The Amish Shunned

  • Опубліковано 20 жов 2024
  • PBS documentary on the Amish


  • @sunnytundrabunny704
    @sunnytundrabunny704 2 роки тому +441

    Shunning is not of God. Jesus Christ never shunned sinners. He always welcomes us back home when we repent. Always.

  • @debrahunter6303
    @debrahunter6303 2 роки тому +323

    Shunning is not loving, it is very abusive. It hurts down to the core. I was and still being shunned all my life because I had a baby at 14 years old. I am now 62 years old, married 42 years. I care for my daughter as best I could, did pretty good job, I educated her, she is a very successful court reporter 47 years old, married with a wonderful son.y family still shun me because they say I am an embarrassment. Fast forward, I have good friends, retired for good career, most importantly I know God love me. 🙏

    • @shananalexander9789
      @shananalexander9789 2 роки тому +10

      Amen 🙏

    • @stacyyoust
      @stacyyoust 2 роки тому +18

      Yea once you get that scapegoat label it's there. I didn't even realize that I had it for years, I turned to religion and tried to behave Christlike towards them and they got worse towards me. I think it’s the dark side of human nature.

    • @susansharp985
      @susansharp985 2 роки тому +17

      I am a proud lesbian and an atheist...shun away.

    • @singmysong1167
      @singmysong1167 2 роки тому +5

      @@susansharp985 ...Whether you believe in God, your Creator or not, here is who we must all need to give an account to, the second that we die. Listen to His thoughts on the matter, "...For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God NOR gave thanks to Him, but their thinking became futile AND their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they 'claim' to be wise, they became fools... Therefore God 'gave them over' in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the 'truth of God' for a lie, and worshiped and served created things 'rather than' the Creator-- Who is forever praised. Amen. Because of this, God 'gave them over' to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged 'natural relations' for 'unnatural ones'. In the same way, men abandoned 'natural relations' with women and were 'inflamed with lust' for one another. Men committed indecent acts with ;other men, AND received in themselves the due penalty of their perversion. Furthermore, since they did NOT think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, He 'gave them over' to a depraved mind, to do what ought NOT to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed, and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant, boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their own parents; they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things BUT also approve of those who practice them.... (read for yourself in Romans 1 in the New Testament, friend.)

    • @dhoover6163
      @dhoover6163 2 роки тому +8

      @@susansharp985 you are loved. Be it enough.

  • @uscitizen7665
    @uscitizen7665 3 роки тому +477

    For any Amish who could or are watching this, please remember that your identity it in Christ. Your heritage is Amish. This is a HUGE difference. You will not go to Hell for leaving your home as it is commanded by God to leave your parents and start a new life. You will not go to hell for not wearing your clothes a certain way, your hair not being just right. God is concerned about your relationship with HIM. For ANYONE to tell you that you will.end up in hell because you left the community is judgement that isn't theirs to make. God bless you all.

    • @nancylee1625
      @nancylee1625 3 роки тому +25


    • @YvonneWilson312
      @YvonneWilson312 3 роки тому +27

      Yes! There is only one Judge. The decision is His and His alone.

    • @AshleyXPaine
      @AshleyXPaine 3 роки тому +17

      lol they don’t have access to UA-cam

    • @nursejill1474
      @nursejill1474 3 роки тому +21

      @@AshleyXPaine some do

    • @riskinhos
      @riskinhos 2 роки тому +7

      which god you fool?

  • @Neal-lh7pe
    @Neal-lh7pe 2 роки тому +91

    Shunning is not done in love. Shunning is the hight of cruelty.The last thing that love is, is cruel. Shunning is done out of control, dominance and psyschic and emotional brutality.

    • @manofiske3318
      @manofiske3318 2 роки тому +1

      "... _height_ of ..."

    • @manofiske3318
      @manofiske3318 2 роки тому

      "...and _psychic_ ..."

    • @kljcails
      @kljcails 2 роки тому +1


    • @LyndaCoulson64
      @LyndaCoulson64 2 роки тому +4

      @@manofiske3318 I think you'll find that after the full stops should be a capital letter. It would help if you actually advised the person of a slight poor error in their spelling before correcting them in 'quotes'. I could be wrong though on the first part with it being more than one full stop.

    • @evelyntokamp1011
      @evelyntokamp1011 2 роки тому +3

      @@manofiske3318 Psychological, not psychic. Neal8471's message is clear and strong, spelling errors or none. Peace to you from Germany :)

  • @disappearintothesea
    @disappearintothesea 2 роки тому +100

    What a sad and inspiring documentary all at once. I hope everyone involved finds peace.

  • @janaskibo871
    @janaskibo871 3 роки тому +191

    I'm so thankful for the adults helping the kids. Adopting them into their homes and lives.

    • @michellecarice
      @michellecarice 3 роки тому +13

      I feel the exact same way. Bless them!

    • @jturtle5318
      @jturtle5318 3 роки тому +8

      Same with boys discarded by the FLDS, because they want a lot of wives per man and the natural birthrate is 50/50.

    • @pampearce4953
      @pampearce4953 2 роки тому +8

      A simple life seems so easy to live yet in these times it would require strong determination and faith. I admire the Amish life but I could not live it.

  • @katrinkasanfranciscobayare7364
    @katrinkasanfranciscobayare7364 3 роки тому +120

    I hardly see any laughter.
    I don't think God wants people to be sad all the time.
    I'm glad that there are people on the outside of the Amish community who will help other Amish transition to The English life style they decide to leave the Amish community.
    Thank you for sharing the video

    • @philzone8486
      @philzone8486 3 роки тому +7

      This video was pretty dark. I've seen others that show laughter and joy. I once went to a restraunt in Lancaster Co, PA. and there was a large long table and at the appointed time everyone sat down and food was passed around family style. Yummy, and the servers were joyful. I guess it varies.

    • @Talk2WandaVision
      @Talk2WandaVision 3 роки тому +3

      What do you mean by “transitioning to the English lifestyle”? The Amish live in the United States, not England.

    • @katrinkasanfranciscobayare7364
      @katrinkasanfranciscobayare7364 3 роки тому +10

      The Amish refers to the people residing outside of their Community as "The English".

    • @Talk2WandaVision
      @Talk2WandaVision 3 роки тому +1

      @@katrinkasanfranciscobayare7364 okay I see! thanks for letting me know that.

    • @katrinkasanfranciscobayare7364
      @katrinkasanfranciscobayare7364 3 роки тому +1

      😉yw have a great day💞

  • @chimican578
    @chimican578 2 роки тому +57

    My great grandmother lived the exact same way and she was not religious. A simple, modest life, hard working widow (at 40) - who lived to 95 yrs.old ...- she took care of a huge farm, land and house by herself. She had a high level of openmindness, love and respect for life, nature, animals and family. She still is to this day the wisest, funniest person that I have ever met. People who are controlled by something other than their own destiny CANNOT enjoy life, they become like robots, manipulated externally.... I respect their simple way of life, but I cannot accept, nor respect their rules and impositions.

    • @tubester4567
      @tubester4567 2 роки тому +7

      Some people like being controlled and being part of a group. Thats why there are so many religions, and cults.

    • @whatssolove3798
      @whatssolove3798 2 роки тому +8

      your grandmother sounds like a wonderful woman- thank you for sharing. She chose her way a life, not imposed or made wrong for her open mind. Thank you!

