
      @GilbertdeClare0704 2 місяці тому +6

      Princey is SPECIAL FORCES ! A Doggy Seal Team SIX !

    • @GilbertdeClare0704
      @GilbertdeClare0704 2 місяці тому +6

      Thanks Joel, but Princey IS ! He seriously IS ! When I rewatched this video, right at the @9:28 mark where you say, "and then he lets UP..."....right at that very split second, where he had been using a LIGHT grip to the SIDE of the scruff, as he DOES let up but sees other Dog is still gonna come at him, he RELEASES then RE-ACQUIRES a split second OVER grip to other dogs spine ! Its a split second WARNING to other dog ? I've watched wolves do that with their cubs and also where the Alpha will do that "Jaws over the whole HEAD" of a subordinate, like they are saying "See ? I COULD kill you, but there is NO way I will !" Princey is SO frigging on point in his timing and his MICROsensing and responding to the other woof's energy flow ? And at @9:30 as you say "lets UP" you SEE the reaction of the other Woof that he HAS learned. His INSTANT look as he turns to Princey then backs AWAY was beautiful, man ! I am in awe of Prince !

    • @User7688.--_
      @User7688.--_ 2 місяці тому +1

      Wow! Great critique!

  • @jodyheidler3808
    @jodyheidler3808 2 місяці тому +8

    this is how canines in the wild teach each other the best trainer in the world to a misbehaved dog is a well behaved dog

  • @justchilling7594
    @justchilling7594 2 місяці тому +17

    The correction from Prince started to give the other dog some impulse control. It's just the beginning but it definitely helped.

  • @brybommie14
    @brybommie14 2 місяці тому +10

    Im still amazed by how Prince just knows exactly what to do...u did an amazing job raising him Joel! Much love to u both! 💚

  • @chrismack5908
    @chrismack5908 2 місяці тому +25

    We adopted an 8 yr old German shepard last July. Although he's still leash pulling, he's come such a long way from where he was. Thanks so much for all your training videos as these have had such a positive impact on his new journey and ours. Keep em coming!

  • @jamesmartin-lb6br
    @jamesmartin-lb6br 5 днів тому +1

    Wow Prince really speaks the language. Super impressed.

  • @Michele_6815
    @Michele_6815 2 місяці тому +4

    Prince is such a balanced dog. And he has the patience of a saint! Like after the awesome correction he gave and the dog was tracking him and constantly in his face. No reaction, Prince patiently dealt with it. Major Kudos to the owner as well. To adopt a difficult dog and then financially invest in him so the dog can live his best life. Great job all around!

  • @PartOfTheGame
    @PartOfTheGame 2 місяці тому +3

    That was glorious. Prince is amazing as a tool to help these dogs. You can tell that prince isn't biting to hurt or anything like that. He's barely grabbing the scruff, he's letting go when the other dog relaxes a bit, and half the time he's not even closing his mouth to grab the scruff. It was amazing to see how great Prince is to help these dogs. Wonderful to see.

  • @Samthewolf1010
    @Samthewolf1010 2 місяці тому +3

    Prince is such a good boy. What a beautiful dog

  • @LadyGeckoFoot
    @LadyGeckoFoot 2 місяці тому +23

    "But dogs don't display dominance."
    Prince is using dominance to control this out of control dog.

    • @poetryandcanvas
      @poetryandcanvas 2 місяці тому +12

      ..more like being assertive. The other dog was trying to be dominant. Easy to get that confused though

    • @blueflare3848
      @blueflare3848 2 місяці тому +4

      I recently had some rando online try to say that dominance theory has been disproven and isn’t real. Apparently they have never seen two intact male dogs interact with each other.

    • @gillmay9309
      @gillmay9309 2 місяці тому

      They want to come n watch my 6 inu's...... My 11yr old bitch is BOSS. She'll let most things go, by the young ones. But, when they get wood above sticks, boy does she let them know.
      With a growl, flatten ears and THE look.