    • @someonesmom4053
      @someonesmom4053 2 роки тому +1

      Perfect point. 💯

    • @francesodle6069
      @francesodle6069 2 роки тому

      It has to be a culture raised in live. To me I do believe I could live that way

    • @sallyrickerson9139
      @sallyrickerson9139 2 роки тому

      Very well written post. Thank you.

  • @Krishna-mr6ju
    @Krishna-mr6ju 3 роки тому +155

    some of these kids have achieved so much on their own, bachelor of nursing, owns his own home. how proud I would be of them if i was their mum. Maybe the Amish did give them a great grounding and work ethic, such a shame that they cant come to terms with the children who desire to do more than farming.

    • @snowbird7614
      @snowbird7614 3 роки тому +14

      I agree. I live about an hour and half from them and it is weird. Not all women want to be housewives or men farmers. And they aren’t disobedient because they don’t eant to farm or cook all day. And because some intermaay there are diseases among them that aren’t in the general population

    • @teijaflink2226
      @teijaflink2226 3 роки тому +9

      Agree, everyone should have the right to chose their own path in life, no parent should have the right to worse their ways in their children if they don't want it. Totally fine if you want to live your life as a farmer in an old fascioned way but if your child wants to Travel, become a nurse sad and cruel to not accept it. Okay they are maybe manipulated to think that they have to do this but very sad to lose relationships with people that are your family/loved ones as this life is so short

    • @minnie8397
      @minnie8397 3 роки тому +4

      They are trying to hang on to their faith

    • @mariemoore8736
      @mariemoore8736 2 роки тому


    • @LyndaCoulson64
      @LyndaCoulson64 2 роки тому

      @@mariemoore8736 What or why did you comment with the word "I'm" ???

  • @janegrey4374
    @janegrey4374 2 роки тому +46

    This documentary aired in 2014. I sincerely hope that all of the young people who left, whether they returned to the Amish way of life or not, that they are all doing well and happy in their lives.

  • @brendabijak7171
    @brendabijak7171 2 роки тому +97

    At 1;24, my heart just broke. If my two boys came home I would be so excited. From one mother to another.....I can't imagine not having a relationship with my sons.

    • @leighsaldivar4439
      @leighsaldivar4439 2 роки тому +5

      She doesn’t even deserve to be called a mother.

    • @francesodle6069
      @francesodle6069 2 роки тому +2

      The mom is a woman she loves her boys I m sure. She us not able to leave her home her husband it is hard and some people cannot leave their hiome or community ......we can t judge her

    • @jeanmarieburns9200
      @jeanmarieburns9200 2 роки тому

      You’re re right these men are massodunistic monsters living in the past it’s one thing having faith but surely that behaviour that kind of suppression would make you loose faith it’s male power gone crazy god really wouldn’t like women being slaves in the kitchen and that’s their place??????? I would not put up with it what man on earth can tell you your own mind how to wear clothes stay in the kitchen male domination that’s the Catholic Church too it is the same, what’s that got to do with personal faith or God

  • @joeymarie72
    @joeymarie72 3 роки тому +79

    I have a hard time with believing any religion or lifestyle that says God wants you to throw your children away. Shameful.

    • @stellabenitez-soto9155
      @stellabenitez-soto9155 2 роки тому +8

      There is no such thing as God saying you must turn your back on your children, not in my bible. These people are definitely following some man's theology not what God teaches.

    • @mailill
      @mailill 2 роки тому +5

      @@stellabenitez-soto9155 I am not a believer, but I found this in Matthew 10:34 ff
      "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to turn
      “‘a man against his father,
      a daughter against her mother,
      a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law-
      36 a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’[c]
      37 “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it."

  • @KT-hx2ul
    @KT-hx2ul 3 роки тому +68

    There is a difference between a group that calls themselves "Christian" and their life is just based upon following rules set by church elders, and knowing Jesus... Jesus sets a person free from sin and gives life and joy that can't be found anywhere else.

    • @susiearviso3032
      @susiearviso3032 3 роки тому +6

      I was just going to write that, K T.
      God wants all of us to have a close, personal relationship with Him, in Christ. Life isn't supposed to be a life of drudgery and unhappiness. It's Jesus Christ who sets us free and who gives us freedom, love and joy!

    • @briandelaney9710
      @briandelaney9710 3 роки тому +1

      Jesus also established a Church

    • @greenribbon49
      @greenribbon49 3 роки тому +5

      Shunning is not scriptural

    • @terryisaac8195
      @terryisaac8195 3 роки тому

      @@greenribbon49 if you "shun" me, I will gladly leave you alone FOREVER --- TO HELL WITH YOU!!!

    • @MegaTaximan
      @MegaTaximan 3 роки тому +4

      When I found Jesus, I suddenly was empowered to go get a brand new car- and got a bright sticker saying "TEAM JESUS USA!😁🌻🐝🦋 " on the back!!! It was AWESOME because I had been taking a bus to work but was unsafe at 5:30 am at this bus stop & am certain on at least 2 occasions barely missed a bad encounter with a psycho...
      I would up driving single mothers in the church to grocery stores with my car for a long started my new career working for Chanel as a traveling runway artiste` & drove that little car into the ground in the end but lots of happy memories. .(BTW this is Jeff's wife, not Jeff, writing g this😉💕

  • @dianeamison-loring7204
    @dianeamison-loring7204 2 роки тому +24

    Thank you for this. Painful memories of my own surfaced - I spent 31 years in a convent and left it behind. I am forever changed because of that experience. The Amish living amongst us in our society, have incredible gifts to offer from the depths of their pain and joy. I think the film maker has made a loving record. May all of these people continue to heal and find their way as GOD has called.

    • @jessicanone4202
      @jessicanone4202 2 роки тому

      Convent? You were a Catholic nun?

    • @dianeamison-loring7204
      @dianeamison-loring7204 2 роки тому

      @@jessicanone4202 Actually a nun in an Episcopalian convent

    • @kathymitchell7977
      @kathymitchell7977 2 роки тому

      @@jessicanone4202 you

    • @francesodle6069
      @francesodle6069 2 роки тому

      A nun is a Roman Catholic A woman

    • @dianeamison-loring7204
      @dianeamison-loring7204 2 роки тому

      @@francesodle6069 Actually, the Episcopal (Anglican) church and the Greek and Russian Orthodox churches have religious orders of various types for men and for women. These people take the same vows their Roman Catholic counterparts take and follow rules of life that vary according to the missions God has called them to serve. The reason you don't hear about them so much is they are dwindling even more than the Roman Catholic orders. Women are more likely to go into the RC convents, I think, because the Roman orders have learned to be collaborative in mission with their sisters or brothers, while the other orders are more authoritarian and less collaborative.
      But, yes, I was a nun. And yes, I am a woman. And I am not a Roman Catholic, but I pray for the pope.

  • @karinavandamme4655
    @karinavandamme4655 3 роки тому +17

    thank you for blaming, no insinuations, just the way it is.

  • @cajuncraftysue
    @cajuncraftysue 3 роки тому +27

    A money maker for these women that leave the Amish, is cooking, baking, & canning classes! SO many people (myself included!) would LOVE to learn these skills!! I can’t roll out a pie crust to save my life!! The men could teach Carpentry to people! Useful skills to have that people don't have anymore!!

    • @virginiasoskin9082
      @virginiasoskin9082 2 роки тому +5

      My hometown in PA has a worldwide-known Folk Festival and a quilting contest/sale every year. There must be up to 1000 quilts for sale. Amish women make a lot of money doing that all winter long. They are master quilters. My Mom ran a quilting group at her church in this same town for 25 years. They even made a quilt they presented to Hillary Clinton when she was First Lady at the White House. it was a bible quilt with squares that symbolized various passages in the bible. Then they got a personal White House tour. It was a day to always be remembered by that group of ladies.

  • @neesargon3497
    @neesargon3497 2 роки тому +47

    Those of us with defective hearing struggle with the sound when there is speech and music at the same time. I found it very helpful when subtitles were used. Thank you.

    • @desirefarmer4172
      @desirefarmer4172 2 роки тому +4

      I agree 100% for subtitles!

    • @erigerontriteleia
      @erigerontriteleia 2 роки тому +3

      You can bring on the subtitles by clicking those 3 dots in the upper right corner, and turn Caption ON.

    • @neesargon3497
      @neesargon3497 2 роки тому

      Erigeron Triteleia Thank you for tryng to help but I don't have three dots in the upper right corner - or anywhere else.

    • @dannsherstone1037
      @dannsherstone1037 2 роки тому +2

      @@neesargon3497 The bottom right corner of the screen there is a little wheel that is "settings" click that to get to subtitles.

    • @tripletvn
      @tripletvn 2 роки тому +1

      @@neesargon3497 The button 5th to the left from bottom right corner that says CC (as in Closed Caption).

  • @jeanmarieburns9200
    @jeanmarieburns9200 2 роки тому +2

    You're such brave people to step away from such a toxic lifestyle well done you xxxxx

  • @kathrynbillinghurst188
    @kathrynbillinghurst188 3 роки тому +19

    I quietly ask the Lord many questions when I pray. Although I hear no voice, I can FEEL the answers in my mind, conscience and being. It’s hard to trust people these days. If we all had faith, love and hope ( with an extra pinch of tolerance) we may find PEACE on Earth. BARRY McShane… thank you for inspiring me. 🦉

    • @LyndaCoulson64
      @LyndaCoulson64 2 роки тому

      I agree, you don't physically hear the voice of God speak to you. It is your conscience that God comes through to you and the Lord saviour gives you the feeing of that knowledge that settles on your mind.

  • @PixieStitchs
    @PixieStitchs 3 роки тому +34

    The Amish aren't the only religion that shuns...most of my family has shunned me for 13 years over not accepting the religion I was born in. Because of that I really identify, and feel for these's a hard road, but I'm still glad I left!

    • @carolannemckenzie3849
      @carolannemckenzie3849 3 роки тому +4

      That was a brave decision you made. I hope you're thriving. Love from Scotland ❤

    • @whiteraven69
      @whiteraven69 2 роки тому +2

      I admire your courage and staying true to be born into a religious belief system and to be able to achieve independency and develop critical skills is to be admired.

    • @pattygiron-jones6930
      @pattygiron-jones6930 2 роки тому

      Glad for you too!! 👏🏽

    • @debrahunter6303
      @debrahunter6303 2 роки тому

      Not born in. Totally out. .org

    @RLMARMEN 3 роки тому +77

    This makes me sad in the fact that one day their parents will be gone in the end and they will not have forgiven their children for wanting to expand their knowledge while still wanting a relationship with family. Kids at sixteen want to try out their freedom but are suppressed. Its sad for everyone involved.

    • @MegaTaximan
      @MegaTaximan 3 роки тому +7

      At that moment they will clearly see thier mistake, to be sure. The regret will be hard to take. Hopefully the Lord will be forgiving.

    • @gardengirlgirl7595
      @gardengirlgirl7595 3 роки тому +5

      Shunning is ONLY for those who were baptized in their faith and then rejected it. They aren’t shunned if they made decisions not to join.

    • @teijaflink2226
      @teijaflink2226 3 роки тому +10

      How does make it more right to shun your child/loved one? People can chance minds or make a mistake. And you can follow Jesus and bible too (if that's what they believe in not totally sure) without living the same life-style, so it's not like you have to reject your faith by not living lie this.

    • @chilili441
      @chilili441 2 роки тому +2

      Yes, it is sad, but remember it was the Amish church, elders, who made this horrible rule. Blame the elders for not being able to see their children.

  • @SeanRhoadesChristopher
    @SeanRhoadesChristopher 2 роки тому +15

    The Christian Faith teaches that we are to go out into the world and baptize those who want to follow Christ in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

  • @Blessedone328
    @Blessedone328 3 роки тому +42

    Sounds like some of the churches I’ve attended. Such a horrible way to treat human beings. God is love.

    • @charlottejones4884
      @charlottejones4884 2 роки тому +2

      Yes God is love but he says he is a just God.

    • @stellabenitez-soto9155
      @stellabenitez-soto9155 2 роки тому

      Yes, God is love and just, however he is a merciful God. Compassionate and forgiving. 🙏

  • @bobbarron6969
    @bobbarron6969 2 роки тому +25

    I'm so grateful for this fascinating look at this life, and the photography is exceptional. It's hard not to feel connected to others when we see their humanity.

    • @moonbeamer4468
      @moonbeamer4468 2 роки тому +5

      There is no decent humanity that treats their family so badly by shunning them.

    • @tucky2297
      @tucky2297 2 роки тому +4

      @@moonbeamer4468 i believe amish are fakes! I was shunned by a community filled with them.....until i bought their goods. THEN THEY WERE ALL SMILES AS THEY TOOK MY MONEY!

    • @rafaelcarmany463
      @rafaelcarmany463 2 роки тому

      @@tucky2297 All humans are hypocrites to one degree or another. Those that are Self-Righteous and unforgiving (as if they didn't need forgiveness themselves) are cold and unloving like the Pharisees who called for the Crucifixion of Christ. By rejecting others they reject HIM.

  • @viccimauldin2235
    @viccimauldin2235 3 роки тому +36

    Shunning is not Biblical. Not what Jesus said to do. We live under the new testament.

    • @vegasnerve1354
      @vegasnerve1354 2 роки тому +3

      Vicci Mauldin,. I experienced shunning in a Mennonite workplace. Horrific experience. Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

    • @mistaleesreversespeech7728
      @mistaleesreversespeech7728 2 роки тому

      @@vegasnerve1354 Must be like that Twilightzone episode where he has a mark on his forehead and no one can talk to him.

  • @judyconnors-holland3910
    @judyconnors-holland3910 2 роки тому +7

    What a fascinating documentary. Truly enjoyed learning about an extraordinary life . Beautifully done . I may never watch TV again. Truly hope they have found peace in their life on earth and will continue to be at peace.

  • @lorenrobertson8039
    @lorenrobertson8039 2 роки тому +21

    So happy for the man that left and found salvation through our lord and savior Jesus Christ. So happy they finally found God and a good church that preaches the gospel message. Beautiful! God bless him and his family and all that are looking elsewhere in vain. Jesus tells us that no man cometh to the Father but by me. Period. Simple yet it is the only thing one needs to do is ask Jesus to come into their heart and save them. Man cannot get to Heaven by being good, or jumping through any manly hoops. Thank you God for coming into my life and giving me that message me that choice.

    • @stephaniefairey8633
      @stephaniefairey8633 2 роки тому

      Don't the Amish believe in Jesus too? They already have god, why would they need to leave to find him?