    • @markgeering5943
      @markgeering5943 2 місяці тому +3

      @@poetryandcanvashow can you be assertive with no aspect of dominance?
      To be assertive you need dominance you can’t assert anything with no dominance cause if you tried to “assert your will” for example over me I’d most likely give you the finger! You going oh but that’s wrong and how naughty in an assertive voice is going to do nothing!
      You coming over and physically overpowering me and stopping me doing what I want is asserting dominance over the situation!

    • @vaska1999
      @vaska1999 2 місяці тому +2

      ​@@markgeering5943 Of course you can be assertive without trying to dominate others. You can also do it as a form of dominance. It depends on your motivation and personality.

  • @Acadian.FrenchFry
    @Acadian.FrenchFry 2 місяці тому +3

    It's amazing to watch Prince's discernment on when to correct and when to let up. He's so emotionally intelligent.

  • @AleisterCrowleyMagus
    @AleisterCrowleyMagus 2 місяці тому +3

    Joel, Prince is truly one of the most beautiful dobie boys I’ve ever seen and his training, and his constant check-ins with you (I can see his eyes going from this dog to you again and again - Prince never loses his cool) are truly a testament to your bond with him!!

  • @Lauren_K
    @Lauren_K 2 місяці тому +6

    Great job showing all the "only positive training" people that trainers like you WANT and WISH problems can be fixed with treats and love, when it has to be done a different way to make a better life for both dog and owner.

  • @Jimmison007
    @Jimmison007 2 місяці тому +4

    I love how this video ends with them both literally chilling in the pool

  • @pandemicwarfare4288
    @pandemicwarfare4288 2 місяці тому +2

    Man I love Prince, he's such a good boy!

  • @Mykanalish
    @Mykanalish 2 місяці тому +5

    Prince did it professionally 👏👏

  • @OriginalMomo
    @OriginalMomo 2 місяці тому +2

    I love how Prince reacted the right way. He didn’t hurt the other dog, he put him in his place. Big difference. Well done, sir.

  • @landwight
    @landwight 2 місяці тому +2

    Fantastic training! For me the best thing about this video is that it confirms what I've seen in my herding mix dogs. I have 3 rescue dogs, all have some herding dog in them and with 2 of the 3 I've seen this same type of attitude towards other dogs - too focused on other dogs and tracking them too closely. I started doggy daycare with my 3rd when she was about 7 months old (a year ago), and I really think this saved her from being a total jerk/maniac around other dogs - she's very much still triggered by movement and can be bossy around other dogs but thanks to daycare (she still goes once/ week) we can always reign it in and as long other dogs are friendly, she can pretty much get over her obsessive tendencies with time and corrections and make friends. Awesome work Joel and Prince!

  • @SJane3
    @SJane3 2 місяці тому +8

    At about the 10:39 mark you can see he lip licks as Prince is sniffing him. He definitely got the memo with that correction! Love seeing dogs figure life out and become better! He will get there!

  • @clarity2199
    @clarity2199 2 місяці тому +1

    It's great that there is a training school that offers this. Without the strong training, dogs like that may end up being put down for their attitude. You showed there's another possible way to help dogs like that.

  • @garya.2281
    @garya.2281 2 місяці тому +4

    "It's gonna be loud bro" 🤣😂😂😭 Prince is incredible his restraint just the right force of power

  • @MrgnFlnn67
    @MrgnFlnn67 2 місяці тому +1

    Sending love to Prince! Doing the heavy lifting and the job no one else wants to do. That is a good man!

  • @sportysbusiness
    @sportysbusiness 2 місяці тому +5

    My rescue was like this when I got her. She'd been in a pound for a year and was going to be killed. I struggled with her for 6 months, deliberately walking towards every dog I met in order to desensitise. She redirected on me twice in the first week and I wish I knew all this back then. Thankfully it was worth it, I've had her for 7 years and now she's amazing with other dogs. But those first 6 months, OMG.