    • @lorenrobertson8039
      @lorenrobertson8039 2 роки тому

      @@stephaniefairey8633 without doing further research on their beliefs and practices, I couldn't honestly answer that Stephanie. All I know is what you can read many places in the Bible on salvation. Read Romans, it is crystal clear. If you are not saved already, and you really want to discuss it with me message me on fb. I'd be blessed to walk you through it.

    • @lorenrobertson8039
      @lorenrobertson8039 2 роки тому

      @@stephaniefairey8633 Read what I wrote again and pray about it in Jesus' name. Really clear. Just read what I wrote and that you commented on. Not sure what you are ?'ing, other than we might have gleaned different messages from this video. ?

    • @rhondaengdahl9343
      @rhondaengdahl9343 2 роки тому

      @@stephaniefairey8633 To the Amish, it is considered prideful to think that you can know that you are saved. The way to heaven for the Amish is to follow the ordnung (code of conduct) of your particular community, and hope that you do it well enough that you end up in heaven. What's interesting is that each community of Amish follow their own ordnung, so there really isn't a hard and fast rule of what is right and what is not. The more I learn about the Amish, the more questions I have.

  • @ericabrewer9220
    @ericabrewer9220 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you for this documentary. The shunning breaks my heart, but I love that the place is always set at the table for them.

  • @cgteacher4251
    @cgteacher4251 2 роки тому +13

    Stunning cinematography. Excellent documentary!

  • @pettyfogger2305
    @pettyfogger2305 3 роки тому +31

    A powerful documentary! It is perhaps the best 90 minutes I have spent in years!!!!!

    • @bazbarrett8103
      @bazbarrett8103 3 роки тому +3

      You should try life.

    • @pettyfogger2305
      @pettyfogger2305 3 роки тому +4

      @@bazbarrett8103Eww, the legendary keyboard warrior weighs in, sniffs effetely at whatever he/she can neither accept or understand and then creeps back to Mommy's spare bedroom.

    • @bazbarrett8103
      @bazbarrett8103 2 роки тому

      @@pettyfogger2305 pratt.

    • @pettyfogger2305
      @pettyfogger2305 2 роки тому

      @@bazbarrett8103 Cellar dweller.

    • @bazbarrett8103
      @bazbarrett8103 2 роки тому

      @@pettyfogger2305 can rhyme two words, pathetic.

  • @Miss65boo
    @Miss65boo 3 роки тому +59

    It is beyond tragic that people have to chose between living the lives they prefer and their family. The Amish are similar to Jehovah's Witness and Scientology where the rules don't allow you to socialize or even talk to people who are on the outside. The rules they have are so controlling! What to wear, how to work, what you can say and do. There are reasons the elders don't want to educate their children or allow their kids to read books, you can't so easily control people who are well educated and taught to think for themselves. And it's all about power and control, just like in other cultures.

    • @deancj1
      @deancj1 3 роки тому +5

      You are wrong about Jehovah's witnesses. My aunt has been in that faith for fifty years and is married to an atheist. Also, she is the only person in our family who is in that faith.

    • @comickillers74
      @comickillers74 3 роки тому +7

      It's a cult.

    • @jturtle5318
      @jturtle5318 3 роки тому

      @@deancj1 did she marry him before or after she joined?

    • @deancj1
      @deancj1 3 роки тому

      @@jturtle5318 maybe a year or two before.

    • @ZippedUpKitz
      @ZippedUpKitz 2 роки тому +9

      @@deancj1 JW's are a terrible cult… plenty of documentation out there about that group… my parents tried it for about a year… THANK GOD they saw the writing on the wall before it was too late!

  • @mariarandolph8402
    @mariarandolph8402 3 роки тому +41

    I feel a deep inner sadness after watching this documentary.

    • @StephenMortimer
      @StephenMortimer 3 роки тому +2

      you have been MANIPULATED !!

    • @lilabrown2402
      @lilabrown2402 3 роки тому +1

      There are More children Dieing in the streets because of this modern Society.
      The Amish children still Doing fine If you compare.
      Yes some left theyre Home, so what.
      ( I am Not Amish)

    • @teijaflink2226
      @teijaflink2226 3 роки тому +2

      I don't think it's wrong to live this way, I chanser many beautiful things in this way of life. But where it goes totally wrong is forcing your adult children to stay (actually shouldn't that be considered kidnappning and a crime) or cutting all contact with your own children if they chose a different way to live.

    • @andrealuisecandido1154
      @andrealuisecandido1154 3 роки тому

      i have
      believe .... no acepTed ReliGion
      in THE
      STATE of AusTria

    • @andrealuisecandido1154
      @andrealuisecandido1154 3 роки тому

      @@lilabrown2402 we are no were no

  • @laurafoley4946
    @laurafoley4946 2 роки тому +15

    I love learning about the Amish and the people who leave. I always wonder how they make a life for themselves.

  • @DrRaulZavaletaDC
    @DrRaulZavaletaDC 3 роки тому +14

    how lucky the Amish with their sovereign way of life, protected and all they need is to connect more with the mother earth , may be the young ones should be to date other circles, bring some joy to the process!! .the interviewed did not look happy, more like so much melancholy. I see why the community leaders are protecting their own community.

  • @lesliespiers8407
    @lesliespiers8407 3 роки тому +21

    alot of them seem so unhappy, tortured...thinking no matter what they do, they won't get to Heaven....sad just sad, that their so controlled & lost. Jesus is the Way~ the Truth & the Light, No one goes to the Father but through him.

    • @yankee2666
      @yankee2666 3 роки тому +1

      "Jesus is the Way~ the Truth & the Light, No one goes to the Father but through him" ...And you think THEIR minds are being controlled?

    • @stephtimms1776
      @stephtimms1776 3 роки тому +4

      Some were trained to think like that, but they can break free and build upon the good from their heritage, with help from Jesus and his other sincere followers, especially those who've left the Amish wisely and successfully.

    • @stephtimms1776
      @stephtimms1776 3 роки тому +4

      @@yankee2666 Some people want to do anything and still be accepted and trusted with everything. It doesn't work that way. Trust is earned, with God and mankind. If people violate the rights of others, they will lose trust. That's not due to anyone trying to manipulate them, but the need to stop them from manipulating and violating others. Jesus teachings show us the way to respect and foster our freedom and that of others.
      Jesus is the way to a better life now and in the eternities. Not everyone will chose to come unto the Father, though Jesus died for us all to get there if we want. It's a privilege. He doesn't shun us for wanting a different but harmless experience and a better lifestyle than the Amish, and to think for ourselves. He accepts us and helps us as we struggle with weaknesses, no matter how long it takes as long as we keep trying our best. He sacrificed everything for our freedom to choose for ourselves, and learn from our mistakes. He gave us our differences to bless one another. He wants to us to find the truth but won't force it on us. It's our choice, and whatever we chose he still loves us.

    • @MegaTaximan
      @MegaTaximan 3 роки тому +1


    • @nursejill1474
      @nursejill1474 3 роки тому

      @@stephtimms1776 lol

  • @soulspacehomestead4941
    @soulspacehomestead4941 3 роки тому +47

    If shunning was loving then it would pass the test of the Golden Rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. And it doesn’t, therefore it is not loving and therefore it is actually a sin. A sin being any unloving intent, thought, desire, or action. Another way to look at it is, does God shun anyone, and of course the answer is No, so that’s a good indication that we shouldn’t be shunning anyone either.

    • @paulstauffer8053
      @paulstauffer8053 3 роки тому

      Hell if you was appostate , you would want love grounded in love right ?

    • @soulspacehomestead4941
      @soulspacehomestead4941 3 роки тому +1

      @@paulstauffer8053 I agree with your sentiment. Unfortunately we, people in general, whether they are part of a religion or not, do not know very much about love (human love) and know even less about God’s Love. This is why Jesus taught us to seek God (God’s Love) first because in doing so we will automatically know how to love each other with our own brotherly (human love). This is also why Jesus said that the river never runs higher than its source. If we seek only for our own brotherly love than we will be no better than each other. In other words, no better than God originally created us. Whereas if we ask for and receive God’s Love (the highest source of love) into our soul than we will be able to be transformed (what Jesus called the New Birth) and then be able to enter the Kingdom of God (Heaven) even while we are still on earth. So yes, shunning has nothing to do with love, either human or God’s Love, and has everything to do with man’s own injuries about what we think love is.

    • @msalyssababy
      @msalyssababy 3 роки тому

      @@paulstauffer8053 😔😃😃😔😀😬😔😃😔🤔😂😔😃

  • @susansharp985
    @susansharp985 2 роки тому +9

    " I hope I'm one of those grains that falls off the grindstone, I don't want to be ground up." That pretty much says it all...I'm happy you made it out.

  • @anitareid6052
    @anitareid6052 3 роки тому +32

    Reminds me of my mother,..she lived a meager existence,..but it was of her own making,..thing was she wanted the same for us children, we had a bad childhood,..we were glad to get away when we came of age,...So I can relate and understand these Amish ppl that fled

    • @stephtimms1776
      @stephtimms1776 3 роки тому +5

      Are you sure it was of her own making? Do you know everything she's been through and how it's shaped her?

    • @jackmorgan1677
      @jackmorgan1677 3 роки тому +3

      @@stephtimms1776 No, as one of her children he's got no idea...

    • @stephtimms1776
      @stephtimms1776 3 роки тому +7

      @@jackmorgan1677 As if children know everything their parents have experienced, and how it has effected them?

    • @luannyates5199
      @luannyates5199 3 роки тому +2

      So sad. Bless you

    • @anitareid6052
      @anitareid6052 3 роки тому +7

      @@stephtimms1776 yes, yes I do, she was a miser, never gave us kids a few sweets, never bought a bar of chocolate to share beween us, not even on Christams day, never gave us a few pennys for sweets,..and when I say never, I do mean never,..the only time we saw sweets was if we were lucky enough to get a few pennys off someone for going to the shop for them, just how she was, it's not that she couldn't it was that she wouldn't,

  • @sepesasigatokacakerasili
    @sepesasigatokacakerasili 3 роки тому +20

    Disobedient people leave? This is not only un-Godly but inhumane. Where is the freewill the Lord gave us freely?

  • @christinaburton9297
    @christinaburton9297 3 роки тому +12

    The opening shot is like a lovely painting.

  • @christiribbons6394
    @christiribbons6394 3 роки тому +14

    I knew an Amish girl she told me they left their horses hooked up to the carriages in a blizzard. They were very cruel to their animals. Her dad was very abusive. She left never married

    • @jturtle5318
      @jturtle5318 3 роки тому +7

      I despise the way they treat animals, especially the horses.

    • @rosaleeharris1192
      @rosaleeharris1192 2 роки тому +4

      I have heard they r cruel to their animals. For the animals sake I hope we r wrong.

  • @MrsEJV
    @MrsEJV 2 роки тому +26

    Teens are given a year before being baptized called Rumspringa when they are allowed to explore outside the Amish community, dress differently, socialize, etc. I can’t imagine how confusing going from one life style to another (with pressure to return to plain living) for a 16 year old.

    • @tubester4567
      @tubester4567 2 роки тому +1

      Right. When I want to leave something I just say Im outta here.

    • @evilbilla
      @evilbilla 2 роки тому +1

      Not all are a year. Some wait untill they come back. Ive seen some go back after 10 and 20 yrs. Some who never for the lifestyle but come back to help. As long as you have not chosen either in many communities after 16 your still allowed minimal contact such as a short visit. Many help families with money or supplies. There are rules while being out such as cant marry have children but you can work buy a car a home biz. Ive seen some who stay out start biz solely to accomodate the amish community there from such as feed or animal livestock girl had a farm for sheep and donated all her sheering to her community who used for weveing and such..and by doing so saved money for her amish community therefor she could still visit family once a month and the money she helped with helped with there. Seeding and feed for other livestock..

    • @tripletvn
      @tripletvn 2 роки тому +1

      @@evilbilla Of course, it is hard to live their way forever and they need "the world" more than they would admit. They were not supposed to use electricity or engines at all. Clothes are supposed to be handwashed but look at that little machine they use at 1:18:00, that must be an English product. Amish families that know how to do business with "English people" seem to have bigger and nicer houses with some electrical items.

    •  2 роки тому

      @@evilbilla That is neither love nor forgiveness. Her family whored themselves out for filthy lucre.

    • @jennyanderson9450
      @jennyanderson9450 2 роки тому +2

      Yes and it's hard to get jobs when you don't have the proper ID, and might not even know your social security number or have a passport.
      And women are not allowed to drive so your even more isolated.
      And being taught and brainwashed into being scared of the outside world.
      No access to birth control and home births with no pain relief.
      People are meant to evolve, you can have your religion and way of life but at least accept some mordern things that are good and make part of your life better and healthier.
      They are kept regressed to keep control of them.
      Other sects like this are against the law.
      And because they keep to themselves you probably don't know what really goes on.
      It's great to keep old skills alive, carpentry, horsemanship, farming, house building, all without power tools are excellent skills to have and pass on, if we somehow didn't have electricity it would be invaluable knowledge.

  • @judyanne3563
    @judyanne3563 3 роки тому +18

    Amish aren't the only ones that shun.....I have been shunned for 7 years by my previous "pastor," his wife & numerous ones in the so called congregation!!!!! This is a United Brethren "church"!!!!!!!

  • @roslewis9923
    @roslewis9923 2 роки тому +2

    A beautiful film. Very heart wrenching but quite special. Thank you.

  • @pennie4urthought
    @pennie4urthought 3 роки тому +29

    Sad people. Certainly don’t know the Jesus I do

  • @penny6526
    @penny6526 2 роки тому

    I don’t know why I am watching but it gave me insight in everything I did not know. I know God loves you all and thank you all for sharing. God will keeps you safe . X

  • @sarahmott8876
    @sarahmott8876 2 роки тому +3

    A stunning documentary - thank you.

  • @carolyng651
    @carolyng651 2 роки тому

    Thank You Olga for posting and forgive me if any of my comments seemed judgmental. Ive learned some great things that will help form my character and heart

  • @moonbeamer4468
    @moonbeamer4468 2 роки тому +9

    Shunning a family member or anyone else for that matter is absolutely against God‘s Word. The problem is the Amish don’t read God‘s Word. Bishops don’t allow it. They only know what their bishop tells them. They also believe in works for salvation which we know is also against God’s Holy Word. I feel badly for them after I read their doctrine.

  • @GrammyRose
    @GrammyRose 3 роки тому +5

    Thank you for sharing. How brave. I hope your faith didn't change and that you still follow Jesus.

  • @shawncooper9999
    @shawncooper9999 3 роки тому +13

    I am a mennonite. I get shunned because i fall in love with a English man and get married.