  • @matthewwynne3533
    @matthewwynne3533 2 місяці тому +4

    Well done on not calling Prince off and letting him finish the correction. Most natural correction I have seen in these vids 👍 Huge props to both of you

  • @twoheadedtasmanian1481
    @twoheadedtasmanian1481 7 днів тому +1

    Yeah Prince got more parental skills than most people he’s also got the patience of a saint and he knows exactly what his job is and the best part about prince is you can actually see he doesn’t like getting all aggressive but knows it’s the best thing for the other dog.

  • @semantica-james
    @semantica-james 2 місяці тому +3

    Wow, Prince is such an exceptional canine! Just amazing.

  • @DreamTwoMuch
    @DreamTwoMuch 2 місяці тому +4

    Prince is literally the best dog I have ever seen.. all honesty ‼️‼️

  • @lisaleondires9576
    @lisaleondires9576 2 місяці тому +4

    You are a master at reading dogs. It’s so impressive.

  • @giorgiannpinzon505
    @giorgiannpinzon505 19 днів тому

    Thank you for showing that show of love and gratefulness to Price just after that.

  • @shannonfrink7939
    @shannonfrink7939 2 місяці тому +6

    Amazing video. Your instincts, as well as Prince’s, were spot on.

  • @richardbelew6812
    @richardbelew6812 Місяць тому

    THIS EXACT VIDEO IS WHY I RESPECT YOU Beckman... Those corrections from Prince were amazing. People need to notice Prince was NOT biting he was mouthing as a training tool! That dog blows me away he's so smart my jaw drops

  • @Carina_med_Robban
    @Carina_med_Robban 2 місяці тому +1

    There is no better teacher for a dog than another dog. They have such precision in their actions and body language that we humans will never come close to, regardless of knowledge and experience. Sometimes a dog needs just that lesson. It's not animal cruelty! A person who thinks it is animal cruelty humanizes the dog. No dog is helped by it. A dog is simply a dog. Prince was really that good in the video. Impressive!

  • @TRXvaulterGIRL
    @TRXvaulterGIRL 2 місяці тому +2

    Prince is amazing. His self control and ability to let go of the past is truly magical to watch. He is helping dogs live a happier life. Great work Prince. 🫶🏽

  • @denimjeanz916
    @denimjeanz916 2 місяці тому +1

    Lovely to see a trainer using natures perfection on how dogs communicate with a dog who needs to learn the way nature intended. Great work you and Prince ❤

  • @anthonyluisi7096
    @anthonyluisi7096 2 місяці тому +3

    Prince is one of the most intuitive dogs I have ever seen ! Kudos !!😍

  • @infernalhaze4663
    @infernalhaze4663 2 місяці тому +3

    Prince is such an angel. What a good boy, give him a hug for me! ❤

  • @harrisonhunt6624
    @harrisonhunt6624 2 місяці тому +2

    Prince is one very impressive dog. Nice work Joel you called that situation perfectly

  • @ltpdogtrainingNJ
    @ltpdogtrainingNJ 2 місяці тому +7

    Congratulations to Prince & to Mr. Joel Beckman for nurturing the Goodness in his amazing Helper Dog!
    Also kudos to the owner for seeing that this was the ONLY way his rescue was going to learn. Great video! I'm looking forward to the launch of the Coaching Program so I can help more dogs with my rescue Rottie, Teddy!

  • @MandahSwift
    @MandahSwift 2 місяці тому +4

    I, too, am worried about the butt touch 😂

  • @jayzenstyle
    @jayzenstyle 2 місяці тому +1

    Dogs teach dogs better for sure. Great video

  • @arthurshat7793
    @arthurshat7793 2 місяці тому +1

    And I just got to say, Prince is one of the most exceptional dogs I have ever seen🙌🏻

  • @Yeoman7
    @Yeoman7 2 місяці тому +6

    Thumbs up 👍 for Prince giving him “a whoopin”.