    • @bscountrycorner8795
      @bscountrycorner8795 2 роки тому +1

      What is the difference between Amish and Mennonite? From what I can see , you dress different and drive cars and have electric?? Not sure all do , but I know a family that lives in my town that uses the Internet to order groceries and have them delivered , I was the one that delivered their groceries and they had six girls come out and grab the bags

  • @RM-pq7vx
    @RM-pq7vx 2 роки тому +5

    This makes me cry when they go home.

  • @Kayja-td6tv
    @Kayja-td6tv 3 роки тому +20

    Loving parents do not shun their children. It appears to be a "labor" problem.

  • @heatherluke4628
    @heatherluke4628 2 роки тому +1

    the young lady that left seems like such a sweet girl i hope she has the best life possible!! to the people who take them in you are godsend!!🥰🥰

  • @whatssolove3798
    @whatssolove3798 2 роки тому +3

    Shunning happens in other strict groups- not just the Amish. Thank you for bringing this horrid practice to light. It is abusive and the opposite of love & light. Those being shunned, please remember, we can only continue to be shunned if we allow it to happen-- be with those that care, love and accept you-

    • @stacyyoust
      @stacyyoust 2 роки тому +1

      I'm sad to say but it's wishful thinking to say you're only shunned if you let it happen. It's real. They are symbolically killing us. We have other people who care about us, but not those people.

    • @theresabuck-franklin389
      @theresabuck-franklin389 2 роки тому

      I was Southern Baptist and was shunned for daring to date a Catholic boy! Gave them the finger and lived my life without constraints. Had a natural child, become very independent and now mourning a husband whom I loved very much (a lapsed Catholic).

    • @whatssolove3798
      @whatssolove3798 2 роки тому

      @@theresabuck-franklin389 thank you for your comment. I too am mourning my husband- also completely different faith than my family. However, along with the religious shunning I suspect they are narcissists. Learned a lot about that behavior and has helped me heal.

  • @humbleguy4726
    @humbleguy4726 2 роки тому +1

    Beautiful documentary. There are some gentle people that walk this Earth, i know this for a fact, i have just witnessed it.

  • @Blessedone328
    @Blessedone328 3 роки тому +6

    How many sped up the documentary for a happy ending? All in all, I saw unity, heartbreak, acceptance and resolve. Hope the family can unify and love each other unconditionally and see each other past the traditions. I believe the heart of God would agree with me. Blessings!

  • @christdriven8790
    @christdriven8790 2 роки тому +9

    Awesome truths being spoken here through this vid. I have lived in an Amish community in Tennessee for 4 yrs now, some Mininites too. I love being in the community & have become pretty close to a few of the Amish families. I highly respect their simplicity of lifestyle & has motivated me to be more minimalistic. Only a couple of negative things I'd say is, they're not taught of their assurance that they are saved & will go to Heaven. And they're not affectionate towards their children, that I've seen. I don't get the not wanting to have pictures made, especially for memories later in life. Thanks again for the video.

    • @elizabethcowling-jones1190
      @elizabethcowling-jones1190 2 роки тому +2

      from what i have seen they have no affection or love for anything.. their horses are abused and put up for slaughter when they have been worked into the ground.. this is not a community who are god loving they are god fearing.. and out of fear comes no love but just survival. Living and surviving are two different things. They should be accountable for animal abuse just like everyone else. It is of course down to education and they only educate their beliefs and way of life so how can future generations know the difference between abuse.. and how can they love without ever being loved or affectionate.

    • @christdriven8790
      @christdriven8790 2 роки тому +1

      @@elizabethcowling-jones1190 totally understand & agree.

  • @dianeletcher2303
    @dianeletcher2303 3 роки тому +27

    Isn’t funny how people rubbish the Muslim way of life and yet these people are exactly the same treating their females the same it’s not about freedom of religion it’s man made not by god

    • @lenblack1462
      @lenblack1462 3 роки тому +2

      Do you think that females in the Bible were treated any different?

    • @lenblack1462
      @lenblack1462 3 роки тому +2

      @Country Western Do you think Amish men don't love their wives?

    • @lenblack1462
      @lenblack1462 3 роки тому +2

      @Country Western Why don't you answer my question?

    • @christiribbons6394
      @christiribbons6394 3 роки тому +1

      @@lenblack1462 old testament yes but Jesus took Magdaline and made her a disciple

    • @lenblack1462
      @lenblack1462 3 роки тому +1

      @@christiribbons6394 That effects day-to-day treatment of women how?

  • @sosomarie5890
    @sosomarie5890 2 роки тому +2

    Any smart parent would be highly proud of how hard these kids have worked to become an adult , as productive and awesome, as these kids have and will most likely always be..

  • @alisonbroomby8700
    @alisonbroomby8700 3 роки тому +11

    How can you turn your back on your children? The Lord teaches love and compassion not control. God has given us free will to make decisions for ourselves and not to blindly follow a religion. These children deserve compassion, love and support.

  • @michelecloutier6309
    @michelecloutier6309 2 роки тому +3

    They want you to think they are all about love. They are not. There is evil in the Amish. Many own puppy mills. If you don't know what those are, do a search online. Horrendous.

  • @Snackpaws
    @Snackpaws 3 роки тому +6

    Being Shunned sounds like being in solitary in Jail to me, my view though.. Lovely video

  • @azbdizzy4176
    @azbdizzy4176 2 роки тому +17

    The only person I feel bad for was the woman who returned to the Amish. My impression was she wanted to marry but couldn't find a husband with the Amish and was being ridiculed as an "old maid" by the Amish. I suspect she was looking for a husband in the world but wasn't able to find a suitable man or a life she could embrace and was lonely and so returned.
    For everyone else it was a bit awkward but they were making it.

    • @tripletvn
      @tripletvn 2 роки тому +2

      I think she will leave again.

    • @azbdizzy4176
      @azbdizzy4176 2 роки тому +1

      @@tripletvn Perhaps. She seems like a wonderful person.

    • @azbdizzy4176
      @azbdizzy4176 2 роки тому +1

      @ To some extent the military is similar. You lose all civil rights when you join and yet some choose to make a career out of it.

  • @katrinkasanfranciscobayare7364
    @katrinkasanfranciscobayare7364 3 роки тому +15

    You can still be very close to God outside of the Amish community.
    I was raised going to church every Sunday up until I was 22.
    I saw a lot of hypocrisy there.
    You don't need to go to church to believe in God.
    I know that I am walking the right walk in life and I live it the way I know God would want me too.
    Much respect from katrinka, San Francisco Bay Area

    • @amberputnam6362
      @amberputnam6362 3 роки тому +4

      We are all hypocrites in some form or fashion. There is no perfect person. You can go to church every Sunday and live another way the rest of the week. We're human. We are not responsible for other ppls actions..... Only our own.

    • @katrinkasanfranciscobayare7364
      @katrinkasanfranciscobayare7364 3 роки тому +2

      That's right Amber.
      Thanks for your message💞
      Much reepect from Katrinka

    • @katrinkasanfranciscobayare7364
      @katrinkasanfranciscobayare7364 3 роки тому +2

      @Country Western
      Your message starts out rather rude don't you think?
      I don't think anybody is trying to judge anyone here.
      I appreciate your message.
      I stand by my comment.
      Thank you and have a great day

    • @charlottejones4884
      @charlottejones4884 2 роки тому +2

      You can cause someone to stumble. You can encourage someone to sin by the example you live or we can encourage someone to make a right choice by setting a good example, We are held accountable

    •  2 роки тому

      Please explain the intrinsic difference between "belief" and smug self-delusion...[...crickets...]

  • @wolfhowl5691
    @wolfhowl5691 2 роки тому +2

    I cannot imagine shunning my children! No matter WHAT they do, they will always be the love of my life, my flesh and blood. To not ever see them again would be the REAL hell. They would always be welcome in my life, my home. It's THEIR life, not to be owned or controlled by someone else - or the church. God is love. Not fear.

  • @laurashook85
    @laurashook85 3 роки тому +13

    I respect the Amish people. I find it hard to disrespect or judge their belief and ways.

    • @jturtle5318
      @jturtle5318 3 роки тому +2

      In many communities the men eat first, then the boys, then the women, and then the girls if there's food left. If not, they can try at the next meal.

    • @laurashook85
      @laurashook85 3 роки тому

      @@jturtle5318 are u referring to Amish?

    • @TOBEY95
      @TOBEY95 2 роки тому

      @@jturtle5318 pretty sick

    • @chilili441
      @chilili441 2 роки тому

      Please read the KJV, if you haven't already? Jesus tells us to seek those who need to have Jesus in their life. remember Jesus said to the Decples, ?? not sure of spelling, go out into the world, reach as many ppl as you can and tell them about my WORD.

    • @gemmatracey9331
      @gemmatracey9331 2 роки тому

      Shunning is absolutely unChristlike. It’s an abomination. It’s unkind & Jesus never taught such a thing. He was kind & merciful & forgiving.
      Shunning is a form of control & is just plain nasty.

  • @cliffcardinal9443
    @cliffcardinal9443 2 роки тому +1

    Shunning and Shaming are two of the worst punishments that can be given in today's time in history. Yes, their Culture is unbelievable Religious, but God wants, us all to be at Peace... I do respect the Amish. I am Native American, a Pure Cree who has seen many Religions in University Studies and do believe that older Religions like discipline and one's place in society is Law. In spite of being excommunicated, my Faith in a kind God grew.

  • @jennifergarfield2723
    @jennifergarfield2723 2 роки тому +4

    Your not missing anything of the world . Stay with your loving family's.

  • @user-jz3vc9kd2j
    @user-jz3vc9kd2j 2 роки тому +1

    I live in Minnesota. Yesterday I saw and amish buggy and horse going down the road....with someone on downhill skis and a ski rope tied behind the buggy...they were ripping up the ditch going as fast as the horse could go!! Lol it was awesome.

  • @whiteraven69
    @whiteraven69 3 роки тому +13

    Shunning and ostracizing is an age old form of consequences for actions observed as taboo in the community. The behavior must be fairly eggregious for this is one of the most severe punishments of a village. The Jehova’s and Fundamentalist Mormon’s (Polygamist communities) , and other closed sects /religions also use shunning.

  • @francesodle6069
    @francesodle6069 2 роки тому

    All of you are brave to talk about your Amish life. Each of our families parents and sisters brothers are precious and dear to our heats feeling deep down.

  • @amberslilrose3954
    @amberslilrose3954 3 роки тому +13

    That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth, the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

    • @charlottejones4884
      @charlottejones4884 2 роки тому +2

      Their is more than just confessing you must believe and when you believe you obey his word. Which also includes Mark 16.

  • @doylejodi7502
    @doylejodi7502 2 роки тому +7

    It seems as though shunning is done to work as a deterrent to others in their community; to act as a punishment to the shunned, and to guilt the shunned into returning back to the fold. I think it’s also done out of the general fear that if leaving seems the least bit enticing to other members of their community, then their way of life is threatened as a whole.

  • @channahnoyb4803
    @channahnoyb4803 2 роки тому +25

    This presents as pretty dreary and it’s not indicative of everyone’s Amish experience from birth. I grew up in the strictest sect, but had a very happy childhood. I recall many happy days of playing on the farm, and playing with my cousins, and friends. It wasn’t until I got older that the thought of giving my life to the church caused a lot of turmoil and dread. I knew I had to join, get married, and have lots of babies, I thought that was my lot, but I was afraid I can’t follow the myriad of rules. My greatest fears were the inability to follow the rules and going to hell, or having to confess in front of the church. Fortunately my boyfriend left and that gave me the confidence to leave as well. My family of course wants no relationship with me and it’s been years.

    • @manofiske3318
      @manofiske3318 2 роки тому

      "... the myriad rules."

    • @tripletvn
      @tripletvn 2 роки тому +1

      I personally think that was exactly the message I got from the documentary, especially to viewers with basic knowledge about Amish life. Of course childhood was great, of course the relationships were good, that is why the girl only left at 20+ not younger, and still chose to come back at the end, and that is why the Amish missionary guy came back home six times and left seven times...
      The main point though is, like Paul says, he still likes the Amish lifestyle but he cannot accept the trade-offs, so he left (and for him, continue to live the same way, not entering the world), but, it is not a one-size-fits-all and those who want to leave deserve to have the chance and not at the cost of losing families like you did.

    • @channahnoyb4803
      @channahnoyb4803 2 роки тому

      @mano fiske, feel better?

  • @susanbrungard8891
    @susanbrungard8891 2 роки тому +4

    God made us all in his image. We are all perfect in God's eyes. You will not go to he'll if you are not Amish. Just read the Bible. Love in Prayers to all.

  • @gipsi2001
    @gipsi2001 2 роки тому +7

    Wow, I am so glad I am not Amish. They do have some good things from what I saw in Canada. For instance their food, crafts and organic farming. Even though I am Swiss I can't understand their language either, it has definitely moved from the original Swiss German dialect.

    • @evelyntokamp1011
      @evelyntokamp1011 2 роки тому +1

      @gipsi v - I read that the Amish language was related to Pfälzer Mundarten, but perhaps there are a few different ones.

    • @tripletvn
      @tripletvn 2 роки тому +1

      The largest Amish community in Lancaster PA uses a version of Dutch, I believe.

  • @jeanetteoneil4562
    @jeanetteoneil4562 2 роки тому +7

    It is vaguely like my life as the scapegoat. I grew up in the nsrcissist family system. We are publicly insulted by some key members repeatedly. No one stands up for us. We cannot defend ourselves or are asked to go. We are molested as are our children. They try and turn our kids against us. You have to leave. You lose inheritance and contact with nieces and nephews. There is one scapegoat in every generation. They get anorexia or some other coping mechanism to cope. You are then the scapegoat wherever you go. You cannot go back. You keep getting into relationships that are a competition. It's heartbreaking. You cannot go home because you figured it all out and you are a threat. You always were so that is why you were chosen as the scapegoat. You take that past everywhere you go no matter how hard that you try and get along, you cannot. You follow the rules and are polite and kind, but you are the outcast never fitting in. Close relationships to a spouse and children are problematic because you are never on the same page or working together. You are programmed. It's like that movie the Manchurian candidate.

    • @Silly.Old.Sisyphus
      @Silly.Old.Sisyphus 2 роки тому +2

      You too are a shunned Amish, Jeanette? If so, you can remember that there are 7 billion people in this world, and compared to that size of the whole human community, a tiny small community that outcast you is not important; if someone or some group outcasts you, they are not your friends, they are not your true family. There are 7 billion others who can be your friends and family.

  • @moshe2495
    @moshe2495 3 роки тому +35

    Sounds like a cult.

    • @frankG335
      @frankG335 3 роки тому +5

      It is.