  • @hamzaTVNetwork
    @hamzaTVNetwork 2 місяці тому +2

    Hats off well done 👏 prince applied the correct pressure in that correction

  • @Watts24fps
    @Watts24fps 2 місяці тому +1

    This was awesome to watch. The way you broke it down and even the uncertainty and not removing or editing anything out. Seeing you be a bit nervous and mentioning the "slow approach" but having trust in what Prince would do. If you really didn't want to take that risk, you wouldn't have. But you felt it and went with it and it paid off. The owner also made a good choice. He was fed up and out of answers. This is good training. It's not treats, spin moves and perfect clips on social media. It's much more as the day to day behavior is what matters. being able to be around people and other dogs, is what matters.

  • @high-bi-password
    @high-bi-password 2 місяці тому +3

    Man, I love Prince and what a beautiful animal he is. Prince is your single best advertisement, and one day I’ll train a helper dog just like him.

  • @steamer2k319
    @steamer2k319 2 місяці тому +2

    Awesome owner!
    Prince is the best boy!!!!
    Thank you for having the courage to post this!

  • @burner7009
    @burner7009 2 місяці тому +1

    Dobermans are so amazing! They are the most loyal and the 5th smartest dogs. Great video on real world dog aggression correction........way to go Prince!!!

  • @Crazeywolflover
    @Crazeywolflover 2 місяці тому +2

    I agree with Joel. I have a friend who has a Blue Heeler that was reactive toward dogs and strangers. There was a time my friend asked me to bring my Golden Retriever to help him start socializing his dog. I had had my boy for 3 years at that time and he had always been the sweetest most gentle and loving dog toward any living creature. We got to the fenced in dog area at my friend's complex and my friend came out with his dog. My boy tried to say hello to my friend and his dog went ballistic. It didn't take my boy more then 15 seconds to have my friend's dog pinned on the ground without her struggling to get up. Ever since then my friend's dog has never attacked anything ever again to my knowledge and it's 3 years later.

  • @os2musicuk203
    @os2musicuk203 2 місяці тому +1

    Wow your amazing man, your a true angel.

  • @TracyTHeath
    @TracyTHeath 2 місяці тому +5

    Prince you're the Bomb❤

  • @liquidysquids
    @liquidysquids 2 місяці тому +6

    Prince is such a good and special boy! ❤He gave that dog the correction it needed to set him on his road to recovery!

  • @zoezoo3782
    @zoezoo3782 2 місяці тому +7

    Just been called an animal abuser for defending desensitisation.. By someone who believes puppies require 18hours UNNINTERUPTED FORCED SLEEP and medicating if they don’t comply. The world has gone mad. Too many own dogs and don’t understand or care about them. Perverse.

  • @longlost8424
    @longlost8424 2 місяці тому +1

    the only thing in life that corrects a bully, is someone who won't put up with their bullshit...... you and prince are amazing in your ability to correct a bully.....

  • @meromero6284
    @meromero6284 2 місяці тому +2

    Prince is an amazing dog. Great work on this job!

  • @bbailey7740
    @bbailey7740 2 місяці тому +4

    Prince is an absolute legend!

  • @fritzmayerhooff3671
    @fritzmayerhooff3671 2 місяці тому +1

    I am so impressed by your videos, the way you explain everything just shows the deep understanding. I think what many people don’t understand is that you don’t always get to start the training with an easy breed puppy in where 99% of the training can be just positiv but you can’t compare that to Training with an older dog that went through who knows what. Don’t take any bullshit and keep the amazing work up! One session like that changes the life of at least 2 beings for ever and gives them so much quality

  • @yonycka16
    @yonycka16 Місяць тому

    Price will never bite, good dogs that want just peace and quiet, relax and enjoy the smells, will never bite, just pure muscle force and saliva. Amazing amazing to see this natural correction, that dog needed some guidance from his kind ♥ We have a boy like this (not biting, but correcting with his body), he was adopted and can say your sessions helped even more with his amazing attitude! Greeting from Romania!