    • @disappearintothesea
      @disappearintothesea 2 роки тому +2

      Most religions are cults.

    • @markstephan2304
      @markstephan2304 2 роки тому +1

      Culture held to the same level of relevance or importance as the Bible is cultic.

  • @sandradehan5115
    @sandradehan5115 2 роки тому

    We as individuals as imperfect as perfectly uniquely ourselves.
    The Lord will never forsake us.
    Power in Prayer.

  • @losyunaiteslobonitoylofeo
    @losyunaiteslobonitoylofeo 3 роки тому +14

    Basically they have to choose between family and freedom. Too sad.

  • @itsfreshrot9641
    @itsfreshrot9641 2 роки тому +1

    Levi is the nicest and most hardworking guy. I hope he continues to build his own family and life.

    @KCAATV 2 роки тому +9

    After one hour, I've had enough. My willingness to understand their culture ceases at a point where I can no longer tolerate their type of intolerance that's based on willful ignorance.
    Does my lack of infinite tolerance place me in same repute as those I criticize for their intolerance?

  • @sibalogh
    @sibalogh 2 роки тому +1

    I can only say that we should adhere to planet earth and respect it in every aspect and cherish every life on it to the full, respect everyone and help everyone in need. Caring for our children should be a must and help them in their studying efforts to succeed in life. Having said that some parents' life can be a pride and prejudices that can make things difficult for their children in particular. Mentioned a guy whose family life fell apart and the mother was excluded, yet he carried on living like an Amish, so what? "Old habits die hard" and realising that living the way the Amish do is better for the environment, what's wrong with that? They say the bible is the earliest human literature, if so, then what was happening to mankind before literacy was around, didn't God like them before the bible was written? I'd say Globalism is the problem that has the intention to divide us and our family in any possible way, including the use of any religion even, and Amish is no exception as I gather. This is a great documentary with a lot of human sides to it with plenty of stigmas...!!!

  • @daljordan8921
    @daljordan8921 3 роки тому +36

    I know a lot of old order Amish pretty well. While they obey, they are highly individual. They laugh a lot. (After my husband died, I started driving them around because I knew I would laugh every day.)
    They seem pretty happy overall. Its a choice, like any other. To each his own.

    • @AshleyXPaine
      @AshleyXPaine 3 роки тому +14

      It’s not a “choice” when you’re brainwashed from birth and threatened with abandonment for not obeying

    • @joejones9520
      @joejones9520 3 роки тому +4

      before modern technology, the only way they seemed different was they didnt wear bright colored clothes. It was only when they started not going along with emerging technologies that they stood out. How much will they stand out in a hundred yrs considering our incredibly rapid advancements that are likely to advance even faster with time?

    • @AshleyXPaine
      @AshleyXPaine 3 роки тому +4

      @@joejones9520 I sincerely doubt in a hundred years we will still allow the kind of brainwashing needed to manipulate vulnerable youth into that kind of servitude - the women and girls in particular are abused Horribly by these cretins

    • @michelestellar153
      @michelestellar153 2 роки тому +3

      @@AshleyXPaine suffer from being culture bound much? MYOB and reflect on what you wrote.

    • @Iris_Collins
      @Iris_Collins 2 роки тому +1

      My mother told me once that she'd wished she could have become Amish... but she couldn't conform, and knew it.

  • @runninggirl2765
    @runninggirl2765 2 роки тому +2

    It is tough to see these folks struggle so hard, when life is hard enough on its own. God made us all different because He wanted to.

  • @frankthiele4713
    @frankthiele4713 2 роки тому +4

    Danke lieber Gott, dass ich in eine freie Familie geboren wurde!

  • @susanbrungard8891
    @susanbrungard8891 2 роки тому +2

    We have Amish neighbors. They are really nice an Prayers to all.

  • @marywalker2896
    @marywalker2896 3 роки тому +14

    God forgives so should they..Jesus would never turn his back on the forgiven so they should forgive..I have always hated this part of their lifestyle..

    • @bax6067
      @bax6067 3 роки тому +1

      Its seems tough to us ,but i get why they do this ,and it works ,rather it is right or not .

  • @dooleysmichiganhomestead8339
    @dooleysmichiganhomestead8339 3 роки тому +1

    Thumbs up from the Dooleys of Michigan

  • @Babette1986
    @Babette1986 2 роки тому +4

    I think that's is awful they called a pretty 23 yr old woman an old maid especially with no dating prospects. The way they treat themselves, especially the women are borderline abusive in my opinion. It's mental abuse. To curb their children so harshly is uncalled for. To keep traditions is fine but they keep them inflexible. It's not right

  • @carolynfranklin1447
    @carolynfranklin1447 2 роки тому +2

    I can image Jesus shedding tears at the treatment of his sisters. How wrong to treat God's children this way!

  • @georgehutcheson9679
    @georgehutcheson9679 3 роки тому +4

    It has to be very difficult to make that final decision to leave the family, but I believe they choose to leave the culture not so much family. But they made the choice knowing the outcome. I think it is very gracious the father will always eccept you back but you have to eccept their ways. That culture is one of the best civilizations on earth. The belief system is very wholesome and they are rich at heart.

    • @AshleyXPaine
      @AshleyXPaine 3 роки тому +2

      There’s nothing wholesome about the sexual abuse many of the girls endure in these communities -

  • @kathleenkramer6930
    @kathleenkramer6930 2 роки тому

    Amen the Lord
    Never shuns us. I will never leave thee nor forsake thee. Amen

  • @GirlofNicky
    @GirlofNicky 2 роки тому +3

    We in the USA live our lives separated frim family except our immediate family if we have one. Then many of us go to wirk in cubicles. It is not natural for humans to live this way. Maybe that is one reason why there is so much anxiety & depression & other destructive behaviors among us. We indeed are just treated like a number here. I understand why the Amish would want to live such a circumspect lifestyle. It is safer. It is supportive that is , as long as you comply. Each members identity is wrapoed up in common beliefs & lifestyle. I expect this keeps hunan jeolousy & envy at bay. I also realized that Amish young are not likely to be lost to our ghastly welfare- to foster care - to juvenile facilities-to jail profit-based system. In times of trouble, people are there for each other as extended families all live and work together. The price is individuality in your choices. It’s all about the community.

  • @terririckert7069
    @terririckert7069 2 роки тому +1

    At 58 minutes what is the crop that they are harvesting ??? Thanks for your reply. Terri

  • @nickydancy4087
    @nickydancy4087 3 роки тому +7

    From what i understand, Shunning is driven by the spirit of Malice and Jezebel...its like they trying to brk both the individual's will and their spirit.

  • @jennifreak63
    @jennifreak63 2 роки тому +2

    2 things: 1. amish man, voice only, spoke against isolation, noting the good that comes from other peoples perspectives along with your own. but isolating themselves and forbidding outside perspectives is exactly how the amish live and teach their children to live their lives. 2. the video playing during man speaking was an amish family harvesting tobacco, tobacco! flippin' tobacco!

  • @maureenbevill8944
    @maureenbevill8944 3 роки тому +5

    None of them look happy except the nurse

  • @tosca...
    @tosca... 2 роки тому

    To preach that Satan and hell are all powerful in these days is so worrisome. One young man talked of Amish community but community can exist in so many ways in the modern world. I'm sure this is something Jesus would appreciate and approve of. The loss of intimate significant relationships for these poor people is heartbreaking. It's nothing to do with church but compassion and love.