  • @phdwho9656
    @phdwho9656 2 місяці тому +1

    Well done, Beckman!
    It’s great to watch Prince being a “dog at work" and teach that dog a valuable lesson, and you detailing it.
    Keep it up! 🤘🏼

  • @BossIVeeMan
    @BossIVeeMan 2 місяці тому +1

    What a dog , great trainer clearly!

  • @dwight2310
    @dwight2310 2 місяці тому +1

    wow prince is such a good trainer. love to see

  • @brendaerickson678
    @brendaerickson678 2 місяці тому +2

    Yay, Prince. Such a gentleman while putting that crazy dog (which is beautiful, by the way) in his place. He really just had no clue how to approach or be with another dog. Kind of surprised he did not get himself injured when on the streets.
    Great video, Joel. I hope we can see some updates here on this dog. ❤

  • @jessiemae6873
    @jessiemae6873 2 місяці тому +2

    I had a trainer at my kennel club tell me shortly after I joined club, "sometimes a dog has to have a come to Jesus meeting". That is exactly what happened in this video. Excellent training video.

  • @ghoultooth
    @ghoultooth 2 місяці тому +1

    What a handsome pooch, glad Prince managed to teach him some manners 😂

  • @jvjdrn
    @jvjdrn 2 місяці тому +1

    Thank you for helping him.

  • @jennyhong6746
    @jennyhong6746 2 місяці тому +2

    This is the most fascinating thing I’ve watched all year. What an amazing teacher Prince is! Blown away.

  • @M00_be-r
    @M00_be-r 2 місяці тому +2

    This IS the best way for this dogs problem hats of Beckman really good video thanks!

  • @hugorose17
    @hugorose17 2 місяці тому +1

    Prince is just AWESOME! i love see a Doberman trained like me my preffer breed no doubts

  • @cmtx3195
    @cmtx3195 2 місяці тому +4

    Well done Joel; well done Princey !

  • @jillsy2815
    @jillsy2815 2 місяці тому +2

    PRINCE!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ So brilliant! Also fantastic the way Joel went over with the owner that it was going to look pretty scary but that he completely trusted Prince. Fantastic OWNER for taking and keeping, loving and helping a difficult pupper! Brumley also sweet amazing pup! Carly too🎉 Such a great team! Such blessings. I look forward to the follow-up vids! ❤🐾

  • @mabtdb
    @mabtdb 2 місяці тому +1

    I have watch many of Joel's videos and this one is my new favorite one. Great Job Prince and Joel !

  • @christophertorrez7583
    @christophertorrez7583 2 місяці тому +3

    Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! 👏🏽

  • @boatelectricaldiy
    @boatelectricaldiy 2 місяці тому +2

    I love this video.
    I've used my Cane Corso to do this for my friend's and family's dogs. My method differs a little though, I let them meet immediately (I know both dogs already). There is no muzzle, and I get in there and grab them both by the back of the neck if things get serious. My Corso releases on command, and can't really be hurt by another dog. I find separating them at the same time with a grab to the back of the neck leaves no doubt who's in charge. Sometimes things are cool right away, sometimes it takes a few fights. In the end, 100% of the dogs I've done this with behaved better for their owners after that day.
    I realize that as a professional you have liability considerations, I love how you've addressed this with your method. You sir are the best dog trainer on UA-cam. Keep up the good work.

  • @Areneemua
    @Areneemua 2 місяці тому +2

    We love you Princeyyyy ❤

  • @azpcox
    @azpcox 2 місяці тому +2

    Rescue from 9 months? Dog never learned pack behavior. Prince is amazing and yes, we do love the quick interventions. Just because it is SOOO helpful for the dogs that need it. And this doggo absolutely needed it. Kudos to the human half of the equation who knew how much you could help!

  • @mozartrn1
    @mozartrn1 2 місяці тому +5

    This dog needs a so-called mentor to learn to live life appropriately. We all need that. Absolutely loved how Prince assessed what needed to happen. Love him!

  • @asalu0000
    @asalu0000 2 місяці тому +4

    Prince is such a good dog